Updated on 2024/09/02


OTANI Masashi
Language Education Center Foreign Language Education Division Lecturer
Contact information
Dedicated and knowledgeable educator with more than 10 years of teaching & advising experience in Japan and USA with Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction, Master's degree in TESOL, and B.A. in Economics.
External link

Degree 3

  1. Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction ( 2022.8   University of Florida ) 

  2. Master of Arts in Education ( 2013.3   Soka University ) 

  3. Bachelor of Arts in Economics ( 2011.3   Soka University ) 

Research Interests 5

  1. Bilingualism

  2. Heritage language

  3. Investment

  4. Language education

  5. Multilingualism

Research Areas 6

  1. Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education

  2. Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational technology

  3. Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics

  4. Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

  5. Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

  6. Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies

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Current Research Project and SDGs 1

  1. Language education

Research History 5

  1. Nagoya University   Language Education Center (Foreign Language Education Division)   Lecturer


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  2. Universitetet i Tromsø, UiT   Department of Language and Culture   Researcher

    2022.8 - 2023.1

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  3. Jacksonville Japanese School   Elementary School & Middle School

    2018.9 - 2022.5

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    Country:United States

  4. University of Florida   College of Education, UEP/UEC Program   Instructor

    2017.8 - 2021.12

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    Country:United States

  5. Soka University   World Language Center   Assistant Professor

    2013.4 - 2016.3

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Education 4

  1. University of Florida   College of Education   School of Teaching and Learning (ESOL/Bilingual Education)

    2016.8 - 2022.8

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    Country: United States

  2. Soka University   Graduate School of Letters   International Language Education (TESOL)

    2011.4 - 2013.3

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    Notes: English Medium Instruction

  3. University of Miami

    2009.5 - 2009.12

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    Country: United States

    Notes: Exchange Program

  4. Soka University   Faculty of Economics   Department of Economics

    2006.4 - 2011.3

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    Notes: Studied economics in English.

Committee Memberships 3

  1. Language Education Center, Nagoya University   Editorial Board, Nagoya University Journal of Language and Education  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  2. University of Florida   Executive Board, Student Alliance in Graduates in Education (SAGE)  

    2017.5 - 2018.4   

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    Committee type:Other

    As an executive board member of the graduate student body, I was involved in our department's projects such as workshops, symposiums, and professional networking.

  3. Soka University   Instructional Design Committee  

    2014.4 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Other

    As an assistant professor, I was involved in in-house instructional design projects.

Awards 4

  1. Certificates of Outstanding Merit, University of Florida International Center

    2021.11   University of Florida  

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    Country:United States

  2. 海外学会参加旅費援助

    2019.3   アメリカ研究振興会  


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

    カナダで開催のAmerican Educational Research Association (AERA)年次国際会議にて発表

  3. Homes Scholar

    2018.9   American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education  

    Masashi Otani

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:United States

    Being a Holmes Scholar was an opportunity to regularly receive feedback from multilingual and multicultural faculty members and fellow scholars.

  4. Travel Award

    2017.5   Sunshine State TESOL   Preparing mainstream elementary teacher educators to work with ELLs: Observations from Florida

    Masashi Otani

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:United States


Papers 8

  1. A cultural anthropologist’s perspective on heritage language and education: In conversation with Neriko Musha Doerr Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Neriko Musha Doerr, Masashi Otani

    Journal of Education for Multilingualism   Vol. 1 ( 1 ) page: 133 - 144   2024.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  2. A Japanese American middle schooler’s investment in Japanese language learning Reviewed

    Masashi Otani

    Nagoya University Journal of Language and Education   Vol. 1 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 26   2024.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Language Education Center, Nagoya University  

    DOI: 10.18999/nagdgk.1.1

  3. Five Japanese American students and their investment in a Japanese Hoshuko in the United States International journal

    Masashi Otani

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global     2022.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis   Publisher:University of Florida  

    The study investigates what the Saturday Japanese schools (Hoshuko) mean to Japanese American students. In the United States, Hoshuko prepare Japanese students to return to Japan. While previous studies have revealed the experiences of Hoshuko students, little is known about how Japanese American students who plan to stay in the U.S. perceive their education experiences at Hoshuko. As Hoshuko teachers implement the Japanese Ministry of Education’s (MEXT) curriculum, their goal is to teach the subjects as they are taught in Japan. By learning these subjects, Hoshuko students are able to return to Japan without worrying about catching up to their peers. However, the number of students born in the United States and not planning to move to Japan is increasing. For instance, in the U.S. Southern states, half of Hoshuko students plan to live in the United States permanently (North America South District Hoshu Jugyo Ko, 2019). This trend would require Japanese curriculum developers to reconsider the relationship between Hoshuko students and the MEXT curriculum. Therefore, the study asks the Japanese American students who intend to stay in the United States to describe: 1) what they value about their participation in their Hoshuko, and 2) their perspectives on the linguistic and academic goals of the Hoshuko.

