School of Engineering Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Information Engineering

Updated on 2025/03/07
博士(人間・環境学) ( 2014.3 京都大学 )
修士(人間・環境学) ( 2011.3 京都大学 )
学士(総合人間学) ( 2009.3 京都大学 )
Machine learning
Collective motions
Sports Science
Informatics / Intelligent informatics
Life Science / Sports sciences
Technologies for explanation and decision making in biological multi-agent motions
Nagoya University Graduate School of Informatics Associate professor
Japan Science and Technology Agency PRESTO Researcher
理化学研究所 Advanced Intelligence Project Visiting Scientist
Nagoya University Graduate School of Informatics Assistant Professor
2019.4 - 2021.4
理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター 研究員
2017.2 - 2019.4
Japan Society for Promotion of Science
2014.4 - 2017.1
Nagoya University
2014.4 - 2017.1
Japan Society for Promotion of Science
2011.4 - 2014.3
京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科 博士課程
2011.4 - 2014.3
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies
2009.4 - 2014.3
Country: Japan
Kyoto University Faculty of Integrated Human Studies
2005.4 - 2009.3
Country: Japan
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Program Committee
Committee type:Academic society
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) Program Committee
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Program Committee
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Program Committee
Committee type:Academic society
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Program Committee
Committee type:Academic society
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021 Program Committee
Committee type:Academic society
JSAI2020, 2021 Award committee
2020.6 - 2021.6
Committee type:Academic society
JSAI2020, 2021 Award committee
2020.6 - 2021.6
Committee type:Academic society
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Program Committee
2019.12 - 2020.12
Committee type:Academic society
Australasian AI conference 2019 Program Committee
Committee type:Academic society
Workshop on Informatics: WinF 2019-2020 Program Committee
2019.11 - 2020.11
Committee type:Academic society
IBIS2019 Program Committee
Committee type:Academic society
The Japan Society for Basketball Studies Editorial committee
2019.4 - 2021.3
Committee type:Academic society
The Japan Society for Basketball Studies Editorial committee
2019.4 - 2021.3
Committee type:Academic society
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, 2020 Program Committee
2019.2 - 2020.2
Committee type:Academic society
Kei-Hiroba (in Japanese Society for Biomechanics) 2020-2021 Organizing Committee
Committee type:Academic society
Kei-Hiroba (in Japanese Society for Biomechanics) 2020-2021 Organizing Committee
Committee type:Academic society
Akasaki Prize
2023.3 Nagoya University
Keisuke Fujii
Best Poster Award
2022.11 ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022 , Estimating counterfactual treatment outcomes over time in complex multi-vehicle simulation
Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda
Best Poster Award
2022.11 ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022 , Estimating counterfactual treatment outcomes over time in complex multi-vehicle simulation
Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda
Best Paper Award in 2020
2020.12 Japanese Neural Network Society Dynamic mode decomposition in vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for extracting dynamical structure among observables
Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
サッカー部門 優秀賞
2025.1 2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション
廣瀬貞雄, 染谷大河, 河野理夏子, 藤井慶輔
野球部門 優秀賞
2025.1 2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション
三浦拓実, 藤井慶輔
バスケットボール部門 優秀賞
2025.1 2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション
山田和宏, 藤井慶輔
サッカー部門 入賞
2025.1 2024年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション
井出憲次朗, 染谷大河, 川口康平, 藤井慶輔
2024.6 海洋音響学会2024年度研究発表会
青木耀大, 手嶋優風, 源田祥子, 小原大知, 藤井慶輔, 飛龍志津子
Excellence Award (Soccer Division)
2024.1 The 13th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)
Taiga Someya, Kohei Kawaguchi, Keisuke Fujii
Excellence Award (Soccer Division)
2024.1 The 13th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)
Aru Ota, Keisuke Fujii, Hirohisa Hioki
SSI Best Presentation Award
2023.11 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)
Shoko Genda, Yu Teshima, Daichi Ohara, Yotai Aoki, Keisuke Fujii, Shizuko Hiryu
JSAI Annual Conference Award
2023.5 The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference (JSAI'23)
Kazushi Tsutsui, Ryoya Tanaka, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
Best Paper Award
2023.5 The First IEEE International Conference on Mobility: Operations, Services, and Technologies (MOST'23)
Robin Karlsson, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda
A Prize (3rd place), Soccer Division
2023.1 The 12th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)
Rikuhei Umemoto, Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazushi Tsutsui, Keisuke Fujii
IEEE GCCE 2022 Excellent Student Paper Award, Gold Prize
2022.11 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022) Detection in Race Walking From a Smartphone Camera via Fine-Tuning Pose Estimation
Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
Presentation Award (Student)
2022.6 4th Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society)
Best Presentation Award Finalist
2022.3 24th Information-Based Induction Science and Machine Learning (IBIS2021) Learning interaction rules from multi-animal trajectories via augmented behavioral models,
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Emyo Fujioka, Nozomi Nishiumi, Ryoya Tanaka, Mika Fukushiro, Kaoru Ide, Hiroyoshi Kohno, Ken Yoda, Susumu Takahashi, Shizuko Hiryu, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Excellence Award (Soccer Division)
2022.1 The 11th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)
Masakiyo Teranishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
A Prize (3rd place), Baseball Division
2022.1 The 11th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society)
Hiroshi Nakahara, Keisuke Fujii
Spoana award
2021.8 ARCS IDEATHON (Sports Analyst Meetup #11 and NTT Communications rugby football club)
Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii
Presentation Award (Student)
2021.6 3rd Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society)
Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda
サッカー部門 優秀賞
2021.1 第10回日本統計学会スポーツ統計分科会スポーツデータ解析コンペティション サッカーにおけるボール奪取・被有効攻撃予測に基づくチームの守備評価
Excellence Award (Soccer Division)
2021.1 The 10th Sports Data Analysis Competition (Statistics in Sports: A section in Japan Statistical Society) Evaluation of soccer team defense based on prediction models of ball recovery and being attacked
Kosuke Toda, Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Kushiro, Keisuke Fujii
2020.12 日本バスケットボール学会 第7回大会
藤井 慶輔, 武石 直也, 河原 吉伸, 武田 一哉
2020.12 日本認知科学会第37回大会 なぞり課題を用いた運動協調における役割の検討
Presentation Award
2020.12 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Investigation of Roles in Group Behavior Using a Coordinative Drawing Task
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii
Excellent Student Paper Award (On-demand), Bronze Prize
2020.11 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020) Trajectory prediction with imitation learning reflecting defensive evaluation in team sports
Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda
Excellent Student Paper Award (On-demand), Bronze Prize
2020.11 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020) Trajectory prediction with imitation learning reflecting defensive evaluation in team sports
Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda
オープン部門 発表賞
2020.6 第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会)
藤井 慶輔
学生部門 発表賞
2020.6 第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会) サッカーにおける守備評価を考慮したデータ駆動的集団運動モデリング
寺西真聖, 藤井慶輔, 武田一哉
学生部門 発表賞
2020.6 第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会) サッカーにおける守備評価を考慮したデータ駆動的集団運動モデリング
寺西真聖, 藤井慶輔, 武田一哉
2019.12 日本バスケットボール学会 第6回大会
藤井 慶輔
Oral Presentation Award
2019.12 The Japan Society for Basketball Studies Automatic classification of team strategy using machine learning
Keisuke Fujii
Presentation Award
2019.6 1st Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society) Data-driven spectral analysis for social biomechanics
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Yuki Inaba, Benio Kibushi, Motoki Kouzaki, Yoshinobu Kawahara
2019.3 理化学研究所
藤井 慶輔
2018.11 第21回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ 観測量間の動的構造を抽出するベクトル値再生核ヒルベルト空間における動的モード分解
藤井 慶輔・河原 吉伸
2015.8 第66回日本体育学会 球技における味方を助ける行動―空間マルチスケール性に着目して
藤井 慶輔・小山 孟志・陸川 章・山田 洋・山本 裕二
2011.3 第140回京都体育学会大会 球技における防御者が意思決定に用いる情報とは何か―倒立振子モデルによるアプローチ―
藤井 慶輔・進矢正宏・山下大地・小田伸午
Best Paper Award
The 21st Workshop on Informatics 2022 (WiNF 2023)
Ning Ding, Kazuya Takeda, Wenhui Jin, Yingjiu Bei, Keisuke Fujii
Estimating Counterfactual Treatment Outcomes Over Time in Complex Multiagent Scenarios. Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst. Vol. 36 ( 2 ) page: 2103 - 2117 2025.2
特集「スポーツ×情報学×インタラクション」にあたって Reviewed
市川 淳, 藤井 慶輔, 山田 雅敏, 一ノ瀬 元喜
人工知能 Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 1002 - 1003 2025.1
Vol. 114 page: 101 - 119 2024.6
Decentralized policy learning with partial observation and mechanical constraints for multiperson modeling Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda
Neural Networks Vol. 171 page: 40 - 52 2024.3
Adaptive action supervision in reinforcement learning from real-world multi-agent demonstrations Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Kazushi Tsutsui, Atom Sco, Hiroshi Nakahara, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) Vol. 2 page: 27 - 39 2024.2
Hierarchical Integration of Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Pursuit Behavioral Model for Robust and Interpretable Navigation Reviewed
TSUTSUI Kazushi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3I5OS27b04 - 3I5OS27b04 2024
Space evaluation based on pitch control using drone video in Ultimate Reviewed
IWASHITA Shunsuke, SCOTT Atom, UMEMOTO Rikuhei, NING Ding, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3Xin221 - 3Xin221 2024
Front line defensive evaluation based on event detection from full pitch video in soccer Reviewed
IDE Kenjiro, UCHIDA Ikuma, UMEMOTO Rikuhei, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3Xin247 - 3Xin247 2024
Towards the Construction of a Soccer Foundation Model Using Simulation Data Reviewed
SOMEYA Taiga, SCOTT Atom James, FUJII Keisuke, AKIYAMA Hidehisa, NAKASHIMA Tomoharu, YANAKA Hitomi
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3I5OS27b02 - 3I5OS27b02 2024
Analysis of the impact of player combinations on scoring efficiency in basketball Reviewed
YAMADA Kazuhiro, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 1D4GS1004 - 1D4GS1004 2024
Adaptive action utilization in reinforcement learning from real-world multi-agent demonstrations Reviewed
FUJII Keisuke, TSUTUSI Kazushi, SCOTT Atom, NAKAHARA Hiroshi, TAKEISHI Naoya, KAWAHARA Yoshinobu
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 1E5GS504 - 1E5GS504 2024
Quantitative Action Evaluation Metrics in Football Based on Action Selection and State Transition Probability Estimation through Language Modeling Reviewed
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 2F4GS505 - 2F4GS505 2024
Information completion using a deep generative model for counterfactual evaluation of spatio-temporal event data in group sports Reviewed
UMEMOTO Rikuhei, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2024 ( 0 ) page: 3I5OS27b03 - 3I5OS27b03 2024
Estimating counterfactual treatment outcomes over time in complex multi-vehicle simulation Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Atsushi Kuribayashi, Naoya Takeishi, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Kazuya Takeda
30th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022) 2022.11
Learning interaction rules from multi-animal trajectories via augmented behavioral model Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Emyo Fujioka, Nozomi Nishiumi, Ryoya Tanaka, Mika Fukushiro, Kaoru Ide, Hiroyoshi Kohno, Ken Yoda, Susumu Takahashi, Shizuko Hiryu, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'21) Vol. 34 2021.12
Data-Driven Analysis for Understanding Team Sports Behaviors
Keisuke Fujii
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol. 33 ( 3 ) page: 505 - 514 2021.6
Physically-interpretable classification of biological network dynamics for complex collective motions. Reviewed International journal
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Motokazu Hojo, Yuki Inaba, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Scientific Reports Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 3005 - 3005 2020.2
Data-driven spectral analysis for coordinative structures in periodic human locomotion. Reviewed International journal
