Updated on 2025/01/24


Nagoya University Hospital Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Assistant professor of hospital
Assistant professor of hospital

Degree 2

  1. Doctor (Medicine) ( 2023.4   Nagoya University ) 

  2. M.D. ( 2008.3   Nagoya University ) 

Research Areas 1

  1. Life Science / Plastic and reconstructive surgery  / 乳房再建


Papers 5

  1. Reconstructive surgery of difficult urethrocutaneous fistula following gender-affirming surgery

    Matsuo, K; Kanbe, M; Sakamoto, F; Kamei, Y; Akamatsu, S

    IJU CASE REPORTS   Vol. 7 ( 6 ) page: 427 - 430   2024.11

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  2. Exclusive expression of KANK4 promotes myofibroblast mobility in keloid tissues

    Oishi, M; Shinjo, K; Takanari, K; Muraoka, A; Suzuki, MM; Kanbe, M; Higuchi, S; Ebisawa, K; Hashikawa, K; Kamei, Y; Kondo, Y

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 8725   2024.4

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  3. Development of a Novel Scar Screening System with Machine Learning

    Ito, H; Nakamura, Y; Takanari, K; Oishi, M; Matsuo, K; Kanbe, M; Uchibori, T; Ebisawa, K; Kamei, Y

    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY   Vol. 150 ( 2 ) page: 465E - 472E   2022.8

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  4. Establishment of in-hospital clinical network for patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 in Nagoya University Hospital

    Nishida, Y; Ikuta, K; Natsume, A; Ishihara, N; Morikawa, M; Kidokoro, H; Muramatsu, Y; Nonobe, N; Ishizuka, K; Takeichi, T; Kanbe, M; Mizuno, S; Imagama, S; Ozaki, N

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 11933   2021.6

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  5. Repair of temporal branch of the facial nerve with novel polyglycolic acid-collagen tube: a case report of two cases

    Nakamura, Y; Takanari, K; Ebisawa, K; Kanbe, M; Nakamura, R; Kamei, Y

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 82 ( 1 ) page: 123 - 128   2020.2

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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 9

  1. 被膜拘縮を抑制するペプチドコーティング乳房インプラントの開発

    Grant number:22K09857  2022.4 - 2025.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    神戸 未来, 大石 真由美, 高成 啓介, 亀井 譲, 蟹江 慧, 橋川 和信, 蛯沢 克己, 樋口 慎一

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

    この線維芽細胞について、細胞接着ペプチドとして知られている RGD配列をDOPAを用いて修飾し(以下RGD pep)、シリコン材料への接着と線維芽細胞の増殖性を調査した。細胞非接着性wellプレートにRGD pepコーティングによりコラーゲンコーティングと同様の線維芽細胞接着性、増殖性を確認後した。さらに凹凸面シリコンシェル及び平滑面シリコンシェルにRGD pep、コラーゲンでコーティングを行い、コーティングなしのシリコンシェルをコントールとして平滑面及び凹凸面シリコンシェル上での線維芽細胞の接着性と増殖を調査した。3条件共に平滑面より凹凸面の方が線維芽細胞の接着性を認めたが、平滑面RGD pepコーティングが他の条件の平滑面よりも高い細胞接着性を認めた。また他の平滑面シリコンシェルの条件に比べ、高い細胞増殖性を確認された。
    これらの結果を踏まえ、動物実験を行い、テクスチャード型インプラントに見立てた凹凸面シリコンシェル片をPBS、Collagen、Collagen + Tyrosinase、RGDpepで修飾し、ラット背部肉様膜下にそれぞれのを挿入4週後のインプラントの移動と回転を評価し、RGD pep修飾群で最も少ない傾向を得た。
    シリコン表面をコーティングする機能性ペプチドの選択とそれによる、凹凸面・平滑面それぞれのシリコン表面への修飾、またシリコン上での線維芽細胞の接着及び増殖を確認する実験系ができた。最も細胞接着性が強い凹凸面シリコンシェルにRGD pep及び比較郡としてコラーゲンによるコーティングを行い、ラットの背部筋層下に移植してその移動と回転を評価した。4週間時点においてRGD pep修飾群で位置移動や回転が少ない傾向を得た。

  2. 神経線維腫症1型の特性から解明するScarless Wound Healing

    Grant number:21K09763  2021.4 - 2025.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    大石 真由美, 新城 恵子, 高成 啓介, 橋川 和信, 蛯沢 克己, 神戸 未来, 樋口 慎一, 山本 周平, 亀井 譲

