Updated on 2024/11/05


Nagoya University Hospital Neurosurgery Lecturer of hospital
Lecturer of hospital
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Degree 1

  1. 博士(医) ( 名古屋大学 ) 

Research Areas 1

  1. Others / Others  / 神経内視鏡外科

Research History 1

  1. Nagoya University   Nagoya University Hospital Neurosurgery   Lecturer of hospital


Professional Memberships 6

  1. 日本頭蓋底外科学会

  2. 日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会

  3. 日本神経内視鏡学会

  4. 日本脳神経外科学会

  5. 日本内分泌学会

  6. 日本脳腫瘍の外科学会

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Awards 2

  1. 第24回日本脳腫瘍の外科学会 会長賞

    2019.9   日本脳腫瘍の外科学会   脳幹部海綿状血管腫治療における内視鏡手術の応用

  2. 第22回脳腫瘍の外科学会 会長賞

    2017.9   日本脳腫瘍の外科学会   脳幹、脳幹近傍海綿状血管腫に対する内視鏡治療の有効性


Papers 106

  1. Endoscopic Cystoventricular Stenting in Awake Patients with ESM for Convexity Cysts: Three Case Reports and a Systematic Review. Reviewed

    Okumura E, Takeuchi K, Nagata Y, Iwami K, Motomura K, Ohka F, Sato Y, Hirose T, Saito R

    World neurosurgery     2024.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.10.031


  2. Exo- and endoscopic two-step approach for meningeal tumours invading the lateral wall of large dural venous sinuses: how I do it

    Iwami, K; Watanabe, T; Takeuchi, K; Saito, R

    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA   Vol. 166 ( 1 ) page: 397   2024.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Acta Neurochirurgica  

    Background: Treating meningeal tumours invading the large dural venous sinuses is a subject of debate regarding the approach for removing the intra-sinus components. Additionally, directly observing the invasion site of tumours invading the lateral wall of the sinus is difficult. Method: We describe our exo- and endoscopic two-step approach (EETA): an exoscope is used to remove the extra-sinus component, while an endoscope is used to observe the invaded lateral wall and remove the intra-sinus component. Conclusion: EETA can be a viable option for treating meningeal tumours invading the venous sinus owing to its high resection rate and low invasiveness.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-024-06298-2

    Web of Science



  3. 神経内視鏡画像における機能性下垂体腫瘍を含めた手術支援AIシステムの構築

    布施 佑太郎, 竹内 和人, 橋本 典明, 永田 雄一, 永谷 哲也, 竹内 一郎, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 100 ( S.HPT ) page: 19 - 21   2024.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrine.100.s.hpt_19

    CiNii Research

  4. The potential role of preoperative posterior cerebral artery involvement in predicting postoperative transient neurological deficits and ischemic stroke after indirect revascularization in patients with moyamoya disease. Reviewed International journal

    Yoshio Araki, Kinya Yokoyama, Kenji Uda, Fumiaki Kanamori, Kai Takayanagi, Kazuki Ishii, Masahiro Nishihori, Shunsaku Goto, Tetsuya Tsukada, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yuichi Nagata, Yusuke Nishimura, Takafumi Tanei, Yoshitaka Nagashima, Shinsuke Muraoka, Takashi Izumi, Yukio Seki, Ryuta Saito

    World neurosurgery   Vol. 187   page: E610 - E619   2024.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: Transient neurological deficits (TNDs) are known to develop after direct bypass for moyamoya disease (MMD) and may be risk factors for subsequent stroke. However, the factors involved in the development of TNDs and stroke after indirect revascularization alone, including their association with subsequent stroke, remain unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate this issue. METHODS: The subjects of the study were 30 patients with MMD who underwent a total of 40 indirect revascularization procedures at our institution. Clinical and radiological data were collected retrospectively. To examine factors associated with the development of postoperative TND/stroke/asymptomatic disease, the clinical characteristics of each group were statistically compared. RESULTS: The mean age at surgery was 7 years (range 1-63). TNDs developed after surgery in 9 out of 40 patients (22.5%). Stroke in the acute postoperative period occurred in 3 patients (7.5%), all of whom experienced cerebral infarctions. Demographic data and preoperative clinical information were not different between the groups. However, posterior cerebral artery (PCA) involvement on preoperative imaging was significantly associated with the development of TNDs and stroke (p=0.006). Furthermore, postoperative stroke was associated with unfavorable outcomes (p=0.025). CONCLUSIONS: PCA involvement is significantly associated with the occurrence of TNDs. In contrast, TNDs after indirect revascularization have little relationship with the subsequent development of stroke. TNDs usually resolve without new strokes, and a better understanding of this particular pathology could help establish an optimal treatment regimen.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.04.135

    Web of Science




  5. Isolation of ependymal cilia from mouse brain. Reviewed International journal

    Akihiro Mizuno, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Hideyuki Harada, Taiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ishikawa, Sachi Maeda, Fumiharu Ohka, Hironori Ueno, Ryuta Saito

    Journal of neuroscience methods   Vol. 409   page: 110198 - 110198   2024.6

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Ependymal cilia play a major role in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Although isolation of cilia is an essential technique for investigating ciliary structure, to the best of our knowledge, no report on the isolation and structural analysis of ependymal cilia from mouse brain is available. NEW METHOD: We developed a novel method for isolating ependymal cilia from mouse brain ventricles. We isolated ependymal cilia by partially opening the lateral ventricles and gently applying shear stress, followed by pipetting and ultracentrifugation. RESULTS: Using this new method, we were able to observe cilia separately. The results demonstrated that our method successfully isolated intact ependymal cilia with preserved morphology and ultrastructure. In this procedure, the ventricular ependymal cell layer was partially detached. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: Compared to existing methods for isolating cilia from other tissues, our method is meticulously tailored for extracting ependymal cilia from the mouse brain. Designed with a keen understanding of the fragility of the ventricular ependyma, our method prioritizes minimizing tissue damage during the isolation procedure. CONCLUSIONS: We isolated ependymal cilia from mouse brain by applying shear stress selectively to the ventricles. Our method can be used to conduct more detailed studies on the structure of ependymal cilia.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2024.110198




  6. Case report: Endoscopic endonasal transposterior clinoid approach for resection of posterior clinoid process meningioma: technical notes and literature review. Reviewed International journal

    Steven Awyono, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Eiji Ito, Yuichi Nagata, Nyoman Golden, Tjokorda Gde Bagus Mahadewa, Ryuta Saito

    Frontiers in oncology   Vol. 14   page: 1368277 - 1368277   2024.6

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Posterior clinoid process (PCP) meningioma is an exceedingly rare entity. It remains the most challenging skull base lesion for neurosurgeons due to its treacherous location that insinuates amongst critical neurovascular structures. This article will describe the technical notes using the endoscopic endonasal approach that provide the earliest devascularization and detachment of the tumor PCP meningioma. METHODS: We are introducing the surgical implementation of an endoscopic endonasal approach to removing PCP meningioma. Furthermore, we perform a literature review of posterior clinoid process meningioma that undergoes surgical intervention, then summarize the benefits and limitations of each approach. RESULTS: We present a case of right PCP meningioma that was removed using an endoscopic endonasal approach through the transposterior clinoid corridor in a 52-year-old-woman. We describe the technical notes in performing this approach to have the earliest devascularization and detachment of the tumor by performing posterior clinoidectomy. Safe tumor removal is performed with a wide and clear view of the surrounding neurovascular structure. Based on our database search, we found nine articles reported on the surgical management of PCP meningiomas, with a total number of 15 cases. All of the reported cases performed the tumor removal using the transcranial approach. CONCLUSION: The endoscopic endonasal transposterior clinoid approach circumvents all disadvantages faced by the traditional transcranial approach, providing the earliest approach to devascularized and detaching the tumor from its attachment at PCP. This approach demonstrates safety and efficacy, making it an acceptable alternative for PCP meningioma resections.

    DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2024.1368277

    Web of Science




  7. 症例 機能性ゴナドトロピン産生下垂体腫瘍が原因で生じた卵巣囊胞に対しくり返し卵巣腫瘍摘出術が行われた1例

    太田 肇, 三宅 菜月, 太田 幸希, 村岡 彩子, 竹内 和人, 大須賀 智子

    産科と婦人科   Vol. 91 ( 5 ) page: 593 - 597   2024.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:診断と治療社  

    DOI: 10.34433/og.0000000711

    CiNii Research

  8. Cylinder tumor surgery in pediatric low-grade gliomas. Reviewed International journal

    Sebastian Gaston Jaimovich, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Victoria Tcherbbis Testa, Eriko Okumura, Roberto Jaimovich, Giuseppe Cinalli

    Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery     2024.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Periventricular pediatric low-grade gliomas (pLGG) present a surgical challenge due to their deep-seated location, accessibility, and relationship with the subcortical network connections. Minimally invasive parafascicular approaches with tubular brain retractors (port brain surgery) have emerged, in recent years, as an alternative to conventional microsurgical and endoscopic approaches for removal of periventricular tumors. OBJECTIVES: To describe the minimally invasive approach with tubular brain retractors for periventricular pLGG, its technique, applications, safety, and efficacy. METHODS: In this article, we describe the port brain surgery techniques for periventricular pLGG as performed in different centers, with different commercialized tubular retractor systems. Illustrative cases followed by a literature review are analyzed, with a detailed description of different approaches or techniques, comparing their advantages and disadvantages with contemporary microsurgical and endoscopic approaches. CONCLUSIONS: The port brain surgery with micro-exoscopic vision and endoscopic assistance, for the treatment of deep-seated lesions such as periventricular pLGG, is an alternative for achieving a functionally safe-gross total or subtotal-tumor resection, obtaining adequate tissue for pathological examination. This technique could offer a new dimension for a less-invasive, safe, and effective access to deep-seated tumors, offering the possibility to lower morbidity in experienced hands.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00381-024-06417-5

    Web of Science




  9. Obstructive Hydrocephalus Due to Aggressive Posterior Fossa Tumor Exhibiting Histological Characteristics of Pilocytic Astrocytoma in Two Adult Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Cases. Reviewed International journal

    Shigeaki Nawa, Fumiharu Ohka, Kazuya Motomura, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Junya Yamaguchi, Ryuta Saito

    Cureus   Vol. 16 ( 4 ) page: e58697   2024.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant syndrome caused by germline alteration of the NF1gene. Among various NF1-related manifestations, obstructive hydrocephalus especially in adult NF1 cases is less frequently found. We report two adult NF1 cases exhibiting obstructive hydrocephalus due to an aggressive posterior fossa tumor exhibiting pathological characteristics of pilocytic astrocytoma as NF1-related manifestations. In these two cases, we performed endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) and tumor biopsy as an initial treatment. The initial pathological diagnosis of the tumor is conventional pilocytic astrocytoma. After biopsy both cases revealed rapid tumor growth, therefore, we performed tumor removal, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy during an aggressive clinical course. However, both cases revealed dismal prognosis due to the progression of the tumor in spite of successful management of hydrocephalus by an initial ETV. DNA methylation analysis revealed that the tumor of one case matched high-grade astrocytoma with piloid features (HGAP). Most central nervous system tumors developed in NF1 are less aggressive such as pilocytic astrocytoma; however, recently a few studies revealed that HGAP, which has been a newly introduced malignant tumor in the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System, 5th edition (WHO CNS 5), rarely develops in NF1 cases. These findings suggested that HGAP might be one of the important causes of obstructive hydrocephalus in adult NF1 cases.

    DOI: 10.7759/cureus.58697

    Web of Science



  10. Pediatric-type high-grade gliomas with PDGFRA amplification in adult patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome: clinical and molecular characterization of three cases. Reviewed International journal

    Yuji Kibe, Fumiharu Ohka, Kosuke Aoki, Junya Yamaguchi, Kazuya Motomura, Eiji Ito, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Satoshi Ito, Nobuhiko Mizutani, Yoshiki Shiba, Sachi Maeda, Tomohide Nishikawa, Hiroki Shimizu, Ryuta Saito

    Acta neuropathologica communications   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 57 - 57   2024.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is an autosomal dominant tumor predisposition syndrome caused by heterozygous germline mutations or deletions in the TP53 tumor suppressor gene. Central nervous system tumors, such as choroid plexus tumors, medulloblastomas, and diffuse gliomas, are frequently found in patients with LFS. Although molecular profiles of diffuse gliomas that develop in pediatric patients with LFS have been elucidated, those in adults are limited. Recently, diffuse gliomas have been divided into pediatric- and adult-type gliomas, based on their distinct molecular profiles. In the present study, we investigated the molecular profiles of high-grade gliomas in three adults with LFS. These tumors revealed characteristic histopathological findings of high-grade glioma or glioblastoma and harbored wild-type IDH1/2 according to whole exome sequencing (WES). However, these tumors did not exhibit the key molecular alterations of glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype such as TERT promoter mutation, EGFR amplification, or chromosome 7 gain and 10 loss. Although WES revealed no other characteristic gene mutations or copy number alterations in high-grade gliomas, such as those in histone H3 genes, PDGFRA amplification was found in all three cases together with uniparental disomy of chromosome 17p, where the TP53 gene is located. DNA methylation analyses revealed that all tumors exhibited DNA methylation profiles similar to those of pediatric-type high-grade glioma H3-wildtype and IDH-wildtype (pHGG H3-/IDH-wt), RTK1 subtype. These data suggest that high-grade gliomas developed in adult patients with LFS may be involved in pHGG H3-/IDH-wt. PDGFRA and homozygous alterations in TP53 may play pivotal roles in the development of this type of glioma in adult patients with LFS.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40478-024-01762-7

    Web of Science




  11. Safety and efficacy of the endoscopic transsphenoidal transclival approach performed using direct cortical stimulation for pontine cavernous malformations. International journal

    Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Yasuo Sasagawa, Eiji Ito, Taiki Yamamoto, Akihiro Mizuno, Hiroo Sasaki, Tatsuma Kondo, Yoshio Araki, Mitsutoshi Nakada, Ryuta Saito

    Journal of neurosurgery   Vol. 140 ( 2 ) page: 469 - 477   2024.2

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: Surgical treatment of brainstem cavernous malformations (CMs) is challenging. Surgery using the endoscopic transsphenoidal transclival approach (eTSTCA) is reported as a useful alternative for ventral brainstem CMs. However, CMs located in the ventral midline of the brainstem are rare, and only a small number of case reports on these CMs treated with the eTSTCA exist. The efficacy and safety of the eTSTCA have not yet been fully examined. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed for 5 consecutive patients who underwent surgery via the eTSTCA for treating ventral pontine CMs. RESULTS: The average maximum CM diameter was 26.0 mm (18-38 mm). All patients underwent MR-diffusion tensor imaging, which confirmed that the corticospinal tract (CST) deviated posteriorly or laterally to the CM. Direct brainstem cortical stimulation was performed to localize the CST before making the cortical incision. After the excision of the CM, the cavity was filled with artificial CSF to make an aqueous surgical field (wet-field technique) for observing the tumor cavity and confirming complete hemostasis and resection. Total removal was achieved in all patients. The preoperative modified Rankin Scale score was 3 in 3 patients and 4 in 2 patients, whereas it was 1 in 2 patients and 0 in 3 patients 3 months after surgery. Postoperative CSF leakage was observed in 1 patient, and transient abducens nerve palsy was observed in 1 patient. No other intra- or postoperative complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: MR-diffusion tensor imaging and direct brainstem cortical stimulation were useful to ascertain the proximity of the CST to the CM. The endoscope provides a clear view even underwater, and it was safe and effective to observe the entire CM cavity and confirm complete hemostasis without additional retraction of the brainstem parenchyma, including the CST. The eTSTCA provides a direct access point to the lesion and may be a safer alternative treatment for patients whose CST deviates laterally or posteriorly to the CM.

