Papers - AMANO, Hiroshi
Structural properties of Al1-xInxN ternary alloys on GaN grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Kariya Michihiko, Nitta Shugo, Yamaguchi Shigeo, Kato Hisaki, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Wetzel Christian, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part : Letters Vol. 37 ( 0 ) page: L697-L699 1998
Weakly localized transport in modulation-doped GaN/AlGaN heterostructures Reviewed
Buyanov A V, Sandberg J A, Sernelius B E, Holtz P O, Bergman J P, Monemar B, Amano H, Akasaki I
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 189/190 ( 0 ) page: 758-762 1998
Room-temperature photoluminescence linewidth versus material quality of GaN Reviewed
Monemar B, Buyanova I A, Bergman J P, Amano H, Akasaki I
Materials Science Forum Vol. 264-268 ( 0 ) page: 1319-1322 1998
Heteroepitaxy of group III nitrides for device applications Reviewed
Amano H, Takeuchi T, Sakai H, Yamaguchi S, Wetzel C, Akasaki I
Materials Science Forum Vol. 264-268 ( 0 ) page: 1115-1120 1998
Valence band splitting and luminescence Stokes shift in GaInN/GaN thin films and multiple quantum well structures Reviewed
Wetzel C, Takeuchi T, Amano H, Akasaki I
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 189/190 ( 0 ) page: 621-624 1998
Stimulated emission with the longest wavelength in the blue region from GaInN/GaN multi-quantum well structures Reviewed
Sakai Hiromitsu, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Sota Shigetoshi, Katsuragawa Maki, Komori Miho, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 189/190 ( 0 ) page: 831-836 1998
Photoconductivity in n-type modulation-doped GaN/AlGaN heterostructures Reviewed
Buyanov A V, Bergman J P, Sandberg J A, Sernelius B E, Holtz P O, Dalfors J, Monemar B, Amano H, Akasaki I
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 189/190 ( 0 ) page: 753-757 1998
Thermal ionization energy of Si and Mg in (Al,Ga)N Reviewed
Katsuragawa Maki, Sota Shigetoshi, Komori Miho, Anbe Chitoshi, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Sakai Hiromitsu, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 189/190 ( 0 ) page: 528-531 1998
Crystal quality and surface structure of sapphire and buffer layers on sapphire revealed by crystal truncation rod scattering Reviewed
Tabuchi Masao, Matsumoto Nobuhiro, Takeda Yoshikazu, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 189/190 ( 0 ) page: 291-294 1998
The dependence of the band gap on alloy composition in strained AlGaN on GaN Reviewed
Steude G, Hofmann D M, Meyer B K, Amano H, Akasaki I
Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Research Vol. 205 ( 0 ) page: R7-R8 1998
Structural and optical properties of AlInN and AlGaInN on GaN grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Yamaguchi Shigeo, Kariya Michihiko, Nitta Shugo, Kato Hisaki, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Wetzel Christian, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
J. Crystal Growth Vol. 195 ( 0 ) page: 309-313 1998
The residual donor binding energy in AlGaN epitaxial layers Reviewed
Steude G, Hofmann D M, Meyer B K, Amano H, Akasaki I
Physica Status Solidi A: Applied Research Vol. 165 ( 0 ) page: R3-R4 1998
On the nature of radiative recombination processes in GaN Reviewed
Wetzel Christian, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Institute of Physics Conference Series Vol. 156 ( 0 ) page: 239-244 1998
Effects of defect scattering on the photoluminescence of exciton-polaritons in n-GaN Reviewed
Buyanova I A, Bergman J P, Monemar B, Amano H, Akasaki I, Wysmolek A, Lomiak P, Baranowski J M, Pakula K, Stepniewski R, Korona K P, Grzegory I, Bockowski M, Porowski S
Solid State Communications Vol. 105 ( 0 ) page: 497-501 1998
Optical band gap in Ga1-xInxN (0<x<02) on GaN by photoreflection spectroscopy Reviewed
Wetzel C, Takeuchi T, Yamaguchi S, Katoh H, Amano H, Akasaki I
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 73 ( 0 ) page: 1994-1996 1998
Observation of photoluminescence from Al1-xInxN heteroepitaxial films grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Yamaguchi Shigeo, Kariya Michihiko, Nitta Shugo, Takeuchi Tetsuya, Wetzel Christian, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 73 ( 0 ) page: 830-831 1998
Photoluminescence of GaN: Effect of electron irradiation Reviewed
Buyanova I A, Wagner Mt, Chen W M, Monemar B, Lindstrom J L, Amano H, Akasaki I
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 73 ( 0 ) page: 2968-2970 1998
Determination of piezoelectric fields in strained (Ga,In)N quantum wells using the quantum-confined Stark effect Reviewed
Takeuchi Tetsuya, Wetzel Christian, Yamaguchi Shigeo, Sakai Hiromitsu, Amano Hiroshi, Akasaki Isamu, Kaneko Yawara, Nakagawa Shigeru, Yamaoka Yoshifumi, Yamada Norihide
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 73 ( 0 ) page: 1691-1693 1998
Pit formation in GaInN quantum wells Reviewed
Chen Y, Takeuchi T, Amano H, Akasaki I, Yamada N, Kaneko Y, Wang S Y
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 72 ( 0 ) page: 710-712 1998
Similarity between the 088-eV photoluminescence in GaN and the electron-capture emission of the OP donor in GaP Reviewed
Chen W M, Buyanova I A, Wagner Mt, Monemar B, Lindstrom J L, Amano H, Akasaki I
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Vol. 58 ( 0 ) page: R13351-R13354 1998