Updated on 2024/03/31


Graduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Global Geochemistry Lecturer
Graduate School
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Undergraduate School
School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
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Degree 3

  1. Ph.D ( 2013.3   Hokkaido University ) 

  2. Master of Science ( 2010.3   Hokkaido University ) 

  3. Bachelor of Science ( 2008.3   Hokkaido University ) 

Research Interests 4

  1. coral reef

  2. paleo environment

  3. carbonate

  4. biogeochemical cycle

Research Areas 5

  1. Natural Science / Human geosciences

  2. Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis

  3. Natural Science / Biogeosciences

  4. Natural Science / Space and planetary sciences

  5. Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental dynamic analysis

Research History 11

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Environmental Studies   Lecturer


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  2. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Environmental Studies   Senior Lecturer


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  3. Kyushu University   Faculty of Science   Assistant Professor

    2018.4 - 2022.9

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  4. Faculty of Science, Kyushu University   Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences   Assistant Professor

    2018.4 - 2022.9

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  5. Hokkaido University   Faculty of Science   Designated assistant professor

    2016.7 - 2018.3

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  6. Hokkaido University   Faculty of Science   Researcher

    2016.4 - 2016.6

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  7. Japan Society for Promotion of Science   JSPS Research fellow PD

    2013.4 - 2016.3

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    Notes:AORI, The University of Tokyo

  8. The University of Tokyo   Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute   JSPS research fellow PD

    2013.4 - 2016.3

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  9. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel   Palaeo-ocenography   visiting researcher

    2012.10 - 2014.3

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  10. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel   Visiting Researcher

    2012.9 - 2014.3

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  11. Japan Society for Promotion of Science   JSPS Research fellow DC1

    2010.4 - 2013.3

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Education 3

  1. Hokkaido University   Graduate school of Science   Natural History Sciences

    2010.3 - 2013.3

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    Country: Japan

    Notes: Ph.D course

  2. Hokkaido University   Graduate school of Science   Natural History Sciences

    2008.3 - 2010.3

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    Country: Japan

    Notes: Master course

  3. Hokkaido University   School of Science   Department of Earth Sciences

    2004.3 - 2008.3

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 5

  1. American Geophysical Union

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  2. International Society for Reef Studies

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  3. Japanese Coral Reef Society

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Awards 7

  1. 海洋化学奨励賞

    2023.4   公益財団法人海洋化学研究所   サンゴ骨格を用いた低緯度域の表層海洋における栄養塩指標の開発


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    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.  Country:Japan


  2. Shiro Kawaguchi Award

    2021.11   The Japanese Coral Reef Society  

    Atsuko Yamazaki

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  3. 奨励賞

    2017.9   日本地球化学会   造礁サンゴ骨格の窒素同位体比指標の開発と高解像度の古海洋窒素循環の復元

    山崎 敦子

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  4. 学生優秀発表賞

    2012.3   炭酸塩コロキウム   造礁性サンゴ骨格の窒素同位体比:貧栄養海域における栄養塩の新指標

    山崎敦子, 渡邊 剛, 角皆 潤

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  5. JpGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award

    2011.5   Japan Geoscience Union   Nitrogen isotope of coral skeletons: A new proxy for nitrogenous nutrients in subtropical and tropical ocean

    Atsuko Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Urumu Tsunogai

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  6. 日本サンゴ礁学会第13回大会 優秀発表賞

    2010.12   日本サンゴ礁学会   石垣島白保サンゴ礁轟川河口における造礁性サンゴ骨格と海水硝酸の窒素同位体比の比較

    山崎 敦子, 渡邊 剛, 角皆 潤

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  7. 学生優秀発表賞

    2010.3   炭酸塩コロキウム   造礁性サンゴ骨格に記録される海水硝酸の窒素同位体比

    山崎敦子, 渡邊 剛, 角皆 潤

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Papers 41

  1. Calibration of Sr/Ca Ratio and In Situ Temperature Using Hawaiian Corals

    Ryohei Uchiyama, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Samuel E. Kahng, Atsuko Yamazaki

    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems   Vol. 24 ( 10 )   2023.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Geophysical Union (AGU)  


    The Sr/Ca ratio of modern coral skeletons can record local seawater temperature (T) and is an important tool for reconstructing past environments. However, site‐specific calibrations are required to ensure accurate temperature reconstructions. Here, we examine three modern coral skeletons collected at contrasting sites on the island of Oahu, Hawaii to establish the first accurate calibrations for this region and investigate site specific influences on the calibration process. Satellite T data, which is used for many calibrations, may not be able to derive an accurate thermometer. For our shallow lagoonal sites, satellite T had smaller seasonal T ranges, which resulted in significantly higher slopes of Sr/Ca‐T compared to using in situ T. The traditional age model based on aligning only min/max values can lead to errors in the Sr/Ca‐T calibration due to variable growth rates. An enhanced age model which adds midpoint alignments between the min/max peak values can account for seasonal changes in growth rate and reduce the error. On the same island, site‐ and time period specific conditions can cause notable differences in the Sr/Ca‐T calibrations. The coral from an estuarine embayment showed a high Sr/Ca offset, likely due to high Sr/Ca in ambient seawater. For corals which experienced thermal stress, lower slopes were observed probably due to elevated Sr/Ca values during the period of thermal stress.

    DOI: 10.1029/2022GC010849

    Web of Science



  2. Hydroclimate seasonality from paired coral Sr/Ca and δ<sup>18</sup>O records of Kikai Island, Southern Japan: Evidence of East Asian monsoon during mid-to late Holocene

    Garas K.L., Watanabe T., Yamazaki A.

    Quaternary Science Reviews   Vol. 301   2023.2

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    Publisher:Quaternary Science Reviews  

    The East Asian Monsoon (EAM) modulates the seasonal variability of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), and rainfall in the region. However, seasonal-scale reconstructions showing the hydroclimate response to monsoon intensity shifts in Holocene are limited. We used paired coral Sr/Ca and oxygen isotope (δ18Ocoral) records from modern (1989–2015), 5.7 ka, 4.9 ka, and 3.2 ka corals from Kikai Island, Southern Japan to reconstruct past seasonal variability of hydroclimatic variables. The monthly δ18Ocoral-SSS relationship revealed a statistically significant positive linear correlation (r = 0.63; p < 0.000; n = 310) while the δ18Osw and rainfall showed a statistically significant negative linear correlation (r = 0.55; p < 0.000; n = 93). The large SST and SSS seasonality in 5.7 ka (ΔSSTmax-min = 9.5 °C; Δδ18Omax-min = 1.86‰) and 4.9 ka (ΔSSTmax-min = 10.2 °C; Δδ18Omax-min = 1.45‰) indicate an enhanced seasonal ocean warming which amplified the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) and the southwesterlies. In contrast, the small SST amplitude in 3.2 ka (ΔSSTmax-min = 7.8 °C; Δδ18Omax-min = 0.98‰) indicates a weakened WPSH and southwesterlies which led to reduced summer rainfall and positive SSS signal. The lower salinity records due to higher rainfall in 7.0 ka, 6.1 ka, 5.7 ka, and 4.9 ka coincide with the strong East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) from 8.2 to 4.7 ka in stacked sediment records. The δ18Ocoral record shows positive SSS driven by weakened summer monsoon rainfall in 4.4 ka, 4.2 ka, 3.8 ka, 3.4 ka, and 3.2 ka. The higher winter SSS (positive δ18Ocoral) and lower winter SST derived from 5.7 ka coral in Kikai Island agree with the strong East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) intensity from 8.2 to 5.6 ka based on the stacked sediment record. The weak EAWM phase from 5.6 ka to 4.5 ka is consistent with the winter records of warm SST and lower SSS in 4.9 ka. The lower winter SSS and warmer winter SST in 3.2 ka support the evidence of a weak phase around 3.0 ka. The extratropical systems such as the intensified or weakened Siberian High and Aleutian Low have affected the northeasterly EAWM and consequently influenced the variability of winter SST and SSS in subtropical southern Japan in mid- and late Holocene.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107926


