Disaster Mitigation Research Center Professor
School of Engineering Architecture

Updated on 2024/10/03
Doctor of Philosophy ( 1992.11 Johns Hopkins University )
Master of Engineering ( 1986.3 Nagoya University )
Structural Reliability
Earthquake Engineering
Performance-based design
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard
Risk Assessment/Management
Others / Others / Structural Reliability
Others / Others / Earthquake Engineering
Others / Others / Probabirity-based Risk Assessment
Others / Others / Structural Engineering
Others / Others / Building Construction/Material
Others / Others / Risk Management
A Study on Limit State Design Method
Efficient Strategy for Upgrading Existing Non-Conforming Wooden Houses
reliability-based seismic design and assessment considering the variability in structural response due to the uncertainty in structural capacity and seismic hazard
Reliability-based Life Prediction of Degrading Structures
A Study on Probability Analysis Method by First Fourier Transform and its Application
Johns Hopkins University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Civil Engineering
1989.9 - 1992.8
Country: United States
Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Architecture
1982.4 - 1986.3
Country: Japan
Nagoya University Faculty of Engineering Architecture
- 1982
Country: Japan
Architectural Institute of Japan
ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers)
Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering
Probabilistic predictor of seismic demand on SMRF based on natural-period-dependent spectrum intensity Invited Reviewed
Mori Yasuhiro, Furukawa Taishi
Structural Safety Vol. 89 2021.3
高次モード応答を考慮した履歴ダンパーの累積塑性変形倍率の簡易評価法 Reviewed
森 保宏,申 善彬,宋 文娟
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 823 ) page: 927 - 934 2024.9
Development of methods of structural reliability Reviewed International coauthorship
B. Ellingwood, M. Maes, F. M. Bartlett, A. T. Beck, C. Caprani, A. Der Kiureghian, L. Dueñas-Osorio, N. Galvão, R. Gilbert, J. Li, J. Matos, Y. Mori, I. Papaioannou, R. Parades, D. Straub, B. Sudret
Structural Safety 2024.4
アンケート調査に基づく事業継続計画に関する想定曲線の提案 Reviewed
大渕正博,藤井 中,鈴木理恵,吉澤睦博,近藤正芳,尾崎文宣,森 保宏
日本建築学会技術報告集 ( 73 ) page: 1215 - 1220 2023.10
応答スペクトルに関する地震ハザードの近似評価 Reviewed
2. 大渕正博,吉澤睦博,尾崎文宣,森 保宏
構造物の安全性および信頼性:JCOSSAR論文集 Vol. 10 2023.10
建築基準法の地震荷重を対象としたキャリブレーション(その2) Reviewed
大渕正博,山崎賢二,小笠原さおり,日下彰宏,尾崎文宣,森 保宏
構造物の安全性および信頼性:JCOSSAR論文集 Vol. 10 2023.10
固有周期依存型スペクトル強さの地震動予測と確率論的地震動ハザード評価手法 Reviewed
糸井達哉,友澤裕介,古川大志,森 保宏
日本建築学会技術報告集 ( 73 ) page: 1227 - 1231 2023.10
多層制振構造における各層ダンパーの累積塑性変形倍率の簡易評価法 Reviewed
宋 文娟,Shin Sunbeen,古川大志,姜 在道,森 保宏
構造物の安全性および信頼性:JCOSSAR論文集 Vol. 10 2023.10
Practical Method for Estimating Seismic Risks of a Wooden House at an Arbitrary Point Reviewed
Sugai, M., Mori, Y., and Mizutani, Y.
Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2023.7
Probabilistic Seismic Drift Demand on SMRF based on Extended Modal Analysis and Natural-Period-dependent Spectrum Intensity Reviewed
Mori, Y., Izumi, K., and Furukawa, T.
Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2023.7
Risk-Based Optimization of Design Load on Membrane Structures with Predetermined Service Life Reviewed
Suzuki, S., Sato, R., and Mori, Y.
Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2023.7
鋼構造骨組に組み込まれた履歴ダンパーの累積塑性変形倍率評価法 Reviewed
宋文絹,森 保宏,古川大志
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 806 ) page: 567 - 576 2023.4
Development of Fire Resistant Design for Steel Structures based on Reliability Theory – Proposals of Limit State Design Method using Steel Member and Collapse Temperature Factors Reviewed
Kagami, C., Ozaki, F. & Mori, Y.
