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タジマ ヒロヤス
田島 宏康
TAJIMA, Hiroyasu
宇宙地球環境研究所 基盤研究部門 宇宙線研究部 教授

学位 1

  1. 理学博士 ( 1991年6月   名古屋大学 ) 

研究キーワード 7

  1. 解像型大気チェレンコフ望遠鏡

  2. コンプトン望遠鏡

  3. ガンマ線偏光

  4. ガンマ線バースト

  5. 超新星残骸

  6. ガンマ線宇宙物理

  7. 宇宙線加速・伝播

研究分野 1

  1. その他 / その他  / 素粒子・原子核・宇宙線・宇宙物理

経歴 6

  1. 東京大学   宇宙線研究所   客員教授   客員教授

    2022年4月 - 現在



  2. SLAC国立加速器研究所   素粒子宇宙部門   上級研究員

    2009年7月 - 2010年8月



  3. SLAC国立加速器研究所   素粒子宇宙部門   上級研究員

    2001年8月 - 2009年6月



  4. 東京大学   素粒子物理国際研究センター   助手

    1996年1月 - 2001年8月



  5. カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校   物理学科   助手

    1993年2月 - 1995年12月



  6. カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校   物理学科   研究員

    1991年4月 - 1993年1月




学歴 2

  1. 名古屋大学   理学系研究科   素粒子物理学

    1988年4月 - 1991年3月


    国名: 日本国

  2. 名古屋大学   理学部   物理学科

    1982年4月 - 1986年3月


    国名: 日本国

所属学協会 1

  1. 日本物理学会

委員歴 16

  1. Science organizing comittee for SiPM workshop: from fundamental research to industrial applications   Comittee member  

    2018年10月 - 2020年5月   



  2. 5th Fermi Symposium   LOC Chairperson  


  3. KEK B-Factory Program Committee   Committee Member  

    2014年4月 - 現在   

  4. Fermi Symposium Scientific Organizing Committee   委員  

    2014年4月 - 2015年12月   

  5. NASA Astrophysics Explorer Mission of Opportunity   Reviewer, Gamma-ray panel  


  6. KEK Detector Technology Project International Review Committee   Chairperson  


  7. Vienna Conference on Instrumentation Science Organizing Committee   委員  

    2012年4月 - 現在   

  8. KEK Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Steering Committee   Committee Member  

    2012年4月 - 2015年3月   

  9. KEK SOI International Review Committee   Chairperson  


  10. NASA ROSES Solicitation for the Astronomy and Physics Research and Analysis   Reviewer, Gamma-ray panel  

    2009年 - 2012年   

  11. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Program Committee   Topic Convener, Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation  


  12. Joint Meeting of Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities   Topic Convener, Particle Astrophysics  


  13. NASA NuSTAR project Shield Review Committee   Committee Member  


  14. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Program Committee   Committee Member  

    2003年 - 現在   

  15. Thematic Research Program of Academia Sinica   Reviewer  

    2001年 - 2005年   

  16. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Technical Review Committee   Reviewer  

    2001年 - 2002年   



論文 113

  1. Fine-Pitch Semiconductor Detector for the FOXSI Mission 査読有り

    Ishikawa, S.; Saito, S.; Tajima, H.; Tanaka, T.; Watanabe, S.; Odaka, H.; Fukuyama, T.; Kokubun, M.; Takahashi, T.; Terada, Y.; Krucker, S.; Christe, S.; McBride, S.; Glesener, L.

    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science   58 巻   頁: 2039-2046   2011年8月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) is a NASA sounding rocket mission which will study particle acceleration and coronal heating on the Sun through high sensitivity observations in the hard X-ray energy band (5-15 keV). Combining high-resolution focusing X-ray optics and fine-pitch imaging sensors, FOXSI will achieve superior sensitivity; two orders of magnitude better than that of the RHESSI satellite. As the focal plane detector, a Double-sided Si Strip Detector (DSSD) with a front-end ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) will fulfill the scientific requirements of spatial and energy resolution, low energy threshold and time resolution. We have designed and fabricated a DSSD with a thickness of 500 µm and a dimension of 9.6 mm x 9.6 mm, containing 128 strips with a pitch of 75 µm, which corresponds to 8 arcsec at the focal length of 2 m. We also developed a low-noise ASIC specified to FOXSI. The detector was successfully operated in the laboratory at a temperature of -20 C and with an applied bias voltage of 300 V, and the energy resolution of 430 eV at a 14 keV line was achieved. We also demonstrated fine-pitch imaging successfully by obtaining a shadow image, hence the implementation of scientific requirements was confirmed.

    DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2011.2154342

  2. Gamma-Ray Emission from the Shell of Supernova Remnant W44 Revealed by the Fermi LAT 査読有り 国際共著

    Fermi LAT collaboration

    Science   327 巻   頁: 1103   2010年2月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Recent observations of supernova remnants (SNRs) hint that they accelerate cosmic rays to energies close to ~1015 electron volts. However, the nature of the particles that produce the emission remains ambiguous. We report observations of SNR W44 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope at energies between 2 × 10^8 electron volts and 3 ×10^q11 electron volts. The detection of a source with a morphology corresponding to the SNR shell implies that the emission is produced by particles accelerated there. The gamma-ray spectrum is well modeled with emission from protons and nuclei. Its steepening above ~10^9 electron volts provides a probe with which to study how particle acceleration responds to environmental effects such as shock propagation in dense clouds and how accelerated particles are released into interstellar space.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.1182787

  3. A limit on the variation of the speed of light arising from quantum gravity effects 査読有り 国際共著

    Fermi LAT/GBM collaborations

    Nature   462 巻   頁: 331-334   2009年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    A cornerstone of Einstein's special relativity is Lorentz invariance - the postulate that all observers measure exactly the same speed of light in vacuum, independent of photon-energy. While special relativity assumes that there is no fundamental length-scale associated with such invariance, there is a fundamental scale (the Planck scale, lPlanck~1.62×10^-33cm or EPlanck = MPlanck~1.22×10^19GeV/c2), at which quantum effects are expected to strongly affect the nature of space-time. There is great interest in the (not yet validated) idea that Lorentz invariance might break near the Planck scale. A key test of such violation of Lorentz invariance is a possible variation of photon speed with energy. Even a tiny variation in photon speed, when accumulated over cosmological light-travel times, may be revealed by observing sharp features in γ-ray burst (GRB) light-curves. Here we report the detection of emission up to ~31GeV from the distant and short GRB090510. We find no evidence for the violation of Lorentz invariance, and place a lower limit of 1.2EPlanck on the scale of a linear energy dependence (or an inverse wavelength dependence), subject to reasonable assumptions about the emission (equivalently we have an upper limit of lPlanck/1.2 on the length scale of the effect). Our results disfavour quantum-gravity theories in which the quantum nature of space-time on a very small scale linearly alters the speed of light.

    DOI: 10.1038/nature08574

  4. The on-orbit calibration of the Fermi Large Area Telescope 査読有り 国際共著

    Fermi LAT collaboration

    Astroparticle Physics   32 巻   頁: 193-219   2009年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope began its on-orbit operations on June 23, 2008. Calibrations, defined in a generic sense, correspond to synchronization of trigger signals, optimization of delays for latching data, determination of detector thresholds, gains and responses, evaluation of the perimeter of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), measurements of live time, of absolute time, and internal and spacecraft boresight alignments. Here we describe on-orbit calibration results obtained using known astrophysical sources, galactic cosmic rays, and charge injection into the front-end electronics of each detector. Instrument response functions will be described in a separate publication. This paper demonstrates the stability of calibrations and describes minor changes observed since launch. These results have been used to calibrate the LAT datasets to be publicly released in August 2009.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2009.08.002

  5. Fermi Observations of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from GRB 080916C 査読有り 国際共著

    Fermi LAT/GBM collaborations

    Science   323 巻   頁: 1688-1693   2009年3月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are highly energetic explosions signaling the death of massive stars in distant galaxies. The Gamma-ray Burst Monitor and Large Area Telescope onboard the Fermi Observatory together record GRBs over a broad energy range spanning about 7 decades of gamma-ray energy. In September 2008, Fermi observed the exceptionally luminous GRB 080916C, with the largest apparent energy release yet measured. The high-energy gamma rays are observed to start later and persist longer than the lower energy photons. A simple spectral form fits the entire GRB spectrum, providing strong constraints on emission models. The known distance of the burst enables placing lower limits on the bulk Lorentz factor of the outflow and on the quantum gravity mass.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.1169101

  6. The variability patterns of the TeV blazar PG 1553 + 113 from a decade of MAGIC and multiband observations 査読有り

    Abe H., Abe S., Abhir J., Acciari V.A., Agudo I., Aniello T., Ansoldi S., Antonelli L.A., Arbet Engels A., Arcaro C., Artero M., Asano K., Baack D., Babić A., Baquero A., Barres de Almeida U., Batković I., Baxter J., Becerra González J., Bernardini E., Bernete J., Berti A., Besenrieder J., Bigongiari C., Biland A., Blanch O., Bonnoli G., Bošnjak , Burelli I., Busetto G., Campoy-Ordaz A., Carosi A., Carosi R., Carretero-Castrillo M., Castro-Tirado A.J., Chai Y., Cifuentes A., Cikota S., Colombo E., Contreras J.L., Cortina J., Covino S., D’Amico G., D’Elia V., Da Vela P., Dazzi F., De Angelis A., De Lotto B., Del Popolo A., Delfino M., Delgado J., Delgado Mendez C., Depaoli D., Di Pierro F., Di Venere L., Dominis Prester D., Donini A., Dorner D., Doro M., Elsaesser D., Emery G., Escudero J., Fariña L., Fattorini A., Foffano L., Font L., Fukami S., Fukazawa Y., García López R.J., Gasparyan S., Gaug M., Giesbrecht Paiva J.G., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Gliwny P., Grau R., Green J.G., Hadasch D., Hahn A., Heckmann L., Herrera J., Hovatta T., Hrupec D., Hütten M., Imazawa R., Inada T., Iotov R., Ishio K., Jimenez Martínez I., Jormanainen J., Kerszberg D., Kluge G.W., Kobayashi Y., Kouch P.M., Kubo H., Kushida J., Láinez Lezáun M., Lamastra A., Leone F., Lindfors E.

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society   529 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 3894 - 3911   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  

    PG 1553 + 113 is one of the few blazars with a convincing quasi-periodic emission in the gamma-ray band. The source is also a very high energy (VHE; >100 GeV) gamma-ray emitter. To better understand its properties and identify the underlying physical processes driving its variability, the MAGIC Collaboration initiated a multiyear, multiwavelength monitoring campaign in 2015 involving the OVRO 40-m and Medicina radio telescopes, REM, KVA, and the MAGIC telescopes, Swift and Fermi satellites, and the WEBT network. The analysis presented in this paper uses data until 2017 and focuses on the characterization of the variability. The gamma-ray data show a (hint of a) periodic signal compatible with literature, but the X-ray and VHE gamma-ray data do not show statistical evidence for a periodic signal. In other bands, the data are compatible with the gamma-ray period, but with a relatively high p-value. The complex connection between the low- and high-energy emission and the non-monochromatic modulation and changes in flux suggests that a simple one-zone model is unable to explain all the variability. Instead, a model including a periodic component along with multiple emission zones is required.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stae649


  7. AstroPix4 — a novel HV-CMOS sensor developed for space based experiments 査読有り

    Striebig N., Leys R., Peric I., Caputo R., Steinhebel A.L., Suda Y., Fukazawa Y., Jadhav M., Violette D., Kierans C., Tajima H., Metcalfe J., Perkins J.S.

    Journal of Instrumentation   19 巻 ( 4 )   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Instrumentation  

    For the proposed space based gamma-ray observatory All-sky Medium-Energy Gamma-ray Observatory eXplorer (AMEGO-X), a silicon tracker based on a novel High Voltage-CMOS (HV-CMOS) sensor called AstroPix, is currently being developed. Preliminary measurements with the first full reticle prototype AstroPix3 show that the power target of 1.5 mW/cm2 can currently not be reached due to the digital consumption of 3.08 mW/cm2, while the analog power consumption of 1.04 mW/cm2 and a break down voltage of over 350 V look promising. Based on these results, the design changes in AstroPix4, submitted in May 2023, are presented, containing changes to the time stamp generation and readout architecture. A digital power consumption below 0.25 mW/cm2 is expected by removing the fast 200 MHz clock used to measure the time-over-threshold (ToT) and an LVDS receiver. A maximum resolution of 3.125 ns for time-of-arrival (ToA) and ToT is reached by adding per-pixel Flash-Time-to-Digital Converter (TDCs) controlled by a global delay-locked loop (DLL).

    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/19/04/C04010


  8. Silicon photomultipliers for the SST camera of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Depaoli D., Lapington J., Leach S., Okumura A., Sofia I., Tajima H.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   1060 巻   2024年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment  

    The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will be the major global observatory for gamma-ray astronomy over the next decade and beyond. It will consist of two arrays of telescopes of different sizes, one for each hemisphere, and will be sensitive to gamma rays in the energy range from a few tens of GeV to hundreds of TeV. The Small-Sized Telescopes (SSTs) are a crucial component of the southern array, as they will extend the sensitivity of the observatory to the highest energies. Their focal plane will be equipped with 2048 Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) pixels, each one read independently by a state-of-the-art full waveform sampling readout. These solid-state sensors offer advantages over the traditional photomultiplier tubes, such as lower operating voltage, higher photon detection efficiency, and tolerance to bright illumination. In particular, they are the best choice for a small and compact camera such as the SST one. After a detailed comparative study, LVR3-type SiPMs from Hamamatsu Photonics were selected, with an active area of 6 mm × 6 mm, a microcell of 50 μm and without a protective coating, for optimum performance. The sensors demonstrated to have a higher photon detection efficiency and a lower crosstalk compared to the competitors, alongside a low dark count rate. In this contribution, we present the selection process and the latest measurements performed on the SiPMs mounted on the SST Camera module.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2023.169047


  9. Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514 招待有り 国際共著

    Abe, H. et al.

    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume   682 巻   頁: A114   2024年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347845

  10. MAGIC detection of GRB 201216C at z = 1.1 査読有り

    Abe H., Abe S., Acciari V.A., Agudo I., Aniello T., Ansoldi S., Antonelli L.A., Arbet Engels A., Arcaro C., Artero M., Asano K., Baack D., Babić A., Baquero A., Barres de Almeida U., Barrio J.A., Batković I., Baxter J., Becerra González J., Bednarek W., Bernardini E., Bernete J., Berti A., Besenrieder J., Bigongiari C., Biland A., Blanch O., Bonnoli G., Bošnjak , Burelli I., Busetto G., Campoy-Ordaz A., Carosi A., Carosi R., Carretero-Castrillo M., Castro-Tirado A.J., Ceribella G., Chai Y., Cifuentes A., Cikota S., Colombo E., Contreras J.L., Cortina J., Covino S., D’Amico G., D’Elia V., Da Vela P., Dazzi F., De Angelis A., De Lotto B., Del Popolo A., Delfino M., Delgado J., Delgado Mendez C., Depaoli D., Di Pierro F., Di Venere L., Dominis Prester D., Donini A., Dorner D., Doro M., Elsaesser D., Emery G., Escudero J., Fariña L., Fattorini A., Foffano L., Font L., Fukami S., Fukazawa Y., García López R.J., Garczarczyk M., Gasparyan S., Gaug M., Giesbrecht Paiva J.G., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Gliwny P., Godinović N., Grau R., Green D., Green J.G., Hadasch D., Hahn A., Hassan T., Heckmann L., Herrera J., Hrupec D., Hütten M., Imazawa R., Inada T., Iotov R., Ishio K., Jiménez Martínez I., Jormanainen J., Kerszberg D., Kluge G.W., Kobayashi Y., Kouch P.M., Kubo H.

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society   527 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 5856 - 5867   2024年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  

    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are explosive transient events occurring at cosmological distances, releasing a large amount of energy as electromagnetic radiation over several energy bands. We report the detection of the long GRB 201216C by the MAGIC telescopes. The source is located at z = 1.1 and thus it is the farthest one detected at very high energies. The emission above 70 GeV of GRB 201216C is modelled together with multiwavelength data within a synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario. We find that SSC can explain the broad-band data well from the optical to the very-high-energy band. For the late-time radio data, a different component is needed to account for the observed emission. Differently from previous GRBs detected in the very-high-energy range, the model for GRB 201216C strongly favours a wind-like medium. The model parameters have values similar to those found in past studies of the afterglows of GRBs detected up to GeV energies.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad2958


  11. Performance of the joint LST-1 and MAGIC observations evaluated with Crab Nebula data 査読有り

    Abe H., Abe K., Abe S., Acciari V.A., Aguasca-Cabot A., Agudo I., Alvarez Crespo N., Aniello T., Ansoldi S., Antonelli L.A., Aramo C., Arbet-Engels A., Arcaro C., Artero M., Asano K., Aubert P., Baack D., Babić A., Baktash A., Bamba A., Baquero Larriva A., Baroncelli L., Barres De Almeida U., Barrio J.A., Batković I., Baxter J., Becerra González J., Bednarek W., Bernardini E., Bernardos M.I., Bernete Medrano J., Berti A., Besenrieder J., Bhattacharjee P., Biederbeck N., Bigongiari C., Biland A., Bissaldi E., Blanch O., Bonnoli G., Bordas P., Bošnjak , Bulgarelli A., Burelli I., Burmistrov L., Buscemi M., Busetto G., Campoy Ordaz A., Cardillo M., Caroff S., Carosi A., Carosi R., Carrasco M.S., Carretero-Castrillo M., Cassol F., Castro-Tirado A.J., Cauz D., Cerasole D., Ceribella G., Chai Y., Cheng K., Chiavassa A., Chikawa M., Chytka L., Cifuentes A., Cikota S., Colombo E., Contreras J.L., Cornelia A., Cortina J., Costantini H., Covino S., D'Amico G., D'Elia V., Da Vela P., Dalchenko M., Dazzi F., De Angelis A., De Bony De Lavergne M., De Lotto B., De Lucia M., De Menezes R., Del Peral L., Del Popolo A., Deleglise G., Delfino M., Delgado Mendez C., Delgado Mengual J., Della Volpe D., Dellaiera M., Depaoli D., De Angelis A., Di Piano A., Di Pierro F., Di Pilato A., Di Tria R., Di Venere L., Dominik R.M., Dominis Prester D., Donini A.

    Astronomy and Astrophysics   680 巻   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Astronomy and Astrophysics  

    Aims. Large-Sized Telescope 1 (LST-1), the prototype for the Large-Sized Telescope at the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, is concluding its commissioning phase at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on the island of La Palma. The proximity of LST-1 to the two MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes makes it possible to carry out observations of the same gamma-ray events with both systems. Methods. We describe the joint LST-1+MAGIC analysis pipeline and used simultaneous Crab Nebula observations and Monte Carlo simulations to assess the performance of the three-telescope system. The addition of the LST-1 telescope allows for the recovery of events in which one of the MAGIC images is too dim to survive analysis quality cuts. Results. Thanks to the resulting increase in the collection area and stronger background rejection, we found a significant improvement in sensitivity, allowing for the detection of 30% weaker fluxes in the energy range between 200 GeV and 3 TeV. The spectrum of the Crab Nebula, reconstructed in the energy range between ∼60 GeV and ∼10 TeV, is in agreement with previous measurements.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202346927


  12. The Third Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalog of Gamma-Ray Pulsars 査読有り

    Smith, D. A. et al.

    Astrophysical Journal   958 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 191   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acee67

  13. Star tracking for pointing determination of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes: Application to the Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Abe K., Abe S., Aguasca-Cabot A., Agudo I., Alvarez Crespo N., Antonelli L.A., Aramo C., Arbet-Engels A., Cornelia A., Artero M., Asano K., Aubert P., Baktash A., Bamba A., Baquero Larriva A., Baroncelli L., Barres De Almeida U., Barrio J.A., Batkovic I., Baxter J., Becerra González J., Bernardini E., Bernardos M.I., Bernete Medrano J., Berti A., Bhattacharjee P., Biederbeck N., Bigongiari C., Bissaldi E., Blanch O., Bonnoli G., Bordas P., Bulgarelli A., Burelli I., Burmistrov L., Buscemi M., Cardillo M., Caroff S., Carosi A., Cassol F., Cauz D., Ceribella G., Chai Y., Cheng K., Chiavassa A., Chikawa M., Chytka L., Cifuentes A., Contreras J.L., Cortina J., Costantini H., Dalchenko M., De Angelis A., De Bony De Lavergne M., De Lotto B., De Menezes R., Deleglise G., Delgado C., Delgado Mengual J., Della Volpe D., Dellaiera M., Di Piano A., Di Pierro F., Di Tria R., Di Venere L., Díaz C., Dominik R.M., Dominis Prester D., Donini A., Dorner D., Doro M., Elsässer D., Emery G., Escudero J., Fallah Ramazani V., Ferrara G., Ferrarotto F., Fiasson A., Freixas Coromina L., Fröse S., Fukami S., Fukazawa Y., Garcia E., Garcia López R., Gasbarra C., Gasparrini D., Geyer D., Giesbrecht Paiva J., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Giro E., Gliwny P., Godinovic N., Grau R., Green D., Green J., Gunji S., Günther P., Hackfeld J., Hadasch D.

    Astronomy and Astrophysics   679 巻   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Astronomy and Astrophysics  

    We present a novel approach to the determination of the pointing of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) using the trajectories of the stars in their camera s field of view. The method starts with the reconstruction of the star positions from the Cherenkov camera data, taking into account the point spread function of the telescope, to achieve a satisfying reconstruction accuracy of the pointing position. A simultaneous fit of all reconstructed star trajectories is then performed with the orthogonal distance regression (ODR) method. ODR allows us to correctly include the star position uncertainties and use the time as an independent variable. Having the time as an independent variable in the fit makes it better suitable for various star trajectories. This method can be applied to any IACT and requires neither specific hardware nor interface or special data-taking mode. In this paper, we use the Large-Sized Telescope (LST) data to validate it as a useful tool to improve the determination of the pointing direction during regular data taking. The simulation studies show that the accuracy and precision of the method are comparable with the design requirements on the pointing accuracy of the LST (=14''). With the typical LST event acquisition rate of 10 kHz, the method can achieve up to 50 Hz pointing monitoring rate, compared to O(1) Hz achievable with standard techniques. The application of the method to the LST prototype (LST-1) commissioning data shows the stable pointing performance of the telescope.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347128


  14. Observations of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar with the Large-sized Telescope Prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 招待有り 国際共著

    The Astrophysical Journal   956 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 80   2023年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ace89d

  15. Fermi-GBM Discovery of GRB 221009A: An Extraordinarily Bright GRB from Onset to Afterglow 査読有り 国際共著

    Lesage, S. et al.

