2024/04/11 更新


ニシホリ マサヒロ
西堀 正洋
医学部附属病院 脳神経外科 病院助教

学位 1

  1. 医学博士 ( 2021年9月   名古屋大学 ) 

研究キーワード 12

  1. 脳動脈瘤

  2. 硬膜動静脈瘻

  3. 医用画像処理

  4. 脳血管内治療

  5. 頸動脈狭窄

  6. 脳血管内治療

  7. 脳卒中の外科

  8. 脳卒中

  9. 脳動静脈奇形

  10. 脳動脈瘤

  11. 硬膜動静脈瘻

  12. 機械的血栓回収療法

研究分野 2

  1. ライフサイエンス / 脳神経外科学

  2. ライフサイエンス / 脳神経外科学

経歴 2

  1. 名古屋大学   医学部附属病院 脳神経外科   病院助教

    2016年3月 - 現在

  2. 名古屋大学   医学部附属病院 脳神経外科   病院助教

    2016年3月 - 現在

学歴 2

  1. 名古屋大学   医学系研究科博士課程   総合医学専攻

    2013年4月 - 2016年2月


    国名: 日本国

  2. 名古屋大学   医学部   医学科

    2002年4月 - 2008年3月


    国名: 日本国

所属学協会 12

  1. 日本脳神経外科学会

  2. 日本脳神経血管内治療学会

  3. 日本脳卒中学会

  4. 日本脳卒中の外科学会

  5. 日本脳神経CI学会

  6. 日本脳神経外科コングレス

  7. 日本脳神経血管内治療学会

  8. 日本脳神経外科学会

  9. 日本脳神経外科コングレス

  10. 日本脳神経CI学会

  11. 日本脳卒中学会

  12. 日本脳卒中の外科学会


委員歴 9

  1. 第49回日本脳卒中学会学術集会   プログラム委員  

    2023年4月 - 2024年3月   

  2. 第39回NPO法人日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術集会   プログラム委員  

    2023年1月 - 2023年11月   



  3. 第48回日本脳卒中学会学術集会   プログラム委員  

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月   



  4. 第38回NPO法人日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術集会   プログラム委員  

    2022年1月 - 2022年11月   



  5. 日本脳神経血管内治療学会 中部地方会   事務局長  

    2021年12月 - 現在   



  6. 第47回日本脳卒中学会学術集会   プログラム委員  

    2021年2月 - 2022年1月   



  7. 第46回日本脳卒中学会学術集会   査読委員  

    2020年10月 - 2021年2月   



  8. 日本脳卒中学会   評議員  

    2020年8月 - 現在   



  9. 日本脳神経外科学会 第76回総会   プログラム委員  

    2016年10月 - 2017年10月   





論文 91

  1. 先天性無フィブリノゲン血症患者の多発動脈血栓の評価にSuperb microvascular imaging(SMI)を活用した1例

    服部 真代, 西堀 正洋, 石津 洋二, 荒木 芳生, 泉 孝嗣, 松原 宏紀, 佐藤 浩司, 加藤 千秋, 古澤 健司, 鈴木 伸明, 松下 正

    超音波検査技術   49 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 131 - 137   2024年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本超音波検査学会  

    <p>症例は50代,女性.先天性無フィブリノゲン血症にて通院,加療されていた.202X年10月,C型慢性肝炎の既往に対する腹部超音波検査において腹部大動脈の右腎動脈分岐部付近に偶発的に11×6 mmの血管壁と等輝度の構造物を認め,腹部大動脈の壁在血栓が疑われた.その後施行した胸腹部造影CTにおいても腹部大動脈の壁在血栓が疑われたが,治療適応はなく経過観察となった.同年11月,塞栓源不明の脳梗塞を発症し,MRIにおいて右中大脳動脈領域に散在性梗塞巣,右頸動脈洞に軽度狭窄を認め,入院加療となった.入院中に行った頸動脈超音波検査では,右頸動脈洞に4 mmの低輝度プラークを認めたが,血液検査では高脂血症,糖尿病などの動脈硬化因子は認めず,12誘導心電図検査ならびに経胸壁心臓超音波検査においても異常所見は認めなかった.脳梗塞の原因は頸動脈低輝度プラークに起因することが疑われたため,フィブリノゲン製剤の定期補充とともに,アスピリンによる抗血栓療法が開始され,翌年の超音波検査で腹部大動脈壁在血栓の縮小,右頸動脈洞のプラークにおいても縮小を認めた.右頸動脈洞の低輝度プラークは,治療開始から2週間後に明らかに退縮を認めた臨床経過から,先天性無フィブリノゲン血症が要因で生じた血栓であると推測された.今回の症例では,Superb microvascular imaging(SMI)の活用により従来法であるBモードやカラードプラ法では得られなかった動脈血栓の性状ならびにプラーク内出血を評価したことが,適切な診断や治療効果判定に繋がった.</p>

    DOI: 10.11272/jss.404

    CiNii Research

  2. Hormone Concentration Measurement in Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae.

    Kropp AE, Nishihori M, Izumi T, Goto S, Yokoyama K, Saito R

    World neurosurgery     2024年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Objective: Intracranial dural arteriovenous fistulae (DAVFs) represent a subset of cerebral vascular malformations associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In Japan, DAVF exhibits sex-based differences in anatomical distribution, with female predominance in the cavernous sinus (CS) and male predominance in the transverse sinus (TS). Nevertheless, the pathophysiology of DAVF is not fully understood, and hormonal influences are hypothesized to play a role in its development. This study aimed to investigate changes in the concentrations of sex steroid hormones between intracranial and peripheral sampling sites in patients with CS- and TS-DAVF. Methods: We recruited 19 patients with CS-DAVF (n = 12) and TS-DAVF (n = 7) in this study. Blood hormone measurements were obtained from peripheral and jugular bulb samples during endovascular intervention. Hormone concentrations were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits, and statistical analyses were performed. Results: Our study revealed a higher prevalence of CS-DAVF in females and TS-DAVF in males, which is consistent with previous studies. Estradiol concentration was significantly lower in the jugular bulb compared with in the periphery in both patients with CS- and TS-DAVF. This decrease in estradiol was observed irrespective of the patient's sex and independent of follicle-stimulating hormone levels. Conclusions: These findings indicate a local decrease in estradiol levels within the intracranial vasculature of patients with DAVF. This suggests a potential multifactorial role of estradiol in the pathomechanism of DAVFs, warranting further investigation to understand its influence on DAVF formation and potential targeted therapies, thereby enhancing patient outcomes.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.02.052



  3. Efficacy of intraoperative irrigation with artificial cerebrospinal fluid in chronic subdural hematoma surgery: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial 国際誌

    Nagashima, Y; Araki, Y; Nishida, K; Kuramitsu, S; Wakabayashi, K; Shimato, S; Kinkori, T; Nishizawa, T; Kano, T; Hasegawa, T; Noda, A; Maeda, K; Yamamoto, Y; Suzuki, O; Koketsu, N; Okada, T; Iwasaki, M; Nakabayashi, K; Fujitani, S; Maki, H; Kuwatsuka, Y; Nishihori, M; Tanei, T; Nishikawa, T; Nishimura, Y; Saito, R

    TRIALS   25 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 6 - 6   2024年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Trials  

    Background: The surgical techniques for treatment of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH), a common neurosurgical condition, have been discussed in a lot of clinical literature. However, the recurrence proportion after CSDH surgery remains high, ranging from 10 to 20%. The standard surgical procedure for CSDH involves a craniostomy to evacuate the hematoma, but irrigating the hematoma cavity during the procedure is debatable. The authors hypothesized that the choice of irrigation fluid might be a key factor affecting the outcomes of surgery. This multicenter randomized controlled trial aims to investigate whether intraoperative irrigation using artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACF) followed by the placement of a subdural drain would yield superior results compared to the placement of a subdural drain alone for CSDH. Methods: The study will be conducted across 19 neurosurgical departments in Japan. The 1186 eligible patients will be randomly allocated to two groups: irrigation using ACF or not. In either group, a subdural drain is to be placed for at least 12 h postoperatively. Similar to what was done in previous studies, we set the proportion of patients that meet the criteria for ipsilateral reoperation at 7% in the irrigation group and 12% in the non-irrigation group. The primary endpoint is the proportion of patients who meet the criteria for ipsilateral reoperation within 6 months of surgery (clinical worsening of symptoms and increased hematoma on imaging compared with the postoperative state). The secondary endpoints are the proportion of reoperations within 6 months, the proportion being stratified by preoperative hematoma architecture by computed tomography (CT) scan, neurological symptoms, patient condition, mortality at 6 months, complications associated with surgery, length of hospital stay from surgery to discharge, and time of the surgical procedure. Discussion: We present the study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial to investigate our hypothesis that intraoperative irrigation with ACF reduces the recurrence proportion after the removal of chronic subdural hematomas compared with no irrigation. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov jRCT1041220124. Registered on January 13, 2023.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07889-7

    Web of Science



  4. Effect of thin-split encephalomyosynangiosis on transient neurological events in revascularization surgery for pediatric patients with moyamoya disease. 国際誌

    Ishii K, Kanamori F, Araki Y, Uda K, Yokoyama K, Mamiya T, Takayanagi K, Goto S, Nishihori M, Izumi T, Saito R

    Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics   33 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 29 - 34   2024年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics  

    OBJECTIVE Transient neurological events (TNEs) are among the most important events after revascularization surgery in pediatric patients with moyamoya disease (MMD). Although hemodynamic changes and crying are representative factors of TNEs, brain compression by encephalomyosynangiosis (EMS) is another important cause of TNEs. Therefore, the authors assumed that making the EMS as thin as possible reduces the frequency of TNEs. However, thin-split EMS can lead to insufficient development of collateral vessels. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of thin-split EMS in combined revascularization surgery on postoperative outcomes in pediatric patients with MMD. METHODS The authors retrospectively included 56 consecutive combined revascularization surgeries in the anterior cerebral circulation in pediatric patients with MMD. These surgeries were classified into the former group and thin-split EMS group. The temporal muscle was halved in the former EMS group and split as thinly as possible in the thin-split EMS group. The authors performed between-group comparisons of postoperative stroke events and TNEs during the acute period and the development of collateral flow and stroke events during the chronic period. RESULTS Former and thin-split EMS procedures were performed in 37 and 19 patients, respectively. TNEs without crying or hemodynamic changes were observed significantly less frequently in the thin-split EMS group than in the former EMS group (0 [0.0%] in the thin-split EMS group vs 9 [24.3%] in the former EMS group, p= 0.021). There were no significant between-group differences in the development of indirect bypass during the chronic period (good: 34 [91.9%] and poor: 3 [8.1%] in the former EMS group vs good: 16 [84.2%] and poor: 3 [15.8%] in the thin-split EMS group; p= 0.397). Additionally, there were no significant between-group differences in the incidence of chronic clinical events, including death or stroke. CONCLUSIONS Thin-split EMS can reduce TNEs that do not accompany crying or hemodynamic changes. Furthermore, the procedure has sufficient prevention effects against stroke events during the chronic postoperative period in pediatric patients with MMD.

    DOI: 10.3171/2023.8.PEDS23295



  5. Characteristics of donor vessels and cerebral blood flow in the chronic phase after combined revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease 国際誌

    Mamiya, T; Araki, Y; Taoka, T; Fujita, N; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Muraoka, S; Kanamori, F; Takayanagi, K; Ishii, K; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Kato, K; Saito, R

    CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY   236 巻   頁: 108110 - 108110   2024年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery  

    Objective: This study aimed to analyze whether the development of donor vessels after combined revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease (MMD) is related to cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 11 adult (12 hemispheres) and 13 pediatric (19 hemispheres) patients who underwent combined revascularization in our department. The total vessel cross-sectional area (TVA) was the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the superficial temporal, middle meningeal, and deep temporal arteries imaged using time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography. The ipsilateral relative CBF (RCBF) on the brain surface in the craniotomy area was calculated by single-photon emission computed tomography. ΔTVA and ΔRCBF were defined as the preoperative and postoperative ratios of TVA and RCBF, and their correlations were analyzed in adult and pediatric patients. Results: The TVA and RCBF showed a significant increase after surgery, regardless of the age group. However, there was no significant correlation between ΔTVA and ΔRCBF in either the adult or pediatric groups. While the adult group exhibited significantly higher ΔRCBF values compared to the pediatric group (p < 0.01, r = −0.44), the ΔTVA values were higher in the pediatric group compared to the adult group (p = 0.06). Conclusions: In the chronic phase after combined revascularization surgery for MMD, the development of measurable TVA of donor vessels does not necessarily correlate with an increase in CBF around the craniotomy area.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2023.108110

    Web of Science



  6. Rare Dilated Collateral Circulation from Accessory Meningeal Artery to Inferolateral Trunk: A Case Report

    IKEZAWA Mizuka, MAEDA Kenko, TAKASU Syuntaro, TAKEMOTO Masaya, NISHIHORI Masahiro, CHOO Jungsu, SAGO Fumihiro, SOMIYA Daiki, DOBA Kohei, IKEDA Akira

    NMC Case Report Journal   10 巻 ( 0 ) 頁: 47 - 50   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    <p>The accessory meningeal artery (AMA) demonstrates various potential anastomoses with the external (ECA) and internal (ICA) carotid arteries. However, rarely does the AMA markedly dilate and compensate for ICA blood flow. A 52-year-old woman with nonspecific symptoms was diagnosed with multiple cerebral aneurysms and abnormal blood vessels observed on magnetic resonance angiography. Digital subtraction angiography revealed four aneurysms and anastomoses between the left AMA and inferolateral trunk (ILT). In addition, two sequential severe flexions were observed in the cervical portion of the left ICA. No ischemic lesions were detected on magnetic resonance imaging. In conclusion, we experienced a rare case in which the AMA-ILT anastomosis was highly developed. This case also presented with the unusual characteristics of an anomaly in the extracranial ICA and multiple aneurysms.</p>

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0308

    CiNii Research

  7. Clinical Efficiency of an Artificial Intelligence-Based 3D-Angiography for Visualization of Cerebral Aneurysm: Comparison with the Conventional Method 国際誌

    Ishikawa, K; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Imaizumi, T; Goto, S; Suzuki, K; Yokoyama, K; Kanamori, F; Uda, K; Araki, Y; Saito, R

    CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY   33 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 1143 - 1150   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Clinical Neuroradiology  

    Purpose: Artificial intelligence (AI)-based three-dimensional angiography (3D-A) was reported to demonstrate visualization of cerebral vasculature equivalent to that of three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (3D-DSA). However, the applicability and efficacy of the AI-based 3D‑A algorithm have not yet been investigated for 3D-DSA micro imaging. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness of the AI-based 3D‑A in 3D-DSA micro imaging. Materials and Methods: The 3D-DSA micro datasets of 20 consecutive patients with cerebral aneurysm (CA) were reconstructed with 3D-DSA and 3D‑A. Three reviewers compared 3D-DSA and 3D‑A in terms of qualitative parameters (degrees of visualization of CA and the anterior choroidal artery [AChA]) and quantitative parameters (aneurysm diameter, neck diameter, parent vessel diameter, and visible length of AChA). Results: Qualitative evaluation of diagnostic potential revealed that visualization of CA and the proximal to middle parts of the AChA with 3D‑A was equal to that with conventional 3D-DSA; in contrast, visualization of the distal part of the AChA was lower with 3D‑A than with 3D-DSA. Further, regarding quantitative evaluation, the aneurysm diameter, neck diameter, and parent vessel diameter were comparable between 3D‑A and 3D-DSA; in contrast, the visible length of the AChA was lower with 3D‑A than with 3D-DSA. Conclusions: The AI-based 3D‑A technique is feasible and evaluable visualization of cerebral vasculature with respect to quantitative and qualitative parameters in 3D-DSA micro imaging. However, the 3D‑A technique offers lower visualization of such as the distal portion of the AChA than 3D-DSA.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00062-023-01325-8

    Web of Science



  8. Difference of coil distribution made by finishing coils in large size aneurysm model with radiolucent coils

    Matsuno, H; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Goto, S; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Saito, R

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   85 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 725 - 732   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    We conducted a study to understand the characteristics of the finishing coils to select the appropriate coil for the final stage of embolization. Consequently, experimental embolization was performed on a 10 mm spherical silicone aneurysm filled with radiolucent coils, which simulated a volume embolization ratio of 20%. Nine different coils (i-ED complex ∞ SilkySoft, SilkySoft, ExtraSoft, V-Trak HyperSoft helical, Barricade 10 complex finishing, Optima complex 10 soft, Target 360 Ultra, Galaxy G3 mini, and Axium prime 3D ExtraSoft) were analyzed six times at random. After each coil insertion, indices that include area, Feret diameter, circularity, and centroid center of mass were calculated using biplane x-ray images. Furthermore, these data were analyzed using the spring constant k, which represents the stiffness of the coil. In multiple comparisons, a significant difference was observed in the area analysis. The i-ED complex ∞ SilkySoft was more widespread than Target 360 Ultra (p < 0.05). However, no significant differences were observed in the other indices. The spring constant k value of Target 360 Ultra was 2.5 times larger than that of the i-ED complex ∞ SilkySoft, and it negatively correlated with the area index rather than with the other indices. Notably, it was suggested that the smaller the spring constant k, the wider the distribution of the finishing coils. Although there was little difference between the coils, some coils had characteristics suggesting that good embolization could be expected using appropriate finishing coils.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.85.4.725

    Web of Science



  9. Higher abundance of Campylobacter in the oral microbiome of Japanese patients with moyamoya disease

    Takayanagi, K; Kanamori, F; Ishii, K; Yokoyama, K; Araki, Y; Sumitomo, M; Maeda, S; Goto, S; Ota, S; Nagata, Y; Nishihori, M; Maesawa, S; Izumi, T; Takasu, S; Saito, R

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   13 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 18545   2023年10月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    Genetic factors alone cannot explain the pathophysiology of moyamoya disease (MMD), and environmental factors such as an immune response are thought to be involved. Oral and gut microbiomes have attracted attention as environmental factors in the pathophysiology of some vascular and autoimmune diseases. However, the relationship between MMD and these microbiomes is yet to be thoroughly investigated. This prospective case–control study aimed to compare the microbiomes of Japanese patients with MMD with those of healthy individuals to identify the specific bacteria involved in MMD. Saliva and fecal samples were collected from 16 patients with MMD who had not undergone revascularization surgery. Fifteen healthy individuals were matched for age, sex, and body mass index. The microbiomes were determined using 16S rRNA sequencing and analyzed using QIIME2. Differentially abundant microbes were identified using LEfSE and ANCOM-BC. In the oral microbiome, the two analytical methods showed that Campylobacter was more abundant in patients with MMD than in healthy individuals. Differences in the gut microbiome were smaller than those in the oral microbiome. In conclusion, the oral microbiome profiles of patients with MMD significantly differ from those of healthy individuals. Campylobacter spp. could be a substantial environmental factor in the pathophysiology of MMD.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-45755-3

    Web of Science



  10. A Case of Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysm Treated With Multimodality Therapy Under Superficial Temporal Artery Assistance-Posterior Cerebral Artery Bypass.

