Vice President,

Updated on 2024/10/02
Master of Arts ( 1988.3 The University of Tokyo )
Others / Others / Linguistics
Others / Others / Foreign Language Education
Syntactic study of the Finnish language
Syntax study of the Estonian language
Nagoya University Director
Nagoya University Graduate School of Humanities Dean
2017.4 - 2019.3
Nagoya University Graduate School of Letters Dean
2015.4 - 2019.3
Nagoya University
Nagoya University
2013.4 - 2015.3
Nagoya University Graduate School of Letters
2012.4 - 2015.3
Nagoya University
2010.4 - 2012.3
Professor, Department of Linguistics, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
2007.4 - 2008.3
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
1999.4 - 2007.3
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, School of Letters, Nagoya University
1996.5 - 1999.3
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, School of Letters, Nagoya University
1992.11 - 1996.4
Part-time Lecturer, Department of Nordic Studies, School of Letters, Tokai University
1991.4 - 1994.7
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities Department of Linguistics
1986.4 - 1991.3
Country: Japan
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature Department of Linguistics
1982.4 - 1986.3
Country: Japan
The Linguistic Society of Japan
2009.4 - 2021.3
Uralic Society of Japan
文部科学省 中央教育審議会大学分科会大学院部会
2017.5 - 2023.3
Committee type:Government
文部科学省 中央教育審議会大学分科会法科大学院等特別委員会
2021.6 - 2023.3
Committee type:Government
On the Resultative Function of the So-called Reflexive Suffixes in Finnish Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 13 page: 1-9 2017.3
On the Reflexive Suffix and Its Predicative Function in Finnish Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 12 page: 15-22 2016.3
On the Pseud-object in the Finnish Language Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 11 page: 19-27 2015.3
On the Tripartite System of Case Marking in the Finnish Language Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 10 page: 1-12 2014.3
Reflexive Verbs and Anti-causativity in the Finnish Language Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 9 page: 21-32 2013.3
Objectfood of the Elative Argument of the Finnish Language Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 8 page: 33-44 2012.3
"Deficient" Case Marking System of the Finnish Langauge Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 7 page: 33-44 2011.3
The Causative Constructions in the Finnish Langauge Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 6 page: 17-28 2010.3
Case Marking and Word Order in the Finnish Language Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 5 page: 17-29 2009.3
Numerical Phrases in the Finnish Language Reviewed
Vol. 4 page: 1-12 2008.3
On the Grammatical Interpretation of the Quantifying Sentence in the Finnish Language Reviewed
Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan Vol. 102 page: 121-147 1992
On the Present Participle Passive and the First Infinitive in the Finnish Language Reviewed
Jun'ichi SAKUMA
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 3 page: 25-36 2007.3
意味役割と文法機能 —フィンランド語を例にして— Reviewed
言語基礎論の構築へ向けて(東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所共同プロジェクト「言語基礎論の構築」研究活動報告書) page: 71-92 2006.12
On the Diachronic Development of the Permissive Construction in the Finnish Language Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya University Journal of the School of Letters Vol. 2 page: 1-10 2006.3
言外と言内の交流分野 小泉保博士傘寿記念論文集 page: 233-241 2006
On the Quantifying Sentence in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Vol. 1 page: 31-41 2005.3
Causative Psych-Predicates in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 148 page: 23-35 2004.3
Grammatical Cases in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Studies for the Integrated Text Science page: 79-86 2003
Semantic Roles and Case Marking: The Finnish case
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
page: 15-24 2003.5
Semantic Macroroles and Case Marking in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 18 page: 111-124 2003.3
Non-lexical Case Assignment in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 145 page: 1-11 2003
On the So-called Status Construction in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 142 page: 1-10 2002
On the Case Marking of the Object of the Second Infinitive in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 139 page: 1-11 2001
The Nominative and the Genitive Marking in the Finnish Language Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, Pars IV page: 113-121 2001
On Adverbial Phrases Expressing Duration or Distance in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 136 page: 71-82 2000
On the Conditions of the Nominative Marking and the Genitive Marking in the Finnish Language
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 16 page: 281-295 2000
On the Semantic Conditions of the Nominative Marking of the Object in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 133 page: 61-73 1999
On the Mechanism of the Non-lexical Case Assignment in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 15 page: 171-195 1999
On the Syntactic Properties of the Temporal Constrution and the Participial Construction in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 14 page: 159-175 1998
The Case-marking of the Object of the Second Infinitive Instructive in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 130 page: 1-14 1998
The Permissive Construction in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 127 page: 5-21 1997
The Nominative Case and the Genitive Case in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Paper in Linguistics Vol. 13 page: 91-108 1997
Distribution of Possessive Suffixes in the Finnish Language Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, Pars III page: 189-192 1996
Possessiivisuffiksien levinneisyys suomen kieless(]J1103[) (Distribution of possessive suffixes in the Finnish language)
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 124 page: 1-9 1996
The Participial Construction and the Permissive Construction in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 12 page: 167-193 1996
