Updated on 2024/03/08


Graduate School of Medicine Lecturer
Graduate School
Graduate School of Medicine
Undergraduate School
School of Health Sciences

Research Interests 6

  1. 骨格筋量

  2. 超音波

  3. 筋内脂肪

  4. 理学療法

  5. 栄養

  6. サルコペニア

Research Areas 2

  1. Life Science / Nutrition science and health science

  2. Life Science / Rehabilitation science

Research History 5

  1. 名古屋大学大学院, 医学系研究科, 総合保健学専攻 講師


  2. Kobe University   Graduate School of Health Sciences


  3. Tokushima Bunri University   Faculty of Health and Welfare, Department of Physical Therapy   Lecturer

    2016.4 - 2023.9

  4. 河西田村病院   リハビリテーション室   室長

    2015.7 - 2016.3

  5. 河西田村病院   リハビリテーション室

    2001.4 - 2015.6

Education 1

  1. Kobe University   Graduate School of Health Sciences   Faculty of Health Sciences

    2013.4 - 2016.3

Professional Memberships 5


  2. 日本神経理学療法学会

  3. 日本理学療法士協会

  4. 日本栄養・嚥下理学療法学会

  5. 日本地域理学療法学会

Committee Memberships 3

  1. 日本栄養・嚥下理学療法学会   機関誌編集委員  


  2. 日本栄養・嚥下理学療法学会   評議員  


  3. 日本栄養・嚥下理学療法研究会   評議員  

    2021.10 - 2023.3   

Awards 2

  1. Elite Reviewer, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine)


    Akazawa Naoki

  2. Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine)


    Akazawa Naoki


Papers 49

  1. Increased intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps at admission is more strongly related to ADL recovery at discharge compared to muscle mass loss in older patients with aspiration pneumonia Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Funai K, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura W, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

      Vol. 24   page: 107   2024.1

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  2. Increase in protein intake is related to decreasing intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps in older inpatients: A longitudinal study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Funai K, HIno T, Tsuji R, Tamura W, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    Clinical Nutrition ESPEN   Vol. In press   2024

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  3. Muscular echo-intensity of the quadriceps by ultrasound is more related to improvement of gait independence than muscle thickness in older inpatients Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    J Nutr Health Aging   Vol. 27   page: 103 - 110   2023.2

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  4. Longitudinal relationship between muscle mass and intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps in older inpatients at different activities of daily living levels Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

      Vol. 53   page: 175 - 181   2023.1

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  5. Greater intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps in older inpatients at post-acute hospital admission is more strongly related to a low rate of home discharge than a loss of muscle mass Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Funai K, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura W, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

      Vol. 13   page: 10021   2023

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  6. Need for detailed analysis of quadriceps intramuscular adipose tissue and nutritional status Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    Clinical Nutrition   Vol. 41 ( 12 ) page: 3124 - 3125   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2022.10.013

  7. Increase in muscle mass of the quadriceps is related to decrease in intramuscular adipose tissue in convalescent stroke patients: a longitudinal study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    Clinical Nutrition ESPEN   Vol. 51   page: 199 - 206   2022.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  8. The degree of recovery in swallowing ability in older inpatients with aspiration pneumonia is related to intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps than to muscle mass Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    PLoS One   Vol. 17(10):e0275810   2022.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  9. Higher malnutrition risk in older inpatients who are referred to the department of rehabilitation is related to increase of intramuscular adipose tissue: A prospective study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    Clinical Nutrition   Vol. 41   page: 2087 - 2093   2022.9

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  10. Higher body mass index in hospitalized older patients is related to higher muscle quality Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    J Nutr Health Aging   Vol. 26   page: 495 - 500   2022.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  11. Nutritional and swallowing statuses but not intramuscular adipose tissue and muscle mass are related to activities of daily living in older inpatients who are judged as severely low body mass index in the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

      Vol. 49   page: 411 - 416   2022.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  12. Relationship between muscle mass and fraction of intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps in older inpatients Reviewed

    PLoS One   Vol. 17(2):e0263973   2022.2

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  13. Longitudinal relationship between intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps and activities of daily living in older inpatients Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle   Vol. 12 ( 6 ) page: 2231 - 2237   2021.9

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  14. Greater quadriceps muscle mass at post-acute care admission is associated with better swallowing ability at discharge among adults with stroke Reviewed

    J Am Med Dir Assoc   Vol. 22   page: 2486 - 2490   2021.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  15. Intramuscular adipose tissue in the quadriceps is more strongly related to recovery of activities of daily living than muscle mass in older inpatients Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle   Vol. 12   page: 891 - 899   2021.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  16. Changes in quadriceps thickness and echo intensity in chronic stroke survivors: A 3-year longitudinal study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Harada K, Okawa N, Kishi M, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis   Vol. 30   page: 105543   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  17. Increased intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps is related to decreased activities of daily living in patients who have had a stroke Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    Nutrition   Vol. 90   page: 111277   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  18. Increased intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps is more strongly related to declines in ADL than is loss of muscle mass in older inpatients Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    Clinical Nutrition   Vol. 40   page: 1381 - 1387   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  19. Intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps is more strongly related to recovery of swallowing ability than muscle mass in older inpatients : A prospective study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Morimaya H

