Papers - AMANO, Hiroshi
Influence of potential fluctuations on electrical transport and optical properties in modulation-doped GaN/Al028Ga072N heterostructures Reviewed
Buyanov A V, Bergman J P, Sandberg J A, Sernelius B E, Holtz P O, Monemar B, Amano H, Akasaki I
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Vol. 58 ( 0 ) page: 1442-1450 1998
Crystal growth and conductivity control of group III nitride semiconductors and their application to short wavelength light emitters Reviewed
Akasaki Isamu, Amano Hiroshi
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part : Regular PapersShort Notes & Review Papers Vol. 36 ( 0 ) page: 5393-5408 1997
Photoluminescence of exciton-polaritons in GaN Reviewed
Buyanova I A, Bergman J P, Monemar B, Amano H, Akasaki I
Materials Science & EngineeringB: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology Vol. 50 ( 0 ) page: 130-133 1997
Electron gas in modulation doped GaN/AlGaN structures Reviewed
Bergman J P, Buyanov A, Lundstrom T, Monemar B, Amano H, Akasaki I
Materials Science & EngineeringB: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology Vol. 43 ( 0 ) page: 207-210 1997
Temperature dependence of excitonic photoluminescence and residual shallow donors in high-purity GaN/Al2O3 Reviewed
Merz C, Kunzer M, Santic B, Kaufmann U, Akasaki I, Amano H
Materials Science & EngineeringB: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology Vol. 43 ( 0 ) page: 176-180 1997
Electronic structure and temperature dependence of excitons in GaN Reviewed
Monemar B, Buyanova I A, Bergman J P, Amano H, Akasaki I
Materials Science & EngineeringB: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology Vol. 43 ( 0 ) page: 172-175 1997
Melt-back etching of GaN Reviewed
Kaneko Yawara, Yamada Norihide, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Yamaoka Yoshifumi, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Solid-State Electronics Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 295-298 1997
Recessed gate GaN MODFETs Reviewed
Burm Jinwook, Schaff William J, Martin Glenn H, Eastman Lester F, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Solid-State Electronics Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 247-250 1997
The excitonic bandgap of GaN: dependence on substrate Reviewed
Monemar B, Bergman J P, Buyanova I A, Amano H, Akasaki I, Detchprohm T, Hiramatsu K, Sawaki N T
Solid-State Electronics Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 239-241 1997
Properties of Mg and Zn acceptors in MOVPE GaN as studied by optically detected magnetic resonance Reviewed
Kunzer M, Baur J, Kaufmann U, Schneider J, Amano H, Akasaki I
Solid-State Electronics Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 189-193 1997
Optical characterization of GaN and related materials Reviewed
Monemar B, Bergman J P, Lundstroem T, Harris C I, Amano H, Akasaki I, Detchprohm T, Hiramatsu K, Sawaki N
Solid-State Electronics Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 181-184 1997
Quantum-confined Stark effect due to piezoelectric fields in GaInN strained quantum wells Reviewed
Takeuchi Tetsuya, Sota Shigetoshi, Katsuragawa Maki, Komori Miho, Takeuchi Hideo, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.Part : Letters Vol. 36 ( 0 ) page: L382-L385 1997
Optical properties of strained AlGaN and GaInN on GaN Reviewed
Takeuchi Tetsuya, Takeuchi Hideo, Sota Shigetoshi, Sakai Hiromitsu, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.Part : Letters Vol. 36 ( 0 ) page: L177-L179 1997
Quantum beat spectroscopy on excitons in GaN Reviewed
Zimmermann R, Hofmann M R, Euteneuer A, Mobius J, Weber D, Ruhle W W, Gobel E O, Meyer B K, Amano H, Akasaki I
Materials Science & EngineeringB: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology- Vol. 50 ( 0 ) page: 205-207 1997
Effects of buffer layers in heteroepitaxy of gallium nitride Reviewed
Hiramatsu K, Detchprohm T, Amano H, Akasaki I
Advances in the Understanding of Crystal Growth Mechanisms ( 0 ) page: 399-413 1997
Progress and prospect of group-III nitride semiconductors Reviewed
Akasaki Isamu, Amano Hiroshi
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 175/176 ( 0 ) page: 29-36 1997
Photoluminescence and optical gain in highly excited GaN Reviewed
Eckey L, Holst J, Hoffmann A, Broser I, Amano H, Akasaki I, Detchprohm T, Hiramatsu K
Journal of Luminescence Vol. 72-74 ( 0 ) page: 59-61 1997
Photoluminescence decay dynamics in an InGaN/GaN/AlGaN single quantum well Reviewed
Li Wei, Bergman Peder, Monemar Bo, Amano H, Akasaki I
J. Apl. Phys. Vol. 81 ( 0 ) page: 1005-1007 1997
Optical properties of tensile-strained wurtzite GaN epitaxial layers Reviewed
Chichibu S, Azuhata T, Sota T, Amano H, Akasaki I
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 70 ( 0 ) page: 2085-2087 1997
Transient four-wave-mixing spectroscopy on gallium nitride: Energy splittings of intrinsic excitonic resonances Reviewed
Zimmermann R, Euteneuer A, Mobius J, Weber D, Hofmann M R, Ruhle W W, Gobel E O, Meyer B K, Amano H, Akasaki I
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter Vol. 56 ( 0 ) page: R12722-R12724 1997