    Sakamoto Y, Kabeya R, Nishihori M

    Cureus   15 巻 ( 9 ) 頁: e45326   2023年9月



    DOI: 10.7759/cureus.45326


  11. Transarterial embolization and transvenous embolization for transverse-sigmoid sinus dural arteriovenous fistulas with cortical venous reflux: A comparative study 国際誌

    Tsukada, T; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Araki, Y; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Saito, R

    INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY     頁: 15910199231195135 - 15910199231195135   2023年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Interventional Neuroradiology  

    Background: Dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) with cortical venous reflux (CVR) carry a high risk for neurological sequelae or death. Recently, transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVFs were shown as good indications for transarterial embolization (TAE) with ONYX. Here, we compared the effectiveness and safety of conventional transvenous embolization (TVE) with those of TAE with ONYX for transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVFs with CVR. Methods: Sixty-one patients with transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVFs were treated from April 2013 to May 2020. Among them, 37 patients with CVR were included. Transarterial embolization and TVE were compared in terms of complete occlusion and residual CVR immediately after treatment, complications with worsening modified Rankin Scale (mRS) ≥ 1, amount of contrast media used during treatment, radiation exposure, and surgical procedure time. Results: Ten patients were treated with 10 TAEs using ONYX and 27 patients with 29 TVEs. Transarterial embolization and TVE showed no differences in the overall complete occlusion rate (80% [8/10 patients] vs. 80% [23/27], respectively), whereas the residual rate of existing CVR was 10% (1/10 patient) vs. 3.4% (1/27) in the TAE and TVE groups, respectively. No complications with worsening mRS ≥1 occurred in either group. Among the parameters of amount of contrast media, radiation dose, and operative time, only radiation dose in the TAE group was lower than that in the TVE group (median: 2239 mGy vs. 3268 mGy, respectively; p = 0.07). Conclusion: For transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVFs with CVR, TAE treatment reduced radiation exposure. However, both TAE and TVE achieved high complete occlusion rates and low complication rates.

    DOI: 10.1177/15910199231195135

    Web of Science



  12. Butterfly needle tap and suction (BTS) technique: a treatment for recurrent chronic subdural hematoma after burr hole craniostomy 国際誌

    Yamamoto, S; Nagashima, Y; Maki, H; Nishimura, Y; Araki, Y; Nishihori, M; Noda, T; Imai, T; Kawabata, T; Ueno, M; Nishida, Y; Saito, R

    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA   165 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 841 - 848   2023年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Acta Neurochirurgica  

    Background: In this study, we propose a butterfly needle tap and suction (BTS) technique for recurrent chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) as an alternative to reoperation with burr hole craniostomy (BHC) and investigate its efficacy and safety. The procedure involves percutaneous puncture through the burr hole created during the previous surgery and subsequent hematoma evacuation using a butterfly needle. Methods: This retrospective study included patients who underwent BTS for CSDH at Ogaki Municipal Hospital between January 2017 and December 2020. The follow-up CT scans were reviewed after several weeks. We evaluated the number of percutaneous punctures required to resolve CSDH during the BTS technique, the volume of the evacuated hematoma, and procedure-related complications. Results: Twenty-six patients were enrolled in the study, 21 of whom achieved resolution of the hematoma using punctures with the BTS technique alone (mean, 2.2 ± 1.5). Five patients had a recurrence of hematoma after one or more punctures during the BTS technique, and they underwent reoperation with BHC according to the surgeon’s decision or patient requests. Among the 55 punctures, 43.0 ± 16.0 ml of hematoma was evacuated per puncture. The evacuated hematoma volume was 41.9 ± 16.4 ml in the BTS-alone group and 49.4 ± 12.9 ml in the reoperation group, with no significant difference (p = 0.25). Three patients complained of a headache during the puncture procedure, and no other complications, including intracranial hemorrhage or infection, were reported therein. Conclusions: The BTS technique is an effective alternative to reoperation with BHC.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-023-05543-4

    Web of Science



  13. Antiplatelet therapy discontinuation after stent-assisted coil embolization for intracranial aneurysms: a single-center, long-term, retrospective, observational study 国際誌

    Goto, S; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Imai, T; Araki, Y; Kanamori, F; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Saito, R

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY   138 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 724 - 731   2023年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery  

    OBJECTIVE The protocol for antiplatelet therapy after stent-assisted coil embolization (SACE) for intracranial aneurysms is not well established. In particular, the indications for single antiplatelet therapy (SAPT) discontinuation remain controversial. The authors investigated the long-term outcomes of SAPT discontinuation after SACE among patients at a single institution. METHODS Patients who underwent SACE during the period from 2010 to 2020 and who were followed up for > 1 year were included in this study. The delayed ischemic and hemorrhagic complication rates were examined during follow-up. Moreover, the risk factors of antiplatelet therapy reduction or discontinuation and the outcomes of SAPT discontinuation were examined. RESULTS In total, 240 patients were included in the analysis. The average patient age was 60.3 years, and the average follow-up period was 46.7 months. Nine (3.8%) patients presented with symptomatic delayed ischemic complication, and 3 (1.3%) patients experienced a decline in modified Rankin Scale score. The stent configuration (T- or Y-stent) was the only risk factor associated with delayed ischemic complication (p < 0.001). SAPT was discontinued in 147 (71.7%) of 205 patients who were followed up for > 2 years, and no ischemic complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS It is safe to discontinue SAPT in patients without ischemic complications and with stable intraaneurysmal signals on MRA 2 years after SACE. The T- or Y-stent is a high-risk factor for delayed ischemic complications, and antiplatelet therapy reduction or discontinuation should be cautiously considered.

    DOI: 10.3171/2022.6.JNS22815

    Web of Science



  14. Characteristic image on cerebral angiography in ruptured blood blister-like aneurysms 国際誌

    Kato, N; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Goto, S; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Saito, R

    CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY   225 巻   頁: 107583 - 107583   2023年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery  

    Objective: To evaluate the static and dynamic features of blood blister-like aneurysms (BBAs) using cerebral angiography to identify characteristic features to improve the diagnosis of these uncommon aneurysms. Methods: Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) images were compared between patients with BBAs (n = 12, group A) and patients with unruptured paraclinoid aneurysms ≤ 5 mm in size treated by endovascular procedures (n = 12, group B). DSA images were assessed for irregularities in the diameter of the parent artery and delayed inflow and outflow of contrast medium in the aneurysm. Enlargement of the aneurysm and morphological changes from the first assessment were also evaluated in patients with BBAs. Results: Compared to the group B, group A had a higher proportion of irregular vessel diameter (p = 0.013) and the delayed contrast medium outflow (p = 0.014). As well, stagnation of contrast medium along the aneurysm wall was a characteristic finding of BBAs, even for small aneurysms. Conclusion: Irregular morphological features of the parent artery and delayed contrast medium outflow as characteristic findings of ruptured BBAs may improve the diagnosis of these uncommon aneurysms, which remains challenging in practice.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2022.107583

    Web of Science



  15. The usefulness of three-dimensional fusion imaging of spinal arteriovenous malformation by a workstation connected to angiography systems

    Nagashima, Y; Izumi, T; Nishimura, Y; Nishihori, M; Oyama, T; Matsuo, M; Ito, H; Nishii, T; Saito, R

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   85 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 127 - 133   2023年2月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is the most useful technique for diagnosing spinal arteriovenous malformations (AVM). In recent years, with the improvement of imaging capabilities, the usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) imaging by fusing various modalities has been recognized. The use of 3D fusion imaging with a workstation connected to an angiography system has been reported in many cases of intracranial disease, but less frequently for spinal AVM. In this article, we describe two illustrative cases of spinal AVM in which 3D fusion imaging was useful for treatment. Although 3D fusion images using the system have the disadvantage that only a maximum of two images can be fused, it provides spinal surgeons with useful information for preoperative evaluation in a small amount of time.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.85.1.127

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  16. Differences in gaze behaviors between trainees and experts during endovascular therapy for cerebral aneurysms: a preliminary study using a cerebral aneurysm model

    Otsuka, T; Izumi, T; Yamamoto, M; Seshita, Y; Kohama, T; Nishihori, M; Tsukada, T; Saito, R

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   85 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 50 - 58   2023年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    In the neuroendovascular field, the training of operators has become an important issue. Recently, eye-tracking technology has been introduced into various fields of medical education. This study aimed to apply eye-tracking technology to the training of neuroendovascular therapy. Six neurosurgeons, including three neuroendovascular specialists and three trainees, at our institution and related facilities participated in the study. Eye movement was recorded by the eye-tracking device during the microcatheter navigation and coil placement into the silastic aneurysm model under biplane X-ray fluoroscopy. Eye-tracking analysis during neuroendovascular therapy was feasible in all six subjects. In microcatheter navigation, specialists tended to more frequently switch their attention between frontal and lateral images than trainees. In coil embolization, the overall gaze frequency tended to increase, and the average fixation duration tended to decrease as the number of experienced cases increased. Inexperienced operators tend to fix their gaze when they are operators than when they are assistants. More experienced operators tended to look at the microcatheter longer in the coil insertion task. The eye-tracking analysis may be useful for operator training in neuroendovascular therapy. Experts may have moved their eyes more frequently than trainees to gaze at the right place. In the future, it will be necessary to collect gaze data for more operators in various tasks.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.85.1.50

    Web of Science



  17. Ruptured Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm in an Infant: Case Report and Literature Review.

    Yokoyama H, Nishihori M, Izumi T, Goto S, Kurimoto M, Kato M, Kanamori F, Uda K, Yokoyama K, Araki Y, Saito R

    NMC case report journal   10 巻 ( 0 ) 頁: 177 - 183   2023年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0369


    CiNii Research

  18. Usefulness of Stanch Belt Plus in Postoperative Management after Endovascular Neurosurgery.

    Nishihori M, Kawase R, Izumi T, Nakase H, Onishi E, Saito R

    Journal of neuroendovascular therapy   17 巻 ( 12 ) 頁: 281 - 285   2023年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.oa.2023-0053


    CiNii Research

  19. Simultaneous Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Epistaxis in an Untreated Prolactinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.

    Nishihori M, Izumi T, Takeuchi K, Goto S, Kanamori F, Uda K, Yokoyama K, Araki Y, Saito R

    NMC case report journal   10 巻 ( 0 ) 頁: 163 - 168   2023年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0355


    CiNii Research

  20. Four-dimensional digital subtraction angiography for the vascular anatomical diagnosis of dural arteriovenous malformation: Comparison with the conventional method 国際誌

    Ishikawa, K; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Oshima, R; Uemura, T; Kanamori, F; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Araki, Y; Saito, R

    INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY     頁: 15910199221145526 - 15910199221145526   2022年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Interventional Neuroradiology  

    Background: Two-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (2D-DSA) and conventional three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (3D-DSA) are used for the detailed analysis of dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF). Recently, four-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (4D-DSA), a novel technology, has been attracting attention. The current study aimed to evaluate the capability of 4D-DSA in assessing anatomical angioarchitecture in DAVF. Methods: In total, 10 consecutive patients with DAVF who underwent 3D-DSA and 4D-DSA at a single institution were included in the analysis. Initially, one-slice multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) images obtained via 4D-DSA and 3D-DSA were compared to investigate the visibility of the feeding artery, fistulous point, and draining vein. Next, 4D-DSA images alone were compared and evaluated with and the MPR images of conventional 3D-DSA in terms of diagnosis of the angioarchitecture. Results: In total, six men and four women (with a mean age of 65.6 ± 10.0 years) were included in the study. The MPR image obtained via 3D-DSA had a significantly better visibility of the feeding artery and fistulous point than that acquired via 4D-DSA (p < 0.05). As for the draining vein, the score was equivalent and not significant. The diagnosis of the vascular architecture of only 4D-DSA images was nearly equivalent to that of MPR images of 3D-DSA. There were no inter-rater differences. Conclusion: The MPR images obtained via 4D-DSA may be slightly inferior to those acquired via 3D-DSA in identifying fine angioarchitecture in DAVF. However, they were comparable in terms of diagnostic accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1177/15910199221145526

    Web of Science



  21. Abnormal foreshortening of a Flow Re-Direction Endoluminal Device caused by in-stent thrombosis immediately after deployment br

    Otsuka, T; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Tsukada, T; Goto, S; Ikezawa, M; Kato, N; Nakano, M; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Araki, Y; Saito, R

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   84 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 884 - 889   2022年11月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Thromboembolic complications are a concern in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms using a flow diverter. In this study, we report a case of abnormal foreshortening of a Flow Re-Direction Endoluminal Device (FRED) caused by in-stent thrombosis immediately after its deployment. A 72-year-old woman had a large cavernous carotid aneurysm, which caused ptosis and diplopia. FRED deployment was planned, and dual antiplatelet therapy was initiated 2 weeks before the procedure. Under systemic heparinization, FRED was deployed with local compaction over the aneurysm orifice. Cone-beam computed tomography subsequently revealed slightly poor wall apposition at the proximal side. While the balloon catheter was prepared for angioplasty, the stent became abnormally foreshortened, the proximal side slipped into the aneurysm, and the internal carotid artery became occluded. FRED was removed using a snare wire, and recanalization was obtained. The lumen of the removed FRED was filled with thrombus. The antiplatelet therapy was changed to triple regimen, and a Pipeline Flex embolization device was placed 1 month later. At that time, no thromboembolic complications were noted. It was considered that thrombotic occlusion was followed by foreshortening of FRED on the distal side because of antegrade blood flow. Multiple factors, such as increased mesh density by locally compacted stent deployment, slightly poor wall apposition, clopidogrel resistance, and the dual-layer structure of FRED, may have been involved in thrombus formation.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.84.4.884

    Web of Science



  22. Efficacy of comparing coil behavior and distribution using the silicone aneurysm model: difference of coil distribution in the early filling stage

    Goto, S; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Saito, R

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   84 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 762 - 771   2022年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    This study sought to establish an experimental aneurysm model of visualizing coil insertion using radiolucent nylon coils. Moreover, this study aimed to clarify the characteristics and differences of each coil and use them clinically as indices of coil selection. The coil insertion test was performed on the 10 mm spherical silicone aneurysm model filled to a nylon coil volume embolization ratio of 11.8%. Five types of coil were randomly tested six times, and the distribution of the coils was analyzed by fluoroscopy imaging. Indices of “Area (mm2),” “Feret’s diameter (mm),” and “Circularity” were calculated from the fluoroscopic images. Among the indices, only “Area” showed a significant difference between coils (p = 0.002). On multivariate analysis, “Area” of the ED Infini was larger than those of Target XL soft and Galaxy G3 (p = 0.018 and 0.026, respectively). Furthermore, the area of the 360 soft was larger than that of G3 (p = 0.049). Analysis of the correlation between these values and the coil configuration showed that “Area” was negatively correlated with the stock-wire diameter (r = −0.50; p = 0.004) and primary coil configuration (r = −0.65; p < 0.001). When inserting the coils in the early stage, although the difference between each coil is relatively difficult to obtain, knowledge on the proper use of the coils with differences in characteristics can help in selecting the coil most appropriate for the conditions.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.84.4.762

    Web of Science



  23. 開頭術後に硬膜動静脈瘻を生じOnyx TAEを施行した2例

    横山 欣也, 西堀 正洋, 今岡 永喜, 羽生 健人, 松野 宏樹, 石原 晃司郎, 横山 勇人, 金森 史哲, 宇田 憲司, 荒木 芳生, 泉 孝嗣, 齋藤 竜太

    脳血管内治療   7 巻 ( Suppl. ) 頁: S233 - S233   2022年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

  24. The usefulness and safety of dexmedetomidine for postoperative sedation in pediatric patients with moyamoya disease 国際誌

    Kanamori, F; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Kurimoto, M; Shiba, Y; Mamiya, T; Takayanagi, K; Ishii, K; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Okamoto, S; Saito, R

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-PEDIATRICS   30 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 301 - 307   2022年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics  

    OBJECTIVE After revascularization surgery in pediatric patients with moyamoya disease (MMD), resting and avoiding crying is important. However, this inaction is often difficult because of pain or anxiety. Dexmedetomidine (DEX), which has sedative and analgesic properties, may be useful in reducing those uncomfortable conditions; however, its common side effects include bradycardia and hypotension, which have a risk of decreasing the cerebral blood flow. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of using DEX for pediatric patients with MMD in the acute period after revascularization surgery. METHODS This retrospective study included pediatric patients with MMD who underwent revascularization surgery. Based on whether DEX was used for light sedation during postoperative days (PODs) 0–1 after extubation, the patients were divided into DEX or control groups. For neurological outcomes, the incidence of symptomatic cerebral infarction and transient neurological events (TNEs) during PODs 0–1 and the entire hospitalization were investigated. In addition, the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) was used to assess the effect of DEX, and bradycardia and hypotension were evaluated as side effects. RESULTS A total of 84 surgical procedures were included in this study (27 in the DEX group and 57 in the control group). During PODs 0–1, symptomatic infarction was not observed in either group. The incidence of TNEs was almost the same in both groups: 2 (7.4%) of the 27 procedures in the DEX group and 4 (7.0%) of the 57 procedures in the control group (p > 0.99). Moreover, the incidences of symptomatic infarction and TNEs during the entire hospitalization did not differ significantly (symptomatic infarction, p > 0.99; TNEs, p = 0.20). Regarding the DEX effect, the median RASS scores during PODs 0–1 were −1.0 (drowsy) in the DEX group and +1.0 (restless) in the control group, showing a significant difference (p < 0.01). Regarding side effects, bradycardia was observed only in 3 (11.1%) of the 27 procedures in the DEX group (p = 0.03), and hypotension was not observed in any of the cases. CONCLUSIONS In pediatric patients with MMD who are extubated after revascularization surgery, DEX produced appropriate light sedation and analgesia. The risk for symptomatic infarction is almost the same in cases in which DEX is used and those in which it is not; however, neurosurgeons should be cautious of bradycardia and TNEs as potential side effects.