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   952 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: L42   2023年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ace5b4

  16. Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to spectral signatures of hadronic PeVatrons with application to Galactic Supernova Remnants 査読有り

    Acero F., Acharyya A., Adam R., Aguasca-Cabot A., Agudo I., Aguirre-Santaella A., Alfaro J., Aloisio R., Crespo N.Á., Batista R.A., Amati L., Amato E., Ambrosi G., Angüner E.O., Aramo C., Arcaro C., Armstrong T., Asano K., Ascasibar Y., Aschersleben J., Backes M., Baktash A., Balazs C., Balbo M., Ballet J., Larriva A.B., Martins V.B., de Almeida U.B., Barrio J.A., Bastieri D., Baxter J.R., Tjus J.B., Benbow W., Bernardos-Martín M.I., Bernete J., Berti A., Bertucci B., Beshley V., Bhattacharjee P., Bhattacharyya S., Biland A., Bissaldi E., Biteau J., Blanch O., Bordas P., Bottacini E., Bregeon J., Brose R., Bucciantini N., Bulgarelli A., Capasso M., Dolcetta R.A.C., Caraveo P., Cardillo M., Carosi R., Casanova S., Cascone E., Cassol F., Catalani F., Cerruti M., Chadwick P., Chaty S., Chen A., Chernyakova M., Chiavassa A., Chudoba J., Coimbra-Araujo C., Conforti V., Contreras J.L., Costa A., Costantini H., Cristofari P., Crocker R., D'Amico G., D'Ammando F., De Angelis A., De Caprio V., de Gouveia Dal Pino E.M., de Ona Wilhelmi E., de Souza V., Delgado C., della Volpe D., Depaoli D., Di Girolamo T., Di Pierro F., Di Tria R., Di Venere L., Diebold S., Djuvsland J.I., Donini A., Doro M., Dos Anjos R.D.C., Dwarkadas V.V., Einecke S., Elsässer D., Emery G., Evoli C., Falceta-Goncalves D., Fedorova E., Fegan S.

    Astroparticle Physics   150 巻   2023年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Astroparticle Physics  

    The local Cosmic Ray (CR) energy spectrum exhibits a spectral softening at energies around 3 PeV. Sources which are capable of accelerating hadrons to such energies are called hadronic PeVatrons. However, hadronic PeVatrons have not yet been firmly identified within the Galaxy. Several source classes, including Galactic Supernova Remnants (SNRs), have been proposed as PeVatron candidates. The potential to search for hadronic PeVatrons with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is assessed. The focus is on the usage of very high energy γ-ray spectral signatures for the identification of PeVatrons. Assuming that SNRs can accelerate CRs up to knee energies, the number of Galactic SNRs which can be identified as PeVatrons with CTA is estimated within a model for the evolution of SNRs. Additionally, the potential of a follow-up observation strategy under moonlight conditions for PeVatron searches is investigated. Statistical methods for the identification of PeVatrons are introduced, and realistic Monte-Carlo simulations of the response of the CTA observatory to the emission spectra from hadronic PeVatrons are performed. Based on simulations of a simplified model for the evolution for SNRs, the detection of a γ-ray signal from in average 9 Galactic PeVatron SNRs is expected to result from the scan of the Galactic plane with CTA after 10 h of exposure. CTA is also shown to have excellent potential to confirm these sources as PeVatrons in deep observations with O(100) hours of exposure per source.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2023.102850


  17. Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically Low X-Ray and γ-Ray Activity 査読有り 国際共著

    Abe, H. et al.

      266 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 37   2023年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acc181

  18. AstroPix: CMOS pixels in space 査読有り

    Steinhebel A.L., Caputo R., Fleischhack H., Striebig N., Jadhav M., Suda Y., Luz R., Violette D., Kierans C., Tajima H., Fukazawa Y., Leys R., Perić I., Metcalfe J., Negro M., Perkins J.S.

    Proceedings of Science   420 巻   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Proceedings of Science  

    Space-based gamma-ray telescopes such as the Fermi Large Area Telescope have used single sided silicon strip detectors to measure the position of charged particles produced by incident gamma rays with high resolution. At energies in the Compton regime and below, two dimensional position information within a single detector is required. Double sided silicon strip detectors are one option; however, this technology is difficult to fabricate and large arrays are susceptible to noise. This work outlines the development and implementation of monolithic CMOS active pixel silicon sensors, AstroPix, for use in future gamma-ray telescopes. Based upon detectors designed using the HVCMOS process at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, AstroPix has the potential to maintain the high energy and angular resolution required of a medium-energy gamma-ray telescope while reducing noise with the dual detection-and-readout capabilities of a CMOS chip. The status of AstroPix development and testing as well as outlook for application in future telescopes is presented.


  19. Multiwavelength study of the galactic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157 査読有り 国際共著

    Abe, S. et al.

    Astronomy & Astrophysics   673 巻   頁: A75   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202245086

  20. The Fermi-LAT Lightcurve Repository 査読有り 国際共著

    Abdollahi, S. et al.

    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series   265 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 31   2023年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acbb6a

  21. Studies of propagation mechanism of optical crosstalk in silicon photomultipliers 査読有り

    Tajima H., Okumura A., Furuta K.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   1049 巻   2023年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment  

    Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are now replacing photomultiplier tubes where low voltage operations, compactness, and cost per channel are important. However, optical crosstalk (OCT) is still one of the major disadvantages of SiPMs since it increases accidental triggers and degrades the accuracy of photon counting. Previously, we reported that OCTs can be suppressed by either thicker or no protection resin coating. Although no resin coating heavily suppresses OCTs, we still observe some OCTs at a few % levels. In this study, we have investigated the properties of OCTs and delayed OCTs for several types of SiPMs with different device sizes, cell sizes, and resin coating thickness. We observe that delayed OCTs have very similar properties compared with OCTs with no resin coating. Furthermore, we find that the sizable amount of delayed OCTs is overlapping with the original pulse and may be treated as OCTs when the delay is less than 8 ns in our analysis. Since the properties and rate of overlaps of delayed OCTs match those of OCTs with no resin coating, we conclude that the remaining OCTs for SiPMs with no coating can be fully explained by overlaps of delayed OCTs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2023.168029


  22. MAGIC observations provide compelling evidence of hadronic multi-TeV emission from the putative PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7 査読有り

    Abe H., Abe S., Acciari V.A., Agudo I., Aniello T., Ansoldi S., Antonelli L.A., Arbet Engels A., Arcaro C., Artero M., Asano K., Baack D., Babić A., Baquero A., Barres De Almeida U., Barrio J.A., Batković I., Baxter J., Becerra González J., Bednarek W., Bernardini E., Bernardos M., Berti A., Besenrieder J., Bhattacharyya W., Bigongiari C., Biland A., Blanch O., Bonnoli G., Bošnjak , Burelli I., Busetto G., Carosi R., Carretero-Castrillo M., Castro-Tirado A.J., Ceribella G., Chai Y., Chilingarian A., Cikota S., Colombo E., Contreras J.L., Cortina J., Covino S., D'Amico G., D'Elia V., Da Vela P., Dazzi F., De Angelis A., De Lotto B., Del Popolo A., Delfino M., Delgado J., Delgado Mendez C., Depaoli D., Di Pierro F., Di Venere L., Do Souto Espiñeira E., Dominis Prester D., Donini A., Dorner D., Doro M., Elsaesser D., Emery G., Escudero J., Fallah Ramazani V., Fariña L., Fattorini A., Font L., Fruck C., Fukami S., Fukazawa Y., García López R.J., Garczarczyk M., Gasparyan S., Gaug M., Giesbrecht Paiva J.G., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Gliwny P., Godinović N., Grau R., Green D., Green J.G., Hadasch D., Hahn A., Hassan T., Heckmann L., Herrera J., Hrupec D., Hütten M., Imazawa R., Inada T., Iotov R., Ishio K., Jiménez Martínez I., Jormanainen J., Kerszberg D., Kobayashi Y., Kubo H., Kushida J.

    Astronomy and Astrophysics   671 巻   2023年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Astronomy and Astrophysics  

    Context. Certain types of supernova remnants (SNRs) in our Galaxy are assumed to be PeVatrons, capable of accelerating cosmic rays (CRs) to ∼ PeV energies. However, conclusive observational evidence for this has not yet been found. The SNR G106.3+2.7, detected at 1- 100 TeV energies by different γ-ray facilities, is one of the most promising PeVatron candidates. This SNR has a cometary shape, which can be divided into a head and a tail region with different physical conditions. However, in which region the 100 TeV emission is produced has not yet been identified because of the limited position accuracy and/or angular resolution of existing observational data. Additionally, it remains unclear as to whether the origin of the γ-ray emission is leptonic or hadronic. Aims. With the better angular resolution provided by new MAGIC data compared to earlier γ-ray datasets, we aim to reveal the acceleration site of PeV particles and the emission mechanism by resolving the SNR G106.3+2.7 with 0.1 resolution at TeV energies. Methods. We observed the SNR G106.3+2.7 using the MAGIC telescopes for 121.7 h in total - after quality cuts - between May 2017 and August 2019. The analysis energy threshold is ∼0.2 TeV, and the angular resolution is 0.07-0.1. We examined the γ-ray spectra of different parts of the emission, whilst benefitting from the unprecedented statistics and angular resolution at these energies provided by our new data. We also used measurements at other wavelengths such as radio, X-rays, GeV γ-rays, and 10 TeV γ-rays to model the emission mechanism precisely. Results. We detect extended γ-ray emission spatially coincident with the radio continuum emission at the head and tail of SNR G106.3+2.7. The fact that we detect a significant γ-ray emission with energies above 6.0 TeV from only the tail region suggests that the emissions above 10 TeV detected with air shower experiments (Milagro, HAWC, Tibet ASγ and LHAASO) are emitted only from the SNR tail. Under this assumption, the multi-wavelength spectrum of the head region can be explained with either hadronic or leptonic models, while the leptonic model for the tail region is in contradiction with the emission above 10 TeV and X-rays. In contrast, the hadronic model could reproduce the observed spectrum at the tail by assuming a proton spectrum with a cutoff energy of ∼1 PeV for that region. Such high-energy emission in this middle-aged SNR (4-10 kyr) can be explained by considering a scenario where protons escaping from the SNR in the past interact with surrounding dense gases at present. Conclusions. The γ-ray emission region detected with the MAGIC telescopes in the SNR G106.3+2.7 is extended and spatially coincident with the radio continuum morphology. The multi-wavelength spectrum of the emission from the tail region suggests proton acceleration up to ∼PeV, while the emission mechanism of the head region could either be hadronic or leptonic.

    DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244931


  23. The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope: Data Release 3 査読有り

    Ajello M., Baldini L., Ballet J., Bastieri D., Gonzalez J. Becerra, Bellazzini R., Berretta A., Bissaldi E., Bonino R., Brill A., Bruel P., Buson S., Caputo R., Caraveo P. A., Cheung C. C., Chiaro G., Cibrario N., Ciprini S., Crnogorcevic M., Cutini S., D'Ammando F., De Gaetano S., Di Lalla N., Di Venere L., Dominguez A., Ramazani V. Fallah, Ferrara E. C., Fiori A., Fukazawa Y., Funk S., Fusco P., Gammaldi V, Gargano F., Garrappa S., Gasparrini D., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Giroletti M., Green D., Grenier I. A., Guiriec S., Horan D., Hou X., Kayanoki T., Kuss M., Larsson S., Latronico L., Lewis T., Li J., Liodakis I, Longo F., Loparco F., Lott B., Lovellette M. N., Lubrano P., Madejski G. M., Maldera S., Manfreda A., Marti-Devesa G., Mazziotta M. N., Mereu I, Michelson P. F., Mirabal N., Mitthumsiri W., Mizuno T., Monzani M. E., Morselli A., Moskalenko I. V, Negro M., Ojha R., Orienti M., Orlando E., Ormes J. F., Pei Z., Pena-Herazo H., Persic M., Pesce-Rollins M., Petrosian V, Pillera R., Poon H., Porter T. A., Principe G., Raino S., Rando R., Rani B., Razzano M., Razzaque S., Reimer A., Reimer O., Scotton L., Serini D., Sgro C., Siskind E. J., Spandre G., Spinelli P., Suson D. J., Tajima H., Torres D. F., Valverde J., Yassin H., Zaharijas G.



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365

    Web of Science

  24. Gamma-ray observations of MAXI J1820+070 during the 2018 outburst 査読有り

    Abe, H; Abe, S; Acciari, VA; Aniello, T; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Engels, AA; Arcaro, C; Artero, M; Asano, K; Baack, D; Babic, A; Baquero, A; de Almeida, UB; Barrio, JA; Batkovic, ; Baxter, J; González, JB; Bednarek, W; Bernardini, E; Bernardos, M; Berti, A; Besenrieder, J; Bhattacharyya, W; Bigongiari, C; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bonnoli, G; Bosnjak, Z; Burelli, ; Busetto, G; Carosi, R; Carretero-Castrillo, M; Ceribella, G; Chai, Y; Chilingarian, A; Cikota, S; Colombo, E; Contreras, JL; Cortina, J; Covino, S; D'Amico, G; D'Elia, ; Da Vela, P; Dazzi, F; De Angelis, A; De Lotto, B; Del Popolo, A; Delfino, M; Delgado, J; Mendez, CD; Depaoli, D; Di Pierro, F; Di Venere, L; Prester, DD; Donini, A; Dorner, D; Doro, M; Elsaesser, D; Emery, G; Ramazani, VF; Fariña, L; Fattorini, A; Font, L; Fruck, C; Fukami, S; Fukazawa, Y; López, RJG; Garczarczyk, M; Gasparyan, S; Gaug, M; Paiva, JGG; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Gliwny, P; Godinovic, N; Grau, R; Green, D; Green, JG; Hadasch, D; Hahn, A; Hassan, T; Heckmann, L; Herrera, J; Hoang, J; Hrupec, D; Hütten, M; Imazawa, R; Inada, T; Iotov, R; Ishio, K; Martínez, IJ; Jormanainen, J; Kerszberg, D; Kobayashi, Y; Kubo, H; Kushida, J; Lamastra, A; Lelas, D; Leone, F; Lindfors, E; Linhoff, L; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; López-Coto, R; López-Moya, M; López-Oramas, A; Loporchio, S; Lorini, A; Lyard, E; Fraga, BMD; Majumdar, P; Makariev, M; Maneva, G; Mang, N; Manganaro, M; Mangano, S; Mannheim, K; Mariotti, M; Martínez, M; Aguilar, AM; Mazin, D; Menchiari, S; Mender, S; Micanovic, S; Miceli, D; Miener, T; Miranda, JM; Mirzoyan, R; Molina, E; Mondal, HA; Moralejo, A; Morcuende, D; Moreno, ; Nakamori, T; Nanci, C; Nava, L; Neustroev, ; Rosillo, MN; Nigro, C; Nilsson, K; Nishijima, K; Ekoume, TN; Noda, K; Nozaki, S; Ohtani, Y; Oka, T; Okumura, A; Otero-Santos, J; Paiano, S; Palatiello, M; Paneque, D; Paoletti, R; Paredes, JM; Pavletic, L; Persic, M; Pihet, M; Pirola, G; Podobnik, F; Moroni, PGP; Prandini, E; Principe, G; Priyadarshi, C; Puljak, ; Rhode, W; Ribó, M; Rico, J; Righi, C; Rugliancich, A; Sahakyan, N; Saito, T; Sakurai, S; Satalecka, K; Saturni, FG; Schleicher, B; Schmidt, K; Schmuckermaier, F; Schubert, JL; Schweizer, T; Sitarek, J; Sliusar, ; Sobczynska, D; Spolon, A; Stamerra, A; Striskovic, J; Strom, D; Strzys, M; Suda, Y; Suric, T; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Takeishi, R; Tavecchio, F; Temnikov, P; Terauchi, K; Terzic, T; Teshima, M; Tosti, L; Truzzi, S; Tutone, A; Ubach, S; van Scherpenberg, J; Acosta, MV; Ventura, S; Verguilov, V; Viale, ; Vigorito, CF; Vitale, V; Vovk, ; Walter, R; Will, M; Wunderlich, C; Yamamoto, T; Zaric, D; Abdalla, H; Aharonian, F; Benkhali, FA; Angüner, EO; Ashkar, H; Backes, M; Baghmanyan, ; Martins, VB; Batzofin, R; Becherini, Y; Berge, D; Bernlöhr, K; Böttcher, M; Boisson, C; Bolmont, J; de Lavergne, MD; Bradascio, F; Breuhaus, M; Brose, R; Brun, F; Bulik, T; Bylund, T; Cangemi, F; Caroff, S; Casanova, S; Cerruti, M; Chand, T; Chandra, S; Chen, A; Chibueze, OU; Cotter, G; Cristofari, P; Mbarubucyeye, JD; Devin, J; Djannati-Ataï, A; Dmytriiev, A; Egberts, K; Ernenwein, JP; Fiasson, A; de Clairfontaine, GF; Fontaine, G; Füssling, M; Funk, S; Gabici, S; Ghafourizadeh, S; Giavitto, G; Glawion, D; Glicenstein, JF; Goswami, P; Grolleron, G; Hinton, JA; Hörbe, M; Hoischen, C; Holch, TL; Holler, M; Horns, D; Huang, ZQ; Jamrozy, M; Jankowsky, F; Joshi, ; Jung-Richardt, ; Kasai, E; Katarzynski, K; Katz, U; Khélifi, B; Kluzniak, W; Komin, N; Kosack, K; Kostunin, D; Lang, RG; Le Stum, S; Lemière, A; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Lenain, JP; Leuschner, F; Lohse, T; Luashvili, A; Lypova, ; Mackey, J; Majumdar, J; Malyshev, D; Malyshev, D; Marandon, ; Marchegiani, P; Martí-Devesa, G; Marx, R; Maurin, G; Meyer, M; Mitchell, A; Moderski, R; Mohrmann, L; Montanari, A; Moulin, E; Muller, J; Murach, T; Nakashima, K; de Naurois, M; Nayerhoda, A; Niemiec, J; Noel, AP; O'Brien, P; Ohm, S; Olivera-Nieto, L; Wilhelmi, ED; Ostrowski, M; Panny, S; Panter, M; Parsons, RD; Poireau, ; Prokhorov, DA; Prokoph, H; Pühlhofer, G; Punch, M; Quirrenbach, A; Reichherzer, P; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Renaud, M; Rieger, F; Rowell, G; Rudak, B; Ricarte, HR; Ruiz-Velasco, E; Sahakian, ; Salzmann, H; Santangelo, A; Sasaki, M; Schäfer, J; Schüssler, F; Schutte, HM; Schwanke, U; Shapopi, JNS; Sol, H; Specovius, A; Spencer, S; Stawarz, L; Steenkamp, R; Steinmassl, S; Steppa, C; Sushch, ; Suzuki, H; Takahashi, T; Tanaka, T; Thorpe-Morgan, C; Tluczykont, M; Tomankova, L; Tsuji, N; Uchiyama, Y; van Eldik, C; van Soelen, B; Vecchi, M; Veh, J; Venter, C; Vink, J; Wagner, SJ; White, R; Wierzcholska, A; Wong, YW; Yusafzai, A; Zacharias, M; Zanin, R; Zargaryan, D; Zdziarski, AA; Zech, A; Zhu, SJ; Zouari, S; Zywucka, N; Acharyya, A; Adams, CB; Batista, P; Benbow, W; Capasso, M; Christiansen, JL; Chromey, AJ; Errando, M; Falcone, A; Feng, Q; Finley, JP; Foote, GM; Fortson, L; Furniss, A; Gent, A; Hanlon, WE; Hervet, O; Holder, J; Hona, B; Humensky, TB; Jin, W; Kaaret, P; Kertzman, M; Kherlakian, M; Kleiner, TK; Kumar, S; Lang, MJ; Lundy, M; Maier, G; McGrath, CE; Millis, J; Moriarty, P; Mukherjee, R; O'Brien, S; Ong, RA; Park, N; Patel, SR; Pfrang, K; Pohl, M; Pueschel, E; Quinn, J; Ragan, K; Reynolds, PT; Ribeiro, D; Roache, E; Ryan, JL; Sadeh, ; Saha, L; Santander, M; Sembroski, GH; Shang, R; Splettstoesser, M; Tak, D; Tucci, J; Weinstein, A; Williams, DA; Williamson, TJ; Bosch-Ramon, ; Celma, C; Linares, M; Russell, DM; Sala, G

    MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY   517 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 4736 - 4751   2022年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  

    MAXI J1820+070 is a low-mass X-ray binary with a black hole (BH) as a compact object. This binary underwent an exceptionally bright X-ray outburst from 2018 March to October, showing evidence of a non-thermal particle population through its radio emission during this whole period. The combined results of 59.5 h of observations of the MAXI J1820+070 outburst with the H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS experiments at energies above 200 GeV are presented, together with Fermi-LAT data between 0.1 and 500 GeV, and multiwavelength observations from radio to X-rays. Gamma-ray emission is not detected from MAXI J1820+070, but the obtained upper limits and the multiwavelength data allow us to put meaningful constraints on the source properties under reasonable assumptions regarding the non-thermal particle population and the jet synchrotron spectrum. In particular, it is possible to show that, if a high-energy (HE) gamma-ray emitting region is present during the hard state of the source, its predicted flux should be at most a factor of 20 below the obtained Fermi-LAT upper limits, and closer to them for magnetic fields significantly below equipartition. During the state transitions, under the plausible assumption that electrons are accelerated up to ∼500 GeV, the multiwavelength data and the gamma-ray upper limits lead consistently to the conclusion that a potential HE and very-HE gamma-ray emitting region should be located at a distance from the BH ranging between 1011 and 1013 cm. Similar outbursts from low-mass X-ray binaries might be detectable in the near future with upcoming instruments such as CTA.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac2686