    DOI: 10.3171/2023.6.JNS23324

    Web of Science




  12. Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Transplanum and Transdorsum Sellar Approach for the Resection of Retroinfundibular Craniopharyngioma With Two-Piece Dural Opening: A Technical Case Report. Reviewed International journal

    Maruf Matmusayev, Gayrat M Kariev, Ulugbek Asadullaev, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Hideo Harada, Ryuta Saito

    Cureus   Vol. 16 ( 1 ) page: e51850   2024.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The surgical treatment of retroinfundibular craniopharyngiomas is challenging due to their location and the surrounding neurovascular structures. In this report, the transdorsum sellar approach with posterior clinoidectomy, the efficacy of direct cyst puncture, and the suitability of a two-piece dural opening are presented. A 56-year-old male with visual and cognitive disturbances was referred to our hospital. Preoperative CT and MRI demonstrated a mostly cystic lesion with calcifications in the suprasellar and retroinfundibular areas. The imaging findings were suspected craniopharyngioma, and an extended endoscopic endonasal transdorsum sellar approach with posterior clinoidectomy was performed for direct access to the lesion. Two pieces of the dura were opened to prevent postoperative CSF leakage. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful. The endoscopic transdorsum sellar approach gives direct access to the posterior cranial fossa. A direct puncture of the cyst without CSF drainage is helpful for large cystic lesions. A two-piece dural opening is easy to suture and can reduce the chance of postoperative CSF leakage.

    DOI: 10.7759/cureus.51850

    Web of Science



  13. A Case of Papillary Craniopharyngioma Mimicking Rathke's Cleft Cyst. Reviewed

    Hideyuki Harada, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Naoko Inoshita, Eiji Ito, Eriko Okumura, Tatsuma Kondo, Yoshiki Sato, Ryuta Saito

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 11 ( 0 ) page: 191 - 194   2024

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Craniopharyngioma (CP) and Rathke's cleft cyst (RCC) are both suprasellar lesions. They are sometimes difficult to distinguish due to their similar findings. We report a case of papillary craniopharyngioma (pCP) with the clinical findings suggesting RCC. A 42-year-old female with intellectual disability presented to our hospital with severe visual dysfunction. Preoperative images revealed a suprasellar cystic lesion without calcification. We performed transsphenoidal surgery. Since the cyst had condensed-milk-like content suggesting RCC, we performed cyst fenestration and wash without removal of the cyst wall. Thereafter, we found fish-egg-like structures on the cyst wall. The histopathological analysis revealed that they had papillary structures surrounded by hyperplastic squamous epithelium with parakeratosis. Immunostaining for BRAF V600E was positive, leading to the diagnosis of pCP. After the surgery, her visual function improved and follow-up Magnetic resonance imaging at 18 months postoperatively showed no apparent recurrence. The presence of condensed-milk-like content suggests a likelihood of RCC indicating that aggressive resection may not be necessary. In contrast, the existence of fish-egg-like structures suggests pCP and requires careful follow-up.

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2024-0057


    CiNii Research


  14. Endoscopic Cylinder Surgery for Ventricular Lesions

    Takeuchi K.

    Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery   Vol. 52   page: 91 - 104   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery  

    Cylinder retractors have been developed to reduce the risk of brain retraction injury during surgery by dispersing retraction pressure on the brain. In recent years, various types of cylinder retractors have been developed and widely used in neurosurgery. The ventricles, being deep structures within the brain, present an effective area for cylinder retractor utilization. Endoscopy provides a bright, wide field of view in the deep surgical field, even through narrow corridors.This chapter introduces surgical techniques using an endoscope through a cylinder. Given the deep and complex shapes of the ventricles, preoperative planning is paramount. Two main surgical techniques are employed in endoscopic cylinder surgery. The wet-field technique involves the continuous irrigation of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during the procedure, maintaining ventricle shape with natural water pressure, facilitating tumor border identification, and achieving spontaneous hemostasis. Conversely, the dry-field technique involves CSF drainage, providing a clear visual field even during hemorrhage encounters. In intraventricular surgery, both techniques are used and switched as needed.Specific approaches for lateral, third, and fourth ventricular tumors are discussed, considering their locations and surrounding anatomical structures. Detailed intraoperative findings and strategies for tumor removal and hemostasis are presented.Endoscopic cylinder surgery offers a versatile and minimally invasive option for intraventricular tumors, leading to improved surgical outcomes. Overall, this technique enhances surgical precision and patient outcomes in intraventricular tumor cases.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-61925-0_7



  15. Corrigendum to “Isolation of ependymal cilia from mouse brain” [J. Neurosci. Method. 409 (2024) 110198] (Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2024) 409, (S0165027024001432), (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2024.110198))

    Mizuno A., Takeuchi K., Nagata Y., Harada H., Yamamoto T., Ishikawa T., Maeda S., Ohka F., Ueno H., Saito R.

    Journal of Neuroscience Methods     page: 110293   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Neuroscience Methods  

    The authors regret that the affiliation information was incomplete in the original article. The correct and complete affiliation information should be as follows: Akihiro Mizunoa,ba Department of Neurosurgery, Komaki City Hospital, Aichi, Japan b Department of Neurosurgery, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan This research was conducted while the author was affiliated with Nagoya University. The addition of this affiliation is important for accurately reflecting the research context. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2024.110293



  16. Endoscopic debulking canalization for optic pathway glioma with obstructive hydrocephalus. International journal

    Kazuhito Takeuchi, Fumiharu Ohka, Yuichi Nagata, Eiji Ito, Hideyuki Harada, Ryuta Saito

    Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery   Vol. 39 ( 12 ) page: 3421 - 3425   2023.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Optic pathway gliomas (OPGs) are benign tumors that can stop growing or even shrink. In recent years, surgical resection has not been considered the first-line treatment because of its high risk of complications. Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for growing OPGs. Surgical treatment for OPGs with obstructive hydrocephalus is required. Ventriculoperitoneal shunting is effective for all types of hydrocephalus. However, long-term management is required, especially in pediatric cases, and there is a risk of shunt-related complications over a long lifespan. Debulking surgery for OPGs allows us to avoid shunt placement by creating a waterway and releasing the hydrocephalus. To reduce the surgical risk and invasiveness, we used an endoscopic canalization technique with a small-diameter cylinder. In this article, we present a case of endoscopic canalization of an obstructive hydrocephalus caused by OPGs in a 14-year-old female to illustrate our surgical technique.(Trial registration Registry name and number: Efficacy and safety of the neuro-endoscopic treatment for brain tumors (2019-0254)).

    DOI: 10.1007/s00381-023-06053-5

    Web of Science




  17. Deep learning based identification of pituitary adenoma on surgical endoscopic images: a pilot study Reviewed

    Yutaro Fuse, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Noriaki Hashimoto, Yuichi Nagata, Yusuke Takagi, Tetsuya Nagatani, Ichiro Takeuchi, Ryuta Saito

    Neurosurgical Review   Vol. 46 ( 1 ) page: 291   2023.11

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-023-02196-w

    Web of Science




    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10143-023-02196-w/fulltext.html


    Maeda, S; Ohka, F; Kanamori, F; Okumura, Y; Takeuchi, K; Nagata, Y; Motomura, K; Yamaguchi, J; Kibe, Y; Harada, H; Shimizu, H; Takido, Y; Saito, R

    NEURO-ONCOLOGY   Vol. 25   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science


    Ohka, F; Maeda, S; Yamaguchi, J; Shimizu, H; Motomura, K; Takeuchi, K; Nagata, Y; Nishikawa, T; Kibe, Y; Takido, Y; Saito, R

    NEURO-ONCOLOGY   Vol. 25   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  20. Glossopharyngeal neurinoma of incidental finding in a 65-year-old female patient: case report Reviewed

    Kantenga Dieu Merci Kabulo, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yasuo Yamada, Afsal Sharafundeen, Kazadi Kaluile Ntenga Kalangu, Yoko Kato

    Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery   Vol. 38 ( 1 )   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  



    The glossopharyngeal nerve is both a sensitive and motor entity that emerges from the posterior lateral sulcus of the bulb and exits the skull through the jugular foramen. Schwannomas arising from glossopharyngeal nerves are extremely rare, and the clinical and imaging features of glossopharyngeal schwannomas closely resemble that of acoustic schwannomas.

    Case presentation

    We report a case of a 65-year-old female patient with glossopharyngeal neurinoma of incidental finding on brain CT scan requested after she sustained a minor traumatic brain injury. She was taken to the operating room, and the tumor was excised endoscopically via a retrosigmoid approach and the postoperative course was simple and uneventful. Histopathology of the sample showed short spindle-shaped cells with poor atypia proliferated in fascicles, and shelf-like arrangement of nuclei was seen partially, which was in keeping with a neurinoma.


    Glossopharyngeal neurinoma may not present with obvious symptoms and signs related to its compression and may also be found incidentally compared to its counterpart vestibular schwannoma.

    DOI: 10.1186/s41984-023-00226-9

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41984-023-00226-9/fulltext.html

  21. 再生医療実現に向けたヒト多能性幹細胞由来下垂体細胞の皮下移植

    佐々木 博勇, 須賀 英隆, 竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 原田 英幸, 近藤 辰磨, 伊藤 英治, 有馬 寛, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 99 ( S.HPT ) page: 4 - 6   2023.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrine.99.s.hpt_4

    CiNii Research

  22. [Prevention of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage and Endocrinological Management after Transsphenoidal Surgery].

    Takeuchi K

    No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery   Vol. 51 ( 4 ) page: 697 - 705   2023.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:株式会社医学書院  

    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1436204803


    CiNii Research

  23. Rapid detection of the MYD88 L265P mutation for pre- and intra-operative diagnosis of primary central nervous system lymphoma. International journal

    Junya Yamaguchi, Fumiharu Ohka, Yotaro Kitano, Sachi Maeda, Kazuya Motomura, Kosuke Aoki, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Hikaru Hattori, Takashi Tsujiuchi, Ayako Motomura, Tomohide Nishikawa, Yuji Kibe, Keiko Shinjo, Yutaka Kondo, Ryuta Saito

    Cancer science   Vol. 114 ( 6 ) page: 2544 - 2551   2023.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MYD88) L265P mutation is a disease-specific mutation of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) among the central nervous system tumors. Accordingly, this mutation is considered a reliable diagnostic molecular marker of PCNSL. As the intra-operative diagnosis of PCNSL is sometimes difficult to achieve using histological examinations alone, intra-operative detection of the MYD88 L265P mutation could be effective for the accurate diagnosis of PCNSL. Herein, we aimed to develop a novel rapid genotyping system (GeneSoC) using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on microfluidic thermal cycling technology. This real-time PCR system shortened the analysis time, which enabled the detection of the MYD88 L265P mutation within 15 min. Rapid detection of the MYD88 L265P mutation was performed intra-operatively using GeneSoC in 24 consecutive cases with suspected malignant brain tumors, including 10 cases with suspected PCNSL before surgery. The MYD88 L265P mutation was detected in eight cases in which tumors were pathologically diagnosed as PCNSL after the operation, while wild-type MYD88 was detected in 16 cases. Although two of the 16 cases with wild-type MYD88 were pathologically diagnosed as PCNSL after the operation, MYD88 L265P could be detected in all eight PCNSL cases harboring MYD88 L265P. The MYD88 L265P mutation could also be detected using cell-free DNA derived from the cerebrospinal fluid of two PCNSL cases. Detection of the MYD88 L265P mutation using GeneSoC might not only improve the accuracy of intra-operative diagnosis of PCNSL but also help the future pre-operative diagnosis through liquid biopsy of cerebrospinal fluid.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.15762

    Web of Science




  24. Machine learning models predict delayed hyponatremia post-transsphenoidal surgery using clinically available features. International journal

    Yutaro Fuse, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Hiroshi Nishiwaki, Takahiro Imaizumi, Yuichi Nagata, Kinji Ohno, Ryuta Saito

    Pituitary   Vol. 26 ( 2 ) page: 237 - 249   2023.4

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Delayed hyponatremia (DHN), a unique complication, is the leading cause of unexpected readmission after pituitary surgery. Therefore, this study aimed to develop tools for predicting postoperative DHN in patients undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (eTSS) for pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs). METHODS: This was a single-center, retrospective study involving 193 patients with PitNETs who underwent eTSS. The objective variable was DHN, defined as serum sodium levels < 135 mmol/L at ≥ 1 time between post operative days 3 and 9. We trained four machine learning models to predict this objective variable using the clinical variables available preoperatively and on the first postoperative day. The clinical variables included patient characteristics, pituitary-related hormone levels, blood test results, radiological findings, and postoperative complications. RESULTS: The random forest (RF) model demonstrated the highest (0.759 ± 0.039) area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC-AUC), followed by the support vector machine (0.747 ± 0.034), the light gradient boosting machine (LGBM: 0.738 ± 0.026), and the logistic regression (0.710 ± 0.028). The highest accuracy (0.746 ± 0.029) was observed in the LGBM model. The best-performing RF model was based on 24 features, nine of which were clinically available preoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed machine learning models with pre- and post-resection features predicted DHN after the resection of PitNETs.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11102-023-01311-w

    Web of Science




  25. Subcutaneous transplantation of human embryonic stem cells-derived pituitary organoids

    Hiroo Sasaki, Hidetaka Suga, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Hideyuki Harada, Tatsuma Kondo, Eiji Ito, Sachi Maeda, Mayu Sakakibara, Mika Soen, Tsutomu Miwata, Tomoyoshi Asano, Hajime Ozaki, Shiori Taga, Atsushi Kuwahara, Tokushige Nakano, Hiroshi Arima, Ryuta Saito

    Frontiers in Endocrinology   Vol. 14   page: 1130465   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  


    The pituitary gland, regulating various hormones, is central in the endocrine system. As spontaneous recovery from hypopituitarism is rare, and exogenous-hormone substitution is clumsy, pituitary replacement via regenerative medicine, using pluripotent stem cells, is desirable. We have developed a differentiation method that in mice yields pituitary organoids (POs) derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESC). Efficacy of these POs, transplanted subcutaneously into hypopituitary mice, in reversing hypopituitarism was studied.


    hESC-derived POs were transplanted into inguinal subcutaneous white adipose tissue (ISWAT) and beneath dorsal skin, a relatively avascular region (AR), of hypophysectomized severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Pituitary function was evaluated thereafter for ¾ 6mo, assaying basal plasma ACTH and ACTH response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation. Histopathologic examination of organoids 150d after transplantation assessed engraftment. Some mice received an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to permit assessment of how angiogenesis contributed to subcutaneous engraftment.


    During follow-up, both basal and CRH-stimulated plasma ACTH levels were significantly higher in the ISWAT group (p &amp;lt; 0.001 – 0.05 and 0.001 – 0.005, respectively) than in a sham-operated group. ACTH secretion also was higher in the ISWAT group than in the AR group. Histopathologic study found ACTH-producing human pituitary-cell clusters in both groups of allografts, which had acquired a microvasculature. POs qPCR showed expression of angiogenetic factors. Plasma ACTH levels decreased with VEGF-inhibitor administration.


    Subcutaneous transplantation of hESC-derived POs into hypopituitary SCID mice efficaciously renders recipients ACTH-sufficient.

    DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1130465

    Web of Science




  26. CD79B Y196 mutation is a potent predictive marker for favorable response to R-MPV in primary central nervous system lymphoma. International journal

    Junya Yamaguchi, Fumiharu Ohka, Chalise Lushun, Kazuya Motomura, Kosuke Aoki, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Satoshi Ito, Nobuhiko Mizutani, Masasuke Ohno, Noriyuki Suzaki, Syuntaro Takasu, Yukio Seki, Takahisa Kano, Kenichi Wakabayashi, Hirofumi Oyama, Shingo Kurahashi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Masaki Hirano, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Yotaro Kitano, Sachi Maeda, Shintaro Yamazaki, Toshihiko Wakabayashi, Yutaka Kondo, Atsushi Natsume, Ryuta Saito

    Cancer medicine   Vol. 12 ( 6 ) page: 7116 - 7126   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Rituximab, high-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX), procarbazine and vincristine (R-MPV), has significantly prolonged the survival of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), but predictive factors for response to R-MPV have not yet been investigated. Herein, we investigated the correlation of MYD88 L265P and CD79B Y196 mutations, which are the most frequently found molecular alterations in PCNSL, with prognosis of patients with PCNSL treated with R-MPV. METHODS: We investigated the long-term clinical course and status of MYD88 and CD79B genes in 85 patients with PCNSL treated with R-MPV or HD-MTX treatment, and the correlation of these genetic mutations with prognosis. RESULTS: R-MPV achieved an excellent tumor control rate (61.6% and 69.9% of 5-year progression-free and overall survival rates, respectively). While MYD88 L265P mutation had no significant effect on survival, patients with CD79B Y196 mutations exhibited prolonged survival (p < 0.05). However, the association of CD79B Y196 mutation with a better prognosis was not observed in the HD-MTX cohort, which indicated that CD79B Y196 mutation was a predictive marker for a favorable response to R-MPV. Furthermore, we established an all-in-one rapid genotyping system for these genetic mutations. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, CD79B Y196 mutation is a potent predictive marker for favorable response to R-MPV in PCNSL. The rapid identification of MYD88 L265P and CD79B Y196 mutations can be helpful not only for the accurate molecular diagnosis of PCNSL but also for the prediction of response to R-MPV.

    DOI: 10.1002/cam4.5512

    Web of Science




  27. The importance of preserving the superior hypophyseal artery infundibular branch in craniopharyngioma surgery International journal

    Hiroo Sasaki, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Akihiro Mizuno, Hideyuki Harada, Yugo Kishida, Tadashi Watanabe, Tetsuya Nagatani, Ryuta Saito

    Acta Neurochirurgica   Vol. 165 ( 3 ) page: 667 - 675   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Purpose: Postoperative pituitary dysfunction, a critical problem in the treatment of craniopharyngiomas, can occur even when the pituitary stalk is preserved. We hypothesized that compromise of the primary superior hypophyseal artery (pSHA) might be related to this occurrence. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of 131 patients with craniopharyngioma who underwent surgery from April 2009 to September 2021. The inclusion criteria were initial surgery, endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery, preoperative normal pituitary function or pituitary dysfunction in one axis, and morphological preservation of the pituitary stalk. The branches of the pSHA consist mainly of the chiasmatic branches (Cb), infundibular branches (Ib), and descending branches (Db). We analyzed the association between postoperative pituitary function and preservation of these branches. Results: Twenty patients met the criteria. Preoperative anterior pituitary function was normal in 18 patients, and there was isolated growth hormone deficiency in two patients. No patient had preoperative diabetes insipidus (DI). Anterior pituitary function was unchanged postoperatively in eight patients. Of these eight patients, bilateral preservation of pSHA Ib was confirmed in seven patients. Bilateral preservation of pSHA Ib was the only factor associated with preserved anterior pituitary function (p < 0.01). Fifteen patients were free of permanent DI, and the preservation of any given pSHA branch produced no significant difference in the postoperative occurrence of permanent DI. Conclusions: Our study shows that bilateral preservation of pSHA Ib provides favorable postoperative anterior pituitary function in craniopharyngioma surgery; however, such preservation may have little effect on the postoperative occurrence of DI.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-022-05415-3

    Web of Science




  28. 放射線治療とパシレオチドの併用が奏功したクッシング病の1例

    村瀬 萌絵, 安田 康紀, 杉山 摩利子, 永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 井下 尚子, 有馬 寛

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( 5 ) page: 1401 - 1401   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  29. Simultaneous Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Epistaxis in an Untreated Prolactinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.

    Masahiro Nishihori, Takashi Izumi, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Shunsaku Goto, Fumiaki Kanamori, Kenji Uda, Kinya Yokoyama, Yoshio Araki, Ryuta Saito

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 10 ( 0 ) page: 163 - 168   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    A 61-year-old man presented with massive epistaxis, amaurosis, nausea, and severe headache. A detailed examination revealed a subarachnoid hemorrhage and prolactinoma. Angiography showed a small internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm and inadequate collateral circulation; thus, uncomplicated coil embolization was performed. Considering the side effects of medication, such as cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, the patient was followed up for asymptomatic prolactinoma without medication after discharge. At 40 months later, aneurysm recurrence was confirmed. Flow diverter device placement was performed, and the outcomes were excellent. In the present report, we described a rare case of a ruptured internal carotid artery aneurysm in an untreated prolactinoma and discussed the literature.

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0355


    CiNii Research


  30. 脊椎脊髄疾患における3Dプリンター活用の実際と現状

    永島 吉孝, 西村 由介, 赤堀 翔, 竹内 和人, 宇田 憲司, 伊藤 洋, 齋藤 竜太

    脊髄外科   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 296 - 301   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本脊髄外科学会  


  31. 脊椎脊髄疾患における3Dプリンター活用の実際と現状

    永島 吉孝, 西村 由介, 赤堀 翔, 竹内 和人, 宇田 憲司, 伊藤 洋, 齋藤 竜太

    脊髄外科   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 296 - 301   2022.12

  32. Endoscopic Trans-Mini-Cylinder Biopsy for Intraparenchymal Brain Lesions International journal

    Kazuhito Takeuchi, Fumiharu Ohka, Yuichi Nagata, Sachi Maeda, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yoshio Araki, Taiki Yamamoto, Hiroo Sasaki, Akihiro Mizuno, Hideyuki Harada, Ryuta Saito

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 167   page: E1147 - E1153   2022.11

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective: The biopsy procedure is intended to obtain an adequate specimen volume from the targeted area while ensuring minimal damage to the normal brain. We performed navigation-guided endoscopic biopsy using a small-diameter cylinder to reduce the invasiveness of the biopsy procedure and ensure a sufficient amount of tissue is collected. We examined whether it is possible to reduce brain tissue injury by using a small-diameter cylinder and improve safety and effectiveness by using an endoscope to directly observe the lesion and achieve hemostasis. Methods: Patients who underwent endoscopic biopsy surgery using a 6-mm-diameter cylinder for intraparenchymal lesions were enrolled in this study. Postoperative hematoma formation and the extent of trajectory scarring were assessed. Results: Fifty-two procedures performed on 51 patients were analyzed in this study. Postoperative neurological deterioration was not observed in any patient. A pathological diagnosis was made for all patients. Postoperative computed tomography revealed no hematoma after 49 procedures and a small hematoma after 3 procedures, and no patients required additional treatment. A postoperative trajectory scar less than 5 mm in diameter was observed after 30 procedures, a scar of 5–10 mm was observed after 19 procedures, a scar larger than 10 mm was observed after 3 procedures at 1 week after surgery, and 40, 6 and 0 scars were observed at 3 months after surgery. Conclusions: Endoscopic biopsy using a small-diameter cylinder is a possible alternative biopsy technique for intraparenchymal lesions. This surgical technique is useful, especially in patients at risk of hemorrhagic complications.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.08.147

    Web of Science





    Yamaguchi, J; Ohka, F; Lushun, C; Motomura, K; Aoki, K; Takeuchi, K; Nagata, Y; Ito, S; Mizutani, N; Ohno, M; Suzaki, N; Takasu, S; Seki, Y; Tanahashi, K; Hirano, M; Shimizu, H; Kitano, Y; Maeda, S; Yamazaki, S; Wakabayashi, T; Kondo, Y; Saito, R

    NEURO-ONCOLOGY   Vol. 24   page: 18 - 18   2022.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  34. Efficacy and safety of the endoscopic “wet-field” technique for removal of supratentorial cavernous malformations International journal

    Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yoshio Araki, Akihiro Mizuno, Hiroo Sasaki, Hideyuki Harada, Keishi Ito, Ryuta Saito

    Acta Neurochirurgica   Vol. 164 ( 10 ) page: 2587 - 2594   2022.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective: Cerebral cavernous malformations (CMs) presenting with focal neurological symptoms or mass effects require surgical removal. In recent years, cylindrical retractors have been widely utilized for the removal of deep-seated lesions during both microscopic and endoscopic surgery. In the present study, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of endoscopic transcylinder removal of CMs using a novel wet-field technique. Methods: We included 13 patients with supratentorial CMs who had undergone endoscopic transcylinder surgery between April 2013 and March 2022. One patient experienced recurrence of the CM and underwent a second endoscopic transcylinder surgery. Therefore, we retrospectively evaluated 14 procedures. The surgical field was continuously irrigated with artificial cerebrospinal fluid to maintain expansion and visualization of the tumor bed. We termed this method as the “wet-field technique.” Patient characteristics, symptoms, and pre- and postoperative magnetic resonance imaging results were obtained from medical records. Results: The average maximum CM diameter was 35.3 mm (range: 10–65 mm). Cylinder diameters were 6 mm in eight procedures, 10 mm in four procedures, and 17 mm in one procedure. Wet-field technique was applied in all cases. The endoscope provided a bright field of view even under water. Continuous water irrigation made it easier to observe the entire tumor bed which naturally expanded by water pressure. Gross total resection was achieved in 13 procedures, while subtotal resection was achieved in one procedure. No surgical complications were observed. Conclusions: The endoscopic transcylinder removal using wet-field technique is safe and effective for the removal of symptomatic intracranial supratentorial CMs.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-022-05273-z

    Web of Science




  35. Effect of cilia-induced surface velocity on cerebrospinal fluid exchange in the lateral ventricles International journal

    Haruki Yoshida, Shunichi Ishida, Taiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ishikawa, Yuichi Nagata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Hironori Ueno, Yohsuke Imai

    Journal of the Royal Society Interface   Vol. 19 ( 193 ) page: 20220321 - 20220321   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Ciliary motility disorders are known to cause hydrocephalus. The instantaneous velocity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow is dominated by artery pulsation, and it remains unclear why ciliary dysfunction results in hydrocephalus. In this study, we investigated the effects of cilia-induced surface velocity on CSF flow using computational fluid dynamics. A geometric model of the human ventricles was constructed using medical imaging data. The CSF produced by the choroid plexus and cilia-induced surface velocity were given as the velocity boundary conditions at the ventricular walls. We developed healthy and reduced cilia motility models based on experimental data of cilia-induced velocity in healthy wild-type and Dpcd-knockout mice. The results indicate that there is almost no difference in intraventricular pressure between healthy and reduced cilia motility models. Additionally, it was found that newly produced CSF from the choroid plexus did not spread to the anterior and inferior horns of the lateral ventricles in the reduced cilia motility model. These findings suggest that a ciliary motility disorder could delay CSF exchange in the anterior and inferior horns of the lateral ventricles.

    DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0321

    Web of Science




  36. ラトケ嚢胞に類似した所見を示した頭蓋咽頭腫の一例

    原田 英幸, 竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 棚橋 邦明, 佐々木 博勇, 水野 晃宏, 井下 尚子, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 72 - 73   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  37. 経鼻頭蓋底術後髄液漏の検討 失敗を活かすために

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 佐々木 博勇, 水野 晃宏, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 25 - 27   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



  38. Direct intracranial invasion of eccrine spiradenocarcinoma of the scalp: a case report and literature review International journal

    Yuji Kibe, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Kazuhiro Ohtakara, Yuka Okumura, Fumiharu Ohka, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Kazuya Motomura, Sho Akahori, Akihiro Mizuno, Hiroo Sasaki, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Junya Yamaguchi, Tomohide Nishikawa, Kenji Yokota, Ryuta Saito

    BMC Neurology   Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 223 - 223   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Eccrine spiradenocarcinoma (SC), also known as malignant eccrine spiradenoma, is a rare malignant cutaneous adnexal neoplasm arising from long-standing benign eccrine spiradenoma. Malignant skin tumors rarely show direct intracranial invasion. However, once the intracranial structure is infiltrated, curative excision with sufficient margins can become extremely difficult, particularly when the venous sinuses are involved. No effective adjuvant therapies have yet been established. Here, we report an extremely rare case of scalp eccrine SC with direct intracranial invasion, which does not appear to have been reported previously. Case presentation: An 81-year-old woman presented with a large swelling on the parietal scalp 12 years after resection of spiradenoma from the same site. The tumor showed intracranial invasion with involvement of the superior sagittal sinus and repeated recurrences after four surgeries with preservation of the sinus. The histopathological diagnosis was eccrine SC. Adjuvant high-precision external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) proved effective after the third surgery, achieving remission of the residual tumor. The patient died 7 years after the first surgery for SC. Conclusions: Scalp SC with direct intracranial invasion is extremely rare. Radical resection with tumor-free margins is the mainstay of treatment, but the involvement of venous sinuses makes this unfeasible. High-precision EBRT in combination with maximal resection preserving the venous sinuses could be a treatment option for local tumor control.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12883-022-02749-4

    Web of Science




  39. Quick and simple dural threading technique for transsphenoidal surgery — dural tenting, haemostasis and skull base reconstruction International journal

    Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Ryuta Saito

    Acta Neurochirurgica   Vol. 164 ( 6 ) page: 1619 - 1622   2022.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Dural suturing is one of the most robust reconstruction methods in transsphenoidal surgery; however, the technique is considered difficult, primarily due to the restricted range of needle movement. Method: We performed dural threading during transsphenoidal surgery by holding the needle with forceps as a hook and moving the needle in a distal to proximal direction. Conclusion: Our dural suturing technique is simple and quick. It can be used not only for dural closure but also for other procedures, such as controlling haemostasis from the intercavernous sinus and dural tenting.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00701-022-05227-5

    Web of Science




  40. Symptomatic hyperperfusion after combined revascularization surgery in patients with pediatric moyamoya disease: patient series

    Araki Y., Mamiya T., Fujita N., Yokoyama K., Uda K., Kanamori F., Takayanagi K., Ishii K., Nishihori M., Takeuchi K., Tanahashi K., Nagata Y., Nishimura Y., Tanei T., Muraoka S., Izumi T., Kato K., Saito R.

    Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons   Vol. 3 ( 19 )   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons  

    BACKGROUND Symptomatic hyperperfusion after cerebral revascularization for pediatric moyamoya disease (MMD) is a rare phenomenon. The authors report a series of patients with this condition. OBSERVATIONS In all three patients in this case series, the combined revascularization was on the left side, the patency of bypass grafts was confirmed after surgery, and focal hyperemia around the anastomotic site was observed on single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). On the first to eighth days after surgery, all of the patients developed neurological manifestations, including motor aphasia, cheiro-oral syndrome, motor weakness of their right upper limbs, and severe headaches. These symptoms disappeared completely approximately 2 weeks after surgery, and all patients were discharged from the hospital. Quantitative SPECT was performed to determine the proportional change in cerebral blood flow (DRCBF) (to ipsilateral cerebellar ratio (denoted DRCBF) in the region of interest around the anastomoses, and the mean value was 1.34 (range, 1.29–1.41). LESSONS This rare condition, which develops soon after surgery, requires an accurate diagnosis by SPECT. One indicator is that the DRCBF has risen to 1.3 or higher. Subsequently, strategic blood pressure treatment and fluid management could prevent the development of hemorrhagic stroke.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE2274


  41. 術中所見はラトケ嚢胞、されど病理は頭蓋咽頭腫

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 棚橋 邦明, 佐々木 博勇, 原田 英幸, 井下 尚子, 齋藤 竜太

    Brain Tumor Pathology   Vol. 39 ( Suppl. ) page: 110 - 110   2022.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本脳腫瘍病理学会  


  42. A novel endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy and stenting technique with a transparent acryl puncture needle for a trapped temporal horn: a technical report and literature review International journal

    Taiki Yamamoto, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Akihiro Mizuno, Hideyuki Harada, Ryuta Saito

    Neurosurgical Review   Vol. 45 ( 2 ) page: 1783 - 1789   2022.4

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Trapped temporal horn is a rare type of noncommunicating focal hydrocephalus, and no standard treatment has been established yet for trapped temporal horn. Recent studies have shown the efficacy of endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy by opening the choroidal fissure; however, some surgical complications were reported during the procedure. Thus, we aimed to report a novel endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy and stenting technique for trapped temporal horn. In this technique, a 5.8-mm transparent acryl puncture needle with a 2.7-mm 0° rigid endoscope was used to open the choroidal fissure. It can fenestrate the choroidal fissure under real-time endoscopic observation of the critical neurovascular structures over the choroidal fissure. Moreover, the dull tip of the needle is less likely to injure the critical neurovascular structures, resulting in safer ventriculocisternostomy than the previously reported technique. Then, a stent is placed along the tract to prevent future obstruction of the stoma. Six trapped temporal horns in four patients were treated using the technique. All the patients showed improved symptoms with no surgical complications. None of the patients showed recurrence of trapped temporal horn during the mean follow-up period of 39.3 months. The combination of endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy and stenting with a transparent acryl puncture needle is a safe and effective treatment option for trapped temporal horn.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01634-x

    Web of Science




  43. Risk Factors for Cerebral Infarction Early After Revascularization in Children Younger than 5 Years with Moyamoya Disease International journal

    Yoshio Araki, Kenji Uda, Kinya Yokoyama, Fumiaki Kanamori, Michihiro Kurimoto, Yoshiki Shiba, Takashi Mamiya, Masahiro Nishihori, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yuichi Nagata, Yusuke Nishimura, Sho Okamoto, Masaki Sumitomo, Takashi Izumi, Ryuta Saito

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 160   page: E220 - E226   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective: Cerebral revascularization is necessary for pediatric patients younger than 5 years with moyamoya disease (MMD). However, they have a high risk of developing cerebral infarction early after surgery. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors for developing cerebral infarction among these patients. Methods: The charts of 21 consecutive patients with MMD (39 surgeries) younger than 5 years who had undergone revascularization at our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Because cerebral infarction occurring within 1 month after surgery was the primary end point, other clinical information was evaluated, including each surgical procedure. Multivariate analysis of the risk factors for postoperative cerebral infarction was performed. Results: Cerebral infarction occurred after 7 of 39 surgeries (17.9%). Of the 39 surgeries, 23 (59%) included direct and indirect combined revascularization. The incidence of cerebral infarction did not differ significantly between the combined (21.7%) and indirect (12.5%) groups (P = 0.46). Logistic regression showed no association between the revascularization procedure and the occurrence of cerebral infarction after surgery (P = 0.3). However, younger age at surgery was correlated with a higher risk of developing cerebral infarction in the early postoperative period (P = 0.05). Conclusions: No differences were found in the risk of developing cerebral infarction early after surgery as a result of surgical procedures. However, younger patients had higher postoperative risk. Further multicenter research should examine this issue for young pediatric patients with moyamoya at high risk of developing cerebral infarction.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.115

    Web of Science




  44. Modified Shoelace Dural Closure with Collagen Matrix in Extended Transsphenoidal Surgery

    Yuichi Nagata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Hiroo Sasaki, Akihiro Mizuno, Hideyuki Harada, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yoshio Araki, Ryuta Saito

    Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica   Vol. 62 ( 4 ) page: 203 - 208   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Extended endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (eTSS) offers a wide surgical field for various parasellar lesions; however, intraoperative high-flow cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage is inevitable. Therefore, se-cure sellar reconstruction methods are essential to prevent postoperative CSF leakage. Although collagen matrix has been applied for dural reconstruction in neurosurgery, its suitability for application in extended eTSS remains unclear. Eighteen patients underwent modified shoelace dural closure using collagen matrix after lesionectomy via extended eTSS. In this technique, a collagen matrix, which was placed subdurally (inlay graft), was continuously sutured with both open dural edges like a shoelace. Then, another collagen matrix was placed epidurally (onlay graft), and rigid reconstruction was performed using the septal bone and a resorbable fixation mesh. Postoperative CSF leakage did not occur in 17 patients but did occur in 1 patient with tuberculum sellae meningioma. In this case, the CSF leakage point was detected just around the area between the coagulated dura and the adjacent colla-gen matrix. The collagen matrix harvested from this area was pathologically examined; neovasculari-zation and fibroblastic infiltration into the collagen matrix were not detected. On the other hand, ne-ovascularization and fibroblast infiltration into the collagen matrix were apparent on the surface of the collagen matrix harvested from the non-CSF leakage area. Our novel dural closure technique using collagen matrix could be an effective option for sellar reconstruction in extended eTSS; however, it should be applied in patients in whom normal dural edges are preserved.

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2021-0355

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research


  45. Challenging direct bypass surgery for very young children with moyamoya disease: technical notes International journal

    Yoshio Araki, Kenji Uda, Kinya Yokoyama, Fumiaki Kanamori, Michihiro Kurimoto, Yoshiki Shiba, Takashi Mamiya, Masahiro Nishihori, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yuichi Nagata, Yusuke Nishimura, Sho Okamoto, Masaki Sumitomo, Takashi Izumi, Ryuta Saito

    Neurosurgical Review   Vol. 45 ( 2 ) page: 1799 - 1807   2022.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Cerebral revascularization for moyamoya disease (MMD) is an effective treatment for improving cerebral ischaemia and preventing rebleeding. Although direct bypass surgery is commonly performed on older children and adults, it is challenging in very young children due to the high difficulty level of the procedure. The subjects were MMD patients under 3 years of age on whom surgery was performed by a single surgeon (Y.A.). Preoperative clinical findings, information related to direct bypass surgery, bypass patency, and the incidence of postoperative stroke were investigated. Combined revascularization, including direct bypass surgery, was performed on 3 MMD patients (3 sides) under 3 years of age. The average diameter of the grafts used in direct bypass was 0.8 mm. The average recipient diameter was 0.8 ± 0.17 (range 0.6–1) mm. In all cases, the anastomotic procedure was completed using 11–0 monofilament nylon thread, and patency was confirmed. Direct bypass for MMD patients under 3 years old is technically challenging. However, despite the anatomical differences between very young children and elderly individuals, direct bypass surgery could certainly be completed. In addition, a rapid recovery from cerebral blood flow insufficiency could yield a promising neurological outcome.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01685-0

    Web of Science




  46. 3D培養法を用いた新規下垂体腺腫オルガノイドモデルの作成

    佐々木 博勇, 竹内 和人, 棚橋 邦明, 永田 雄一, 水野 晃宏, 原田 英幸, 須賀 英隆, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( 1 ) page: 329 - 329   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  47. 頭蓋咽頭腫術後下垂体機能温存に上下垂体動脈血流が重要である

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 水野 晃宏, 佐々木 博勇, 原田 英幸, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( 1 ) page: 309 - 309   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  48. 機能性下垂体腺腫に対する外科治療 術前評価から根治切除に向けて

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 棚橋 邦明, 佐々木 博勇, 水野 晃宏, 原田 英幸, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( 1 ) page: 278 - 278   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  49. 小児頭蓋咽頭腫の長期成績からみた課題と展望 小児頭蓋咽頭腫に対する神経内視鏡治療の実際と展望

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 加藤 美穂子, 佐々木 博勇, 齋藤 竜太

    小児の脳神経   Vol. 47 ( 2 ) page: 201 - 201   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本小児神経外科学会  


  50. Spatially separate cerebral infarction in the posterior cerebral artery territory after combined revascularization of the middle cerebral artery territory in an adult patient with moyamoya disease and fetal-type posterior communicating artery: illustrative case. International journal

    Yoshio Araki, Kinya Yokoyama, Kenji Uda, Fumiaki Kanamori, Takashi Mamiya, Kai Takayanagi, Kazuki Ishii, Masahiro Nishihori, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yuichi Nagata, Takafumi Tanei, Yusuke Nishimura, Takashi Izumi, Ryuta Saito

    Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons   Vol. 3 ( 12 )   2022.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Remote cerebral infarction after combined revascularization of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory is rare in patients with moyamoya disease (MMD) with a fetal-type posterior communicating artery (PCoA). OBSERVATIONS: A 57-year-old woman developed numbness in her right upper limb and transient motor weakness and was diagnosed with MMD. She also had a headache attack and a scintillating scotoma in the right visual field. Preoperative magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) showed stenosis of the left posterior cerebral artery (PCA). Combined revascularization was performed for the left MCA territory. No new neurological deficits were observed for 2 days after the operation, but right hemianopia, alexia, and agraphia appeared on postoperative day (POD) 4. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a new left occipitoparietal lobe infarction, and MRA showed occlusion of the distal left PCA. After that point, the alexia and agraphia gradually improved, but right hemianopia remained at the time of discharge on POD 18. LESSONS: Cerebral ischemia in the PCA territory may occur after combined revascularization of the MCA territory in patients with fetal-type PCoA. For these cases, a double-barrel bypass or indirect revascularization to induce a slow conversion could be considered on its own as a treatment option.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE21704




  51. Paradoxical symptomatic cerebral blood flow decreases after combined revascularization surgery for patients with pediatric moyamoya disease: illustrative case. International journal

    Yoshio Araki, Kinya Yokoyama, Kenji Uda, Fumiaki Kanamori, Michihiro Kurimoto, Yoshiki Shiba, Takashi Mamiya, Kai Takayanagi, Kazuki Ishii, Masahiro Nishihori, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yuichi Nagata, Yusuke Nishimura, Sho Okamoto, Masaki Sumitomo, Takashi Izumi, Ryuta Saito

    Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons   Vol. 3 ( 3 )   2022.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Transient neurological deficits (TNDs) develop after cerebral revascularization in patients with moyamoya disease (MMD). The authors report a rare pediatric MMD case with extensive decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF) and prolonged TNDs after combined revascularization. OBSERVATIONS: A 9-year-old boy presented with transient left upper limb weakness, and MMD was diagnosed. A right-sided combined surgery was performed. Two years after the surgery, frequent but transient facial (right-sided) and upper limb weakness appeared. The left internal carotid artery terminal stenosis had progressed. Therefore, a left combined revascularization was performed. The patient's motor aphasia and right upper limb weakness persisted for approximately 10 days after surgery. Magnetic resonance angiography showed that the direct bypass was patent, but extensive decreases in left CBF were observed using single photon emission tomography. With adequate fluid therapy and blood pressure control, the neurological symptoms eventually disappeared, and CBF improved. LESSONS: The environment of cerebral hemodynamics is heterogeneous after cerebral revascularization for MMD, and the exact mechanism of CBF decreases was not identified. TNDs are significantly associated with the onset of stroke during the early postoperative period. Therefore, appropriate treatment is desired after determining complex cerebral hemodynamics using CBF studies.

    DOI: 10.3171/CASE21628




  52. <sup>11</sup>C-methionine- and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET double-negative metastatic brain tumor from lung adenocarcinoma with paradoxical high <sup>18</sup>F-FDG uptake: A case report International journal

    Kuniaki Tanahashi, Masaki Hirano, Lushun Chalise, Takahiko Tsugawa, Yuka Okumura, Tetsunari Hase, Fumiharu Ohka, Kazuya Motomura, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Norimoto Nakahara, Naozumi Hashimoto, Ryuta Saito

    Surgical Neurology International   Vol. 13   page: 372 - 372   2022

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Imaging with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET) and 11C-methionine (MET)-PET can delineate primary and metastatic brain tumors. Lesion size affects the sensitivity of both scans and histopathological features can also influence FDG-PET, but the effects on MET-PET have not been elucidated. Case Description: We report an unusual case of metastatic brain tumors without accumulation of FDG or MET, contrasting with high FDG uptake in the primary lung lesion. The brain lesions were identified as adenocarcinoma with a more mucus-rich background, contributing to the indistinct accumulation of both FDG and MET. Conclusion: Histopathological characteristics can affect both MET and FDG accumulation, leading to findings contradicting those of the primary lesion.

    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_264_2022




  53. The preoperative focal cerebral blood flow status may be associated with slow flow in the bypass graft after combined surgery for moyamoya disease International journal

    Yoshio Araki, Kinya Yokoyama, Kenji Uda, Fumiaki Kanamori, Takashi Mamiya, Kai Takayanagi, Kazuki Ishii, Kazunori Shintai, Masahiro Nishihori, Tetsuya Tsukada, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Yuichi Nagata, Yusuke Nishimura, Takafumi Tanei, Yoshitaka Nagashima, Shinsuke Muraoka, Takashi Izumi, Yukio Seki, Ryuta Saito

    Surgical Neurology International   Vol. 13   page: 511 - 511   2022

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between early postoperative slow flow in bypass grafts and preoperative focal cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients who underwent combined surgery for moyamoya disease (MMD). Methods: The subjects were 18 patients (22 surgeries) who underwent single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) before surgery. The CBF value of the middle cerebral artery territory was extracted from the SPECT data, and the value relative to the ipsilateral cerebellar CBF (relative CBF, or RCBF) was calculated. The association between RCBF and early postoperative slow flow in the bypass graft was investigated. In addition, the correlation between the revascularization effect and preoperative RCBF was analyzed. Results: In four of 22 surgeries (18.2%), slow flow in the bypass graft was identified in the early postoperative period. Preoperative RCBF in the slow flow and patent groups was 0.86 ± 0.15 and 0.87 ± 0.15, respectively, with no significant difference (P = 0.72). The signal intensity of four slow-flowed bypasses was improved in all cases on magnetic resonance angiography images captured during the chronic phase (mean of 3.3 months postoperatively). The revascularization scores were 2 ± 0.82 and 2.1 ± 0.68 in the slow flow and patent groups, respectively, and did not differ significantly (P = 0.78). A significant correlation was not observed between preoperative RCBF and the revascularization effect. Conclusion: No significant association was observed between preoperative RCBF and early postoperative slow flow in bypass grafts in patients with MMD undergoing combined surgery. Given the high rate of improved depiction of slow-flowed bypass in the chronic postoperative phase, the conceptual significance of an opportune surgical intervention is to maintain CBF by supporting the patient's own intracranial-extracranial conversion function.

    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_772_2022




  54. Case of a Pregnant Woman with Capillary Hemangioma of the Parasellar Region.

    Takayuki Ishikawa, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Keishi Ito, Taiki Yamamoto, Ryusuke Kabeya

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 9 ( 0 ) page: 77 - 82   2022

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Here we report a rare case of capillary hemangioma (CH) in a 28-year-old woman suffering from gradual worsening diplopia at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a mass lesion (about 3 cm in diameter) in the right parasellar region. We decided to observe as she was pregnant, and had no symptoms other than right abducent nerve palsy. Fortunately, her symptoms did not worsen until delivery. Computed tomography, enhanced MRI, and angiography after delivery revealed that the lesion was highly calcified and vascularized. A dorsum sellae meningioma or highly calcified pituitary adenoma was suspected and the endoscopic transsphenoidal approach was used for tumor removal. The postoperative course was uneventful. The histological diagnosis was CH. Intracranial CHs or CHs of skull are rare vascular tumors. These tumors are reportedly more common in female patients and may change in size in adults according to menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Only six cases, including that of the present study, were diagnosed during the perinatal period. Some of them experienced rapid symptom progression and tumor growth in their course; thus, we should pay further attention to pregnant or peripartum patients with brain tumor, suspected hemangiomas.