    DOI: 10.3171/2022.6.PEDS2241

    Web of Science



  25. Medical Management of a Mural Thrombus Inducing Repeated Ischemic Strokes in a Patient with Congenital Afibrinogenemia 国際誌

    Nishihori, M; Araki, Y; Suzuki, N; Tamura, S; Hattori, M; Izumi, T; Goto, S; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Matsushita, T; Saito, R

    JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES   31 巻 ( 7 ) 頁: 106526 - 106526   2022年7月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases  

    Objectives: Congenital afibrinogenemia is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder that can cause thrombotic as well as hemorrhagic events. We describe a case of repeated mild ischemic strokes due to a mural thrombus in the carotid artery and our medical treatment. Case description: A 49-year-old woman with congenital afibrinogenemia developed two minor ischemic strokes in two months. Clinical images revealed scattered fresh infarcts in the right middle cerebral artery region and mild cervical carotid artery stenosis. The risk for surgical treatment was considered to be extraordinarily high. The patient was treated with 100 mg/day of aspirin and 3 g fibrinogen infusion every two weeks. After the one-year course of medication, the mural thrombus gradually decreased, and there were no bleeding or ischemic stroke events. Conclusion: This case report highlights the successful treatment of an ischemic stroke in a patient with a congenital afibrinogenemia with an antiplatelet agent and fibrinogen replacement. There are no guidelines for managing ischemic stroke in patients with congenital afibrinogenemia, and further studies are needed.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2022.106526

    Web of Science



  26. Evaluation of the differences in pressure applied to the vessel wall by different types of balloon remodeling microcatheters in an experimental model 国際誌

    Ikezawa, M; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Tsukada, T; Tamari, Y; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Goto, S; Kropp, AE; Otsuka, T; Kato, N; Nakano, M; Saito, R

    INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY   28 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 323 - 331   2022年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Interventional Neuroradiology  

    Background: We examined compliance differences among balloon remodeling microcatheters, which have not been established previously. Methods: Straight and 120° angulated vascular models were created in a 3 mm diameter tube with 3 mm hole (vascular model A), a tube with a 4 mm hole (vascular model B), and a 4 mm diameter tube (vascular model C). We compared the pressure exerted when each balloon was herniated 1 or 2 mm between three compliant balloons (SHOURYU SR, TransForm C, and Scepter C) and four super-compliant balloons (HyperForm, SHOURYU HR, TransForm SC, and Scepter XC). Results: In vascular model A, there was a significant difference in the pressure exerted by compliant balloons and super-compliant balloons in both the straight and angulated models. In the straight model (1 and 2 mm), the lowest pressure was exerted by HyperForm (super-compliant balloons group) and SHOURYU SR (compliant balloons group). The lowest pressure was exerted in the angulated model by HyperForm (super-compliant balloons group) and Scepter C (compliant balloons group). The Scepter balloon exerted higher pressure in the straight model than other balloon remodeling microcatheters but less in the angulated model. In vascular model B, the pressure decreased in all balloons compared with model A. In vascular model C, the pressure increased in all balloons compared with model A. Conclusions: Pressure differed across balloon remodeling microcatheters. In addition, vessel shape and diameter, and hole size, affected the results. Our findings can help select balloon remodeling microcatheters.

    DOI: 10.1177/15910199211031765

    Web of Science



  27. Changes in cerebral blood flow in the postoperative chronic phase after combined cerebral revascularization for moyamoya disease with ischaemic onset 国際誌

    Araki, Y; Mamiya, T; Fujita, N; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Kanamori, F; Takayanagi, K; Ishii, K; Nishihori, M; Takeuch, K; Tanahashi, K; Nagata, Y; Nishimura, Y; Tanei, T; Sumitomo, M; Okamoto, S; Izumi, T; Kato, K; Saito, R

    NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW   45 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 2471 - 2480   2022年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Neurosurgical Review  

    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of combined revascularization for ischaemic-onset moyamoya disease (MMD) on cerebral haemodynamics by comparing cerebral blood flow (CBF) during the postoperative chronic phase with preoperative CBF. A retrospective cohort of 24 MMD patients (representing 31 surgeries) who received single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) before and more than 6 months after surgery was investigated. The CBF value of each vascular territory was extracted from SPECT data, and the value relative to the ipsilateral cerebellar value (relative CBF, or RCBF) was calculated. The correlation between the revascularization effect and the proportional change in RCBF before and after surgery (calculated as post-RCBF/pre-RCBF (“post/pre-RCBF”)) was analysed. Furthermore, the relationships between changes in neurological symptoms and post/pre-RCBF were investigated. Preoperative and postoperative mean RCBF values were 0.92 ± 0.15 and 0.96 ± 0.13 (p = 0.619) in the anterior cerebral artery territory, 0.99 ± 0.17 and 1.01 ± 0.17 (p = 0.598) in the middle cerebral artery territory and 1.15 ± 0.22 and 1.14 ± 0.19 (p = 0.062) in the posterior cerebral artery territory, respectively. No significant correlation was found between the revascularization score and post/pre-RCBF. The revascularization score and post/pre-RCBF were not significant predictors of worsening neurological symptoms postoperatively. No significant change in RCBF was observed in any vascular territory in the chronic phase after revascularization. Combined revascularization may assist in the redirection of blood flow from the internal to the external carotid system and contribute to CBF maintenance.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-022-01774-8

    Web of Science



  28. Blood flow stagnation after treatment of a giant internal carotid artery aneurysm: a computed fluid dynamics analysis 査読有り 国際誌

    Muraoka, S; Takagi, R; Araki, Y; Uda, K; Sumitomo, M; Okamoto, S; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Nakamura, M; Saito, R

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   12 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 7283 - 7283   2022年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    Balloon test occlusion (BTO) is an angiographic test to evaluate ischemic tolerance after permanent occlusion of an internal carotid artery (ICA). BTO can simulate ischemia caused by parent artery occlusion and can be used to select a suitable bypass surgery using specific criteria. On the other hand, a postoperative thrombus can form despite proper case selection, optimal radiological evaluation, and an appropriate surgical strategy. Postoperative ischemic complications related to perforating branches are clinically significant. This simulation study aimed to analyze postoperative flow characteristics and elucidate the cause of ischemic complications related to the perforating branch using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). An unexpected postoperative thrombus formation related to the perforating branch occurred after treating a giant aneurysm in the cavernous portion of the ICA in a patient. Three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography was used to acquire flow data and set up the CFD simulation. The flow simulations were performed at various bypass flow rates. The CFD analysis indicated flow stagnation in the ICA only when surgical treatment using a low-flow bypass graft was performed. Thrombus formation may lead to ischemic complications related to the perforating branch, such as the anterior choroidal artery. BTO did not reflect the influence of bypass blood flow. Therefore, recognizing that blood flow stagnation may occur and comprehensively deciding on the surgical strategy by CFD analysis can be helpful to prevent ischemic complications in patients with giant aneurysms.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11321-6

    Web of Science



  29. Symptomatic hyperperfusion after combined revascularization surgery in patients with pediatric moyamoya disease: patient series

    Araki Y., Mamiya T., Fujita N., Yokoyama K., Uda K., Kanamori F., Takayanagi K., Ishii K., Nishihori M., Takeuchi K., Tanahashi K., Nagata Y., Nishimura Y., Tanei T., Muraoka S., Izumi T., Kato K., Saito R.

    Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons   3 巻 ( 19 )   2022年5月


    出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons  

    BACKGROUND Symptomatic hyperperfusion after cerebral revascularization for pediatric moyamoya disease (MMD) is a rare phenomenon. The authors report a series of patients with this condition. OBSERVATIONS In all three patients in this case series, the combined revascularization was on the left side, the patency of bypass grafts was confirmed after surgery, and focal hyperemia around the anastomotic site was observed on single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). On the first to eighth days after surgery, all of the patients developed neurological manifestations, including motor aphasia, cheiro-oral syndrome, motor weakness of their right upper limbs, and severe headaches. These symptoms disappeared completely approximately 2 weeks after surgery, and all patients were discharged from the hospital. Quantitative SPECT was performed to determine the proportional change in cerebral blood flow (DRCBF) (to ipsilateral cerebellar ratio (denoted DRCBF) in the region of interest around the anastomoses, and the mean value was 1.34 (range, 1.29–1.41). LESSONS This rare condition, which develops soon after surgery, requires an accurate diagnosis by SPECT. One indicator is that the DRCBF has risen to 1.3 or higher. Subsequently, strategic blood pressure treatment and fluid management could prevent the development of hemorrhagic stroke.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE2274


  30. Angiographic characteristics of improper watershed shift after STA-MCA bypass in a patient with moyamoya disease: illustrative case 国際誌

    Kanamori F., Araki Y., Yokoyama K., Uda K., Mamiya T., Nohira S., Takayanagi K., Ishii K., Nishihori M., Izumi T., Saito R.

    Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons   3 巻 ( 16 )   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons  

    BACKGROUND In patients with moyamoya disease (MMD) who receive superficial temporal artery (STA) to middle cerebral artery (MCA) bypass, hypoperfusion remote from the anastomosis site rarely occurs. Watershed shift due to direct bypass has been proposed as the mechanism; however, no report has confirmed this phenomenon using angiography. OBSERVATIONS A 48-year-old man presented with transient weakness in his left arm. Angiography revealed severe bilateral stenosis of the MCAs and moyamoya vessels. The right anterior cerebral artery (ACA) had short stenosis at A2 but ample blood supply to the cortical area of the right ACA and MCA regions. The patient was diagnosed with MMD and received a single STA-MCA bypass. The next day, he had difficulty communicating, and a cerebral infarction away from the anastomosis site was identified. Perfusion examination revealed hyperperfusion around the direct bypass and hypoperfusion away from the anastomosis site. Angiography revealed bypass patency; however, the original anterograde flow of the right ACA decreased significantly at the stenosed point, indicating an improper watershed shift. LESSONS STA-MCA bypass for patients with MMD can cause an improper watershed shift decreasing cerebral flow. Donor flow should be prepared based on each angiographic characteristic, and the risk of the improper watershed shift should be considered.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE22104



  31. Challenging direct bypass surgery for very young children with moyamoya disease: technical notes 国際誌

    Araki, Y; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Kanamori, F; Kurimoto, M; Shiba, Y; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Takeuchi, K; Tanahashi, K; Nagata, Y; Nishimura, Y; Okamoto, S; Sumitomo, M; Izumi, T; Saito, R

    NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW   45 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 1799 - 1807   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Neurosurgical Review  

    Cerebral revascularization for moyamoya disease (MMD) is an effective treatment for improving cerebral ischaemia and preventing rebleeding. Although direct bypass surgery is commonly performed on older children and adults, it is challenging in very young children due to the high difficulty level of the procedure. The subjects were MMD patients under 3 years of age on whom surgery was performed by a single surgeon (Y.A.). Preoperative clinical findings, information related to direct bypass surgery, bypass patency, and the incidence of postoperative stroke were investigated. Combined revascularization, including direct bypass surgery, was performed on 3 MMD patients (3 sides) under 3 years of age. The average diameter of the grafts used in direct bypass was 0.8 mm. The average recipient diameter was 0.8 ± 0.17 (range 0.6–1) mm. In all cases, the anastomotic procedure was completed using 11–0 monofilament nylon thread, and patency was confirmed. Direct bypass for MMD patients under 3 years old is technically challenging. However, despite the anatomical differences between very young children and elderly individuals, direct bypass surgery could certainly be completed. In addition, a rapid recovery from cerebral blood flow insufficiency could yield a promising neurological outcome.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01685-0

    Web of Science



  32. Advantages of petrosectomy for superficial temporal artery to superior cerebellar artery bypass based on three-dimensional distance measurements using cadaver heads 国際誌

    Uda, K; Tanahashi, K; Mamiya, T; Kanamori, F; Yokoyama, K; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Araki, Y; Saito, R

    NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW   45 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 1617 - 1624   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Neurosurgical Review  

    Superficial temporal artery (STA) to superior cerebellar artery (SCA) bypass is usually performed via the subtemporal approach (StA), anterior transpetrosal approach (ApA), or combined petrosal approach (CpA), but no study has yet reported a quantitative comparison of the operative field size provided by each approach, and the optimal approach is unclear. The objective of this study is to establish evidence for selecting the approach by using cadaver heads to measure the three-dimensional distances that represent the operative field size for STA–SCA bypass. Ten sides of 10 cadaver heads were used to perform the four approaches: StA, ApA with and without zygomatic arch osteotomy (ApA-ZO− and ApA-ZO+), and CpA. For each approach, the major-axis length and the minor-axis length at the anastomosis site (La-A and Li-A), the major-axis length and the minor-axis length at the brain surface (La-B and Li-B), the depth from the brain surface to the anastomosis site (Dp), and the operating angles of the major axis and the minor axis (OAa and OAi) were measured. Shallower Dp and wider operating angle were obtained in the order CpA, ApA-ZO+, ApA-ZO−, and StA. In all parameters, ApA-ZO− extended the operative field more than StA. ApA-ZO+ extended La-B and OAa more than ApA-ZO−, whereas it did not contribute to Dp and OAi. CpA significantly decreased Dp, and widened OAa and OAi more than ApA-ZO+. ApA and CpA greatly expanded the operative field compared with StA. These results provide criteria for selecting the optimal approach for STA-SCA bypass in light of an individual surgeon’s anastomosis skill level.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01686-z

    Web of Science



  33. Risk Factors for Cerebral Infarction Early After Revascularization in Children Younger than 5 Years with Moyamoya Disease 国際誌

    Araki, Y; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Kanamori, F; Kurimoto, M; Shiba, Y; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Takeuchi, K; Tanahashi, K; Nagata, Y; Nishimura, Y; Okamoto, S; Sumitomo, M; Izumi, T; Saito, R

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   160 巻   頁: E220 - E226   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Objective: Cerebral revascularization is necessary for pediatric patients younger than 5 years with moyamoya disease (MMD). However, they have a high risk of developing cerebral infarction early after surgery. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors for developing cerebral infarction among these patients. Methods: The charts of 21 consecutive patients with MMD (39 surgeries) younger than 5 years who had undergone revascularization at our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Because cerebral infarction occurring within 1 month after surgery was the primary end point, other clinical information was evaluated, including each surgical procedure. Multivariate analysis of the risk factors for postoperative cerebral infarction was performed. Results: Cerebral infarction occurred after 7 of 39 surgeries (17.9%). Of the 39 surgeries, 23 (59%) included direct and indirect combined revascularization. The incidence of cerebral infarction did not differ significantly between the combined (21.7%) and indirect (12.5%) groups (P = 0.46). Logistic regression showed no association between the revascularization procedure and the occurrence of cerebral infarction after surgery (P = 0.3). However, younger age at surgery was correlated with a higher risk of developing cerebral infarction in the early postoperative period (P = 0.05). Conclusions: No differences were found in the risk of developing cerebral infarction early after surgery as a result of surgical procedures. However, younger patients had higher postoperative risk. Further multicenter research should examine this issue for young pediatric patients with moyamoya at high risk of developing cerebral infarction.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.115

