Graduate School of Informatics Department of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences 1
Cognitive Science, Intelligent Informatics
Graduate School of Humanities Department of Humanities
Others / Others, Humanities & Social Sciences / Experimental psychology, Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics, Humanities & Social Sciences / English linguistics, Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics
Institutes of Innovation for Future Society Mobility Research Course
Traffic Engineering/Land Planning, Transportation Planning
Graduate School of Humanities Department of Humanities
Japanese Studies
Graduate School of Medicine
Medical Education, Medical Anthropology, Family Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine Program in Integrated Medicine Anatomy and Cell Biology
Others / Others, Others / Others, Life Science / Developmental biology
Graduate School of Medicine Department of Clinical Psychiatry Endowed Chair
Life Science / Psychiatry, Others / Others
Nagoya University Hospital
Others / Others, Life Science / Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences, Others / Others
Graduate School of Economics Department of Industrial Management System Management Innovation
Business Administration
Graduate School of Science
nonequilibrium statitical physics of soft matters, Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics