Updated on 2025/03/07


FUJII Keisuke
Graduate School of Informatics Department of Intelligent Systems 1 Associate professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Informatics
Undergraduate School
School of Informatics Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Information Engineering
Associate professor
Contact information
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Degree 3

  1. 博士(人間・環境学) ( 2014.3   京都大学 ) 

  2. 修士(人間・環境学) ( 2011.3   京都大学 ) 

  3. 学士(総合人間学) ( 2009.3   京都大学 ) 

Research Interests 3

  1. Machine learning

  2. Collective motions

  3. Sports Science

Research Areas 2

  1. Informatics / Intelligent informatics

  2. Life Science / Sports sciences

Current Research Project and SDGs 1

  1. Technologies for explanation and decision making in biological multi-agent motions

Research History 9

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Informatics   Associate professor


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  2. Japan Science and Technology Agency   PRESTO   Researcher


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  3. 理化学研究所   Advanced Intelligence Project   Visiting Scientist


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  4. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Informatics   Assistant Professor

    2019.4 - 2021.4

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  5. 理化学研究所   革新知能統合研究センター   研究員

    2017.2 - 2019.4

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  6. Japan Society for Promotion of Science

    2014.4 - 2017.1

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  7. Nagoya University

    2014.4 - 2017.1

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  8. Japan Society for Promotion of Science

    2011.4 - 2014.3

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  9. 京都大学大学院   人間・環境学研究科   博士課程

    2011.4 - 2014.3

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Education 2

  1. Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies

    2009.4 - 2014.3

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    Country: Japan

  2. Kyoto University   Faculty of Integrated Human Studies

    2005.4 - 2009.3

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 5

  1. 日本バスケットボール学会

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Committee Memberships 17

  1. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  2. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)   Program Committee  


  3. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)   Program Committee  


  4. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  5. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  6. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  7. JSAI2020, 2021   Award committee  

    2020.6 - 2021.6   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  8. JSAI2020, 2021   Award committee  

    2020.6 - 2021.6   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  9. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)   Program Committee  

    2019.12 - 2020.12   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  10. Australasian AI conference 2019   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  11. Workshop on Informatics: WinF 2019-2020   Program Committee  

    2019.11 - 2020.11   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  12. IBIS2019   Program Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  13. The Japan Society for Basketball Studies   Editorial committee  

    2019.4 - 2021.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  14. The Japan Society for Basketball Studies   Editorial committee  

    2019.4 - 2021.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  15. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, 2020   Program Committee  

    2019.2 - 2020.2   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  16. Kei-Hiroba (in Japanese Society for Biomechanics) 2020-2021   Organizing Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  17. Kei-Hiroba (in Japanese Society for Biomechanics) 2020-2021   Organizing Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society


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Awards 40

  1. Akasaki Prize

    2023.3   Nagoya University  

    Keisuke Fujii

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  2. Best Poster Award

    2022.11   ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022   , Estimating counterfactual treatment outcomes over time in complex multi-vehicle simulation

    Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:United States

  3. Best Poster Award

    2022.11   ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022   , Estimating counterfactual treatment outcomes over time in complex multi-vehicle simulation

    Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:United States


  4. Best Paper Award in 2020

    2020.12   Japanese Neural Network Society   Dynamic mode decomposition in vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for extracting dynamical structure among observables

    Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

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  5. サッカー部門 優秀賞

    2025.1   2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション  

    廣瀬貞雄, 染谷大河, 河野理夏子, 藤井慶輔

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  6. 野球部門 優秀賞

    2025.1   2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション  

    三浦拓実, 藤井慶輔

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  7. バスケットボール部門 優秀賞

    2025.1   2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション  

    山田和宏, 藤井慶輔

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  8. サッカー部門 入賞

    2025.1   2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション  

    井出憲次朗, 染谷大河, 川口康平, 藤井慶輔

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  9. 優秀論文発表賞

    2024.6   海洋音響学会2024年度研究発表会  

    青木耀大, 手嶋優風, 源田祥子, 小原大知, 藤井慶輔, 飛龍志津子

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  10. Excellence Award (Soccer Division)

    2024.1   The 13th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)  

    Taiga Someya, Kohei Kawaguchi, Keisuke Fujii

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  11. Excellence Award (Soccer Division)

    2024.1   The 13th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)  

    Aru Ota, Keisuke Fujii, Hirohisa Hioki

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  12. SSI Best Presentation Award

    2023.11   The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)  

    Shoko Genda, Yu Teshima, Daichi Ohara, Yotai Aoki, Keisuke Fujii, Shizuko Hiryu

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  13. JSAI Annual Conference Award

    2023.5   The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference (JSAI'23)  

    Kazushi Tsutsui, Ryoya Tanaka, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

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  14. Best Paper Award

    2023.5   The First IEEE International Conference on Mobility: Operations, Services, and Technologies (MOST'23)  

    Robin Karlsson, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda

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  15. A Prize (3rd place), Soccer Division

    2023.1   The 12th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)  

    Rikuhei Umemoto, Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazushi Tsutsui, Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  16. IEEE GCCE 2022 Excellent Student Paper Award, Gold Prize

    2022.11   IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022)   Detection in Race Walking From a Smartphone Camera via Fine-Tuning Pose Estimation

    Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  17. Presentation Award (Student)

    2022.6   4th Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society)  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  18. Best Presentation Award Finalist

    2022.3   24th Information-Based Induction Science and Machine Learning (IBIS2021)   Learning interaction rules from multi-animal trajectories via augmented behavioral models,

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Emyo Fujioka, Nozomi Nishiumi, Ryoya Tanaka, Mika Fukushiro, Kaoru Ide, Hiroyoshi Kohno, Ken Yoda, Susumu Takahashi, Shizuko Hiryu, Yoshinobu Kawahara

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  19. Excellence Award (Soccer Division)

    2022.1   The 11th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)  

    Masakiyo Teranishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

  20. A Prize (3rd place), Baseball Division

    2022.1   The 11th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)  

    Hiroshi Nakahara, Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  21. Spoana award

    2021.8   ARCS IDEATHON (Sports Analyst Meetup #11 and NTT Communications rugby football club)  

    Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  22. Presentation Award (Student)

    2021.6   3rd Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society)  

    Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda

  23. サッカー部門 優秀賞

    2021.1   第10回日本統計学会スポーツ統計分科会スポーツデータ解析コンペティション   サッカーにおけるボール奪取・被有効攻撃予測に基づくチームの守備評価


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  24. Excellence Award (Soccer Division)

    2021.1   The 10th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)   Evaluation of soccer team defense based on prediction models of ball recovery and being attacked

    Kosuke Toda, Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Kushiro, Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


  25. 口頭発表賞

    2020.12   日本バスケットボール学会 第7回大会  

    藤井 慶輔, 武石 直也, 河原 吉伸, 武田 一哉

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  26. 大会発表賞

    2020.12   日本認知科学会第37回大会   なぞり課題を用いた運動協調における役割の検討


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  27. Presentation Award

    2020.12   37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   Investigation of Roles in Group Behavior Using a Coordinative Drawing Task

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


  28. Excellent Student Paper Award (On-demand), Bronze Prize

    2020.11   IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020)   Trajectory prediction with imitation learning reflecting defensive evaluation in team sports

    Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  29. Excellent Student Paper Award (On-demand), Bronze Prize

    2020.11   IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020)   Trajectory prediction with imitation learning reflecting defensive evaluation in team sports

    Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


  30. オープン部門 発表賞

    2020.6   第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会)  

    藤井 慶輔

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  31. 学生部門 発表賞

    2020.6   第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会)   サッカーにおける守備評価を考慮したデータ駆動的集団運動モデリング

    寺西真聖, 藤井慶輔, 武田一哉

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


  32. 学生部門 発表賞

    2020.6   第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会)   サッカーにおける守備評価を考慮したデータ駆動的集団運動モデリング

    寺西真聖, 藤井慶輔, 武田一哉

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


  33. 口頭発表賞

    2019.12   日本バスケットボール学会 第6回大会  

    藤井 慶輔

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  34. Oral Presentation Award

    2019.12   The Japan Society for Basketball Studies   Automatic classification of team strategy using machine learning

    Keisuke Fujii

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  35. Presentation Award

    2019.6   1st Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society)   Data-driven spectral analysis for social biomechanics

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Yuki Inaba, Benio Kibushi, Motoki Kouzaki, Yoshinobu Kawahara

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  36. 桜舞賞(研究奨励賞)

    2019.3   理化学研究所  

    藤井 慶輔

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  37. べストプレゼンテーション賞

    2018.11   第21回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ   観測量間の動的構造を抽出するベクトル値再生核ヒルベルト空間における動的モード分解

    藤井 慶輔・河原 吉伸

  38. 若手研究優秀賞

    2015.8   第66回日本体育学会   球技における味方を助ける行動―空間マルチスケール性に着目して

    藤井 慶輔・小山 孟志・陸川 章・山田 洋・山本 裕二

  39. 若手研究奨励賞

    2011.3   第140回京都体育学会大会   球技における防御者が意思決定に用いる情報とは何か―倒立振子モデルによるアプローチ―

    藤井 慶輔・進矢正宏・山下大地・小田伸午

  40. Best Paper Award

    The 21st Workshop on Informatics 2022 (WiNF 2023)  

    Ning Ding, Kazuya Takeda, Wenhui Jin, Yingjiu Bei, Keisuke Fujii

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Papers 105

  1. Estimating Counterfactual Treatment Outcomes Over Time in Complex Multiagent Scenarios. Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda

    IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst.   Vol. 36 ( 2 ) page: 2103 - 2117   2025.2

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3361166


  2. 特集「スポーツ×情報学×インタラクション」にあたって Reviewed

    市川 淳, 藤井 慶輔, 山田 雅敏, 一ノ瀬 元喜

    人工知能   Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 1002 - 1003   2025.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 人工知能学会  

    DOI: 10.11517/jjsai.40.1_1002

    CiNii Research

  3. Attempting to incorporate elements of open skills into closed-skill learning : A case study using a golf putting task Reviewed

    HASEGAWA Yumiko, YAMAMOTO Kota, OKADA Ayako, FUJII Keisuke

      Vol. 114   page: 101 - 119   2024.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate University  

    In motor learning, how a target skill is learned is important, and performance results vary depending on practice-related factors. Motor skills, which are classified as closed skills, are typically practiced through self-paced repetition. However, learning a target-following task performed alone may be facilitated by intervention from another person. Therefore, we considered an environment with disturbances such as open skills, even for a closed-skill learning activity such as a golf putting task, and expected that learning would be promoted in an environment with high uncertainty. In this study, we developed an idea based on several previous studies, and examined the effects of the practice of "catching and hitting a ball launched from ball launchers." The participants were four golf novices, two of whom practiced a conventional putting style as the control group. The participants practiced 10 times over a month, during which they took a pretest, midterm test, and posttest. Subsequently, the participants were challenged with two tasks. The participants practiced with approximately 1,000 balls during the study. To evaluate their performance, we used a motion capture device to measure the orientation of their body, kinematics of the putter head, and final ball positions. To measure participants’ sight lines, we proposed a method that utilizes a local coordinate system to efficiently represent and estimate the movement of points. From the results of the sight line analysis using this method, we understood the problems of novices’ alignment (aligning the putter head and body for the target). In addition, we were able to determine how long it takes for golf novices to acquire their approximate movement patterns and the number of days that the absolute error of the final ball position can be kept within 0.2 m ~ 0.4 m. We discuss the impact and future possibilities of incorporating elements of open skills to improve golf-putting skills.

    DOI: 10.15113/0002000356

    CiNii Research

  4. Decentralized policy learning with partial observation and mechanical constraints for multiperson modeling Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda

    Neural Networks   Vol. 171   page: 40 - 52   2024.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2023.11.068


  5. Adaptive action supervision in reinforcement learning from real-world multi-agent demonstrations Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Kazushi Tsutsui, Atom Sco, Hiroshi Nakahara, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024)   Vol. 2   page: 27 - 39   2024.2

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  6. Hierarchical Integration of Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Pursuit Behavioral Model for Robust and Interpretable Navigation Reviewed

    TSUTSUI Kazushi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3I5OS27b04 - 3I5OS27b04   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Integrating theoretical models into machine learning models holds immense potential for constructing efficient, robust, and interpretable models. Here, we propose a hybrid architecture that hierarchically integrates a biological pursuit model into deep reinforcement learning. This approach enables seamless acceleration-mode switching and geometrically reasonable action selection, demonstrating our hierarchical predator agents realized efficient navigation in a predator-prey environment. Interestingly, our results have commonalities with group hunting behaviors observed in nature, suggesting the potential application of our model as a tool for providing new insights into biology.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_3i5os27b04

    CiNii Research

  7. Space evaluation based on pitch control using drone video in Ultimate Reviewed

    IWASHITA Shunsuke, SCOTT Atom, UMEMOTO Rikuhei, NING Ding, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3Xin221 - 3Xin221   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Ultimate is a sport where two teams of seven players compete to score points by passing a disc and catching it in the end zone. Unlike other sports, Ultimate has the unique characteristic that players holding the disc cannot move, emphasizing the importance of creating space to receive passes. While there is ample data and research on space in sports like soccer and basketball, such information is lacking for Ultimate. This study aims to focus on the widely adopted 3-vs-3 format in training by many teams and evaluate the space during offensive plays. The data used in this study was obtained through filming with a drone camera, and position data was acquired through angle correction and coordinate transformations. The model employed in this study is based on a soccer's pitch control model, which indicates the probability of controlling the ball at various points on the pitch. This model is adapted to suit the rules of Ultimate, where players cannot move while holding the disc. By combining weights that take into account position and distance with the values of the pitch control, space evaluation metrics are calculated, and the relationship between scoring and the space evaluation metric immediately before a pass was analyzed.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_3xin221