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Benio Kibushi, Motoki Kouzaki, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Scientific reports Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 16755 - 16755 2019.11
Dynamic mode decomposition in vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for extracting dynamical structure among observables. Reviewed International journal
Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society Vol. 117 page: 94 - 103 2019.9
Calvin Yeung, Tony Sit, Keisuke Fujii
Applied Intelligence Vol. 55 ( 5 ) page: 335 - 335 2025.4
Kazuhiro Yamada, Keisuke Fujii
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 35 - 55 2025.2
Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii
PLOS ONE Vol. 19 ( 12 ) page: e0314820 - e0314820 2024.12
ButterFlySet: A 2D video dataset for pose estimation of the flying butterflies in the wild Reviewed
Kai Amino, Keisuke Fujii
Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB) at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024) 2024.12
Runner re-identification from single-view running video in the open-world setting. Reviewed
Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
Multimedia Tools and Applications Vol. 83 ( 36 ) page: 83729 - 83745 2024.11
Qingrui Hu, Atom Sco, Calvin Yeung, Keisuke Fujii
Multimedia Tools and Applications Vol. 83 ( 38 ) page: 86281 - 86297 2024.11
Estimation of Overlapped Tactical Actions from Soccer Match Video. Reviewed
Kento Kuroda, Ikuma Uchida, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinari Kameda
icSPORTS page: 257 - 264 2024.11
MulCPred: Learning Multi-Modal Concepts for Explainable Pedestrian Action Prediction. Reviewed International journal
Yan Feng, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii, Robin Karlsson, Ming Ding, Kazuya Takeda
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Vol. 24 ( 20 ) page: 6742 2024.10
Calvin Yeung, Rory P. Bunker, Rikuhei Umemoto, Keisuke Fujii
Machine Learning Vol. 113 ( 10 ) page: 7541 - 7564 2024.10
A strategic framework for optimal decisions in football 1-vs-1 shot-taking situations: an integrated approach of machine learning, theory-based modeling, and game theory Reviewed
Calvin Yeung, Keisuke Fujii
Complex & Intelligent Systems 2024.10
Ryota Tanaka, Tomohiro Suzuki, Keisuke Fujii
Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports(MMSports@MM) page: 17 - 26 2024.10
Multi-agent statistically discriminative sub-trajectory mining and an application to NBA basketball Reviewed
Rory Paul Bunker, Vo Nguyen Le Duy, Yasuo Tabei, Ichiro Takeuchi, Keisuke Fujii
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 2024.9
Mathematical models for off-ball scoring prediction in basketball Reviewed
Rikako Kono, Keisuke Fujii
11th Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics 2024 (MLSA'24) co-located with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD'24) 2024.9
Force-Based Modeling of Heterogeneous Roles in the Coordinated Behavior of a Triad Reviewed
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii
New Generation Computing Vol. 42 ( 5 ) page: 983 - 995 2024.8
Open-Vocabulary Predictive World Models from Sensor Observations. Reviewed International journal
Robin Karlsson, Ruslan Asfandiyarov, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda
Sensors Vol. 24 ( 14 ) page: 4735 - 4735 2024.7
Calvin Yeung 0001, Rory P. Bunker, Keisuke Fujii 0001
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 603 - 617 2024.6
Force-Based Modeling of a Resilient Helping Role in Coordinated Behavior of a Triad. Reviewed
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii
26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2024) Vol. 56 page: 148 - 155 2024.6
AutoSoccerPose: Automated 3D posture Analysis of Soccer Shot Movements. Reviewed
Calvin Yeung, Kenjiro Ide, Keisuke Fujii
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition page: 3214 - 3224 2024.6
TeamTrack: A Dataset for Multi-Sport Multi-Object Tracking in Full-pitch Videos. Reviewed
Atom Sco, Ikuma Uchida, Ning Ding, Rikuhei Umemoto, Rory P. Bunker, Ren Kobayashi, Takeshi Koyama, Masaki Onishi, Yoshinari Kameda, Keisuke Fujii
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition page: 3357 - 3366 2024.6
Tomohiro Suzuki, Ryota Tanaka, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition page: 3315 - 3324 2024.6
Collaborative hunting in artificial agents with deep reinforcement learning Reviewed
Kazushi Tsutsui, Ryoya Tanaka, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
eLife 2024.5
Ning Ding, Kazuya Takeda, Wenhui Jin, Yingjiu Bei, Keisuke Fujii 0001
Multimedia Tools and Applications Vol. 83 ( 8 ) page: 24777 - 24793 2024.5
Yingjie Niu, Ming Ding 0002, Keisuke Fujii 0001, Kento Ohtani, Alexander Carballo, Kazuya Takeda
IEEE Access Vol. 12 page: 67589 - 67599 2024.5
Automatic detection of faults in race walking from a smartphone camera: a comparison of an Olympic medalist and university athletes Reviewed
Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport 2024.3
Automatic Detection of Faults in Simulated Race Walking from a Fixed Smartphone Camera. Reviewed
Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 22 - 36 2024.3
Dog's 3D Skeleton Reconstruction using a Moving Trainer for Analysis of Guide Dog Training. Reviewed
Ansheng Wang, Rongjin Huang, Keisuke Fujii, Shinji Tanaka, Yoshiro Matsunami, Yasutoshi Makino, Hiroyoki Shinoda
SMC page: 4594 - 4599 2024
Kota Yamamoto, Yumiko Hasegawa, Tomohiro Suzuki, Hiroo Suzuki, Hiroko Tanabe, Keisuke Fujii
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living Vol. 5 2023.11
Can golfers choose low-risk routes in steep putting based on visual feedback of ball trajectory? Reviewed International journal
Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living Vol. 5 page: 1131390 - 1131390 2023.8
Synergizing Deep Reinforcement Learning and Biological Pursuit Behavioral Rule for Robust and Interpretable Navigation Reviewed
Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
1st Workshop on the Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling (SynS and ML) co-located with the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'23) 2023.8
Pitching strategy evaluation via stratified analysis using propensity score Reviewed
Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 91 - 102 2023.5
Prediction of Bat Flight Path During Obstacle Avoidance by Imitation Learning Reviewed
