2024/10/11 更新


シラキ ヒロト
白木 裕斗
大学院環境学研究科 都市環境学専攻 地域・都市マネジメント 准教授
工学部 環境土木・建築学科

学位 2

  1. 博士(環境学) ( 2014年3月   東京大学 ) 

  2. 修士(環境学) ( 2011年3月   東京大学 ) 

研究キーワード 5

  1. エネルギー消費行動分析

  2. 気候変動緩和策の技術・経済的評価

  3. カーボンニュートラル社会

  4. 数理モデルを用いた電力システム・エネルギーシステム分析

  5. エネルギーシステム学

研究分野 3

  1. 環境・農学 / 環境政策、環境配慮型社会

  2. 環境・農学 / 環境影響評価

  3. エネルギー / 地球資源工学、エネルギー学

現在の研究課題とSDGs 1

  1. 気候変動緩和技術の導入可能性分析

経歴 5

  1. 名古屋大学   大学院 環境学研究科   准教授

    2023年4月 - 現在

  2. 国立環境研究所   社会環境システム研究センター   客員研究員

    2019年4月 - 現在

  3. 滋賀県立大学   環境科学部 環境政策・計画学科   講師

    2019年4月 - 2023年3月

  4. 滋賀県立大学   環境科学部 環境政策・計画学科   助教

    2016年10月 - 2019年3月

  5. 国立環境研究所   社会環境システム研究センター   特別研究員

    2014年4月 - 2016年9月

学歴 2

  1. 東京大学   新領域創成科学研究科   環境システム学専攻

    2011年4月 - 2014年3月


    国名: 日本国

  2. 東京大学   新領域創成科学研究科   環境システム学専攻

    2009年4月 - 2011年3月


    国名: 日本国

受賞 3

  1. 学生発表賞

    2014年6月   エネルギー・資源学会  

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一, 亀山康子, 森口祐一


    受賞区分:国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞  受賞国:日本国

  2. 専攻長賞

    2011年3月   東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 環境システム学専攻  




  3. Outstanding Paper Award

    2008年10月   第8回分離技術国際会議  

    Shiraki, H, Watanabe, N, Nagayoshi, H, Gates, J, Kato, I


    受賞区分:国際学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞  受賞国:日本国


論文 53

  1. Exploration of determinants underlying regional disparity in rooftop photovoltaic adoption: A case study in Nagoya, Japan

    Tao L., Hayashi K., Shiraki H., Huang X., Dem P.

    Applied Energy   367 巻   2024年8月


    出版者・発行元:Applied Energy  

    The ongoing transition towards a regional strategy of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) promotion has prompted the examination of the mechanisms and drivers underlying spatial disparity of PV distribution. However, this regional investigation has been suffering from the scarcity of high-resolution PV location data and insufficient exploration of spatial heterogeneity in determinants at finer scales. This study proposed a comprehensive methodological flow to explore the heterogeneous determinants under diverse spatial distribution patterns of intra-city rooftop PV adoption at the census-block level: 1) establish a rooftop PV location dataset by applying deep learning techniques to aerial imagery and analyze its spatial distribution patterns; 2) summarize potential determinants from socioeconomic, technical, living environment, and demographic perspectives through literature review, aggregating data at a census-block level; and 3) examine the relationship between the determinants and spatial disparity in rooftop PV adoption using statistical regression models. The spatial analyses revealed an uneven rooftop PV distribution, characterized by spatial clusters with spatially varied determinants. PV adoption positively correlated with residential land, technical potential, building density, detached house ratio, population density, and age group of 0–19. Conversely, commercial land and age groups of 40–59 and 60–100 exhibited a negative impact. A bidirectional effect was observed in land price and age group of 20–39, whereas homeownership ratio and electricity expenditure were insignificant. Insights from this study will benefit local policymakers to scientifically tailor region-specific strategies, facilitating effective PV promotion for clean energy development.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123469


  2. Integration of a computable general equilibrium model with an energy system model: Application of the AIM global model 査読有り 国際誌

    Fujimori S., Oshiro K., Nishiura O., Hasegawa T., Shiraki H.

    Environmental Modelling and Software   178 巻   頁: 106087 - 106087   2024年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Environmental Modelling and Software  

    An integrated assessment model AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) has been used climate change mitigation studies and the core of AIM is a computable general equilibrium model, AIM/Hub. However, the energy representation in the AIM/Hub is abstract and to overcome that shortcoming, this study integrated AIM/Hub with the energy system model AIM/Technology. First, we assessed how the new integrated model differ from the original standalone AIM/Hub. Second, we conducted the exchange of model outputs iteratively and evaluated how the model results converged. Comparing previous and corresponding iteration, the data points with discrepancies greater than 5% at the third iteration were only 5 variables which were minor variables from the full energy system point of view. The macroeconomic implications of climate change mitigation differ between the standalone AIM/Hub and the new integrated model, and however, there was no systematic discrepancies. Overall, the new model is valid for exploring energy-economic scenarios.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106087

    Web of Science


  3. Perceived feasibility and potential barriers of a net-zero system transition among Japanese experts 査読有り

    Ju Y., Sugiyama M., Shiraki H.

