Updated on 2023/12/28


INAGAKI Masahito
Graduate School of Science Designated assistant professor
Designated assistant professor

Degree 1

  1. Doctore of Science ( 2019.3   Tohoku University ) 

Research Interests 12

  1. Nucleic Acids Chemistry

  2. Metal Nanoparticles

  3. 生理活性ヌクレオチド・ヌクレオシド

  4. 機能性RNAの化学合成

  5. Unnatural Nucleobase Pairs

  6. Nucleobase Orientation

  7. Peptide Synthesis

  8. ペプチド-核酸コンジュゲート

  9. Genome Synthesis

  10. オリゴヌクレオチドの分析と精製

  11. mRNA Therapeutics

  12. mRNA Cap Analogues

Research Areas 5

  1. Life Science / Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences

  2. Life Science / Bioorganic chemistry  / Nucleic Acids Chemistry

  3. Nanotechnology/Materials / Synthetic organic chemistry  / 生体関連化学

  4. Nanotechnology/Materials / Chemical biology

  5. Life Science / Bioorganic chemistry  / Nucleic Acids Chemistry

Research History 5

  1. Nagoya University   Project Assistant Professor


  2. Nagoya University

    2020.4 - 2022.3

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  3. カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校   Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences   上級客員研究員

    2019.10 - 2020.2

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    Country:United States

  4. Tohoku University   日本学術振興会特別研究員PD

    2019.4 - 2020.3

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  5. Tohoku University

    2018.4 - 2019.3

Professional Memberships 5

  1. The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan


  2. 日本薬学会

  3. 日本核酸医薬学会

  4. 日本核酸化学会

  5. 日本化学会

Committee Memberships 2

  1. 共益社団法人日本化学会 生体機能関 連化学部会・バイオテクノロジー部会   第13回 バイオ関連化学シンポジウム 学会運営実行委員  


  2. The 10th Chemistry Summer School of the Tohoku University Campus Asia   Chairman  


Awards 9

  1. 「第18回わかしゃち奨励賞」基礎研究部門 最優秀賞

    2023.12   愛知県経済産業局   mRNA 医薬のキャップ構造多様性が与える翻訳活性への影響解明


  2. ISNAC2023, Outstanding Oral Presentation Award

    2023.11   Japan Society of Nucleic Acids Chemistry   Development of PureCap Method Toward Synthesis of Fully Capped Messenger RNA by In Vitro Transcription

    Masahito Inagaki

  3. Lectureship Award

    2023.9   Development of PureCap Method That Enables Synthesis of Fully Capped mRNA and Evaluation of Biological Activities

    Masahito Inagaki

  4. JESEDAI Symposium Lectureship Award

    2023.5   Division of Organic Chemistry, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan   Development of novel cap analogs that enable the production of fully capped messenger RNA therapeutics

    Masahito Inagaki

  5. BMC/BMCL Award


    Kazuya Ogawa, Masahito Inagaki, Zhenmin Li, Naoko Abe, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

  6. 甲南FIBER若い世代の特別講演会特別講演賞

    2022.2   甲南大学先端生命工学研究所   Site-Specific Chemical Strand Cleavage of Oligonucleotides for Genome-Scale DNA Assembly


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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  7. Certificate of Invited Speaker in FIBER Special Lectures from Outstanding Young Scientists

    2022.2   Konan FIBER   Site-Specific Chemical Strand Cleavage of Oligonucleotides for Genome-Scale DNA Assembly

    Masahito Inagaki

  8. ISNAC Outstanding Poster Award in 2021

    2021.11   Japan Society of Nucleic Acids Chemistry   Metal Nanoparticles Induced Strand Cleavage of Oligonucleotides for Genome-Scale DNA Synthesis

    Masahito Inagaki

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  9. 2020年「貴金属に関わる研究助成金」シルバー賞

    2021.4   一般財団法人 田中貴金属記念財団   貴金属材料を利用したゲノム合成技術の開発と医療創薬応用


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    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc. 

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Papers 13

  1. Cell Reprogramming and Differentiation Utilizing Messenger RNA for Regenerative Medicine

    Masahito Inagaki

    Journal of Developmental Biology 2014   Vol. 12 ( 1 )   2023.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author  

  2. Cell Reprogramming and Differentiation Utilizing Messenger RNA for Regenerative Medicine

    Masahito Inagaki

    Preprints   Vol. 2023110233   2023.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    The COVID-19 pandemic stimulated attention to the medicinal applications of messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is expected to be applied not only to vaccines but also to regenerative medicines. The purity of mRNA is important for its medicinal application. However, the current mRNA synthesis techniques have problems, e.g., contamination of undesired 5’-uncapped mRNA and double-stranded RNAs. Recently, our group developed a completely capped mRNA synthesis technology that contributed to the progress of mRNA research. The introduction of chemically modified nucleosides, e.g., N1-methylpseudouridine and 5-methylcytidine, have been demonstrated by Dr. Karikó and Dr. Weissman which opened the practical application of mRNA for vaccines and regenerative medicines. Dr. Yamanaka reported the production of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) by the introduction of 4 types of genes using a retrovirus vector. iPSCs are widely used for research about regenerative medicines and the preparation of disease models to screen new drug candidates. Of the Yamanaka factors, Klf4 and c-Myc are oncogenes, and there is a tumor development risk if these are integrated into genomic DNA. Therefore, regenerative medicines using mRNA, which has no risk of genome insertion, have attracted attention. In this review, we summarized the synthesis of mRNA and its application for regenerative medicine.

