Updated on 2023/11/04


Institutes of Innovation for Future Society Mobility Research Course Designated professor
Designated professor

Degree 1

  1. 博士(工学) ( 2007.11   名古屋大学 ) 

Research Areas 1

  1. Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering

Research History 6

  1. Nagoya University   Institute of Innovation for Future Society   Designated professor


  2. Nagoya University   Institute of Innovation for Future Society   Designated associate professor

    2014.6 - 2023.3

  3. Nagoya Institute of Technology   Graduate School of Engineering   Designated associate professor

    2011.7 - 2014.5

  4. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Environmental Studies   Designated assistant professor

    2010.10 - 2011.6

  5. The University of Tokyo   The Graduate School of Engineering   Designated assistant professor

    2009.4 - 2010.9

  6. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Environmental Studies   Researcher

    2007.12 - 2009.3

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Education 3

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Environmental Studies   Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture

    2005.4 - 2007.11

  2. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Engineering   Civil and Environmental Engineering

    1999.4 - 2001.3

  3. Nagoya University   School of Engineering

    1995.4 - 1999.3

Committee Memberships 21

  1. 国土交通省   地域道路経済戦略研究会 中部地方研究会  


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    Committee type:Government


  2. 国土交通省   都市交通における自動運転技術の活用方策に関する検討会  


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    Committee type:Government


  3. 岐阜県   地域公共交通協議会  


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    Committee type:Municipal

  4. 静岡市   大谷・小鹿まちづくり検討会議  


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    Committee type:Municipal


  5. 岐阜市   総合交通協議会  


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    Committee type:Municipal


  6. 岐阜市   都市再生整備計画事業評価委員会  

    2022 - 2025   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  7. 岐阜市   コミュニティバス評価委員会  

    2022 - 2025   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  8. 岐阜市   公共交通会議  

    2022 - 2025   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  9. 伊那市   都市計画マスタープラン及び伊那市立地適正化計画策定委員会  

    2020 - 2022   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  10. 国土交通省   MaaSの普及に向けたAIオンデマンド交通のあり方研究会  


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    Committee type:Government

  11. 伊那市   新産業技術推進協議会 インテリジェント交通部会  


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    Committee type:Municipal


  12. 国土交通省   都市の多様性とイノベーションの創出に関する懇談会  

    2018 - 2019   

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    Committee type:Government


  13. 国土交通省   道の駅「南アルプスむら長谷」を拠点とした自動運転サービス地域実験協議会  

    2017 - 2019   

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    Committee type:Government


  14. 土木学会   土木計画学研究委員会  

    2016 - 2018   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  15. 国土交通省   ダブル連結トラック実験協議会  

    2016 - 2018   

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    Committee type:Government


  16. 人工知能学会   全国大会実行委員  

    2015 - 2017   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  17. 土木学会   土木計画学研究委員会学術小委員会  

    2014 - 2017   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  18. 情報処理学会   論文誌ジャーナル/JIP編集委員会  

    2013 - 2017   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  19. 中京都市圏交通計画協議会   中京パーソントリップ調査予測に関する勉強会  


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    Committee type:Other


  20. 名古屋都市センター   都心モビリティ研究会  

    2012 - 2013   

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    Committee type:Other


  21. 土木学会   土木計画学研究委員会  

    2009 - 2010   

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    Committee type:Academic society


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Awards 8

  1. ベストポスター賞

    2020.12   ITS Japan   静岡市におけるMaaS実証実験のアプリ利用履歴データ分析


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  2. 現場イノベーション賞

    2020.6   人工知能学会   AI公共交通サービスSAVSの実装と普及


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    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc. 

  3. COI若手顕彰 プロジェクトリーダー賞

    2019.3   名古屋大学  


  4. 優秀論文賞

    2014.12   ITS Japan   一般道路ネットワークへの適用に向けたStochastic Cell Transmission Modelの改良

    徳田渉,金森 亮,伊藤孝行

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  5. 全国大会優秀賞

    2013.6   人工知能学会   Anticipatory Stigmergyによる経路情報提供へのドライバー選択行動の影響分析


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  6. 年間優秀論文賞

    2010.6   日本都市計画学会   駐車デポジットシステム(PDS)の効率性と公平性に関する分析


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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal 

  7. 学会賞(著書の部)

    2010   日本交通学会   道路投資の便益評価;理論と実践

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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal 

  8. 論文奨励賞

    2008.6   日本都市計画学会   都市交通戦略の策定に向けた統合型交通需要予測手法の開発と適用


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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal 

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Papers 66

  1. Developing an Agent-Based Simulator Combining Mesoscopic Traffic Simulator with Dynamic Vehicle Allocation System to Evaluate a Ride-Sharing Service in Urban Area

    Mori Toshikatsu, Mizokami Shoshi, Kanamori Ryo, Liu Qiang


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    Publisher:International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research  

    In this study, we developed an advanced agent-based simulator which allows an agent-based mesoscopic traffic simulator to cooperate with a dynamic vehicle allocation system. This simulator can reproduce a dynamic vehicle allocation service in real world through its Web API. We implemented this simulator to evaluate ride-sharing taxi services in Kumamoto City to compare with the conventional taxi services. Based on simulation results, the ride-sharing taxi service is more effective. The average time from booking a ride to arriving at the intended destination was significantly reduced as the number of vehicles increased; however, the average occupancy rate of vehicles decreased.

    DOI: 10.1007/s13177-022-00337-x

    Web of Science


  2. Estimation Method of Parking Space Conditions Using Multiple 3D-LiDARs

    Yamada Shunya, Watanabe Yousuke, Kanamori Ryo, Sato Kenya, Takada Hiroaki


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    Publisher:International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research  

    In the early stages of the spread of autonomous vehicles, it is conceivable to operate an automated valet parking system in parking lots where autonomous vehicles and non-autonomous vehicles coexist. Since non-autonomous vehicles may park beyond the parking space, it is necessary to estimate parking space conditions three-dimensionally. This paper proposes a method to estimate the parking space conditions using multiple 3D-LiDARs that can detect the space three-dimensionally. In the evaluation experiment, multiple 3D-LiDARs were installed in the parking lot of a public facility, and the estimation accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated in various situations.

    DOI: 10.1007/s13177-022-00300-w

    Web of Science


  3. Simulation Analysis on Benefits of Introducing Meeting Points Into On-Demand Shared Mobility Services

    Nishida Ryo, Kanamori Ryo, Onishi Masaki, Noda Itsuki, Hashimoto Koichi

    IEEE ACCESS   Vol. 10   page: 124114 - 124129   2022

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    Publisher:IEEE Access  

    We investigate the benefits of introducing meeting points (MPs) into on-demand shared mobility services (OSMS). OSMS generally provide door-to-door transportation between passengers' origins and destinations. In addition, services using specific pick-up/drop-off locations, which are called as MPs, are also deployed. The operational efficiency of OSMS could be improved by asking passengers to walk to an MP. Previous studies have found that the introduction of MPs can improve operational efficiency in terms of the number of vehicles, the vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT), and the rejection rate of passengers' requests. However, the travel time of passengers (i.e. passenger convenience) has not been sufficiently explored. The introduction of MPs may reduce the average travel time of passengers by reducing the number of detours. We conduct a static analysis under simple settings, and a simulation analysis using actual road network data. The effects of the introducing MPs are evaluated via various configurations such as MP locations, the number of passengers' requests, the number of vehicles, and vehicle capacity. Results showed that the introduction of MPs reduces VKT as well as average travel time of passengers when the number of demands is greater than 200 per hour in the same conditions on service provider.