    Communications Earth and Environment   4 巻 ( 1 )   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Communications Earth and Environment  

    Many governments and non-state actors have pledged to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, raising questions about the feasibility of these decarbonization goals. The existing literature, however, mostly relied on technoeconomic assessments and lack broad contextual considerations such as national conditions and local sociocultural characteristics. Here, we present a framework for assessing perceived feasibility and multi-dimensional barriers for net-zero transition that can complement existing methods of technoeconomic traditions. We applied this framework to the Japanese net-zero goal by surveying more than 100 experts from diverse fields with a shared national context. Most of the experts supported the desirability of the net-zero goal and chose a probability of 33–66% for its feasibility. However, the distribution of feasibility assessments differs between groups of integrated assessment modelers and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change authors and other researchers, suggesting opportunities for further exploration within and between communities. Identified barriers reflect a unique national condition of Japan and include the limitations of national strategies and clean energy supply. The present framework can be extended to non-experts, data-scarce geographies and sectors.

    DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-01079-8

    Web of Science


    その他リンク: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-023-01079-8

  4. Reconsidering the lower end of long-term climate scenarios 査読有り 国際誌

    Fujimori, Shinichiro, Nishiura, Osamu, Oshiro, Ken, Hasegawa, Tomoko, Shiraki, Hiroto, Shiogama, Hideo, Takahashi, Kiyoshi, Takakura, Jun’ya, Tsuchiya, Kazuaki, Sugiyama, Masahiro, Asayama, Shinichiro

    PLOS Climate   2 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: e0000318   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000318

  5. Alternative, but expensive, energy transition scenario featuring carbon capture and utilization can preserve existing energy demand technologies 査読有り 国際誌

    Oshiro K., Fujimori S., Hasegawa T., Asayama S., Shiraki H., Takahashi K.

    One Earth   6 巻 ( 7 ) 頁: 872 - 883   2023年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:One Earth  

    To reach net-zero carbon emissions, most climate change mitigation scenarios model a rapid transition from hydrocarbon-based energy to renewables, wide-scale electrification, and offsets to mitigate residual emissions. This requires phasing out existing hydrocarbon infrastructure and adjustments to electrification. Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) to produce synthetic fuels could be an alternative way to reach net zero while maintaining some existing energy infrastructure and minimizing the societal transition required, yet such scenarios remain unexamined. Here, we analyzed a CCU-based net-zero emissions scenario using a global energy system model. We find that synthetic fuel could meet 30% of energy demand by 2050, resulting in maintaining some existing technologies in energy demand sectors. Meanwhile, this scenario requires rapid upscaling of non-biomass renewables and direct air capture. The CCU-based scenario could be an alternative pathway; however, it involves multiple challenges related to technological feasibility and increased mitigation costs relative to net-zero scenarios using renewables, bioenergy, and carbon dioxide removal.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.06.005

    Web of Science


  6. エネルギー教育の方法と児童の知識習得・省エネ行動との関係に関する研究 査読有り

    高鍋 彩, 白木 裕斗

    土木学会論文集   79 巻 ( 5 )   2023年5月


    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejj.22-00270

  7. 市区町村スケールの脱炭素シナリオにおける合成燃料の導入可能性の検討 ―北海道釧路市を対象として―

    伊藤 悠太, 白木 裕斗

    土木学会論文集   79 巻 ( 27 ) 頁: n/a   2023年


    担当区分:最終著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会  

    <p> 本研究は,合成燃料の利用と地域の特性を考慮したエネルギー技術選択モデルを用いて,2050年カーボンニュートラルを実現する北海道釧路市のエネルギーシステム像を明らかにした.分析の結果,対策を実施しないシナリオでは,2050年のCO<sub>2</sub>排出量は2015年比61%減となること,気候変動緩和策を講じた場合でも,合成燃料を利用しなければ2015年比80%削減に留まることが示された.具体的な緩和策としては,家庭部門における太陽光発電の導入,産業部門における液化石油ガスへの代替,運輸部門の電化の促進が選択された.加えて,残存する液体・気体燃料需要を合成燃料で代替することにより,2050年カーボンニュートラルが実現可能なことが示された.他方,合成燃料の大規模な導入には,追加的な費用が生じる結果となった.液体・気体燃料需要が残る可能性がある寒冷地や産業集積地の脱炭素化を合成燃料の導入によって進める場合,合成燃料の製造コストの削減が重要と考えられる.</p>

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejj.23-27038

    CiNii Research

  8. Carbon-dependent net-zero emission energy systems without reliance on fossil fuels and bioenergy

    Ken Oshiro, Shinichiro Fujimori, Tomoko Hasegawa, Shinichiro Asayama, Hiroto Shiraki, Kiyoshi Takahashi



  9. 籾殻ガス化発電システムのライフサイクルアセスメント 査読有り

    國武 星佑, 白木 裕斗, 吉川 直樹

    土木学会論文集G(環境)   78 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: I_87 - I_94   2022年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  10. バイオマスエネルギーに着目した自治体レベルでのCO2大幅削減シナリオの検討 ー岡山県真庭市と対象としてー 査読有り

    中間 蒼, 白木 裕斗

    土木学会論文集G(環境)   78 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: I_441 - I_449   2022年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  11. Correction to: EMF 35 JMIP study for Japan’s long-term climate and energy policy: scenario designs and key findings (Sustainability Science, (2021), 16, 2, (355-374), 10.1007/s11625-021-00913-2)

    Sugiyama M., Fujimori S., Wada K., Oshiro K., Kato E., Komiyama R., Silva Herran D., Matsuo Y., Shiraki H., Ju Y.