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering ( 804 ) page: 311 - 320 2023.2
宋 文娟, 森 保宏, 古川 大志, 姜 在道
日本建築学会東海支部研究報告集 Vol. 59 page: 145-148 2021.2
彭 凱, 鈴木 奨之 、森 保宏
日本建築学会東海支部研究報告集 Vol. 59 page: 157-160 2021.2
Probabilistic Damage Index Functions for Old Wooden Houses based on Period-dependent Spectrum Intensity
Furukawa, T., Mori, Y., Usami, R., Mizutani, Y., Idota, H.
Proc. 17 WCEE page: 1733 2020.9
Evaluation Method for Cumulative Plastic Deformation of Hysteretic Dampers
Song, W., Furukawa, T., Mori, Y., Kang, J.D.
Proc. 17 WCEE page: 1759 2020.9
固有周期依存型スペクトル強さに基づく弾塑性一質点系の簡易最大変位応答評価法 Reviewed
古川大志,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 Vol. 773 page: 869-878 2020.7
多層骨組の弾塑性一次モード応答の確率分布の近似評価法 Reviewed
古川大志,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 764 ) page: 1315-1323. 2019.10
移動対数正規近似を用いた荷重・耐力係数の略算法に関する研究 Reviewed
森 保宏,田尻大敏,東 佳輝
JCOSSAR `2019 論文集 page: 8pp 2019.10
Fourier Amplitude Spectrum at Arbitrary Points Estimated by Kriging Method Reviewed
Mizutani, Y., Sugai, M. & Mori. Y.
Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2019.5
Risk-Based Design Load on Buildings with Predetermined Service Life
Suzuki, S. & Mori, Y.
Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2019.5
Maximum Response Estimation Method of an Oscillator Based on Natural Period-Dependent Spectrum Intensity Reviewed
Furukara, T., Mori, Y., & Kang, J. D.
Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2019.5
拡張クリギング法による表層地盤における伝達関数の空間分布を用いた任意地点での加速度フーリエ振幅スペクトル Reviewed
水谷由香里,菅井径世,森 保宏,野津 厚,水戸部茂樹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 758 ) page: 1725-1733 2019.4
尾崎文宣、手塚圭介,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 Vol. 83 ( 753 ) page: 1725-1733 2018.11
Upgrade Decision-making for Earthquake-vulnerable Wooden Houses using Probabilistic Damage Index Functions
Mori, Y., Mizutani, Y. Kang, J. D., & Idota, H.
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, ASCE Vol. 4 ( 1 ) 2018.3
森 保宏,鈴木奨之
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 744 ) page: 221-230 2018.2
変位依存型ダンパーを有する鋼構造骨組の簡易最大変位応答評価法 Reviewed
古川大志,姜 在道,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 740 ) page: 1589-1600 2017.10
Statistical simulation for mitigate risk caused by Tokai and Tonankai coupled earthquake Reviewed
Naruse, K., Sugai, M., Mizutani, Y., Mori, Y.
Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure page: 2442-2448 2017.8
Practical Method for Load and Resistance Factors Using Shifted Lognormal Approximation Reviewed
Mori, Y., Tajiri, H., Mizutani, Y.
page: 664-673 2017.8
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model of Inelastic Oscillator based on Semi-theoretical Solutions of First Passage Problem
Furukara, T., Mori, Y., Imaizumi, S.
Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure page: 721-730 2017.8
Application of Modified Kriging Method to Estimations of Earthquake Ground Motion Intensity at Construction Sites Reviewed
Mizutani, Y., Sugai, M., Mori. Y.
Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure page: 3259-3269 2017.8
Simplified estimation method of inelastic seismic demands of buildings with seesaw system using fluid viscous dampers
Kang Jae-Do, Mori Yasuhiro
ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Vol. 138 page: 120 - 130 2017.5
Evaluation of a simplified method to estimate peak inter-story drift ratio of steel frames with hysteretic dampers Reviewed
Kang, J. D., Mori, Y.