Shoko Genda, Yu Teshima, Taku Kawamura, Daichi Ohara, Keisuke Fujii, Shizuko Hiryu
2nd International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery (BiRD 2023) in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023) 2023.3
Biomechanical strategies to maximize gait attractiveness among women Reviewed
Hiroko Tanabe, Keisuke Fujii, Naotsugu Kaneko, Hikaru Yokoyama, Kimitaka Nakazawa
Frontiers in Sports Active Living Vol. 5 ( 1091470 ) 2023.2
Estimating the Effect of Team Hitting Strategies Using Counterfactual Virtual Simulation in Baseball, Reviewed
Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii,
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 12 2023.1
A framework of interpretable match results prediction in football with FIFA ratings and team formation. Reviewed International journal
Calvin C K Yeung, Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii
PloS one Vol. 18 ( 4 ) page: e0284318 2023
Learning to Predict Navigational Patterns from Partial Observations Reviewed
Robin Karlsson, Alexander Carballo, Francisco Lepe-Salazar, Keisuke Fujii, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2023
Automatic Edge Error Judgment in Figure Skating Using 3D Pose Estimation from Inertial Sensors. Reviewed
Ryota Tanaka, Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001
GCCE page: 1099 - 1100 2023
Ryota Tanaka, Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001
MMSports@MM page: 41 - 48 2023
Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001
IEEE Access Vol. 11 page: 131237 - 131244 2023
Predictive World Models from Real-World Partial Observations. Reviewed
Robin Karlsson, Alexander Carballo, Keisuke Fujii 0001, Kento Ohtani, Kazuya Takeda
MOST page: 152 - 166 2023
Multi-Agent Deep-Learning Based Comparative Analysis of Team Sport Trajectories. Reviewed
Zhang Ziyi, Rory P. Bunker, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001
IEEE Access Vol. 11 page: 43305 - 43315 2023
Score prediction using multiple object tracking for analyzing movements in 2-vs-2 Handball. Reviewed
Ren Kobayashi, Rikuhei Umemoto, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii 0001
GCCE page: 946 - 947 2023
A sense of distance and movement characteristics of golfers tested without visual feedback of outcomes: Is a putt that feels subjectively good also physically good? Reviewed
Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living Vol. 4 ( 987493 ) 2022.10
Automatic Fault Detection in Race Walking From a Smartphone Camera via Fine-Tuning Pose Estimation Reviewed
Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022) 2022.10
集団運動における機械学習を用いたデータ科学 Reviewed
藤井 慶輔
人工知能学会研究会資料 人工知能基本問題研究会 Vol. 121 ( 0 ) page: 18 - 18 2022.9
Optimization of aircraft flight paths considering the conflicting parameters of economy and safety Reviewed
Tetsuya Nagashima, Ming Ding, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda
33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2022.9
Evaluation of creating scoring opportunities for teammates in soccer via trajectory prediction Reviewed
Masakiyo Teranishi, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
9th Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics 2022 (MLSA'22) co-located with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD'22) 2022.9
Emergence of Collaborative Hunting via Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning, International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding Reviewed
Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
SoccerTrack: A Dataset and Tracking Algorithm for Soccer with Fish-eye and Drone Videos. Reviewed
Atom Scott, Ikuma Uchida, Masaki Onishi, Yoshinari Kameda, Kazuhiro Fukui, Keisuke Fujii 0001
CVPR Workshops page: 3568 - 3578 2022.6
Ning Ding, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
IEEE Access Vol. 10 page: 54764 - 54772 2022.5
Discriminant Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Labeled Spatiotemporal Data Collections. Reviewed
Naoya Takeishi, Keisuke Fujii, Koh Takeuchi, Yoshinobu Kawahara
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. Vol. 21 ( 2 ) page: 1030 - 1058 2022.5
How does AI play football? An analysis of RL and real-world football strategies Reviewed
Atom Scott, Keisuke Fujii, Masaki Onishi
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) Vol. 1 page: 42 - 52 2022.2
Evaluation of soccer team defense based on prediction models of ball recovery and being attacked: A pilot study Reviewed
Kosuke Toda, Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Kushiro & Keisuke Fujii
PLoS One Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: e0263051 2022.1
Player evaluation in a racket sport via deep reinforcement learning with technical and tactical contexts Reviewed
DING Ning, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 1S1IS304 - 1S1IS304 2022
Diversity of behavioral strategy in cooperative hunting using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning Reviewed
TSUTSUI Kazushi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b03 - 3G4OS15b03 2022
A basic study on the mechanism of group behavior of wild bats using movement pattern measurement and granger causality during nesting Reviewed
USHIO Kazusa, FUJIOKA Emyo, FUJI Keisuke, HABE Hitoshi, KAWASHIMA Hiroaki, HIRYU Shizuko
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b02 - 3G4OS15b02 2022
Evaluation of soccer players to create scoring opportunities for teammates based on their trajectory prediction Reviewed
TERANISHI Masakiyo, TSUTSUI Kazushi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b05 - 3G4OS15b05 2022
Estimating the Effect of Team Hitting Strategies Using Counterfactual Virtual Simulation in Baseball Reviewed
NAKAHARA Hiroshi, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. JSAI2022 ( 0 ) page: 3G4OS15b04 - 3G4OS15b04 2022
Analysis of group behavior based on sharing heterogeneous roles in a triad using a coordinated drawing task Reviewed
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii
Frontiers in Psychology 2022
Cooperative play classification in team sports via semi-supervised learning, International Journal of Computer Science in Sport Reviewed
Ziyi Zhang, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport 2022
Frechet and Hausdorff Kernels for Trajectory Data Analysis Reviewed
Koh Takeuchi, Masaaki Imaizumi, Shunsuke Kanda, Keisuke Fujii, Masakazu Ishihata, Takuya Maekawa, Ken Yoda, Yasuo Tabei
29th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021) 2021.11