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2021-0326


    CiNii Research


  55. Current Clinical Applications of Three-dimensional Printing in Spine Surgery and Education

    Nagashima Yoshitaka, Nishimura Yusuke, Akahori Sho, Takeuchi Kazuhito, Uda Kenji, Ito Hiroshi, Saito Ryuta

    Spinal Surgery   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 296 - 301   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Spinal Surgery  

    <p>  The clinical applications of three-dimensional (3D) printing in the field of spine surgery and education have recently begun to progress. Technological advances have made it relatively inexpensive and easy to create 3D models. Herein, we explain how to construct a full-scale model using a 3D printer, and review articles on the current clinical applications and limitations. Creation of a 3D model based on the patient’s radiographic image data facilitates understanding of the complicated anatomy. This model enables improvements in visual understanding, preoperative surgical planning, and gives the surgeon a training opportunity. Furthermore, 3D printer technology can also be useful during surgery, and 3D printed surgical guidance systems have previously been successfully used for spine surgery. 3D printing patient-specific guides and templates are highly useful to facilitate safe screw insertion. In addition, 3D printers can be used to create patient-specific implants.</p>

    DOI: 10.2531/spinalsurg.36.296

    CiNii Research

  56. Sellar arachnoid cystに対する経鼻内視鏡手術

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 永谷 哲也, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 97 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 49 - 51   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  

    内視鏡下経鼻術(TSS)を行ったSellar arachnoid cyst(sAC)14例17手術(男性5例、女性9例、平均年齢49.6歳)の手術成績を報告した。初回手術例は13例、再発例は1例で、術前症状は視機能障害13例、動眼神経麻痺1例、汎下垂体前葉機能低下2例であり、嚢胞最大径は平均26.9mmであった。手術法はconventional TTS:9手術、extended TTS:8手術で、下垂体柄を温存しつつ可及的な嚢胞開窓を行い、視機能障害と動眼神経麻痺は全例改善した。TSSはsACに対して安全かつ有用な外科的治療法であり、術前画像や術中所見に基づいて下垂体柄と下垂体組織を温存するよう嚢胞開窓を行うことで、良好な術後下垂体機能が期待できる。また、下垂体柄が嚢胞前方に位置する症例は術後再発をきたしやすく、手術法の工夫や注意深いフォローアップが必要である。


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2021&ichushi_jid=J01160&link_issn=&doc_id=20210929320015&doc_link_id=%2Fcs6hypop%2F2021%2F0097s1%2F016%2F0049-0051%26dl%3D0&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.medicalonline.jp%2Fjamas.php%3FGoodsID%3D%2Fcs6hypop%2F2021%2F0097s1%2F016%2F0049-0051%26dl%3D0&type=MedicalOnline&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00004_2.gif

  57. 内視鏡下経鼻頭蓋底手術後の再建戦略 失敗症例から学ぶDuragenの適応と限界

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 山本 太樹, 原田 英幸, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 97 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 16 - 18   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  

    新規再建材料であるDuragenを用いた経鼻頭蓋底手術後再建120症例を対象として、Duragenの適応と限界について検討した。再建方法は通常法77例(通常再建法73例、靴紐再建法4例)、拡大法43例(靴紐再建法30例、パッチワーク再建法13例)で、このうち自家組織を用いずにDuragen単独で再建した症例は通常法45例、拡大法9例であり、Duragen単独再建群の1例(1.9%)に術後髄液漏を認めたため、再手術を行った。髄液漏再建手術時に採取したDuragenの病理組織学的検討では、inlay graftとして硬膜内に留置されたものには線維芽細胞、新生血管がみられたが、onlay graftとして硬膜外に留置されたものには新生血管はなく癒着も弱かった。硬膜欠損の少ない症例や硬膜焼灼のない症例はDuragen単独での再建が有効と考えられた。


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2021&ichushi_jid=J01160&link_issn=&doc_id=20210929320005&doc_link_id=10.1507%2Fendocrine.97.S.HPT_16&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.1507%2Fendocrine.97.S.HPT_16&type=J-STAGE&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00007_3.gif

  58. A new primate model of hypophyseal dysfunction International journal

    Teppei Kawabata, Hidetaka Suga, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Mayu Sakakibara, Kaori Ushida, Chikafumi Ozone, Atsushi Enomoto, Ikuo Kawamoto, Iori Itagaki, Hideaki Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Arima, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Scientific Reports   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 10729 - 10729   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    For pituitary regenerative medicine, the creation of a hypophyseal model in monkeys is necessary to conduct future preclinical studies; however, previous studies reported that hypophysectomy in monkeys is not always safe or satisfactory. This study aimed to create a hypophyseal dysfunction model in a cynomolgus monkey using a safer surgical technique and establish the protocol of pituitary hormone replacement therapy for this model. Surgical resection of the pituitary gland of a 7.8-year-old healthy adult cynomolgus male monkey weighing 5.45 kg was performed to create a hypophyseal dysfunction model for future regenerative studies. Endoscopic transoral transsphenoidal surgery was used to perform hypophysectomy under navigation support. These procedures were useful for confirming total removal of the pituitary gland without additional bone removal and preventing complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage. Total removal was confirmed by pathological examination and computed tomography. Hypopituitarism was verified with endocrinological examinations including stimulation tests. Postoperatively, the monkey’s general condition of hypopituitarism was treated with hormone replacement therapy, resulting in long-term survival. The success of a minimally invasive and safe surgical method and long-term survival indicate the creation of a hypophyseal dysfunction model in a cynomolgus monkey; hence, this protocol can be employed in the future.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-90209-3

    Web of Science




  59. 機能性下垂体腺腫に対する前葉peel off resectionの意義

    永田 雄一, 水野 晃宏, 竹内 和人

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 97 ( 1 ) page: 256 - 256   2021.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  60. 神経内視鏡の発展 "内視鏡でもできる"から"内視鏡ならできる"へ

    竹内 和人

    小児の脳神経   Vol. 46 ( 2 ) page: 109 - 109   2021.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本小児神経外科学会  


  61. Trautmann-focused mastoidectomy for a simple, safe presigmoid approach: technical note International journal

    Kuniaki Tanahashi, Kenji Uda, Yoshio Araki, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Jungsu Choo, Lushun Chalise, Kazuya Motomura, Fumiharu Ohka, Toshihiko Wakabayashi, Atsushi Natsume

    Journal of Neurosurgery   Vol. 134 ( 3 ) page: 843 - 847   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The presigmoid approach (PSA) is selected to obtain more lateral access to cerebellopontine angle tumors, brainstem cavernous malformations, or vertebrobasilar artery aneurysms than the standard retrosigmoid approach. However, mastoidectomy for the PSA can be considered time-consuming and to carry a higher risk of complications due to the anatomical complexity of the region. The authors established a method of minimized mastoidectomy focused on exposing Trautmann’s triangle as the corridor for the PSA while maximizing procedural simplicity and safety and maintaining a sufficient operative view. The authors present their method of minimized mastoidectomy in a cadaver dissection and operative cases, showing potential as a useful option for the PSA.

    DOI: 10.3171/2020.1.JNS193179

    Web of Science




  62. Importance of hydrostatic pressure and irrigation for hemostasis in neuroendoscopic surgery

    Takayuki Ishikawa, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Taiki Yamamoto, Yuichi Nagata, Atsushi Natsume

    Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica   Vol. 61 ( 2 ) page: 117 - 123   2021.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Recently neurosurgical operations have been carried out with water irrigation such as endoscopic third ventriculostomy and tumor resections in ventricles. Water irrigation is one of several published methods that promote hemostasis; however, not enough experimental evidence exists on its efficacy. In this study, we investigate whether hydrostatic pressure and persistent irrigation promote hemostasis in neuroendoscopic surgery. We dissected tails of 12–16-week-old C57BL/6 male mice at 5 mm proximal from the tip and checked for bleeding times under dry and wet conditions at pressures of 0 cmH2 O, 10 cmH2 O, 15 H2 O, and 20 cmH2 O without persistent irrigation to bleeding point and 10 cmH2 O with persistent irrigation. We then examined the dissected edge with hematox-ylin–eosin staining and measured the size of vessels. The average bleeding time of each group is as follows: dry: 203.4 sec, wet: 164.4 sec, 5 cmH2 O: 138.6 sec, 10 cmH2 O: 104.6 sec (P <0.001), 20 cmH2 O: 56 sec (P <0.001), and 10 cmH2 O with persistent irrigation: 72.8 sec (P <0.01 compared to 10 cmH2 O without persistent irrigation). The maximum caliber of mice’s tail artery was 50–60 μm. Hydrostatic pressure and irrigation are important factors contributing to hemostasis.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2020-0278

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research


  63. Novel Endoscopic Technique for Inserting a Sheath into a Slit Ventricle: The Water-Slide Technique International journal

    Taiki Yamamoto, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Akihiro Mizuno, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 145   page: 1 - 4   2021.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: The efficacy and safety of endoscopic procedures for slit ventricle syndrome (SVS) have been presented in recent studies. However, inserting a sheath into a target ventricle is essential in the beginning of endoscopic procedures for SVS, and this maneuver is challenging owing to the quite narrow ventricular space. We report a novel flexible endoscopic technique, the water-slide technique, that can effectively guide a sheath into a slit ventricle without the use of other adjunctive devices, such as a neuronavigation system and an ultrasound machine. Methods: Ten endoscopic procedures using the water-slide technique were performed in 9 patients with SVS. All patients had undergone ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement. Using the technique, the sheath was first placed on the flexible endoscope. The endoscope was then inserted into the lateral ventricle along the tract around the pre-existing ventricular catheter with irrigation of artificial cerebrospinal fluid via the working channel of the endoscope. After the endoscope reached the ventricle, the sheath was inserted into the ventricle along the endoscope. The endoscope was then used as a stylet. The endoscopic procedure was performed afterward. Continuous irrigation of artificial cerebrospinal fluid via the working channel is important when using this technique. Results: In all cases, the sheath was successfully introduced to the slit ventricle without the use of adjunctive devices. There were no postoperative complications correlated with the maneuver. Conclusions: This novel endoscopic technique is effective and safe for inserting a sheath into a target ventricle in the management of SVS.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.08.206

    Web of Science




  64. A Case of Primary Leptomeningeal Lymphoma Presenting with Hydrocephalus Characterized by Disproportionately Large Fourth Ventricle.

    Shota Nohira, Shinji Shimato, Takashi Yamanouchi, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Taiki Yamamoto, Makoto Ito, Kyozo Kato, Toshihisa Nishizawa

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 8 ( 1 ) page: 399 - 404   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Primary leptomeningeal malignant lymphoma (PLML) is a rare variant of primary central nerve system malignant lymphoma (PCNSL) which is restricted to leptomeninges. The lesions of PLML can often be detected as abnormal enhancement on the surface of central nervous system or the ventricular wall on magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) evaluation together with such MRI findings provides the definitive diagnosis of PLML. Here, we present a 45-year-old female case of PLML in which hydrocephalus with disproportionately large fourth ventricle was observed at presentation with gait instability. Head MRI revealed no abnormal enhancement and CSF cytology was negative, leaving the cause of hydrocephalus undetermined. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) was effectively performed for hydrocephalus and her symptoms disappeared. Nearly 2 years later, she was brought to emergent room due to unconsciousness with the recurrence of hydrocephalus. MRI showed expanded fourth ventricle and abnormal enhancement on the ventricular wall. The endoscopic surgery for improving CSF flow was successful and inflammatory change was endoscopically observed on the ventricular wall involving aqueduct. Pathological diagnosis of the specimen from the ventricular wall proved B-cell lymphoma. Because neither brain parenchymal masses nor systemic tumors were identified, she was diagnosed with PLML and treated by high-dose methotrexate. She was in a stable state 2 years after the diagnosis of PLML. We report and discuss the characteristics of this case.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0215


    CiNii Research


  65. Fully Endoscopic Transcylinder Trans-Magendie Foraminal Approach for Fourth Ventricular Cavernoma: A Technical Case Report International journal

    Yuichi Nagata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Taiki Yamamoto, Akihiro Mizuno, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 142   page: 104 - 107   2020.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Neuroendoscopy offers wide and close surgical views with fine illumination, even in deep surgical sites. Furthermore, transcylinder surgery has the advantage that a tubular retractor can protect critical neurovascular structures in the surgical corridor. These advantages of neuroendoscopy and transcylinder surgery can contribute to safer and less invasive surgical approaches for deep-seated fourth ventricular lesions, for which various critical neurovascular structures exist along the surgical route. Case Description: A 54-year-old man with a fourth ventricular cavernoma underwent tumor resection via the endoscopic transcylinder trans-Magendie foraminal approach. A 6.8-mm transparent sheath (cylinder) was introduced into the fourth ventricle via the foramen of Magendie without incisions in the inferior medullary velum or the tela choroidea, resulting in the minimal retraction of and trauma to critical neurovascular structures in the surgical corridor. Under the view of a 2.7-mm rigid neuroendoscope, the lesion was completely removed with preservation of a venous anomaly on the ventral side of the aqueduct of Sylvius. Neuroendoscopy could offer a fine surgical view even under continuous irrigation with artificial cerebrospinal fluid; it prevented collapse of the fourth ventricle and facilitated anatomic understanding by the surgeons. The postoperative course was uneventful. Conclusions: Our novel approach can be an effective surgical option for fourth ventricular lesions with minimal cerebellar retraction and injury.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.06.171

    Web of Science




  66. 機能性下垂体腺腫に対するsupratotal resectionの有用性

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 水野 晃宏, 尾上 剛史, 高木 博史, 有馬 寛

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 96 ( 2 ) page: 509 - 509   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  67. 閉塞性水頭症により認知機能低下をきたした一例

    毛利 尚裕, 橋詰 淳, 竹内 和人, 熱田 直樹, 勝野 雅央

    臨床神経学   Vol. 60 ( 10 ) page: 720 - 720   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  68. 下垂体、下垂体近傍病変術後低ナトリウム血症の解析

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 96 ( 1 ) page: 266 - 266   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  69. 経鼻内視鏡手術における閉創法の工夫

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 96 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 38 - 39   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  

    著者等は内視鏡下経鼻経蝶形骨手術(TSS)における硬膜閉創法のアルゴリズムとして、conventional TSSでは腫瘍摘出腔への脂肪充填および硬膜縫合を行い、硬膜欠損を伴わないextended TSSでは腹部から採取した遊離脂肪片を用いたshoelace closure、硬膜欠損を伴うextended TSSでは遊離腹直筋膜片の硬膜へのpatch縫合+硬膜外での脂肪片貼付+硬性再建を原則としている。今回、その妥当性について検討するため、2013~2019年にTSSを行った383例の術後髄液漏発生率について調査した。手術法の内訳はconventional TSSが278例、extended TSSが105例で、術後髄液瘻は計7例(発生率1.8%)であり、この数値は他報告(1.2~2.2%)と同程度で良好な成績と考えられた。


  70. 下垂体腺腫に対する手術操作と中枢性尿崩症の発生についての検討

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 96 ( 1 ) page: 238 - 238   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  71. 下垂体腺腫における手術操作と術後中枢性尿崩症の発生についての検討

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 96 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 40 - 41   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



  72. 下垂体機能温存を目的とした頭蓋咽頭腫摘出への挑戦

    竹内 和人, 永谷 哲也, 渡邉 督, 岸田 悠吾, 永田 雄一, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 96 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 8 - 10   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  

    頭蓋咽頭腫の外科治療では腫瘍摘出率の向上と機能温存との両立が求められ、これまで内分泌機能の温存を目的とした下垂体組織・下垂体茎の温存が試みられてきたが、下垂体茎を温存しても下垂体機能は維持されないことが多い。上下垂体動脈(SHA)は視神経と下垂体茎を栄養する血管であり、内視鏡下拡大経鼻経蝶形骨手術(extended eTSS)はSHA・視神経下面・下垂体茎などを一視野に収めることが可能である。今回、当院と関連施設で2009~2019年にextended eTSSを施行した頭蓋咽頭腫69例のうち、初回手術例で、かつ術前に内分泌機能が維持され、術中に下垂体茎が温存され、術中映像を確認できた14例を対象とし、SHA infundibular branchが両側とも温存された群(6例)、片側温存群(5例)、温存不可群(3例)に分け、術後の下垂体前葉機能および後葉機能について群間比較した。結果、前葉機能は両側温存群の4例(67%)が術後も維持されたのに対し、片側温存群と温存不可群では全例に機能低下があり、有意な群間差を認めた。後葉機能は両側温存群の5例(83%)、片側温存群の2例(40%)、温存不可群の1例(33%)で維持され、有意な群間差は認めなかった。