    Sustainability Science   16 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 1771 - 1771   2021年9月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Sustainability Science  

    In the original publication of the article, data availability was missing and it is provided in this correction. The scenario data is available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/zenodo. 48176 56.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-00992-1

    Web of Science


  12. Correction to: The role of renewables in the Japanese power sector: implications from the EMF35 JMIP (Sustainability Science, (2021), 16, 2, (375-392), 10.1007/s11625-021-00917-y)

    Shiraki H., Sugiyama M., Matsuo Y., Komiyama R., Fujimori S., Kato E., Oshiro K., Silva D.H.

    Sustainability Science   16 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 393 - 393   2021年3月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Sustainability Science  

    In the original publication of the article, the incorrect file was published as supplementary material.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-00934-x

    Web of Science


  13. EMF 35 JMIP study for Japan’s long-term climate and energy policy: scenario designs and key findings 査読有り

    Sugiyama M., Fujimori S., Wada K., Oshiro K., Kato E., Komiyama R., Silva Herran D., Matsuo Y., Shiraki H., Ju Y.

    Sustainability Science   16 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 355 - 374   2021年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Sustainability Science  

    In June, 2019, Japan submitted its mid-century strategy to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and pledged 80% emissions cuts by 2050. The strategy has not gone through a systematic analysis, however. The present study, Stanford Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) 35 Japan Model Intercomparison project (JMIP), employs five energy-economic and integrated assessment models to evaluate the nationally determined contribution and mid-century strategy of Japan. EMF 35 JMIP conducts a suite of sensitivity analyses on dimensions including emissions constraints, technology availability, and demand projections. The results confirm that Japan needs to deploy all of its mitigation strategies at a substantial scale, including energy efficiency, electricity decarbonization, and end-use electrification. Moreover, they suggest that with the absence of structural changes in the economy, heavy industries will be one of the hardest to decarbonize. Partitioning of the sum of squares based on a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) reconfirms that mitigation strategies, such as energy efficiency and electrification, are fairly robust across models and scenarios, but that the cost metrics are uncertain. There is a wide gap of policy strength and breadth between the current policy instruments and those suggested by the models. Japan should strengthen its climate action in all aspects of society and economy to achieve its long-term target.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-00913-2

    Web of Science



  14. The role of renewables in the Japanese power sector: implications from the EMF35 JMIP 査読有り

    Shiraki H., Sugiyama M., Matsuo Y., Komiyama R., Fujimori S., Kato E., Oshiro K., Silva D.H.

    Sustainability Science   16 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 375 - 392   2021年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Sustainability Science  

    The Japanese power system has unique characteristics with regard to variable renewable energies (VREs), such as higher costs, lower potentials, and less flexibility with the grid connection compared to other major greenhouse-gas-emitting countries. We analyzed the role of renewable energies (REs) in the future Japanese power sector using the results from the model intercomparison project Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) 35 Japan Model Intercomparison Project (JMIP) using varying emission reduction targets and key technological conditions across scenarios. We considered the uncertainties for future capital costs of solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, and batteries in addition to the availability of nuclear and carbon dioxide capture and storage. The results show that REs supply more than 40% of electricity in most of the technology sensitivity scenarios (median 51.0%) when assuming an 80% emission reduction in 2050. The results (excluding scenarios that assume the continuous growth of nuclear power and/or the abundant availability of domestic biomass and carbon-free hydrogen) show that the median VRE shares reach 52.2% in 2050 in the 80% emission reduction scenario. On the contrary, the availability of newly constructed nuclear power, affordable biomass, and carbon-free hydrogen can reduce dependence on VREs to less than 20%. The policy costs were much more sensitive to the capital costs and resource potential of VREs than the battery cost uncertainties. Specifically, while the doubled capital costs of VRE resulted in a 13.0% (inter-model median) increase in the policy cost, the halved capital costs of VREs reduced 8.7% (inter-model median) of the total policy cost. These results imply that lowering the capital costs of VREs would be effective in achieving a long-term emission reduction target considering the current high Japanese VRE costs.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-00917-y

    Web of Science


  15. 住宅に対する住民評価の要因分析 - 省エネ性の影響 - 査読有り

    藤本穂乃佳, 白木裕斗, 村上一真

    土木学会論文集G(環境)   77 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: I_331 - I_339   2021年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  16. Back to the basic: toward improvement of technoeconomic representation in integrated assessment models 査読有り

    Shiraki H., Sugiyama M.

    Climatic Change   162 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 13 - 24   2020年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Climatic Change  

    With the shift of climate debate from understanding to actions, the use of integrated assessment models (IAMs) is gradually expanding. Since IAMs produce least-cost pathways, technoeconomic parameters constitute one of the basic parameters. Traditionally, IAMs dealt with technologies with slowly-changing, relatively homogeneous manner. Since technologies are rapidly evolving, and the pattern of technological development is regionally heterogeneous, the IAM community must embrace a new strategy to treat their underlying technoeconomic parameters. Here we illustrate such challenges by reviewing the treatment and performance of IAMs with respect to some of the rapidly changing technologies (e.g., solar, wind, and batteries). Our review shows that IAMs have difficulty in updating the cost of the rapidly changing technologies. We then articulate a new strategy, drawing upon the lesson from the current model intercomparison projects and climate sciences. We argue that a loose network of modeling groups across the globe should create a database of technological parameters in a standardized format and standard evaluation tool, perhaps to be facilitated by the IAM Consortium. Such a framework would contribute to the review of the progress toward the Paris Agreement goals.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10584-020-02731-4

    Web of Science


  17. Factors affecting CO<inf>2</inf> emissions from private automobiles in Japan: The impact of vehicle occupancy 査読有り

    Shiraki H., Matsumoto K., Shigetomi Y., Ehara T., Ochi Y., Ogawa Y.