    Nutrition   Vol. 91-92   page: 111364   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  20. Using GLIM criteria, cutoff value for low BMI in Asian populations discriminates high or low muscle mass: A cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    Nutrition   Vol. 81   page: 110928   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  21. Relationship between aging and intramuscular adipose tissue in older inpatients Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Hioka A, Moriyama H

    J Am Med Dir Assoc   Vol. 22   page: 1287 - 1291   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  22. Higher malnutrition risk is related to increased intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps in older inpatients: A cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    Clinical Nutrition   Vol. 39   page: 2586 - 2592   2020

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English  

  23. Dysphagia is more strongly associated with increased intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps than with loss of muscle mass in older inpatients Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    Nutr Res   Vol. 65   page: 71 - 78   2019

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  24. Low body mass index negatively affects muscle mass and intramuscular fat of chronic stroke survivors Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Harada K, Okawa N, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    PLoS One   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: e0211145   2019

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  25. Quantitative features of intramuscular adipose tissue of the quadriceps and their association with gait independence in older inpatients: A cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Kishi M, Hino T, Tsuji R, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    Nutrition   Vol. 71   page: 1106000   2019

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  26. Muscle mass and intramuscular fat of the quadriceps are related to muscle strength in non-ambulatory chronic stroke survivors: A cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Harada K, Okawa N, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    PLoS One   Vol. 13 ( 8 ) page: e0201789   2018

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  27. Relationships between muscle mass, intramuscular adipose and fibrous tissues of the quadriceps, and gait independence in chronic stroke survivors: a cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Harada K, Okawa N, Tamura K, Hayase A, Moriyama H

    Physiotherapy   Vol. 104 ( 4 ) page: 438 - 445   2018

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  28. Determining the cut-off value for knee extensor strength for identifying independence in gait in chronic stroke survivors Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    J Rehabil Med.   Vol. 49 ( 9 ) page: 765 - 767   2017.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:FOUNDATION REHABILITATION INFORMATION  

    Objective: To determine the cut-off values for knee extensor strength on the paretic and non-paretic sides and both sides combined for identifying independence in gait in chronic stroke survivors.
    Design: Cross-sectional study. Patients: Sixty chronic stroke survivors. Methods: Functional Independence Measure (FIM) gait scores were measured, and the participants were allocated to the independent group (FIM gait score 6 or 7) or the dependent group (FIM gait score 1-5). Knee extensor strength on the paretic and non-paretic sides was measured using a handheld dynamometer.
    Results: Eighteen stroke survivors were allocated to the independent group and 42 to the dependent group. The receiver operating characteristic curve analyses revealed that the cut-off values for knee extensor strength were 0.46 Nm/kg (sensitivity 83% and specificity 67%; area under the curve (AUC) 0.816) on the paretic side, 0.65 Nm/kg (sensitivity 89% and specificity 55%; AUC 0.738) on the non-paretic side and 1.31 Nm/kg (sensitivity 83% and specificity 74%; AUC 0.811) for both sides combined.
    Conclusion: These cut-off values could help to identify stroke survivors who are no longer independent in gait because of decreasing knee extensor strength on the paretic and non-paretic sides.

    DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2279

    Web of Science

  29. Relationships between intramuscular fat, muscle strength and gait independence in older women: A cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    Geriatr Gerontol Int   Vol. 17 ( 10 ) page: 1683 - 1688   2017.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Aim: The objectives of the present study were to examine the relationships between intramuscular fat, muscle strength and gait independence, as well as to clarify the intramuscular fat characteristics of dependent older women.
    Methods: A total of 25 older women who were unable to walk with or without assistance (dependent group), 22 frail older women (frail group) and 22 healthy older women (healthy group) participated in the present study. The frail participants could walk independently, but showed three or more of the following characteristics: slowness, weakness, weight loss, exhaustion and low physical activity. Outcome measures were quadriceps intramuscular fat determined by ultrasound echo intensity, and quadriceps muscle strength of the dependent, frail and healthy groups. In addition, the degree of gait independence (functional independence measures gait score) was assessed in the dependent and frail groups.
    Results: Echo intensity in the dependent group was significantly negatively correlated with muscle strength and the functional independence measure gait score (correlation coefficients -0.635 and -0.344, respectively). Furthermore, echo intensity in the dependent group was significantly higher than in the healthy group. There was no significant difference in echo intensity between the dependent and frail groups.
    Conclusions: The present results suggest negative relationships between intramuscular fat and muscle strength, and intramuscular fat and degree of gait independence in dependent older women. In addition, dependent older women have more intramuscular fat than healthy older women.

