Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Professor

Updated on 2024/04/06
Ph D ( 1997.3 The University of Tokyo )
修士(理学) ( 1994.3 東京大学 )
学士(理学) ( 1992.3 東京大学 )
Glycobiology, acidic sugar, sialic acid, polysialic acid, neuron, brain, gametic cell, raft, mental disorder, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder
bipolar disorder
acidic sugar
mental disorder
gametic cell
polysialic acid
sialic acid
Life Science / Functional biochemistry / Functional Biochemistry
Life Science / Structural biochemistry / Structured Biochemistry
Life Science / Applied biochemistry
Life Science / Functional biochemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Chemistry and chemical methodology of biomolecules
Life Science / Structural biochemistry
Life Science / Applied molecular and cellular biology
Life Science / Medical biochemistry
Structure and Function of Di/Oligo/Polysialic acid
Nagoya University iGCORE Professor
Nagoya University Integrated Glyco-Biomedical Research Center Director in General
Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Professor
Nagoya University Bioscience and Biotechnology Center Associate professor
2007.4 - 2019.9
Nagoya University Bioscience and Biotechnology Center Fundamental and Incubation Division Associate Professor
2005.2 - 2007.3
名古屋大学 大学院生命農学研究科 応用生命科学専攻 助教
2001.8 - 2005.1
名古屋大学生物分子応答研究センター 研究機関研究員
2001.4 - 2001.8
名古屋大学生物分子応答研究センター 研究機関研究員
2001.4 - 2001.8
日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1998.4 - 2001.3
日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1998.4 - 2001.3
日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1996.4 - 1998.3
日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1996.4 - 1998.3
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry
1994.4 - 1997.3
Country: Japan
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry
1994.4 - 1997.3
Country: Japan
The University of Tokyo
1992.4 - 1994.3
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry
1992.4 - 1994.3
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry
1988.4 - 1992
Country: Japan
日本生化学会 評議員
日本糖質学会 評議員
日本生化学会 中部支部会幹事
2012.9 - 2014.8
日本糖鎖科学コンソーシアム(JCGG) 評議員
糖鎖科学名古屋拠点 事務局
日本生化学会 評議員
Committee type:Academic society
日本糖質学会 評議員
Committee type:Academic society
日本糖鎖科学コンソーシアム (JCGG) 評議員
日本生化学誌 企画委員
Committee type:Academic society
日本農芸化学会 化学と生物 編集員
2016.4 - 2021.3
日本生化学会中部支部会 幹事
2012.9 - 2014.8
Committee type:Academic society
日本農芸化学会 代議員
2009.4 - 2011.3
Committee type:Academic society
糖鎖科学中部拠点 事務局
Committee type:Other
2003 日本糖質学会
2017.3 日本農芸化学会
Complex Formation of a Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Glycosaminoglycans.
2010.3 Biosci. Biotech. and Biochem.
Award for best paper in BBB
SATO, Chihiro
Award for outstanding researcher
SATO, Chihiro
Poster Award
1999.3 JSCR
SATO, Chihiro
Identification of a buried β-strand as a novel disease-related motif in the human polysialyltransferases Reviewed International coauthorship
Vol. 300 page: 105564 2024.3
Interactions between polysialic acid and dopamine-lead compounds as revealed by biochemical and in silico docking simulation analyses Reviewed
Hayakawa K, Hane M, Hamagami H, Imai M, Tanaka H, Kitajima K, Sato C.
Glycoconjugate J Vol. 40 page: 461 2023.8
Identification and characterization of a deaminoneuraminic acid (Kdn)-specific aldolase from Sphingobacterium species
Nakagawa Takahiro, Iwaki Yuya, Wu Di, Hane Masaya, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Wu D, Gilormini PA, Toda S, Biot C, Lion C, Guérardel Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
Biochemical and biophysical research communications Vol. 617 ( Pt 1 ) page: 16 - 21 2022.8
Sulfation of sialic acid is ubiquitous and essential for vertebrate development.
Ertunc N, Phitak T, Wu D, Fujita H, Hane M, Sato C, Kitajima K
Scientific reports Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 12496 2022.7
Magerd S, Senarai T, Thongsum O, Chawiwithaya C, Sato C, Kitajima K, Weerachatyanukul W, Asuvapongpatana S, Surinlert P
Scientific reports Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 7925 2022.5
Araki E, Hane M, Hatanaka R, Kimura R, Tsuda K, Konishi M, Komura N, Ando H, Kitajima K, Sato C
Glycoconjugate journal Vol. 39 ( 2 ) page: 291 - 302 2022.4
Wu D, Arakawa H, Fujita A, Hashimoto H, Hibi M, Naruse K, Kamei Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
Scientific reports Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 23211 2021.12
Identification and functional characterization of a Siglec-7 counter-receptor on K562 cells. Reviewed International coauthorship
Yoshimura A, Asahina Y, Chang LY, Angata T, Tanaka H, Kitajima K, Sato C
The Journal of biological chemistry Vol. 296 page: 100477 2021.1
Lower promoter activity of the ST8SIA2 gene has been favored in evolving human collective brains.
Hayakawa T, Terahara M, Fujito NT, Matsunaga T, Teshima KM, Hane M, Kitajima K, Sato C, Takahata N, Satta Y
PloS one Vol. 16 ( 12 ) page: e0259897 2021
The expression of sulfated sialic acids (SiaS) is dynamically regulated in mammalian cells
Kitajima Ken, Ertunc Nursah, Sato Chihiro
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 30 ( 12 ) page: 1066 - 1067 2020.12
Sialic acid sulfation is induced by the antibiotic treatment in mammalian cells.
Ertunc N, Sato C, Kitajima K
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry Vol. 84 ( 11 ) page: 2311 - 2318 2020.11
Systems glycomics of adult zebrafish
Kitajima Ken, Yamakawa Nao, Sato Chihiro, Yann Guérardel
Vol. 92 ( 3 ) page: 349 - 359 2020.6
Iwaki Y, Matsunaga E, Takegawa K, Sato C, Kitajima K
Biochemical and biophysical research communications Vol. 523 ( 2 ) page: 487 - 492 2020.3
Yamada J, Sato C, Konno K, Watanabe M, Jinno S
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience Vol. 40 ( 4 ) page: 825 - 842 2020.1
Structure and Function of di/oligo/polysialic Acid (Polymerized Sialyl Structure) Invited
Sato Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 31 ( 181 ) page: SJ32 - SJ35 2019.7
Structure and Function of di/oligo/polysialic Acid (Polymerized Sialyl Structure) Invited
Sato Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 31 ( 181 ) page: SE32 - SE35 2019.7
Glycans in Nervous System Reviewed
Sato Chihiro, Gu Jianguo, Fukuda Tomohiko, Kadomatsu Kenji, Ikenaka Kazuhiro
SATO Chihiro
KAGAKU TO SEIBUTSU Vol. 56 ( 6 ) page: 422 - 431 2018.5
Polysialyltransferase ST8SIA2 and psychiatric disorders
Hane Masaya, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
Vol. 89 ( 5 ) page: 634 - 643 2017
ポリシアル酸転移酵素遺伝子ST8SIA2と精神疾患の関わり Reviewed
羽根 正弥, 佐藤 ちひろ
生化学 Vol. 89 page: 634 - 643 2017
Hsp70の酸性複合糖質結合活性の発見. 糖の意外な働き. Reviewed
佐藤 ちひろ
化学と生物 Vol. 55, page: 22 - 26 2017
The Out of Africa and mental disorders: Adaptation with reduction in STX promoter activity
Fujito Naoko, Satta Yoko, Hane Masaya, Matsui Atsushi, Yashima Kenta, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro, Takahata Naoyuki, Hayakawa Toshiyuki
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS Vol. 91 ( 6 ) page: 343 - 343 2016.12
A Uniquely Human Evolutionary Change in ST8Sia-II Impacts Enzyme Stability and Polysialic Acid Function
Vaill Michael, Hane Masaya, Naito-Matsui Yuko, Diaz Sandra, Davies Leela, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro, Varki Ajit
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 26 ( 12 ) page: 1423 - 1423 2016.12
Binding Activity of Hsp70 toward Acidic Glycoconjugates
HARADA Yoichiro, SATO Chihiro, KITAJIMA Ken
KAGAKU TO SEIBUTSU Vol. 55 ( 1 ) page: 22 - 26 2016
Spread of reduced activity of STX promoter throughout Great Journey
Fujito Naoko, Satta Yoko, Hane Masaya, Matsui Atsushi, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro, Hayakawa Toshiyuki
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS Vol. 90 ( 6 ) page: 379 - 379 2015.12
Protective effects of polysialic acid on proteolytic cleavage of FGF2 and proBDNF/BDNF.
Hane M, Matsuoka S, Ono S, Miyata S, Kitajima K, Sato C
Glycobiology Vol. 25 ( 10 ) page: 1112 - 24 2015.10
Kobayashi Y, da Silva R, Kumanogoh H, Miyata S, Sato C, Kitajima K, Nakamura S, Morita M, Hayashi F, Maekawa S
Journal of neuroscience research Vol. 93 ( 9 ) page: 1462 - 70 2015.9
Sumida M, Hane M, Yabe U, Shimoda Y, Pearce OM, Kiso M, Miyagi T, Sawada M, Varki A, Kitajima K, Sato C
The Journal of biological chemistry Vol. 290 ( 21 ) page: 13202 - 14 2015.5
Sulfatide-Hsp70 interaction promotes Hsp70 clustering and stabilizes binding to unfolded protein.
Harada Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
Biomolecules Vol. 5 ( 2 ) page: 958 - 73 2015.5
Garénaux E, Kanagawa M, Tsuchiyama T, Hori K, Kanazawa T, Goshima A, Chiba M, Yasue H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
The Journal of biological chemistry Vol. 290 ( 9 ) page: 5484 - 501 2015.2
Adaptive evolution of the promoter region of the Sialyltransferase 8B (STX) gene
Fujito Naoko T., Hayakawa Toshiyuki, Hane Masaya, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro, Satta Yoko
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS Vol. 89 ( 6 ) page: 327 - 327 2014.12
An anti-schizophrenic drug affects the surface expression of polySia-NCAM in IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cells
Nishimura Saki, Hane Masaya, Niimi Yuki, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1193 - 1193 2014.11
Insight into single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the polysialyltransferase ST8SIA2/STX in psychiatric disorders
Hane Masaya, Nishimura Saki, Hayakawa Toshiyuki, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1206 - 1206 2014.11
The Synthesis of Sialo-containing Glycopolymers by pi-Allyl Nickel Catalyzed Coordination Polymerization
Ohira Shuichi, Yasuda Yu, Sato Chihiro, KItajima Ken, Tomita Ikuyoshi, Takahashi Takashi, Tanaka Hiroshi
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1119 - 1120 2014.11
Polysialic acid: Biosynthesis, novel functions and applications
Colley Karen J., Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
Nagae Masamichi, Ikeda Akemi, Hane Masaya, Hanashima Shinya, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro, Yamaguchi Yoshiki
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 288 ( 47 ) page: 33784 - 33796 2013.11
Yabu Masahiko, Korekane Hiroaki, Hatano Koji, Kaneda Yasufumi, Nonomura Norio, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken, Miyamoto Yasuhide
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 23 ( 6 ) page: 634 - 642 2013.6
Impact of structural aberrancy of polysialic acid and its synthetic enzyme ST8SIA2 in schizophrenia
Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
ポリシアル酸による神経機能の調節. 実験医学 31巻 10号 (増刊) pp. 26-33; 第三の生命鎖 Reviewed
佐藤 ちひろ
実験医学 Vol. 31 page: 26 - 33 2013
Guerardel Yann, Chang Lan-Yi, Fujita Akiko, Coddeville Bernadette, Maes Emmanuel, Sato Chihiro, Harduin-Lepers Anne, Kubokawa Kaoru, Kitajima Ken
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 22 ( 4 ) page: 479 - 491 2012.4
Hane Masaya, Sumida Mizuki, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Vol. 84 ( 9 ) page: 1895 - 1906 2012
Miyata Shinji, Yamakawa Nao, Toriyama Masaru, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1596 - 605 2011.12
New Functions of Polysialic Acid and Its Relationship to Schizophrenia
Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 23 ( 133 ) page: 221 - 238 2011.9
Isomura Ryo, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 286 ( 24 ) page: 21535 - 45 2011.6
Hino Shingo, Umeda Fumiko, Inumaru Shigeki, Aoki Naohito, Sato Chihiro, Okajima Tetsuya, Nadano Daita, Matsuda Tsukasa
IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 133 ( 1 ) page: 28 - 34 2010.9
Inoue Sadako, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 20 ( 6 ) page: 752 - 62 2010.6
Vol. 61 ( 2 ) page: 160 - 166 2010.4
Sato Chihiro, Yamakawa Nao, Kitajima Ken
METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY, VOL 478: GLYCOMICS Vol. 478 ( C ) page: 219 - 32 2010
佐藤 ちひろ
生体の科学 61 page: 160 - 166 2010
Complex Formation of a Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Glycosaminoglycans
KANATO Yukihiro, ONO Sayaka, KITAJIMA Ken, SATO Chihiro
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Vol. 73 ( 12 ) page: 2735 - 41 2009.12
Developmental regulation of oligosialylation in zebrafish
Chang Lan-Yi, Harduin-Lepers Anne, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro, Huang Chang-Jen, Khoo Kay-Hooi, Guerardel Yann
GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL Vol. 26 ( 3 ) page: 247 - 261 2009.4
Adachi Tomoko, Sato Chihiro, Kishi Yasunori, Totani Kazuhide, Murata Takeomi, Usui Taichi, Kitajima Ken
GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL Vol. 26 ( 3 ) page: 285 - 99 2009.4
Yamakawa Nao, Kosaki Hitomi, Crocker Paul, Vergoten Gerard, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Seibutsu Butsuri Vol. 49 ( supplement ) page: S162 2009
Kanato Yukihiro, Kitajima Ken, Sato Chihiro
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 18 ( 12 ) page: 1044 - 53 2008.12
佐藤 ちひろ
北島健蛋白質核酸酵素 53 page: 1577 - 1583 2008
佐藤 ちひろ
蛋白質核酸酵素 53 page: 1577 - 1583 2008
Yamakawa Nao, Sato Chihiro, Miyata Shinji, Maehashi Eri, Toriyama Masaru, Sato Noriko, Furuhata Kimio, Kitajima Ken
BIOCHIMIE Vol. 89 ( 11 ) page: 1396 - 408 2007.11
Tiralongo Joe, Fujita Akiko, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken, Lehmann Friederike, Oschlies Melanie, Gerardy-Schahn Rita, Muenster-Kuehnel Anja K.