    Applied Energy   259 巻   2020年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Applied Energy  

    The road transport sector accounted for 18.8% of global CO2 emissions in 2016. Regional efforts are indispensable for reducing automobile emissions, especially considering the diversity in regional transportation systems. Existing studies of automobile emissions have focused on nationwide transportation systems or differences in city size without considering regionality and long-term changes in vehicle occupancy. In this study, we decomposed national and regional automobile emissions in Japan between 1990 and 2015 by the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index method. Statistical data that took vehicle occupancy into account were used. Results showed that nationwide vehicle occupancy increased (due to increased vehicle size and vehicle ownership), which increased emissions by 15.2% compared to 1990 levels. In highly populated regions, fuel efficiency decreased earlier than other regions thanks to the strengthening of ordinances regarding air pollution. In Western Japan, which includes less-populated prefectures, the rising popularity of mini-vehicles resulted in increased vehicle ownership and a decrease in occupancy but also led to improvements in fuel economy. To reduce automobile CO2 emissions, it will be essential to improve fuel efficiency and to increase vehicle occupancy through mechanisms, such as ridesharing and vehicle right sizing.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114196

    Web of Science


  18. 企業における電気自動車の導入実態と導入意思の要因分析 査読有り

    白木裕斗, 佐藤真, 村上一真

    土木学会論文集G(環境)   76 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: I_187 - I_195   2020年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  19. Energy transformation cost for the Japanese mid-century strategy 査読有り

    Fujimori S., Oshiro K., Shiraki H., Hasegawa T.

    Nature Communications   10 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 4737   2019年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nature Communications  

    The costs of climate change mitigation policy are one of the main concerns in decarbonizing the economy. The macroeconomic and sectoral implications of policy interventions are typically estimated by economic models, which tend be higher than the additional energy system costs projected by energy system models. Here, we show the extent to which policy costs can be lower than those from conventional economic models by integrating an energy system and an economic model, applying Japan’s mid-century climate mitigation target. The GDP losses estimated with the integrated model were significantly lower than those in the conventional economic model by more than 50% in 2050. The representation of industry and service sector energy consumption is the main factor causing these differences. Our findings suggest that this type of integrated approach would contribute new insights by providing improved estimates of GDP losses, which can be critical information for setting national climate policies.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12730-4

    Web of Science



  20. Japan's long-term climate mitigation policy: Multi-model assessment and sectoral challenges 査読有り

    Sugiyama M., Fujimori S., Wada K., Endo S., Fujii Y., Komiyama R., Kato E., Kurosawa A., Matsuo Y., Oshiro K., Sano F., Shiraki H.

    Energy   167 巻   頁: 1120 - 1131   2019年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Energy  

    Japan is the sixth largest greenhouse gas emitter in 2016 and plays an important role to attain the long-term climate goals of the Paris Agreement. One of the key policy issues in Japan's energy and environmental policy arena is the energy system transition to achieve 80% emissions reduction in 2050, a current policy goal set in 2016. To contribute to the ongoing policy debate, this paper focuses on energy-related CO2 emissions and analyzes such decarbonization scenarios that are consistent with the government goals. We employ six energy-economic and integrated assessment models to reveal decarbonization challenges in the energy system. The modeling results show that Japan's mitigation scenarios are characterized by high marginal costs of abatement. They also suggest that the industrial sector is likely to have a large final energy share and significant residual emissions under the 80% reduction scenario, though it is generally thought that the transport sector would have large decarbonization challenges. The present findings imply that not only energy policy but also industrial policy may be relevant to the long-term environmental target. Given the high marginal costs exceeding those of negative emissions technologies that could place a cost ceiling, further model development would be crucial.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2018.10.091

    Web of Science


  21. Addressing Key Drivers of Regional CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions of the Manufacturing Industry in Japan

    Matsumoto, K; Shigetomi, Y; Shiraki, H; Ochi, Y; Ogawa, Y; Ehara, T

    ENERGY JOURNAL   40 巻   頁: 233 - 258   2019年

  22. Addressing Key Drivers of Regional CO2 Emissions of the Manufacturing Industry in Japan 査読有り

    Ken’ichi Matsumoto, Yosuke Shigetomi, Hiroto Shiraki, Yuki Ochi, Yuki Ogawa, Tomoki Ehara

    The Energy Journal   40 巻 ( 1 )   2019年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  23. Driving forces underlying sub-national carbon dioxide emissions within the household sector and implications for the Paris Agreement targets in Japan 査読有り

    Shigetomi Y., Matsumoto K., Ogawa Y., Shiraki H., Yamamoto Y., Ochi Y., Ehara T.

