Center for the Studies of Higher Education Professor

Updated on 2025/03/07
博士(情報科学) ( 2007.9 東北大学 )
Humanities & Social Sciences / Tertiary education
Nagoya University Center for the Studies of Higher Education Professor
Gakushuin University Internatioanal Centre Professor
2020.4 - 2021.3
Hitotsubashi University Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility Associate professor
2018.8 - 2020.3
Hitotsubashi University Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility Associate professor
2018.4 - 2018.7
Hitotsubashi University Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility Lecturer
2015.4 - 2018.3
Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Information Science
- 2007.9
Country: Japan
University of Masachusetts Graduate School, Division of Education International education
- 2000.11
Country: United States
Tohoku University Faculty of Education Educational Psychology
- 1992.3
Country: Japan
Comparative and International Education Society
The Japan Society for Science Policy and Innovation Management
Applied Regional Science Conference
Japan Socieety for International Development
国際開発学会 特別賞
2012.12 国際開発学会
International partnership of Japanese university: Reciprocity and stratification of study abroad Reviewed
Maki Kato, Kazusa Ota
Research ㏌ Comparative and International Education Vol. 19 ( 4 ) page: 503 - 522 2024.10
Digitalization of Higher Education in Japan: Challenges and Reflections for Education Reform Reviewed
Tatsuya Tooka, Naoyoshi Uchida, Keigo Takenaga, Kazuaki Maruyama, and Maki Kato
Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education Vol. 16 ( 2 ) page: 35 - 46 2024.5
Competition for Open Faculty Positions at a Public University in Tokyo Reviewed
Vol. 24 page: 181 - 202 2024.3
Japanese Universities’ International Medical Partnerships: Reciprocity and Stratification Reviewed
Vol. 2 ( 4 ) page: 239 - 251 2023.10
Careers of faculty with foreign degrees: The attributes and impact on academic ranks in Japan Reviewed
International Journal of Educational Development Vol. 99 ( 102754 ) page: 1 - 9 2023.5
Student Exchange Agreement in Japanese Higher Education: Focusing on Reciprocity and Stratification Reviewed
KATO Maki, OTA Kazusa
Nagoya Journal of Higher Education Vol. 23 page: 165 - 188 2023.3
Educational Competencies Evaluated at Recruitment of Faculty in Japan: Longitudinal Analysis with JREC-IN Data Reviewed
Nagoya Journal of Higher Education Vol. 23 page: 207 - 226 2023.3
Academic posts for doctoral graduates: Focusing on inbreeding and part-time lecturer jobs Reviewed
Nagoya Journal of Higher Education Vol. 22 page: 115 - 137 2022.3
Impact of foreign degrees on Japanese university faculty career Reviewed
Nagoya Journal of Higher Education Vol. 22 page: 89 - 113 2022.3
Roland Happ, Maki Kato, Ines Rüter
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 48 - 68 2021.4
The impact of subject-specific competencies and reading habits on the income of Japanese business and economics graduates Reviewed
Maki Kato, Akinobu Nagira
International Journal of Educational Development Vol. 81 page: 102346 - 102346 2021.3
Internationalization of Academic Staff in Japanese Universities : Targeting Universities Selected for Top Global University Project Reviewed
Maki Kato
The annual bulletin of the International Centre, Gakushuin University Vol. 7 page: 3 - 16 2021.2
Short-term Study Abroad Effect on Students’ First Job Characters: Evidence from Random Assignment Data by a Japanese University
Kashima Ryohei, Maki Kato
page: 1 - 44 2020.3
Effects of study abroad on the career: The case of graduates from a Japanese university
Maki Kato
Comparison of Humanities and Social Science Curriculum Between Japan and the United States (jointly worked)
Saki Miyazaki, Maki Kato
The effect of university education on acquiring competencies and reading habits: The case of Japanese students majoring social sciences (Translation)