  73. Endoscopic treatment strategy for a disproportionately large communicating fourth ventricle: Case series and literature review

    Teppei Kawabata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Takayuki Ishikawa, Jungsu Choo, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica   Vol. 60 ( 7 ) page: 351 - 359   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    An isolated fourth ventricle (IFV) is characterized by fourth ventricular dilation due to obstruction of its inlet and outlet. A disproportionately large communicating fourth ventricle (DLCFV) is a rare subtype of IFV, characterized by dilation of the fourth ventricle, regardless of the size of the lateral ventricles, with no apparent obstruction of the cerebral aqueduct. To our knowledge, this is the first case series describing endoscopic diagnosis and treatment strategy for DLCFV. We retrospectively reviewed six cases of DLCFV in which endoscopic surgery was performed at our institution and affiliated facilities between June 2013 and March 2017. DLCFV was diagnosed using radiographic imaging and intraoperative endoscopy. We also conducted a PubMed search and included only original studies related to DLCFV treatment written in English in our review of the literature. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) was performed in all patients. Additional endoscope-assisted placement of a fourth ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt was performed in two patients who could not be managed with ETV alone because of severe adhesion of the interpeduncular cistern due to subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The patients’ symptoms and the size of the fourth ventricle improved with surgical treatment, without complications. Endoscopic surgery for DLCFV appears to be a safe and effective treatment. Based on our treatment strategy, ETV is the first-line treatment for DLCFV. Endoscope-assisted placement of the fourth VP shunt can be treatment for severe adhesion of the interpeduncular cistern.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2019-0299

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research


  74. Steroid-responsive recurrent tumefactive demyelination with multiple petechial hemorrhages along non-displaced medullary veins International journal

    Takashi Tsuboi, Yumiko Harada, Masashi Suzuki, Takashi Ando, Naoki Atsuta, Fumiharu Ohka, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Toshiaki Taoka, Shigeo Ohba, Masato Nakaguro, Masato Abe, Ichiro Nakashima, Mari Yoshida, Masahisa Katsuno

    Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery   Vol. 193   page: 105764 - 105764   2020.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.105764

    Web of Science




  75. H3F3A mutant allele specific imbalance in an aggressive subtype of diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M-mutant International journal

    Sachi Maeda, Fumiharu Ohka, Yusuke Okuno, Kosuke Aoki, Kazuya Motomura, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Hironao Kusakari, Nobuyuki Yanagisawa, Shinya Sato, Junya Yamaguchi, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Masaki Hirano, Akira Kato, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Yotaro Kitano, Shintaro Yamazaki, Shinji Yamashita, Hideo Takeshima, Keiko Shinjo, Yutaka Kondo, Toshihiko Wakabayashi, Atsushi Natsume

    Acta Neuropathologica Communications   Vol. 8 ( 1 ) page: 8 - 8   2020.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M-mutant is a lethal brain tumor located in the thalamus, brain stem, or spinal cord. H3 K27M encoded by the mutation of a histone H3 gene such as H3F3A plays a pivotal role in the tumorigenesis of this type of glioma. Although several studies have revealed comprehensive genetic and epigenetic profiling, the prognostic factors of these tumors have not been identified to date. In various cancers, oncogenic driver genes have been found to exhibit characteristic copy number alterations termed mutant allele specific imbalance (MASI). Here, we showed that several diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M-mutant exhibited high variant allele frequency (VAF) of the mutated H3F3A gene using droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) assays. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) revealed that these cases had various copy number alterations that affected the mutant and/or wild-type alleles of the H3F3A gene. We also found that these MASI cases showed a significantly higher Ki-67 index and poorer survival compared with those in the lower VAF cases (P < 0.05). Our results indicated that the MASI of the H3F3A K27M mutation was associated with the aggressive phenotype of the diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M-mutant via upregulation of the H3 K27M mutant protein, resulting in downregulation of H3K27me3 modification.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40478-020-0882-4

    Web of Science




  76. トルコ鞍部病変に対する経鼻内視鏡術後低ナトリウム血症の検討

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 山本 太樹, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 95 ( 3 ) page: 1106 - 1106   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  77. 機能性下垂体腺腫に対する経鼻手術の工夫

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 95 ( 3 ) page: 1102 - 1102   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  78. Endoscopic-assisted paramedian infratentorial supracerebellar approach for pineal cyst - How I do it Video clip. International journal

    Riki Tanaka, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Ahmed Ansari, Kento Sasaki, Kyosuke Miyatani, Yasuhiro Yamada, Tsukasa Kawase, Yoko Kato, Akihiko Horiguchi

    Surgical neurology international   Vol. 11   page: 336 - 336   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The endoscopic supracerebellar-infratentorial (SCIT) approach is a viable method to access pathology of the posterior incisura, but a narrow working space and frequent instrument conflict can potentially limit its surgical efficacy. We planned an endoscopic-assisted paramedian infratentorial supracerebellar approach for pineal cyst. CASE DESCRIPTION: Patient was placed in prone position under general anesthesia. His head was rotated to the left side slightly. The location of the transverse sinus was detected with navigation system. A 5 cm linear skin incision was performed, and a 2 cm craniectomy was performed about 2 cm left of the median. The transverse sinus was little bit exposed. Dura was incised in a U-shaped incision with the transverse sinus at the base. The endoscope was advanced along with the culmen. At that time, we observed inferior and superior vermian vein. After reaching to the thick arachnoid near by galenic system, the arachnoid membrane was incised and the CSF was evacuated. After that, the cerebellum became soft and the surgical corridor became large. The arachnoid membrane was incised widely. Pineal cyst, precentral cerebellar vein, bilateral internal occipital vein and great vein of galen were exposed. There were some small veins on the pineal cyst, but the adhesion was not so severe. The cyst was dissected from these small veins. There was no adhesion between the cyst and surrounding brain except for the pineal recess. Bilateral ICV was seen behind the cyst. There was feeding artery and draining vein on the antero-lateral part of the cyst. These vessels were coagulated and cut, then the cyst was removed. After the removal, we confirmed complete removal of the cyst and hemostasis. CONCLUSION: Endoscopic-assisted paramedian SCIT approach for pineal cyst in prone position is a reasonable and efficient access for posterior third ventricular lesions. The learning curve, maneuverability in small space, and instrument conflict limit efficacy.

    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_354_2020



  79. Preservation of Olfactory Function Following Endoscopic Single-Nostril Transseptal Transsphenoidal Surgery International journal

    Teppei Kawabata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Takayuki Ishikawa, Jungsu Choo, Yusuke Sato, Masao Tambara, Masaaki Teranishi, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 132   page: E665 - E669   2019.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective: Olfactory dysfunction is a significant postoperative complication related to endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (TSS). This study aimed to determine the impact of endoscopic TSS on olfactory function. Methods: We conducted a prospective study of 32 patients with sellar or parasellar tumors who were treated with endoscopic TSS between December 2013 and October 2016. TSS was performed via a right transseptal approach. We performed the Toyota and Takagi olfactometer test and the venous olfaction test for the evaluation of olfactory function preoperatively and at 1 and 3 months postoperatively. Results: The results of the Toyota and Takagi test showed that olfactory function deteriorated in 4 of 32 (12.5%) patients 1 month postoperatively and improved to preoperative baseline levels in all patients 3 months after the procedure. Olfactory function deteriorated in 1 of 31 (3.2%) patients 3 months after the procedure. The venous olfaction test revealed no response in 1 of 31 (3.2%) patients 1 month postoperatively, with no improvement 3 months after the procedure. Conclusions: Endoscopic single-nostril transseptal TSS for sellar or parasellar tumor resection has minimal impact on olfactory function.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.08.051

    Web of Science




  80. Three types of dural suturing for closure of CSF leak after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery International journal

    Takayuki Ishikawa, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Jungsu Choo, Teppei Kawabata, Tomotaka Ishizaki, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Journal of Neurosurgery   Vol. 131 ( 5 ) page: 1625 - 1631   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE Transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) is commonly used for anterior skull base surgery, especially in the sella turcica (sellar) region. However, because of its anatomical position, CSF leakage is a major complication of this approach. The authors introduced a new grading reconstruction strategy for anterior skull base surgery with continuous dural suturing in 2013. In this paper the authors report on their methods and results. METHODS All patients with sellar or anterior skull base lesions that were removed with TSS or extended TSS by a single neurosurgeon between April 2013 and March 2017 at Nagoya University Hospital and several cooperating hospitals were retrospectively identified. Three methods of suturing dura were considered, depending on the dural defect. RESULTS There were 176 TSS cases (141 conventional TSS cases and 35 extended endoscopic TSS cases) and 76 cases of Esposito's grade 2 or 3 intradural high-flow CSF leakage. In the high-flow CSF leak group, there were 3 cases of CSF leakage after the operation. The rates of CSF leakage after surgery corresponding to grades 2 and 3 were 2.9% (1/34) and 4.7% (2/42), respectively. CONCLUSIONS Dural suturing is a basic and key method for reconstruction of the skull base, and continuous suturing is the most effective approach. Using this approach, the frequency of cases requiring a nasoseptal flap and lumbar drainage can be reduced.

    DOI: 10.3171/2018.4.JNS18366

    Web of Science




  81. Peel-off resection of the pituitary gland for functional pituitary adenomas: pathological significance and impact on pituitary function International journal

    Yuichi Nagata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Taiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ishikawa, Teppei Kawabata, Yoshie Shimoyama, Naoko Inoshita, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Pituitary   Vol. 22 ( 5 ) page: 507 - 513   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Purpose: Functional pituitary adenomas (FPAs) lacking a well-defined pseudocapsule can invade the adjacent pituitary gland. In such situations, peel-off resection of the adjacent pituitary gland after selective adenomectomy might lead to complete tumor removal, resulting in optimal endocrinological outcomes. Here, we present the significance of peel-off resection of the pituitary gland in patients with FPA in whom complete extracapsular tumor removal cannot be achieved. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of 21 patients with FPA who underwent transsphenoidal surgery (TSS). After selective adenomectomy, peel-off resection of the adjacent pituitary gland was performed in 13 patients because complete extracapsular resection could not be achieved, while peel-off resection was not performed in the remaining 8 patients because complete extracapsular resection was accomplished. The clinical outcomes of these groups were compared. The pituitary tissues obtained by peel-off resection were pathologically examined for tumor cells. Results: Early postoperative biochemical remission was achieved in 20 patients (95.2%). Anterior pituitary functions were not aggravated postoperatively in any patient: however, transient diabetes insipidus (DI) occurred in 2 patients. There were no statistically significant differences in the clinical outcomes of the two groups. A pseudocapsule was pathologically detected in the adjacent anterior pituitary even in patients in whom no pseudocapsule was intraoperatively detected. Tumor cells were pathologically detected in 7 (58.3%) of 12 pituitary tissues examined. Conclusions: Peel-off resection of the pituitary gland, which can remove a small tumor cell remnant in the adjacent pituitary, might maximize the effectiveness of TSS with minimal impact on postoperative pituitary function.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11102-019-00980-w

    Web of Science




  82. 高齢非機能性下垂体腺腫における手術成績の検討

    川端 哲平, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 石崎 友崇, 永田 雄一, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 95 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 45 - 47   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



  83. Endoscopic clipping of intraventricular aneurysms using the "wet-field" technique International journal

    Kazuhito Takeuchi, Takashi Handa, Jonsu Chu, Kentaro Wada, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Journal of Neurosurgery   Vol. 131 ( 1 ) page: 104 - 108   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Intraventricular hemorrhage and intracerebral aneurysms are relatively frequent complications associated with moyamoya disease. Prevention of aneurysm rerupture is important because it significantly decreases the morbidity and mortality rates. Aneurysms arising distal to collateral flow are sometimes observed in patients with intraventricular hemorrhage; however, the treatment of these aneurysms remains challenging because of their deep-seated location in the brain and accompanying narrow surgical corridor. The authors describe a neuroendoscopic aneurysm clipping technique performed in 2 cases using a small-diameter tubular retractor for intraventricular aneurysms of the distal lateral posterior choroidal artery. In this technique, the surgical field was continuously irrigated with artificial CSF to keep the ventricle size intact, and aneurysm clipping was performed through a tubular retractor that was introduced with neuronavigational guidance. The patients' postoperative courses were uneventful, and CT angiography revealed complete clipping of the aneurysms and patent parent arteries. Endoscopic clipping using a tubular retractor is an effective and less invasive alternative for treating intraventricular aneurysms. The wet-field endoscopic technique is performed in an aqueous field and maintains an intact ventricle size, allowing for a clear surgical view and a wider, enhanced surgical field.

    DOI: 10.3171/2018.1.JNS172393

    Web of Science




  84. Removal of the Medial Wall of the Cavernous Sinus for Functional Pituitary Adenomas: A Technical Report and Pathologic Significance International journal

    Yuichi Nagata, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Taiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ishikawa, Teppei Kawabata, Yoshie Shimoyama, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 126   page: 53 - 58   2019.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Removal of the medial wall of the cavernous sinus (MW) is challenging for neurosurgeons. We describe a practical method of endoscopic MW removal via endonasal transsphenoidal approach to minimalize intraoperative blood loss and postoperative morbidities. We also present the pathologic significance of this technique for functional pituitary adenomas (FPAs). Methods: We performed MW removal in patients with FPA with no well-defined pseudocapsule and a tumor in direct contact with the MW. The MW was judged to have tumor invasion based on the intraoperative appearance, and it was removed regardless of the appearance of MW involvement. Intraoperative findings and postoperative clinical, endocrinologic, and pathologic outcomes were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Fourteen patients underwent MW removal for FPA, including 12 patients with acromegaly and 2 with Cushing disease. Mean intraoperative blood loss was 170 mL (range, 32–400 mL), and none of the patients required blood transfusion. Among the 7 patients without intraoperative apparent MW involvement, 4 (57.1%) had pathologically confirmed tumor invasion into the MW (occult invasion). Biochemical remission by surgery alone was achieved in 13 patients (92.9%). Transient oculomotor palsy occurred in 1 patient (7.1%). Conclusions: Occult tumor invasion into the MW was often detected in patients with FPA without a well-defined pseudocapsule but in direct contact with the MW. Our technique can enhance the effectiveness of surgery with minimal postoperative morbidities.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.02.134

    Web of Science




  85. 斜台内腫瘤を呈した多発性骨髄腫の一例

    景山 卓, 竹内 和人, 下山 芳江, 足立 佳也, 若林 俊彦

    臨床神経学   Vol. 59 ( 5 ) page: 320 - 320   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  86. 脳幹部に腫瘍性病変をきたしステロイドパルス療法が有効であった脱髄性疾患の1例

    光里 翔, 天草 善信, 中村 亮一, 大岡 史治, 竹内 和人, 川頭 祐一, 熱田 直樹, 吉田 眞理, 勝野 雅央

    臨床神経学   Vol. 59 ( 5 ) page: 324 - 324   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  87. 機能性下垂体腺腫に対する内視鏡下経鼻経蝶形骨手術の限界

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 95 ( 1 ) page: 492 - 492   2019.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  88. 頭蓋咽頭腫摘出術中下垂体茎温存症例における下垂体機能の検討

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 永谷 哲也, 渡邉 督, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 95 ( 1 ) page: 447 - 447   2019.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  89. Quality of Life Changes Before and After Transsphenoidal Surgery for Sellar and Faros llar Lesions Reviewed

    Ishikawa Takayuki, Takeuchi Kazuhito, Nagatani Tetsuya, Aimi Yuri, Tanemura Eriko, Tambara Masao, Nagata Yuichi, Choo Jungsu, Wakabayashi Toshihiko

