Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Department of Forest and Environmental Resources Sciences
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental agriculture, Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Rural sociology and agricultural structure
Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Social and Human Environment Environmental Policies
Environmental Sociology, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems, STS
Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Social and Human Environment Environmental Policies
science and technology studies (STS), science communication, environmental sociology; environment and society, environmental sociology; environment and society
Doctoral Education Consortium
Humanities & Social Sciences / Tertiary education, Humanities & Social Sciences / Science education, Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational technology, Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies, Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration, Natural Science / Applied mathematics and statistics, Natural Science / Human geosciences, Natural Science / Biogeosciences, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment
Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Global Environmental Variation
Climatology, Dryland science, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis, Natural Science / Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences / Geography
Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture Material-Systems Science in Environment
Economic Policy, Environmental Influence Valuation/Environment Policy, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems
Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Management
Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental policy and social systems, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment, Energy Engineering / Earth resource engineering, Energy sciences