    Web of Science


  25. All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory eXplorer mission concept 査読有り

    Caputo Regina, Ajello Marco, Kierans Carolyn A., Perkins Jeremy S., Racusin Judith L., Baldini Luca, Baring Matthew G., Bissaldi Elisabetta, Burns Eric, Cannady Nicholas, Charles Eric, da Silva Rui M. Curado, Fang Ke, Fleischhack Henrike, Fryer Chris, Fukazawa Yasushi, Grove J. Eric, Hartmann Dieter, Howell Eric J., Jadhav Manoj, Karwin Christopher M., Kocevski Daniel, Kurahashi Naoko, Latronico Luca, Lewis Tiffany R., Leys Richard, Lien Amy, Marcotulli Lea, Martinez-Castellanos Israel, Mazziotta Mario Nicola, McEnery Julie, Metcalfe Jessica, Murase Kohta, Negro Michela, Parker Lucas, Phlips Bernard, Prescod-Weinstein Chanda, Razzaque Soebur, Shawhan Peter S., Sheng Yong, Shutt Tom A., Shy Daniel, Sleator Clio, Steinhebel Amanda L., Striebig Nicolas, Suda Yusuke, Tak Donggeun, Tajima Hiro, Valverde Janeth, Venters Tonia M., Wadiasingh Zorawar, Woolf Richard S., Wulf Eric A., Zhang Haocheng, Zoglauer Andreas



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.8.4.044003

    Web of Science

  26. Search for New Cosmic-Ray Acceleration Sites within the 4FGL Catalog Galactic Plane Sources 査読有り 国際共著 国際誌

    Abdollahi, S; Acero, F; Ackermann, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berenji, B; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bruel, P; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Castro, D; Chiaro, G; Cibrario, N; Ciprini, S; Coronado-Blázquez, J; Crnogorcevic, M; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; De Gaetano, S; Di Lalla, N; Dirirsa, F; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Fegan, SJ; Fiori, A; Fleischhack, H; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Fusco, P; Gammaldi, V; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giacchino, F; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grondin, MH; Guiriec, S; Gustafsson, M; Harding, AK; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Hou, X; Jóhannesson, G; Kayanoki, T; Kerr, M; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; Mereu, I; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Pillera, R; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Reposeur, T; Sánchez-Conde, M; Parkinson, PMS; Scotton, L; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Sueoka, K; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Tak, D; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Wadiasingh, Z; Wood, K; Zaharijas, G

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   933 巻 ( 2 )   2022年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac704f

    Web of Science

  27. Incremental Fermi Large Area Telescope Fourth Source Catalog 査読有り 国際共著 国際誌

    Abdollahi, S; Acero, F; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berenji, B; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, E; Bonino, R; Brill, A; Britto, RJ; Bruel, P; Burnett, TH; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Castro, D; Chaty, S; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Cibrario, N; Ciprini, S; Coronado-Blázquez, J; Crnogorcevic, M; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; De Gaetano, S; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Dirirsa, F; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Ramazani, VF; Fegan, SJ; Ferrara, EC; Fiori, A; Fleischhack, H; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Galanti, G; Gammaldi, V; Gargano, F; Garrappa, S; Gasparrini, D; Giacchino, F; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grondin, MH; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Gustafsson, M; Harding, AK; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Hou, X; Jóhannesson, G; Karwin, C; Kayanoki, T; Kerr, M; Kuss, M; Landriu, D; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lott, B; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; Mereu, I; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Moiseev, AA; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Pillera, R; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Reposeur, T; Sánchez-Conde, M; Parkinson, PMS; Scotton, L; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Smith, DA; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Sueoka, K; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Tak, D; Thayer, JB; Thompson, DJ; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Wood, K; Zaharijas, G



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac6751

    Web of Science

  28. Design and performance of the prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope camera 査読有り 国際共著 国際誌

    Adams, CB; Ambrosi, G; Ambrosio, M; Aramo, C; Arlen, T; Benbow, W; Bertucci, B; Bissaldi, E; Biteau, J; Bitossi, M; Boiano, A; Bonavolontà, C; Bose, R; Bouvier, A; Buscemi, M; Brill, A; Brown, AM; Buckley, JH; Canestrari, R; Capasso, M; Caprai, M; Coppi, P; Covault, CE; Depaoli, D; Di Venere, L; Errando, M; Fegan, S; Feng, Q; Fiandrini, E; Furniss, A; Garczarczyk, M; Gent, A; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giro, E; Halliday, R; Hervet, O; Hughes, G; Incardona, S; Humensky, TB; Ionica, M; Jin, WD; Johnson, CA; Kieda, D; Krennrich, F; Kuznetsov, A; Lapington, J; Licciulli, F; Loporchio, S; Marsella, G; Masone, V; Meagher, K; Meures, T; Mode, BAW; Mognet, SAI; Mukherjee, R; Okumura, A; Pantaleo, FR; Paoletti, R; Di Pierro, F; Ribeiro, D; Riitano, L; Roache, E; Ross, D; Rousselle, J; Rugliancich, A; Santander, M; Schneider, M; Schoorlemmer, H; Shang, RY; Stevenson, B; Stiaccini, L; Tajima, H; Taylor, LP; Thornhill, J; Tosti, L; Tripodo, G; Vagelli, V; Valentino, M; Vandenbroucke, J; Vassiliev, VV; Wakely, SP; Watson, JJ; White, R; Wilcox, P; Williams, DA; Wood, M; Yu, P; Zink, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems  

    The prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (pSCT) is a candidate for a medium-sized telescope in the Cherenkov Telescope Array. The pSCT is based on a dual-mirror optics design that reduces the plate scale and allows for the use of silicon photomultipliers as photodetectors. The prototype pSCT camera currently has only the central sector instrumented with 25 camera modules (1600 pixels), providing a 2.68-deg field of view (FoV). The camera electronics are based on custom TARGET (TeV array readout with GSa/s sampling and event trigger) application-specific integrated circuits. Field programmable gate arrays sample incoming signals at a gigasample per second. A single backplane provides camera-wide triggers. An upgrade of the pSCT camera that will fully populate the focal plane is in progress. This will increase the number of pixels to 11,328, the number of backplanes to 9, and the FoV to 8.04 deg. Here, we give a detailed description of the pSCT camera, including the basic concept, mechanical design, detectors, electronics, current status, and first light.

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.8.1.014007

    Web of Science


  29. SOlar Neutron and Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Mission (SONGS) 査読有り

    Yamaoka, K; Tajima, H; Miyata, K; Usami, M; Watabe, T; Matsushita, K; Ito, K; Nakazawa, K; Masuda, S; Tani, K; Arai, M; Hatori, S; Kume, K; Mizushima, S; Takahashi, H; Watanabe, K



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  

    The SOlar Neutron and Gamma-ray Spectroscopy (SONGS) mission is a 3U cubesat dedicated for detecting neutrons and gamma-rays associated with intense solar flares. Solar neutron observations have not been in progress because ground-based observations are affected by attenuation in the Earth atmosphere, and there is no dedicated mission in space at present. Hence, we are now developing in collaboration between science and engineering people at universities, and preparing for launch around 2024 during the next solar maximum. The SONGS carries a novel radiation detector which consists of multi-layered plastic scintillator bars and GAGG(Ce) scintillator array so that it can determine energies for both neutrons and gamma-rays. In total 704 signals from Silicon photo-multipliers (SiPMs) are processed by 45 ASICs with very low power consumption, and realized within limited resources. In this presentation, we will describe scientific motivation, mission and instrument overview, and results from the bread-board model (BBM).

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2629131

    Web of Science


  30. AstroPix: Novel monolithic active pixel silicon sensors for future gamma-ray telescopes 査読有り

    Steinhebel, AL; Fleischhack, H; Striebig, N; Jadhav, M; Suda, Y; Luz, R; Kierans, C; Caputo, R; Tajima, H; Leys, R; Peric, I; Metcalfe, J; Perkins, JS



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  

    Space-based γ-ray telescopes such as the Fermi Large Area Telescope have used single sided silicon strip detectors to track secondary charged particles produced by primary γ-rays with high resolution. At the lower energies targeted by keV-MeV telescopes, two dimensional position information within a single detector is required for event reconstruction - especially in the Compton regime. This work describes the development of monolithic CMOS active pixel silicon sensors – AstroPix – as a novel technology for use in future γ-ray telescopes. Based upon sensors (ATLASPix) designed for use in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider, AstroPix has the potential to maintain high performance while reducing noise with low power consumption. This is achieved with the dual detection and readout capabilities in each CMOS pixel. The status of AstroPix development and testing, as well as outlook for future testing and application, will be presented.

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2630405

    Web of Science


  31. The Small-Sized Telescope of CTAO 査読有り

    Tagliaferri, G; Antonelli, A; Arnesen, T; Aschersleben, J; Attinà, P; Balbo, M; Bang, S; Barcelo, M; Baryshev, A; Bellassai, G; Berge, D; Bicknell, C; Bigongiari, C; Bonnoli, G; Bouley, F; Brown, A; Bulgarelli, A; Cappi, M; Caraveo, P; Caschera, S; Chadwick, P; Conte, F; Cotter, G; Cristofari, P; De Frondat, F; Dal Pino, ED; De Simone, N; Depaoli, D; Dournaux, JL; Duffy, C; Einecke, S; Fermino, C; Funk, S; Gargano, C; Giavitto, G; Giuliani, A; Greenshaw, T; Hinton, J; Huet, JM; Iovenitti, S; La Palombara, N; Lapington, J; Laporte, P; Leach, S; Lessio, L; Leto, G; Lloyd, S; Lucarelli, F; Lombardi, S; Macchi, A; Martinetti, E; Miccichè, A; Millul, R; Mineo, T; Mitsunari, T; Nayak, A; Nicotra, G; Okumura, A; Pareschi, G; Penno, M; Prokoph, H; Rebert, E; Righi, C; Rulten, C; Russo, F; Sanchez, RZ; Saturni, FG; Schaefer, J; Schwab, B; Scuderi, S; Sironi, G; Sliusar, V; Sol, H; Spencer, S; Stamerra, A; Tajima, H; Tavecchio, F; Tosti, G; Trois, A; Vecchi, M; Vercellone, S; Vink, J; Walter, R; Watson, J; White, R; Zanin, R; Zampieri, L; Zech, A; Zink, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2627956

    Web of Science

  32. High-energy gamma-rays and neutrons observed in very impulsive solar flare on 2012 June 3 査読有り

    Kamiya, K; Koga, K; Masuda, S; Matsumoto, H; Muraki, Y; Okudaira, O; Shibata, S; Tajima, H; Tanaka, Y; Yamamoto, T; Watanabe, K

    PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   73 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 1443 - 1469   2021年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan  

    An impulsive solar flare was observed on 2012 June 3 by the Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite. In this flare, a salient feature was recognized whereby high-energy ions were accelerated to a few GeV within one minute. Associated with this flare, high-energy gamma-rays as well as high-energy neutrons were detected by the Space Environment Data Acquisition equipment onboard the International Space Station. A remarkable feature found of this event was an exceedingly high n/γ-ratio observed between the intensities of high-energy neutrons and gamma-rays. To understand a high n/γ-ratio of about 600, the interaction processes between the accelerated ions and ambient solar atmosphere were simulated for various test cases, taking into account the magnetic field of the photosphere. The simulation was extended by using the GEANT4 code and it was shown that the observed results could be reproduced under certain conditions selected for the actual interaction process. The results suggest that helium and C, N, and O ions were predominantly accelerated in this flare, and that high-energy gamma-rays and neutrons were produced by interactions between the accelerated ions and the ambient gas. As a result, a high n/γ-ratio was produced.

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psab089

    Web of Science


  33. Catalog of Long-term Transient Sources in the First 10 yr of Fermi-LAT Data 査読有り

    Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Bastieri, D; Gonzalez, JB; Bellazzini, R; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bruel, P; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Chiaro, G; Ciangottini, D; Cibario, N; Ciprini, S; Orestano, PC; Crnogorcevic, M; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Dirirsa, F; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Fiori, A; Fleischhack, H; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Germani, S; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Griffin, S; Guiriec, S; Gustafsson, M; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Imazawa, R; Jóhannesson, G; Kerr, M; Kocevski, D; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Matake, H; Mazziotta, MN; Mereu, I; Meyer, M; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Nagasawa, S; Negro, M; Ojha, R; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, V; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Racusin, JL; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Parkinson, PMS; Scotton, L; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Tak, D; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Troja, E; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Zaharijas, G



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac072a

    Web of Science

  34. Fermi Large Area Telescope Performance after 10 Years of Operation 査読有り 国際共著

    Ajello, M; Atwood, WB; Axelsson, M; Bagagli, R; Bagni, M; Baldini, L; Bastieri, D; Bellardi, F; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bregeon, J; Brez, A; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Ceccanti, M; Chen, S; Cheung, CC; Ciprini, S; Cognard, I; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Digel, SW; Dirirsa, F; Di Lalla, N; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Fabiani, D; Ferrara, EC; Fiori, A; Foglia, G; Fukazawa, Y; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Green, D; Griffin, S; Grondin, MH; Grove, JE; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Gustafsson, M; Hays, E; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Johnson, TJ; Kamae, T; Kerr, M; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; Menon, N; Mereu, I; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Minuti, M; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Mongelli, M; Monzani, ME; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ojha, R; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Paccagnella, A; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Perkins, JS; Pesce-Rollins, M; Pinchera, M; Piron, F; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Primavera, R; Principe, G; Racusin, JL; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Rapposelli, E; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Russell, JJ; Saggini, N; Parkinson, PMS; Scolieri, N; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Smith, DA; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Thayer, JG; Thompson, DJ; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Valverde, J; Vigiani, L; Zaharijas, G



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac0ceb

    Web of Science

  35. High-energy emission from a magnetar giant flare in the Sculptor galaxy 査読有り

    Ajello, M; Atwood, WB; Axelsson, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Baring, MG; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Burns, E; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Costantin, D; Crnogorcevic, M; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Venere, L; Dirirsa, FF; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Giglietto, N; Gill, R; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Granot, J; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Griffin, S; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kerr, M; Kovacevic, M; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Mereu, I; Michelson, PF; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Racusin, JL; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Parkinson, PMS; Scargle, JD; Scotton, L; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Takahashi, MN; Tak, D; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Troja, E; Wadiasingh, Z; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Yusafzai, A; Zaharijas, G

    NATURE ASTRONOMY   5 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 385 - +   2021年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nature Astronomy  

    Magnetars are the most highly magnetized neutron stars in the cosmos (with magnetic field 1013–1015 G). Giant flares from magnetars are rare, short-duration (about 0.1 s) bursts of hard X-rays and soft γ rays1,2. Owing to the limited sensitivity and energy coverage of previous telescopes, no magnetar giant flare has been detected at gigaelectronvolt (GeV) energies. Here, we report the discovery of GeV emission from a magnetar giant flare on 15 April 2020 (refs. 3,4 and A. J. Castro-Tirado et al., manuscript in preparation). The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detected GeV γ rays from 19 s until 284 s after the initial detection of a signal in the megaelectronvolt (MeV) band. Our analysis shows that these γ rays are spatially associated with the nearby (3.5 megaparsecs) Sculptor galaxy and are unlikely to originate from a cosmological γ-ray burst. Thus, we infer that the γ rays originated with the magnetar giant flare in Sculptor. We suggest that the GeV signal is generated by an ultra-relativistic outflow that first radiates the prompt MeV-band photons, and then deposits its energy far from the stellar magnetosphere. After a propagation delay, the outflow interacts with environmental gas and produces shock waves that accelerate electrons to very high energies; these electrons then emit GeV γ rays as optically thin synchrotron radiation. This observation implies that a relativistic outflow is associated with the magnetar giant flare, and suggests the possibility that magnetars can power some short γ-ray bursts.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-020-01287-8

    Web of Science


  36. Detection of the Crab Nebula with the 9.7 m prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope 査読有り

    Adams, CB; Alfaro, R; Ambrosi, G; Ambrosio, M; Aramo, C; Arlen, T; Batista, PI; Benbow, W; Bertucci, B; Bissaldi, E; Biteau, J; Bitossi, M; Boiano, A; Bonavolontà, C; Bose, R; Bouvier, A; Brill, A; Brown, AM; Buckley, JH; Byrum, K; Cameron, RA; Canestrari, R; Capasso, M; Caprai, M; Covault, CE; Depaoli, D; Errando, M; Fegan, S; Feng, Q; Fiandrini, E; Foote, G; Fortin, P; Funk, S; Furniss, A; Garfias, F; Gent, A; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giro, E; González, MM; Guarino, V; Halliday, R; Hervet, O; Holder, J; Hughes, G; Humensky, TB; Ionica, M; Iriarte, A; Jin, W; Johnson, CA; Kaaret, P; Kieda, D; Kim, B; Kuznetsov, A; Lapington, JS; Licciulli, F; Loporchio, S; Masone, V; Meagher, K; Meures, T; Mode, BAW; Mognet, SAI; Mukherjee, R; Nguyen, T; Nieto, D; Okumura, A; Otte, N; La Palombara, N; Pantaleo, FR; Paoletti, R; Pareschi, G; Petrashyk, A; Di Pierro, F; Pueschel, E; Reynolds, PT; Ribeiro, D; Richards, G; Roache, E; Ross, D; Rousselle, J; Rugliancich, A; Ruíz-Díaz-Soto, J; Santander, M; Schlenstedt, S; Schneider, M; Scuderi, S; Shang, R; Sironi, G; Stevenson, B; Stiaccini, L; Tajima, H; Taylor, LP; Thornhill, J; Tosti, L; Tovmassian, G; Vagelli, V; Valentinoa, M; Vandenbroucke, J; Vassiliev, VV; Di Venere, L; Wakely, SP; Watson, JJ; White, R; Wilcoxa, P; Williams, DA; Wood, M; Yu, P; Zink, A

    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   128 巻   2021年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Astroparticle Physics  

    The Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (SCT) is a telescope concept proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. It employs a dual-mirror optical design to remove comatic aberrations over an 8∘ field of view, and a high-density silicon photomultiplier camera (with a pixel resolution of 4 arcmin) to record Cherenkov emission from cosmic ray and gamma-ray initiated particle cascades in the atmosphere. The prototype SCT (pSCT), comprising a 9.7 m diameter primary mirror and a partially instrumented camera with 1536 pixels, has been constructed at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory. The telescope was inaugurated in January 2019, with commissioning continuing throughout 2019. We describe the first campaign of observations with the pSCT, conducted in January and February of 2020, and demonstrate the detection of gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula with a statistical significance of 8.6σ.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2021.102562

    Web of Science


  37. Silicon photomultiplier (Si-PM) comparisons for low-energy gamma ray readouts with BGO and CsI (Tl) scintillators 査読有り

    Takahashi, H; Hirade, N; Uchida, N; Hirose, K; Mizuno, T; Fukazawa, Y; Yamaoka, K; Tajima, H; Ohno, M



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2020.164945

    Web of Science

  38. Performance evaluation of GAGG(Ce)/LFS scintillator plus MPPC array readout with ASIC 査読有り

    Nobashi, D; Yamaoka, K; Tajima, H; Ito, K



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2020.164811

    Web of Science

  39. Technical and scientific performance of the prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for CTA 査読有り 国際共著 国際誌

    Adams, CB; Ambrosi, G; Ambrosio, M; Aramo, C; Batista, PI; Benbow, W; Bertucci, B; Bissaldi, E; Bitossi, M; Boiano, A; Bonavolontà, C; Bose, R; Brill, A; Brown, AM; Buckley, JH; Canestrari, R; Capasso, M; Caprai, M; Covault, CE; De Paoli, D; Di Venere, L; Errando, M; Fegan, S; Feng, Q; Fiandrini, E; Furniss, A; Gent, A; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giro, E; Halliday, R; Hervet, O; Holder, J; Humensky, TB; Incardona, S; Ionica, M; Jin, W; Kieda, DB; Licciulli, F; Loporchio, S; Marsella, G; Masone, V; Meagher, K; Meures, T; Mode, BAW; Mognet, SAI; Mukherjee, R; Nieto, D; Okumura, A; Otte, N; Pantaleo, FR; Paoletti, R; Pareschi, G; Di Pierro, F; Pueschel, E; Ribeiro, D; Riitano, L; Roache, E; Ross, D; Rousselle, J; Rugliancich, A; Santander, M; Shang, R; Stiaccini, L; Tajima, H; Taylor, LP; Tosti, L; Tovmassian, G; Tripodo, G; Vagelli, V; Valentino, M; Vanderbrouke, JJ; Vassiliev, VV; Watson, JJ; White, R; Williams, DA; Yu, P; Zink, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2594580

    Web of Science

  40. Origin of the in-orbit instrumental background of the Hard X-ray Imager onboard Hitomi 査読有り

    Hagino, K; Odaka, H; Sato, G; Sato, T; Suzuki, H; Mizuno, T; Kawaharada, M; Ohno, M; Nakazawa, K; Kobayashi, SB; Murakami, H; Miyake, K; Asai, M; Koi, T; Madejski, G; Saito, S; Wright, DH; Enoto, T; Fukazawa, Y; Hayashi, K; Kataoka, J; Katsuta, J; Kokubun, M; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Limousin, O; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Mori, K; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Noda, H; Ohta, M; Sato, R; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Tanaka, T; Terada, Y; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Watanabe, S; Yamaoka, K; Yatsu, Y; Yuasa, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.6.4.046003

    Web of Science

  41. <i>Fermi</i> Large Area Telescope Fourth Source Catalog 査読有り

    Abdollahi, S; Acero, F; Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Atwood, WB; Axelsson, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Gonzalez, JB; Bellazzini, R; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Burnett, TH; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Casandjian, JM; Castro, D; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Chaty, S; Chen, S; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Cominsky, LR; Coronado-Blázquez, J; Costantin, D; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; DeKlotz, M; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Dumora, D; Dirirsa, FF; Fegan, SJ; Ferrara, EC; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gaspanini, D; Giglietto, N; Giommi, P; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Griffin, S; Grondin, MH; Grove, JE; Guiriec, S; Harding, AK; Hayashi, K; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Johnson, TJ; Kamae, T; Kerr, M; Kocevski, D; Kovac'evic, M; Kuss, M; Landriu, D; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lott, B; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Madejski, GM; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Marchesini, J; Marcotulli, L; Martí-Devesa, G; Martin, P; Massaro, F; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Mereu, I; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Peña-Herazo, H; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollms, M; Petrosian, V; Petrov, L; Piron, F; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Remy, Q; Reposeur, T; Romani, RW; Parkinson, PMS; Schinzel, FK; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Smith, DA; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Strong, AW; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Takahashi, MN; Tak, D; Thayer, JB; Thompson, DJ; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Torresi, E; Valverde, J; Van Klaveren, B; van Zyl, P; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Zaharijas, G



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ab6bcb

    Web of Science

  42. Study of the Cosmic Rays and Interstellar Medium in Local HI Clouds Using <i>Fermi</i>-LAT Gamma-Ray Observations 査読有り

