Updated on 2024/09/27


Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture Environmental and Safety Management Associate professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Undergraduate School
School of Engineering Architecture
School of Engineering Architecture
Associate professor

Degree 2

  1. Ph.D ( 1995.3   The University of Tokyo ) 

  2. Master of Engineering ( 1992.3   The University of Tokyo ) 

Research Interests 10

  1. City Planning

  2. Urban design

  3. Landscape

  4. Landscape planning

  5. Smart city

  6. Participation

  7. Urban renewal

  8. Wind farm

  9. Assessment of visual influence

  10. Community Design

Research Areas 1

  1. Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Architectural planning and city planning

Current Research Project and SDGs 3

  1. city planning

  2. landscape

  3. urban design

Research History 5

  1. Nagoya University   Associate professor


  2. 千葉大学   准教授

    2007.4 - 2015.9

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  3. 千葉大学   助教授

    1999.4 - 2007.3

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  4. 北海道大学   助手

    1995.10 - 1999.3

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  5. 日本学術振興会特別研究員   研究員

    1995.4 - 1995.9

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Education 3

  1. The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Engineering

    1992.4 - 1995.3

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    Country: Japan

  2. The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Engineering

    1990.4 - 1992.3

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    Country: Japan

  3. Hokkaido University   Faculty of Engineering

    1986.4 - 1990.3

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 5

  1. 日本都市計画学会

  2. 日本造園学会

  3. 日本建築学会

  4. 日本イコモス国内委員会

  5. City Safe Energy 学会

Committee Memberships 33

  1. 日本造園学会   中部副支部長  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  2. 日本都市計画学会スマートシティ特別委員会第一部会   委員  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  3. 豊田市中心市街地景観計画アドバイザー会議   委員  


  4. 名古屋市 景観・屋外広告物審議会   委員  


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    Committee type:Municipal

  5. 中部圏開発整備地方協議会   委員  


  6. 愛知県国土利用審議会   委員  


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    Committee type:Municipal

  7. 名古屋市 ガーデン埠頭再開発基本計画検討委員会   委員  

    2017.4 - 2018.3   

  8. 津島市都市計画審議会   委員  


  9. 豊橋市景観審議会   副会長  


  10. 名古屋市 歴史的建造物保存部会   委員  


  11. 群馬県 世界遺産専門委員会   委員  


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    Committee type:Municipal

  12. 名古屋都市センター 中川運河懇談会   委員  

    2016.4 - 2017.3   

  13. 東京都 東京オリンピック2020オリンピック・パラリンピック施設プロポーザル審査委員会   委員  

    2015.4 - 2016.3   

  14. 渋谷区 景観審査会   会長  

    2013.4 - 2017.2   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  15. 豊島区 アメニティ形成審議会   委員  

    2013.4 - 2016.3   

  16. 東京タワー   景観アドバイザー  

    2012.4 - 2015.3   

  17. 千葉県企業庁 幕張新都心商業施設プロポーザルコンペ審査会   委員  

    2010.10 - 2010.12   

  18. 港区 都市計画審議会   委員  

    2010.4 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  19. 港区 景観審議会   委員  

    2009.4 - 2017.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  20. 財産法人道路新産業開発機構 新道路利活用研究会分科会   会長  

    2009.4 - 2011.3   

  21. 千葉県 国土利用計画地方審議会   委員  

    2008.6 - 2010.3   

  22. 千葉県 景観審議会   委員  

    2008.4 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  23. 千葉県 三番瀬再生会議   委員  

    2007.6 - 2010.3   

  24. 千葉県 三番瀬評価委員会   委員  

    2006.6 - 2010.3   

  25. 千葉県 モデル景観計画研究会   座長  

    2006.6 - 2008.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  26. 千葉市 国道景観検討委員会   委員  

    2006.6 - 2007.3   

  27. 国土交通省 関東地方整備局千葉国道事務所総合評価審査分科会   委員  

    2006.4 - 2008.3   

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    Committee type:Government

  28. 千葉県 柏の葉147、148街区開発計画コンペ審査会   委員  

    2006.4 - 2006.9   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  29. 千葉県 柏の葉アーバンデザイン委員会   委員  

    2005.10 - 2015.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  30. 渋谷区 景観計画検討委員会   委員  

    2005.4 - 2012.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal

  31. 東京都 朝潮運河ルネッサンス協議会   顧問  

    2005.4 - 2007.3   

  32. 国土交通省 景観に係る建築規制の分析手法に関する研究会   委員  

    2005.4 - 2007.3   

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    Committee type:Government

  33. 群馬県中之条町 六合村歴史的文化財保存地区保存審議会   委員  


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    Committee type:Municipal

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Awards 13

  1. 日本都市計画学会 2018年度年間優秀論文賞

    2019.5   日本都市計画学会  

  2. Best Presentation Award, Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2017

    2017.5   日本都市計画学会  


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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  3. 柏市 功労表彰

    2014.11   柏市  

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  4. 日本都市計画学会2012年度年間優秀論文賞

    2013.5   日本都市計画学会  

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  5. 地域社会連携賞

    2009.12   千葉大学工学部  

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  6. 国土交通大臣賞

    2005.6   財団法人 都市づくりパブリックデザインセンター  

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  7. 審査員特別賞受賞、土地有効活用提案競技

    2004.11   都市みらい推進機構  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  8. SDレビュー1996入選

    1996.3   鹿島出版会  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  9. 札幌国際デザイン賞

    1995.12   札幌市  

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    Award type:International academic award (Japan or overseas) 

  10. 芸術的カテゴリー入選、新建築住宅設計競技

    1995.10   新建築社  

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  11. 優秀賞、オホーツクまちなみ整備コンペティション

    1994.3   斜里町  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  12. 1等受賞(専門家部門)、都市デザイン国際コンペティション

    1993.6   イタリア国立研究所CNR  

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    Award type:International academic award (Japan or overseas) 

  13. 吉町先生記念賞

    1992.3   北海道大学工学部  

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Papers 337

  1. 名古屋大学東山キャンパスにおけるヘルシーストリート・デザイン評価に関する研究 歩行空間のデザイン評価と今後のキャンパス整備課題について Reviewed

    森 琢人、宮脇 勝

    都市計画論文集   Vol. 58 ( 3 )   2023.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

  2. 洋上風力発電施設の景観シミュレーションによる視覚的影響範囲(ZVI)と視覚的影響の大きさに関する研究 -北海道石狩市沿岸の洋上風車の視覚的影響評価- Reviewed

    宮脇 勝、内田正紀

    都市計画論文集   Vol. 58 ( 3 )   2023.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  


    BAILDON Martin, MIYAWAKI Masaru, YAMADE Miya

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   Vol. 88 ( 804 ) page: 618 - 629   2023.2

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

    <p>The purpose of this study is to examine active travel trends within Japanese suburban new town residents focusing on differences between age groups. Data relating to frequency of visits to seven specified destinations, transportation mode choice and satisfaction with transportation were obtained from residents of three new towns in Aichi Prefecture. Results show that age is not associated with fewer visits to primary services or less engagement in active travel, with often greater engagement among older cohorts aged ≥60. However, dissatisfaction is often greater for infrastructure related to active travel than other motorised modes of transport.</p>

    DOI: 10.3130/aija.88.618

    CiNii Research

  4. International Comparison on Marine Plan for Seascape and Distance of Offshore Wind Farm Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 57 ( 3 ) page: 546 - 553   2022.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>This paper focuses on the national marine plans and the minimum distance to shore of offshore wind farm in the world. The shortest distances to shore were founded in the case of demonstration and offshore industrial area or polder in the first phase of many States. <br />The distances to shore were regulated by the national marine plan and the environmental assessment. Western countries and China regulated the distance to shore from 10km to 22.2km but other Asian countries including Japan looks loose to protect the seascape. The trial to the seascape preservation emerged in the distance of maximum 16.5km. This paper concludes the needs of national marine plan and landscape assessment based on distance to shore in Japan.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.57.546

    CiNii Research


    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   Vol. 87 ( 797 ) page: 1259 - 1270   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

    <p>This study focused on roles of ‘open space network’ in the State development plan and the effect on ‘taboo zones’ and ‘proper area’ of wind energy in Regional plan.</p><p>This paper analyzed the ‘open space network’ that has reached 29.3% of States of Berlin and Brandenburg. Regions have the obligation to ‘hard taboo zone’ of exclusion of wind energy. This paper verified that the Regional Plan Havelland-Flaeming 2020 defines also ‘soft taboo zone’ as ‘priority area’ of open space and landscape units for the exclusion of wind energy, and concludes ‘proper area’ of wind energy of 2.24% of the Region.</p>

    DOI: 10.3130/aija.87.1259

    CiNii Research

  6. Study on theUrban Characterization of Nagoya Metropolitan Area by the Landsat Satellite Data Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Tabuchi Yuya

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 57 ( 1 ) page: 218 - 227   2022.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.57.218

    CiNii Research

  7. A Study on Landscaping and Management with Conservation of Industrial Heritage at the Center of Nagoya City Reviewed

    Fujimoto Mizuho, Miyawaki Masaru, Yamade Miya

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 56 ( 3 ) page: 453 - 460   2021.10

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>The research aims are to review the planning process and landscape design of the forest and industrial heritages of Noritake Forest that is opened at the Center of Nagoya City in 2001. The interviews of the Noritake Company, Nagoya City and landscape architect cleared the idea of the forest and the maintenance using the institution of greenery for citizen. The results are as the followings; 1) the idea of Noritake forest promoted by the former President Iwasaki, 2) the effect of district plan for the creation of the forest and preservation of industrial heritages, 3) the character of landscape design which is effective to connect from northern to southern area, 4) the character of labor accounts of Noritake forest.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.56.453

    CiNii Research

  8. A Study on Historic Landscape Characterization of Ancient Jori Grid Based GIS in Bay Area of Ise Reviewed

    Furuhata Kento, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 56 ( 2 ) page: 250 - 258   2021.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>The aim of study is to identify present fragments of paddy field composed by ancient jori grid as historic rural landscape in bay area of Ise. The method of this study is to identify historic jori grid based GIS and aerial photographs comparing studies from 1971 to 1985 and 2018. This paper describes the present map of jori grid and conclude that the jori grids remain as the ancient jori grid of only 3.9% and the modified jori grid of 39.9% comparing the situation of studies from 1971 to 1985. The disappearance of jori grid reaches 56.3 % in these 35 years.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.56.250

    CiNii Research

  9. The Discussion about Landscape Protection of the Article 9 in the Constitution of Italian Republic Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 56 ( 3 ) page: 493 - 500   2021.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>This paper analyzed about the discussion between landscape protection and cultural assets of Nation (Art.9), human right of community (Art.2) and decentralization (Art.5) by the minutes of Italian constitution from 1946 to 1947. It should be noted that human right and responsibility of Nation, State and Regions concerning landscape protection were discussed for the fundamental principle of constitution because of the international value of Italian cultural heritage. The assembly members introduced the role of State for landscape protection for the cultural development. The Art.117 and the Urbani Code of 2004 have cleared the relationship between State and Regions and realized the vision of Art.9.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.56.493

    CiNii Research

  10. 風景とは何か Invited


    都市計画   Vol. 350 ( 70 ) page: 1 - 1   2021.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  11. Land-use Control of Landscape Plan and Landscape Atlas in Italy:A Comparative Study of Regional 'Landscape Area', 'Landscape Theme', 'Landscape Atlas' and 'Landscape Plan' Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 55 ( 3 ) page: 1431 - 1438   2020.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>This paper analyzed land-use control of landscape plans and landscape atlas in Italy. The comparison of five landscape plans approved by the regional governments and the situation of the rest regions were reviewed. The role of 'landscape area' of regional landscape plan is underlined for the coordination of landscape elements and land-use regulations between local governments. The role of 'landscape atlas' is the recognition of the identity of territory for the participation. The common themes of landscape elements were cleared as protected natural environment and landscape assets. Themes of historic invariant, ecological network, visual identity, landscape heritage, land-use control of renewable energy plants, participation, and critic were identified by various methods of regional landscape plans on GIS and Web GIS.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.55.1431

  12. 3ステップ100年の風景政策と効果 Invited


    都市計画   Vol. 69 ( 6 ) page: 28 - 31   2020.11

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    Authorship:Lead author  

  13. A Comparison of Ecological Environments and Labor Productivity among Historical Types of Paddy Fields and Consideration of Future Management Scenarios Reviewed

    TAKATORI Chika, MURASE Yuki, MIYAWAKI Masaru, KITAMURA Jyun-ichi, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   Vol. 83 ( 5 ) page: 645 - 650   2020.6

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

    <p>During the 20th Century, most part of Japanese paddy fields were transformed to productive efficient allotments by the "Agricultural Land Improvement Projects". However, the rich biodiversity, which was maintained in traditional paddy field forms with nature-near water supply systems, has led to a loss. In this research, the methodology of sustainable paddy field management which is aimed at balancing "efficient paddy field management" and "ecosystem conservation" was proposed by conducting the following three points. The focused site was Asami district in Matsuzaka city. First, the paddy fields were classified into 3 types according to the introduction of the agricultural land improvement project. Secondly, the differences of biodiversity and labor productivity by farmers among the three types were clarified. Thirdly, the future paddy field management scenarios were proposed and examined by considering a compromise point in this trade-off relationship between biodiversity and labor productivity.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.83.645

  14. 3ステップ100年の風景政策と効果 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    都市計画   Vol. 347   page: 28 - 31   2020

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  15. A Calculation of Labor Accounts based on Landscape Themes in a Stroke-Style Garden around a Big Pond: a Case of Shirotori Garden Reviewed


    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture   Vol. 82 ( 5 ) page: 505 - 510   2019.7

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

    <p>Japanese gardens need the intensive maintenance in order to preserve their aesthetic landscapes. Today, the maintenance cost has become burden to the garden owners and the effective management plan is needed by clarifying where and how much labor forces of management is thrown. In this research the following two points were conducted to get the insight of the future management plan in Japanese gardens. The focused site was Shirotori garden, which is a Stroke-Style Japanese garden around a big pond in the center, in Nagoya city. First, all management works in the garden were classified into two types; professional management and nonprofessional management. The labor accounts of each type were calculated and it was clarified that professional management accounted for 28% of the total labor accounts. Secondly, the labor accounts and the spatial distribution of two management types in each landscape theme were investigated. As a result, labor accounts of professional management showed high value in the landscape elements which became visual targets from traffic lines of pedestrians. On the other hand, labor accounts of nonprofessional management showed high value in the large central lawn area.</p>

    DOI: 10.5632/jila.82.505

  16. 国際景観学とアーバンデザイン Invited

    宮脇 勝

    適塾路地奥サロン会誌   Vol. 10   page: 1 - 4   2019

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  17. GIS による「ランドスケープ・ユニット」と「東海アトラス」の作成に関する研究

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集   Vol. DVD   page: 529 - 530   2019

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  18. 名古屋大学「ランドスケープ・オブザーベートリー」設置のための研究 GIS データベースの作成と公開について

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集   Vol. DVD   page: 527 - 528   2019

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  19. 名古屋市の都市計画公園の形成類型と震災復興仮設住宅で不足する公園面積の算出

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集   Vol. DVD   page: 781 - 782   2019

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  20. イタリア第三世代の景観計画と景観保護における国の役割に関する研究 - ウルバーニ法典の景観計画の共同計画と国の景観許認可及び環境アセスメントと景観観察センターに着目して - Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 53 ( 3 ) page: 1231 - 1238   2018.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.53.1231

  21. イタリア都市保存の60年代 「レスタウロ」と「チェントロ・ストリコ再生」 Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    日伊文化研究   Vol. 56   page: 42 - 56   2018

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  22. Methodologies and Challenges of `View Protection Areas' for Landscape Planning in Japan Reviewed

    City Safe Energy   Vol. 1 ( 2017 ) page: 33 - 47   2017.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12896/cse201700100101


    OZEKI Toshikatsu, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   ( 738 ) page: 1989 - 1998   2017.8

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

    &nbsp;Nagoya city's urban landscape master plan became a leading plan example of initial period for a landscape master plan for a whole city area.<br>&nbsp;Although Municipal Landscape Policy is being conducted unifying under the Landscape Law today, before Nagoya city's approach, it was being conducted in a framework of individual law except it by municipal own ordinance.<br>&nbsp;In the approaches by municipal own ordinance until the 1970's, most cities such as Kanazawa city, Takayama city and Kyoto city had themes of historical environment.<br>&nbsp;In the 1980's in Kobe city and Nagoya city, Landscape Basic Plan as Urban Landscape Master Plan not only for historical environment but also for a whole city area was formulated in accordance with each municipal Landscape Conservation Regulation.<br>&nbsp;In the formulation approaches of each city's plan, they evaluate regional landscape by spatial zoning in the whole city.<br>&nbsp;Kobe city makes zoning in advance by Typification of Landscape, and Nagoya city makes zoning for city area by Independent Landscape Zone, Fundamental Landscape Zone and Spatial Construction based on Standard Axis of Landscape.<br>&nbsp;Although such a difference is seen in both, it is not right or wrong question.<br>&nbsp;Thereafter Nagoya's approach had reference quality to lead landscape master plan of Fujisawa city, Kita-Kyushu city and Tokyo city.<br>&nbsp;The features of pioneering Plan Formulation are high evaluation, Formulation System and Method in the planning process.<br>&nbsp;There is an administrative monograph of the past concerning Nagoya city's Urban Landscape Master Plan, however the study concerning Planning Formulation Method is not seen.<br>&nbsp;According to this study of Planning Formulation Method, there is the usefulness for various Planning Formulation as a reference concerning Contemporary city's Master Plan.