    DOI: 10.1111/ggi.12869

    Web of Science

  30. Effects of long-term self-massage at the musculotendinous junction on hamstring extensibility, stiffness, stretch tolerance, and structural indices: A randomized controlled trial Reviewed

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Kishi M, Nakatani K, Nishikawa K, Tokumura D, Matsui Y, Moriyama H

    Phys Ther in Sport   Vol. 21   page: 38 - 45   2016.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE  

    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of long-term self-massage at the musculotendinous junction on hamstring extensibility, stiffness, stretch tolerance, and structural indices.
    Design: Single-blind, randomized, controlled trial.
    Setting: Laboratory.
    Participants: Thirty-seven healthy men.
    Intervention: The right or left leg of each participant was randomly assigned to the massage group, and the other leg was assigned to the control group. The participants conducted self-massage at the musculotendinous junction for 3 min daily, five times per week, for 12 weeks.
    Main outcome measures: Hamstring extensibility, stiffness, stretch tolerance, and structural indices were measured by a blinded examiner prior to the massage intervention and after 6 and 12 weeks of intervention.
    Results: The maximum hip flexion angle (HFA) and the maximum passive pressure after 6 and 12 weeks of intervention in the massage group were significantly higher than prior to intervention. The visual analog scale (for pain perception) at maximum HFA, the stiffness of the hamstring, and the structural indices did not differ in either group over the 12 week period.
    Conclusions: Our results suggest that long-term self-massage at the musculotendinous junction increases hamstring extensibility by improving stretch tolerance. However, this intervention does not change hamstring stiffness. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2016.01.003

    Web of Science

  31. Association between anorexia as assessed by simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults using outpatient rehabilitation: a cross-sectional study Reviewed

    Ishimoto T, Fujimoto T, Matsudaira M, Yamamoto N, Hayashi H, Hisamatsu K, Toyata Y, Akazawa N

      Vol. 59   page: 176 - 180   2024.1

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    Authorship:Last author  

  32. Association between adductor pollicis muscle thickness and low skeletal muscle mass index in community-dwelling older women undergoing outpatient rehabilitation Reviewed

    Ishimoto T, Hisamatsu K, Fujimoto T, Matsudaira N, Yamamoto N, Hayashi H, Hashimoto R, Toyota Y, Akazawa N

    Clinical Nutrition ESPEN   Vol. 60   page: 116 - 121   2024.1

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    Authorship:Last author  

  33. Influence of aging on extracellular water-to-total body water ratio in community-dwelling females Reviewed

    Hioka A, Akazawa N, Okawa N, Nagahiro S

    Clinical Nutrition ESPEN   Vol. in press   2024

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    Authorship:Corresponding author  

  34. Relationship between Nutritional Status Evaluated by Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-Form and Activities of Daily Living after 1 Year in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Using Outpatient Rehabilitatio Reviewed International journal

    Ishimoto T, Yano M, Matsudaira N, Fujimoto T, Hayashi H, Toyota Y, Akazawa N

    J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr   Vol. In press   page: 1 - 8   2023

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the association between nutritional status assessed by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA-SF) and activities of daily living (ADL) after 1 year and changes in ADL among community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: This study included 95 community-dwelling older adults using outpatient rehabilitation (74.7% female). ADL was assessed using the Barthel index (BI), and the MNA-SF was used to assess nutritional status. Multiple regression analysis was performed with the BI after 1 year as the objective variable and MNA-SF, age, sex, updated Charlson comorbidity index, number of medications, body mass index, Food Intake Level Scale (FILS), and baseline BI as independent variables. Logistic regression analysis was performed with improvement or deterioration in ADL as the objective variable. RESULTS: The results of multiple regression analysis with BI after 1 year as the objective variable indicated that baseline BI, FILS, and MNA-SF were significant variables (R2 = 0.835). The results of the logistic regression analysis with ADL improvement/deterioration as the objective variable indicated only MNA-SF as a significant variable (odds ratio: 0.663 [95% CI: 0.528-0.923]). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the MNA-SF was related to changes in ADL and ADL after 1 year among community-dwelling older adults.