    CiNii Research

  8. Front line defensive evaluation based on event detection from full pitch video in soccer Reviewed

    IDE Kenjiro, UCHIDA Ikuma, UMEMOTO Rikuhei, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3Xin247 - 3Xin247   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Most data analysis in soccer requires tracking data of players and ball and event data, and currently well-funded professional leagues are collecting a lot of data manually through companies. Previous research has used machine learning models to perform specific event detection from professional broadcast video, but amateur video is difficult to be analyzed due to the existence of various recording conditions. The purpose of this study is to perform specific event detection from amateur full-pitch video and to examine the validity of front-line defensive evaluation based on the detection results. In this study, two methods were used to detect events from video: the first is a deep learning-based e2e-spot method that uses video frames as input and predictive labels as output; the second is a rule-based method that uses ball velocity from ball tracking data and detects the start of a pass based on changes in velocity. We performed the fine-tuning of e2e-spot on amateur full-pitch video, was able to detect events more accurately than the rule-based method. We examined how accurately the estimated events can be used to evaluate front line defenses in soccer.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_3xin247

    CiNii Research

  9. Towards the Construction of a Soccer Foundation Model Using Simulation Data Reviewed

    SOMEYA Taiga, SCOTT Atom James, FUJII Keisuke, AKIYAMA Hidehisa, NAKASHIMA Tomoharu, YANAKA Hitomi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3I5OS27b02 - 3I5OS27b02   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Recent advancements in large foundation models have spanned various domains, including natural language processing, autonomous driving, and multivariate time series forecasting. Meanwhile, applied sports analysis has become widespread, with a particular focus on constructing quantitative evaluation methods for players and teams through the modeling of match situations. Despite this, a soccer foundation model capable of performing various tasks within a single model remains unexplored. This study explores a potential soccer foundation model by applying a multivariate time series prediction architecture for forecasting soccer trajectory data. We propose using log data from soccer simulation leagues for training, taking into account 1) the small scale of real trajectory data and 2) the effectiveness of synthetic data in constructing foundation models as indicated by previous research. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of the embedding representations by qualitatively comparing their similarities with actual soccer trajectories, confirming their applicability in downstream tasks.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_3i5os27b02

    CiNii Research

  10. Analysis of the impact of player combinations on scoring efficiency in basketball Reviewed

    YAMADA Kazuhiro, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 1D4GS1004 - 1D4GS1004   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>In a basketball game, the players compete against each other in a five-on-five match. In particular, it is important for players with different playstyles to cooperate and score efficiently during possessions, which take place many times in one game. In a previous study, the compatibility of players was examined using clustering results based on each player's statistics, called stats, but the findings obtained were considered to be limited due to the method of selecting features that included both offense and defense. This study focuses only on offense and aims to examine more specifically the impact of player combinations on scoring efficiency. In this study, two different methods are used to capture the playstyles of players on offense: one is a newly proposed method that clusters the tendency of shots based on the Wasserstein distance, the distance between distributions, which considers the set of shots of each player as a probability distribution using shooting features created from tracking data. The other is a method for clustering players' roles in the offense, which is a modification of the existing method. By creating and interpreting a machine learning model that predicts stats representing scoring efficiency from information on lineups based on these two clusterings, new insights into the compatibility of players were obtained.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_1d4gs1004

    CiNii Research

  11. Adaptive action utilization in reinforcement learning from real-world multi-agent demonstrations Reviewed

    FUJII Keisuke, TSUTUSI Kazushi, SCOTT Atom, NAKAHARA Hiroshi, TAKEISHI Naoya, KAWAHARA Yoshinobu

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 1E5GS504 - 1E5GS504   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>When modeling real-world biological multi-agents with reinforcement learning, there is a domain gap between the source real-world data and the target reinforcement learning environment. Therefore, the target dynamics are adapted to the unknown source dynamics. In this study, we propose a reinforcement learning method that uses information obtained by adapting source action to target action in a supervised manner as a method for domain adaptation in multi-agent reinforcement learning from real-world demonstrations. In limited situations such as 2vs1 chase-escape, 2vs2 and 4vs8 in soccer, we show that the agent learned to imitate the demonstrations and obtain rewards compared to the baseline.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_1e5gs504

    CiNii Research

  12. Quantitative Action Evaluation Metrics in Football Based on Action Selection and State Transition Probability Estimation through Language Modeling Reviewed

    SOMEYA Taiga, KAWAGUCHI Kohei, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 2F4GS505 - 2F4GS505   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>In applied sports analytics, especially in goal-oriented sports such as soccer, the necessity to process continuous data involving multiple agents poses a significant challenge for comprehensive analysis. Existing metrics, which often rely on static and simple inputs such as the ball's coordinates and nearby statistical data, fail to account for the broader match context. Recently, there has been growing interest in Large Language Models (LLMs), recognized for their potential not only in natural language processing but also in reinforcement learning and multi-agent trajectory forecasting. However, their application in soccer analytics is still in its infancy. This study introduces an innovative approach that employs language models to predict sequences tokenizing both the observable states and selected actions of players on the field. This method aims to model the probabilities associated with players' decision-making and state transitions. Furthermore, this research pioneers a framework to calculate and evaluate the state-action value (Q-value) of each player and team, leveraging the model's outputs within a reinforcement learning context. This marks the first attempt to establish such a quantitative evaluation framework in this domain.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_2f4gs505

    CiNii Research

  13. Information completion using a deep generative model for counterfactual evaluation of spatio-temporal event data in group sports Reviewed

    UMEMOTO Rikuhei, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3I5OS27b03 - 3I5OS27b03   2024

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>With the development of measurement technology, people in various fields analyze multi-agent spatio-temporal data. However, since the analysis is limited to what occurred and there is a lack of information in the data, there are challenges in utilizing the results of data analysis for future decision-making and in finding solutions to data uncertainty. Hence, counterfactual and information completion play an essential role, but only some examples of applying these methods to the data exist. This paper proposes methods to evaluate behavior by considering counterfactuals and to complement information for the data. In particular, we do this for open soccer data that includes information about a more significant number of agents. The former proposes a method to evaluate team defenses by considering counterfactuals with a mathematical model that is easy for people to understand. The latter proposes a deep generative model that can complement information about players' velocities lacking in such data while considering features related to agents' interactions. We expect this research will enable more people to analyze and support players and coaches in decision-making.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2024.0_3i5os27b03

    CiNii Research

  14. Estimating counterfactual treatment outcomes over time in complex multi-vehicle simulation Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda

    30th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022)     2022.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  15. Learning interaction rules from multi-animal trajectories via augmented behavioral model Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Emyo Fujioka, Nozomi Nishiumi, Ryoya Tanaka, Mika Fukushiro, Kaoru Ide, Hiroyoshi Kohno, Ken Yoda, Susumu Takahashi, Shizuko Hiryu, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'21)   Vol. 34   2021.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  16. Data-Driven Analysis for Understanding Team Sports Behaviors

    Keisuke Fujii

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol. 33 ( 3 ) page: 505 - 514   2021.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.  

    <p>Understanding the principles of real-world biological multi-agent behaviors is a current challenge in various scientific and engineering fields. The rules regarding the real-world biological multi-agent behaviors such as those in team sports are often largely unknown due to their inherently higher-order interactions, cognition, and body dynamics. Estimation of the rules from data, i.e., via data-driven approaches such as machine learning, provides an effective way to analyze such behaviors. Although most data-driven models have non-linear structures and high predictive performances, it is sometimes hard to interpret them. This survey focuses on data-driven analysis for quantitative understanding of behaviors in invasion team sports such as basketball and football, and introduces two main approaches for understanding such multi-agent behaviors: (1) extracting easily interpretable features or rules from data and (2) generating and controlling behaviors in visually-understandable ways. The first approach involves the visualization of learned representations and the extraction of mathematical structures behind the behaviors. The second approach can be used to test hypotheses by simulating and controlling future and counterfactual behaviors. Lastly, the potential practical applications of extracted rules, features, and generated behaviors are discussed. These approaches can contribute to a better understanding of multi-agent behaviors in the real world.</p>

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2021.p0505

    CiNii Research

  17. Physically-interpretable classification of biological network dynamics for complex collective motions. Reviewed International journal

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Motokazu Hojo, Yuki Inaba, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Scientific Reports   Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 3005 - 3005   2020.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Understanding biological network dynamics is a fundamental issue in various scientific and engineering fields. Network theory is capable of revealing the relationship between elements and their propagation; however, for complex collective motions, the network properties often transiently and complexly change. A fundamental question addressed here pertains to the classification of collective motion network based on physically-interpretable dynamical properties. Here we apply a data-driven spectral analysis called graph dynamic mode decomposition, which obtains the dynamical properties for collective motion classification. Using a ballgame as an example, we classified the strategic collective motions in different global behaviours and discovered that, in addition to the physical properties, the contextual node information was critical for classification. Furthermore, we discovered the label-specific stronger spectra in the relationship among the nearest agents, providing physical and semantic interpretations. Our approach contributes to the understanding of principles of biological complex network dynamics from the perspective of nonlinear dynamical systems.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58064-w

    Web of Science




  18. Data-driven spectral analysis for coordinative structures in periodic human locomotion. Reviewed International journal

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Benio Kibushi, Motoki Kouzaki, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Scientific reports   Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 16755 - 16755   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Living organisms dynamically and flexibly operate a great number of components. As one of such redundant control mechanisms, low-dimensional coordinative structures among multiple components have been investigated. However, structures extracted from the conventional statistical dimensionality reduction methods do not reflect dynamical properties in principle. Here we regard coordinative structures in biological periodic systems with unknown and redundant dynamics as a nonlinear limit-cycle oscillation, and apply a data-driven operator-theoretic spectral analysis, which obtains dynamical properties of coordinative structures such as frequency and phase from the estimated eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a composition operator. Using segmental angle series during human walking as an example, we first extracted the coordinative structures based on dynamics; e.g. the speed-independent coordinative structures in the harmonics of gait frequency. Second, we discovered the speed-dependent time-evolving behaviours of the phase by estimating the eigenfunctions via our approach on the conventional low-dimensional structures. We also verified our approach using the double pendulum and walking model simulation data. Our results of locomotion analysis suggest that our approach can be useful to analyse biological periodic phenomena from the perspective of nonlinear dynamical systems.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53187-1

    Web of Science




  19. Dynamic mode decomposition in vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for extracting dynamical structure among observables. Reviewed International journal

    Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society   Vol. 117   page: 94 - 103   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Understanding nonlinear dynamical systems (NLDSs) is challenging in a variety of engineering and scientific fields. Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD), which is a numerical algorithm for the spectral analysis of Koopman operators, has been attracting attention as a way of obtaining global modal descriptions of NLDSs without requiring explicit prior knowledge. However, since existing DMD algorithms are in principle formulated based on the concatenation of scalar observables, it is not directly applicable to data with dependent structures among observables, which take, for example, the form of a sequence of graphs. In this paper, we formulate Koopman spectral analysis for NLDSs with structures among observables and propose an estimation algorithm for this problem. This method can extract and visualize the underlying low-dimensional global dynamics of NLDSs with structures among observables from data, which can be useful in understanding the underlying dynamics of such NLDSs. To this end, we first formulate the problem of estimating spectra of the Koopman operator defined in vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and then develop an estimation procedure for this problem by reformulating tensor-based DMD. As a special case of our method, we propose the method named as Graph DMD, which is a numerical algorithm for Koopman spectral analysis of graph dynamical systems, using a sequence of adjacency matrices. We investigate the empirical performance of our method by using synthetic and real-world data.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2019.04.020

    Web of Science




  20. Transformer-based neural marked spatio temporal point process model for analyzing football match events. Reviewed

    Calvin Yeung, Tony Sit, Keisuke Fujii

    Applied Intelligence   Vol. 55 ( 5 ) page: 335 - 335   2025.4

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10489-024-05996-9


  21. Two clusterings to capture basketball players’ shooting tendencies using tracking data: clustering of shooting styles and the shots themselves Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Yamada, Keisuke Fujii

    International Journal of Computer Science in Sport   Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 35 - 55   2025.2

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Walter de Gruyter GmbH  


    Studies to understand the shooting preferences of basketball players relied exclusively on data on shot location, which did not lead to concrete understandings because they contained no information on how they moved to that location. Therefore, this study tried to cluster the players’ shooting tendencies using the tracking data of the players’ movements during the game. To do this, we first created hand-crafted shot features that included information on the pre-shot movement. Using those features, the dissimilarity of shooting tendencies between players was computed by considering the shot set of each player as a probability distribution and calculating the Wasserstein distance between them. The clustering based on their dissimilarity resulted in more clusters than in previous studies and allowed for specific shooting styles to be defined. Clustering using Gower distance as a dissimilarity measure for shot features, including a categorical feature, extracted clusters of shots that are useful for understanding players’ more detailed shooting tendencies. These results prove that it is not only the shot location but also how the player moved before the shot that is important to capture the player’s shooting preferences.