  24. The Multiple regression analysis of population dynamics and geographical information in Aichi prefecture

      ( 55 ) page: 397 - 400   2017.2

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  25. A Research on Management Plan of Secondary Forest Based on Landscape Preference and Labor Accounts:A Case study of Fujimaki-Cho, Nagoya City Reviewed

    Takatori Chika, Hasegawa Yasuhiro, Fujiwara Nozomi, Shimizu Hiroyuki, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 52 ( 3 ) page: 1232 - 1239   2017

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    In recent years, secondary forest in urbanized area, which is derived from satoyama, is gathering attention because it has important functions such as supply of beautiful landscape and recreational space to local people. However, today the lack of management by municipalities and local peoples has caused the degradation of the secondary forest and the deterioration of its function. In this research, the methodology of green space management based on landscape preferences and labor accounts was proposed by conducting the following three points. The focused site was Fujimaki town in Nagoya city. First, the secondary forest was classified into 5 types according to its management level. Secondly, the scores of landscape preference and labor forces in each type were clarified. Thirdly, the future possible labor forces were calculated and the future management plan was proposed by distributing the labor forces in order to maximize the landscape preference score.

  26. Relationship between Landscape Design Theme and Labor Forces of Japanese Garden, A Case Study of Shirotori Garden in Nagoya Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    Proceedings of 2017 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies   Vol. 32   page: 1 - 4   2017

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  27. A Study on the View Protection Areas and the Visual Impact Assessments Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    Proceedings of 2017 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies   Vol. 32   page: 1 - 13   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English  

    CiNii Research

  28. 愛知県域内の人口動態と地理情報の重回帰分析

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会東海支部研究報告集   Vol. 55   page: 397 - 399   2017

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  29. アーバン・ランドスケープ・デザイン -国内外の事例を通じて- Invited

    宮脇 勝

    アーバン・アドバンス   Vol. 68   page: 21 - 27   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

    CiNii Research

  30. Methodologies and Challenges of ‘View Protection Areas’ for Landscape Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    City Safe Energy journal   Vol. 1-2017   page: 33 - 47   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  31. Landscape characteristic and management of Japanese garden with a path around a pond


      ( 54 ) page: 501 - 504   2016.2

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  32. A Study on the Photographic Observation of Historic Landscape:Focus on a Characterisation of Stone Walls at Sotodomari district in Ainan Town Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Kamata Shigenobu

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 51 ( 3 ) page: 320 - 327   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The purpose of this study is to create the photographic observation of historic landscape in Japan. Through the comparison between old photos and recent ones by computer a visual monitoring method can be used for the selection of the important cultural landscape by law. As the case study total 47 old photos were analyzed from the same viewpoints at Sotodomari district in Ainan Town. In the conclusion the 91% wall surface of 22 local views shows well-maintained stone walls. More than 80% of 23 panoramic views shows the well-maintained stone walls. One panoramic photo shows that the reduction of the height of stone wall in these 50 years. This paper suggests that the possibility of visual monitoring method by old photos to analyze the detail of composition of small stones in small village where is difficult to search cadaster maps.

  33. A Study on the Photographic Observation of Historic Landscape:Focus on a Characterisation of Stone Walls at Sotodomari district in Ainan Town Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Kamata Shigenobu

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 51 ( 3 ) page: 320 - 327   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The purpose of this study is to create the photographic observation of historic landscape in Japan. Through the comparison between old photos and recent ones by computer a visual monitoring method can be used for the selection of the important cultural landscape by law. As the case study total 47 old photos were analyzed from the same viewpoints at Sotodomari district in Ainan Town. In the conclusion the 91% wall surface of 22 local views shows well-maintained stone walls. More than 80% of 23 panoramic views shows the well-maintained stone walls. One panoramic photo shows that the reduction of the height of stone wall in these 50 years. This paper suggests that the possibility of visual monitoring method by old photos to analyze the detail of composition of small stones in small village where is difficult to search cadaster maps.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.51.320

  34. 池泉回遊式庭園における景観特性と維持管理に関する研究 : 名古屋市白鳥庭園を対象として

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会東海支部研究報告集   Vol. 54   page: 501 - 504   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  35. ふるさとのランドスケープを新しい未来に Invited

    宮脇 勝

    新都市ハウジングニュース   Vol. 81   page: 4 - 5   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

    CiNii Research

  36. A Study on the Estimate of the Zone of Visual Influence for High-rise Buildings:Evaluation of the Tower of Wind, the Chiba Port Tower, the Chiba Thermal Power Plant and the Yokohama Landmark Tower Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Iwata Jun

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 50 ( 3 ) page: 1122 - 1129   2015

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The evaluation of the visual impact of the urban development is necessary for the environmental assessment but the zone of visual influence (ZVI) and the magnitude for high-rise buildings are not cleared in the world. The aim of this paper is to clarify the ZVI for high-rise buildings from 96m height to 299m height. This paper clarifies that the zone which is recommended the analysis of the visibility are from 37 to 56km in the cases of high-rise buildings from 96m height to 299m height, and the zone which could influenced the high magnitude are from 11km to 22km in the same cases. This paper estimated the models of ZVI for high-rise buildings from 96m height to 299m height.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.50.1122

  37. The destruction of “lifescape” and the human right to landscape: the case of 2011 great disaster in East Japan Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    Defining Landscape Democracy   Vol. 1   page: 1 - 2   2015

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  38. ロンドン・オリンピックにおけるマスタープランの重要性 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. 101   page: 48 - 53   2015

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  39. A Study on Awareness and Problems for the Landscape Preservation of Oyama-senmaida in Kamogawa:A Research Landscape Resources and Funds of NPO, Farmers and Local Authority Reviewed

    Kobayashi Shunji, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 77 - 82   2014

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The aim of this study is to clarify awareness and problems for the landscape preservation in Oyama-senmaida in Kamogawa. Interviews and questionnaires have been prepared for the NPO of rice terraces, for local farmers, and for the agricultural sector and the cultural heritage sector in the City of Kamogawa. As a result of questionnaires following points were cleared. 1) 86% of respondents aware of the values of the landscape and the preservation. 2) 77% of respondents recognize the agricultural stewardship for the landscape in the forest. 3) Although 96% of respondents are positive for the cultural landscape preservation, there are problems for the realization in the local authority. 4) Farmers look negative for the tourism because of the ill-manners.

  40. A study on the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of the TOKYO SKYTREE:Focused on the Zone of Theoretical Visibility and the Zone of Visual Influence Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Fujiwara Manamu

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 747 - 752   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The TOKYO SKYTREE (the height of 634m) was applied the Environmental Impact Assessment before construction, but the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment had not been evaluated enough in the process. The assessment should be analyzed by the theoretical visibility and the magnitude of the visual influence. This study suggests the application of their visual assessments for the highest landmark in Tokyo. The conclusion cleared that 1) the theoretical visibility of the TOKYO SKYTREE reaches to the areas of one metropolitan government and twelve prefectures (max. 229.5km), 2) the distance range of the magnitude "High" of Zone of Visual Influence is from 0 to 27km, "Medium" is from 27 to 32km, "Low" is from 32 to 75-82km, "Negligible" is over 75-82km.

  41. A Study on the Waterfront Occupation and the Use under the Deregulation:The character and the activities of public-private partnership project of 'Suito Osaka' Reviewed

    Endoji Yumi, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 33 - 40   2014

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    In recent years the revitalization projects of waterfront areas with public-private partnerships develop some areas where had too strict governmental regulations in Japan. The objective of this study is to clarify the effective managements by the private sector initiative. As good practices the four waterfront projects in 'Suito Osaka' are focused on the innovative planning techniques in Osaka. The main reasons of the effective uses of their cases are analyzed into the following points. 1) The projects were mainly reflected by the private sector ideas beyond the problems of sectionalism. 2) Spatial continuity of accessibility in the waterfront directly influences the use and activities.

  42. A Study on the Historic Landscape Characterisation of the Foreign Settlement in Shanghai, China:A Case Study of Unchanged Landscape Characters in the British Settlement Reviewed International coauthorship

    Miyawaki Masaru, Tou Kiryo

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 25 - 32   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The historic landscape character in the urban core in Shanghai is still not widely researched because the city continues to be changed. This study analyzes the unchanged of the British settlement which is now located on the Huangpu district by the seven historic maps from 1855 to 2012. Historic landscape Characterisation (Historic landscape assessment) is analyzed by unchanged roads, unchanged blocks, and heritage buildings. As a result, 44% of streets and 15% of blocks were formed until 1855, and total 90% of streets and blocks were originated from 1932 in the research area. Heritages are mostly located between Henan road and the Bund. This paper specifically indicates their locations and their great values to be preserved.

  43. A Study on Awareness and Problems for the Landscape Preservation of Oyama-senmaida in Kamogawa:A Research Landscape Resources and Funds of NPO, Farmers and Local Authority Reviewed

    Kobayashi Shunji, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 77 - 82   2014

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The aim of this study is to clarify awareness and problems for the landscape preservation in Oyama-senmaida in Kamogawa. Interviews and questionnaires have been prepared for the NPO of rice terraces, for local farmers, and for the agricultural sector and the cultural heritage sector in the City of Kamogawa. As a result of questionnaires following points were cleared. 1) 86% of respondents aware of the values of the landscape and the preservation. 2) 77% of respondents recognize the agricultural stewardship for the landscape in the forest. 3) Although 96% of respondents are positive for the cultural landscape preservation, there are problems for the realization in the local authority. 4) Farmers look negative for the tourism because of the ill-manners.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.49.77

  44. A Study on the Historic Landscape Characterisation of the Foreign Settlement in Shanghai, China:A Case Study of Unchanged Landscape Characters in the British Settlement Reviewed International coauthorship

    Miyawaki Masaru, Tou Kiryo

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 25 - 32   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The historic landscape character in the urban core in Shanghai is still not widely researched because the city continues to be changed. This study analyzes the unchanged of the British settlement which is now located on the Huangpu district by the seven historic maps from 1855 to 2012. Historic landscape Characterisation (Historic landscape assessment) is analyzed by unchanged roads, unchanged blocks, and heritage buildings. As a result, 44% of streets and 15% of blocks were formed until 1855, and total 90% of streets and blocks were originated from 1932 in the research area. Heritages are mostly located between Henan road and the Bund. This paper specifically indicates their locations and their great values to be preserved.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.49.25

  45. A study on the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of the TOKYO SKYTREE:Focused on the Zone of Theoretical Visibility and the Zone of Visual Influence Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Fujiwara Manamu

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 747 - 752   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The TOKYO SKYTREE (the height of 634m) was applied the Environmental Impact Assessment before construction, but the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment had not been evaluated enough in the process. The assessment should be analyzed by the theoretical visibility and the magnitude of the visual influence. This study suggests the application of their visual assessments for the highest landmark in Tokyo. The conclusion cleared that 1) the theoretical visibility of the TOKYO SKYTREE reaches to the areas of one metropolitan government and twelve prefectures (max. 229.5km), 2) the distance range of the magnitude "High" of Zone of Visual Influence is from 0 to 27km, "Medium" is from 27 to 32km, "Low" is from 32 to 75-82km, "Negligible" is over 75-82km.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.49.747

  46. A Study on the Waterfront Occupation and the Use under the Deregulation:The character and the activities of public-private partnership project of 'Suito Osaka' Reviewed

    Endoji Yumi, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 33 - 40   2014

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    In recent years the revitalization projects of waterfront areas with public-private partnerships develop some areas where had too strict governmental regulations in Japan. The objective of this study is to clarify the effective managements by the private sector initiative. As good practices the four waterfront projects in 'Suito Osaka' are focused on the innovative planning techniques in Osaka. The main reasons of the effective uses of their cases are analyzed into the following points. 1) The projects were mainly reflected by the private sector ideas beyond the problems of sectionalism. 2) Spatial continuity of accessibility in the waterfront directly influences the use and activities.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.49.33

  47. 欧州ランドスケープのニューウェーブ、パリ・マセナ地区再開発、リヨン・コンフリュアンス地区、ハンブルグ・ハーフェンシティ Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.96   page: 8 - 25   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  48. ハンブルグ・ハーフェンシティ Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. 96   page: 20 - 25   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  49. パリ・マセナ地区再開発

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. 96   page: 8 - 15   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  50. リヨン・コンフリュアンス地区

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. 96   page: 16 - 19   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  51. 環境アセスメントとランドスケープ -「エネルギースケープ」のマネジメント- Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.88   page: 102 - 107   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  52. 風景権と市民参加-欧州ランドスケープ条約の原点- Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.89   page: 94 - 99   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  53. ヨーロッパのアーバンデザイン Invited

    宮脇 勝

    ランドスケープデザイン   Vol. Vol.94   page: 6 - 13   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  54. European Landscape Design Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.94   page: 6 - 13   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  55. 土地に刻まれた歴史的風景 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    季刊まちづくり   Vol. 40号   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  56. 風景権と市民参加 -欧州ランドスケープ条約の原点-

    宮脇 勝

    ランドスケープデザイン   Vol. Vol.89   page: 102 - 107   2013

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  57. A Study on the Historic Landscape Characterisation : Historic Landscape Character Assessment of Temples, Streets, Blocks, Watercourses, and Land Use in the Central Kamakura Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 47 ( 3 ) page: 607 - 612   2012.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper is a historic landscape characterisation in Kamakura City, using analyses by historic maps about streets, blocks, temples, watercourses, fields, forests and land use. Historic maps were able to analyze them dating back from the year from 1875 to 2009. Kamakura City is important historic town for the nomination of UNESCO site but the cultural assets registered by only single elements. As the historic characterization of England, historic land use could be analyzed and moreover original elements of this paper were integrated also temples, streets, blocks and watercourses. This paper cleared many historic landscape areas in the central Kamakura; over 56% historic land use, over 63% historic streets, over 62% watercourses, over 45% historic blocks which are all landscape characters before 1875.

  58. アーバン・ランドスケープ・マネジメント-工業エリアの再生コンペと水辺及び眺望アセスメント- Invited

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.86   page: 88 - 93   2012

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  59. 第7回アーバン・ランドスケープ・デザイン-中心市街地の都市再生とマスターアーキテクト-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.84   page: 90 - 95   2012

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  60. 第8回新しいランドスケープのためのビジョンとデザイン-ウィル・アルソープの都市再生マスタープラン-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.85   page: 94 - 99   2012

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  61. 第6回ランドスケープの歴史文化の活用-イギリスの歴史的ランドスケープ・キャラクタライゼーションHLCの手法-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.83   page: 87 - 91   2012

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  62. アーバン・ランドスケープ・デザイン -中心市街地の都市再生とマスターアーキテクト-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.84   page: 90 - 95   2012

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  63. アーバン・ランドスケープ・マネジメント -工業エリアの再生コンペと水辺及び眺望アセスメント-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.86   page: 88 - 93   2012

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  64. ランドスケープの歴史文化の活用 -イギリスの歴史的ランドスケープ・キャラクタライゼーションHLCの手法-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.83   page: 87 - 91   2012

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  65. ルーラル・ランドスケープ・マネジメント -環境に配慮した農業への支援-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.87   page: 90 - 95   2012

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  66. 新しいランドスケープのためのビジョンとデザイン -ウィル・アルソープの都市再生マスタープラン-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.85   page: 94 - 99   2012

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  67. 第10回ルーラル・ランドスケープ・マネジメント-環境に配慮した農業への支援-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.87   page: 90 - 95   2012

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  68. 第5回ランドスケープ・モニタリング手法-イギリスの国土モニタリングCQCとCQuEL-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.82   page: 93 - 97   2012

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  69. A Study on the legislative definition of a "Landscape" before/after the European Landscape Convention : The Comparative analyses on the definition of the ELC, constitutions, and legislations in Europe Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 46 ( 3 ) page: 205 - 210   2011.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The concept of a "Landscape" developed as one of major policy after the European Landscape Convention in Europe. The definition is very important to understand what is a "Landscape" and how to manage it. This study concerns about the definitions in the approval process of the ELC, and legislative definitions in the every country after the sign of the ELC. The conclusions indicate the clear relationships between the ELC and legislations of European countries. The main effect of ELC is the referable potential in the legislative application for every country. A "Landscape" is an area, as perceived by people, means the promotion of the democratic governance for integration between the protection, management and planning of landscapes.