The effects of competencies and reading habits on the income of graduates majored in social sciences and humanity in a Japanese university (jointly worked)
Maki KATO, Akinobu NAGIRA
Effect of academic field and gender on college-bound migration in Japan Reviewed
Maki Kato
The Annals of Regional Science Vol. On-line first 2019.1
Regional differences in the labor supply of married female graduates: Why is it lower in the metropolitan areas of Japan? Reviewed
Maki Kato
Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies 2018.11
Effective or self-selective: Random assignment demonstrates short-term study abroad effectively encourages further study abroad (jointly worked) Reviewed
Maki Kato
Journal of Studies in International Education Vol. On-line first 2018.10
Diversification of STEM fields: the impact of female international graduate students in Japan and the United States (jointly worked)
Maki Kato, Ginko Kawano
Student's Acquisition of Generic Competencies in Higher Education: The Effect of Field-Specific Education and Teacher Recognition
Relationship between Subject-Specific and Generic Competencies: Evidence from a Survey on Japanese Universities (jointly worked) Reviewed
加藤 真紀
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 17 ( 9 ) page: 41 - 49 2017.9
Importance and Achievement in University Economic Education through Recognition of Competencies by Various University Stakeholders (jointly worked)
Maki Kato, Ganbold Tserenchimed
The effect of short-term studying abroad on long-term studying (jointly worked)
Maki Kato, Ken Suzuki
Concepts of "Competence" in Multiple Academic Fields (jointly worked)
Ayumi Nishi, Maki Kato
National ties of inernational scientific collaboration and researcher mobility found in Nature and Science (jointly worked) Reviewed
Maki Kato, Asao Ando
Scientometrics Vol. 110 ( 2 ) page: 673 - 694 2017.2
Skills Mobility and Postsecondary Education in the ASEAN Economic Community
Mori Arinori Center for High Education and Global Mobility Working Paper Series ; No. WP2016-02 2016.10
Relationship between subject-specific and generic competences:Evidence from survey on Japanese universities (jointly worked)
Maki Kato, Daiju Aiba
Continuity of international collaborations with the country of origin: Case of highly cited migrant researchers from developing countries Reviewed
国際開発研究 Vol. 24 ( 2 ) page: 81 - 96 2015.11
The relationship between research performance and international collaboration in chemistry (jointly worked) Reviewed
Maki KATO, Asao ANDO
Scientometrics Vol. 97 ( 3 ) page: 535 - 553 2013.11
Return migration of talent:Focusing on international doctoral graduates from Japanese universities Reviewed
Journal of International Development Studies Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 41 - 54 2013.11
Empirical analysis on factors associated with international scientific collaboration
Maki KATO, Asao ANDO
NISTEP Discussion Paper ( 95 ) 2013.1
Analysis on Ratio of Women in Science in Japan
- 89 2012.5
博士課程修了者調査2011:我が国の博士課程における研究指導・教育に関する調査 (共著)
加藤真紀, 鐘ヶ江靖史, 茶山秀一
科学技術・学術政策研究所 調査資料 ( 217 ) 2012.1
我が国の博士課程修了者の大学院における修学と経済状況に関する調査研究 (共著)
加藤真紀, 鐘ヶ江靖史, 茶山秀一
科学技術・学術政策研究所 調査資料 ( 206 ) 2012.1
Analysis on research activities in developing countries Reviewed
Journal of International Development Studies Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 15 - 30 2011.11
Analysis on Career Paths of the Most Highly Cited Scientists in Japan through International Comparison
( 78 ) 2011.1
大学院進学時における高等教育機関間の学生移動;大規模研究型大学で学ぶ理工系修士学生の移動機会と課題 (共著)
加藤真紀, 茶山秀一
科学技術・学術政策研究所 調査資料 ( 174 ) 2010.10
Analysis on Research Activities in Developing Countries and International Networking of Researchers
加藤真紀, 茶山秀一
科学技術・学術政策研究所 調査資料 ( 178 ) 2010.1
理工系大学院の教育に関する国際比較調査 (共著)
NISTEP REPORT ( 125 ) 2009.10
日本の理工系修士学生の進路決定に関する意識調査 (共著)
加藤真紀, 角田英之
科学技術・学術政策研究所 調査資料 ( 165 ) 2009.1