    DOI: 10.20944/preprints202311.0233.v1

  3. Potential Application of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics in SARS-CoV-2 Genomic RNA Knockdown

    Masahito Inagaki

    Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (Biomed J Sci & Tech Res)   Vol. 53 ( 3 ) page: 45126 - 45133   2023.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author  

    DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.53.008460

  4. The effect of γ phosphate modified deoxynucleotide substrates on PCR activity and fidelity International journal

    Fumitaka HashiyaHirotaka MuraseAkash ChandelaHaruka HiraokaMasahito InagakiYuko, NakashimaNaoko AbeMayu, NakamuraGoro TeraiYasuaki KimuraKaori, AndoNatsuhisa OkaKiyoshi, AsaiHiroshi Abe

    ChemBioChem   Vol. 24 ( 14 ) page: e202200572   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Controlling PCR fidelity is an important issue for molecular biology and high-fidelity PCR is essential for gene cloning. In general, fidelity control is achieved by protein engineering of polymerases. In contrast, only a few studies have reported controlling fidelity using chemically modified nucleotide substrates. In this report, we synthesized nucleotide substrates possessing a modification on Pγ and evaluated the effect of this modification on PCR fidelity. One of the substrates, nucleotide tetraphosphate, caused a modest decrease in Taq DNA polymerase activity and the effect on PCR fidelity was dependent on the type of mutation. The use of deoxyadenosine tetraphosphate enhanced the A:T→G:C mutation dramatically, which is common when using Taq polymerase. Conversely, deoxyguanosine tetraphosphate (dG4P) suppressed this mutation but increased the G:C→A:T mutation during PCR. Using an excess amount of dG4P suppressed both mutations successfully and total fidelity was improved.

    DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202200572

    Web of Science



  5. Sulfur magic in nucleic acid-based drug development

    Meng Zheyu, Masahito Inagaki, Hiroshi Abe

    Sulphuric acid and industry   Vol. 76 ( 6 ) page: 1 - 10   2023.6

  6. Synthesis of nucleoside oligophosphates by electrophilic activation of phosphorothioate Reviewed

    Shogo Hasegawa, Masahito Inagaki, Shunichi Kato, Zhenmin Li, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

    Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry   Vol. 21 ( 19 ) page: 3997 - 4001   2023.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)  

    We herein report a new synthetic method of nucleoside oligophosphates based on an electrophilic activation of 5'-phosphorothioate nucleotides. Treatment of the phosphorothioate with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) efficiently afforded the key activated...

    DOI: 10.1039/d2ob02260e

    Web of Science



  7. Cap analogs with a hydrophobic photocleavable tag enable facile purification of fully capped mRNA with various cap structures Reviewed International journal

    Masahito Inagaki, Naoko Abe, Zhenmin Li, Yuko Nakashima, Susit Acharyya, Kazuya Ogawa, Daisuke Kawaguchi, Haruka Hiraoka, Ayaka Banno, Zheyu Meng, Mizuki Tada, Tatsuma Ishida, Pingxue Lyu, Kengo Kokubo, Hirotaka Murase, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Abe

    Nature Communications   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 17   2023.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Starting with the clinical application of two vaccines in 2020, mRNA therapeutics are currently being investigated for a variety of applications. Removing immunogenic uncapped mRNA from transcribed mRNA is critical in mRNA research and clinical applications. Commonly used capping methods provide maximum capping efficiency of around 80-90% for widely used Cap-0- and Cap-1-type mRNAs. However, uncapped and capped mRNA possesses almost identical physicochemical properties, posing challenges to their physical separation. In this work, we develop hydrophobic photocaged tag-modified cap analogs, which separate capped mRNA from uncapped mRNA by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Subsequent photo-irradiation recovers footprint-free native capped mRNA. This approach provides 100% capping efficiency even in Cap-2-type mRNA with versatility applicable to 650 nt and 4,247 nt mRNA. We find that the Cap-2-type mRNA shows up to 3- to 4-fold higher translation activity in cultured cells and animals than the Cap-1-type mRNA prepared by the standard capping method.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38244-8

    Web of Science



  8. External Stimulation-Responsive Artificial Nucleic Acids: Peptide Ribonucleic Acid (PRNA)-Programmed Assemblies Reviewed

    Masahito Inagaki, Takehiko Wada

    Handbook of Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids (Springer Nature)   Vol. 26   2023.3

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    Authorship:Lead author  

    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-1313-5_93-1

  9. Cap analogs with a hydrophobic photocleavable tag enable facile purification of fully capped mRNA with various cap structures.

    Masahito Inagaki, Naoko Abe, Zhenmin Li, Yuko Nakashima, Susit Acharyya, Kazuya Ogawa, Daisuke Kawaguchi, Haruka Hiraoka, Ayaka Banno, Zheyu Meng, Mizuki Tada, Tatsuma Ishida, Pingxue Lyu, Kengo Kokubo, Hirotaka Murase, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Abe

    ChemRxiv     2022.9

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    Publisher:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

    Removing immunogenic uncapped mRNA from in vitro transcribed mRNA is critical in mRNA research and clinical applications. Commonly used capping methods provide a maximum capping efficiency of around 80-90% for widely used Cap-0- and Cap-1-type mRNAs. However, uncapped and capped mRNA possesses almost identical physicochemical properties, posing challenges to their physical separation. Herein, we developed hydrophobic photocaged tag-modified cap analogs, which separated capped mRNA from uncapped mRNA by reversed-phase HPLC. Subsequent photo-irradiation recovers footprint-free native capped mRNA. This approach provided 100% capping efficiency even in Cap-2-type mRNA with versatility applicable to 650 nt and 4,247 nt mRNA. The Cap-2-type mRNA showed up to 3 to 4-fold higher translational activity in cultured cells and animals than mRNA prepared by the standard capping method. Notably, the purification process simultaneously removed immunogenic double-stranded mRNA, another major contaminant of in vitro transcribed mRNA, drastically reducing mRNA immunogenicity in cultured cells.

    DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-vfjt6

  10. Design of Synthetic mRNAs for Highly Efficient Translation

    Inagaki Masahito, Tada Mizuki, Abe Hiroshi

    Drug Delivery System   Vol. 37 ( 3 ) page: 196 - 208   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM  

    Recently messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics is received much attention as one of the vaccination therapies to compete against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. mRNA therapeutics are generally produced by <i>in vitro</i> transcription utilizing RNA polymerase mediated elongation. However, its purity, stability, and protein synthesis ability, are difficult to be precisely controlled, which is pointed out as drawbacks that must be overcome. To overcome these issues, the introduction of chemically modified nucleic acids is focusing attention. However, it is difficult to flexible molecular design due to the requirement of RNA polymerase recognition ability of chemically modified nucleic acids under <i>in vitro</i> transcription reaction. In the future, the development of a new mRNA design concept based on a flexible molecular design by the progress of chemically modified mRNA therapeutics synthesis method. Under the situation, the authors are focusing on the translation mechanism of mRNA and proposing a new mRNA molecular design to accelerate the translation reaction cycle. In this paper, we introduce an update on therapeutic mRNA design.