    Applied Energy   228 巻   頁: 2321 - 2332   2018年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Applied Energy  

    This study investigated insights into reducing energy-related CO2 emissions in households by examining individual socio-economic drivers at a sub-national level. Specifically, the logarithmic mean Divisia index technique was used to decompose CO2 emission trends into six drivers in all 47 prefectures of Japan during the period from 1990 to 2015. Drivers included the change in the number of households (household effect), distribution of households (distribution effect), household size (size effect), per-capita household energy consumption (consumption effect), household energy choice (choice effect), and sectoral CO2 emission intensity (intensity effect). The results showed that, in contrast to size and the distribution effects, the number of households had a positive, significant effect on CO2 emissions, indicating that recent demographic trends are responsible for the increase in CO2 emissions observed in most of the prefectures during the study period. With regard to effects related to consumption and choice, CO2 emissions due to changes in lifestyle dropped in only seven prefectures and reductions due to changes in sectoral energy choice were seen in only two prefectures in 2015. The intensity effect boosted the emissions of these prefectures the most in 2015 because of the shutdown of nuclear power plants due to the Great East Japan Earthquake. Further, we identified those prefectures that needed to reduce their per-capita energy consumption level in order to attain the reduction targets for household CO2 emissions in 2030 from 2015, given projected changes in demographic trends and recent and projected emission intensities. In order to achieve reductions in total CO2 emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, it is important to prioritize national and local policy interventions for the transfer of new household energy technologies, upgrade household appliances, and encourage people to limit energy consumption in light of the differences in these key drivers in each prefecture.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.07.057

    Web of Science


  24. Energy security performance in Japan under different socioeconomic and energy conditions 査読有り

    Matsumoto K., Shiraki H.

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews   90 巻   頁: 391 - 401   2018年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews  

    A secure energy supply is indispensable for Japan's economic activity, but it is becoming more difficult to attain, due to increasing energy demand in emerging countries. The pattern of socioeconomic development and the achievement of a low-carbon society are also strongly related to energy security. This study evaluated energy security performance in Japan under alternative scenarios of future socioeconomic and energy conditions by applying three energy security indicators derived from the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The 2050 Japan Low Carbon Navigator was used to estimate energy structures under five socioeconomic scenarios and three selected combinations of effort levels toward producing a low-carbon society. It was found that the effort levels were the most influential factors in determining energy security performance, because they greatly affect energy supply and demand. The choice of socioeconomic scenario was also influential, although the impact of this choice was less significant than the choice of effort level. However, the impact of country-risk indicators is less substantial than the above two factors. The energy security performance of Japan will improve in the future, compared with the current level. However, if the country pursues further economic growth, its energy security performance will not greatly improve. Consequently, increasing efforts to achieve a low-carbon society will contribute to the realization of a highly energy-secure society with respect to Japan's current and future socioeconomic situation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.03.070

    Web of Science


  25. Dynamic linear modeling of monthly electricity demand in Japan: Time variation of electricity conservation effect

    Honjo K., Shiraki H., Ashina S.

    PLoS ONE   13 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: e0196331   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:PLoS ONE  

    After the severe nuclear disaster in Fukushima, which was triggered by the Great East Japan earthquake in March 2011, nuclear power plants in Japan were temporarily shut down for mandatory inspections. To prevent large-scale blackouts, the Japanese government requested companies and households to reduce electricity consumption in summer and winter. It is reported that the domestic electricity demand had a structural decrease because of the electricity conservation effect (ECE). However, quantitative analysis of the ECE is not sufficient, and especially time variation of the ECE remains unclear. Understanding the ECE is important because Japan’s NDC (nationally determined contribution) assumes the reduction of CO2 emissions through aggressive energy conservation. In this study, we develop a time series model of monthly electricity demand in Japan and estimate time variation of the ECE. Moreover, we evaluate the impact of electricity conservation on CO2 emissions from power plants. The dynamic linear model is used to separate the ECE from the effects of other irrelevant factors (e.g. air temperature, economic production, and electricity price). Our result clearly shows that consumers’ electricity conservation behavior after the earthquake was not temporary but became established as a habit. Between March 2011 and March 2016, the ECE on industrial electricity demand ranged from 3.9% to 5.4%, and the ECE on residential electricity demand ranged from 1.6% to 7.6%. The ECE on the total electricity demand was estimated at 3.2%–6.0%. We found a seasonal pattern that the residential ECE in summer is higher than that in winter. The emissions increase from the shutdown of nuclear power plants was mitigated by electricity conservation. The emissions reduction effect was estimated at 0.82 MtCO2–2.26 MtCO2 (−4.5% on average compared to the zero-ECE case). The time-varying ECE is necessary for predicting Japan’s electricity demand and CO2 emissions after the earthquake.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196331

    Web of Science



  26. 長期低炭素シナリオ下での電力系統安定化策実施量の推計 査読有り

    白木裕斗, 大城賢, 藤森真一郎, 長谷川知子

    土木学会論文集G(環境)   74 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: I_369 - I_378   2018年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会  

  27. エネルギー技術情報を用いた経済モデルによる日本の長期二酸化炭素排出削減費用の推計 査読有り

    藤森真一郎, 大城賢, 白木裕斗, 長谷川知子

    土木学会論文集G(環境)   74 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: I_213 - I_222   2018年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会  

  28. Dynamic linear modeling of monthly electricity demand in Japan: Time variation of electricity conservation effect 査読有り

    Keita Honjo, Hiroto Shiraki, Shuichi Ashina

    PloS one   13 巻 ( 4 )   2018年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  29. The impacts on climate mitigation costs of considering curtailment and storage of variable renewable energy in a general equilibrium model

    Dai H., Fujimori S., Silva Herran D., Shiraki H., Masui T., Matsuoka Y.