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    本研究の目的は神経線維腫症1型(NF-1)の創傷治癒から瘢痕抑制のメカニズムを解明し、scarless wound healingを可能とする新規治療薬を開発することである。NF-1では手術後の瘢痕が目立ちにくく、肥厚性瘢痕やケロイドを生じにくいことが経験的に知られているが、NF-1の創傷治癒過程における過剰な瘢痕形成を抑制するメカニズムは明らかではない。現在行われている瘢痕治療の効果は限定的であり、手術や外傷後に傷あとが残ることは不可避であったが、NF-1に特有な創傷治癒メカニズムを再現することで、scarless wound healingの実現を試みる。
    本研究の目的は、NF-1における創傷治癒と瘢痕抑制のメカニズムを解明し、scarless wound healingを実現する新規治療薬を開発することである。
    そこで、過剰な瘢痕を形成するケロイドの原因となる分子メカニズムを解明することが、scarless wound healingにも応用可能であると考え、研究の焦点をケロイドに変更した。
    これらの実験結果から、ケロイド組織では、高い移動能を示すKANK4陽性の筋線維芽細胞が元の創傷を越えて移動することでケロイド病変の拡大に寄与していると考えられた。KANK4はケロイド治療の新規ターゲットであると同時に、scarless wound healingの治療標的となる可能性が示唆された。
    モデル動物の創傷内で筋線維芽細胞の分化抑制実験を行い、scarless wound healingに有用であるかどうかを検証する。

  3. Development of Discrimination System of Patency of Microvascular Anastomosis by Blood Flow Waveform Analysis with Deep Learning

    Grant number:20K09844  2020.4 - 2023.3

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  4. 大気圧プラズマのケロイド・肥厚性瘢痕に与える影響に関する基礎的研究

    Grant number:19K10025  2019.4 - 2024.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    亀井 譲, 田中 宏昌, 蛯沢 克己, 神戸 未来, 高成 啓介

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  5. Development of new therapeutic option for keloid or hypertrophic scar with epigenetic regulation

    Grant number:19K10006  2019.4 - 2023.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Takanari Keisuke

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    The purpose of this study is to elucidate part of the epigenetic mechanism in keloids and to test the feasibility of treating keloids with epigenetics therapeutics. The following results were obtained in this study. Quantitative PCR was performed on keloid-specific expression variation genes, and it was verified that Gene1 (tentative name) significantly increased mRNA expression in keloid tissues. Immunostaining also showed that Gene1 protein was more highly expressed in keloid tissues than in normal scars. Gene1 forced expression HEK293T cells with recombinant plasmid showed decreased cell mobility, which was restored when Gene1 expression was inhibited using siRNA.

  6. Live imaging of keloid collagen with two-photon microscopy

    Grant number:16K11361  2016.4 - 2020.3

    TAKANARI keisuke

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    In this project period, we collected 24 samples of human keloid, hypertrophic scar, normal scar and normal skin samples. With two-photon microscopy imaging, we obtained unfixed and unstained collagen fiber images from samples. Analysis of fiber orientation in the obtained images revealed that 1: keloid has more aligned orientation of fibers compared to the normal skin, 2: orientation and its variance are differ between the locations in the body, 3: thus fiber orientation and variance are affected by mechanical stimulation to the tissue. These phenomenon may partially explain the variety of keloid phenotypes seen in the clinical practice.

  7. The effect of cultured activated omentum supernatant for wound healing

    Grant number:16K11362  2016.4 - 2020.3


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    Omentum is useful tissue for some kind of diseases, such as radiation ulcer, osteomyelitis and head and neck cancer..It is activated with foreign body, and release many kinds of factors, related to wound healing. In this project, we analysed therapeutic use of cultured activated omentum supernatant for radiation ulcer, osteomyelitis, diabetic ulcer and nerve injury.
    In radiation ulcer and osteomyelitis model, we could not make stable animal model, therefore we could not proceed our research. In diabetic ulcer model, wound closed day was no statistically different among all groups, but wound area of day7 and 9 was statistically decreased in activated omentum group compared to other groups. In nerve gingery model, sciatic functional index, gait length, maximal intensity and maximum contact area is no statistically different among all groups.

  8. Development of Novel Therapy for Lymphedema with Drug-induced Lymphatic-Venous Anastomosis

    Grant number:16K15748  2016.4 - 2020.3

    Nakamura Yutaka

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    Lymphedema is a disease which is caused by surgery or trauma. In addition to edema, it causes pain and itching, and when it progresses, it causes various problems such as irreversibility. Currently, physical and surgical treatments such as lymphatic vein anastomosis are clinically performed, but the cure is still difficult.
    We focused on the confluence of lymphatic vessels and veins at the venous angle during ontogeny, and locally administered VEGF-C and TGFΒ inhibitors expressed around the venous angle during venous horn formation, and their therapeutic effects.We confirmed that there was a tendency for edema to improve in each treatment group, but no significant difference was obtained.

  9. Effect of exosome derived from iPS cells on wound healing

    Grant number:15K15652  2015.4 - 2019.3

    Kambe Miki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost:\810000 )

    We investigated the potency of promoting diabetic wound healing by the application of human exosomes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Exosomes derived from iPSCs culture medium (M-Exo) and hiPSCs conditioned medium (hiPS-Exo) were isolated. We evaluated the in vitro effects of hiPSC-Exo on diabetic mouse dermal fibroblasts. PBS, M-Exo, and iPS-Exo were respectively injected subcutaneously around skin defect in a diabetic mouse model, and their effects on wound healing were assessed.hiPS-Exos stimulated the migration of diabetic mouse dermal fibroblasts in vitro, but does not stimulated its proliferation. Injected hiPS-Exo to wound sites resulted in accelerated wound closure. Our findings suggest that hiPS-Exo enhances diabetic skin wound healing by accelerating fibroblast migration. hiPS-Exo might become a therapeutic option for diabetic ulcer.

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