  3. 喜界島完新世サンゴ礁の群集組成と炭酸塩生産量の変遷

    山崎 敦子, 渡邊 剛

    月刊海洋、号外   Vol. 64   page: 10 - 17   2023

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  4. 喜界島塩道湾における水文学的特徴の解明ならびにハマサンゴ骨格の高解像度古環境解析から復元した1798年から2015年の月降水量変動

    渡邊 剛, 駒越 太郎, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋、号外   Vol. 64   page: 37 - 46   2023

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  5. 写真×科学ー過去と未来をつなぐー

    山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋、号外   Vol. 64   page: 223 - 231   2023

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  6. Nonstationary footprints of ENSO in the Mekong River Delta hydrology

    Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tung Thanh Phan, Atsuko Yamazaki, Hong-Wei Chiang, Chuan-Chou Shen, Lam Dinh Doan, Tsuyoshi Watanabe

    Scientific Reports   Vol. 12 ( 1 )   2022.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    The Mekong River Delta (MRD) is an essential agricultural area for the worldwide rice supply. Floods and droughts triggered by El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) have been threatening sustenance in the MRD. Sustainable food supplies require understanding the response of the MRD hydrology to the changing ENSO behaviour in recent decades. Here, we reconstructed the annual rainfall maxima in the MRD using the oceanic paleoclimate proxy from coral skeletons and compared them with ENSO indexes. Annual minima of coral-based seawater oxygen isotope (δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub>) correlated with annual rainfall maxima, which allowed to extend rainfall data from 1924 to the recent. The annual rainfall maxima based on δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub> negatively correlated with the central Pacific El Niño index. This suggested that La Niña and central Pacific El Niño events lead to heavy and light rainy seasons. The heavy rainy season had more serious impacts in recent decades, which likely increases the flood risk. In contrast, the frequency and rainfall amount of the light rainy season has not changed significantly, although a catastrophic drought has hit the MRD. Our finding concludes that the impact of the ENSO event on MRD hydrology is inconsistent in the past century.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20597-7

    Web of Science



    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-20597-7

  7. Nutrient dynamics in coral reefs Invited Reviewed

    Atsuko YAMAZAKI

    Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society   Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 29 - 45   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Coral Reef Society  

    DOI: 10.3755/jcrs.24.29


  8. 緒言サンゴ礁科学研究―多分野異文化融合の拠点へ

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋、2022年8月号   Vol. 621   page: 373 - 375   2022

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  9. Coral CO2プロジェクトーハワイ産サンゴ骨格のSr/Ca比は水温復元の鍵となり得るかー

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋、2022年9月号   Vol. 622   page: 452 - 459   2022

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  10. Coral Ba/Ca Analysis Using ICP-OES With an Ultrasonic Nebulizer

    Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Kazuto Ohmori, Atsuko Yamazaki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    The barium/calcium ratio (Ba/Ca) in coral skeletons has been used as a proxy to understand river floods and oceanic upwelling in the tropics and subtropics for the past centuries. Here, we establish a new method for Ba/Ca analysis using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), which has been widely used for coral proxy analyses and can save analysis time compared to other methods. We analyze Ba/Ca by combining an ultrasonic nebulizer with the intensity ratio calibration method to improve the signal intensity of Ba. Our method can determine Ba/Ca in samples with a Ca concentration of 9 mg/L with excellent analytical precision (<0.17 mu mol/mol) using ICP-OES.

    DOI: 10.1029/2021GC009646

    Web of Science


  11. Corals Reveal an Unprecedented Decrease of Arabian Sea Upwelling During the Current Warming Era

    Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Miriam Pfeiffer, Hsun-Ming Hu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Atsuko Yamazaki

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   Vol. 48 ( 10 )   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    Upwelling in the Arabian Sea driven by the Indian summer monsoon pumps deep, cold, and eutrophic seawater to the sea surface every summer. The Indian summer monsoon and the Arabian Sea upwelling were expected to intensify with global warming, following the hypothesis that the Eurasian landmass would warm faster than the Indian Ocean. Contrary to expectations, the northern Indian Ocean currently warms faster than the Indian subcontinent. A weakening of the Indian summer monsoon circulation is reported, which possibly weakens the Arabian Sea upwelling. However, a lack of observations limits understanding of current and historical changes of the Arabian Sea upwelling. Here, we reconstruct the Arabian Sea upwelling over the past millennium using modern and fossil corals. Our coral records show that the Arabian Sea upwelling intensity was very stable over the last millennium and unprecedentedly declines at present. Our finding implies anthropogenic forcing likely weakens the Arabian Sea upwelling.

    DOI: 10.1029/2021GL092432

    Web of Science


  12. Daily and annual shell growth in a long-lived freshwater bivalve as a proxy for winter snowpack

    Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Mayumi Suzuki, Yoshihiko Komoto, Kotaro Shirai, Atsuko Yamazaki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER  

    To assess the potential of long-lived freshwater bivalve shells as a proxy for river environments, we examined daily and annual growth increments and analysed trace elements in the shells of Margaritifera laevis collected alive from the Shiribetsu River, located in the central western region of Hokkaido, Japan. The sum of the daily growth lines within a single annual increment corresponded to the days when the average daily water temperature was greater than 9 degrees C, suggesting that shell deposition occurred from spring to autumn. The growing degree days (GDD) are correlated with the maximum snow depth in winter and the average river discharge in spring. We conducted trace element microanalysis across daily and annual growth increments by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and compared the results with in situ environmental data. Sharp peaks in the barium/calcium ratio (Ba/Ca) observed during spring river discharge also suggest that the growth of Margaritifera shells is influenced by winter snow volume and meltwater. A 67-year profile of the standard growth index (SGI) estimated from twelve individual annual growth histories correlates to the annual snowfall accumulation. Distinct decadal variability is observed in the SGI and synchronized with the North Pacific Index and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Sclerochronological approaches using Margaritifera shells could be valuable for reconstructing river and atmospheric conditions during the winter season, which is influenced by the Asian winter monsoon in the central Hokkaido region.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110346

    Web of Science


  13. Effects of light on the Ba/Ca ratios in coral skeletons

    Atsuko Yamazaki, Megumi Yano, Saki Harii, Tsuyoshi Watanabe

    Chemical Geology   Vol. 559   page: 119911 - 119911   2021.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    The ratios of barium to calcium (Ba/Ca) in reef coral skeletons have been used as a proxy to reconstruct temporal change in barium concentration in surface ocean. To reduce the uncertainty of the coral Ba/Ca proxy, the Ba distribution coefficients between seawater and coral skeletons were determined under different light conditions. Coral planulae (Acropora tenuis) were metamorphosed and settled in dishes with commercial peptide Hym-248 in the laboratory. Juvenile corals were infected with symbiotic algae (Durusdinium sp.) and cultured in 5 Ba concentrations (5, 10, 20, 35, and 150 mol/mol) for 2 months. Half of the dishes were placed under low light conditions (10-33 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)), and another half of the dishes were placed under high light conditions (67-84 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)). The Ba/Ca ratios in the coral skeletons were highly correlated with those in ambient seawater under both high and low conditions (R-2 > 0.8). The Ba distribution coefficients between seawater with 5-35 mol/mol of Ba concentration and coral skeletons were 0.72 and 2.83 under high and low light conditions, respectively. These results suggest that biological processes related to light availability could influence to Ba/Ca-coral.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119911