    Energy Economics   64 巻   頁: 627 - 637   2017年5月


    出版者・発行元:Energy Economics  

    The curtailment and storage associated with the fluctuation of electricity supplied by variable renewable energy (VRE) may limit its penetration into electricity systems. Therefore, these factors need to be explicitly treated in the integrated assessment models (IAMs). This study improves the representation of curtailment and storage of VRE in a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. With the data generated from an hourly power sector model, curtailment and storage of VRE electricity are treated as a function of the shares of solar and wind in the electricity mix. This relationship is incorporated into a CGE model and we also updated the VRE costs and resource potential. The results show that with such improvement, by 2100, in a 450 ppm atmospheric CO2 equivalent concentration (henceforth ppm) scenario, some electricity generated from VRE is either curtailed (2.1%) or needs to be stored (2.9%). In contrast, if VRE fluctuation is not considered, the long-term global economic cost of carbon mitigation is significantly underestimated (by 52%) in the same scenario. Conversely, updating the VRE costs and resource potential leads to a decrease in mitigation costs. Our simulation implies that the fluctuation of VRE cannot be ignored and needs to be incorporated into CGE models. Moreover, in addition to storage with batteries, many other options are available to reduce curtailment of VRE. The top-down type CGE model has limitations to fully incorporate all aspects due to its limited spatial, temporal, and technological resolution.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2016.03.002

    Web of Science


  30. Estimating the hourly electricity profile of Japanese households – Coupling of engineering and statistical methods 査読有り

    Shiraki H., Nakamura S., Ashina S., Honjo K.

    Energy   114 巻   頁: 478 - 491   2016年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Energy  

    Understanding the hourly electricity profile and the electricity consumption by each appliance is essential for encouraging energy-saving measures in the household sector. There are two methods for identifying energy consumption for households in existing studies: the engineering and the statistical methods. Both methods have strengths and limitations. In this study, we developed a hybrid method based on the statistical method by combining following three steps using knowledge of the engineering method; externalizing the electricity consumption for the refrigerator, adding the number of at-home-and-awake members as explanatory variables, and restricting appliance usage hours. The proposed hybrid method could adequately reproduce the total hourly electricity consumption and seasonal variation compared to the engineering method, and could decompose major appliances, some of which that were not disaggregated by the statistical method. For the quantitative analysis of the model improvement, we calculated Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for each method with direct metering data. For most of appliances, RMSE and MAE of hybrid model were improved from 11% to 71% compared to the existing methods. The collection of more samples to increase the accuracy of the estimation and application to areas of low statistical data availability are future steps.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2016.08.019

    Web of Science


  31. Analysis of optimal locations for power stations and their impact on industrial symbiosis planning under transition toward low-carbon power sector in Japan

    Shiraki H., Ashina S., Kameyama Y., Hashimoto S., Fujita T.

    Journal of Cleaner Production   114 巻   頁: 81 - 94   2016年2月


    出版者・発行元:Journal of Cleaner Production  

    Power plants are one of key energy sources for industrial symbiosis complexes. However, decarbonization of the power sector, including decommissioning of existing fossil-fuel power plants, aggregation of power plant sites, and capacity augmentation of carbon-free power plants, is necessary to achieve low-carbon societies in the long term. Decarbonization results in declining advantage for industrial symbiosis complexes that rely on fossil-fuel power plants. To establish sustainable industrial symbiosis complexes, we used a quantitative model to analyze optimal locations and scales for power plants in Japan considering CO2 emissions reduction targets and several demand scenarios. Our results showed that even with a target of 80% CO2 emission reduction, almost half of Japan's electricity generation could come from fossil-fuel power plants in 2050 if CCS technology were deployed widely. Fossil-fuel power plants would be developed mainly in the regions of high electricity demand and little wind power potential, such as Tokyo, Chubu, and Kansai. From an intra-regional perspective, fossil-fuel power plants could be constructed in areas of high electricity demand. In addition, except for the above areas, generation from fossil-fuel power plants would vary in accordance with the availability of renewables and electricity demand. Our results indicate that future climate policy, regional electricity demand, and availability of regional renewables should be considered when planning the development of industrial symbiosis complexes.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.09.079

    Web of Science


  32. 市区町村スケールでの低炭素社会シナリオ分析と地域比較-運輸部門を加えた分析

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス     2016年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  33. Effect of Energy Saving Campaign in Fukushima 査読有り

    Shiraki, H, Tanaka, H, Nakamura, S

    IAIA16: Resilience and Sustainability     2016年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  34. The impacts on climate mitigation costs of considering curtailment and storage of variable renewable energy in a general equilibrium model 査読有り

    Dai, H, Fujimori, S, Silva, H. D, Shiraki, H, Masui, T, Matsuoka, Y

    Energy Economics     2016年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  35. Analysis of Optimal Locations for Power Stations and Their Impact on Industrial Symbiosis Planning under Transition toward Low-carbon Power Sector in Japan 査読有り

    Shiraki, H, Ashina, S, Kameyama, Y, Hashimoto, S, Fujita, T

    Journal of Cleaner Production   114 巻   頁: 81 - 94   2016年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  36. 市区町村スケールでの低炭素社会シナリオ分析と地域比較

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一

    第31回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス     2015年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  37. 寒冷農村地域における家庭の電力消費特性

    白木裕斗, 中村省吾, 五味馨, 芦名秀一

    第24回日本エネルギー学会大会予稿集     2015年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  38. Impacts of Regional Economic Development with Industrial Symbiosis on Shifting Low Carbon Energy Systems in Municipality Scale in Japan: Case Study in North Coastal Area of Fukushima Prefecture

    Shiraki H, Ashina S, Ohnishi S

    The 8th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology     2015年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  39. 環境配慮型経営による省エネ技術導入・燃料転換の障壁の除去とその効果の推計 査読有り


    サステイナブルマネジメント   13 巻 ( 1,2 ) 頁: 84 - 98   2014年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  40. 再生可能エネルギーを活用する再開発等に対する容積率緩和制度の提案 査読有り

