Updated on 2024/04/02


Nagoya University Hospital Maternity and Perinatal Care Center Assistant professor of hospital
Assistant professor of hospital

Degree 1

  1. Bachelor(Medicine) ( 2016.3   Nagoya University ) 

Research Areas 1

  1. Life Science / Ophthalmology  / strabismus

Current Research Project and SDGs 2

  1. 小児斜視手術における術後嘔吐に関連する因子の検討

  2. Effect of strabismus surgery on retinal and choroidal circulation

Awards 1

  1. 国内学会発表支援

    2023.6   日本弱視斜視学会事務局   小児斜視手術における術後嘔吐に関連する因子の検討


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

    【結果】解析した症例は1024例,男児480例,女児544例で,術後嘔吐は80例(7.8%)で認めた.外斜視714例,内斜視242例,交代性上斜位159例,右上斜視85例,左上斜視69例であり,手術した外眼筋毎の症例数は外直筋638例,内直筋295例,上直筋179例,下直筋7例,下斜筋311例であった.可能性のある交絡因子を調整後,下斜筋,内直筋,上直筋操作は術後嘔吐増加と関連した(オッズ比; 2.43 [1.33-4.44], P=0.004; 2.42 [1.02-5.70], P=0.044; 2.71 [1.34-5.51], P=0.006).術前上斜視の有無と術後嘔吐発症に有意な関連を認めなかった (オッズ比; 1.17 [0.61-2.24], P=0.64).また,外斜視で両外直筋後転術のみを行った群での,筋移動量と術後嘔吐発症に有意な関連を認めなかった(オッズ比0.96 [0.74-1.24], P=0.73).


Papers 3

  1. 特集 第76回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[8] 原著 内転時の上斜筋過動を伴うA型外斜視に対する上斜筋腱延長術の手術効果の検討

    三井 康平, 安田 小百合, 高井 佳子, 岩田 恵美, 岩瀬 千絵, 藤原 久美, 坪田 真琴

    臨床眼科   Vol. 77 ( 10 ) page: 1289 - 1295   2023.10

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    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1410214934

    CiNii Research

  2. Assessment of factors affecting flicker ERGs recorded with RETeval from data obtained from health checkup screening

    Inooka, T; Kominami, T; Yasuda, S; Koyanagi, Y; Ota, J; Okado, S; Tomita, R; Ito, Y; Iwase, T; Terasaki, H; Nishiguchi, KM; Ueno, S

    PLOS ONE   Vol. 18 ( 4 ) page: e0284686   2023.4

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    Language:English   Publisher:PLoS ONE  

    Purpose To determine the factors significantly associated with the amplitudes and implicit times of the flicker electroretinograms (ERGs) recorded with the RETeval system by analyzing the comprehensive data obtained during a health checkup screening. Methods Flicker ERGs were recorded with the RETeval system from 373 individuals who had a normal fundus and optical coherence tomography images. The sex, age, anthropometric, ophthalmologic, and hematologic data were collected from all participants who were 40- to 89- years-of-age. Univariable and multivariable linear mixed effects regression analyses were performed to identify factors that were significantly associated with the implicit times and amplitudes of the RETeval flicker ERGs. Results Univariable linear mixed effects regression analysis showed significant correlations between the implicit times and the best-corrected visual acuity, the age, the axial length, the blood sugar level, and the blood urea nitrogen level. Analyses by multivariable linear mixed effects regression identified that the axial length (β = 0.28), the age (β = 0.24), and the blood sugar level (β = 0.092) were three independent factors that were significantly correlated with the implicit times of the RETeval flicker ERGs. Univariable linear mixed effects regression analysis also showed significant correlations between the amplitudes of the RETeval flicker ERGs and the age, the platelet count, and the creatinine level. Multivariable linear mixed effects regression models identified the age (β = -0.092), the platelet count (β = 0.099), and the creatinine level (β = -0.12) as three independent factors that were significantly correlated with the amplitudes of the RETeval flicker ERGs. However, the smoking habits, body mass index, and the blood pressure were not significantly correlated with either the implicit times or amplitudes of the RETeval flicker ERGs. Conclusions Our results indicate that the age and some ophthalmologic and hematologic findings but not the anthropometric findings were significantly associated with the implicit times and amplitudes of the RETeval flicker ERGs. Thus, clinicians should remember these factors when analyzing the RETeval flicker ERGs.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284686

    Web of Science



  3. Experience with HE-2000 in children with congenital nystagmus

    Nagaya Yui, Shinyama Yui, Kasugai Megumi, Tanaka Yuri, Nakano Yuta, Yasuda Sayuri

    JAPANESE ORTHOPTIC JOURNAL   Vol. 53 ( 0 ) page: 125 - 130   2023

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    <p> <b>【Purpose】</b> Electroretinography using skin electrodes HE-2000 (HE-2000) manufactured by Tomey Corporation is a cutting-edge device that can simultaneously record electroretinogram (ERG) for both eyes. In this study, its usefulness in recording ERG in children with congenital nystagmus was reported.</p><p> <b>【Subjects and Methods】</b>The subjects were 10 children (20 eyes) with congenital nystagmus who had visited the outpatient clinic at Aichi Children's Health Medical Center between June and July 2021. In the test, the pupils were dilated and the subject was given 20 minutes for dark adaptation before the rod and flash ERGs were recorded. After 10 minutes uninterrupted light adaptation, the cone and flicker ERGs were recorded. An ophthalmologist determined whether a typical ERG waveform was recorded under each condition.</p><p> <b>【Results】</b>The rod and flash ERGs were successfully recorded in all the subjects (20 eyes, 100%), and the cone and flicker ERGs were successfully recorded in 9 (18 eyes, 90%) subjects. Two subjects had difficulty opening their eyelids due to photophobia, but one of them could overcome the difficulty with the examiner's comforting and finally recording was achieved smoothly.</p><p> <b>【Conclusions】</b>Our results revealed that HE-2000 can achieve a high success rate of recording ERG in children with congenital nystagmus and is useful for the evaluation of retinal function. Moreover, it is important that the examiner previously explains about the recording procedure in consideration of the patient's age and development to help ease the patient and obtain results smoothly.</p>

    DOI: 10.4263/jorthoptic.53f117

    CiNii Research

Presentations 1

  1. 小児斜視手術における術後嘔吐に関連する因子の検討


    第79回弱視斜視学会  2023.6.16  福島県立医科大学

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    Event date: 2023.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:仙台   Country:Japan  


Teaching Experience (On-campus) 1

  1. 眼科学



    選択特別講義 斜視の基本


Social Contribution 1

  1. 症例から考えるNMOSD治療


    中外製薬  2023.12