    Web of Science



  34. Spatially separate cerebral infarction in the posterior cerebral artery territory after combined revascularization of the middle cerebral artery territory in an adult patient with moyamoya disease and fetal-type posterior communicating artery: illustrative case. 国際誌

    Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Kanamori F, Mamiya T, Takayanagi K, Ishii K, Nishihori M, Takeuchi K, Tanahashi K, Nagata Y, Tanei T, Nishimura Y, Izumi T, Saito R

    Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons   3 巻 ( 12 )   2022年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons  

    BACKGROUND Remote cerebral infarction after combined revascularization of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory is rare in patients with moyamoya disease (MMD) with a fetal-type posterior communicating artery (PCoA). OBSERVATIONS A 57-year-old woman developed numbness in her right upper limb and transient motor weakness and was diagnosed with MMD. She also had a headache attack and a scintillating scotoma in the right visual field. Preoperative magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) showed stenosis of the left posterior cerebral artery (PCA). Combined revascularization was performed for the left MCA territory. No new neurological deficits were observed for 2 days after the operation, but right hemianopia, alexia, and agraphia appeared on postoperative day (POD) 4. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a new left occipitoparietal lobe infarction, and MRA showed occlusion of the distal left PCA. After that point, the alexia and agraphia gradually improved, but right hemianopia remained at the time of discharge on POD 18. LESSONS Cerebral ischemia in the PCA territory may occur after combined revascularization of the MCA territory in patients with fetal-type PCoA. For these cases, a double-barrel bypass or indirect revascularization to induce a slow conversion could be considered on its own as a treatment option.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE21704



  35. Comparison of hemodynamic stress in healthy vessels after parent artery occlusion and flow diverter stent treatment for internal carotid artery aneurysm

    Tsukada, T; Izumi, T; Isoda, H; Nishihori, M; Kropp, AE; Mizuno, T; Wakabayashi, T

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY   136 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 619 - 626   2022年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery  

    OBJECTIVE De novo aneurysms generally develop in healthy vessels after parent artery occlusion for large internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm, possibly owing to increased hemodynamic stress in the remaining vessels. In recent years, there has been a shift toward flow diverter stent treatment. However, there is a lack of direct evidence and data that prove this change in hemodynamic stress in healthy vessels after parent artery occlusion and flow diverter stent treatment. The authors compared hemodynamic stress in healthy-side vessels before and after parent artery occlusion and flow diverter treatments. METHODS The authors included patients who underwent 3D cine phase-contrast MRI before and after large ICA aneurysm treatment. Spatially and temporally averaged volume flow rates and spatially averaged systolic wall shear stress (WSS) in healthy-side ICA distal to the posterior communicating artery (C1 segment according to Fisher's classification) were measured before and after parent artery occlusion and flow diverter treatments. RESULTS Seventeen patients were included (5 patients in the parent artery occlusion group and 12 in the flow diverter group). At 1-2 months after treatment, median volume flow rate in healthy-side ICA increased from 5.36 ml/sec to 6.28 ml/sec (total increase 117%, p = 0.04) in the parent artery occlusion group and from 4.65 ml/sec to 4.93 ml/sec (total increase 106%, p = 0.02) in the flow diverter group. In the parent artery occlusion group, median WSS in the C1 segment of the healthy-side ICA increased from 3.91 Pa to 5.61 Pa (total increase 143%, p = 0.08); however, no significant increase was observed in the flow diverter group (4.29 Pa to 4.57 Pa [total increase 107%, p = 0.21]). CONCLUSIONS Postoperatively, volume flow rate and WSS in the C1 segment of the healthy-side ICA significantly increased in the parent artery occlusion group. Therefore, the parent artery occlusion group was more prone to de novo aneurysm than the flow diverter group.

    DOI: 10.3171/2021.2.JNS204185

    Web of Science



    その他リンク: https://thejns.org/downloadpdf/journals/j-neurosurg/136/3/article-p619.xml

  36. Paradoxical symptomatic cerebral blood flow decreases after combined revascularization surgery for patients with pediatric moyamoya disease: illustrative case. 国際誌

    Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Kanamori F, Kurimoto M, Shiba Y, Mamiya T, Takayanagi K, Ishii K, Nishihori M, Takeuchi K, Tanahashi K, Nagata Y, Nishimura Y, Okamoto S, Sumitomo M, Izumi T, Saito R

    Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons   3 巻 ( 3 )   2022年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons  

    BACKGROUND Transient neurological deficits (TNDs) develop after cerebral revascularization in patients with moyamoya disease (MMD). The authors report a rare pediatric MMD case with extensive decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF) and prolonged TNDs after combined revascularization. OBSERVATIONS A 9-year-old boy presented with transient left upper limb weakness, and MMD was diagnosed. A right-sided combined surgery was performed. Two years after the surgery, frequent but transient facial (right-sided) and upper limb weakness appeared. The left internal carotid artery terminal stenosis had progressed. Therefore, a left combined revascularization was performed. The patient’s motor aphasia and right upper limb weakness persisted for approximately 10 days after surgery. Magnetic resonance angiography showed that the direct bypass was patent, but extensive decreases in left CBF were observed using single photon emission tomography. With adequate fluid therapy and blood pressure control, the neurological symptoms eventually disappeared, and CBF improved. LESSONS The environment of cerebral hemodynamics is heterogeneous after cerebral revascularization for MMD, and the exact mechanism of CBF decreases was not identified. TNDs are significantly associated with the onset of stroke during the early postoperative period. Therefore, appropriate treatment is desired after determining complex cerebral hemodynamics using CBF studies.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE21628



  37. Atypical Incomplete Detachment Following PulseRider Deployment.

    Goto S, Izumi T, Nishihori M, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Saito R

    Journal of neuroendovascular therapy   16 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 409 - 412   2022年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.cr.2021-0095


    CiNii Research

  38. The preoperative focal cerebral blood flow status may be associated with slow flow in the bypass graft after combined surgery for moyamoya disease. 国際誌

    Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Kanamori F, Mamiya T, Takayanagi K, Ishii K, Shintai K, Nishihori M, Tsukada T, Takeuchi K, Tanahashi K, Nagata Y, Nishimura Y, Tanei T, Nagashima Y, Muraoka S, Izumi T, Seki Y, Saito R

    Surgical neurology international   13 巻   頁: 511 - 511   2022年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Surgical Neurology International  

    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between early postoperative slow flow in bypass grafts and preoperative focal cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients who underwent combined surgery for moyamoya disease (MMD). Methods: The subjects were 18 patients (22 surgeries) who underwent single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) before surgery. The CBF value of the middle cerebral artery territory was extracted from the SPECT data, and the value relative to the ipsilateral cerebellar CBF (relative CBF, or RCBF) was calculated. The association between RCBF and early postoperative slow flow in the bypass graft was investigated. In addition, the correlation between the revascularization effect and preoperative RCBF was analyzed. Results: In four of 22 surgeries (18.2%), slow flow in the bypass graft was identified in the early postoperative period. Preoperative RCBF in the slow flow and patent groups was 0.86 ± 0.15 and 0.87 ± 0.15, respectively, with no significant difference (P = 0.72). The signal intensity of four slow-flowed bypasses was improved in all cases on magnetic resonance angiography images captured during the chronic phase (mean of 3.3 months postoperatively). The revascularization scores were 2 ± 0.82 and 2.1 ± 0.68 in the slow flow and patent groups, respectively, and did not differ significantly (P = 0.78). A significant correlation was not observed between preoperative RCBF and the revascularization effect. Conclusion: No significant association was observed between preoperative RCBF and early postoperative slow flow in bypass grafts in patients with MMD undergoing combined surgery. Given the high rate of improved depiction of slow-flowed bypass in the chronic postoperative phase, the conceptual significance of an opportune surgical intervention is to maintain CBF by supporting the patient's own intracranial-extracranial conversion function.

    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_772_2022



  39. Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Suggested a Possibility of Transvenous Embolization in the Superior Petrosal Sinus Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: A Case Report.

    Nishihori M, Izumi T, Tsukada T, Kato Y, Uda K, Yokoyama K, Araki Y, Saito R

    Journal of neuroendovascular therapy   16 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 163 - 169   2022年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.cr.2021-0029


    CiNii Research

  40. Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Mimicking a Brain Tumor on Methionine-positron Emission Tomography: A Case Report.

    Hanyu T, Nishihori M, Izumi T, Motomura K, Ohka F, Goto S, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Saito R

    NMC case report journal   9 巻 ( 0 ) 頁: 289 - 294   2022年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0055


    CiNii Research

  41. Postoperative stroke and neurological outcomes in the early phase after revascularization surgeries for moyamoya disease: an age-stratified comparative analysis 国際誌

    Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Kanamori, F; Kurimoto, M; Shiba, Y; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Sumitomo, M; Okamoto, S; Matsui, K; Emoto, R; Wakabayashi, T; Matsui, S; Natsume, A

    NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW   44 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 2785 - 2795   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Neurosurgical Review  

    Stroke and neurological outcomes in the early phase following revascularization for moyamoya disease (MMD) may depend on the patient’s age. In this study, an age-stratified comparative analysis was performed to clarify this issue. We reviewed 105 MMD patients who underwent 179 revascularization surgeries. The demographic characteristics were collected in four age groups (≤ 5 and 6–17 years for pediatric patients and 18–49 and ≥ 50 years for adults). Additionally, we assessed the incidence of subsequent stroke and deterioration of modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score. Then, we evaluated predictors of postoperative stroke and mRS deterioration using logistic regression. The mean patient age was 26.2 ± 18.5 years. No significant difference in the incidence of postoperative stroke was observed between age groups; however, the incidence tended to be increased among patients aged ≤ 5 years (17.9%) and patients aged ≥ 50 years (16.7%). Deterioration of mRS scores was significantly associated with ages ≤ 5 years (17.9%) and ≥ 50 years (11.1%). Logistic regression showed that posterior cerebral artery involvement (odds ratio [OR], 4.6) and postoperative transient neurological events (TNEs) (OR, 5.93) were risk factors for postoperative stroke. Age ≤ 5 years (OR, 9.73), postoperative TNEs (OR, 7.38), and postoperative stroke (OR, 49) were identified as predictors of unfavorable neurological outcomes. The novel feature of this comparative analysis by age group is that membership in the early-childhood MMD patient group (under 5 years old) was an independent risk factor for unfavorable short-term neurological outcomes and was mainly associated with the incidence of postoperative severe cerebral infarction.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-020-01459-0

    Web of Science



  42. Triggering of Carotid Sinus Reflex during Deployment the Flow-diverter Device

    Goto, S; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Tsukada, T; Araki, Y; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Saito, R

    NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA   61 巻 ( 10 ) 頁: 583 - 590   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    The carotid sinus reflex (CSR) is a rare complication of the Pipeline Embolization Device (PED) deployment. No study has assessed the potential risk factors in a case series. The purpose of this study was to examine CSR triggering during PED deployment. Thirty-seven consecutive patients who underwent PED deployment were included. All procedures were performed under local anesthesia with mild sedation. We retrospectively analyzed patient characteristics, PED deployment time, and vital signs during the procedure. The vital signs included the pulse rate (PR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) obtained at three timepoints (pre-deployment, during deployment, post-deployment). We examined the triggering of the CSR during PED deployment by comparing the vital signs at the three timepoints. Moreover, risk factors for CSR were analyzed with univar-iate analysis. The patients’ average age was 66.3 years. The average size of the aneurysm was 18.0 mm. Six patients (16.2%) showed a decline in the SBP or PR defined as CSR. One patient had a transient cardiac arrest and two had severe transient bradycardia. Deployment into the ophthalmic segment of the internal carotid artery (C2 segment) aneurysm (p = 0.022), prolonged PED deployment time more than 14.5 minutes (p = 0.005), and an acute angle of the anterior genu less than 51.5 degrees (p = 0.005) were risk factors in triggering CSR. CSR may be triggered during PED deployment under local anesthesia with mild sedation. Deployment to the C2 segment aneu-rysm, prolonged PED deployment time, and an acute angle of the anterior genu were associated with CSR triggering.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2021-0049

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  43. アクセス困難な硬膜動静脈瘻症例における、対側上錐体静脈洞を経由する上錐体静脈洞へのアプローチ

    鈴木 啓太, 西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 鈴木 宰, 武藤 学, 荒木 芳生, 宇田 憲司, 横山 欣也, 齋藤 竜太

    脳血管内治療   6 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 161 - 168   2021年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    【目的】多発硬膜動静脈瘻(dural arteriovenous fistula:DAVF)の症例において,左上錐体静脈洞部(superior petrosal sinus:SPS)のシャントを右SPS経由で塞栓した症例を報告する.【症例】60歳女性,意識障害の精査にて深部静脈逆流を伴う多発DAVFを認めた.逆流に最も関与する左横静脈洞部DAVFに対して経静脈的塞栓術を施行した.術後症状改善が乏しく,再度DSAを行うと,左SPSへのシャントと深部静脈への逆流が明らかとなった.左横静脈洞と両側下錐体静脈洞は閉塞していたため,右SPSと両側海綿静脈洞を経由してマイクロカテーテルをシャント部へ誘導し,左SPSを塞栓し,逆流の消失を得た.【結論】対側SPSを経由したSPSへのアクセスは,同側からのアクセスが困難な症例において,有効な選択肢になり得る.(著者抄録)

    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2021&ichushi_jid=J06751&link_issn=&doc_id=20211027220008&doc_link_id=%2Fcf5nokec%2F2021%2F000603%2F008%2F0161-0168%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fcf5nokec%2F2021%2F000603%2F008%2F0161-0168%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  44. Streak Metal Artifact Reduction Technique in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images after Endovascular Neurosurgery

    Otsuka, T; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Uemura, T; Sakai, T; Nakano, M; Kato, N; Kanamori, F; Tsukada, T; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Araki, Y; Saito, R

    NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA   61 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 468 - 474   2021年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images are degraded by artifacts due to endovascular implants. We evaluated the use of streak metal artifact reduction technique (SMART) in non-contrast CBCT images after endovascular neurosurgery obtained from 148 patients (125 with aneurysm and 23 with dural arteriovenous fistula [dAVF]). Three neurosurgeons evaluated the cistern and brain surface visibility in CBCT images with and without SMART correction based on a 4-point scale (1, excellent; 2, good; 3, limited; and 4, insufficient). Significant improvement in visibility was achieved when the median scores improved from 4 or 3 to 2 or 1 or from 2 to 1. Metal artifact reduction in adjacent slices without metal and new artifacts after SMART correction was also examined. A significant improvement was achieved regarding the visibility of the cistern in 90 (60.8%) images and of the brain surface in 108 (73.0%) images. Metal size (cistern: odds ratio [OR], 0.91 per 1 mm increase; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83–0.99), irregular metal shape (cistern: OR, 0.18; 95% CI, 0.05–0.60 and brain surface: OR, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.05–0.45), and infratentorial lesions (cistern: OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.14–0.96 and brain surface: OR, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.11–0.80) were negatively correlated with improved visibility. Metal artifact reduction in adjacent slices without metal was obtained in 25.6% and 34.8% of images with aneurysm and dAVF, respectively. New artifacts after SMART correction were found in 4.8% and 13.0% of images with aneurysm and dAVF, respectively. SMART is especially effective for supratentorial small aneurysms.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2021-0014

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  45. Indocyanine green emission timing of the recipient artery in revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease

    Kanamori, F; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Okamoto, S; Natsume, A

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   83 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 523 - 534   2021年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    In superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis with indirect revascularization for patients with moyamoya disease, the optimal method for selecting the most appropriate cortical artery for the recipient in anastomosis has not been established. We investigated the relationship between the fluorescence emission timing of the recipient artery in the preanastomosis indocyanine green videoangiography and operative outcomes. This retrospective study included 51 surgical revascularization procedures for 39 moyamoya disease patients. The enrolled surgical procedures were classified into three groups based on the fluorescence emission timing of the recipient artery in preanastomosis indocyanine green videoangiography: the EARLIEST, the INTERMEDIATE, and the LATEST. Clinical characteristics and operative outcomes were also collected. The occurrence of white thrombus at the anastomosis site and symptomatic hyperperfusion showed significant differences between the groups classified by the fluorescence emission timing of the recipient artery in preanastomosis indocyanine green videoangiography (white thrombus, p = 0.001; symptomatic hyperperfusion, p = 0.026). The development of white thrombi was significantly higher in the LATEST group, and all symptomatic hyperperfusion was observed in the EARLIEST group. These results indicated that the LATEST group had a significantly higher risk for developing white thrombus, and the EARLIEST group was prone to occur symptomatic hyperperfusion. Selecting the recipient artery based on evaluating the fluorescence emission timing in preanastomosis indocyanine green videoangiography may be useful in reducing perioperative complications.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.83.3.523

    Web of Science



  46. Evaluation of the Straightening Phenomenon of Various Types of Coils

    Ishida, M; Izumi, T; Araki, Y; Nishihori, M; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Tsukada, T; Wakabayashi, T

    NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA   61 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 356 - 360   2021年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    The straightening phenomenon is known as a cause of catheter kickback in the late phase of coil embolization. The mechanism is supposed to be the relative shortage of the stretch resistance (SR) line, and it occurs when a coil is folded too small. Among many SR coils available, there should be a coil-specific tendency to cause this phenomenon. Here, we conducted an in-vitro experiment to know which coil is the most resistant to the straightening phenomenon. We developed an experimental model to reproduce the straightening phenomenon. Five different coils (Axium Prime, ED Coil, Hypersoft, SMART Coil, and Target 360 nano) of the same size (3 mm × 6 cm) were investigated for five times each. Resistance to the straightening phenomenon, which is represented by the insertion length at the onset of the phenomenon, was compared among coil types. The straightening phenomenon was successfully observed in all insertions. Insertion lengths were significantly different among coil types (p = 0.013). The insertion length of ED was the longest (mean ± SD, 27.0 ± 8.3 mm), which means the most resistant to the phenomenon. Axium was second (21.6 ± 7.0 mm), followed by Target (15.8 ± 6.9 mm), Hypersoft (13.8 ± 5.8 mm), and SMART (12.4 ± 4.7 mm). Difference between ED and Hypersoft (p = 0.037) and difference between ED and Smart (p = 0.018) were significant. ED coil was the one with the most resistance to the straightening phenomenon. Selecting the optimal coil is the key to avoid the phenomenon.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2020-0348

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  47. Effects of aspirin and heparin treatment on perioperative outcomes in patients with Moyamoya disease 査読有り 国際誌

    Kanamori, F; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Okamoto, S; Natsume, A

    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA   163 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 1485 - 1491   2021年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Acta Neurochirurgica  

    Background: When superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery bypass is combined with indirect methods (e.g., revascularization surgery) to treat Moyamoya disease (MMD), antiplatelet treatment can impact bypass patency, infarction, or hemorrhage complications. Recently, heparin has been proposed as an anticoagulant treatment against white thrombus at the anastomosis site. The study aims to evaluate the effect of aspirin on the perioperative outcomes and investigate the results of heparin treatment for white thrombus. Methods: This retrospective study included 74 procedures of combined revascularization surgery for MMD patients who either received or did not receive aspirin. Perioperative outcomes were compared between the two groups. In addition, the effects of heparin treatment for white thrombus were evaluated. Results: The rate of white thrombus at the anastomosis site was significantly higher in the non-aspirin medication group (univariate: p = 0.032, multivariate: p = 0.044) and, accordingly, initial bypass patency was lower in the non-aspirin medication group (p = 0.049). Of the 17 patients with white thrombus development, five received heparin injections, and all white thrombi disappeared; however, there was one case of epidural hematoma and another of subdural hematoma. The risk of hemorrhagic complications was significantly higher in the surgical procedures that received heparin injections (p = 0.021). Conclusions: In MMD patients who received combined revascularization surgery, aspirin medication lowered the occurrence of white thrombus. Heparin injections help to treat white thrombus but can enhance the risk of hemorrhagic complications.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-020-04668-0

    Web of Science



  48. Ipsilateral late stroke after revascularization surgery for patients with Moyamoya disease 国際誌

    Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Kanamori, F; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Sumitomo, M; Okamoto, S; Izumi, T

    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA   163 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 1493 - 1502   2021年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Acta Neurochirurgica  

    Background: Ipsilateral late stroke events occurring after cerebral revascularization for Moyamoya disease (MMD) and their risk factors have not been fully investigated. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 123 patients with MMD who underwent 212 revascularizations. We investigated preoperative demographic data, surgical procedures, and ipsilateral stroke events occurring more than 1 month after surgery. The effect of revascularization and the residual Moyamoya vessel (MMV) score were examined using magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Then, predictive factors for postoperative late stroke occurrence were evaluated by logistic regression. Results: The mean age was 26 ± 18.4 years (range 1 to 66 years). Ipsilateral late stroke events were present in 11 of 123 (9%) patients. Stroke occurred in 11 out of 212 surgeries (5.2%) on a hemispheric basis. During the 1300.1 hemisphere-years of follow-up more than 1 month after surgery, the annual stroke rate was 0.84%. The postoperative MRA time-of-flight image showed a mean revascularization score of 1.82 ± 0.6 and a mean residual MMV score of 1.91 ± 0.83. Postoperative strokes occurring within 1 month after cerebral revascularization (36.4%, p = 0.0026) and lower revascularization scores (1.82 ± 0.6 vs 2.51 ± 0.59, p = 0.0006) were significant factors related to the presence of ipsilateral late stroke. Logistic regression showed that stroke events within 1 month after revascularization (odds ratio [OR], 9.79; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.02–0.57; p = 0.0103), low revascularization score (OR, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.001–0.37; p = 0.0069), and high residual MMV score (OR, 16.2; 95% CI, 1.88–187.4; p = 0.0107) were risk factors for ipsilateral stroke more than 1 month after revascularization. Conclusions: MMD patients who have a stroke within 1 month after cerebral revascularization are at high risk for late strokes. Less effective revascularization or remarkable residual MMV are risk factors for late stroke events. Additional revascularization may be considered for patients in such situations. Clinical trial registration: This study was approved by the Bioethics Review Committee of Nagoya University Hospital for the treatment and prognosis of Moyamoya disease (2016-0327).

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-021-04773-8

    Web of Science



  49. 破壊大型脳底動脈瘤に対するステント支援コイル塞栓術後に2度の帝王切開による分娩を経験した1例

    加藤 直毅, 泉 孝嗣, 西堀 正洋, 塚田 哲也, 荒木 芳生, 横山 欣也, 宇田 憲司, 松原 功明, 纐纈 直樹

    脳血管内治療   6 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 24 - 29   2021年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本脳神経血管内治療学会  


    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2021&ichushi_jid=J06751&link_issn=&doc_id=20210527200004&doc_link_id=%2Fcf5nokec%2F2021%2F000601%2F004%2F0024-0029%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fcf5nokec%2F2021%2F000601%2F004%2F0024-0029%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  50. Development and clinical evaluation of a contactless operating interface for three-dimensional image-guided navigation for endovascular neurosurgery 査読有り 国際誌

    Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Nagano, Y; Sato, M; Tsukada, T; Kropp, AE; Wakabayashi, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery  

    Purpose: In endovascular neurosurgery, the operator often acquires three-dimensional (3D) images of the cerebral vessels. Although workstation reoperation is required in some situations during treatment, it leads to time loss because a sterile condition cannot be maintained and treatment must be temporarily interrupted. Therefore, a workstation reoperating system is required while maintaining the desired sterility. Methods: A contactless operating interface using Kinect to control 3D images was developed via gesture recognition for endovascular neurosurgery and was applied to a 3D volume rendering technique (VRT) image reconstructed at the workstation. The left-hand movement determines the assigned functions, whereas the right-hand movement is used like a computer mouse to pan and zoom in/out. In addition to the interface, voice commands were used and assigned to digital operations, such as image view changes and mode signal changes. Results: This system was used for the actual endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms and cerebral arteriovenous malformations. The operator and gesture were recognized without any problems. Using voice operation, it was possible to expeditiously set the VRT image back to the reference angle. Furthermore, it was possible to finely adjust gesture operations, including mouse operation, and treatment was completed while maintaining sterile conditions. Conclusion: A contactless operating interface was developed by combining the existing workstation system with Kinect and voice recognition software, allowing surgeons to perform a series of operations, which are normally performed in a console room, while maintaining sterile conditions.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11548-021-02330-3

    Web of Science



  51. Short-segment Internal Trapping for Symptomatic Thrombosed Large Fusiform Vertebral Artery Aneurysms (Bird's Nest Trapping): A Technical Note

    Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Tsukada, T; Kropp, AE; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Araki, Y; Wakabayashi, T

    NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA   61 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 284 - 291   2021年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    Internal trapping with coils is an established treatment of symptomatic large non-branching thrombosed fusiform vertebral artery aneurysms (VAA). However, when perforators arise near the aneurysm neck, parent artery occlusion has a high risk of causing medullary infarction. As an alternative treatment, we performed short-segment internal trapping of the artery using n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) and coils (bird’s nest trapping). Before treatment, perianeurys-mal perforators are carefully detected using high-resolution three-dimensional rotational angiog-raphy (3DRA). Double microcatheters are advanced to the distal portion of the aneurysm through a balloon guiding catheter where coils are deployed without tight packing. Then, NBCA is injected into the coil mass, taking care to preserve perforators and significant branches. The same maneu-ver is repeated in the proximal portion of the aneurysm. Coil placement is avoided within the middle of the aneurysm; however, if necessary, only a small number of coils are placed to prevent worsening of mass effect. Two quinquagenarian males presented with a large thrombosed fusi-form VAA that caused symptoms due to mass effect. In each case, perforators arose from the parent artery and short-segment internal trapping with NBCA and coils was performed. Symptoms improved after treatment and follow-up imaging confirmed aneurysm shrinkage with no long-time recurrence. In symptomatic large fusiform VAAs where the distance from the lesion to important perforators is extremely short, internal trapping using a combination of NBCA and coils can be more useful than conventional internal trapping.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.tn.2020-0329

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  52. Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm with a Peculiar Angiographic Appearance: A Case Study.

    Otawa M, Izumi T, Nishihori M, Tsukada T, Oshima R, Kawaguchi T, Goto S, Ikezawa M, Kropp AE, Wakabayashi T

    NMC case report journal   8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 57 - 61   2021年4月



    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0036


  53. Analysis of relationship between superior hypophyseal artery visualization and preservation and postoperative visual field deficit in paraclinoid aneurysm

    Otawa, M; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Tsukada, T; Oshima, R; Kawaguchi, T; Goto, S; Ikezawa, M; Kropp, AE; Araki, Y; Uda, K; Wakabayashi, T

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   83 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 21 - 30   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Direct surgery for paraclinoid aneurysms can result in visual field deficit owing to compromised blood flow to the superior hypophyseal artery (SHA). However, it is rarely visualized in angiography, and discussions regarding its preservation in the field of neuro-endovascular treatment are limited. Biplane angiographic suite with high spatial resolution has been used at our institution since 2014. Since then, there were a few cases where SHAs could be visualized via digital subtraction angiography. We retrospectively analyzed the relationship between the presences and abscence of SHAs in paraclinoid aneurysms and post-procedural visual field deficit. Sixty-three paraclinoid aneuryms treated by neuro-endovascular procedure in 2014-2018 at our neurosurgery department were analyzed. Pre- and post-procedural multiplanar reconstruction imagings of three-dimensional rotation angiography were analyzed to retrospectively investigate the SHAs. SHAs were visualized in 26 patients (41%) and the median number of pre-procedurally visualized SHAs was 0 (interquartile range 0-1). Their origins were the aneurysmal necks in 11 patients (42%). In two of the 11 cases, they were noticed before coil embolization and were able to be preserved after the procedure. In the remaining nine cases, they were not pre-procedurally detected, and coiling was normally conducted. Visual field deficit occurred in one of these nine cases, but symptoms were transient, and the patient fully recovered. Because SHAs could be visualized in >40% cases and no visual field defects occurred in cases that SHAs could be identified and preserved preoperatively, we recommend their preservation during coil embolization for paraclinoid aneurysms.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.83.1.21

    Web of Science



  54. Direct Vertebral Artery Puncture During Open Surgery for the Endovascular Treatment of a Recurrent Vertebro-Vertebral Arteriovenous Fistula 査読有り

    Ikezawa, M; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Nagashima, Y; Nishimura, Y; Tsukuda, T; Kropp, AE; Goto, S; Otsuka, T; Kato, N; Nakano, M

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   146 巻   頁: 166 - 170   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Background: Vertebro-vertebral arteriovenous fistula (VVAVF) is a condition in which there is an arteriovenous shunt directly connecting the extracranial vertebral artery to the vertebral venous plexus. Many reports have described fistula occlusion or vertebral artery trapping as treatments for VVAVF. Here, we describe a case in which endovascular treatment for recurrent VVAVF using a transfemoral approach was unsuccessful; thus, the vertebral artery (VA) was directly punctured during open surgery and the treatment was successful. Case Description: The patient was a 47-year-old female who had undergone endovascular treatment for VVAVF. The patient developed subarachnoid hemorrhage. Digital subtraction angiography revealed a left VVAVF. The left VA was trapped with coils at the C2 and C3 levels and an arteriovenous shunt formed from the VA between the 2-coil mass to the vertebral venous plexus. In addition, reflux was observed in the spinal vein. Endovascular treatment was attempted with a transfemoral approach, but we could not reach the shunt. Five days post-treatment, the patient had a second subarachnoid hemorrhage and surgery was performed to occlude the radiculomedullary vein; however, residual reflux went into the spinal vein from another spinal level. Later, the VA was directly punctured and treated with N-butyl cyanoacrylate, and the shunt disappeared. Conclusions: Direct puncture of the vertebral artery was useful in this case, where it was difficult to reach the lesion. Although direct VA puncture is associated with more complications than the transfemoral or transbrachial approach, it may be an option when other methods are difficult.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.10.156

    Web of Science



  55. Case-control study of postprocedural arterial puncture site hemorrhage after neuroendovascular treatment 査読有り

    Tamari, Y; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Imai, T; Ito, M; Tsukada, T; Ishida, M; Wakabayashi, T

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   83 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 125 - 133   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Puncture site hemorrhage following femoral artery catheterization is a significant cause of morbidity. The aim of this case-control study was to identify predictors of postprocedural arterial hemorrhage at the puncture site. We retrospectively reviewed 255 patients who underwent endovascular treatment at our institution over a 23-month period and classified them into a hemorrhage group and a non-hemorrhage group. Puncture site hemorrhage occurred in 15 patients (5.9%). Clinical factors associated with a significantly increased risk of puncture site bleeding included patients whose postoperative activated clotting time of ≤300 seconds before removal of the sheath (9 patients, 11.8%; P<0.05), those who received triple antiplatelet therapy (n<4, 17.4%; P<0.05) and the group administered heparin postoperatively (7 patients, 13.2%; P<0.05). The effects of low on-treatment platelet reactivity, i.e., P2Y12 reaction units <95%, sheath size, hemostasis method used, and operating time were not clinically significant. Our findings suggest an increased risk of puncture site hemorrhage in patients who either had an activated clotting time ≤300 seconds before the postoperative removal of the sheath, had received triple antiplatelet therapy, or were administered heparin postoperatively

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.83.1.125

    Web of Science



  56. Coexistence of a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula and Pial Arteriovenous Malformation Sharing a Common Drainer.

    Uda K, Izumi T, Kanamori F, Yokoyama K, Tsukada T, Nishihori M, Shintai K, Okamoto S, Araki Y

    NMC case report journal   8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 557 - 563   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0349


    CiNii Research

  57. Levodopa-responsive Parkinsonism Caused by Recurrence of Large Basilar-tip Aneurysm after Stent-assisted Coil Embolization: A Case Report.

    Nishihori M, Izumi T, Tsukada T, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Wakabayashi T

    NMC case report journal   8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 107 - 111   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0023


    CiNii Research

  58. Management of Asymptomatic Vertebral Artery Injury Caused by a Cervical Pedicle Screw Malposition: Two Case Reports.

    Otsuka T, Izumi T, Nishihori M, Tsukada T, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Goto S, Ikezawa M, Kato N, Nakano M, Saito R

    NMC case report journal   8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 713 - 717   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2021-0062


    CiNii Research

  59. Efficacy of Respiratory Control under Local Anesthesia during Endovascular Therapy in the Tortuous Vertebral Artery with the Use of Respiratory Dislocation of the Aortic Arch.

    Goto S, Izumi T, Nishihori M, Tsukada T, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Ikezawa M

    Journal of neuroendovascular therapy   15 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 195 - 199   2021年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.tn.2020-0109


    CiNii Research

  60. 破裂大型脳底動脈瘤に対するステント支援コイル塞栓術後に2 度の帝王切開による分娩を経験した1例

    加藤 直毅, 泉 孝嗣, 西堀 正洋, 塚田 哲也, 荒木 芳生, 横山 欣也, 宇田 憲司, 松原 功明, 纐纈 直樹

    脳血管内治療   6 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 24 - 29   2021年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    <p>【目的】ステント留置後妊娠において,抗血栓療法に関する明確な基準は認めない.われわれは破裂大型脳底動脈瘤に対してステント支援コイル塞栓術を施行し,2 度の出産を経験した症例を報告する.【症例】27 歳女性.脳底動脈瘤破裂によるくも膜下出血を発症し,ステント支援コイル塞栓術を施行した.33 歳時に体外受精にて妊娠した.抗血小板剤は治療 3 年後に中止となっていたが,妊娠時の過凝固を考慮しアスピリンを開始,28 週からヘパリン皮下注射へ切り替え,帝王切開で児を分娩した.母子共に合併症なく経過した.35 歳時の妊娠も同内容の抗血栓療法を行い,合併症なく経過した.【結論】周産期抗血栓療法によって合併症なく 2 度の分娩を経験した.</p>

    DOI: 10.20626/nkc.cr.2020-0019

    CiNii Research

  61. アクセス困難な硬膜動静脈瘻症例における,対側上錐体静脈洞を経由する上錐体静脈洞へのアプローチ

    鈴木 啓太, 西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 鈴木 宰, 武藤 学, 荒木 芳生, 宇田 憲司, 横山 欣也, 齋藤 竜太

    脳血管内治療   6 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 161 - 168   2021年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    <p>【目的】多発硬膜動静脈瘻(dural arteriovenous fistula: DAVF)の症例において,左上錐体静脈洞部(superior petrosal sinus: SPS)のシャントを右 SPS 経由で塞栓した症例を報告する.【症例】60 歳女性,意識障害の精査にて深部静脈逆流を伴う多発 DAVF を認めた.逆流に最も関与する左横静脈洞部 DAVF に対して経静脈的塞栓術を施行した.術後症状改善が乏しく,再度DSA を行うと,左 SPS へのシャントと深部静脈への逆流が明らかとなった.左横静脈洞と両側下錐体静脈洞は閉塞していたため,右 SPS と両側海綿静脈洞を経由してマイクロカテーテルをシャント部へ誘導し,左 SPS を塞栓し,逆流の消失を得た.【結論】対側 SPS を経由した SPS へのアクセスは,同側からのアクセスが困難な症例において,有効な選択肢になり得る.</p>

    DOI: 10.20626/nkc.tn.2021-0009

    CiNii Research

  62. Outcomes and Issues of 'Drip and Go' as an Inter-Hospital Cooperation System in Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke.