    松橋啓介, 白木裕斗, 芦名秀一, 有賀敏典

    土木学会論文集G   70 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: Ⅱ_81 - Ⅱ_86   2014年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  41. 多地域電源計画モデルを用いた2050年までのわが国電力部門における低炭素化シナリオの検討

    芦名秀一, 白木裕斗

    第33回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会     2014年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  42. 太陽光・風力発電の短周期・長周期の変動性を考慮した再生可能エネルギーの導入可能性分析

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一

    第30回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス     2014年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  43. 市町村スケールを対象とした低炭素型エネルギーシステムの実現可能性検討:福島県相双地域におけるケーススタディ

    芦名秀一, 白木裕斗, 戸川卓哉

    第23回日本エネルギー学会大会   23 巻   頁: 302 - 303   2014年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会  

    In order to achieve long-term GHG reduction target in Japan (80% reduction from 1990 level), it is important to take actions in national scale as well as sub-national (or local) scale, such as municipalities. However, due to lack of basic information of energy supply and consumption in sub-national scale, designing low carbon society scenarios faces many difficulties to proceed. In the paper, we have analyzed energy supply and consumption structure and summarized as an Energy Balance Table (EBT), and investigate future trend and feasibility of achieving low carbon society in sub-national scale. So-so area of Fukushima prefecture is selected as a target area. It is found from the results that trend of energy supply and consumption in sub-national scale is totally different from national scale trend.

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.23.0_302

    CiNii Books

  44. Assessment of Large Scale Penetration of Variable Renewables in Japan Considering Suppression of Power Fluctuation 査読有り

    Shiraki, H, Ashina, S

    Grand Renewable Energy 2014     2014年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  45. 燃料転換の速度のモデル化とエネルギーモデルへの適用

    白木裕斗, 田崎智宏, 松橋啓介, 芦名秀一, 森口祐一

    環境科学会2013年年会     2013年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  46. Effects of Low Carbon Energy Transition on Future Fossil Fuel Prices with an Energy Resource Model 査読有り

    Shiraki, H, Ashina, S

    36th IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) International Conference     2013年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  47. 多地域電源計画モデルを用いた2020年の日本電力部門における再生可能エネルギー導入シナリオの検討 査読有り

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一, 亀山康子, 森口祐一, 橋本征二

    エネルギー・資源   33 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 1 - 10   2012年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  48. 技術の普及速度を考慮した世界の温室効果ガス削減シナリオの検討

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一

    第28回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス     2012年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  49. The impact on Climate change mitigation policy of nuclear policy changing in Asia 査読有り

    Shiraki, H, Ashina, S, Akashi, O, Kameyama, Y, Moriguchi, Y

    3rd IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) Asian Conference     2012年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

  50. 地域性を考慮した再生可能エネルギーの導入に関する研究

    白木裕斗, 芦名秀一, 亀山康子, 森口祐一

    第27回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス     2011年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  51. 金属資源回収プロセスにおけるライフサイクルアセスメント

    渡邉望, 白木裕斗, 加藤格

    分離技術会年会2009     2009年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  52. 色素増感太陽電池のLCA

    白木裕斗, 渡邉望, 永吉浩, 加藤格

    分離技術年会2008     2008年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)  

  53. LCA of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 査読有り

    Shiraki, H, Watanabe, N, Nagayoshi, H, Gates, J, Kato, I

    International Conference on Separation Science and Technology     2008年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  


書籍等出版物 1

  1. 脱炭素社会のエネルギーを考える <高校生・高専生向けテキスト>

    柳下正治, 荒井眞一, 磐田朋子, 木村浩, 白木裕斗, 西岡秀三, 松橋啓介( 担当: 分担執筆 ,  範囲: 第二章 日本のエネルギーの状況,第三章 脱炭素社会のエネルギーシステムを考える,資料編)

    一般社団法人 環境政策対話研究所  2021年10月 


    記述言語:日本語 著書種別:教科書・概説・概論


  1. Correction to: EMF 35 JMIP study for Japan’s long-term climate and energy policy: scenario designs and key findings (Sustainability Science, (2021), 16, 2, (355-374), 10.1007/s11625-021-00913-2) 査読有り

    Sugiyama M, Fujimori S, Wada K, Oshiro K, Kato E, Komiyama R, Silva Herran D, Matsuo Y, Shiraki H., Ju Y  

    Sustainability Science16 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 1771   2021年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(大学・研究所紀要)   出版者・発行元:Sustainability Science  

    In the original publication of the article, data availability was missing and it is provided in this correction. The scenario data is available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/ zenodo. 48176 56.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-00992-1


  2. 地方自治体を対象とした低炭素社会シナリオ分析モデルの開発と福島県への適用

    芦名秀一, 白木裕斗, 大城賢, 岡和孝, 日比野剛  

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集24th 巻   頁: 272 - 273   2015年7月




講演・口頭発表等 15

  1. 市区町村スケールの脱炭素シナリオにおける合成燃料の導入可能性の検討―北海道釧路市を対象として―

    伊藤悠太, 白木 裕斗

    第31回地球環境シンポジウム  2023年9月21日  土木学会地球環境委員会


    開催年月日: 2023年9月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:滋賀   国名:日本国  

  2. デマンドレスポンス資源量の不確実性を考慮した電力システム分析

    國武星佑, 白木裕斗

    第42回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会  2023年8月 


    開催年月日: 2023年8月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:大阪   国名:日本国  

  3. Assessment of generation mix in 2030 using high resolution power dispatch model 国際会議

    Shiraki, H

    The 27th AIM International Workshop  2021年9月30日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

