Graduate School of Informatics

Updated on 2025/03/05
工学博士 ( 名古屋大学 )
Others / Others / Cognitive Science
Others / Others / Intelligent Informatics
Human higher order cognition based on Information Processing Approach
Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1989
Country: Japan
Nagoya University Faculty of Engineering
- 1984
Country: Japan
認知科学会 常任運営委員
認知科学会 編集委員長
認知科学会・学習と対話分科会 主査
cognitive science society
人工知能学会・先進的学習科学と工学研究会 専門委員
認知科学会 編集委員
2009.4 - 2010.12
人工知能学会 理事
2007.4 - 2009.3
教育システム情報学会 評議員
人工知能学会 編集委員
2004.4 - 2009.3
教育システム情報学会 英文誌編集委員
観点発見過程を伴う生成物の創造性評価:静的評価から動的評価へ Reviewed
服部 エリーン 彩矢・二宮 由樹・三輪 和久
認知科学会誌 Vol. 32 ( 1 ) 2025.3
Bifocal Effect of Gaze on Crossing Behavior. Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Ninomiya, Y., Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Karasawa, M. (in press).
LNCS (HCII 2025) 2025
Efficiency of Group Movement within Human Risk Perception. Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Mochizuki, A., Ninomiya, Y., Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.(ASPIRE2024) Vol. 68 ( 1 ) page: 994 - 998 2024.9
An Analysis of Detectability of Vulnerable Road Users Using Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory. Reviewed
Yang, W., Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Kitayama, S., Otsuka, M. & Hamada, K.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.(ASPIRE2024) 2024.9
Human bias in evaluating AI product creativity. Reviewed
Hattori, E., Yamakawa, M., & Miwa, K.
Journal of Creativity. 2024.8
Moderating Effect of Novelty Seeking Trait on the Usefulness Undervaluation Bias in Creative Products Evaluation. Reviewed
Hattori, E., Yamakawa, M., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 46th the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci 2024). 2024.7
Use of 3D-printed model of liver by experts and novices. Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Oda, M., Nakamura, Y., Mori, K., & Igami, T.
Current Psychology. Vol. 43 ( 19 ) page: 17185 - 17197 2024.5
Index of Braking Behaviour in Two Dimensions within Risk Perception. Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Ninomiya, Y.
Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Vol. 102 page: 164 - 176 2024.4
A clinical assessment of three-dimensional-printed liver model navigation for thrice or more repeated hepatectomy based on a conversation analysis. Reviewed
Igami, T., Maehigashi, A., Nakamura, Y., Hayashi, Y., Oda, M., Yokoyama, Y., Mizuno, T., Yamaguchi, J., Onoe, S., Sunagawa, M., Watanabe, N., Baba, T., Kawakatsu, S., Mori, K., Miwa, K., & Ebata, T.
Surg Today (2024). 2024.4
Stability of Assessment Using Creativity-related Indices. Reviewed
Terai, H., Miwa, K., & Mizuno, S.
Japanese Psychological Research. 2024.4
Self-Benefit and Others’ Benefit in Cooperative Behavior in Shared Space. Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Shimojo, A., & Ninomiya, Y.
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Vol. 102 page: 164 - 176 2024.4
Gaze and Coordination in Collision Avoidance between Personal Mobilities. Reviewed
Ninomiya, Y., Shimojo, A., Matsubayashi,S., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Akai, N., Deguchi, D. & Murase, H.
The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (VEHICULAR 2024). 2024.3
Replicating the Nature of Cooperative Behavior in the First-Person Perspective Task, Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Ninomiya, Y., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Yamaguchi, T., Okuda, H., & Suzuki, T. (in press).
The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (VEHICULAR 2024) page: 11 - 14 2024.3
認知モデリングにおける記号処理アーキテクチャ Invited Reviewed
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 39 page: 155 - 162 2024.3
Assessment of the Detectability of Vulnerable Road Users: An Empirical Study. Reviewed
Yang, W., Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Kitayama, S., Otsuka, M. & Hamada, K.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications. (HUCAPP 2024). 2024.2
Effects of Self and Other’s Intentions on Moving Behavior in Crossing Interactions Invited Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Ninomiya, Y.
The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 2023.10
成功状況におけるより良い代替解法の発見と意図的探索の関係:マウストラッキングに基づく検討. Invited Reviewed
二宮由樹・岩田 知之・寺井仁・三輪和久
認知科学 2023.9
創造性評価における実用性考慮: 評価者の新奇性追求傾向と教示の交互作用. Invited Reviewed
認知科学 2023.9
Relationship between moral foundations, political ideology, and life satisfaction in Japan Invited Reviewed
Miwa, K., Yamada, K., and Yamakawa, M.
presented at ISQOLS 2023 to be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from 21-25 August 2023. 2023.8
Effect of cognitive load and working memory capacity on the efficiency of discovering better alternatives: A survival analysis. Memory & Cognition. Invited Reviewed Vol. 52(1), 115-131 2023.8
Preliminary Study of Prototypes of Small, but Certain Happiness in Everyday Life among Japanese Invited Reviewed
Miwa, K.
presented at the IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology 2023 to be held in Vancouver, Canada from 20-23 July 2023. 2023.7
Does the finder of alternatives intentionally seek information irrelevant to the trained procedure? Invited Reviewed
Ninomiya, Y., Iwata, T., Terai, H., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 45th the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci 2023) 2023.7
Distinct Characteristics between “Anshin” and Feeling of Safety Evaluations Invited Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Ninomiya, Y.
The Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2023) 2023.4
Effects of Saliency of an Agent’s Input Information on Estimation of Mental States toward the Agent Invited Reviewed
Ninomiya, Y., Shimojo, A., Matsubayashi,S.,Terai, H., Miwa, K.
The Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2023) 2023.4
Intentional Binding in Direct and Indirect Manipulation for Pointing Task. Invited Reviewed
Miwa, K., Hirata, M., Choi, H., & Shimizu, T. (2023).
In Proceedings of The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (VEHICULAR 2023). 2023.3
Spatial Positions of Operator’s Finger and Operation Device Influencing Sense of Direct Manipulation and Operation Performance. Invited Reviewed
Miwa, K., Choi, H., Hirata, M., & Shimizu, T. (2023).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications. (HUCAPP 2023). 2023.2
Introduction of Computer-based Simulation Experiments in University Psychology Class: A Class Practice of Learning Dual Storage Model of Human Memory. Invited Reviewed
Miwa, K., Yamakawa, M., & Kojima, K.