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 17 ( 9 ) page: 945 - 954 2007.9
Membrane microdomain formation is crucial in epiboly during gastrulation of medaka
Adachi Tomoko, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Hypoxia-enhanced expression of free deaminoneuraminic acid in human cancer cells
Go Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Yin Jun, Kannagi Reiji, Kitajima Ken
Fujita Akiko, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Journal of Biochemistry Vol. 141 ( 3 ) page: 429 - 441 2007.3
Glycobiology of Polysialic Acids on Sea Urchin Gametes
Miyata Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 19 ( 106 ) page: 85 - 98 2007.3
Complex formation of 70-kDa heat shock protein with acidic glycolipids and phospholipids
Harada Yoichiro, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Polysialic acid on flagellasialin is involved in sperm motility
Miyata Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Kumita Hironobu, Toriyama Masaru, Kitajima Ken
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 ( 12 ) page: 1171 - 1171 2006.12
Journal of Biochemistry Vol. 140 ( 5 ) page: 687 - 701 2006.11
Asahina Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Matsuno Midori, Matsuda Tsukasa, Colley Karen, Kitajima Ken
JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 140 ( 5 ) page: 687 - 701 2006.11
Go Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Furuhata Kimio, Kitajima Ken
GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL Vol. 23 ( 5-6 ) page: 411 - 21 2006.7
Nakatani H, Aoki N, Nakagawa Y, Jin-No S, Aoyama K, Oshima K, Ohira S, Sato C, Nadano D, Matsuda T
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL Vol. 395 ( 1 ) page: 21 - 30 2006.4
Yin J, Hashimoto A, Izawa M, Miyazaki K, Chen GY, Takematsu H, Kozutsumi Y, Suzuki A, Furuhata K, Cheng FL, Lin CH, Sato C, Kitajima K, Kannagi R
CANCER RESEARCH Vol. 66 ( 6 ) page: 2937 - 2945 2006.3
MiyataShinji, SatoChihiro, ToriyamaMasaru, KitajamaKen
Zoological science Vol. 22 ( 12 ) page: 1456 2005.12
XueLian, MiyataShinji, SatoChihiro, KitajimaKen
Zoological science Vol. 22 ( 12 ) page: 1456 2005.12
An N-terminal 130 kDa fragment of a fourth sea urchin sperm receptor for egg jelly module protein, REJ4, is secreted during acrosome reaction
Miyata Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Toriyama Masaru, Kitajama Ken
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 22 ( 12 ) page: 1456 - 1456 2005.12
Capacitation-induced changes of the surface distribution of sialoglycotopes on pig sperm
Xue Lian, Miyata Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 22 ( 12 ) page: 1456 - 1456 2005.12
佐藤 ちひろ
遺伝子医学(糖鎖と病気)MOOK 3 page: 186 - 191 2005
YamakawaNao, SatoChihiro, KitajimaKen
Zoological science Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 2004.12
MaedaEri, SatoChihiro, KitajimaKen
Zoological science Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 2004.12
MiyataShinji, SatoChihiro, ToriyamaMasaru, HirohashiNoritaka, VacquierVictor, KitajimaKen
Zoological science Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 2004.12
A major ganglioside from Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus sperm specifically interacts with phospholipids
Yamakawa Nao, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 - 1292 2004.12
The 130 kDa glycoprotein is secreted from sperm during acrosome reaction of sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
Miyata Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Toriyama Masaru, Hirohashi Noritaka, Vacquier Victor, Kitajima Ken
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 - 1292 2004.12
Okumura H, Kohno Y, Iwata Y, Mori H, Aoki N, Sato C, Kitajima K, Nadano D, Matsuda T
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL Vol. 384 ( Pt 1 ) page: 191 - 9 2004.11
Development of sensitive chemical and immunochemical methods for detecting sulfated sialic acids and their application to localization and quantitation studies of sea urchin sperm and eggs
Yamakawa N, Maehashi E, Miyata S, Sato C, Furuhata K, Kitajima K
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1146 - 1146 2004.11
Effects of exogenously administered mannose and deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN) to mice or murine cultured cells on the metabolism of KDN
Go S, Sato C, Kitajima K
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1166 - 1167 2004.11
Mouse heat shock protein 70 recognizes negatively charged glycolipids and phospholipids
Harada Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1101 - 1102 2004.11
Occurrence and characterization of a novel sulfated alpha 2,9-linked polysialic acid-containing glycoprotein in sea urchin sperm flagellum
Miyata S, Sato C, Kitajima K
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1146 - 1146 2004.11
Mouse T cell CD166 is a disialic acid-containing glycoprotein and involved in T cell activation
Sato C, Nohara K, Matsuda T, Kitajima K
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1136 - 1136 2004.11
Specificity of human trans-sialidase as probed with gangliosides
Nikonova EY, Tertov VV, Sato C, Kitajima K, Bovin NV
BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS Vol. 14 ( 20 ) page: 5161 - 5164 2004.10
Preface for the Special Issue Entitled "New Waves in Sialobioscience"
SATO Chihiro
Trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology Vol. 16 ( 91 ) page: 291 - 292 2004.9
Preface for the Special Issue Entitled “New Waves in Sialobioscience”
Sato Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 16 ( 91 ) page: 291 - 292 2004.9
Chain Length Diversity of Sialic Acids and Its Biological Significance
Sato Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 16 ( 91 ) page: 331 - 344 2004.9
Journal of Biochemistry Vol. 136 ( 2 ) page: 189 - 198 2004.8
Asahina Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
The Journal of Biochemistry Vol. 136 ( 2 ) page: 189 - 98 2004.8
alpha-C-mannosyltryptophan is not recognized by conventional mannose-binding lectins
Nishikawa T, Kajii S, Sato C, Yasukawa Z, Kitajima K, Isobe M
BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 12 ( 9 ) page: 2343 - 8 2004.5
佐藤 ちひろ
Functional Glycomics 3 page: 40 - 47 2004
AdachiTomoko, SatoChihiro, KitajimaKen
Zoological science Vol. 20 ( 12 ) page: 1570 2003.12
[Frequent occurrence and biological significance of degree of polymerization in sialic acid]. Reviewed
Sato C
Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society Vol. 75 ( 12 ) page: 1526 - 30 2003.12
MiyataShinji, MaehashiEri, OhtaKaoru, SatoChihiro, MatsudaTsukasa, KitajimaKen
Zoological science Vol. 19 ( 12 ) page: 1443 2002.12
Sato C, Matsuda T, Katajima K
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 277 ( 47 ) page: 45299 - 305 2002.11
佐藤 ちひろ, 北島 健
Vol. 6 page: A4J 2002.6
Function of Di/oligosialic Acid Structure
Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Glycoforum Vol. 6 page: A4 2002.6
Nadanaka S., Sato C., Kitajima K., Katagiri K., Irie S., Yamagata T.
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 276 ( 36 ) page: 33657 - 33664 2001.9
Sato C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 276 ( 31 ) page: 28849 - 28856 2001.8
The Occurrence and Significance of Sialic Acids in Insects.
Schauer Roland
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 13 ( 73 ) page: 507 - 517 2001
Ohta K.
Glycoconjugate Journal Vol. 17 ( 3-4 ) page: 205 - 214 2000.12
Sato C., Fukuoka H., Ohta K., Matsuda T., Koshino R., Kobayashi K., Troy F.A., Kitajima K.
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 275 ( 20 ) page: 15422 - 15431 2000.5
Ohta K.
Zygote Vol. 8 ( SUPPL. ) page: . 2000
O-Acetylated Sialic Acids. Their Detection, Biological Significance and Alteration in Diseases.
Sinha D., Chatterjee M., Mandal C.
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 12 ( 63 ) page: 17 - 33 2000
Lipid raft on gametic cells as a functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction
Ohta K, Sato C, Matsuda T, Toriyama M, Vacquier VD, Hirohashi N, Lennarz WJ, Kitajima K
ZYGOTE Vol. 8 page: S63 - S63 2000
Lipid raft on gametic cells as a functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction.
Ohta K, Sato C, Matsuda T, Toriyama M, Vacquier VD, Hirohashi N, Lennarz WJ, Kitajima K
Zygote (Cambridge, England) Vol. 8 Suppl 1 page: S63 2000
Glycobiology of Di- and Oligosialyl Glycotopes.
Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology Vol. 11 ( 62 ) page: 371 - 390 1999.11
Cholesterol-dependent localization of NAP-22 on a neuronal membrane microdomain (Raft)
Maekawa S.
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 274 ( 30 ) page: 21369 - 21374 1999.7
Ohta K.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Vol. 258 ( 3 ) page: 616 - 623 1999.5
Takeuchi Y.
European Journal of Biochemistry Vol. 260 ( 3 ) page: 736 - 742 1999.3
Fluorescent-assisted detection of oligosialyl units in glycoconjugates
Sato C.
Analytical Biochemistry Vol. 266 ( 1 ) page: 102 - 109 1999.1
Sato C., Inoue S., Matsuda T., Kitajima K.
Analytical Biochemistry Vol. 261 ( 2 ) page: 191 - 197 1998.8
Sato C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 273 ( 5 ) page: 2575 - 2582 1998.1
Funakoshi Y., Taguchi T., Sato C., Kitajima K., Inoue S., Morris H.R., Dell A., Inoue Y.
Glycobiology Vol. 7 ( 2 ) page: 195 - 205 1997.3
Assembly of neuron- and radial glial-cell-derived extracellular matrix molecules promotes radial migration of developing cortical neurons Reviewed
Mubuchi A, Takechi M, Nishio S, Matsuda T, Itoh Y, Sato C, Kitajima K, Kitagawa H, Miyata S.
eLife Vol. 12 page: RP92342 2024.3
Rat hepatocytes secrete free oligosaccharides. Reviewed International coauthorship
Huang C, Seino J, Honda A, Fujihira H, Wu D, Okahara K, Kitazume S, Nakaya S, Kitajima K, Sato C, Suzuki T.
J Biol Chem. Vol. 300 page: 105712 2024.3
Forced expression of α2,3-sialyltransferase IV rescues impaired heart development in α2,6-sialyltransferase I-deficient medaka Reviewed International coauthorship
Omoto T, Wu D, Maruyama E, Tajima K, Hane M, Sato C, Kitajima K.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun . Vol. 649 page: 62 2023.3
Fu B, Wu D, Yasumasu S, Hane M, Sato C, Kitajima K. Reviewed International coauthorship
Fu B, Wu D, Yasumasu S, Hane M, Sato C, Kitajima K.
Biomolecules. Vol. 13 page: 146 2023.1
Implication of N-glycolylneuraminic acid in regulation of cell adhesiveness of C2C12 myoblast cells during differentiation into myotube cells. International journal
Shiori Go, Chihiro Sato, Masaya Hane, Shinji Go, Ken Kitajima
Glycoconjugate journal Vol. 39 ( 5 ) page: 619 - 631 2022.10
The α2,8-sialyltransferase 6 (St8sia6) localizes in the ER and enhances the anchorage-independent cell growth in cancer. International journal
Rina Hatanaka, Erino Araki, Masaya Hane, Shiori Go, Di Wu, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Biochemical and biophysical research communications Vol. 608 page: 52 - 58 2022.6
Comprehensive Analysis of Oligo/Polysialylglycoconjugates in Cancer Cell Lines. International journal
Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
International journal of molecular sciences Vol. 23 ( 10 ) 2022.5
Polysialylation in a DISC1 Mutant Mouse. International journal
Yuka Takahashi, Chikara Abe, Masaya Hane, Di Wu, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
International journal of molecular sciences Vol. 23 ( 9 ) 2022.5
Polysialylation and disease. Reviewed International journal
Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
Molecular aspects of medicine Vol. 79 page: 100892 - 100892 2021.6
Evolutionary conservation of human ketodeoxynonulosonic acid production is independent of sialoglycan biosynthesis. Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Kunio Kawanishi, Sudeshna Saha, Sandra Diaz, Michael Vaill, Aniruddha Sasmal, Shoib S Siddiqui, Biswa Choudhury, Kumar Sharma, Xi Chen, Ian C Schoenhofen, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Hudson H Freeze, Anja Münster-Kühnel, Ajit Varki
The Journal of clinical investigation Vol. 131 ( 5 ) 2021.3
Exploring the Impact of Ketodeoxynonulosonic Acid in Host-Pathogen Interactions Using Uptake and Surface Display by Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae. International coauthorship International journal
Sudeshna Saha, Alison Coady, Aniruddha Sasmal, Kunio Kawanishi, Biswa Choudhury, Hai Yu, Ricardo U Sorensen, Jaime Inostroza, Ian C Schoenhofen, Xi Chen, Anja Münster-Kühnel, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Sanjay Ram, Victor Nizet, Ajit Varki
mBio Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 24 2021.1
The conserved arginine residue in all siglecs is essential for Siglec-7 binding to sialic acid. Reviewed International journal
Atsushi Yoshimura, Rina Hatanaka, Hiroshi Tanaka, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Biochemical and biophysical research communications Vol. 534 page: 1069 - 1075 2021.1
Comparative Studies of Polysialic Acids Derived from Five Different Vertebrate Brains. Reviewed International journal
Yi Yang, Ryo Murai, Yuka Takahashi, Airi Mori, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
International journal of molecular sciences Vol. 21 ( 22 ) page: 1 - 22 2020.11
Combinational Analyses with Multiple Methods Reveal the Existence of Several Forms of Polysialylated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in Mouse Developing Brains. Reviewed International journal
Airi Mori, Yi Yang, Yuka Takahashi, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
International journal of molecular sciences Vol. 21 ( 16 ) page: 1 - 20 2020.8
Discovery of a new sialic acid binding region that regulates Siglec-7. Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Nao Yamakawa, Yu Yasuda, Atsushi Yoshimura, Ami Goshima, Paul R Crocker, Gérard Vergoten, Yuji Nishiura, Takashi Takahashi, Shinya Hanashima, Kana Matsumoto, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Scientific reports Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 8647 - 8647 2020.5
Effect of expression alteration in flanking genes on phenotypes of St8sia2-deficient mice. Reviewed International journal
Keisuke Ikegami, Kazumasa Saigoh, Atsuko Fujioka, Mamoru Nagano, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Satoru Masubuchi, Susumu Kusunoki, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi
Scientific reports Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 13634 - 13634 2019.9
Functional roles of ST8SIA3-mediated sialylation of striatal dopamine D<sub>2</sub> and adenosine A<sub>2A</sub> receptors. Reviewed International coauthorship
Lin CY, Lai HL, Chen HM, Siew JJ, Hsiao CT, Chang HC, Liao KS, Tsai SC, Wu CY, Kitajima K, Sato C, Khoo KH, Chern Y
Translational psychiatry Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 209 2019.8
Acute stress-induced change in polysialic acid levels mediated by sialidase in mouse brain. Reviewed
Abe C, Yi Y, Hane M, Kitajima K, Sato C
Scientific reports Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 9950 2019.7
N-linked mannose glycoconjugates on shrimp thrombospondin, pmTSP-II, and their involvement in the sperm acrosome reaction. Reviewed International coauthorship
Timklay W, Magerd S, Sato C, Somrit M, Watthammawut A, Senarai T, Weerachatyanukul W, Kitajima K, Asuvapongpatana S
Molecular reproduction and development Vol. 86 ( 4 ) page: 440 - 449 2019.4
Sialic Acids in Neurology. Reviewed
Sato C, Kitajima K
Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry Vol. 76 page: 1 - 64 2019
Structural Biology of Glycans Reviewed
Sato C, Kato K, Yamaguchi Y, Kohda D, Kato R, Suzuki GN K, Kikuchi K, Hirai G, Kizuka Y, Tanaka K, Nakashima Y, Setou M
Glycoscience: Basic Science to Applications page: 35 - 63 2019
Preparation and Properties of a Polycyclic p-Quinodimethane with Two Oxygen Bridges and its Radical Cation in Comparison with the Isomeric o-Quinodimethane.
Sato C, Suzuki S, Okada K, Kozaki M
Chemistry, an Asian journal Vol. 13 ( 23 ) page: 3729 - 3736 2018.12
Systems glycomics of adult zebrafish identifies organ-specific sialylation and glycosylation patterns. Reviewed International journal
Yamakawa N, Vanbeselaere J, Chang LY, Yu SY, Ducrocq L, Harduin-Lepers A, Kurata J, Aoki-Kinoshita KF, Sato C, Khoo KH, Kitajima K, Guerardel Y
Nature communications Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 4647 - 4647 2018.11
Sato C, Hane M
Glycoconjugate journal Vol. 35 ( 4 ) page: 353 - 373 2018.8
酸性糖鎖ポリシアル酸の新機能の発見とその応用展開 Reviewed
佐藤 ちひろ
化学と生物 Vol. 56 page: 422 - 431 2018
Positive selection on schizophrenia-associated ST8SIA2 gene in post-glacial Asia. Reviewed
Fujito NT, Satta Y, Hane M, Matsui A, Yashima K, Kitajima K, Sato C, Takahata N, Hayakawa T
PloS one Vol. 13 ( 7 ) page: e0200278 2018
Airi Mori, Masaya Hane, Yuki Niimi, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 27 ( 9 ) page: 834 - 846 2017.9
Sho Yamaguchi, Atsushi Yoshimura, Yu Yasuda, Airi Mori, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takashi Takahashi, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
CHEMBIOCHEM Vol. 18 ( 13 ) page: 1194 - 1203 2017.7
Thanyaporn Senarai, Rapeepun Vanichviriyakit, Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Prapee Sretarugsa, Wattana Weerachatyanukul, Ken Kitajima
MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol. 84 ( 7 ) page: 585 - 595 2017.7
Chikara Abe, Saki Nishimura, Airi Mori, Yuki Niimi, Yi Yang, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Shinji Go, Shiori Go, Lucas Veillon, Maria Grazia Ciampa, Laura Mauri, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Alessandro Prinetti, Sandro Sonnino, Jin-ichi Inokuchi
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 292 ( 17 ) page: 7040 - 7051 2017.4
Diverse subcellular localizations of the insect CMP-sialic acid synthetases
Wu Di, Akiko Fujita, Kayo Hamaguchi, Philippe Delannoy, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 27 ( 4 ) page: 329 - 341 2017.4
Shuichi Ohira, Yu Yasuda, Ikuyoshi Tomita, Ken Kitajima, Takashi Takahashi, Chihiro Sato, Hiroshi Tanaka
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Vol. 53 ( 3 ) page: 553 - 556 2017.1
Synthesis of end-functionalized glycopolymers containing α(2,8) disialic acids via π-allyl nickel catalyzed coordinating polymerization and their interaction with Siglec-7. Reviewed
Ohira S, Yasuda Y, Tomita I, Kitajima K, Takahashi T, Sato C, Tanaka H.
Chem Commun (Camb). Vol. 53 ( 3 ) page: 553-556. 2017.1
Releasing Mechanism of Neurotrophic Factors via Polysialic Acid
C. Sato
NEUROTROPHINS Vol. 104 page: 89 - 112 2017
ポリシアル酸転移酵素遺伝子ST8SIA2と精神疾患の関わり Reviewed
羽根正弥, 北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ
生化学 Vol. 89 page: 634 - 643 2017
Diverse subcellular localizations of the insect CMP-sialic acid synthetases. Reviewed
Di W, Fujita A, Hamaguchi K, Delannoy P, Sato C, Kitajima K.
Glycobiology. 2016.12
Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Effects of intronic single nucleotide polymorphisms (iSNPs) of a polysialyltransferase, ST8SIA2 gene found in psychiatric disorders on its gene products. Reviewed
Hane M, Kitajima K, Sato C.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Vol. 478 ( 3 ) page: 1123-9. 2016.9
Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders
Sato C.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects Vol. 1860 ( 8 ) page: 1739 - 1752 2016.8
Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders. Invited Reviewed
Sato C, Hane M, Kitajima K.
Biochim Biophys Acta. Vol. 1860 ( 8 ) page: 1739-52 2016.8
Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders.
Sato C, Hane M, Kitajima K
Biochimica et biophysica acta Vol. 1860 ( 8 ) page: 1739 - 52 2016.8
Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders. Reviewed
Sato C, Hane M, Kitajima K
Biochimica et biophysica acta Vol. 1860 ( 8 ) page: 1739 - 1752 2016.8
Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders Reviewed
Chihiro Sato, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS Vol. 1860 ( 8 ) page: 1739 - 1752 2016.8
Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders
Sato Chihiro, Hane Masaya, Kitajima Ken
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS Vol. 1860 ( 8 ) page: 1739 - 1752 2016.8
The AMOR Arabinogalactan Sugar Chain Induces Pollen-Tube Competency to Respond to Ovular Guidance. Reviewed International journal
Akane G Mizukami, Rie Inatsugi, Jiao Jiao, Toshihisa Kotake, Keiko Kuwata, Kento Ootani, Satohiro Okuda, Subramanian Sankaranarayanan, Yoshikatsu Sato, Daisuke Maruyama, Hiroaki Iwai, Estelle Garénaux, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Yoichi Tsumuraya, Hitoshi Mori, Junichiro Yamaguchi, Kenichiro Itami, Narie Sasaki, Tetsuya Higashiyama
Current biology : CB Vol. 26 ( 8 ) page: 1091 - 7 2016.4
.The AMOR Arabinogalactan Sugar Chain Induces Pollen-Tube Competency to Respond to Ovular Guidance. Reviewed
Mizukami AG, Inatsugi R, Jiao J, Kotake T, Kuwata K, Ootani K, Okuda S, Sankaranarayanan S, Sato Y, Maruyama D, Iwai H, Garénaux E, Sato C, Kitajima K, Tsumuraya Y, Mori H, Yamaguchi J, Itami K, Sasaki N, Higashiyama T
Curr Biol. Vol. 26 ( 8 ) page: 1091-7 2016.4
2,11-Dibromo-13,14-dimesityl-5,8-dioxapentaphene: A Stable and Twisted Polycyclic System Containing the o-Quinodimethane Skeleton.
Sato C, Suzuki S, Kozaki M, Okada K
Organic letters Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 1052 - 5 2016.3
Takeru Kanazawa, Eriko Suzuki, Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine page: 883 - 890 2015.1
Polysialyltransferase assay Reviewed
Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine page: 529 - 534 2015.1
Polysialic acid Reviewed
Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine page: 519 - 528 2015.1
Discovery, primary, and crystal structures and capacitation-related properties of a prostate-derived heparin-binding protein WGA16 from boar sperm. Reviewed
Garénaux E, Kanagawa M, Tsuchiyama T, Hori K, Kanazawa T, Goshima A, Chiba M, Yasue H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi Y, Sato C, Kitajima K.
J Biol Chem. Vol. 290 page: 5484-501 2015
Protective effects of polysialic acid on proteolytic cleavage of FGF2 and proBDNF/BDNF. Reviewed
Hane M, Matsuoka S, Ono S, Miyata S, Kitajima K, Sato C.
Glycobiology Vol. 25 page: 1112-24 2015
Sulfatide-Hsp70 interaction promotes Hsp70 clustering and stabilizes binding to unfolded protein. Reviewed
Harada Y, Sato C, Kitajima K.
Biomolecules. Vol. 5 page: 958-73 2015
Ganglioside contained in the neuronal tissue-enriched acidic protein of 22 kDa (NAP-22) fraction prepared from the detergent-resistant membrane microdomain of rat brain inhibits the phosphatase activity of calcineurin. Reviewed
Kobayashi Y, da Silva R, Kumanogoh H, Miyata S, Sato C, Kitajima K, Nakamura S, Morita M, Hayashi F, Maekawa S.
J Neurosci Res. Vol. 93 page: 1462-70 2015
Rapid Trimming of Cell Surface Polysialic Acid (PolySia) by Exovesicular Sialidase Triggers Release of Preexisting Surface Neurotrophin. Reviewed
Sumida M, Hane M, Yabe U, Shimoda Y, Pearce OM, Kiso M, Miyagi T, Sawada M, Varki A, Kitajima K, Sato C.
J Biol Chem. Vol. 290 page: 13202-14 2015
Sulfatide-Hsp70 interaction promotes Hsp70 clustering and stabilizes binding to unfolded protein. Reviewed
Harada Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
Biomolecules. Vol. 5 page: 958-73 2015
Advanced Technologies in Sialic Acid and Sialoglycoconjugate Analysis Reviewed
Ken Kitajima, Nissi Varki, Chihiro Sato
Discovery, primary, and crystal structures and capacitation-related properties of a prostate-derived heparin-binding protein WGA16 from boar sperm. Reviewed
Garénaux E, Kanagawa M, Tsuchiyama T, Hori K, Kanazawa T, Goshima A, Chiba M, Yasue H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
J Biol Chem. Vol. 290 page: 5484-501 2015
Rapid Trimming of Cell Surface Polysialic Acid (PolySia) by Exovesicular Sialidase Triggers Release of Preexisting Surface Neurotrophin. Reviewed
Sumida M, Hane M, Yabe U, Shimoda Y, Pearce OM, Kiso M, Miyagi T, Sawada M, Varki A, Kitajima K, Sato C
J Biol Chem. Vol. 290 page: 13202-14 2015
Protective effects of polysialic acid on proteolytic cleavage of FGF2 and proBDNF/BDNF. Reviewed
Hane M, Matsuoka S, Ono S, Miyata S, Kitajima K, Sato C
Glycobiology Vol. 25 page: 1112-24 2015
Ganglioside contained in the neuronal tissue-enriched acidic protein of 22 kDa (NAP-22) fraction prepared from the detergent-resistant membrane microdomain of rat brain inhibits the phosphatase activity of calcineurin. Reviewed
Kobayashi Y, da Silva R, Kumanogoh H, Miyata S, Sato C, Kitajima K, Nakamura S, Morita M, Hayashi F, Maekawa S
J Neurosci Res. Vol. 93 page: 1462-70 2015
Tissue-Specific Posttranslational Modification Allows Functional Targeting of Thyrotropin Reviewed
Keisuke Ikegami, Xiao-Hui Liao, Yuta Hoshino, Hiroko Ono, Wataru Ota, Yuka Ito, Taeko Nishiwaki-Ohkawa, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Masayuki Iigo, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi, Masanobu Yamada, Yoshiharu Murata, Samuel Refetoff, Takashi Yoshimura
CELL REPORTS Vol. 9 ( 3 ) page: 801 - 10 2014.11
Critical importance of the surface expression of alpha 2,6-sialosides during early development of medaka fish
Kitajima Ken, Wu Di, Tajima Katsue, Maruyama Emi, Yasukawa Yuko, Chang Lan-Yi, Taniguchi Yoshihito, Kamei Yasuhiro, Adachi Tomoko, Hashimoto Hisashi, Hibi Masahiko, Fujita Akiko, Sato Chihiro
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1110-1110 2014.11
Interaction of 70-kDa heat shock protein with glycosaminoglycans and acidic glycopolymers Reviewed
Yoichiro Harada, Estelle Garenaux, Takehiro Nagatsuka, Hirotaka Uzawa, Yoshihiro Nishida, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha- 2,8-sialyltransferase 2 (ST8SIA2)
Sato C.
Handbook of Glycosyltransferases and Related Genes, Second Edition Vol. 2 page: 781-795 2014.1
Polysialic acid: Biosynthesis, novel functions and applications. Reviewed
Colley K., Kitajima K, Sato C.
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology page: 1-35 2014
Tissue-specific post-translational modification allows functional targeting of thyrotropin. Reviewed
Ikegami K, Liao X-H, Hoshino Y, Ono H, Ota W, Ito Y, Nishiwaki-Ohkawa T, Sato C, Kitajima K, Iigo M, Shigeyoshi Y, Yamada M, Murata Y, Refetoff S, Yoshimura T.
Cell Reports Vol. 9 page: 1-9 2014
Comparison of analytical methods to detect polysialic acid. Reviewed
Nishimura S, Hane M, Niimi Y, Miyata S, Kitajima K, and Sato C.
Journal of Glycomics and Lipidomics Vol. 4 page: 113 2014
Interaction of 70-kDa heat shock protein with glycosaminoglycans and acidc glycopolymers. Reviewed
Harada Y, Garenaux E, Nagatsuka T, Uzawa H, Nishida Y, Sato C, and Kitajima K.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Vol. 453 page: 229-234 2014
Chihiro Sato
Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 1200 page: 257 - 64 2014
Comparison of analytical methods to detect polysialic acid. Reviewed
Nishimura S, Hane M, Niimi Y, Miyata S, Kitajima K, Sato C
Journal of Glycomics and Lipidomics Vol. 4 page: 113 2014
Polysialic acid: Biosynthesis, novel functions and applications. Reviewed
Colley K, Kitajima K, Sato C
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology page: 1-35 2014
NMR study into the mechanism of recognition of the degree of polymerization by oligo/polysialic acid antibodies. Reviewed
Hanashima S, Sato C, Tanaka H, Takahashi T, Kitajima K, Yamaguchi Y.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Vol. 21 page: 6069-76 2013.10
Shinya Hanashima, Chihiro Sato, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takashi Takahashi, Ken Kitajima, Yoshiki Yamaguchi
BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 21 ( 19 ) page: 6069 - 6076 2013.10
Sato C.
Sialobiology: Structure, Biosynthesis and Function. Sialic Acid Glycoconjugates in Health and Disease page: 33-75 2013.8
Disialic, oligosialic and polysialic acids: distribution, functions and related disease Reviewed
Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 154 ( 2 ) page: 115 - 36 2013.8
Occurrence of free deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN)-containing complex-type N-glycans in human prostate cancers. Reviewed
Yabu M, Korekane H, Takahashi H, Ohigashi H, Ishikawa O, Hatano K, Nonomura N, Sato C, Kitajima K, Miyamoto Y.
Glycobiology Vol. 23 page: 634-642 2013
ポリシアル酸による神経機能の調節. Invited Reviewed
実験医学 Vol. 31 page: 26--33 2013
Disialic, oligosialic, and polysialic acids: Distribution, biological functions, and related disease. Invited Reviewed
Sato C., Kitajima K.
J Biochem (Tokyo). Vol. 154 page: 115-136 2013
Impact of structural aberrancy of polysialic acid and its synthetic enzyme ST8SIA2 in schizophrenia. Reviewed
Sato C, Kitajima K.
Front. Cell. Neurosci. Vol. 7 ( 61 ) page: 1-11 2013
Crystal structure of anti-polysialic acid antibody single chain Fv fragment complexed with octasialic acid: insight into the binding preference for polysialic acid. Reviewed
Nagae M, Ikeda A, Hane M, Hanashima S, Kitajima K, Sato C, Yamaguchi Y.
J Biol Chem. Vol. 288 page: 33784-96 2013
Polysialic Acid
Sato Chihiro
ポリシアル酸による神経機能の調節. Invited Reviewed
佐藤ちひろ, 北島健
実験医学 Vol. 31 page: 26--33 2013
Crystal structure of anti-polysialic acid antibody single chain Fv fragment complexed with octasialic acid: insight into the binding preference for polysialic acid. Reviewed
Nagae M, Ikeda A, Hane M, Hanashima S, Kitajima K, Sato C, Yamaguchi Y
J Biol Chem. Vol. 288 page: 33784-96 2013
Occurrence of free deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN)-containing complex-type N-glycans in human prostate cancers. Reviewed
Yabu M, Korekane H, Takahashi H, Ohigashi H, Ishikawa O, Hatano K, Nonomura N, Sato C, Kitajima K, Miyamoto Y
Glycobiology Vol. 23 page: 634-642 2013
Impact of structural aberrancy of polysialic acid and its synthetic enzyme ST8SIA2 in schizophrenia. Reviewed
Sato C, Kitajima K
Front. Cell. Neurosci. Vol. 7 ( 61 ) page: 1-11 2013
Waraporn Kasekarn, Takeru Kanazawa, Kazuki Hori, Tomoyuki Tsuchiyama, Xue Lian, Estelle Garenaux, Kessiri Kongmanas, Nongnuj Tanphaichitr, Hiroshi Yasue, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
Tanaka Hiroshi, Nishiura Yuji, Yasuda Yu, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken, Takahashi Takashi
Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, symposium papers Vol. 54 ( 54 ) page: 151 - 156 2012.9
Leela R. L. Davies, Oliver M. T. Pearce, Matthew B. Tessier, Siavash Assar, Victoria Smutova, Maria Pajunen, Mizuki Sumida, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Jukka Finne, Pascal Gagneux, Alexey Pshezhetsky, Robert Woods, Ajit Varki
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 287 ( 34 ) page: 28917 - 28931 2012.8
Structural and functional impairments of polySia-NCAM synthesized by a mutated polysialyltransferase of a schizophrenic patient. Reviewed
Hane M, Sumida M, Kitajima K, Sato C.
Pure Appl Chem Vol. 84 page: 1895-1906 2012.6
Structural and functional impairments of polySia-NCAM synthesized by a mutated polysialyltransferase of a schizophrenic patient. Reviewed
Hane M, Sumida M, Kitajima K, Sato C
Pure Appl Chem Vol. 84 page: 1895-1906 2012.6
Kohta Takahashi, Junya Mitoma, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuhiro Shiozaki, Chihiro Sato, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Ken Kitajima, Hideyoshi Higashi, Kazuo Nitta, Hiroshi Shima, Taeko Miyagi
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 287 ( 18 ) page: 14816 - 14826 2012.4
Sialidase NEU4 hydrolyzes polysialic acids of neural cell adhesion molecules and negatively regulates neurite formation by hippocampal neurons. Reviewed
Takahashi K, Mitoma J, Hosono M, Shiozaki K, Sato C, Yamaguchi K, Kitajima K, Higashi H, Nitta K, Shima H, Miyagi T.
J Biol Chem. Vol. 287 page: 14816-14826 2012.3
Novel Regulation of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2)-mediated Cell Growth by Polysialic Acid Reviewed
Sayaka Ono, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 287 ( 6 ) page: 3710 - 22 2012.2
Novel regulation of FGF2-mediated cell growth by polysialic acid. Reviewed
Ono S, Hane M, Kitajima K, Sato C.
J Biol Chem. page: 3710-22. 2012
Sialome analysis of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma belcheri, a key organism for vertebrate evolution. Reviewed
Guérardel Y, Chang LY, Fujita A, Coddeville B, Maes E, Sato C, Harduin-Lepers A, Kubokawa K, Kitajima K.
Glycobiolgy page: in press 2012
Sialome analysis of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma belcheri, a key organism for vertebrate evolution. Reviewed
Guérardel Y, Chang LY, Fujita A, Coddeville B, Maes E, Sato C, Harduin-Lepers A, Kubokawa K, Kitajima K
Glycobiolgy page: in press 2012
Co-expression of two distinct polysialic acids, α2,8- and α2,9-linked polymers of N-acetylneuraminic acid, in distinct glycoproteins and glycolipids in sea urchin sperm. Reviewed
Vol. 21 page: 1596-1605 2011.12
New function of polysialic acid and its involvement in neural activities
Sato C.
Seikagaku Vol. 83 ( 3 ) page: 189-196 2011.12
Co-expression of two distinct polysialic acids, α2,8- and α2,9-linked polymers of N-acetylneuraminic acid, in distinct glycoproteins and glycolipids in sea urchin sperm. Reviewed
Vol. 21 page: 1596-1605 2011.12
The Roles of Carbohydrate Binding in Cell Adhesion and Inflammation Reviewed
Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
Carbohydrate Recognition: Biological Problems, Methods, and Applications page: 33 - 63 2011.7
New function of polysialic acid and its involvement in neural activities
Vol. 83 ( 3 ) page: 189-196 2011.3
ポリシアル酸の新機能と神経形成維持機構 Reviewed
佐藤ちひろ, 北島 健
生化学 Vol. 83 page: 189-196 2011.3
[New function of polysialic acid and its involvement in neural activities].
Sato C, Kitajima K
Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society Vol. 83 ( 3 ) page: 189-96 2011.3
New functions of polysialic acid and its relationship to schizophrenia Reviewed
Sato C and Kitajima K
Vol. 23 page: 221-238 2011
Structural and functional impairments of polysialic acid by a mutated polysialyltransferase found in schizophrenia Reviewed
Isomura, R., Kitajima, K., and Sato, C.
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 286 page: 21535-21545 2011
Sadako Inoue, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Shinji Go
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 705 page: 669 - 78 2011
Mechanism Regulating Ca2+-dependent Mechanosensory Behaviour in Sea Urchin Spermatozoa
Kambara Yuka, Shiba Kogiku, Yoshida Manabu, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken, Shingyoji Chikako
CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Vol. 36 ( 1 ) page: 69-82 2011
Mechanism Regulating Ca2+-dependent Mechanosensory Behaviour in Sea Urchin Spermatozoa Reviewed
Yuka Kambara, Kogiku Shiba, Manabu Yoshida, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Chikako Shingyoji
CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Vol. 36 ( 1 ) page: 69 - 82 2011
Structural and functional impairments of polysialic acid by a mutated polysialyltransferase found in schizophrenia Reviewed
Isomura, R, Kitajima, K, Sato, C
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 286 page: 21535-21545 2011
New functions of polysialic acid and its relationship to schizophrenia Reviewed
Sato C, Kitajima K
Vol. 23 page: 221-238 2011
Emi Inoko, Yuji Nishiura, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takashi Takahashi, Koichi Furukawa, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 20 ( 7 ) page: 916 - 28 2010.7
糖鎖と統合失調症 Invited
生体の科学 Vol. 61 page: 160-166 2010
IgG2 dominancy and carbohydrate recognition specificity of C3H/He mouse antibodies directed to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) bearing beta-(1,2)-xylose and alpha-(1,3)-fucose. Reviewed
Hino S, Umeda F, Inumaru S, Aoki N, Sato, C., Okajima T, Nadano D, Matsuda T.