  70. 都市のサステナビリティ評価の試み-館山市の事例-

    宮脇 勝

    公共研究   Vol. 7巻1号   page: 87 - 105   2011

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  71. 連載「欧州のランドスケープ・プランニングとプロジェクト」第1回-第6回

    宮脇 勝

    ランドスケープデザイン   Vol. No.78-83   2011

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  72. 連載「奥州のランドスケープ・プランニングとプロジェクト」第1回~第6回

    宮脇 勝

    ランドスケープデザイン   Vol. No.78~83   2011

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  73. 第6回 ランドスケープの歴史文化の活用-イギリスの歴史的ランドスケープ・キャラクタライゼーションHLCの手法-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.83   page: 86 - 91   2011

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  74. イギリスの景観政策の新展開第2回環境問題として取り組む景観アセスメント -環境アセスメントとモニタリング手法

    宮脇 勝

    季刊まちづくり   Vol. Vol.30,1104   page: 110 - 116   2011

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  75. イギリスの景観政策の新展開第3回、都市再生におけるアーバンデザインとマスターアーキテクトの役割-リバプール・ワンの事例

    宮脇 勝

    季刊まちづくり   Vol. No.30   page: 110 - 116   2011

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  76. 欧州ランドスケープ条約ELCの10周年記念祝典のレポート

    宮脇 勝

    都市計画   Vol. Vol.60、No.1、289   page: 104   2011

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  77. 第1回欧州ランドスケープ条約(2000年)と10周年祝典(2010年)

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.78   page: 90 - 95   2011

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  78. 第2回ランドスケープのための新しい法律-イタリアのウルバーニ法典-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.79   page: 90 - 95   2011

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  79. 第3回ランドスケープ・プランニングの革新-イタリア・プーリア州の風景計画-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.80   page: 96 - 101   2011

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  80. 第4回ランドスケープ・アセスメントの手法-イギリスのランドスケープ特性アセスメントLCA-

    宮脇 勝

    Landscape Design   Vol. no.81   page: 68 - 73   2011

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  81. A STUDY ABOUT THE STABILITY OF LANDSCAPE BASED ON LAND-USE BY GIS:- Analysis of landscape transformation and stability from 1978 to 2001 in Chiba city- Reviewed International coauthorship

    KWON Jaemyun, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   Vol. 75 ( 658 ) page: 2863 - 2872   2010

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

    The urban sprawl has caused drastic changes of landscape in the suburban area. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the land-use and the landscape from 1978 to 2001 in the suburb of Metropolitan Tokyo; Chiba City, and to evaluate the landscape transformation and the stability by using GIS. The first result is characterized by the following complex phenomena of land-use changes; the reduction of &ldquo;natural and agricultural areas&rdquo; by urban developments, the abandonment of &ldquo;the farmland&rdquo;, the cultivation of &ldquo;the forest&rdquo;, and the re-naturalization of &ldquo;the field&rdquo;. The second one is the stability of the land-use for each classification on the GIS map. The third one is the correspondence of the landscape with the land-use by the monitoring of typical &ldquo;Yatsuda&rdquo; landscape.

  82. 環境問題として取り組む景観アセ スメント-環境アセスメントとモニタリング 手法

    宮脇 勝

    季刊まちづくり   Vol. No.29   page: 108 - 114   2010

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  83. イギリスの景観政策の新展開第1回景観の定義、景観特性アセスメントLCAと歴史的景観キャラクタライゼーションHLCについて

    宮脇 勝

    季刊まちづくり   Vol. Vol.28、1010   page: 106 - 110   2010

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  84. ランドスケープ・プランと都市計画に関わる研究

    宮脇 勝

    火山噴火罹災地の歴史的庭園復元・自然環境変遷とランドスケープの保全活用     page: 111 - 123   2010

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  85. 景観の定義、景観特性アセスメントLCAと歴史的景観キャラクタライゼーションHLCについて

    宮脇 勝

    季刊まちづくり   Vol. No.28   page: 106 - 111   2010

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  86. GISを用いた土地利用からみた風景の安定性に関する研究-19年と2001年の千葉市の風景の変化と普遍化に着目して- Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   Vol. 第658号   page: 2863   2010

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  87. A Study on New Code, "Urbani Code", for Landscape Planning and Landscape Assessment in Italy : The Study of Definitions, Authorities, Planning, Assessment for the Landscape based on the Urbani Code modified in 2008 Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 44 ( 3 ) page: 421 - 426   2009.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents the information for new Italian Code for Landscape Properties which issued in 2004, and modified in 2006 and 2008. This Code respects the European landscape convention in 2000 and the modification of the Italian Constitution in 2001. The new Code develops Landscape concepts that are wider than the ex. Natural Beauty Act (1939) and ex. Galasso Act (1985). In conclusion, characters of Italian landscape policy is declared as a significant methodology for the integration of natural, historic, and contemporary landscape under the collaboration between the State and Regions. It is explained that the authority of the landscape permission is stabilized to the central government by the new Code of 2008, for the management of landscape conservation.

  88. A Study on New Code, "Urbani Code", for Landscape Planning and Landscape Assessment in Italy : The Study of Definitions, Authorities, Planning, Assessment for the Landscape based on the Urbani Code modified in 2008 Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 44 ( 3 ) page: 421 - 426   2009.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents the information for new Italian Code for Landscape Properties which issued in 2004, and modified in 2006 and 2008. This Code respects the European landscape convention in 2000 and the modification of the Italian Constitution in 2001. The new Code develops Landscape concepts that are wider than the ex. Natural Beauty Act (1939) and ex. Galasso Act (1985). In conclusion, characters of Italian landscape policy is declared as a significant methodology for the integration of natural, historic, and contemporary landscape under the collaboration between the State and Regions. It is explained that the authority of the landscape permission is stabilized to the central government by the new Code of 2008, for the management of landscape conservation.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.44.3.421

  89. A STUDY ON THE HISTORY OF “CINEMA-CITY” IN ASAKUSA, TOKYO A study on the history of Cinema City in Asakusa Tokyo analysis of land use and landscape transformations based on cadastral maps and photos —Analysis of land use and landscape transformations based on cadastral maps and photos— Reviewed International coauthorship

      ( 637 ) page: 617 - 625   2009.3

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3130/aija.74.617

  90. A Study on New Code, "Urbani Code", for Landscape Planning and Landscape Assessment in Italy:The Study of Definitions, Authorities, Planning, Assessment for the Landscape based on the Urbani Code modified in 2008 Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 44 ( 0 ) page: 71 - 71   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents the information for new Italian Code for Landscape Properties which issued in 2004, and modified in 2006 and 2008. This Code respects the European landscape convention in 2000 and the modification of the Italian Constitution in 2001. The new Code develops Landscape concepts that are wider than the ex. Natural Beauty Act (1939) and ex. Galasso Act (1985). <BR>In conclusion, characters of Italian landscape policy is declared as a significant methodology for the integration of natural, historic, and contemporary landscape under the collaboration between the State and Regions. It is explained that the authority of the landscape permission is stabilized to the central government by the new Code of 2008, for the management of landscape conservation.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  91. Nuove tecnologie per lo studio del paesaggio storico, Akaiwa, Comune di Kuni : un caso studio in Giappone Reviewed International coauthorship

    宮脇 勝

    GEO Media no.5     page: 44 - 48   2009

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  92. Landscape & Design

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    City planning review   Vol. 57 ( 5 ) page: 101 - 108   2008.10

  93. A study on the Cultural Landscape of "Mizuka" and Hedges around the Tone-river in Chiba Prefecture : Case study of Types and Considerations of owner about "Mizuka" and Hedges in Sakae, Motono, Inzai, Abiko, Kashiwa, Shiroi Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru, FUKAYA Masanori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 43 ( 3 ) page: 673 - 678   2008.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The Chiba Prefecture has emanated the first ordinance of landscape in the march of 2008. It is important to find landscape resources and those evaluations. This study is forcused on the "Mizuka" and hedges, which are cultural landscape characters near the Tone-river in the northern part of the prefecture. Totally 101 "Mizuka" and 88 hedges are found in the reseach. 41% of "Mizuka" with the store is well maintained, but 38% is partially destroyed. The Town of Sakae, the most "Mizuka" found in the town, has 59 "Mizuka" and 61 hedges. The problem is clarified that the half of owners has the positive consideration for "Mizuka" and hedges, but the rest half has negative.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.43.3.673

  94. A Study on the Transition of Roads and Blocks and Temples in Taito City of Metropolitan Tokyo : Case Studies of all Territory of Taito City and Yanaka/Asakusa Districts Reviewed

    KITAOKA Katsue, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 43 ( 2 ) page: 1 - 10   2008.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This study analyses the historic townscape of Taito City in Tokyo. This research is based on 88 historic maps, 3 fire insurance maps, and the street registry list to observe streets, blocks and temples. Taito City has the highest presence of temples. The conclusion is as followings; 1) In the whole Taito City, there is a 2 percent of block, built during the Edo period that is still left as they were originally built. These blocks are situated in the Yanaka district of Taito City. 2) After the Great Kanto Earthquake, 71 percent of the blocks have changed due to reconstruction projects. 3) The percentage of temples that remained from Edo period is to 46 percent in Taito City.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.43.2.1

  95. Landscape & Design

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    City planning review   Vol. 57 ( 5 ) page: 101 - 108   2008.10

  96. Activities in Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences and its perspective: construction of sustainability science in Kashiwanoha Campus and its surrounding area as a model

    Ohyama Katsumi, Amano Hiroshi, Ando Toshio, Mori Chisato, Miyawaki Masaru, Watanabe Hitoshi, Kita Toshiaki

    HortResearch   ( 62 ) page: 85 - 89   2008.3

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    Publisher:Chiba University  

    Solving global issues and reconstructing sustainable social systems, the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) was established by the five participating universities including the University of Tokyo,Kyoto University, Osaka University, Hokkaido University and Ibaraki University. Chiba University joined in the IR3S as one of the cooperating institutions to the establishment of the sustainability science through collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Initiative for Global Sustainability (TIGS) of the University of Tokyo. Along this line, the Chiba University Association for Sustainability Science (CARSS: the office is located in the Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences) was formed in October, 2006. In this paper, diverse activities reported in two events "Kashiwanoha: International Symposium on the wisdom of Solomon to integrate food and health into a sustainable lifestyle" and "Japan-Taiwan joint workshop on sustainability science with respect to environment and health" were briefly described. These activities were supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) through Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology. The detailed topics in the events are as follows: 1) Chemiless town^[○!R] project, 2) activities in Urban Design Center Kashiwa-no-ha (UDCK), 3) quality plant production in closed systems with artificial light, 4) a project for decreasing carbon (CO_2) emission from Kashiwanoha Campus, and 5) Kashiwanoha Kampo Clinic.

  97. A study on the Cultural Landscape of "Mizuka" and Hedges around the Tone-river in Chiba Prefecture:Case study of Types and Considerations of owner about "Mizuka" and Hedges in Sakae, Motono, Inzai, Abiko, Kashiwa, Shiroi Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Fukaya Masanori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 43 ( 0 ) page: 113 - 113   2008

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The Chiba Prefecture has emanated the first ordinance of landscape in the march of 2008. It is important to find landscape resources and those evaluations. This study is forcused on the "Mizuka" and hedges, which are cultural landscape characters near the Tone-river in the northern part of the prefecture.Totally 101 "Mizuka" and 88 hedges are found in the reseach. 41% of "Mizuka" with the store is well maintained, but 38% is partially destroyed. The Town of Sakae, the most "Mizuka" found in the town, has 59 "Mizuka" and 61 hedges. The problem is clarified that the half of owners has the positive consideration for "Mizuka" and hedges, but the rest half has negative.

  98. A Study on the Influence of Townscape Regulations on the Land Price : Case studies of land price by the Hedonic Approach in Kanazawa, Kurashiki, and Hagi City Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru, KAJIWARA Chihiro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 42 ( 3 ) page: 115 - 120   2007.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper deals with evaluation of the economic effect that townscape regulations give as the land value. Although the consciousness of townscape is enforced by the Landscape Law and the ordinance, the economic effects are not well appreciated. In order to evaluate the economic effects, this study focuses on the change of the land price where regulations of buildings have been adopted in many years in Japan, and analyzed them by the Hedonic Approach. Case studies are selected among the historic preservation district in Japan; City of Kanazawa, Kurashiki, and Hagi. The result is generally as a following: the presence of regulations for historic preservation districts has positive influence of the land price in residential and commercial zones of three cities.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.42.3.115

  99. Townscape in the suburb, Landscape at the urban fringe

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    City planning review   Vol. 56 ( 1 ) page: 37 - 42   2007.2

  100. A Study on the Influence of Townscape Regulations on the Land Price:Case studies of land price by the Hedonic Approach in Kanazawa, Kurashiki, and Hagi City Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Kajiwara Chihiro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 42 ( 0 ) page: 20 - 20   2007

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper deals with evaluation of the economic effect that townscape regulations give as the land value. Although the consciousness of townscape is enforced by the Landscape Law and the ordinance, the economic effects are not well appreciated. In order to evaluate the economic effects, this study focuses on the change of the land price where regulations of buildings have been adopted in many years in Japan, and analyzed them by the Hedonic Approach. Case studies are selected among the historic preservation district in Japan; City of Kanazawa, Kurashiki, and Hagi.<BR>The result is generally as a following: the presence of regulations for historic preservation districts has positive influence of the land price in residential and commercial zones of three cities.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  101. イタリアのランドスケープ教育の背景

    宮脇 勝

    日本造園学会誌 ランドスケープ研究 Vol.71, No.1     page: 55 - 56   2007

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  102. Period when Streets and Blocks were formed in the center of Edo and Tokyo : Historic Characteristics of Blocks in Tokyo Chuo City and Tsukishima District Reviewed

    MATSUKURA Fumihide, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 41 ( 3 ) page: 953 - 958   2006.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  103. A Study on Historic Landscape Transformation from the view point of Land Use Changing along the Nikko Road : A comparison investigation of cadastral map, cadastre, from ex. Nikko City to ex. Imaichi City Reviewed

    FUKAYA Masanori, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 41 ( 3 ) page: 397 - 402   2006.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  104. Period when Streets and Blocks were formed in the center of Edo and Tokyo:Historic Characteristics of Blocks in Tokyo Chuo City and Tsukishima District Reviewed

    Matsukura Fumihide, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 953 - 958   2006

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The metropolitan Edo-Tokyo has rapidly developed and changed since Edo period. But the main cause of the change is construction of new buildings. So traces of city planning in Edo-Tokyo last 400 years remain on the city foundation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze historic characteristics of Chuo City, the center of Edo-Tokyo, founded on period when streets and blocks were forming. The reconstruction after 1923 Great Kanto earthquake influenced formation of blocks in Chuo City. But, this paper analyzed that streets and blocks remain the same in Nihonbashi, Ginza and Tsukishima since Edo and Meiji periods. By the additional analysis including private roads in Tsukishima district, while most "assumed-blocks" have changed, some "assumed-blocks" remain from Meiji period.

  105. A Study on Historic Landscape Transformation from the view point of Land Use Changing along the Nikko Road.:- A comparison investigation of cadastral map, cadastre, from ex. Nikko City to ex. Imaichi City - Reviewed

    fukaya masanori, miyawaki masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 321 - 321   2006

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The propose of this study to identify the landscape resources around the historical road of Nikko which has not been designed until today by the Cultural Landscape Act. The method of this study is to observe the transformation of the rural landscape which indicated on the cadastral maps of 1898, 1945, 1959 and 1990, using cadastres from 1898 to 1959. This paper shows how the Nikko road landscape has changed from 1898, by developments of buildings, construction of railways and service roads. The landscape along the Nikko road maintains fragments as elements belonging to the historical landscape. The conclusion proposes to preserve the landscape around the Nikko road as an integrated environment, by using in the future the landscape ordinance.