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3224728

    Web of Science



    YAE Ryoma, MORI Toshikatsu, MIZOKAMI Shoshi, KANAMORI Ryo, MATSUDATE Wataru

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 77 ( 5 ) page: I_1023 - I_1035   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    <p>In recent years, shared taxis have been attracting attention in Japan. From October 1, 2020, Arao’s “Omoyai Taxi”, which is a substantial “shared taxi”, started operation. However, there is not enough consideration on the service setting of shared taxis and the appropriate setting of the number of vehicles in rural areas. In this study, we conducted two surveys those are house hold travel survey and stated preference survey for ride-sharing taxi to estimate a conversion model. Sensitivity analysis is performed using an operational simulation model connecting K-MATSim with SAVS by Web-API. A comparative analysis is performed between the predicted value by the operation simulation and the actual usage. Finally, the purpose is to update the conversion model.</p>

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.77.5_i_1023

    CiNii Research


    MORI Toshikatsu, MIZOKAMI Shoshi, KANAMORI Ryo, MATSUDATE Wataru

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 76 ( 5 ) page: I_1321 - I_1330   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    <p>In this study, we have built an advanced simulation system that links an agent-based meso-traffic simulator and an on-demand matching system in a computer to evaluate impacts of ride sharing taxi service. This system was implemented for a central area of Kumamoto city to verify the effect of introducing this service. As a result, by increasing the number of shared vehicles, the time required for the user to arrive at the destination was significantly reduced, but the operating rate of the vehicles decreased. From these results, the demand in each time zone was predicted, and it was suggested that it is necessary to adjust the number of vehicles dispatched to demands and the operation area.</p>

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.76.5_I_1321

  6. Evaluation of the effect of introducing MaaS using actual travellers' data and simulation


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. 2021 ( 0 ) page: 2I3GS5b01 - 2I3GS5b01   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>In this study, we evaluate the effect of introducing MaaS by simulation using a multi-agent traffic simulator and cost-benefit analysis. As a case study, we use the MaaS demonstration experiment conducted in Shizuoka City in November 2019. In this demonstration experiment, in addition to railroads and fixed-route buses, the on-demand shared service, SAVS (Smart Access Vehicle Service), was introduced. We model users' mode choice behavior (demand side) and use vehicle allocation optimization method of SAVS (supply side), and integrate demand and supply model with traffic simulator SUMO to model demand-supply interaction. In order to quantitativel yevaluate the impact, we define a various indicators from different standpoints (users, providers, city, etc.) accordingto the cost-benefit analysis approach. Analyzing results show that the introduction of MaaS did not produce cost-effective benefit. However, exhaustive simulation revealed that the MaaS service can be established if the number of SAVS vehicles and price are set appropriately.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2021.0_2I3GS5b01

  7. An analysis of individual acceptable process on a new mobility service based on qualitative data

    Ono Sachiko, Inaba Hisayuki, Kanamori Ryo, Morikawa Takayuki

    Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 19 ( 3 ) page: 330 - 337   2020.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    <p>The purpose of this study is to clarify the usage requirements of local residents toward the regional implementation of new mobility services. In particular, in this paper, we focus on the elements and processes that lead to the daily use of mobility blend (MB), which is in as a new mobility service. For this purpose, we conducted an interview survey of users for three social experiment in Kozoji NT. Grounded Theory Approach (GTA) is used in the analysis. As a result of GTA, seven elements related to utilization were extracted. And we showed three processes from seven elements by Category-related integrated diagram of GTA.</p>

    DOI: 10.11361/reportscpij.19.3_330

    CiNii Research

  8. Study of older male drivers' driving stress compared with that of young male drivers

    Zhao Yanning, Yamamoto Toshiyuki, Kanamori Ryo


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)  

    In this study, older male drivers' stress while driving in straight links and while proceeding through intersections is investigated. Controller area network (CAN), self-reported stress (SRS), and physiological data was collected in 22.4 km-long experimental trips among older and young drivers. First, this study finds that older drivers reported much less stress than young drivers. However, principal components (PCs) of the physiological data demonstrate that older drivers might underrate their driving stress in entire trips, except regarding turning at intersections. Moreover, following other vehicles reduced older drivers' driving stress because preceding vehicles might help them control driving speed, detect the path, and prevent road risks. In contrast, the similar condition increased the stress level of young drivers. The results of random effects regression models confirm that age was the significant impact factor on SRS and physiological data. While examining whether the stress at intersections could affect their driving behaviors, significant difference between two age groups was found neither in turning time nor in the driving speed. This study also confirms that physical and mental changes with aging can negatively affect older adults' behaviors. Considering the relationships among stress, speed, and accidents, we suggest the provision of more driver assistance systems, training, and education and improving intersection design for older drivers.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jtte.2018.10.011

    Web of Science


  9. Improving Coverage Rate for Urban Link Travel Time Prediction Using Probe Data in the Low Penetration Rate Environment

    Tang Ruotian, Kanamori Ryo, Yamamoto Toshiyuki

    SENSORS   Vol. 20 ( 1 )   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Sensors (Switzerland)  

    Short-term travel time prediction is an important consideration in modern traffic control and management systems. As probe data technology has developed, research interest has moved from highways to urban roads. Most research has only focused on improving the prediction accuracy on urban roads because it is the key index of evaluating a model. However, the low penetration rate of probe vehicles at urban networks may result in the low coverage rate which restricts prediction models from practical applications. This research proposed a non-parametric model based on Bayes’ theorem and a resampling process to predict short-term urban link travel time, which can enhance the coverage rate while maintaining the prediction accuracy. The proposed model used data from vehicles in both the target link and its crossing direction, so its coverage rate can be expanded, especially when the data penetration rate is low. In addition, the utilization of relationships between vehicles in both directions can reflect the influence of signal timing. The proposed model was evaluated in a computer simulation to test its robustness and reliability under different data penetration rates. The results implied that the proposed model has a high coverage rate, demonstrating stable and acceptable performance at different penetration rates.

    DOI: 10.3390/s20010265

    Web of Science



  10. Clarification of two mobiity-sharing methods, "Noriai" and "Ainori", and their future depoyment


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. 2020 ( 0 ) page: 3Rin436 - 3Rin436   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>"MaaS" recently became a buzz-word. However, there are many differences among variations of MaaS, which are not widey recognized. We researchers feel responsile to clarify meaning of various words from technical points of view. We also think the cllarification may lead to new service concepts in the future, together with new research issues. We have knowedge and experience of development of real-time ride-sharing operation system of public transportation services (SAVS) from 2013. We classify various terminology and show that SAVS is the optimum pubic transportation system.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2020.0_3Rin436

  11. Short-Term Urban Link Travel Time Prediction Using Dynamic Time Warping With Disaggregate Probe Data

    Tang Ruotian, Kanamori Ryo, Yamamoto Toshiyuki

    IEEE ACCESS   Vol. 7   page: 98959 - 98970   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:IEEE Access  

    There is increasing demand for short-term urban link travel time prediction to build an advanced intelligent transportation system (ITS). With the development of data collection technology, probe data are receiving more attention but the penetration rate of probe vehicles capable of sending probe data is still limited. Most research pertaining to short-term travel time prediction tends to aggregate probe data to obtain useful samples when the penetration rate is low. However, as a result, the prediction can only provide a general description of the travel time and changes in travel time during a short time interval are neglected. To overcome this limitation, a non-parametric model using disaggregate probe data based on dynamic time warping (DTW) was developed in this study. Data from the crossing direction are introduced to separate the data into different signal phases instead of identifying the exact signal pattern. A classical k-nearest neighbor (KNN) model and a naïve model were compared with the proposed model. The models were tested in three scenarios: a computer simulation and two real cases from Nagoya, Japan. The results showed that the proposed model outperforms the other two models under different data penetration rates because it can reflect changes in travel time during a traffic signal cycle. Moreover, the proposed model has wider applicability than the KNN model because it is free from the equal time interval constraint.