Immunol Lett Vol. 133 page: 28-34 2010
Survival signals of hepatic stellate cells in liver regeneration are regulated by glycosylation changes in rat vitronectin, especially decreased sialylation. Reviewed
Sano K, Miyamoto Y, Kawasaki N, Hashii N, Itoh S, Murase M, Date K, Yokoyama M, Sato, C., Kitajima K, Ogawa H.
J Biol Chem Vol. 285 page: 17301-17309 2010
Extensive enrichment of N-glycolylneuraminic acid in extracellular sialoglycoproteins abundantly synthesized and secreted by human cancer cells. Reviewed
Inoue, S., Sato, C. and Kitajima, K
Glycobiology Vol. 20 page: 752-762 2010
Developmental stage-dependent expression of an α2,8-trisialic acid unit on glycoproteins in mouse brain. Reviewed
Inoko, E., Nishiura, Y., Tanaka, H., Takahashi, T., Furukawa, K., Kitajima, K., and Sato, C.
Glycobiology Vol. 20 page: 916-928 2010
Survival signals of hepatic stellate cells in liver regeneration are regulated by glycosylation changes in rat vitronectin, especially decreased sialylation. Reviewed
Sano K, Miyamoto Y, Kawasaki N, Hashii N, Itoh S, Murase M, Date K, Yokoyama M, Sato, C, Kitajima K, Ogawa H
J Biol Chem Vol. 285 page: 17301-17309 2010
糖鎖と統合失調症 Invited
生体の科学 Vol. 61 page: 160-166 2010
Extensive enrichment of N-glycolylneuraminic acid in extracellular sialoglycoproteins abundantly synthesized and secreted by human cancer cells. Reviewed
Inoue, S, Sato, C, Kitajima, K
Glycobiology Vol. 20 page: 752-762 2010
IgG2 dominancy and carbohydrate recognition specificity of C3H/He mouse antibodies directed to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) bearing beta-(1,2)-xylose and alpha-(1,3)-fucose. Reviewed
Hino S, Umeda F, Inumaru S, Aoki N, Sato, C, Okajima T, Nadano D, Matsuda T
Immunol Lett Vol. 133 page: 28-34 2010
Shingo Hino, Takeshi Matsubara, Atsuo Urisu, Naohito Aoki, Chihiro Sato, Tetsuya Okajima, Daita Nadano, Tsukasa Matsuda
Membrane microdomains from early gastrula embryos of medaka, Oryzias latipes are a plat form of E-cadherin and carbohydrate-mediated cell-cell interactions during epiboly Reviewed
Adachi T., Sato, C., Kishi, Y., Totani, K., Murata, T., Usui, T., and Kitajima, K
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 26 page: 285-299 2009
Complex formation of a brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glycosaminoglycans. Reviewed
Kanato, Y., Kitajima, K. and Sato, C.
Biosci. Biotech. Biosci. Vol. 12 page: 1044-1053 2009
Developmental regulation of oligosialylation in zebrafish. Reviewed
Chang LY, Harduin-Lepers A, Kitajima K, Sato C, Huang CJ, Khoo KH, Guérardel Y.
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 26 page: 247-61 2009
Complex formation of a brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glycosaminoglycans. Reviewed
Kanato, Y, Kitajima, K, Sato, C
Biosci. Biotech. Biosci. Vol. 12 page: 1044-1053 2009
Membrane microdomains from early gastrula embryos of medaka, Oryzias latipes are a plat form of E-cadherin and carbohydrate-mediated cell-cell interactions during epiboly Reviewed
Adachi T, Sato, C, Kishi, Y, Totani, K, Murata, T, Usui, T, Kitajima, K
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 26 page: 285-299 2009
Developmental regulation of oligosialylation in zebrafish. Reviewed
Chang LY, Harduin-Lepers A, Kitajima K, Sato C, Huang CJ, Khoo KH, Guérardel Y
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 26 page: 247-61 2009
[Regulation of signal transduction by polysialic acid]. Reviewed
Sato C, Kitajima K
Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme Vol. 53 ( 12 Suppl ) page: 1577 - 1583 2008.9
Direct binding of polysialic acid to a brain-derived neurotrophic factor depends on the degree of polymerization Reviewed
Kanato, Y, Kitajima, K., and Sato, C.
Glycobiology Vol. 12 page: 1044-1053 2008
ポリシアル酸構造による細胞シグナルの調節機構 Invited
蛋白質核酸酵素 Vol. 53 ( 1577-1583 ) 2008
Direct binding of polysialic acid to a brain-derived neurotrophic factor depends on the degree of polymerization Reviewed
Kanato, Y, Kitajima, K, Sato, C
Glycobiology Vol. 12 page: 1044-1053 2008
Glycobiology of polysialic acids on sea urchin gametes
Miyata Shinji, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
Zenta Yasukawa, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 141 ( 3 ) page: 429 - 41 2007.3
Heterocomplex formation and cell-surface accumulation of hen's serum zona pellucida B1 (ZPB1) with ZPC expressed by a mammalian cell line (COS-7): A possible initiating step of egg-envelope matrix construction
Okumura Hiroki, Aoki Naohito, Sato Chihiro, Nadano Daita, Matsuda Tsukasa
BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION Vol. 76 ( 1 ) page: 9-18 2007.1
Hiroki Okumura, Naohito Aoki, Chihiro Sato, Daita Nadano, Tsukasa Matsuda
BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION Vol. 76 ( 1 ) page: 9 - 18 2007.1
Complex formation of 70-kDa heat shock protein with acidic glycolipids and phospholipids. Reviewed
Harada Y, Sato C, Kitajima K.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Vol. 353 page: 655-660 2007
The rainbow trout CMP-sialic acid synthetase utilises a nuclear localization signal different from that identified in the mouse enzyme. Reviewed
Tiralongo J, Fujita A, Sato C, Kitajima K, Lehmann F, Oschlies M, Gerardy-Schahn R, Munster-Kuhnel AK.
Glycobiology Vol. 17 page: 945-954 2007
Identification of an inflammation-inducible serum protein recognized by anti-disialic acid antibodies as carbonic anhydrase II. Reviewed
Yasukawa, Z., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K.
J Biochem. Vol. 141 page: 429-441 2007
シアル酸の構造多様性とその生物学的意義. Invited
北島 健、郷 慎司、藤田 明子、佐藤ちひろ
細胞工学 Vol. 26 page: 629-634 2007
Membrane microdomain formation is crucial in epiboly during gastrulation of medaka. Reviewed
Adachi, T., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 355 page: 174-180 2007
Development of sensitive chemical and immunochemical methods for detecting sulfated sialic acids and their application to glycoconjugates from sea urchin sperm and eggs Reviewed
Yamakawa, N., Sato C., Miyata, S., Maehashi, E., Toriyama, T., Sato, N., Furuhata, K., and Kitajima. K.
Biochimie Vol. 89 page: 1396-1408 2007
Glycobiology of polysialic acids on sea urchin gametes. Invited Reviewed
Miyata, S., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K.
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech. Vol. 19 page: 83-95 2007
Hypoxia-enhanced expression of free deaminoneuraminic acid in human cancer cells. Reviewed
Go, S., Sato, C., Yin, J., Kannagi, R., and Kitajima, K.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 357 page: 537-542. 2007
Identification of the nuclear export signals that regulate the intracellular localization of the mouse CMP-sialic acid synthetase. Reviewed
Fujita, A, Sato C, and Kitajima, K.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 355 page: 174-180 2007
The rainbow trout CMP-sialic acid synthetase utilises a nuclear localization signal different from that identified in the mouse enzyme. Reviewed
Tiralongo J, Fujita A, Sato C, Kitajima K, Lehmann F, Oschlies M, Gerardy-Schahn R, Munster-Kuhnel AK
Glycobiology Vol. 17 page: 945-954 2007
シアル酸の構造多様性とその生物学的意義. Invited
北島 健, 郷 慎司, 藤田 明子, 佐藤ちひろ
細胞工学 Vol. 26 page: 629-634 2007
Complex formation of 70-kDa heat shock protein with acidic glycolipids and phospholipids. Reviewed
Harada Y, Sato C, Kitajima K
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Vol. 353 page: 655-660 2007
Membrane microdomain formation is crucial in epiboly during gastrulation of medaka. Reviewed
Adachi, T, Sato, C, Kitajima, K
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 355 page: 174-180 2007
Identification of the nuclear export signals that regulate the intracellular localization of the mouse CMP-sialic acid synthetase. Reviewed
Fujita, A, Sato C, Kitajima, K
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 355 page: 174-180 2007
Hypoxia-enhanced expression of free deaminoneuraminic acid in human cancer cells. Reviewed
Go, S, Sato, C, Yin, J, Kannagi, R, Kitajima, K
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 357 page: 537-542. 2007
Glycobiology of polysialic acids on sea urchin gametes. Invited Reviewed
Miyata, S, Sato, C, Kitajima, K
Trends Glycosci. Glycotech. Vol. 19 page: 83-95 2007
Development of sensitive chemical and immunochemical methods for detecting sulfated sialic acids and their application to glycoconjugates from sea urchin sperm and eggs Reviewed
Yamakawa, N, Sato C, Miyata, S, Maehashi, E, Toriyama, T, Sato, N, Furuhata, K, Kitajima. K
Biochimie Vol. 89 page: 1396-1408 2007
AMPAR removal underlies Abeta-induced synaptic depression and dendritic spine loss.
Hsieh H, Boehm J, Sato C, Iwatsubo T, Tomita T, Sisodia S, Malinow R
Neuron Vol. 52 ( 5 ) page: 831-43 2006.12
Expression and functional importance of the carbohydrate antigen 3D11 in early embryo of medaka, Oryzias latipes
Kitajima Ken, Hara Hiroaki, Adachi Tomoko, Sato Chihiro
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 ( 12 ) page: 1175-1175 2006.12
Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Hironobu Kumita, Masaru Toriyama, Victor D. Vacquier, Ken Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 16 ( 12 ) page: 1229 - 41 2006.12
Z Yasukawa, C Sato, K Sano, H Ogawa, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 16 ( 7 ) page: 651 - 65 2006.7
Hypoxic culture induces expression of Sialin, a sialic acid transporter, and cancer-associated gangliosides containing non-human sialic acid on human cancer cells. , Reviewed
Yin, J., Hashimoto, A., Izawa, M., Miyazaki, K., Chen G-Y., Takematsu, H., Kozutsumi, Y., Suzuki, A., Furuhata, K., Cheng, F.-L. Lin, C.-H., Sato, C., Kitajima, K., and Kannagi, R.
Cancer Res. Vol. 66 page: 2937-2945 2006
Flagellasialin: a novel sulfated alpha2,9-linked polysialic acid glycoprotein of sea urchin sperm flagella. Reviewed
Miyata S, Sato C, Kumita H, Toriyama M, Vacquier VD, Kitajima K.
Glycobiology Vol. 16 page: 1229-12241 2006
*Identification of disialic acid-containing glycoproteins in mouse serum. Reviewed
Yasukawa, Z., Sato, C., Sano, K., Ogawa, H. and Kitajima, K.
Glycobiology Vol. 15 page: 827-837 2006
Involvement of the alpha2,8-polysialyltransferases II/STX and IV/PST in the biosynthesis of polysialic acid chains on the O-linked glycoproteins in rainbow trout ovary. Reviewed
Asahina S, Sato C, Matsuno M, Matsuda T, Colley K, Kitajima K. Asahina S, Sato C, Matsuno M, Matsuda T, Colley K, Kitajima K.
J Biochem. Vol. 140 page: 687-701 2006
Oral ingestion of mannose alters the expression level of deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN) in mouse organs. Reviewed
Go, S., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K.
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 23 page: 411-421 2006
Weaning-induced expression of a milk-fat globule protein, MFG-E8, in mouse mammary glands, as demonstrated by the analyses of its mRNA, protein and phosphatidylserine-binding activity. Reviewed
Nakatani H, Aoki N, Nakagawa Y, Jin-No S, Aoyama K, Oshima K, Ohira S, Sato C, Nadano D, Matsuda T.
Biochem J. Vol. 395 page: 21-30 2006
Weaning-induced expression of a milk-fat globule protein, MFG-E8, in mouse mammary glands, as demonstrated by the analyses of its mRNA, protein and phosphatidylserine-binding activity. Reviewed
Nakatani H, Aoki N, Nakagawa Y, Jin-No S, Aoyama K, Oshima K, Ohira S, Sato C, Nadano D, Matsuda T
Biochem J. Vol. 395 page: 21-30 2006
Hypoxic culture induces expression of Sialin, a sialic acid transporter, and cancer-associated gangliosides containing non-human sialic acid on human cancer cells. , Reviewed
Yin, J, Hashimoto, A, Izawa, M, Miyazaki, K, Chen G-Y, Takematsu, H, Kozutsumi, Y, Suzuki, A, Furuhata, K, Cheng, F.-L. Lin, C.-H, Sato, C, Kitajima, K, Kannagi, R
Cancer Res. Vol. 66 page: 2937-2945 2006
Oral ingestion of mannose alters the expression level of deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN) in mouse organs. Reviewed
Go, S, Sato, C, Kitajima, K
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 23 page: 411-421 2006
Involvement of the alpha2,8-polysialyltransferases II/STX and IV/PST in the biosynthesis of polysialic acid chains on the O-linked glycoproteins in rainbow trout ovary. Reviewed
Asahina S, Sato C, Matsuno M, Matsuda T, Colley K, Kitajima, K, Asahina S, Sato C, Matsuno M, Matsuda T, Colley K, Kitajima K
J Biochem. Vol. 140 page: 687-701 2006
Z Yasukawa, C Sato, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 15 ( 9 ) page: 827 - 37 2005.9
Igura M, Ose T, Obita T, Sato C, Maenaka K, Endo T, Kohda D
Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles - Impaired O-glycan formation in muscular glycoproteins
Tajima Y, Uyama E, Go S, Sato C, Tao N, Kotani M, Hino H, Suzuki A, Sanai Y, Kitajima K, Sakuraba H
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY Vol. 166 ( 4 ) page: 1121-1130 2005.4
Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles - Impaired O-glycan formation in muscular glycoproteins Reviewed
Y Tajima, E Uyama, S Go, C Sato, N Tao, M Kotani, H Hino, A Suzuki, Y Sanai, K Kitajima, H Sakuraba
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY Vol. 166 ( 4 ) page: 1121 - 30 2005.4
Sato C, Naganawa S, Nakamura T, Kumada H, Miura S, Takizawa O, Ishigaki T
JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Vol. 21 ( 3 ) page: 258-262 2005.3
A Fujita, C Sato, AK Munster-Kuhnel, R Gerardy-Schahn, K Kitajima
ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 337 ( 1 ) page: 12 - 21 2005.2
Distal Myopathy with Rimmed Vaculoes. Reviewed
Tajima, Y., Uyama, E., Go, S., Sato, C., Tao, N., Kotani, M., Hino, H., Suzuki, A.,Sanai, Y., Kitajima, K., and Sakuraba, H.
Am. J. Pathol. Vol. 166 page: 1121-1128 2005
Inflammation-dependent changes in α2,3-, α2,6-, and α2,8-sialic acid glycotopes on serum glycoproteins in mouse. Reviewed
Yasukawa, Z., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K.