Self-Benefit and Others' Benefit in Cooperative Behavior in Shared Space
Matsubayashi Shota, Miwa Kazuhisa, Terai Hitoshi, Shimojo Asaya, Ninomiya Yuki
HUMAN FACTORS page: 187208221121404 2022.8
Differences in the distribution of attention to trained procedure between finders and non-finders of the alternative better procedure
Ninomiya Yuki, Terai Hitoshi, Miwa Kazuhisa
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY Vol. 13 page: 934029 2022.8
How impressions of other drivers affect one's behavior when merging lanes
Shimojo A., Ninomiya Y., Miwa K., Terai H., Matsubayashi S., Okuda H., Suzuki T.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Vol. 89 page: 236 - 248 2022.8
Navigation Style Classification Using Persistent Homology Reviewed
Naoki Akai , Shota Matsubayashi , Kazuhisa Miwa , Takatsugu Hirayama , and Hiroshi Murase
2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII) page: 161 - 164 2022.1
Navigation Style Classification Using Persistent Homology
Akai Naoki, Matsubayashi Shota, Miwa Kazuhisa, Hirayama Takatsugu, Murase Hiroshi
Students' conception of learning and learning behavior from multiple-goals perspective Reviewed
Yokoyama Mai, Miwa Kazuhisa
Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Vol. 28 ( 4 ) page: 530 - 540 2021.12
A Class Practice Study of Intervention Effect of Interactive Assessment on Learning Goal Orientation Reviewed
Yokoyama Mai, Miwa Kazuhisa
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY Vol. 12 page: 599480 2021.8
What is the Cooperative Behavior of Moving in Shared Spaces? Reviewed
Shota Matsubayashi, Kazuhisa Miwa, Hitoshi Terai, Asaya Shimojo, Yuki Ninomiya
Proceedings of 43rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2021) page: 2444 - 2449 2021.7
What is the Cooperative Behavior of Moving in Shared Spaces?
Matsubayashi S., Miwa K., Terai H., Shimojo A., Ninomiya Y.
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Comparative Cognition: Animal Minds, CogSci 2021 page: 2444 - 2449 2021
How does explanatory virtue determine probability estimation? -Empirical discussion on effect of instruction Reviewed
Shimojo, A., Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 11:3444 2020.12
Introduction of a Model-Based Approach to Psychology Class: Class Practice for Serial Position Effect Experiments. Reviewed
Miwa, K., & Kojima, A.
Drivers’ Driving Style and Their Take-Over-Control Judgment. Transportation Research: Traffic Psychology and Behavior Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., Miwa, K., Okuda, H., Suzuki, T., & Makiguchi, M.
Transportation Research: Traffic Psychology and Behavior Vol. 74 page: 237 - 247 2020.10
Cognitive Modeling of Automation Adaptation in a Time Critical Task. Reviewed International coauthorship
Morita, J., Miwa, K., Maehigashi, A., Terai, H., Kojima, K., & Ritter, F.
Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 11:2149 2020.10
判断を正当化するグラフ理解に対するトップダウン的要因の影響 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 27 page: 334 - 344 2020.9
Development of a Driving Model That Understands Other Drivers’ Characteristics. Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Terai, H., & Miwa, K.
LNCS (HCII 2020) Vol. 12213 page: 29 - 39 2020.7
Decision-Making in Interactions Between Two Vehicles at a Highway Junction Reviewed
Shimojo, S., Ninomiya, Y., Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Okuda, H., & Suzuki, T.
LNCS (HCII 2020) Vol. 12213 page: 104 - 113 2020.7
Students’ Conception of Learning and Learning Behavior from Multiple-goals Perspective. Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., and Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 7th international conference on educational technologies 2020 (ICEduTech 2020) page: 33 - 40 2020.2
Relationship Between Goal Orientation, Conception of Learning, and Learning Behavior. Invited Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., & Miwa, K.
Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2020
Effects on Fostering Computational Thinking by Externalizing a Solution with Construction of a Problem Solving Model Reviewed
Kojima, K., and Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2019) page: 51-56 2019.12
Interaction Effects of Teachers' Educational Policy and Students' Learning Goal Orientation on Students' Learning-as-duty Conception Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., and Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 15th international conference of cognition and exploratory learning in digital age (CELDA 2019) page: 273-280 2019.11
変則的挙動への認知的処理に関する記憶ベース方略の効用 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 26 page: 332-342 2019.9
認知モデルを作ることによる学習 Invited
認知科学 Vol. 26 page: 322-331 2019.9
変則的挙動に対する記憶ベース方略に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
心理学研究 Vol. 90 page: 274-283 2019.8
Model-based Approach with ACT-R about Benefits of Memory-based Strategy on Anomalous Behaviors Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., and Terai, H.
Proceedings of 41rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2019) page: 776-781 2019.7
Model for Data Analysis Process and Its Relationship to the Hypothesis-Driven and Data-Driven Research Approaches Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., and Miwa, K.
LNCS (ITS 2019) Vol. 11528 page: 123-132 2019.6
グラフ理解と判断におけるボトムアップおよびトップダウン処理の検討 Reviewed
教育心理学研究 Vol. 67 page: 103-117 2019.6
A Framework for Tutoring Computational Thinking: Learning Environment and Task Analysis Reviewed
Miwa, K., & Kojima, A.
Proceedings of the eleventh International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (Cognitive 2019) page: 52-55 2019.5
認知モデルに基づく人間・機械インタラクション研究アプローチ Invited
日本ロボット学会誌 Vol. 37 page: 15-18 2019.4
Short- and Long-Term Effects of an Advanced Driving Assistance System on Driving Behavior and Usability Evaluation Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Yamaguchi, T., Suzuki, T.
Proceedings. of The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2019) page: 1-6 2019.2
An Experimental Study of An Educational Intervention to Change Goal Orientation Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Educational Technologies 2019 (ICEduTech 2019) page: 27-34 2019.2
Preliminary Study on Fostering Computational Thinking by Constructing a Cognitive Model Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K.
Workshop Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education page: 265-270 2018.11
Relationship between Goal Orientation, Conception of Learning and Learning Behavior Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 15th international conference of cognition and exploratory learning in digital age (CELDA 2018) page: 233-240 2018.10
先進的運転支援システムにおける情報提示と行動介入の認知的・行動的影響に関する検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 25 ( 3 ) page: 324-337 2018.9
自動車運転中の車載機器操作に加齢が与える影響: 時間知覚と活性化拡散に着目したシミュレーションによる検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 25 ( 3 ) page: 279-292 2018.9
高度運転支援システムのユーザビリティ評価要因に関する検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 25 ( 3 ) page: 310-323 2018.9
Delegation of a task to a partner in cooperation with a human partner and with a system partner. Invited Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., & Kojima,
Proceedings of 40rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2018) page: 726-731 2018.7
Cognitive aging and in-car system operations: A proposal for an age-friendly system using a cognitive model-based approach. Reviewed
Matsumuro, M, and Miwa,
LNCS (HCII 2018) Vol. 10906 page: 325-334 2018.7
Investigation of factors affecting the usability evaluation of an adaptive cruise control system Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Aoki, H., and Suzuki, T.