    Web of Science


  14. Improving analytical method of Sr/Ca ratios in coral skeletons for paleo‐ SST reconstructions using ICP‐OES

    Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Kazuto Ohmori, Atsuko Yamazaki

    Limnology and Oceanography: Methods   Vol. 18 ( 6 ) page: 297 - 310   2020.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

    Strontium/calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) in reef coral skeletons have been used for sea surface temperature (SST) proxy. Because skeletons of reef corals are accumulated throughout more than 100 years, SST records from coral skeletons were important archives to reveal climate mechanisms. Here, we improved the coral Sr/Ca analytical method using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer which method has advantages in terms of initial/running cost and analysis time. We checked variations of Sr and Ca sensitivities as increases of Ca concentrations using various wavelengths of Sr and Ca. Our results suggested that sensitivities of Sr/Ca in a range of coral skeletons were modulated by selections of wavelengths and sensitivity changes of Sr and Ca. A combination of Sr(421.5 nm) and Ca(373.6 nm) is stable for the Sr/Ca analysis at a low Ca concentration. A SD of Sr/Ca(421.5/373.6 nm) was 0.006 mmol mol(-1) (1 sigma, n = 40) based on the replicate measurement of the reference material (JCp-1) using our new method. By applying a Porites colony from Kikai island, Japan, a precision of reconstructed SST was over +/- 0.3 degrees C at weekly resolution.

    DOI: 10.1002/lom3.10357

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1002/lom3.10357

  15. Coral geochemical signals and growth responses to coseismic uplift during the great Sumatran megathrust earthquakes of 2004 and 2005

    Saori Ito, Atsuko Yamazaki, Yuichi Nishimura, Eko Yulianto, Tsuyoshi Watanabe

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   Vol. 273   page: 257 - 274   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    The annual banded skeletons of reef corals potentially record past earthquakes events. We examined cores of five living Porites coral heads in Simeulue Island, Indonesia, near the epicenter of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and the 2005 Nias-Simeulue earthquakes. These sites showed 0.4-1.4 m of uplift. We measured skeletal strontium, magnesium, and calcium; carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios; and skeletal density, extension, and calcification rates, from 1994 to 2010. Coral geochemistry fluctuates more than are expected from strictly environmental causes; however, stress bands, reduced growth rates, and changed skeletal delta C-13 appear to reflect the tsunami and seismic uplift (the step change in skeletal delta C-13 results equated to 0.31 +/- 0.10 parts per thousand/m in response to the 2004 uplift and 0.23 +/- 0.03 parts per thousand/m to the 2005 uplift). (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.01.037

    Web of Science


  16. Oman corals suggest that a stronger winter shamal season caused the Akkadian Empire (Mesopotamia) collapse

    Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Atsuko Yamazaki, Miriam Pfeiffer

    GEOLOGY   Vol. 47 ( 12 ) page: 1141 - 1145   2019.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:GEOLOGICAL SOC AMER, INC  

    The Akkadian Empire was the first united empire in Mesopotamia and was established at 4.6 kyr B.P. (where present is A.D. 1950). The empire abruptly collapsed in 4.2 +/- 0.2 kyr B.P. Seasonal-scale climatic dynamics behind this collapse have not yet been resolved. Here, we present monthly climatic parameters (temperature and hydrology) inferred from fossil Omani corals that lived between 4.5 and 2.9 kyr B.P. Winter temperatures derived from a modern Omani coral correlate with winter shamal (western Asian dust storm) frequency. A fossil coral from 4.1 kyr B.P. shows a prolonged winter shamal season with frequent shamal days. This likely caused agricultural failures in Mesopotamia and contributed to the Akkadian Empire collapse, as this region depends on winter rainfall.

    DOI: 10.1130/G46604.1

    Web of Science


  17. Oman coral delta O-18 seawater record suggests that Western Indian Ocean upwelling uncouples from the Indian Ocean Dipole during the global-warming hiatus

    Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Atsuko Yamazaki, Miriam Pfeiffer, Michel R. Claereboudt

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 9   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is an interannual mode of climate variability in the Indian Ocean that has intensified with 20th century global-warming. However, instrumental data shows a global-warming hiatus between the late-1990s and 2015. It is presently not clear how the global-warming hiatus affects modes of climate variability such as the IOD, and their basin-wide ocean-atmosphere teleconnections. Here, we present a 26-year long, biweekly record of Sr/Ca and delta O-18 from a Porites coral drilled in the Gulf of Oman. Sea surface temperature (SSTanom) is calculated from Sr/Ca ratios, and seawater delta O-18 (delta O-18(sw-anom)) is estimated by subtracting the temperature component from coral delta O-18. Our delta(18)Osw-anom record reveals a significant regime shift in 1999, towards lower mean delta O-18(sw) values, reflecting intensified upwelling in the western Indian Ocean. Prior to the 1999 regime shift, our SSTanom and delta O-18(sw-anom) show a clear IOD signature, with higher values in the summer of positive-IOD years due to weakened upwelling. The IOD signature in SSTanom and delta O-18(sw-anom) disappears with the overall intensification of upwelling after the 1999 regime shift. The inferred increase in upwelling is likely driven by an intensified Walker circulation during the global-warming hiatus. Upwelling in the Western Indian Ocean uncouples from the IOD.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-38429-y

    Web of Science


  18. Nitrogen isotope proxy in reef coral skeletons

    山崎敦子, 山崎敦子

    地球化学   Vol. 53 ( 1 )   2019

  19. Coral Sclerochronology: Similarities and Differences in the Coral Isotopic Signatures Between Mesophotic and Shallow-Water Reefs

    Watanabe Tsuyoshi, Watanabe Takaaki K., Yamazaki Atsuko, Yoneta Shiori, Sowa Kohki, Sinniger Frederic, Eyal Gal, Loya Yossi, Harii Saki

    MESOPHOTIC CORAL ECOSYSTEMS   Vol. 12   page: 667 - 681   2019

  20. Coral biomineralization and carbon cycle

    渡邊剛, 山崎敦子

    日本結晶成長学会誌(CD-ROM)   Vol. 46 ( 3 )   2019

  21. Mekong River discharge and the East Asian monsoon recorded by a coral geochemical record from Con Dao Island, Vietnam

    Tung Thanh Phan, Atsuko Yamazaki, Hong-Wei Chiang, Chuan-Chou Shen, Lam Dinh Doan, Tsuyoshi Watanabe

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   Vol. 53 ( 2 ) page: E1 - E7   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

    The offshore flow of the Mekong River is strongly governed by the East Asian monsoon (EAM). Monthly-resolved skeletal carbonate Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca and oxygen isotope (delta O-18(c)) data from 1980 to 2005 of a Porites coral from Con Dao Island, similar to 90 km from the Mekong River mouth, were analyzed for capturing the past flood events and the signal of East Asian winter monsoon. Ba/Ca time series is characterized with intra-annual double peaks, the first large one in March during the dry season and relative small one in August during the wet season. The low values of seawater delta O-18 (delta O-18(sw)), deduced from both the Sr/Ca ratio and delta O-18(c), in the wet season resulted from precipitation and/or freshwater input from the Mekong River. The difference in the seasonal characteristics of Ba/Ca and delta O-18(sw) between flood and no-flood years could be attributed to the seasonal reversal of the regional ocean current derived from the EAM.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0552