    DOI: 10.1080/21551197.2023.2259820


  35. Accuracy of determining sarcopenia using SARC-CalF in community-dwelling older adults aged 75 years and older Reviewed

    Ishimoto T, Hisamatsu K, Matsudaira N, Fujimoto T, Yano M, Hashimoto R, Hayashi H, Akazawa N

    Clinical Nutrition ESPEN   Vol. in press   2022.9

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    Authorship:Last author  

  36. Extracellular water-to-total body water ratio is an essential confounding factor in bioelectrical impedance analysis for sarcopenia diagnosis in women Reviewed

    Hioka A, Akazawa N, Okawa N, Nagahiro S

    European Geriatric Medicine   Vol. in press   2022

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    Authorship:Corresponding author  

  37. Increased total body extracellular-to-intracellular water ratio in community-dwelling elderly women is associated with decreased handgrip strength and gait speed Reviewed

    Nutrition   Vol. 86   page: 111175   2021

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    Authorship:Corresponding author  

  38. Intramuscular Non-contractile Tissue of the Quadriceps is Associated with Swallowing Ability in Elderly Inpatients with Pneumonia: A Cross-sectional Study Reviewed

    KISHI Masaki, HINO Toshikazu, ISHIMOTO Taisei, TAMURA Kimiyuki, AKAZAWA Naoki

    Physical Therapy Japan   Vol. 48 ( 3 ) page: 271 - 278   2021

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Society of Physical Therapy  

    <b>Objectives</b>: This study aimed to examine the relationship between intramuscular non-contractile tissue of the quadriceps and swallowing ability in elderly inpatients with pneumonia.

    <b>Methods</b>: Forty-seven elderly inpatients with pneumonia were included. Swallowing ability was assessed using the Food Intake Level Scale (FILS). The echo intensities of the ultrasound images were used to assess the intramuscular non-contractile tissue of the quadriceps. The mean echo intensities of the right and left quadriceps were analyzed. A higher echo intensity indicated greater amounts of intramuscular non-contractile tissue. We used multiple regression analysis to identify the factors that were independently associated with FILS. Echo intensity and muscle thickness of the quadriceps, subcutaneous fat thickness of the thigh, age, sex, length of hospital stay, Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) score, C-reactive protein level, updated Charlson comorbidity index score, and number of medications were independent variables.

    <b>Results</b>: The echo intensity (standardized partial regression coefficient: <b>–</b>0.386; p = 0.034), GNRI (standardized partial regression coefficient: 0.529; p = 0.014), and subcutaneous fat thickness of the thigh (standardized partial regression coefficient: 0.339; p = 0.043) were significantly and independently associated with FILS (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.484).

    <b>Conclusions</b>: Our results suggest that the amount of intramuscular non-contractile tissue of the quadriceps is more strongly related to swallowing ability than muscle mass in elderly inpatients with pneumonia.

    DOI: 10.15063/rigaku.11978

  39. Action observation treatment improves gait ability in subacute to convalescent stroke patients Reviewed International journal

      Vol. 75   page: 55 - 61   2020

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of action observation treatment (AOT) on gait ability in patients with subacute to convalescent stroke. Sixteen patients with subacute stroke were divided into a control group (n = 8) and AOT group (n = 8) when admitted to the convalescent ward. The control group received a conventional rehabilitation only. In addition to conventional rehabilitation, the AOT received AOT for 3 months (30 min per day 5 times per week). The AOT involved observing the action of another subject in a comfortable gait situation from the front, sides, and back via video and conducting the actual action. All participants were assessed during the main-assessment period, which included a baseline (i.e., when admitted to the convalescent ward) and 1, 2, and 3 months after baseline. The sub-assessment period at 2 and 3 months after baseline was conducted with participants who could walk independently. The main outcomes of the main-assessment and sub-assessment periods were Functional Ambulation Classification (FAC) and the 10-m walk test (10MWT), respectively. With respect to the FAC, we used a split plot design analysis of covariance to test the interaction between assessment time and group. There was no significant interaction between assessment time and group in FAC. However, a significant improvement of the 10MWT in the sub-assessment period was observed in the AOT group, but not the control group. Our results indicate that AOT may be an effective therapy for patients with subacute to convalescent stroke who can walk independently.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2020.03.031


  40. Longitudinal relationship between intramuscular fat in the quadriceps and gait independence in convalescent stroke patients Reviewed

    Ishimoto T, Taniguchi Y, Akazawa N

    J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis   Vol. 29   page: 105287   2020

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    Authorship:Last author  

  41. Activation of mirror neuron system during gait observation in sub-acute stroke patients and healthy persons Reviewed International journal

    Hioka A, Tada Y, Kitazato K, Kanematsu Y, Mizobuchi Y, Mure H, Shimada K, Okazaki T, Korai M, Akazawa N, Matsumoto Y, Harada M, Takagi Y, Nagahiro S

