Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Headquarters Part-time faculty member
Graduate School of Humanities
Updated on 2024/04/02
Ph.D. ( 2000.8 University of Colorado at Boulder )
Master of Arts ( 1994.12 University of Colorado at Boulder )
文学士 ( 1990.3 京都大学 )
interactional linguistics
conversation analysis
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics / Conversation Analysis
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics / interactional linguistics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics / functional linguistics
名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科 日本語教育学分野 教授
名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科 日本語教育学分野 准教授
2017.4 - 2019.3
名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科 日本語教育学講座 准教授
2016.4 - 2017.3
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures Associate professor
2006.8 - 2016.3
Country:United States
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures Associate Professor
2000.8 - 2006.8
Country:United States
University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Linguistics
- 2000.8
Country: United States
University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Linguistics
- 1994.12
Country: United States
Kyoto University Faculty of Literature
- 1990.3
Country: Japan
International Pragmatics Association
International Society for Conversation Analysis
Interactional Linguistics (journal) editorial board member
Committee type:Other
Research on Language and Social Interaction (journal) editorial board member
Committee type:Other
Studies in Language and Social Interaction, monograph series, John Benjamins Publishing editorial board member
Committee type:Other
Post-confirmation modifications in response to polar questions Invited
K. Hayano, M. Hayashi
Responses to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts page: 272 - 300 2023.12
会話における順番交替の手続き Invited
林 誠
エスノメソドロジー・会話分析ハンドブック page: 189 - 197 2023.4
サッカー指導場面での「身体的実演」に見られるコーチと選手の相互行為 Invited
林 誠・安井永子
実践の論理を描く:相互行為のなかの知識・身体・こころ page: 158 - 175 2023.3
Kushida Shuya, Hayashi Makoto
RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Vol. 55 ( 1 ) page: 59 - 78 2022.1
Hiramoto, T; Hayashi, M
〈逸脱〉と〈資源〉としての非流暢性 Invited International coauthorship
高木智世・串田秀也・黒嶋智美・林 誠・森田笑・澤井雪乃
ことばと文字 Vol. 14 page: 59 - 69 2021.4
Tte Yuu Ka as a Repair Preface in Japanese Reviewed
Hayashi Makoto, Hosoda Yuri, Morimoto Ikuyo
RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Vol. 52 ( 2 ) page: 104 - 123 2019.4
Polar answers Reviewed International coauthorship
Enfield N. J., Stivers Tanya, Brown Penelope, Englert Christina, Harjunpaa Katariina, Hayashi Makoto, Heinemann Trine, Hoymann Gertie, Keisanen Tiina, Rauniomaa Mirka, Raymond Chase Wesley, Rossano Federico, Yoon Kyung-Eun, Zwitserlood Inge, Levinson Stephen C.
JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS Vol. 55 ( 2 ) page: 277 - 304 2019.4
会話分析と多言語比較 Invited
林 誠
会話分析の広がり page: 223 - 252 2018.9
Comparative studies in Conversation Analysis Invited Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
The Japanese Journal of Language in Society Vol. 21 ( 1 ) page: 4 - 18 2018.9
A-prefaced responses to inquiry in Japanese Invited
Hayashi, M; Hayano, K
Dwelling, Construing, and Accidental Features Invited
Hayashi Makoto
確認要求に用いられる感動詞的用法の「なに」:認識的スタンス標識の相互行為上の働き Reviewed
遠藤智子, 横森大輔, 林 誠
社会言語科学 Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 100 - 114 2017.9
会話におけるターンの共同構築 Invited
日本語学 page: 128 - 139 2017.4
Morphological self-repair Self-repair within the word Reviewed International coauthorship
Fox Barbara A., Wouk Fay, Fincke Steven, Flores Wilfredo Hernandez, Hayashi Makoto, Laakso Minna, Maschler Yael, Mehrabi Abolghasem, Sorjonen Marja-Leena, Uhmann Susanne, Yang Hyun Jung
STUDIES IN LANGUAGE Vol. 41 ( 3 ) page: 638 - 659 2017
Turn formats for other-initiated repair and their relation to trouble sources: Some observations from Japanese and Korean conversations Reviewed International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Stephanie Hyeri Kim
Journal of Pragmatics Vol. 87 page: 198 - 217 2015
WH質問への抵抗--感動詞「いや」の相互行為上の働き Invited
串田秀也, 林誠
感動詞の言語学 page: 169 - 211 2015
Activity, participation, and joint turn construction: A conversation analytic exploration of `grammar-in-action' Invited
Makoto Hayashi
Usage-Based Approaches to Japanese Grammar: Toward the Understanding of Human Language page: 223 - 258 2014
Responding with resistance to wh-questions in Japanese talk-in-interaction Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi, Shuya Kushida
Research on Language and Social Interaction Vol. 46 page: 231 - 255 2013
Turn allocation and turn sharing Invited
Makoto Hayashi
The Handbook of Conversation Analysis page: 167 - 190 2013
Proffering insertable elements: A study of other-initiated repair in Japanese Invited International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Kaoru Hayano