    Mizuno, T; Abdollahi, S; Fukui, Y; Hayashi, K; Koyama, T; Okumura, A; Tajima, H; Yamamoto, H

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   890 巻 ( 2 )   2020年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab6a99

    Web of Science

  43. <i>Fermi</i> and <i>Swift</i> Observations of GRB 190114C: Tracing the Evolution of High-energy Emission from Prompt to Afterglow 査読有り

    Ajello, M; Arimoto, M; Axelsson, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Burns, E; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Costantin, D; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; DeKlotz, M; Luque, PDLT; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Di Lalla, N; Di Venere, L; Dirirsa, FF; Fegan, SJ; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Gill, R; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Granot, J; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grondin, MH; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kocevski, D; Kovac'evic', M; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Mereu, I; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Moretti, E; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Racusin, JL; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Ryde, F; Parkinson, PMS; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Takagi, K; Takahashi, MN; Tak, D; Thayer, JB; Thompson, DJ; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Van Klaveren, B; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Zaharijas, G; Mailyan, B; Bhat, PN; Briggs, MS; Cleveland, W; Giles, M; Goldstein, A; Hui, M; Malacaria, C; Preece, R; Roberts, OJ; Veres, P; Wilson-Hodge, C; von Kienlin, A; Cenko, SB; O'Brien, P; Beardmore, AP; Lien, A; Osborne, JP; Tohuvavohu, A; D'Elia, V; D'Aì, A; Perri, M; Gropp, J; Klingler, N; Capalbi, M; Tagliaferri, G; Stamatikos, M; De Pasquale, M

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   890 巻 ( 1 )   2020年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab5b05

    Web of Science

  44. Front-end electronics of the Compact High Energy Camera 査読有り

    Leach, SA; Lapington, JS; Ross, D; Thornhill, J; Duffy, C; Funk, S; Zink, A; Jankowsky, D; White, R; Zorn, J; Tibaldo, L; Varner, G; Okumura, A; Tajima, H; Watson, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.12.061

    Web of Science

  45. Bright Gamma-Ray Flares Observed in GRB 131108A 査読有り

    Ajello, M; Arimoto, M; Asano, K; Axelsson, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berretta, A; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Costantin, D; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Di Lalla, N; Di Venere, L; Dirirsa, FF; Fegan, SJ; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grondin, MH; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kocevski, D; Kovac'evic, M; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Mereu, I; Michelson, PF; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Moretti, E; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ohno, M; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Pei, Z; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Racusin, JL; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Takagi, K; Tak, D; Torres, DF; Valverde, J; Wood, K; Yamazaki, R; Yassine, M; Zhu, S; Uhm, ZL; Zhang, B

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   886 巻 ( 2 )   2019年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab564f

    Web of Science

  46. <i>Fermi</i>-LAT γ-Ray Study of the Interstellar Medium and Cosmic Rays in the Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud Complex: A Look at the Dark Gas as Optically Thick HI 査読有り

    Hayashi, K; Mizuno, T; Fukui, Y; Okamoto, R; Yamamoto, H; Hidaka, N; Okumura, A; Tajima, H; Sano, H

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   884 巻 ( 2 )   2019年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab4351

    Web of Science

  47. A Search for Cosmic-Ray Proton Anisotropy with the <i>Fermi</i> Large Area Telescope 査読有り

    Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bechtol, K; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bruel, P; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Costantin, D; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Fegan, SJ; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guiriec, S; Hayashi, K; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kuss, M; Latronico, L; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; Meehan, M; Mereu, I; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Morselli, A; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Vandenbroucke, J; Yassine, M; Zimmer, S

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   883 巻 ( 1 )   2019年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab3a2e

    Web of Science

  48. Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout 査読有り

    Acharyya, A; Agudo, I; Angüner, EO; Alfaro, R; Alfaro, J; Alispach, C; Aloisio, R; Batista, RA; Amans, JP; Amati, L; Amato, E; Ambrosi, G; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Arqueros, F; Arrabito, L; Asano, K; Ashkar, H; Balazs, C; Balbo, M; Balmaverde, B; Barai, P; Barbano, A; Barkov, M; de Almeida, UB; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; González, JB; Tjus, JB; Bellizzi, L; Benbow, W; Bernardini, E; Bernardos, MI; Bernlöhr, K; Berti, A; Berton, M; Bertucci, B; Beshley, V; Biasuzzi, B; Bigongiari, C; Bird, R; Bissaldi, E; Biteau, J; Blanch, O; Blazek, J; Boisson, C; Bonanno, G; Bonardi, A; Bonavolontá, C; Bonnoli, G; Bordas, P; Böttcher, M; Bregeon, J; Brill, A; Brown, AM; Brügge, K; Brun, P; Bruno, P; Bulgarelli, A; Bulik, T; Burton, M; Burtovoi, A; Busetto, G; Cameron, R; Canestrari, R; Capalbi, M; Caproni, A; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R; Caraveo, P; Caroff, S; Carosi, R; Casanova, S; Cascone, E; Cassol, F; Catalani, F; Catalano, O; Cauz, D; Cerruti, M; Chaty, S; Chen, A; Chernyakova, M; Chiaro, G; Cieslar, M; Colak, SM; Conforti, V; Congiu, E; Contreras, JL; Cortina, J; Costa, A; Costantini, H; Cotter, G; Cristofari, P; Cumani, P; Cusumano, G; D'Aí, A; D'Ammando, F; Dangeon, L; Da Vela, P; Dazzi, F; De Angelis, A; De Caprio, V; dos Anjos, RD; De Frondat, F; Dal Pino, EMD; De Lotto, B; De Martino, D; de Naurois, M; Wilhelmi, ED; de Palma, F; de Souza, V; Del Santo, M; Delgado, C; della Volpe, D; Di Girolamo, T; Di Pierro, F; Di Venere, L; Díaz, C; Diebold, S; Djannati-Ataï, A; Dmytriiev, A; Prester, DD; Donini, A; Dorner, D; Doro, M; Dournaux, JL; Ebr, J; Ekoume, TRN; Elsässer, D; Emery, G; Falceta-Goncalves, D; Fedorova, E; Fegan, S; Feng, Q; Ferrand, G; Fiandrini, E; Fiasson, A; Filipovic, M; Fioretti, V; Fiori, M; Flis, S; Fonseca, MV; Fontaine, G; Coromina, LF; Fukami, S; Fukui, Y; Funk, S; Füssling, M; Gaggero, D; Galanti, G; López, RJG; Garczarczyk, M; Gascon, D; Gasparetto, T; Gaug, M; Ghalumyan, A; Gianotti, F; Giavitto, G; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Gironnet, J; Glicenstein, JF; Gnatyk, R; Goldoni, P; González, JM; González, MM; Gourgouliatos, KN; Grabarczyk, T; Granot, J; Green, D; Greenshaw, T; Grondin, MH; Gueta, O; Hadasch, D; Hassan, T; Hayashida, M; Heller, M; Hervet, O; Hinton, J; Hiroshima, N; Hnatyk, B; Hofmann, W; Horvath, P; Hrabovsky, M; Hrupec, D; Humensky, TB; Hütten, M; Inada, T; Iocco, F; Ionica, M; Iori, M; Iwamura, Y; Jamrozy, M; Janecek, P; Jankowsky, D; Jean, P; Jouvin, L; Jurysek, J; Kaaret, P; Kadowaki, LHS; Karkar, S; Kerszberg, D; Khélifi, B; Kieda, D; Kimeswenger, S; Kluzniak, W; Knapp, J; Knödlseder, J; Kobayashi, Y; Koch, B; Kocot, J; Komin, N; Kong, A; Kowal, G; Krause, M; Kubo, H; Kushida, J; Kushwaha, P; La Parola, V; La Rosa, G; Arquillo, ML; Lang, RG; Lapington, J; Le Blanc, O; Lefaucheur, J; de Oliveira, MAL; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Lenain, JP; Leto, G; Lico, R; Lindfors, E; Lohse, T; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; Lopez, A; López, M; Lopez-Oramas, A; López-Coto, R; Loporchio, S; Luque-Escamilla, PL; Lyard, E; Maccarone, MC; Mach, E; Maggio, C; Majumdar, P; Malaguti, G; Mallamaci, M; Mandat, D; Maneva, G; Manganaro, M; Mangano, S; Marculewicz, M; Mariotti, M; Martí, J; Martínez, M; Martínez, G; Martínez-Huerta, H; Masuda, S; Maxted, N; Mazin, D; Meunier, JL; Meyer, M; Micanovic, S; Millul, R; Minaya, IA; Mitchell, A; Mizuno, T; Moderski, R; Mohrmann, L; Montaruli, T; Moralejo, A; Morcuende, D; Morlino, G; Morselli, A; Moulin, E; Mukherjee, R; Munar, P; Mundell, C; Murach, T; Nagai, A; Nagayoshi, T; Naito, T; Nakamori, T; Nemmen, R; Niemiec, J; Nieto, D; Rosillo, MN; Nikolajuk, M; Ninci, D; Nishijima, K; Noda, K; Nosek, D; Nöthe, M; Nozaki, S; Ohishi, M; Ohtani, Y; Okumura, A; Ong, RA; Orienti, M; Orito, R; Ostrowski, M; Otte, N; Ou, Z; Oya, I; Pagliaro, A; Palatiello, M; Palatka, M; Paoletti, R; Paredes, JM; Pareschi, G; Parmiggiani, N; Parsons, RD; Patricelli, B; Pe'er, A; Pech, M; Del Campo, PP; Pérez-Romero, J; Perri, M; Persic, M; Petrucci, PO; Petruk, O; Pfrang, K; Piel, Q; Pietropaolo, E; Pohl, M; Polo, M; 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Tam, T; Tavecchio, F; Taylor, L; Tejedor, LA; Temnikov, P; Terzic, T; Testa, V; Tibaldo, L; Peixoto, CJT; Tokanai, F; Tomankova, L; Tonev, D; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Tosti, L; Tothill, N; Toussenel, F; Tovmassian, G; Travnicek, P; Trichard, C; Umana, G; Vagelli, V; Valentino, M; Vallage, B; Vallania, P; Valore, L; Vandenbroucke, J; Varner, GS; Vasileiadis, G; Vassiliev, V; Acosta, MV; Vecchi, M; Vercellone, S; Vergani, S; Vettolani, GP; Viana, A; Vigorito, CF; Vink, J; Vitale, V; Voelk, H; Vollhardt, A; Vorobiov, S; Wagner, SJ; Walter, R; Werner, F; White, R; Wierzcholska, A; Will, M; Williams, DA; Wischnewski, R; Yang, L; Yoshida, T; Yoshikoshi, T; Zacharias, M; Zampieri, L; Zavrtanik, M; Zavrtanik, D; Zdziarski, AA; Zech, A; Zechlin, H; Zenin, A; Zhdanov, VI; Zimmer, S; Zorn, J

    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   111 巻   頁: 35 - 53   2019年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2019.04.001

    Web of Science

  49. A Decade of Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by <i>Fermi</i>-LAT: The Second GRB Catalog 査読有り

    Ajello, M; Arimoto, M; Axelsson, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bhat, PN; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bonnell, J; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Costantin, D; Crnogorcevic, M; Cutini, S; Dainotti, M; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PD; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Desiante, R; Di Lalla, N; Di Venere, L; Dirirsa, FF; Fegan, SJ; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grove, JE; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kocevski, D; Kuss, M; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Martí-Devesa, G; Mazziotta, MN; Mereu, ; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Moretti, E; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, I; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ohno, M; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, ; Piron, F; Poolakkil, S; Poon, H; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Racusin, JL; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Reposeur, T; Ryde, F; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Sonbas, E; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Tak, D; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Veres, P; Vianello, G; von Kienlin, A; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Zhu, S; Zimmer, S

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   878 巻 ( 1 )   2019年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab1d4e

    Web of Science

  50. MAGIC and <i>Fermi</i>-LAT gamma-ray results on unassociated HAWC sources 査読有り

    Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, UB; Barrio, JA; González, JB; Bednarek, W; Bernardini, E; Berse, RC; Berti, A; Bhattacharyya, W; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bonnoli, G; Carosi, R; Carosi, A; Ceribella, G; Chatterjee, A; Colak, SM; Colin, P; Colombo, E; Contreras, JL; Cortina, J; Covino, S; Cumani, P; Da Vela, P; Dazzi, F; De Angelis, A; De Lotto, B; Delfino, M; Delgado, J; Di Pierro, F; Domínguez, A; Prester, DD; Dorner, D; Doro, M; Einecke, S; Elsaesser, D; Ramazani, VF; Fernández-Barra, A; Fidalgo, D; Fonseca, MV; Font, L; Fruck, C; Galindo, D; Lóopez, RJG; Garczarczyk, M; Gaug, M; Giammaria, P; Godinovic, N; Gora, D; Guberman, D; Hadasch, D; Hahn, A; Hassan, T; Hayashida, M; Herrera, J; Hose, J; Hrupec, D; Ishio, K; Konno, Y; Kubo, H; Kushida, J; Kuvezdic, D; Lelas, D; Lindfors, E; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; López, M; Maggio, C; Majumdar, P; Makariev, M; Maneva, G; Manganaro, M; Mannheim, K; Maraschi, L; Mariotti, M; Martínez, M; Masuda, S; Mazin, D; Mielke, K; Minev, M; Miranda, JM; Mirzoyan, R; Moralejo, A; Moreno, V; Moretti, E; Nagayoshi, T; Neustroev, V; Niedzwiecki, A; Rosillo, MN; Nigro, C; Nilsson, K; Ninci, D; Nishijima, K; Noda, K; Nogués, L; Paiano, S; Palacio, J; Paneque, D; Paoletti, R; Paredes, JM; Pedaletti, G; Peresano, M; Persic, M; Moroni, PGP; F'randini, E; Puljak, I; Garcia, JR; Reichardt, I; Rhode, W; Ribó, M; Rico, J; Righi, C; Rugliancich, A; Saito, T; Satalecka, K; Schweizer, T; Sitarek, J; Snidaric, I; Sobczynska, D; Stamerra, A; Strzys, M; Suric, T; Takahashi, M; Takalo, L; Tavecchio, F; Temnikov, P; Terzic, T; Teshima, M; Torres-Albá, N; Treves, A; Tsujimoto, S; Vanzo, G; Acosta, MV; Vovk, I; Ward, JE; Will, M; Zaric, D; Albert, A; Alfaro, R; Alvarez, C; Arceo, R; Arteaga-Velázquez, JC; Rojas, DA; Solares, HAA; Becerri, A; Behnont-Moreno, E; BenZvi, SY; Berna, A; Braun, J; Caballero-Mora, KS; Capistrán, T; Carramiñana, A; Casanova, S; Castillo, M; Cotti, U; Cotzomi, J; de León, SC; De León, C; De la Fuente, E; Hernandez, RD; Dichiara, S; Dingus, BL; DuVernois, MA; Díaz-Vélez, JC; Ellsworth, RW; Engel, K; Enriquez-Rivera, O; Fiorino, DW; Fleischhack, H; Fraija, N; García-González, JA; Garfias, F; González-Muñoz, A; González, MM; Goodman, JA; Hampel-Arias, Z; Harding, JP; Hernandez, S; Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F; Hui, CM; Hüntemeyer, P; Iriarte, A; Jardin-Blicq, A; Joshi, V; Kaufmann, S; Lara, A; Lauer, RJ; Lee, WH; Lennarz, D; Vargas, HL; Linnemann, JT; Longinotti, AL; Luis-Raya, G; Luna-García, R; López-Coto, R; Malone, K; Marinelli, SS; Martinez, O; Martinez-Castellanos, I; Martínez-Castro, J; Martínez-Huerta, H; Matthews, JA; Miranda-Romagnoli, P; Moreno, E; Mostafá, M; Nayerhoda, A; Nellen, L; Newbold, M; Nisa, MU; Noriega-Papaqui, R; Pelayo, R; Pretz, J; Pérez-Pérez, EG; Ren, Z; Rho, CD; Rivière, C; Rosa-González, D; Rosenberg, M; Ruiz-Velasco, E; Greus, FS; Sandoval, A; Schneider, M; Arroyo, MS; Sinnis, G; Smith, AJ; Springer, RW; Surajbali, P; Taboada, I; Tibolla, O; Tollefson, K; Torres, I; Ukwatta, TN; Vianello, G; Villaseñor, L; Werner, F; Westerhoff, S; Wood, J; Yapici, T; Yodh, G; Zepeda, A; Zhou, H; Alvarez, JD; Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Berenji, B; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bregeon, J; Brue, P; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Castro, D; Cavazzuti, E; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Costantin, D; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Favuzzi, C; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guiriec, S; Harding, AK; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; Mereu, I; Michelson, RF; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Thayer, JB; Thompson, DJ; Torres, DF; Torresi, E; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Wood, K; Yassine, M

    MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY   485 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 356 - 366   2019年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  

    The HAWC Collaboration released the 2HWC catalogue of TeV sources, in which 19 show no association with any known high-energy (HE; E ≳ 10 GeV) or very-high-energy (VHE; E ≳ 300 GeV) sources. This catalogue motivated follow-up studies by both the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) and Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope) observatories with the aim of investigating gamma-ray emission over a broad energy band. In this paper, we report the results from the first joint work between High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC), MAGIC, and Fermi-LAT on three unassociated HAWC sources: 2HWC J2006+341, 2HWC J1907+084∗, and 2HWC J1852+013∗. Although no significant detection was found in the HE and VHE regimes, this investigation shows that a minimum 1° extension (at 95 per cent confidence level) and harder spectrum in the GeV than the one extrapolated from HAWC results are required in the case of 2HWC J1852+013∗, whilst a simply minimum extension of 0.16° (at 95 per cent confidence level) can already explain the scenario proposed by HAWC for the remaining sources. Moreover, the hypothesis that these sources are pulsar wind nebulae is also investigated in detail.

    DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz089

    Web of Science


  51. Event-selection technique for the multi-layer Si-CdTe Compton camera onboard <i>Hitomi</i> 査読有り

    Ohno, M; Fukazawa, Y; Mizuno, T; Takahashi, H; Tanaka, Y; Katsuta, J; Kawano, T; Habata, S; Okada, C; Ohashi, N; Teramae, T; Tanaka, K; Takahashi, T; Kokubun, M; Watanabe, S; Sato, G; Sato, R; Ohta, M; Uchida, Y; Tamaru, R; Yoneda, H; Nakazawa, K; Murakami, H; Tajima, H; Yamaoka, K; Kinoshita, M; Hayashi, K; Kitaguchi, T; Odaka, H