  4. Estimation of Flexibility Resources for Power System Stabilization under a Long-term Low Carbon Scenario 国際会議

    Hiroto SHIRAKI, Ken Oshiro, Shinichiro Fujimori, Tomoko Hasegawa

    The 24th AIM International Workshop  2018年11月5日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  5. Integrated Assessment and Rapid Technological Changes - toward shorter IPCC cycle 国際会議

    Hiroto Shiraki, Masahiro Sugiyama

    International Energy Workshop  2018年6月19日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  6. Perceived Feasibility of Japan’s decarbonization transition: Expert Perspectives 国際会議

    Ju, Y, Sugiyama, M, Shiraki, H

    14th IAMC Annual Meeting 2021  2021年11月29日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  7. Preliminary assessment of generation mix in 2050 using power dispatch model with long-term chronological data 国際会議

    Shiraki, H

    The 26th AIM International Workshop  2020年9月2日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

  8. The role of hydrogen power generation in the low-carbon electricity grid 国際会議

    Hiroto Shiraki, Ai Fujiwara

    The 25th AIM International Workshop  2019年11月18日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  9. 企業における電気自動車の導入実態と導入意思の要因分析

    白木裕斗, 佐藤真, 村上一真

    第28回地球環境シンポジウム  2020年9月24日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  10. 住宅に対する住民評価の要因分析 - 省エネ性の影響 -

    藤本穂乃佳, 白木裕斗, 村上一真

    土木学会 第29回地球環境シンポジウム  2021年9月27日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  11. 輸送効率を考慮した地域別自動車CO2排出量の要因分解

    白木裕斗, 松本健一, 重富陽介, 榎原友樹, 越智雄輝, 小川祐貴

    第38回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会  2018年6月10日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  12. 長期低排出発展戦略下の電力システムにおける再生可能エネルギーの役割:EMF35 JMIPからの含意 招待有り


    再生可能エネルギー・モデリングに関する研究ワークショップ  2020年11月19日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

  13. 電力需要の不確実性を考慮した電力システム分析


    第40回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会  2021年8月2日 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

  14. デマンドレスポンス資源量の不確実性を考慮した 電力システム分析 ~貨物車と乗用車の違いに着目して~

    國武星佑, 白木裕斗

    第40回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス  2024年1月 



  15. 複数の脱炭素燃料を考慮した 市区町村スケールでの脱炭素シナリオ分析 ―福岡県北九州市を対象として―

    伊藤悠太, 白木 裕斗

    第40回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス  2024年1月 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



科研費 3

  1. 世界全域を対象とした技術・経済・社会的な実現可能性を考慮した脱炭素社会への道筋に関する研究

    2021年4月 - 2024年3月




  2. 将来の不確実性を考慮した頑健な脱炭素電力システムシナリオ分析

    2021年4月 - 2024年3月

    科学研究費補助金 若手研究 




  3. 将来の不確実性を考慮した頑健な脱炭素電力システムシナリオ分析

    研究課題/研究課題番号:21K14577  2021年4月 - 2024年3月

    科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

    白木 裕斗



    配分額:3770000円 ( 直接経費:2900000円 、 間接経費:870000円 )



担当経験のある科目 (本学) 6

  1. エネルギー環境システム論


  2. 持続可能性と環境学


  3. 途上国開発特論I


  4. 持続可能性と環境学


  5. 環境情報演習


  6. 持続可能性と環境学




社会貢献活動 7

  1. なごや環境大学主催講座《脱炭素を考える》基礎講座 次世代エネルギーワークショップ

    役割:講師, 助言・指導


  2. 2023年度次世代エネルギーワークショップ名古屋

    役割:講師, 助言・指導, 情報提供

    名古屋市立大学  2023年7月 - 2023年8月


    対象: 大学生


  3. FY2021 Asia Fieldwork




    対象: 大学生


  4. A selection of 2021's highlighted research - Climate

    Springer Nature  2022年1月


    対象: 学術団体


  5. 2021年度高校生ノーザンカンファレンス

    役割:講師, 助言・指導, 情報提供

    立命館慶祥高等学校  2021年10月 - 2021年12月


    対象: 高校生


  6. 2021年度次世代エネルギーワークショップ名古屋

    役割:講師, 助言・指導, 情報提供

    名古屋市立大学  2021年7月 - 2021年8月


    対象: 大学生


  7. 日本版気候若者会議

    役割:講師, 助言・指導



    対象: 大学生, 大学院生, 社会人・一般



学術貢献活動 7

  1. 環境・資源編集小委員会(71小委員会) 委員 国際学術貢献

    役割:審査・評価, 査読

    土木学会 論文集編集委員会  2022年4月 - 2024年3月



  2. 第31回地球環境シンポジウム実行小委員会 委員長 国際学術貢献


    土木学会 地球環境委員会  2022年 - 2023年



  3. Sustainability science Editor 国際学術貢献

    役割:審査・評価, 査読

    Springer Nature  2021年4月 - 現在



  4. 地球環境研究論文編集小委員会 委員 国際学術貢献


    土木学会 地球環境委員会  2021年4月 - 現在



  5. 幹事会 幹事 国際学術貢献


    土木学会 地球環境委員会  2021年4月 - 現在



  6. 代議員

    エネルギー・資源学会  2018年4月 - 現在

  7. サマーワークショップ 幹事


    エネルギー・資源学会  2014年4月 - 現在