  106. 基調講演1「景観美の基準」

    宮脇 勝

    日本不動産学会誌   Vol. 19 ( 3 ) page: 40 - 44   2006

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    DOI: 10.5736/jares1985.19.3_40

  107. Period when Streets and Blocks were formed in the center of Edo and Tokyo:Historic Characteristics of Blocks in Tokyo Chuo City and Tsukishima District Reviewed

    Matsukura Fumihide, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 314 - 314   2006

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The metropolitan Edo-Tokyo has rapidly developed and changed since Edo period. But the main cause of the change is construction of new buildings. So traces of city planning in Edo-Tokyo last 400 years remain on the city foundation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze historic characteristics of Chuo City, the center of Edo-Tokyo, founded on period when streets and blocks were forming. The reconstruction after 1923 Great Kanto earthquake influenced formation of blocks in Chuo City. But, this paper analyzed that streets and blocks remain the same in Nihonbashi, Ginza and Tsukishima since Edo and Meiji periods. By the additional analysis including private roads in Tsukishima district, while most "assumed-blocks" have changed, some "assumed-blocks" remain from Meiji period.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.41.0.314.0

  108. 土地利用変化から見た日光街道沿いの歴史的景観の変遷に関する研究-旧日光市から旧今市市における地積図、土地台帳、公図の比較調査- Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会論文集 41-3     page: 397 - 402   2006

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  109. Toward Establishing Urban Sustainability based on its Nature and Culture

    TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko, MIYAWAKI Masaru, KANO Yoko

      Vol. 69 ( 2 ) page: 99 - 102   2005.10

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    Publisher:The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

  110. International Symposium on 'the Conservation and Restoration of Sustainable Landscape' : Developing cross-cultural perspectives for the identification of similarities and differences between the East and the West

    TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko, BERQUE Auguatin, UZUKI Morio, MINOMO Toshitaro, MIYAWAKI Masaru, YOKOHARI Makoto

      Vol. 69 ( 2 ) page: 126 - 147   2005.10

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    Publisher:The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

  111. Toward Establishing Urban Sustainability based on its Nature and Culture

    TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko, MIYAWAKI Masaru, KANO Yoko

      Vol. 69 ( 2 ) page: 99 - 102   2005.10

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    Publisher:The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

  112. International Symposium on 'the Conservation and Restoration of Sustainable Landscape' : Developing cross-cultural perspectives for the identification of similarities and differences between the East and the West

    TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko, BERQUE Auguatin, UZUKI Morio, MINOMO Toshitaro, MIYAWAKI Masaru, YOKOHARI Makoto

      Vol. 69 ( 2 ) page: 126 - 147   2005.10

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    Publisher:The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture  

  113. 連続するプロジェクトのパースペクティヴ(LANDMARK VIEW,ヴィスタのデザイン,第2部 ティピカルプラクティス,景観デザインのフロンティア)

    宮脇 勝, 鈴木 将光, 増田 公一

    総合論文誌   ( 3 ) page: 28 - 29   2005.2

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  114. 沿道型都市デザインガイドライン(DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEWTOWN,ヴィスタのデザイン,第2部 ティピカルプラクティス,景観デザインのフロンティア)

    宮脇 勝, 平岡 幸, 李 元載

    総合論文誌   ( 3 ) page: 30 - 31   2005.2

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  115. ロンドンと金沢における眺望保全(Landmark View Protection,ヴィスタのデザイン,第2部 ティピカルプラクティス,景観デザインのフロンティア)

    宮脇 勝, 萩原 政人, 佐藤 洋平

    総合論文誌   ( 3 ) page: 26 - 27   2005.2

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  116. 連続するプロジェクトのパースペクティヴ(LANDMARK VIEW,ヴィスタのデザイン,第2部 ティピカルプラクティス,景観デザインのフロンティア)

    宮脇 勝, 鈴木 将光, 増田 公一

    総合論文誌   ( 3 ) page: 28 - 29   2005.2

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  117. ロンドンと金沢における眺望保全(Landmark View Protection,ヴィスタのデザイン,第2部 ティピカルプラクティス,景観デザインのフロンティア)

    宮脇 勝, 萩原 政人, 佐藤 洋平

    総合論文誌   ( 3 ) page: 26 - 27   2005.2

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  118. 沿道型都市デザインガイドライン(DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEWTOWN,ヴィスタのデザイン,第2部 ティピカルプラクティス,景観デザインのフロンティア)

    宮脇 勝, 平岡 幸, 李 元載

    総合論文誌   ( 3 ) page: 30 - 31   2005.2

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  119. A Study on Cultural Landscape in the Akaiwa area of Kuni mountain village, Gunma Prefecture:Analysis of Historic Rural Landscape Transformations based on historic maps and cadasters Reviewed International coauthorship

    Dario Paolucci Matteo, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 817 - 822   2005

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The paper looks for cultural landscape in the mountain village of Kuni-mura (Gunma prefecture). As the remaining historic rural landscape is not of outstanding value, the research carefully approaches the historic landscape. The first move is a land use analysis through several periods: Edo, Showa, Meiji and present. The land use analysis has been possible thanks to the realization of comparable maps obtained from the digitalization of ancient ones. The second step has been to collect all data and compare them; in this way it has been possible to understand how the landscape changed in the past three centuries. The last step then has been to overlay all the maps in order to find out landscape transformations in the past three centuries. The final result is therefore a mapping of all territorial resources in terms of cultural landscape value. Out of this results I made some considerations and proposals on the historic landscape preservation and management.

  120. The Research of New Institution for the Approval Process of the Coherent Territorial Plan(SCOT) in France.:The Approval Process by the SRU Law and the UH Law and A Case Study of the Inter-Communal Cooperation of "Pays de Rennes" Reviewed

    Kawarada Chizuko, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 9 - 20   2005

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the background, objects, and the approval process of the Coherent Territorial Plan (SCOT) based on the SRU law (2000) and the UH law (2003) in France. The second purpose is to verify the actual conditions of the inter-communal cooperation for the SCOT in the case of the Rennes wide area. This paper identifies that (1) the planning approval process of the SCOT was innovated by the democratic involvement, and (2) the area of application of SCOT at Rennes wide area was decided as the "Pays de Rennes" followed by the mixed union of the "Pays de Rennes" which was decided to elaborate the SCOT (2003).

  121. A Study on the Diffusion of Master Plan and the Approval Process in Italy:Focused on the Planner of Master Plan, the Approval Process, and Publications Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 73 - 78   2005

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper observes the diffusion of Italian master plan and PdF(Program of building) from the City Planning Act(1942). Their numbers are increasing by their obligation of government ordinances; 100 cities designated in 1954, 4022 cities in 1971, and now almost cities are designated by decentralized regions from 1972. This research was composed by the several research in the different period of government ordinances and their reports. This paper identify many differences from Japanese conditions of Master Plans. For examples; the municipal authority of Building control by land-use zoning of Master Plan, the license of Planner, and the approval process of the Master Plan. The conclusion of this paper emphasize the importance of proposals to the citizens by planners and their approval process by the city council and the region

  122. ガラッソ法制定以降の地方自治体の計画立案過程における合意形成 : トスカーナ洲シエナ県とコムーネの事例を通して, 山岸加奈, 小林英嗣, 283

    宮脇 勝, 鵤 心治

    日本建築学会技術報告集   Vol. 11 ( 21 )   2005

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    DOI: 10.3130/aijt.11.435_2

  123. A Study on Cultural Landscape in the Akaiwa area of Kuni mountain village, Gunma Prefecture:Analysis of Historic Rural Landscape Transformations based on historic maps and cadasters Reviewed International coauthorship

    Dario Paolucci Matteo, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 817 - 822   2005

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The paper looks for cultural landscape in the mountain village of Kuni-mura (Gunma prefecture). As the remaining historic rural landscape is not of outstanding value, the research carefully approaches the historic landscape. The first move is a land use analysis through several periods: Edo, Showa, Meiji and present. The land use analysis has been possible thanks to the realization of comparable maps obtained from the digitalization of ancient ones. The second step has been to collect all data and compare them; in this way it has been possible to understand how the landscape changed in the past three centuries. The last step then has been to overlay all the maps in order to find out landscape transformations in the past three centuries. The final result is therefore a mapping of all territorial resources in terms of cultural landscape value. Out of this results I made some considerations and proposals on the historic landscape preservation and management.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.40.3.817

  124. ガラッソ法制定以降の地方自治体の計画立案過程における合意形成 : トスカーナ洲シエナ県とコムーネの事例を通して, 山岸加奈, 小林英嗣, 283

    宮脇 勝, 鵤 心治

    日本建築学会技術報告集   Vol. 11 ( 21 )   2005

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    DOI: 10.3130/aijt.11.435_2

  125. The Research of New Institution for the Approval Process of the Coherent Territorial Plan(SCOT) in France.:The Approval Process by the SRU Law and the UH Law and A Case Study of the Inter-Communal Cooperation of "Pays de Rennes" Reviewed

    Kawarada Chizuko, Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 9 - 20   2005

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the background, objects, and the approval process of the Coherent Territorial Plan (SCOT) based on the SRU law (2000) and the UH law (2003) in France. The second purpose is to verify the actual conditions of the inter-communal cooperation for the SCOT in the case of the Rennes wide area. This paper identifies that (1) the planning approval process of the SCOT was innovated by the democratic involvement, and (2) the area of application of SCOT at Rennes wide area was decided as the "Pays de Rennes" followed by the mixed union of the "Pays de Rennes" which was decided to elaborate the SCOT (2003).

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.40.1.9

  126. イタリアのマスタープランの普及プロセスと都市計画決定プロセスに関する研究-マスタープランのプランナー,都市計画決定手続き,市民及び各種団体への公示に着目して- Reviewed

    宮脇 勝

    都市計画論文集 40(3)     page: 73 - 78   2005

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  127. イタリアのマスタープランの普及プロセスと都市計画決定プロセスに関する研究

    宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 No.40-3     page: 73 - 78   2005

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  128. A Study on the Landscape Planning System between the State, Regions, Provinces, and Cities in Italy:The Case of the Planning coherence between the Campania Region, the Province of Naples, and the City of Pozzuoli Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Takeuchi Kazuhiko, Kano Yoko

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 39 ( 0 ) page: 29 - 29   2004

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper deals with the planning system between the State, Regions, Provinces, and the Cities under the decentralization Law no.142 (1990) in Italy. The Campania Region has oriented their Territorial Plan of 2003 not only with Provincial Territorial Plans designed under the Law of 1990, but with Landscape Plans designed by the State under the Galasso Law (1985) . The City of Pozzuoli is located in the important area for the Landscape Planning and promoted a strategic plan with neighbor Cities. The master plan of Pozzuoli was approved by the Province of Naples in 2002, and is evaluated as a model case of well-coordinated and originally detailed zoning and regulations. This paper introduces the effect of the coherence between several planning levels for the Landscape preservation.

  129. A Study on the Landscape Planning System between the State, Regions, Provinces, and Cities in Italy:The Case of the Planning coherence between the Campania Region, the Province of Naples, and the City of Pozzuoli Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Takeuchi Kazuhiko, Kano Yoko

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 39 ( 0 ) page: 29 - 29   2004

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper deals with the planning system between the State, Regions, Provinces, and the Cities under the decentralization Law no.142 (1990) in Italy. The Campania Region has oriented their Territorial Plan of 2003 not only with Provincial Territorial Plans designed under the Law of 1990, but with Landscape Plans designed by the State under the Galasso Law (1985) . The City of Pozzuoli is located in the important area for the Landscape Planning and promoted a strategic plan with neighbor Cities. The master plan of Pozzuoli was approved by the Province of Naples in 2002, and is evaluated as a model case of well-coordinated and originally detailed zoning and regulations. This paper introduces the effect of the coherence between several planning levels for the Landscape preservation.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  130. 景観系まちづくり市民団体の研究動向および類型に関する考察

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会大会 都市計画部門 研究協議会資料     page: 7 - 10   2004

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  131. イタリアの景観コントロールの動向

    宮脇 勝

    都市+デザイン Vol.21     page: 48 - 50   2004

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  132. イタリアの風景法の制定経緯について聞く

    宮脇 勝

    季刊 まちづくり No.2     page: 78 - 83   2004

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  133. A Study on Programs of Urban Renewal and Sustainable Development of the Territory and Complex Programs in Italy : A Case Study of Laws, Decree-laws, Regional laws, Diffusion of programs, and their Evaluations Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 38 ( 3 ) page: 325 - 330   2003.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents a series of Italian complex programs for urban renewal and sustainable development from '90s. The Law of public housing of no.179/1992 defined the program accord for the public and private partnership. Complex programs that consist of PII, Pru, Priu, CdQ and Prusst were approved with the program accord under the Law of no.179/1992, Decree-laws of 1994 and 1998 and Regional Laws. Especially Prusst: Programs of Urban Renewal and Sustainable Development of the Territory have been coordinated with the proposal of European Union about Structural Founds and the spatial development perspective of 1998. This paper reports those making processes and their evaluations. Many Italian Cities, Provinces and Regions have succeeded in promoting their Prusst.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.38.3.325

  134. 7354 A Study on the Regional Collaboration of "The Landscape Survey in Ohotsuku" and "The Landscape Planning in Ohotsuku" : Comparative Studies of Kamiyubetsu, Memanbetsu, Rubeshibe-Onneyu, Forum 2001, and Workshop in Abashiri City

    Miyawaki Masaru, Nishimura Yukio, Yamanaka Tomohiko

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 2003 ) page: 737 - 738   2003.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  135. 7057 A Study of the Coherent Territorial Plan (SCOT) in France : Focusing on the Elaboration of the SCOT and Its Approving Process

    KAWARADA Chizuko, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 2003 ) page: 143 - 144   2003.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  136. 7057 A Study of the Coherent Territorial Plan (SCOT) in France : Focusing on the Elaboration of the SCOT and Its Approving Process

    KAWARADA Chizuko, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 2003 ) page: 143 - 144   2003.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  137. 7354 A Study on the Regional Collaboration of "The Landscape Survey in Ohotsuku" and "The Landscape Planning in Ohotsuku" : Comparative Studies of Kamiyubetsu, Memanbetsu, Rubeshibe-Onneyu, Forum 2001, and Workshop in Abashiri City

    Miyawaki Masaru, Nishimura Yukio, Yamanaka Tomohiko

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 2003 ) page: 737 - 738   2003.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  138. A Study on the Urban Solidarity and Renewal Act in France Reviewed

    Kawarada Chizuko, Miyawaki Masaru

    Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 1 ( 1 ) page: 78 - 83   2003.4

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>The first purpose of this paper is to report the relation of the Voynet Act the orientation Act for the maintenance and the sustainable development, the Chevenement Act the Act for simplification and strengthening of the municipal-union cooperation and the SRU Act the Urban Solidarity and Renewal Act. These acts were established recently in France, which were influenced by the concept of the Sustainable Divelopment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The second purpose is to report of the city planning documents of SRU Act. These documents are the SCOT (Territorial Consistency Plan), the PLU (Local City Plan) and the Carte Communale (Municipal Map). SRU Act is connected to the Voynet Act and the Chevenement Act to practice the urban policy. These city planning documents are territorial plans with the municipal initiative.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/reportscpij.1.1_78

    CiNii Research

  139. A Study on Urban Design Standards for Mission Bay Area of San Francisco Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 1 ( 1 ) page: 9 - 15   2003.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>The Purpose of this paper is to understand the Redevelopment Plan, Design Standards and Design Guidelines for Mission Bay Area, that were coordinated by the Redevelopment Agency until 1998. In this case study we can find the possibility of negotiation with the Planning Committee, the Developer, the Citizens Advisory Committee in the big project of the central area.&lt;BR&gt;City and County of San Francisco has prepared the Planning Code and the Redevelopment Plan for Mission Bay. They show resolutions of the Planning Committee about the Mission Bay Project on their web site. Urban design standards of Mission Bay Area are characterized by the bulk control depended on building's heights.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/reportscpij.1.1_9

    CiNii Research

  140. 7020 フランスにおける「持続可能な開発」と都市計画法(都市計画)

    河原田 千鶴子, 宮脇 勝

    研究報告集 II, 建築計画・都市計画・農村計画・建築経済・建築歴史・意匠   ( 73 ) page: 313 - 316   2003.2

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  141. 7020 フランスにおける「持続可能な開発」と都市計画法(都市計画)

    河原田 千鶴子, 宮脇 勝

    研究報告集 II, 建築計画・都市計画・農村計画・建築経済・建築歴史・意匠   ( 73 ) page: 313 - 316   2003.2

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  142. A Study on Programs of Urban Renewal and Sustainable Development of the Territory and Complex Programs in Italy:A Case Study of Laws, Decree-laws, Regional laws, Diffusion of programs, and their Evaluations Reviewed

    miyawaki masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 38 ( 0 ) page: 55 - 55   2003

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents a series of Italian complex programs for urban renewal and sustainable development from '90s. The Law of public housing of no.179/1992 defined the program accord for the public and private partnership. Complex programs that consist of PII, Pru, Priu, CdQ and Prusst were approved with the program accord under the Law of no.179/1992, Decree-laws of 1994 and 1998 and Regional Laws. Especially Prusst: Programs of Urban Renewal and Sustainable Development of the Territory have been coordinated with the proposal of European Union about Structural Founds and the spatial development perspective of 1998. This paper reports those making processes and their evaluations. Many Italian Cities, Provinces and Regions have succeeded in promoting their Prusst.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  143. A Study of Design Guidelines corresponding to the Zoning System of the City Planning Act : A Case Study of Design Guidelines of Kashiwa City in Chiba Prefecture Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru, KITAHARA Toshio

