Graduate School of Humanities

Updated on 2025/03/05
Ph.D. (Linguistics) ( 2006.9 Stanford University )
M.A. ( 2001.3 The University of Tokyo )
B.A. ( 1999.3 Sophia University )
Others / Others / English Studies
Others / Others / Japanese Studies
Others / Others / Linguistics
Nagoya University Graduate School of Humanities Associate professor
University of Texas, Austin Department of Linguistics Researcher
2016.8 - 2017.8
Country:United States
Nagoya University Department of International Communication, Graduate School of International Development Associate professor
2010.4 - 2017.3
Ibaraki University International Student Center, Lecturer
2007.10 - 2010.3
Arizona State University Department of Languages and Literatures Visiting Assistant Professor
2006.8 - 2007.5
Stanford University Department of Linguistics
2001.9 - 2006.8
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of General Culture Department of Language and Information Sciences
1999.4 - 2001.3
Country: Japan
Sophia University Faculty of Foreign Language Department of French Studies
1995.4 - 1999.3
Country: Japan
The Linguistic Society of Japan member
Japanese Association for the Study of Logic, Language and Information member
The 165th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, program committee program committee member
2022.7 - 2022.12
Committee type:Academic society
The 164th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, program committee program committee member
2022.1 - 2022.6
Committee type:Academic society
The 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2022), local organizing committee local organizing committee chair
2021.10 - 2022.9
Committee type:Academic society
The 163rd meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, program committee program committee member
2021.7 - 2021.12
Committee type:Academic society
The 29th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, organizing committee committee member
2021.1 - 2021.12
Committee type:Academic society
The 162nd meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, program committee program committee member
2021.1 - 2021.6
Committee type:Academic society
The 161st meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, program committee program committee member
2020.7 - 2020.12
Committee type:Academic society
PACLIC (Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation) 33, program committee committee member
2019.1 - 2019.12
Committee type:Academic society
LENLS (Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics), organizing/program committee committee member
Committee type:Academic society
Differential coding of the occurrence of negative eventualities and the nonoccurrence of eventualities in Japanese: The past perfective vs. the nonpast nonperfective Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Vol. 43 page: (40 pages) 2025.1
David Y. Oshima
Kotoba Vol. 45 page: 39 - 56 2024.12
What a nominal predicate may mean: Eel, merfolk, and other creatures Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences Vol. 63 page: (53 pages) 2024.10
The forms and meanings of negative polar interrogatives in English and Japanese: Epistemic bias, information structure, prosody, and further issues Invited Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Hideki Kishimoto, Osamu Sawada, and Ikumi Imani (eds.) Polarity-sensitive expressions: Comparison between Japanese and other languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton page: 261 - 296 2024.1
The semantic markedness of the Japanese negative preterite: Non-existence of (positive) eventualities vs. existence of negative eventualities Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Daisuke Bekki, Koji Mineshima, and Elin McCready (eds.) Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics: 19th International Conference, LENLS19, Tokyo, Japan, November 19-21, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. Heidelberg: Springer page: 1 - 20 2023.10
The Japanese verb itasu and its kin: Dishonorifics (kenjōgo II) vs. courtesy honorifics (teichōgo) Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Sara Williamson, Adeola Aminat Babayode-Lawal, Laurens Bosman, Nicole Chan, Sylvia Cho, Ivan Fong, and Kaye Holubowsky (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.30. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 1 - 546 2023.9
On the mirative use of no (da) construction in Japanese Invited Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Elin McCready and Hiroki Nomoto (eds.) Discourse particles in Asian languages, volume I: East Asia. Abingdon: Routledge page: 9 - 32 2023.8
The semantics and pragmatics of the Japanese honorific titles san, kun, and chan Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Katsutoshi Yada, Yasufumi Takama, Koji Mineshima, and Ken Satoh (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2021 Workshops, JURISIN, LENLS, SCIDOCA, Kansei-AI, AI-Biz, Japan, November 13-15, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Heidelberg: Springer page: 172 - 187 2023.7
The semantics and sociopragmatics of the Japanese honorific titles san, kun, and chan: Some focal points of variation Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Journal of East Asian Linguistics Vol. 32 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 32 2023.5