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.09.114

    Web of Science

  52. Introduction to CTA Science 査読有り

    Acharya B. S., Agudo I., Al Samarai I., Alfaro R., Alfaro J., Alispach C., Batista R. Alves, Amans J. -P., Amato E., Ambrosi G., Antolini E., Antonelli L. A., Aramo C., Araya M., Armstrong T., Arqueros F., Arrabito L., Asano K., Ashley M., Backes M., Balazs C., Balbo M., Ballester O., Ballet J., Bamba A., Barkov M., Barres de Almeida U., Barrio J. A., Bastieri D., Becherini Y., Belfiore A., Benbow W., Berge D., Bernardini E., Bernardini M. G., Bernardos M., Bernloehr K., Bertucci B., Biasuzzi B., Bigongiari C., Biland A., Bissaldi E., Biteau J., Blanch O., Blazek J., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Bonanno G., Bonardi A., Bonavolonta C., Bonnoli G., Bosnjak Z., Bottcher M., Braiding C., Bregeon J., Brill A., Brown A. M., Brun P., Brunetti G., Buanes T., Buckley J., Bugaev V., Buehler R., Bulgarelli A., Bulik T., Burton M., Burtovoi A., Busetto G., Canestrari R., Capalbi M., Capitanio F., Caproni A., Caraveo P., Cardenas V., Carlile C., Carosi R., Carquin E., Carr J., Casanova S., Cascone E., Catalani F., Catalano O., Cauz D., Cerruti M., Chadwick P., Chaty S., Chaves R. C. G., Chen A., Chen X., Chernyakova M., Chikawa M., Christov A., Chudoba J., Cieslar M., Coco V., Colafrancesco S., Colin P., Conforti V., Connaughton V., Conrad J., Contreras J. L., Cortina J., Costa A., Costantini H., Cotter G., Covino S., Crocker R., Cuadra J., Cuevas O., Cumani P., D'Ai A., D'Ammando F., D'Avanzo P., D'Urso D., Daniel M., Davids I., Dawson B., Dazzi F., De Angelis A., de Cassia dos Anjos R., De Cesare G., De Franco A., De Gouveia Dal Pino E. M., de la Calle I., Lopez R. de los Reyes, De Lotto B., De Luca A., De Lucia M., de Naurois M., de Ona Wilhelmi E., De Palma F., De Persio F., de Souza V., Deil C., Del Santo M., Delgado C., della Volpe D., Di Girolamo T., Di Pierro F., Di Venere L., Diaz C., Dib C., Diebold S., Djannati-Atai A., Dominguez A., Prester D. Dominis, Dorner D., Doro M., Drass H., Dravins D., Dubus G., Dwarkadas V. V., Ebr J., Eckner C., Egberts K., Einecke S., Ekoume T. R. N., Elsaesser D., Ernenwein J. -P., Espinoza C., Evoli C., Fairbairn M., Falceta-Goncalves D., Falcone A., Farnier C., Fasola G., Fedorova E., Fegan S., Fernandez-Alonso M., Fernandez-Barral A., Ferrand G., Fesquet M., Filipovic M., Fioretti V., Fontaine G., Fornasa M., Fortson L., Freixas Coromina L., Fruck C., Fujita Y., Fukazawa Y., Funk S., Fuessling M., Gabici S., Gadola A., Gallant Y., Garcia B., Garcia Lopez R., Garczarczyk M., Gaskins J., Gasparetto T., Gaug M., Gerard L., Giavitto G., Giglietto N., Giommi P., Giordano F., Giro E., Giroletti M., Giuliani A., Glicenstein J. -F., Gnatyk R., Godinovic N., Goldoni P., Gomez-Vargas G., Gonzalez M. M., Gonzalez J. M., Gotz D., Graham J., Grandi P., Granot J., Green A. J., Greenshaw T., Griffiths S., Gunji S., Hadasch D., Hara S., Hardcastle M. J., Hassan T., Hayashi K., Hayashida M., Heller M., Helo J. C., Hermann G., Hinton J., Hnatyk B., Hofmann W., Holder J., Horan D., Horandel J., Horns D., Horvath P., Hovatta T., Hrabovsky M., Hrupec D., Humensky T. B., Huetten M., Iarlori M., Inada T., Inome Y., Inoue S., Inoue T., Inoue Y., Iocco F., Ioka K., Iori M., Ishio K., Iwamura Y., Jamrozy M., Janecek P., Jankowsky D., Jean P., Jung-Richardt I., Jurysek J., Kaaret P., Karkar S., Katagiri H., Katz U., Kawanaka N., Kazanas D., Khelifi B., Kieda D. B., Kimeswenger S., Kimura S., Kisaka S., Knapp J., Knodlseder J., Koch B., Kohri K., Komin N., Kosack K., Kraus M., Krause M., Krauss F., Kubo H., Mezek G. Kukec, Kuroda H., Kushida J., La Palombara N., Lamanna G., Lang R. G., Lapington J., Le Blanc O., Leach S., Lees J. -P., Lefaucheur J., Leigui de Oliveira M. A., Lenain J. -P., Lico R., Limon M., Lindfors E., Lohse T., Lombardi S., Longo F., Lopez M., Lopez-Coto R., Lu C. -C., Lucarelli F., Luque-Escamilla P. L., Lyard E., Maccarone M. C., Maier G., Majumdar P., Malaguti G., Mandat D., Maneva G., Manganaro M., Mangano S., Marcowith A., Marin J., Markoff S., Marti J., Martin P., Martinez M., Martinez G., Masetti N., Masuda S., Maurin G., Maxted N., Mazin D., Medina C., Melandri A., Mereghetti S., Meyer M., Minaya I. A., Mirabal N., Mirzoyan R., Mitchell A., Mizuno T., Moderski R., Mohammed M., Mohrmann L., Montaruli T., Moralejo A., Morcuende-Parrilla D., Mori K., Morlino G., Morris P., Morselli A., Moulin E., Mukherjee R., Mundell C., Murach T., Muraishi H., Murase K., Nagai A., Nagataki S., Nagayoshi T., Naito T., Nakamori T., Nakamura Y., Niemiec J., Nieto D., Nikolajuk M., Nishijima K., Noda K., Nosek D., Novosyadlyj B., Nozaki S., O'Brien P., Oakes L., Ohira Y., Ohishi M., Ohm S., Okazaki N., Okumura A., Ong R. A., Orienti M., Orito R., Osborne J. P., Ostrowski M., Otte N., Oya I., Padovani M., Paizis A., Palatiello M., Palatka M., Paoletti R., Paredes J. M., Pareschi G., Parsons R. D., Pe'er A., Pech M., Pedaletti G., Perri M., Persic M., Petrashyk A., Petrucci P., Petruk O., Peyaud B., Pfeifer M., Piano G., Pisarski A., Pita S., Pohl M., Polo M., Pozo D., Prandini E., Prast J., Principe G., Prokhorov D., Prokoph H., Prouza M., Puehlhofer G., Punch M., Puerckhauer S., Queiroz F., Quirrenbach A., Raino S., Razzaque S., Reimer O., Reimer A., Reisenegger A., Renaud M., Rezaeian A. H., Rhode W., Ribeiro D., Ribo M., Richtler T., Rico J., Rieger F., Riquelme M., Rivoire S., Rizi V., Rodriguez J., Fernandez G. Rodriguez, Rodriguez Vazquez J. J., Rojas G., Romano P., Romeo G., Rosado J., Rovero A. C., Rowell G., Rudak B., Rugliancich A., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Safi-Harb S., Saito T., Sakaki N., Sakurai S., Salina G., Sanchez-Conde M., Sandaker H., Sandoval A., Sangiorgi P., Sanguillon M., Sano H., Santander M., Sarkar S., Satalecka K., Saturni F. G., Schioppa E. J., Schlenstedt S., Schneider M., Schoorlemmer H., Schovanek P., Schulz A., Schussler F., Schwanke U., Sciacca E., Scuderi S., Seitenzahl I., Semikoz D., Sergijenko O., Servillat M., Shalchi A., Shellard R. C., Sidoli L., Siejkowski H., Sillanpaa A., Sironi G., Sitarek J., Sliusar V., Slowikowska A., Sol H., Stamerra A., Stanic S., Starling R., Stawarz L., Stefanik S., Stephan M., Stolarczyk T., Stratta G., Straumann U., Suomijarvi T., Supanitsky A. D., Tagliaferri G., Tajima H., Tavani M., Tavecchio F., Tavernet J. -P., Tayabaly K., Tejedor L. A., Temnikov P., Terada Y., Terrier R., Terzic T., Teshima M., Testa V., Thoudam S., Tian W., Tibaldo L., Tluczykont M., Todero Peixoto C. J., Tokanai F., Tomastik J., Tonev D., Tornikoski M., Torres D. F., Torresi E., Tosti G., Tothill N., Tovmassian G., Travnicek P., Trichard C., Trifoglio M., Pujadas I. Troyano, Tsujimoto S., Umana G., Vagelli V., Vagnetti F., Valentino M., Vallania P., Valore L., van Eldik C., Vandenbroucke J., Varner G. S., Vasileiadis G., Vassiliev V., Vazquez Acosta M., Vecchi M., Vega A., Vercellone S., Veres P., Vergani S., Verzi V., Vettolani G. P., Viana A., Vigorito C., Villanueva J., Voelk H., Vollhardt A., Vorobiov S., Vrastil M., Vuillaume T., Wagner S. J., Wagner R., Walter R., Ward J. E., Warren D., Watson J. J., Werner F., White M., White R., Wierzcholska A., Wilcox P., Will M., Williams D. A., Wischnewski R., Wood M., Yamamoto T., Yamazaki R., Yanagita S., Yang L., Yoshida T., Yoshiike S., Yoshikoshi T., Zacharias M., Zaharijas G., Zampieri L., Zandanel F., Zanin R., Zavrtanik M., Zavrtanik D., Zdziarski A. A., Zech A., Zechlin H., Zhdanov V. I., Ziegler A., Zorn J.



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Web of Science

  53. SENSE - Ultimate Low Light-Level Sensor Development 査読有り

    Bonanna G., Haungs A., Henjes-Kunst K., Huber T., Link K., Nagai A., Mirzoyan R., Montaruli T., Romeo G., Strom D., Tajima H.




    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1181/1/012082

    Web of Science

  54. Introduction to CTA Science 査読有り

    Acharya B. S, Agudo I, Al Samarai I, Alfaro R, Alfaro J, Alispach C, Batista R. Alves, Amans J. -P, Amato E, Ambrosi G, Antolini E, Antonelli L. A, Aramo C, Araya M, Armstrong T, Arqueros F, Arrabito L, Asano K, Ashley M, Backes M, Balazs C, Balbo M, Ballester O, Ballet J, Bamba A, Barkov M, Barres de Almeida U, Barrio J. A, Bastieri D, Becherini Y, Belfiore A, Benbow W, Berge D, Bernardini E, Bernardini M. G, Bernardos M, Bernloehr K, Bertucci B, Biasuzzi B



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  55. Evaluation of silicon photomultipliers for dual-mirror Small-Sized Telescopes of Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り 国際共著

    Asano, A; Berge, D; Bonanno, G; Bryan, M; Gebhardt, B; Grillo, A; Hidaka, N; Kachru, P; Lapington, J; Leach, S; Nakamura, Y; Okumura, A; Romeo, G; Ross, D; Stephan, M; Tajima, H; Timpanaro, MC; White, R; Yamane, N; Zink, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.11.017

    Web of Science

  56. SENSE: A comparison of photon detection efficiency and optical crosstalk of various SiPM devices 査読有り

    Nagai, A; Alispach, C; Berghöfer, T; Bonanno, G; Coco, V; della Volpe, D; Haungs, A; Heller, M; Henjes-Kunst, K; Mirzoyan, R; Montaruli, T; Romeo, G; Renier, Y; Schultz-Coulon, HC; Shen, W; Strom, D; Tajima, H; Troyano-Pujadas, I



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2017.11.018

    Web of Science

  57. Unresolved Gamma-Ray Sky through its Angular Power Spectrum 査読有り

    Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Burns, E; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Chen, S; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Costantin, D; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; Luque, PDLT; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Dirirsa, FF; Favuzzi, C; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Liodakis, I; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; Mereu, I; Michelson, PF; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Serini, D; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Thayer, JB; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Venters, TM; Vianello, G; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Zaharijas, G; Ammazzalorso, S; Fornengo, N; Regis, M

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   121 巻 ( 24 )   2018年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.241101

    Web of Science


  58. Detection of polarized gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi Soft Gamma-ray Detector 査読有り 国際共著

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Nobukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemtsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Uchida, Y



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psy118

    Web of Science

  59. A gamma-ray determination of the Universe's star formation history 査読有り

    Abdollahi, S; Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Atwood, WB; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Gonzalez, JB; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Buson, S; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Chen, S; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Cominsky, LR; Conrad, J; Costantin, D; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, SJ; Finke, J; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Romero, GG; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Hartmann, DH; Hays, E; Helgason, K; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kocevski, D; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lott, B; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Madejski, GM; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Marcotulli, L; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Primack, JR; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Parkinson, PMS; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Thayer, JB; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Torresi, E; Tosti, G; Tramacere, A; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Vianello, G; Vogel, M; Wood, K; Zaharijas, G

    SCIENCE   362 巻 ( 6418 ) 頁: 1031 - +   2018年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1126/science.aat8123

    Web of Science


  60. VERITAS and <i>Fermi</i>-LAT Observations of TeV Gamma-Ray Sources Discovered by HAWC in the 2HWC Catalog 査読有り

    Abeysekara, AU; Archer, A; Benbow, W; Bird, R; Brose, R; Buchovecky, M; Buckley, JH; Bugaev, V; Chromey, AJ; Connolly, MP; Cui, W; Daniel, MK; Falcone, A; Feng, Q; Finley, JP; Fortson, L; Furniss, A; Hütten, M; Hanna, D; Hervet, O; Holder, J; Hughes, G; Humensky, TB; Johnson, CA; Kaaret, P; Kar, P; Kertzman, M; Kieda, D; Krause, M; Krennrich, F; Kumar, S; Lang, MJ; Lin, TTY; McArthur, S; Moriarty, P; Mukherjee, R; O'Brien, S; Ong, RA; Otte, AN; Park, N; Petrashyk, A; Pohl, M; Pueschel, E; Quinn, J; Ragan, K; Reynolds, PT; Richards, GT; Roache, E; Rulten, C; Sadeh, I; Santander, M; Sembroski, GH; Shahinyan, K; Sushch, I; Tyler, J; Wakely, SP; Weinstein, A; Wells, RM; Wilcox, P; Wilhelm, A; Williams, DA; Williamson, TJ; Zitzer, B; Abdollahi, S; Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berenji, B; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Castro, D; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Costantin, D; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, SJ; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kensei, S; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Michelson, PF; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Raino, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Reposeur, T; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Thompson, DJ; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Vianello, G; Vogel, M; Wood, K; Yassine, M; Alfaro, R; Alvarez, C; Alvarez, JD; Arceo, R; Arteaga-Velázquez, JC; Rojas, DA; Solares, HAA; Becerril, A; Belmont-Moreno, E; BenZvi, SY; Bernal, A; Braun, J; Brisbois, C; Caballero-Mora, KS; Capistrán, T; Carramiñana, A; Casanova, S; Castillo, M; Cotti, U; Cotzomi, J; de León, SC; De León, C; De la Fuente, E; Dichiara, S; Dingus, BL; DuVernois, MA; Díaz-Vélez, JC; Engel, K; Enriquez-Rivera, O; Fiorino, DW; Fleischhack, H; Fraija, N; García-González, JA; Garfias, F; Muñoz, AG; González, MM; Goodman, JA; Hampel-Arias, Z; Harding, JP; Hernandez, S; Hernandez-Almada, A; Hona, B; Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F; Hui, CM; Hüntemeyer, P; Iriarte, A; Jardin-Blicq, A; Joshi, V; Kaufmann, S; Lara, A; Lauer, RJ; Lee, WH; Lennarz, D; Vargas, HL; Linnemann, JT; Longinotti, AL; Luis-Raya, G; Luna-García, R; López-Coto, R; Malone, K; Marinelli, SS; Martinez, O; Martinez-Castellanos, I; Martínez-Castro, J; Martínez-Huerta, H; Matthews, JA; Miranda-Romagnoli, P; Moreno, E; Mostafá, M; Nayerhoda, A; Nellen, L; Newbold, M; Nisa, MU; Noriega-Papaqui, R; Pelayo, R; Pretz, J; Pérez-Pérez, EG; Ren, Z; Rho, CD; Rivière, C; Rosa-González, D; Rosenberg, M; Ruiz-Velasco, E; Salazar, H; Greus, FS; Sandoval, A; Schneider, M; Arroyo, MS; Sinnis, G; Smith, AJ; Springer, RW; Surajbali, P; Taboada, I; Tibolla, O; Tollefson, K; Torres, I; Ukwatta, TN; Villaseñor, L; Weisgarber, T; Westerhoff, S; Wisher, IG; Wood, J; Yapici, T; Yodh, G; Zepeda, A; Zhou, H

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   866 巻 ( 1 )   2018年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aade4e

    Web of Science

  61. Characterisation and testing of CHEC-M-A camera prototype for the small-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov telescope array 査読有り

    Zorn, J; White, R; Watson, JJ; Armstrong, TP; Balzer, A; Barcelo, M; Berge, D; Bose, R; Brown, AM; Bryan, M; Chadwick, PM; Clark, P; Costantini, H; Cotter, G; Dangeon, L; Daniel, M; De Franco, A; Deiml, P; Fasola, G; Funk, S; Gebyehu, M; Gironnet, J; Graham, JA; Greenshaw, T; Hinton, JA; Kraus, M; Lapington, JS; Laporte, P; Leach, SA; Le Blanc, O; Malouf, A; Molyneux, P; Moore, P; Prokoph, H; Okumura, A; Ross, D; Rowell, G; Sapozhnikov, L; Schoorlemmer, H; Sol, H; Stephan, M; Tajima, H; Tibaldo, L; Varner, G; Zink, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.06.078

    Web of Science

  62. Accretion geometry of the black-hole binary Cygnus X-1 from X-ray polarimetry 査読有り

    Chauvin, M; Florén, HG; Friis, M; Jackson, M; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Kawano, T; Kiss, M; Mikhalev, V; Mizuno, T; Ohashi, N; Stana, T; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Uchida, N; Pearce, M

    NATURE ASTRONOMY   2 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 652 - 655   2018年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41550-018-0489-x

    Web of Science

  63. The Search for Spatial Extension in High-latitude Sources Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope 査読有り

    Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Castro, D; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Costantin, D; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desai, A; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Favuzzi, C; Finke, J; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kensei, S; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Meyer, M; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Reposeur, T; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Valverde, J; Venters, TM; Vogel, M; Wood, K; Wood, M; Zaharijas, G; Biteau, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/aacdf7

    Web of Science

  64. Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A 査読有り

    Aartsen, MG; Ackermann, M; Adams, J; Aguilar, JA; Ahlers, M; Ahrens, M; Al Samarai, I; Altmann, D; Andeen, K; Anderson, T; Ansseau, I; Anton, G; Argüelles, C; Auffenberg, J; Axani, S; Bagherpour, H; Bai, X; Barron, JP; Barwick, S; Baum, V; Bay, R; Beatty, JJ; Tjus, JB; Becker, KH; BenZvi, S; Berley, D; Bernardini, E; Besson, DZ; Binder, G; Bindig, D; Blaufuss, E; Blot, S; Bohm, C; Börner, M; Bos, F; Böser, S; Botner, O; Bourbeau, E; Bourbeau, J; Bradascio, F; Braun, J; Brenzke, M; Bretz, HP; Bron, S; Brostean-Kaiser, J; Burgman, A; Busse, RS; Carver, T; Cheung, E; Chirkin, D; Christov, A; Clark, K; Classen, L; Coenders, S; Collin, GH; Conrad, JM; Coppin, P; Correa, P; Cowen, DF; Cross, R; Dave, P; Day, M; de André, JPAM; De Clercq, C; DeLaunay, JJ; Dembinski, H; De Ridder, S; Desiati, P; de Vries, KD; de Wasseige, G; de With, M; DeYoung, T; Díaz-Vélez, JC; di Lorenzo, V; Dujmovic, H; Dumm, JP; Dunkman, M; Dvorak, E; Eberhardt, B; Ehrhardt, T; Eichmann, B; Eller, P; Evenson, PA; Fahey, S; 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Leonard, K; Lesiak-Bzdak, M; Leuermann, M; Liu, QR; Mariscal, CJL; Lu, L; Lünemann, J; Luszczak, W; Madsen, J; Maggi, G; Mahn, KBM; Mancina, S; Maruyama, R; Mase, K; Maunu, R; Meagher, K; Medici, M; Meier, M; Menne, T; Merino, G; Meures, T; Miarecki, S; Micallef, J; Momenté, G; Montaruli, T; Moore, R; Morse, R; Moulai, M; Nahnhauer, R; Nakarmi, P; Naumann, U; Neer, G; Niederhausen, H; Nowicki, SC; Nygren, DR; Pollmann, AO; Olivas, A; O'Murchadha, A; O'Sullivan, E; Palczewski, T; Pandya, H; Pankova, DV; Peiffer, P; Pepper, JA; de los Heros, CP; Pieloth, D; Pinat, E; Plum, M; Price, PB; Przybylski, GT; Raab, C; Rädel, L; Rameez, M; Rauch, L; Rawlins, K; Rea, IC; Reimann, R; Relethford, B; Relich, M; Resconi, E; Rhode, W; Richman, M; Robertson, S; Rongen, M; Rott, C; Ruhe, T; Ryckbosch, D; Rysewyk, D; Safa, I; Sälzer, T; Herrera, SES; Sandrock, A; Sandroos, J; Santander, M; Sarkar, S; Sarkar, S; Satalecka, K; Schlunder, P; Schmidt, T; Schneider, A; Schoenen, S; Schoneberg, S; Schumacher, L; 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Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bechtol, K; Bellazzini, R; Berenji, B; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Burnett, TH; Burns, E; Buson, S; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Chen, S; Cheung, CC; Chiang, J; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Conrad, J; Costantin, D; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Domínguez, A; Favuzzi, C; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giomi, M; Giommi, P; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grondin, MH; Guiriec, S; Harding, AK; Hayashida, M; Hays, E; Hewitt, J; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Kadler, M; Kensei, S; Kocevski, D; Krauss, F; Kreter, M; Kuss, M; La Mura, G; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Rani, B; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Renault-Tinacci, N; Ritz, S; Rochester, LS; Parkinson, PMS; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Tanaka, Y; Thayer, JB; Thompson, DJ; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Torresi, E; Tosti, G; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Vianello, G; Vogel, M; Wood, K; Wood, M; Zaharijas, G; Ahnen, ML; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, LA; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babic, A; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, UB; Barrio, JA; González, JB; Bednarek, W; Bernardini, E; Berti, A; Bhattacharyya, W; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bonnoli, G; Carosi, A; Carosi, R; Ceribella, G; Chatterjee, A; Colak, SM; Colin, P; Colombo, E; Contreras, JL; Cortina, J; Covino, S; Cumani, P; Da Vela, P; Dazzi, F; De Angelis, A; De Lotto, B; Delfino, M; Delgado, J; Di Pierro, F; Domínguez, A; Prester, DD; Dorner, D; Doro, M; Einecke, S; Elsaesser, D; Ramazani, VF; Fernandez-Barral, A; Fidalgo, D; Foffano, L; Pfrang, K; Fonseca, MV; Font, L; Franceschini, A; Fruck, C; Galindo, D; Gallozzi, S; López, RJG; Garczarczyk, M; Gaug, M; Giammaria, P; Godinovic, N; Gora, D; Guberman, D; Hadasch, D; Hahn, A; Hassan, T; Hayashida, M; Herrera, J; Hose, J; Hrupec, D; Inoue, S; Ishio, K; Konno, Y; Kubo, H; Kushida, J; Lelas, D; Lindfors, E; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; López, M; Maggio, C; Majumdar, P; Makariev, M; Maneva, G; Manganaro, M; Mannheim, K; Maraschi, L; Mariotti, M; Martínez, M; Masuda, S; Mazin, D; Minev, M; M, JM; Mirzoyan, R; Moralejo, A; Moreno, V; Moretti, E; Nagayoshi, T; Neustroev, V; Niedzwiecki, A; Rosillo, MN; Nigro, C; Nilsson, K; Ninci, D; Nishijima, K; Noda, K; Nogués, L; Paiano, S; Palacio, J; Paneque, D; Paoletti, R; Paredes, JM; Pedaletti, G; Peresano, M; Persic, M; Moroni, PGP; Prandini, E; Puljak, I; Garcia, JR; Reichardt, I; Rhode, W; Ribó, M; Ricó, J; Righi, C; Rugliancich, A; Saito, T; Satalecka, K; Schweizer, T; Sitarek, J; Snidaric, I; Sobczynska, D; Stamerra, A; Strzys, M; Suric, T; Takahashi, M; Tavecchio, F; Temnikov, P; Terzi, T; Teshima, M; Torres-Albà, N; Treves, A; Tsujimoto, S; Vanzo, G; Acosta, MV; Vovk, I; Ward, JE; Will, M; Zaric, D; Lucarelli, F; Tavani, M; Piano, G; Donnarumma, I; Pittori, C; Verrecchia, F; Barbiellini, G; Bulgarelli, A; Caraveo, P; Cattaneo, P; Colafrancesco, S; Costa, E; Di Cocco, G; Ferrari, A; Gianotti, F; Giuliani, A; Lipari, P; Mereghetti, S; Morselli, A; Pacciani, L; Paoletti, F; Parmiggiani, N; Pellizzoni, A; Picozza, P; Pilia, M; Rappoldi, A; Trois, A; Vercellone, S; Vittorini, V; Franckowiak, A; Stanek, KZ; Kochanek, CS; Beacom, JF; Thompson, TA; Holoien, WS; Dong, S; Prieto, JL; Shappee, BJ; Holmbo, S; Abeysekara, AU; Albert, A; Alfaro, R; Alvarez, C; Arceo, R; Arteaga-Velázquez, JC; Rojas, DA; Solares, HAA; Becerril, A; Belmont-Moreno, E; Bernal, A; Caballero-Mora, KS; Capistrán, T; Carramiñana, A; Casanova, S; Castillo, M; Cotti, U; Cotzomi, J; de León, SC; De León, C; De la Fuente, E; Hernandez, RD; Dichiara, S; Dingus, BL; DuVernois, MA; Díaz-Vélez, JC; Ellsworth, R; Engel, K; Fiorino, D; Fleischhack, H; Fraija, N; García-González, JA; Garfias, F; Muñoz, AG; González, MM; Goodman, JA; Hampel-Arias, Z; Harding, JP; Hernandez, S; Hona, B; Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, F; Hui, CM; Huntemeyer, P; Iriarte, A; Jardin-Blicq, A; Joshi, V; Kaufmann, S; Kunde, GJ; Lara, A; Lauer, RJ; Lee, WH; Lennarz, D; Vargas, HL; Linnemann, JT; Longinotti, A; Luis-Raya, G; Luna-García, R; Malone, K; Marinelli, SS; Martinez, O; Martinez-Castellanos, I; Martínez-Castro, J; Martínez-Huerta, H; Matthews, JA; Miranda-Romagnoli, P; Moreno, E; Mostafá, M; Nayerhoda, A; Nellen, L; Newbold, M; Nisa, MU; Noriega-Papaqui, R; Pelayo, R; Pretz, J; Pérez-Pérez, EG; Ren, Z; Rho, CD; Rivière, C; Rosa-González, D; Rosenberg, M; Ruiz-Velasco, E; Ruiz-Velasco, E; Greus, FS; Sandoval, A; Schneider, M; Schoorlemmer, H; Sinnis, G; Smith, AJ; Springer, RW; Surajbali, P; Tibolla, O; Tollefson, K; Torres, I; Villaseñor, L; Weisgarber, T; Werner, F; Yapici, T; Gaurang, Y; Zepeda, A; Zhou, H; Alvarez, JD; Abdalla, H; Angüner, E; Armand, C; Backes, M; Becherini, Y; Berge, D; Böttcher, M; Boisson, C; Bolmont, J; Bonnefoy, S; Bordas, P; Brun, F; Büchele, M; Bulik, T; Caroff, S; Carosi, A; Casanova, S; Cerruti, M; Chakraborty, N; Chandra, S; Chen, A; Colafrancesco, S; Davids, I; Deil, C; Devin, J; Djannati-Ataï, A; Egberts, K; Emery, G; Eschbach, S; Fiasson, A; Fontaine, G; Funk, S; Füssling, M; Gallant, Y; Gaté, F; Giavitto, G; Glawion, D; Glicenstein, J; Gottschall, D; Grondin, MH; Haupt, M; Henri, G; Hinton, J; Hoischen, C; Holch, TL; Huber, D; Jamrozy, M; Jankowsky, D; Jankowsky, F; Jouvin, L; Jung-Richardt, I; Kerszberg, D; Khélifi, B; King, J; Klepser, S; Kluzniak, W; Komin, N; Kraus, M; Lefaucheur, J; Lemière, A; Lemoine-Goumard, M; Lenain, JP; Leser, E; Lohse, T; López-Coto, R; Lorentz, M; Lypova, I; Marandon, V; Martí-Devesa, GG; Maurin, G; Mitchell, A; Moderski, R; Mohamed, M; Mohrmann, L; Moulin, E; Murach, T; de Naurois, M; Niederwanger, F; Niemiec, J; Oakes, L; O'Brien, P; Ohm, S; Ostrowski, M; Oya, I; Panter, M; Parsons, R; Perennes, C; Piel, Q; Pita, S; Poireau, V; Noel, AP; Prokoph, H; Pühlhofer, G; Quirrenbach, A; Raab, S; Rauth, R; Renaud, M; Rieger, F; Rinchiuso, L; Romoli, C; Rowell, G; Rudak, B; Sanchez, D; Sasaki, M; Schlickeiser, R; Schüssler, F; Schulz, A; Schwanke, U; Seglar-Arroyo, M; Shafi, N; Simoni, R; Sol, H; Stegmann, C; Steppa, C; Tavernier, T; Taylor, A; Tiziani, D; Trichard, C; Tsirou, M; van Eldik, C; van Rensburg, C; van Soelen, B; Veh, J; Vincent, P; Voisin, F; Wagner, SJ; Wagner, RM; Wierzcholska, A; Zanin, R; Zdziarski, A; Zech, A; Ziegler, A; Zorn, J; Zywucka, N; Savchenko, V; Ferrigno, C; Bazzano, A; Diehl, R; Kuulkers, E; Laurent, P; Mereghetti, S; Natalucci, L; Panessa, F; Rodi, J; Ubertini, P; Morokuma, T; Ohta, K; Tanaka, YT; Mori, H; Yamanaka, M; Kawabata, KS; Utsumi, Y; Nakaoka, T; Kawabata, M; Nagashima, H; Yoshida, M; Matsuoka, Y; Itoh, R; Keel, W; Copperwheat, C; Steele, I; Cenko, SB; Cowen, DF; DeLaunay, JJ; Evans, PA; Fox, DB; Keivani, A; Kennea, JA; Marshall, FE; Osborne, JP; Santander, M; Tohuvavohu, A; Turley, CF; Abeysekara, AU; Archer, A; Benbow, W; Bird, R; Brill, A; Brose, R; Buchovecky, M; Buckley, JH; Bugaev, V; Christiansen, JL; Connolly, MP; Cui, W; Daniel, MK; Errando, M; Falcone, A; Feng, Q; Finley, JP; Fortson, L; Furniss, A; Gueta, O; Hütten, M; Hervet, O; Hughes, G; Humensky, TB; Johnson, CA; Kaaret, P; Kar, P; Kelley-Hoskins, N; Kertzman, M; Kieda, D; Krause, M; Krennrich, F; Kumar, S; Lang, MJ; Lin, TT; Maier, G; McArthur, S; Moriarty, P; Mukherjee, R; Nieto, D; O'Brien, S; Ong, RA; Otte, AN; Park, N; Petrashyk, A; Pohl, M; Popkow, A; Pueschel, E; Quinn, J; Ragan, K; Reynolds, PT; Richards, GT; Roache, E; Rulten, C; Sadeh, I; Santander, M; Scott, SS; Sembroski, GH; Shahinyan, K; Sushch, I; Trépanier, S; Tyler, J; Vassiliev, VV; Wakely, SP; Weinstein, A; Wells, RM; Wilcox, P; Wilhelm, A; Williams, DA; Zitzer, B; Tetarenko, AJ; Kimball, AE; Miller-Jones, JCA; Sivakoff, GR