Skill Differences in a Discrete Motor Task Emerging From the Environmental Perception Phase Reviewed
Yumiko Hasegawa, Ayako Okada, Keisuke Fujii
Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 12 2021.10
Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii, Hiroyuki Hanada, Ichiro Takeuchi
PLOS ONE Vol. 16 ( 9 ) page: e0256329 - e0256329 2021.9
Flexible prediction of opponent motion with internal representation in interception behavior Reviewed
Kazushi Tsutsui, Keisuke Fujii, Kazutoshi Kudo, Kazuya Takeda
Biological Cybernetics 2021.8
Extraction of swing motion contributing to prediction of shuttle drop position in badminton Reviewed
Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) workshop on AI for Sports Analytics (AISA) 2021.8
Understanding Others' Roles Based on Perspective Taking in Coordinated Group Behavior Reviewed
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Vol. 43 page: 1285 - 1291 2021.8
Investigation of roles in group behavior using a coordinative drawing task Reviewed
Ichikawa Jun, Fujii Keisuke
Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Vol. 28 ( 1 ) page: 170 - 173 2021.3
Quantitative analysis of spontaneous sociality in children's group behavior during nursery activity. Reviewed International journal
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Takayuki Nagai, Takashi Omori, Natsuki Oka
PloS one Vol. 16 ( 2 ) page: e0246041 2021.2
Trajectory prediction with imitation learning reflecting defensive evaluation in team sports. Reviewed
Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Fujii, Kazuya Takeda
IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020) page: 124 - 125 2020.12
Cognition and interpersonal coordination of patients with schizophrenia who have sports habits. Reviewed International journal
Keisuke Fujii, Yujiro Yoshihara, Yukiko Matsumoto, Keima Tose, Hideaki Takeuchi, Masanori Isobe, Hiroto Mizuta, Daisuke Maniwa, Takehiko Okamura, Toshiya Murai, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Hidehiko Takahashi
PloS one Vol. 15 ( 11 ) page: e0241863 2020.11
Succinct Trit-array Trie for Scalable Trajectory Similarity Search. Reviewed
Shunsuke Kanda, Koh Takeuchi, Keisuke Fujii, Yasuo Tabei
Proceedings of 28th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020) page: 518 - 529 2020.11
Ichikawa Jun, Fujii Keisuke
Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: 377 - 385 2020.9
Yoshihara Yujiro, Fujii Keisuke, Murai Toshiya, Takahashi Hidehiko
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN Vol. 46 page: S128 - S128 2020.4
Practice Motions Performed During Preperformance Preparation Drive the Actual Motion of Golf Putting Reviewed
Yumiko Hasegawa, Akito Miura, Keisuke Fujii
Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 11 page: Article 513 2020.3
Practice Motions Performed During Preperformance Preparation Drive the Actual Motion of Golf Putting Reviewed
Yumiko Hasegawa, Akito Miura, Keisuke Fujii
Frontier in Psychology Vol. 11 ( 513 ) page: 2020.3
Dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning for foreground modeling in videos Reviewed
Israr Ul Haq, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP'20) Vol. 5 ( - ) page: 476-483 2020.3
Physically-interpretable classification of network dynamics for complex collective motions Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Motokazu Hojo, Yuki Inaba, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Scientific Reports Vol. 10 ( 3005 ) page: 2020.2
協調に関する議論に向けたアプローチの提案-集団運動からみる他者の行動予測と適応- Reviewed
市川 淳, 藤井 慶輔
認知科学 Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: xx - xx 2020
Succinct Trie Index for Fast and Memory-Efficient Trajectory Similarity Search Reviewed
KANDA Shunsuke, TAKEUCHI Koh, FUJII Keisuke, TABEI Yasuo
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI Vol. 2020 ( 0 ) page: 2C4OS7a01 - 2C4OS7a01 2020
「現場と研究の橋渡し」( 2 )にあたって
藤井 慶輔, 永田 直也
バスケットボール研究 Vol. 6 ( 0 ) page: 1 - 2 2020
Dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning for foreground modeling in videos Reviewed
Israr Ul Haq, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
VISIGRAPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications Vol. 5 page: 476 - 483 2020
Motor control of practice and actual strokes by professional and amateur golfers differ but feature a distance-dependent control strategy. Reviewed International journal
Yumiko Hasegawa, Keisuke Fujii, Akito Miura, Keiko Yokoyama, Yuji Yamamoto
European journal of sport science Vol. 19 ( 9 ) page: 1204 - 1213 2019.10
The kinetic mechanisms of vertical pointing movements. Reviewed International journal
Shinji Yamamoto, Keisuke Fujii, Kisho Zippo, Keisuke Kushiro, Masanobu Araki
Heliyon Vol. 5 ( 7 ) page: e02012 2019.7
Analysis of factors predicting who obtains a ball in basketball rebounding situations Reviewed
Motokazu Hojo, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 192 - 205 2019.2
Supervised Dynamic Mode Decomposition via Multitask Learning Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Pattern Recognition Letters Vol. 122 ( 1 ) page: 7 - 13 2019.2
陸川 章, 小山 孟志, 青木 美帆, 藤井 慶輔
バスケットボール研究 Vol. 5 ( 0 ) page: 17 - 25 2019
“Bridging the gap between the field and the laboratory”
Fujii Keisuke, Nagata Naoya
The Japan Journal of Basketball Studies Vol. 5 ( 0 ) page: 1 - 2 2019
西川, 鋭, 日本ロボット学会( Role: Contributor , 第3章 戦術の生成と解析の3.4節および3.1, 3.5節を共著)
オーム社 2024.10 ( ISBN:9784274232534 )
実世界集団移動における機械学習を用いたデータ解析 自動車技術
藤井 慶輔( Role: Contributor , 78(1) 134-136)
自動車技術会 2024.1
統計 特集 スポーツデータサイエンス
藤井 慶輔( Role: Contributor , スポーツデータサイエンスの最近の研究分析の動向 ―機械学習を用いた集団スポーツのデータ解析を例に―)
日本統計協会 2023.11
集団スポーツに関する機械学習を用いたデータ解析手法, 体育の科学
藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor)
杏林書院 2021.6
実世界集団運動のデータ駆動科学, Society 5.0を支える未来のリーダー FACE the future, 計測と制御
藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor , 60(1), 2-3)
計測自動制御学会 2021.1
集団スポーツに関するデータ駆動的解析手法, 特集=実用応用技術のシステム開発と応用, ケミカルエンジニヤリング
藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor , 65(9), 561-566)
化学工業社 2020.9
藤井 慶輔( Role: Sole author)
杏林書院 2020.5
これからの集団運動科学の展望, 連載 集団運動を科学する― 6, 体育の科学
藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor , 70(5), 349-353)
杏林書院 2020.5
1対1の攻防における競合スキルの評価, 連載 集団運動を科学する― 5, 体育の科学
筒井和詩, 藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor , 70(4))
杏林書院 2020.4
筒井 和詩, 藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)
杏林書院 2020.4
藤井 慶輔( Role: Sole author)
杏林書院 2019.12
どこまで集団運動を解明できるのか, 連載 集団運動を科学する― 1, 体育の科学
藤井 慶輔( Role: Contributor , 69(12) 907-911)