On the distinction of dishonorifics (kenjōgo II) and courtesy honorifics (teichōgo): From the perspectives of lexical semantics and markedness Invited Reviewed
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Studies in Pragmatics Vol. 24 2023.3
Semantic variation in exclusive quantifiers: English only, Japanese dake, dake-wa, and shika, and the cleft construction Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Vol. 41 page: 1529 - 1561 2023.1
The nominative-to-accusative shift in Japanese: Diachronic and synchronic considerations Reviewed International coauthorship
Satoshi Nambu, David Y. Oshima, Shin-ichiro Sano
Journal of Japanese Linguistics Vol. 38 ( 2 ) page: 161 - 191 2022.9
How to be a ham sandwich or an eel: The English deferred equative and the Japanese eel sentence Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar page: 120 - 134 2022.7
David Y. Oshima
Language: A journal of the Linguistic Society of America Vol. 97 ( 4 ) page: e320 - e340 2021.12
The use of affixal designation terms san and kun and gender neutrality: On the usage and the norms Reviewed
Midori Hayashi, David Y. Oshima
Kotoba Vol. 42 page: 72 - 89 2021.12
Redefining verbal nouns in Japanese: From the perspective of polycategoriality Reviewed
David Y. Oshima, Midori Hayashi
Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation page: 514 - 522 2021.10
The Japanese particle wa most often does not mark a topic Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Hae-Sung Jeon (ed.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.28: Poster Papers. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 1 - 14 2021.9
Against the multidimensional approach to honorific meaning: A solution to the binding problem of conventional implicature Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Naoaki Okazaki, Katsutoshi Yada, Ken Satoh, and Koji Mineshima (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2020 Workshops, JURISIN, LENLS 2020 Workshops, Virtual Event, November 15-17, 2020, Revised Selected Papers. Heidelberg: Springer page: 113 - 128 2021.8
On the grammatical status of verbal nouns in Japanese: Monocategorial and polycategorial types Reviewed
David Y. Oshima, Midori Hayashi
NINJAL Research Papers Vol. 20 page: 57 - 77 2021.1
On the marked usage of demonstratives: Toward the typology Reviewed
Ying Meng, David Y. Oshima
Michael Barrie (ed.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.27: Poster Papers. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 1 - 16 2020.8
The English rise-fall-rise contour and the Japanese contrastive particle wa: A uniform account Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Shin Fukuda, Shoichi Iwasaki, Sun-Ah Jun, Sung-Ock Sohn, Susan Strauss, and Kie Zuraw (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.26. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 165 - 175 2020.4
The nominative-to-accusative shift in modern Japanese: A diachronic observation Reviewed International coauthorship
Satoshi Nambu, Shin-ichiro Sano, David Y. Oshima
Shin Fukuda, Shoichi Iwasaki, Sun-Ah Jun, Sung-Ock Sohn, Susan Strauss, and Kie Zuraw (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.26: Poster Papers. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 1 - 12 2020.4
On a special interpretation of evaluative adjectives/adverbs of disposition and luck Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 12th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia & the 21st Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar page: 527 - 536 2020.3
On supererogation: One should go when going is good enough and not going is not Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Amsterdam Colloquium 2019 page: 319 - 326 2019.12
Factive islands from necessary blocking Reviewed
Bernhard Schwarz, David Y. Oshima, Alexandra Simonenko
Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 29 page: 529 - 548 2019.11
The logical principles of honorification and dishonorification in Japanese Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Kazuhiro Kojima, Maki Sakamoto, Koji Mineshima, and Ken Satoh (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2018 Workshops, JURISIN, AI-Biz, SKL, LENLS, IDAA, Yokohama, Japan, November 12-14, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Heidelberg: Springer page: 325 - 340 2019.10
Gradability, scale structure, and the division of labor between nouns and verbs: The case of Japanese Reviewed
David Y. Oshima, Kimi Akita, Shin-ichiro Sano
Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics Vol. 4 ( 41 ) page: 1 - 36 2019.3
The prosody of positively biased negative polar interrogatives in Japanese: Post-focal reduction or deaccenting? Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic Society 53 page: 275 - 289 2019.1
The nominative/accusative alternation in Japanese and information structure Reviewed
Satoshi Nambu, Hyun Kyung Hwang, David Y. Oshima, Masashi Nomura
Journal of East Asian Linguistics Vol. 27 ( 2 ) page: 141 - 171 2018.4
Remarks on epistemically biased questions Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation page: 169 - 177 2017.12
Graded (metric) tenses in embedded clauses: The case of South Baffin Inuktitut Reviewed
Midori Hayashi, David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 27 page: 134 - 152 2017.11
Anaphoric demonstratives and mutual knowledge: The cases of Japanese and English Reviewed
David Y. Oshima, Eric McCready
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Vol. 35 ( 3 ) page: 801 - 837 2017.7
Japanese subordinate clauses without a head: The non-occurrence of DO, SAY, and THINK Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Gengo Kenkyu: Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan Vol. 151 page: 1 - 35 2017.3
The meanings of perspectival verbs and their implications on the taxonomy of projective content/conventional implicature Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 26 page: 43 - 60 2016.11
On two varieties of negative polar interrogatives in Japanese Reviewed
Satoshi Ito, David Y. Oshima
Michael Kenstowicz, Ted Levin, and Ryo Masuda (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.23. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 229 - 243 2016.7
How multiple past tenses divide the labor: The case of South Baffin Inuktitut Reviewed
Midori Hayashi, David Y. Oshima
Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences Vol. 53 ( 4 ) page: 773 - 808 2015.8
On the functional differences between the discourse particles ne and yone in Japanese Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation page: 442 - 451 2014.12
How mutual knowledge constrains the choice of anaphoric demonstratives in Japanese and English Reviewed
David Y. Oshima, Eric McCready
Proceedings of the 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Vol. 28 page: 214 - 223 2014.12
Iconicity, implicature, and the manner interpretation of coordination structure: Through comparison of English and French Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Berkeley Linguistics Society 38 page: 355 - 370 2014.11
On the functions of the Japanese discourse particle yo in declaratives Invited Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Eric McCready, Katsuhiko Yabushita, and Kei Yoshimoto (eds.) Formal Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond. Heidelberg: Springer page: 145 - 171 2014.9
On the morphological status of -te, -ta, and related forms in Japanese: Evidence from accent placement Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Journal of East Asian Linguistics Vol. 23 ( 3 ) page: 233 - 265 2014.7
On the endophoric use of demonstratives in Japanese: A reconsideration of Susumu Kuno's analysis Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Forum of International Development Studies Vol. 44 page: 1 - 16 2014.3
Japanese speech/attitude report sentences without a quotative predicate: Ellipsis or construction? Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Research Bulletin of International Student Center, Ibaraki University Vol. 11 page: 113 - 128 2013.3
On the relation between the intonation types and the functions of discourse particles in Japanese Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Forum of International Development Studies Vol. 43 page: 47 - 63 2013.3
On the semantics of the Japanese infinitive/gerund-clause constructions: Polysemy and temporal constraints Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar page: 292 - 309 2012.10
GO and COME revisited: What serves as a reference point? Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Berkeley Linguistics Society 32 page: 287 - 298 2012.9
The Japanese particle yo in declaratives: Relevance, priority, and blaming Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Manabu Okumura, Daisuke Bekki, and Ken Satoh (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2011 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, ALSIP, MiMI, Takamatsu, Japan, December 2011, Selected Papers. Heidelberg: Springer page: 40 - 53 2012.8
On the characteristics of Japanese reported discourse: A study with special reference to elliptic quotation Invited Reviewed
David Y. Oshima, Shin-ichiro Sano
Isabelle Buchstaller and Ingrid Van Alphen (eds.) Quotatives: Cross-linguistic and Cross-disciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins page: 145 - 171 2012.5
On the interpretation of toki-clauses: Beyond the absolute/relative dichotomy Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Journal of East Asian Linguistics Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 32 2011.3
Ellipsis of quotative predicates in Japanese Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Research Bulletin of International Student Center, Ibaraki University Vol. 8 page: 86 - 99 2010.3
On the so-called thematic use of wa: Reconsideration and reconciliation Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Vol. 1 page: 405 - 414 2009
Between being wise and acting wise: A hidden conditional in some constructions with propensity adjectives Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Journal of Linguistics Vol. 45 ( 2 ) page: 363 - 393 2009
Perspective, logophoricity, and embedded tense in Japanese Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Yukinori Takubo, Tomohide Kinuhata, Szymon Grzelak, and Kayo Nagai (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.16. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 481 - 495 2009