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   ( 37 ) page: 997 - 1002   2002.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents the planning process of urban design guidelines that is based on the ordinance of Kashiwa City. The characteristics of the guidelines of Kashiwa City are considered as following three points; 1) The territory of the application is for all construction in the city. 2) The urban design guidelines are suitable the zoning map of the city planning. The guidelines follow and recover the lack of sense for the design in the zoning map. 3) The guidelines in the new urban area show the design matrixes that correspond for all of the building use and the size. This paper shows a possible approach for the application of guidelines in the normal urban area, where is not much historic context in Japan.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.37.997

  144. A Study of Design Guidelines corresponding to the Zoning System of the City Planning Act:A Case Study of Design Guidelines of Kashiwa City in Chiba Prefecture Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Kitahara Toshio

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 37 ( 0 ) page: 997 - 997   2002

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    This paper presents the planning process of urban design guidelines that is based on the ordinance of Kashiwa City. The characteristics of the guidelines of Kashiwa City are considered as following three points; 1) The territory of the application is for all construction in the city. 2) The urban design guidelines are suitable the zoning map of the city planning. The guidelines follow and recover the lack of sense for the design in the zoning map. 3) The guidelines in the new urban area show the design matrixes that correspond for all of the building use and the size. This paper shows a possible approach for the application of guidelines in the normal urban area, where is not much historic context in Japan.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.37.0.997.0

  145. An experiment of the use of public space for activating the city center - A case study on "Citizens Forum on Urban Design" in Chiba City - Reviewed International coauthorship

    WATANABE Tadashi, KATO Koji, MIYAWAKI Masaru, KITAHARA Toshio

    Papers on city planning   Vol. 36   page: 793 - 798   2001.10

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  146. 7005 A study on the use of cafe terrace in the park : An experiment of the cafe terrace on the Citizens Forum on Urban Design in Chiba City

    WATANABE Tadashi, MIYAWAKI Masaru, KITAHARA Toshio

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 2001 ) page: 9 - 10   2001.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  147. An experiment of the use of public space for activating the city center:A case study on "Citizens Forum on Urban Design" in Chiba City Reviewed International coauthorship

    Watanabe Tadashi, Kato Koji, Miyawaki Masaru, Kitahara Toshio

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 36 ( 0 ) page: 793 - 798   2001

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The aim of this paper is to understand the problems for making better use of the public space in the future, through reporting an experiment for activating the city center by "Citizens Forum on Urban Design" in Chiba City. In this study, we analyzed two points from its process: 1) the necessary conditions permitting the use of public space, 2) the effect on urban design. The results are shown as follows: 1) it is the important condition that the projects has "Public interest" which is shown as "participation of administration" for use of public space, 2) we estimated this experiment succeeded in making "the Public Life Scene".

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.36.793

  148. Re-design Framework of Planned-Housing Area for the Next Century

    NAKAGAWA Gracieal Ana

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 1025 - 1026   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  149. The Spacemaking Framework of Public Open Space in Urban Renewal (1) : The Genealogy of Public Open Space

    Kida Yoshihito

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 385 - 386   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  150. The study on the formation of urban public space : The transition of urban public space on the view of Public Art

    Takashima Kazuho

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 463 - 464   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  151. The study on the formation of urban public space : The Outlook and Geonealogy of Formation of Public Space from the point of view of Public Art

    Nishida Taketo

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 465 - 466   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  152. The Spacemaking Framework of Public Open Space in Urban Renewal (1) : The Genealogy of Public Open Space

    Kida Yoshihito

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 385 - 386   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  


    Itou Tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 387 - 388   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  154. The study on the formation of urban public space : The transition of urban public space on the view of Public Art

    Takashima Kazuho

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 463 - 464   1999.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  155. Re-design Framework of Planned-Housing Area for the Next Century

    NAKAGAWA Gracieal Ana

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 1025 - 1026   1999.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  156. The study on the formation of urban public space : The Outlook and Geonealogy of Formation of Public Space from the point of view of Public Art

    Nishida Taketo

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1999 ) page: 465 - 466   1999.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  157. 117 A Study on Site Planning for Public Housing Estates in Hokkaido


      ( 72 ) page: 465 - 468   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  158. 086 A study on the formation of urban public space. : The transition of urban public space on the view of Public Art.

    Takashima Kazuho

      ( 72 ) page: 341 - 344   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  159. 075 Planning and guideline of urban fringe in local cities part2 : A case study of guideline at Obihiro-city

    Matsuoka Yoshihide

      ( 72 ) page: 297 - 300   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  160. 074 Planning and guideline of urban fringe in local cities : The creation of the image for future in Takikawa

    Sengoku Tatsuya

      ( 72 ) page: 293 - 296   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  161. 075 Planning and guideline of urban fringe in local cities part2 : A case study of guideline at Obihiro-city

    Matsuoka Yoshihide

      ( 72 ) page: 297 - 300   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  162. 086 A study on the formation of urban public space. : The transition of urban public space on the view of Public Art.

    Takashima Kazuho

      ( 72 ) page: 341 - 344   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  



      ( 72 ) page: 353 - 356   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  164. 090 The Space making Framework of PUBLIC・OPEN SPACE in Urban Renewal (2) : Meaning and role of PUBLIC・OPEN SPACE

    Ito Tomonori

      ( 72 ) page: 357 - 360   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  165. 091 Re-design Framework of Planned-Housing Area for the Next Century

    NAKAGAWA Graciela Ana

      ( 72 ) page: 361 - 364   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  



      ( 72 ) page: 353 - 356   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  167. 117 A Study on Site Planning for Public Housing Estates in Hokkaido


      ( 72 ) page: 465 - 468   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  168. 091 Re-design Framework of Planned-Housing Area for the Next Century

    NAKAGAWA Graciela Ana

      ( 72 ) page: 361 - 364   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  169. 090 The Space making Framework of PUBLIC・OPEN SPACE in Urban Renewal (2) : Meaning and role of PUBLIC・OPEN SPACE

    Ito Tomonori

      ( 72 ) page: 357 - 360   1999.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  170. 074 Planning and guideline of urban fringe in local cities : The creation of the image for future in Takikawa

    Sengoku Tatsuya

      ( 72 ) page: 293 - 296   1999.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  171. 087 A Study on the Formation of Urban Public Space : The Outlook and Genealogy of Formation of Public Space from the point of view Public Art

    Nishida Taketo

      ( 72 ) page: 345 - 348   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  172. 087 A Study on the Formation of Urban Public Space : The Outlook and Genealogy of Formation of Public Space from the point of view Public Art

    Nishida Taketo

      ( 72 ) page: 345 - 348   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  173. 087 A Study on the Formation of Urban Public Space : The Outlook and Genealogy of Formation of Public Space from the point of view Public Art

    Nishida Taketo

      ( 72 ) page: 345 - 348   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  174. A study on the generation and charactaristic of order in urban space from the view point of transformation of grid pattern. : the case of Obihiro City and Asahikawa City

    Oshima Wataru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 687 - 688   1998.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  175. A study on plannning and design of public space for improvement in urbanization area

    NAKANISHI Taishi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 1 - 2   1998.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  176. A sudy about Urban Planning Combination Strategy in Local small City

    OGURA Mai

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 31 - 32   1998.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  177. A study of activated local city's urban central area from the inhabitant's permanent living nliving point of view : a case study on TAKIKAWA city


    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 35 - 36   1998.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  178. A framework for the deliberate redevelopment of the core-district toward a matured society

    HONMA Shin

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 55 - 56   1998.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  179. Urban spase model of the Municipal Master Pran viewed in the Urban context

    HIRAMATSU Tomohisa

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 373 - 374   1998.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  180. Basic Study on the Public Space Guideline in Downtown : the Case of Sapporo

    SANO Mayumi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 563 - 564   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  181. A study on plannning and design of public space for improvement in urbanization area

    NAKANISHI Taishi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 1 - 2   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  182. Urban spase model of the Municipal Master Pran viewed in the Urban context

    HIRAMATSU Tomohisa

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 373 - 374   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  183. A framework for the deliberate redevelopment of the core-district toward a matured society

    HONMA Shin

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 55 - 56   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  184. A study of activated local city's urban central area from the inhabitant's permanent living nliving point of view : a case study on TAKIKAWA city


    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 35 - 36   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  185. A sudy about Urban Planning Combination Strategy in Local small City

    OGURA Mai

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 31 - 32   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  186. Basic Study on the Public Space Guideline in Downtown : the Case of Sapporo

    SANO Mayumi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 563 - 564   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  187. A study on the generation and charactaristic of order in urban space from the view point of transformation of grid pattern. : the case of Obihiro City and Asahikawa City

    Oshima Wataru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 687 - 688   1998.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  188. The framework to generate the scene of life and townscape based on regional characteristics

    KONDO Yosuke

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 565 - 566   1998.7

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  189. The framework to generate the scene of life and townscape based on regional characteristics

    KONDO Yosuke

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 565 - 566   1998.7

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  190. The framework to generate the scene of life and townscape based on regional characteristics

    KONDO Yosuke

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1998 ) page: 565 - 566   1998.7

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  191. 127 A study on the improving residential enviroment and the neighborhood district planning in the independent community : A case study on Sapporo city

    OKUYAMA Miyako

      ( 71 ) page: 505 - 508   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  192. 098 The Urban space model of the Municipal Master Plan from the view point of the urban context

    HIRAMATSU Tomohisa

      ( 71 ) page: 389 - 392   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  193. 106 a framework for the deriverative redevelopment of the core-district toward a matured society

    HONMA Shin

      ( 71 ) page: 421 - 424   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  194. 108 Basic Study on the Public Space Guideline in Downtown : the Case of Sapporo

    SANO Mayumi

      ( 71 ) page: 429 - 432   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  195. 117 A study about Urban Planning Combination Strategy in Local small City

    OGURA Mai

      ( 71 ) page: 465 - 468   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  196. 118 A study on the generation and charactaristic of order in urban space from the view point of transformation of grid pattern : the case of Obihiro City and Asahikawa City

    Oshima Wataru

      ( 71 ) page: 469 - 472   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  197. 121 A study of activated urban central area from the inhabitant's permanent living point of view : a case of TAKIKAWA city


      ( 71 ) page: 481 - 484   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  198. 098 The Urban space model of the Municipal Master Plan from the view point of the urban context

    HIRAMATSU Tomohisa

      ( 71 ) page: 389 - 392   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  199. 127 A study on the improving residential enviroment and the neighborhood district planning in the independent community : A case study on Sapporo city

    OKUYAMA Miyako

      ( 71 ) page: 505 - 508   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  200. 121 A study of activated urban central area from the inhabitant's permanent living point of view : a case of TAKIKAWA city


      ( 71 ) page: 481 - 484   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  201. 118 A study on the generation and charactaristic of order in urban space from the view point of transformation of grid pattern : the case of Obihiro City and Asahikawa City

    Oshima Wataru

      ( 71 ) page: 469 - 472   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  202. 117 A study about Urban Planning Combination Strategy in Local small City

    OGURA Mai

      ( 71 ) page: 465 - 468   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  203. 108 Basic Study on the Public Space Guideline in Downtown : the Case of Sapporo

    SANO Mayumi

      ( 71 ) page: 429 - 432   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  204. 106 a framework for the deriverative redevelopment of the core-district toward a matured society

    HONMA Shin

      ( 71 ) page: 421 - 424   1998.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  205. 119 A study on planning and design of public space for improvement in urbanization area

    NAKANISHI Taishi

      ( 71 ) page: 473 - 476   1998.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  206. 119 A study on planning and design of public space for improvement in urbanization area

    NAKANISHI Taishi

      ( 71 ) page: 473 - 476   1998.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  207. 119 A study on planning and design of public space for improvement in urbanization area

    NAKANISHI Taishi

      ( 71 ) page: 473 - 476   1998.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  208. Basic Study on the Italian Urbanists and the Development of Their Planning Methods Reviewed

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Papers on city planning   Vol. 32   page: 691 - 696   1997.10

     More details

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  209. A study of improvement concerning district center with suitable to the matured society

    ITO tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 699 - 700   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  


    Bassem OSMAN

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 135 - 136   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  211. a study on organization of open common spaces in the public hausing development

    ASANO Tetsuo

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 303 - 304   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  212. A study of the current of town planning and sustainable planning : a case of SEATON

    HAYASHI Akimitsu

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 305 - 306   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  213. A study on the process planning for the formation of district : Planning methods for connecting "Space" to "Main organization"

    Ogura Hiroyuki

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 329 - 330   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  214. A study of progress concerning town planning with participation

    HATTORI Kenji

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 381 - 382   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  215. Frame of regional planning information in community planning

    Nishida taketo

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 419 - 420   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  216. Flamework about planning information on the assumption of community planning : a point of view of making common recognition about cognition to environment

    Akiyama Katsuhiro

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 421 - 422   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  217. Reorganization toward urban structure that based on network of institutions for a wide area : A case on coal mining cities in the mountain, UTASHINAI city

    MATSUOKA Yoshihide

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 487 - 488   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  218. A study of principle concerning relation of building in urban space : Understand and development of views of order

    Nakamura Anna

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 529 - 530   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  


    Bassem OSMAN

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 135 - 136   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  220. Flamework about planning information on the assumption of community planning : a point of view of making common recognition about cognition to environment

    Akiyama Katsuhiro

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 421 - 422   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  221. Frame of regional planning information in community planning

    Nishida taketo

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 419 - 420   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  222. A study of progress concerning town planning with participation

    HATTORI Kenji

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 381 - 382   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  223. A study on the process planning for the formation of district : Planning methods for connecting "Space" to "Main organization"

    Ogura Hiroyuki

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 329 - 330   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  224. A study of the current of town planning and sustainable planning : a case of SEATON

    HAYASHI Akimitsu

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 305 - 306   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  225. a study on organization of open common spaces in the public hausing development

    ASANO Tetsuo

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 303 - 304   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  226. Reorganization toward urban structure that based on network of institutions for a wide area : A case on coal mining cities in the mountain, UTASHINAI city

    MATSUOKA Yoshihide

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 487 - 488   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  227. A study of improvement concerning district center with suitable to the matured society

    ITO tomonori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 699 - 700   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  228. A study of principle concerning relation of building in urban space : Understand and development of views of order

    Nakamura Anna

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1997 ) page: 529 - 530   1997.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  229. 139 a study on organization of open public spaces in the public housing development

    ASANO Tetsuo

      ( 70 ) page: 557 - 560   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  230. 098 A study on the process planning for the formation of district : Planning methods for connecting "Space" to "Main organization"

    Ogura Hiroyuki

      ( 70 ) page: 393 - 396   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  231. 104 Flame of regional planning infomation in community planning.