    Nishihori M, Izumi T, Tsukada T, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Araki Y, Wakabayashi T

    Journal of neuroendovascular therapy   15 巻 ( 10 ) 頁: 629 - 636   2021年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.oa.2020-0097


    CiNii Research

  63. [Ruptured Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation Mimicking Bacterial Meningitis:A Case Report]. 査読有り

    Hiramatsu T, Nishihori M, Haraguchi K, Okada T, Endo O, Fujii K, Yokoyama H, Takayanagi K, Yamamoto N

    No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery   48 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 1051 - 1057   2020年11月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1436204319


  64. A case of internal trapping to a thrombosed giant rapidly growing aneurysm at the posterior cerebral artery

    Otawa, M; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Tsukada, T; Oshima, R; Kawaguchi, T; Goto, S; Ikezawa, M; Kropp, AE; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Wakabayashi, T

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   82 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 557 - 566   2020年8月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    We describe a case of internal trapping including the vasa vasorum for a thrombosed giant rapidly growing posterior cerebral artery aneurysm and performing a detailed analysis. A 48-year-old woman was followed up in our hospital for a thrombosed large posterior cerebral artery aneurysm located in the P2 segment. She initially presented after experiencing a sudden headache on two occasions. Head computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging indicated a larger aneurysm than before. Digital subtraction angiography with balloon occlusion test was assessed, and internal trapping was sequentially conducted. We detected that the vasa vasorum originated from the posterior temporal artery. Therefore, we embolized the posterior temporal artery including the vasa vasorum using N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol. Next, the anterior temporal artery was embolized with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol, posterior temporal artery P3 segment and the aneurysm and finally the proximal P2 segment were embolized with coils. Final vertebral and internal carotid angiography showed complete obliteration of the aneurysm. On the day after the procedure her paresis worsened and she developed left upper quadrantanopia, however was finally discharged with no hemiparesis. We reported a case of a rapidly growing thrombosed giant posterior cerebral artery aneurysm treated by parent artery occlusion including the vasa vasorum with detailed image analysis.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.82.3.557

    Web of Science



  65. Surgical Designs of Revascularization for Moyamoya Disease: 15 Years of Experience in a Single Center 国際誌

    Araki, Y; Uda, K; Yokoyama, K; Kanamori, F; Mamiya, T; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Tanahashi, K; Masaki, S; Sho, O; Wakabayashi, T; Natsume, A

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   139 巻   頁: E325 - E334   2020年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Objective: Cerebral revascularization surgery has been established as an effective treatment for moyamoya disease. On the other hand, harvesting grafts and tissues to nourish the scalp may increase the risk of postoperative wound-related complications. The purpose of this study was to clarify risk factors for wound-related complications after examining the relationship with the surgical design. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 115 patients who underwent 197 revascularization procedures between October 2004 and March 2019. The design of the revascularization was classified into 6 types, then further classified according to the number of grafts harvested, resulting in 11 subtypes. Incidences of minor and major wound-related complications for the 11 different surgical designs were assessed. The risk of complications from each design was statistically examined. In addition, the yearly transition rate of complications was also investigated. Results: Wound-related complications occurred in 38 of the 195 operations (19.5%), including 10 major events (26.3%) and 28 minor events (73.7%). Significant differences in the incidence of complications were seen according to surgical design (P < 0.05), with complications significantly more frequent for L(a) double type and L(p) double type and less frequent for L(a) single type and L(p) single type. In addition, significant differences were found in the incidence and degree of complications according to the number of grafts (0–2) (P < 0.05). The incidence of wound-related complications has clearly decreased since 2015. Conclusions: Wound-related complications were more frequent and tended to become more severe with double-bypass procedures but were clearly improved under a plastic surgery approach.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.03.217

    Web of Science



  66. Endovascular Therapy for Intracranial Artery Stenosis: Results from the Japanese Registry of Neuroendovascular Therapy (JR-NET)3.

    Izumi T, Nishihori M, Imamura H, Iihara K, Sakai N, JR-NET investigators

    Neurologia medico-chirurgica   60 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 256 - 263   2020年5月



    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2019-0271


  67. 血液凝固第XIII因子濃縮製剤使用後、Galen静脈血栓症が疑われた1例

    中野 瑞生, 荒木 芳生, 金森 史哲, 宇田 憲司, 横山 欣也, 西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 吉本 真之

    脳卒中   42 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 196 - 202   2020年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本脳卒中学会  

    血液凝固第XIII因子(F XIII)濃縮製剤使用後にGalen静脈血栓症が疑われた1例を報告する.76歳女性で,意識障害により救急搬送された.前交通動脈破裂脳動脈瘤によるくも膜下出血と診断し,basal interhemispheric approachによるクリッピング術を施行した.術後4日目に髄液鼻漏が生じ,F XIII活性の低下を認めたためF XIII濃縮製剤を使用した.その後髄液鼻漏は消失し,意識障害も徐々に改善傾向となるも,再度意識障害の悪化を認めた.脳血管撮影検査でGalen静脈に狭窄所見を認め,脳静脈血栓症による意識障害と診断し,低分子ヘパリンの持続点滴後,エドキサバンの内服を継続した.出血性合併症を認めず,Galen静脈狭窄の改善と意識障害の改善を認めた.脳静脈血栓症発症とF XIII濃縮製剤使用の関連性が疑われ,さらに低分子ヘパリンとエドキサバンが有用である可能性が示唆された.(著者抄録)

    その他リンク: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2020&ichushi_jid=J01786&link_issn=&doc_id=20200608310011&doc_link_id=%2Fdh3strok%2F2020%2F004203%2F011%2F0196-0202%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fdh3strok%2F2020%2F004203%2F011%2F0196-0202%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  68. Brain Compression by Encephalo-Myo-Synangiosis is a Risk Factor for Transient Neurological Deficits After Surgical Revascularization in Pediatric Patients with Moyamoya Disease 査読有り 国際誌

    Kanamori, F; Araki, Y; Yokoyama, K; Uda, K; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Okamoto, S; Wakabayashi, T

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   133 巻   頁: E558 - E566   2020年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Objective: In pediatric patients with moyamoya disease, the pathophysiology of transient neurological deficits and the clinical features of perioperative cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes are unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors of postoperative transient neurological deficits and identify predictors of perioperative CBF changes. Methods: This retrospective study included 42 surgical procedures in 28 pediatric patients who underwent surgical revascularization for moyamoya disease, including encephalo-myo-synangiosis (EMS) with or without superficial temporal artery–middle cerebral artery (MCA) anastomosis. Magnetic resonance images and single photon emission computed tomography results were obtained. Brain compression by EMS was also checked in fluid attenuated inversion recovery images. Using single photon emission computed tomography, CBF was measured at each anterior and posterior part of the MCA region. Results: Postoperative transient neurological deficits were observed in 12 (28.6%) out of 42 surgical procedures. Brain compression by EMS was a significant risk for transient neurological deficits (P = 0.009). The postoperative CBF in the anterior region increased in 9 cases (21.4%) and decreased in 10 cases (23.8%); in the posterior region, it increased in 12 cases (28.6%) and decreased in 10 cases (23.8%). Preoperative CBF of the anterior region was significantly related to both perioperative CBF changes in the MCA regions (anterior part, P = 0.004; posterior part, P = 0.025). Conclusions: Brain compression by EMS is a risk factor for postoperative transient neurological deficits in pediatric patients with moyamoya disease, and preoperative CBF of the anterior MCA region could predict perioperative CBF change in the MCA regions.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.09.093

    Web of Science



  69. 血液凝固第XIII因子濃縮製剤使用後,Galen静脈血栓症が疑われた1例

    中野 瑞生, 荒木 芳生, 金森 史哲, 宇田 憲司, 横山 欣也, 西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 吉本 真之

    脳卒中   42 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 196 - 202   2020年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会  

    <p><b>要旨</b>:血液凝固第XIII 因子(F XIII)濃縮製剤使用後にGalen 静脈血栓症が疑われた1 例を報告する.76 歳女性で,意識障害により救急搬送された.前交通動脈破裂脳動脈瘤によるくも膜下出血と診断し,basal interhemispheric approach によるクリッピング術を施行した.術後4 日目に髄液鼻漏が生じ,F XIII 活性の低下を認めたためF XIII 濃縮製剤を使用した.その後髄液鼻漏は消失し,意識障害も徐々に改善傾向となるも,再度意識障害の悪化を認めた.脳血管撮影検査でGalen 静脈に狭窄所見を認め,脳静脈血栓症による意識障害と診断し,低分子ヘパリンの持続点滴後,エドキサバンの内服を継続した.出血性合併症を認めず,Galen 静脈狭窄の改善と意識障害の改善を認めた.脳静脈血栓症発症とF XIII 濃縮製剤使用の関連性が疑われ,さらに低分子ヘパリンとエドキサバンが有用である可能性が示唆された.</p>

    DOI: 10.3995/jstroke.10720

    CiNii Research

  70. Factors influencing blood flow resistance from a large internal carotid artery aneurysm revealed by a computational fluid dynamics model

    Imai, T; Izumi, T; Isoda, H; Ishiguro, K; Mizuno, T; Tsukada, T; Kropp, A; Ito, M; Nishihori, M; Ishida, M; Tamari, Y; Wakabayashi, T

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   81 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 629 - 636   2019年11月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Hyperperfusion syndrome occurs after treatment of a large or giant cerebral aneurysm. Recently, flow-diverter stent placement has emerged as an effective treatment method for a large cerebral aneurysm, but postoperative ipsilateral delayed intraparenchymal hemorrhage occurs in a minority of cases. The mechanism underlying delayed intraparenchymal hemorrhage is not established, but one possibility is hyperperfusion syndrome. The incidence of delayed intraparenchymal hemorrhage appears to be higher for giant aneurysms; hence, we speculated that large/giant aneurysms may create flow resistance, and mitigation by flow-diverter stent deployment leads to hyperperfusion syndrome and delayed intraparenchymal hemorrhage. The purpose of this study was to identify aneurysm characteristics promoting flow resistance by the analysis of pressure loss in an internal carotid artery paraclinoid aneurysm model using computational fluid dynamics. A virtual U-shaped model of the internal carotid artery siphon portion was created with a spherical aneurysm of various angles, body diameters, and neck diameters. Visualization of streamlines, were calculated of pressure loss between proximal and distal sides of the aneurysm, and vorticity within the aneurysm were calculated. The pressure loss and vorticity demonstrated similar changes according to angle, peaking at 60°. In contrast, aneurysm diameter had little influence on pressure loss. Larger neck width, however, increases pressure loss. Our model predicts that aneurysm location and neck diameter can increase the flow resistance from a large internal carotid artery aneurysm. Patients with large aneurysm angles and neck diameters may be at increased risk of hyperperfusion syndrome and ensuing delayed intraparenchymal hemorrhage following flow-diverter stent treatment.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.81.4.629

    Web of Science



  71. Cardiac Arrest Induced by Carotid Sinus Reflex Activation During Flow-Diverter Stent Deployment

    Goto, S; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Ishida, M; Ishida, T; Otawa, M; Kawaguchi, T; Oshima, R; Kropp, A; Ikezawa, M; Wakabayashi, T

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   124 巻   頁: 22 - 24   2019年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Background: A 60-year-old female with multiple carotid aneurysms underwent endovascular treatment with a Pipeline Flex embolization device (PED) under local anesthesia via femoral puncture. Case Description: Cardiac arrest occurred when the delivery systems were pushed to promote adequate opening and apposition of the PED against the vessel wall and was recovered to sinus rhythm in approximately 30 seconds by pulling down the microcatheter. The carotid sinus reflex was suspected as the cause of this temporary asystole. Delivery of the PED was accompanied by application of forward pressure on the delivery system. This resulted in buckling of the delivery systems in the neck and likely excessive pressure on the carotid sinus. The procedure was continued and successfully completed with care not to excessively push the system and with the additional use of atropine. Conclusions: Although it was a rare complication, the phenomenon and its mechanisms were known in the carotid artery stenting procedure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of cardiac arrest induced by a carotid sinus reflex during PED deployment. It is important for an operator of PED deployment to recognize its possibility. Vital signs should be closely checked during PED deployment, particularly while pushing the catheter.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.12.136

    Web of Science



  72. Intraoperative evaluation of local cerebral hemodynamic change by indocyanine green videoangiography: prediction of incidence and duration of postoperative transient neurological events in patients with moyamoya disease 国際誌

    Uda, K; Araki, Y; Muraoka, S; Ota, S; Wada, K; Yokoyama, K; Nishihori, M; Izumi, T; Okamoto, S; Wakabayashi, T

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY   130 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 1367 - 1375   2019年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurosurgery  

    OBJECTIVE Transient neurological events (TNEs) occur frequently in the acute phase after direct bypass surgery for moyamoya disease (MMD), but there is currently no way to predict them. FlowInsight is a specialized software for analyzing indocyanine green (ICG) videoangiography taken with a surgical microscope. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether intraoperative evaluation of local hemodynamic changes around anastomotic sites using FlowInsight could predict the incidence and duration of TNEs. METHODS From patients who were diagnosed with MMD in our hospital between August 2014 and March 2017 and who underwent superficial temporal artery–middle cerebral artery bypass surgery, we investigated 25 hemispheres (in 22 patients) in which intraoperative ICG analysis was performed using FlowInsight. To evaluate the local cerebral hemodynamics before and after anastomosis, regions of interest were set at 3 locations on the brain surface around the anastomotic site, and the mean cerebral blood flow (CBF), mean gradation (Grad), mean transit time (MTT), and mean time to peak (TTP) were calculated from the 3 regions of interest. Furthermore, the change rate in CBF (DCBF [%]) was calculated using the formula (postanastomosis mean CBF - preanastomosis mean CBF)/preanastomosis mean CBF. DGrad (%), DMTT (%), and DTTP (%) were similarly calculated. RESULTS Postoperative stroke without TNE occurred in 2 of the 25 hemispheres. These 2 hemispheres (in 2 patients) were excluded from the study, and data from the remaining 23 hemispheres (in 20 patients) were analyzed. For each parameter (DCBF, DGrad, DMTT, and DTTP) calculated by FlowInsight, the difference between the groups with and without TNEs was significant. The median values for DCBF and DGrad were significantly higher in the TNE group than in the no-TNE group (DCBF 30.13 vs 3.54, p = 0.0106; DGrad 62.05 vs 10.78, p = 0.00435), whereas the median values for DMTT and DTTP were significantly lower in the TNE group (DMTT -16.90 vs -7.393, p = 0.023; DTTP -29.07 vs -7.02, p = 0.00342). Comparison of the area under the curve (AUC) for each parameter showed that DTTP had the highest AUC and was the parameter with the highest diagnostic accuracy (AUC 0.857). The Youden index revealed that the optimal cutoff value of DTTP was -11.61 (sensitivity 77.8%, specificity 71.4%) as a predictor of TNEs. In addition, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were calculated, and DCBF, DGrad, DMTT, and DTTP each showed a strong correlation with the duration of TNEs. The larger the change in each parameter, the longer the TNEs persisted. CONCLUSIONS Intraoperative ICG videoangiography findings were correlated with the occurrence and duration of TNEs after direct bypass surgery for MMD. Screening for cases at high risk of TNEs can be achieved by ICG analysis using FlowInsight.

    DOI: 10.3171/2017.10.JNS171523

    Web of Science



  73. Experimental study of the characteristics of various types of filling coils for intracranial aneurysm embolisation

    Ito, M; Matsubara, N; Izumi, T; Miyachi, S; Ota, K; Imai, T; Nishihori, M; Wakabayashi, T

    INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY   24 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 513 - 519   2018年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Interventional Neuroradiology  

    Background: In endovascular embolisation for an intracranial aneurysm, after framing coil deployment, soft coils (often called filling coils) are usually selected to fill inside the cage of previous coils. Various kinds of filling coils are available, although each coil has its own characteristics. Understanding their differences to ensure proper coil selection is important to achieve successful embolisation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of various filling coils. Materials and methods: The authors developed a radiolucent coil to evaluate the performance of coils under conditions simulating the course of embolisation. Experimental embolisation was performed by using a silicone aneurysm filled with radiolucent coils. Indices including area, circularity, centroid position and coefficient of variation were investigated by analysing the figures of the filling coils after being inserted into the radiolucent coil under fluoroscopy. Results: The characteristics of each coil depended on the coil design. The helical coil had the highest circularity and centroid position scores and lowest area score. Therefore, it tended to develop a compacted mass. The low shape-memory coil had the lowest circularity, second-highest centroid position and highest coefficient of variation scores. Therefore, it tended to develop irregularly shaped distribution with low reproducibility. Complex coils generally had higher area and circularity scores. Therefore, they tended to provide a balanced distribution with relatively expanded mass and less small compartmentation. Conclusions: The evaluated characteristics of various filling coils should be useful for appropriate selection of filling coils.