Morphological vs. phonological contrastive topic marking Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic Society 41 Vol. 1 page: 371 - 384 2008
Semantic divergence of -(r)are: From a different perspective Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Mutsuko Endo Hudson, Peter Sells, Sun-Ah Jun, Patricia M. Clancy, Shoichi Iwasaki, and Sung-Ock Sohn. (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.13. Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 309 - 320 2008
On factive islands: Pragmatic anomaly vs. pragmatic infelicity Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Terada, and Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Joint JSAI 2006 Workshop Post-Proceedings. Heidelberg: Springer page: 147 - 161 2007
On empathic and logophoric binding Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Research on Language and Computation Vol. 5 ( 1 ) page: 19 - 35 2007
Syntactic direction and obviation as empathy-based phenomena: A typological approach Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences Vol. 45 ( 4 ) page: 727 - 764 2007
Boundary tones or prominent particles?: Variation in Japanese focus-marking contours Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Berkeley Linguistics Society 31 page: 453 - 464 2006
Adversity and Korean/Japanese passives: Constructional analogy Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Journal of East Asian Linguistics Vol. 15 ( 2 ) page: 137 - 166 2006
Motion deixis, indexicality, and presupposition Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 16 page: 172 - 189 2006
On exceptional zibun binding: An experimental approach Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Timothy Vance and Kimberly Jones (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics, vol.14. . Stanford: CSLI Publications page: 283 - 294 2004
Zibun revisited: Empathy, logophoricity, and binding Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 20th Northwest Linguistic Conference (vol.23 of University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics) page: 175 - 190 2004
Non-transitive information flow in Japanese noun-classifier matching Reviewed
Roger Levy, David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar page: 257 - 277 2003
Out of control: A unified analysis of Japanese passive constructions Reviewed
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar page: 245 - 265 2002
Perspectives in Reported Discourse: The De Re/De Dicto Distinction, Indexicality, and Presupposition
David Y. Oshima( Role: Sole author)
VDM Verlag 2011.8 ( ISBN:978-3639367522 )
Diversity in Language: Perspectives and Implications
Matsumoto, Yoshiko; David Y. Oshima; Orrin W. Robinson; Peter Sells( Role: Joint editor)
CSLI Publications 2007.5
On the information-structural conditions concerning the choice between case-, wa-, and zero-marking in Japanese International conference
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Japan-Korea Academic Exchange Workshop 10 2025.2.11 Nagoya University
How argument nominals are marked in formal and colloquial Japanese: Case vs. wa vs. ZERO
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Building Meanings, Building Connections 2025.1.6 Keio University
Information structure and bare argument nominals in Japanese International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 31st Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
The taxonomy of marked nominal predicate constructions: 'Boku wa unagi da' 'Kimi wa buenryo na seikaku da' 'Watashi mo onaji iken da' Invited International conference
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Japan-Korea Academic Exchange Workshop 9 2024.2.17 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
The Japanese verb itasu 'do' and its kin: Dishonorifics (kenjōgo II) vs. courtesy honorifics (teichōgo) International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 30th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
The semantic markedness of the Japanese negative preterite: Non-existence of (positive) eventualities vs. existence of negative eventualities International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 19
How to be a ham sandwich or an eel: The English deferred equative and the Japanese eel sentence International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 29th International Conference of HPSG
The semantic functions and usage of the affixal designation terms san, kun, and chan Invited
David Yoshikazu Oshima
The 35th Workshop of "Contrastive Studies of Foreign Languages and Japanese" International Center for Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
The semantics and pragmatics of the Japanese honorific titles -san, -kun, and -chan International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 18
Against the multidimensional approach to honorific meaning: A solution to the binding problem of conventional implicature International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 17
Redefining verbal nouns in Japanese: From the perspective of polycategoriality International conference
David Y. Oshima, Midori Hayashi
The 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
The Japanese particle wa most often does not mark a topic International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 28th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