    Nishida taketo

      ( 70 ) page: 417 - 420   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  232. 106 A study of progress concerning town planning with participation

    HATTORI Kenji

      ( 70 ) page: 425 - 428   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  233. 113 The Urban Space Principles With Concept Street, Block and Architecture of Open Space : Learned From Islamic Cities and Ancient Rome

    オスマン バセム, 小林 英嗣, 瀬戸口 剛, 小篠 隆生, 宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会北海道支部研究報告集   ( 70 ) page: 453 - 456   1997.3

     More details


  234. 121 A study of principle concerning relation of building in urban space : Understand and development of views of order

    Nakamura Anna

      ( 70 ) page: 485 - 488   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  235. 124 Reorganization toward urban structure that based on network of institutions for a wide area : A case on coal mining cities in the mountain, UTASHINAI city

    MATSUOKA Yoshihide

      ( 70 ) page: 497 - 500   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  236. 127 成熟社会における地域生活拠点の再編に関する考察(市街地整備計画論)

    伊藤 知則, 小林 英嗣, 瀬戸口 剛, 小篠 隆生, 宮脇 勝, 中鉢 令児

    日本建築学会北海道支部研究報告集   ( 70 ) page: 509 - 512   1997.3

     More details


  237. 128 A study on the structure and change of district centers. : Case study of Asabu and Tukisamu district

      ( 70 ) page: 513 - 516   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  238. 131 A theory for reorganizing urban area based on reproducing of the fringes of subject and urban fringe : A case study on Sapporo urban area

    KAWASAKI Masaki

      ( 70 ) page: 525 - 528   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  239. 138 The current of town planning and a new trend : a case of SEATON

    Hayashi Akimitsu

      ( 70 ) page: 553 - 556   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  240. 098 A study on the process planning for the formation of district : Planning methods for connecting "Space" to "Main organization"

    Ogura Hiroyuki

      ( 70 ) page: 393 - 396   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  241. 139 a study on organization of open public spaces in the public housing development

    ASANO Tetsuo

      ( 70 ) page: 557 - 560   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  242. 138 The current of town planning and a new trend : a case of SEATON

    Hayashi Akimitsu

      ( 70 ) page: 553 - 556   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  243. 131 A theory for reorganizing urban area based on reproducing of the fringes of subject and urban fringe : A case study on Sapporo urban area

    KAWASAKI Masaki

      ( 70 ) page: 525 - 528   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  244. 128 A study on the structure and change of district centers. : Case study of Asabu and Tukisamu district

      ( 70 ) page: 513 - 516   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  245. 127 成熟社会における地域生活拠点の再編に関する考察(市街地整備計画論)

    伊藤 知則, 小林 英嗣, 瀬戸口 剛, 小篠 隆生, 宮脇 勝, 中鉢 令児

    日本建築学会北海道支部研究報告集   ( 70 ) page: 509 - 512   1997.3

     More details


  246. 124 Reorganization toward urban structure that based on network of institutions for a wide area : A case on coal mining cities in the mountain, UTASHINAI city

    MATSUOKA Yoshihide

      ( 70 ) page: 497 - 500   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  247. 121 A study of principle concerning relation of building in urban space : Understand and development of views of order

    Nakamura Anna

      ( 70 ) page: 485 - 488   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  248. 113 The Urban Space Principles With Concept Street, Block and Architecture of Open Space : Learned From Islamic Cities and Ancient Rome

    オスマン バセム, 小林 英嗣, 瀬戸口 剛, 小篠 隆生, 宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会北海道支部研究報告集   ( 70 ) page: 453 - 456   1997.3

     More details


  249. 106 A study of progress concerning town planning with participation

    HATTORI Kenji

      ( 70 ) page: 425 - 428   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  250. 104 Flame of regional planning infomation in community planning.

    Nishida taketo

      ( 70 ) page: 417 - 420   1997.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  251. 105 Flamework about plannning infomation on the assumption of community planning a point of view of making common recognition about cognition to environment

    Akiyama Katsuhiro

      ( 70 ) page: 421 - 424   1997.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  252. 105 Flamework about plannning infomation on the assumption of community planning a point of view of making common recognition about cognition to environment

    Akiyama Katsuhiro

      ( 70 ) page: 421 - 424   1997.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  253. 105 Flamework about plannning infomation on the assumption of community planning a point of view of making common recognition about cognition to environment

    Akiyama Katsuhiro

      ( 70 ) page: 421 - 424   1997.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  254. Basic Study on the Italian Urbanists and the Development of Their Planning Methods Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 32 ( 0 ) page: 691 - 696   1997

     More details

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    The history of Italian Master Plans can be analized from the the activities of the planner and their generation. The first generation, L. Piccinato (1899-1974) and P. Marconi (1893-1974), created the foundation for the modern city planning. The second generation, G. Sasmona' (1898-1983), the urbanization and applied the city planning theory to many cities. the third generation, G. C. Venuti (1926-) modificated the plans and proposed sustainability as the Landscape Plan by Galasso Act.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.32.691

  255. A Study on Landscape Planning and Control of Historic Environment - Case Study of Models of Landscape Plan in Italy - Reviewed


    Papers on city planning   Vol. 31   page: 631 - 636   1996.11

     More details

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  256. A study on recognition of each subject about baluable resources for community planning, and on the process of making common recognituion in the project

    OKUYAMA Miyako, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 545 - 546   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  257. A Study on the Cooperation of Health and Housing for the Aged in Rurla Area Hokkaiko Prefecture : City Cooperation viewing from Utility Area of Hospitals for the Aged

    TAKEYA Shuichi, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   ( 1996 ) page: 349 - 350   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  258. A Study on the future imageof provincial city in matured society

    FUKUDA Makoto

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 319 - 320   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  259. A study on the Social network young workers from in central district in local cities

    SUGAWARA Makoto

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 321 - 322   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  260. A study of Changing process of space with homogenized density in urban area fo the midium and small-sized local city

    NAKANISHI taishi, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 341 - 342   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  261. A study on househole's separetaon and the public support to reorganize the provincial city in hokkaido

    Kashibuchi akinori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 343 - 344   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  262. A study on the modeling of urban block in build-up area of Sapporo

    OGYRA Mai, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUTI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 351 - 352   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  263. A Study of the problems and the way to develop the rea should bi promoted tolive in central district in Sapporo

    WADA Yuhei, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 355 - 356   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  264. A study of region revitalization in the exchange between a city and faming village : Relations betreen the main contituent in an agricultural area and recognitions of problems

    TSUKAMOTO Mitsuru, KOBAYAHASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 375 - 376   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  265. A Study on the Planning of common space and the planning process in built-up area

    MORIMOTO Tomohiro, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 441 - 442   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  266. A study on the facility use in urban core-deistrict in B.U.A

    HONMA Shin, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru, CHUGACHI Reiji, TAKEYA Shuichi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 469 - 470   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  267. A Study of the environment surrounding children in a regional community, and assessment

    TSUKAMOTO Takamasa, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 513 - 514   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  268. A Study on the Cooperation of Health and Housing for the Aged in Rurla Area Hokkaiko Prefecture : City Cooperation viewing from Utility Area of Hospitals for the Aged

    TAKEYA Shuichi, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory   ( 1996 ) page: 349 - 350   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  269. A Study on the Planning of common space and the planning process in built-up area

    MORIMOTO Tomohiro, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 441 - 442   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  270. A study of region revitalization in the exchange between a city and faming village : Relations betreen the main contituent in an agricultural area and recognitions of problems

    TSUKAMOTO Mitsuru, KOBAYAHASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 375 - 376   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  271. A Study of the problems and the way to develop the rea should bi promoted tolive in central district in Sapporo

    WADA Yuhei, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 355 - 356   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  272. A study on the modeling of urban block in build-up area of Sapporo

    OGYRA Mai, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUTI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 351 - 352   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  273. A study on househole's separetaon and the public support to reorganize the provincial city in hokkaido

    Kashibuchi akinori

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 343 - 344   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  274. A study of Changing process of space with homogenized density in urban area fo the midium and small-sized local city

    NAKANISHI taishi, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 341 - 342   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  275. A study on the Social network young workers from in central district in local cities

    SUGAWARA Makoto

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 321 - 322   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  276. A Study on the future imageof provincial city in matured society

    FUKUDA Makoto

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 319 - 320   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  277. A study on the facility use in urban core-deistrict in B.U.A

    HONMA Shin, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru, CHUGACHI Reiji, TAKEYA Shuichi

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 469 - 470   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  278. A study on recognition of each subject about baluable resources for community planning, and on the process of making common recognituion in the project

    OKUYAMA Miyako, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 545 - 546   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  279. A Study of the environment surrounding children in a regional community, and assessment

    TSUKAMOTO Takamasa, KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu, SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi, OZASA Takao, MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1996 ) page: 513 - 514   1996.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  280. 141 A study on a regeneration of central district in local cities : Social network young workers form

    SUGAWARA Makoto

      ( 69 ) page: 561 - 564   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  281. 104 A study on the recognition of each subject about valuable resources for community planning, and on the process of making common recognition in the project

    OKUYAMA Miyako

      ( 69 ) page: 413 - 416   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  282. 106 A study of activation of a region in the exchange between a city and a farming village : relations between the main constituent in an agricultural area and recognitions of problem in a region

    TSUKAMOTO Mitsuru

      ( 69 ) page: 421 - 424   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  283. 109 A study on the planning of common space and planning process

    MORIMOTO tomohiro

      ( 69 ) page: 433 - 436   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  284. 113 A study of the environment surrounding children in a regional community

    TSUKAMOTO Takamasa

      ( 69 ) page: 449 - 452   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  285. 118 A study of the actual circumstances on how the aged people use the institution in Asabu district of Sapporo

    HONMA Shin

      ( 69 ) page: 469 - 472   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  286. 130 A Study on the Cooperation of Health and Housing for the Aged in Rural Area of Hokkaido Prefecture : City Cooperation viewing from Utility Area of Hospitals for the Aged

    Takeya Shuichi

      ( 69 ) page: 517 - 520   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  287. 137 A study of changing process of space with homogenized density of a city area in the medium and small-sized local city

    NAKANISHI Taishi

      ( 69 ) page: 545 - 548   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  288. 138 A study on the future of center of city in provincial city, in matured society

    FUKUDA Makoto

      ( 69 ) page: 549 - 552   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  289. 139 A study of a problem and the way to develop the area should be promoted to live in central district in Sapporo

    WADA Yuuhei

      ( 69 ) page: 553 - 556   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  290. 140 A study on household's separation and the pubulic support to reorganize the provincial city in hokkaido

    kashibuchi akinori

      ( 69 ) page: 557 - 560   1996.3

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  291. 104 A study on the recognition of each subject about valuable resources for community planning, and on the process of making common recognition in the project

    OKUYAMA Miyako

      ( 69 ) page: 413 - 416   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  292. 141 A study on a regeneration of central district in local cities : Social network young workers form

    SUGAWARA Makoto

      ( 69 ) page: 561 - 564   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  293. 140 A study on household's separation and the pubulic support to reorganize the provincial city in hokkaido

    kashibuchi akinori

      ( 69 ) page: 557 - 560   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  294. 139 A study of a problem and the way to develop the area should be promoted to live in central district in Sapporo

    WADA Yuuhei

      ( 69 ) page: 553 - 556   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  295. 138 A study on the future of center of city in provincial city, in matured society

    FUKUDA Makoto

      ( 69 ) page: 549 - 552   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  296. 137 A study of changing process of space with homogenized density of a city area in the medium and small-sized local city

    NAKANISHI Taishi

      ( 69 ) page: 545 - 548   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  297. 130 A Study on the Cooperation of Health and Housing for the Aged in Rural Area of Hokkaido Prefecture : City Cooperation viewing from Utility Area of Hospitals for the Aged

    Takeya Shuichi

      ( 69 ) page: 517 - 520   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  298. 118 A study of the actual circumstances on how the aged people use the institution in Asabu district of Sapporo

    HONMA Shin

      ( 69 ) page: 469 - 472   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  299. 113 A study of the environment surrounding children in a regional community

    TSUKAMOTO Takamasa

      ( 69 ) page: 449 - 452   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  300. 109 A study on the planning of common space and planning process

    MORIMOTO tomohiro

      ( 69 ) page: 433 - 436   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  301. 106 A study of activation of a region in the exchange between a city and a farming village : relations between the main constituent in an agricultural area and recognitions of problem in a region

    TSUKAMOTO Mitsuru

      ( 69 ) page: 421 - 424   1996.3

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  302. 101 A study on the modeling of square block in built-up area in the grid city of Sapporo

    OGURA Mai

      ( 69 ) page: 401 - 404   1996.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  303. 101 A study on the modeling of square block in built-up area in the grid city of Sapporo

    OGURA Mai

      ( 69 ) page: 401 - 404   1996.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  304. 101 A study on the modeling of square block in built-up area in the grid city of Sapporo

    OGURA Mai

      ( 69 ) page: 401 - 404   1996.3

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  305. A Study on Landscape Planning and Control of Historic Environment:Case Study of Models of Landscape Plan in Italy Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru, Nishimura Yukio

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 31 ( 0 ) page: 631 - 636   1996

     More details

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  


    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.31.631

  306. Basic Study of Acts for Town Planning in Italy : Compulsory Purchase of Land Act(1865),Town Planning Act(1942,1967),Galasso Act(1985) Reviewed


    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 30   page: 493 - 498   1995.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  


    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.30.493

  307. A Study on the City Planning in Italy : Part1 : Case study of the Reconstruction of Gibellinain Sicily

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1995 ) page: 429 - 430   1995.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  308. A Study on the City Planning in Italy : Part1 : Case study of the Reconstruction of Gibellinain Sicily

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems   ( 1995 ) page: 429 - 430   1995.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  309. A study on the perservation of the historic environmentin Italy : Part 2 Case study of Appian Way and Appian zone in Roma

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture   ( 1994 ) page: 409 - 410   1994.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  310. A study on the perservation of the historic environmentin Italy : Part 2 Case study of Appian Way and Appian zone in Roma

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture   ( 1994 ) page: 409 - 410   1994.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  311. DEVELOPMENT OF LANDSCAPE PLANNING IN ITALY : Study on historic preservation in Italy Part 1 Reviewed


    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   Vol. 59 ( 466 ) page: 123 - 132   1994

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

    Landscape planning in Italy is developed by the three types of plans for the territorial preservation or visual landscape preservation : the local authority's plans (1943-1972) and the proposal plans for south Italy (1966) and the State plans (1986-1993) by the Galasso law(1985). 14 landscape plans introduced by the Galasso law are characterized by the condition of natural and historic resources of each State. Here we can find the methods for the historic preservation around the historic center and the local area.

    DOI: 10.3130/aija.59.123_5

  312. A study on the coservation of the histric environment in Italy : Part1 Case study in public spaces in Assisi

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture   ( 1993 ) page: 181 - 182   1993.7

     More details

    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  313. A study on the coservation of the histric environment in Italy : Part1 Case study in public spaces in Assisi

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture   ( 1993 ) page: 181 - 182   1993.7

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  314. Study of Landscape Planning and Galasso Law in Italy:Case Study of Assisi in Region of Umbria Reviewed

    Miyawaki Masaru

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 28 ( 0 ) page: 577 - 582   1993

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  


    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.28.577

  315. 93 トニー・ガルニエの「工業都市」に関する考察 : 都市計画史に関する研究(1)(設計・建築家論,都市計画、建築計画、建築史・意匠,計画系)

    宮脇 勝, 小林 英嗣

    日本建築学会北海道支部研究報告集   ( 63 ) page: 373 - 376   1990.3

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  316. 93 トニー・ガルニエの「工業都市」に関する考察 : 都市計画史に関する研究(1)(設計・建築家論,都市計画、建築計画、建築史・意匠,計画系)

    宮脇 勝, 小林 英嗣

    日本建築学会北海道支部研究報告集   ( 63 ) page: 373 - 376   1990.3

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  317. 初動期における景観マスタープランの策定方法に関する研究 名古屋市都市景観基本計画を対象として Reviewed

    尾関利勝・清水裕之・宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   Vol. 738   page: 1989 - 1998   2017.12

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  318. 管理作業量と景観選好性を指標とした二次林管理計画に関する研究 名古屋市名東区藤巻町を対象として Reviewed

    高取 千佳, 長谷川 泰洋, 藤原 望, 清水 裕之, 宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 52 ( 3 ) page: 1232 - 1239   2017.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.52.1232

  319. Local Landscape Plan in Japan Invited

    18th workshop of European Landscape Convention     2017.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  320. View protection areas of the historic monuments by landscape plans in Japan Reviewed

    Masaru Miyawaki

    XX Conferenza Nazionale SIU     page: XX Conferenza Nazionale SIU   2017.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  321. Relationship between Landscape Design Theme and Labor Forcesof Japanese Garden, A Case Study ofShirotori Gardenin Nagoya Reviewed

      Vol. 031   page: 1 - 4   2017.5

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  322. A Study on the View Protection Areas and the Visual Impact Assessments Reviewed

      ( 32 ) page: 1 - 4   2017.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  323. Evaluation of Landscape Management Labor Accounts in a Regional Scale, A Case Study of Chubu Metropolitan Area, Japan Reviewed


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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  324. The Multiple regression analysis of population dynamics and geographical information in Aichi prefecture

      ( 55 ) page: 397 - 400   2017.2

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    Publisher:Architectural Institute of Japan  

  325. 古写真を用いた歴史的景観の観察方法に関する研究 -愛南町外泊地区の石垣の文化的景観キャラクタライゼーション- Reviewed

    宮脇 勝、鎌田祥史

    日本都市計画学会論文集   Vol. 51 ( 3 ) page: 320-327   2016.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  326. 超高層建造物の高さに応じた視覚的影響の及ぶ範囲ZVIの推計モデルに関する研究 Reviewed

    宮脇 勝, 岩田 純

    日本都市計画学会論文集     page: 掲載決定済み   2015.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  327. The destruction of “lifescape” and the human right to landscape: the case of 2011 great disaster in East Japan Reviewed

    Masaru Miyawaki

    Landscape Democracy     page: 1-3   2015.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  328. Towards the Sustainability Assessment: A Case Study of International Indicators and the Trial Assessments of Kashiwa-no-ha Plans in Japan Reviewed

    Masaru Miyawaki, Soujanya Tenkayala

    City Safe Energy   Vol. 2   page: 77 - 90   2014.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12896/cse20140020018