Glycobiology Vol. 15 page: 827-837 2005
Cell growth stimulating activity of the peptides derived from cortical alveolus glycoproteins of fish egg (hyosophorin)
Maeda Eri, Sato Chihiro, Kitajima Ken
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292-1292 2004.12
Studies on chemical properties of cyclic sialic acid using their synthetic S- and O-glycosides as model compounds
Iwata S, Sato C, Ando H, Kiso M, Kannagi R, Kitajima K
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1163-1163 2004.11
S Miyata, C Sato, S Kitamura, M Toriyama, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 9 ) page: 827 - 40 2004.9
Chain length diversity of sialic acids and its biological significance
Sato C
TRENDS IN GLYCOSCIENCE AND GLYCOTECHNOLOGY Vol. 16 ( 91 ) page: 331-344 2004.9
母乳中に発見された新規ポリシアロ糖タンパク質 : CD36がユニークな糖鎖修飾を受けていることが明らかに
佐藤 ちひろ
化学と生物 Vol. 42 ( 1 ) page: 12-14 2004.1
alpha-C-Mannosyltryptophan is not recognized by conventional mannose-binding lectins Reviewed
T.Nishikawa, S. Kajii, C. Sato, Z. Yasukawa, K. Kitajima, and M. Isobe
Bioorg Med Chem. page: 2343-2348 2004
A major flagellum sialoglycoprotein in sea urchin sperm contains a novel polysialic acid, an α2,9-linked poly-N-acetylneuraminic acid chain, capped by an 8-O-sulfated sialic acid residue Reviewed
S. Miyata, C. Sato, S. Kitamura, S. Toriyama, and K. Kitajima,
Glycobiology Vol. 14 page: 827-840 2004
Specificity of human trans-sialidase as probed with gangliosides. Reviewed
Nikonova, E. Y., Tertov, V. V., Sato, C., Kitajima, K., and Bovin, N. V.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Vol. 14 page: 5161-5164 2004
A newly identified zona pellucida glycoprotein, ZPD and dimeric ZP1 of chicken egg envelope are involved in sperm activation on sperm-egg interaction Reviewed
H. Okumura, Y. Kohno, Y. Iwata, H. Mori, N. Aoki, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, D. Nadano, and T. Matsuda
Biochem. J. Vol. 383 page: 1-9 2004
Development of a simple and efficient method for assaying the CMP-sialic acid synthetase activity using an enzymatic NADH/NAD+ converting system Reviewed
A. Fujita, C. Sato, A.-K. Münster-Kühnel, R. Gerardy-Schahn, and K. Kitajima
Anal. Biochem. Vol. 337 page: 12-21 2004
*Chain length diversity of sialic acids and its biological significance (Review) Invited Reviewed
C. Sato
Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol Vol. 16 page: 331-344 2004
Developmental Expression of a Sialyltransferase Responsible for Sialylation of Cortical Alveolus Glycoprotein During Oogenesis in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Reviewed
S. Asahina, C.Sato, and K. Kitajima
J. Biochem. Vol. 136 page: 189-198 2004
ジシアル酸・オリゴシアル酸・ポリシアル酸の生物学的機能 Invited
Vol. 3 page: 40-47 2004
Specificity of human trans-sialidase as probed with gangliosides. Reviewed
Nikonova, E. Y, Tertov, V. V, Sato, C, Kitajima, K, Bovin, N. V
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Vol. 14 page: 5161-5164 2004
ジシアル酸・オリゴシアル酸・ポリシアル酸の生物学的機能 Invited
Functional Glycomics Vol. 3 page: 40-47 2004
alpha-C-Mannosyltryptophan is not recognized by conventional mannose-binding lectins Reviewed
T.Nishikawa, S. Kajii, C. Sato, Z. Yasukawa, K. Kitajima, M. Isobe
Bioorg Med Chem. page: 2343-2348 2004
A newly identified zona pellucida glycoprotein, ZPD and dimeric ZP1 of chicken egg envelope are involved in sperm activation on sperm-egg interaction Reviewed
H. Okumura, Y. Kohno, Y. Iwata, H. Mori, N. Aoki, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, D. Nadano, T. Matsuda
Biochem. J. Vol. 383 page: 1-9 2004
*Chain length diversity of sialic acids and its biological significance (Review) Invited Reviewed
C. Sato
Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol Vol. 16 page: 331-344 2004
Developmental Expression of a Sialyltransferase Responsible for Sialylation of Cortical Alveolus Glycoprotein During Oogenesis in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Reviewed
S. Asahina, C.Sato, K. Kitajima
J. Biochem. Vol. 136 page: 189-198 2004
Frequent occurrence and biological significance of degree of polymerization in sialic acid
SATO Chihiro
Vol. 75 ( 12 ) page: 1526-1530 2003.12
Frequent occurrence and biological significance of degree of polymerization in sialic acid
Sato C.
Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society Vol. 75 ( 12 ) page: 1526-1530 2003.12
Frequent occurrence and biological significance of degree of polymerization in sialic acid
Sato C
SEIKAGAKU Vol. 75 ( 12 ) page: 1526-1530 2003.12
Discovery of two new polysialoglycoproteins in human and sea urchin. Linkage and length diversities of polysialic acid in animal glycoproteins
Kitajima K, Yabe U, Miyata S, Sato CH
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 13 ( 11 ) page: 844-844 2003.11
E Maehashi, C Sato, K Ohta, Y Harada, T Matsuda, N Hirohashi, WJ Lennarz, K Kitajima
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 278 ( 43 ) page: 42050 - 7 2003.10
[Oligosialic acid: a common carbohydrate epitope in glycoproteins and glycolipids]. Reviewed
Sato C, Kitajima K
Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme Vol. 48 ( 12 ) page: 1730 - 1736 2003.9
U Yabe, C Sato, T Matsuda, K Kitajima
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 278 ( 16 ) page: 13875 - 80 2003.4
Polysialic acid in human milk Reviewed
U. Yabe, C. Sato, T. Matsuda, and K. Kitajima
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 278 page: 13875-13880 2003
ポリシアル酸の鎖長多様性とタンパク質機能 Invited Reviewed
生化学 Vol. 75 page: 1526-1530 2003
糖タンパク質と糖脂質の共通糖鎖オリゴシアル酸の普遍的存在とその意義 Invited
佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
蛋白質・核酸・酵素 Vol. 48 page: 1730-1736 2003
Identification of the sea urchin 350 kDa sperm binding protein as a new sialic acid-binding lectin that belongs to the heat shock protein 110 family. Reviewed
E. Maehashi, C. Sato, K. Ohta, Y. Harada, T., Matsuda, N. Hirohashi, W. J. Lennarz, and K. Kitajima
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 278 page: 42050-42057 2003
ポリシアル酸の鎖長多様性とタンパク質機能 Invited Reviewed
生化学 Vol. 75 page: 1526-1530 2003
糖タンパク質と糖脂質の共通糖鎖オリゴシアル酸の普遍的存在とその意義 Invited
佐藤ちひろ, 北島 健
蛋白質・核酸・酵素 Vol. 48 page: 1730-1736 2003
安川 然太, 佐藤 ちひろ, 松田 幹, 北島 健
生化学 Vol. 74 ( 11 ) page: 1389 - 1389 2002.11
安川 然太, 佐藤 ちひろ, 北島 健
生化学 Vol. 74 ( 8 ) page: 726 - 726 2002.8
*Neuronal differentiation-dependent expression of the disialic acid epitope on CD166 and its involvement in neurite formation in Neuro2A cells. Reviewed
C. Sato, T. Matsuda, and K. Kitajima
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 277 page: 45299-45303 2002
*Neuronal differentiation-dependent expression of the disialic acid epitope on CD166 and its involvement in neurite formation in Neuro2A cells. Reviewed
C. Sato, T. Matsuda, K. Kitajima
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 277 page: 45299-45303 2002
Occurrence of oligosialic acids on integrin alpha(5) subunit and their involvement in cell adhesion to fibronectin
Nadanaka S, Sato C, Kitajima K, Katagiri K, Irie S, Yamagata T
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 276 ( 36 ) page: 33657-33664 2001.9
Identification and adipocyte differentiation-dependent expression of the unique disialic acid residue in an adipose tissue-specific glycoprotein, adipo Q
Sato C, Yasukawa Z, Honda N, Matsuda T, Kitajima K
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 276 ( 31 ) page: 28849-28856 2001.8
脂肪細胞特異的血清タンパク質adipo Qのジ/オリゴシアル酸含有糖鎖の構造
安川 然太, 佐藤 ちひろ, 本田 直輝, 松田 幹, 北島 健
生化学 Vol. 73 ( 8 ) page: 695 - 695 2001.8
Identification and adipocyte differentiation-dependent expression of the unique disialic acid residues in an adipose tissue specific glycoprotein, adipo Q Reviewed
"C. Sato, Z. Yasukawa, N. Honda, T. Matsuda, and K. Kitajima"
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 276 page: 28849-28856 2001.1
Occurrence of oligosialic acids on integrin a5 subunit and their involvement in cell adhesion to fibronectin. Reviewed
"S. Nadanaka, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, K. Katagiri, S. Irie, and T. Yamagata 276 (2001) in press"
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 276 page: 33657-33664 2001.1
Identification and adipocyte differentiation-dependent expression of the unique disialic acid residues in an adipose tissue specific glycoprotein, adipo Q Reviewed
C. Sato, Z. Yasukawa, N. Honda, T. Matsuda, K. Kitajima
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 276 page: 28849-28856 2001.1
Occurrence of oligosialic acids on integrin a5 subunit and their involvement in cell adhesion to fibronectin. Reviewed
S. Nadanaka, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, K. Katagiri, S. Irie, T. Yamagat, in press
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 276 page: 33657-33664 2001.1
ウシ胎児血清糖タンパク質adipo Qの精製とそのジシアル酸含有糖鎖の同定
安川 然太, 佐藤 ちひろ, 本田 直輝, 松田 幹, 北島 健
生化学 Vol. 72 ( 8 ) page: 719 - 719 2000.8
Frequent occurrence of pre-existing alpha 2 -> 8-linked disialic and oligosialic acids with chain lengths up to 7 Sia residues in mammalian brain glycoproteins - Prevalence revealed by highly sensitive chemical methods and anti-di-, oligo-, and poly-Sia antibodies specific for defined chain lengths
Sato C, Fukuoka H, Ohta K, Matsuda T, Koshino R, Kobayashi K, Troy FA, Kitajima K
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 275 ( 20 ) page: 15422-15431 2000.5
Co-localization of receptor and transducer proteins in the glycosphingolipid-enriched, low density, detergent-insoluble membrane fraction of sea urchin sperm. Reviewed
"K. Ohta,, C. Sato, T. Matsuda, M. Toriyama, V. D. Vacquier, W. J.Lennarz, and K. Kitajima"
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 17 page: 205-214 2000.1
*Frequent occurrence of pre-existing alpha2,8-linked disialic and oligosialic acids with chain lengths up to 7 Sia residues in mammalian brain glycoproteins. Reviewed
"C. Sato, H. Fukuoka, K. Ohta, T. Matsuda, R. Koshino, K. Kobayashi, F. A. Troy II, and K. Kitajima"
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 275 (20) page: 15422-15431 2000.1
*Frequent occurrence of pre-existing alpha2,8-linked disialic and oligosialic acids with chain lengths up to 7 Sia residues in mammalian brain glycoproteins. Reviewed
C. Sato, H. Fukuoka, K. Ohta, T. Matsuda, R. Koshino, K. Kobayashi, F. A. Troy II, K. Kitajima
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 275 (20) page: 15422-15431 2000.1
Co-localization of receptor and transducer proteins in the glycosphingolipid-enriched, low density, detergent-insoluble membrane fraction of sea urchin sperm. Reviewed
K. Ohta, C. Sato, T. Matsuda, M. Toriyama, V. D. Vacquier, W. J.Lennarz, K. Kitajima
Glycoconjugate J. Vol. 17 page: 205-214 2000.1
Co-localization of receptor and transducer proteins in the glycosphingolipid-enriched, low density, detergent-insoluble membrane fraction of sea urchin sperm
Ohta K, Sato C, Matsuda T, Toriyama M, Vacquier VD, Lennarz WJ, Kitajima K
GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL Vol. 17 ( 3-4 ) page: 205-214 2000
Lipid raft on gametic cells as a functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction Reviewed
K Ohta, C Sato, T Matsuda, M Toriyama, VD Vacquier, N Hirohashi, WJ Lennarz, K Kitajima
ZYGOTE Vol. 8 page: S63 - S63 2000
Glycobiology of di- and oligosialyl glycotopes
Sato C, Kitajima K
TRENDS IN GLYCOSCIENCE AND GLYCOTECHNOLOGY Vol. 11 ( 62 ) page: 371-390 1999.11
Cholesterol-dependent localization of NAP-22 on a neuronal membrane microdomain (Raft)
Maekawa S, Sato C, Kitajima K, Funatsu N, Kumanogoh H, Sokawa Y
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 274 ( 30 ) page: 21369-21374 1999.7
Isolation and characterization of low density detergent-insoluble membrane (LD-DIM) fraction from sea urchin sperm
Ohta K, Sato C, Matsuda T, Toriyama M, Lennarz WJ, Kitajima K
A 42-kDa glycoprotein from chicken egg-envelope, an avian homolog of the ZPC family glycoproteins in mammalian zona pellucida - Its first identification, cDNA cloning and granulosa cell-specific expression
Takeuchi Y, Nishimura K, Aoki N, Adachi T, Sato C, Kitajima K, Matsuda T
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 260 ( 3 ) page: 736-742 1999.3
Fluorescent-assisted detection of oligosialyl units in glycoconjugates
Sato C, Inoue S, Matsuda T, Kitajima K
ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 266 ( 1 ) page: 102-109 1999.1
Glycobiology of di and oligosialyl glycotopes. Invited Reviewed
"C. Sato, and K. Kitajima"
Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. Vol. 11 page: 371-390 1999.1
A 42-kDa glycoprotein from chicken egg-envelope, an avian homolog of the ZPC family glycoproteins in mammalian zona pellucida. Its first identification, cDNA cloning and granulosa cell-specific expression. Reviewed
"T. Takeuchi, K. Nishimura, N. Aoki, T. Adachi, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, and T. Matsuda"
Eur. J. Biochem. Vol. 273 page: 21526-21530 1999.1
Cholesterol-dependent localization of NAP-22 on a neuronal membrane microdomain (Raft). Reviewed
"S. Maekawa, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, H. Kumanogoh, N. Funatsu, and Y. Sokawa"
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 274 page: 21369-21374 1999.1
Isolation and characterization of low density detergent-insoluble membrane (LD-DIM) fraction from sea urchin sperm. Reviewed
"K. Ohta, C. Sato, T. Matsuda, M. Toriyama, W. J. Lennarz, and K. Kitajima"
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 258 page: 616-623 1999.1
Fluorescent-assisted detection of oligosialyl units in glycoconjugates. Reviewed
"C. Sato, S. Inoue, T. Matsuda, and K. Kitajima"
Anal. Biochem. Vol. 267 page: 102-109 1999.1
A 42-kDa glycoprotein from chicken egg-envelope, an avian homolog of the ZPC family glycoproteins in mammalian zona pellucida. Its first identification, cDNA cloning and granulosa cell-specific expression. Reviewed
T. Takeuchi, K. Nishimura, N. Aoki, T. Adachi, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, T. Matsuda
Eur. J. Biochem. Vol. 273 page: 21526-21530 1999.1
Cholesterol-dependent localization of NAP-22 on a neuronal membrane microdomain (Raft). Reviewed
S. Maekawa, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, H. Kumanogoh, N. Funatsu, Y. Sokawa
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 274 page: 21369-21374 1999.1
Fluorescent-assisted detection of oligosialyl units in glycoconjugates. Reviewed
C. Sato, S. Inoue, T. Matsuda, K. Kitajima
Anal. Biochem. Vol. 267 page: 102-109 1999.1
Isolation and characterization of low density detergent-insoluble membrane (LD-DIM) fraction from sea urchin sperm. Reviewed
K. Ohta, C. Sato, T. Matsuda, M. Toriyama, W. J. Lennarz, K. Kitajima
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol. 258 page: 616-623 1999.1
Glycobiology of di and oligosialyl glycotopes. Invited Reviewed
C. Sato, K. Kitajima
Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. Vol. 11 page: 371-390 1999.1
Development of a highly sensitive chemical method for detecting alpha 2 -> 8-linked oligo/polysialic acid residues in glycoproteins blotted on the membrane
Sato C, Inoue S, Matsuda T, Kitajima K
ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 261 ( 2 ) page: 191-197 1998.8
Identification of oligo-N-glycolylneuraminic acid residues in mammal-derived glycoproteins by a newly developed immunochemical reagent and biochemical methods
Sato C, Kitajima K, Inoue S, Inoue Y
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 273 ( 5 ) page: 2575-2582 1998.1
Identification of oligo-N-glycolylneuraminic acid residues in mammal-derived glycoproteins by a newly developed immunochemical reagent and biochemical methods. Reviewed
"C. Sato, K. Kitajima, S. Inoue, and Y. Inoue"
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 273 page: 2575-2582 1998.1
Development of a highly sensitive chemical method to detect a2ョ8-linked oligo/polysialic acid residues in glycoproteins blotted on the membrane. Reviewed
"C. Sato, S. Inoue, T. Matsuda, and K. Kitajima"
Anal. Biochem. Vol. 261 page: 191-197 1998.1
Development of a highly sensitive chemical method to detect a2ョ8-linked oligo/polysialic acid residues in glycoproteins blotted on the membrane. Reviewed
C. Sato, S. Inoue, T. Matsuda, K. Kitajima
Anal. Biochem. Vol. 261 page: 191-197 1998.1
Identification of oligo-N-glycolylneuraminic acid residues in mammal-derived glycoproteins by a newly developed immunochemical reagent and biochemical methods. Reviewed
C. Sato, K. Kitajima, S. Inoue, Y. Inoue
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 273 page: 2575-2582 1998.1
Occurrence of terminal alpha 2->8-linked disialylated poly-N-acetyllactosamine chains with Le(X) and I antigenic glycotopes in tetraantennary arms of an N-linked glycoprotein isolated from rainbow trout ovarian fluid Reviewed
Y Funakoshi, T Taguchi, C Sato, K Kitajima, S Inoue, HR Morris, A Dell, Y Inoue
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 7 ( 2 ) page: 195 - 205 1997.3
Occurrence of terminal alpha2,8-linked disialylated poly-N-acetyllactosamine chains with LeX and I antigenic glycotopes in tetraantennary arms of an N-linked glycoprotein isolated from rainbow trout ovarian fluid. Reviewed
"Y. Funakoshi, T. Taguchi, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, S. Inoue, H. R. Morris, A. Dell, and Y. Inoue"
Glycobiology Vol. 7 page: 195-205 1997.1
Characterization of the antigenic specificity of four different anti-(alpha2,8-linked polysialic acid) antibodies using lipid-conjugated oligo/polysialic acids. Reviewed
"C. Sato, K. Kitajima, S. Inoue, T. Seki, F. A. Troy, II, and Y. Inoue"
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 270 page: 18923-18928 1995.1
Characterization of the antigenic specificity of four different anti-(alpha2,8-linked polysialic acid) antibodies using lipid-conjugated oligo/polysialic acids. Reviewed
C. Sato, K. Kitajima, S. Inoue, T. Seki, F. A. Troy, II, Y. Inoue
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 270 page: 18923-18928 1995.1
Structural diversity in a2,8-linked polysialic acid chains in salmonid fish egg glycoproteins. Reviewed
C. Sato, K. Kitajima, I. Tazawa, Y. Inoue, S. Inoue, and F. A. Troy, II
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 268 page: 23675-23684 1993
Structural diversity in a2,8-linked polysialic acid chains in salmonid fish egg glycoproteins. Reviewed
C. Sato, K. Kitajima, I. Tazawa, Y. Inoue, S. Inoue, F. A. Troy, II
J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 268 page: 23675-23684 1993
Role of Polysialic Acid in Schizophrenia
Sato C., Hane M., Kitajima K.