    Web of Science


  22. Geochemical and Microstructural Signals in Giant Clam Tridacna maxima Recorded Typhoon Events at Okinotori Island, Japan Reviewed

    Taro Komagoe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Kotaro Shirai, Atsuko Yamazaki, Mitsuo Uematsu

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences   Vol. 123 ( 5 ) page: 1460 - 1474   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    To validate the usability of the giant clam shell as a recorder of short-term environmental changes such as typhoons, we collected a live Tridacna maxima from Okinotori Island, Japan, on 15 June 2006. Growth increment thickness, stable isotope ratio (O-18(shell), C-13(shell)), and the barium/calcium ratio (Ba/Ca) in the T.maxima shell sample were measured and compared to Okinotori Island instrumental environmental data. In the outer layer of the shell sample, there were 3656 growth increments per year, as estimated by the O-18(shell) profile compared with sea surface temperature. The growth increments in the specimen were formed daily, and thus, we can determine the date of the sampling points of O-18(shell), C-13(shell) and the Ba/Ca ratio by counting growth increments. After typhoon approach, there is a decrease in increment thickness and some disturbed growth increments. The positive peaks in the shell Ba/Ca ratio and O-18(shell) corresponded to lower sea surface temperature caused by typhoons. These results indicated that the microstructural and geochemical record in Tridacna maxima shells could be useful for detecting past typhoon events.

    DOI: 10.1029/2017JG004082

    Web of Science


  23. Coral sclerochronology: similarities and differences in coral isotopic signatures between mesophotic and shallow-water reefs. In Loya, Y., Puglise, K., and Bridge, T. (Eds.) Reviewed

    Watanabe, T, Watanabe, T. K, Yamazaki, A, Yoneta, S, Sowa K, Sinniger, F, Eyal, G, Loya, Y, Harii, S

    Coral Reefs of the World Series: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems   Vol. 12   2018

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  24. Past summer upwelling events in the Gulf of Oman derived from a coral geochemical record Reviewed

    Takaaki K, Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Atsuko Yamazaki, Miriam Pfeiffer, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Michel R. Claereboudt

    Scientific Reports   Vol. 7   page: 4568   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    We used a high-resolution oxygen isotope (delta O-18(coral)), carbon isotope (delta O-18(coral)) and Sr/Ca ratios measured in the skeleton of a reef-building coral, Porites sp., to reveal seasonal-scale upwelling events and their interannual variability in the Gulf of Oman. Our delta C-13(coral) record shows sharp negative excursions in the summer, which correlate with known upwelling events. Using delta C-13(coral) anomalies as a proxy for upwelling, we found 17 summer upwelling events occurred in the last 26 years. These anomalous negative excursions of delta C-13(coral) result from upwelled water depleted in C-13 (dissolved inorganic carbon) and decreased water-column transparency. We reconstructed biweekly SSTs from coral Sr/Ca ratios and the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (delta O-18(SW)) by subtracting the reconstructed Sr/Ca-SST from delta O-18(coral). Significant delta O-18(SW) anomalies occur during major upwelling events. Our results suggest delta C-13(coral) anomalies can be used as a proxy for seasonal upwelling intensity in the Gulf of Oman, which, driven by the Indian/Arabian Summer Monsoon, is subject to interannual variability.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-04865-5

    Web of Science


  25. Palaeoenvironments in Late Pleistcene MIS-3 inferred from living and fossil Plesiastrea versipora in Kikai Island, Japan

    中谷 理愛, 渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子, 渡邉 貴昭, 杉原 薫, Shen Chuan-Chou, 佐々木 圭一

    Kaiyo Monthly Special   Vol. 60 ( 7 ) page: 47 - 54   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  26. 喜界島の完新世サンゴ礁段丘地形

    西村裕一, 渡邊 剛, 山崎敦子

    号外海洋   Vol. 60   page: 26 - 32   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  27. Holocene sea surface temperature variations recorded in corals from Kikai Island, Japan Reviewed

    Kajita, Hiroto, Yamazaki, Atsuko, Watanabe, Takaaki, Wu, Chung-Che, Shen, Chuan-Chou, Watanabe, Tsuyoshi

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   Vol. 51 ( 4 ) page: E9 - E14   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

    Understanding seasonal to interannual characteristics of the climate during the transition from the "Holocene Optimum" (7.0-5.0 kyr BP) to mid-Holocene cold and dry period (4.6-4.0 kyr BP) is important since it is related to the evolution and collapse of human civilization in East Asia. To investigate those characteristics, we reconstructed a seasonal scale sea surface temperature (SST) and measured oxygen isotope ratios (delta O-18) in seawater (delta O-18(seawater)) using modern and fossil (4.9 kyr) corals from Kikai Island. Larger seasonal amplitudes observed among the reconstructed SST values and delta O-18(seawater) change at 4.9 kyr suggest that the East Asian Monsoon (EAM) circulation might be stronger than the present-day. Our compiled coral records, along with the previous studies from Kikai Island, also suggest that the largest SST amplitude during the Holocene Optimum was recorded at 4.9 kyr and an abrupt cold climate shift occurred during the Holocene Optimum and the Pulleniatina Minimum Event (PME) in the north-western Pacific.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0482

    Web of Science


  28. Growth history and temperature variation recorded in Porites coral skeletons from Mesophotic zone in Sesoko Island, Okinawa

    Yoneta Shiori, Yamazaki Atuko, K. Watanabe Takaaki, Sinniger Frederic, Harii Saki, Watanabe Tsuyoshi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   Vol. 64   page: 98 - 98   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.64.0_98


  29. Post-bomb coral Delta C-14 record from Iki Island, Japan: possible evidence of oceanographic conditions on the northern East China Sea shelf Reviewed

    Takehiro Mitsuguchi, Masashi Hirota, Atsuko Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Hiroya Yamano

    GEO-MARINE LETTERS   Vol. 36 ( 5 ) page: 371 - 377   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    In this study, a sea-surface water Delta C-14 record of AD 1966-2000 (i.e., after the atmospheric nuclear-bomb testing period of the mid-1950s to early 1960s) was reconstructed from a coral sample collected from Iki Island, western Japan. The island is located in the Tsushima Strait where the Tsushima Current flows from the East China Sea (ECS) continental shelf into the Sea of Japan, indicating a strong influence of the ECS shelf water on the island. It is widely accepted that the Tsushima Current originates in the area between the ECS shelf break and the Nansei Islands further offshore as a branch of the Kuroshio Current, although another possible origin is the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System. The Delta C-14 record from Iki Island shows the following evidence of a response to the atmospheric nuclear testing: (1) an increase from similar to 55aEuro degrees in 1966 to similar to 133aEuro degrees in 1970, (2) a plateau ranging between similar to 123 and similar to 142aEuro degrees during the 1970s to the late 1980s, and (3) a gradual decrease from similar to 115aEuro degrees in 1990 to similar to 83aEuro degrees in 2000. Comparison of this record with coral Delta C-14 records from the Nansei Islands (Okinawa Island, Ishigaki Island and Kikai Island), located similar to 160-280 km off the ECS shelf break and little influenced by the shelf water, suggests that the surface-water Delta C-14 around Iki Island was similar to 30-45aEuro degrees lower than that of the Nansei Islands from the mid-1960s to late 1970s, and that the Delta C-14 difference between Iki Island and the Nansei Islands decreased from the end of the 1970s to similar to 0-15aEuro degrees in the mid-1980s to 2000. The lower Delta C-14 around Iki Island can be explained as follows: (1) in contrast to the Nansei Islands area, the ECS shelf area is a vertically mixed, highly concentrated carbon reservoir significantly connected to subsurface and deeper waters outside the shelf area, strongly suggesting that the surface-water Delta C-14 of the shelf area (perhaps excepting very shallow innermost shelf areas) was significantly less sensitive to the atmospheric nuclear-bomb C-14 spike than that of the Nansei Islands area; (2) the shelf-surface water is conveyed from the northern ECS to Iki Island by the Tsushima Current. Thus, it can be suggested that the post-bomb coral Delta C-14 record from Iki Island reflects oceanographic conditions of the northern ECS shelf.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00367-016-0456-4