Applied Science Vol. 7 ( 5 ) 2017.5
Simplified estimation method of inelastic seismic demands of buildings with seesaw system using fluid viscous dampers Reviewed
Kang, J. D., Mori, Y.
Engineering Structures page: 120-130 2017.5
クリギング法を用いた建物ごとの地震ハザード推定の実用化 Reviewed
菅井径世,水谷由香里,森 保宏
日本建築学会技術報告集 Vol. 22 ( 51 ) page: 447-452 2016.6
期限付き建築物の設計用安全係数 その2:雪荷重の設計用安全係数を決定するための基礎的検討 Reviewed
松崎丈佳,辻 聖晃,森 保宏,山戸雄一朗
構造工学論文集 Vol. 62B page: 283-289 2016.3
鋼材高温強度にばらつきを有する場合の鋼分解架構の崩壊温度 -火災時鋼架構の崩壊温度のばらつき評価 その2 Reviewed
尾崎文宣、長谷大志、河野 守、森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 712 ) page: 395-404 2016.2
地震動強さ指標と木造住宅の損傷度曲線の評価誤差の関係に関する研究 Reviewed
水谷由香里,森 保宏,姜 在道,井戸田秀樹
構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol. 8 page: 8 2015.10
森 保宏,山戸雄一朗,尾崎文宜
構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol. 8 page: 8 2015.10
鋼材高温強度にばらつきを有する場合の単純支持梁の崩壊温度―火災時鋼架構の崩壊温度のばらつき評価 その1― Reviewed
尾崎文宣, 長谷大志, 河野 守, 森 保宏, 鈴木淳一
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 712 ) page: 395-404 2015.9
クリギング法による地震動分布推定の実用化に関する研究 Reviewed
菅井径世,森 保宏,小川克郎
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 707 ) page: 39-46 2015.1
A study of system reliability analysis using linear programming Reviewed
Yi, Chang, Mori, Y.
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering Vol. 13 page: 179-186 2014.1
A study on the relaxed linear programming bounds method for system reliability Reviewed
Yi, Chang, Mori, Y.
Structural Safety Vol. 41 page: 64-72 2013.3
Probabilistic seismic hazard model of inelastic oscillator based on equivalent linearization technique Reviewed
Mori Y., Kojima S
Proc. 15th World Conf. on Earthquake Engrg. page: 8 2012.9
LRFD based on Drift Ratio for Serviceability Limit State of SMRF Reviewed
Nakao, M. and Mori, Y
Proceedings of the 5th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications page: 6 2012.5
鋼構造の最大変位応答における使用限界状態に関する荷重・耐力係数設計法に関する研究 Reviewed
森 保宏,中尾真愛子
構造物の安全性および信頼性,JCOSSAR `2011 論文集 Vol. 7 page: 8 2011.11
Web上で提供する木造住宅所有者向けの地震リスク情報,耐震改修促進のための意思決定支援ツールに関する研究(その4) Invited Reviewed
森 保宏,島田景子,小倉直幸,井戸田秀樹,伊吹豪太,寺田勝三
日本建築学会技術報告集 Vol. 17 ( 37 ) page: 829-834 2011.10
Probabilistic Hazard Model of Inelastic Response of SDOF System Based on Equivalent Linearization Technique Reviewed
Mori, Y., Kojima, S., and Ibuki, K.