    DOI: 10.2745/dds.37.196


    CiNii Research

  11. Design of Synthetic mRNAs for Highly Efficient Translation Invited Reviewed

    Masahito Inagaki, Mizuki Tada, Hiroshi Abe

    Drug Delivery System   Vol. 37 ( 3 ) page: 196 - 208   2022.7

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    Authorship:Lead author  

  12. Complete Chemical Synthesis of Minimal Messenger RNA by Efficient Chemical Capping Reaction Reviewed International journal

    Abe Naoko, Imaeda Akihiro, Inagaki Masahito, Zhenmin Li, Kawaguchi Daisuke, Onda Kaoru, Nakashima Yuko, Uchida Satoshi, Hashiya Fumitaka, Kimura Yasuaki, Abe Hiroshi

    ACS Chemical Biology   Vol. 17 ( 6 ) page: 1308 - 1314   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Site-specific chemical modification of mRNA can improve its translational efficiency and stability. For this purpose, it is desirable to develop a complete chemical synthesis method for chemically modified mRNA. The key is a chemical reaction that introduces a cap structure into the chemically synthesized RNA. In this study, we developed a fast and quantitative chemical capping reaction between 5'-phosphorylated RNA and N7-methylated GDP imidazolide in the presence of 1-methylimidazole in the organic solvent dimethyl sulfoxide. It enabled quantitative preparation of capping RNA within 3 h. We prepared chemically modified 107-nucleotide mRNAs, including N6-methyladenosine, insertion of non-nucleotide linkers, and 2'-O-methylated nucleotides at the 5' end and evaluated their effects on translational activity in cultured HeLa cells. The results showed that mRNAs with non-nucleotide linkers in the untranslated regions were sufficiently tolerant to translation and that mRNAs with the Cap_2 structure had higher translational activity than those with the Cap_0 structure.

    DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.1c00996

    Web of Science



  13. N-Benzoyl-protected Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) Monomers Expand the Range of Nucleobases Available for PNA-DNA Chimera Reviewed

    Masahito Inagaki, Ryohei Uematsu, Tatsuya Mizutani, Daisuke Unabara, Yasuyuki Araki, Seiji Sakamoto, Hiromu Kashida, Masaki Nishijima, Hiroyuki Asanuma, Yoshihisa Inoue, Takehiko Wada

    Chemistry Letters   Vol. 48 ( 4 ) page: 341 - 344   2019.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English  

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.181048

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Books 2

  1. 2023 年ノーベル生理学・医学賞解説「mRNA 医薬品の実用化に向けた化学の役割」

    稲垣雅仁, 阿部洋( Role: Contributor)

    月刊化学(化学同人)Vol.78 No12 (2023)  2023.11 

  2. External Stimulation-Responsive Artificial Nucleic Acids: Peptide Ribonucleic Acid (PRNA)-Programmed Assemblies

    Masahito Inagaki, Wada Takehiko( Role: Contributor)

    Handbook of Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids (Springer Nature)  2023.3  ( ISBN:9789811613135

Presentations 72

  1. 光分解性保護基を用いた5’Cap化mRNAの高純度精製と翻訳制御

    橋谷文貴, 稲垣雅仁, 阿部奈保子, Zhenmin Li, 中嶋裕子, Susit Acharyya, Zheyu Meng, 多田瑞紀, 石田竜真, Pingxue Lyu, 木村康明, 内田智士, 阿部 洋

    日本分子生物学会年会  2023.12 

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    Event date: 2023.12

  2. The development of PureCap method for high-purity mRNA preparation and evaluation of cap-2 structures

    Mizuki Tada, Masahito Inagaki, Naoko Abe, Zhenmin Li, Yuko Nakashima, Susit Acharyya, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Abe

    FNA perth 2023  2023.11 

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    Event date: 2023.11

  3. "化学合成を基盤とする高度化学修飾mRNAの開発 -高活性mRNA医薬の創出を目指して- "


    第40回メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム  2023.11 

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    Event date: 2023.11

  4. mRNAの高純度精製を可能にする新規キャップアナログの開発

    Lyu Pingxue, 稲垣 雅仁, 中嶋裕子, 阿部 奈保子, Zhenmin Li, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 阿部 洋

    第40回メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム  2023.11 

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    Event date: 2023.11

  5. 人工mRNA調製を可能にする新規化学リン酸化試薬の開発

    乙竹真美, 恩田馨, 稲垣雅仁, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第40回メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム  2023.11 

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    Event date: 2023.11

  6. PureCap法を用いたCap2型mRNAの創製

    中嶋 裕子, 稲垣 雅仁, 阿部 奈保子, Zhenmin Li, Susit Acharyya, 平岡 陽花, Zheyu Meng, 多田 瑞紀, 石田 竜真, Pingxue Lyu, 村瀬 裕貴, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 内田 智士, 阿部 洋

    第40回メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム  2023.11 

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    Event date: 2023.11

  7. Development of PureCap Method Toward Synthesis of Fully Capped Messenger RNA by In Vitro Transcription

    Masahito Inagaki, Naoko Abe, Yuko Nakashima, Li Zhenmin, Susit Acharyya, Kazuya Ogawa, Daisuke Kawaguchi, Haruka Hiraoka, Mizuki Tada, Zheyu Meng, Tatsuma Ishida, Pingxue Lyu, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Abe

    ISNAC2023  2023.11.1 

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  8. Novel Design Strategy of DNA-Artificial Nucleic Acid Chimera (CANA) Toward Enhancement of RNase H Mediated Target RNA Cleavage Activities: Application for COVID-19 Therapeutics IV

    Takehiko Wada, Kazutoshi Fujita, Yuto Horiuchi, Nozomu Ishiwata, Masahito Inagaki, Hironori Hayashi, Yasuyuki Araki, Masaki Nishijima, Eiichi Kodama

    ISNAC2023  2023.11.3 

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  9. Construction of Catalytic Target RNA Cleavage Function Installed Nucleic Acids for the Treatments of COVID-19

    Kazutoshi Fujita, Nozomu Ishiwata, Masahito Inagaki, Masaki Nishijima, Hironori Hayashi, Yu Mikame, Yasuyuki Araki, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Asako Yamayoshi, Eiichi Kodama, Takehiko Wada