Mechanism of Human Capital Accumulation Causing Little Social Returns on Education Reviewed
Journal of International Development Studies Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: 17 - 28 2008.1
Causality analysis between human capital accumulation and economic development with lags (jointly worked) Reviewed
Maki KATO, Asao ANDO
Journal of Applied Regional Science Vol. 12 page: 1 - 13 2007.11
Impact of international migration of skilled labor on technology progress and human capital accumulation in developing countries Reviewed
Journal of Applied Regional Science Vol. 12 page: 83 - 94 2007.1
Critical Perspectives on Equity and Social Mobility in Study Abroad Interrogating Issues of Unequal Access and Outcomes
Maki Kato( Role: Contributor , Effects of Study Abroad on Graduate Careers: The Case of Graduates from a Japanese University)
Routledge 2021.7
Skilled labour mobility and migration: Challenges and opportunities for the ASEAN economic community
Maki Kato, i, lisabe, a( Role: Contributor , Skills mobility and postsecondary education in the ASEAN economic community)
Edward Elgar Publishing 2019.8
グローバルに問われる日本の大学教育成果 (共著)
加藤 真紀, 喜始 照宣( Role: Joint author)
東信堂 2019.3
加藤 真紀
名古屋高等教育研究 Vol. 25 2025.3
加藤 真紀
かわらばん Vol. 春 ( 86 ) 2024.4
特集:高等教育研究と実践をつなぐ ~私たちが次の4半世紀にできること
加藤 真紀
Vol. 24 page: 7 - 10 2024.3
加藤 真紀
かわらばん Vol. 夏 ( 83 ) 2023.7
特集:大学の統合や連携によって 学生の学びはどう変わるのだろう
加藤 真紀
名古屋高等教育研究 Vol. 23 page: 2 - 7 2023.3
加藤 真紀
かわらばん Vol. 夏 ( 79 ) 2022.7
特集:大学のデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX) と学生生活
加藤 真紀
名古屋高等教育研究 Vol. 22 page: 2 - 5 2022.2
東洋経済 ( 1/29号 ) page: 90 - 91 2022.1
加藤 真紀
かわらばん Vol. 夏 ( 75 ) 2021.7
Push Factors for Mobility of Asian Female Foreign Faculties in the United States
アカデミックキャリアへの留学効果を考える Invited
海外博士講演会 2025~海外博士号取得者からのメッセージ~ 2025.3.18 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科有機・高分子化学専攻
Knowledge Diplomacy and Internationalization of Higher Education between Japan and India Invited International coauthorship International conference
Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Kinjal Vijay Ahir, Maki Kato
Sixth Stakeholders’ Meeting on Internationalization of Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific: Role of Higher Education Institutions in Realization of Reconciliation 2024.12
Student mobility and university partnership between East Asia and South Asia Japan-India university partnerships as a case study International coauthorship International conference
Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Kinjal Vijay Ahir, Maki Kato
10th HERA Conference 2024.6.6 Higher Education Research Association
データサイエンス海外研修報告会 -大学院生の教育力を高める試み- 2024.5.8 名古屋大学 数理・データ科学教育研究センター
International partnerships of Japanese universities: Reciprocity and stratification of studying abroad International conference
Maki Kato
CIES 2024 2024.3.11 Comparative and International Education Society
International Medical Student Exchange of Japanese Universities: Reciprocity and Stratification International conference
22th Hawaii International Conference on Education 2024.1.6 Hawaii International Conference on Education
博士育成とキャリアー日本の博士エコシステムを考える Invited
新化学技術推進協会 人材育成部会講演会 2023.10.11 新化学技術推進協会 人材育成部会
プレ FD 再検証-研究大学の教育系センターにおける運営上の課題と試行錯誤
近田政博、加藤真紀、栗田佳代子、佐藤浩章、 根岸千悠
大学教育学会第 45 回(2023 年)大会 2023.6.3 大学教育学会
FD・SD研修会 2023.3.13 岐阜医療科学大学教務課
東⼤FFPのさらなる発展への期待 Invited
東京大学フューチャーファカルティプログラム 10周年記念シンポジウム 2023.2.27 東京大学大学総合教育研究センター
Career of faculty with foreign degrees: Attributes and the impact on academic ranks in Japan International conference
Maki Kato
CIES 2023 2023.2.16 Comparative and International Education Society
Internationalization of Japanese Higher Education: Faculty with foreign experiences Invited International conference
Maki Kato
Annual Conference Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society 2022.11.18 Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society
コンソーシアム岐阜人材育成プログラム 2022.7.15 ネットワーク大学コンソーシアム岐阜