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929791

    Web of Science


  12. Traffic Flow Management at Intersections to Reduce the Congestion based on Link Transmission Model

    TANG Ruotian, KANAMORI Ryo, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   Vol. 13 ( 0 ) page: 815 - 830   2019

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    Language:English   Publisher:Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies  

    <p>To solve the increasing urban congestion problem, intelligent transportation system (ITS) is drawing researchers' attention. Dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) has been recognized as a significant part of ITS solutions for a long time. Most DTA approaches focused on realizing single objectives by solving routing problems but paid less attention to the intersection which is the main bottleneck of urban networks. This paper proposes a method based on the link transmission model (LTM), which manages the traffic flow of each incoming link at the intersection, to reduce the congestion when route choices are determined in advance. This method employs a local linear programming formulation so it can be added to other DTA approaches which have different global objectives. The proposed model and other LTM-based models are tested by simulation data. Results show that the congestion level in the proposed model is lower than other models, while the travel cost remains similar.</p>

    DOI: 10.11175/easts.13.815

  13. Data selection in machine learning for identifying trip purposes and travel modes from longitudinal GPS data collection lasting for seasons

    Gong Lei, Kanamori Ryo, Yamamoto Toshiyuki

    TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY   Vol. 11   page: 131 - 140   2018.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Travel Behaviour and Society  

    Application of machine learning methods shows a popular attempt to identify the purpose of a trip and mode of travel on Global Positioning System (GPS) trajectory data. Data selection for the training and test sets is important in these methods. However, the feasibility and effects of choosing these data from different periods of the year are still unknown. This detail is particularly important since collecting data via GPS decreases the burden on participants to such an extent that it can last for seasons which may own distinct features. In order to bridge this gap, this paper employs Aslan & Zech's test (AZ-test) and Random Forests (RF) successively to investigate the influence of data selection from different seasons for training and test sets. The dataset obtained in a city with distinct seasons, Hakodate, Japan, is used for our empirical analysis. The results of AZ-test suggest that explanatory variables of the two data sets from distinct seasons follow different distributions. Furthermore, it concludes that data set from two-seasons and data set from single season also follow different distributions. However, this test achieves some contradictory results in some cases. Due to this, RF is used to check how the accuracy varies in a further detail. RF confirms the findings by AZ-test in most cases. In addition, RF results show that including GIS features as explanatory variables has positive effect on the identification accuracy while including weather features has negative effect on the identification accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2017.03.004

    Web of Science


  14. Social Experiment of Smart Access Vehicle Service for Cruise Visitors


    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. 2018 ( 0 ) page: 4F1OS11c03 - 4F1OS11c03   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2018.0_4F1OS11c03

  15. Smart Access Vehicle Service for Future Regional Mobility

    NAKASHIMA Hideyuki, MATSUDATE Wataru, MATSUBARA Hitoshi, HIRATA Keiji, SUZUKI Keiji, TAYANAGI Emiko, KANAMORI Ryo, NODA Itsuki, SANO Syoji, OCHIAI Junichi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. 2018 ( 0 ) page: 4F2OS11d04 - 4F2OS11d04   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>Improvement of public transportation services are becomming hot issues all over the world. We compare the worldwide movements with those in Japan. We then describe our idea of a new public transportation service, Smart Access Vehicle Service, which provides Mobility as a Service.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2018.0_4F2OS11d04

  16. Efficiency Evaluation of Smart Access Vehicle Service Using Dispatched Taxi Data in Nagoya City

    OCHIAI Junichi, KANAMORI Ryo, HIRATA Keiji, NODA Itsuki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   Vol. 2018 ( 0 ) page: 1B2OS11b03 - 1B2OS11b03   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2018.0_1B2OS11b03

  17. A Modification of the Stochastic Cell Transmission Model for Urban Networks

    Tokuda Sho, Kanamori Ryo, Ito Takayuki


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research  

    This study proposes a modified stochastic cell transmission model (M-SCTM) that can apply the conventional SCTM to urban networks. SCTM represents the uncertainty of traffic states and changing travel demands or supply conditions and has also been applied to freeways or simple networks with only one origin–destination pair. In M-SCTM, we introduce vehicle agents and their route choice behavior on an urban network for applications to more complex urban networks. From the results of empirical studies, we compared M-SCTM and SCTM to confirm the former’s prediction accuracy and calculated its reproducibility of travel times.

    DOI: 10.1007/s13177-015-0122-7

    Web of Science


  18. Analysis of use characteristic change with parking fee change by utilizing accounting data

    Kato T., Kanamori R., Yamamoto T., Morikawa T.

    Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - 13th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, DDSS 2016     2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - 13th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, DDSS 2016  

    The accumulated parking accounting data is expected to utilize actively for setting an appropriate parking fee structure in accordance with characteristics of parking utilization. This research shows typical usage patterns of parking lot by using the accounting data. As our findings, a transition of cluster can understand as a change of parking usage pattern. The characteristics of parking usage is changed significantly by improvement of parking fee structure and also affects revenue.


  19. Evaluation of Deposit-Based Road Pricing Scheme by Agent-Based Simulator

    Kanamori Ryo, Yamamoto Toshiyuki, Morikawa Takayuki

    PRICAI 2016: TRENDS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   Vol. 9810   page: 738 - 749   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)  

    Parking Deposit System (PDS) is proposed to improve public acceptance of road pricing (RP), which can reduce effectively traffic congestion and air pollution. This study examines the characteristics of PDS and conventional cordon-based RP in terms of efficiency and equity. In order to evaluate income regressive effects as equity, we develop a multi-agent based simulator which can consider user’s mode and route choice behaviors for several income classes. The results of empirical analysis at the Nagoya Metropolitan Area suggest the followings in comparison with conventional RP: (1) PDS gives sufficient environmental improvement by reducing car use, although the effect of decreases by refund, and (2) PDS is more equitable because it is a kind of revenue allocation scheme.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42911-3_62

    Web of Science


  20. 移動スケジュール推薦システムを利用した移動目的の取得と精度の検証

    高比良 諭, 金森 亮, 伊藤 孝行

    情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系]   Vol. 2015 ( 12 ) page: 1 - 8   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    都市交通などの社会システムの改変にはシミュレーションによる評価が有効である.シミュレーションに利用するデータ収集方法としては,従来からよく用いられ行政主導で行われるパーソントリップ調査や,GPS 機能を搭載した携帯電話やスマートフォンのログを収集する手法などが挙げられるが,調査期間を区切って行うことが多い.長期間のデータ収集では被験者の負担が増大するため,長期に渡る調査を行なっても被験者の負荷が小さく,継続的なデータ収集を可能とするシステム構築が望まれる.本研究では,毎日利用するスケジュール帳に着目し,移動状況の計算を同一サイトのアプリケーション上で自動的に行い,ユーザに示すプログラムを作成し評価実験を行った.また,本システムを通して得られるデータの特性につて,調査を行った.

  21. 車両に対する自動交渉による駐車場割当手法の提案

    徳田 渉, Miguel Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona, 金森 亮, 伊藤 孝行

    情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系]   Vol. 2015 ( 13 ) page: 1 - 6   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  


  22. Estimation of Multi-Mode Origin-Destination Flows by using Staying Population Data at Base-Stations

    IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS   Vol. 2015 ( 8 ) page: 1 - 6   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    Several companies provide an aggregated data on people's travel. "Mobile Spatial Statistics" is, for example, the estimation results of staying population from the number of cell-phone users that counted at each base-station. Although this data include both travelers and staying people (e.g., people working at same location), it can be gathered at arbitrary location and in any time-zone. In this study, we propose a novel estimation method for multi-mode origin-destination flows, which is an important information in transportation planning, from "Mobile Spatial Statistics" and the other traffic counting data (i.e., the number of train or bus passengers and GPS trajectory data), and applied to the Hakodate City.

  23. Accuracy Verification of Event Data of Scheduling Support System for Agent-based Simulator

    Kanamori Ryo, Takahira Satoshi, Ito Takayuki


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA 2015  

    To discuss or evaluate certain policies for a smart city, it is effective to develop an agent-based simulation which can reproduce an individual's travel behavior and social interaction. Here, activity-travel data is needed to develop a behavior model for the agent-based simulation. However, it is difficult to collect such data over a long time period due to a heavy burden on subjects of the survey. This study proposes a web system to collect an individual's schedule data easily from travel information. Our proposed system has two key characteristics: 1) travel information is recommended automatically based on the concept of space-time prism when the user enters a new event, 2) researchers can utilize users' schedule information as activity-travel data without conducting a special survey. We have an evaluation experiment of our system with users, who expressed satisfaction with the system's usability as well as operability. We also confirmed that trip data collected by our system is useful to identify user's trip purpose.

    DOI: 10.1109/SOCA.2015.39

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  24. Analysis of Parking Lot Choice Behaviors by Utilizing Accounting Data

    TSUBOI Yuki, KANAMORI Ryo, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   Vol. 11 ( 0 ) page: 523 - 536   2015

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    Language:English   Publisher:Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies  

    Parking management has attracted attention as an effective transportation policy. Although many studies analyzing parking lot choice behaviors have been conducted, most of them utilized data gathered by one-shot questionnaire surveys. Currently, in Japan, it is possible to easily observe parking lot choice behaviors over long time periods since online parking accounting machines have been introduced at many parking lots. In order to analyze and model the parking lot choice behaviors, we utilized massive parking accounting data including membership identification data. From the results of a basic analysis targeted at nine parking lots in Nagoya, we found that users rationally chose different parking lots according to their parking time, and some high-frequency users preferred to choose the same parking lot, indicating a similarity to habitual behavior. Moreover, we compared the characteristics of parking lot choice behaviors between high-frequency users and others by developing a parking lot choice model.