Comprehensive Glycoscience: Second Edition 2021.6 ( ISBN:9780128222447 )
Polysialic acid as an integrative decoder in nervous and reproductive systems
Sato C., Kitajima K.
Glycome: The Hidden Code in Biology 2021.4 ( ISBN:9781536194371 )
北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ, 門松 健治, 加藤 晃一 ( Role: Joint author)
名古屋大学出版会 2020 ( ISBN:9784815809812 )
ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha- 2,8-sialyltransferase 2 (ST8SIA2)
Sato C.
Handbook of Glycosyltransferases and Related Genes, Second Edition 2014.1 ( ISBN:9784431542391 )
Sato C.
Sialobiology: Structure, Biosynthesis and Function. Sialic Acid Glycoconjugates in Health and Disease 2013.8 ( ISBN:9781608050673 )
Advanced Technologies in Sialic Acid and Sialoglycoconjugate Analysis in Top Curr Chem
Kitajima K, Varki N, Sato C.( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2015
Advanced Technologies in Sialic Acid and Sialoglycoconjugate Analysis in Top Curr Chem
Kitajima K, Varki N, Sato C( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2015
Frontal Affinity Chromatography in the Methods in Molecular Biology
Sato, C. ( Role: Sole author)
Springer 2014
Flagellasialin in the Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine
Kanazawa, T., Suzuki, E., Miyata, S., Sato, C. and Kitajima, K. ( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2014
Polysialyltransferase assay in the Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine
Hane, M., Kitajima, K. and Sato, C. ( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2014
Polysialic acid in the Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine
Sato, C. and Kitajima, K. ( Role: Joint author)
Springer, 2014
ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2 (ST8SIA2)in Handbook of Glycosyltransferases and related genes
Sato C( Role: Sole author)
Springer 2014
ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2 (ST8SIA2)in Handbook of Glycosyltransferases and related genes
Sato C( Role: Sole author)
Springer 2014
Flagellasialin in the Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine
Kanazawa, T, Suzuki, E, Miyata, S, Sato, C, Kitajima, K( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2014
Polysialyltransferase assay in the Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine
Hane, M, Kitajima, K, Sato, C( Role: Joint author)
Springer 2014
Polysialic acid in the Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine
Sato, C, Kitajima, K( Role: Joint author)
Springer, 2014
Frontal Affinity Chromatography in the Methods in Molecular Biology
Sato, C( Role: Sole author)
Springer 2014
Sialobiology: Structure, Function and Biosynthesis
Sato C( Role: Joint author)
Bentham Science 2013
Sialobiology: Structure, Function and Biosynthesis
Sato C( Role: Joint author)
Bentham Science 2013
Methods in Enzymology・ Analysis of glycan-protein interaction by frontal affinity chromatography and Biacore.
Sato, C., Yamakawa, N., and Kitajima, K.( Role: Joint author)
Elsevir science 2010
Methods in Enzymology・ Analysis of glycan-protein interaction by frontal affinity chromatography and Biacore.
Sato, C, Yamakawa, N, Kitajima, K( Role: Joint author)
Elsevir science 2010
Carbohydrate Recognition: Biological problems, methods, and applications
Ken Kitajima and Chihiro Sato (Editors: Binghe Wang, Geer-Jan Boons)( Role: Joint author)
John Wiley and Sons 2009
Carbohydrate Recognition: Biological problems, methods, and applications
Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Binghe Wang, Geer-Jan Boons( Role: Joint author)
John Wiley and Sons 2009
Membrane microdomain as a platform of carbohydrate-mediated interactions during early development of medaka fish.
Adachi, T., Sato, C., and Kitajima, K.( Role: Joint author)
Glycoscience Lab Manual・Structure analysis of oligo/polysialic acid
C. Sato and K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
Glycoscience Lab Manual・Labeling of oligosialic acid
C. Sato( Role: Joint author)
Glycoscience Lab Manual・Labeling of oligosialic acid
C. Sato( Role: Joint author)
Membrane microdomain as a platform of carbohydrate-mediated interactions during early development of medaka fish.
Adachi, T, Sato, C, Kitajima, K( Role: Joint author)
Glycoscience Lab Manual・Structure analysis of oligo/polysialic acid
C. Sato, K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
遺伝子医学MOOK 糖鎖と病気・ポリシアル酸
佐藤ちひろ、北島 健( Role: Joint author)
メディカルデュー 2005
( Role: Joint author)
金芳堂 2005
( Role: Joint author)
金芳堂 2005
遺伝子医学MOOK 糖鎖と病気・ポリシアル酸
佐藤ちひろ, 北島 健( Role: Joint author)
メディカルデュー 2005
Recent Research Developments in Analytical Biochemistry・Detection of di/oligo/polysialic acid units in glycoproteins
"C. Sato, and K. Kitajima"( Role: Joint author)
Transworld research network 2002
Recent Research Developments in Analytical Biochemistry・Detection of di/oligo/polysialic acid units in glycoproteins
C. Sato, K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
Transworld research network 2002
Leukocyte typing VII・Carbohydrate-recognizing monoclonal antibodies as revealed by ELISA using phosphatidylethanolamine-conjugated oligosaccharides as antigens
C. Sato and K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
Leukocyte typing VII・Oligosialic acid as a differentiation-associated antigen in human haematopoietic cell line HL60.
C. Sato and K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
Leukocyte typing VII・Carbohydrate-recognizing monoclonal antibodies as revealed by ELISA using phosphatidylethanolamine-conjugated oligosaccharides as antigens
C. Sato, K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
Leukocyte typing VII・Oligosialic acid as a differentiation-associated antigen in human haematopoietic cell line HL60.
C. Sato, K. Kitajima( Role: Joint author)
Sialobiology and Other Novel Form of Glycosylation・Occurrence of a2,8-linked oligosialic acid residues in mammalian glycoproteins.
K. Kitajima, C. Sato, N. Honda, T. Matsuda, M.-H. Yokoyama, B. E. Close, and K. J. Colley( Role: Joint author)
Gakushin 1999
Sialobiology and Other Novel Form of Glycosylation・Occurrence of a2,8-linked oligosialic acid residues in mammalian glycoproteins.
K. Kitajima, C. Sato, N. Honda, T. Matsuda, M.-H. Yokoyama, B. E. Close, K. J. Colley( Role: Joint author)
Gakushin 1999
KDN(=デアミノノイラミン酸)-転移酸素およびポリKDN-転移酵素の研究 : 各種KDN-転移酵素の利用による機能性KDN-複合糖質の造成と活用
井上 康男( Role: Sole author)
井上康男 1994
KDN(=デアミノノイラミン酸)-転移酸素およびポリKDN-転移酵素の研究 : 各種KDN-転移酵素の利用による機能性KDN-複合糖質の造成と活用
井上 康男( Role: Sole author)
井上康男 1994
武智美奈, 大島健司, 灘野大太, 松田幹, 佐藤ちひろ, 北島健, 北川裕之, 宮田真路, 宮田真路
日本生化学会大会(Web) Vol. 92nd 2019
Binding Activity of Hsp70 toward Acidic Glycoconjugates : An Unexpected Role of Sugars
Vol. 55 ( 1 ) page: 22 - 26 2017.1
The Out of Africa and mental disorders: Adaptation with reduction in STX promoter activity
Naoko Fujito, Yoko Satta, Masaya Hane, Atsushi Matsui, Kenta Yashima, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Naoyuki Takahata, Toshiyuki Hayakawa
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS Vol. 91 ( 6 ) page: 343 - 343 2016.12
A Uniquely Human Evolutionary Change in ST8Sia-II Impacts Enzyme Stability and Polysialic Acid Function
Michael Vaill, Masaya Hane, Yuko Naito-Matsui, Sandra Diaz, Leela Davies, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Ajit Varki
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 26 ( 12 ) page: 1423 - 1423 2016.12
Spread of reduced activity of STX promoter throughout Great Journey
Naoko Fujito, Yoko Satta, Masaya Hane, Atsushi Matsui, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Toshiyuki Hayakawa
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS Vol. 90 ( 6 ) page: 379 - 379 2015.12
Adaptive evolution of the promoter region of the Sialyltransferase 8B (STX) gene
Naoko T. Fujito, Toshiyuki Hayakawa, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Yoko Satta
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS Vol. 89 ( 6 ) page: 327 - 327 2014.12
The Synthesis of Sialo-containing Glycopolymers by pi-Allyl Nickel Catalyzed Coordination Polymerization
Shuichi Ohira, Yu Yasuda, Chihiro Sato, Ken KItajima, Ikuyoshi Tomita, Takashi Takahashi, Hiroshi Tanaka
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1119 - 1120 2014.11
Insight into single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the polysialyltransferase ST8SIA2/STX in psychiatric disorders
Masaya Hane, Saki Nishimura, Toshiyuki Hayakawa, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1206 - 1206 2014.11
An anti-schizophrenic drug affects the surface expression of polySia-NCAM in IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cells
Saki Nishimura, Masaya Hane, Yuki Niimi, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1193 - 1193 2014.11
Functional analysis of tissue-specific post-translational modification of springtime hormone TSH
時間生物学 Vol. 20 ( 2 ) page: 114 2014.10
新美百希, 羽根正弥, 西村紗希, 宮田真路, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ
日本糖質学会年会要旨集 Vol. 33rd page: 144 2014.7
羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 長江雅倫, 池田明美, 山口芳樹, 北島健, 北島健, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ
日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web) Vol. 2014 2014
Polysialic acid on flagellasialin is involved in sperm motility
Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Hironobu Kumita, Masaru Toriyama, Ken Kitajima
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 ( 12 ) page: 1171 - 1171 2006.12
An N-terminal 130 kDa fragment of a fourth sea urchin sperm receptor for egg jelly module protein, REJ4, is secreted during acrosome reaction
Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Masaru Toriyama, Ken Kitajama
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 22 ( 12 ) page: 1456 - 1456 2005.12
Capacitation-induced changes of the surface distribution of sialoglycotopes on pig sperm
Lian Xue, Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 22 ( 12 ) page: 1456 - 1456 2005.12
せつ蓮, 宮田真路, 佐藤ちひろ, 北島健
生化学 Vol. 77 ( 6 ) page: 571 2005.6
The 130 kDa glycoprotein is secreted from sperm during acrosome reaction of sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
Shinji Miyata, Chihiro Sato, Masaru Toriyama, Noritaka Hirohashi, Victor Vacquier, Ken Kitajima
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 - 1292 2004.12
A major ganglioside from Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus sperm specifically interacts with phospholipids
Nao Yamakawa, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Vol. 21 ( 12 ) page: 1292 - 1292 2004.12
Development of sensitive chemical and immunochemical methods for detecting sulfated sialic acids and their application to localization and quantitation studies of sea urchin sperm and eggs
N Yamakawa, E Maehashi, S Miyata, C Sato, K Furuhata, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1146 - 1146 2004.11
Occurrence and characterization of a novel sulfated alpha 2,9-linked polysialic acid-containing glycoprotein in sea urchin sperm flagellum
S Miyata, C Sato, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1146 - 1146 2004.11
Mouse T cell CD166 is a disialic acid-containing glycoprotein and involved in T cell activation
C Sato, K Nohara, T Matsuda, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1136 - 1136 2004.11
Mouse heat shock protein 70 recognizes negatively charged glycolipids and phospholipids
Y Harada, C Sato, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1101 - 1102 2004.11
Effects of exogenously administered mannose and deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN) to mice or murine cultured cells on the metabolism of KDN
S Go, C Sato, K Kitajima
GLYCOBIOLOGY Vol. 14 ( 11 ) page: 1166 - 1167 2004.11
前橋絵梨, 宮田真路, 松本晴美, 松田幹, 佐藤ちひろ, 北島健
生化学 Vol. 74 ( 8 ) page: 777 2002.8
Effects of genetic and environmental factors on the expression of polysialic acid from the view points of mental disorders International conference
Chihiro SATO
Gordon Reserach Conference 2023.3
遺伝的及び環境要因による糖鎖発現制御から脳の健康を考える Invited
第11回グライコバイオロジクス研究会 2021.1.21 第11回グライコバイオロジクス研究会
畑中理菜、荒木映莉乃、羽根正弥、Wu Di、北島健、佐藤ちひろ
第93回日本生化学会大会 2020.9.14 日本生化学会
高橋佑佳、阿部智佳羅、羽根正弥、呉迪、北島 健、佐藤ちひろ
第84回日本生化学会中部支部例会 2020.9.14 日本生化学会中部支部
第93回日本生化学会大会 2020.9.14 日本生化学会
小野明日香、金戸幸弘、北島 健、佐藤ちひろ
Polysialic acid is not a negative regulator any longer in neurogenesis and neuronal functions: A new finding of its binding to a particular group of neurotransmitters. International conference
Ken Kitajima, Ryo Isomura, and Chihiro Sato
Gordon Research Conference on Glycobiology,
抗ジシアル酸抗体が認識する急性期タンパク質の同定. International conference
ポリシアル酸は特定の神経伝達物質と相互作用する. International conference
mAb.A2B5の抗原特異性の決定とマウス脳発達段階におけるmAb.A2B5反応性オリゴシアル酸含有糖タンパク質の発現解析 International conference
酸性多糖と神経栄養因子との相互作用解析. International conference
哺乳類シアロ糖タンパク質のデアミノノイラミン酸 (KDN) 修飾糖タンパク質への改変.
Novel insights into the novel binding sites of the sialic acid biding Ig-like lectin-7 (Siglec-7) gained by in silico docking studies. International conference
A one-day symposium on Sialyltransferases, Functional Glycomics, and Genomics of Zebrafish,
Membrane microdomains from early gastrula embryos of medaka are a platform of E-cadherin- and LeX-mediated cell-cell interactions during epiboly. 14th
Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting
金戸幸広、北島 健、佐藤ちひろ
藤田明子, 佐藤ちひろ, Tiralongo, Joe, Münster-Kühnel, Anja K., Gerardy-Schahn, Rita, 北島健
Complex formation between polysialic acid and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). International conference
Chihiro Sato, Yukihiro Kanato, and Ken Kitajima:
24th International Carbohydrate Symposium,
In vitro and in silico docking studies of heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 with sulfatide. International conference
Nao Yamakawa, Yoichiro Harada, Chihiro Sato, Gerard Vergoten, Ken Kitajima
24th International Carbohydrate Symposium,
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor binds to polysialic acid directly depending on degree of polymerization. International conference
Yukihiro Kanato, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
SialoGlyco Conference 2008
New Findings on the Expression of Non-human Sialic Acid Neu5Gc, and KDN in Cultured Human Cells. International conference
SialoGlyco Conference 2008
Occurrence of the Cyclic Sialic Acid in Mammalian Cells and Tissues As Demonstrated by Chemical Methods. International conference
K. Kitajima, S.Iwata, N. Kawakami, C. Sato, H. Ando, H. Ohno, H. Ishida, M. Kiso, O. Taguchi, R. Kannagi:
SialoGlyco Conference 2008
One-pot Enzymatic Synthesis of CMP-[14C]deaminoneuraminic Acid (KDN). International conference
Yuko Nakajima, Akiko Fujita, Chihiro Sato, and Ken Kitajima
SialoGlyco Conference 2008
In silico binding studies predict novel sialic acid binding sites on the sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin-7 (Siglec-7) International conference
Nao Yamakawa, Chihiro Sato, Paul R. Crocker, Gérard Vergoten, and Ken Kitajima: I
SialoGlyco Conference 2008
Identification of the nuclear export signals that regulate the intracellular localization of the mouse CMP-sialic acid synthetase. International conference
Akiko Fujita, Chihiro Sato, and Ken Kitajima
SialoGlyco Conference 2008
山川奈緒、原田陽一郎、佐藤ちひろ、Gerard Vergoten、北島健
マウスCMP-シアル酸合成酵素の核外移行シグナル (NES) の同定
藤田明子、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
藤田明子, 佐藤ちひろ, Tiralongo, Joe, Münster-Kühnel, Anja K., Gerardy-Schahn, Rita, 北島健
山川 奈緒、原田陽一郎、佐藤ちひろ、Gerard Vergoten, 北島 健
Short-term regulation of polysialic acid expression in microglia
Gordon Research Conference on Glycobiology
A rapid clearance of polysialic acid on microglia by inflammatory stimulation International conference
3rd International Meeting on polysialic acid
佐藤ちひろ、矢部宇一郎、安川然太1,2、宮田真路、澤田 誠、北島 健
文科省特定領域研究 糖鎖によるタンパク質と分子複合体の機能調節 第5回公開シンポジウム
安川然太、佐野琴音、小川温子、北島 健、佐藤ちひろ
藤田 明子、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
岩田章子、川上信彦、佐藤ちひろ、安藤弘宗、木曽 真、神奈木玲児、北島 健
原田陽一郎、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
原田陽一郎、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
第27回 日本糖質学会年会
川上信彦、岩田章子、佐藤ちひろ、安藤弘宗、木曽 真、神奈木玲児、北島健
糖鎖科学名古屋拠点 若手の力フォーラム 第5回
朝比奈慎二、佐藤ちひろ、松野みどり、松田 幹、Karen, J. Colley, 北島 健
糖鎖科学名古屋拠点 若手の力フォーラム 第4回
第5回 糖鎖分科会
文科省特定領域研究 糖鎖によるタンパク質と分子複合体の機能調節 第四回公開シンポジウム
郷 慎司、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
第26回 日本糖質学会年会
宮田真路, 佐藤ちひろ, 久美田紘信, 鳥山 優, 北島 健
北島 健、原 弘明、足立朋子、佐藤ちひろ:
Polysialic acid on microglia cell and its clearance after LPS-induced activation.