On supererogation: One should go when going is good enough and not going is not International conference
David Y. Oshima
Amsterdam Colloquium 2019
How "should" works: With a special focus on the issue of supererogation
David Y. Oshima
The Semantics of Intensional Phenomena (symposium), English Linguistic Society of Japan
On the marked usage of demonstratives: Toward the typology International conference
Ying Meng, David Y. Oshima
The 27th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
On a special interpretation of evaluative adjectives/adverbs of disposition and luck International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 12th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia & the 21st Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar
On grammatical objects and adjuncts marked with so-called "thematic wa"
David Y. Oshima, Satoshi Nambu
The 44th Annual Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society
Factive islands from necessary blocking International conference
Bernhard Schwarz, Alexandra Simonenko, David Y. Oshima
Semantics and Linguistic Theory 29
The nominative-to-accusative shift in modern Japanese: A diachronic observation International conference
Satoshi Nambu, Shin-ichiro Sano, David Y. Oshima
The 26th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
The English rise-fall-rise contour and the Japanese contrastive particle wa: A uniform account International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 26th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
On the marked uses of demonstratives: Toward the typology
Ying Meng, David Y. Oshima
The 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan
The logical principles of honorification and dishonorification in Japanese International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 15
On non-restrictive modification with anaphoric demonstratives: Through comparison of Japanese, Chinese, and English
Ying Meng, David Y. Oshima
The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association
Remarks on epistemically biased questions International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
The prosody of positively biased negative polar interrogatives in Japanese: Post-focal reduction or deaccenting? International conference
David Y. Oshima
Chicago Linguistic Society 53
Graded (metric) tenses in embedded clauses: The case of South Baffin Inuktitut International conference
Midori Hayashi, David Y. Oshima
Semantics and Linguistic Theory 27
The meanings of perspectival verbs and their implications on the taxonomy of projective content/conventional implicature International conference
David Y. Oshima
Semantics and Linguistic Theory 26
The nominative/accusative alternation in Japanese and information structure International conference
Satoshi Nambu, David Y. Oshima, Masashi Nomura, Hyun Kyung Hwang
Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 8
Ellipsis of SAY, THINK, and DO in Japanese subordinate clauses: A constructional analysis International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 22nd International Conference of HPSG
Focus particle stacking: How a contrastive particle interacts with ONLY and EVEN International conference
David Y. Oshima
Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 11
On the functional differences between the discourse particles ne and yone in Japanese International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
How mutual knowledge constrains the choice of anaphoric demonstratives in Japanese and English International conference
David Y. Oshima, Eric McCready
The 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Shared knowledge, soliloquy, and the functions of the discourse particles (yo)ne and (yo)na
David Y. Oshima
Discourse Expressions and Information Structure (symposium), English Linguistic Society of Japan
On two varieties of negative polar interrogatives in Japanese International conference
Satoshi Ito, David Y. Oshima
The 23rd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference
On semantic and tonal properties of Japanese negative polar interrogatives International conference
Satoshi Ito, David Y. Oshima
The 15th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences
On the functions of the Japanese discourse particle ne: A study with special reference to intonation International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 9
Revisiting Teramura's Japanese conjugation paradigms: On the status of the 'ta-series endings'
David Y. Oshima
The 145th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan
On the semantics of the Japanese infinitive/gerund-clause constructions: Polysemy and temporal constraints International conference
The 19th International Conference of HPSG
Iconicity, implicature, and the manner interpretation of coordination structure: Through comparison of English and French International conference
David Y. Oshima
Berkeley Linguistics Society 38
The Japanese particle yo in declaratives: Relevance, priority, and blaming International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 8 2011.12
Semantics and pragmatics of Japanese infinitive/gerund clauses: Buttressing or ambiguity?