    SCIENCE   361 巻 ( 6398 )   2018年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1126/science.aat1378

    Web of Science


  65. Fermi-LAT Observations of LIGO/Virgo Event GW170817 査読有り

    Ajello M., Allafort A., Axelsson M., Baldini L., Barbiellini G., Baring M.G., Bastieri D., Bellazzini R., Berenji B., Bissaldi E., Blandford R.D., Bloom E.D., Bonino R., Bottacini E., Brandt T.J., Bregeon J., Bruel P., Buehler R., Burnett T.H., Buson S., Cameron R.A., Caputo R., Caraveo P.A., Casandjian J.M., Cavazzuti E., Chekhtman A., Cheung C.C., Chiang J., Chiaro G., Ciprini S., Cohen-Tanugi J., Cominsky L.R., Costantin D., Cuoco A., Cutini S., D'Ammando F., Palma F.D., Lalla N.D., Mauro M.D., Venere L.D., Dubois R., Dumora D., Favuzzi C., Ferrara E.C., Franckowiak A., Fukazawa Y., Funk S., Fusco P., Gargano F., Gasparrini D., Giglietto N., Gill R., Giordano F., Giroletti M., Glanzman T., Granot J., Green D., Grenier I.A., Grondin M.H., Guillemot L., Guiriec S., Harding A.K., Hays E., Horan D., Imazato F., Jóhannesson G., Kamae T., Kensei S., Kocevski D., Kuss M., Mura G.L., Larsson S., Latronico L., Li J., Longo F., Loparco F., Lovellette M.N., Lubrano P., Magill J.D., Maldera S., Manfreda A., Mazziotta M.N., Michelson P.F., Mizuno T., Moiseev A.A., Monzani M.E., Moretti E., Morselli A., Moskalenko I.V., Negro M., Nuss E., Ojha R., Omodei N., Orlando E., Ormes J.F., Palatiello M., Paliya V.S., Paneque D., Persic M., Pesce-Rollins M.

    Astrophysical Journal   861 巻 ( 2 )   2018年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Astrophysical Journal  

    We present the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) observations of the binary neutron star merger event GW170817 and the associated short gamma-ray burst (SGRB) GRB 170817A detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor. The LAT was entering the South Atlantic Anomaly at the time of the LIGO/Virgo trigger (t GW) and therefore cannot place constraints on the existence of high-energy (E > 100 MeV) emission associated with the moment of binary coalescence. We focus instead on constraining high-energy emission on longer timescales. No candidate electromagnetic counterpart was detected by the LAT on timescales of minutes, hours, or days after the LIGO/Virgo detection. The resulting flux upper bound (at 95% C.L.) from the LAT is 4.5 ×10-10 erg cm-2 s-1 in the 0.1-1 GeV range covering a period from t GW + 1153 s to t GW + 2027 s. At the distance of GRB 170817A, this flux upper bound corresponds to a luminosity upper bound of 9.7 ×1043 erg s-1, which is five orders of magnitude less luminous than the only other LAT SGRB with known redshift, GRB 090510. We also discuss the prospects for LAT detection of electromagnetic counterparts to future gravitational-wave events from Advanced LIGO/Virgo in the context of GW170817/GRB 170817A.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aac515

    Web of Science


  66. Search for Gamma-Ray Emission from the Coma Cluster with Six Years of <i>Fermi</i>-LAT Data (vol 819, 149, 2016) 査読有り

    Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Albert, A; Atwood, WB; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bechtol, K; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Caliandro, GA; Cameron, RA; Caragiulo, M; Caraveo, PA; Casandjian, JM; Cavazzuti, E; Cecchi, C; Charles, E; Chekhtman, A; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Conrad, J; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Angelis, A; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, SW; Di Venere, L; Drell, PS; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, SJ; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Godfrey, G; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guiriec, S; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Johannesson, G; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Li, L; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Madejski, GM; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Mayer, M; Mazziotta, MN; Michelson, PF; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Murgia, S; Nuss, E; Ohsugi, T; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Paneque, D; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Pivato, G; Porter, TA; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Sánchez-Conde, M; Sgro, C; Siskind, EJ; Spada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Thayer, JB; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Troja, E; Vianello, G; Wood, KS; Zimmer, S; Rephaeli, Y

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   860 巻 ( 1 )   2018年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aac7c3

    Web of Science

  67. The <i>PoGO</i> plus view on Crab off-pulse hard X-ray polarization 査読有り

    Chauvin, M; Florén, HG; Friis, M; Jackson, M; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Kawano, T; Kiss, M; Mikhalev, V; Mizuno, T; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Uchida, N; Pearce, M

    MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY   477 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: L45 - L49   2018年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/sly027

    Web of Science

  68. Hitomi X-ray observation of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Nobukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemtsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Uno, S; Ueda, Y; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Sato, T; Nakaniwa, N; Murakami, H; Guest, B



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psy027

    Web of Science

  69. Modeling of proton-induced radioactivation background in hard X-ray telescopes: Geant4-based simulation and its demonstration by <i>Hitomi</i>'s measurement in a low Earth orbit 査読有り

    Odaka, H; Asai, M; Hagino, K; Koi, T; Madejski, G; Mizuno, T; Ohno, M; Saito, S; Sato, T; Wright, DH; Enoto, T; Fukazawa, Y; Hayashi, K; Kataoka, J; Katsuta, J; Kawaharada, M; Kobayashi, SB; Kokubun, M; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Limousin, O; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Mimura, T; Miyake, K; Mori, K; Murakami, H; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Nakazawa, K; Noda, H; Ohta, M; Ozaki, M; Sato, G; Sato, R; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Terada, Y; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Watanabe, S; Yamaoka, K; Yasuda, T; Yatsu, Y; Yuasa, T; Zoglauer, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.02.071

    Web of Science

  70. Shedding new light on the Crab with polarized X-rays (vol 7, 7816, 2017) 査読有り

    Chauvin, M; Florén, HG; Friis, M; Jackson, M; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Kawano, T; Kiss, M; Mikhalev, V; Mizuno, T; Ohashi, N; Stana, T; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Uchida, N; Pearce, M

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   8 巻   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-24853-7

    Web of Science


  71. Search for Gamma-Ray Emission from Local Primordial Black Holes with the <i>Fermi</i> Large Area Telescope 査読有り

    Ackermann, M; Atwood, WB; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Berenji, B; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Chekhtman, A; Cheung, CC; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Conrad, J; Costantin, D; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, SJ; Focke, WB; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Horan, D; Jóhannesson, G; Johnson, C; Kensei, S; Kocevski, D; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Meyer, M; Michelson, PF; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Moretti, E; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ojha, R; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Palatiello, M; Paliya, VS; Paneque, D; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Ritz, S; Sánchez-Conde, M; Sgrò, C; Siskind, EJ; Spada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Thayer, JG; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Tosti, G; Troja, E; Valverde, J; Vianello, G; Wood, K; Wood, M; Zaharijas, G

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   857 巻 ( 1 )   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aaac7b

    Web of Science

  72. Design and performance of Soft Gamma-ray Detector onboard the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) satellite 査読有り 国際共著

    Tajima, H; Watanabe, S; Fukazawa, Y; Blandford, R; Enoto, T; Goldwurm, A; Hagino, K; Hayashi, K; Ichinohe, Y; Kataoka, J; Katsuta, J; Kitaguchi, T; Kokubun, M; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Limousin, O; Madejski, GM; Makishima, K; Mizuno, T; Mori, K; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Nakazawa, K; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohno, M; Ohta, M; Saito, S; Sato, G; Sato, R; Takeda, S; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Terada, Y; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Yamaoka, K; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Yuasao, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.4.2.021411

    Web of Science

  73. In-orbit performance and calibration of the Hard X-ray Imager onboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H) 査読有り

    Hagino, K; Nakazawa, K; Sato, G; Kokubun, M; Enoto, T; Fukazawa, Y; Hayashi, K; Kataoka, J; Katsuta, J; Kobayashi, SB; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Limousin, O; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Mimura, T; Miyake, K; Mizuno, T; Mori, K; Murakami, H; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohno, M; Ohta, M; Saito, S; Sato, R; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Tanaka, T; Terada, Y; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Watanabe, S; Yamaoka, K; Yatsu, Y; Yuasa, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.4.2.021409

    Web of Science

  74. Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite 査読有り

    Takahashi, T; Kokubun, M; Mitsuda, K; Kelley, RL; Ohashi, T; Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Anabuki, N; Angelini, L; Arnaud, K; Asai, M; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Azzarello, P; Baluta, C; Bamba, A; Bando, N; Bautz, MW; Bialas, T; Blandford, R; Boyce, K; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Canavan, E; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; Dell, SO; DiPirro, M; Done, C; Dotani, T; Doty, J; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Gilmore, K; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haas, D; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, T; Hayashi, K; Hayashida, K; den Herder, JW; Hiraga, JS; Hirose, K; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishibashi, K; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishimura, K; Ishisaki, Y; Itoh, M; Iwai, M; Iwata, N; Iyomoto, N; Jewell, C; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kara, E; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Katsuta, J; Kawaharada, M; Kawai, N; Kawano, T; Kawasaki, S; Khangulyan, D; Kilbourne, CA; Kimball, M; King, A; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Konami, S; Kosaka, T; Koujelev, A; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Masters, C; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; Mcguinness, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miko, J; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Minesugi, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Moroso, F; Moseley, H; Muench, T; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Murakami, T; Mushotzky, RF; Nagano, H; Nagino, R; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Namba, Y; Natsukari, C; Nishioka, Y; Nobukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Nomachi, M; Odaka, H; Ogawa, H; Ogawa, M; Ogi, K; Ohno, M; Ohta, M; Okajima, T; Okamoto, A; Okazaki, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Parmar, A; Petre, R; Pinto, C; de Plaa, J; Pohl, M; Pontius, J; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Ramsey, B; Reynolds, C; Russell, H; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sakai, S; Sameshima, H; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sato, Y; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shibano, Y; Shida, M; Shidatsu, M; Shimada, T; Shinozaki, K; Shirron, P; Simionescu, A; Simmons, C; Smith, RK; Sneiderman, G; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Sugita, H; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tamura, K; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Ueno, S; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; de Vries, CP; Wada, A; Watanabe, S; Watanabe, T; Werner, N; Wik, DR; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamada, T; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Yoshida, A; Yuasa, T; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.4.2.021402

    Web of Science

  75. Hard x-ray imager onboard Hitomi (ASTRO-H) 査読有り

    Nakazawa, K; Sato, G; Kokubun, M; Enoto, T; Fukazawa, Y; Hagino, K; Hayashi, K; Kataoka, J; Katsuta, J; Kobayashi, SB; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Limousin, O; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Mizuno, T; Mori, K; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohno, M; Ohta, M; Saito, S; Sato, R; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Tanaka, T; Terada, Y; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Watanabe, S; Yamaoka, K; Yatsu, Y; Yuasa, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.4.2.021410

    Web of Science

  76. Atmospheric gas dynamics in the Perseus cluster observed with Hitomi 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Canning, REA; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, S; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumr, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, K; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Wang, QHS; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx138

    Web of Science

  77. Temperature structure in the Perseus cluster core observed with Hitomi 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furukawa, M; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Kato, Y; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psy004

    Web of Science

  78. Search for thermal X-ray features from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi soft X-ray spectrometer 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguch, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Nobukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sato, T; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemtsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Tominaga, N; Moriya, TJ



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx072

    Web of Science

  79. Measurements of resonant scattering in the Perseus Cluster core with Hitomi SXS 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furukawa, M; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, OO; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ogorzalek, A; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx127

    Web of Science

  80. Hitomi X-ray studies of giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; De Plaa, J; De Vries, CP; Den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, OO; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Nobukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Oshimizu, K; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemtsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Terasawa, T; Sekido, M; Takefuji, K; Kawai, E; Misawa, H; Tsuchiya, F; Yamazaki, R; Kobayashi, E; Kisaka, S; Aoki, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx083

    Web of Science


  81. Hitomi observations of the LMC SNR N 132 D: Highly redshifted X-ray emission from iron ejecta 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sato, T; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx151

    Web of Science

  82. Hitomi observation of radio galaxy NGC 1275: The first X-ray microcalorimeter spectroscopy of Fe-Kα line emission from an active galactic nucleus 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, OO; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Kawamuro, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx147

    Web of Science

  83. Glimpse of the highly obscured HMXB IGR J16318-4848 with Hitomi 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, OO; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Nakaniwa, N



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx154

    Web of Science

  84. Atomic data and spectral modeling constraints from high-resolution X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster with Hitomi 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; de Vries, CP; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, LY; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hell, N; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, OO; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Norukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A; Raassen, AJJ



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psx156

    Web of Science

  85. Final characterisation and design of the Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Le Blanc, O; Fasola, G; Huet, JM; White, R; Dmytriiev, A; Sol, H; Zech, A; Abchiche, A; Amans, JP; Armstrong, TP; Barcelo, M; Berge, D; Brown, AM; Buchholtz, G; Chadwick, PM; Clark, P; Cotter, G; Dangeon, L; De Frondat, F; Deiml, P; Dournaux, JL; Duffy, C; Einecke, S; Flis, S; Funk, S; Giavitto, G; Gironnet, J; Graham, JA; Greenshaw, T; Hinton, JA; Jegouzo, I; Kraus, M; Lapington, JS; Laporte, P; Leach, SA; Lloyd, S; Minaya, IA; Morier, R; Okumura, A; Prokoph, H; Ross, D; Rowell, G; Rulten, CB; Schoorlemmer, H; Schmoll, J; Spencer, ST; Stephan, M; Stuik, R; Tajima, H; Thornhill, J; Tibaldo, L; Vink, J; Watson, JJ; Williams, J; Zink, A; Zorn, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2313158

    Web of Science

  86. Solar Neutron and Gamma-ray Spectrometer For a Small Satellite 査読有り

    Yamaoka, K; Tajima, H; Itow, Y; Fujii, H; Nakanishi, Y; Kamei, Y; Yamakawa, T; Niwa, T; Okui, I; Miyata, K; Inamori, T



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1117/12.2323451

    Web of Science

  87. The GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Lapington, JS; Abchiche, A; Allan, D; Amans, JP; Armstrong, TP; Balzer, A; Berge, D; Boisson, C; Bousquet, JJ; Bose, R; Brown, AM; Bryan, M; Buchholtz, G; Buckley, J; Chadwick, PM; Costantini, H; Cotter, G; Daniel, MK; De Franco, A; De Frondat, F; Dournaux, JL; Dumas, D; Ernenwein, JP; Fasola, G; Funk, S; Gironnet, J; Graham, JA; Greenshaw, T; Hervet, O; Hidaka, N; Hinton, JA; Huet, JM; Jankowsky, D; Jegouzo, I; Jogler, T; Kawashima, T; Kraus, M; Laporte, P; Leach, S; Lefaucheur, J; Markoff, S; Melse, T; Minaya, IA; Mohrmann, L; Molyneux, P; Moore, P; Nolan, SJ; Okumura, A; Osborne, JP; Parsons, RD; Rosen, S; Ross, D; Rowell, G; Rulten, CB; Sato, Y; Sayede, F; Schmoll, J; Schoorlemmer, H; Servillat, M; Sol, H; Stamatescu, V; Stephan, M; Stuik, R; Sykes, J; Tajima, H; Thornhill, J; Tibaldo, L; Trichard, C; Varner, G; Vink, J; Watson, JJ; White, R; Yamane, N; Zech, A; Zink, A; Zorn, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.12.010

    Web of Science

  88. Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster 査読有り

    Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, R; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Bulbul, E; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, PS; Costantini, E; De Plaa, J; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, L; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, IM; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, JS; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, Y; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Iwai, M; Kaastra, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Kilbourne, CA; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, K; Koyama, S; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousine, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Nobukawa, KK; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Reynolds, CS; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, YT; Tashiro, MS; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, TG; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; de Vries, CP; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wik, DR; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A

    NATURE   551 巻 ( 7681 ) 頁: 478 - +   2017年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/nature24301

    Web of Science


  89. Shedding new light on the Crab with polarized X-rays 査読有り

    Chauvin, M; Florén, HG; Friis, M; Jackson, M; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Kawano, T; Kiss, M; Mikhalev, V; Mizuno, T; Ohashi, N; Stana, T; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Uchida, N; Pearce, M

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   7 巻   2017年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-07390-7

    Web of Science


  90. TARGET 5: A new multi-channel digitizer with triggering capabilities for gamma-ray atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes 査読有り 国際共著