Application of Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering page: 8 2011.8
Time-dependent reliability of corrosion-affected RC beams - Part 3: Effect of corrosion initiation time and its variability on time-dependent failure probability Reviewed
Bhargava, K., Y. Mori, and A.K.Ghosh
Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 241 ( 5 ) page: 1395-1402 2011.5
Time-dependent reliability of corrosion-affected RC beams - Part 2: Estimation of time-dependent failure probability Reviewed
Bhargava, K., Y. Mori, and A.K.Ghosh
Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 241 ( 5 ) page: 1385-1394 2011.5
Time-dependent reliability of corrosion-affected RC beams - Part 1: Estimation of time-dependent strengths and associated variability Reviewed
Bhargava, K., Y. Mori, and A.K.Ghosh
Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 241 ( 5 ) page: 1371-1384 2011.5
Design Spectra for Use in Probability-Based Design with Equivalent Linearization Technique Reviewed
Yasuhiro Mori, Kota Ibuki, Maya Oba
Proceedings DVD-ROM, 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering page: 10 2010.7
避難リスクを考慮した木造住宅と学校建物の耐震化戦略‐名古屋市を対象に‐,耐震改修促進のための意思決定支援ツールに関する研究(その3) Reviewed
森 保宏,井戸田秀樹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 646 ) page: 2189-2197 2009.12
Reduction of seismic risk of overflow of refugees by upgrading existing non-conforming school buildings and wooden houses Reviewed
Mori, Y., T. Yamaguchi, and H. Idota
Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems page: CD-ROM 8pp 2009.9
*木造住宅の実効ある耐震化戦略と耐震化促進のためのリスク情報,耐震改修促進のための意思決定支援ツールに関する研究(その2) Reviewed
山口剛史,森 保宏,井戸田秀樹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 Vol. 632 page: 1719-1726 2008.10
地震動のスペクトル特性と部材耐力の不確定性を考慮した鋼構造骨組の最大変位応答および簡易応答評価手法に関する研究 Reviewed
大場麻弥,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 Vol. 638 page: 859-866 2008.6
A Study On Seismic Structural Demands On Frames Considering Variability In Strength Of Structural Components Reviewed
森 保宏,大場麻弥
Proc. 8th Pacific Conf. on Earthquake Engineering page: CD-ROM 9pp 2007.10
山口剛史,森 保宏,井戸田秀樹
日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集 Vol. 掲載予定 2007.8
大場麻弥,森 保宏
日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集 Vol. 掲載予定 2007.8
Optimal Strategy for Upgrading Existing Non-Conforming Wooden Houses
Mori, Y., T. Yamaguchi, and H. Idota
Application of Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering, Kanda, Takada, and Furuta (eds) Vol. CD-Rom page: 7pp 2007.7
Time Dependent Structural Reliability of Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Corrosion Attack
Bhargava, K., Y. Mori, A.K. Ghosh and S. Ramanujam
Application of Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering, Kanda, Takada, and Furuta (eds) Vol. CD-Rom page: 8pp 2007.7
森 保宏,山口剛史,井戸田秀樹
JCOSSAR `2007 論文集 Vol. 6 2007.6
井戸田秀樹,嶺岡慎悟,梅村 恒,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 612 ) page: 125-132 2007.2
Modelling of Time to Corrosion-Induced Cover Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Structures Reviewed
Bhargava, K., A. K. Ghosh, Y. Mori, and S. Ramanujam
Cement and Concrete page: 掲載決定 2007
Seismic Structural Demands Taking Accuracy of Response Estimation into Account
Mori, Y. and M. Maruyama
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Vol. 36 page: 859-866 2007
丸山 裕,森 保宏
日本建築学会大会(関東)学術講演梗概集 Vol. B-1 page: 15-16 2006.9
井戸田秀樹,嶺岡慎悟,梅村 恒,森 保宏
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 Vol. 構造III page: 287-288 2006.9
山口剛史,森 保宏,井戸田秀樹
日本建築学会大会(関東)学術講演梗概集 Vol. B-2 page: 373-374 2006.9
Strategies of Upgrading Existing Non-Conforming Houses in Urban Area
Mori, Y., T. Yamaguchi, and H. Idota
Proc. Int. Forum on Engineering Decision Making, Lake Louise, Canada page: 9 pages 2006.4
Analytical Model for Time to Cover Cracking in RC Structures Due to Rebar Corrosion Reviewed
Bhargava, K., A. K. Ghosh, Y. Mori and S. Ramanujam
Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 236 page: 1123-1139 2006
*A Static Predictor of Seismic Demand on Frames Based on a Post-Elastic Deflected Shape Reviewed
Mori, Y., T. Yamanaka, N. Luco, and C.A. Cornell
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Vol. 35 page: 1295-1318 2006
*Reliability Assessment of RC Walls Degraded by Aggressive Operating Environments Reviewed
Mori, Y. and B. Ellingwood
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering - An International Journal Vol. 21 page: 157-170 2006
Model for Cover Cracking Due to Rebar Corrosion in RC Structures Reviewed
5. Bhargava, K., A. K. Ghosh, Y. Mori, and S. Ramanujam
Engineering Structures Vol. 28 page: 1093-1109 2006
Simple Predictor of Maximum Displacement of SMRF Buildings – Backbone Curve of Equivalent SDOF system and Lateral Load Pattern for Pushover Analysis Reviewed
Mori, Y. and T. Yamanaka
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ Vol. 597 page: 127-133 2005.11
丸山 裕,森 保宏
日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演梗概集 Vol. B-1 page: 111-112 2005.9
Simplified Method for Load and Resistance Factors and Accuracy of Sensitivity Factors Reviewed
Mori, Y. and Y. Maruyama
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ Vol. 589 page: 15-22 2005.3
Intensity Measure of Ground Motions From Viewpoint of Structural Response of SMRF Buildings
Mori, Y., Yamanaka, T., Luco, N. and Cornell, A.C
CD-ROM Proc. Int. Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 2005, Kobe, Japan page: 10 pages 2005.1
Case-study Comparison of Current and Future Ground Motion Intensity Measures for Performance-based Seismic Design
Luco, N, Leyendecker, E.V., and Mori, Y.