Conversational Repair and Human Understanding page: 293 - 321 2013
Conversational repair and human understanding: An introduction International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Geoffrey Raymond, Jack Sidnell
Conversational Repair and Human Understanding page: 1 - 40 2013
Claiming uncertainty in recollection: A study of kke-marked utterances in Japanese conversation Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Discourse Processes Vol. 49 page: 391 - 425 2012
A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of word-formulation trouble Invited International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Kyung-Eun Yoon
Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders page: 33 - 66 2010
Transformative answers: One way to resist a question's constraints Reviewed International coauthorship
Tanya Stivers, Makoto Hayashi
Language in Society Vol. 39 page: 1 - 25 2010
An overview of the question-response system in Japanese Invited Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Journal of Pragmatics Vol. 42 page: 2685 - 2702 2010
Marking a "noticing of departure" in talk: Eh-prefaced turns in Japanese conversation Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Journal of Pragmatics Vol. 41 ( 10 ) page: 2100 - 2129 2009.10
A cross-linguistic investigation of the site of initiation in same turn self repair Invited International coauthorship
Fox, B., Wouk, F., Hayashi, M., Fincke, S., Tao, L., Sorjonen, M.-L., Laakso, M. and Flores, W.
Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives page: 60 - 103 2009.9
Negotiating boundaries in talk Invited International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Kyung-eun Yoon
page: 248 - 276 2009.9
Universals and cultural variation in turn taking in conversation Reviewed International coauthorship
Stivers, T., Enfield, N. J., Brown, P., Englert, C., Hayashi, M., Heinemann, T., Hoymann, G., Rossano, F., de Ruiter J. P., Yoon, K.-E., and Levinson, S. C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 106 ( 26 ) page: 10587 - 10592 2009.6
会話における「指示」と発話の文法構造 Invited
林 誠
言葉と認知のメカニズム - 山梨正明教授還暦記念論文集 page: 603 - 619 2008.9
相互行為の資源としての投射と文法 - 指示詞「あれ」の行為投射的用法をめぐって Invited Reviewed
林 誠
社会言語科学 Vol. 10 ( 2 ) page: 16 - 28 2008.9
The achievement of intersubjectivity through embodied completions: A study of interactions between first and second language speakers Reviewed International coauthorship
Junko Mori, Makoto Hayashi
Applied Linguistics Vol. 27 ( 2 ) page: 195 - 219 2006.6
A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of word-formulation trouble Reviewed International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Kyung-eun Yoon
Studies in Language Vol. 30 ( 3 ) page: 485 - 540 2006
Joint turn construction through language and the body: Notes on embodiment in conjoined participation in situated activities Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Semiotica Vol. 156 ( 1/4 ) page: 21 - 53 2005.12
「文」内におけるインターアクション - 日本語助詞の相互行為上の役割をめぐって Invited Reviewed
林 誠
活動としての文と発話 page: 1 - 26 2005.10
Referential problems and turn construction: An exploration of an intersection between grammar and interaction Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
TEXT Vol. 25 ( 4 ) page: 437 - 468 2005.7
Projection and grammar: Notes on the `action-projecting' use of the distal demonstrative are in Japanese Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Journal of Pragmatics Vol. 36 ( 8 ) page: 1337 - 1374 2004.8
Discourse within a sentence: An exploration of postpositions in Japanese as an interactional resource Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Language in Society Vol. 33 ( 3 ) page: 343 - 376 2004.7
Language and the body as resources for collaborative action: A study of word searches in Japanese conversation Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Research on Language and Social Interaction Vol. 36 ( 2 ) page: 109 - 141 2003
Contingent achievement of co-tellership in a Japanese conversation: An analysis of talk, gaze, and gesture Invited International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Junko Mori, Tomoyo Takagi
The Language of Turn and Sequence page: 81 - 122 2002.2
Postposition-initiated utterances in Japanese conversation: An interactional account of a grammatical practice
Makoto Hayashi
Studies in Interactional Linguistics page: 317 - 343 2001.1
Where grammar and interaction meet: A study of co-participant completion in Japanese conversation Invited Reviewed
Makoto Hayashi
Human Studies Vol. 22 ( 2-4 ) page: 475 - 499 1999.10
The role of empathy in sentence production: A functional analysis of aphasic and normal elicited narratives in Japanese and English Invited International coauthorship
Menn, L. Kamio, A., Hayashi, M., Fujita, I., Sasanuma, S., and Boles, L.