    Using Darvin and Norton’s (2015) model of investment, the study captures how each Hoshuko student invested in their Hoshuko. In this framework, student’s investment is documented in relation to three interconnected aspects: ideology, capital, and identity. The study used a multiple case study approach, and data was collected through individual and group interviews, photo stories, classroom observations, student surveys, and textbooks and assignments. Five Japanese American Hoshuko students were selected through convenience sampling. Data analysis was conducted using the themes that were generated from the participants’ interview responses. Thus, the study includes three major findings. First, friendship is the primary reason for the participants to continue to invest in their Hoshuko. Second, while the Hoshuko is designed as a Japanese monolingual space, multilingualism is a norm among the participants. Third, the Hoshuko is a community where the participants are able to interact with Japanese community members.

  4. 英語教育の未知なる可能性:日本におけるリベラル教育, ペダゴジー・オブ・ケアリング, アクティブ・ラーニングの位置づけ Reviewed International coauthorship

    大谷将史, ウイサル・フセイン, リー・ヨンジク

    言語教師教育   Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 144 - 151   2019.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

  5. リメディアル英語教育におけるICT活用事例(自律的英語学習の促進に向けて) Invited Reviewed

    佐野真歩, 大谷将史

    日本リメディアル教育学会第11回全国大会予稿集     page: 136 - 137   2015.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

  6. Japanese EFL learners' expressions of thanks and disagreement Reviewed

    Masashi Otani, Yuuki Ogawa

    The 2014 JALT PanSIG Proceedings     page: 155 - 164   2015.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

  7. 電子ポートフォリオを活用した言語学習イベントと参加者のやる気を促す仕掛け Invited Reviewed


    大学eラーニング協議会・8大学連携合同FD/SDフォーラム予稿集     2015.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

    Other Link: https://eight-univ.spub.chitose.ac.jp/

  8. Communicative language teaching in English at Japanese junior high schools Reviewed

    Masashi Otani

    The Bulletin of the Graduate School, Soka University   Vol. 35   page: 285 - 305   2013.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

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Books 1

  1. 頻出順英単語2000+:例文で自然に身に付く!:webアプリ付き


    国際語学社  2014.10  ( ISBN:978-4877317126

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    Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction

Presentations 17

  1. Linguistic perspectives of Japanese as a heritage language (JHL) adolescents in the southern United States

    Masashi Otani

    The 27th Research Roundtable for Bilingualism as a First Language - Bilingual Education in Japan  2023.10.1  The Research Association of Bilingualism as a First Language

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    Event date: 2023.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  2. Lessons from being involved in bilingual education in a US southern state Invited

    Masashi Otani


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:Online   Country:Japan  

  3. Textbook and classroom activities at Japanese Hoshuko in America International conference

    Masashi Otani

    National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC) Fourth International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages  University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC)

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:Los Angeles, California   Country:United States  

  4. Bilingual mainstream teachers and the impact of prior linguistic and cultural experiences on teaching English language learners International conference

    Ahyea Jo, Ester de Jong, Masashi Otani, Yong-Jik Lee

    American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2019 Annual Meeting  American Educational Research Association (AERA)

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    Event date: 2019.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Toronto, Canada   Country:Canada  

  5. Inclusion and equity for emergent bilinguals in a rural district International conference

    Ester de Jong, Huseyin Uysal, Masashi Otani

    The 4th Annual College of Education (COE) Research Symposium 2019  College of Education, University of Florida

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    Event date: 2019.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:Gainesville, Florida   Country:United States  

  6. A language educator’s journey: What did Soka education do to me? International conference

    Masashi Otani

    The 1st International Conference on Ikeda/Soka Studies in Education  DePaul University

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    Event date: 2018.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Chicago, Illinois   Country:United States  

  7. Sustaining ELL expertise: Teacher educators and ELL infusion International conference

    Ester de Jong, Masashi Otani, Shuzhang Li, Hyunjin Jinna Kim, Aicha Ouzia, Cindy Naranjo, Feifei Fan

    TESOL 2018 International Convention & English Language Expo  TESOL International Association

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    Event date: 2018.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Chicago, Illinois   Country:United States  

  8. Preparing mainstream elementary teacher educators to work with ELLs: Observations from Florida International conference

    Ester de Jong, Feifei Fan, Masashi Otani, Hyunjin Jinna Kim

    Sunshine State TESOL 39th Annual Statewide Conference  Sunshine State TESOL (Florida Association of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

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    Event date: 2017.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Palm Beach, Florida   Country:United States  

