Updated on 2024/10/10


Graduate School of Medicine Center for Research of Laboratory Animals and Medical Research Engineering Division for Advanced Medical Research Designated assistant professor
Designated assistant professor

Degree 1

  1. 博士(医) ( 2016.3   名古屋大学 ) 


Papers 7

  1. Lzts1 controls both neuronal delamination and outer radial glial-like cell generation during mammalian cerebral development

    Kawaue, T; Shitamukai, A; Nagasaka, A; Tsunekawa, Y; Shinoda, T; Saito, K; Terada, R; Bilgic, M; Miyata, T; Matsuzaki, F; Kawaguchi, A

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   Vol. 10   2019.6

  2. Evaluation method regarding the effect of psychotropic drugs on driving performance: A literature review

    Iwata, M; Iwamoto, K; Kawano, N; Kawaue, T; Ozaki, N

    PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES   Vol. 72 ( 10 ) page: 747 - 773   2018.10

  3. Role of extrinsic mechanical force in the development of the RA-I tactile mechanoreceptor (vol 8, 11085, 2018)

    Pham, TQ; Kawaue, T; Hoshi, T; Tanaka, Y; Miyata, T; Sano, A

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 8   2018.9

  4. Role of extrinsic mechanical force in the development of the RA-I tactile mechanoreceptor

    Pham, TQ; Kawaue, T; Hoshi, T; Tanaka, Y; Miyata, T; Sano, A

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 8   2018.7

  5. Differentiating cells mechanically limit the interkinetic nuclear migration of progenitor cells to secure apical cytogenesis

    Watanabe, Y; Kawaue, T; Miyata, T

    DEVELOPMENT   Vol. 145 ( 14 )   2018.7

  6. Elasticity-based boosting of neuroepithelial nucleokinesis via indirect energy transfer from mother to daughter

    Shinoda, T; Nagasaka, A; Inoue, Y; Higuchi, R; Minami, Y; Kato, K; Suzuki, M; Kondo, T; Kawaue, T; Saito, K; Ueno, N; Fukazawa, Y; Nagayama, M; Miura, T; Adachi, T; Miyata, T

    PLOS BIOLOGY   Vol. 16 ( 4 )   2018.4

  7. Radial Glial Fibers Promote Neuronal Migration and Functional Recovery after Neonatal Brain Injury

    Jinnou, H; Sawada, M; Kawase, K; Kaneko, N; Herranz-Pérez, V; Miyamoto, T; Kawaue, T; Miyata, T; Tabata, Y; Akaike, T; Garcia-Verdugo, JM; Ajioka, I; Saitoh, S; Sawamoto, K

    CELL STEM CELL   Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 128 - +   2018.1

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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 1

  1. Unexpectedly wide-range cell-cell contact via Delta-presenting lamellipodia-like protrusions in the mouse neuroepithelium

    Grant number:18K14837  2021.3 - 2023.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Kawaue Takumi

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )

    During mammalian brain development, cell contact-mediated interactions, such as Delta-Notch signaling, are important for the cell fate choice of the newborn cells. Although the fundamental molecular mechanism of Delta-Notch signaling is well known, how Delta-presenting cells contact with the neighbors to induce their Notch activation in developing 3D tissues has been challenging to address. In this study, we demonstrated that membrane-bound Delta molecules were enriched in lamellipodia-like protrusions that were extended from the apical process of differentiating cells. In addition, the decrease in lamellipodia-like structures increased the number of differentiating cells in the cerebral cortex. These results suggest that cell-cell contacts through microstructures are involved in cell fate choice for newborn cells.