CD-ROM Proc. Int. Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 2005, Kobe, Japan page: 10 pages 2005.1
Predictors of Seismic Demands in SMRF Buildings Considering Inelastic Fist-Mode Displacement Reviewed
Mori, Y., T. Yamanaka, N. Luco, and C.A. Cornell
Structural Safety and Reliability page: 8pp 2005
山中貴司,森 保宏,中島正愛
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 Vol. B-1 page: 211-212 2004.9
Inelastic Response of Multi-story Frames Considering Post-elastic Mode Shape Reviewed
Mori, Y., Yamanaka, T., Nakashima, M. Luco, N. and Cornell, C.A.
Proc. Third Asian-Pacific Symposium of Structural Reliability and its Applications page: 343-353 2004.8
Predictors of Seismic Demand of SMRF Buildings Considering Post-Elastic Mode Shape
Mori, Y., Yamanaka, T., Nakashima, M., Luco, N. and Cornell, A. C.
Proc. WCEE Vol. 13 2004.8
丸山 裕,森 保宏
日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演梗概集 Vol. B-1 page: 179-180 2004.8
Estimation of Displacement Response of Steel Moment Frame Considering Post Elastic-Modal Shape Reviewed
Mori, Y., Yamanaka, T., and Nakashima, M
J. Structural Engineering Vol. 50B page: 425-434 2004.3
Analytical Model of Corrosion-Induced Cracking of Concrete Considering the Stiffness of Reinforcement Reviewed
Bhargava, K., A. K. Ghosh, Y. Mori and S. Ramanujam
Structural Engineering and Mechanics - An International Journal Vol. 16 ( 6 ) page: 749-769 2003.12
Practical Method of Reliability-based Condition Assessment of Structures Using Degradation Factor Reviewed
Mori, Y., and Kato, Takahiro
Proc. 5th Japan Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability Vol. 5 page: 497-502 2003.11
Base-isolated Houses with Restricted Displacement According to Seismic Grade and its Life-cycle-cost Reviewed
Hanai, T., N. Fukuwa, Y. Mori, and T., Minagawa
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ Vol. 572 page: 89-96 2003.10
Practical Method of Reliability-based Condition Assessment of Existing Structures
Mori, Y. and Takahiro Kato
Application of Probability and Statistics in Civil Engineering page: 613-620 2003.7
Analytical evaluation of seismic hazard considering seismic activity record and model uncertainty Reviewed
Mori, Y., Y. Hashimoto, and T. Watanabe
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ Vol. 569 page: 15-22 2003.7
*Multinormal integrals by importance sampling for series system reliability Reviewed
Mori, Y. and Teruyuki Kato
Structural Safety Vol. 25 ( 4 ) page: 363-378 2003
Evaluation of predictors of nonlinear seismic demands using "fishbone" models of SMRF buildings Reviewed
Luco, N., Y. Mori, Y. Funahashi, A. C. Cornell, and M. Nakashima
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Vol. 32 ( 14 ) page: 2267-2288 2003
限界状態設計法における荷重・耐力係数の実用的算定法 Reviewed
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 559 ) page: 39-46 2002.9
Practical Method to Determine Load and Resistance Factors Used in Limit State Design
Mori, Y., T. Takada, and H. Idota
CD-ROM Proc. of 1st ASRANet International Colloquium, Glasgow, Scotland page: 14pp 2002.6
Probabilistic Models of Combinations of Stochastic Loads for Limit State Design Reviewed
Mori, Y., Takahiro Kato, and K. Murai
Structural Safety Vol. 25 ( 1 ) page: 69-97 2002
Load and Resistance Factors for the Assessment of Deteriorating Existing Structures Reviewed
Proceedings of ICOSSAR`01 2001
LRFD for Assessment of Deteriorating Existing Structures Reviewed
Mori, Y. and M. Nonaka