    J Clin Neurosci   Vol. 60   page: 79 - 83   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The observation of walking improves gait ability in chronic stroke survivors. It has also been suggested that activation of the mirror neuron system contributes to this effect. However, activation of the mirror neuron system during gait observation has not yet been assessed in sub-acute stroke patients. The objective of this study was to clarify the activation of mirror neuron system during gait observation in sub-acute stroke patients and healthy persons. In this study, we sequentially enrolled five sub-acute stroke patients who had undergone gait training and nine healthy persons. We used fMRI to detect neuronal activation during gait observation. During the observation period in the stroke group, neural activity in the left inferior parietal lobule, right and left inferior frontal gyrus was significantly higher than during the rest period. In the healthy group, neural activity in the left inferior parietal lobule, left inferior frontal gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus, left superior temporal lobule and right and left middle temporal gyrus was significantly higher than during the rest period. The results indicate that the mirror neuron system was activated during gait observation in sub-acute stroke patients who had undergone gait training and also in healthy persons. Our findings suggest that gait observation treatment may provide a promising therapeutic strategy in sub-acute stroke patients who have experienced gait training.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2018.09.035


  42. Change in Intramuscular Fat in the Quadriceps of Stroke Patients in a Convalescent Rehabilitation Ward: A Case Report Reviewed

    ISHIMOTO Taisei, TOMARI Asami, AKAZAWA Naoki

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku   Vol. 34 ( 1 ) page: 135 - 141   2019

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Physical Therapy Science  

    [Purpose] To investigate the change in intramuscular fat in the quadriceps of stroke patients in a convalescent rehabilitation ward. [Participants and Methods] Two stroke patients in a convalescent rehabilitation ward participated in this study. Intramuscular fat in the quadriceps of the paretic and non-paretic limbs was measured using transverse ultrasound imaging at admission and 3 months later. [Results] Intramuscular fat of both patients decreased after a 3-month hospital stay [case A (paretic side: −2%, non-paretic side: −12.1%); case B (paretic side: −30.7%, non-paretic side: −25.1%)]. The participants' Functional Independence Measure and Fugl-Meyer lower extremity scores after 3 months stay were higher than those of admission. [Conclusion] Intramuscular fat in the quadriceps of stroke patients in a convalescent rehabilitation ward may decrease after a 3-month rehabilitation program together with improvement of lower limb function.

    DOI: 10.1589/rika.34.135

    CiNii Books

    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/029531119

  43. Minimal Clinically Important Difference for Functional Independence Measure Gain in Post-acute Rehabilitation Ward Patients with Motor Disorders Reviewed


    Rigakuryoho Kagaku   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 235 - 240   2018

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Physical Therapy Science  

    [Purpose] To determine the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for motor-FIM gain in post-acute rehabilitation ward patients with motor disorders. [Subjects and Methods] A total of 102 post-acute rehabilitation ward patients were studied. Motor-FIM gain was calculated by deducing the admission score from that at 30 days after it. As an external index for FIM-based evaluation, the Global Rating of Change (GRC) Scale, in which patients report the levels of changes in their conditions, was used. Patients with GRC scores from –1 to 1 were classified as the Small Change Group (based on changes in their ADL), and their mean score was adopted as the MCID. [Results] The mean motor-FIM gain in the Small Change Group was 14.6. [Conclusion] Post-acute rehabilitation ward patients with motor disorders may begin to realize improvements in their ADL when they gain a motor-FIM score of 14.6.

    DOI: 10.1589/rika.33.235

    CiNii Books

    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/029018189

  44. Home Exercise Involving Mild to Moderate Ratings of Perceived Exertion and Outpatient Rehabilitation Improved Physical Performance in Sub-acute Dermatomyositis: A Case Study Reviewed

    ISHIMOTO Taisei, AKAZAWA Naoki

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku   Vol. 33 ( 6 ) page: 997 - 1001   2018

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Physical Therapy Science  

    [Purpose] The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of home exercise involving mild to moderate ratings of perceived exertion and outpatient rehabilitation on the physical performance of a patient with sub-acute dermatomyositis. [Participants and Methods] The subject was a female in her 50s (time since disease onset: 89 days) with a creatine phosphokinase value of 43 IU/L when outpatient rehabilitation began. The patient performed outpatient rehabilitation, 40–80 minutes per session, 1–2 times per week, and home exercise 5–6 times per week. The home exercise load had a modified Borg scale score of 2–4, corresponding to mild to moderate ratings of perceived exertion. [Results] Skeletal muscle mass index, muscle strength of the knee extensors, the five times sit-to-stand test, and maximum walking speed were all improved by the intervention. [Conclusion] Home exercise involving mild to moderate ratings of perceived exertion and outpatient rehabilitation may improve physical performance in sub-acute dermatomyositis.