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 122   page: E1202-E1210   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.7076/j.wneu.2018.71.017

    Web of Science

  90. Quality of Life Changes Before and After Transsphenoidal Surgery for Sellar and Parasellar Lesions International journal

    Takayuki Ishikawa, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Tetsuya Nagatani, Yuri Aimi, Eriko Tanemura, Masao Tambara, Yuichi Nagata, Jungsu Choo, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 122   page: e1202 - e1210   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective: Although reports regarding the relationship between surgical complications and quality of life (QOL) exist, a general consensus regarding this issue is lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate QOL after endoscopic transsphenoidal approach. Methods: We assessed patients with sellar or parasellar lesions that were removed with endoscopic transsphenoidal approach or extended endoscopic transsphenoidal approach between January 2010 and December 2016. 36-Item Short Form Health Survey and 30-Item General Health Questionnaire QOL scores were obtained preoperatively and 1 month and 6 months postoperatively. Results: We analyzed 89 patients with nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA) and 39 patients with acromegaly. Physical QOL decreased 1 month after surgery but recovered after 6 months in both groups. Mental QOL improved postoperatively compared with preoperatively. Patients with acromegaly had a worse Physical Component Summary (PCS) on 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (48.7, 28.9, and 41.0) at 6 months than patients with NFPA. The low preoperative PCS group did not improve until 6 months postoperatively. Multiple regression analysis revealed the following factors were key to postoperative QOL: age (NFPA PCS 6 months postoperatively; correlation coefficient = −0.489), preoperative Mental Component Summary (MCS) (NFPA MCS 6 months postoperatively, correlation coefficient = 0.573), body mass index (acromegaly PCS 6 months postoperatively; correlation coefficient = −0.376), preoperative PCS (acromegaly PCS 6 months postoperatively; correlation coefficient = 0.905), and preoperative MCS (acromegaly MCS 6 months postoperatively; correlation coefficient = 0.726). Conclusions: Endoscopic transsphenoidal approach can improve QOL in patients by 6 months postoperatively. In patients with acromegaly with significant QOL impairments preoperatively, surgery sometimes may be unable to normalize QOL.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.11.017




  91. 高度な壊死所見と髄液細胞数増多を伴ったTumefactive demyelinating lesionの一例

    原田 祐三子, 坪井 崇, 熱田 直樹, 勝野 雅央, 大岡 史治, 竹内 和人

    臨床神経学   Vol. 58 ( 11 ) page: 709 - 709   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  92. 傍鞍部腫瘍術後遅発性低Na血症の発症と予防法の検討

    竹内 和人, 川端 哲平, 永田 雄一, 秋 禎樹, 石川 隆之, 高木 博史, 有馬 寛, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 94 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 37 - 40   2018.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  



  93. Neuroendoscopic Cylinder Surgery and 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Diagnosis of Deep-Seated Intracranial Lesions International journal

    Jungsu Choo, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Fumiharu Ohka, Yugo Kishida, Tadashi Watanabe, Yusuke Satoh, Tetsuya Nagatani, Kyozo Kato, Toshihiko Wakabayashi, Atsushi Natsume

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 116   page: E35 - E41   2018.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Microscopic detection of intracranial brain tumors with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) has proven extremely useful, and reports the use of 5-ALA have recently increased. However, few reports have described 5-ALA photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) using a neuroendoscope. We performed neuroendoscopic 5-ALA PDD for various brain lesions and present a procedure using only a neuroendoscope. Methods: We describe the diagnosis of 20 intracranial brain lesion cases with a 5-ALA–guided fluorescence endoscope. A light-emitting diode that emitted either white light or 400- to 410-nm violet light was attached to a neuroendoscope. We performed cylinder surgery with a transparent sheath under observation with a rigid neuroendoscope. Results: Neuroendoscopic biopsies were performed in 11 patients, and resections were performed in 9 patients. All lesions were observed with a neuroendoscope under sequential white light and violet light. We confirmed the presence of a red fluorescent lesion under violet light in 15 patients, including 4 of 5 glioblastoma cases (80%); 1 of 2 anaplastic astrocytoma cases (50%); 4 of 5 diffuse large B cell lymphoma cases (80%); 2 of 2 metastatic brain tumors; 1 of 1 case each of diffuse astrocytoma, pilocytic astrocytoma, inflammatory change, and germinoma (100%); and no cases of anaplastic ependymoma or cysticercosis. Pretargeted lesions were accurately harvested from all biopsy specimens. Gross total resection was achieved in 5 of 9 patients using a resection procedure. Conclusions: Our described method offers a promising technique for achieving precise brain tumor biopsies and safe resection.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.03.112

    Web of Science




  94. 残存・コントロール不良成長ホルモン産生腫瘍に対する内視鏡手術の有効性

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 秋 禎樹, 川端 哲平, 石川 隆之, 石崎 友崇, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 94 ( 1 ) page: 417 - 417   2018.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  95. Long-standing overt ventriculomegaly without aqueductal stenosis: A case report

    Ikumi Kazuhiro, Tsuboi Takashi, Atsuta Naoki, Takeuchi Kazuhito, Koike Haruki, Katsuno Masahisa

    NEUROLOGY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 6 ( 2 ) page: 42-44 - 44   2018.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/ncn3.12176

    Web of Science



  96. Fully endoscopic combined transsphenoidal and supraorbital keyhole approach for parasellar lesions International journal

    Yuichi Nagata, Tadashi Watanabe, Tetsuya Nagatani, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Jonsu Chu, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Journal of Neurosurgery   Vol. 128 ( 3 ) page: 685 - 694   2018.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: Parasellar tumors that extend far laterally beyond the internal carotid artery or that are fibrous and adhere firmly to critical structures are difficult to remove totally via the endoscopic transsphenoidal approach alone. In such cases, a combined transsphenoidal-transcranial approach is effective to achieve maximal resection in a single stage. In this paper, a new minimally invasive surgical technique for complicated parasellar lesions, a fully endoscopic combined transsphenoidal-supraorbital keyhole approach, is presented. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients who had been treated via a fully endoscopic combined transsphenoidal-supraorbital keyhole approach for complicated parasellar lesions was performed. The data for resection rate, perioperative mortality and morbidity, and postoperative outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 12 fully endoscopic combined transsphenoidal-supraorbital keyhole approaches were performed from March 2013 to February 2016; 10 were for pituitary adenomas and 2 were for craniopharyngiomas. Gross-total resection or near-total resection was achieved in 7 of 12 cases. Among the 11 patients who had presented with preoperative visual disturbances, 7 had visual improvement. However, 1 patient showed deterioration in visual function. No patient experienced postoperative hemorrhage, needed additional surgical treatment, or had postoperative CSF leakage. CONCLUSIONS: In the combined transsphenoidal and transcranial approach, safe and effective cooperative manipulation with 2 surgical corridors can be performed for complicated parasellar lesions. The goal of this procedure is not to achieve gross-total resection, but to achieve safe resection. Moreover, this new surgical approach offers neurosurgeons a simpler operative field with less invasiveness than the conventional microscopic combined approach. The fully endoscopic combined endonasal-supraorbital keyhole approach is an efficacious procedure for complicated parasellar lesions with acceptable results.

    DOI: 10.3171/2016.11.JNS161833

    Web of Science




  97. 小児のう胞性疾患に対する内視鏡治療

    竹内 和人, 加藤 美穂子, 波多野 寿, 大澤 弘勝, 近藤 五郎, 栗本 路弘, 秋 禎樹, 若林 俊彦

    小児の脳神経   Vol. 43 ( 1 ) page: 20 - 24   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本小児神経外科学会  



  98. A Novel Dissection Method Using a Flexible Neuroendoscope for Resection of Tumors Around the Aqueduct of Sylvius International journal

    Takayuki Ishikawa, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Nobuhiro Tsukamoto, Teppei Kawabata, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 110   page: 391 - 396   2018.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background Flexible endoscopes have both a wide range of movement and a wide field of view and are therefore widely used for endoscopic third ventriculostomy and biopsy. However, tumor resection around the aqueduct of Sylvius using flexible endoscopes has scarcely been reported. Case Description We report 2 cases of tumor resection around the aqueduct of Sylvius. The first case is a 38-year-old man presenting with progressive headache, nausea, and diplopia. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a 1.4 cm nonenhancing mass at the entry of the aqueduct of Sylvius and occlusive hydrocephalus. We performed tumor resection and endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) simultaneously. His symptoms disappeared after the operation. Final pathologic diagnosis was ancient schwannoma. The second case is a 78-year-old woman presenting with progressive disturbance of consciousness (coma). MRI showed 0.7 cm nonenhancing mass at the entry of the aqueduct of Sylvius and occlusive hydrocephalus. We performed tumor resection and ETV similarly. Her consciousness improved after the operation. Final tumor diagnosis was cavernous malformation. In both cases there was no additional neurologic deficit after the surgery. Conclusions By using a flexible endoscope for tumor dissection, resection of a tumor without a neck, which cannot be removed through aspiration alone, becomes possible. To our knowledge, the presented cases are the first to describe the effectiveness of complete resection of a tumor in the third ventricle using flexible endoscopy.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.11.044

    Web of Science




  99. 骨髄移植後に左後頭葉および胸髄に脱髄性病変を来した1例

    村上 あゆ香, 中村 亮一, 川頭 祐一, 熱田 直樹, 小池 春樹, 竹内 和人, 寺倉 精太郎, 吉田 眞理, 勝野 雅央

    臨床神経学   Vol. 57 ( 12 ) page: 808 - 808   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  100. 中脳水道狭窄を伴わなかったlong-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults(LOVA)様水頭症の1例

    井汲 一尋, 坪井 崇, 田中 康博, 川端 哲平, 秋 禎樹, 永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 若林 俊彦, 伊藤 瑞規, 勝野 雅央

    臨床神経学   Vol. 57 ( 10 ) page: 613 - 613   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  101. 経蝶形骨術中髄液漏における硬膜下血腫

    竹内 和人, 永谷 哲也, 渡邉 督, 岸田 悠吾, 永田 雄一, 秋 禎樹, 川端 哲平, 石川 隆之, 若林 俊彦

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 93 ( Suppl.HPT ) page: 87 - 89   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  

    経蝶形骨手術または拡大経蝶形骨法が施行され、術中に髄液漏を認めた61例を対象とし、術後に硬膜下血腫を認めた10例(A群)と認めなかった51例(B群)に分け検討した。年齢、性別、腫瘍の病理・最大径、術前内分泌機能等の患者背景に加えて、脳室拡大の程度を術前MRIでのEvans' indexを用いて評価した。また、術中髄液漏れの程度についてEsposito分類を用いて評価し、硬膜下血腫の発生について術翌日、1週間後、1ヵ月後、3ヵ月後に撮影されたCTまたはMRIを用いて評価した。その結果、A群はB群に比べ年齢、術前下垂体前葉機能低下の合併頻度、Evans' indexが有意に高かった。その他の項目に両群間で有意差は認めなかった。多変量解析を行ったところ、65歳以上、術前下垂体前葉機能低下、Evans' index≧0.28が術後硬膜下血腫発生の有意なリスク因子であった。


  102. The Multiscope Technique for Microvascular Decompression International journal

    Yuichi Nagata, Tadashi Watanabe, Tetsuya Nagatani, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Jonsu Chu, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    World Neurosurgery   Vol. 103   page: 310 - 314   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background Endoscopic surgery has rapidly become widespread in neurosurgery in recent years. Endoscopy can offer close and panoramic surgical views with fine illumination, even in the deep intracranial area. However, it also has the following serious drawback: an intracranial blind area between the field lens of the endoscope and the site of the dural opening. This blind area cannot be viewed on the endoscopic monitor, and several surgical complications, including accidental intracranial neurovascular structural injury, can occur in this area. In this article, we report a new multiscope surgical technique that can compensate for this serious disadvantage of endoscopic surgery. Methods In the multiscope technique, endoscopic and exoscopic systems are used simultaneously with 2 monitors. Microvascular decompression (MVD) is performed fully endoscopically using an exoscope that compensates for the intracranial blind area of the endoscopic view. Two high-definition monitors for the endoscope and exoscope are placed side-by-side in front of the primary surgeon. Results Two patients with hemifacial spasm were treated by endoscopic MVD with the multiscope technique. In these procedures, fine surgical views were obtained by both the endoscope and exoscope. Two monitors were placed side-by-side in front of the surgeon; as a result, the physician could easily view them simultaneously during the operation. No surgery-related complications occurred. Conclusions The multiscope technique can facilitate the performance of safer neuroendoscopic surgery than conventional endoscopic surgery. This technique can also be adopted in other skull base surgeries, in which the importance of endoscopy is growing.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.04.059

    Web of Science




  103. 小児悪性脳腫瘍の集学的治療 総論 サバイバーたちの苦悩 悪性脳腫瘍治療後には複雑な頭蓋奇形が生じる 二次性縫合縫合癒合のリスク因子と診断マーカー

    近藤 五郎, 栗本 路弘, 竹内 和人, 川端 哲平, 秋 禎樹, 荒木 芳生, 夏目 敦至, 若林 俊彦

    小児の脳神経   Vol. 42 ( 2 ) page: 124 - 124   2017.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本小児神経外科学会  


  104. 術後に糖代謝の改善を認めたGH・TSH産生下垂体腫瘍の一例

    川口 頌平, 竹内 和人, 半田 克成, 片岡 祐子, 山川 文子, 林 正幸

    糖尿病   Vol. 60 ( Suppl.1 ) page: S - 247   2017.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本糖尿病学会  


  105. 脳幹部海綿状血管腫に対する内視鏡手術

    秋 禎樹, 竹内 和人, 渡邊 督, 永田 雄一, 若林 俊彦

    脳神経外科ジャーナル   Vol. 26 ( 3 ) page: 216 - 224   2017.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:(一社)日本脳神経外科コングレス  

    脳幹部海綿状血管腫(BSCM)は、高い出血率を有する血管奇形の1つとして知られている。出血や増大傾向を示すBSCMは神経学的予後に影響するため外科的治療が必要となるが、脳幹部への外科的治療は少しの正常組織への侵襲も術後の神経予後を大きく悪化させる可能性がある。今回筆者らは2例(橋腹側1例、中小脳脚1例)の症候性BSCMに対して内視鏡的に摘出を行った。どちらの症例もMR diffusion tensor image(DTI)を用いて病変部や錐体路の位置を把握した。術中は内視鏡下にwet field methodを用いて摘出および摘出腔内の止血を行い、術後、神経学的な改善が得られた。これらの技術により、今後、脳幹部病変に対しての内視鏡を用いた治療が正確かつ安全に行われるようになると考える。(著者抄録)


  106. Endoscopic resection of Brain stem cavernous malformations (BSCMs): Two illustrative cases and surgical methods employed

    Jonsu Chu, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Tadashi Watanabe, Yuichi Nagata, Toshihiko Wakabayashi

    Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery   Vol. 26 ( 3 ) page: 216 - 226   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Brain stem cavernous malformations (BSCMs) are associated with a high rate of hemorrhagic events. Though BSCMs that bleed or grow in size are indicated for resection, the surgical procedure usually involves a high risk of damage to the normal brain. We successfully achieved total resection, in two cases of symptomatic BSCMs, using a neuroendoscope. The BSCM was localized in the ventral part of the pons in the first case and in the middle cerebellar peduncle in the second case. In both cases, diffusion tensor images (DTI) were taken with an MRI to confirm the localization of the BSCM in relation to the pyramidal tracts. We resected the BSCMs using a Vet field method' which renders the surgical fields clear without using suction tubes. The wet field provides the operator with an increased range of manipulation even in a tight space. With our technique, the indications of endoscopic surgery have widened. We have shown that neuro-endoscopic surgery can safely and effectively replace conventional craniotomy for certain brain stem lesions.