    DOI: 10.11175/easts.11.523

  25. Pricing Procedure in Accordance with Characteristic of Parking Utilization - Analysis Example of Massive Parking Accounting Data

    Enoki Y., Ito T., Kanamori R.

    AAAI Workshop - Technical Report   Vol. WS-15-05   page: 19 - 27   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:AAAI Workshop - Technical Report  

    In most urban area, traffic issue related to parking (e.g. economic (time) and environmental loss in finding a parking space) has been significant, and parking management strategies to set optimal price are often necessary for the parking agencies. In order to revise parking fee appropriately without a reduction of parking demand, a pricing procedure in accordance with characteristic of parking utilization is expected. On the other hand, a large amount of parking data is accumulated automatically with introduction of online parking systems. In this study, we analyze massive parking accounting data, whose data size is 22.5 million accounting data in the past year about 1,050 parking lots, and discuss the characteristics of parking utilization. Moreover parking duration model is developed from the accounting data for each cluster to estimate the parking demand (i.e., parking time) after changing price. As an example of appropriate price procedure, we evaluate the setting of an upper limitation of parking charge with parking demand patterns calculated from the accounting data and the parking duration model.




    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 71 ( 5 ) page: I_875 - I_888   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    This paper presents the concept of a new transportation system, Smart Access Vehicle System. In the system, the locations and routes of all vehicles are controlled by a computer, and no fixed routes or time-tables are necessary. We call it &ldquo;transportation cloud&rdquo;. The system responds to new demands in real time and provides utility of taxis with cost efficiency of buses. Furthermore, it can flexibly readjust to traffic congestion, accidents, malicious weather and disasters. We conducted operation tests and succeeded in running the system automatically for several days.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.71.I_875

  27. スケジュール支援システムによる移動情報の取得可能性と精度検証

    高比良 諭, 金森 亮, 伊藤 孝行

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   Vol. 2015 ( 0 ) page: 1F4OS09a1 - 1F4OS09a1   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 人工知能学会  

    <p>都市交通などの社会システムの改変にはシミュレーションによる評価が有効であり,実際の活動・移動状況を再現しうるシミュレータ 構築には移動データ収集が必要となる.本研究では,毎日利用するスケジュール帳に着目し,長期に渡る調査を行なっても被験者の負荷が比較的小さ く,継続的なデータ収集を可能とするシステムを作成し,評価を行った.また,本システムを通して得られるデータの特性について,調査を行った.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2015.0_1F4OS09a1

  28. スケジューリングシステムを利用したアクティビティ調査と得られるデータ分析

    高比良 諭, 金森 亮, 伊藤 孝行

    情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系]   Vol. 2014 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 4   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    都市交通などの社会システムの改変にはシミュレーションによる評価が有効であり,実際の活動・移動状況を再現しうるシミュレータ構築にはデータ収集が必要となる.データ収集方法としては,従来からよく用いられ行政主導で行われるパーソントリップ調査や,最近用いられるようになった GPS 機能を搭載した携帯電話やスマートフォンのログを収集する手法などが挙げられるが,調査期間を区切って行うことが多い.長期間に渡りデータ収集をしようとすると,被験者の負担が増大してしまう.そこで,長期に渡る調査を行なっても被験者の負荷が小さく,継続的なデータ収集を可能とするシステム構築が望まれる.本研究では,毎日利用するスケジュール帳に着目し,移動状況の計算を同一サイトのアプリケーション上で自動的に行うシステムを作成し,評価を行った.また,本システムを通して得られるデータの特性について,調査を行った.

  29. 自動車間の動的経路割当メカニズムに基づく渋滞緩和システムの設計とシミュレーション

    伊藤 孝行, 田中 雅章, ラフィック ヘドゥフィ, 鳥居 義高, 徳田 渉, 金森 亮

    情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系]   Vol. 2014 ( 8 ) page: 1 - 6   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    本稿では,情報通信研究機構の委託研究として行うマルチエージェントアルゴリズムに基づく渋滞緩和メカニズムの実世界応用アプリと大規模シミュレーションについての設計と研究構想について述べる.自動車台数の増加に伴い,ますます渋滞が発生する頻度が増加している.VICS による道路交通情報はリアルタイムに提供されているが,基本的には過去の情報によるため,結局は運転者が同じルートを選択し,新たな渋滞が発生し,災害時などは危険な状況にもなり得る.本研究では,マルチエージェントアルゴリズムを応用することで近未来交通予測の基盤アルゴリズムを実現し将来的な渋滞がおこらないような運転ルートの効率的な割当を可能にする.具体的には,まず (1) (アルゴリズム設計) マルチエージェントに基づく近未来交通予測の基盤アルゴリズムを研究開発する.そして,(2) (シミュレーションによる理想状況下での評価) 大規模なシミュレーションによってその有効性を示す.さらに (3) (M 2 M を利活用した応用アプリの実装と実証) M 2 M 技術を利活用した試作アプリケーションを用いた実証実験によりその実現可能性を示し実ビジネス運用に向けた課題を抽出する.

  30. A dynamic route-exchanging mechanism for anticipatory traffic management

    Kanamori R., Ito T.

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   Vol. 8861   page: 286 - 293   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)  

    In this paper, we propose a dynamic route-exchanging mechanism based on anticipatory stigmergy and demonstrate its efficiency. Next-generation traffic management systems based on probe vehicle data have been attracting attention. Ito et al.[2] [3] [4] previously proposed a traffic management method based on anticipatory stigmergy that can search for an alternative route to avoid expected congestion by sharing the probe vehicles’ expected locations in the near future, and they found that anticipatory stigmergy works well in particular experimental settings. On the other hand, Takahashi et al[6] identified two key issues: (1) The oscillation of congestion occurs because drivers do not know other drivers’ decision making. This problem is well-known as the El Farol Bar Problem or the congestion game. (2) The saturation level of navigation systems could affect the performance of a dynamic route exchanging-mechanism. In this paper, we propose a new dynamic route-exchanging mechanism that can address the above two issues. In the basic procedure, each vehicle submits its intention about its near-future position (60 seconds). Then the traffic management center computes the near-future congestion information for each link. This information is anticipatory stigmergy. If there is an over-congested link after 60 seconds, the vehicles assumed to come to those links are allowed to negotiate with each other so that some of them will change their near-future routes. In this mechanism, vehicles automatically negotiate based on their rational judgment on the trade-off between travel time needed for passing the assigned route and the ”concession coefficient” that represents how a driver can concede the way. The experimental results demonstrate that our new route-exchanging mechanism performs well for the efficiency of traffic flow when the saturation level of probe vehicles is greater than 70%.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13191-7_23


  31. Development of traffic simulator based on stochastic cell transmission model for urban network

    Tokuda S., Kanamori R., Ito T.

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   Vol. 8861   page: 150 - 165   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)  

    This study proposes the modified stochastic cell transmission model (M-SCTM), which can be used to apply the conventional SCTM to urban networks. Although SCTM can represent an uncertainty of traffic state and changing travel demand or supply conditions, it has been applied to a freeway or a simple network that has only one origindestination pair. In M-SCTM, we introduce vehicle agents and their route choice behavior on an urban network for application to more complex urban networks. From the results of an empirical study, we confirm the reproducibility of traffic volume and travel time that are calculated by M-SCTM.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13191-7_13


  32. A traffic simulator based on modified stochastic cell transmission model to road network

    Tokuda S., Kanamori R., Ito T.

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, HKSTS 2014 - Transportation and Infrastructure     page: 217 - 224   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, HKSTS 2014 - Transportation and Infrastructure  

    This study proposes the modified stochastic cell transmission model (M-SCTM), which can be used to apply the conventional SCTM to urban networks. Although SCTM can represent an uncertainty of traffic state and changing travel demand or supply conditions, it has been applied to a freeway or a simple network that has only one origin-destination pair. In M-SCTM, we introduce vehicle agents and their route choice behavior on an urban network for application to more complex urban networks. From the results of an empirical study, we confirm the reproducibility of travel time that are calculated by M-SCTM.