LNCS (HCII 2018) Vol. 10906 page: 445-456 2018.7
Empirical investigation of cognitive load theory in problem solving domain. Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, K.
LNCS (ITS 2018) Vol. 10858 page: 120-129 2018.6
情報機器の操作に使用される知識 -ACT-R を用いた検討- Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 0000 2018.3
Subjective Evaluation on Three Types of Cognitive Load and its Learning Effects Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, K.
Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications page: 51-54 2018.2
Development of a System to Construct Explanation for Physics Phenomenon through Thought Experiment Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., Miwa, K., & Tombe, Y.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education page: 92-94 2017.12
Relations between cognitive resources and two types of germane load for learning Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Mizuno, Y.
proceedings of 14th international conference on cognition and exploratory learning in digital age page: 315-318 2017.10
Experimental Investigation on Top-down and Bottom-up Processing in Graph Comprehension and Decision Reviewed
Fukuoka, M., Miwa, K., Maehigashi, A.
Proceedings of 39rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 2049-2054 2017.7
Influence of using 3D images and 3D-printed objects on spatial reasoning of experts and novices Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Oda, M., Nakamura, Y., Mori, K., Igami
Proceedings of 39rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 2669-2674 2017.7
自動化システムのユーザビリティ評価アンケートの開発 Reviewed
電子情報通信学会A分冊 Vol. 100-A ( 6 ) page: 240-250 2017.6
Empirical Investigation of Changes of Driving Behavior and Usability Evaluation Using an Advanced Driving Assistance System Reviewed
Matsubayashi, S., Miwa, K., Yamaguchi, T., Kamiya, T., Suzuki, T., Ikeura, R., Hayakawa, S., Ito, T.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems page: 36-39 2017.5
身体スキル習得過程における個人特有の運動に関する検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 23 ( 4 ) page: 337-354 2016.12
Can students build cognitive models that reflect their own cognitive information processing? Results of preliminary class practice Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H.
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning by Posing/Solving Problems/Questions, ICCE 2016 page: 000 2016.12
An experimental study on observation of fact in explanation reconstruction. Reviewed
Terai, H., Miwa, K., & Toyama, N.
Proceedings of 38rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 686-691 2016.8
Influence of 3D images and 3D-printed objects on spatial reasoning. Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Oda, M., Nakamura, Y., Mori, K., & Igami, T.
Proceedings of 38rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 414-419 2016.8
Three barriers to effective thought experiments, as revealed by a system that externalizes students' thinking Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 38rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 176-181 2016.8
Unifying Conflicting Perspectives in Group Activities: Roles of Minority Individuals. Reviewed
Miwa, K., Hayashi, Y., & Terai. H.
Proceedings of 38rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 247-252 2016.8
Knowledge Used for Information Search: A Computer Simulation Study. Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., & Miwa, K.
Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol. 9734 page: 60-69 2016.7
Development of a Usability Questionnaire for Automation Systems. Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Kojima, K., & Terai, H.
Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol. 9731 page: 340-349 2016.7
Understanding Procedural Knowledge for Solving Arithmetic Task by Externalization. Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Shibayama, K.
Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol. 9684 page: 3-12 2016.6
二重過程理論に基づく不確実性を伴う値の推定に関する検討 Reviewed
心理学研究 Vol. 87 ( 3 ) page: 229-239 2016.5
Measuring Cognitive Loads Based on the Mental Chronometry Paradigm. Reviewed
Miwa, K., Kojima, K., Terai, H., & Mizuno, Y.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications page: 38-41 2016.3
A learning environment for externalizing procedural knowledge in problem solving Reviewed
Miwa, K., Shibayama, K., Terai, H.
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning by Posing/Solving Problems/Questions, ICCE 2015. page: 0000 2015.12
Estimation of Trade-off between Costs of Preprocessing and Primary Processing Reviewed
Maehigashi, A, and Miwa, K.
Japanese Psychological Research Vol. 57 page: 269- 280 2015.10
自動化システムと警報システムの併用に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
電子情報通信学会論文誌A Vol. 98-A page: 523-532 2015.8
Acquisition of perceptual knowledge via information search. Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kurita, M.
Proceedings of 37rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2015) page: 2945 2015.7
Investigation on Using 3D Printed Liver during Surgery Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Igami, T., Nakamura, Y., Mori, K.
Proceedings of 37rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2015) page: 1476-1481 2015.7
説明転換における事実参照に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 22 page: 223-234 2015.6
Learning mental models on human cognitive processing by creating cognitive models Reviewed
Miwa, k., Kanzaki, N., Terai, H., Kojima, K., Nakaike, R., Morita, J., and Saito, H.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (AIED 2015) Vol. 9112 page: 287-296 2015.6
Experimental Study of Learning Support through Examples in Mathematical Problem Posing Reviewed
Kojima, K., Miwa, K., & Matsui, T.
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning Vol. 10 2015.6
生成と解決をリンクさせることによる自然演繹の作問支援 Reviewed
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 30 page: 526-535 2015.5
認知モデル作成による認知情報処理の理解を促す大学授業の実践と評価 Reviewed
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 30 page: 536-546 2015.5
理論に基づく実験結果の解釈の支援: 認知科学の授業実践におけるモデル構築の効果に関する検討 Reviewed
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 30 page: 547-558 2015.5
運動計測と言語報告に基づく身体スキル獲得に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 30 page: 585-594 2015.5
An Experimental Investigation on Learning Activities Inhibition Hypothesis in Cognitive Disuse Atrophy Reviewed
Miwa, K., Kojima, A, & Terai, H.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (Cognitive 2015) page: 66-71 2015.3
Stoic Behavior Hypothesis in Hint Seeking and Development of Reversi Learning Environment as Work Bench for Investigation Reviewed
Miwa, K., Kojima, A, & Terai, H.
Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Technologies 2014 (ICEduTech 2014) page: 241-244 2014.12
電子情報通信学会誌 Vol. 97 page: 782-787 2014.9
認知心理学研究 Vol. 12 page: 37-49 2014.8
認知心理学研究 Vol. 12 page: 27-35 2014.8
教育システム情報学会 Vol. 31 page: 225-238 2014.7
Analysis of motor skill acquisition in novice jugglers by three-dimensional motion recording system.
Ichikawa, J., Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of 36rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2014) page: 643-648 2014.7
How Should Examples be Learned in a Production Task? An Experimental Investigation in Mathematical Problem Posing.
Kojima K., Miwa, K., & Matsui, T.
Proceedings of 36rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2014) page: 2501-2506 2014.7
Experimental Investigation of Simultaneous Use of Automation and Alert Systems.
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, K., & Morita, J.
Proceedings of 36rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2014) page: 2609-2614 2014.7
Development of a Design Database and Experimental Discussion of Brain Activations for Creativity Assessment
Terai, H., Miwa, K., & Mizuno, S.