杏林書院 2019.12
特集 トレーニングを運動学習として捉える対人競技における学習された動きの評価
藤井 慶輔, 山下大地( Role: Joint author , 対人競技における学習された動きの評価)
日本トレーニング科学会 2019.2
バスケットボールが科学で強くなる! 小谷 究, 柏倉 秀徳 (監修)
藤井慶輔( Role: Contributor , 3章 ディフェンスの科学)
日東書院 2019
藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author , 13章 方法学)
流通経済大学出版会 2017.11
藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)
廣済堂出版 2017.6
藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)
体育の科学(杏林書院) 2016.10
藤井 慶輔( Role: Joint author)
ヒトの動き百話(市村出版) 2011
藤井 慶輔
人工知能 Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 1004 - 1011 2025.1
Motor control of practice and actual strokes by professional and amateur golfers differ but feature a distance-dependent control strategy Reviewed
Hasegawa Y, Fujii K, Miura A, Yokoyama K, Yamamoto Y
European journal of sport science Vol. 19 ( 9 ) page: 1204-1213 2019.10
Supervised Dynamic Mode Decomposition via Multitask Learning Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Pattern Recognition Letters Vol. 122 ( 1 ) page: 7-13 2019.2
Analysis of factors predicting who obtains a ball in basketball rebounding situations Reviewed
Motokazu Hojo, Keisuke Fujii, Yoshinobu Kawahara
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 192-205 2019.2
横-トレーニング-06 機械学習による集団スポーツの選手の動きの分類・予測手法を利活用する方法の提案
藤井 慶輔, 方城 素和, 元安 陽一, 稲葉 優希
日本体育学会大会予稿集 Vol. 70 ( 0 ) page: 77_3 - 77_3 2019
Motor control of practice and actual strokes by professional and amateur golfers differ but feature a distance-dependent control strategy Reviewed
Yumiko Hasegawa, Keisuke Fujii, Akito Miura, Keiko Yokoyama, Yuji Yamamoto
European Journal of Sport Science Vol. Accepted page: . 2019
対人競技における学習された動きの評価 (特集 トレーニングを運動学習として捉える)
藤井 慶輔, 山下 大地
Journal of training science for exercise and sport = トレーニング科学 Vol. 31 ( 1 ) page: 23 - 29 2019
Automatically recognizing strategic cooperative behaviors in various situations of a team sport Reviewed
Motokazu Hojo, Keisuke Fujii, Yuki Inaba, Yoichi Motoyasu,Yoshinobu Kawahara
PLoS One Vol. 13 ( 12 ) page: e0209247 2018.12
Metric on nonlinear dynamical systems with Koopman operators Reviewed
Isao Ishikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Masahiro Ikeda, Yuka Hashimoto, Yoshinobu Kawahara
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS'18) Vol. 31 page: 2858-2868 2018.12
Prediction and classification in equation-free collective motion dynamics Reviewed
Keisuke Fujii, Takeshi Kawasaki, Yuki Inaba, Yoshinobu Kawahara
PLoS Computational Biology Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: e1006545 2018.11
Quantitative analysis and visualization of children's group behavior from the perspective of development of spontaneity and sociality Reviewed
Jun Ichikawa, Keisuke Fujii, Takayuki Nagai, Takashi Omori, Natsuki Oka
24th Conference of Collaboration Researchers International Working Group (CRIWG'18) page: 169-176 2018.9
Social forces for team coordination in ball possession game Reviewed
Keiko Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Shima, Keisuke Fujii, Noriyuki Tabuchi, Yuji Yamamoto
Physical Review E Vol. 97 ( 022410 ) page: . 2018.2
競技レベルの高い相手との試合中におけるバスケットボール選手の運動出力と心拍応答 Reviewed
藤井 慶輔, 小山 孟志
スポーツパフォーマンス研究 Vol. 9 page: 542-556 2018.1
実世界の集団運動の情報学:スポーツを例に Invited
8大学同時共同開催 情報学 for all by all 2025.3.16
集団スポーツの動きをAIにより評価する Invited
静岡情報産業協会 SIIA会員交流セミナー スポーツの価値と可能性を高めるDX 2024.8.21
集団スポーツの戦術的な動きを画像処理と機械学習により評価する Invited
スポーツ情報学シンポジウム 2024.6.21
Evaluation of Team Defense Positioning by Computing Counterfactuals using StatsBomb 360 data,
Rikuhei Umemoto, Keisuke Fujii
StatsBomb Conference 2023.10
Defensive team analysis in the 2022 World Cup based on the event prediction
Rikuhei Umemoto, Kazushi Tsutsui, Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2023.7
Visual analysis of control area in badminton doubles using drone video dataset
Ding Ning, Kazuya Takeda, Yingjiu Bei, Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2023.7
Prediction of shot type and hit location based on pose information using badminton match videos
Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Ding Ning, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2023.7
Learning Interaction Rules from Multi-Animal Trajectories Invited International conference
Keisuke Fujii
2nd International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery (BiRD 2023) in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023) 2023.3.13
集団スポーツの戦術的な動きを機械学習の予測に基づき評価する Invited
藤井 慶輔
Meet up Chubu×A-idea(社会課題・地域活性化) 2023.3.9 愛知県、中部経済産業局、中部経済連合会
最新のスポーツアナリティクス研究論文はどこで読めるか? Invited
藤井 慶輔
Sports Analytics Research Platform (SARP)キックオフイベント 2023.1.26 一般社団法人日本スポーツアナリスト協会
梅基陸平, 中原啓, 筒井和詩, 藤井慶輔
第12回日本統計学会スポーツ統計分科会スポーツデータ解析コンペティション 2023.1
Learning Interaction Rules from Small Amount of Multi-Agent Trajectories Invited International conference
Keisuke Fujii
The 4th TMI International Seminar (Nagoya University & Université Libre de Bruxelles Joint Event) 2022.12.1
複雑な運動系列データを扱うための情報処理技術 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第22回名古屋大学-NTT技術交流会 2022.11.10
スポーツ戦術をAIのデータ解析で評価する Invited
藤井 慶輔
あいちサイエンスフェスティバル2022 2022.11.8
Learning multi-agent rules from real-world trajectory data Invited International conference
Keisuke Fujii
3rd Joint ERCIM - JST Workshop 2022.10.20
集団運動における機械学習を用いたデータ科学 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第121回人工知能基本問題研究会(SIG-FPAI) 2022.9.28
集団スポーツの動きに関するデータ分析の導入と概要/手法と今後の展望 Invited
藤井 慶輔
大阪体育大学スポーツ科学研究科 スポーツ科学セミナー 2022.9.26
集団スポーツに関する機械学習を用いたデータ解析手法 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第77回 日本体力医学学会シンポジウム「データから行動パフォーマンスを読み解くとは?:フィールドとアカデミックを繋ぐ行動アナリティクスの世界」 2022.9.23
生体集団運動における軌道予測モデルを用いた評価 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第21回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ 2022.9.12
機械学習を用いた集団動態におけるデータ解析 Invited
藤井 慶輔
2022年度数理生物学会年会 企画シンポジウム「集団動態の数理モデルと情報解析」 2022.9.5 数理生物学会
スポーツ戦術をAIのデータ解析で評価する -AIで可能になる新しいスポーツ分析の世界- Invited
藤井 慶輔
名古屋大学情報学部・情報学研究科オンライン公開セミナー「「楽しい!」をめぐる情報学」 2022.9.3 名古屋大学情報学部・情報学研究科
Evaluating a third base coach's decision making via game theory and machine learning
Hiroshi Nakahara, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2022.7
Automatic screen-play classification in basketball via semi-supervised learning,
Ziyi Zhang, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2022.7
Automatic screen-play classification in basketball via semi-supervised learning,
Ziyi Zhang, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2022.7
牛尾 和嵯, 藤岡 慧明, 藤井 慶輔, 波部 斉, 川嶋 宏彰, 飛龍 志津子
2022年度人工知能学会全国大会(第36回) 2022.6.16