    ISNAC2023  2023.11.2 

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  10. 完全キャップ化メッセンジャーRNA製造法の開発

    稲垣雅仁, 小川和哉, 阿部奈保子, 中嶋裕子, Rabab A. Husseini, 小暮健太朗, 多田瑞紀, 木村康明, 橋谷文貴, 阿部 洋

    核酸化学若手フォーラム2023  2023.10.31 

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    Event date: 2023.10

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  11. "触媒的標的RNA切断を目指した新規キメラ人工核酸の設計・合成: — DNA部位修飾による複合体安定性と活性効果 —

    和田 健彦, 藤田 一寿, 石渡, 林, 荒木 保幸, 西嶋 政樹, 児玉 栄一, 稲垣 雅仁

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

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    Event date: 2023.7

  12. PCR停止プライマーを用いた新規DNA連結法とmRNAライブラリーの構築

    野村浩平, 恩田馨, 鈴木大輔, 村瀬裕貴, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

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    Event date: 2023.7

  13. Development of novel cap analogs that enable the production of fully capped messenger RNA therapeutics

    Masahito Inagaki, Naoko Abe, Yuko Nakashima, Li Zhenmin, Susit Acharyya, Kazuya Ogawa, Daisuke Kawaguchi, Haruka Hiraoka, Mizuki Tada, Zheyu Meng, Tatsuma Ishida, Pingxue Lyu, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Abe

    Organic Chemistry – the Next Generation –  2023.5.26 

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    Event date: 2023.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  14. 人工mRNA調製を可能にする新規化学リン酸化試薬の開発

    乙竹真美, 恩田馨, 稲垣雅仁, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本薬学会第143年会  2023.3.26 

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    Event date: 2023.3

  15. 光反応性保護基をもつキャップ化合物を利用した高純度キャップ化mRNA調製法の開発

    阿部 奈保子, 稲垣 雅仁, Li Zhenmin, 中嶋 裕子, Acharyya Susi, 平岡 陽花, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 内田 智士, 阿部 洋

    日本薬学会第143年会  2023.3.26 

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    Event date: 2023.3

  16. 触媒的標的RNA切断を目指した新規キメラ人工核酸の設計・合成–DNA部位修飾による複合体安定性と活性効果–

    石渡 望, 稲垣 雅仁, 西嶋 政樹, 林 宏典, 荒木 保幸, 児玉 栄一, 和田 健彦

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.25 

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    Event date: 2023.3

  17. ホスホロチオエート基の求電子的活性化によるヌクレオシドオリゴリン酸の合成

    長谷川翔吾, 稲垣雅仁, 加藤俊一, Li Zhenmin, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.22 

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    Event date: 2023.3

  18. 化学的キャップ化反応を鍵反応とするmRNAの完全化学合成

    小川和哉, 稲垣雅仁, Zhemin Li, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.22 

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    Event date: 2023.3

  19. Development of a DNA assembly technology using modified nucleic acids

    加瀬光希弥, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 橋谷文貴, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.23 

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  20. 化学修飾プライマーとライゲーション反応を用いたランダム配列を有するDNAライブラリーの構築

    高橋 南帆, 野村 浩平, 恩田 馨, 鈴木 大輔, 村瀬 裕貴, 稲垣 雅仁, 平岡 陽花, 阿部 奈保子, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 阿部 洋

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.25 

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    Event date: 2023.3

  21. 完全キャップ化メッセンジャーRNAの製造を可能にする共転写用PureCapアナログの開発

    稲垣 雅仁, 阿部 奈保子, Zhenmin Li, 中嶋 裕子, Susit Acharyya, 小川 和哉, 川口 大輔, 平岡 陽花, 坂野 文香, Zheyu Meng, 多田 瑞紀, 石田 竜真, Pingxue Ly, 小久保 建吾, 村瀬 裕貴, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 内田 智士, 阿部 洋

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.22 

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  22. 化学修飾プライマーを用いたゲノムスケールDNAの作 成

    橋谷 文貴, 恩田 馨, 野村 浩平, Gao Yiuno, 村瀬 裕貴, 中本 航介, 稲垣 雅仁, 平岡 陽花, 阿部 奈保子, 木村 康明, 岡 夏央, 寺井 悟朗, 浅井 潔, 阿部 洋

    日本化学会 第103回春季年会  2023.3.23 

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  23. 化学修飾プライマーを用いた任意の接着末端作成と長鎖DNAの連結

    橋谷 文貴, 恩田 馨, 野村 浩平, Gao Yiuno, 村瀬 裕貴, 中本 航介, 稲垣 雅仁, 平岡 陽花, 阿部 奈保子, 木村 康明, 岡 夏央, 寺井 悟朗, 浅井 潔, 阿部 洋

    第45回日本分子生物学会年会  2022.11 

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    Event date: 2022.11 - 2022.12

  24. mRNAの完全化学合成を可能とする化学的キャップ化法の開発

    小川和哉, 稲垣雅仁, Zhemin Li, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第39回メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム  2022.11.23 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  25. 化学修飾プライマーを利用したゲノムスケールDNAアセンブリ

    橋谷 文貴, 恩田 馨, 野村 浩平, Gao Yiuno, 村瀬 裕貴, 中本 航介, 稲垣 雅仁, 平岡 陽花, 阿部 奈保子, 木村 康明, 岡 夏央, 寺井 悟朗, 浅井 潔, 阿部 洋

    第17回無細胞生命科学研究会  2022.11 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  26. Complete Chemical Synthesis of Minimal Messenger RNA by Efficient Chemical Capping Reaction

    大橋咲南, 阿部奈保子, 今枝昭裕, 稲垣雅仁, Zhenmin Li, 川口大輔, 恩田馨, 中嶋祐子, 内田智士, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    10th International mRNA Health Conference  2022.11.8 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  27. mRNAの完全化学合成を可能とする化学的キャップ化法の開発

    小川和哉, 稲垣雅仁, Zhemin Li, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会  2022.11.5 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  28. 化学修飾プライマーを利用した突出末端作成とDNA連結

    橋谷 文貴, 恩田 馨, 野村 浩平, Gao Yiuno, 村瀬 裕貴, 中本 航介, 稲垣 雅仁, 平岡 陽花, 阿部 奈保子, 木村 康明, 岡 夏央, 寺井 悟朗, 浅井 潔, 阿部 洋