Proceedings of 36rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2014) page: 1568-1573 2014.7
Dual process in large number estimation under uncertainty.
Matsumuro, M., Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Yamada, K.
page: 2621-2626 2014.7
教育心理学研究 Vol. 62 page: 156-167 2014.6
Use of a Cognitive Simulator to Enhance Students' Mental Simulation Activities
Miwa, K., Morita, J., Terai, H., Kanzaki, N., Kojima, K., Nakaike, R., & Saito, H.
LNCS, 8474 (ITS 2014) page: 398-403 2014.6
Disuse atrophy based on computer support for cognitive tasks.
Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Vol. 8532 page: 244-254 2014.6
Learning through Intermediate Problems in Creating Cognitive Models
Miwa, K., Morita, J., Nakaike, R., & Terai, H.
Interactive Learning Environments Vol. 22 page: 326-350 2014.5
心理学研究 Vol. 85 page: 40-49 2014.4
認知科学 Vol. 21 page: 100-112 2014.3
An Intelligent Tutoring System with Variable Levels of Instructional Support for Instructing Natural Deduction
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kanzaki, N., & Nakaike, R.
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 29 page: 148-156 2014.1
日本語版Remote Associates Testの作成と評価 Reviewed
心理学研究 Vol. 84 page: 419-428 2013.10
Supporting Mathematical Problem Posing with a System for Learning Generation Processes through Examples Reviewed
Kojima, K., Miwa, K., & Matsui, T.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Vol. 22 page: 161-190 2013.10
Complacencyと自動化システム使用傾向との関連に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
電子情報通信学会A分冊 Vol. 96-A page: 676-686 2013.9
説明とグラフ表現の一貫性に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
教育心理学研究 Vol. 61 page: 121-132 2013.9
Stoic Behavior in Hint Seeking when Learning using an Intelligent Tutoring System Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kanzaki, N., & Nakaike, R.
Proceedings of 35rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2013) page: 3068-3073 2013.8
A Discussion on the Consistency of Driving Behavior across Laboratory and Real Situational Studies Reviewed
Terai, H., Miwa, K., Okuda, H., Tazaki, Y., Suzuki, T., Kojima, K., Morita, J., Maehigashi, A., Takeda, K.
Proceedings of 35rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2013) page: 1444-1449 2013.8
fMRI Study in Insight Problem Solving Using Japanese Remote Associates Test Based on Semantic Chunk Decomposition Reviewed
Terai, H., Miwa, K., & Asami, K.
Proceedings of 35rd annual conference of the cognitive science society (CogSci 2013) page: 3516-3521 2013.8
Effect of Positive and Negative Instances on Rule Discovery: Investigation Using Eye Tracking Reviewed
page: 2990-2995 2013.8
Experimental Investigation of Calibration and Resolution in Human-Automation System Interaction Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, A., & Morita, J.
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals Vol. E96-A page: 1625-1636 2013.7
A Learning Environment that Combines Problem-posing and Problem-solving Activities Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Okamoto, S., & Nakaike, R.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (AIED 2013) Vol. 7926 page: 111-120 2013.7
眼球運動が洞察問題解決における固着形成・解消に与える影響の検討 Reviewed
心理学研究 Vol. 84 page: 103-111 2013.6
Experimental Investigation of Relationship between Complacency and Tendency to Use Automation System Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, K., & Morita, J.
Proceedings of 34rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 1960-1965 2012.8
Investigation of effects of working memory capacity on rule discovery process using eye movement data Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 34rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 1984-1989 2012.8
An experimental investigation of consistency of explanation and graph representation. Reviewed
Kanzaki, N., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 34rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 557-562 2012.8
Explanation Reconstruction through Reinterpretation of Key Facts Reviewed
Terai, H., Miwa, K., & Matsubayashi, S.
Proceedings of 34rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 2411-2416 2012.8
Tradeoff between Problem-solving and Learning Goals: Two Experiments for Demonstrating Assistance Dilemma Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Nakaike, R.
Proceedings of 34rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 2008-2013 2012.8
グラフの読解に表現と理解の視点が及ぼす効果に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
心理学研究 Vol. 83 page: 163-173 2012.8
Impact of Two Types of Partner, Perceived or Actual, in Human-Human and Human-Agent Interaction Reviewed
Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Computers in Human Behavior Vol. 28 page: 1286–1297 2012.7
Empirical Investigation on Self Fading as Adaptive Behavior of Hint Seeking Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kanzaki, N., & Nakaike, R.
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems page: 645-646 2012.6
マジック課題を用いた予期しない現象の原因同定過程の分析 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 19 page: 146-163 2012.6
モデルを作ることによる認知科学の授業実践 Reviewed
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 27 page: 61-72 2012.2
Multi-platform experiment to cross a boundary between laboratory and real situational studies: experimental discussion of cross-situational consistency of driving behaviors
Terai, H., Miwa, K., Okuda, H., Tazaki, Y., Suzuki, T., Kojima, K., Morita, J., Maehigashi, A., Takeda, K.
IEA2012: 18th world congress on ergonomics - designing a sustainable future, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation page: 1471-1476 2012.2
Empirical Investigation of Assistance Dilemma with a Tutoring System that Can Control Levels of Support Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., Uno, T., and Nakaike, R.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education page: 55-59 2011.12
Study on the Effects of Learning Examples through Production in Problem Posing Reviewed
Kojima, K., Miwa, K., and Matsui, T.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education page: 86-90 2011.12
Influence of prior knowledge and embodiment on Human-Agent Integration
Hayashi, Y., Kryssanov, V. V., Miwa, K., and Ogawa, H.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6762 page: 513-522 2011
Experimental Investigation of Misuse and Disuse in Using Automation System
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, K., Morita, J., and Hayashi, Y.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6764 page: 384-393 2011
Modeling Human-Automation Interaction in a Unified Cognitive Architecture
Morita, J., Miwa, K., Maehigashi, A., Terai, H., Kojima, K., and Ritter, F.
page: 148-153 2011
Experimental investigation of effects of representations and contexts on comprehension and generation of line graphs
Kanzaki, N., & Miwa, K.
proceedings of 33rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 2196-2201 2011
Modeling Decision Making on the Use of Automation
Morita, J., Miwa, K., Maehigashi, A., Terai, H., Kojima, A., & Ritter, F.
proceedings of 33rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 1971-1976 2011
Selection Strategy of Effort Control: Allocation of Function to Manual Operator or Automation System
Maehigashi, A., Miwa, K., Terai, H., Kojima, A., & Morita, J.
proceedings of 33rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 1977-1982 2011
An investigation of search strategies for hypothesis generation using eye movement data
Matsumuro, M., & Miwa, K.