  33. Managing parking fees based on massive parking accounting data

    Enoki Y., Kanamori R., Ito T.

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   Vol. 8862   page: 1050 - 1062   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)  

    As parking accounting data of automatic payment system is accumulated, a managing parking fees in accordance with characteristics of parking utilization is expected. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of parking utilization from a big data and to propose a procedure of parking fee management by developing of a simple simulator from a history of parking utilization. In concrete terms, we classify 1,050 parking lots by cluster analysis and analyze influence of a charge revision on parking time by survival analysis from 22.5 million parking accounting data in the past year. Further, we consider the appropriateness of modified fee by estimating parking time with a hazard-based duration model.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13560-1




    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 70 ( 5 ) page: I_487 - I_500   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    As carsharing services have been expanded by private business operators, this study analyzes carsharing users' behavior in the Nagoya metropolitan area. Using data provided by a carsharing operator, this study reveals the purpose of use by tracking the GPS trajectory and the typical use pattern by cluster analysis. Also considering the regional characteristics, a decision tree model focusing on the discriminant the use purpose was devised. Results show that the use pattern is different between men and women, and that users tend to make a reservation right before use. Furthermore, carsharing is most often used for personal affairs like shopping or leisure.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.70.I_487

  35. A Dynamic Route-Exchanging Mechanism for Anticipatory Traffic Management

    Kanamori Ryo, Ito Takayuki

    PRIMA 2014: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS   Vol. 8861   page: 286 - 293   2014

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  36. Managing Parking Fees Based on Massive Parking Accounting Data

    Enoki Yuichi, Kanamori Ryo, Ito Takayuki

    PRICAI 2014: TRENDS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   Vol. 8862   page: 1050 - 1062   2014

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  37. Development of Traffic Simulator Based on Stochastic Cell Transmission Model for Urban Network

    Tokuda Sho, Kanamori Ryo, Ito Takayuki

    PRIMA 2014: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS   Vol. 8861   page: 150 - 165   2014

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  38. Application of incentive based scoring rule deciding pricing for smart houses

    Chakraborty S., Ito T., Kanamori R., Senjyu T.

    IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting     2013.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting  

    This paper presents a smart pricing scheme for smart house facilitating a scoring rule operated reward based pricing mechanism. In this scheme, provider (EP) monitors the network load and propose a day-ahead pricing to the consumers. The consumers respond that pricing by providing a probabilistic device schedule prediction for the smart devices to the lower period. The EP incentivizes the consumers by offering rewards (or discount) over the price depending on the accuracy margin of truthfulness of shifting-period forecast. Such reward function is formed based on a Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS). CRPS has the ability to be a strictly proper scoring rule as well as to assess the closeness of estimation. Finally an optimization problem is formed which reduces EPs costs of providing rewards and satisfying consumers demand. The simulation results will show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2013 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/PESMG.2013.6672799


  39. A Survey of Multi-Agents Research That Supports Future Societal Systems(1) : Economic Paradigm, Negotiating Agents, and Transportation Management(<Special Issue>Agent Technology)

    ITO Takayuki, KANAMORI Ryo, CHAKRABORTY Shantanu, OTSUKA Takanobu, HARA Keisuke, Takayuki Ito, Ryo Kanamori, Shantanu Chakraborty, Takanobu Otsuka, Keisuke Hara

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   Vol. 28 ( 3 ) page: 360 - 369   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    DOI: 10.11517/jjsai.28.3_360

  40. A Survey of Multi-Agents Research That Supports Future Societal Systems(2) : Power Systems, and Wireless Sensor Networks(<Special Issue>Agent Technology)

    ITO Takayuki, CHAKRABORTY Shantanu, OTSUKA Takanobu, KANAMORI Ryo, HARA Keisuke, Takayuki Ito, Shantanu Chakraborty, Takanobu Otsuka, Ryo Kanamori, Keisuke Hara

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   Vol. 28 ( 3 ) page: 370 - 379   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    DOI: 10.11517/jjsai.28.3_370

  41. The impact of electric vehicles on travel and electricity demand in Nagoya

    Kanamori R., Morikawa T., Okumiya M., Yamamoto T., Ito T.

    Proceedings of CUPUM 2013: 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management - Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development     page: 1 - 16   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Proceedings of CUPUM 2013: 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management - Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development  

    In this study, we examine the impacts that electric vehicles (EVs) have on vehicle usage patterns and environmental improvements, using our inte-grated travel demand forecasting model, which can simulate an individual activity-travel behavior in each time period, as well as consider an induced demand by decreasing travel cost. In order to examine the effects that charging/discharging have on the demand in electricity, we analyze scenar-ios based on the simulation results of the EVs' parking location, parking duration and the battery state of charge. From the simulation results under the ownership rate of EVs in the Na-goya metropolitan area in 2020 is about 6%, it turns out that the total CO2 emissions have decreased by 4% although the situation of urban transport is not changed. After calculating the electricity demand in each zone using architectural area and basic units of hourly power consumption, we evalu-ate the effect to decrease the peak load by Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). Accord-ing to the results, if EV drivers charge at home during the night and dis-charge at work during the day, the electricity demand in Nagoya city increases by approximately 1%, although changes in each individual zone range from-7% to +8%, depending on its characteristics.


  42. Smart City Hakodate Project: Traffic Behavior Reports for a Traffic Flow Simulator

    SANO Shoji, KANAMORI Ryo, HIRATA Keiji, NAKASHIMA Hideyuki

    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG   Vol. 2013 ( 16 )   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  

    <p>We have a project for the Smart City Hakodate. The goal is to realize the public transportation called the Smart Access Vehicle System, which provides traffic vehicles on demand from users. In this paper, we focus on the reports recording individual traffic behaviors for a traffic flow simulator in Hakodate.</p>

    DOI: 10.11517/jsaisigtwo.2013.SAI-016_06


    YASUE Yuya, KANAMORI Ryo, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 69 ( 5 ) page: I_761 - I_770   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    In recent years, as carsharing services are being expanded by private business operators, it has begun to be recognized as one of the means of transportation. To diffuse the carsharing service, this study investigates the characteristics of carsharing members in comparison with non-members, and sensitivity to service changes by Web-based questionnaire survey. As a result, while the differences in attitudes toward automobile are observed between members and non-members, carsharing can spread by improving its convenience. Also oneway trip service and introduction of electric vehicles provide high use intention of the members and regarded effective for the spread of carsharing.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.69.I_761

  44. Evaluation of special lanes as incentive policies for promoting electric vehicles

    Kanamori R., Morikawa T., Ito T.

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   Vol. 7580 LNAI   page: 78 - 89   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)  

    In this study, we evaluate the effects of electric vehicle (EV) lanes in which only EV drivers enjoy the benefits of a reduction of travel time like the HOV lanes, and EV/Toll lanes whose charging system is similar to HOT lanes. The multi-class combined equilibrium model including a nested logit model to describe the traveler’s behavior of each EV owners and non-owners is developed. The differences in service levels between EV drivers and non-EV drivers are not only a travel time under the special network for EV but also travel costs. If EV diffusion rate in the Nagoya metropolitan area is 10% and EV/Toll lanes are introduced, the incentive for owning EV is ensured, and the social surplus is improved than before the introduction of special lanes.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35612-4_6



    KANAMORI Ryo, MORIKAWA Takayuki, OKUMIYA Masaya, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, ITO Takayuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 68 ( 5 ) page: I_1243 - I_1251   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    In this study, we examine the impacts of the difference in electric vehicle (EV) owners' attribute on vehicle usage patterns, environmental improvement and electricity demand with our integrated travel demand forecasting model, which is able to not only simulate an individual activity-travel behavior in each time period but also consider an induced demand by a decreased travel cost for EV owners.<br>From the simulation results under the situation that the ownership rate of EVs in the Nagoya metropolitan area in 2030 is about 6 percent, it is effective to provide a subsidy to workers for purchasing EVs and set up the electrical charge-discharge facilities in offices in downtown. Moreover, if EV drivers can charge at home in nighttime and discharge at workplace in daytime, the electricity demand in whole Nagoya city increases about one percent, but that in each zone changes from -7 to +8 percent depending on its area characteristic.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.68.I_1243



    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 68 ( 5 ) page: I_903 - I_908   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    Commuters' returning home behavior at disaster in Chukyo metropolitan area is investigated by using traffic simulation. Disaster prevention manual by the Government suggests to return home on foot, but it is expected that many people are unable to walk home because of long distance to home as in Tokyo metropolitan area. Car share in Chukyo area is higher than that in Tokyo area, so the effect of car use should be more carefully considered in the former area. The objective of this study is to explore the effect of the car use by simulating the traffic conditions when the car use is allowed at the disaster. The estimation results suggest that more people can return home if the car use is allowed but it causes a severe traffic jam potentially preventing rescue traffic.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.68.I_903

  47. Population Projection Method considering a Transition Process of Residential District based on the Area Mesh Data


    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 46 ( 3 ) page: 841 - 846   2011.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    In recent years, it passes a peak of population and reaches a threshold in Japan. Therefore it is needed to plan urban design by a small zone with future population and desired this. This study makes known about past formative process by using national population census and household information, and proposes a method to predict future population on the basis of probabilistically-processed urban formation and increase-decrease rate. In addition, this study compares precision between this method and existing one. As a result, it is evidence for estimate of future population on small zone that this method haves more accuracy than traditional one.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.46.841


    Kanamori R., Morikawa T.