    DOI: 10.1589/rika.33.997

    CiNii Books

    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/029415452

  45. Usefulness of a novel higher brain dysfunction screening test for evaluating higher brain function in healthy persons Reviewed

    Akemi Hioka, Yoshifumi Mizobuchi, Yoshiteru Tada, Kyoko Nishi, Yasuhiko Shirayama, Shinsuke Katoh, Naoki Akazawa, Ryuji Kaji, Yutaka Ojima, Shinji Nagahiro

    Journal of Medical Investigation   Vol. 64 ( 3-4 ) page: 280 - 285   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:University of Tokushima  

    To accurately and rapidly screen for higher brain dysfunction, we developed a screening test named the “higher brain dysfunction screening test” (HIBRID-ST). Previous studies have reported a decrease in higher brain function with age. However, whether HIBRID-ST can detect a decrease in higher brain function in healthy persons remains unclear. We aimed to assess the usefulness of HIBRID-ST for evaluating higher brain function in healthy persons. We recruited 60 persons without physiological abnormalities and divided them into six equal groups based on their age (20s−70s). HIBRID-ST addresses orientation, short-term memory, word recall, situational awareness, visual short-term memory, and graphic replication and includes the Trail Making and Kana-hiroi tests. There was a significant negative correlation between the participants’ age and their total HIBRID-ST score (ρ = −0.68, p &lt
    0.01). The total HIBRID-ST score of participants in their 70s was significantly lower than that of participants in their 20s−60s
    the total HIBRID-ST score of participants in their 60s was significantly lower than that of participants in their 20s−50s. Our findings show that HIBRID-ST accurately detects an age-related decline in higher brain function. Further studies are needed to examine the usefulness of HIBRID-ST in patients with higher brain dysfunction.

    DOI: 10.2152/jmi.64.280



  46. Review of studies on goal setting of medical rehabilitation late after stroke

      Vol. 16 ( 16 ) page: 21 - 26   2015

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  47. 健常成人男性の股関節屈曲角度における臨床的に意義ある最小差の検討 Reviewed

    赤澤直紀, 原田和宏, 大川直美, 中谷聖史, 北裏真己, 松井有史, 森山英樹

    運動器リハビリテーション   Vol. 25 ( 4 ) page: 367 - 373   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  48. 脳血管障害片麻痺者に生じる二次性筋量減少に関するレビュー

    原田和宏, 大川直美, 赤澤直紀, 井上 優, 橋立博幸

    吉備国際大学保健福祉研究所研究紀要   Vol. 15   page: 1 - 5   2014

  49. 健常成人男性のHip Flexion Angle値にハムストリングスのマッサージ部位の違いが及ぼす効果 Reviewed

    赤澤直紀, 原田和宏, 大川直美, 岡泰星, 中谷聖史, 山中理恵子, 西川勝矢, 田村公之, 北裏真己, 松井有史

    理学療法学   Vol. 40 ( 2 ) page: 71 - 77   2013.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

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  1. 栄養評価としての骨格筋評価 Invited

    赤澤 直紀

    理学療法学   Vol. 50 ( 2 ) page: 42 - 50   2023.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  

  2. 脳卒中患者における回復期リハビリテーション病棟退院時の歩行自立度と入棟時の筋内脂肪量・筋量との関連

    室家将希, 石本泰星, 桑田一記, 赤澤直紀, 兵谷源八

    近畿理学療法学術大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   Vol. 60th   2021

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  3. 回復期脳卒中患者の大腿四頭筋における筋内脂肪量と歩行自立度の縦断的関連性

    久松健, 石本泰星, 殿尾守弘, 赤澤直紀

    Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine   Vol. 58 ( Supplement )   2021

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  4. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟運動器疾患患者における骨格筋指数変化量に関連する要因の検討

    石本泰星, 谷口裕亮, 赤澤直紀, 兵谷源八

    日本理学療法学術大会(Web)   Vol. 53rd   2019

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Presentations 38

  1. 高齢入院患者における栄養・嚥下理学療法

    赤澤 直紀

    第9回栄養・嚥下理学療法学会学術大会(ジョイントシンポジウム)  2023.9.17 

  2. 健常成人のHip Flexion Angleにハムストリングスのマッサージ部位の違いが及ぼす効果:無作為化比較対照試験

    赤澤直紀, 原田和宏, 大川直美, 岡 泰星, 中谷聖史, 山中理恵子, 西川勝矢, 田村公之, 北裏真己, 松井有史

    第48回日本理学療法学術大会  2013 

  3. 健常成人における安静時ハムストリング筋硬度と関節可動域の関係性について

    西川勝矢, 大川直美, 岡 泰星, 中谷聖史, 赤澤直紀

    第26回和歌山県理学療法学術大会  2013 

  4. サルコペニアの新たな評価:シンポジウム Invited

    赤澤 直紀

    日本物理療法研究会第2回SIGカンファレンス:運動と栄養と物理療法の可能性  2022.1.10 

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

  5. Interim analysis of randomized controlled trial to maximize motor scores of the functional independence measure among patients following stroke in acute rehabilitation

    Harada K, Umeki S, Goto J, Okawa N, Hashidate H, Akazawa N

    XXIII World Congress of Neurology  2017 

  6. GLIM基準のBMI区分で判定された重度低BMI者、中等度低BMI者、標準BMI者のADLに関連する要因の検討

    松山 知史, 貴志 将紀, 高橋 慎一, 辻 涼太, 田村 公之, 赤澤直紀

    第25回和歌山県病院協会学術大会  2020.11.15 

  7. Effects of long-term massage at the musculotendinous junction on hamstring flexibility

    Akazawa N, Okawa N, Kishi M, Nakatani K, Nishikawa K, Tokumura D, Matsui Y, Moriyama H