    中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会  2022.11.5 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  29. Complete Chemical Synthesis of mRNA by Chemical Capping Reaction

    Yasuaki Kimura, Naoko Abe, Akihiro Imaeda, Masahito Inagaki, Fumitaka Hashiya, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroto Iwai, Masakazu Honma, Junichiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Abe

    ISNAC2022 第49回国際化学シンポジウム 日本核酸化学会第6回年会  2022.11.2 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  30. Novel Design Strategy of DNA-Artificial Nucleic Acid Chimera Toward Enhancement of Target RNA Cleavage Activities: Modification Effects of DNA Moiety upon Activity

    Nozomu Ishiwata, Masahito Inagaki, Kazutoshi Fujita, Masaki Nishijima, Yasuyuki Araki, Hironori Hayashi, Eiichi Kodama, Takehiko Wada

    ISNAC2022  2022.11.3 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  31. Phosphorylation of nucleotide analogs based on the activation of phosphorothioate group

    Shogo Hasegawa, Masahito Inagaki, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

    ISNAC2022 第49回国際化学シンポジウム 日本核酸化学会第6回年会  2022.11.3 

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    Event date: 2022.11

  32. Novel Strategy of Enhancement of RNase H Mediated Target RNA Digestion Activities by DNA-Artificial Nucleic Acid Chimera with Site Selective Cleavage Toward Application of COVID-19 Therapeutics

    Takehiko Wada, Nozomu Ishiwata, Kazutoshi Fujita, Masahito Inagaki, Hironori Hayashi, Yuto Horiuchi, Ryota Azuma, Masaki Nishijima, Yasuyuki Araki, Eiichi Kodama

    ISNAC2022  2022.11.2 

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    Event date: 2022.11


  33. 3'チオ化核酸の合成と新規長鎖オリゴ核酸合成法開発

    加瀬光希弥, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 橋谷文貴, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第12回 日本化学会CSJ化学フェスタ  2022.10.19 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  34. mRNAの完全化学合成を可能とする化学的キャップ化法の開発

    小川和哉, 稲垣雅仁, Zhemin Li, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    「細胞を創る」研究会15.0  2022.10.17 

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    Event date: 2022.10

  35. 3´修飾核酸を用いた新規技術開発

    加瀬光希弥, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 橋谷文貴, 阿部奈保子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    学際統合物質機構 若手の会  2022.10.13 

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    Event date: 2022.10

  36. 「反応と材料」に関して融合研究へと広げていきたいこと

    稲垣 雅仁

    学際統合物質機構 若手の会  2022.10.13 

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    Event date: 2022.10

  37. メッセンジャーRNAの完全化学合成と構造活性相関研究

    MENG Zheyu, 阿部奈保子, 稲垣雅仁, LI Zhenmin, 中嶋裕子, 橋谷文貴, 木村 康明, 阿部洋

    第43回生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム  2022.10.7 

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    Event date: 2022.10

  38. 3’チオ化オリゴ核酸を用いた長鎖DNAアセンブリ技術の開発

    加瀬光希弥, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第16回 バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2022.9.12 

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    Event date: 2022.9

  39. Novel Design Strategy of DNA-Artificial Nucleic Acid Chimera Toward Enhancement of Target RNA Cleavage Activities: Application for COVID-19 Therapeutics

    Nozomu ISHIWATA, Kazutoshi FUJITA, Yuto HORIUCHI, Masahito INAGAKI, Hironori HAYASHI, Masaki NISHIJIMA, Yasuyuki ARAKI, Toshiyuki SATO, Akiko Namba, Eiichi KODAMA, Takehiko WADA

    The 16th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry  2022.9.11 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  40. ポリメラーゼの基質として機能する四リン酸核酸誘導体の合成および評価

    中村真由, 稲垣雅仁, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第16回 バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2022.9.12 

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    Event date: 2022.9

  41. 化学的キャップ化反応を用いたmRNAの完全化学合成法の開発

    木村康明, 阿部奈保子, 今枝昭裕, 稲垣雅仁, 橋谷文貴, 内田智士, 岩井宏徒, 本間正一, 山本潤一郎, 阿部洋

    第16回 バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2022.9.11 

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    Event date: 2022.9

  42. 化学修飾プライマーを用いた新規DNA連結法とライブラリー構築

    野村浩平, 恩田馨, 鈴木大輔, 村瀬裕貴, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第16回 バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2022.9.11 

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    Event date: 2022.9

  43. 化学修飾プライマーを用いた長鎖DNA連結技術とライブラリーの構築法

    野村浩平, 恩田馨, 鈴木大輔, 村瀬裕貴, 稲垣雅仁, 平岡陽花, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋


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    Event date: 2022.7 - 2022.8

  44. アンチセンス核酸送達プラットフォームとしての細胞膜直接透過型オリゴ核酸

    秤谷 隼世, Shu Zhaoma, Lyu Fangjie, 松原 徳明, 稲垣 雅仁, Zhenmin Li, 木村 康明, 阿部 洋

    第38回 日本DDS学会学術集会 

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    Event date: 2022.6

  45. Development of genome-scale DNA synthesis technology using chemically modified primer

    Kohei Nomura, Kaoru Onda, Yiuno Gao, Hirotaka Murase, Kosuke Nakamoto, Masahito Inagaki, Haruka Hiraoka, Naoko Abe, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

    The 142nd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan  2022.3.26 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  46. Membrane Permeable Oligonucleotide as a Delivery Platform for Nucleotide Therapeutics

    Hayase Hakariya, Haruka Hiraoka, Zhaoma Shu, Noriaki Matsubara, Fangjie Lyu, Masahito Inagaki, Li Zhenmin, Soo Steve, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

    The 142nd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan  2022.3.28 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  47. Novel Oligonucleotides Strand Cleavage Reaction Induced by Precious Metal Nanoparticles for Long Oligonucleotides Synthesis

    Masahito Inagaki, Haruka Hiraoka, Mikiya Kase, Fumitaka Hashiya, Naoko Abe, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

    The 142nd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan  2022.3.28 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  48. ホスホロチオエート基の活性化に基づくヌクレオチドア ナログのリン酸化反応

    長谷川 翔吾, 稲垣 雅仁, 木村 康明, 阿部 洋

    日本化学会 第102春季年会 (2022)  2022.3.23 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  49. 触媒的標的RNA消化を目指した新規キメラ人工核酸の設 計・合成とRNaseHによるRNA切断活性の検討