    TRANSPORT DYNAMICS     page: 697 - 704   2011

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    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   Vol. 67 ( 5 ) page: 67_I_673 - 67_I_681   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    Road pricing has been recognized as the most efficient policy to reduce traffic congestion and pollution. In order to implement this policy in practice, it has been important to allocate the revenue from the view point of equity and acceptability. This study examines the revenue redistribution effects of a normal prcing and parking-deposit-system from the aspects of traffic situation, efficiency and equity. We formulated the bi-level optimization problem which consists of a social surplus maximization model and a multiclass combined equilibrium model that can treat a difference of time of value. According to the application results in Nagoya metropolitan area, efficiency and equity are improved if the expressway toll and the train fare are discounted as the revenue redistribution, and its ratio is different in each pricing scheme.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejipm.67.67_I_673

  50. A Study on the Frequency of Movements in a Mountainous Region focusing on Age-group and Areas of Activities

    NAGAI Kohei, YABE Mariko, KANAMORI Ryo

    JOURNAL OF RURAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION   Vol. 29   page: 311 - 316   2010.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:THE ASSOCIATION OF RURAL PLANNING  

    A survey by questionnaire was conducted to study the frequency and range of movement of residents in Niyodogawa-cho, Kochi Prefecture, located in a mountainous region. The result is classified by age group. It is confirmed that the frequency and the range of activities differ by age group: the higher the age, the lower the frequency. It is predicted from the results that the situation rapidly changes in a rapidly aging mountainous region. This prediction is required to be considered for planning of development and maintenance of infrastructure.

    DOI: 10.2750/arp.29.311

  51. Analysis of Impacts on Vitalization in City Center by the Introduction of LRT:-Application of Integrated Travel Demand Forecasting Model to Nagoya City


    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 45 ( 0 ) page: 143 - 143   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    Consensus building toward the introduction of LRT has often run into trouble since there are difficulties to quantitatively measure the effects such as modal shift from overdependence on automobile, reduction of environmental loads, vitalization in CBD and the improvement of urban landscape. This paper applied an integrated travel demand forecasting model in order to evaluate the impact on the central city invigoration by the introduction of LRT as well as the change of traffic conditions. As a result of application to the Nagoya metropolitan area, it was calculated that LRT would reduce the car usage in the CBD while it induce the trips by bicycle or walking. Also shown was that the number of visiting spots and the duration spent in the CBD would increase, implying that the introduction of LRT could be contributed to the vitalization in city center.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  52. CO2 emission & Cost-benefit Analysis at the Case of Replacing Refuse Incineration Plants with Compost Facilities as a Shrinking Strategy of Urban Restructuring

    KITAGAKI RYOMA, Chijiwa Nobuhiro, Ishikura Tomoki, Kawamoto Yoichi, Sakai Hiroshi, Kanamori Ryo, Ai Hisatoshi

    Abstracts for ILCAJ meeting   Vol. 2010 ( 0 ) page: 159 - 159   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan  

    DOI: 10.11539/ilcaj.2010.0.159.0

  53. A Study of Both Optimal Locations and Toll Levels Road Pricing Using Genetic Algorithm

    ZUO Zhi, KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   Vol. 8 ( 0 ) page: 145 - 156   2010

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    Language:English   Publisher:Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies  

    This paper takes advantage of a GA based Bi-Level Programming Problem to find the optimal scheme of second-best road pricing problem, the method optimizes locations and toll levels simultaneously. The highlight of this paper is that the case study was taken on the actual network of Nagoya Metropolitan Area instead of a numeral network, in order to evaluate the effect of the method, we made comparison between a cordon pricing scheme and the same number of links tolled optimal locations and toll levels schemes. The result showed that under the situation of the same number of links, the optimal locations and toll levels scheme works better than the cordon pricing one.

    DOI: 10.11175/easts.8.145

    CiNii Research

  54. Analysis of Impacts on Vitalization in City Center by the Introduction of LRT

    Kanamori Ryo, Morikawa Takayuki, Kurauchi Shinya

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 45.3 ( 0 ) page: 853 - 858   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    Consensus building toward the introduction of LRT has often run into trouble since there are difficulties to quantitatively measure the effects such as modal shift from overdependence on automobile, reduction of environmental loads, vitalization in CBD and the improvement of urban landscape. This paper applied an integrated travel demand forecasting model in order to evaluate the impact on the central city invigoration by the introduction of LRT as well as the change of traffic conditions. As a result of application to the Nagoya metropolitan area, it was calculated that LRT would reduce the car usage in the CBD while it induce the trips by bicycle or walking. Also shown was that the number of visiting spots and the duration spent in the CBD would increase, implying that the introduction of LRT could be contributed to the vitalization in city center.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.45.3.853

    CiNii Research

  55. A Study of Both Optimal Locations and Toll Levels Road Pricing Using Genetic Algorithm

    ZUO Zhi, KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   Vol. 2009 ( 0 ) page: 41 - 41   2009

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    Language:English   Publisher:Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies  

    This paper takes advantage of a GA based Bi-Level Programming Problem to find the optimal scheme of second-best road pricing problem, the method optimizes locations and toll levels simultaneously. The highlight of this paper is that the case study was taken on the actual network of Nagoya Metropolitan Area instead of a numeral network, in order to evaluate the effect of the method, we made comparison between a cordon pricing scheme and the same number of links tolled optimal locations and toll levels schemes. The result showed that under the situation of the same number of links, the optimal locations and toll levels scheme works better than the cordon pricing one.

    DOI: 10.11175/eastpro.2009.0.41.0


    KANAMORI Ryo, MORIKAWA Takayuki, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MIWA Tomio

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   Vol. 65 ( 4 ) page: 503 - 518   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    &nbsp;&nbsp;This paper proposes an integrated travel demand forecasting model for a formulation of comprehensive transport strategy and validates its usefulness as a practical tool. In order to overcome and/or modify some drawbacks of Four-Step forecasting model, we develop a semi-dynamic combined network equilibrium model including an activity-travel model that consists of activity choice, destination choice, mode choice and route choice, and also reproduces a trip chain along the time axis by a sequential computation. From the application results of an actual metropolitan area, it was demonstrated that our model is useful from the both of reproducibility and computational efficiency.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejd.65.503

  57. A Study on Efficiency and Equity of Parking Deposit System

    KANAMORI Ryo, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 44 ( 0 ) page: 20 - 20   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    Parking Deposit System (PDS) is proposed to improve public acceptance of Road Pricing (RP) which can reduce effectively traffic congestion and air pollution. This study examines the characteristics of PDS and conventional RP (cordon-based and area-based pricing) in terms of efficiency and equity. In order to evaluate income regressive effects as equity, we construct a multi-class network equilibrium model of the user's mode and route choice behaviors for the several income classes. As a result of application to the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, PDS has the following characteristics as compared with conventional RP. 1) PDS has sufficient environmental improvement effect, although the car reduction effect becomes small by refund. 2) In area-based pricing, the efficiency of PDS is higher than the conventional system. 3) PDS is more equitable system because it is a kind of revenue allocation policy.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  58. A Study on Efficiency and Equity of Parking Deposit System

    Kanamori Ryo, Yamamoto Toshiyuki, Morikawa Takayuki

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 44.3 ( 0 ) page: 115 - 120   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    Parking Deposit System (PDS) is proposed to improve public acceptance of Road Pricing (RP) which can reduce effectively traffic congestion and air pollution. This study examines the characteristics of PDS and conventional RP (cordon-based and area-based pricing) in terms of efficiency and equity. In order to evaluate income regressive effects as equity, we construct a multi-class network equilibrium model of the user's mode and route choice behaviors for the several income classes. As a result of application to the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, PDS has the following characteristics as compared with conventional RP. 1) PDS has sufficient environmental improvement effect, although the car reduction effect becomes small by refund. 2) In area-based pricing, the efficiency of PDS is higher than the conventional system. 3) PDS is more equitable system because it is a kind of revenue allocation policy.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.44.3.115

    CiNii Research

  59. Evaluation of road pricing policy with semi-dynamic combined stochastic user equilibrium model

    Kanamori R., Miwa T., Morikawa T.

