Papers - ASHIKARI, Motoyuki
QTL Detection and Application to Plant Breeding.
Ashikari, M. and Matsuoka, M.
ISB News Report, Information systems for Biotecnology page: 7-9 2005
Dissection of the Phosphorylation of Rice DELLA Protein, SLENDER RICE1. Invited Reviewed
Itoh H., Sasaki A., Ueguchi-Tanaka M., Ishiyama K., Kobayashi M., Hasegawa Y., Minami E., Ashikari M. and Matsuoka, M.
Plant Cell Physiol Vol. 46 ( 8 ) page: 1392 - 1399 2005
Mapping of the Temperature sensitivE gene, TS. Invited Reviewed
Hattori Y., Kaneko M., Ashikari M., Matsuoka M. and Hattori K.
Rice Genet Newslet 22,64-66. (2005) Vol. 22 page: 64 - 66 2005
Detection QTLs for deepwater rice ability. Invited Reviewed
Hattori Y., Ashikari M., Kitano H. and Matsuoka M.
Rice Genet Newslet Vol. 22 page: 67 - 68 2005
An overview of gibberellin metabolism enzyme genes and their related mutants in rice. Reviewed
Sakamoto, T., Miura, K., Itoh, H., Tatsumi, T., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Ishiyama, K., Kobayashi, M., Agrawal, G. K., Takeda, S., Abe, K., Miyao, A., Hirochika, H., Kitano, H., Ashikari, M. and Matsuoka, M.
Plant Physiol. Vol. 134 page: 1642-1653 2004
The gene FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 regulates floral meristem size in rice and encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase orthologous to Arabidopsis CLAVATA1. Reviewed
Suzaki, T., Sato, M., Ashikari, M., Miyoshi, M., Nagato, Y. and Hirano, H.
Research article. Vol. 131 page: 5649-5657 2004
Loss-of-function mutations of the rice GAMYB gene impair the α-amylase expression in aleurone and flower development. Reviewed
Kaneko, M., Inukai, Y., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Itoh, H., Izawa, T., Kobayashi, Y., Hattori, T., Miyao, A., Hirochika, H., Ashikari, M., Matsuoka, M.
Plant Cell Vol. 16 page: 33-44 2004
GID2, an F-box subunit of the SCF E3 complex, specifically interacts with phosphorylated SLR1 protein and regulates the gibberellin dependent degradation of SLR1 in rice. Reviewed
Gomi, K., Sasaki, A., Itoh, H., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Ashikari, M., Kitano, H. and Matsuoka, M.
Plant J. Vol. 37 page: 626-634 2004
A rice semi-dwarf gene, Tan-Ginbozu(D35), encodes the gibberellin biosynthesis enzyme, ent-kaurene oxidase. Reviewed
Itoh, H., Tatsumi, T., Sakamoto, T., Otomo, K., Toyomasu, T., Kitano, H., Ashikari, M., Ichihara, S. and Matsuoka, M.
Plant Mol. Biol. Vol. 54 page: 533-547 2004
Map-based cloning of the Hd1 gene controlling photoperiod sensitivity in rice. Invited Reviewed
Ashikari, M., Katayose, Y., Yamanouchi, U., Monna, L., Fuse, T., Sasaki, T. and Yano, M.
*Accumulation of phosphorylated repressor for gibberellin signaling in an F-box mutant. Reviewed
Sasaki, A., Itoh, H., Gomi, K., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Ishiyama, K., Kobayashi, M., Jeong, D.H., An, G., Kitano, H., Ashikari, M. and Matsuoka, M.
Science Vol. 299 page: 1896-1898 2003
Where do gibberellin biosynthesis and gibberellin signaling occur in rice plants? Reviewed
Kaneko, M., Itoh, H., Inukai, Y., Sakamoto, T., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Ashikari, M. and Matsuoka, M.
Plant J. Vol. 35 page: 104-115 2003
A rice brassinosteroid-deficient mutant, ebisu dwarf (d2), is caused by a loss-of-function of a new member of cytochrome P450. Reviewed
Hong, Z., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Umemura, K., Uozu, S., Fujioka, S., Takatsuoto, S., Yoshida, S., Ashikari, M., Kitano, H. and Matsuoka, M.
Plant Cell Vol. 15 page: 2900-2910 2003
Mapping of the lazy gene, la. Invited Reviewed
Miura K., Ashikari M., Matsuoka M. and Hsing Y. I. C.
Rice Genet Newslet Vol. 20 ( 29 ) page: 30 2003
The evolutionarily conserved OsPRR quintet: rice pseudo-response regulators implicated in circadian rhythm. Invited Reviewed
Murakami M., Ashikari M., Miura K., Yamashino T. and Mizuno T.
Plant Cell Physiol Vol. 44 ( 11 ) page: 1229 - 1236 2003
A rice spotted leaf gene, spl7, encodes a heat stress transcriptional factor protein. Reviewed
Yamanouchi, U., Yano, M., Lin, H., Ashikari, M. and Yamada, K.
PNAS Vol. 99 page: 7530-7535 2002
The gibberellin signaling pathway is regulated by appearance and disappearance of SLENDER RICE 1 in nuclei. Reviewed
Itoh, H., Ueguxhi-Tanaka, M., Sato, Y., Ashikari, M.and Matsuoka, M.
Plant Cell Vol. 14 page: 57-70 2002
*Rice gibberellin synthesis gene Reviewed
Sasaki, A., Ashikari, M., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., Itoh, H., Nishimura, A., Datta, S., Ishiyama, K., Saito, T., Kobayashi, M., G. S. Khush, Kitano, H. and Matsuoka, M.
Nature Vol. 416 page: 701-702 2002
Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding an orthologue of ROUGH SHEATH2 (OsRS2) from rice. Invited Reviewed
Sato Y., Nishimura A., Sakamoto T., Ashikari M. and Matsuoka M.
Plant Biotech Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 11 - 18 2002
Mapping and expression of rice GAMYB. Invited Reviewed
Kaneko M., Ashikari M. and Matsuoka M.
Rice Genet Newslet Vol. 19 page: 60 - 62 2002