Grammatical Cases in the Finnish Language
Tokyo University Linguistics Papers Vol. 14 page: 641-665 1995
The genitive form of the first and second person pronouns in the Finnish language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Paper in Linguistics Vol. 11 page: 225-247 1995
The genitive object in Finnish
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 10 page: 131-150 1994
On the Default Theme in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Vol. 118 page: 25-38 1994
Distribution of Possessive Suffixes and Genitive forms in the Finnish Language Reviewed
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Uralica Vol. 10 page: 27-41 1994
On the Case Marking Pattern of Intransitive and Transitive Sentences in the Finnish Language
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 9 page: 117-135 1993
On the Sentence which means 'A becomes B' in the Finnish Language
Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 8 page: 219-235 1992
The 'Demotion' of Subject in the Finnish Language
Tokyo University Linguistics Papers'89 page: 187-206 1990
Subject and Theme in the Finnish Language
Tokyo University Linguistics Papers'88 page: 301-320 1988
Subject and Object in the Finnish Language
Tokyo University Linguistics Papers'87 page: 127-151 1987
東京大学言語学論集'86 page: 105-116 1986
言語学入門 これから始める人のための入門書
佐久間淳一 加藤重広 町田健( Role: Joint author)
研究社 2004.12
フィンランド語のすすめ 初級編
佐久間淳一( Role: Sole author)
研究社 2004.6
フィンランド語のすすめ 中級編
佐久間淳一( Role: Sole author)
研究社 2004.9
広東経済出版社 2021.6 ( ISBN:9787545477276 )
佐久間淳一( Role: Sole author)
日本実業出版社 2013.12 ( ISBN:9784534051370 )
佐久間淳一( Role: Sole author)
研究社 2007.3
佐久間淳一( Role: Sole author)
研究社 2008.8
町田健( Role: Joint author)
白水社 2010
世界のことば 出会いの表現辞典
石井米雄, 千野栄一( Role: Joint author)
三省堂 2004.6
世界のことば 100語辞典 ヨーロッパ編
石井米雄, 千野栄一( Role: Joint author)
三省堂 1999.6
On Passive Voice and Resultative Aspect of the Finnish Language International conference
Jun’ichi SAKUMA
13th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies 2022.8.26
On the Reflexive Suffix and Its Predicative Function in Finnish International conference
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
12th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies
Reflexive Verbs and Anticausatives in the Finnish Language from a Typological Point of View International conference
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
Societas Linguistica Europaea 46th Annual Meeting
佐久間淳一, 佐々木冠, 入江浩司, 櫻井映子
On the Elative Argument of the Finnish Language International conference
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
11th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics
Case Marking and Word Order in the Finnish Language International conference
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
11th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies
The double nominative marking in the Finnish language International conference
Sakuma, Jun'ichi
Symposium of the Finnish Linguistic Society
Case Marking of Core Arguments in the Finnish Language International conference
Unavailability of the Particular Cases for Marking the Grammatical Functions in the Finnish Language International conference
Sakuma, Jun'ichi
22nd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics
日本における言語学研究の動向 Invited International conference
時間表現の多様性と普遍性について Invited International conference
日本語表現に見る文化的特徴 Invited International conference
On Morphological Marking of the Grammatical Relations with special reference to the Japanese and the Finnish Language Invited International conference
Sakuma, Jun'ichi
International Conference SANG GURU 2
類型論的観点から見た日本語の特徴 Invited International conference
世界の言語からみた日本語の類型 Invited International conference
世界の言語からみた日本語の類型 Invited International conference
言語の普遍性と多様性 ―動詞の自他交替に見る言語間の相違と共通点― Invited International conference
Grammatical Cases in the Finnish Language
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
The Second International Conference, 21st Century COE Program, Studies for the Integrated Text Science
意味役割と格表示 ―フィンランド語を例にして―
名古屋ことばのつどい 250回記念大研究発表会
The Nominative Case and the Genitive Case in the Finnish Language International conference
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
9th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies
Possessiivisuffiksin levinneisyys suomen kielessa International conference
SAKUMA, Jun'ichi
8th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies
Japani-Suomi Perussanakirja 5000
Grant number:21K00477 2021.4 - 2024.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
佐久間 淳一, 入江 浩司, 當野 能之, 大辺 理恵
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )
Grant number:17K02680 2017.4 - 2023.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
佐久間 淳一, 入江 浩司, 當野 能之
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
2014.4 - 2016.3
科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究
Authorship:Principal investigator
2009.4 - 2013.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2004.4 - 2007.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2000.4 - 2002.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Crosslinguistic investigation of morphology relating to anticausativization
Grant number:15K02489 2015.4 - 2018.3
Anticausativization is a voice category deriving intransitive verbs from transitive verbs by removing the transitive subject. In many languages, anticausativization is one of the functions of the reflexive marker. In this research plan, we attempted to investigate the range of anticausative morphology usage through an analysis of languages and dialects employing reflexive morphemes as well as languages and dialects employing morphemes other than the reflexive.
This project enabled us to gather anticausative related data from the internet using Crawler. The outcomes of this research project include the clarification of the semantic difference between lexical intransitive verbs and morphologically derived anticausatives sharing common verbal roots and a tentative version of a semantic map for anticausativization using not only reflexive morphemes but also non-reflexive morphemes.
Culture and Representation
河合塾 2021.3
日本教育新聞社 第7回夏の教育セミナー 2020.7