    14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS 2007   Vol. 6   page: 4897 - 4908   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS 2007  

    This study analyzes the effect of road pricing using a model with the following characteristics: 1) integration of trip generation (i.e. activity choice), destination choice, mode choice and route choice; 2) consideration of hourly traffic condition variations including queue evolution; and 3) approximate reproduction of trip chain along the time axis. An evaluation of road pricing in the Nagoya Metropolitan Area shows that pricing leads to an effective improvement in the environment as a result of a reduced number of car trips, and at the same time, there is a great reduction in the number of visitors because there is a change of destination and only a small shift to railway.


  60. Comparative Verification of Prediction Results by Different Transport Demand Forecasting Method for Metropolitan Area : Comparison of Combined Stochastic User Equilibrium model and Disaggregate model

    KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 42 ( 3 ) page: 565 - 570   2007.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    Disaggregate model can take into account individual travel behaviors in detail, but in forecasting a case of improving service level of transport networks, the changes in service level of automobile are not often considered. On the other hand, combined stochastic user equilibrium model always considers the changes appropriately. In this study, we apply these two models to the Nagoya metropolitan area in order to verify the difference of prediction results. As compared with the equilibrium model, disaggregate model brings the results that the number of automobile trips is overestimated and one of railway trips is underestimated, although the total number of generated trips and the share of each trip purpose are not so different. Especially, the difference is large in short-distance and middle-distance trips.

    DOI: 10.11361/journalcpij.42.3.565


    KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   Vol. 2007 ( 0 ) page: 94 - 94   2007

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    Language:English   Publisher:Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies  

    This paper examines an applicability of the traffic assignment model overcoming some drawbacks of conventional models. The developed model has the following characteristics: 1) integration of trip generation (i.e. activity choice), destination choice, mode choice and route choice; 2) expression of traveler's choice behavior as a nested logit structure; 3) consideration of hourly traffic condition variations including queue evolution; and 4) approximate reproduction of trip chain along the time axis. The reproducibility of developed model is shown under application to the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, Japan. Furthermore, as case study, we evaluate road pricing and railway's fare discount. These results suggest that the model allows us to compare various TDM policies effectively and evaluate in detail.

    DOI: 10.11175/eastpro.2007.0.94.0


    KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   Vol. 7 ( 0 ) page: 612 - 627   2007

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    Language:English   Publisher:Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies  

    This paper examines an applicability of the traffic assignment model overcoming some drawbacks of conventional models. The developed model has the following characteristics: 1) integration of trip generation (i.e. activity choice), destination choice, mode choice and route choice; 2) expression of traveler&rsquo;s choice behavior as a nested logit structure; 3) consideration of hourly traffic condition variations including queue evolution; and 4) approximate reproduction of trip chain along the time axis. The reproducibility of developed model is shown under application to the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, Japan. Furthermore, as case study, we evaluate road pricing and railway&rsquo;s fare discount. These results suggest that the model allows us to compare various TDM policies effectively and evaluate in detail.

    DOI: 10.11175/easts.7.612

  63. An Evaluation of Parking Deposit System by Semi-Dynamic Combined Stochastic Equilibrium Model

    KANAMORI Ryo, MORIKAWA Takayuki, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MIWA Tomio

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   ( 24 ) page: 915 - 925   2007

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    Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    Parking Deposit System (PDS) is proposed to improve public acceptance of Road Pricing (RP) which demonstrates a reduction of car trips. This study compares the effects of RP and PDS by a model which can measure induced traffic and analyze in trip-chain approach. As a result of application to the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, PDS has the following characteristics as compared with RP. 1) The number of visitors is recovered as the setting value of repayment increases; 2) The through traffics are reduced at the same level as RP; 3) The effect to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution is large.

    DOI: 10.2208/journalip.24.915

  64. Comparative Verification of Prediction Results by Different Transport Demand Forecasting Method for Metropolitan Area:-Comparison of Combined Stochastic User Equilibrium model and Disaggregate model-

    KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   Vol. 42 ( 0 ) page: 95 - 95   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The City Planning Institute of Japan  

    Disaggregate model can take into account individual travel behaviors in detail, but in forecasting a case of improving service level of transport networks, the changes in service level of automobile are not often considered. On the other hand, combined stochastic user equilibrium model always considers the changes appropriately. In this study, we apply these two models to the Nagoya metropolitan area in order to verify the difference of prediction results. As compared with the equilibrium model, disaggregate model brings the results that the number of automobile trips is overestimated and one of railway trips is underestimated, although the total number of generated trips and the share of each trip purpose are not so different. Especially, the difference is large in short-distance and middle-distance trips.

    DOI: 10.11361/cpij1.

  65. Semi-dynamic Combined Equilibrium Model considering Activity choices

    KANAMORI Ryo, MIWA Tomio, MORIKAWA Takayuki

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   ( 24 ) page: 545 - 556   2007

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    Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    It is difficult to evaluate TDM policies by the Four-Step forecasting model because this model presents some significant drawbacks.&ldquo;Semi-dynamic Combined Equilibrium Model considering Activity choices&rdquo; is one of models which can overcome and/or modify those problems. Our model integrates trip generation, destination choice, mode choice and route choice behavior, and considers the time-axis and the remnants of flows. Thus we can not only measure induced traffic but also analyze in trip-chain approach. Our model is valid according to the reproducibility applied to the Nagoya Metropolitan Area, although it is necessary to improve the calculation efficiency.

    DOI: 10.2208/journalip.24.545

  66. Hourly Traffic Assignment Models for the Road Network Including Expressway.

    Kawakami Shogo, Sugino Manabu, Kanamori Ryo, INOKUCHI HIROAKI

    地域学研究   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 15 - 27   1999

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    Language:English   Publisher:日本地域学会  

    The aim of this study is to examine about the hourly traffic assignment method when the user equilibrium model is applied to the road network including expressway. The toll road including expressway have a lot of features unlike the surface street. For example, the running speed is faster, the capacity of the road is larger and toll is necessary. So we cannot treat it like the surface street equally without some process. In this study, the toll resistance method (toll is converted by time value) and the diversion rate method for the expressway are used as the way of dealing with this problem. Well, this study analyzes the traffic prediction of Nagoya City in the morning peak hours by using the road network around the Nagoya City, and compares two methods. According to the assignment results, the time value is 60.5 yen/person/minute by the toll resistance method, and 40.0 yen/person/minute by the diversion rate method for the expressway. According to the questionnaire investigation, the time value is 62.5 yen/person/minute. So the result of the toll resistance method is close to that of the questionnaire investigation.