  9. e-Learningによる英語力強化教育システムの構築(オリジナルのテストと教材の効果的な組み合わせによる主体的学びの促進) Invited

    早瀬博範, 江口誠, 林裕子, 滝口晴生, 金井彩香, 片岡徹, ジェームズ・E・アリソン, 山本成代, 大谷将史, 佐野真歩, 石原知英, 藤岡克則, 田中寿郎, 藤平明彦アンドリュー

    大学eラーニング協議会フォーラム2015  大学eラーニング協議会

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    Event date: 2016.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:長野県   Country:Japan  

  10. Application of e-portfolios in maximizing low level Japanese EFL students’ study time International conference

    Masashi Otani

    The JACET 54th International Convention  The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)

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    Event date: 2015.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Kagoshima   Country:Japan  

  11. リメディアル英語教育におけるICT活用事例(自立的英語学習の促進に向けて) Invited

    佐野真歩, 大谷将史

    日本リメディアル教育学会第11回全国大会  日本リメディアル教育学会

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    Event date: 2015.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:北海道   Country:Japan  

  12. EFL freshman university students’ learning beliefs

    Masashi Otani, Yuuki Ogawa

    The 14th Annual JALT PanSIG National Conference  The Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT)

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    Event date: 2015.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Hyogo   Country:Japan  

  13. 電子学習ポートフォリオを活用した言語学習支援イベントと参加者のやる気を促す仕掛け Invited


    大学eラーニング協議会・8大学連携合同FD/SDフォーラム  大学eラーニング協議会, 千歳科学技術大学, 北星学園大学, 桜の聖母短期大学, 創価大学, 山梨大学, 愛知大学, 愛媛大 学, 佐賀大学

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    Event date: 2015.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:東京都   Country:Japan  

    Other Link: https://eight-univ.spub.chitose.ac.jp/

  14. Incorporating a dictogloss activity into an elementary level college English class Invited

    Masashi Otani

    Japan Association for Media English Studies-English Education/Media Studies SIG 9th Regional Conference  Japan Association for Media English Studies-English Education/Media Studies SIG

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    Event date: 2015.1

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:Tokyo   Country:Japan  

  15. Japanese junior high school EFL teachers’ transitions of teaching and learning practices International conference

    Masashi Otani

    The 12th International Asia TEFL Conference  AsiaTEFL (Asian Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

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    Event date: 2014.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Kuching   Country:Malaysia  

  16. Japanese EFL learners' expressions of thanks and disagreement

    Masashi Otani, Yuuki Ogawa

    The 13th Annual JALT PanSIG Conference   The Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT)

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    Event date: 2014.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:Miyazaki   Country:Japan  

  17. Communicative language teaching in English at Japanese junior high schools International conference

    Masashi Otani

    The 9th CamTESOL Annual International Conference  CamTESOL (Cambodian Association of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

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    Event date: 2013.2

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:Phnom Penh   Country:Cambodia  

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Research Project for Joint Research, Competitive Funding, etc. 1

  1. 学士力養成のための共通基盤システムを活用した主体的学びの促進 英語ワーキンググループ

    2013.4 - 2016.3


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    Authorship:Other  Grant type:Competitive



    関連研究成果: e-Learning による 英語力強化教育システムの構築(オリジナルのテストと教材の効果的な組み合わせによる主体的学びの促進)

    早瀬博範, 江口誠, 林裕子, 滝口晴生, 金井彩香, 片岡徹, ジェームズ・E・アリソン, 山本成代, 大谷将史, 佐野真歩, 石原知英, 藤岡克則, 田中寿郎, 藤平明彦アンドリュー

    大学eラーニング協議会フォーラム2015 大学eラーニング協議会


Teaching Experience (On-campus) 11

  1. Academic English Basic


  2. Academic English Advanced


  3. Special English Seminar A


  4. Academic English Seminar


  5. Academic English Communication


  6. Academic English Intermediate


  7. Academic English Basic


  8. Academic English Advanced


  9. Academic English Communication


  10. Academic English Intermediate


  11. Advanced Reading 2


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Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 12

  1. TSL5142 ESOL Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment for Early Childhood Education

    2019.1 - 2020.5 College of Education, University of Florida (Graduate School))

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    Level:Postgraduate  Country:United States

  2. TSL4100 ESOL Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment

    2017.8 - 2021.12 College of Education, University of Florida)

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    Level:Undergraduate (specialized)  Country:United States

  3. eLearning Program Coordinator (World Language Center)

    2014.4 - 2015.3 Soka University)

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    Level:Other  Country:Japan

  4. TOEFL iBT/IELTS Speaking Center Advisor (World Language Center)

    2013.4 - 2016.3 Soka University)

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    Level:Other  Country:Japan

  5. English Study Consultation Advisor (World Language Center)

    2013.4 - 2016.3 Soka University)

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    Level:Other  Country:Japan

  6. EDF 6812: International and Comparative Education

    2018.1 - 2018.5 College of Education, University of Florida (Graduate School))

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    Level:Postgraduate  Country:United States

    In our interconnected and interdependent global world, academics, educational policy makers, non-profit leaders, non-governmental organizational (NGO) leaders, and government officials must actively acknowledge and address the global forces shaping educational policies and practices today. This requires an interdisciplinary approach that reflects a deep understanding of the historical, political, social, and economic dimensions of education within a given nation (intra-state), as well as among various nations.