    DOI: 10.2478/ijcss-2025-0003


  22. Putting performance bias to the front-lower side of the hole on steep slopes: Differences in strategies and movements between professional and amateur golfers Reviewed

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii

    PLOS ONE   Vol. 19 ( 12 ) page: e0314820 - e0314820   2024.12

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Public Library of Science (PLoS)  

    When playing on an sloped golf course, the ball often misses the hole to the front-lower side, which is also referred to as the “amateur side.” This can be attributed to the difficulty in perceiving the green slope and choosing the appropriate launch direction and ball speed, especially for amateurs. The study had three main objectives. The first was to examine whether a front-down bias toward the hole could be experimentally observed in golfers’ putting. Second, to measure golfers’ aims and movements to determine why golfers, especially amateurs, putt poorly on steep slopes. Third, to investigate using a miniature platform how golfers recognized the steepness of the slopes and the relationship between their aim and their slope recognition. Twelve professionals and twelve intermediate amateurs were asked to perform in the 1- and 3-degree conditions (left-to-right line) at a distance of 3 m from the hole. Participants wore shutter goggles to inhibit visual feedback of outcomes. The aim, address, ball launch direction (analyzed as angles), and kinematics of the putter head and ball were measured. The results of this study experimentally confirmed the amateur side and indicated that the aim, address, and launch directions of the amateurs were smaller than those of the professionals. As for reproducing the slope task, we found that the amateurs underestimated the steepness on both conditions when compared to professionals. Additionally, golfers’ aim and slope recognition were weakly correlated. These suggest that amateurs, compared to professionals, were unable to choose the optimal speed of the putter head and the launch direction of the ball in relation to the slope. Furthermore, amateurs’ recognition was worse than that of professionals, which may affect their aim.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0314820


  23. ButterFlySet: A 2D video dataset for pose estimation of the flying butterflies in the wild Reviewed

    Kai Amino, Keisuke Fujii

    Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB) at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024)     2024.12

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  24. Runner re-identification from single-view running video in the open-world setting. Reviewed

    Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    Multimedia Tools and Applications   Vol. 83 ( 36 ) page: 83729 - 83745   2024.11

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11042-024-18881-x


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-024-18881-x/fulltext.html

  25. Basketball-SORT: an association method for complex multi-object occlusion problems in basketball multi-object tracking. Reviewed

    Qingrui Hu, Atom Sco, Calvin Yeung, Keisuke Fujii

    Multimedia Tools and Applications   Vol. 83 ( 38 ) page: 86281 - 86297   2024.11

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11042-024-20360-2


  26. Estimation of Overlapped Tactical Actions from Soccer Match Video. Reviewed

    Kento Kuroda, Ikuma Uchida, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinari Kameda

    icSPORTS     page: 257 - 264   2024.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.5220/0013066300003828


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/icsports/icsports2024.html#KurodaU0K24

  27. MulCPred: Learning Multi-Modal Concepts for Explainable Pedestrian Action Prediction. Reviewed International journal

    Yan Feng, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii, Robin Karlsson, Ming Ding, Kazuya Takeda

    Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)   Vol. 24 ( 20 ) page: 6742   2024.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Pedestrian action prediction is crucial for many applications such as autonomous driving. However, state-of-the-art methods lack the explainability needed for trustworthy predictions. In this paper, a novel framework called MulCPred is proposed that explains its predictions based on multi-modal concepts represented by training samples. Previous concept-based methods have limitations, including the following: (1) they cannot be directly applied to multi-modal cases; (2) they lack the locality needed to attend to details in the inputs; (3) they are susceptible to mode collapse. These limitations are tackled accordingly through the following approaches: (1) a linear aggregator to integrate the activation results of the concepts into predictions, which associates concepts of different modalities and provides ante hoc explanations of the relevance between the concepts and the predictions; (2) a channel-wise recalibration module that attends to local spatiotemporal regions, which enables the concepts with locality; (3) a feature regularization loss that encourages the concepts to learn diverse patterns. MulCPred is evaluated on multiple datasets and tasks. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that MulCPred is promising in improving the explainability of pedestrian action prediction without obvious performance degradation. Moreover, by removing unrecognizable concepts, MulCPred shows improved cross-dataset prediction performance, suggesting its potential for further generalization.

    DOI: 10.3390/s24206742



  28. Evaluating soccer match prediction models: a deep learning approach and feature optimization for gradient-boosted trees. Reviewed

    Calvin Yeung, Rory P. Bunker, Rikuhei Umemoto, Keisuke Fujii

    Machine Learning   Vol. 113 ( 10 ) page: 7541 - 7564   2024.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10994-024-06608-w


  29. A strategic framework for optimal decisions in football 1-vs-1 shot-taking situations: an integrated approach of machine learning, theory-based modeling, and game theory Reviewed

    Calvin Yeung, Keisuke Fujii

    Complex & Intelligent Systems     2024.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s40747-024-01466-4


  30. 3D Pose-Based Temporal Action Segmentation for Figure Skating: A Fine-Grained and Jump Procedure-Aware Annotation Approach. Reviewed

    Ryota Tanaka, Tomohiro Suzuki, Keisuke Fujii

    Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports(MMSports@MM)     page: 17 - 26   2024.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACM  

    DOI: 10.1145/3689061.3689077


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/mmsports/mmsports2024.html#TanakaS024

  31. Multi-agent statistically discriminative sub-trajectory mining and an application to NBA basketball Reviewed

    Rory Paul Bunker, Vo Nguyen Le Duy, Yasuo Tabei, Ichiro Takeuchi, Keisuke Fujii

    Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports     2024.9

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Walter de Gruyter GmbH  


    Improvements in tracking technology through optical and computer vision systems have enabled a greater understanding of the movement-based behaviour of multiple agents, including in team sports. In this study, a multi-agent statistically discriminative sub-trajectory mining (MA-Stat-DSM) method is proposed that takes a set of binary-labelled agent trajectory matrices as input and incorporates Hausdorff distance to identify sub-matrices that statistically significantly discriminate between the two groups of labelled trajectory matrices. Utilizing 2015/16 SportVU NBA tracking data, agent trajectory matrices representing attacks consisting of the trajectories of five agents (the ball, shooter, last passer, shooter defender, and last passer defender), were truncated to correspond to the time interval following the receipt of the ball by the last passer, and labelled as effective or ineffective based on a definition of attack effectiveness that we devise in the current study. After identifying appropriate parameters for MA-Stat-DSM by iteratively applying it to all matches involving the two top- and two bottom-placed teams from the 2015/16 NBA season, the method was then applied to selected matches and could identify and visualize the portions of plays, e.g., involving passing, on-, and/or off-the-ball movements, which were most relevant in rendering attacks effective or ineffective.

    DOI: 10.1515/jqas-2023-0039


    Other Link: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/jqas-2023-0039/pdf

  32. Mathematical models for off-ball scoring prediction in basketball Reviewed

    Rikako Kono, Keisuke Fujii

    11th Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics 2024 (MLSA'24) co-located with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD'24)     2024.9

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In professional basketball, the accurate prediction of scoring opportunities
    based on strategic decision-making is crucial for spatial and player
    evaluations. However, traditional models often face challenges in accounting
    for the complexities of off-ball movements, which are essential for
    comprehensive performance evaluations. In this study, we propose two
    mathematical models to predict off-ball scoring opportunities in basketball,
    considering pass-to-score and dribble-to-score sequences: the Ball Movement for
    Off-ball Scoring (BMOS) and the Ball Intercept and Movement for Off-ball
    Scoring (BIMOS) models. The BMOS model adapts principles from the Off-Ball
    Scoring Opportunities (OBSO) model, originally designed for soccer, to
    basketball, whereas the BIMOS model also incorporates the likelihood of
    interception during ball movements. We evaluated these models using player
    tracking data from 630 NBA games in the 2015-2016 regular season, demonstrating
    that the BIMOS model outperforms the BMOS model in terms of team scoring
    prediction accuracy, while also highlighting its potential for further
    development. Overall, the BIMOS model provides valuable insights for tactical
    analysis and player evaluation in basketball.



    Other Link: http://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.08749v2

  33. Force-Based Modeling of Heterogeneous Roles in the Coordinated Behavior of a Triad Reviewed

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii

    New Generation Computing   Vol. 42 ( 5 ) page: 983 - 995   2024.8

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    Group coordination is defined as interactions with other members to implement a task that is difficult to do alone or to achieve higher performance than an individual. Meanwhile, the adjustment process in coordination is not uniquely determined because each individual has many degrees of freedom. It is more difficult to explain and model complex and dynamic coordination, such as nonverbal behavior of three or more members than pair or verbal interaction. Hence, we previously introduced a coordinated drawing task and conducted the behavioral experiment. The triads operated reels to change the tensions of threads connected to a pen, shared three heterogeneous roles (pulling, relaxing, and adjusting), and moved the pen to draw an equilateral triangle. The results indicated that the adjusting role was related to high task performance by helping resiliently without disturbing the pen’s smooth movement while avoiding great pen deviation. However, this experiment alone cannot explain details of the adjustment process of tension. To supplement these findings, this study formulated the three roles using equations of motion. The multi-agent simulation results showed that the adjusting role might use the degree of pen deviation reflected by the others’ motor information, such as the operating procedures and forces, to change the tension and draw at least three sides. Although it is necessary to consider that we used the experimental task, our study contributes to the fundamental understanding of resilient adjustment in coordination by sharing heterogeneous roles as the first step.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00354-024-00277-y


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00354-024-00277-y/fulltext.html

  34. Open-Vocabulary Predictive World Models from Sensor Observations. Reviewed International journal

    Robin Karlsson, Ruslan Asfandiyarov, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda

    Sensors   Vol. 24 ( 14 ) page: 4735 - 4735   2024.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Cognitive scientists believe that adaptable intelligent agents like humans perform spatial reasoning tasks by learned causal mental simulation. The problem of learning these simulations is called predictive world modeling. We present the first framework for a learning open-vocabulary predictive world model (OV-PWM) from sensor observations. The model is implemented through a hierarchical variational autoencoder (HVAE) capable of predicting diverse and accurate fully observed environments from accumulated partial observations. We show that the OV-PWM can model high-dimensional embedding maps of latent compositional embeddings representing sets of overlapping semantics inferable by sufficient similarity inference. The OV-PWM simplifies the prior two-stage closed-set PWM approach to the single-stage end-to-end learning method. CARLA simulator experiments show that the OV-PWM can learn compact latent representations and generate diverse and accurate worlds with fine details like road markings, achieving 69 mIoU over six query semantics on an urban evaluation sequence. We propose the OV-PWM as a versatile continual learning paradigm for providing spatio-semantic memory and learned internal simulation capabilities to future general-purpose mobile robots.

    DOI: 10.3390/s24144735



  35. Unveiling Multi-Agent Strategies: A Data-Driven Approach for Extracting and Evaluating Team Tactics from Football Event and Freeze-Frame Data. Reviewed

    Calvin Yeung 0001, Rory P. Bunker, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 603 - 617   2024.6

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.  

    Studying collective behavior in opposing multi-agent teams is crucial across game theory, robotics, and sports analytics. In sports, especially football, team tactics involve intricate strategic spatial and action behaviors displayed as event sequences during possession. Understanding and analyzing these tactics is essential for successful training, strategic planning, and on-field success. While traditional approaches, such as notational and statistical analyses, offer valuable insights into team tactics, they often lack a comprehensive consideration of contextual information, thereby limiting the holistic evaluation of teams’ performances. To bridge this gap and capture the nuanced intricacies of team tactics, we employed advanced methodologies. The sequential pattern mining algorithm PrefixSpan was utilized to extract tactical patterns from possession sequences, enabling a deeper understanding of how teams strategize and adapt during play. Additionally, the neural marked spatio temporal point process (NMSTPP) model was leveraged to model and predict team behaviors, facilitating a fair comparison among teams. The evaluation of team possessions was further enhanced through the innovative holistic possession utilization score metrics, providing a more nuanced assessment of performance. In our experimental exploration, we identified and classified five distinct team tactics, validated the efficacy of the NMSTPP model when integrating StatsBomb 360 data, and conducted a comprehensive analysis of English Premier League teams during the 2022/2023 season. The results were visualized using radar plots and scatter plots with mean shift clustering. Lastly, the potential applications to RoboCup were discussed.

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2024.p0603

    CiNii Research


  36. Force-Based Modeling of a Resilient Helping Role in Coordinated Behavior of a Triad. Reviewed

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii

    26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2024)   Vol. 56   page: 148 - 155   2024.6

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-61932-8_18


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/hci/hci2024-56.html#IchikawaF24

  37. AutoSoccerPose: Automated 3D posture Analysis of Soccer Shot Movements. Reviewed

    Calvin Yeung, Kenjiro Ide, Keisuke Fujii

    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition     page: 3214 - 3224   2024.6

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW63382.2024.00327


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cvpr/cvprw2024.html#YeungI022

  38. TeamTrack: A Dataset for Multi-Sport Multi-Object Tracking in Full-pitch Videos. Reviewed

    Atom Sco, Ikuma Uchida, Ning Ding, Rikuhei Umemoto, Rory P. Bunker, Ren Kobayashi, Takeshi Koyama, Masaki Onishi, Yoshinari Kameda, Keisuke Fujii

    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition     page: 3357 - 3366   2024.6

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW63382.2024.00340


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cvpr/cvprw2024.html#ScottUDUBKKOK022

  39. Pseudo-label based unsupervised fine-tuning of a monocular 3D pose estimation model for sports motions. Reviewed

    Tomohiro Suzuki, Ryota Tanaka, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition     page: 3315 - 3324   2024.6

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW63382.2024.00336


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cvpr/cvprw2024.html#SuzukiTT022

  40. Collaborative hunting in artificial agents with deep reinforcement learning Reviewed

    Kazushi Tsutsui, Ryoya Tanaka, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    eLife     2024.5

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory  


    Collaborative hunting, in which predators play different and complementary roles to capture prey, has been traditionally believed as an advanced hunting strategy requiring large brains that involve high level cognition. However, recent findings that collaborative hunting have also been documented in smaller-brained vertebrates have placed this previous belief under strain. Here, we demonstrate that decisions underlying collaborative hunts do not necessarily rely on sophisticated cognitive processes using computational multi-agent simulation based on deep reinforcement learning. We found that apparently elaborate coordination can be achieved through a relatively simple decision process of mapping between observations and actions via distance-dependent internal representations formed by prior experience. Furthermore, we confirmed that this decision rule of predators is robust against unknown prey controlled by humans. Our results of computational ecology emphasize that collaborative hunting can emerge in various intra- and inter-specific interactions in nature, and provide insights into the evolution of sociality.

    DOI: 10.1101/2022.10.10.511517


  41. Estimation of control area in badminton doubles with pose information from top and back view drone videos. Reviewed

    Ning Ding, Kazuya Takeda, Wenhui Jin, Yingjiu Bei, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    Multimedia Tools and Applications   Vol. 83 ( 8 ) page: 24777 - 24793   2024.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    The application of visual tracking to the performance analysis of sports players in dynamic competitions is vital for effective coaching. In doubles matches, coordinated positioning is crucial for maintaining control of the court and minimizing opponents’ scoring opportunities. The analysis of such teamwork plays a vital role in understanding the dynamics of the game. However, previous studies have primarily focused on analyzing and assessing singles players without considering occlusion in broadcast videos. These studies have relied on discrete representations, which involve the analysis and representation of specific actions (e.g., strokes) or events that occur during the game while overlooking the meaningful spatial distribution. In this work, we present the first annotated drone dataset from top and back views in badminton doubles and propose a framework to estimate the control area probability map, which can be used to evaluate teamwork performance. We present an efficient framework of deep neural networks that enables the calculation of full probability surfaces. This framework utilizes the embedding of a Gaussian mixture map of players’ positions and employs graph convolution on their poses. In the experiment, we verify our approach by comparing various baselines and discovering the correlations between the score and control area. Additionally, we propose a practical application for assessing optimal positioning to provide instructions during a game. Our approach offers both visual and quantitative evaluations of players’ movements, thereby providing valuable insights into doubles teamwork. The dataset and related project code is available at https://github.com/Ning-D/Drone_BD_ControlArea

    DOI: 10.1007/s11042-023-16362-1


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-023-16362-1/fulltext.html

  42. DRUformer: Enhancing Driving Scene Important Object Detection With Driving Scene Relationship Understanding. Reviewed

    Yingjie Niu, Ming Ding 0002, Keisuke Fujii 0001, Kento Ohtani, Alexander Carballo, Kazuya Takeda

    IEEE Access   Vol. 12   page: 67589 - 67599   2024.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3400589


  43. Automatic detection of faults in race walking from a smartphone camera: a comparison of an Olympic medalist and university athletes Reviewed

    Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    International Journal of Computer Science in Sport     2024.3

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  44. Automatic Detection of Faults in Simulated Race Walking from a Fixed Smartphone Camera. Reviewed

    Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    International Journal of Computer Science in Sport   Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 22 - 36   2024.3

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2478/ijcss-2024-0002


  45. Dog's 3D Skeleton Reconstruction using a Moving Trainer for Analysis of Guide Dog Training. Reviewed

    Ansheng Wang, Rongjin Huang, Keisuke Fujii, Shinji Tanaka, Yoshiro Matsunami, Yasutoshi Makino, Hiroyoki Shinoda

    SMC     page: 4594 - 4599   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/SMC54092.2024.10831469


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/smc/smc2024.html#WangHFTMMS24

  46. Extracting proficiency differences and individual characteristics in golfers' swing using single-video markerless motion analysis Reviewed

    Kota Yamamoto, Yumiko Hasegawa, Tomohiro Suzuki, Hiroo Suzuki, Hiroko Tanabe, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontiers in Sports and Active Living   Vol. 5   2023.11

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  

    In this study, we analyzed golfers' swing movement to extract differences in proficiency and individual characteristics using two-dimensional video data from a single camera. We conducted an experiment with 27 golfers who had a wide range of skill levels, using a 7-iron; we acquired video data with a camera on the sagittal plane. For data extraction, we used pose estimation (using HRNet) and object detection (using DeepLabCut) methods to extract human-joint and club-head data. We examined the relationship between proficiency and individual characteristics vis-à-vis forward tilt angle and club trajectory. The results showed that the stability and reproducibility of the forward tilt angle are characteristics of proficiency. Highly skilled golfers showed low variability and high reproducibility between trials in forward tilt angle. However, we found that club trajectory may not be a characteristic of proficiency but rather an individual characteristic. Club trajectory was divided roughly into clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation. Thus, the analysis based on video data from a single markerless camera enabled the extraction of the differences in proficiency and individual characteristics of golf swing. This suggests the usefulness of our system for simply evaluating golf swings and applying it to motor learning and coaching situations.

    DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1272038


  47. Can golfers choose low-risk routes in steep putting based on visual feedback of ball trajectory? Reviewed International journal

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontiers in Sports and Active Living   Vol. 5   page: 1131390 - 1131390   2023.8

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  

    This study aims to clarify why the aiming method in golf putting in risky situations differs based on skill level. This study set up a difficult challenge (steep slopes and fast ball rolling greens), which required even professional golfers to change their aim. A total of 12 tour professionals and 12 intermediate amateurs were asked to perform a steep-slope task with no visual feedback of outcomes (no FB) followed by a task with visual feedback (with FB). The aim of the task was for the ball to enter the hole in one shot. Additionally, the participants were told that if the ball did not enter the hole, it was to at least stop as close to it as possible. The participant's aim (as an angle) and the kinematics of the putter head and ball were measured. The results indicated that professionals' highest ball trajectory points were significantly higher than that of amateurs, especially with FB. Additionally, professionals had higher ball-launch angles (the direction of the ball when the line connecting the ball and the center of the hole is 0 degrees) and lower peak putter head velocities than amateurs. Furthermore, the aim angle, indicating the golfer's decision-making, was higher for professionals under both conditions. However, even with FB, the amateurs' aim angles were lower and the difference between trials was smaller than that of professionals. Therefore, this study confirmed that the professionals made more drastic changes to their aim to find low-risk routes than the amateurs and that the amateurs’ ability to adjust their aim was lower than that of professionals. The results suggest that the reason for the amateurs' inability to find low-risk routes lies in their decision-making. The professionals found better routes; however, there were individual differences in their routes.

    DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1131390



  48. Synergizing Deep Reinforcement Learning and Biological Pursuit Behavioral Rule for Robust and Interpretable Navigation Reviewed

    Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    1st Workshop on the Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling (SynS and ML) co-located with the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'23)     2023.8

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  49. Pitching strategy evaluation via stratified analysis using propensity score Reviewed

    Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports   Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 91 - 102   2023.5

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Walter de Gruyter GmbH  


    Recent measurement technologies enable us to analyze baseball at higher levels of complexity. There are, however, still many unclear points around pitching strategy. There are two elements that make it difficult to measure the effect of a pitching strategy. First, most public datasets do not include location data where the catcher demands a ball, which is essential information to obtain the battery’s intent. Second, there are many confounders associated with pitching/batting results when evaluating pitching strategy. We here clarify the effect of pitching attempts to a specific location, e.g., inside or outside. We employ a causal inference framework called stratified analysis using a propensity score to evaluate the effects while removing the effect of confounding factors. We use a pitch-by-pitch dataset of Japanese professional baseball games held in 2014–2019, which includes location data where the catcher demands a ball. The results reveal that an outside pitching attempt is more effective than an inside one to minimize allowed run average. In addition, the stratified analysis shows that the outside pitching attempt is effective regardless of the magnitude of the estimated batter’s ability, and the proportion of pitched inside for pitcher/batter. Our analysis provides practical insights into selecting a pitching strategy to minimize allowed runs.

    DOI: 10.1515/jqas-2021-0060


    Other Link: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/jqas-2021-0060/pdf

  50. Prediction of Bat Flight Path During Obstacle Avoidance by Imitation Learning Reviewed

    Shoko Genda, Yu Teshima, Taku Kawamura, Daichi Ohara, Keisuke Fujii, Shizuko Hiryu

    2nd International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery (BiRD 2023) in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023)     2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  51. Biomechanical strategies to maximize gait attractiveness among women Reviewed

    Hiroko Tanabe, Keisuke Fujii, Naotsugu Kaneko, Hikaru Yokoyama, Kimitaka Nakazawa

    Frontiers in Sports Active Living   Vol. 5 ( 1091470 )   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  52. Estimating the Effect of Team Hitting Strategies Using Counterfactual Virtual Simulation in Baseball, Reviewed

    Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii,

    International Journal of Computer Science in Sport   Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 12   2023.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  53. A framework of interpretable match results prediction in football with FIFA ratings and team formation. Reviewed International journal

    Calvin C K Yeung, Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii

    PloS one   Vol. 18 ( 4 ) page: e0284318   2023

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    While forecasting football match results has long been a popular topic, a practical model for football participants, such as coaches and players, has not been considered in great detail. In this study, we propose a generalized and interpretable machine learning model framework that only requires coaches' decisions and player quality features for forecasting. By further allowing the model to embed historical match statistics, features that consist of significant information, during the training process the model was practical and achieved both high performance and interpretability. Using five years of data (over 1,700 matches) from the English Premier League, our results show that our model was able to achieve high performance with an F1-score of 0.47, compared to the baseline betting odds prediction, which had an F1-score of 0.39. Moreover, our framework allows football teams to adapt for tactical decision-making, strength and weakness identification, formation and player selection, and transfer target validation. The framework in this study would have proven the feasibility of building a practical match result forecast framework and may serve to inspire future studies.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284318



  54. Learning to Predict Navigational Patterns from Partial Observations Reviewed

    Robin Karlsson, Alexander Carballo, Francisco Lepe-Salazar, Keisuke Fujii, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters     2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Human beings cooperatively navigate rule-constrained environments by adhering to mutually known navigational patterns, which may be represented as directional pathways or road lanes. Inferring these navigational patterns from incompletely observed environments is required for intelligent mobile robots operating in unmapped locations. However, algorithmically defining these navigational patterns is nontrivial. This paper presents the first self-supervised learning (SSL) method for learning to infer navigational patterns in real-world environments from partial observations only. We explain how geometric data augmentation, predictive world modeling, and an information-theoretic regularizer enable our model to predict an unbiased local directional soft lane probability (DSLP) field in the limit of infinite data. We demonstrate how to infer global navigational patterns by fitting a maximum likelihood graph to the DSLP field. Experiments show that our SSL model outperforms two SOTA supervised lane graph prediction models on the nuScenes dataset. We propose our SSL method as a scalable and interpretable continual learning paradigm for navigation by perception.

    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3291924



  55. Automatic Edge Error Judgment in Figure Skating Using 3D Pose Estimation from Inertial Sensors. Reviewed

    Ryota Tanaka, Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    GCCE     page: 1099 - 1100   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/GCCE59613.2023.10315532


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/gcce/gcce2023.html#TanakaSTF23

  56. Automatic Edge Error Judgment in Figure Skating Using 3D Pose Estimation from a Monocular Camera and IMUs. Reviewed

    Ryota Tanaka, Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    MMSports@MM     page: 41 - 48   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1145/3606038.3616171


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/mmsports/mmsports2023.html#TanakaST023

  57. Action Valuation of On- and Off-Ball Soccer Players Based on Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning. Reviewed

    Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    IEEE Access   Vol. 11   page: 131237 - 131244   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3336425


  58. Predictive World Models from Real-World Partial Observations. Reviewed

    Robin Karlsson, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii 0001, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda

    MOST     page: 152 - 166   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/MOST57249.2023.00024


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/most/most2023.html#KarlssonC0OT23

  59. Multi-Agent Deep-Learning Based Comparative Analysis of Team Sport Trajectories. Reviewed

    Zhang Ziyi, Rory P. Bunker, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    IEEE Access   Vol. 11   page: 43305 - 43315   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3269287


  60. Score prediction using multiple object tracking for analyzing movements in 2-vs-2 Handball. Reviewed

    Ren Kobayashi, Rikuhei Umemoto, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    GCCE     page: 946 - 947   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/GCCE59613.2023.10315410


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/gcce/gcce2023.html#KobayashiUTF23

  61. A sense of distance and movement characteristics of golfers tested without visual feedback of outcomes: Is a putt that feels subjectively good also physically good? Reviewed

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontiers in Sports and Active Living   Vol. 4 ( 987493 )   2022.10

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  62. Automatic Fault Detection in Race Walking From a Smartphone Camera via Fine-Tuning Pose Estimation Reviewed

    Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022)     2022.10

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  63. 集団運動における機械学習を用いたデータ科学 Reviewed

    藤井 慶輔

    人工知能学会研究会資料 人工知能基本問題研究会   Vol. 121 ( 0 ) page: 18 - 18   2022.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 人工知能学会  

    DOI: 10.11517/jsaifpai.121.0_18

    CiNii Research

  64. Optimization of aircraft flight paths considering the conflicting parameters of economy and safety Reviewed

    Tetsuya Nagashima, Ming Ding, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda

    33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences     2022.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  65. Evaluation of creating scoring opportunities for teammates in soccer via trajectory prediction Reviewed

    Masakiyo Teranishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    9th Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics 2022 (MLSA'22) co-located with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD'22)     2022.9

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  66. Emergence of Collaborative Hunting via Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning, International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding Reviewed

    Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii


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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  67. SoccerTrack: A Dataset and Tracking Algorithm for Soccer with Fish-eye and Drone Videos. Reviewed

    Atom Scott, Ikuma Uchida, Masaki Onishi, Yoshinari Kameda, Kazuhiro Fukui, Keisuke Fujii 0001

    CVPR Workshops     page: 3568 - 3578   2022.6

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW56347.2022.00401


    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cvpr/cvpr2022w.html#ScottUOKF022

  68. Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Racket Sport for Player Evaluation With Technical and Tactical Contexts. Reviewed

    Ning Ding, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    IEEE Access   Vol. 10   page: 54764 - 54772   2022.5

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3175314


  69. Discriminant Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Labeled Spatiotemporal Data Collections. Reviewed

    Naoya Takeishi, Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.   Vol. 21 ( 2 ) page: 1030 - 1058   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1137/21m1399907


  70. How does AI play football? An analysis of RL and real-world football strategies Reviewed

    Atom Scott, Keisuke Fujii, Masaki Onishi

    International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022)   Vol. 1   page: 42 - 52   2022.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  71. Evaluation of soccer team defense based on prediction models of ball recovery and being attacked: A pilot study Reviewed

    Kosuke Toda, Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Kushiro & Keisuke Fujii

    PLoS One   Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: e0263051   2022.1

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  72. Player evaluation in a racket sport via deep reinforcement learning with technical and tactical contexts Reviewed

