Graduate School of Humanities Department of Humanities
Queer Theory, Life Science / Sports sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
Graduate School of International Development Department of International Development and Cooperation
Economic growth, Regional Development, Applied econometrics and machine learning, Regional economics
Graduate School of Economics Department of Socio-Economic System Analysis on Markets and Institutions
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy, Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics
Graduate School of Medicine Program in Integrated Medicine Biomedical Regulation
Life Science / General surgery and pediatric surgery, Life Science / Orthopedics
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Department of Plant Production Sciences
Agricultural Economics, Irrigation, Drainage and Redamation Engineering and Rural Planning, Eating Habits Studies
Institutes of Innovation for Future Society Mobility Research Course
Traffic Engineering/Land Planning, Transportation Planning
Graduate School of Medicine
Molecular Biology, Virology, Life Science / Cell biology, Life Science / Structural biochemistry
Graduate School of Medicine Center for Research of Laboratory Animals and Medical Research Engineering Division for Research of Laboratory Animals
Life Science / Laboratory animal science, Life Science / Genetics, Life Science / Parasitology
Graduate School of Medicine Program in Integrated Medicine Anatomy and Cell Biology
Others / Others, Others / Others, Life Science / Developmental biology