    石渡 望, 矢野 輝, 稲垣 雅仁, 西嶋 政樹, 林 宏典, 鈴木 康弘, 荒木 保幸, 児玉 栄一, 佐藤 靖史, 和田 健彦

    日本化学会 第102春季年会(2022)  2022.3.25 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  50. 高精度かつ高効率なDNA連結を実現する光保護化学修飾プライマー

    橋谷 文貴, 恩田 馨, 野村 浩平, Gao Yiuno, 村瀬 裕貴, 中本 航介, 稲垣 雅 仁, 平岡 陽花, 阿部 奈保子, 木村 康明, 岡 夏央, 寺井 悟朗, 浅井潔, 阿部 洋

    日本化学会 第102春季年会(2022)  2022.3.24 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  51. ホスホロチオエート基の活性化に基づくヌクレオチドアナログのリン酸化反応

    長谷川翔吾, 稲垣雅仁, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第52回 中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会(静岡)  2021.10.30 

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    Event date: 2021.10

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  52. ヌクレアーゼ活性向上を指向したDNA-人工核酸キメラ分子構造設計と新機能創製

    稲垣雅仁, 矢野 輝, 海原大輔, 荒木保幸, 石橋 哲, 西嶋政樹, 山吉麻子, 中谷和彦, 横田隆徳, 和田健彦

    第13回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2019.9 

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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  53. がん細胞選択的薬物送達を指向した MMP 応答型 PEG 複合化オリゴアルギニンの開発

    程 岩, 菅井 祥加, 稲垣 雅仁, 石橋 哲, 中瀬 生彦, 横田 隆徳, 和田 健彦

    第 29 回バイオ・高分子シンポジウム  2019.7 

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    Event date: 2019.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  54. 高効率触媒的核酸医薬系構築を指向したDNA-人工核酸キメラ分子系の構築

    稲垣雅仁, 海原大輔, 上松亮平, 浅井光夫, 荒木保幸, 西嶋政樹, 石橋 哲, 横田隆徳, 和田健彦

    第29回バイオ・高分子シンポジウム  2019.7 

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    Event date: 2019.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  55. Cap Analogs with Hydrophobic Photocleavable Tag Enable Facile Purification of Fully Capped mRNA with Various Cap Structures

    Zheyu Meng, Masahito Inagaki, Naoko Abe, Zhenmin Li, Yuko Nakashima, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Satoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Abe

    第24回日本RNA学会年会  2023.7 

  56. Development of PureCap Method Toward Synthesis of Fully Capped Messenger RNA Invited

    Masahito Inagaki

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Chemistry Special Seminar  2023.10.10 

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  57. 完全キャップ化メッセンジャーRNAの製造を可能にする共転写用PureCapアナログの開発

    Zheyu Meng, 稲垣 雅仁, 阿部 奈保子, Zhenmin Li, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 内田 智士, 阿部 洋

    第39回日本DDS学会学術集会  2023.7 

  58. 完全キャップ化mRNAの合成を可能とするPureCap法の開発と生物活性の評価

    稲垣雅仁, 阿部奈保子, Zhenmin Li, 中嶋裕子, Susit Acharyya, Zheyu Meng, 多田瑞紀, 石田竜真, Pingxue Ly, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 内田智士, 阿部 洋

    第17回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2023.9 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  59. Development of long DNA linkage technology using chemically modified primers

    Kohei Nomura, Kaoru Onda, Daisuke Suzuki, Yiuno Gao, Hirotaka Murase, Kosuke Nakamoto, Masahito Inagaki, Haruka Hiraoka, Naoko Abe, Fumitaka Hashiya, Yasuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Abe

    Japanese Society for Chemical Biology  2022.5.31 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  60. Site-specific chemical strand cleavage of oligonucleotides for genome-scale DNA assembly Invited

    Masahito Inagaki

    FIBER Special Lectures from Outstanding Young Scientists  2022.2.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  61. PureCap法を用いた光によるmRNAからの翻訳制御

    石田竜真, 稲垣雅仁, 阿部奈保子, 中嶋裕子, 坂野文香, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    第17回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2023.9 

  62. PureCap法を用いた光によるmRNAからの翻訳制御

    石田竜真, 稲垣雅仁, 阿部奈保子, 中嶋裕子, 坂野文香, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

  63. PureCap法を用いたCap2型mRNAの創製

    中嶋 裕子, 稲垣 雅仁, 阿部 奈保子, Zhenmin Li, Susit Acharyya, 平岡 陽花, Zheyu Meng, 多田 瑞紀, 石田 竜真, Pingxue Lyu, 村瀬 裕貴, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 内田 智士, 阿部 洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

  64. PureCap法を活用したメッセンジャーRNAの完全化学合成とその応用

    稲垣雅仁, 小川和哉, 阿部奈保子, 中嶋裕子, 多田瑞紀, 木村康明, 橋谷文貴, 阿部洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

  65. mRNAの化学修飾位置の特定技術の開発

    大橋咲南, Susit Acharyya, 稲垣雅仁, 橋谷文貴, 阿部洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

  66. mRNA の高純度精製を可能にする新規キャップアナログの開発

    Lyu Pingxue, 稲垣雅仁, 中嶋裕子, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明, 阿部 洋

    第17回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム  2023.9 

  67. Development of PureCap Method Toward Synthesis of Fully Capped Messenger RNA Invited

    Masahito Inagaki

    Chungbuk National University Chemistry Special Seminar  2023.10.5 

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  68. Development of PureCap Method Toward Synthesis of Fully Capped Messenger RNA Invited

    Masahito Inagaki

    Kyungpook National University Chemistry Special Seminar  2023.10.4 

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  69. 完全化学合成による高機能mRNAの開発

    多田瑞紀, 阿部奈保子, 稲垣雅仁, 中嶋裕子, 木村康明, 阿部洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