    第50回日本理学療法学術大会  2015 

  8. Effects of advice’s arrangement for therapists with rehabilitation needs on improving motor score of the functional independence measure in acute stroke rehabilitation: randomized controlled trial

    Harada K, Umeki S, Goto J, Okawa N, Hashidate H, Akazawa N

    13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine  2019 

  9. Changes in quadriceps thickness and echo intensity in chronic stroke survivors: A 3-year longitudinal study

    Akazawa N, Harada K, Okawa N, Tamura K, Moriyama H

    13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine  2019 

  10. 2名介助でのトイレ排泄を考える-体幹機能障害を伴った弛緩性片麻痺症例を通して-

    赤澤直紀, 大川直美, 船井啓太

    第45回日本理学療法学術大会  2010 

  11. 健常成人男性のHip flexion angle値におけるMinimal clinically important differenceの検討

    赤澤直紀, 原田和宏, 大川直美, 中谷聖史, 北裏真己, 松井有史, 森山英樹

    第49回日本理学療法学術大会  2014 

  12. 高齢入院患者の大腿四頭筋における筋内脂肪量の増大は筋量の減少よりも歩行自立度の低下に関連する

    南勇臣, 田中正道, 貴志将紀, 田村公之, 森義雄, 赤澤直紀

    リハビリテーション・ケア合同研究大会 金沢2019  2019.11 

  13. 高齢入院患者の増大した大腿四頭筋の筋内脂肪量は嚥下障害と関連する

    辻 涼太, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 日野斗史和, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    第23回和歌山県病院協会学術大会  2018 

  14. 要介護高齢者の大腿四頭筋の筋内脂肪量と筋力との関連性

    赤澤直紀, 大川直美, 中谷聖史, 森山英樹

    第51回日本理学療法学術大会  2016 

  15. 脳卒中患者の下肢筋に対する超音波画像を用いて評価された筋厚と筋輝度の麻痺側と非麻痺側間の比較

    大川直美, 原田和宏, 赤澤直紀, 貴志将紀, 中谷聖史, 西川勝矢, 早瀬敦之, 田村公之

    第50回日本理学療法学術大会  2015 

  16. 脳卒中急性期患者へのリハビリテーション・ニーズ評価に基づく機能的自立度の向上

    原田和宏, 梅木駿太, 後藤順司, 大川直美, 橋立博幸, 赤澤直紀

    第59回日本老年社会科学会大会  2017 

  17. 理学療法評価と栄養評価の接点 Invited

    赤澤 直紀

    第5回呉支部研修会  2023.1.21 

  18. 歩行が自立していない慢性期脳卒中患者における筋力と筋量および筋内脂肪量との関連

    貴志将紀, 原田和宏, 赤澤直紀, 大川直美, 田村公之

    第52回日本理学療法学術大会  2017 

  19. 慢性期脳卒中患者の歩行自立の可否を判断する麻痺側大腿四頭筋筋力と筋厚のカットオフ値の検討

    鈴木佑弥, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    第21回和歌山県病院協会学術大会  2017 