寺西真聖, 筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔
2022年度人工知能学会全国大会(第36回) 2022.6.16
中原啓, 筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔
2022年度人工知能学会全国大会(第36回) 2022.6.16
マルチエージェント深層強化学習を用いた協調的狩りにみられる行動方略の多様性 Invited
筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔
鈴木智大, 武田一哉, 藤井慶輔
第4回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会) 2022.6
Ding Ning, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii
Player evaluation in a racket sport via deep reinforcement learning with technical and tactical contexts
The 36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2022) 2022.6
Team sports analytics using AI Invited International conference
Keisuke Fujii
Sport Event Taiwan Workshop 2022 Course 2022.5.4
中原 啓、武田 一哉、藤井 慶輔
日本野球科学研究会 2021.11.27
藤井慶輔, 武石直也, 筒井和詩, 藤岡慧明, 西海望, 田中良弥, 福代三華, 井出薫, 河野裕美, 依田憲, 高橋晋, 飛龍志津子, 河原吉伸
第24回 情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2021) 2021.11.12
生体集団運動における学習ベースのモデルを用いた理解 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第20回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ 2021.9.28
Supervised sequential pattern mining for identifying important patterns of play in rugby International conference
Rory Bunker, Keisuke Fujii, Hiroyuki Hanada & Ichiro Takeuchi
MathSport International 2021.6.25
Evaluation of soccer team defense based on ball recovery and being attacked International conference
Kosuke Toda, Masakiyo Teranishi, Keisuke Kushiro & Keisuke Fujii
MathSport International 2021.6.24
吉川達也 、藤井慶輔、武田一哉
第2回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会) 2021.6.19
戸田 康介, 寺西 真聖, 久代 恵介, 藤井 慶輔
2021年度人工知能学会全国大会(第35回) 2021.6.9
集団スポーツにおける機械学習を用いたデータ駆動科学 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第18回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ 2019.9.16
藤井慶輔, 方城素和, 元安陽一, 稲葉優希
日本体育学会第70回大会 2019.9.10
Dynamic mode decomposition and its applications (II) Invited International conference
Keisuke Fujii
2019 Distinguished Lecture and International Interdisciplinary Workshop 2019.8.6
Dynamic mode decomposition and its applications (I) Invited International conference
Keisuke Fujii
2019 Distinguished Lecture and International Interdisciplinary Workshop 2019.8.5
Data-driven spectral analysis for social biomechanics
Keisuke Fujii, Naoya Takeishi, Yuki Inaba, Benio Kibushi, Motoki Kouzaki, Yoshinobu Kawahara
1st Kei-Hiroba (Biomechanics Research Society) 2019.6.15
観測量間の動的構造を抽出するベクトル値再生核ヒルベルト空間における動的モード分解 International conference
藤井 慶輔、河原 吉伸
集団スポーツを例としたヒト集団の競合や協働に関する研究 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
集団スポーツの動きの情報処理とそのモデル化 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
映像情報メディア学会 冬季大会 2017
Human creative interaction of group sports: Information-based modeling Invited
Keisuke Fujii
The fourth international workshop on Skill Science
集団スポーツを例とした現象の主体と観測者から見た認知過程 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
Identification of multi-player cooperative play by machine learning using group sports position information data International conference
Keisuke Fujii
Identification of multi-player cooperative play by machine learning using group sports position information data
集団スポーツにおける自己と他者 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
An attack-and-defend competition as a redundant cognitive-motor system
Keisuke Fujii, Yuki Yoshihara, Yuji Yamamoto
Society for Neuroscience
身体・個・群れとしての集団スポーツ Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
集団スポーツにおける部分と全体から見たインタラクションに関する問題 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
大規模トラッキング・センサデータを利活用する手法の展望 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
トラッキング・センサデータを用いたバスケットボールにおけるチームプレー・対人スキルに関する研究報告とその展望 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
集団球技の巧みさとチームワークを通して身体的・社会的知能を理解する Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
集団スポーツの動きに関する仕組みと振舞い、あるいは部分と全体 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
Globally competitive and locally coordinative dynamics and behavior in group sports Invited
Keisuke Fujii
International Symposium Integrated Understanding for Emergent Property of Cooperation and Competition Dynamics
Helping behavior toward a teammate: real-time group problem-solving at multiple spatial scales during a ballgame
Keisuke Fujii, Takeshi Koyama, Akira Rikukawa, Hiroshi Yamada, Yuji Yamamoto
The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics
実践的学習方法とその効果―スポーツ場面での全体-部分練習効果 Invited International conference
藤井 慶輔
Interpersonal competition dynamics in a ballgame: Modeling of a 1-on-1 game and two opposing cognitive systems International conference
Keisuke Fujii, Yuji Yamamoto
International Society of Posture and Gait Research
The role of the kinetic preparatory state in defending against a dribbler in a basketball 1-on-1 subphase
Keisuke Fujii, Shinsuke Yoshioka, Tadao Isaka, Motoki Kouzaki
The Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP)
藤井 慶輔, 武石 直也, 河原 吉伸, 武田 一哉
日本バスケットボール学会第 7 回学会大会 2020.12.19
部分観測過程におけるデータ駆動的エージェントモデリング Invited
藤井 慶輔
日本認知科学会第37回大会 OS2 認知的インタラクションフレームワークの構築 2020.9.16
Data-driven Analysis for Multi-agent Trajectories in Team Sports
Keisuke Fujii
17th AIP Open Seminar, Talks by Structured Learning Team in RIKEN Advanced Intelligence Project 2021.3.17
Automatic classification of offensive and defensive tactical plays in team sports
Keisuke Fujii
The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference 2020.9.9
戸田康介, 寺西真聖, 久代恵介, 藤井慶輔
第10回日本統計学会スポーツ統計分科会スポーツデータ解析コンペティション 2020.12.27
集団運動におけるデータ駆動科学(企画セッション:データ駆動科学と機械学習) Invited
藤井 慶輔
第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ 2019.11.22
集団スポーツの戦術に関するデータ解析手法 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第6回愛媛大学DS研究セミナー 2021.3.18
集団スポーツにおけるデータ駆動的モデルを用いた理解 Invited
藤井 慶輔
第19回認知的コミュニケーションワークショップ 2020.11.3
Extraction of swing motion contributing to prediction of shuttle drop position in badminton International conference
Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda and Keisuke Fujii
AI for Sports Analytics (AISA) Workshop IJCAI 2021 2021.8.17
Multi-agent deep-learning based comparative analysis in basketball
ZHANG Ziyi, BUNKER Rory, TAKEDA Kazuya, FUJII Keisuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 2023 The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Force-based modeling of heterogeneous roles in coordinated behavior of a triad
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 2023 The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
集団スポーツの動きを機械学習で評価する Invited
藤井 慶輔
神戸大学シンポジウム:運動・スポーツスキルの先端研究 2024.1.20
集団スポーツにおける機械学習を用いたデータ科学 Invited
藤井 慶輔
人工知能学会 知識ベースシステム研究会 2023.8.25
染谷大河, 川口康平, 藤井慶輔
2023年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション サッカー部門 2024.1
スコットアトム, 内田 郁真, 丁寧, 梅基陸平, バンカーローリー, 小林蓮, 小山孟志, 大西正輝, 亀田 能成, 藤井 慶輔
2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回) 2023.6
生体集団運動における科学的知識と機械学習の融合による理解 Invited
藤井 慶輔
液体・ガラスへのデータ駆動アプローチ - グラフニューラルネットワークとその周辺 - 2023.11.29
生体集団運動における機械学習を用いたインタラクションの計測と理解 Invited
藤井 慶輔
ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会(HCS 2024) 2024.3.3
中原啓, 筒井 和詩, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔
2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回) 2023.6
内田 郁真, スコットアトム, 大西正輝, 藤井 慶輔, 亀田 能成
2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回) 2023.6
田中諒汰, 鈴木智大, 武田一哉, 藤井慶輔
第5回彗ひろば(バイオメカニクス研究会), 学生部門 2023.6
丁寧, 武田一哉, Wenhui Jin, Yingjiu Bei, 藤井慶輔
第21回情報学ワークショップ(WiNF 2023) 2023.12
大湯 翼, 齋藤 魁登, 宮成 和浩, 佐藤 大我, 藤井 慶輔, 津田 佐知子
第46回日本神経科学大会 2023.8
方迦楽, Calvin Yeung, 藤井慶輔
第21回情報学ワークショップ(WiNF 2023) 2023.12
梅基陸平, 筒井 和詩, 藤井 慶輔
2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回) 2023.6
太田阿留, 藤井慶輔, 日置尋久
2023年度スポーツデータサイエンスコンペティション サッカー部門 2024.1
山田和宏, 藤井慶輔
SICE中部若手研究発表会2023 2023.11
Team sports analytics using machine learning Invited
Keisuke Fujii
AI symposium at 29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) 2023.8.1
Machine learning-based analysis with multi-agent trajectories
Keisuke Fujii
International Symposium of Hierarchical Bio-Navigation 2024 2024.3.11
Machine learning-based analysis using multi-agent trajectories
Keisuke Fujii
Exploration of Learning;Process in Cooperative Hunting with Deep Reinforcement Learning
筒井 和詩, 田中良弥, 武田 一哉, 藤井 慶輔
2023年度人工知能学会全国大会(第37回) 2023.6
源田祥子, 手嶋優風, 小原大知, 青木耀大, 藤井慶輔, 飛龍志津子
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2023 2023.11
2016.4 - 2017.3
Grant type:Competitive
2016.3 - 2017.4
Grant type:Competitive
2014.4 - 2015.3
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:23K27972 2023.4 - 2026.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\18200000 ( Direct Cost: \14000000 、 Indirect Cost:\4200000 )
Grant number:21H05300 2021.9 - 2026.3
科学研究費助成事業 学術変革領域研究(A)
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\95940000 ( Direct Cost: \73800000 、 Indirect Cost:\22140000 )
Hierarchical Bio-Navigation Integrating Cyber-Physical Space
Grant number:21H05293 2021.9 - 2026.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
Grant number:21H04892 2021.4 - 2024.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Easily available information technology based on the data-driven models for social biomechanics
Grant number:20H04075 2020.4 - 2023.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\16900000 ( Direct Cost: \13000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3900000 )
Grant number:19H04941 2019.4 - 2021.3
科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )
本研究では工学的な目標として、集団移動系列・経路データから相互作用を可視化して分類や予測を行う手法を開発し、その科学的な応用として、目的志向的な生物集団移動の機能や原理などを発見・理解することを目的とする。当該年度は、複数人の移動軌跡の方策をモデリングするための部分観測と機械的制約による機械学習手法を開発した。この研究の目的は、生物学的制約を考慮した長期予測・操作可能な集団運動のシミュレーションを行うことにあり、部分観測過程と力学的制約を導入した分散型模倣学習モデルを提案した。その結果、バスケットボールやサッカーのような集団スポーツにて、正確な長期予測と観測を操作した反事実的予測が可能であることを示した。この研究は現在機械学習の国際会議に投稿中である。その他にも、スポーツ習慣のある統合失調症患者の認知機能と、3対1の対人協調の関係について明らかにした。この研究成果は、PLoS One誌に採択された[1]。その他にも、スポーツの戦術評価を反映した模倣学習による軌道予測に関する研究を行った。この研究は、国際会議IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020)に採択された。
Grant number:18K18116 2018.4 - 2021.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Fujii Keisuke
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
The purpose of this project was to develop a technology for visualizing social behavior involving physical movement through data-driven modeling, and to create a basis for practical human use of the technology. As a result, we have developed a method that is useful for understanding multi-agent movements, even when using machine learning models with nonlinear structures that are generally difficult to interpret, such as by (1) extracting the mathematical structures behind them, (2) visualizing the learned representations, and (3) generating movements by modeling the components.
Grant number:24021654 2024.12 - 2027.3
NEDO 官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業 マッチングサポートフェーズ
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator
2024.9 - 2025.3
名古屋大学 未来社会創造プロジェクト(産学連携加速)
藤井慶輔, 田中一敏
Authorship:Principal investigator
2024.9 - 2025.3
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator
modeling, observation and control of multiple moving robots using the layered machine learning
Grant number:24K22322 2024.6 - 2026.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
2024.4 - 2025.3
ミズノスポーツ振興財団 (代表) スポーツ学に関する研究助成
藤井 慶輔, 山田和宏
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:20H04087 2020.4 - 2023.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 基盤研究(B)
水口 暢章, 藤井 慶輔, 福谷 充輝, 藤井 慶輔, 福谷 充輝
2019.4 - 2021.3
日本学術振興会科学研究費 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2018.4 - 2020.3
日本学術振興会科学研究費 若手研究
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2016.4 - 2019.3
日本学術振興会科学研究費 挑戦的萌芽研究 挑戦的萌芽研究
藤井 慶輔
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2014.4 - 2017.1
2011.4 - 2014.3
Speech/Behavior Signal Processing 2
Intelligent Systems a
Intelligent Systems h
Intelligent Systems g
Intelligent Systems f
Intelligent Systems e
Intelligent Systems d
Intelligent Systems c
Intelligent Systems b
Data Processing Tools2
Speech/Behavior Signal Processing 2
Mathematical Sciences 1,2 (Exercises)
Speech/Behavior Signal Processing 2
Role(s):Media coverage
株式会社ミニマル データサイエンス百景 2023.9
FM AICHI 中電シーティーアイ Welcome Generation 2023.8
サッカー戦術分析で起業へ 名大准教授、自動運転も応用
Role(s):Media coverage
日本経済新聞社 日本経済新聞、日経MJ 2023.5
<Meet STEAM>部活動の指導者不足の問題を解決へ 集団スポーツの「戦術」を科学的に評価する研究 Newspaper, magazine
株式会社中日新聞社 中日新聞 2023.3
名大・理研・JSTなど、生物集団の移動軌跡から相互作用の規則を理論とデータから推定できる機械学習技術を開発 Newspaper, magazine
株式会社日本経済新聞社 日本経済新聞 2021.12
「人間の審判」は消えるのか 進むAI判定の可能性と副作用は Newspaper, magazine
朝日新聞社 朝日新聞デジタル・朝刊 2024.9
AIの可能性を広げ健康で豊かな未来を創る名古屋大学藤井先生のSDGs Internet
SDGs情報メディアEARTH NOTE, 2024.09.12) 2024.9
研究者インタビュー!Researchers' VOICE Internet
名古屋大学 2024.9
五輪で注目!誤審防止×AIテックの可能性は…? TV or radio program
ABEMA ABEMA Prime 2024.8
スポーツでのAⅠ技術活用 どこまで必要? Newspaper, magazine
TOKYOMX 「堀潤モーニングFLAG」堀潤激論サミット 2024.8
パリ五輪で誤審が騒動に。「AI審判」の導入を進めるには?スポーツAI研究者の藤井慶輔に聞く Internet
子どもの野球練習にもChatGPT メニュー充実、AIで上達 Newspaper, magazine
日本経済新聞社 日本経済新聞 夕刊1面 2024.7
選手の動きAIで解析 点の入りやすさ数値化 Newspaper, magazine
読売新聞社 読売新聞 朝刊24面 2024.7
社会を変えるデータサイエンス 第1回 Promotional material
東進ハイスクール 東進タイムズ2024 2024.4