    DOI: 10.1177/1591019918779196

    Web of Science



  74. Association between CYP2C19 genotype and the additional effect of cilostazol to clopidogrel resistance in neuroendovascular therapy

    Tajima Hayato, Izumi Takashi, Miyachi Shigeru, Matsubara Noriaki, Ito Masashi, Imai Tasuku, Nishihori Masahiro, Shintai Kazunori, Okamoto Sho, Araki Yoshio, Kumakura Yasuo, Furukawa-Hibi Yoko, Yamada Kiyofumi, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   80 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 207-215   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.18999/nagims.80.2.207

    Web of Science

  75. Association between CYP2C19 genotype and the additional effect of cilostazol to clopidogrel resistance in neuroendovascular therapy.

    Tajima H, Izumi T, Miyachi S, Matsubara N, Ito M, Imai T, Nishihori M, Shintai K, Okamoto S, Araki Y, Kumakura Y, Furukawa-Hibi Y, Yamada K, Wakabayashi T

    Nagoya journal of medical science   80 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 207 - 215   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    We investigated the association between CYP2C19 genotype and additional effect of cilostazol on clopidogrel resistance (CR) in neuroendovascular therapy. Between January 2012 and January 2016, 447 consecutive patients were administered with 75-mg cilostazol/day. The VerifyNow System was used for evaluating P2Y12 reaction units (PRU) > 230 and/or percentage inhibition of platelet function (% Inhibition) ≤ 20 as CR. Among 158 patients with CR, 31 were administered with additional 100- or 200-mg cilostazol/day and their platelet function was evaluated. According to CYP2C19 genotypes revealed using the Spartan RX and DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit, patients were classified into three phenotypic groups: extensive metabolizer (EM, three patients), intermediate metabolizer (IM, 12 patients), and poor metabolizer (PM, 16 patients). Administration of additional cilostazol decreased PRU (EM group: 160.7 ± 85.2 after vs 278.3 ± 40.1 before, P = 0.15; IM group: 205.6 ± 74.0 vs 254.3 ± 35.0, P = 0.02; and PM group: 227.8 ± 52.2 vs 282.1 ± 30.4, P = 0.003), and increased % Inhibition (EM group: 40.0 ± 27.9 vs 9.3 ± 3.8, P = 0.25; IM group: 31.4 ± 18.0 vs 11.8 ± 8.2, P = 0.001; and PM group: 24.6 ± 15.0 vs 10.4 ± 9.3, P = 0.001). However, the rate of normalized-clopidogrel response, thromboembolic lesions, and bleeding complications were not significantly different among the three groups. Thus, the addition of cilostazol was effective on CR in terms of PRU, % Inhibition, rate of change of normalized-clopidogrel response, thromboembolic events, and bleeding complications irrespective of phenotype.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.80.2.207



  76. Evaluation for shunted pouches of cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula and the treatment outcome of transvenous embolization

    Sato, M; Izumi, T; Matsubara, N; Nishihori, M; Miyachi, S; Wakabayashi, T

    INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY   24 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 189 - 196   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Interventional Neuroradiology  

    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the detailed location and the number (single or multiple) of cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula (CSDAVF) shunted pouches as well as the relationship between the characteristics of shunted pouch(es) and the treatment outcome of transvenous embolization for CSDAVF. Methods: A total of 23 consecutive patients with CSDAVFs who underwent angiogram and transvenous embolization were retrospectively analyzed. Shunted pouches were assessed using three-dimensional angiogram and multiplanar reformatted image obtained from the rotational angiogram data. Results: Of the 23 patients with CSDAVFs, 40 shunted pouches were identified. Twelve CSDAVFs had a single shunted pouch, and 11 had multiple shunted pouches. The mean CSDAVF with multiple shunted pouches was 2.5. The shunted pouches were more often found in the posterior compartment of the CS, which was connected with the intercavernous sinus (23/40; 57.5%). In 12 CSDAVFs with a single shunted pouch, 10 were treated with selective embolization and complete occlusion was achieved during the follow-up. Two CSDAVFs with single shunted pouch were just observed without intervention, and DAVFs disappeared spontaneously during the follow-up period. In 11 CSDAVFs with multiple shunted pouches, eight were treated with selective embolization and three with sinus embolization. In six of eight (75%), complete occlusion was achieved following selective embolization, but two of eight (25%) recurred and required retreatment. Conclusions: Rotational angiography data suggested that the shunted pouches of CSDAVFs were mostly located in the posterior compartment of the CS connected with the intercavernous sinus. Selective embolization for CSDAVFs with a single shunted pouch is the first-line treatment alternative to sinus packing, and selective embolization with multiple shunted pouches will be a considerable treatment option.

    DOI: 10.1177/1591019917743064

    Web of Science



  77. もやもや病に対する間接血行再建術後における皮質および脳溝内のFLAIR高信号と術後一過性神経脱落症状との関連

    荒木 芳生, 岡本 奨, 横山 欣也, 太田 慎次, 宇田 憲司, 村岡 真輔, 金森 史哲, 西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 若林 俊彦

    脳卒中の外科   46 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 439 - 444   2018年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2335/scs.46.439

    CiNii Research

  78. Clinical Application of Insertion Force Sensor System for Coil Embolization of Intracranial Aneurysms

    Matsubara, N; Miyachi, S; Izumi, T; Yamada, H; Marui, N; Ota, K; Tajima, H; Shintai, K; Ito, M; Imai, T; Nishihori, M; Wakabayashi, T

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   105 巻   頁: 857 - 863   2017年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Introduction In endovascular embolization for intracranial aneurysms, it is important to properly control the coil insertion force. However, the force can only be subjectively detected by the subtle feedback experienced by neurointerventionists at their fingertips. The authors envisioned a system that would objectively sense and quantify that force. In this article, coil insertion force was measured in cases of intracranial aneurysm using this sensor, and its actual clinical application was investigated. Methods The sensor consists of a hemostatic valve (Y-connector). A little flexure was intentionally added in the device, and it creates a bend in the delivery wire. The sensor measures the change in the position of the bent wire depending on the insertion force and translates it into a force value. Using this, embolization was performed for 10 unruptured intracranial aneurysms. Results The sensor adequately recorded the force, and it reflected the operators' usual clinical experience. The presence of the sensor did not affect the procedures. The sensor enabled the operators to objectively note and evaluate the insertion force and better cooperative handling was possible. Additionally, other members of the intervention team shared the information. Force records demonstrated the characteristic patterns according to every stage of coiling (framing, filling, and finishing). Conclusions The force sensor system adequately measured coil insertion force in intracranial aneurysm coil embolization procedures. The safety of this sensor was demonstrated in clinical application for the limited number of patients. This system is useful adjunct for assisting during coil embolization for an intracranial aneurysm.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.06.092

    Web of Science



  79. Coiling of a Ruptured Large Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm via Extracranial-Intracranial Saphenous Vein Bypass Graft Just After Proximal Ligation of the Internal Carotid Artery

    Tajima, H; Araki, Y; Izumi, T; Nishihori, M; Okamoto, S; Wakabayashi, T

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   98 巻   頁: 879.e1 - 879.e4   2017年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:World Neurosurgery  

    Background Combined direct and endovascular surgery has been performed to treat large to giant internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysms. This report describes successful treatment of a large ICA aneurysm by coiling of the aneurysm via an extracranial-intracranial saphenous vein (SV) graft just after bypass and ICA proximal ligation. Case Description A 66-year-old woman presented with a left ICA supraclinoid aneurysm with progressive visual field defect and impaired visual acuity in the left eye. While waiting for scheduled surgery, she experienced a subarachnoid hemorrhage. An extracranial-intracranial high-flow bypass using an SV graft and proximal ligation of the ICA were performed. Coiling of the aneurysm was immediately performed successfully via the SV bypass graft. The patient experienced no new neurologic deficit after this treatment. Follow-up radiologic evaluations using magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography revealed complete aneurysm occlusion. Conclusions Aneurysm coiling via an extracranial-intracranial SV bypass graft could offer an alternative when an antegrade access route to the ICA is not used because of prior parent artery ligation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.066

    Web of Science



  80. A Case of Lateral Medullary Artery Arisen from the Posterior Meningeal Artery

    Ito Masashi, Izumi Takashi, Nishihori Masahiro, Imai Tasuku, Tamari Yousuke, Tsukada Tetsuya, Ishida Mamoru, Kropp Asuka, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    脳神経血管内治療   11 巻 ( 12 ) 頁: 615 - 618   2017年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    <p><b>Objective:</b> We encountered a patient with lateral medullary infarction during transarterial embolization of the posterior meningeal artery (PMA). We reviewed the anatomic characteristics/imaging findings of this disorder.</p><p><b>Case Presentation:</b> A 69-year-old male. Cerebral infarction involving the lateral medulla occurred during transarterial embolization of a dural arteriovenous fistula. It was considered to be a complication related to occlusion of a lateral medulla-penetrating vessel on microcatheter/guidewire operations in the PMA. When examining images in detail, the blood vessel could be confirmed using DSA and 3D angiography.</p><p><b>Conclusion:</b> When performing embolization, the presence of a brainstem-penetrating vessel originating from the PMA must be considered.</p>

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.cr.2017-0038

    CiNii Research

  81. 詳細な画像診断が治療戦略を決定するうえで有用であった破裂血豆状内頸動脈瘤の1 例

    西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 松原 功明, 宇田 憲司, 新帯 一憲, 田島 隼人, 伊藤 真史, 今井 資, 若林 俊彦

    脳卒中   39 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 24 - 28   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会  

    38 歳女性.頭痛発症のくも膜下出血で受診した.急性期に動脈瘤を認めず,第14 病日の血管撮影で右内頸動脈にわずかな隆起性変化を認め,血豆状内頸動脈瘤が疑われた.MRI CISS 画像とCTA のMPR 画像を比較したところ,拡張部の前後に偽腔が広がり,近位側は眼動脈分岐部の内頸動脈後壁に及んでいると推測された.バルーン閉塞試験にて内頸動脈の遮断耐性は認められたが,眼窩内の血管が全く描出されなかったため,眼動脈を含む内頸動脈病変に対するtrapping は視力障害のリスクが非常に高いと考えられた.治療戦略をステント支援下コイル塞栓術とし,眼動脈を温存した.術後,視力障害を含めた神経症状はなく,動脈瘤の再発もなく経過良好である.本症例では,MRI や血管撮影の詳細な読影を行うことで,治療方針の決定のみならず,合併症リスクも回避することができた.

    DOI: 10.3995/jstroke.10412

    CiNii Research

  82. The Treatment Outcome of Transarterial Embolization for Isolated Sinus Type Dural Arteriovenous Fistula between NBCA and Onyx

    Imai Tasuku, Izumi Takashi, Matsubara Noriaki, Nishihori Masahiro, Ito Masashi, Sato Masaki, Tamari Yosuke, Ishida Mamoru, Tsukada Tetsuya, Miyachi Shigeru, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy   11 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 279 - 287   2017年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy  

    <p><b>Objective:</b> The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical outcome of transarterial embolization for isolated sinus type dural arteriovenous fistula (iDAVF) using n-butyl-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) and Onyx.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> Seventeen lesions of iDAVF in 17 patients who underwent transarterial embolization between March 2008 and February 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. They were treated by embolization using NBCA in 10 patients, Onyx in 5 patients, and combination of NBCA and Onyx in 2 patients. We compared the results between embolization with NBCA and Onyx as follows: complete occlusion rate, number of embolized vessels, procedure-related complications, treatment time, dose of radiation exposure, amount of contrast agent, and total cost of the devices.</p><p><b>Results:</b> The complete occlusion rate of iDAVF was significantly higher in the Onyx group: 4 of 10 (40%) in NBCA and 5 of 5 (100%) in Onyx (P = 0.04). The number of treated vessels (5.1 ± 1.2 in NBCA, 1 in Onyx [P <0.001]), the maximum skin entrance dose (NBCA: 5030 ± 1646 [mGy], Onyx: 1670 ± 564 [mGy] in Onyx [P <0.01]), and total cost of the devices (601,265 ± 15,749 [yen] in NBCA, 374,210 ± 122,142 [yen] in Onyx [P <0.01]) were significantly higher in the NBCA. No significant difference was observed in the treatment time and contrast agent dose.</p><p><b>Conclusion:</b> In transarterial embolization of iDAVF, a higher complete occlusion rate was obtained with Onyx, which was also advantageous for reducing the exposure dose and cost of the devices.</p>

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.oa.2016-0090

    CiNii Research

  83. Treatment protocol based on assessment of clot quality during endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke using the Trevo stent retriever 査読有り

    Kojiro Ishikawa, Tomotaka Ohshima, Masahiro Nishihori, Tasuku Imai, Shunsaku Goto, Taiki Yamamoto, Toshihisa Nishizawa, Shinji Shimato, Kyozo Kato

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   78 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 255 - 265   2016年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NAGOYA UNIV, SCH MED  

    The optional endovascular approach for acute ischemic stroke is unclear. The Trevo stent retriever can be used as first-line treatment for fast mechanical recanalization. The authors developed a treatment protocol for acute ischemic stroke based on the assessment of clot quality during clot removal with the Trevo. This prospective single-center study included all patients admitted for acute ischemic stroke between July 2014 and February 2015, who underwent emergency endovascular treatment. According to the protocol, the Trevo was used for first-line treatment. Immediately after the Trevo was deployed, the stent delivery wire was pushed to open the stent by force (ACAPT technique). Clot quality was assessed on the basis of the perfusion status after deployment of the Trevo; continued occlusion or immediate reopening either reoccluded or maintained after the stent retriever had been in place for 5 min. If there was no obvious clot removal after the first pass with the Trevo, according to the quality of the clot, either a second pass was performed or another endovascular device was selected. Twelve consecutive patients with acute major cerebral artery occlusion were analyzed. Thrombolysis in cerebral infarction score 2b and 3 was achieved in 11 patients (91.7%) and 9 (75%) had a good clinical outcome after 90 days based on a modified Rankin scale score &lt;= 2. Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage occurred in 1 patient (8.3%). The overall mortality rate was 8.3%. Endovascular thrombectomy using the Trevo stent retriever for first-line treatment is feasible and effective.

    Web of Science

  84. Overlap stenting for in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting 査読有り

    Nishihori Masahiro, Ohshima Tomotaka, Yamamoto Taiki, Goto Shunsaku, Nishizawa Toshihisa, Shimato Shinji, Izumi Takashi, Kato Kyozo

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   78 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 143 - 149   2016年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Web of Science

  85. Overlap stenting for in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting.

    Nishihori M, Ohshima T, Yamamoto T, Goto S, Nishizawa T, Shimato S, Izumi T, Kato K

    Nagoya journal of medical science   78 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 143 - 9   2016年5月




  86. Overlap stenting for in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting

    Nishihori Masahiro, Ohshima Tomotaka, Yamamoto Taiki, Goto Shunsaku, Nishizawa Toshihisa, Shimato Shinji, Izumi Takashi, Kato Kyozo

    Nagoya Journal of Medical Science   78 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 143 - 149   2016年5月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, School of Medicine  

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.78.2.143

  87. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Using 10 Coil Versus 14 Coil in Endovascular Coil Embolization for Small and Medium-sized Intracranial Aneurysms: Efficacy of 14 Coil

    Imai Tasuku, Ohshima Tomotaka, Goto Shunsaku, Yamamoto Taiki, Shimato Shinji, Nishizawa Toshihisa, Kato Kyozo, Nishihori Masahiro, Izumi Takashi, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    脳神経血管内治療   10 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 196 - 200   2016年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    <p><b>Objective:</b> The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the therapeutic results of middle-sized or small cerebral aneurysms coiling using 10 coil (thickness, 0.0095 inch–0.012 inch) and 14 coil (thickness, 0.0135 inch) as a complex framing coil.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> Fifty aneurysms (maximum size, 4 mm–10 mm) in 50 patients treated in our hospital between May 2012 and May 2015 were assigned in this study. We compared the volume embolization rate, recurrence rate, initial occlusion grade between 14 coil (25 aneurysms) and 10 coil (25 aneurysms).</p><p><b>Results:</b> The mean volume embolization ratio was significantly higher (14 coil 37.5 ± 8.8%, 10 coil 32.6 ± 8.4%; P <0.05) in aneurysms coiled with 14 inch coil than those coiled with 10 inch coil. Fourteen inch coil has a higher initial occlusion grade, and lower recurrence rate than 10 coil, but these differences were not significant.</p><p><b>Conclusion:</b> The use of 14 inch framing coil to embolize middle-sized or small cerebral aneurysms is more effective in terms of a higher packing ratio.</p>

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.oa.2016-0045

    CiNii Books

    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2017210157

  88. 自己拡張型ステント留置後血管は直達術時に安全に遮断可能か?