Function and Structure: In Honor of Susumu Kuno page: 317 - 355 1999.6
Co-construction in Japanese revisited: We do finish each other's sentences Invited International coauthorship
Makoto Hayashi, Junko Mori
Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol. 7 page: 77 - 93 1998.5
The interaction of preserved pragmatics and impaired syntax in Japanese and English aphasic speech Reviewed International coauthorship
Menn, L. Reilly, K., Hayashi, M., Kamio, A., Fujita, I., Sasanuma, S.
Brain and Language Vol. 61 ( 2 ) page: 183 - 225 1998.2
An exploration of sentence-final uses of the quotative particle in Japanese spoken discourse Invited
Makoto Hayashi
Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol. 6 page: 565 - 581 1997.9
Resources and repair: A cross-linguistic study of syntax and repair Invited International coauthorship
Barbara A. Fox, Makoto Hayashi, Robert Jasperson
Interaction and Grammar, page: 185 - 237 1996.12
A comparative study of self-repair in English and Japanese conversation Invited
Makoto Hayashi
Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol. 4 page: 77 - 93 1994.4
Semantics and interaction: Three exploratory case studies Reviewed International coauthorship
Robert Jasperson, Makoto Hayashi, Barbara A. Fox
TEXT Vol. 14 ( 4 ) page: 555 - 580 1994.1
串田秀也, 平本毅, 林誠( Role: Joint author)
勁草書房 2017
Conversational Repair and Human Understanding Reviewed International journal
Makoto Hayashi, Geoffrey Raymond, Jack Sidnell( Role: Joint editor)
Cambridge University Press 2013
Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation
Makoto Hayashi( Role: Sole author)
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2003
Anticipatory completion Invited
Makoto Hayashi
Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics 2023
Transformative answer Invited
Makoto Hayashi
Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics 2023
Choral co-production Invited
Makoto Hayashi
Encyclopedia of Terminology for Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics 2023
書評 伊藤翼斗(著)『発話冒頭における言語要素の語順と相互行為』大阪大学出版会,2018 Invited
林 誠
社会言語科学 Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 267 - 271 2019.9
会話分析における対照研究 Invited
林 誠
同志社大学英文学会2023年度年次大会 2023.10.29 同志社大学英文学会
Language typology meets interactional practice: The case of turn formats for other-initiated repair in Japanese and Korean Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
5th International Conference on Interactional Linguistics and Chinese Language Studies 2023.4.8 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Linguistics
Explorations of grammar and interaction: The case of Japanese Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
The Ocean University of China Conversation Analysis Lecture Series 2022.11.4 The Ocean University of China Conversation Analysis Reseach Group
「非流暢性」への会話分析的アプローチ Invited
第1回社会言語科学会シンポジウム 2019.9.15 社会言語科学会
『相互行為言語学』への招待—What is ‘interactional linguistics’?— Invited
第18回日本語文法学会大会 2017.12.2 日本語文法学会
Articulating the inferable: Nani-prefaced polar questions in Japanese conversatin and their English counterparts Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
The English Linguistic Society of Japan International Spring Forum 2017 2017.4.22 The English Linguistic Society of Japan
Turn formats for other-initiated repair and their relation to trouble sources: Some observations from Japanese and Korean conversations Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Linguistics Colloquium 2016.2.26 University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Linguistics
Collateral Effects(付随効果)と相互行為言語学の展望 Invited
エスノメソドロジー・会話分析研究会2014年研究大会 2014.10.12 エスノメソドロジー・会話分析研究会
会話分析から見た文法研究の新展開 Invited
日本語用論学会中部支部研究会 2014.9.9 日本語用論学会中部支部
他者修復開始の発話デザインとトラブル源の関係をめぐって Invited
NDS研究会 2014.9.9 NDS研究会
Iya(‘No’)-prefaced responses to wh-questions in Japanese conversation Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
University of Illinois SLATE Lecture Series 2013.3.6 University of Illinois SLATE Program
Other-initiated repair (OIR) in Japanese: An exploration of OIR turn formats containing ‘wh’-words Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Workshop on Japanese Language and Interaction 2012.3.21 National University of Singapore Department of Japanese Studies
Projection as a foundation for social coordination, grammar as a resource for projection Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Workshop on the Interactional Foundations of Language 2011.7.16 The Linguistic Society of America
Proffering insertable elements: A study of other-initiated repair in Japanese Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
University of Wisconsin-Madison Interaction Interest Group Colloquium 2010.10.15 University of Wisconsin-Madison Interaction Interest Group
Responding with resistance to WH-questions in Japanese talk-in-interaction Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Language, Interaction, and Social Organization Seminar Series 2010.5.21 The Language, Interaction, and Social Organization (LISO) Unit at UC Santa Barbara