    DING Ning, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 1S1IS304 - 1S1IS304   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Evaluating the performance of players in dynamic competition plays a vital role in effective sports coaching. However, the evaluation of players in racket sports has been still difficult in a quantitative manner, because it is derived from the integration of complex tactical and technical (i.e., whole-body movement) performances. In this paper, we propose a new evaluation method for racket sports based on deep reinforcement learning, which can analyze the player's motion in more detail than the results (i.e., scores). Our method uses historical data including players' tactical and technical performance information to learn the next score probability as Q function, which is used to value players’ actions. We verified our approach by comparing various models and present the effectiveness of our method through use cases that analyze the performance of the top badminton players in world-class events.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2022.0_1s1is304

    CiNii Research

  73. Diversity of behavioral strategy in cooperative hunting using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning Reviewed

    TSUTSUI Kazushi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b03 - 3G4OS15b03   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Cooperative hunting is a widespread form of cooperation in nature, and it is known that the level of organization of this predation varies among species. However, how cooperative forms of predation have evolved and been maintained is not well understood. In this study, we addressed this issue using a multi-agent simulation based on deep reinforcement learning. We examined changes in behavioral strategies when changing factors that have been suggested to be associated with predation forms by previous observations in nature, and found that the highest level of organization with role division among individuals was emerged under the combined conditions of two factors: difficulty of prey capture, and food (reward) sharing. These results suggest that sophisticated predation forms, which have been thought to require high cognition, can evolve from relatively simple cognitive and learning mechanisms, and emphasize the close link between the predation form and the environment where the organism lives.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2022.0_3g4os15b03

    CiNii Research

  74. A basic study on the mechanism of group behavior of wild bats using movement pattern measurement and granger causality during nesting Reviewed

    USHIO Kazusa, FUJIOKA Emyo, FUJI Keisuke, HABE Hitoshi, KAWASHIMA Hiroaki, HIRYU Shizuko

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b02 - 3G4OS15b02   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Bats recognize their surrounding environment by processing the echoes of ultrasonic waves emitted by themselves. Many species of bats live in groups, and many individuals emerge together from roosts. In this study, we used high-sensitivity video cameras to measure the flight trajectories of bats emerging from the cave in three dimensions, and investigated their flight trails. As a result, we found there were three behavioral patterns during emerging: exiting the cave, returning to the cave, and some other action. In addition, we applied the Granger causality method (Fujii et al., NeurlPS'21) to analyze the swarm behavior mechanism of emerging bats. The results showed that forward individuals flew in such a way that they were "repulsed" from or "approached" the other individuals. This suggests that bats, which use sound to understand their environment, are also influenced by backward individuals, which cannot be captured visually, suggesting that bats have a unique swarming mechanism that differs from model animals for group behavior, mainly visual animals.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2022.0_3g4os15b02

    CiNii Research

  75. Evaluation of soccer players to create scoring opportunities for teammates based on their trajectory prediction Reviewed

    TERANISHI Masakiyo, TSUTSUI Kazushi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b05 - 3G4OS15b05   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Soccer is a game in which many players and the ball interact in complex ways. Regarding the quantitative evaluation of soccer attackers, there have been many and few studies on the player with and without the ball, respectively. However, it is still difficult to evaluate an attacking player without the ball and intention to receive it, and to reveal how movement contributes to the creation of scoring opportunities compared to typical (or predicted) movements. In this paper, we evaluate players who create off-ball scoring opportunities by comparing the reference movements generated by trajectory prediction with actual movements. In the proposed method, first, the trajectory is predicted using a graph variational recurrent neural network that can accurately model the relationship between players and predict the long-term trajectory. Next, based on the difference in the existing off-ball evaluation index between the actual data and the predicted trajectory, we evaluate how the actual movement contributes to scoring opportunity compared to the predicted movement as a reference. In the verification, we show that the evaluation of the proposed method is intuitive, using the relationship with the scores with all 18 teams in the Japanese professional soccer league and the example of one game.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2022.0_3g4os15b05

    CiNii Research

  76. Estimating the Effect of Team Hitting Strategies Using Counterfactual Virtual Simulation in Baseball Reviewed

    NAKAHARA Hiroshi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b04 - 3G4OS15b04   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>In baseball, every play on the field is quantitatively evaluated and has an effect on individual and team strategies. The weighted on base average (wOBA) is well known as a measure of an batter's hitting contribution. However, this measure ignores the game situation, such as the runners on base, which coaches and batters are known to consider when employing multiple hitting strategies. Yet, the effectiveness of these strategies is unknown. This is probably because (1) we cannot obtain the batter's strategy and (2) it is difficult to estimate the effect of the strategies. Here, we propose a new method for estimating the effect using counterfactual batting simulation. To this end, we propose a deep learning model that transforms batting ability when batting strategy is changed. This method can estimate the effects of various strategies, which has been traditionally difficult with actual game data. We found that, when the switching cost of batting strategies can be ignored, the use of different strategies increased runs. When the switching cost is considered, the conditions for increasing runs are limited. Our validation results suggest that our simulation could clarify the effect of using multiple batting strategies.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2022.0_3g4os15b04

    CiNii Research

  77. Analysis of group behavior based on sharing heterogeneous roles in a triad using a coordinated drawing task Reviewed

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontiers in Psychology     2022

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  78. Cooperative play classification in team sports via semi-supervised learning, International Journal of Computer Science in Sport Reviewed

    Ziyi Zhang, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    International Journal of Computer Science in Sport     2022

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  79. Frechet and Hausdorff Kernels for Trajectory Data Analysis Reviewed

    Koh Takeuchi, Masaaki Imaizumi, Shunsuke Kanda, Keisuke Fujii, Masakazu Ishihata, Takuya Maekawa, Ken Yoda, Yasuo Tabei

    29th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021)     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  80. Skill Differences in a Discrete Motor Task Emerging From the Environmental Perception Phase Reviewed

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontiers in Psychology   Vol. 12   2021.10

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  

    Because of the challenges associated with measuring human perception and strategy, the process of human performance from perception to motion to results is not fully understood. Therefore, this study clarifies the phase at which errors occur and how differences in skill level manifest in a motor task requiring an accurate environmental perception and fine movement control. We assigned a golf putting task and comprehensively examined various errors committed in five phases of execution. Twelve tour professionals and twelve intermediate amateur golfers performed the putting task on two surface conditions: flat and a 0.4-degree incline. The participants were instructed to describe the topographical characteristics of the green before starting the trials on each surface (environmental perception phase). Before each attempt, the participants used the reflective markers to indicate their aim point from which the ball would be launched (decision-making phase). We measured the clubface angle and impact velocity to highlight the pre-motion and motion errors (pre-motion and motion phase). In addition, mistakes in the final ball position were analyzed as result errors (post-performance phase). Our results showed that more than half of the amateurs committed visual–somatosensory errors in the perception phase. Moreover, their aiming angles in the decision-making phase differed significantly from the professionals, with no significant differences between slope conditions. In addition, alignment errors, as reported in previous studies, occurred in the pre-motion phase regardless of skill level (i.e., increased in the 0.4-degree condition). In the motion phase, the intermediate-level amateurs could not adjust their clubhead velocity control to the appropriate level, and the clubhead velocity and clubface angle control were less reproducible than those of the professionals. To understand the amateur result errors in those who misperceived the slopes, we checked the individual results focusing on the final ball position. We found that most of these participants had poor performance, especially in the 0.4-degree condition. Our results suggest that the amateurs’ pre-motion and strategy errors depended on their visual–somatosensory errors.

    DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.697914


  81. Supervised sequential pattern mining of event sequences in sport to identify important patterns of play: An application to rugby union Reviewed

    Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii, Hiroyuki Hanada, Ichiro Takeuchi

    PLOS ONE   Vol. 16 ( 9 ) page: e0256329 - e0256329   2021.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Public Library of Science (PLoS)  

    Given a set of sequences comprised of time-ordered events, sequential pattern mining is useful to identify frequent subsequences from different sequences or within the same sequence. However, in sport, these techniques cannot determine the importance of particular patterns of play to good or bad outcomes, which is often of greater interest to coaches and performance analysts. In this study, we apply a recently proposed supervised sequential pattern mining algorithm called safe pattern pruning (SPP) to 490 labelled event sequences representing passages of play from one rugby team’s matches in the 2018 Japan Top League season. We obtain patterns that are the most discriminative between scoring and non-scoring outcomes from both the team’s and opposition teams’ perspectives using SPP, and compare these with the most frequent patterns obtained with well-known unsupervised sequential pattern mining algorithms when applied to subsets of the original dataset, split on the label. From our obtained results, line breaks, successful line-outs, regained kicks in play, repeated phase-breakdown play, and failed exit plays by the opposition team were found to be the patterns that discriminated most between the team scoring and not scoring. Opposition team line breaks, errors made by the team, opposition team line-outs, and repeated phase-breakdown play by the opposition team were found to be the patterns that discriminated most between the opposition team scoring and not scoring. It was also found that, probably because of the supervised nature and pruning/safe-screening mechanisms of SPP, compared to the patterns obtained by the unsupervised methods, those obtained by SPP were more sophisticated in terms of containing a greater variety of events, and when interpreted, the SPP-obtained patterns would also be more useful for coaches and performance analysts.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256329


  82. Flexible prediction of opponent motion with internal representation in interception behavior Reviewed

    Kazushi Tsutsui, Keisuke Fujii, Kazutoshi Kudo, Kazuya Takeda

    Biological Cybernetics     2021.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    <title>Abstract</title>Skilled interception behavior often relies on accurate predictions of external objects because of a large delay in our sensorimotor systems. To deal with the sensorimotor delay, the brain predicts future states of the target based on the current state available, but it is still debated whether internal representations acquired from prior experience are used as well. Here we estimated the predictive manner by analyzing the response behavior of a pursuer to a sudden directional change of the evasive target, providing strong evidence that prediction of target motion by the pursuer was incompatible with a linear extrapolation based solely on the current state of the target. Moreover, using neural network models, we validated that nonlinear extrapolation as estimated was computationally feasible and useful even against unknown opponents. These results support the use of internal representations in predicting target motion, suggesting the usefulness and versatility of predicting external object motion through internal representations.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00422-021-00891-9


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00422-021-00891-9/fulltext.html

  83. Extraction of swing motion contributing to prediction of shuttle drop position in badminton Reviewed

    Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) workshop on AI for Sports Analytics (AISA)     2021.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  84. Understanding Others' Roles Based on Perspective Taking in Coordinated Group Behavior Reviewed

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii

    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society   Vol. 43   page: 1285 - 1291   2021.8

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


  85. Investigation of roles in group behavior using a coordinative drawing task Reviewed

    Ichikawa Jun, Fujii Keisuke

    Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   Vol. 28 ( 1 ) page: 170 - 173   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Cognitive Science Society  

    DOI: 10.11225/cs.2020.069

    CiNii Research

  86. Quantitative analysis of spontaneous sociality in children's group behavior during nursery activity. Reviewed International journal

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Takayuki Nagai, Takashi Omori, Natsuki Oka

    PloS one   Vol. 16 ( 2 ) page: e0246041   2021.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Sociality is the tendency to spontaneously interact with others to establish and maintain relationships. Some approaches, including questionnaires, tests, controlled experiments, and qualitative field research, cannot capture complex social interactions, such as in children during nursery activities, because of problems with ecological validity and the labor cost of analysis. Here, we introduced a new methodology for the quantitative analysis of spontaneous social movement and investigated children's group behavior using position data. We periodically visited a nursery and recorded videos of eurhythmics, in which children move in tune with music, in different classes. The results revealed that children in the six-year-old class approached others in a short period of time (within one second) and established group behavior like that in a game of tag. It can be interpreted that such social behavior may include actions related to the cognition of anticipating others' behaviors in a complex situation. Although only a small amount of data could be acquired, this study suggests one of the characteristics of social behaviors in the classroom considering an ecological approach.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246041

    Web of Science




  87. Trajectory prediction with imitation learning reflecting defensive evaluation in team sports. Reviewed

    Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda

    IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020)     page: 124 - 125   2020.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1109/GCCE50665.2020.9291841



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/gcce/gcce2020.html#TeranishiFT20

  88. Cognition and interpersonal coordination of patients with schizophrenia who have sports habits. Reviewed International journal

    Keisuke Fujii, Yujiro Yoshihara, Yukiko Matsumoto, Keima Tose, Hideaki Takeuchi, Masanori Isobe, Hiroto Mizuta, Daisuke Maniwa, Takehiko Okamura, Toshiya Murai, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Hidehiko Takahashi

    PloS one   Vol. 15 ( 11 ) page: e0241863   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Team sports activities are effective for improving the negative symptoms and cognitive functions in patients with schizophrenia. However, the interpersonal coordination during the sports and visual cognition of patients with schizophrenia who have team sports habits are unknown. The main objectives of this study were to test two hypotheses: first, patients with schizophrenia perform the skill requiring ball passing and receiving worse than healthy controls; and second, the patients will be impaired in these functionings in accordance with the previous studies regarding schizophrenia in general. Twelve patients with schizophrenia and 15 healthy controls, who had habits in football, participated in this study. The participants performed three conventional cognitive tests and a 3-vs-1 ball possession task to evaluate their interpersonal coordination. The results showed that in the 3-vs-1 possession task, the displacement in the pass angle for the patients was significantly smaller than that for the control. The recall in the complex figure test, the performance in the trail making test, and that in the five-choice reaction task for the patients were worse than those for the control. Moreover, we found the significant partial correlations in the patients between the extradimensional shift error and the pass angle as well as between the time in the trail making test and the displacement in the pass angle, whereas there was no significant correlation in the control group. This study clarified the impaired interpersonal coordination during team sports and the visual cognition of patients with schizophrenia who have team sports habits.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241863

    Web of Science




  89. Succinct Trit-array Trie for Scalable Trajectory Similarity Search. Reviewed

    Shunsuke Kanda, Koh Takeuchi, Keisuke Fujii, Yasuo Tabei

    Proceedings of 28th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020)     page: 518 - 529   2020.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    DOI: 10.1145/3397536.3422210



    Other Link: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/gis/gis2020.html#KandaTFT20