    西堀 正洋, 大島 共貴, 山本 太樹, 後藤 峻作, 島戸 真司, 西澤 俊久, 加藤 恭三

    脳血管内治療   1 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 1 - 7   2016年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会  

    <p>【目的】ステント留置後の頭蓋内血管に対して,直達手術による追加治療が必要となる状況は今後想定されうる.ステント留置血管を,チタンクリップで一時遮断することは安全に可能かin vitro で評価を行った.【方法】シリコンチューブに33%グリセリン溶液を灌流し加圧した.Enterprise VRD,Neuroform,Wingspan を展開後,チタンクリップで遮断し,圧を負荷して遮断部位の溶液漏出を観察した.また遮断解除後のステントをCone-beam CT で観察した.【結果】Enterprise VRD,Neuroform,Wingspan の順に遮断しやすかった.2 本のパーマネントクリップを用いることで180 mmHg までは,全てのステントが遮断可能であった.遮断解除後,ストラットの損傷はいずれも認めなかった.【結論】現在本邦で使用されている自己拡張ステントが留置されている血管に対して,直達手術時に一時的な血流遮断は可能と考えられた.ステント留置血管を遮断する場合は,パーマネントクリップを2 本用いるのが確実である.</p>

    DOI: 10.20626/nkc.oa.2015-0047

    CiNii Research

  89. Overlap stenting for in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting

    Nishihori M., Ohshima T., Yamamoto T., Goto S., Nishizawa T., Shimato S., Izumi T., Kato K.

    Nagoya Journal of Medical Science   78 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 143 - 149   2016年


    出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Our aim was to assess the clinical safety and efficacy of overlap stenting for in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting. The study was conducted between July 2008 and February 2015. A database of consecutive carotid artery stenting procedures was retrospectively assessed to identify the cases of in-stent restenosis that were treated with overlap stenting under proximal or distal protection. The clinical and radiological records of the patients were then reviewed. Of the 155 CAS procedures in 149 patients from the database, 6 patients met the inclusion criteria. All the 6 patients were initially treated with moderate dilatation because of the presence of an unstable plaque. The technical success rate of the overlap stenting was 100%, with no 30-day mortality or morbidity. In addition, there was no further in-stent restenosis during a follow-up period of over 12 months. These results indicated that overlap stenting for in-stent restenosis after carotid artery stenting was both safe and effective in our cohort.


  90. Multimodal Assessment for Balloon Test Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery

    Matsubara Noriaki, Izumi Takashi, Okamoto Sho, Araki Yoshio, Shintai Kazunori, Tajima Hayato, Imai Tasuku, Ito Masashi, Nishihori Masahiro, Miyachi Shigeru, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy   10 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 108 - 115   2016年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy  

    <b>Objective:</b> Permanent therapeutic occlusion of the carotid artery is one of the treatment options for patients with a large/giant internal carotid artery aneurysm or tumor involving the neck or skull base. Balloon test occlusion (BTO) is performed to predict the tolerance of parent artery occlusion (PAO). The authors combined various modalities to improve the sensitivity of BTO. The purpose of this study is to present the efficacy of the multimodal BTO.<b>Methods:</b> Between January 2008 and September 2014, a total of 50 patients (internal carotid aneurysms: 39, neck or skull base tumor: 8, others: 3; mean 58.4 years, range 7–81 years; 10 men and 40 women) underwent multimodal BTO. Tolerance of PAO was evaluated by the algorithm with various assessment modalities including neurological symptoms with/without induced hypotension, findings of angiogram (collateral flow, venous phase laterality), perfusion CT, and stump pressure. Clinical data of patients with BTO were analyzed retrospectively. Procedures were performed in the angio/CT combination suite. BTO was performed in the usual fashion and when the patient passed the immediate test occlusion, perfusion CT was performed. Subsequently, the angiogram under balloon inflation followed. If the patient did not show neurological symptoms for 20 min, hypotension was induced by intravenous injection of the vasodilator. Neurological symptoms were then checked for more than 30 min.<b>Results:</b> By multimodal assessment of BTO, 33 patients were considered tolerable, six were partially tolerable, and 11 were intolerable. Thirteen of 33 patients with predictive tolerance underwent PAO without bypass, and all but one showed no hemodynamic ischemia postoperatively. Three of six patients with predictive partial tolerance were treated by PAO with extracranial-intracranial bypass, and they experienced no hemodynamic ischemia. In contrast, one with predictive partial tolerance treated by PAO without bypass developed ischemic events as feared.<b>Conclusions:</b> The multimodal BTO is helpful to evaluate the tolerance of PAO and is a reliable predictor of postoperative ischemic events. It reduces risks and increases treatment safety for permanent therapeutic occlusion of the carotid artery.

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.oa.2015-0012

    CiNii Research

  91. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Using 10 Coil Versus 14 Coil in Endovascular Coil Embolization for Small and Medium-sized Intracranial Aneurysms: Efficacy of 14 Coil

    Imai Tasuku, Ohshima Tomotaka, Goto Shunsaku, Yamamoto Taiki, Shimato Shinji, Nishizawa Toshihisa, Kato Kyozo, Nishihori Masahiro, Izumi Takashi, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy   10 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 196 - 200   2016年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy  

    <p><b>Objective:</b> The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the therapeutic results of middle-sized or small cerebral aneurysms coiling using 10 coil (thickness, 0.0095 inch–0.012 inch) and 14 coil (thickness, 0.0135 inch) as a complex framing coil.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> Fifty aneurysms (maximum size, 4 mm–10 mm) in 50 patients treated in our hospital between May 2012 and May 2015 were assigned in this study. We compared the volume embolization rate, recurrence rate, initial occlusion grade between 14 coil (25 aneurysms) and 10 coil (25 aneurysms).</p><p><b>Results:</b> The mean volume embolization ratio was significantly higher (14 coil 37.5 ± 8.8%, 10 coil 32.6 ± 8.4%; P <0.05) in aneurysms coiled with 14 inch coil than those coiled with 10 inch coil. Fourteen inch coil has a higher initial occlusion grade, and lower recurrence rate than 10 coil, but these differences were not significant.</p><p><b>Conclusion:</b> The use of 14 inch framing coil to embolize middle-sized or small cerebral aneurysms is more effective in terms of a higher packing ratio.</p>

    DOI: 10.5797/jnet.oa.2016-0045

    CiNii Research


書籍等出版物 1

  1. Use of embolization for the treatment of dural arteriovenous fistula

    Izumi T., Nishihori M., Tsukada T., Araki Y., Uda K., Yokoyama K.

    Arteriovenous Malformations of the Brain  2020年5月  ( ISBN:9781536178920


    Dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) is a relatively rare disease, and often develops pulsatile tinnitus. When accompanied by cerebral cortical venous reflux, patients may present with local neurological symptoms. Recently, transarterial embolization using Onyx is often the first-choice treatment for the patients with DAVF. Transvenous embolization for the affected sinus using platinum coils or liquid embolic material, is applied for cavernous sinus DAVF or transverse sinus/sigmoid sinus dural arteriovenous fistula (Borden type II). Since anatomical knowledge required for embolization is not required in the general practice of treating endovascular diseases, physicians treating dAVF must learn the anatomy of the arteries and veins of the head to increase the safety of embolization.



  1. Rare Dilated Collateral Circulation from Accessory Meningeal Artery to Inferolateral Trunk: A Case Report.

    Ikezawa M, Maeda K, Takasu S, Takemoto M, Nishihori M, Choo J, Sago F, Somiya D, Doba K, Ikeda A  

    NMC case report journal10 巻 ( 0 ) 頁: 47 - 50   2023年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0308


    CiNii Research

  2. Sacral arteriovenous fistula with lower thoracic cord edema without perimedullary vein enlargement.

    Ishii M, Nishimura Y, Nagashima Y, Tanei T, Nishihori M, Izumi T, Saito R  

    Surgical neurology international14 巻   頁: 295   2023年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Surgical Neurology International  

    Background: Sacral dural arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) are often undiagnosed at the initial presentation due to their rarity. Case Description: For 1 year, a 71-year-old man developed progressive motor and sensory disturbances in both legs. Magnetic resonance imaging showed spinal cord edema with mild contrast enhancement at the T9–10 and T12 levels. Although mild venous dilatation was observed only at the cauda equina level, it was not initially recognized as abnormal. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests and spinal angiography of the lower thoracic to upper lumbar levels were nonspecific. The patient was unsuccessfully treated with three courses of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone. Ultimately, following repeat spinal angiography (i.e., including the bilateral internal iliac arteries) that revealed a low-flow sacral dural AVF supplied by the right lateral sacral artery, the patient underwent successful surgical venous AVF occlusion/transection. Conclusion: In cases of spinal cord edema without perimedullary abnormal flow voids, careful spinal angiography including the sacral spine is necessary even if only minimal venous dilation is initially observed at the cauda equina level.

    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_606_2023



  3. Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Mimicking a Brain Tumor on Methionine-positron Emission Tomography: A Case Report.

    Hanyu T, Nishihori M, Izumi T, Motomura K, Ohka F, Goto S, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Saito R  

    NMC case report journal9 巻 ( 0 ) 頁: 289 - 294   2022年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0055


    CiNii Research

  4. Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm with a Peculiar Angiographic Appearance: A Case Study.

    Otawa M, Izumi T, Nishihori M, Tsukada T, Oshima R, Kawaguchi T, Goto S, Ikezawa M, Kropp AE, Wakabayashi T  

    NMC case report journal8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 57 - 61   2021年4月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0036


    CiNii Research

  5. Coexistence of a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula and Pial Arteriovenous Malformation Sharing a Common Drainer.

    Uda K, Izumi T, Kanamori F, Yokoyama K, Tsukada T, Nishihori M, Shintai K, Okamoto S, Araki Y  

    NMC case report journal8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 557 - 563   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0349


    CiNii Research

  6. Levodopa-responsive Parkinsonism Caused by Recurrence of Large Basilar-tip Aneurysm after Stent-assisted Coil Embolization: A Case Report.

    Nishihori M, Izumi T, Tsukada T, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Wakabayashi T  

    NMC case report journal8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 107 - 111   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0023


    CiNii Research

  7. Management of Asymptomatic Vertebral Artery Injury Caused by a Cervical Pedicle Screw Malposition: Two Case Reports.

    Otsuka T, Izumi T, Nishihori M, Tsukada T, Araki Y, Yokoyama K, Uda K, Goto S, Ikezawa M, Kato N, Nakano M, Saito R  

    NMC case report journal8 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 713 - 717   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会  

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2021-0062


    CiNii Research

  8. 【血行再建術2:血管吻合術】もやもや病に対する間接血行再建術後における皮質および脳溝内のFLAIR高信号と術後一過性神経脱落症状との関連

    荒木 芳生, 岡本 奨, 横山 欣也, 太田 慎次, 宇田 憲司, 村岡 真輔, 金森 史哲, 西堀 正洋, 泉 孝嗣, 若林 俊彦  

    脳卒中の外科46 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 439 - 444   2018年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本脳卒中の外科学会  

    当科で施行した間接血行再建術後急性期にFLAIR高信号とともに一過性神経脱落症状(TNEs)を生じた症例について後方視的に調査を行い、その病態と画像所見に関して考察した。間接血行再建術を行ったもやもや病症例11例(平均15.8歳)を対象とした。術後MRIでは全例diffusion weighted imageとT2*weighted imageにて急性期脳梗塞および出血性病変は否定された。脳溝内の高信号(CSHI)は10半球(62.5%)にて観察され、術後TNEsは9半球(56.3%)で生じており、CSHIとTNEsには統計学的に有意な相関を認めた。また、直接バイパス術を試みたが急性血栓化によって断念し、間接血行再建術となったのは5半球(31.3%)であったが、その症例においては全例CSHIと術後TNEsが出現していた。全例、TNEsは一過性にて改善し、退院時に神経症状が悪化した症例はなかった。


  9. 小児・若年「非もやもや」頭蓋内血管狭窄の治療と予後 非もやもや病小児閉塞性脳血管障害の診断と治療

    荒木 芳生, 近藤 五郎, 栗本 路弘, 芝 良樹, 宇田 憲司, 太田 慎次, 村岡 真輔, 金森 史哲, 泉 孝嗣, 西堀 正洋, 岡本 奨, 若林 俊彦  

    The Mt. Fuji Workshop on CVD36 巻   頁: 39 - 45   2018年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)にゅーろん社  

    当院で非もやもや病小児閉塞性脳血管障害が疑われた5例(男児2例、女児3例、平均年齢11.4歳)を対象に臨床経過や画像所見、神経学的予後について検討した。その結果、5例とも生来健康で外傷歴や血管危険因子は認めなかった。画像所見では、全例で内頸動脈終末部の狭窄を認めたが、ウイリス動脈輪周囲や基底核にもやもや血管は伴っていなかった。だが、3例(60%)は基底核を中心とする脳梗塞で発症していた。また、脳動脈解離に特徴的な所見を呈する症例はなく、1年以内の水痘ウイルス感染、自己免疫疾患や膠原病、全身性血管病変なども否定的であった。RNF213遺伝子多型は1例のみ陽性であった。脳梗塞を認めた3例では発症後早期にMRA上の狭窄進行がみられたが、それ以外は発症後から改善傾向にあった。最終診察時におけるmodified Rankin Scaleは全例で1以下であった。


  10. 小児・若年「非もやもや」頭蓋内血管狭窄の治療と予後 非もやもや病小児閉塞性脳血管障害の診断と治療

    荒木 芳生, 近藤 五郎, 栗本 路弘, 芝 良樹, 宇田 憲司, 太田 慎次, 村岡 真輔, 金森 史哲, 泉 孝嗣, 西堀 正洋, 岡本 奨, 若林 俊彦  

    The Mt. Fuji Workshop on CVD36 巻   頁: 39 - 45   2018年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)にゅーろん社  

    当院で非もやもや病小児閉塞性脳血管障害が疑われた5例(男児2例、女児3例、平均年齢11.4歳)を対象に臨床経過や画像所見、神経学的予後について検討した。その結果、5例とも生来健康で外傷歴や血管危険因子は認めなかった。画像所見では、全例で内頸動脈終末部の狭窄を認めたが、ウイリス動脈輪周囲や基底核にもやもや血管は伴っていなかった。だが、3例(60%)は基底核を中心とする脳梗塞で発症していた。また、脳動脈解離に特徴的な所見を呈する症例はなく、1年以内の水痘ウイルス感染、自己免疫疾患や膠原病、全身性血管病変なども否定的であった。RNF213遺伝子多型は1例のみ陽性であった。脳梗塞を認めた3例では発症後早期にMRA上の狭窄進行がみられたが、それ以外は発症後から改善傾向にあった。最終診察時におけるmodified Rankin Scaleは全例で1以下であった。

  11. The Treatment Outcome of Transarterial Embolization for Isolated Sinus Type Dural Arteriovenous Fistula between NBCA and Onyx

    Imai Tasuku, Izumi Takashi, Matsubara Noriaki, Nishihori Masahiro, Ito Masashi, Sato Masaki, Tamari Yosuke, Ishida Mamoru, Tsukada Tetsuya, Miyachi Shigeru, Wakabayashi Toshihiko  

    JNET : journal of neuroendovascular therapy : official journal of the Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy11 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 279 - 287   2017年6月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy  

    CiNii Books


講演・口頭発表等 7

  1. コイル塞栓術の治療戦略とコイル選択


    第36回日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会  2020年11月19日 


    開催年月日: 2020年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等  

    開催地:京都   国名:日本国  

  2. フローダイバーターステントの術後長期経過における動脈瘤収縮に関連する因子の解析  


    第36回日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会  2020年11月19日 


    開催年月日: 2020年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)  

    開催地:京都   国名:日本国  

  3. 不安定プラークはCASハイリスクか? 招待有り


    第36回日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会  2020年11月19日 


    開催年月日: 2020年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  4. 頸動脈ステント留置術 (CAS) feel the difference 招待有り


    第36回日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会  2020年11月19日 


    開催年月日: 2020年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等  

    開催地:京都   国名:日本国  

  5. フローダイバーターステントの術後長期経過における動脈瘤収縮に関連する因子の解析  


    第79回日本脳神経外科学会総会  2020年10月15日 


    開催年月日: 2020年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)  

    開催地:第79回日本脳神経外科学会総会   国名:日本国  

  6. 不安定プラークはCASハイリスクか?


    第45回日本脳卒中学会学術集会  2020年8月23日 


    開催年月日: 2020年8月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:横浜   国名:日本国  

  7. 破裂大型内頚動脈瘤に対して段階的血管内治療を行った3例


    第45回日本脳卒中学会学術集会   2020年8月23日 


    開催年月日: 2020年8月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

    開催地:横浜   国名:日本国  


科研費 1

  1. 海綿静脈洞部硬膜動静脈瘻と下垂体ホルモンとの因果関係に関する研究

    研究課題/研究課題番号:18K16580  2018年4月 - 2022年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

    西堀 正洋


    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金

    配分額:1950000円 ( 直接経費:1500000円 、 間接経費:450000円 )



担当経験のある科目 (本学) 3

  1. 血管吻合実習




  2. PBLチュートリアル




  3. 脳新規外科 脳血管内治療・画像講義





学術貢献活動 1

  1. 第46回日本脳卒中学会学術集会


    九州大学大学院医学研究院病態機能内科学  2021年3月