  70. 長鎖mRNA精製用PureCapアナログの開発

    Zheyu Meng, 稲垣 雅仁, 阿部 奈保子, Zhenmin Li, 橋谷 文貴, 木村 康明, 内田 智士, 阿部 洋

    日本核酸医薬学会第8回年会  2023.7 

  71. 酵素認識機能制御に基づく触媒的標的 RNA 分解効率飛躍的向上を実現する人工核酸開発 Invited

    矢野 輝, 稲垣 雅仁, 石澤 誠也, 西嶋 政樹, 山本 剛史, 荒木 保幸, 山吉 麻子, 和田 健彦

    第70回高分子学会年次大会  2022.5.26 

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  72. 生体機能性DNA及びmRNAの完全化学合成

    木村康明, 山岡和樹, 今枝昭裕, 阿部奈保子, 稲垣雅仁, 橋谷文貴, 阿部洋

    「細胞を創る」研究会 16.0  2023.9 

▼display all

Other research activities 7

  1. 愛知県若手研究者イノベーション創出奨励事業「第18回わかしゃち奨励賞」最優秀賞・優秀賞の決定及び表彰式・受賞者との交流会の参加者募集について


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    (2) 基礎研究部門

    ア 提案者及び提案

    提案者:名古屋大学理学研究科 特任助教 稲垣 雅仁 (いながき まさひと)
    提 案:mRNA医薬のキャップ構造多様性が与える翻訳活性への影響解明

    イ 提案概要


    添付ファイル: 486557.pdf

  2. 新型コロナで注目 mRNA どんな研究? 名古屋大・阿部教授に聞く


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    2023年12月8日 中日新聞朝刊 阿部研究室の研究が紹介。我々が開発したPureCap法(Inagaki M. et al., Nature Commun. 2023, 14, 2657)についても紹介。

  3. Crafton Biotechnology株式会社ホームページ


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    我々の開発した高純度mRNA合成技術であるPureCap法(Inagaki M. et al., Nature Commun. 2023, 14, 2657)を基盤技術として設立されたバイオベンチャー。国産mRNA医薬の社会実装を目指す。

  4. Short Staying Research in Sapala Organics (India)


  5. 田中貴金属記念財団 「貴金属に関わる研究助成金」の受賞者を発表


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  6. ”Special Lectures from Outstanding Young Scientists, Webinar Universe in Nucleic Acid Chemistry 8″

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    【Lecture 1】 3:20pm‐3:45pm(JST)
    ・Speaker : Dr. Masahito Inagaki
    ・Affiliation : Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
    ・Lecture title: “Site-specific chemical strand cleavage of oligonucleotides for genome-scale DNA assembly”

  7. 世界初のmRNAの完全化学合成 ~精密分子デザインによる天然を凌駕するスーパーmRNAの創製~

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    Nagoya University Research Information
    Press Release

    雑誌名: ACS Chemical Biology
    論文タイトル:Complete Chemical Synthesis of Minimal Messenger RNA by Efficient Chemical Capping Reaction
    著者:Abe, Naoko(阿部 奈保子、特任准教授); Imaeda, Akihiro (今枝 昭裕); Inagaki, Masahito(稲垣 雅仁、特任助教); Li, Zhenmin(研究員); Kawaguchi, Daisuke(川口 大輔); Onda, Kaoru (恩田 馨); Nakashima, Yuko(中嶋 裕子、研究員); Uchida, Satoshi(内田 智士); Hashiya, Fumitaka(橋谷 文貴、助教); Kimura, Yasuaki(木村 康明、講師); Abe, Hiroshi (阿部 洋、教授)
    DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.1c00996
    URL: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acschembio.1c00996

    添付ファイル: 20220525_sci.pdf

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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 8

  1. メッセンジャーRNA 医薬の高純度製造を実現する分離精製技術の開発

    2024.4 - 2025.3

    一般財団法人 向科学技術振興財団  向科学技術振興財団 令和5年度 研究助成 


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  2. 貴金属材料を利用したゲノム合成技術の開発と医療創薬応用


    Masahito Inagaki

  3. 細胞内環境応答性ペプチドリボ核酸を利用した虚血性疾患選択的核酸医薬の創製


    東北大学多元物質科学研究所  科学計測振興基金 


  4. Construction of Artificial Nucleic Acids with Highly Active Catalytic Target RNA Cleavage Ability and Development as a Therapeutic Platform

    Grant number:23H05465  2023.4 - 2028.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

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  5. 高活性触媒的標的RNA切断機能付与型人工核酸の構築と新興感染症等治療基盤の創製

    Grant number:23H00302  2023.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    和田健彦, 児玉栄一, 稲垣雅仁, 荒木保幸, 西嶋政樹, 林宏典, 林 宏典, 児玉 栄一, 稲垣 雅仁, 西嶋 政樹, 荒木 保幸

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  6. Development of Lipid-Free Intracellular Delivery Technology of mRNA Therapeutics Utilizing Intracellular Delivery Peptides

    2023.4 - 2025.3

    Yoshimasa Kawaguchi, Masahito Inagaki

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  7. 新規高活性触媒機能付与型核酸医薬によるCOVID-19感染症治療 用創薬技術の開発

    2021.10 - 2022.3

    国立研究開発法人 日本医療研究開発機構  新興・再興感染症に対する革新的医薬品等開発推進研究事業 

    和田健彦, 児玉栄一, 稲垣雅仁, 林宏典, 荒木保幸, 西嶋政樹

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  8. Creation of COVID-19 treatment platform by novel nucleic acid therapeutics with remarkably enhanced catalytic target RNA cleavage activities

    2021.4 - 2022.3

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Industrial property rights 4

  1. タンパク質又はペプチドの製造方法、5’キャップ化ポリヌクレオチドの製造方法、及びそれらの製造方法に用いるための試薬

    阿部洋, 稲垣雅仁, 中嶋裕子, 阿部奈保子, 橋谷文貴, 木村康明

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    Application no:特願2023-144835  Date applied:2023.9

  2. Synthesis of Chimeric Oligonucleotides

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    Applicant:Tohoku University and Nagoya University

    Application no:特願PCT/JP2023/009612  Date applied:2023.3

    Announcement no:特開WO2023/176773  Date announced:2023.9

  3. キャップ化RNA及びその製造方法並びにタンパク質の製造装置及びタンパク質の製造方法

    阿部洋, 阿部奈保子, 稲垣雅仁, 中嶋裕子, 木村康明, 橋谷文貴

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    Application no:特願PCT/JP2023/007759  Date applied:2023.3