    DOI: 10.7887/jcns.26.216



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Books 3

  1. 脳神経外科学レビュー2023−24:鏡視下手術の展望

    竹内和人( Role: Joint author)

    総合医学社  2022.10 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  2. 医事新報:プロからプロへ

    竹内和人( Role: Joint author)


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  3. 脳神経外科速報:脳腫瘍手術戦略⑦脳幹部海綿状血管腫



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    Total pages:7   Responsible for pages:317-377   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


  1. 神経内視鏡画像における機能性下垂体腫瘍を含めた手術支援AIシステムの構築

    布施佑太郎, 竹内和人, 橋本典明, 永田雄一, 永谷哲也, 竹内一郎, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 34th   2024

  2. 説明可能AIを用いた下垂体術後遅発性低ナトリウム血症の予測

    布施佑太郎, 竹内和人, 西脇寛, 永田雄一, 大野欽司, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 34th   2024

  3. Simultaneous Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Epistaxis in an Untreated Prolactinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.

    Masahiro Nishihori, Takashi Izumi, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Shunsaku Goto, Fumiaki Kanamori, Kenji Uda, Kinya Yokoyama, Yoshio Araki, Ryuta Saito

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 10 ( 0 ) page: 163 - 168   2023

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    A 61-year-old man presented with massive epistaxis, amaurosis, nausea, and severe headache. A detailed examination revealed a subarachnoid hemorrhage and prolactinoma. Angiography showed a small internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm and inadequate collateral circulation; thus, uncomplicated coil embolization was performed. Considering the side effects of medication, such as cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, the patient was followed up for asymptomatic prolactinoma without medication after discharge. At 40 months later, aneurysm recurrence was confirmed. Flow diverter device placement was performed, and the outcomes were excellent. In the present report, we described a rare case of a ruptured internal carotid artery aneurysm in an untreated prolactinoma and discussed the literature.

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2022-0355


    CiNii Research


  4. ヒトES細胞由来下垂体細胞のマウス皮下移植の有効性

    佐々木博勇, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 伊藤英治, 三輪田勤, 淺野友良, 須賀英隆, 有馬寛, 齋藤竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 99 ( 1 )   2023

  5. 頭蓋咽頭腫に対する神経内視鏡治療-機能温存と根治性-

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 齋藤竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 99 ( 1 )   2023

  6. 頭蓋咽頭腫に対する内視鏡治療の役割 長期成績と内分泌機能保持への挑戦

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 33rd   2023

  7. Fully endoscopic trans-Magendie foraminal approach for dorsal brainstem lesions

    永田雄一, 竹内和人, 伊藤英治, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本頭蓋底外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 35th   2023

  8. Two cases of NF2 with papilledema due to cerebrospinal fluid malabsorption without ventricular enlargement

    伊藤英治, 齋藤清, 竹林成典, LUSHUN Chalise, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 齋藤竜太

    日本頭蓋底外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 35th   2023

  9. 機能性PitNETに対する海綿静脈洞内側壁摘出の病理学的意義

    永田雄一, 竹内和人, 伊藤英治, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    Brain Tumor Pathology. Supplement   Vol. 40   2023

  10. 機能性PitNETに対する治療戦略

    永田雄一, 竹内和人, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 33rd   2023

  11. 機能性PitNETに対する治療戦略

    永田雄一, 竹内和人, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 99 ( 1 )   2023

  12. 巨大下垂体腺腫摘出後の還流止血による術後血腫形成予防効果の検討

    原田英幸, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 33rd   2023

  13. The efficacy of endoscopic use in the treatment of pediatric craniopharyngioma

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 原田英幸, 伊藤英治, 齋藤竜太

    小児の脳神経(Web)   Vol. 48 ( 2 )   2023

  14. 前床突起に発生した結節性筋膜炎の1例

    伊藤英治, 棚橋邦明, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    Brain Tumor Pathology. Supplement   Vol. 40   2023

  15. 再生医療実現に向けたヒト多能性幹細胞由来下垂体細胞の皮下移植

    佐々木博勇, 須賀英隆, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 伊藤英治, 有馬寛, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 33rd   2023

  16. Endoscopic skull base surgery for parasellar lesions

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本頭蓋底外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 35th   2023

  17. 下垂体腺腫に対する内視鏡下経鼻下垂体手術後の遅発性低ナトリウム血症の発症予測

    布施佑太郎, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 齋藤竜太

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 33rd   2023

  18. ラトケ嚢胞に類似した所見を示した頭蓋咽頭腫の一例

    原田 英幸, 竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 棚橋 邦明, 佐々木 博勇, 水野 晃宏, 井下 尚子, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( S.HPT ) page: 72 - 73   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrine.98.s.hpt_72

    CiNii Research


  19. 経鼻頭蓋底術後髄液漏の検討―失敗を活かすために―

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 佐々木 博勇, 水野 晃宏, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 98 ( S.HPT ) page: 25 - 27   2022.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrine.98.s.hpt_25

    CiNii Research


  20. 脳幹部海綿状血管腫—神経解剖を理解した脳腫瘍手術戦略と合併症対応 ; 脳腫瘍手術戦略

    竹内 和人

    脳神経外科速報 : 臨床医の人生に伴走するlifetime journal   Vol. 32 ( 3 ) page: 371 - 377   2022.5

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  21. Case of a Pregnant Woman with Capillary Hemangioma of the Parasellar Region.

    Takayuki Ishikawa, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Keishi Ito, Taiki Yamamoto, Ryusuke Kabeya

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 9 ( 0 ) page: 77 - 82   2022

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Here we report a rare case of capillary hemangioma (CH) in a 28-year-old woman suffering from gradual worsening diplopia at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a mass lesion (about 3 cm in diameter) in the right parasellar region. We decided to observe as she was pregnant, and had no symptoms other than right abducent nerve palsy. Fortunately, her symptoms did not worsen until delivery. Computed tomography, enhanced MRI, and angiography after delivery revealed that the lesion was highly calcified and vascularized. A dorsum sellae meningioma or highly calcified pituitary adenoma was suspected and the endoscopic transsphenoidal approach was used for tumor removal. The postoperative course was uneventful. The histological diagnosis was CH. Intracranial CHs or CHs of skull are rare vascular tumors. These tumors are reportedly more common in female patients and may change in size in adults according to menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Only six cases, including that of the present study, were diagnosed during the perinatal period. Some of them experienced rapid symptom progression and tumor growth in their course; thus, we should pay further attention to pregnant or peripartum patients with brain tumor, suspected hemangiomas.

    DOI: 10.2176/jns-nmc.2021-0326


    CiNii Research


  22. <sup>11</sup>C-methionine- and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET double-negative metastatic brain tumor from lung adenocarcinoma with paradoxical high <sup>18</sup>F-FDG uptake: A case report International journal

    Kuniaki Tanahashi, Masaki Hirano, Lushun Chalise, Takahiko Tsugawa, Yuka Okumura, Tetsunari Hase, Fumiharu Ohka, Kazuya Motomura, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Norimoto Nakahara, Naozumi Hashimoto, Ryuta Saito

    Surgical Neurology International   Vol. 13   page: 372 - 372   2022

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    Background: Imaging with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET) and 11C-methionine (MET)-PET can delineate primary and metastatic brain tumors. Lesion size affects the sensitivity of both scans and histopathological features can also influence FDG-PET, but the effects on MET-PET have not been elucidated. Case Description: We report an unusual case of metastatic brain tumors without accumulation of FDG or MET, contrasting with high FDG uptake in the primary lung lesion. The brain lesions were identified as adenocarcinoma with a more mucus-rich background, contributing to the indistinct accumulation of both FDG and MET. Conclusion: Histopathological characteristics can affect both MET and FDG accumulation, leading to findings contradicting those of the primary lesion.

    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_264_2022




  23. 脳深部病変に対するシリンダー手術の現状と課題

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 齋藤竜太

    日本脳腫瘍の外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 27th   2022

  24. 脳幹部海綿状血管腫治療における内視鏡の役割

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 齋藤竜太

    日本脳腫瘍の外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 27th   2022

  25. Utility of 5-ALA and ICG for neuroendoscopic surgery of brain parenchymal tumor

    原田英幸, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 近藤辰磨, 齋藤竜太

    日本神経内視鏡学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 29th   2022

  26. 巨大下垂体腺腫に対する治療戦略

    永田雄一, 竹内和人, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 齋藤竜太

    日本脳腫瘍の外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 27th   2022

  27. Sellar reconstruction with dural suturing technique in endoscopic endonasal approach

    永田雄一, 竹内和人, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 齋藤竜太

    日本神経内視鏡学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 29th   2022

  28. 中枢神経原発胚細胞腫瘍における内視鏡生検術の臨床成績

    大岡史治, 竹内和人, 本村和也, 伊藤英治, 永田雄一, 山口純矢, 佐々木博勇, 木部祐士, 原田英幸, 清水大輝, 平松拓, 鈴木一秋, 齋藤竜太

    日本脳腫瘍の外科学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 27th   2022

  29. Inovation of the surgical instruments for Cylinder surgery

    竹内和人, 永田雄一, 伊藤英治, 佐々木博勇, 原田英幸, 齋藤竜太

    日本神経内視鏡学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 29th   2022

  30. Is Duragen Useful for Postoperative Hematoma Formation after TSS?

    佐々木博勇, 竹内和人, 永田雄一, 原田英幸, 近藤辰磨, 伊藤英治, 齋藤竜太

    日本神経内視鏡学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 29th   2022

  31. シリンダー手術の世界—神経内視鏡+外視鏡up-to-date ; シリンダー手術

    竹内 和人

    脳神経外科速報 : 臨床医の人生に伴走するlifetime journal   Vol. 31 ( 6 ) page: 926 - 933   2021.11

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  32. Sellar arachnoid cystに対する経鼻内視鏡手術

    永田 雄一, 竹内 和人, 山本 太樹, 水野 晃宏, 永谷 哲也, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 97 ( S.HPT ) page: 49 - 51   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrine.97.s.hpt_49

    CiNii Research


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2022074900

  33. 内視鏡下経鼻頭蓋底手術後の再建戦略―失敗症例から学ぶDuragen<sup>®</sup>の適応と限界―

    竹内 和人, 永田 雄一, 山本 太樹, 原田 英幸, 齋藤 竜太

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   Vol. 97 ( S.HPT ) page: 16 - 18   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会  

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrine.97.s.hpt_16

    CiNii Research


  34. A Case of Primary Leptomeningeal Lymphoma Presenting with Hydrocephalus Characterized by Disproportionately Large Fourth Ventricle.

    Shota Nohira, Shinji Shimato, Takashi Yamanouchi, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Taiki Yamamoto, Makoto Ito, Kyozo Kato, Toshihisa Nishizawa

    NMC case report journal   Vol. 8 ( 1 ) page: 399 - 404   2021

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Neurosurgical Society  

    Primary leptomeningeal malignant lymphoma (PLML) is a rare variant of primary central nerve system malignant lymphoma (PCNSL) which is restricted to leptomeninges. The lesions of PLML can often be detected as abnormal enhancement on the surface of central nervous system or the ventricular wall on magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) evaluation together with such MRI findings provides the definitive diagnosis of PLML. Here, we present a 45-year-old female case of PLML in which hydrocephalus with disproportionately large fourth ventricle was observed at presentation with gait instability. Head MRI revealed no abnormal enhancement and CSF cytology was negative, leaving the cause of hydrocephalus undetermined. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) was effectively performed for hydrocephalus and her symptoms disappeared. Nearly 2 years later, she was brought to emergent room due to unconsciousness with the recurrence of hydrocephalus. MRI showed expanded fourth ventricle and abnormal enhancement on the ventricular wall. The endoscopic surgery for improving CSF flow was successful and inflammatory change was endoscopically observed on the ventricular wall involving aqueduct. Pathological diagnosis of the specimen from the ventricular wall proved B-cell lymphoma. Because neither brain parenchymal masses nor systemic tumors were identified, she was diagnosed with PLML and treated by high-dose methotrexate. She was in a stable state 2 years after the diagnosis of PLML. We report and discuss the characteristics of this case.

    DOI: 10.2176/nmccrj.cr.2020-0215


    CiNii Research


  35. 神経下垂体部胚細胞腫瘍の長期成績

    川端哲平, 竹内和人, 石崎友崇, 石川隆之, 秋禎樹, 永田雄一, 栗本路弘, 近藤五郎, 大岡史治, 本村和也, 夏目敦至, 若林俊彦

    日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会プログラム・抄録集   Vol. 28th   2018

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Presentations 13

  1. シリンダー手術用機器及び操作法の開発


    第29回日本神経内視鏡学会  2022.11.4 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

  2. 脳室内病変に対する内視鏡手術ー私の工夫ー Invited


    第29回日本神経内視鏡学会  2022.11.3 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  3. Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for craniopharyngioma Invited International conference

    Kazuhito Takeuchi

    IFNE Interim Meeting  2022.10.29  IFNE

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

    Venue:Hyderabad, India   Country:India  

  4. 脳深部病変に対するシリンダー手術の現状と課題


    第27回日本脳腫瘍の外科学会  2022.10.14 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

  5. 脳深部病変に対するシリンダー手術の現状と課題


    第27回日本脳腫瘍の外科学会  2022.10.14 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

  6. 内視鏡下シリンダー手術の現状と課題


    日本脳神経外科学会第81回学術総会  2022.9.30 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

  7. Endoscopic cylinder surgery Invited

    Kazuhito Takeuchi

    IFNE workshop on Neuroendoscopy  2022.7.21  IFNE

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

    Venue:Naples, Itary   Country:Italy  

  8. 脳幹部海綿状血管腫に対する内視鏡手術の展望


    第34回日本頭蓋底外科学会  2022.7.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

  9. 小児頭蓋咽頭腫に対する神経内視鏡治療の実際と展望


    第50回日本小児神経外科学会  2022.6.11 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

  10. 頭蓋咽頭腫術後下垂体機能温存に上下垂体動脈血流が重要である


    第95回日本内分泌学会学術総会  2022.6.3 

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    Event date: 2022.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  11. 脳内・脳室内病変に対する神経内視鏡手術


    第42回日本脳神経外科コングレス  2022.5.12  日本脳神経外科コングレス

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    Event date: 2022.5

    Venue:大阪   Country:Japan  

  12. 内視鏡、細径シリンダーを用いた低侵襲生検術の有用性


    第31回脳神経外科手術と機器学会  2022.4.16  脳神経外科手術と機器学会

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    Event date: 2022.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  13. 経鼻頭蓋底術後髄液漏の検討―失敗を活かすためにー


    第32回日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会  2022.2.17  日本間脳下垂体腫瘍学会

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    Event date: 2022.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 3

  1. New molecular diagnostic technique for pituitary neuroendocrine tumors

    Grant number:23K08540  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )


  2. 脳室上衣繊毛ダイニン異常による非閉塞性水頭症の発症、増悪機序の分子学的解明

    Grant number:20K17959  2020.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究  若手研究

    竹内 和人

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )



  3. Abnormal cerebrospinal fluid dynamics due to ciliary movement disorder and molecular biological analysis of dynein

    Grant number:17K17792  2017.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Takeuchi Kazuhito

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    Using a hydrocephalic model mouse (Dpcd knockout mouse: Dpcd KO mouse) showing abnormal ciliary movement, the expression pattern and mechanism of hydrocephalus were investigated. This hydrocephalus showed lateral ventricle and third ventricle enlargement, but no fourth ventricle enlargement, suggesting that there is a phenotypic difference between the ventricles. Among the eight molecular species that compose the mouse inner arm dynein, it was revealed that the mRNA expression of Dnah1 was decreased and that of Dnah6 was increased. In addition, partial loss of the inner arm dynein was confirmed by structural analysis using a transmission electron microscope. It was clarified that the knockout of Dpcd gene resulted in gene polymorphism and structural abnormality of multiple dynein molecular species.