Sialoglycoscience 2006
Discovery of polysialic acid in microglia. Expression changes of α2,8-polysialyltransferses during activation of a mouse microglia cell line. International conference
5th International Symposium on Glycosyltransferases
矢部宇一郎、北島 健、霜田 靖、渡邊 和忠 澤田 誠、佐藤ちひろ
An essential role of carbohydrate-enriched membrane microdomains (rafts) in gastrulation of medaka fish, Oryzias latipes. International conference
Gordon Research Conference on Glycobiology
Milk CD36 Hannah Research Institute International conference
Nagoya University Joint Workshop on Animal Biotechnology
文科省特定領域研究 糖鎖によるタンパク質と分子複合体の機能調節 第三回夏期シンポジウム
Significance of membrane microdomains in the carbohydrate-dependent cell-cell interactions during early development of medaka fish.
The 2nd Japan-The Netherlands Glycobiology Symposium.
Biosynthesis and subcellular localiztion of deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN) in mammalian cells. International conference
The 18th International Symposium on Glycoconjugates.
Demonstration of N-glycan-binding activity of HSP70 and its importance in the chaperoning activity.
The 18th International Symposium on Glycoconjugates.
Development of a chemical method for detecting a unique sialic acid, cyclic neuraminic acid, in naturally-occurring sialyl glycoconjugates. International conference
矢部宇一郎、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
宮田真路, 佐藤ちひろ, 久美田紘信, 鳥山 優, Victor D. Vacquier, 北島 健
安川然太、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
第3回糖鎖科学名古屋拠点 若手の力
足立朋子、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
第3回糖鎖科学名古屋拠点 若手の力
Chain Length Diversity of Sialic Acids and Its Biological Significance
SATO Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
Preface for the Special Issue Entitled “New Waves in Sialobioscience”
Sato Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
Occurrence of a novel 8-O-sulfated Neu5Ac-capped a2,8-linked polyNeu5Ac chains in the sea urchin sperm flagella glycoprotein
ウニ卵局在精子結合タンパク質 (SBP)のレクチン活性
鳥類卵膜マトリクスの in vitro での再形成:糖タンパク質ZP1とZPCの特異的会合
松原 毅、青木直人、佐藤ちひろ、灘野大太、松田 幹
中谷 肇、青山康二、青木直人、佐藤ちひろ、灘野大太、松田 幹
Study on the uptake of deaminoneuraminic acid (KDN) by mammalian cells
Glycolipid- and phospholipid-binding activity of heat shock protein 70
Identification and characterization of a new heat shock protein-like lectin on the egg surface of sea urchin International conference
21st International Lectin Meeting
Expression of the disialic acid structure on glycoproteins during T cell activation International conference
Sialobiology 2004
Roles of carbohydrate-mediated lipid raft-lipid raft interactions in early development of medaka, Oryzias latipes
Discovery of two new polysialoglycoproteins in human and sea urchin. Linkage and length diversities of polysialic acid in animal glycoproteins. International conference
Annual Conference of the Society for Glycobiology
矢部 宇一郎、佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
郷 慎司、佐藤ちひろ、池田素子、小林迪弘、松田 幹、北島 健
矢部宇一郎, 佐藤ちひろ, 松田 幹, 北島 健
西川俊夫、梶井重男、和田享子、石川 幸、磯部 稔、佐藤ちひろ、安川然太、北島 健
宮田真路, 佐藤ちひろ, 鳥山 優、北島 健
足立朋子、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
Characterization of a disialic acid-containing glycoprotein expressed on neural cells
佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
Sialic acid-mediated interactions at sea urchin International conference
The Third Pan-Pacific Conference on Sialoglycoscience and Other Novel Forms of Glycosylation
郷 慎司、仲田大輔、佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
朝比奈慎二、佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
朝比奈慎二、松野みどり、佐藤ちひろ、北島 健
足立朋子、佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、戸谷一英、村田健臣、碓氷泰一、北島 健
第73回 日本動物学会年会
宮田真路、前橋絵梨、太田薫、佐藤ちひろ、松田幹、北島 健
第73回 日本動物学会年会
Sialic acid-dependent raft-raft interactions at fertilization International conference
XVIth International Symposium on glycoconjugates
Identification of a new diSia-containing glycoprotein (adipoQ) in bovine and mouse sera International conference
XVIth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates
"Identification of adipo Q, an adipocyte-specific glycoprotein, as a new oligosialic acid-containing glycoprotein and a possible substrate for the a2,8-sialyltransferase III (ST8SiaIII)." International conference
"International Symposium on Protein Traffic, Glycosylation, and Human Health"
北島 健、前橋絵梨、太田 薫、佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、鳥山 優
ニジマス卵巣2,6-シアル酸転移酵素のcDNAクローニングと組み換え体酵素の 性質
朝比奈慎二、佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
血清糖タンパク質におけるジシアル酸およびオリゴシアル酸残基の 同定および生合成
佐藤ちひろ、安川然太、本田直輝、松田 幹、北島 健
Roles of Membrane Microdomains (Rafts) in Sperm-Egg Interaction. International conference
Second Canada-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Human Reproduction and Reproductive Biology
"Expression and glycosylation of a major, carbohydrate-rich, cortical alveolus glycoprotein (hyosophorin) during oogenesis of medaka fish, Oryzias latipes" International conference
3rd International Symposium of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Egg and Embryo
Di- and oligosialic acids as novel carbohydrate epitopes in leukocytes International conference
7th Conference on human leukocyte differentiation antigens
Membrane microdomains are involved in carbohydrate-dependent sperm-egg interaction in sea urchin International conference
3rd International Symposium of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Egg and Embryo
脂肪細胞の分化に伴うジおよびオリゴシアル酸含有糖タンパク質とα2,8-シアル酸 転移酵素の発現変化
佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
Lipid raft on gametic cells as a functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction International conference
The International Symposium on Development and Fertilization of Sea Urchin and Marine Invertebrates
Egg receptor for sperm binds to gangliosides in the low density detergent-insoluble membrane (LD-DIM) domain of the sperm surface. Possible involvement of the LD-DIM in sperm-egg binding coupled with signal transduction during fertilization. International conference
XVth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates
Glycosphingolipid enriched microdomain on gametic cells as functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction International conference
Gordon Research Conference on Fertilization and Activation of the Development
佐藤ちひろ、松田 幹、北島 健
"Expression of a2,8-linked oligosialic acid-containing glycoproteins in mammalian cells, depending on development, cell differentiation, and overexpression of polysialyltransferase genes." International conference
XIXth International Carbohydrate Symposium
Frequent occurrence of oligosialyl units in vertebrate glycoproteins as evidenced by new chemical and immunochemical methods. International conference
XIVth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates
佐藤ちひろ、福岡秀幸、松田幹、井上貞子、井上康男、北島 健
佐藤ちひろ、北島 健、古川清、井上貞子、井上康男
北島 健、佐藤ちひろ、福岡秀幸、松田幹、越野理香、小林一清、井上貞子、井上康男
井上貞子、北島 健、金森審子、佐藤ちひろ、Marti Ziak、Baoxi Qu、Xulei Zuo、Christian Zuber、Jurgen Roth、井上康男
佐藤ちひろ、北島 健、井上康男、井上貞子
Unique structures and structural chains of the cortical alveolar-derived glycopolyproteins in fish eggs upon fertilization and during early development. International conference
3rd International Marine Biotechnology Conference
佐藤ちひろ、北島 健、井上康男、井上貞子
Diversity of polysialic acids structure in polysialoglycoproteins of Salmonidae fish eggs: Occurrence of α2→8-linked Poly(Neu5Ac), Poly(Neu5Gc), Poly(KDN), Poly(Neu5Ac,Neu5Gc), and their partially O-acetylated derivatives. International conference
International Symposium on Polysialic Acid
Polysialic acids in animals. International conference
6th the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists Congress
ポリシアロ糖タンパク質における α2→8 結合ポリシアル酸構造の多様性
佐藤ちひろ、北島 健、田沢一朗、井上康男、井上貞子
Discovery of a new acid-binding site of Siglec-7 that frequently occurs among CD33-like Siglecs. International coauthorship International conference
Atsushi Yoshimura, Sayo Morishita, Mayu Miyashita, Hinano Komura, Masaya Hane, Di Wu, Ken Kitajima and Chihiro Sato
The 2023 Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology 2023.11
Sialic acid-dependent raft-raft interactions at fertilization
XVIth International Symposium on glycoconjugates 2001.8.19
オリゴシアル酸含有糖タンパク質の新しい化学的および免疫化学的解析法の開発と哺乳動物細胞における普遍的存在の証明 International conference
佐藤ちひろ, 本田直輝, 太田薫, 福岡秀幸, 井上貞子, 松田幹, 北島健
第71回日本生化学会大会 1998.10.16
Preface for the Special Issue Entitled “New Waves in Sialobioscience” International conference
Sato Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology 2004.9 FCCA(Forum: Carbohydrates Coming of Age)
Polysialic acid is not a negative regulator any longer in neurogenesis and neuronal functions: A new finding of its binding to a particular group of neurotransmitters.
Ken Kitajima, Ryo Isomura, Chihiro Sato
Gordon Research Conference on Glycobiology, 2009.1.18
One-pot Enzymatic Synthesis of CMP-[14C]deaminoneuraminic Acid (KDN).
Yuko Nakajima, Akiko Fujita, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
SialoGlyco Conference 2008 2008.7
Occurrence of the Cyclic Sialic Acid in Mammalian Cells and Tissues As Demonstrated by Chemical Methods.
K. Kitajima, S.Iwata, N. Kawakami, C. Sato, H. Ando, H. Ohno, H. Ishida, M. Kiso, O. Taguchi, R. Kannagi
SialoGlyco Conference 2008 2008.7
Novel insights into the novel binding sites of the sialic acid biding Ig-like lectin-7 (Siglec-7) gained by in silico docking studies.
A one-day symposium on Sialyltransferases, Functional Glycomics, and Genomics of Zebrafish, 2008.11.18
Membrane microdomains are involved in carbohydrate-dependent sperm-egg interaction in sea urchin
3rd International Symposium of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Egg and Embryo 2000.1.1
猪子恵未, 西浦祐二, 田中浩士, 高橋孝志, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
Lipid raft on gametic cells as a functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction
The International Symposium on Development and Fertilization of Sea Urchin and Marine Invertebrates 1999.12.1
In vitro and in silico docking studies of heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 with sulfatide.
Nao Yamakawa, Yoichiro Harada, Chihiro Sato, Gerard Vergoten, Ken Kitajima
24th International Carbohydrate Symposium, 2008.7.27
In silico binding studies predict novel sialic acid binding sites on the sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin-7 (Siglec-7)
Nao Yamakawa, Chihiro Sato, Paul R. Crocker, Gérard Vergoten, Ken Kitajima: I
SialoGlyco Conference 2008 2008.7
Identification of the nuclear export signals that regulate the intracellular localization of the mouse CMP-sialic acid synthetase.
Akiko Fujita, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima
SialoGlyco Conference 2008 2008.7
Identification of a new diSia-containing glycoprotein (adipoQ) in bovine and mouse sera
XVIth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates 2001.7.19
Glycosphingolipid enriched microdomain on gametic cells as functional domain for sperm-egg interaction coupled with signal transduction
Gordon Research Conference on Fertilization and Activation of the Development 1999.6.1
Frequent occurrence of oligosialyl units in vertebrate glycoproteins as evidenced by new chemical and immunochemical methods.
XIVth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates 1997.9.27
Egg receptor for sperm binds to gangliosides in the low density detergent-insoluble membrane (LD-DIM) domain of the sperm surface. Possible involvement of the LD-DIM in sperm-egg binding coupled with signal transduction during fertilization.
XVth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates 1999.8.1
Di- and oligosialic acids as novel carbohydrate epitopes in leukocytes
7th Conference on human leukocyte differentiation antigens 2000.6.1
Complex formation between polysialic acid and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
Chihiro Sato, Yukihiro Kanato, Ken Kitajima
24th International Carbohydrate Symposium, 2008.7.27
Chain Length Diversity of Sialic Acids and Its Biological Significance International conference
SATO Chihiro
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology 2004.9 FCCA(Forum: Carbohydrates Coming of Age)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor binds to polysialic acid directly depending on degree of polymerization.
Yukihiro Kanato, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato
SialoGlyco Conference 2008 2008.7
"Identification of adipo Q, an adipocyte-specific glycoprotein, as a new oligosialic acid-containing glycoprotein and a possible substrate for the a2,8-sialyltransferase III (ST8SiaIII)."
"International Symposium on Protein Traffic, Glycosylation, and Human Health" 2001.5.12
"Expression of a2,8-linked oligosialic acid-containing glycoproteins in mammalian cells, depending on development, cell differentiation, and overexpression of polysialyltransferase genes."
XIXth International Carbohydrate Symposium 1998.8.1
"Expression and glycosylation of a major, carbohydrate-rich, cortical alveolus glycoprotein (hyosophorin) during oogenesis of medaka fish, Oryzias latipes"
3rd International Symposium of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Egg and Embryo 2000.8.1
魚類CMP-シアル酸合成酵素の構造と性質 International conference
藤田明子, 安川裕子, 佐藤ちひろ, 北島健
日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009.3.29
金戸幸弘, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
糖タンパク質糖鎖におけるジおよびオリゴシアル酸の構造と機能 International conference
糖鎖物質設計シンポジウム 2000.8.1
昆虫細胞由来シアル酸9-リン酸合成酵素の構造と基質特異性の解析 International conference
濱口香代, 郷慎司, 佐藤ちひろ, 小林迪弘, 池田素子, 北島健
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
安川然太, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
哺乳類シアロ糖タンパク質のデアミノノイラミン酸 (KDN) 修飾糖タンパク質への改変. International conference
中島優子, 藤田明子, 佐藤ちひろ, 北島健
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
哺乳動物に見いだされるオリゴ・ポリシアル酸含有糖タンパク質ファミリーの構造と機能 International conference
第43回FCCAセミナー 2001.7.14
化学的検出法を用いた天然におけるサイクリックシアル酸の局在検索. International conference
岩田章子, 佐藤ちひろ, 安藤弘宗, 石田秀治, 木曽真, 神奈木玲児, 北島健
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
ラクタム化シアル酸誘導体の合成とその分解反応に関する研究. International conference
大野ひろみ, 安藤弘宗, 川上信彦, 岩田章子, 佐藤ちひろ, 北島健, 石田秀治, 木曽真
日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009.3.29
磯村遼, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ
第81回日本生化学会大会 2008.12.9
ポリシアル酸の新機能 International conference
第6回日本糖鎖科学コンソーシアムシンポジウム-糖鎖研究と他領域との統合- 2008.12.3
ポリシアル酸と脳由来神経栄養因子の相互作用の解析 International conference
金戸幸弘, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ
日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009.3.29
ポリシアル酸とFGF-2の相互作用の解析. International conference
小野明日香, 金戸幸弘, 北島 健, 佐藤ちひろ
日本農芸化学会2009年度大会 2009.3.29
統合失調症に関わるポリシアル酸の構造と機能 -遺伝的要因と環境要因- Invited
JCGG シンポジウム 2023.11
New sialic acid binding region that regulates Siglec-7 and the frequent occurrence of the site among CD33-like Siglecs International coauthorship
Atsushi Yoshimura, Sayo Morishita, Mayu Miyashita, Hinano Komura, Masaya Hane, Wu Di, Ken Kitajima and Chihiro Sato
Glyco26 2023.8
脳にユニークな糖鎖、ポリシアル酸の構造と機能の解析 Invited
第96回日本生化学会大会 2023.10
Comparison of polysialic acid synthesized by ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4
Comparison of polysialic acid synthesized by ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4 International conference
Chihiro SATO
Specific labeling and chemical analysis of sialic acid and sialyloligo/polymers
Carbohydrate analysis by gas-liquid chromatography
Enzyme assay of polysialyltransferase (
Enzyme assay of polysialyltransferase (
Carbohydrate analysis by gas-liquid chromatography
Specific labeling and chemical analysis of sialic acid and sialyloligo/polymers
Sialic acid and evolution
Sialic acid and evolution
Function of polysialic acid in nervus system
Function of polysialic acid in nervus system
Essentials of glycobiology
Essentials of glycobiology
Biosynthesis of oligo/polysialic acid
Biosynthesis of oligo/polysialic acid
2010.4 - 2011.3
公益信託 林女性自然科学研究者研究助成基金
Grant type:Competitive
Grant type:Competitive
2003.4 - 2004.3
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:21H02425 2021.4 - 2025.3
文部科学省 科研費 B
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:22H02256 2022.4 - 2025.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ, 呉 迪, 羽根 正弥
Molecular mechanism of new cellular functions mediated by polysialic acid
Grant number:15K06995 2015.4 - 2018.3
SATO Chihiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )
Polysiali acid (polySia/PSA) is present in brain and is involved in learning, memory and social interaction. So far, we have been demonstrated that polySia is involved in brain functions not only due to its large exclusion volume but also due to molecule binding properties. In this research, we demonstrated that polySia chains show characteristic features towards molecule-binding properties via biosynthetic enzymes, ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4.