Structural Safety Vol. 23 ( 4 ) page: 297-313 2001
Application of AFOSM to Time-dependent Reliability Analysis of Deteriorating Existing Structures Reviewed
Proc. 8th ASCE Joint Specialty Conf. on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability page: PMC2000-079 2000
地震活動の周期性を考慮した地震ハザードの確率モデルに関する研究 Reviewed
構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol. 4 page: 149-156 2000
環境に配慮した学校建物の耐震改修・増床計画 Reviewed
日本建築学会技術報告集 ( 11 ) page: 83-88 2000
耐力劣化を考慮した構造部材の荷重・耐力係数設計法 Reviewed
構造物の安全性および信頼性 ( 4 ) page: 603-608 2000
AFOSMと重点サンプリング法による直列システムの信頼性評価に関する研究 Reviewed
構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol. 4 page: 377-382 2000
Load and resistance factors taking combined load processes into account(共著)
Applications of Statistics and Probability page: 973-980 1999
Probabilistic Models of Combination of Stochastic Loads(共著)
Proc. Asian-Pacific Symposium of Structural Reliability and its Applications. (Taipei, Taiwan) page: 107-118 1999
Probabilistic Models of Combination of Stochastic Loads (共著)
Proc. Asian-Pacific Symposium of Structural Reliability and its Applications page: 107-118 1999
荷重の時間変動を考慮した組み合わせ荷重効果の確率モデル (共著)
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 525 ) page: 33-39 1999
Reliability of Hysteric Damper and Role of Maintenance
Steel Construction Engineering Vol. 5 ( 19 ) page: 117-129 1998
Reliability Assessment of Degrading Concrete Shear Walls(共著)
Structural Safety and Reliability Vol. 1 page: 129-136 1998
Two Classes of Hazard Intensity Based on Order Statistics(共著)
Structural Safety and Reliability Vol. 1 page: 533-540 1998
Probability Analysis Method Using Fast Fourier Transform and Its Application (共著)
Structural Safety ( 19 ) page: 21-36 1997
Reliability-based Service Life Assessment of Concvete Structures in Nuclear Plants : Optimum Inspection and Repair (共著)
Nuclear Engineering and Design ( 175 ) page: 247-258 1997
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 496 ) page: 29-36 1997
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 494 ) page: 9-15 1997
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 501 ) page: 41-48 1997
日本建築学会構造系論文集 ( 483 ) page: 29-38 1996
日本建築学会技術報告集 ( 3 ) page: 41-47 1996
Reliability-based Condition Assessment of Structures Degrading Due to Environment and Repeated Loading (共著)
Proc. 7th International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (Paris) page: 971-976 1995
鉄骨骨組への要求塑性変形とその変動の定量化(その2 解析手法の精度と要求塑性変形のばらつき)(共著)
構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol. 3 page: 225-232 1995
鉄骨骨組への要求塑性変形とその変動の定量化(その1 解析手法の提案)(共著)
構造物の安全性および信頼性 Vol. 3 page: 219-224 1995
Probability analysis Method by Fast Founer Transform : Accuracy , Efficiency , and Applicability of the Method (共著)
Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Application (Tokyo , Japan) 1995
Probability Analysis Method by Discrete Fast Fourier Transform (共著)
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering ( 472 ) page: 39-45 1995
Reliability-based Service life of Concvete Structures in Nuclear Plants : Optimum inspection and Repair (共著)
Proc. 13th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Roactor Technology (Porto Alegle, Brazil) 1995
Reliability-based Life Assessment of Degrading Structures Reviewed
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ ( 465 ) page: 37-44 1994.11
Maintaining Reliability of Concrete Structure I : Role of Inspection/Repair Reviewed
Mori, Y., Ellingwood, B.