  90. Proposal of a research approach for discussion of a dynamic coordination mechanism: Investigation of anticipating others' behaviors and adaptation through quantitative analysis of group behavior Reviewed

    Ichikawa Jun, Fujii Keisuke

    Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: 377 - 385   2020.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Cognitive Science Society  

    <p>In this paper, we propose a research approach that is used in cognitive science to investigate more complex coordination mechanisms between three or more people. That is, we propose an approach that uses position data to quantitatively analyze group behavior and to link these characteristics with the cognition of anticipating others' behaviors. It is important for coordination to anticipate others' behaviors and to adapt one's own body movement to others based on anticipation. We highlight previous studies on problem solving and learning in cognitive science which have investigated interaction processes from verbal protocols during task implementation and indicated the importance of understanding others' perspectives. Additionally, recent cognitive models of estimating others' intentions and anticipating others' behaviors during interactions using non-verbal information such as eye movement, posture, and gesture, have been investigated. Considering these previous studies, we focus on group behavior and propose to apply the new approach mentioned above to discuss a mechanism of more complex coordination. We also refer to some studies of biological group behaviors in biology, artificial life, and sports science, and demonstrate a potential issue that such papers did not focus on the cognition related to coordinative group behaviors. This paper illustrates an example of discussing interactions with others, to which the new approach is applied. Our previous study here analyzed children's group behavior during nursery activities using position data and linked these characteristics with the cognitive development of anticipating others' behaviors based on spontaneous sociality. However, it is difficult to investigate some details of group behavior due to the limitation of field measurement, for example, the accuracy of a child's anticipation and whether a child moved based upon anticipation. In future work, it is important to analyze controlled group behavior and to indicate accuracy of individuals' anticipation from movement data to solve these problems.</p>

    DOI: 10.11225/cs.2020.026

    CiNii Research


    Yoshihara Yujiro, Fujii Keisuke, Murai Toshiya, Takahashi Hidehiko

    SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN   Vol. 46   page: S128 - S128   2020.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  92. Practice Motions Performed During Preperformance Preparation Drive the Actual Motion of Golf Putting Reviewed

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Akito Miura, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontiers in Psychology   Vol. 11   page: Article 513   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  

    DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00513

    Web of Science




  93. Practice Motions Performed During Preperformance Preparation Drive the Actual Motion of Golf Putting Reviewed

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Akito Miura, Keisuke Fujii

    Frontier in Psychology   Vol. 11 ( 513 ) page: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00513   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00513

  94. Dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning for foreground modeling in videos Reviewed

    Israr Ul Haq, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP'20)   Vol. 5 ( - ) page: 476-483   2020.3

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    DOI: 10.5220/0009144604760483

  95. Physically-interpretable classification of network dynamics for complex collective motions Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Motokazu Hojo, Yuki Inaba, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Scientific Reports   Vol. 10 ( 3005 ) page: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-58064-w   2020.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-58064-w

  96. 協調に関する議論に向けたアプローチの提案-集団運動からみる他者の行動予測と適応- Reviewed

    市川 淳, 藤井 慶輔

    認知科学   Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: xx - xx   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  97. Succinct Trie Index for Fast and Memory-Efficient Trajectory Similarity Search Reviewed

    KANDA Shunsuke, TAKEUCHI Koh, FUJII Keisuke, TABEI Yasuo

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. 2020 ( 0 ) page: 2C4OS7a01 - 2C4OS7a01   2020

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>This paper proposes an efficient similarity search method for massive collections of trajectories. This method enables fast similarity searches by leveraging locality sensitive hashing and tries. To achieve memory efficiency, we propose two novel techniques of node reduction and a space-efficient representation for tries. We experimentally test our method on its ability to retrieve similar trajectories for a query from large collections of trajectories and show that our method performs superiorly with respect to search time and memory efficiency.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2020.0_2C4OS7a01

  98. 「現場と研究の橋渡し」( 2 )にあたって

    藤井 慶輔, 永田 直也

    バスケットボール研究   Vol. 6 ( 0 ) page: 1 - 2   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本バスケットボール学会  

    DOI: 10.34396/jsbs.6.0_1

    CiNii Research

  99. Dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning for foreground modeling in videos Reviewed

    Israr Ul Haq, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    VISIGRAPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications   Vol. 5   page: 476 - 483   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SciTePress  

    Accurate extraction of foregrounds in videos is one of the challenging problems in computer vision. In this study, we propose dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning (dl-DMD), which is applied to extract moving objects by separating the sequence of video frames into foreground and background information with a dictionary learned using block patches on the video frames. Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) decomposes spatiotemporal data into spatial modes, each of whose temporal behavior is characterized by a single frequency and growth/decay rate and is applicable to split a video into foregrounds and the background when applying it to a video. And, in dl-DMD, DMD is applied on coefficient matrices estimated over a learned dictionary, which enables accurate estimation of dynamical information in videos. Due to this scheme, dl-DMD can analyze the dynamics of respective regions in a video based on estimated amplitudes and temporal evolution over patches. The results on synthetic data exhibit that dl-DMD outperforms the standard DMD and compressed DMD (cDMD) based methods. Also, the results of an empirical performance evaluation in the case of foreground extraction from videos using publicly available dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed dl-DMD algorithm and achieves a performance that is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art techniques in foreground extraction tasks.



  100. Motor control of practice and actual strokes by professional and amateur golfers differ but feature a distance-dependent control strategy. Reviewed International journal

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Keisuke Fujii, Akito Miura, Keiko Yokoyama, Yuji Yamamoto

    European journal of sport science   Vol. 19 ( 9 ) page: 1204 - 1213   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We explored how practice and actual putting strokes differed between professionals and high-level golf amateurs, and how practice strokes reflected subtle differences in putting distances. We analysed swing amplitude, impact velocity, and acceleration profile of the club-head. The acceleration profiles showed that the motor control pattern of the practice stroke differed from that of the actual stroke. To clarify the effects of different putting distances on the practice stroke and to analyse how much the actual stroke could be explained by the practice stroke, we conducted individual regression analyses. The practice strokes of all participants could be divided into three strategies and five types by the coefficient of determination and the slope. This implies that the purpose of the practice stroke varied among golfers. Most golfers used the individual velocity criteria in their practice strokes, which resulted in different putting distances based on their criteria. Unexpectedly, we found no significant difference in skill level between professionals and high-level amateurs. The results of this study imply that the practice stroke does not duplicate the actual stroke, even for professional golfers with excellent skills. However, most high-level golfers adopted distance-dependent control strategies for slightly different putting distances.

    DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1595159

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research


  101. The kinetic mechanisms of vertical pointing movements. Reviewed International journal

    Shinji Yamamoto, Keisuke Fujii, Kisho Zippo, Keisuke Kushiro, Masanobu Araki

    Heliyon   Vol. 5 ( 7 ) page: e02012   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The present study utilized induced acceleration analysis to clarify the contributions of muscular and gravitational torques to the kinematics of vertical pointing movements performed by the upper limb. The study included eight healthy men with a mean age of 25 years. The experiment was divided into three blocks with ten trials in each, comprising five upward and five downward, randomly executed movements. The movements were recorded by a motion capture system and were subsequently analyzed. During the deceleration phase of the upward movement and the acceleration phase of the downward movement, the angular acceleration induced by gravitational torque contributed more to the generation of net induced angular acceleration than the angular acceleration induced by muscular torque. In addition, the difference between the net induced angular acceleration profiles during the upward and downward movements was mainly attributable to the difference between the respective angular acceleration profiles induced by muscular torque. These findings suggest that the central nervous system considers the gravitational effect on the upper limb in a phase-specific manner and accordingly generates a torque-derived kinematic difference with respect to the movement direction.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02012



  102. Analysis of factors predicting who obtains a ball in basketball rebounding situations Reviewed

    Motokazu Hojo, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport   Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 192 - 205   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  103. Supervised Dynamic Mode Decomposition via Multitask Learning Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Pattern Recognition Letters   Vol. 122 ( 1 ) page: 7 - 13   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  104. 指導者から見た「研究と現場の橋渡し」

    陸川 章, 小山 孟志, 青木 美帆, 藤井 慶輔

    バスケットボール研究   Vol. 5 ( 0 ) page: 17 - 25   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本バスケットボール学会  

    DOI: 10.34396/jsbs.5.0_17

    CiNii Research

  105. “Bridging the gap between the field and the laboratory”

    Fujii Keisuke, Nagata Naoya

    The Japan Journal of Basketball Studies   Vol. 5 ( 0 ) page: 1 - 2   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society for Basketball Studies  

    DOI: 10.34396/jsbs.5.0_1

    CiNii Research

▼display all

Books 18

  1. スポーツロボティクス入門 : シミュレーション・解析と競技への介入 = Introduction to sports robotics : simulation/analysis and intervention in competition

    西川, 鋭, 日本ロボット学会( Role: Contributor ,  第3章 戦術の生成と解析の3.4節および3.1, 3.5節を共著)

    オーム社  2024.10  ( ISBN:9784274232534

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    Total pages:vi, 287p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  2. 実世界集団移動における機械学習を用いたデータ解析 自動車技術

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  78(1) 134-136)

    自動車技術会  2024.1 

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  3. 統計 特集 スポーツデータサイエンス

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  スポーツデータサイエンスの最近の研究分析の動向 ―機械学習を用いた集団スポーツのデータ解析を例に―)

    日本統計協会  2023.11 

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  4. 集団スポーツに関する機械学習を用いたデータ解析手法, 体育の科学

    藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor)

    杏林書院  2021.6 

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    Total pages:5   Responsible for pages:71(6) 403-407   Language:Japanese

  5. 実世界集団運動のデータ駆動科学, Society 5.0を支える未来のリーダー FACE the future, 計測と制御

    藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  60(1), 2-3)

    計測自動制御学会  2021.1 

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  6. 集団スポーツに関するデータ駆動的解析手法, 特集=実用応用技術のシステム開発と応用, ケミカルエンジニヤリング

    藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  65(9), 561-566)

    化学工業社  2020.9 

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  7. これからの集団運動科学の展望

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Sole author)

    杏林書院  2020.5 

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  8. これからの集団運動科学の展望, 連載 集団運動を科学する― 6, 体育の科学

    藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  70(5), 349-353)

    杏林書院  2020.5 

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  9. 1対1の攻防における競合スキルの評価, 連載 集団運動を科学する― 5, 体育の科学

    筒井和詩, 藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  70(4))

    杏林書院  2020.4 

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  10. 1対1の攻防における競合スキルの評価

    筒井 和詩, 藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)

    杏林書院  2020.4 

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  11. どこまで集団運動を解明できるのか

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Sole author)

    杏林書院  2019.12 

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  12. どこまで集団運動を解明できるのか, 連載 集団運動を科学する― 1, 体育の科学

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  69(12) 907-911)

    杏林書院  2019.12 

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  13. 特集 トレーニングを運動学習として捉える対人競技における学習された動きの評価

    藤井 慶輔, 山下大地( Role: Joint author ,  対人競技における学習された動きの評価)

    日本トレーニング科学会  2019.2 

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    Responsible for pages:23-29   Language:Japanese


  14. バスケットボールが科学で強くなる! 小谷 究, 柏倉 秀徳 (監修)

    藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor ,  3章 ディフェンスの科学)

    日東書院  2019 

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  15. バスケットボール学入門

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author ,  13章 方法学)

    流通経済大学出版会  2017.11 

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    Total pages:16   Language:Japanese

  16. バスケットボール用語事典

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)

    廣済堂出版  2017.6 

  17. ヒト集団の競合・協働を研究する際の注意点-集団スポーツを例として-

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)

    体育の科学(杏林書院)  2016.10 

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  18. なぜ陸上のトラックは左回りなの?/なぜ速く走るときは腕を振るの?

    藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)

    ヒトの動き百話(市村出版)  2011 

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    Total pages:4   Language:Japanese

▼display all


  1. 機械学習の集団スポーツへの導入とその課題

    藤井 慶輔

    人工知能   Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 1004 - 1011   2025.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 人工知能学会  

    DOI: 10.11517/jjsai.40.1_1004

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


    Other Link: https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I033914594

  2. Motor control of practice and actual strokes by professional and amateur golfers differ but feature a distance-dependent control strategy Reviewed

    Hasegawa Y, Fujii K, Miura A, Yokoyama K, Yamamoto Y

    European journal of sport science   Vol. 19 ( 9 ) page: 1204-1213   2019.10

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    DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1595159


  3. Supervised Dynamic Mode Decomposition via Multitask Learning Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Pattern Recognition Letters   Vol. 122 ( 1 ) page: 7-13   2019.2

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  4. Analysis of factors predicting who obtains a ball in basketball rebounding situations Reviewed

    Motokazu Hojo, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport   Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 192-205   2019.2

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  5. 横-トレーニング-06 機械学習による集団スポーツの選手の動きの分類・予測手法を利活用する方法の提案

    藤井 慶輔, 方城 素和, 元安 陽一, 稲葉 優希

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   Vol. 70 ( 0 ) page: 77_3 - 77_3   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本体育学会  

    <p> 近年では全選手とボールの位置を計測するシステムがプロスポーツにおいて導入され、移動距離などのフィットネス指標や、特定のプレーの空間分布などの情報を得られるようになった。しかし、依然として戦術面に関しては、シュートなどある時点での空間分布の分析もしくはビデオベースの人の目視による分析が主であり、複数の選手の動きを考慮したプレーに関する自動分類・予測手法についてはほとんど利用されていない。そこで我々は、機械学習技術を用いてバスケットボールの集団攻撃プレーを自動分類する手法や、リバウンドと呼ばれるシュート後にボールを獲得する選手や得点を予測する手法を開発した。これらの方法によって、これまで経験のあるスタッフが時間を掛けて分類・評価してきた作業を自動で行うことにより、作業の負担を軽減することが期待できる。また、そのプレーに貢献する重要な選手の動きを、プレーの経験を必要とせずに根拠をもって定量的に説明することが期待できる。発表当日では、より具体的にこれらの自動分類・予測手法を練習などで利活用する方法を提案する。</p>