proceedings of 33rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 3424-3429 2011
田村 昌彦・三輪 和久
認知科学 Vol. 18 page: 299-313 2011
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 26 page: 536-546 2011
コミュニケーション齟齬における他者視点の理解 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 18 page: 564-589 2011
仮説検証過程における確信度更新と検証系列:情報獲得モデルによる検討.認知科学 Reviewed
田村 昌彦・服部 雅史・三輪 和久
認知科学 Vol. 17 page: 180-195 2010
Effects of Goal Specificity on a Search in a Hypothesis Space and an Instance Space. Reviewed
Matsumuro, M., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 32th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. page: 766-771 2010
Estimation of Trade-off between Costs of Preprocessing and Primary Processing. Reviewed
Maehigashi, A., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 32th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. page: 943-948 2010
創造活動における説明の効果に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 17 page: 589-598 2010
Experimental Investigation on Effects of Explanation Activities on Improvement of Creative Ideas
Kanzaki, N., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Design Creativity page: B-2 2010
教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 27 page: 302-315 2010
Development of Production System for Anywhere and Class Practice Reviewed
Miwa, K., Nakaike, R., Morita J., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education Vol. 2009 page: 91-99 2009
Study on Support of Learning from Examples in Problem Posing as a Production
Kojima, K., Miwa, K., & Matsui, T.
Proceedings of 17th international conference on computers in education. page: 75-82 2009
Log Analysis of Outside Class Study for Cognitive Modeling. Reviewed
Morita J., Miwa, K., Nakaike, R., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of 17th international conference on computers in education. page: 346-350 2009
Development and Evaluation of a Web-based Production System for Learning Anywhere. Reviewed
Nakaike, R., Miwa, K., Morita J., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of 17th international conference on computers in education. page: 127-131 2009
飛躍を伴う発見における潜在的意識の関与:洞察問題解決研究からの知見 Invited
計測と制御 Vol. 48 page: 33-38 2009
*仮説演繹器・認知シミュレータ・データ分析器としての認知モデル Invited
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 24 page: 229-236 2009
Cognitive and Emotional Characteristics of Communication in Human-Human/Human-Agent Interaction
Hayashi, Y., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction page: 267-274 2009
Prior experience and communication media in establishing common ground during collaboration Reviewed
Hayashi, Y., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society page: 526-531 2009
動画を用いたインタラクティブな学習環境における認知負荷の効果の検討 Reviewed
電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol. Vol.J91-D page: 367-376 2008
説明構築を促す科学授業の実践研究 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 15 page: 251-268 2008
*Interactions of Perceptual and Conceptual Processing: Expertisein Medical Image Diagnosis Reviewed
Morita, J., Miwa, K., Kitasaka, T., Mori, K., Suenaga, Y., Iwano, S., Ikeda, M., and Ishigaki, T.
International Journal of Human Computer Studies Vol. 66 page: 370-390 2008
Analysis of Collaboration in Creative Problem Solving Based on Thinking Styles Reviewed
Ichihara, T., Miwa, K., & Ishii, N.
The Journal of Information and Systems in Education Vol. 6 page: 5-16 2008
Schema-based and Evidence-based communication in Human-Human and Human-Agent Interaction Reviewed
Hayashi, Y., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science page: 367-376 2008
An experimental investigation on effects of explanation activities on creative idea generation Reviewed
Kanzaki, N., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science page: 578-581 2008
Social responses to collaborator: dilemma game with human and computer agent Reviewed
Miwa, K., Terai, H., & Hirose, S.
Proceedings of the 30th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 2455-2460 2008
人間とエージェントが混在する状況におけるコミュニケーションの認知的・感情的心理特性 Reviewed
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 Vol. 10 page: 61-72 2008
A System that Facilitates Diverse Thinking in Problem Posing Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Vol. 18 page: 209-236 2008
A cognitive simulator for learning the nature of human problem solving Reviewed
Miwa, K.
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 23 page: 374-383 2008
Can an AI System Facilitate Human Creative Generation? An Experimental Investigation in Mathematical Problem Posing Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 1169-1174 2007
Effects of Cognitive Load in Acquisition of Assembly Skills Reviewed
Urao, A., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of ICCE 2007 page: 339-346 2007
Hands on Activities to Support Students' Description of Phenomena and Construction of an Explanation in a Science Class Reviewed
Ichihara, T., & Miwa, K.
Supplementaly Proceedings of ICCE 2007 page: 29-30 2007
異なる視点に基づく協同問題解決に関する実験的検討 Reviewed
認知科学 Vol. 14 page: 604-619 2007
Hands on Activities to Support Students' Description of Phenomena and Construction of an Explanation in a Science Class Reviewed
Ichihara, T., & Miwa, K.
Supplementaly Proceedings of ICCE 2007 page: 29-30 2007
Effects of Cognitive Load in Acquisition of Assembly Skills Reviewed
Urao, A., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of ICCE 2007 page: 339-346 2007
Can an AI System Facilitate Human Creative Generation? An Experimental Investigation in Mathematical Problem Posing Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 1169-1174 2007
*Construction of a Learning Environment Supporting Learners' Reflection: A Case of Information Seeking on the Web Reviewed
Saito, H., & Miwa, K.
Computers & Education page: 214-229 2007
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 21 page: 53-57 2006
作問事例を用いて数学文章題を生成するシステムの実現と評価 Reviewed
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 21 page: 361-370 2006
Evaluation of a System that Generates Word Problems through Interactions with a User Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems Vol. 124-133 2006
A laboratory study on distributed problem solving by taking different viewpoints Reviewed
Hayashi, Y., Miwa, K., & Morita, J.
Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 333-338 2006
Analysis of Human-Human and Human-Computer Agent Interactions from the viewpoint of design of and attribution to a Partner Reviewed
Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 597-602 2006
Sudden and Gradual Processes of Insight Problem Solving: Investigation by Combination of Experiments and Simulations Reviewed
Terai, H., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 834-839 2006
Bridging Automatic Problem Generation System and Learning Support System for Human's Problem Generation Reviewed
Kojima, K, & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of ICCE 2006 workshop page: 9-16 2006
Experimental Investigation and Implementation of Support for Problem Generation by Presenting Cases Reviewed
Kojima, K, & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of ICCE 2006 page: 123-126 2006
Experimental Investigation and Implementation of Support for Problem Generation by Presenting Cases Reviewed
Kojima, K, & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of ICCE 2006 page: 123-126 2006
Bridging Automatic Problem Generation System and Learning Support System for Human's Problem Generation Reviewed
Kojima, K, & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of ICCE 2006 workshop page: 9-16 2006
Sudden and Gradual Processes of Insight Problem Solving: Investigation by Combination of Experiments and Simulations Reviewed
Terai, H., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 834-839 2006
Analysis of Human-Human and Human-Computer Agent Interactions from the viewpoint of design of and attribution to a Partner Reviewed
Miwa, K., & Terai, H.
Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 597-602 2006
A laboratory study on distributed problem solving by taking different viewpoints Reviewed
Hayashi, Y., Miwa, K., & Morita, J.
Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society page: 333-338 2006
Evaluation of a System that Generates Word Problems through Interactions with a User Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K.
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems Vol. 124-133 2006
作成プロセスの追従による組立てスキルの学習支援 Reviewed
電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol. J89-D page: 1269-1278 2006
認知科学 Vol. 12 page: 74-88 2005
An Experimental Study on Collaborative Scientific Activities with an Actual/Imaginary Partner Reviewed
Miwa, K., Baba, Y., & Terai, H
Proceeding of he International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005 page: 433-439 2005
異なる他者の視点を取ることによる問題解決の変化: 類推の枠組みに即した検討
認知科学 2005
電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol. J88-D1 page: 488-397 2005
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 20 page: 30-33 2005
教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 22 page: 63-75 2005
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 20 page: 306-317 2005
A Cognitive Simulator for Tutoring Causal Relation between Mental Operations and Behavior Reviewed
Miwa, K., Nakazawa, D., & Saito, H
Proceeding of CogSci 2005 page: 1519-1524 2005
Development and Evaluation of a Learning Support System for Learning by Following Reviewed
Urao, A., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCE 2005 page: 918-921 2005
Analysis of Collaborative Problem Solving Based on Thinking Styles Reviewed
Ichihara, T, Miwa, K., & Ishii, N
Proceeding of ICCE 2005 page: 694-697 2005
A System that Generates Word Problems Using Problem Generation Episodes Reviewed
Kojima, K. & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCE 2005 page: 193-200 2005
Supporting Reflective Practice in Creativity Education Reviewed
Ishii, N., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of Creativity & Cognition 2005 page: 150-157 2005
Expertise in interactions of perceptual and conceptual processing Reviewed
Morita, J., Miwa, K., Kitasaka, T., Mori, K., Suenaga, Y., Iwano, S., Ikeda, M., & Ishigaki, T
Proceeding of CogSci 2005 page: 1541-1546 2005
認知科学 Vol. 11 ( 3 ) 2004
Interaction of Instructors and Students in a Science Class Based on Learning by Design Reviewed
Gwon, Y., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of the 6th international conference of the learning sciences page: 603 2004
A microworld learning for psychology experiments by combining real and virtual experiments Reviewed
Miwa, K., Ishii, No., Saito, H., & Nakaike, R
Proceeding of the 6th international conference of the learning sciences page: 342-349 2004
Educational Effects of Reflection on Problem Solving Processes: A Case of Information Seeking on the Web Reviewed
Saito, H., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of CogSci 2004 page: 1191-1196 2004
Analogical retrieval from everyday experience: Analysis based on the MAC/FAC Reviewed
Morita, J., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of CogSci 2004 page: 969-974 2004
A Computational Analysis Model for Complex Open-ended Analogical Retrieval Reviewed
Morita, J., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCM 2004 page: 202-207 2004
Chance Discovery in Image Diagnosis: Analysis of Perceptual Cycles. Proceedings of the 1st European workshop on chance discovery Reviewed
Morita, J., Miwa, K. Kitasaka, K., Mori, K., Suenaga, K., Iwano, S., Ikeda, M., & Ishigaki, T
Proceeding of 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence page: 162-171 2004
A Tutoring System for the Hypothesis-Testing Process through Graphing Activities Reviewed
Nakaike, R., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2004) page: 230-235 2004
A learning environment supporting learners' reflective practice. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences Reviewed
Ishii, N. & Miwa, K
Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences page: 56-60 2004
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 19 page: 196-204 2004
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 19 page: 126-135 2004
Web情報検索におけるリフレクションの支援 探索行動フィードバックシステムの構築
人工知能学会誌 Vol. 19 page: 214-224 2004
*Collaborative discovery in a simple reasoning task. Cognitive Systems Research
Miwa, K.
Cognitive Systems Research Vol. 5 page: 41-62 2004
インタフェース学会誌 Vol. 6 page: 103-106 2004
教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 21 page: 193-204 2004
教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 21 page: 145-156 2004
問題解決活動としてのWWW情報探索: 科学的発見の枠組みに基づく検討
認知科学 2003
Creativity Education based on Participants' Reflective Thinking on their Creative Processes Reviewed
Ishii, N., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCE 2003 page: 855-856 2003
A Case Retrieval System for Mathematical Learning from Analogical Instances Reviewed
Kojima, K., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCE 2003 page: 1124-1128 2003
Supporting Metacognitive Skills in Information Seeking on the WWW: Construction of a Search Process Feedback System and Evaluation of its Educational Effects Reviewed
Saito, H., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCE 2003 page: 965-972 2003
Learning Meta Experimental Skills in a Simulated Psychology Laboratory Reviewed
Saito, H., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of ICCE 2003 page: 1182-1190 2003
Insight Problem solving from the Viewpoint of Constraint Relaxation Using Eye Movement Analysis Reviewed
Terai, H., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of 4th international conference of cognitive science 2003
Effects and Limitations of Peer Interaction of Elementary School Students in Scientific Experiments Reviewed
Gwon, Y., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of 4th international conference of cognitive science 2003
Changes of inference caused by obtaining different perspectives: Analysis based on analogical inference Reviewed
Morita, J., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of 4th international conference of cognitive science 2003
認知科学 Vol. 10 ( 4 ) page: 469-485 2003
人工知能学会誌 2003
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 17 page: 490-499 2002
Interactive Processes between Mental and External Operations in Creative Activity: A Comparison of Experts' and Novices' Performance Reviewed
Ishii, N., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of the Fourth Creativity & Cognition Conference page: 178-185 2002
Changes in Learners' Exploratory Behavior in a Simulated Psychology Laboratory Reviewed
Miwa, K., Ishii, N., Saito, H., & Nakaike, R
Proceeding of the 24th annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 667-672 2002
認知科学 Vol. 9 ( 4 ) page: 501-515 2002
教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 19 page: 38-45 2002
認知科学 Vol. 9 page: 135-148 2002
Discovery Process on the WWW: Analysis Based on a Theory of Scientific Discovery
Saito, H., & Miwa, K.
LNCS(Lecture Notes of Computer Science) Vol. 2534 page: 449-456 2002
認知科学 Vol. 9 page: 285-302 2002
教育システム情報学会誌 Vol. 18 page: 51-60 2001
A cognitive study of information seeking processes in the WWW: the effects of searcher's knowledge and experience Reviewed
Saito, H., & Miwa, K
Proceeding of the 2nd international conference on Web information systems engineering page: 327-333 2001
Emergence of effects of collaboration in a simple discovery task Reviewed
Proceeding of the 23rd annual conference of the cognitive science society page: 645-650 2001
認知科学 Vol. 8 page: 103-116 2001
認知科学 Vol. 8 page: 151-168 2001
Human Discovery Processes Based on Searching Experiments in Virtual Psychological Research Environment
Miwa, K.