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Vol. 120 ( 3 ) page: 824-845 1994.3
Maintaining Reliability of Concrete Structures II : Optimum Inspection /Repair Strategies Reviewed
Mori, Y., Ellingwood, B.
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Vol. 120 ( 3 ) page: 846-862 1994.3
Reliability-based Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures(共著)
Structural Safety and Reliability ( 3 ) page: 1779-1786 1994
*Reliability-based Service Life Assessment of Aging Concrete Structures Reviewed
Mori, Y., Ellingwood, B.
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Vol. 119 ( 5 ) page: 1600-1621 1993.5
Time-dependent System Reliability Analysis by Adaptive Importance Sampling Reviewed
Mori, Y., Ellingwood, B.
Structural Safety Vol. 12 page: 59-73 1993
An overview of the ORNL/NRC program to address aging of concrete structures in nuclear power plants(共著)
Nuclear Engineering and Design ( 142 ) page: 327-339 1993
Role of In-service Inspection and Maintenance in Reliability Assurance of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants(共著)
12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology(Stutlgart, Germany) 1993
Continuing the Service of Safety-related Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants(共著)
Conference on Failure of Concrete Structures(Strbske Pleso, Czech Republic) 1993
Towards Assuring the Continued Performance of Safety-related Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plomts(共著)
ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference(New Orleans, U. S. A) 1993
Probabilistic Methods for Condition Assessment and Life Prediction of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants(共著)
Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 142 page: 155-166 1993
Probabilistic Method for Life Prediction of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants
Mori, Y., Ellingwood, B.
Proc. 11th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology Vol. D page: 291-296 1991
A Statistical Study on Dynamic Response of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom System Reviewed
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ Vol. 375 page: 28-36 1987.5
荷重抵抗係数設計法における地震荷重モデルに関する考察 Reviewed
坂本 順,小浜芳朗,森 保宏
日本建築学会構造系論文報告集 Vol. 354 page: 37-47 1985.7
A Statistical Representation of Earthquake Load Effects For Use in Reliability-based Design Reviewed
Sakamoto, J., Kohama,Y., Mori, Y.
Structural Safety and Reliability Vol. 2 page: 217-226 1985
建築物荷重指針を活かす設計資料1 Reviewed
( Role: Contributor)
日本建築学会 2016.2
Recommendations for Loads on Buildings
( Role: Sole author)
AIJ 2015.3
Recommendation for Design of KIGEN-TSUKI Buildings
( Role: Sole author)
AIJ 2013.4
石川孝重,井戸田秀樹,今塚善勝,日下彰宏,小檜山雅之,高田毅士,高橋 徹,森 保宏( Role: Joint author)
技法堂出版 2011.8 ( ISBN:978-4-7655-2552-7 )
Manual for Re-using Structural Membres
( Role: Joint author)
石川 孝重,井戸田 秀樹,今塚 善勝,大鳥 靖樹,樫村 俊也,日下 彰宏,斎藤 知生,高田 毅士,高橋 徹,高橋 雄司,趙 衍剛,平田 京子,森 保宏( Role: Joint author)
技報堂出版 2007.8
Structural Safety and It's Quality Assurance, Monograph Series
( Role: Joint author)
American Society of Civil Engineers 2005
Recommendations for Loads on Buildings (2004)
( Role: Joint author)
Architectural Institute of Japan 2004
( Role: Joint author)
東京新聞 2003
Recommendations for Limit State Design of Buildings
( Role: Joint author)
Architectural Institute of Japan 2002
Methodology For Reliability Based Condition Assessment : Application to Concrete Structure in Nuclear Power Plants(共著)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1993
Condition Assessment and Reliability-based Life Prediction of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Plants(共著)
( Role: Joint author)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1992
Probabilistic seismic drift demand on SMRF based on extended modal analysis and natural-period-dependent spectrum intensity Invited International conference