Referential problems and turn construction: An exploration of an intersection of grammar and interaction Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Conference on Culture, Language, and Social Practice 2009.10.4 The Program in Culture, Language, and Social Practice at CU Boulder
「参加の組織化」の観点から見た「文法」再検討:“ワードサーチ”を通しての一考察 Invited
第19回第二言語習得研究会全国大会 2008.12.13 第二言語習得研究会
Other-initiated repair in Japanese: An overview of OIR turn formats containing ‘wh’-words Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Repair Workshop 2008.3.29 University of Toronto Department of Anthropology
Marking ‘departure’ in talk: Eh-initiated turns in Japanese conversation Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Speaker Series at the Center for Language, Interaction, and Culture (CLIC) 2007.2.7 The UCLA Center for Language, Interaction, and Culture (CLIC)
Conversation analytic perspectives Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Pre-conference workshop at the 15th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 2005.10.5 University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
‘Learning-in-action’ outside of classroom: Toward an understanding of learning as a socially distributed interactive phenomenon Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Junko Mori
University of Illinois SLATE Lecture Series 2003.4.17 University of Illinois SLATE Program
Notes on the ‘action-projecting’ use of the distal demonstrative pronoun are in Japanese conversation Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Workshop on ‘Projection’ 2003.3.6 Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
An exploration of language and gesture in Japanese Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Interaction and Language Workshop 2001.10.20 University of Wisconsin-Madison Interaction Interest Group
Practices for word searches in Japanese conversation: Language and the body as resources for collaborative action Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
University of Illinois Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series 2001.10.8 University of Illinois Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
‘Postposition-initiated utterances’ in Japanese conversation: An interactional account of a grammatical practice Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Parasession on Discourse-based Grammar at the 14th Annual International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning 2000.4.13 University of Illinois Division of English as an International Language
Repetitional disconfirming responses to polar questions in Japanese International conference
Kaoru Hayano, Makoto Hayashi
2023 International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2023.6.28 International Society for Conversation Analysis
Claiming a sequential relevance: The use of nanka as prefacing demonstrations of accountability in initial and third positions International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Satomi Kuroshima
2023 International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2023.6.28 International Society for Conversation Analysis
Proffering the unsaid: A form of understanding check in Japanese International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Hayato Chuman
17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021.6.28 International Pragmatics Association
Beginning to explain: Nanka-prefaced responsive and initial actions in Japanese conversation International conference
Satomi Kuroshima, Makoto Hayashi
17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021.6.29 International Pragmatics Association
Doing visualizing in coping with speaking difficulty: On koo-prefaced search for formulation in Japanese International conference
Shuya Kushida, Makoto Hayashi
16th International Pragmatics Conference 2019.6.12 International Pragmatics Association
The status of “Do you have X?” utterances in service encounters in Japanese International conference
Makoto Hayashi
16th International Pragmatics Conference 2019.6.13 International Pragmatics Association
Nn-prefaced answers to polar questions in Japanese International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Kaoru Hayano
International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2018 2018.7.13 International Society for Conversation Analysis
修復の前置き(repair preface)としての「てゆうか」 Invited
シンポジウム「日常会話コーパス」III 2018.3.19 国立国語研究所
修復の前置き(repair preface)としての「てゆうか」 Invited
第1回オハイオ州立大学-名古屋大学日本語・日本語教育研究ワークショップ 2018.2.23 名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科
How about eggs?”: Action ascription in the family decision-making process during grocery shopping at a supermarket International conference
Takeshi Hiramoto, Makoto Hayashi
25th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 2017.10.12 University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Conversation Analysis and cross-linguistic/cross-cultural comparison Invited
