論文 - 工藤 博章
Combining Global and Simplified Parts-Based Approach to Estimate Human Body Configuration
H.Cao, Y.Takeuchi, T.Matsumoto, H.Kudo, N.Ohnishi
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT 2005) 頁: 229-234 2005年1月
An Attentional Correspondence of Audio-Visual Events
K.Nishibori, Y.Takeuchi, T.Matsumoto, H.Kudo, N.Ohnishi
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT 2005) 頁: 151-156 2005年1月
Determining Correspondences between Sensory and Motor Signals
Kento Nishibori, Jinji Chen, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Hiroaki Kudo, Noboru Ohnishi
Proc. of Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 頁: 532-539 2004年11月
Closely Arranged Directional Microphone for Source Separation - Effectiveness in Reduction of the Number of Taps and Preventing Factors 査読有り
Y.Katayama, M.Ito, A.K.Barros, Y.Takeuchi, T.Matsumoto, H.Kudo, N.Ohnishi, T.Mukai
Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA2004) 頁: 129-135 2004年9月
Unsupervised texture Segmentation via Wavelet-based Lacally Orderless Images (WLOIs) and SOM 査読有り
Md. Khayrul Bashar, MATSUMOTO Tetsuya, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, KUDO Hiroaki, and OHNISHI Noboru
Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference / COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND IMAGING 頁: 279-284 2003年8月
Relating Audio-Visual Events Caused by Multiple Movements in the Real Environment 査読有り
CHEN Jinji, MUKAI Toshiharu, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, MATSUMOTO Tetsuya, KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
The 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis ISAS' 03 頁: 162-167 2003年7月
Moving-Source Separation Using Directional Microphones 査読有り
Masanori Ito, Yusuke Katayama, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Hiroaki Kudo, Mitsuru Kawamoto, Toshiharu Mukai, and Noboru Ohnishi
The 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology 頁: 523-526 2002年12月
Reduction of Source Separation Time by Placing Microphones Close Together 査読有り
Yusuke Katayama, Masanori Ito, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Hiroaki Kudo, Noboru Ohnishi, and Toshiharu Mukai
The 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology 頁: 540-544 2002年12月
Relating Audio-Visual Events Caused by Multiple Movements: In the Case of Entire Object Movements and Sound Location Changes 査読有り
CHEN Jinji, MUKAI Toshiharu, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, MATSUMOTO Tetsuya, KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 頁: 5-12 2002年7月
Relating Audio-Visual Events Caused by Multiple Movements: In the Case of Entire Object Movement 査読有り
CHEN Jinji, MUKAI Toshiharu, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, MATSUMOTO Tetsuya, KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion 1 巻 頁: 213-219 2002年7月
A Gestalt Approach to Integrate Audio-Visual Events 査読有り
Chen Jinji, MUKAI Toshiharu, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, MATSUMOTO Tetsuya, KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
The International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions 頁: 422-427 2001年9月
Relating audio-visual events caused by more than one movement 査読有り
CHEN Jinji, MUKAI Toshiharu, TAKUCHI Yoshinori, KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
ICONIP-2000 Proceedings 1 巻 頁: 252-257 2000年11月
Finding Correspondence between Visual and Auditory Events Based on Perceptual Grouping Laws across Different Modalities 査読有り
CHEN Jinji, MUKAI Toshiharu, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
Proceedings of The 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 頁: 242-247 2000年10月
A System for Blind Children to Improve Fundamental Abilities of Mobility 査読有り
YONEDA Takahiro, KUDO Hiroaki, MINAGAWA Hiroki, OHNISHI Noboru, and MATSUBARA Shizuya
7th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs 頁: 537-544 2000年7月
Effect of the Sight Line Shift when a Head-Mounted Display Is Used 査読有り
KUDO Hiroaki and OHNISHI Noboru
CD-ROM Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 頁: 1-4 2000年7月
A System Assisting Blind Children to Acquire Spatial Awareness through Body Movement 査読有り
OHNISHI Noboru, YONEDA Takahiro, KUDO Hiroaki, and MINAGAWA Hiroki
Proceedings of The First BMES/EMBS Conference 頁: 653 1999年10月
Modeling Dynamical Grouping Process 査読有り
YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, KUDO Hiroaki, OHNISHI Noboru, and SUGIE Noboru
IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings II 巻 頁: 50-53 1999年10月
Measurement of the ability in monocular depth perception during gazing at near visual target - effect of the ocular parallax cue 査読有り
KUDO Hiroaki, SAITO Masaya, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, and OHNISHI Noboru
IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings II 巻 頁: 34-37 1999年10月
A Neural Network Model of Dynamically Fluctuating Perception of Necker Cube as well as Dot Patterns 査読有り
KUDO Hiroaki, YAMAMURA Tsuyoshi, OHNISHI Noboru, KOBAYASHI Shin, and SUGIE Noboru
AAAI-99/IAAI-99 Proceedings 頁: 194-199 1999年7月
Correspondence Procedure for Recovery of Rigid Structure from Orthographically Projected Optical Flow -A Comoputational Aspect of kinetic Depth Effect- 査読有り
Hiroaki Kudo, Masayuki Umeda, Isao Horiba, Noboru Sugie, Tsuyoshi Yamamura and Noboru Ohnishi
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing 1 巻 頁: 401-404 1998年10月