Mori, Yasuhiro
International Forum on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management 2023 2023.3.24 International Association on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management
「ここが聞きたい!」学会規準・指針(荷重編) Invited
森 保宏
日本建築学会東海支部講習会 「ここが聞きたい!」学会規準・指針 2022.11.26 日本建築学会東海支部
JIS A3305「建築・土木構造物の信頼性に関する設計の一般原則」の概要
森 保宏
日本建築学会大会PD JIS A3305から見た国内構造基準の課題と荷重規定 2022.9.6 日本建築学会
Probabilistic Damage Index Functions for Old Wooden Houses based on Natural Period-dependent Spectrum Intensity International conference
古川大志,森保宏,水谷由香里,井戸田 秀樹
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2021.9.30
Study on Evaluation Method for Cumulative Plastic Deformation of Hysteretic Dampers Installed in Steel Buildings International conference
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2021.9.28
鈴木奨之, 森保宏, 彭凱
2021年度日本建築学会大会(東海) 2021.9.7
固有周期依存型 SI に基づく鋼構造骨組の最大変位応答の確率分布評価法の検証に関する研究
泉和輝, 森保宏, 古川大志
2021年度日本建築学会大会(東海) 2021.9.7
彭凱, 森保宏, 鈴木奨之
2021年度日本建築学会大会(東海) 2021.9.7
2021年度日本建築学会大会(東海) 2021.9.7
高経年化を考慮した原子力施設の長期安全性評価に関する研究,その1 耐力変化の影響と地震時の簡易応答評価法
Turkstra's ruleに基づくモード合成による鋼構造骨組の簡易最大変位応答評価法
山口剛史,森 保宏,井戸田秀樹
大場麻弥,森 保宏
丸山 裕,森 保宏
山口剛史,森 保宏,井戸田秀樹
井戸田秀樹,嶺岡慎悟,梅村 恒,森 保宏
丸山 裕,森 保宏
山中貴司,森 保宏,中島正愛
丸山 裕,森 保宏
2020.2 - 2022.2
公益財団法人 能村膜構造技術振興財団
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\1500000 ( Direct Cost: \1500000 )
2016.7 - 2017.3
Grant type:Competitive
2012.6 - 2013.3
2001 - 2002
Grant number:21K04333 2021.4 - 2024.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
森 保宏
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )
2013.4 - 2015.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2009 - 2012.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C),課題番号:21560584
森 保宏
Authorship:Principal investigator
2007 - 2008
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)(一般),課題番号:19560569
森 保宏
Authorship:Principal investigator
2005.4 - 2008.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
2005 - 2006
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C),課題番号:17560500
森 保宏
Authorship:Principal investigator
2003 - 2004
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C),課題番号:15560491
森 保宏
Authorship:Principal investigator
Urban Environment and Transportation System
2023.3 (International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute)
Level:Postgraduate Country:Japan
Introduction to reliability concept, Probability of failure as a measure of safety, First-order second moment method, Load and resistance design format, and Risk-based decision making for implementing performance-based design.
2022.3 (International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute)
Level:Postgraduate Country:Japan
Introduction to reliability concept, Probability of failure as a measure of safety, First-order second moment method, Load and resistance design format, and Risk-based decision making for implementing performance-based design.
2021.12 (Hiroshima University)
Structural Reliability
2021.3 (International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute)
Level:Postgraduate Country:Japan
Introduction to reliability concept, Probability of failure as a measure of safety, First-order second moment method, Load and resistance design format, and Risk-based decision making for implementing performance-based design.
Structural Reliability
2020.4 (International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute)
Level:Postgraduate Country:Japan
Introduction to reliability concept, Probability of failure as a measure of safety, First-order second moment method, Load and resistance design format, and Risk-based decision making for implementing performance-based design.
2019.12 (Hiroshima University)
リスクで考える建物の耐震性能 -震災から私たちの暮らしを守るためにー
Role(s):Lecturer, Advisor
多治見市 令和3年度防災講演会 2021.8