    Web of Science


  30. A 150-year variation of the Kuroshio transport inferred from coral nitrogen isotope signature Reviewed

    Atsuko Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Urumu Tsunogai, Fumihito Iwase, Hiroya Yamano

    PALEOCEANOGRAPHY   Vol. 31 ( 6 ) page: 838 - 846   2016.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    The Kuroshio Current is a major global ocean current that drives the physical ocean-atmosphere system with heat transport from tropical to temperate zones in the North Pacific Ocean. We reconstructed the variability of the Kuroshio transport over the past 150years using coral skeletal nitrogen isotopic composition (N-15(coral)). A 150year N-15(coral) record (1859-2008 A.D.) is 4 times the length of the observational record (1971 to present) and could provide a direct comparison with global climate change, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index and El-Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), through recent global warming. Coral cores from Porites were collected from Tatsukushi Bay in 2008 on the Pacific coast of Japan, which is located on the northern front of the Kuroshio Current. N-15(coral) was used as a proxy to record the N-15 of nitrate (N-15(nitrate)) controlled by the upwelling of subtropical subsurface water (N-15(nitrate); similar to+2-+3), and N-15(coral) was negatively correlated with observations of the Kuroshio transport (R=-0.69, P&lt;0.001) and the 2year lagged PDO index (R=-0.63, P&lt;0.005) from 1972 to 2007. The 150year record of N-15(coral) suggested that the Kuroshio transport varied with similar to 25year cycle, and the amplitude became more stable, and the volume was intensified through the twentieth century. The Kuroshio transport was intensified by the La Nina state in the early 1900s and by the El Nino-PDO state after the 1920s. Our results suggested that the Kuroshio transport was influenced by the combined climate modes of ENSO and PDO during the last century.

    DOI: 10.1002/2015PA002880

    Web of Science



  31. Seismic events recorded in coral skeletons Invited

    Saori Ito, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Atsuko Yamazaki, Teddy Eka Putra, Yuichi Nishimura

    Kaiyo Monthly/ Special   Vol. 56 ( 56 ) page: 60 - 71   2016.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books


  32. High temporal resolution analysis for Palaeo environments using giant clam shells -Elongate giant clam Tridacna maxima shell reveals typhoon events in Okinotori Island, Japan- Invited

    Tarou Komagoe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Kotaro Shirai, Atsuko Yamazaki, Mitsuo Uematsu

    Monthly Kaiyo   Vol. 56   page: 80 - 93   2016.5

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  33. Spatial distribution and 50 years records of Mn and Fe at the coral reef in Ishigaki Island, Japan

    Inoue Mayuri, Ishikawa Daisaku, Miyaji Tsuzumi, Yamazaki Atsuko, Suzuki Atsushi, Yamano Hiroya, Kawahata Hodaka, Watanabe Tsuyoshi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   Vol. 63   page: 190 - 190   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.63.0_190


  34. サンゴ礁科学研究-喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念号-サンゴ礁科学研究の発展と今後の展望-喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念特集号-

    渡邊剛, 山崎敦子, 渡邊剛, 山崎敦子

    月刊海洋     2016

  35. The coral delta N-15 record of terrestrial nitrate loading varies with river catchment land use Reviewed

    A. Yamazaki, T. Watanabe, U. Tsunogai, H. Hasegawa, H. Yamano

    CORAL REEFS   Vol. 34 ( 1 ) page: 353 - 362   2015.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    We analysed the nitrogen isotopes in two coral cores (delta N-15(coral)) from the mouth of the Todoroki River, Ishigaki Island, Japan, to examine whether the delta N-15(coral) reflects the run-off of nitrate related to the land use in the river catchment. The two coral cores were used to examine the seasonal variation in delta N-15(coral) for 14 years (CORE1; 1993-2007) and the annual variation of delta N-15(coral) for 52 years (CORE2; 1958-2010). In CORE1, the 5-month running mean of delta N-15(coral) was positively correlated with that of monthly precipitation, excluding all strong precipitation events (&gt; 150 mm d(-1)). In CORE2, the delta N-15(coral) mean in the earlier period (1958-1980) was 1.0 aEuro degrees greater than that in the later period (1981-2010). The annual averages of delta N-15(coral) are positively correlated with the total precipitation in the rainy season (May-June) for both time periods. The difference in the delta N-15(coral) between the earlier and later periods is probably caused by the land use changed from paddy fields with N-15-rich manure to sugar cane fields in the early 1980s. Although some uncertainties still remain regarding the precision of delta N-15 coral proxy records, this study emphasises the clear potential for their use in reconstructing terrestrial nitrate discharge records from corals.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00338-014-1235-1

    Web of Science



  36. Evaluation of Mn and Fe in coral skeletons (Porites spp.) as proxies for sediment loading and reconstruction of 50 yrs of land use on Ishigaki Island, Japan Reviewed

    Mayuri Inoue, Daisaku Ishikawa, Tsuzumi Miyaji, Atsuko Yamazaki, Atsushi Suzuki, Hiroya Yamano, Hodaka Kawahata, Tsuyoshi Watanabe

    CORAL REEFS   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 363 - 373   2014.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) concentrations were measured in coral skeletons (Porites spp.) collected from the Todoroki River on Ishigaki Island, Japan, to reconstruct the history of land use in the river catchment area. We prepared (1) five bulk samples to investigate the present spatial distribution and (2) micro-samples from two long cores to study the temporal variability of sediment loading from the Todoroki River. The existing state of the elements Mn and Fe in bulk coral skeleton samples was examined by a chemical cleaning experiment. The results of the experiment suggested that Fe was not incorporated into the crystal lattice of the coral skeleton but that Mn was incorporated, as previously reported. The bulk sample data, with and without chemical cleaning, indicated that the spatial distribution of both elements in corals collected along a sampling line from the river mouth toward the reef crest was complex and most likely reflected salinity changes and the amount of suspended particulate matter. The temporal variation of Mn and Fe, in particular the variation of baseline/background levels, mainly reflected the history of land development on Ishigaki Island. In addition, Mn showed clear seasonal variability that appeared to be controlled by a combination of temperature, primary productivity, and precipitation. The results of the present study suggest that Mn may be a useful proxy for river discharge or biological activity depending on local marine conditions, if the specific behavior of Mn at the coral growth site is known.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00338-014-1128-3

    Web of Science


  37. A 106 year monthly coral record reveals that the East Asian summer monsoon modulates winter PDO variability Reviewed

    Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Takashi Kawamura, Atsuko Yamazaki, Masafumi Murayama, Hiroya Yamano

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   Vol. 41 ( 10 ) page: 3609 - 3614   2014.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a dominant climate mode in the Pacific Ocean and thought to be related to seasonal to decadal changes in sea surface conditions. Colonies of long-living Porites coral, widely used to reconstruct monthly to century-scale tropical sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity records, were discovered near Koshiki Island, Japan (31 degrees N, 129 degrees E). A monthly resolved, 106 year 18O record revealed that distinct decadal-scale variability was significantly correlated with the PDO index. Our comparison showed 1 to 3 years lead-lag correlation of summer coral 18O with the winter PDO index, suggesting that the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) may act as the driving force of winter PDO variability over the last 100 years. Cross-spectral analysis between the winter PDO index and summer coral 18O suggested that recent and future global warming may lead to a more frequent and/or stronger teleconnection between EASM and PDO.

    DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060037

    Web of Science


  38. The 90-year variation of north Atlantic nitrogen fixation in the Caribbean coral skeletons

    Yamazaki Atsuko, Hetzinger Steffen, von Reumont Jonas, Manfrino Carrie, Tsunogai Urumu, Watanabe Tsuyoshi

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   Vol. 61 ( 0 ) page: 189 - 189   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.61.0_189

    CiNii Research


  39. Nitrogen isotopes in intra-crystal coralline aragonites Reviewed

    Atsuko Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Naoto Takahata, Yuji Sano, Urumu Tsunogai

    CHEMICAL GEOLOGY   Vol. 351   page: 276 - 280   2013.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    To assess the preservation of the nitrogen isotope composition in reef corals, nitrogen isotopes in a well-preserved Pliocene fossil coral (located in the Tartaro formation on Luzon Island, Philippines (14 degrees N, 121 degrees E)) and in a modern coral (Kochi, Japan (32 degrees N, 132 degrees E)) were analysed using stepwise heating methods. The thermal decomposition of aragonite triggered the largest release of nitrogen at 700 degrees C for the modern coral and 550 degrees C for the Pliocene coral. The highest rate of nitrogen gas emission occurred at the aragonite collapse temperature, indicating that organic nitrogen was bound within the intra-crystals of coralline aragonites in both corals. After the aragonite collapsed in both corals, the nitrogen isotope ratios increased due to fractionation and then decreased to values similar to those observed in bulk samples of the modern (+10.1%) and Pliocene (+4.4%) corals. These results suggested that fresh organic nitrogen was released due to the decomposition of the internal skeletal structure at higher temperatures (900-1000 degrees C). Nitrogen isotopes in coral skeletons were preserved in intra-crystal aragonite, even in a Pliocene fossil, and stepwise heating methods were shown to be useful for determining the preservation of coralline nitrogen isotopes. (c) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.05.024

    Web of Science



  40. Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotope composition of Okinotori coral in the tropical western Pacific : A new proxy for marine nitrate dynamics Reviewed

    Yamazaki Atsuko, Watanabe Tsuyoshi, Ogawa, Nanako O, Ohkouchi Naohiko, Shirai Kotaro, Toratani Mitsuhiro, Uematsu Mitsuo

    Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences   Vol. 116   2011.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:American Geophysical Union  

    To demonstrate the utility of coral skeletons as a recorder of nitrate dynamics in the surface ocean, we collected coral skeletons of Porites lobata and determined their nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N_[coral]) from 2002 to 2006. Skeletons were collected at Okinotori Island in southwestern Japan, far from any sources of terrestrial nitrogen. Nitrogen isotope compositions along the growth direction were determined at 800 μm intervals (∼1 month resolution) and compared against the skeletal carbon isotope composition (δ13C_[coral-carb]), barium/calcium ratio (Ba/Ca), and Chlorophyll-a conce...

    DOI: 10.1029/2011JG001697

    Web of Science


  41. Nitrogen isotopes of organic nitrogen in reef coral skeletons as a proxy of tropical nutrient dynamics Reviewed

    Atsuko Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Urumu Tsunogai

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   Vol. 38   page: L19605   2011.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    Understanding tropical nutrient dynamics is essential for quantifying marine productivity. In tropical and subtropical oceans, however, the spatial and continuous observation of nutrients has been scarce because of low nutrient concentration. The nitrogen isotopes of organic nitrogen in coral skeletons (delta(15)Ncoral) could be used to record nitrogenous nutrient origins at oceanic surfaces. Here, we show the intra- and inter-reef variations of delta(15)Ncoral in the western Pacific. The zonal distribution of delta(15)Ncoral was found inside a coral reef corresponding with delta(15)N of seawater nitrate (delta(15)N(nitrate)). The extended analysis of delta(15)Ncoral among various coral reefs also shows a latitudinal gradient from tropical to temperate in the western Pacific. The delta(15)Ncoral records high-resolution dynamics of nitrogenous nutrients through the geologic time scale. Citation: Yamazaki, A., T. Watanabe, and U. Tsunogai (2011), Nitrogen isotopes of organic nitrogen in reef coral skeletons as a proxy of tropical nutrient dynamics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L19605, doi:10.1029/2011GL049053.

    DOI: 10.1029/2011GL049053

    Web of Science


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Books 1

  1. 特集 島の自然と文化学 = Naturel and culture in islands|トクシュウ シマ ノ シゼン ト ブンカガク

    山本 哲士 , 田中 俊徳 , 山極 寿一 , 小野寺 浩 , 矢原 徹一, 湯本 貴和 , 高橋 そよ , 山崎 敦子, 大橋 洋一 , 兵藤 裕己 , 浅利 誠 , 東海林 美紀, 河北 秀也

    日本ベリエールアートセンター  2023 

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    CiNii Books


  1. The high-resolution coral records from Con Dao Island, Viet Nam: Impacts of East Asian monsoon to Mekong River discharge and flood events


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  2. Seasonal reconstruction of East Asian Monsoon variability during Mid- to Late Holocene transition deduced from fossil corals in Kikai Island, Japan


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  3. 顕生代の地球環境変動とサンゴ礁

    山崎 敦子, 渡邊 剛

    月刊海洋   ( 号外 No.60 ) page: 133 - 141   2017.7

  4. Late Pleistocene MIS-3 giant clam fossil in Kikai Island, Japan

    駒越 太郎, 渡邊 剛, 佐々木 圭一, 白井 厚太朗, 山崎 敦子

    Kaiyo Monthly Special   Vol. 60 ( 7 ) page: 33 - 46   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  5. Future leadership developments for coral reef research and construction of sustainable coexistence between people and coral reefs

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子, 駒越 太郎, 伊藤 早織, 渡邉 貴昭, 佐々木 友梨, 山崎 紗苗, 藤崎 咲子, 長浜 千夏, 伊地知 告, 佐々木 圭一

    Kaiyo Monthly Special   Vol. 60 ( 7 ) page: 5 - 7   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  6. 鹿児島県喜界島の現生ハマサンゴを用いた環境復元

    梶田 展人, 山崎 敦子, 伊藤 早織, 渡邊 剛

    月刊海洋   ( 号外 No.60 ) page: 55 - 62   2017.7

  7. 喜界島ジオ・エコ統合モニタリングシステム-地球環境変動の解明とサンゴ礁生態系への影響の評価と監視-

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 121 - 124   2017.3

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  8. 台湾緑島の造礁サンゴを用いた子時間解像度の古環境解析:その1-水温計キャリブレーション-

    池田 昌隆, 渡邊 剛, 大森 一人, 渡邉 貴昭, 山崎 敦子, Chiang Hong Wei, Chuan-Chou Shen

    月刊海洋   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 166 - 172   2017.3

  9. 喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所の3年間の歩み-喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所特別号(続報)-

    山崎 敦子, 渡邊 剛

    月刊海洋   Vol. 49 ( 2 ) page: 63 - 66   2017.2

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  10. オマーン産サンゴ記録から紐解く気候変動と古代文明の遷移

    渡邉 貴昭, 渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子, Miriam Pfeiffer・Michel R Claereboudt

    月刊海洋   Vol. 49 ( 2 ) page: 99 - 110   2017.2

  11. フィールドワークにおけるFeigl溶液およびMeigen溶液を用いた生物源炭酸塩試料の続成作用の評価

    駒越 太郎, 渡邊 剛, Kevin Garas, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋   Vol. 49 ( 2 ) page: 71 - 80   2017.2

  12. Coral reefs in subsiding Hawai'i and uplifting Kikai islands

      ( 60 ) page: 8 - 17   2017

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    CiNii Books


  13. Paleo-climate reconstruction using corals from Kikai Island, Japan

      ( 60 ) page: 55 - 62   2017

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    CiNii Books


  14. Phanerozoic environmental changes and coral reefs

      ( 60 ) page: 133 - 141   2017

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    CiNii Books


  15. 沈みゆくハワイと浮き続ける喜界島のサンゴ礁

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋   ( 号外 No.60 ) page: 8 - 17   2017

  16. Are carbonate production and oceanic nutrient driving the variation of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration?