The effect of studying abroad on the careers: the case of graduates from a Japanese university International conference
Maki Kato
Research & Scholarship Series: Critical Perspectives on Student Mobility and International Faculty in Higher Education 2022.4.20 Morgan State University School of Education and Urban Studies
第14回 名城大学FD学習会・新任教員FD研修会 2021.8.25 名城大学
加藤 真紀、加島 遼平
第1回公開セミナー 2021.6.17 名古屋大学高等教育研究センター
Effects of study abroad on career: The case of graduates from a Japanese university International conference
Maki Kato
64th Comparative & International Education Society 2020.3
Academic field, gender, and institutional selectivity as determinants of the migration rate of college-bound students in Japan International conference
加藤 真紀
7th ASRS 2017 Asian Seminar in Regional Science 2017.9 ASRS
Relationship between Subject-specific and Generic Competencies: Evidence from a Survey on Japanese Universities International conference
Maki KATO, Daiju AIBA
Fifteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education 2017.1
Regional differences in the university advancement ratio for women in contemporary Japan International conference
55th annual Western Regional Science Association meeting 2016.2
Determinants of regional accumulation of postgraduate degree holders in Japan International conference
Maki Kato
8th ASRS 2018 Asian Seminar in Regional Science 2018.9 Asian Seminar in Regional Science
Assessing students learning by four-types university stakeholders: The Japanese case. International conference
Measuring the Learning Outcomes of Disciplines: Evidence-Based Results through the Survey of Competencies acquired in Higher Education 2018.10 Mori Arinori Institute for Higher Education and Global Mobility, Hitotsubashi University
Skill Mobility and Postsecondary Education in ASEAN Economic Community Invited International conference
Skill Benefiting from Skill Mobility Under the ASEAN Economic Community 2016.3 Asian Developing Bank
加藤 真紀
国際開発学会 第26回全国大会 2015.11
加藤 真紀
国際開発学会第24 回全国大会 2013.11
加藤 真紀
研究・技術計画学会 2013.11
Why is the labor market participation rate lower for female graduates in the metropolitan area of Japan International conference
56th annual Western Regional Science Association meeting 2017.2
The relationship between cultural diversity and scientific knowledge creation: An empirical analysis International conference
Maki KATO, Asao ANDO
53rd annual Western Regional Science Association meeting 2014.2
The Recognition of the Importance and Acquisition of University Economics Competences by Various University Stakeholders International conference
Maki KATO, Tserenchimed GANBOLD
16th Hawaii International Conference on Education 2018.1.4 Hawaii International Conference on Education
The impact of female international students on the female ratio in STEM fields in universities in Japan and the United States International conference
Maki Kato, Ginko Kawano
CIES 2018 Annual Conference 2018.3.25 Comparative and International Education Society
The current situation of academic staff with foreign degrees in Japan International conference
Maki Kato
International symposium New and old migrations and diversities in UK and Japan 2019.12.2 NODE UK and Japan
Social factors relating to gender differences in tertiary education: An international perspective International conference
54th annual Western Regional Science Association meeting 2015.2
Grant number:20K01604 2020.4 - 2023.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 基盤研究(C)
加藤 真紀
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Grant type:Competitive
2014.10 - 2015.9
一般財団法人 新技術振興渡辺記念会 共同研究
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2010.4 - 2013.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Grant type:Competitive
Role(s):Advisor, Informant
四日市市大学基本計画策定委員会 2024.5 - 2025.3
Role(s):Advisor, Informant
四日市市大学基本計画策定委員会 2024.5 - 2025.3
四日市市大学策定構想委員会 2023.5 - 2024.3
四日市市大学策定構想委員会 2023.5 - 2024.3