  329. 東京スカイツリーの眺望と視覚的影響アセスメントに関する研究 - 理論上の可視域ZTVと視覚的影響ゾーンZVIの距離に着目して - Reviewed

    宮脇 勝, 藤原磨名夢

    日本都市計画学会論文集   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 747-752   2014.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.49.747

  330. Landscape policy, economic influences and problems of the human right to landscape in Japan Invited Reviewed

    Masaru Miyawaki

    15th workshop of European Landscape Convention     2014.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  331. 鴨川市大山千枚田の風景保全のための意識と課題に関する研究 -大山千枚田保存会、農業従事者、行政の風景資源価値と資金に関する意識調査- Reviewed

    小林駿司、宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 77 - 82   2014.4

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  332. 規制緩和に伴う河川沿いの占用と利用に関する研究 -水都大阪官民一体事業の特徴と利用状況に着目して- Reviewed

    圓道寺ゆみ、宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 33 - 40   2014.4

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  333. 中国上海市における外国人居留地の歴史的景観キャラクタライゼーションに関する研究 -イギリス人居留地を対象として - Reviewed

    宮脇 勝、唐圻亮

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 49 ( 1 ) page: 25 - 32   2014.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  334. 東京タワーから見た富士山の歴史的眺望保全に関する研究 - 東京タワーの歴史性と展望台から見た富士山への眺望景観アセスメント - Reviewed

    宮脇 勝、岩田純

    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 48 ( 3 ) page: 1047 - 1052   2013.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  335. 歴史的景観キャラクタライゼーションに関する研究 -鎌倉市中心部の寺社・道路・街区・水路・土地利用の歴史的景観特性アセスメント- Reviewed


    日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集   Vol. 47 ( 3 ) page: 607 - 612   2012.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  336. Provincial and Municipal Landscape Plans in Japan Invited

    Masaru Miyawaki

    International Conference of Ministry of Culture in Italy     2011.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  337. Conservazione storica in Giappone e progetti urbani contemporanei di Tokyo Invited

    Masaru Miyawaki

    International Conference of the Eastern Modern City     2003.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Italian   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

▼display all

Books 32

  1. 風車の視覚的影響評価 手法の比較から地域における合意形成の示唆

    内田正紀、宮脇 勝、香坂玲( Role: Joint author ,  p.75-106)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2024.9 

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    Total pages:241   Responsible for pages:75-106   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  2. 東海4県の景観計画の動向

    宮脇 勝( Role: Sole author ,  p.54-55)

    建築資料研究社  2024.9 

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    Total pages:216   Responsible for pages:54-55   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  3. 豊橋市/ふるさとのアイデンティティを育成する

    宮脇 勝( Role: Sole author ,  p.58-59)

    建築資料研究社  2024.9 

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    Total pages:216   Responsible for pages:58-59   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  4. 海外からの比較から見た日本の景観計画の課題

    宮脇 勝( Role: Sole author ,  p.140-141)

    建築資料研究社  2024.9 

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    Total pages:216   Responsible for pages:140-141   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  5. 横断的な思考力の獲得を目指す建築教育

    恒川和久、西澤泰彦、小松尚、宮脇勝、堀田典裕、李燕( Role: Joint author ,  p.12-15)

    公益社団法人日本建築家協会  2024.7 

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    Total pages:27   Responsible for pages:12-15   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  6. 脱炭素社会におけるスマートシティと再生可能エネルギー施設の計画

    宮脇 勝( Role: Sole author)

    名古屋大学  2023.9 

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    Total pages:66   Responsible for pages:30-31   Language:Japanese Book type:Report

  7. 書評 イタリアの小さな町 暮らしと風景

    宮脇 勝

    日伊協会  2022.4 

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    Total pages:127   Responsible for pages:91   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  8. 社会的潮流とこれからの“まち・すまい・建築”

    宮脇勝、田中英紀、日比野陽、ほか( Role: Joint author)

    名古屋大学  2022.3 

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    Total pages:28   Responsible for pages:2-7, 26-28   Language:Japanese

  9. Records of International Architectural and Urban Design Workshops for Students 2009 - 2019


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    Total pages:50   Responsible for pages:44-46   Language:English

  10. イタリアに学ぶ、豊かさ

    宮脇勝( Role: Joint author)

    日本都市計画学会  2020.11 

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    Total pages:97   Responsible for pages:28-31   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  11. まちを再生する公共デザイン : インフラ・景観・地域戦略をつなぐ思考と実践

    山口 敬太, 福島 秀哉, 西村 亮彦, 長谷川 浩己, 星野 裕司, 柴田 久, 宮脇 勝, 脇坂 隆一, 新屋 千樹, 八木 弘毅, 吉谷 崇, 中島 恒次郎, 奥田 好一, 西山 穏, 徳永 哲, 安仁屋 宗太, 高尾 忠志, 永村 景子, 末 祐介, 二井 昭佳

    学芸出版社  2019  ( ISBN:9784761532451

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  12. 都市経営時代のアーバンデザイン

    西村 幸夫, 高梨 遼太朗, 黒瀬 武史, 坂本 英之, 窪田 亜矢, 阿部 大輔, 宮脇 勝, 野原 卓, 鈴木 伸治, 楊 惠亘, 柏原 沙織, 中島 直人, 鳥海 基樹, 岡村 祐, 坪原 紳二

    学芸出版社  2017  ( ISBN:9784761532284

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  13. まちを読み解く : 景観・歴史・地域づくり

    西村 幸夫, 野澤 康, 遠藤 新, 野原 卓, 宮脇 勝, 桑田 仁, 窪田 亜矢, 前田 英寿, 中島 直人, 中島 伸, 松井 大輔, 鈴木 伸治, 岡崎 篤行, 今村 洋一, 黒瀬 武史, 永瀬 節治, 木下 光, 三島 伸雄

    朝倉書店  2017  ( ISBN:9784254266467

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  14. 欧州のランドスケーププランとプロジェクト

    宮脇 勝( Role: Sole author)

    マルモ出版  2013.6 

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  15. ランドスケープと都市デザイン -風景計画のこれから-

    宮脇 勝( Role: Sole author)

    朝倉書店  2013.3 

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  16. ランドスケープと都市デザイン : 風景計画のこれから

    宮脇 勝

    朝倉書店  2013  ( ISBN:9784254266412

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  17. 人口減少・環境制約下で持続するコミュニティづくり : 南房総をイメージエリアとして

    倉阪 秀史, 大石 亜希子, 岡部 明子, 広井 良典, 宮脇 勝

    千葉日報社  2012  ( ISBN:9784904435359

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  18. 公共空間の利活用による都市景観形成と都市活性化に関する研究

    北原 理雄, 宮脇 勝

    [千葉大学]  2006 

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  19. 都市美 : 都市景観施策の源流とその展開

    西村 幸夫, 宮脇 勝

    学芸出版社  2005  ( ISBN:476152362X

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  20. 都市の風景計画 : 欧米の景観コントロール : 手法と実際

    西村 幸夫, 町並み研究会, 中井 検裕, 五本 孝幸, 和田 幸信, 鳥海 基樹, 宮脇 勝, 三島 伸雄, 坂本 英之, 岡崎 篤行, 須賀 定邦, 李 政炯, 藤田 文彦, 大野 整

    学芸出版社  2000  ( ISBN:9784761540630

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    CiNii Books

  21. 札幌の建築探訪

    北海道近代建築研究会, 角 幸博, 石本 正明, 駒木 定正, 野口 孝博, 森下 満, 小林 孝二, 辻井 順, 宮脇 勝, 池上 重康, 井澗 裕

    北海道新聞社  1998  ( ISBN:4893639935

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  22. 風景まちづくり 地域 を支えるランドスケープデザイナーたち

    宮脇 勝( Role: Contributor)

    福井県政策参与通信第18号  2024.1 

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    Responsible for pages:1   Language:Japanese

  23. 国際学生建築・都市設計ワークショップの記録 2009-2019

    ( Role: Joint editor)

    名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科  2021.3 

  24. まちを再生する公共デザイン

    宮脇勝( Role: Joint author)

    学芸出版社  2019.6 

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    Total pages:240   Responsible for pages:103-114  

  25. 環境経済・政策辞典

    高村ゆかり、宮脇勝、他( Role: Joint author)

    丸善  2018.5 

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    Total pages:814   Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia

  26. まちを読み解く -景観・歴史・地域づくり-

    宮脇勝( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2017.10 

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    Total pages:20-23  

  27. 都市経営時代のアーバンデザイン

    西村幸夫、宮脇 勝、他( Role: Sole author)

    学芸出版社  2017.2 

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    Total pages:222   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  28. 景観再考、景観からのゆたかな人間環境づくり宣言

    宮脇勝( Role: Joint author)

    鹿島出版会  2013.8 

  29. アーバンデザインセンター、開かれたまちづくりの場

    宮脇勝( Role: Joint author)

    理工図書  2012.10 

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    Total pages:223  

  30. 人口減少・環境制約下で持続するコミュニティづくり -南房総をイメージエリアとして-

    倉坂秀史、大石亜希子、岡部明子、広井良典、宮脇 勝( Role: Joint editor)

    千葉日報  2012.7 

  31. La pianificazione del Paesaggio in funzione della conservazione

    ( Role: Joint author)


  32. Architecture and Landscape Italy/Japan Face to Face

    ( Role: Joint author)


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    Total pages:465  

▼display all

Presentations 21

  1. 欧州のランドスケープ遺産の動向とシースケープ遺産の提案 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    日本造園学会大会公開シンポジウム  2024.6.15  日本造園学会

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    Event date: 2024.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名城大学   Country:Japan  

  2. 景観権と景観計画の役割 欧州と日本の景観まちづくり Invited

    宮脇 勝

    あいちまちづくりシンポジウム  2024.6.6  愛知県

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    Event date: 2024.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  

    Venue:名古屋市 中区役所ホール   Country:Japan  

  3. 京都市の太陽光発電施設の景観シミュレーションによる景観課題 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    2023年度地球規模課題3 シンポジウム  2024.3.18  名古屋大学

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    Event date: 2024.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

    Venue:名古屋大学   Country:Japan  

  4. 都市環境の討論 Invited International conference

    宮脇 勝

    TSC国際シンポジウム  2024.1.28  名古屋大学

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    Event date: 2024.1

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

    Venue:名古屋大学   Country:Japan  

  5. 洋上風力発電施設の景観シミュレーションによる視覚的影響範囲(ZVI)と視覚的影響の大きさに関する研究 -北海道石狩市沿岸の洋上風車の視覚的影響評価-

    宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会大会  2023.11.12  日本都市計画学会

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:岩手大学   Country:Japan  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.58.1562

  6. 名古屋大学東山キャンパスにおけるヘルシーストリート・デザイン評価に関する研究 歩行空間のデザイン評価と今後のキャンパス整備課題について


    日本都市計画学会大会  2023.11.12  日本都市計画学会

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:岩手大学   Country:Japan  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.58.1554

  7. 風車の行政計画と景観アセスメントの国際比較 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    2022年度地球規模課題3・4・8合同シンポジウム  2023.3.29  名古屋大学

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名古屋大学   Country:Japan  

  8. ヨーロッパの景観計画 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    山あいのランドスケープ・デザイン会議  2023.3.6  神山町・神山つなぐ公社

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

    Venue:神山町   Country:Japan  

  9. 洋上風力発電施設の景観に関わる「海洋計画」と「離岸距離」に関する国際比較

    宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会学術発表会  2022.12.3  日本都市計画学会

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    Event date: 2022.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:宇都宮大学   Country:Japan  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.57.546

  10. 景観計画 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    まちづくり建築行政研修  2022.11.1  国土交通大学校

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  11. 神山町 風景の計画 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    神山町 景観計画庁内会議  2022.9.28  神山つなぐ公社

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  12. 神山町 風景の計画 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    神山町 景観計画公開研究会  2022.9.27  神山つなぐ公社

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  13. ドイツとイタリアの風車ゾーニング と景観アセスメントの課題 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    日本建築学会公開研究会「再生可能エネルギーと景観」  2022.9.5  日本建築学会

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:北海道科学大学   Country:Japan  

  14. 脱炭素社会におけるスマートシティの一般化 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    名古屋大学 まちと住まいの集い  2021.12.3  名古屋大学

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    Event date: 2021.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  15. イタリア共和国憲法第9条の「風景保護」に関する制定時の議論 風景の保護とコミュニティ権、国家と州政府の役割

    宮脇 勝

    日本都市計画学会学術発表会  2021.11.6  日本都市計画学会

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    Event date: 2021.11


    Venue:愛媛大学およびオンライン   Country:Japan  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.56.493

  16. 洋上風力おける景観問題の合意形成について Invited

    宮脇 勝

    洋上風力の社会的合意形成にに向けたワークショップ  2021.7.20 

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    Event date: 2021.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  17. 洋上風力発電施設と景観 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    洋上風力と合意形成に関する研究会  2021.6.15  福岡大学

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    Event date: 2021.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  18. 景観とは何か Invited

    宮脇 勝

    静岡文化芸術大学 講演会  2021.5.12  静岡文化芸術大学

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    Event date: 2021.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


  19. 温暖化とレジリエンス Invited

    宮脇 勝

    海外アーバンランドスケープ研究会  2021.1.24  海外アーバンデザイン研究会

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    Event date: 2021.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  20. 景観計画 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    まちづくり建築行政研修  2020.11.13 

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    Event date: 2020.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  21. 立体緑化 Invited

    宮脇 勝

    海外アーバンランドスケープ研究会  2020.2.2  海外アーバンデザイン研究会

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    Event date: 2020.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


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Works 3

  1. 豊橋市景観計画


  2. 豊田市中心市街地景観計画


  3. 名古屋景観計画


Research Project for Joint Research, Competitive Funding, etc. 1

  1. 自然と文化に立脚したサスティナブル・シティの構築に関する研究 -地方都市におけるランドスケープ再生手法の国際比較研究-

    2004.4 - 2007.3


KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 33

  1. 風力発電施設のゾーニング制度と景観アセスメントの基準に関する国際比較

    Grant number:23K04173  2023.4 - 2027.3


    宮脇 勝

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

  2. レジリエンスを考慮した広域景観計画と国土景観観察センターの国際研究

    Grant number:19K04787  2019.4 - 2023.3


    宮脇 勝

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    研究成果の実績として、著書(共著)にて、「法律・計画・事業を結ぶ景観計画とアーバンデザイン」、『まちを再生する公共デザイン』、学芸出版社(京都)、103-114頁、2019年を発表した。また査読付き論文として、水田の歴史的類型による生態的環境と労働生産性の比較および維持管理シナリオの検討、日本造園学会、ランドスケープ研究83巻5号、2020年を発表した。その他に、名古屋大学「ランドスケープ・オブザーベートリー」設置のための研究 GIS データベースの作成と公開について、日本建築学会大会、527-528、2019年と、GIS による「ランドスケープ・ユニット」と「東海アトラス」の作成に関する研究、日本建築学会大会、529-530、2019年と、名古屋市の都市計画公園の形成類型と震災復興仮設住宅で不足する公園面積の算出、日本建築学会大会、781-782、2019年、国際景観学とアーバンデザイン、第10回適塾路地奥サロン会誌、1-4、2019年を発表した。

  3. Study on Urban Management Strategy after UNESCO Recommentation on Histroric Urban Landscape

    Grant number:16H02382  2016.4 - 2020.3

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  4. A Study on European Landscape Observatory System and Application of Landscape Observatory Methods in Japan

    Grant number:16K06640  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Miyawaki Masaru

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1110000 )

    This research of Environmental Information System, which is promoted by European landscape convention, cleared the significance for the education and the common sense of landscape, especially from Italian activities between national, regional, local levels. This research is useful for Japanese specialists and national politicians to know the global trends for landscape observatory.
    The case study of Tokai areas cleared influences for land use and landscape by natural disaster and applied the landscape observatory of Nagoya University in order to create the common sense of everyday landscape in Japan.

  5. A research on the theory and practical methodology for strategic regional planning and design respecting its landscape and community

    Grant number:15H04062  2015.4 - 2018.3

    SASAKI Yoh

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    In this research, Regional landscape planning and design is considered that, it should be discussed and practiced not only from the viewpoint of architectural appearance or greenery, but also involving the local environment, livelihood and community, which is changing all the time while the essence remains consistent.
    In order to develop a better methodology of such landscape planning and design, with the experience of various case studies, the methodology and tools for the extraction of the resource and value of local landscape, as well as a concrete framework of spatial design, are discussed in this thesis. Furthermore, the meaning and significance of viewing landscape beyond the visual images, is also discussed.