      ( 56 ) page: 159 - 167   2016

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    CiNii Books


  17. Great journey and future adventure of coral reef sciences : special volume for the birth anniversary of KIKAI institute for coral reefs sciences

      ( 56 ) page: 5 - 8   2016

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    CiNii Books


  18. High-resolution climate reconstruction with coral skeletons from Oman

      ( 56 ) page: 136 - 145   2016

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    CiNii Books


  19. サンゴ礁科学研究所と今後の展望—喜界島サンゴ礁科学研究所設立記念特別号

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子

    月刊海洋   Vol. 号外 No.56   page: 5 - 8   2016

  20. Coral nitrogen isotope recorded seasonal variation of terrestrial nitrate into coral reef

    Yamazaki Atsuko, Watanabe Tsuyoshi, Tsunogai Urumu

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   Vol. 58 ( 0 ) page: 13 - 13   2011

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    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  21. The influence of Kuroshio transport on the skeletal 15N in corals collected from Tatsukushi Bay, Kochi

    Yamazaki Atsuko, Watanabe Tsuyoshi, Tsunogai Urumu, Nakachi Shuu, Yamano Hiroya, Iwase Fumihito

    Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan   Vol. 57 ( 0 ) page: 99 - 99   2010

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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 11

  1. El Nino in the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Human spread to remote Oceania

    Grant number:22H01313  2022.4 - 2026.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )

  2. サンゴ骨格に記録される産業革命以降の海洋貧酸素水塊の拡大

    Grant number:20KK0236  2020.10 - 2025.3

    科学研究費助成事業  国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))

    渡邊 剛, 渡邉 貴昭, 田中 健太郎, 山崎 敦子, 駒越 太郎

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    人為起源の地球温暖化と沿岸域の富栄養化に伴う将来の海洋貧酸素化の拡大の可能性が指摘されているが、産業革命以降の気候・海洋環境変化に伴う貧酸素水塊の形成と拡大の直接的な証拠や、将来予測に不可欠な長期データが現存しない。本研究では、世界最大の貧酸素水塊の縁辺部に位置するハワイ諸島と、既に貧酸素環境にあるアラビア海という条件の異なる海域を対象とし、浅海および深海サンゴ骨格試料に対し、新たに開発する化学指標を用いることにより、海洋の 貧酸素化の拡大の変遷を復元する。本研究で復元される溶存酸素濃度の長期一次データと気候 ・海洋・生態系統合モデルを組み合わせることにより将来予測を試みる。 本年度も、昨年と同様に予定していたハワイとオマーンのフィールドワークが世界的な新型感染症の拡大により計画通り実施することができなかった。一方で、共同研究者の来日や既存の浅海サンゴのボーリングコア試料の整理と使用許可の調整や、観測モニタリング、既存のサンゴのボーリングコア試料の酸素・炭素安定同位体比ならびにMn/Ca比、Sr/Ca比の測定といった地球化学的解析を進めるなど、研究分担者がそれぞれの現地で実践できる活動を順調に進めることができた。 次年度も世界的な情勢によりフィールドワークの計画は慎重を要するが、現地の共同研究者との連携を強化し、予定していた試料の入手に取り組みつつ、既存の浅海サンゴのボーリングコア試料の再解析など現地で新たな試料を得られない場合も含めた対応の両面で検討する。
    2)ハワイ諸島浅海域の貧酸素水塊の時系列変化の復元:オアフ島で採取された浅海サンゴのボーリングコアの酸素・炭素安定同位体比ならびにMn/Ca 比、Sr/Ca比の測定より、高精度のSr/Ca水温計(<1℃)を作成し約70年分の水温変動が明らかした。オアフ島東岸のサンゴコアは1950年代以降炭素同位体比が継続的に低下しており海洋のスース効果と考えられる。また、ハワイと日本沿岸で採取されたサンゴ骨格の炭素同位体比を比較した結果、水深の変化よりも緯度の変化に伴う骨格の炭素同位体比の変化が大きく、特に北西太平洋高緯度域のサンゴ骨格の炭素同位体比は他の海域に比べ著しく低い。この結果から、サンゴ骨格は100年規模の炭素同位体比変動は各海域固有の二酸化炭素海洋吸収量の変動を記録しており貧酸素水塊指標の開発の見通しが高まった。
    3)ハワイ諸島の貧酸素水塊の深度分布と時系列変化の復元:過去に掘削されたハワイ諸島北端クレ島と東端 のハワイ島の浅海サンゴのボーリングコアの使用許可を得ている。
    1)観測モニタリングとキャリブレーションによる貧酸素水塊指標の高精度化:国際観測ステーションALOHAおよびハワイ大学の海洋観測ブイに移植したサンゴ試料の解析データと観測データを用いて、サンゴ骨格の地球化学的解析で得る溶存酸素濃度、溶存二酸化炭素、水温指標のキャリブレーションと高精度化を行う。 2)ハワイ諸島浅海域の貧酸素水塊の時系列変化の復元:サンゴコア試料の地球化学的解析を継続する。キャリブレーションにより溶存二酸化炭素濃度を個別に定量的に復元し、過去数百年間における海洋貧酸素水塊の挙動と環境要因との相互関係を明らかにする。 3)ハワイ諸島の貧酸素水塊の深度分布と時系列変化の復元:水深毎の深海サンゴを採取し、海洋表層の溶存酸素濃度、水温変動、脱窒量の変遷、溶存二酸化炭素濃度の深度分布を産業革命前と現在とで比較する。貧酸素水塊の拡大の影響がどの水深で進行してきたか明らかにする。 4)アラビア海における貧酸素水塊の時系列変化の復元:アラビア海オマーン沿岸にて、浅海サンゴの掘削を実施する。サンゴ骨格のMn/Ca比から海洋表層の溶存酸素濃度、Sr/Ca比から水温変動、窒素同位体比から栄養塩濃度、ホウ素・炭素同位体比から溶存二酸化炭素濃度を過去250年間に渡って復元し、ハワイ諸島で復元された環境に対してアラビア海では溶存酸素濃度がどのように変化してきたかを比較する。 5)気候・海洋・生態系統合モデルによるメカニズムの解明と将来予測:ハワイとオマーン2つの貧酸素の条件が異なる海域においての貧酸素水塊の関する地球化 学的データをインプットし総合解析を行い、過去から現在までの貧酸素水塊の動態解析やメカニズムの解明から、将来の温暖化による海洋貧酸素化と海洋生態系へのインパクトを定量的に予測。得られた結果は国内外の学会で発表するほか、国際誌に適宜投稿する。