Grant number:26282209 2014.4 - 2017.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Tanaka Hiroshi, YAMAGUCHI Yoshiki, YAMAGUCHI Yoshiki
In this report, we first investigated that partially unprotected sialyl donors underwent a-selective glycosidation without use of an acetonitrile effect. To demonstrate the utility of the method, a straight forward synthesis of α(2,9) disialosides containing N-acetyl and/or N-glycolyl groups was achieved by using the two N-acetyl and N-glycolyl sialyl donors. Next we successfully prepared Glycopolymers possessing disialic acids with a narrow with narrow polydisparities from glycosylated monomers via π-allyl nickel catalyzed coordinating polymerization. A biological evaluation of the glycopolymers and revealed that the synthetic fluoroecent-labelled glycopolymers cause the Siglec-7-GD3 interaction to dissociate in the micromolar concentration range. Finally we prepared the synthesis of dextran derivative possessing disialic acids via polymer reactions. The glycopolymer was able to release Siglec7 from Siglec7-GD3 complex possibly.
Grant number:26110708 2014.4 - 2016.3
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\9360000 ( Direct Cost: \7200000 、 Indirect Cost:\2160000 )
本研究は統合失調症などの精神疾患に関連するポリシアル酸転移酵素ST8SIA2の機能解析が目的であり、本研究では報告のある精神疾患患者に有意なSNPsや変異に関して、それらの酵素がもたらす産物であるポリシアル酸の構造および機能解析を行った。具体的にはプロモーターに存在するrSNPに関してはプロモータ解析および遺伝子のマイクロアレイの解析を各種細胞を用いて行い、ある転写因子によって細胞特異的にST8SIA2の発現異常が起こる可能性を示した。翻訳領域に存在しアミノ酸置換を伴うSNPの解析から、疾患型が合成するポリシアル酸が損なわれ、特にBDNFの結合やproBDNFの結合性が正常型より損なわれることがわかった。また翻訳領域に存在しアミノ酸置換を伴わないsSNPは、コドン使用頻度によりST8SIA2の翻訳速度が変化し、ポリシアル酸の生合成に影響を与える可能性が示唆された。イントロンに存在するiSNPは、特に双極性障害型のSNPに関して、マウスの神経細胞およびヒトHEK細胞においてST8SIA2の合成が促進され、polySiaが過剰発現することが明らかになった。ST8SIA2の過剰発現の影響を調べるために子宮内エレクトロポレーション法により、ST8SIA2およびST8SIA4の遺伝子導入を行ったところ、ニューロンの移動がMockに比べて変化した。以上のことより、ST8SIA2遺伝子発現は細胞特異的に発現が厳密に制御されており、それに伴いpolySiaの構造が損なわれることが分かった。つまり、polySia構造は厳密に構造が制御されており、それによって神経作用因子であるBDNF、FGF2, proBDNFの結合性を制御することなどで、正常な神経機能を果たすことが考えられた。
2014.4 - 2016.3
科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Novel regulatory mechanism for intracellular calcium ion concentration by membrane microdomain-localized glycans in sperm
Grant number:25292216 2013.4 - 2016.3
Kitajima Ken
Many studies using glycan-related probes have reported the importance of glycan chains in fertilization. However, glycan-related gene-modified studies have told that glycans are not always essential for a successful fertilization. It is thus a currently important subject to re-evaluate molecular mechanisms for glycan-involved events at fertilization. To solve the subject, we focused on the "membrane microdomain" that is molecular complex of proteins and lipids with highly concentrated glycans on plasma membrane. In this study, we demonstrated the followings: (1) Glycan-enriched GPI-anchor peptide on the sperm membrane microdomains ubiquitously occurs not only in sea urchin and pig, but also avians and amphibians that have never been shown to contain such GPI-anchored molecules before; (2) These glycans are involved in sperm motility through regulating the intracellular calcium ion concentration in sperm.
2012.4 - 2014.3
科学研究費補助金 新学術領域
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant number:24110506 2012.4 - 2014.3
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\7150000 ( Direct Cost: \5500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1650000 )
ポリシアル酸はシアル酸が8-400残基縮重合した構造の総称で、胎児脳の神経細胞接着分子(NCAM)を特異的に修飾する。成体脳ではその大部分が消失するが、海馬や嗅球といった神経新生の盛んな領域に発現が継続している。ポリシアル酸の機能として反接着作用が知られていたが、我々はポリシアル酸が自身に神経機能を制御する分子、BDNF、FGF2,ドーパミンなどを結合し、その機能を制御しうることを明らかにしてきている。本研究では、(1) polySiaによる神経作用因子の保持・放出機構の解明、(2) poySiaの"質と量"を制御する生合成機構の解明、(3) polySiaと統合失調症などの精神疾患との関わりの解明をすすめること目指した。(1)に関してはpolySiaが、自身の質と量を調節することにより、神経作用因子を保持状態を制御することがわかった。またその受容体への受け渡し機構には、より高親和性受容体への直接受け渡し、共受容体への間接的な受け渡し、polySia鎖の構造変化による受け渡しなど、さまざまな機構が働いていることが初めて明らかになった。(2)では、polySiaの質と量を制御する機構としてポリシアル酸転移酵素(ST8SIA2)に着目し、その変異が生合成する機構を一部明らかにした。(3)においては、統合失調症患者で明らかになったST8SIA2のSNP-7およびSNP-9の解析を正常型とあわせて行うことにより、その生合成酵素の産物の不全がpolySia鎖の不全を引き起こし、ひいては分子結合性における不全がおきることによるシグナル伝達の不具合がおこることを示した。以上の結果より、本研究において、polySia鎖がつくり出す細胞膜近傍における空間において、自身の分子結合性により細胞機能を制御していること、このpolySia鎖の生合成は高度の制御されていることが強く示唆された。
2012.4 - 2014.3
科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Regulation of neural functions via polySia and FGF2 interaction
Grant number:23570133 2011 - 2013
SATO Chihiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\5460000 ( Direct Cost: \4200000 、 Indirect Cost:\1260000 )
Polysialic acid (polySia) is a homopolymer of sialic acid with the degree of polymerization 8-400 Sia residues. PolySia is highly expressed on the neural cell adhesion molecule (NACM) in embryonic brains. In adult, polySia mostly disappeared; however, it persists in distinct regions such as hippocampus, subventricular zone, thalamus, prefrontal cortex and amygdala, where neural plasticity, remodeling of neural connections or neural generation are ongoing. PolySia on NCAM is known to have anti-adhesive effects on cell-cell interactions due to its bulky polyanionic nature and is involved in regulation of neurogenesis and neuronal functions. In this study, we demonstrate that polySia functions as a reservoir scaffold for various molecules of neurological active molecules, such as fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2).
Discovery of the insect-type sialic acid and its metabolic pathway
Grant number:23658287 2011 - 2012
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the hypothesis that insects do not contain usual sialic acids (Sia) that are commonly found in vertebrates, but “insect-type Sia”, which is unique to insects. Using Drosophilla melanogaster (fluit fly), Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle), several moth species, purification and analyses of structure, occurrence, and metabolic pathways of the insect -type Sia were performed. We could identify the insect-type Sia that was present in all the insects tested in this study. For metabolic aspects, all insects do not contain metabolic enzymes known for the common Sia, and even in such insects that were shown to contain the metabolic enzymes, the enzymes seemed to lose their activities. It would be an urgent subject, however, to see if the insect enzymes can utilize the insect-type Sia in near future. Taken together, our hypothesis that insects contain the insect-type Sia, but not the common Sia has been successfully verified.
Functional study on large glycans on the surface of developing embryos
Grant number:22380187 2010 - 2012
To address a question why the extremely large glycans are attached on the embryonic cell surface, we studied on two examples of glycoprotein that had been found in madaka fish by ourselves. First, the protein with LeX-containing large glycans, named LeX-gp, was successfully purified. The glycans were shown to contain a multiply tandem repeat of LeX-structure, and to be involed in cell adhesion. Second, the egg cortical vesicular glycoprotein that is secreted from egg at fertilization, named hyosophorin, was found to be involved in cortical reaction or egg activation and the progress of early development of medaka. We revealed that the peptide part is important for its cell proliferation stimulating activity through its binding to a specific receptor, while the glycan part is rather required for the cortical reaction than for the cell growth of embryonic cells. Taken together, we postulate a hypothesis that , once associated with the cell surface, the huge glycans drastically change the surface atmosphere to affect the physiology of cell significantly.
Interaction between BDNF and polysialic acid localized in brains
Grant number:20570107 2008 - 2010
SATO Chihiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1110000 )
Polysialic acid (polySia) is the anionic polysaccharide expressed mainly in vertebrate brains. PolySia modifies embryonic NCAM and functions as a negative regulator between cell-cell/extracellular matrix via its bulky and exclusive features. In this study, we demonstrated that polySia directly binds to a brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and that through its interaction it regulates the ligand-receptor interactions.
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C),課題番号:20570107
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C),課題番号:20570107
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Regulatory mechanisms of fertilizability of animal sperm by the surface glycans
Grant number:19380192 2007 - 2009
To understand roles of the surface glycans in regulation of fertilizability of animal sperm, we focused on the glycan-rich glycoproteins whose glycan content was more than 90% by weight. The following two new findings were obtained : (1) Glycan-rich flagellar glycoproteins were discovered in pig and sea urchin, and found to regulate sperm motility through controlling the intracellular calcium ions ; (2) Another type of glycan-rich glycoproteins strongly sticking on the sperm surface was found to be originated from seminal plasma. The detachment of the glycoprotein from the surface during capacitation was related with the higher fertilizability of sperm.
2006.4 - 2008.3
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2006.4 - 2008.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:18770083 2006 - 2007
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 )
Identification and fimoticual analyses ofglycoproteins responsible for sperm-egg interaction in birds
Grant number:17380200 2005 - 2007
From a viewpoint of cell-cell interaction, Structural and functional analyses have been done on two kinds of glycoproteins (ZP glycoprotein of zona pellucid and phospholipid-binding protein, MFG-ES, of sperm surface),which have been suggested to be involved in specific recognition and binding for gamete interaction. As for the ZP glycoprotein, ligand blotting and immuniprecipitation analyses demonstrated that ZPB1 specifically bound to ZPC and thereby disulfide-bridged ZPB1 dimmerization was induced. Such ZPC-induced ZPB1 conformational change was suggested to be responsible for acquisition of sperm activation ability. Furthermore, ZPB1 interacted with ZPC secreted from transfected COS cells and formed insoluble matrixes with ZPC on the cell surface. In vitro incubation of ZPB1 with ZPC spontaneously produced fibrous aggregates of ZPB1-ZPC hetero complexes, which were visible under optical microscopy and morphologically resembled the aggregates obtained from mechanically decomposed chicken egg-envelope. Formation of such fibrous aggregates depended on ZPC/ZPB1 ratio, and involved ZPB1 dimerization through disulfide cross-linking, which had been found in authentic egg-envelope developed in hen's ovary. Furthermore, addition of excessive amounts of ZPC to ZPB1 produced soluble but high molecular weight heterocomplexes with increased adherence property against polystyrene ELISA plates. Thus, the specific association between ZPB1 and ZPC could play pivotal roles to initiate complex formation of hetero-polymers of ZP proteins in egg-envelope matrix construction. As for MFG-E8, this phospholipid-binding protein was shown to be expressed in various types of cells other than sperm by mRNA analyses of various animal cells and tissues, and some important roles in the differentiation and function of adipocytes and the apoptosis of mammary epithelial cells were suggested as a membrane protein on outer surface of microvesicles, termed exosome. Presence of MFG-ES on exosomes suggested contribution of membrane microvesicles to sperm-egg interaction and importance of complex supermolecular interaction among ZP-glycoproteins and the membrane-vesicle constituent molecules, including MFG-E8.
Grant number:17046006 2005 - 2006
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4500000 ( Direct Cost: \4500000 )
我々は、これまでの糖タンパク質上のシアル酸の存在状態に対する認識(モノ【tautomer】ポリ)を塗り替え、新たな概念(モノ【tautomer】オリゴ【tautomer】ポリ)を創出した。すなわちオリゴシアル酸の存在を仮定し、シアル酸重合体の微量検出方法を新たに開発し、その方法を用いてその存在証明を行った。本研究は糖タンパク質上のシアル酸重合体というユニークな糖鎖修飾が、どのような生物学的意義を持つのかを明らかにすることが目的である。本研究ではこれまで明らかになっていないシアル酸重合体の生物学的な意義の解明をT細胞、体液、ミクログリア細胞、生殖細胞を用いて試みた。T細胞では、糖タンパク質と糖脂質の共通糖鎖エピトープ構造である、ジシアル酸構造がラフトに存在し、T細胞の活性化に関わっていること、その際にST8Sia I, IV, VIの変動が起こっていることを明らかにした。また、体液においては、マウス血清中のplasminogen, vitronectin, IgLがジシアル酸構造修飾を受けていることを明らかにし、特にvitronectinのジシアル酸構造は肝切除後に減少するということが示した。また、脳においてはマウスミクログリア細胞にポリシアル酸構造が存在することを証明した。特にLPSで炎症性の刺激を行うと、ポリシアル酸構造は消失するが、IL4などの神経保護的な作用をもつサイトカインで刺激を行うと、ポリシアル酸構造が増加する傾向があることを明らかにした。特にLPS刺激によるポリシアル酸の消失はポリシアル酸合成に関わるST8SiaのmRNAの発現の減少だけでなく、シアリダーゼのmRNAの増加も同時におこっており、実際にシアリダーゼの活性の上昇が見られた。生殖細胞はウニ精子を用いた。このポリシアル酸構造は通常見られるα2,8結合ポリシアル酸構造ではなく、α2,9ポリシアル酸構造であった。この構造を持つflagellasialinを新規にクローニングし、同定を行った。製麻区表面上のα2,9ポリシアル酸構造はCaチャンネルを介した精子の鞭毛の運動性に関わっていることを明らかにした。
科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究,課題番号:17046006
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究,課題番号:17046006
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:16770073 2004 - 2005
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3300000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 )
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B),課題番号:16770073
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B),課題番号:16770073
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Intra-intestinal kinetics and absorption mechanism of digestion-resisitant maclomolecular food components
Grant number:14360073 2002 - 2004
Egg albumin (ovalbumin:OVA) is resistant to proteolytic hydrolysis and known to be a major allergenic protein in egg allergy. By using egg albumin as a model macromoleculer food component, the absorption of OVA from mouse intestinal tract into body and the kinetics of OVA in circulating peripheral blood were investigated. After oral administration of OVA (10 mg) to mice, peripheral blood was collected and then serum was separated from coagulated blood. The OVA concentration in the serum was determined to be 10-50 ng/ml by EUSA, and the OVA in the serum was concentrated by immuno-affinity precipitation using anti-OVA antibodies coupled to Sepharose. In SDS-PAGE analysis, the OVA recovered from peripheral blood revealed a single major protein band with a molecular mass identical to intact OVA and a minor band with a slightly smaller molecular mass. No band corresponding to OVA fragments with smaller molecular masses, which had been demonstrated to be the major components of OVA antigens in the mouse small intestine. Furthermore, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the OVA recovered from blood was composed of 4-6 protein spots with different pI but with the same molecular mass, and that the basic protein spots were dominant as compared with those of intacl OVA, suggesting that the pI of OVA was shifted to more basic ones during the intestinal absorption or the migration in circulating blood. Such a pI shift was not observed for OVA incubated in vitro with mouse serum. Taken together, it is suggested that a small portion of orally administered OVA could escape from intestinal proteolytic digestion and be absorbed as an intact form, but with a slight modification, across intestinal epithelium into the blood stream. Thus, it might be possible that orally administered bio-active proteins exert its biological function in peripheral tissues and organs.
Grant number:14780471 2002 - 2003
佐藤 ちひろ
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\2100000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 )
Biochemistry 1
(Nagoya University)
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(Nagoya University)
(Nagoya University)
(Nagoya University)
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(Nagoya University)