Makoto Hayashi
串田秀也, 林誠
Discussing Conversation Analysis: A case study on other-initiated repair in Japanese Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
University of Illinois Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series
Collateral Effects(付随効果)と相互行為言語学の展望 Invited
A(“Oh”)-prefaced responses to inquiry in Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Kaoru Hayano
International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2014 2014.6.26 International Society for Conversation Analysis
遠藤智子, 横森大輔, 林誠
Other-initiated repair on reference: Some preliminary observations from Japanese Invited International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Symposium on Reference in Interaction from Cross-Cultural Perspective
Responding with resistance to WH-questions in Japanese talk-in-interaction International conference
Shuya Kushida, Makoto Hayashi
International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2010 2010.7.7 International Society for Conversation Analysis
Proffering insertable elements: A study of other-initiated repair in Japanese International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Kaoru Hayano
International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2010 2010.7.8 International Society for Conversation Analysis
‘I once knew, but I don’t remember now’: Making a retrospective knowledge claim in Japanese interaction International conference
Makoto Hayashi
95th Annual Convention of National Communication Association 2009.11.13 National Communication Association
Eh-prefaced questions in response to informings in Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi
93rd Annual Convention of National Communication Association 2007.11.15 National Communication Association
Negotiating boundaries in talk: On the ‘3rd-position’ deployment of minimal response tokens in Japanese and Korean conversations International conference
Makoto Hayashi
92nd Annual Convention of National Communication Association 2006.11.19 National Communication Association
On the ‘post-minimal-response’ deployment of minimal response tokens in Japanese and Korean conversations International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Kyung-eun Yoon
International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2006 2006.5.12 International Society for Conversation Analysis
Some ways in which grammar shapes local interactional practices. International conference
Makoto Hayashi
2005 Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association 2005.12.3 American Anthropological Association
Referential problems and turn construction International conference
Makoto Hayashi
9th International Pragmatics Conference 2005.7.12 International Pragmatics Association
A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With particular reference to the context of word search International conference
Makoto Hayashi
7th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language 2004.10.9 University of Alberta Department of Linguistics
A cross-linguistic analysis of demonstratives in Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin as resources for dealing with word-formulation trouble in conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi
2004 Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ) Seminar 2004.3.4 Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ)
A family of phonetic practices: An exploration of the relationships among phonetics, syntax, and interaction Invited International conference
Traci Curl, Barbara Fox, Makoto Hayashi
EuroConference on Linguistic Structures and their Deployment in the Organization of Conversation 2002.9.8
What can collaborative completion tell us about learning a foreign language? International conference
Junko Mori, Makoto Hayashi
International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2002 2002.5.21 International Society for Conversation Analysis
Language and the body as resources for collaborative action: A study of word searches in Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi
87th Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association 2001.11.3 National Communication Association
‘Prospective indexicals’ in Japanese conversation: On the use of distal demonstratives as a resource for collaborative action during word searches International conference
Makoto Hayashi
2001 Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ) Seminar 2001.3.22 Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ)
Sharing responsibility for checking information: A key to transmission of information in conversation International conference
Gail Ramsberger, Lise Menn, Makoto Hayashi
Academy of Aphasia Conference 2000 2000.10.23 Academy of Aphasia
‘Postposition-initiated utterances’ in Japanese conversation: An interactional account of a grammatical practice International conference
Makoto Hayashi