    Using an equity/equality framework, this course builds a broad knowledge-base in order to frame education in the current global context. The course examines regional educational issues to deepen students’ knowledge and to situate global educational equity issues such as development, gender, language, and race. Students will read educational texts, theoretical articles, and empirical research studies; they will also access digital resources
    (videos, audio, websites) and engage in small-group book clubs to support their learning. By the end of this course, students will be prepared to situate their own school or educational system within a global context, and have a solid understanding of comparative education methods.

    Throughout the course of the semester we will examine some or all of the following: Comparative Studies, Education Abroad/International Education, Development Education,
    Globalization, and Theory and Research in Comparative Education. These topics will be examined of in light of the theoretical, methodological, and conceptual aspects of the field.

  7. Mentoring for First Year Ph.D. Students

    2020.1 - 2020.5 College of Education, University of Florida (Graduate School))

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    Level:Graduate (liberal arts)  Country:United States

  8. Japanese Language Arts for Elementary & Middle Schoolers

    2018.9 - 2022.5 Jacksonville Japanese School (Florida, USA))

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    Level:Other  Country:United States

  9. English A

    2013.4 - 2014.3 Soka University)

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    Level:Undergraduate (liberal arts) 

  10. English B

    2013.4 - 2014.3 Soka University)

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    Level:Undergraduate (liberal arts) 

  11. English I & II

    2014.4 - 2016.3 Soka University)

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    Level:Undergraduate (liberal arts) 

  12. English III & IV

    2014.4 - 2016.3 Soka University)

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Social Contribution 5

  1. Community Development Expert at Homigaoka International Center (NPO)

    Role(s):Lecturer, Advisor, Informant, Planner, Organizing member, Demonstrator

    Homigaoka International Center (NPO), Toyota-shi, Aichi Prefecture  2023.8

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    Type:Visiting lecture

    "We conduct projects that aim to promote mutual understanding and welfare improvement among multinational residents through community-based international exchange and multicultural coexistence in a wide range of local communities" (Homigaoka International Center, 2002-2023).

  2. サウジアラビアの中堅英語教員を対象としたマイクロティーチング研修の開発と実施


    サウジアラビア教育省(要請元機関)  フロリダ大学教育大学院  2019.12

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    Audience: Teachers

    Type:Seminar, workshop


  3. トップアスリート学生の学術メンタリング

    Role(s):Lecturer, Advisor

    全米大学体育協会(NCAA)  フロリダ大学体育協会(UAA)  2017.8 - 2022.4

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    Audience: College students

    Type:Visiting lecture


  4. Humanities and Social Sciences in Brazil, Australia & China

    Role(s):Presenter, Planner, Organizing member, Report writing

    Japanese Graduate Student Association in the United States (JGSAU)  2020 Winter - International Graduate School Orientation  Online (From Florida, USA)  2020.12

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    Audience: College students, Graduate students, General


    This orientation is particularly for those who have some plans to study in graduate schools of humanities and social sciences abroad.

  5. Newsletter Editor

    Role(s):Chief editor, Editer, Contribution

    Japanese Graduate Student Association in the United States (JGSAU)  2020 - 2021

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    Audience: College students, Graduate students, General

    Type:Promotional material

Academic Activities 4

  1. 英語学習者を補助的に支援する主任教育者のための研修開発 International contribution

    Role(s):Planning/Implementing academic research

    フロリダ州スワニー郡 教育委員会 (要請元機関)  2017.10 - 2018.6

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    Type:Academic research 


    他メンバー: フロリダ大学教職研究科 研究科長(2022年8月まで) ディヨン・エスター教授、ノックスカレッジ(イリノイ州) ウイサル・フセイン客員助教

  2. Reviewer for an international journal in linguistics (Scopus-indexed) International contribution

    Role(s):Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

  3. Organizing Committee, 3rd Annual COE Research Symposium International contribution

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    College of Education, University of Florida  ( College of Education, University of Florida ) 2018.4

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 

  4. Organizing Committee, 2nd Annual COE Research Symposium International contribution

    Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    College of Education, University of Florida  ( College of Education, University of Florida ) 2017.3

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc.