Updated on 2024/05/26


KONDO Natsuki
Graduate School of International Development Department of International Development and Cooperation Assistant Professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of International Development
Assistant Professor

Degree 1

  1. PhD(International Development study) ( 2018.3   Nagoya University ) 

Research Interests 1

  1. Africa, agency, actor, education, skills, job

Research Areas 1

  1. Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies

Current Research Project and SDGs 1

  1. ガーナ農村部における学卒者のキャリア形成ー複線型モデルに基づく追跡調査ー

Education 1

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School of International Dvelopment

    2015.4 - 2018.3

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 1

  1. 日本アフリカ学会、アフリカ教育学会、国際開発学会、日本社会学会、日本教育社会学会

Awards 1

  1. 最優秀研究発表賞

    2017   アフリカ教育研究フォーラム  


Papers 12

  1. A Life Story of Grassroot Activist: The Case of Community Development in Rural Ghana under 1980's Military Regime Reviewed

    KONDO Natsuki

    Journal of International Development Studies   Vol. 31 ( 1 ) page: 117 - 129   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society for International Development  

    <p>This study focuses on community development in rural communities in the northern part of Ghana during the military regime of the 1980s. “The revolution” was launched and lasted for ten years following the coup d'état of Air Force Captain Jerry Rawlings on December 31, 1981. During the “revolution” led by Rawlings, “revolutionary organization” was organized by ordinary Ghanaian people throughout the country. Particularly in the rural communities, self-help activities such as the construction of roads, schools, and wells were promoted by the residents. At the center of these activities, there were “youth groups/associations” organized mainly by young people who attended schools, which were still few in the north at that time. By tracing the life story of the individual involved, this paper attempts to understand how the individual came to take a leadership role in the community, focusing on subjective reality. As a result, it was found that the acquisition of “alternative perception of the reality” and “alternative self-perception” through various experiences, including schooling, led the person to initiate group activity aimed at social change. Objectively, these activities were integrated into a popular movement called the “revolution,” but for the subject, the revolution was a “mean” to promote the social change he was pursuing. Even the “revolution” end, a grassroot activist continues what he has been doing since before the arrival of the “revolution.” </p>

    DOI: 10.32204/jids.31.1_117

    CiNii Research

  2. いずれ自営業者になりたい」若者たち:ガーナ農村部学卒者のschool-to-work transition調査から

    国際開発学会第33回全国大会論文集     page: 191 - 194   2022

  3. PNDC統治下ガーナの北部農村部における住民主体の地域づくり―誰がどのように率いたのか― Reviewed

    近藤 菜月

    アフリカ研究   Vol. 100   page: 99 - 109   2021

  4. <新しい能力>論への問い―アフリカでの調査から見えてくるもの


    国際開発学会編第22回春季大会論文集     page: 315 - 318   2021

  5. How Youth in Rural Ghana Became "Cadres"? - Life Story of Actors in Popular Movement Under 1980's Military Rule

    Conference of the International Sociological Association     2021

  6. 産業人材育成における非認知的能力―概念の整理へ向けた検討


    国際開発学会第31回全国大会論文集     page: 507 - 510   2020

  7. University education reform in Ghana: case study of the University for Development Studies

    KONDO Natsuki

    Africa Educational Research Journal   Vol. 10 ( 0 ) page: 93 - 107   2019.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Africa Educational Research  

    DOI: 10.50919/africaeducation.10.0_93

    CiNii Research

  8. 学習者が就学及び学習に付与する意味とそれに影響する要因―ガーナ国の職業教育訓練機関における縫製業関連分野の学生に対する質問票調査から

    国際開発学会第30回全国大会論文集     page: 921 - 924   2019

  9. ライフストーリーにおける「個別性」についての一考察 Reviewed

    近藤 菜月

    語りの地平     2018.11

  10. 社会変動と行為者―「革命」期のガーナ農村部における民衆運動を事例として― Reviewed


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    Publishing type:Doctoral thesis  

  11. 途上国の社会運動を行為者の視点から捉える理論・分析枠組み -ライフストーリーによる行為の意味への接近- Reviewed


    国際開発研究フォーラム   Vol. 48 ( 4 ) page: 1 - 16   2018.3

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  12. 学習者中心主義的視点から考察する職業技術教育

    近藤 菜月・山田肖子

    国際開発学会第29回全国大会論文集     page: 141 - 144   2018

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Books 3

  1. 「革命」を語る―ガーナ農村部の民衆運動

    近藤菜月( Role: Sole author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2024 

  2. 学習者・労働者の視点から考えるキャリア形成―就学から就労への移行を促進支援するために何が重要か

    Christian, S, Otchia 近藤菜月( Role: Contributor ,  山田肖子・大野泉(編)『途上国の産業人材育成』第14章)

    評論社  2021 

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    Responsible for pages:291-309  

  3. 知識基盤社会における「能力」―政策言説、実社会、学習論の変化から

    山田肖子、近藤菜月( Role: Contributor ,  山田肖子・大野泉(編)『途上国の産業人材育成』第2章)

    評論社  2021 

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    Responsible for pages:49-68   Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction

KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 3

  1. The grasp of the characteristics of "knowledge" among African youths through an interdisciplinary constructivist approach

    Grant number:21H04411  2021.4 - 2026.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

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  2. Career Formation of Graduates in Rural Ghana: A Follow-up Study Based on a Multi-track Model

    Grant number:21K13531  2021.4 - 2024.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

  3. Skills assessment of industrial human resources and TVET curriculum evaluation in Africa

    Grant number:18KK0062  2018.10 - 2024.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

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Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 1

  1. 国際関係論

    2021.4 - 2023.3 Nihon Fukushi University)

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    Level:Undergraduate (liberal arts)