Papers - AMANO, Hiroshi
Dynamic properties of excitons in ZnO/AlGaN/GaN hybrid nanostructures Reviewed
Mathias Forsberg, Carl Hemmingsson, Hiroshi Amano , Galia Pozina
Scientific Reports Vol. 5 page: 7889 2015.1
Development of underfilling and encapsulation for deep-ultraviolet LEDs Reviewed
Kiho Yamada, Yuuta Furusawa, Shoko Nagai, Akira Hirano, Masamichi Ippommatsu, Ko Aosaki, Naoki Morishima, Hiroshi Amano and Isamu Akasaki
Applied Physics Express Vol. 8 ( 1 ) page: 012101 2015.1
Highly ordered catalyst-free InGaN/GaN core-shell architecture arrays with expanded active area region Reviewed
Jung, Byung Oh; Bae Si-Young; Kim, Sang Yun; Lee, Seunga; Lee, Jeong Yong; Lee, Dong-Seon; Kato, Yoshihiro; Honda, Yoshio ;Amano, Hiroshi
Nano Energy Vol. 11 page: 294-303 2015.1
Continuous in situ X-ray reflectivity investigation on epitaxial growth of InGaN by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Guangxu Ju, Shingo Fuchi, Masao Tabuchi, Hiroshi Amano, Isamu Akasaki
Journal of Crystal Growth Vol. 407 page: 68-73 2014.12
Photoemission lifetime of a negative electron affinity gallium nitride photocathode Reviewed
Tomohiro Nishitani, Masao Tabuchi, Hiroshi Amano, Takuya Maekawa, Makoto Kuwahara and Takashi Meguro
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology Vol. B32 ( 6 ) page: 06F901 2014.11
Nature of yellow luminescence band in GaN grown on Si substrate Reviewed
Shogo Ito, Taihei Nakagita, Nobuhiko Sawaki, Hyung Soo Ahn, Masashi Irie, Toshiki Hikosaka, Yoshio Honda, Masahito Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 53 page: 11RC02/1-5 2014.9
Atom probe tomography study of Mg-doped GaN layers Reviewed
S Khromov, D Gregorius, R Schiller, J Lösch, M Wahl, M Kopnarski, H Amano, B Monemar, L Hultman and G Pozina
Nanotechnology Vol. 25 ( 27 ) 2014.6
Characterization of nonpolar a-plane InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well Reviewed
Ji-Su Son, Yoshio Honda, Masahito Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 53 page: 05FL01 2014.5
X-ray investigations of GaInN single quantum wells grown by atomic layer epitaxy and metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Guangxu Ju, Yoshihiro Kato, Yoshio Honda, Masao Tabuchi, Yoshikazu Takeda, and Hiroshi Amano
physica status solidi (c) Vol. 11 ( 3-4 ) page: 393-396 2014.4
Enhancement of light output power on GaN based light emitting diodes using two direction stripe patterned sapphire substrate Reviewed
Okuno, Koji; Oshio, Takahide; Shibata, Naoki; Honda, Yoshio; Yamaguchi, Masahito; Amano, Hiroshi
Physica Status Solidi C Vol. 11 page: 722-725 2014.4
Epitaxial growth of GaN by REMOCVD in the downflow of a very high frequency(VHF) N2/H2 excited plasma Reviewed
Yi Lu, Hiroki Kondo,Kenji Ishikawa,Osamu Oda,KeigoTakeda,Makoto Sekine, Hiroshi Amano,Masaru Hori
Journal of Crystal Growth Vol. 391 page: 97-103 2014.4
Growth of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells on size-controllable nanopyramid arrays Reviewed
Cao Miao, Yoshio Honda, Masahito Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 53 page: 0303060 2014.3
In situ X-ray investigation of changing barrier growth temperatures on InGaN single quantum wells in metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Guangxu Ju, Yoshio Honda, Masao Tabuchi, Yoshikazu Takeda, and Hiroshi Amano
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 115 page: 094906 2014.3
Multijunction GaInN-based solar cells using a tunnel junction Reviewed
Hironori Kurokawa, Mitsuru Kaga, Tomomi Goda, Motoaki Iwaya, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Satoshi Kamiyama, Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano
Applied Physics Express Vol. 7 ( 3 ) page: 034104 2014.3
Novel activation process for Mg-implanted GaN Reviewed
Shin Hashimoto, Takao Nakamura, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano
Journal of Crystal Growth Vol. 388 page: 112-115 2014.2
Properties of the main Mg-related acceptors in GaN from optical and structural studies Reviewed
B. Monemar, P. P. Paskov, G. Pozina, C. Hemmingsson, J. P. Bergman, S. Khromov, V. N. Izyumskaya, V. Avrutin, X. Li, H. Morkoç, H. Amano, M. Iwaya, and I. Akasaki
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 115 page: 053507 2014.2
Growth of low-defect-density nonpolar a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire using pulse NH3 interrupted etching Reviewed
Ji-Su Son, Yoshio Honda, and Hiroshi Amano
Optics Express Vol. 22 ( 3 ) page: 3585-3592 2014.2
Morphology development of GaN nanowires using a pulsed-mode MOCVD growth technique Reviewed
Byung Oh Jung, Si-Young Bae, Yoshihiro Kato, Masataka Imura, Dong-Seon Lee, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
CrystEngComm Vol. 16 page: 2273-2282 2014.1
Ji-Su Son, Y. Honda, M. Yamaguchi, H. Amano, K. H. Baik, Y. G. Seo and S. M. Hwang
Thin Solid Films Vol. 546 ( 11 ) page: 108-113 2013.11
Effects of exciton localization on internal quantum efficiency of InGaN nanowires Reviewed
Hideaki Murotani, Yoichi Yamada, Takuya Tabata, Yoshio Honda, Masahito Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Amano
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 114 page: 153506 2013.10