  4. 核酸鎖切断方法及び核酸鎖切断装置並びに二本鎖DNAの製造方法及び二 本鎖DNAの製造装置

    阿部洋, 稲垣雅仁, 橋谷文貴, 平岡陽花, 阿部奈保子

     More details


    Application no:特願PCT/JP2022/036009  Date applied:2022.9


Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 2

  1. Introductory Science Experiments

    Tohoku University)

  2. Chemistry General Experiments

    Tohoku University)


Social Contribution 4

  1. 2023年ノーベル生理学医学賞配信イベント出演解説【名古屋大学】若手研究者がいく!研究最前線~生理学・医学賞編~


    東海国立大学機構名古屋大学総務部広報課  YouTube公開、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yReBOBw1bq0  2023.10

  2. Respondent for knowledge sharing service "Mond"

    Role(s):Advisor, Informant, Contribution

    Howtelevision,Inc.  2022.12

  3. 拠点・アライアンス博士課程学生グローバル研究力養成プログラム 「University of CaliforniaIrvine留学体験報告」


    東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門  2020.3

  4. 第284回 化学への招待(宮城地区)、「化学の不思議を知って、感じて、作ってみよう?!-生命の起源から化学ホタルまで-」


    共益社団法人日本化学会東北支部・東北支部化学教育協議会  2019.8

Media Coverage 21

  1. 第18回わかしゃち奨励賞 基礎研究部門 最優秀賞 稲垣雅仁氏 「mRNA医薬のキャップ構造多様性が与える翻訳活性への影響解明」 Internet

    あいちの科学技術Information(愛知県産業科学技術課)  Youtubeチャンネル  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP0E4J-uyQ0  2023.12

  2. 2023 年ノーベル賞生理学・医学賞 受賞の早さ 功績大きさ反映 若手研究者「励みになる」 Newspaper, magazine

    中日新聞  中日新聞朝刊  2023.10

  3. Japanese Scientists develop method to develop pure mRNA vaccines Internet

    Drug Today  https://www.drugtodayonline.com/medical-news/news-topic/16834-japanese-scientists-develop-method-to-develop-pure-mrna-vaccines  2023.9

  4. Pure Cap mRNA Vaccine Opens the Door to More Effective Vaccines with Lower Chances of Inflammation Internet

    Medbound Times  https://www.medboundtimes.com/medicine/pure-cap-mrna-vaccine-opens-the-door-to-more-effective-vaccines-with-lower-chances-of-inflammation  2023.9

  5. Purecap method offers hope for purer and safer mRNA vaccines Internet

    News Medical Life Sciences  https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230705/PureCap-method-offers-hope-for-purer-and-safer-mRNA-vaccines.aspx#:~:text=This%20%27Purecap%27%20technique%20extracted%20up,of%20inflammation%20caused%20by%20impurities.  2023.9

  6. Pure capped mRNA vaccine opens the door to more effective vaccines with lower chances of inflammation Internet

    EurekAlert! Science News Release  https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/994412#:~:text=Pure%20capped%20mRNA%20vaccine%20opens%20the%20door%20to%20more,with%20lower%20chances%20of%20inflammation&text=A%20research%20group%20from%20Japan,separate%20the%20desired%20capped%20mRNA.  2023.9

  7. Pure capped mRNA vaccine opens the door to more effective vaccines with lower chances of inflammation Internet

    ScienceDaily  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230705105841.htm  2023.9

  8. 'Purecap' Technique Produces Highly Active mRNA Vaccines with Lower Immunostimulatory Activity Internet

    AZO Life Sciences  https://www.azolifesciences.com/news/20230706/Purecap-Technique-Produces-Highly-Active-mRNA-Vaccines-with-Lower-Immunostimulatory-Activity.aspx  2023.7

  9. Genomics week in brief: Week ending 8th July Internet

    Front Line Genomics  https://frontlinegenomics.com/genomics-week-in-brief-week-ending-8th-july-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=genomics-week-in-brief-week-ending-8th-july-2  2023.7

  10. Pure capped mRNA vaccine encourages more effective vaccine development Internet

    Drug Target Review  https://www.drugtargetreview.com/news/110685/pure-capped-mrna-vaccine-encourages-more-effective-vaccine-development/  2023.7

  11. Pure Capped MRNA Vaccine Opens The Door To More Effective Vaccines With Lower Chances Of Inflammation Internet

    News Azi  https://newsazi.com/pure-capped-mrna-vaccine-opens-the-door-to-more-effective-vaccines-with-lower-chances-of-inflammation/  2023.7

  12. Pure capped mRNA vaccine opens the door to more effective vaccines with lower chances of inflammation Internet

    Medical Express  2023.7

  13. Pure capped mRNA vaccine opens the door to more effective vaccines with lower chances of inflammation Internet

    Newswise (Leading Source of Research News)  https://www.newswise.com/articles/media-article/795150?media_view_amp=1  2023.7

  14. Pure capped mRNA vaccine opens the door to more effective vaccines with lower chances of inflammation Internet

    sciencenewsnet.in  https://sciencenewsnet.in/new-mrna-vaccine-minimizes-inflammation-boosts-efficacy/  2023.7

  15. Pure Capped mRNA Vaccine Opens Door to More Effective Vaccines with Lower Chances of Inflammation Internet

    Psychreg  https://www.psychreg.org/pure-capped-mrna-vaccine-opens-door-effective-vaccines-lower-chances-inflammation/  2023.7

  16. mRNAを高純度に製造 コロナワクチンに利用 Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞  2023.5

  17. 世界初の高純度キャップ化mRNAワクチン製造技術、PureCap法の確立 ~Cap2型mRNAが低免疫刺激・高翻訳能を有することを明らかに~ Internet

    名古屋大学研究成果配信サイト  2023.5

  18. 名古屋大など 純度99%超のmRNA製法確立 Newspaper, magazine

    化学工業日報  2023.5

  19. 名古屋大 ワクチン成分のmRNA純度99%で副作用減も Newspaper, magazine

    日本経済新聞  2023.5

  20. 世界初のmRNAの完全化学合成〜精密分子デザインによる天然を凌駕するスーパーmRNAの創製〜 Internet

    名古屋大学研究成果配信サイト  2022.5

  21. FIBER Webiner Universe 15「FIBER若い世代の特別講演会」開催のお知らせ Lecture 1: Dr. Masahito Inagaki Promotional material

    分子夾雑生命化学  2022.2

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