5th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture 1999.5.1 The UCLA Center for Language, Interaction, and Culture (CLIC)
Where grammar and interaction meet: A study of co-participant completion in Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis: East and West 1997.8.23 International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
Co-construction in Japanese revisited: We do ‘finish each other’s sentences’ International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Junko Mori
7th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 1996.11.10 University of California at Los Angeles Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
An analysis of talk, gaze, and gesture: A contingent achievement of co-tellership in Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi, Junko Mori, Tomoyo Takagi
5th International Pragmatics Conference 1996.7.8 International Pragmatics Association
Toward a general account of U::N in Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi
1996 Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics 1996.3.26 American Association for Applied Linguistics
Discourse-pragmatic functions of sentence-final uses of the quotative particle Japanese International conference
Makoto Hayashi
6th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 1995.8.9 University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Cognitive factors in the choice of syntactic form by aphasic and normal speakers of English and Japanese: The speaker's impulse International conference
Lise Menn, Kate F. Reilly, Makoto Hayashi
1995 Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting 1995.1.7 Linguistic Society of America
A comparative study of repair in English and Japanese conversation International conference
Makoto Hayashi
4th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 1993.10.16 University of California at Los Angeles Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Grant number:17K02721 2017.4 - 2021.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
林 誠
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
1. 本課題の研究チームメンバーは、2019年6月9-14日に香港理工大学で開催された国際語用論学会(International Pragmatics Conference)にてパネル発表を行った。世界各国から学会に参加した多数の研究者を聴衆に迎え、活発な意見交換を行なった。その際に得た、非常にためになるフィードバックをもとに、学会後、各メンバーはそれぞれの発表原稿を学術論文の形にまとめる作業に入った(現在も進行中)。令和2年6月末をめどに研究成果を学術論文をまとめ、学術誌Journal of Pragmaticsに特集号として論文集を発表する方向で作業中である。
2. 前年度に引き続き、リサーチアシスタントを2名雇用し,既存のビデオデータ(①大学生協のパソコンカウンターにおけるサービス場面の相互行為、②日常会話,③少年サッカーの指導場面における相互行為,④マッサージ店における施術者と利用客の相互行為)の文字起こしを進めた。現段階で、データのおよそ7割の文字起こしを完了することができたが、令和2年度も引き続き文字起こしを継続する予定である。
今年度は、プロジェクトチームの各メンバーが研究成果を香港で開催された国際語用論学会(International Pragmatics Conference)で発表し、聴衆と貴重な意見交換をすることができた。これは最終年度の目標である学術誌の特集号での研究成果の発表への、大きな弾みとなるもので、現在、各メンバーは国際語用論学会で得られたフィードバックをもとに論文執筆に取り組んでいる。
令和2年度は,最終目標である学術誌Journal of Pragmaticsの特集号における研究成果の発表を目指す。現在のところ、論文第1稿を6月末までにまとめ、互いにフィードバックをしあったのち、秋口には改訂稿をJournal of Pragmaticsに送付し、査読プロセスにかける手順で進めている。
Grant number:17K02721 2017.4 - 2021.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
林 誠
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
1. 本課題の研究チームメンバーは、2019年6月9-14日に香港理工大学で開催された国際語用論学会(International Pragmatics Conference)にてパネル発表を行った。世界各国から学会に参加した多数の研究者を聴衆に迎え、活発な意見交換を行なった。その際に得た、非常にためになるフィードバックをもとに、学会後、各メンバーはそれぞれの発表原稿を学術論文の形にまとめる作業に入った(現在も進行中)。令和2年6月末をめどに研究成果を学術論文をまとめ、学術誌Journal of Pragmaticsに特集号として論文集を発表する方向で作業中である。
2. 前年度に引き続き、リサーチアシスタントを2名雇用し,既存のビデオデータ(①大学生協のパソコンカウンターにおけるサービス場面の相互行為、②日常会話,③少年サッカーの指導場面における相互行為,④マッサージ店における施術者と利用客の相互行為)の文字起こしを進めた。現段階で、データのおよそ7割の文字起こしを完了することができたが、令和2年度も引き続き文字起こしを継続する予定である。
今年度は、プロジェクトチームの各メンバーが研究成果を香港で開催された国際語用論学会(International Pragmatics Conference)で発表し、聴衆と貴重な意見交換をすることができた。これは最終年度の目標である学術誌の特集号での研究成果の発表への、大きな弾みとなるもので、現在、各メンバーは国際語用論学会で得られたフィードバックをもとに論文執筆に取り組んでいる。
令和2年度は,最終目標である学術誌Journal of Pragmaticsの特集号における研究成果の発表を目指す。現在のところ、論文第1稿を6月末までにまとめ、互いにフィードバックをしあったのち、秋口には改訂稿をJournal of Pragmaticsに送付し、査読プロセスにかける手順で進めている。
Multimodal analysis of the relationship between Japanese grammar and embodiment
Grant number:21K00524 2021.4 - 2025.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Disfluency as deviance from and a resource for interaction order
Grant number:21K01898 2021.4 - 2024.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Academic English Communication
Academic English Advanced
Language and Society I
Seminar on Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language IIb
Topics in Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language IIb
PhD Thesis Seminar IIb
Topics in Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Iia
Seminar on Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Iia
PhD Thesis Seminar Iia
Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Planning/Implementing academic research
Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Review, evaluation, Planning/Implementing academic research
会話分析研究会 2022.8
Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Review, evaluation, Planning/Implementing academic research
会話分析研究会 2021.8 - 2021.9
Role(s):Planning, management, etc.
会話分析研究会 2020.9