LNAI(Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence) Vol. 1967 page: 225-239 2000
A Study of Collaborative Discovery Processes using a Cognitive Simulator
Miwa, K.
IEICE Vol. 83-D page: 2088-2097 2000
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol. 15 page: 854-861 2000
認知科学 Vol. 7 page: 152-163 2000
Collaborative Hypothesis Testing Process by Interacting Production Systems
Miwa, K.
LNAI(Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence) Vol. 1721 page: 56-67 1999
ollaborative Diccovery Processes by Interactive Production Systems: Degree of Sharing Cognitive Space and Possibility of Emergence Reviewed
Proceeding of 2nd international conference of cognitive science page: 343-348 1999
Collaborative Hypothesis Testing Process by Interactive Production Systems
Proceedings of 2nd international conference of Discovery Science 1999
Deductive and Inductive Ways of Investigation on Human Problem Solving
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 14 page: 6 1999
Changes of Problem Solving Processes by Diagrammatic Externalizations
Proceedings of 2nd international conference of cognitive science page: 1159-1162 1999
Collaborative Discovery Processes by Interactive Production Systems : Degree of Sharing Cognitive Space and Possibility of Emergence
Proceedings of 2nd international conference of cognitive science page: 343-348 1999
電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol. 81-D2 page: 2779-2789 1998
電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol. 81-D2 ( 12 ) page: 2779-2789 1998
A method to estimate model's parametevs based on rational usage of cognitive resources
Transactions of information processing society of Japan Vol. 39 ( 7 ) page: 2124-2133 1998
An Analysis of Collaborative Discovery Learning Processes Based on Hierarchical Schema
Cognitive Studies : Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society 4/2 1997
認知科学 Vol. 4 page: 3-19 1997
A CAI System for Learning Elementary Electrical Circuits by Cognitive Maps and Mental Models
Journal of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education Vol. 12 ( 4 ) page: 243-256 1996
日本教育工学雑誌 Vol. 20 page: 179-185 1996
日本教育工学雑誌 Vol. 20 page: 123-132 1996
Effective Heuristics for Hypothesis Testing: An Empirical Discussion using a Computer Simulation Method. Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Miwa, K., & Okada, T.
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 11 page: 877-887 1996
Cognitive Structure and Its Transition Process of 'Force and Motion' Concepts
Journal of Science Education in Japan Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 41-51 1996
Effective Heuristics for Hypothesis Testing : An Empirical Discussion using a Computer Simulation Method
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 11/6 1996
A Note on Analysis of Time-series Key Input Data
Japan Journal of Educationa Technology20/3 1996
A Data Acquisition System for Recording the Process of Computer programming
Japan Journal of Educationa Technology 20/2 1996
Production System Modeling to Represent Individual Differences: Tradeoff between Simplicity and Accuracy in Simulation of Behavior Reviewed
Miwa, K., & Simon, H. A
Proceeding of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior Conference page: 158-167 1993
Definition of Understanding Potential Score Based on S-P Chart and Its Experimental Discussion
The Transactions of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Vol. 376-A ( 9 ) page: 1359-1367 1993
Production System Modeling to Represent Individual Differences : Trade off between Simplicity and Accuracy in Simulation of Behavior
Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior Conference page: 158-167 1993
Dynamic Transition Process in Computer Programming at Early Stage of Learning
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 7 page: 1 1992
情報処理学会論文誌 Vol. 32 page: 83-90 1992
A Realization Method of Information Processing Model to Describe Individual Thinking Processes of Human Subjects
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 6 page: 1 1991
Hypotheses Testing Process by Positive and Negative Instances through a Computer Simulation
The Transactions of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Vol. 73A page: 3 1990
Inductive Inference of Two-dimensional Pattern Based on Theory of Groups
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol. 5 page: 5 1990
学位論文 1989
Model Construction of Formation and Verification of Hypothesis in Human Thinking Process
The Transactions of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Vol. 71A page: 6 1988
Information Theoretical Discussion of Formation and Verification Process of Hypothesis
The Transactions of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers page: 70A-6 1987
Inference Model and Preservation Model of Information Amount in Thinking Process and Their Experimental Discussion
The Transactions of The Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers page: 69A-5 1986
Interaction Effects of Teachers’ Educational Policies for Seminars and Students’ Learning Goal Orientation on Students’ Learning-as-Duty Conception Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., & Miwa, K.( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2021.3
Relationship Between Goal Orientation, Conception of Learning, and Learning Behavior Reviewed
Yokoyama, M., & Miwa, K.( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2020.9
『問題解決』『創造的思考』 in 認知心理学会編. 認知心理学ハンドブック
三輪和久( Role: Sole author)
有斐閣ブックス 2013.12
A Chance Favours a Prepared Mind: Chance Discovery from Cognitive Psychology
Terai, H., & Miwa, K. ( Role: Joint author)
Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2013.1
三輪和久( Role: Sole author)
ミネルヴァ書房 2012.10
( Role: Joint author)
朝倉書店 2006
認知科学パースペクティブ─認知心理学から の10の視点─
( Role: Joint author)
信山社 2002
( Role: Joint author)
共立出版 2000
( Role: Joint author)
朝倉書店 2000
科学を考える: 人工知能からカルチュラル・スタディーズまでの14の視点
( Role: Joint author)
北大路書房 1999
Fundamental Theories of Information Science
Computer Simulation of Human Memory
楊 文通・松林 翔太・三輪 和久
より良い代替案の発見と探索の関係 ー既知の解法の成功・失敗という観点での整理ー
実験結果とシミュレーション結果の対比が考察に及ぼす影響 ―系列位置効果を題材とした授業実践―
Relationship between moral foundations, political ideology, and life satisfaction in Japan
Miwa, K., Yamada, K., and Yamakawa, M.
ISQOLS 2023 2023.8
Preliminary Study of Prototypes of Small, but Certain Happiness in Everyday Life among Japanese
Miwa, K.
IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology 2023 2023.7
Effects of Cognitive Load in Acquisition of Assembly Skills
Proceedings of ICCE 2007
Can an AI System Facilitate Human Creative Generation? An Experimental Investigation in Mathematical Problem Posing International conference
the 29th annual conference of the cognitive science society
Hands on Activities to Support Students' Description of Phenomena and Construction of an Explanation in a Science Class
Supplementaly Proceedings of ICCE 2007
Evaluation of a System that Generates Word Problems through Interactions with a User International conference
8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Experimental Investigation and Implementation of Support for Problem Generation by Presenting Cases International conference
ICCE 2006
Bridging Automatic Problem Generation System and Learning Support System for Human's Problem Generation International conference
ICCE 2006 workshop
Sudden and Gradual Processes of Insight Problem Solving: Investigation by Combination of Experiments and Simulations International conference
28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society
Analysis of Human-Human and Human-Computer Agent Interactions from the viewpoint of design of and attribution to a Partner International conference
28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society
A laboratory study on distributed problem solving by taking different viewpoints International conference
28th annual meeting of the cognitive science society
Learning by followingを支援するシステムの開発と評価
電 子情報通信学会技術研究報告
異なる視点に立った協同問題解決と情 報共有過程 -発話プロトコル分析による検討-
電子情報通信学会技術研究 報告
An Experimental Study on Collaborative Scientific Activities with an Actual/Imaginary Partner International conference
The International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005
A Cognitive Simulator for Tutoring Causal Relation between Mental Operations and Behavior International conference
CogSci 2005
Expertise in interactions of perceptual and conceptual processing International conference
CogSci 2005
Supporting Reflective Practice in Creativity Education International conference
Creativity & Cognition 2005
A System that Generates Word Problems Using Problem Generation Episodes International conference
ICCE 2005
Analysis of Collaborative Problem Solving Based on Thinking Styles International conference
ICCE 2005
Development and Evaluation of a Learning Support System for Learning by Following International conference
ICCE 2005
Learning by following -追従による学習の検討-
Interaction of Instructors and Students in a Science Class Based on Learning by Design International conference
the 6th international conference of the learning sciences
A learning environment supporting learners' reflective practice. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences International conference
the 5th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences
A Tutoring System for the Hypothesis-Testing Process through Graphing Activities International conference
the 7th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2004)
Chance Discovery in Image Diagnosis: Analysis of Perceptual Cycles. Proceedings of the 1st European workshop on chance discovery International conference
16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
A Computational Analysis Model for Complex Open-ended Analogical Retrieval International conference
ICCM 2004
Analogical retrieval from everyday experience: Analysis based on the MAC/FAC International conference
CogSci 2004
Educational Effects of Reflection on Problem Solving Processes: A Case of Information Seeking on the Web International conference
CogSci 2004
A microworld learning for psychology experiments by combining real and virtual experiments International conference
the 6th international conference of the learning sciences
問題解決プロセスに対するリフレクションの効果: Web情報探索を対象とした検討
Changes of inference caused by obtaining defferent perspectives: Analysis based on analogical inference International conference
2003 International Symposium on Cognitive Approaches to Creative Processes
Insight Problem Solving from the Viewpoint of Constraint Relaxation Using Eye Movement Analysis International conference
2003 International Symposium on Cognitive Approaches to Creative Processes
Effects and Limitations of Peer Interaction of Elementary School Students in Scientific Experiments International conference
2003 International Symposium on Cognitive Approaches to Creative Processes
Creativity Education based on Participants Reflective Thinking on their Creative Processes International conference
2003 International Symposium on Cognitive Approaches to Creative Processes
WWW情報探索におけるメタ認知支援: 探索行動フィードバックシステムの構築
Creativity Education based on Participants' Reflective Thinking on their Creative Processes International conference
ICCE 2003
Changes of inference caused by obtaining different perspectives: Analysis based on analogical inference International conference
4th international conference of cognitive science
Effects and Limitations of Peer Interaction of Elementary School Students in Scientific Experiments International conference
4th international conference of cognitive science
Insight Problem solving from the Viewpoint of Constraint Relaxation Using Eye Movement Analysis International conference
4th international conference of cognitive science
Learning Meta Experimental Skills in a Simulated Psychology Laboratory International conference
ICCE 2003
Supporting Metacognitive Skills in Information Seeking on the WWW: Construction of a Search Process Feedback System and Evaluation of its Educational Effects International conference
ICCE 2003
A Case Retrieval System for Mathematical Learning from Analogical Instances International conference
ICCE 2003
Interactive Processes between Mental and External Operations in Creative Activity: A Comparison of Experts' and Novices' Performance International conference
the Fourth Creativity & Cognition Conference
Changes of Problem Solving Processes by Diagrammatic Externalizations International conference
2nd international conference of cognitive science
ollaborative Diccovery Processes by Interactive Production Systems: Degree of Sharing Cognitive Space and Possibility of Emergence International conference
2nd international conference of cognitive science
Changes in Learners' Exploratory Behavior in a Simulated Psychology Laboratory International conference
the 24th annual conference of the cognitive science society
A cognitive study of information seeking processes in the WWW: the effects of searcher's knowledge and experience International conference
the 2nd international conference on Web information systems engineering
Emergence of effects of collaboration in a simple discovery task International conference
the 23rd annual conference of the cognitive science society
Production System Modeling to Represent Individual Differences: Tradeoff between Simplicity and Accuracy in Simulation of Behavior International conference
Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior Conference
2014.7 - 2015.3
Grant type:Competitive
2014.3 - 2016.2
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:22H03912 2022.4 - 2025.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
三輪 和久, 寺井 仁
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4050000 )
Design of Mobility Intelligence for Small Mobility in Shared Space
Grant number:22H00211 2022.4 - 2025.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Grant number:20K12096 2020.4 - 2023.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Grant number:20K20339 2020.4 - 2022.3
科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(開拓)
三輪 和久, 鈴木 達也
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\26000000 ( Direct Cost: \20000000 、 Indirect Cost:\6000000 )
伝統的な心の科学において,人間の「認知機構」の探求は,実験室における統制された実験において,組織的に収集された「実験データ」に基づき行われてきた。本プロジェクトの挑戦は,認知モデルと行動モデルという性質の異なる2つのモデルを統合することで,ここで生成的帰納演繹循環アプローチと呼ぶ,人間の心の科学の新しい探求の枠組みを開拓することである。あらゆる経験科学において,理論からの演繹と観察データからの帰納による演繹・帰納サイクルを循環させることは, その探求の基盤となるアプローチである。
実験では、他車の印象を操作するため、参加者を無作為にAggressive条件かCautious条件に振り分け、以下のように教示と試行を追加した。Aggressive (Cautious) 条件では、実験実施前に、「これからあなたが運転するのは、飛ばし屋 (のんびり屋) が多く利用する道路です」など、道路利用者に関する情報を教示した。
また、研究を進める中で、いくつかの新たな問題意識が立ち上がってきた。例えば、他者に対する思いやりの度合いが運転行動に与える影響や、近年着目されているShard Spaceなど、より自由度の高い共有場における、複数車両のインタラクションなどの問題にも取り組んでゆきたい。
2015.4 - 2018.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2015.4 - 2017.3
科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究
Authorship:Principal investigator
2013.4 - 2015.3
Authorship:Principal investigator
Authorship:Principal investigator
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(一般),課題番号:19300089
三輪 和久
Authorship:Principal investigator
Information Literacy