    DOI: 10.2457/srs.29.2_15


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Books 4

  1. モビリティサービス

    金森亮( Role: Contributor ,  シェアリングサービス)

    コロナ社  2020.5  ( ISBN:978-4-339-02771-6

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    Total pages:176  

  2. スマートモビリティ革命

    金森亮( Role: Contributor ,  未来のモビリティデザインと需要分析・予測・設計手法)

    近代科学社  2019.3  ( ISBN:978-4-7649-5556-1

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    Total pages:200  

  3. 地域空間の包容力と社会的持続性

    金森亮( Role: Contributor ,  コンパクトシティ再考−段階的都市縮小の可能性−)

    日本経済評論社  2013.3  ( ISBN:978-4-8188-2267-2

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    Total pages:300  

  4. 道路投資の便益評価-理論と実践

    森川高行,金森亮,三輪富生( Role: Contributor ,  TDM施策に対する交通需要予測手法とロードプライシング代替案の評価)

    東洋経済新報社  2008.11  ( ISBN:9784492313954

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    Total pages:384  

KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 10

  1. 道路管理者・運転者・事業者の視点に基づくダブル連結トラック導入効果の研究

    Grant number:18H01555  2018.4 - 2021.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    兵藤 哲朗, 渡部 大輔, 金森 亮

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    学術論文としては,2018年度の研究成果を,交通工学論文集の審査付き論文として投稿し(「ダブル連結トラックの運行特性とドライバーのストレスに関する研究」相馬大, 兵藤哲朗,交通工学論文集,2020年6巻2号,p.A_23-A_30)掲載されたことから,一定の研究成果を還元することができたと考える.
    当初は2019年度に取得する予定であったデータが,2018年度に取得できたことから余裕を持って分析を進めることができている.特に,心拍,緯度経度,加速度という3種類のデータを統合し,ハイブリッドな解析が可能な環境が整っている.今年度は,さらに分析を深化させ,研究成果も海外で公表することを予定していた.しかし新型コロナの影響で,2020年10月開催予定だった国際会議(16th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transportation Technology at Qingdao)は来年に延期されたため,本研究期間中の発表は不可能となった.現在,他の国際会議の開催状況を調査中である.

  2. Point cluster detection of socio-economic events for regional monitoring

    Grant number:18H01552  2018.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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  3. 協調型シェアリングサービスにおける社会的受容性・持続性に基づく価格設定手法

    Grant number:18H03301  2018.4 - 2021.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    野田 五十樹, 櫻井 祐子, 金森 亮

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  4. Proposal of optimal merging control method of vehicles and total optimization of traffic flow based on driving stress

    Grant number:17K18900  2017.6 - 2020.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    TASHIRO Mutsumi

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    This study proposed a new traffic management method that reduces the driving stress of individual drivers in route search and totally optimizes the traffic flow based on cooperative control with other vehicles. Driving stress defined by changes in heart rate of drivers was estimated by driving stress factors such as road structure and traffic conditions, and applied to a lane-level driving stress minimizing route search algorithm. In addition, under the condition that individual vehicle information is shared in real time, a cooperative control method for connected vehicles was proposed for avoiding conflicts at intersections without traffic lights, and the effect was examined by traffic micro-simulation.

  5. Study on Work-Life Design focusing on Quality of Work

    Grant number:16K12669  2016.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    ANDO Akira

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    Now in Japan, it is significant to improve the working environment such as lack of workers and working long hours, therefore government and companies try to solve this problems. “Work-Life balance”is one of key concept for this problem.
    In this study, we focused on a flexible working system, especially working at home, conducted an experiment for two week, in which 9 subjects report their subjective-happiness and several psychological indices, and wear physical censors. From results of this study, it is confirmed that the introduction of working at home might be made a positive impact on the worker’s subjective well-being.

  6. Development of an estimation system of link travel time distribution for a lane-based management

    Grant number:15K18132  2015.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

    In this study, it is confirmed that link travel time distributions are different according to the direction of next link (i.e. go straight, turn right or left) , and it is valuable to record the probe vehicle data of each lane. We proposed a method to predict a link travel time by using a historical data, which is modified a particle filtering model, and confirmed its effectiveness. In order to predict a link travel time distribution in urban area, it is necessary to do traffic flow simulation. Therefore, we improved the conventional stochastic cell transmission model for the network consisting of signalized intersections.

  7. Study on Online Mechanism for Parking Reservation System

    Grant number:25870320  2013.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    As parking accounting data of automatic payment system is accumulated, a managing parking fees in accordance with characteristics of parking utilization is expected. In this study, the characteristics of parking utilization are analyzed by the accumulated parking accounting data, and a procedure of parking fee management by developing of a simple simulator from a history of parking utilization is proposed. Firstly an auction-based parking reservation system, which can reduce the amount of time lost by drivers searching for parking spaces near their destination, is evaluated. Next, one user’s parking choice behaviors in particular urban area are analyzed to understand an effect of change of parking fee, and parking duration model is constructed using actual parking data that can estimate parking times after parking fees have changed.

  8. Study on new road pricing schemes toward new generation vehicle era

    Grant number:24246087  2012.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Morikawa Takayuki, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MIWA Tomio, SASAKI Kuniaki, KURAUCHI Shinya, KANAMORI Ryo, USUI Tomotaka, SATO Hitomi, KITAMURA Seisyu

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    The current focil fuel tax for road users has been accepted by public because it basically follows the beneficiary-pays principle. This taxation, however, will deviate from the principle when electric vehicles (hereafter EVs) reach masses. Toward the electric vehicle era, therefore, new policies such as road user charge system are needed.
    In this study, we analyzed proper toll amounts according to congestion levels, publically acceptable schemes, and EVs future demand. The results show that proper toll amounts of expressway to reduce congestion are -10 JPY for terminal charge, +5 JPY/km, and -17 JPY/km for distance charge in congested and non-congested road, respectively. Secondly, it was found that using the money from the road user charge for road maintenance raises the acceptability of pricing scheme. We also found that EV's demand is higher in suburban areas than city center.

  9. Study on an area management of city center with road pricing and relocation road and faculties

    Grant number:21360244  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MORIKAWA Takayuki, YAMAMOTO Toshiyuki, MIWA Tomio, SATO Hitomi, KANAMORI Ryo, KENMOCHI Chiho

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    This study aims to find policies which make city center revitalized when road pricing policy is implemented. Considering maximization of social benefit under pricing policy, construction of LRT, or reduction of expressway toll and public transportation fare are evaluated. The result shows that proposed policies make traffic condition better(less congestion and less environmental load), but give some people less benefit. For this reason, it is said that additional policies to improve transportation convenience are needed. Then, we analyzed use realities of community cycle system(CCS) using data obtained from social experiment. Moreover a policy of gathering the district of residence in Nagoya City is evaluated with detailed network. As a result, we find that CCS can be competitive with public transportation and how commuting mode selection impacts the effect of the policy.

  10. Development of an Integrated Travel Demand Forecasting Model for Consensus Building

    Grant number:20860042  2008 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up)


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\3289000 ( Direct Cost: \2530000 、 Indirect Cost:\759000 )

    This study proposes an integrated travel demand forecasting model for a formulation of comprehensive transport strategy and validates its usefulness as a practical tool for consensus building. In order to overcome and/or modify some drawbacks of conventional forecasting model, we develop a semi-dynamic combined network equilibrium model including an activity-travel model. From the application results of an actual metropolitan area, it was demonstrated that our model is useful from the both of reproducibility and computational efficiency. After that, we evaluate PDS (parking deposit system) which proposed to improve public acceptance of road pricing, and LRT (light rail transit) which might be contributed to the vitalization in city center.

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Industrial property rights 6

  1. 認識支援システム


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    Application no:2018-26929  Date applied:2018.2

    Announcement no:2019-144733  Date announced:2019.8

    Country of applicant:Domestic   Country of acquisition:Domestic

  2. 自動バレーパーキングシミュレーション装置、自動バレーパーキングシミュレーション方法、プログラム


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    Application no:2017-253194  Date applied:2017.12

    Announcement no:2018-181304  Date announced:2018.11

    Patent/Registration no:06850249  Date registered:2021.3  Date issued:2021.3

    Rights holder:国立大学法人東海国立大学機構,三菱地所パークス株式会社   Country of applicant:Domestic   Country of acquisition:Domestic

  3. 経路探索装置


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    Application no:2017-160795  Date applied:2017.8

    Announcement no:2019-39736  Date announced:2019.3

    Country of applicant:Domestic   Country of acquisition:Domestic

  4. 共同利用料金算出システム


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    Application no:2017-69693  Date applied:2017.3

    Announcement no:2018-173697  Date announced:2018.11

    Patent/Registration no:06548127  Date registered:2019.7  Date issued:2019.7

    Rights holder:国立大学法人名古屋大学   Country of applicant:Domestic   Country of acquisition:Domestic

  5. 運転時の心理状態解析方法


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    Application no:2016-124111  Date applied:2016.6

    Announcement no:2017-225647  Date announced:2017.12

    Country of applicant:Domestic   Country of acquisition:Domestic

  6. スケジュール管理システム


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    Application no:2013-092433  Date applied:2013.4

    Announcement no:2014-215162  Date announced:2014.11

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