    DOI: 10.20693/jspehss.70.77_3

    CiNii Research


  6. Motor control of practice and actual strokes by professional and amateur golfers differ but feature a distance-dependent control strategy Reviewed

    Yumiko Hasegawa, Keisuke Fujii, Akito Miura, Keiko Yokoyama, Yuji Yamamoto

    European Journal of Sport Science   Vol. Accepted   page: .   2019

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  7. 対人競技における学習された動きの評価 (特集 トレーニングを運動学習として捉える)

    藤井 慶輔, 山下 大地

    Journal of training science for exercise and sport = トレーニング科学   Vol. 31 ( 1 ) page: 23 - 29   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:トレーニング科学研究会  

    CiNii Books


  8. Automatically recognizing strategic cooperative behaviors in various situations of a team sport Reviewed

    Motokazu Hojo, Keisuke Fujii, Yuki Inaba, Yoichi Motoyasu,Yoshinobu Kawahara

    PLoS One   Vol. 13 ( 12 ) page: e0209247   2018.12

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  9. Metric on nonlinear dynamical systems with Koopman operators Reviewed

    Isao Ishikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Masahiro Ikeda, Yuka Hashimoto, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS'18)   Vol. 31   page: 2858-2868   2018.12

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  10. Prediction and classification in equation-free collective motion dynamics Reviewed

    Keisuke Fujii, Takeshi Kawasaki, Yuki Inaba, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    PLoS Computational Biology   Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: e1006545   2018.11

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  11. Quantitative analysis and visualization of children's group behavior from the perspective of development of spontaneity and sociality Reviewed

    Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Takayuki Nagai, Takashi Omori, Natsuki Oka

    24th Conference of Collaboration Researchers International Working Group (CRIWG'18)     page: 169-176   2018.9

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  12. Social forces for team coordination in ball possession game Reviewed

    Keiko Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Shima, Keisuke Fujii, Noriyuki Tabuchi, Yuji Yamamoto

    Physical Review E   Vol. 97 ( 022410 ) page: .   2018.2

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  13. 競技レベルの高い相手との試合中におけるバスケットボール選手の運動出力と心拍応答 Reviewed

    藤井 慶輔, 小山 孟志

    スポーツパフォーマンス研究   Vol. 9   page: 542-556   2018.1

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▼display all

Presentations 93

  1. 実世界の集団運動の情報学:スポーツを例に Invited


    8大学同時共同開催 情報学 for all by all  2025.3.16 

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    Event date: 2025.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  2. 集団スポーツの動きをAIにより評価する Invited


    静岡情報産業協会 SIIA会員交流セミナー スポーツの価値と可能性を高めるDX  2024.8.21 

     More details

    Event date: 2024.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  3. 集団スポーツの戦術的な動きを画像処理と機械学習により評価する Invited


    スポーツ情報学シンポジウム  2024.6.21 

     More details

    Event date: 2024.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  4. Evaluation of Team Defense Positioning by Computing Counterfactuals using StatsBomb 360 data,

    Rikuhei Umemoto, Keisuke Fujii

    StatsBomb Conference  2023.10 

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    Event date: 2023.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  5. Defensive team analysis in the 2022 World Cup based on the event prediction

    Rikuhei Umemoto, Kazushi Tsutsui, Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2023.7 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  6. Visual analysis of control area in badminton doubles using drone video dataset

    Ding Ning, Kazuya Takeda, Yingjiu Bei, Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2023.7 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  7. Prediction of shot type and hit location based on pose information using badminton match videos

    Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Ding Ning, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2023.7 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  8. Learning Interaction Rules from Multi-Animal Trajectories Invited International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    2nd International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery (BiRD 2023) in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023)  2023.3.13 

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Country:United States  

  9. 集団スポーツの戦術的な動きを機械学習の予測に基づき評価する Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    Meet up Chubu×A-idea(社会課題・地域活性化)  2023.3.9  愛知県、中部経済産業局、中部経済連合会

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  10. 最新のスポーツアナリティクス研究論文はどこで読めるか? Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    Sports Analytics Research Platform (SARP)キックオフイベント  2023.1.26  一般社団法人日本スポーツアナリスト協会

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    Event date: 2023.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  11. サッカーにおけるイベント予測に基づく一般化されたチームの守備評価

    梅基陸平, 中原啓, 筒井和詩, 藤井慶輔

    第12回日本統計学会スポーツ統計分科会スポーツデータ解析コンペティション  2023.1 

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    Event date: 2023.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  12. Learning Interaction Rules from Small Amount of Multi-Agent Trajectories Invited International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    The 4th TMI International Seminar (Nagoya University & Université Libre de Bruxelles Joint Event)  2022.12.1 

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    Event date: 2022.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  13. 複雑な運動系列データを扱うための情報処理技術 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第22回名古屋大学-NTT技術交流会  2022.11.10 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  14. スポーツ戦術をAIのデータ解析で評価する Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    あいちサイエンスフェスティバル2022  2022.11.8 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  15. Learning multi-agent rules from real-world trajectory data Invited International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    3rd Joint ERCIM - JST Workshop  2022.10.20 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  16. 集団運動における機械学習を用いたデータ科学 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第121回人工知能基本問題研究会(SIG-FPAI)  2022.9.28 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  17. 集団スポーツの動きに関するデータ分析の導入と概要/手法と今後の展望 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    大阪体育大学スポーツ科学研究科 スポーツ科学セミナー  2022.9.26 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  18. 集団スポーツに関する機械学習を用いたデータ解析手法 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第77回 日本体力医学学会シンポジウム「データから行動パフォーマンスを読み解くとは?:フィールドとアカデミックを繋ぐ行動アナリティクスの世界」  2022.9.23 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  19. 生体集団運動における軌道予測モデルを用いた評価 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第21回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ  2022.9.12 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  20. 機械学習を用いた集団動態におけるデータ解析 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    2022年度数理生物学会年会 企画シンポジウム「集団動態の数理モデルと情報解析」  2022.9.5  数理生物学会

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  21. スポーツ戦術をAIのデータ解析で評価する -AIで可能になる新しいスポーツ分析の世界- Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    名古屋大学情報学部・情報学研究科オンライン公開セミナー「「楽しい!」をめぐる情報学」  2022.9.3  名古屋大学情報学部・情報学研究科

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  22. Evaluating a third base coach's decision making via game theory and machine learning

    Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2022.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  23. Automatic screen-play classification in basketball via semi-supervised learning,

    Ziyi Zhang, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2022.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  24. Automatic screen-play classification in basketball via semi-supervised learning,

    Ziyi Zhang, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2022.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  25. 野生コウモリの出巣時における移動パターン計測及びグレンジャー因果を用いた群行動メカニズムに関する基礎的検討

    牛尾 和嵯, 藤岡 慧明, 藤井 慶輔, 波部 斉, 川嶋 宏彰, 飛龍 志津子

    2022年度人工知能学会全国大会(第36回)   2022.6.16 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  26. 軌道予測に基づいた味方の得点機会を創出するサッカー選手の評価

    寺西真聖, 筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔

    2022年度人工知能学会全国大会(第36回)  2022.6.16 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  27. 反実仮想シミュレーションを用いた野球におけるチーム打撃戦略の効果検証

    中原啓, 筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔

    2022年度人工知能学会全国大会(第36回)   2022.6.16 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  28. マルチエージェント深層強化学習を用いた協調的狩りにみられる行動方略の多様性 Invited

    筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  29. スマートフォンカメラ動画を用いた競歩の反則判定

    鈴木智大, 武田一哉, 藤井慶輔

    第4回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会)  2022.6 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  30. Ding Ning, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii

    Player evaluation in a racket sport via deep reinforcement learning with technical and tactical contexts

    The 36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2022)  2022.6 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  31. Team sports analytics using AI Invited International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    Sport Event Taiwan Workshop 2022 Course  2022.5.4 

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    Event date: 2022.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  32. 機械学習を⽤いた3塁ベースコーチの判断評価

    中原 啓、武田 一哉、藤井 慶輔

    日本野球科学研究会  2021.11.27 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  33. 生物集団の軌跡から相互作用の規則を学習するための拡張行動モデル

    藤井慶輔, 武石直也, 筒井和詩, 藤岡慧明, 西海望, 田中良弥, 福代三華, 井出薫, 河野裕美, 依田憲, 高橋晋, 飛龍志津子, 河原吉伸

    第24回 情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2021)  2021.11.12 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  34. 生体集団運動における学習ベースのモデルを用いた理解 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第20回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ  2021.9.28 

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

  35. Supervised sequential pattern mining for identifying important patterns of play in rugby International conference

    Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii, Hiroyuki Hanada & Ichiro Takeuchi

    MathSport International  2021.6.25 

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    Event date: 2021.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  36. Evaluation of soccer team defense based on ball recovery and being attacked International conference

    Kosuke Toda, Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Kushiro & Keisuke Fujii

    MathSport International  2021.6.24 

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    Event date: 2021.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  37. バドミントンにおけるシャトル落下位置予測に寄与するスイング動作の抽出

    吉川達也 、藤井慶輔、武田一哉

    第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会)  2021.6.19 

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    Event date: 2021.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  38. 予測に基づく集団行動系列の評価:サッカーのチーム守備への適用

    戸田 康介, 寺西 真聖, 久代 恵介, 藤井 慶輔

    2021年度人工知能学会全国大会(第35回)  2021.6.9 

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    Event date: 2021.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  39. 集団スポーツにおける機械学習を用いたデータ駆動科学 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第18回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ  2019.9.16 

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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



  40. 機械学習による集団スポーツの選手の動きの分類・予測手法を利活用する方法の提案

    藤井慶輔, 方城素和, 元安陽一, 稲葉優希

    日本体育学会第70回大会  2019.9.10 

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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  



  41. Dynamic mode decomposition and its applications (II) Invited International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    2019 Distinguished Lecture and International Interdisciplinary Workshop  2019.8.6 

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    Event date: 2019.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  


  42. Dynamic mode decomposition and its applications (I) Invited International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    2019 Distinguished Lecture and International Interdisciplinary Workshop  2019.8.5 

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    Event date: 2019.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  


  43. Data-driven spectral analysis for social biomechanics

    Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Yuki Inaba, Benio Kibushi, Motoki Kouzaki, Yoshinobu Kawahara

    1st Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society)  2019.6.15 

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    Event date: 2019.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  44. 観測量間の動的構造を抽出するベクトル値再生核ヒルベルト空間における動的モード分解 International conference

    藤井 慶輔、河原 吉伸


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    Event date: 2018.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  45. 集団スポーツを例としたヒト集団の競合や協働に関する研究 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2018.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:大阪大学   Country:Japan  

  46. 集団スポーツの動きの情報処理とそのモデル化 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔

    映像情報メディア学会 冬季大会 2017 

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    Event date: 2017.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  47. Human creative interaction of group sports: Information-based modeling Invited

    Keisuke Fujii

    The fourth international workshop on Skill Science 

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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  48. 集団スポーツを例とした現象の主体と観測者から見た認知過程 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  49. Identification of multi-player cooperative play by machine learning using group sports position information data International conference

    Keisuke Fujii

    Identification of multi-player cooperative play by machine learning using group sports position information data 

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    Event date: 2017.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  50. 集団スポーツにおける自己と他者 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2017.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  51. An attack-and-defend competition as a redundant cognitive-motor system

    Keisuke Fujii, Yuki Yoshihara, Yuji Yamamoto

    Society for Neuroscience 

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    Event date: 2016.11


    Country:United States  

  52. 身体・個・群れとしての集団スポーツ Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2016.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  53. 集団スポーツにおける部分と全体から見たインタラクションに関する問題 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  54. 大規模トラッキング・センサデータを利活用する手法の展望 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2016.8



  55. トラッキング・センサデータを用いたバスケットボールにおけるチームプレー・対人スキルに関する研究報告とその展望 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2016.8



  56. 集団球技の巧みさとチームワークを通して身体的・社会的知能を理解する Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2016.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  57. 集団スポーツの動きに関する仕組みと振舞い、あるいは部分と全体 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2016.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:立命館大学   Country:Japan  

  58. Globally competitive and locally coordinative dynamics and behavior in group sports Invited

    Keisuke Fujii

    International Symposium Integrated Understanding for Emergent Property of Cooperation and Competition Dynamics 

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    Event date: 2016.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  59. Helping behavior toward a teammate: real-time group problem-solving at multiple spatial scales during a ballgame

    Keisuke Fujii, Takeshi Koyama, Akira Rikukawa, Hiroshi Yamada, Yuji Yamamoto

    The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics 

     More details

    Event date: 2015.10



  60. 実践的学習方法とその効果―スポーツ場面での全体-部分練習効果 Invited International conference

    藤井 慶輔


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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  61. Interpersonal competition dynamics in a ballgame: Modeling of a 1-on-1 game and two opposing cognitive systems International conference

    Keisuke Fujii, Yuji Yamamoto

    International Society of Posture and Gait Research 

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    Event date: 2015.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  62. The role of the kinetic preparatory state in defending against a dribbler in a basketball 1-on-1 subphase

    Keisuke Fujii, Shinsuke Yoshioka, Tadao Isaka, Motoki Kouzaki

    The Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP) 

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    Event date: 2014.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  63. 選手らしい動きと部分的な観測に基づく選手軌道予測モデル

    藤井 慶輔, 武石 直也, 河原 吉伸, 武田 一哉

    日本バスケットボール学会第 7 回学会大会  2020.12.19 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  64. 部分観測過程におけるデータ駆動的エージェントモデリング Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    日本認知科学会第37回大会 OS2 認知的インタラクションフレームワークの構築  2020.9.16 

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  65. Data-driven Analysis for Multi-agent Trajectories in Team Sports

    Keisuke Fujii

    17th AIP Open Seminar, Talks by Structured Learning Team in RIKEN Advanced Intelligence Project  2021.3.17 

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  66. Automatic classification of offensive and defensive tactical plays in team sports