David Y. Oshima
The Workshop on the Interface between Syntax and Pragmatics/Semantics
On the so-called thematic use of wa: Reconsideration and reconciliation International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 2009.12
Wa revisited: Topic, ground, and subject International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 5 2008.6
Perspective, logophoricity, and embedded tense in Japanese International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 16th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 2006.10
On factive islands: Pragmatic anomaly vs. pragmatic infelicity International conference
David Y. Oshima
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 3 2006.6
Motion deixis, indexicality, and presupposition International conference
David Y. Oshima
Semantics and Linguistic Theory 16 2006.3
GO and COME revisited: What serves as a reference point? International conference
David Y. Oshima
Berkeley Linguistics Society 32 2006.2
Between direct and indirect quotation: Towards a typology of reported discourse International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2005.7
Morphological vs. phonological contrastive topic marking International conference
David Y. Oshima
Chicago Linguistic Society 41 2005.4
Boundary tones or prominent particles?: Variation in Japanese focus-marking contours International conference
David Y. Oshima
Berkeley Linguistics Society 31 2005.2
On exceptional zibun binding: An experimental approach International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 14th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 2004.11
On empathic and logophoric binding International conference
David Y. Oshima
Workshop on Semantic Approaches to Binding Theory (ESSLLI '04) 2004.8
Zibun revisited: Empathy, logophoricity, and binding International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 20th Northwest Linguistic Conference 2004.5
Empathy and binding in Japanese revisited International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 4th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese 2004.3
Semantic divergence of -(r)are: From a different perspective International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 13th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 2003.8
Non-transitive information flow in Japanese noun-classifier matching International conference
Roger Levy, David Y. Oshima
The 10th International Conference of HPSG 2003.7
Contrastive topic as a paradigmatic operator International conference
David Y. Oshima
Workshop on Information Structure in Context 2002.11
Out of control: A unified analysis of Japanese passive constructions International conference
David Y. Oshima
The 9th International Conference of HPSG 2002.8
Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar
2019.10 - 2022.3
NINJAL Collaborative Research Project Collaborative Research Project (Institute-based)
Kubozono, Haruo
Question embedding and ignorance inferences
2019.1 - 2023.12
SSHRC Insight Grant
Schwarz, Bernhard
Grant type:Competitive
Development of and Linguistic Research with a Parsed Corpus of Japanese
2017.10 - 2022.3
NINJAL Collaborative Research Project Collaborative Research Project (Institute-based)
Pardeshi, Prashant
Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Language
2015.4 - 2018.3
ILCAA Joint Research Project Collaborative Research Project (Institute-based)
McCready, Eric
Grant number:22K00505 2022.4 - 2027.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )
Grammar in the text genre: Interaction between the text and the construction as its element
Grant number:21K18359 2021.7 - 2024.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
The semantic, syntactic, and phonological properties of negative polar interrogatives in Japanese
Grant number:15K02476 2015.4 - 2019.3
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Oshima Yoshikazu
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )
Negative polar interrogatives in (standard) Japanese come in two varieties: (i) ones that convey a positive epistemic bias and where the word containing the negation is tonally subdued (the P-type), and (ii) ones that convey a negative epistemic bias and where the word containing the negation is not tonally subdued (the NN-type). Our research examined the prosodic and semantic properties of each type. Also, features exhibited by the two Japanese constructions were compared with ones of the counterparts in English and South Gyeongsang Korean.
Grant number:26580081 2014.4 - 2017.3
Grant number:23720202 2011.4 - 2014.3
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
「さん付け」が照らす世の移ろい Newspaper, magazine
日本経済新聞 日本経済新聞 (日曜版) 文化時評:「さん付け」が照らす世の移ろい (12面) 2024.11
敬意や親しみ、豊かな効果 Newspaper, magazine
朝日新聞社 朝日新聞 (朝刊) 耕論:「さん」「くん」隠れた意味 (11面) 2024.6