  6. International Study on the Human Right to Environment and Landscape Planning

    Grant number:25420625  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Miyawaki Masaru

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

    This international study was focused on the human right to environment that isn't established in Japan but that is very important to know in the case of the lost hometown of 80,000 inhabitants by the disaster of nuclear power plants in east Japan. So every countries which have their human right to environment in their constitutions were collected to compare.
    This study concluded that the components of human right to environment is consisted by the following three points; 1)right to know the environmental information, 2)right to participation in the decision making, 3)right to access the judgment.
    This study also concluded that landscape is mainly included in the concept of environment of hometown by the analyses from the judgements for the environmental lawsuits after the nuclear power plants accident in 2011.

  7. Study on legal and administrative framework improvements in Japan responding to the UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape

    Grant number:24246099  2012.4 - 2016.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)

    Nishimura Yukio

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    According to the UNESCO Recommendation(2011), Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) is not a component of cultural heritages, but one of planning approaches. HUL, therefore, can become a important part of urban planning by incorporating HUL evaluation mechanisms into planning process.
    HUL should be considered one of major parts in the Historical and Cultural Masterplan and also plays a crucial role for evaluating local heritage in the Plan for the Maintenance and Improvement of Historic Landscape.

  8. An International Comparison of Integrated Method between Strategic Environmental Assessment and Landscape Assessment and Landscape Planning

    Grant number:22560600  2010 - 2012

    MIYAWAKI Masaru

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    (1) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was well introduced in European countries by the Directive. (2)Landscape Assessment methods were established in 40 countries have signed in the European Landscape Convention. (3)Some problems of the landscape assessment were studied in Japanese cases although landscape plans were already adopted.

  9. Study on the integration of planning mechanisms of Heritage Management Act(2008) and Landscape Act(2004)

    Grant number:21246092  2009 - 2011

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)


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    In order to ingegrate Lndxcape Plan, which is defined by the Landscape Act(2004), Heritage Manegement Planintroduced by the Heritage Manegiment Act(2008) and Heritage and Culture Master Plan proposed and prolellsd by the Agency of Cultural Affaifs, it is necessary to promote the following things ;(1) plannning oesources in the fielr of landscape, heritage and culture should be scrutinized in a inegreated manner with help of general public involved in the process,(2) project review processin planning

  10. Study on planning methodology for landscape control plan based on Landscape Act 2004

    Grant number:18360284  2006 - 2008


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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

  11. Reconstruction of historic garden and natural environment for the conservation of cultural landscapes in the historic site affected by volcanic eruption

    Grant number:16089205  2004 - 2010

    TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko

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    We studied the process of natural environmental changes at volcanic areas in Vesuvius, Italy, Mt. Pinatubo, the Philippines, and Miyake Island, Japan.
    Firstly, we clarified the type of wood which was used for Roman buildings at the excavation site. We found many building materials made by chestnut. In southern Europe, chestnut was not popular as a building material. It seems that chestnut trees were climatically suitable at that time in the Vesuvius area, and that chestnut was used both for food and timber. Thus, chestnuts trees could form the cultural foundation for this area.
    Secondly we analyzed the landform features and environmental changes. Large-size pots were found in the excavation site called "Area 12" in the Vesuvius area. These pots with grape seeds were used for wine production. In order to produce wines, it was necessary to ensure the water source. We recognized that Mount Somma watershed located at the upper reaches of the excavation sites are extremely high in water recharge capacity and thus nurtured the wine production.
    Thirdly, landscape conservation and utilization were discussed. Italy has been well-known in its landscape conservation policy focusing on cultural heritage, particularly traditional rural landscapes. From this point of view, it seems to be important to conserve historical vineyards and to re-evaluate the chestnut cultivation in this region. Conservation and rehabilitation of historic rural landscapes will contribute to the promotion of green tourism.
    It is clarified that it took almost 50 years for the recovery of natural environment since the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano. In Miyake Island, it is found that series of small-scale eruptions around 2000 years ago did not affect serious damage to the vegetation.

  12. A Study on the Public Space Use to Promote Cityscape Improvement and Downtown Revitalization

    Grant number:15560525  2003 - 2005

    KITAHARA Toshio

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    There is a vivid life in an attractive city. It is important to promote people's life as well as the physical improvement of environment in order to increase the attractiveness of cityscape and to revitalize downtown. Public space, for example, street and square is a major stage of people's life in a city. It is essential to establish a proper system to control the use of public space in order to improve the quality of cityscape.
    The purposes of this study are the followings :
    ●to analyze the control systems and procedures in Western cities where the public space use has a long and rich tradition ; and
    ●to suggest a way to develop the public space use in Japan through an experiment of outdoor cafe and parasol gallery.
    The results are the followings :
    (1)we analyzed cases of 11 Western cities, namely, Paris, London, Milan, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York and Curitiba, and explained the characteristics of their control systems and procedures on the public space use ;
    (2)we analyzed cases of pioneer cities in Japan, such as Hiroshima, Yokohama and Nagoya, as well as 2 Korean cities, namely, Seoul and Cheongju, and explained a potential approach to the public space use ; and
    (3)we made a continuing experiment with an outdoor cafe and a parasol gallery in Chiba, and analyzed the effect of the public space use on cityscape improvement and downtown revitalization.

  13. イタリアとフランスにおける都市再生法および都市再生プログラムに関する研究

    Grant number:15760449  2003 - 2005

    宮脇 勝

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\3300000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 )


  14. 歴史的都市・村落の環境保全に関する調査研究

    Grant number:14800001  2002 - 2004

    中村 賢二郎

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    7月の研究会では報告書の作成の方針について検討した。報告書の内容を 1.問題の所在と課題 2.現地調査報告 3.まとめと提言 に大別すること、その各々の小項目及びその執筆担当者と秋の研究会で研究分担者によるフリートーキングの座談の会を開き、その内容も報告書に収録することを決定した。国内の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区の図面を凡例を記載して報告書の添付資料とすることも決定した。
    各研究分担者等によって作成された原稿は研究分担者の立命館大学歴史都市防災研究センター 益田兼房教授と立命館大学歴史都市防災研究センター 板谷直子ポスドク研究員がとりまとめ、研究代表者の中村が全体を見て部分的に必要な修正を執筆者と協議し、実施した。
    重要伝統的建造物群保存地区の図面については、保存地区の所在する市町村に文化庁文化財部建造物課から改めて提出を依頼し、江面主任文化財調査官と益田教授が数回にわたってこれを点検し、市町村にフィードバックしたうえで最終的な図面を確定した。図面の作成、修正等に関しては東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科文化財保存学専攻 保存修復建造物研究室所属の大学院学生の方々の協力を得て行った。

  15. Study of Suggestiong the Basic Landscape Law

    Grant number:12450241  2000 - 2002

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KITAZAWA Takeru, NAKAI Norihiro, YAMAZAKI Masafumi, MISHIMA Nobuo, OKAZAKI Atsuyuki, NISHIMURA Yukio

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    We summarized what we researched on "A suggestion of the Basic Landscape Law" in the 11 following proposals.
    1. To legislate the Basic Landscape Law (a tentative name) which makes clear the responsibilities of national government and local governments.
    2. To prescribe for making legal landscape plans in the Basic Landscape Law.
    3. To extend the subjects of the regulation of the law to the new framework for landscape planning including laying power lines underground and regulating outdoor advertisements and so on.
    4. To add "conservation and creation of landscapes" in the provisions of purposes of existing laws relevant to construction, for example, Building Standard Law and City Planning Act.
    5. To stipulate in the laws relevant to construction that regulations are national minimums and to administer these principles.
    6. To utilize the existing systems, including Special Use District.
    7. To designate the important area in order to develop landscape control policies strategically.
    8. To provide the regal backing for local landscape ordinances in various cities by the Basic Landscape Law
    9. To introduce design review systems.
    10. To draft design guidelines.
    11. To establish the expertise for urban landscape control and design review.
    We are going to publish the whole results of this research as the book entitled " Japanese Landscape Planning" from Gagugei Syupan Sya Co. Ltd. on June 2003.
    To sum up these concrete recommendations, they can be grouped into three main proposals, namely, enactment of so-called Basic Landscape Law, integrated landscape control measures by amending conventional statutory means, and detailed proposals for actual betterment of daily landscape.
    In particular, regarding the Basic Landscape Law, we reviewed main western legal tools for regulating landscape and streetscape, and proposed tailor-made type of legal regulation of Japanese landscape and streetscape.
    These recommendations can be accommodated into the future national regulations for landscape. At the same time, it is necessary to propose hands-on regulatory tools and their improvement for better landscape control in Japan.

  16. 中心市街地のためのタウンマネージメント・市民参加・デザインマネージメントの研究

    Grant number:12750542  2000 - 2001


    宮脇 勝

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\1600000 ( Direct Cost: \1600000 )


  17. 眺望景観の保護に関する計画論的研究

    Grant number:09450224  1997 - 1998

    西村 幸夫

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  18. 都市マスタープランの方法論的研究-イタリアの事例分析-

    Grant number:08750716  1996


    宮脇 勝

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )


  19. A Study on the Re-design System of Urban Environment in Small Cities

    Grant number:07650699  1995 - 1996

    KOBAYASHI Hidetsugu

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    The frame of this study is as follows :
    1. The theorical planning method and the vision of reorganaization are observed from the points of view for re-design of regional urban area : a) downtown area in small city, b) local urbanized area, c) subruban area in local, d) residencial area.
    2. The methods of the reorganization and the formation of network in the zonal public center are proposed in concerning : a) the child behavior and those environment, b) the aged behavior and those environment, c) the formation of network for the aged who lives in mountain area.
    3. The new vision for sustainable environment is proposed in concerning : a) residencial area, b) cognition of environment.
    4. The principles of composition of urban space from the points of view of zones and bulidings are observed.
    5. The process planning for the re-design of environment in local residental area in observed from the points of view of zonal planning and civic participation.

  20. 歴史まちづくり法と景観法の計画論的統合に関する研究

    2011.4 - 2013.4

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(A)

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  21. 戦略的環境アセスメントSEAと景観アセスメントと景観計画の統合的手法の国際比較

    2010.4 - 2014.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  22. 日本の文化的景観とその保全に関する研究

    2009.4 - 2011.3


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  23. 景観法下の景観計画立案時の計画論的研究

    2006.4 - 2009.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

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  24. 火山噴火罹災地の歴史的庭園復元・自然環境変遷とランドスケープの保全活用

    2004.4 - 2011.3

    科学研究費補助金  特定領域研究

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  25. イタリア及びフランスにおける都市再生法および都市再生プログラムに関する研究

    2003.4 - 2006.3

    科学研究費補助金  若手研究(B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  26. 公共空間の利活用による都市景観形成と都市活性化に関する研究

    2003.4 - 2006.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)

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  27. 都市景観基本法の制定に向けた法制度面からの計画論的研究

    2003.4 - 2005.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

  28. 歴史的都市・村落の環境保全に関する調査研究

    2002.4 - 2005.3

    科学研究費補助金  特別研究促進費

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  29. 景観基本法の提言にかかる研究

    2000.4 - 2003.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

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  30. 中心市街地のためのタウンマネージメント・市民参加・デザインマネージメントの研究

    2000.4 - 2002.3

    科学研究費補助金  若手研究(A)

  31. 都市マスタープランの方法論的研究-イタリアの事例分析-

    1999.4 - 2000.3

    科学研究費補助金  奨励研究(A)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  32. 眺望景観の保護に関する計画論的研究

    1997.4 - 1999.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

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  33. 小都市の住環境リ・デザイン・システムに関する計画的研究-ウィンターシティの居住街区の再生と再編-

    1995.4 - 1997.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)

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Teaching Experience (On-campus) 52

  1. 持続可能な地域と環境リテラシー


  2. 建築学特別講義


  3. First Year Seminar


  4. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management G


  5. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management E


  6. Advanced Architectural and Urban Planning Workshop 1


  7. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management C


  8. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management A


  9. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management F


  10. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management H


  11. Architectural Design Workshop 2


  12. Space Design Workshop 2


  13. Urban and National Land Planning


  14. Space Design Workshop II


  15. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management D


  16. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management B


  17. History and Theory of City Planning


  18. First Year Seminar A


  19. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management G


  20. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management E


  21. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management C


  22. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management A


  23. Advanced Architectural and Urban Planning Workshop 1


  24. Space Design Workshop II


  25. Architectural Design Workshop 2


  26. Space Design Workshop 2


  27. Urban and National Land Planning


  28. Architectural Design Workshop 2


  29. Urban and National Land Planning


  30. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management D


  31. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management B


  32. History and Theory of City Planning


  33. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management H


  34. Seminar on Environmental and Safety Management F


  35. 環境・安全マネジメントセミナーG


  36. 環境・安全マネジメントセミナーE


  37. 環境・安全マネジメントセミナーC


  38. 建築学特別講義


  39. 環境・安全マネジメントセミナーA


  40. First Year Seminar A


  41. Space Design Workshop II


  42. Architectural Design Workshop 2


  43. Urban and National Land Planning


  44. Architectural Design Workshop 2


  45. Space Design Workshop 2


  46. Urban and National Land Planning


  47. Advanced Architectural and Urban Planning Workshop 1


  48. Seminar on Integrated Studies of Architecture


  49. History and Theory of City Planning


  50. 都市・国土計画


  51. 都市計画論


  52. 基礎セミナーA


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Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 1

  1. ランドスケープデザイン

    2016.4 - 2018.3 Meijo University)

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    Level:Undergraduate (specialized) 


Social Contribution 33

  1. 日本造園学会 中部支部 常任運営委員


  2. 海外アーバン・ランドスケープ研究会

    Role(s):Appearance, Lecturer, Advisor, Planner


  3. 日本建築学会東海支部 都市計画委員会 幹事


  4. 豊田市 中心市街地景観計画アドバイザー委員会



  5. 愛知県 国土利用計画審議会



  6. 名古屋市 景観・広告物審議会



  7. 中部圏開発整備地方協議会



  8. 名古屋市 ガーデン埠頭再開発基本計画検討委員会


    2017.4 - 2018.3

  9. 群馬県 世界遺産専門委員会



  10. 津島市 都市計画審議会委員会



  11. 豊橋市 景観審議会委員会



  12. 名古屋市 歴史的建造物保存部会



  13. 名古屋都市センター 中川運河懇談会


    2016.4 - 2017.3

  14. 東京都 東京オリンピック2020オリンピック・パラリンピック施設プロポーザル審査委員会

    2015.4 - 2016.3

  15. 豊島区 アメニティ形成審議会


    2013.6 - 2016.3

  16. 渋谷区 景観審議会


    2013.4 - 2016.3

  17. 東京タワー 景観アドバイザー


    2012.4 - 2015.3

  18. 千葉県企業庁 幕張新都心商業施設プロポーザルコンペ審査会

    2010.10 - 2010.12

  19. 港区 都市計画審議会


    2010.6 - 2015.3

  20. 港区 景観審議会


    2009.6 - 2016.3

  21. 千葉県 景観審議会


    2008.10 - 2015.3

  22. 千葉県 国土利用計画地方審議会


    2008.6 - 2015.3

  23. 千葉県 三番瀬再生会議


    2007.6 - 2010.3

  24. まちづくり建築行政研修

    Role(s):Appearance, Lecturer

    国土交通大学校  2007.4

  25. 千葉県 柏の葉アーバンデザイン委員会


    2006.10 - 2015.3

  26. 千葉県 環境影響評価委員会


    2006.6 - 2015.3

  27. 千葉県 三番瀬評価委員会


    2006.6 - 2010.3

  28. 千葉県 モデル景観計画研究会


    2006.6 - 2008.3

  29. 千葉市 国道景観検討委員会


    2006.6 - 2007.3

  30. 千葉県 柏の葉147、148街区開発計画コンペ審査会

    2006.4 - 2006.9

  31. 渋谷区 景観計画検討委員会


    2005.6 - 2012.3

  32. 東京都 朝潮運河ルネッサンス協議会


    2005.4 - 0227.3

  33. 群馬県六合村 歴史的文化財保存地区保存審議会



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Media Coverage 2

  1. 洋上風力発電施設の景観に関わる「海洋計画」と「離岸距離」に関する国際比較 Internet

    参議院 厚生労働委員会  YouTube  洋上風力発電施設の景観に関わる「海洋計画」と「離岸距離」に関する国際比較論文を引用  2023.5

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  2. 景観と農政組み合わせを Newspaper, magazine

    中日新聞  2021.10

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Academic Activities 9

  1. 日本造園学会 中部支部 副支部長 International contribution

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.


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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 

  2. 日本造園学会 中部支部 運営委員会 International contribution

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.


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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 

  3. 日本造園学会中部支部大会シンポジウム

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.


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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  4. 日本建築学会東海支部研究集会シンポジウム

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.


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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  5. 日本イコモス国内委員会


  6. 日本建築学会 東海支部 幹事 International contribution

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc.


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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  7. 土木学会

    Role(s):Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

  8. 日本都市計画学会

    Role(s):Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

  9. 日本建築学会 International contribution

    Role(s):Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

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