Papers - AMANO, Hiroshi
Emission Characteristics of InGaN/GaN Core-Shell Nanorods Embedded in a 3D Light-Emitting Diode Reviewed
Byung Oh Jung, Si-Young Bae, Seunga Lee, Sang Yun Kim, Jeong Yong Lee, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
Nanoscale Research Letters Vol. 11 2016.4
Preflow trimethylaluminum treatment effect on GaN growth on SiC with an ultrathin interlayer Reviewed
Zheng Sun, Kentaro Nagamatsu, Marc Olsson, Peifeng Song, Manato Deki, Shugo Nitta, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 55 ( 5S ) page: 05FB06/1-5 2016.4
Growth of semipolar (1-101) high-indium-content InGaN quantum well using InGaN tilting layer on Si(001) Reviewed
Maki Kushimoto, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 5S ) page: 05FA10/1-4 2016.4
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Akira Tamura, Shigeyoshi Usami, Tadashi Mitsunari, Kentaro Nagamatsu, Shugo Nitta, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 5S ) page: 05FD03/1-4 2016.4
Development of GaN-based blue LEDs and metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of GaN and related materials
Hiroshi Amano
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials Vol. 62 page: 126–135 2016.4
Structural and optical study of core–shell InGaN layers of nanorod arrays with multiple stacks of InGaN/GaN superlattices for absorption of longer solar spectrum Reviewed
Vol. 55 ( 5S ) page: 05FG03/1-8 2016.4
Selective-area growth of GaN microrods on strain-induced templates by hydride vapor phase epitaxy Reviewed
Kaddour Lekhal, Si-Young Bae, Ho-Jun Lee, Tadashi Mitsunari, Akira Tamura, Manato Deki, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 page: 05FF03/1-5 2016.3
Theoretical approach to surface reconstruction of InN(0001) during raised-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy Reviewed
Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano and Koichi Kakimoto
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 5S ) page: 05FM01/1-4 2016.2
Seunga Lee, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Jongjin Jang and Okhyun Nam
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Rapid Communications Vol. 55 ( 3 ) page: 030306/1-4 2016.2
Effect of piezoelectric field on carrier dynamics in InGaN-based solar cells Reviewed
Lee, Seunga; Honda, Yoshio; Amano, Hiroshi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Vol. 49 ( 2 ) page: 025103 2016.1
Highly elongated vertical GaN nanorod arrays on Si substrates with an AlN seed layer by pulsed-mode metal-organic vapor deposition Reviewed
Si-Young Bae, Byung Oh Jung, Kaddour Lekhal, Sang Yun Kim, Jeong Yong Lee, Dong-Seon Lee, Manato Deki, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
CrystEngComm Vol. 18 page: 1505-1514 2016.1
The interface analysis of GaN grown on 0° off 6H-SiC with an ultra-thin buffer layer Reviewed
Zheng Sun, Akio Ohta, Seiichi Miyazaki, Kentaro Nagamatsu, Hojun Lee, Marc Olsson, Zheng Ye, Manato Deki, Yoshio Honda, and Hiroshi Amano
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 page: 010303/1-3 2016.1
Growth of GaN on sapphire via low-temperature deposited buffer layer and realization of p-type GaN by Mg doping followed by low-energy electron beam irradiation Invited Reviewed
Hiroshi Amano
Rev. Mod. Phys. Vol. 87 ( 4 ) page: 1133-1138 2015.12
Single-crystalline semipolar GaN on Si(001) using a directional sputtered AlN intermediate layer Reviewed
Tadashi Mitsunari, Ho Jun Lee, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano
Journal of Crystal Growth Vol. 431 page: 60-63 2015.12
M. Forsberg, C. Hemmingsson, H. Amano, G. Pozina
Superlattices and Microstructures Vol. 87 page: 38-41 2015.11
Polarization dilution in a Ga-polar UV-LED to reduce the influence of polarization charges Reviewed
Toshikiu Yasuda, Kento Hayashi, Syouta Katsuno, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Satoshi Kamiyama, Motoaki Iwaya, Isamu Akasaki, and Hiroshi Amano
Physica Status Solidi a Vol. 212 ( 5 ) page: 920-924 2015.5
Hideaki Murotani, Yoichi Yamada, Yoshio Honda, and Hiroshi Amano
Physica Status Solidi b Vol. 252 ( 5 ) page: 940-945 2015.5
Resonant Raman and FTIR spectra of carbon doped GaN Reviewed
S. Ito, H. Kobayashi, K. Arak,i, K. Suzuki, N. Sawaki, K. Yamashita, Y. HOnda, H. Amano
Journal of Crystal Grwoth Vol. 414 ( 15 ) page: 56-60 2015.3
Electrical characteristics of a-plane low-Mg-doped p-GaN Schottky contacts Reviewed
Moe Naganawa, Toshichika Aoki, Ji-Su Son, Hiroshi Amano, Kenji Shiojima
physica status solidi (b) Vol. 252 ( 5 ) page: 1024–1030 2015.3
Maki Kushimoto, Tomoyuki Tanikawa, Yoshio Honda and Hiroshi Amano
Applied Physics Express Vol. 8 ( 2 ) page: 022702 2015.2