    Albert, A; Funk, S; Katagiri, H; Kawashima, T; Murphy, M; Okumura, A; Quagliani, R; Sapozhnikov, L; Shigenaka, A; Tajima, H; Tibaldo, L; Vandenbroucke, J; Varner, G; Wu, T

    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   92 巻   頁: 49 - 61   2017年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2017.05.003

    Web of Science

  91. Prospects for Cherenkov Telescope Array Observations of the Young Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946 査読有り

    Acero, F; Aloisio, R; Amans, J; Amato, E; Antonelli, LA; Aramo, C; Armstrong, T; Arqueros, F; Asano, K; Ashley, M; Backes, M; Balazs, C; Balzer, A; Bamba, A; Barkov, M; Barrio, JA; Benbow, W; Bernloehr, K; Beshley, V; Bigongiari, C; Biland, A; Bilinsky, A; Bissaldi, E; Biteau, J; Blanch, O; Blasi, P; Blazek, J; Boisson, C; Bonanno, G; Bonardi, A; Bonavolonta, C; Bonnoli, G; Braiding, C; Brau-Nogue, S; Bregeon, J; Brown, AM; Bugaev, V; Bulgarelli, A; Bulik, T; Burton, M; Burtovoi, A; Busetto, G; Bottcher, M; Cameron, R; Capalbi, M; Caproni, A; Caraveo, P; Carosi, R; Cascone, E; Cerruti, M; Chaty, S; Chen, A; Chen, X; Chernyakova, M; Chikawa, M; Chudoba, J; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Colafrancesco, S; Conforti, V; Contreras, JL; Costa, A; Cotter, G; Covino, S; Covone, G; Cumani, P; Cusumano, G; D'Ammando, F; D'Urso, D; Daniel, M; Dazzi, F; De Angelis, A; De Cesare, G; De Franco, A; De Frondat, F; Dal Pino, EMD; De Lisio, C; Lopez, RD; De Lotto, B; de Naurois, M; De Palma, F; Del Santo, M; Delgado, C; della Volpe, D; Di Girolamo, T; Di Giulio, C; Di Pierro, F; Di Venere, L; Doro, M; Dournaux, J; Dumas, D; Dwarkadas, V; Díaz, C; Ebr, J; Egberts, K; Einecke, S; Elsässer, D; Eschbach, S; Falceta-Goncalves, D; Fasola, G; Fedorova, E; Fernández-Barral, A; Ferrand, G; Fesquet, M; Fiandrini, E; Fiasson, A; Filipovíc, MD; Fioretti, V; Font, L; Fontaine, G; Franco, FJ; Coromina, LF; Fujita, Y; Fukui, Y; Funk, S; Förster, A; Gadola, A; López, RG; Garczarczyk, M; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giuliani, A; Glicenstein, J; Gnatyk, R; Goldoni, P; Grabarczyk, T; Graciani, R; Graham, J; Grandi, P; Granot, J; Green, AJ; Griffiths, S; Gunji, S; Hakobyan, H; Hara, S; Hassan, T; Hayashida, M; Heller, M; Helo, JC; Hinton, J; Hnatyk, B; Huet, J; Huetten, M; Humensky, TB; Hussein, M; Hörandel, J; Ikeno, Y; Inada, T; Inome, Y; Inoue, S; Inoue, T; Inoue, Y; Ioka, K; Iori, M; Jacquemier, J; Janecek, P; Jankowsky, D; Jung, I; Kaaret, P; Katagiri, H; Kimeswenger, S; Kimura, S; Knödlseder, J; Koch, B; Kocot, J; Kohri, K; Komin, N; Konno, Y; Kosack, K; Koyama, S; Kraus, M; Kubo, H; Mezek, GK; Kushida, J; La Palombara, N; Lalik, K; Lamanna, G; Landt, H; Lapington, J; Laporte, P; Lee, S; Lees, J; Lefaucheur, J; Lenain, JP; Leto, G; Lindfors, E; Lohse, T; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; Lopez, M; Lucarelli, F; Luque-Escamilla, PL; López-Coto, R; Maccarone, MC; Maier, G; Malaguti, G; Mandat, D; Maneva, G; Mangano, S; Marcowith, A; Martí, J; Martínez, M; Martínez, G; Masuda, S; Maurin, G; Maxted, N; Melioli, C; Mineo, T; Mirabal, N; Mizuno, T; Moderski, R; Mohammed, M; Montaruli, T; Moralejo, A; Mori, K; Morlino, G; Morselli, A; Moulin, E; Mukherjee, R; Mundell, C; Muraishi, H; Murase, K; Nagataki, S; Nagayoshi, T; Naito, T; Nakajima, D; Nakamori, T; Nemmen, R; Niemiec, J; Nieto, D; Nievas-Rosillo, M; Nikolajuk, M; Nishijima, K; Noda, K; Nogues, L; Nosek, D; Novosyadlyj, B; Nozaki, S; Ohira, Y; Ohishi, M; Ohm, S; Okumura, A; Ong, RA; Orito, R; Orlati, A; Ostrowski, M; Oya, I; Padovani, M; Palacio, J; Palatka, M; Paredes, JM; Pavy, S; Pe'er, A; Persic, M; Petrucci, P; Petruk, O; Pisarski, A; Pohl, M; Porcelli, A; Prandini, E; Prast, J; Principe, G; Prouza, M; Pueschel, E; Pühlhofer, G; Quirrenbach, A; Rameez, M; Reimer, O; Renaud, M; Ribóo, M; Rico, J; Rizi, V; Rodriguez, J; Fernandez, GR; Vázquez, JJR; Romano, P; Romeo, G; Rosado, J; Rousselle, J; Rowell, G; Rudak, B; Sadeh, I; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, T; Sakaki, N; Sanchez, D; Sangiorgi, P; Sano, H; Santander, M; Sarkar, S; Sawada, M; Schioppa, EJ; Schoorlemmer, H; Schovanek, P; Schussler, F; Sergijenko, O; Servillat, M; Shalchi, A; Shellard, RC; Siejkowski, H; Sillanpää, A; Simone, D; Sliusar, V; Sol, H; Stanic, S; Starling, R; Stawarz, L; Stefanik, S; Stephan, M; Stolarczyk, T; Szanecki, M; Szepieniec, T; Tagliaferri, G; Tajima, H; Takahashi, M; Takeda, J; Tanaka, M; Tanaka, S; Tejedor, LA; Telezhinsky, I; Temnikov, P; Terada, Y; Tescaro, D; Teshima, M; Testa, V; Thoudam, S; Tokanai, F; Torres, DF; Torresi, E; Tosti, G; Townsley, C; Travnicek, P; Trichard, C; Trifoglio, M; Tsujimoto, S; Vagelli, V; Vallania, P; Valore, L; van Driel, W; van Eldik, C; Vandenbroucke, J; Vassiliev, V; Vecchi, M; Vercellone, S; Vergani, S; Vigorito, C; Vorobiov, S; Vrastil, M; Acosta, MLV; Wagner, SJ; Wagner, R; Wakely, SP; Walter, R; Ward, JE; Watson, JJ; Weinstein, A; White, M; White, R; Wierzcholska, A; Wilcox, P; Williams, DA; Wischnewski, R; Wojcik, P; Yamamoto, T; Yamamoto, H; Yamazaki, R; Yanagita, S; Yang, L; Yoshida, T; Yoshida, M; Yoshiike, S; Yoshikoshi, T; Zacharias, M; Zampieri, L; Zanin, R; Zavrtanik, M; Zavrtanik, D; Zdziarski, A; Zech, A; Zechlin, H; Zhdanov, V; Ziegler, A; Zorn, J

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   840 巻 ( 2 )   2017年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa6d67

    Web of Science

  92. The <i>Fermi</i> Galactic Center GeV Excess and Implications for Dark Matter 査読有り

    Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Albert, A; Atwood, WB; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bregeon; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Burnett, TH; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caragiulo, M; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Cecchi, C; Charles, E; Chekhtman, A; Chiang, J; Chiappo, A; Chiaro, G; Ciprini, S; Conrad, J; Costanza, F; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palmai, F; Desiante, R; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Drell, PS; Favuzzi, C; Fegan, J; Ferrara, EC; Fockes, WB; Franckowiak, A; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gaspanini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Gomez-Vargas, GA; Green, D; Grenier, IA; Grove, JE; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Gustafsson, M; Harding, AK; Hays, E; Hewitt, JW; Horan, D; Jogler, T; Johnson, AS; Kamae, T; Kocevski, D; Kuss, M; La Mura, G; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lovellette, MN; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Martin, P; Mazziottam, MN; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Moiseev, AA; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ohsugi, T; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Persic, M; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Principe, G; Raino, S; Randò, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Sánchez-Conde, M; Sgrò, C; Simone, D; Siskind, EJ; Spada, F; Spandrel, G; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Tanaka, K; Thayer, JB; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Uchiyama, Y; Vianello, G; Wood, KS; Wood, M; Zaharijas, G; Zimmer, S

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   840 巻 ( 1 )   2017年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa6cab

    Web of Science

  93. Cosmic-ray electron-positron spectrum from 7 GeV to 2 TeV with the Fermi Large Area Telescope 査読有り

    Abdollahi, S; Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Atwood, WB; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Brandt, TJ; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caragiulo, M; Castro, D; Cavazzuti, E; Cecchi, C; Chekhtman, A; Ciprini, S; Cohen-Tanugi, J; Costanza, F; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Drell, PS; Drlica-Wagner, A; Favuzzi, C; Focke, WB; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Harding, AK; Jogler, T; Jóhannesson, G; Kamae, T; Kuss, M; La Mura, G; Latronico, L; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; Michelson, PF; Mirabal, N; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Moiseev, AA; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Orlando, E; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Pivato, G; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Sgrò, C; Simone, D; Siskind, EJ; Spada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Tibaldo, L; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Wood, M; Worley, A; Zaharijas, G; Zimmer, S

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   95 巻 ( 8 )   2017年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.082007

    Web of Science

  94. Search for Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Anisotropies with Seven Years of Fermi Large Area Telescope Data 査読有り

    Abdollahi, S; Ackermann, M; Ajello, M; Albert, A; Atwood, WB; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Brandt, TJ; Bruel, P; Buson, S; Caragiulo, M; Cavazzuti, E; Chekhtman, A; Ciprini, S; Costanza, F; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Donaggio, B; Drell, PS; Favuzzi, C; Focke, WB; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Green, D; Guiriec, S; Harding, AK; Jogler, T; Jóhannesson, G; Kamae, T; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Malyshev, D; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; Meehan, M; Michelson, PF; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Moiseev, AA; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ohsugi, T; Omodei, N; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Pivato, G; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Sgrò, C; Simone, D; Siskind, EJ; Spada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Strong, AW; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Vandenbroucke, J; Zaharijas, G; Zimmer, S

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   118 巻 ( 9 )   2017年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.091103

    Web of Science


  95. <i>Hitomi</i> Constraints on the 3.5 keV Line in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster 査読有り

    Aharonian, FA; Akamatsu, H; Akimoto, F; Allen, SW; Angelini, L; Arnaud, KA; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Axelsson, M; Bamba, A; Bautz, MW; Blandford, RD; Bulbul, E; Brenneman, LW; Brown, GV; Cackett, EM; Chernyakova, M; Chiao, MP; Coppi, P; Costantini, E; de Plaa, J; den Herder, JW; Done, C; Dotani, T; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, ME; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, AC; Ferrigno, C; Foster, AR; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, LC; Gandhi, P; Giustini, M; Goldwurm, A; Gu, L; Guainazzi, M; Haba, Y; Hagino, K; Hamaguchi, K; Harrus, I; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, K; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, J; Hornschemeier, AE; Hoshino, A; Hughes, JP; Ichinohe, Y; Iizuka, R; Inoue, H; Inoue, S; Inoue, Y; Ishibashi, K; Ishida, M; Ishikawa, K; Ishisaki, Y; Itoh, M; Iwai, M; Iyomoto, N; Kaastra, JS; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kara, E; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Katsuta, J; Kawaharada, M; Kawai, N; Kelley, RL; Khangulyan, D; Kilbourne, CA; King, AL; Kitaguchi, T; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Koyama, S; Koyama, K; Kretschmar, P; Krimm, HA; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Lee, SH; Leutenegger, MA; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, KS; Lumb, DH; Madejski, GM; Maeda, Y; Maier, D; Makishima, K; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammon, D; McNamara, BR; Mehdipour, M; Miller, ED; Miller, JM; Mineshige, S; Mitsuda, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazawa, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Moseley, H; Mukai, K; Murakami, H; Murakami, T; Mushotzky, RF; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, H; Nakamori, T; Nakano, T; Nakashima, S; Nakazawa, K; Nobukawa, K; Nobukawa, M; Noda, H; Nomachi, M; O'Dell, SL; Odaka, H; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Okajima, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerels, F; Paltani, S; Parmar, A; Petre, R; Pinto, C; Pohl, M; Porter, FS; Pottschmidt, K; Ramsey, BD; Reynolds, CS; Russell, HR; Safi-Harb, S; Saito, S; Sakai, K; Sameshima, H; Sasaki, T; Sato, G; Sato, K; Sato, R; Sawada, M; Schartel, N; Serlemitsos, PJ; Seta, H; Shidatsu, M; Simionescu, A; Smith, RK; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, S; Szymkowiak, AE; Tajima, H; Takahashi, H; Takahashi, T; Takeda, S; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, K; Tamura, T; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tanaka, Y; Tashiro, M; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, T; Uchida, H; Uchiyama, H; Uchiyama, Y; Ueda, S; Ueda, Y; Ueno, S; Uno, S; Urry, CM; Ursino, E; de Vries, CP; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; Wik, DR; Wilkins, DR; Williams, BJ; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamaoka, K; Yamasaki, NY; Yamauchi, M; Yamauchi, S; Yaqoob, T; Yatsu, Y; Yonetoku, D; Yoshida, A; Zhuravleva, I; Zoghbi, A

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS   837 巻 ( 1 )   2017年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/aa61fa

    Web of Science

  96. Operating performance of the gamma-ray Cherenkov telescope: An end-to-end Schwarzschild-Couder telescope prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Dournaux, JL; De Franco, A; Laporte, P; White, R; Greenshaw, T; Sol, H; Abchiche, A; Allan, D; Amans, JP; Armstrong, TP; Balzer, A; Berge, D; Boisson, C; Bousquet, JJ; Brown, AM; Bryan, M; Buchholtz, G; Chadwick, PM; Costantini, H; Cotter, G; Daniel, M; De Frondat, F; Dumas, D; Ernenwein, JP; Fasola, G; Funk, S; Gaudemard, J; Graham, JA; Gironnet, J; Hervet, O; Hidaka, N; Hinton, JA; Huet, JM; Jégouzo, I; Jogler, T; Kawashima, T; Kraus, M; Lapington, JS; Lefaucheur, J; Markoff, S; Melse, T; Morhrmann, L; Molnyeux, P; Nolan, SJ; Okumura, A; Parsons, RD; Ross, D; Rowell, G; Sato, Y; Sayède, F; Schmoll, J; Schoorlemmer, H; Servillat, M; Stamatescu, V; Stephan, M; Stuik, R; Sykes, J; Tajima, H; Thornhill, J; Tibaldo, L; Trichard, C; Vinkh, J; Watson, J; Yamane, N; Zech, A; Zink, A



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.05.059

    Web of Science

  97. <i>Fermi</i>-LAT Observations of High-energy Behind-the-limb Solar Flares 査読有り

    Ackermann, M; Allafort, A; Baldini, L; Barbiellini, G; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Bonino, R; Bottacini, E; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buehler, R; Cameron, RA; Caragiulo, M; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Cecchi, C; Charles, E; Ciprini, S; Costanza, F; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Drell, PS; Favuzzi, C; Fukazawa, Y; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Giglietto, N; Giordano, F; Giroletti, M; Grenier, IA; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Jogler, T; Johannesson, G; Kashapova, L; Krucker, S; Kuss, M; La Mura, G; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Liu, W; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Manfreda, A; Mazziotta, MN; Mitthumsiri, W; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Ohsugi, T; Omodei, N; Orlando, E; Pal'shin, V; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Pesce-Rollins, M; Petrosian, V; Piron, F; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Reimer, O; da Costa, FR; Sgrò, C; Simone, D; Sisikind, EJ; Sapada, F; Spandre, G; Spinelli, P; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Vianello, G

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   835 巻 ( 2 )   2017年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/835/2/219

    Web of Science


    Racusin, JL; Burns, E; Goldstein, A; Connaughton, V; Wilson-Hodge, CA; Jenke, P; Blackburn, L; Briggs, MS; Broida, J; Camp, J; Christensen, N; Hui, CM; Littenberg, T; Shawhan, P; Singer, L; Veitch, J; Bhat, PN; Cleveland, W; Fitzpatrick, G; Gibby, MH; von Kienlin, A; McBreen, S; Mailyan, B; Meegan, CA; Paciesas, WS; Preece, RD; Roberts, OJ; Stanbro, M; Veres, P; Zhang, BB; Ackermann, M; Albert, A; Atwood, WB; Axelsson, M; Baldini, L; Ballet, J; Barbiellini, G; Baring, MG; Bastieri, D; Bellazzini, R; Bissaldi, E; Blandford, RD; Bloom, ED; Bonino, R; Bregeon, J; Bruel, P; Buson, S; Caliandro, GA; Cameron, RA; Caputo, R; Caragiulo, M; Caraveo, PA; Cavazzuti, E; Charles, E; Chiang, J; Ciprini, S; Costanza, F; Cuoco, A; Cutini, S; D'Ammando, F; de Palma, F; Desiante, R; Digel, SW; Di Lalla, N; Di Mauro, M; Di Venere, L; Drell, PS; Favuzzi, C; Ferrara, EC; Focke, WB; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Fusco, P; Gargano, F; Gasparrini, D; Giglietto, N; Gill, R; Giroletti, M; Glanzman, T; Granot, J; Green, D; Grove, JE; Guillemot, L; Guiriec, S; Harding, AK; Jogler, T; Johannesson, G; Kamae, T; Kensei, S; Kocevski, D; Kuss, M; Larsson, S; Latronico, L; Li, J; Longo, F; Loparco, F; Lubrano, P; Magill, JD; Maldera, S; Malyshev, D; Mazziotta, MN; McEnery, JE; Michelson, PF; Mizuno, T; Monzani, ME; Morselli, A; Moskalenko, IV; Negro, M; Nuss, E; Omodei, N; Orienti, M; Orlando, E; Ormes, JF; Paneque, D; Perkins, JS; Pesce-Rollins, M; Piron, F; Pivato, G; Porter, TA; Principe, G; Rainò, S; Rando, R; Razzano, M; Razzaque, S; Reimer, A; Reimer, O; Parkinson, PMS; Scargle, JD; Sgrò, C; Simone, D; Siskind, EJ; Smith, DA; Spada, F; Spinelli, P; Suson, DJ; Tajima, H; Thayer, JB; Torres, DF; Troja, E; Uchiyama, Y; Vianello, G; Wood, KS; Wood, M

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   835 巻 ( 1 )   2017年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/835/1/82

    Web of Science

  99. Inauguration and First Light of the GCT-M Prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Watson, JJ; De Franco, A; Abchiche, A; Allan, D; Amans, JP; Armstrong, TP; Balzer, A; Berge, D; Boisson, C; Bousquet, JJ; Brown, AM; Bryan, M; Buchholtz, G; Chadwick, PM; Costantini, H; Cotter, G; Daniel, MK; De Frondat, F; Dournaux, JL; Dumas, D; Ernenwein, JP; Fasola, G; Funk, S; Gironnet, J; Graham, JA; Greenshaw, T; Hervet, O; Hidaka, N; Hinton, JA; Huet, JM; Jegouzo, I; Jogler, T; Kraus, M; Lapington, JS; Laporte, P; Lefaucheur, J; Markoff, S; Melse, T; Mohrmann, L; Molyneux, P; Nolan, SJ; Okumura, A; Osborne, JP; Parsons, RD; Rosen, S; Ross, D; Rowell, G; Rulten, CB; Sato, Y; Sayède, F; Schmoll, J; Schoorlemmer, H; Servillat, M; Sol, H; Stamatescu, V; Stephan, M; Stuik, R; Sykes, J; Tajima, H; Thornhill, J; Tibaldo, L; Trichard, C; Vink, J; White, R; Yamane, N; Zech, A; Zink, A; Zorn, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4969027

    Web of Science

  100. TARGET: A Digitizing And Trigger ASIC For The Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り 国際共著

    Funk, S; Jankowsky, D; Katagiri, H; Kraus, M; Okumura, A; Schoorlemmer, H; Shigenaka, A; Tajima, H; Tibaldo, L; Varner, G; Zink, A; Zorn, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4969033

    Web of Science

  101. The Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 査読有り

    Tibaldo, L; Abchiche, A; Allan, D; Amans, JP; Armstrong, TP; Balzer, A; Bergey, D; Boisson, C; Bousquet, JJ; Brown, AM; Bryan, M; Buchholtz, G; Chadwick, PM; Costantini, H; Cotter, G; Daniels, MK; De Franco, A; De Frondat, F; Dournaux, JL; Dumas, D; Ernenwein, JP; Fasola, G; Funk, S; Gironnet, J; Graham, JA; Greenshaws, T; Hervet, O; Hidaka, N; Hintoni, JA; Huet, JM; Jankowsky, D; Jegouzo, I; Jogler, T; Kraus, M; Lapington, JS; Laporte, P; Lefaucheur, J; Markoff, S; Melse, T; Mohrmann, L; Molyneux, P; Nolan, SJ; Okumura, A; Osborne, JP; Parsons, RD; Rosen, S; Ross, D; Rowell, G; Rulten, CB; Sato, Y; Sayède, F; Schmoll, J; Schoorlemmer, H; Servillat, M; Sol, H; Stamatescu, V; Stephan, M; Stuik, R; Sykes, J; Tajima, H; Thornhill, J; Trichard, C; Vink, J; Watson, JJ; White, R; Yamane, N; Zech, A; Zink, A; Zorn, J



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4969025

    Web of Science

  102. Study of the polarimetric performance of a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera for the Hitomi satellite 査読有り

    J. Katsuta et al.

      840 巻   頁: 51-58   2016年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.09.057

  103. The quiescent intracluster medium in the core of the Perseus cluster 査読有り

    Hitomi collaboration

    Nature   535 巻 ( 7610 ) 頁: 117-121   2016年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/nature18627

  104. The First Fermi LAT Supernova Remnant Catalog 査読有り

    Fermi LAT collaboration

    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series   224 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: article id. 8   2016年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/0067-0049/224/1/8

  105. Fermi-LAT Observations of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission toward the Galactic Center 査読有り

    Fermi LAT collaboration

      819 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: article id. 44   2016年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/819/1/44

  106. The first demonstration of the concept of "narrow-FOV Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera" 査読有り

    Y. Ichinohe, et al.

    Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A   806 巻   頁: 5-13   2016年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.09.081

  107. Searching for Dark Matter Annihilation from Milky Way Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies with Six Years of Fermi Large Area Telescope Data 査読有り

    Fermi LAT collaboration

    Physical Review Letters   115 巻   頁: 231301   2015年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies (dSphs) of the Milky Way are some of the most dark matter (DM) dominated objects known. We report on gamma-ray observations of Milky Way dSphs based on six years of Fermi Large Area Telescope data processed with the new Pass8 event-level analysis. None of the dSphs are significantly detected in gamma rays, and we present upper limits on the DM annihilation cross section from a combined analysis of 15 dSphs. These constraints are among the strongest and most robust to date and lie below the canonical thermal relic cross section for DM of mass <100 GeV annihilating via quark and tau-lepton channels.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.231301

  108. First Images from the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager 査読有り

    FOXSI collaboration

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   793 巻   頁: L32   2014年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) sounding rocket payload flew for the first time on 2012 November 2, producing the first focused images of the Sun above 5 keV. To enable hard X-ray (HXR) imaging spectroscopy via direct focusing, FOXSI makes use of grazing-incidence replicated optics combined with fine-pitch solid-state detectors. On its first flight, FOXSI observed several targets that included active regions, the quiet Sun, and a GOES-class B2.7 microflare. This Letter provides an introduction to the FOXSI instrument and presents its first solar image. These data demonstrate the superiority in sensitivity and dynamic range that is achievable with a direct HXR imager with respect to previous, indirect imaging methods, and illustrate the technological readiness for a spaceborne mission to observe HXRs from solar flares via direct focusing optics.

    DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/793/2/L32

  109. Introducing the CTA concept 査読有り

    CTA consortium

    Astroparticle Physics   43 巻   頁: 3-18   2013年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new observatory for very high-energy (VHE) gamma rays. CTA has ambitions science goals, for which it is necessary to achieve full-sky coverage, to improve the sensitivity by about an order of magnitude, to span about four decades of energy, from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV with enhanced angular and energy resolutions over existing VHE gamma-ray observatories. An international collaboration has formed with more than 1000 members from 27 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. In 2010 the CTA Consortium completed a Design Study and started a three-year Preparatory Phase which leads to production readiness of CTA in 2014. In this paper we introduce the science goals and the concept of CTA, and provide an overview of the project.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2013.01.007

  110. Detection of the Characteristic Pion-Decay Signature in Supernova Remnants 査読有り

    Fermi LAT collaboration

    Science   339 巻   頁: 807-811   2013年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Cosmic rays are particles (mostly protons) accelerated to relativistic speeds. Despite wide agreement that supernova remnants (SNRs) are the sources of galactic cosmic rays, unequivocal evidence for the acceleration of protons in these objects is still lacking. When accelerated protons encounter interstellar material, they produce neutral pions, which in turn decay into gamma rays. This offers a compelling way to detect the acceleration sites of protons. The identification of pion-decay gamma rays has been difficult because high-energy electrons also produce gamma rays via bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering. We detected the characteristic pion-decay feature in the gamma-ray spectra of two SNRs, IC 443 and W44, with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. This detection provides direct evidence that cosmic-ray protons are accelerated in SNRs.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.1231160

  111. TARGET: A multi-channel digitizer chip for very-high-energy gamma-ray telescopes 査読有り

    Bechtol, K.; Funk, S.; Okumura, A.; Ruckman, L. L.; Simons, A.; Tajima, H.; Vandenbroucke, J.; Varner, G. S.

    Astroparticle Physics   36 巻   頁: 156-165   2012年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The next-generation very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray observatory, the Cherenkov Telescope Array, will feature dozens of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs), each with thousands of pixels of photo-sensors. To be affordable and reliable, reading out such an array of up to a million channels requires event recording technology that is highly integrated and modular, with a low cost per channel. We present the design and performance of a chip targeted to this application: the TeV Array Readout with GSa/s sampling and Event Trigger (TARGET). This application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) has 16 parallel input channels, a 4096-sample buffer for each channel, adjustable input termination, self-trigger functionality, and tight window-selected readout. We report the performance of the first-generation version of this chip (TARGET 1) in terms of sampling frequency, power consumption, dynamic range, current-mode gain, analog bandwidth, and cross talk. The large number of channels per chip allows a low cost per channel (10 to 20 including front-end and back-end electronics but not including photosensors) to be achieved with a TARGET-based IACT readout system. In addition to basic performance parameters of the TARGET 1 chip, we present a camera module prototype as well as a second-generation chip (TARGET 2), both of which have now been produced.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2012.05.016

  112. Fermi Large Area Telescope Discovery of GeV Gamma-Ray Emission from the Vicinity of SNR W44 査読有り

    Uchiyama, Yasunobu; Funk, Stefan; Katagiri, Hideaki; Katsuta, Junichiro; Lemoine-Goumard, Marianne; Tajima, Hiroyasu; Tanaka, Takaaki; Torres, Diego F.

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   749 巻   頁: L35   2012年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    We report the detection of GeV gamma-ray emission from the molecular cloud complex that surrounds the supernova remnant (SNR) W44 using the Large Area Telescope on board Fermi. While the previously reported gamma-ray emission from SNR W44 is likely to arise from the dense radio-emitting filaments within the remnant, the gamma-ray emission that appears to come from the surrounding molecular cloud complex can be ascribed to the cosmic rays (CRs) that have escaped from W44. The non-detection of synchrotron radio emission associated with the molecular cloud complex suggests the decay of pi0 mesons produced in hadronic collisions as the gamma-ray emission mechanism. The total kinetic energy channeled into the escaping CRs is estimated to be Wesc ~ (0.3-3) x 10^50 erg, in broad agreement with the conjecture that SNRs are the main sources of Galactic CRs.

    DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/749/2/L35

  113. Gamma-Ray Observations of the Supernova Remnant RX J0852.0-4622 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope 査読有り

    Tanaka, T.; Allafort, A.; Ballet, J.; Funk, S.; Giordano, F.; Hewitt, J.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Tajima, H.; Tibolla, O.; Uchiyama, Y.

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters   740 巻   頁: L51   2011年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    We report on gamma-ray observations of the supernova remnant (SNR) RX J0852.0-4622 with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. In the Fermi-LAT data, we find a spatially extended source at the location of the SNR. The extension is consistent with the SNR size seen in other wavelengths such as X-rays and TeV gamma rays, leading to the identification of the gamma-ray source with the SNR. The spectrum is well described as a power law with a photon index of 1.85±0.06 (stat)+0.18-0.19 (sys), which smoothly connects to the H.E.S.S. spectrum in the TeV energy band. We discuss the gamma-ray emission mechanism based on multiwavelength data. The broadband data can be fit well by a model in which the gamma rays are of hadronic origin. We also consider a scenario with inverse Compton scattering of electrons as the emission mechanism of the gamma rays. Although the leptonic model predicts a harder spectrum in the Fermi-LAT energy range, the model can fit the data considering the statistical and systematic errors.

    DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/740/2/L51


講演・口頭発表等 17

  1. Suppressing Optical Cross Talk in Silicon Photomultipliers 国際会議

    Hiro Tajima, Akira Okumura, Naoya Hidaka, Yuki Nakamura, Nobuhito Yamane, Anatolii Zenin

    International Conference on the Advancement of Silicon Photomultipliers 


    開催年月日: 2018年6月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:Schwetzingen, Germany   国名:ドイツ連邦共和国  

    Compared to conventional photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) based on multi-cell geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (GAPDs) have advantages with regards to photon detection efficiency, compactness, robustness and tolerance of both magnetic fields and intense light sources. In addition, SiPMs can be cost effective for applications that require many channels with small unit area. Because of these advantages, SiPMs are starting to replace PMs in many applications.
    When used in the cameras of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, the optical crosstalk of SiPMs needs to be reduced in order to suppress accidental triggers due to the high rate of night sky background caused by scattered starlight and moonlight, and the fluorescence of excited molecules in the atmosphere.
    In this contribution, the propagation properties of optical photons in SiPMs are investigated through systematic measurements of the optical crosstalk with varying SiPM pixel and GAPD cell sizes and with and without coatings on the SiPMs. It was observed that a significant portion of the optical crosstalk is mediated by the coating. The propagation of optical photons in the bulk silicon of the SiPM is also discussed.

  2. Indirect searches for dark matter with gamma rays and other messengers 招待有り

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    The first KMI School 


    開催年月日: 2018年2月 - 2018年3月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Nagoya University   国名:日本国  

  3. Evaluation of Silicon Photomultipliers for Dual-Mirror Small-Sized Telescopes of CTA 国際会議

    Hiro Tajima for CTA ASTRI and GCT projects

    8th International Conference on New Development in Photodetection 


    開催年月日: 2017年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:Tours, France   国名:フランス共和国  

    All camera designs for Small-Sized telescopes (SSTs) proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) utilise silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) as their baseline photon sensor technology. The dual-mirror SST (SST-2M) has a smaller plate scale (i.e. image size) than the single-mirror SST, allowing it to employ 2,000 square SiPMs with pixel sizes of approximately 6 mm, close to the mainstream SiPM sizes.
    In CTA, the night sky background level of typically ~25 Mcount/s/pixel (> 100 Mcounts/s/pixel at maximum) places severe constraints on the trigger capability due to accidental coincidence on neighbouring pixels. In order to suppress such events, it is necessary to reduce optical crosstalk, a mechanism whereby a single optical photon can produce multiple avalanches in the SiPM, while keeping good photon detection efficiency. These are, in general, contradicting requirements.
    In this talk, we report on characterisation of a variety of SiPM technologies for SST-2M cameras and compare results obtained at different participating institutions. We assess the harmonisation of results and discuss the likely performance that will be achieved for the first production cameras.

  4. Search for PeVatrons with Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes 招待有り




    開催年月日: 2017年3月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:東京大学   国名:日本国  

  5. Indirect Searches for WIMP Dark Matter 招待有り

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    Physics in LHC and the Early Universe 


    開催年月日: 2017年1月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:University of Tokyo   国名:日本国  

    Indirect dark matter search by gamma-ray and cosmic anti-particle observations are reviewed.

  6. Quest for the Origin of Cosmic Rays with Gamma-Ray Observations 招待有り

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    The 3rd International Symposium on "Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe" 


    開催年月日: 2017年1月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Nagoya University   国名:日本国  

    Cosmic rays are among long standing mysteries of the Universe since the origin and the acceleration mechanism of cosmic rays are not known well. Gamma-ray observations are expected to play a prominent role in probing into those questions since gamma rays are produced by interaction of cosmic rays. In fact, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope found the first undeniable evidence of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants (SNRs) in 2013. However, it is not yet conclusive whether the SNRs is the sole origin of Galactic cosmic rays and we also have no credible clues on the extragalactic origins. In this talk, recent progresses and future prospects on uncovering the origins of Galactic and extragalatic cosmic rays are reviewed.

  7. Tracking with Fermi LAT 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    23rd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors 


    開催年月日: 2014年9月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Doksy, Czech Republic   国名:チェコ共和国  

  8. Quest for Dark Matter with Cosmic Gamma-ray Observations 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    KMI International Symposium 2013 on “Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe” 


    開催年月日: 2013年12月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Nagoya, Japan   国名:日本国  

  9. Particle Physics and Astrophysics by Cosmic Gamma-ray Observations 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    KMI Inauguration Conference on "Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe" 


    開催年月日: 2011年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Nagoya, Japan   国名:日本国  

  10. Soft gamma-ray detector for the ASTRO-H Mission 国際会議

    ASTRO-H SGD team

    SPIE Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 


    開催年月日: 2010年6月 - 2010年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:San Diego, CA, USA   国名:アメリカ合衆国  

    ASTRO-H is the next generation JAXA X-ray satellite, intended to carry instruments with broad energy coverage and exquisite energy resolution. The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) is one of ASTRO-H instruments and will feature wide energy band (40-600 keV) at a background level 10 times better than the current instruments on orbit. SGD is complimentary to ASTRO-H's Hard X-ray Imager covering the energy range of 5-80 keV. The SGD achieves low background by combining a Compton camera scheme with a narrow field-of-view active shield where Compton kinematics is utilized to reject backgrounds. The Compton camera in the SGD is realized as a hybrid semiconductor detector system which consists of silicon and CdTe (cadmium telluride) sensors. Good energy resolution is afforded by semiconductor sensors, and it results in good background rejection capability due to better constraints on Compton kinematics. Utilization of Compton kinematics also makes the SGD sensitive to the gamma-ray polarization, opening up a new window to study properties of gamma-ray emission processes. The ASTRO-H mission is approved by ISAS/JAXA to proceed to a detailed design phase with an expected launch in 2014. In this paper, we present science drivers and concept of the SGD instrument followed by detailed description of the instrument and expected performance.

  11. Fermi Observations of High-energy Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    TeV Particle Astrophysics 2009 


    開催年月日: 2009年7月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Palo Alto, CA, USA   国名:アメリカ合衆国  

  12. Polarimetry with ASTRO-H Soft Gamma-ray Detector 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    The coming of age of X-ray polarimetry 


    開催年月日: 2009年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Rome, Italy   国名:イタリア共和国  

    ASTRO-H is a next generation JAXA X-ray satellite to be launched in 2014. Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) onboard ASTRO-H is a semiconductor Compton camera with a narrow field-of-view (FOV) to achieve very low background. Although the SGD is primarily a spectrometer in the 40-600 keV energy band, it is also sensitive to polarization in the 50-200 keV energy band. This paper describes instrument design, expected performance, and experimental validation of polarimetric performance of the SGD.

  13. Compton Camera for Space and Security Applications 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Compton Camera Workshop 


    開催年月日: 2008年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Dresden, Germany   国名:ドイツ連邦共和国  

  14. Detectors for Cosmic Rays on Ground and in Space 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    11th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation 


    開催年月日: 2007年2月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Vienna, Austria   国名:オーストリア共和国  

    The origin of the cosmic rays has been a great mystery since it was discovered by Victor Hess in 1912.
    AGASA observation of ultra-high-energy cosmic-rays (UHECR) possibly beyond GZK (Greisen, Zatsepin and Kuzmin) cutoff stimulated the field in great deal.
    In addition, Kamiokande detection of neutrinos from SN1987A and H.E.S.S. detection of TeV gamma-rays from supernova remnants demonstrated viability of neutrino and TeV gamma-ray astronomy for cosmic-ray research.
    New generation of currently-operating or soon-to-be-operating detectors for charged particles, gamma-rays and neutrinos from cosmos will get us even closer to understanding the nature and origin of cosmic-rays.
    Detectors for UHECRs, gamma-rays and neutrinos are of particular importance in order to study the origins of cosmic-rays since these particles are free from the deflection due to magnetic fields.
    Detectors for antiparticles and gamma-rays would be useful to detect cosmic-rays originated from the decay of the dark matter in the Universe.
    I will review these cosmic-ray detectors with particular attention on the differences of ground-based, balloon-borne and satellite-borne detectors.

  15. Suppressing Optical Cross Talk in Silicon Photomultipliers

    Hiro Tajima, Akira Okumura, Naoya Hidaka, Yuki Nakamura, Nobuhito Yamane, Anatolii Zenin

    International Conference on the Advancement of Silicon Photomultipliers  2018年6月11日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:Schwetzingen, Germany  

    Compared to conventional photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) based on multi-cell geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (GAPDs) have advantages with regards to photon detection efficiency, compactness, robustness and tolerance of both magnetic fields and intense light sources. In addition, SiPMs can be cost effective for applications that require many channels with small unit area. Because of these advantages, SiPMs are starting to replace PMs in many applications.
    When used in the cameras of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, the optical crosstalk of SiPMs needs to be reduced in order to suppress accidental triggers due to the high rate of night sky background caused by scattered starlight and moonlight, and the fluorescence of excited molecules in the atmosphere.
    In this contribution, the propagation properties of optical photons in SiPMs are investigated through systematic measurements of the optical crosstalk with varying SiPM pixel and GAPD cell sizes and with and without coatings on the SiPMs. It was observed that a significant portion of the optical crosstalk is mediated by the coating. The propagation of optical photons in the bulk silicon of the SiPM is also discussed.

  16. Indirect Searches for WIMP Dark Matter 招待有り 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    Physics in LHC and the Early Universe  2017年1月9日  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "New expansion of particle physics of post-Higgs era by LHC revealing the vacuum and space-time structure"


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:University of Tokyo  

    Indirect dark matter search by gamma-ray and cosmic anti-particle observations are reviewed.

  17. Indirect searches for dark matter with gamma rays and other messengers 招待有り 国際会議

    Hiroyasu Tajima

    The first KMI School  2018年2月28日 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Nagoya University  


共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 2

  1. チェレンコフ望遠鏡群のための光検出器の開発

    2015年10月 - 現在




  2. 革新的超広角高感度ガンマ線可視化装置の開発

    2012年5月 - 2015年3月

    研究成果展開事業 (先端計測分析技術・機器開発プログラム) 



科研費 3

  1. 宇宙ガンマ線観測による銀河中心におけるダークマター探査

    研究課題/研究課題番号:15H02086  2015年4月 - 2019年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金  

    田島 宏康


    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金

    配分額:39910000円 ( 直接経費:30700000円 、 間接経費:9210000円 )


  2. 宇宙ガンマ線観測におけるエネルギーフロンティアの開拓

    研究課題/研究課題番号:21H04468  2021年4月 - 2026年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(A)

    田島 宏康


    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金

    配分額:41340000円 ( 直接経費:31800000円 、 間接経費:9540000円 )

    我々のグループは、CTA小口径望遠鏡に採用された半導体光電子増倍素子の開発、調達、較正に責任を持つ。小口径望遠鏡カメラの最終設計において、半導体光電子増倍素子の増幅セルの大きさは、増幅率や光検出効率、クロストーク、消費電力などに影響するため、一番重要な仕様項目である。75ミクロンの増幅セルは、50ミクロンより10%高い光検出効率が期待できるが、増幅率が2倍高くなるため、クロストーク、消費電力も2倍以上増加する。最終的に、消費電力を抑制する観点から50ミクロンの増幅セルを選択した。半導体光電子増倍素子で発生した熱は、熱伝導性のよい接着剤で半導体光電子増倍素子用電子基板に取り付けられたヒートシンクで排熱される。そのため、電子基板にも約1 W/m/Kの熱伝導性を持つ基板素材を採用している。小口径望遠鏡カメラの設計を確定したした後、2023年に組み立てる予定のエンジニアリングカメラ(今後42台制作するカメラの初号機となる予定)の部品の調達を速やかに開始した。半導体光電子増倍素子やそのバイアス回路を実装したモジュール納期は、通常6ヶ月から8ヶ月程度であるが、熱伝導性のよい基板素材の供給が逼迫しているため、納期が15ヶ月に延長された。

  3. 大面積・半導体チェレンコフ・カメラの開発研究とその実証

    2011年4月 - 2015年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(A)





社会貢献活動 29

  1. S-NETセミナー2021 in 愛知


    日本宇宙フォーラム  ~躍進する宇宙ビジネス産業の最前線~  2021年2月


    対象: 社会人・一般


  2. 東北大・宇宙航空研究連携拠点 第二回シンポジウム


    東北大学  〜大学ベースの宇宙航空研究教育:その現在と方向〜  2020年12月


    対象: 大学生, 大学院生, 教育関係者, 研究者


  3. 愛知県主催宇宙産業講演会


    愛知県 産業労働部 産業振興課  宇宙ビジネス促進セミナー  愛知県産業労働センター(ウインクあいち)  2019年2月


    対象: 研究者, 社会人・一般, 企業, 行政機関, メディア


    愛知県 産業労働部 産業振興課が主催した宇宙ビジネス促進セミナーにおいて、超小型衛星による宇宙の民間利用について、名古屋大学における取り組みを紹介した。

  4. 第27回公開セミナー「天文学の最前線」


    名古屋大学理学研究科、名古屋市科学館  第27回公開セミナー「天文学の最前線」  2018年8月


    対象: 高校生, 大学生, 大学院生, 社会人・一般



  5. 図書館サイエンス夜話~シリーズ宇宙~


    鶴舞図書館・名古屋大学  超小型衛星で切り開く宇宙フロンティア  鶴舞図書館  2017年10月


    対象: 社会人・一般

  6. 日米宇宙フォーラム

    役割:講師, 運営参加・支援

    モーリーン・アンド・マイク・マンスフィールド財団  「日米宇宙フォーラム」~安倍-トランプ時代の日米宇宙協力~  名古屋大学  2017年3月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 企業


  7. 半田高校サイエンスコミュニケーション


    半田高校  半田高校サイエンスコミュニケーション  2016年6月


    対象: 高校生, 社会人・一般



  8. 系統別ガイダンス


    大学新聞社 名古屋支局  系統別ガイダンス  岐阜県立岐阜北高校  2016年6月


    対象: 高校生



  9. 社会人サポーター講演会




  10. 大学系統別出張講座




  11. 「関戸弥太郎と宇宙線望遠鏡」展・特別講演会




  12. 笠松町歴史未来館開館記念講演会




  13. 半田高校 SSHサイエンスコミュニケーション




  14. 羽島郡立志塾




  15. 「宇宙科学の最前線:天体観測衛星がひらく未知の宇宙」




  16. 2013名古屋大学公開講座




  17. 大空や宇宙へ羽ばたく夢の扉




  18. 先端イノベーション研修




  19. 第22回公開セミナー「天文学の最前線」




  20. 宇宙技術講演会・航空宇宙フェア特別講演会




  21. 時習館高校理科講演会




  22. 中部航空宇宙技術センター主催「超小型衛星が拓くニュービジネスセミナー」




  23. 2012年国際航空宇宙展




  24. 名大カフェ“Science, and Me”



    名大カフェ“Science, and Me”第27回において「中部発人工衛星”金シャチ1

  25. NPO法人「子供達と最先端科学技術の架け橋」主催「子どもの世界に先端技術を!」講演会




  26. 東海高校・中学校第20回サタデープログラム




  27. 中部航空宇宙技術センター主催「超小型衛星利用に関するセミナー」




  28. NHK文化センター 23年度宇宙講座



    NHK文化センター 23年度宇宙講座「先端宇宙2011」~最新研究で宇宙解明~ にて「高エネルギーの宇宙」に関する講演をした。

  29. クリスマスレクチャーズ2010



