Institutes of Innovation for Future Society Mobility Research Course
Ubiquitous Computing, Software, Communication/Network Engineering, Media Informatics/Data Base, Computer System Network, Informatics / Theory of informatics, Informatics / Software, Activity recognition, Informatics / Information network, Informatics / Computer system
Graduate School of Informatics Center for Embeded Computing Systems
Real-time system, Embedded System, Informatics / Information network, Informatics / Information security, Informatics / Software, Informatics / Computer system
Graduate School of Informatics Center for Embeded Computing Systems
Informatics / Software, Informatics / Computer system
Graduate School of Informatics Department of Computing and Software Systems 2
Informatics / Software
Graduate School of Informatics Department of Computing and Software Systems 3
Informatics / Software
Graduate School of Informatics Department of Computing and Software Systems 1
Term rewriting systems, Combinatorial optimization, Informatics / Intelligent informatics