  3. シャコガイ殻の日輪計測と炭酸凝集同位体法による1000万年間の地球自転速度の復元

    Grant number:20K20932  2020.7 - 2023.3

    科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    渡邊 剛, 山崎 敦子, 駒越 太郎

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    本研究では、昼と夜に貝殻を開閉し太陽日輪を刻む化石シャコ ガイ殻を用いて、過去1000万年間の地球の自転速度を復元することを目的とする。1)シ ャコガイ殻の太陽暦(日・年)キャリブレーション、2)化石シャコガイ試料の採取と年代測定、3)現生および化石の成長線解析と炭酸凝集同位体分析を行い、シャコガイ殻に 記録される公転周期の中に、日輪が何本刻まれているかを計測し、過去の自転速度を復元する。本研究は、世界初の地球自転計を目指すものであり、その成果は化学分析の必要ない新しい年代決定法の開発や古代天文暦の謎を解明するなど多分野への強い波及効果が期待される。
    1)シャコガイ殻の太陽暦(日・年)キャリブレーション:鹿児島県大島郡喜界島において現生シャコガイ10個体を採取し、 屋外水槽にて飼育を開始した。シャコガイ殻の日輪形成のタイミングと日輪幅の変動要因を明らかにするため、殻の開閉とその継続時間をとらえるための動体センサーの検討を業者へ相談し進めている。飼育水槽に照度および温度ロガーを設置し、日射量、日照時間、水温の年周期成分の観測を実施している。
    3)現生および化石の成長線解析と炭酸凝集同位体分析:中期中新世(1000万年前)、後期中新世(500年前)、中期鮮新世(350 万年前)、後期更新世(6万年前)、完新世(6千年前)、現生のシャコガイ殻を用いて、殻に記録される年周期すなわち公転周期の中に、日輪が何本刻まれているかを計測し過去の自転速度を復元する。現在飼育しているシャコガイの殻および化石殻試料を最大成長軸に沿って切断し、薄片および化学分析用の切片を切り出し、薄片による年輪観察と炭酸凝集同位体温度計を用いた絶対水温の年周期から、殻に刻まれる公転周期(一年間)を明らかにする。薄片観察により年輪に含まれる日輪数と日輪幅を計測。殻に記録される一年の間に含まれる日輪の数から年間の日数の平均を求め、各年代で比較し地球の自転の減衰速度を見積もる。

  4. Variation in Marine nitrogen budgets during the last 200-year global warming

    Grant number:17H04708  2017.4 - 2021.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)

    Yamazaki Atsuko

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\22750000 ( Direct Cost: \17500000 、 Indirect Cost:\5250000 )

    The possibility that nitrogen, essential for marine life, is declining in response to global warming has been discussed. This study investigated changes in the ocean nitrogen budget associated with global warming using nitrogen isotope ratio measurements of reef-building coral skeletons. The results showed that the amount of nitrogen in the ocean surface layer tends to decrease with warming by comparing the world's largest nitrogen-fixing oceans, the Caribbean Sea in the North Atlantic, Hawaii in the Central Pacific, and Oman, which faces the Arabian Sea. In addition, the supply of deep to the surface water with decadal to multi-decadal oscillations in water temperature is suggested to be an essential source of nitrogen and phosphorus in tropical and subtropical regions.

  5. Coral skeletal records reveal the impact of short-term climatic cycles on the transition from Neanderthals to Homo Sapiens

    Grant number:15H03742  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    WATANABE Tsuyoshi

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    We analyzed trace elements and oxygen isotopes in fossil corals (Plesiastrea versipora and Porites sp.) from the time interval during MIS3 in Kikai Island. We found clear cyclic changes in interannual to decadal scales. Within the 22-year temperature records in Porites corals 55,000 years ago, the range of seasonal temperature variation dropped by half for 4 years. The cold (warm) water in summer (winter) could mainly reflect air temperature because we could not find same variation in oxygen isotopes of Tridacna shells. This drastic changes in air temperature could impact on the human life styles such as their food and habitability environment.

  6. Centennial variation of nitrogen fixation in Caribbean modern/fossil corals

    Grant number:26870155  2014.4 - 2016.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Yamazaki Atsuko

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 、 Indirect Cost:\690000 )

    Oceanic nitrogen fixation is important as new nitrogen in oligotrophic oceans and balances with denitrification in global nitrogen cycle. The historical changes of nitrogen fixation rate in North Atlantic Ocean have been discussed in seasonal scale variation using modern observations and in millenia-scale variation using sediment cores in geological time scales. However, the decadal to centennial scale variation of nitrogen fixation with this global warming condition is still unknown. We use a new 94-year record of annual nitrogen isotopes in coral skeletons from Little Cayman Island, Caribbean Sea. The 94-year nitrogen isotope record in Caribbean coral revealed the change in nitrogen fixation correlated with multi-decadal temperature variation and sea level change in Atlantic Ocean. Reconstructed nitrogen fixation also showed the decreasing trend led by global warming. We apply nitrogen isotope proxy to coral fossils from paleo warming state, MIS5e in Caribbean Sea.

  7. The relationship between nitrogen cycle in surface ocean and climate changes recorded in Holocene reef corals

    2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 

    Atsuko Yamazaki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  8. Reconstructing Kuroshio transport during last 100 years using geochemical proxies on coral skeletons

    Grant number:24310001  2012.4 - 2015.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    WATANABE Tsuyoshi, IKEDA Masataka, MIYAJI Tuzumi, YAMAZAKI Atuko

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    We have reconstructed the change in Kuroshio transport during last 100 years using the coral skeletons from four different areas in north Pacific of Kuroshio regions (Luetao island, Taiwan, Koshiki island, Kagoshima, Tatsukushi, Kouchi, Kushimoto, Wakayama). We applied the oxygen isotopes, strontium/calcium ratio, nitrogen isotopes on coral skeletons to estimate the past changes of salinity, temperature, and nutrient with weekly to monthly temporal resolution and discussed the relationship during last 100 among the Kuroshio behavior, global warming, and regional climate systems, including ENSO and PDO.

  9. Development of new nutrient proxy in oligotrophic oceans using coral nitrogen isotope

    Grant number:24654178  2012.4 - 2014.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    WATANABE Tsuyoshi, HARII Saki, YAMAZAKI Atsuko

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

    In this research we attempted to establish new nutrient proxy in oligotrophic oceans using stable nitrogen isotopes in organic materials of reef-building coral skeletons, which grow up to several hundreds years with annual bands.
    Since the conventional approaches to use the adult skeleton have made the separation of the skeletal part where formed during experimental periods, we applied the primary coral polyp cultured in different nutrient conditions in this research.
    During the observation in experimental period, we observed distinct difference of calcification rate, skeletal structure among cultured samples in different conditions and between symbiotic and asymbiotic coral larvae.

  10. The development of nitrogen isotope proxy in coral skeletons and the application to reconstruction of paleo-environments

    2010.4 - 2013.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 

    Atsuko Yamazaki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  11. 黒潮が育む高緯度域のサンゴ礁環境変動の復元

    2008.4 - 2010.3

    黒潮生物研究財団  黒潮生物研究所 研究助成 

    山崎 敦子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


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Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 7

  1. 地球惑星システム科学概論


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  2. 地球惑星科学実験Ⅰ(生物源堆積岩・化学的堆積岩)


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  3. 地球惑星科学実験(堆積学)

    Hokkaido University)

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  4. 地球環境学


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  5. 堆積学

    Hokkaido University)

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  6. 現代地球惑星科学概論(サンゴ礁地球環境学)

    Hokkaido University)

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  7. 自然科学実験

    Hokkaido University)

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