  20. 慢性期脳卒中患者における麻痺側・非麻痺側下肢の筋量・筋内脂肪量と歩行自立度の関係

    大川直美, 原田和宏, 赤澤直紀, 早瀬敦之

    第51回日本理学療法学術大会  2016 

  21. 慢性期脳卒中患者におけるBody mass indexと筋量および筋内脂肪量との関連

    赤澤直紀, 原田和宏, 大川直美, 田村公之, 森山英樹

    第52回日本理学療法学術大会  2017 

  22. 大腿前面部への軽擦刺激がハムストリングス伸張性に与える影響

    赤澤直紀, 北裏真己, 松井有史, 大川直美, 廣田茂美

    第46回日本理学療法学術大会  2011 

  23. 地域在住高齢者の部位別骨格筋量と筋力, 歩行能力との関係

    船井啓太, 津守良紀, 大川直美, 岡 泰星, 中谷聖史, 西川勝矢, 山中理恵子, 赤澤直紀, 田村公之

    第17回和歌山県病院協会学術大会  2012 

  24. 地域在住高齢者の身体組成・筋力に健康教育講座が与える効果

    船井啓太, 津守良紀, 大川直美, 岡 泰星, 中谷聖史, 西川勝矢, 赤澤直紀, 田村公之

    第21回日本慢性期医療学会  2013 

  25. 地域在住高齢者における四肢・体幹筋量の経時的変化について

    西川勝矢, 津守良紀, 大川直美, 船井啓太, 中谷聖史, 徳村太地, 水原理恵, 貴志将紀, 赤澤直紀, 田村公之

    第18回和歌山県病院協会学術大会  2013 

  26. 地域在住高齢者における体幹筋量と運動機能との関連性

    中谷聖史, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 西川勝矢, 徳村太地, 赤澤直紀

    第49回日本理学療法学術大会  2014 

  27. 地域在住高齢女性の筋質と身体機能との関連

    日岡明美, 赤澤直紀, 大川直美, 藤倉順子, 永廣信治

    第4回徳島県地域包括ケアシステム学会学術集会  2021.8.22 

  28. 回復期リハビリテーション開始初期より,長下肢装具を用いた歩行練習を実施し Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia得点や歩行能力の改善に至った重度の運動失調を呈した橋出血患者

    桑田一記, 石本泰星, 兵谷源八, 赤澤直紀

    第17回日本神経理学療法学会学術大会  2019.9 

  29. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟運動器疾患患者における骨格筋指数変化量に関連する要因の検討

    石本泰星, 谷口裕亮, 赤澤直紀, 兵谷源八

    第5回日本予防理学療法学会学術大会  2018 

  30. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟脳卒中患者の大腿四頭筋における筋内脂肪量の縦断的変化

    石本泰星, 室家将紀, 谷口裕亮, 兵谷源八, 赤澤直紀

    第17回日本神経理学療法学会学術大会  2019.9 

  31. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟患者の大腿四頭筋の筋内脂肪量の増大はADL低下と関連する

    篠原 広樹,田中 正道,日野 斗史和,岸本 かおり,田村 公之,赤澤直紀

    第25回和歌山県病院協会学術大会  2020.11.15 

  32. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟患者における大腿四頭筋の筋内脂肪量の減少は歩行自立度の改善に関連する

    貴志 将紀, 大川直美, 日野斗史和, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    回復期リハビリテーション病棟協会 第33回研究大会 in 舞浜・千葉  2018 

  33. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟における下腿切断患者の大腿部筋量と筋内脂肪量の量的特徴と経時的変化

    日野斗史和, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    回復期リハビリテーション病棟協会 第33回研究大会 in 舞浜・千葉  2018 

  34. 医学的リハビリテーション・ニーズ評価と発症後6カ月間のADL得点変化の関連

    原田和宏, 橋立博幸, 赤澤直紀, 大川直美, 井上優

    第58回日本老年社会科学学会  2016 

  35. 医学的リハビリテーションニーズの程度を把握する測定項目に関する基準関連的検討-発症直後の患者を対象とした試み-

    原田和宏, 橋立博幸, 赤澤直紀, 大川直美, 井上 優

    第57回日本老年社会科学学会  2015 

  36. 入院高齢患者における筋内脂肪量と筋力,歩行自立度および日常生活自立度との関連

    日野斗史和, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 西川勝矢, 堺隆示, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    第30回和歌山県理学療法学術大会  2017 

  37. 入院高齢患者における筋内脂肪の量的特徴

    高橋慎一, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 西川勝矢, 日野斗史和, 田中正道, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    第30回和歌山県理学療法学術大会  2017 

  38. 健常高齢者、虚弱高齢者および要介護高齢者の筋内脂肪量とBody Mass Indexの関連

    田中正道, 大川直美, 貴志将紀, 西川勝矢, 田村公之, 赤澤直紀

    第30回和歌山県理学療法学術大会  2017 

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Other research activities 3

  1. 登録理学療法士


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  2. 専門理学療法士(地域理学療法・予防理学療法・支援工学理学療法分野)


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  3. 理学療法士


KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 3

  1. 理学療法の革新的展開に向けた慢性炎症を軸とする運動の万能性の解明

    2023.4 - 2026.3

    科学研究費  基盤研究 (B)

    森山英樹, 小澤淳也, 赤澤直紀, 高村大祐

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  2. 筋内脂肪量の増大が予後に与える影響の解明:高齢入院患者での検討

    2020.4 - 2024.3

    科学研究費 若手研究 

    赤澤 直紀

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  3. 高齢入院患者における筋内脂肪量の特徴の解明

    2017.4 - 2020.3

    KAKEN  17K18294 

    Akazawa Naoki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 9

  1. 運動器理学療法学実習

    2023.11 名古屋大学医学部保健学科理学療法学専攻)

  2. 理学療法研究方法論

    2023.11 名古屋大学医学部保健学科理学療法学専攻)

  3. 運動器理学療法学

    2023.11 名古屋大学医学部保健学科理学療法学専攻)

  4. 調査統計学


  5. 神経障害理学療法学実習


  6. 神経障害理学療法学


  7. 理学療法評価学実習Ⅱ


  8. 物理療法学(徳島文理大学保健福祉学部理学療法学科)

  9. 物理療法学実習


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