    Keisuke Fujii

    The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference  2020.9.9 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  67. サッカーにおけるボール奪取・被有効攻撃予測に基づくチームの守備評価

    戸田康介, 寺西真聖, 久代恵介, 藤井慶輔

    第10回日本統計学会スポーツ統計分科会スポーツデータ解析コンペティション  2020.12.27 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  68. 集団運動におけるデータ駆動科学(企画セッション:データ駆動科学と機械学習) Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ  2019.11.22 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  69. 集団スポーツの戦術に関するデータ解析手法 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第6回愛媛大学DS研究セミナー  2021.3.18 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  70. 集団スポーツにおけるデータ駆動的モデルを用いた理解 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    第19回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ  2020.11.3 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  71. Extraction of swing motion contributing to prediction of shuttle drop position in badminton International conference

    Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii

    AI for Sports Analytics (AISA) Workshop IJCAI 2021  2021.8.17 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  72. Multi-agent deep-learning based comparative analysis in basketball

    ZHANG Ziyi, BUNKER Rory, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI  2023  The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    <p>Analysis of multi-agent trajectories is one of the fundamental issues for understanding real-world biological movements. For trajectory analysis, combining with labels (e.g. scored or not in ballgames) can obtain insights rather than only from trajectories. However, the previous deep-learning based method used only single agent trajectory in animals and cannot be directly applied to multi-agent ballgame trajectories. In this paper, we propose a comparative analysis method to analyze multi-agent trajectories in basketball. We adopt a neural network approach using multi-agent motion characteristics (e.g., distances between agents and objects) as the input and based on an attention mechanism to automatically detect segments in trajectories that are characteristic of one group. It enables us to understand the difference between groups by highlighting segmented trajectories and which variables correlate with the labels. We verified our approach by comparing various baselines and demonstrated the effectiveness of our method through use cases that analyze the attacking plays in the NBA league data.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2023.0_3u1is304

    CiNii Research

  73. Force-based modeling of heterogeneous roles in coordinated behavior of a triad

    ICHIKAWA Jun, FUJII Keisuke

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI  2023  The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    <p>Humans often interact with others to achieve a group goal. Many studies on cognitive science, neuroscience, and sports science have investigated the coordination mechanisms and suggested the importance of role-sharing and adjustment using others' motor information. However, the adjustment process in the nonverbal behavior of a triad is not fully understood due to complex and dynamic interactions. We previously introduced a coordinated drawing task and conducted the behavioral experiment. The triads operated reels to change thread tensions, shared three heterogeneous roles (pulling, relaxing, and adjusting), and moved a pen connected to the three threads to draw an equilateral triangle. The results indicated that the adjusting role was related to high task performance, who helped resiliently without disturbing the pen's smooth movement while avoiding great pen deviation. To supplement these findings, this study formulated the three roles using equations of motion. The multi-agent simulation results showed that the adjusting role might use the degree of pen deviation reflected by others' motor information, such as the operating procedures and forces, and change the tension to draw at least three sides. The contribution of this study is to enhance the fundamental understanding of resilient adjustment required in team sports and haul seines.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2023.0_2u5is503

    CiNii Research

  74. 集団スポーツの動きを機械学習で評価する Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    神戸大学シンポジウム:運動・スポーツスキルの先端研究  2024.1.20 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  75. 集団スポーツにおける機械学習を用いたデータ科学 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    人工知能学会 知識ベースシステム研究会  2023.8.25 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  76. 言語モデリングによる行動選択・状態推移確率の推定に基づく選手定量評価指標

    染谷大河, 川口康平, 藤井慶輔

    2023年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション サッカー部門  2024.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  77. 複数スポーツの多物体追跡データセットの構築と競技間における汎用性の検証

    スコットアトム, 内田 郁真, 丁寧, 梅基陸平, バンカーローリー, 小林蓮, 小山孟志, 大西正輝, 亀田 能成, 藤井 慶輔

    2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回)  2023.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  78. 生体集団運動における科学的知識と機械学習の融合による理解 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    液体・ガラスへのデータ駆動アプローチ - グラフニューラルネットワークとその周辺 -  2023.11.29 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  79. 生体集団運動における機械学習を用いたインタラクションの計測と理解 Invited

    藤井 慶輔

    ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会(HCS 2024)  2024.3.3 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  80. 深層強化学習に基づく連続状態空間におけるサッカーの複数選手の行動評価

    中原啓, 筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔

    2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回)  2023.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  81. 深層学習による高速かつラベルフリーなサッカーシーン検索

    内田 郁真, スコットアトム, 大西正輝, 藤井 慶輔, 亀田 能成

    2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回)  2023.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  82. 慣性センサとスマートフォンカメラを用いたフィギュアスケートにおけるエッジエラー判定

    田中諒汰, 鈴木智大, 武田一哉, 藤井慶輔

    第5回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会), 学生部門  2023.6 

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  83. 上方および後方視点のドローンビデオからの姿勢情報を用いたバドミントンダブルスのコントロール領域の推定

    丁寧, 武田一哉, Wenhui Jin, Yingjiu Bei, 藤井慶輔

    第21回情報学ワークショップ(WiNF 2023)  2023.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  84. ゼブラフィッシュにおける群れ行動と小脳プルキンエ細胞の関係

    大湯 翼, 齋藤 魁登, 宮成 和浩, 佐藤 大我, 藤井 慶輔, 津田 佐知子

    第46回日本神経科学大会  2023.8 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  85. サッカー中継映像を用いた姿勢推定に基づく反則予測

    方迦楽, Calvin Yeung, 藤井慶輔

    第21回情報学ワークショップ(WiNF 2023)  2023.12 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  86. サッカーのイベント予測確率に基づく一般化された守備評価を用いた分析

    梅基陸平, 筒井 和詩, 藤井 慶輔

    2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回)  2023.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  87. イベント時空間予測と数理モデルに基づくサッカーの包括的スペース評価指標

    太田阿留, 藤井慶輔, 日置尋久

    2023年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション サッカー部門  2024.1 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  88. Wasserstein距離を用いたバスケットボール選手のシューティングスタイルのクラスタリングに基づくラインナップ分析

    山田和宏, 藤井慶輔

    SICE中部若手研究発表会2023  2023.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  89. Team sports analytics using machine learning Invited

    Keisuke Fujii

    AI symposium at 29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB)  2023.8.1 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  90. Machine learning-based analysis with multi-agent trajectories

    Keisuke Fujii

    International Symposium of Hierarchical Bio-Navigation 2024  2024.3.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  91. Machine learning-based analysis using multi-agent trajectories

    Keisuke Fujii


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  92. Exploration of Learning;Process in Cooperative Hunting with Deep Reinforcement Learning

    筒井 和詩, 田中良弥, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔

    2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回)  2023.6 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  93. 模倣学習を用いた障害物環境下における2種類のエコーロケーションコウモリの経路予測

    源田祥子, 手嶋優風, 小原大知, 青木耀大, 藤井慶輔, 飛龍志津子

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2023  2023.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


▼display all

Research Project for Joint Research, Competitive Funding, etc. 3

  1. バスケットボールの実際のゲーム中における動きの激しさの評価

    2016.4 - 2017.3


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    Grant type:Competitive

  2. 球技のゲーム中に選手にかかる運動・生理的負荷の包括的理解

    2016.3 - 2017.4


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    Grant type:Competitive

  3. 相手がいる状況においてバスケットボール選手が素早く動き出すメカニズムの解明

    2014.4 - 2015.3


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    Grant type:Competitive

KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 18

  1. Development of explainable tactical evaluation technology that can be simulated from video in group behaviors

    Grant number:23K27972  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\18200000 ( Direct Cost: \14000000 、 Indirect Cost:\4200000 )

  2. 階層ナビゲーションのための数理・学習ベース解析手法と介入方策決定技術

    Grant number:21H05300  2021.9 - 2026.3

    科学研究費助成事業  学術変革領域研究(A)

    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\95940000 ( Direct Cost: \73800000 、 Indirect Cost:\22140000 )

  3. Hierarchical Bio-Navigation Integrating Cyber-Physical Space

    Grant number:21H05293  2021.9 - 2026.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)

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  4. Cross-disciplinary research on the prediction and control of real-world interactions based on evidence and causality

    Grant number:21H04892  2021.4 - 2024.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

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  5. Easily available information technology based on the data-driven models for social biomechanics

    Grant number:20H04075  2020.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\16900000 ( Direct Cost: \13000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3900000 )


  6. 目的志向的な相互作用を含む集団移動系列・経路の解析手法の開発

    Grant number:19H04941  2019.4 - 2021.3

    科学研究費助成事業  新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)

    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

    本研究では工学的な目標として、集団移動系列・経路データから相互作用を可視化して分類や予測を行う手法を開発し、その科学的な応用として、目的志向的な生物集団移動の機能や原理などを発見・理解することを目的とする。当該年度は、複数人の移動軌跡の方策をモデリングするための部分観測と機械的制約による機械学習手法を開発した。この研究の目的は、生物学的制約を考慮した長期予測・操作可能な集団運動のシミュレーションを行うことにあり、部分観測過程と力学的制約を導入した分散型模倣学習モデルを提案した。その結果、バスケットボールやサッカーのような集団スポーツにて、正確な長期予測と観測を操作した反事実的予測が可能であることを示した。この研究は現在機械学習の国際会議に投稿中である。その他にも、スポーツ習慣のある統合失調症患者の認知機能と、3対1の対人協調の関係について明らかにした。この研究成果は、PLoS One誌に採択された[1]。その他にも、スポーツの戦術評価を反映した模倣学習による軌道予測に関する研究を行った。この研究は、国際会議IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020)に採択された。

  7. Technologies for visualizing social behaviors in multi-human motions with non-trivial behavioral rules

    Grant number:18K18116  2018.4 - 2021.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Fujii Keisuke

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    The purpose of this project was to develop a technology for visualizing social behavior involving physical movement through data-driven modeling, and to create a basis for practical human use of the technology. As a result, we have developed a method that is useful for understanding multi-agent movements, even when using machine learning models with nonlinear structures that are generally difficult to interpret, such as by (1) extracting the mathematical structures behind them, (2) visualizing the learned representations, and (3) generating movements by modeling the components.

  8. 機械学習とスポーツアナリティクスを融合したeスポーツのプレー評価プラットフォーム

    Grant number:24021654  2024.12 - 2027.3

    NEDO  官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業 マッチングサポートフェーズ 

    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  9. 情報学とロボット工学の融合によるスポーツ自動上達支援

    2024.9 - 2025.3

    名古屋大学  未来社会創造プロジェクト(産学連携加速) 

    藤井慶輔, 田中一敏

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  10. 集団スポーツをゲーム理論と機械学習に基づき評価する仮想選手複製技術の事業化

    2024.9 - 2025.3


    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  11. modeling, observation and control of multiple moving robots using the layered machine learning

    Grant number:24K22322  2024.6 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

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  12. バスケットボール映像から戦術を自動分析する技術の開発

    2024.4 - 2025.3

    ミズノスポーツ振興財団 (代表)  スポーツ学に関する研究助成 

    藤井 慶輔, 山田和宏

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  13. チームワークの良さを支える神経基盤の解明

    Grant number:20H04087  2020.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)

    水口 暢章, 藤井 慶輔, 福谷 充輝, 藤井 慶輔, 福谷 充輝

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  14. 目的志向的な相互作用を含む集団移動系列・経路の解析手法の開発

    2019.4 - 2021.3

    日本学術振興会科学研究費  新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型) 

    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  15. 支配法則が非自明なヒト集団運動における社会的行動の可視化技術

    2018.4 - 2020.3

    日本学術振興会科学研究費  若手研究 

    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  16. 対人競技の巧みさの評価方法の開発:制御理論と力学系理論を相補的に用いて

    2016.4 - 2019.3

    日本学術振興会科学研究費  挑戦的萌芽研究  挑戦的萌芽研究

    藤井 慶輔

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  17. 球技を通して時空間マルチスケールな分岐現象を解明する

    2014.4 - 2017.1


  18. 3次元倒立振子モデルを用いた方向転換走動作における予測・運動制御メカニズムの解明

    2011.4 - 2014.3


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Industrial property rights 1

  1. 情報処理装置、情報処理方法、および、コンピュータプログラム


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    Application no:特願2021-116076 

    Date announced:2021.7


Teaching Experience (On-campus) 13

  1. Speech/Behavior Signal Processing 2


  2. Intelligent Systems a


  3. Intelligent Systems h


  4. Intelligent Systems g


  5. Intelligent Systems f


  6. Intelligent Systems e


  7. Intelligent Systems d


  8. Intelligent Systems c


  9. Intelligent Systems b


  10. Data Processing Tools2


  11. Speech/Behavior Signal Processing 2


  12. Mathematical Sciences 1,2 (Exercises)


  13. Speech/Behavior Signal Processing 2


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Social Contribution 3

  1. 【名古屋大学】データサイエンスで集団スポーツの解析に挑む

    Role(s):Media coverage

    株式会社ミニマル  データサイエンス百景  2023.9

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  2. (名古屋大学)次世代リーダーのインタビュー


    FM AICHI  中電シーティーアイ Welcome Generation  2023.8

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    Type:TV or radio program


  3. サッカー戦術分析で起業へ 名大准教授、自動運転も応用

    Role(s):Media coverage

    日本経済新聞社  日本経済新聞、日経MJ  2023.5

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    Type:Newspaper, magazine


Media Coverage 11

  1. <Meet STEAM>部活動の指導者不足の問題を解決へ 集団スポーツの「戦術」を科学的に評価する研究 Newspaper, magazine

    株式会社中日新聞社  中日新聞  https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/656729?rct=manabu  2023.3

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  2. 名大・理研・JSTなど、生物集団の移動軌跡から相互作用の規則を理論とデータから推定できる機械学習技術を開発 Newspaper, magazine

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  4. AIの可能性を広げ健康で豊かな未来を創る名古屋大学藤井先生のSDGs Internet

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