Updated on 2024/05/08


SHIBATA, Yoshiaki
Graduate School of Education and Human Development Department of Educational Sciences School Education and Information Sciences Professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Undergraduate School
School of Education Department of Human Developmental Sciences
Contact information

Degree 2

  1. 博士(教育学) ( 名古屋大学 ) 

  2. 修士(教育学) ( 名古屋大学 ) 

Research Interests 1

  1. 授業分析 授業研究 教師教育

Research Areas 2

  1. Others / Others  / Pedagogy

  2. Others / Others  / Educational Technology

Current Research Project and SDGs 2

  1. Analysis of Classroom Instruction using Quantitative Research Methods for Transcriptions

  2. 協同的問題解決型の校内授業研究の組織と方法に関する研究

Research History 5

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Education and Human Development   Professor


  2. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Education and Human Development   Associate professor

    2007.4 - 2015.3

  3. Nagoya University   Associate Professor

    2001.4 - 2007.3

  4. 上越教育大学 学校教育学部 講師

    2000.4 - 2001.3

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  5. 上越教育大学 学校教育研究センター 助手

    1997.4 - 2000.3

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Education 2

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School, Division of Education

    - 1997

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    Country: Japan

  2. Nagoya University   Faculty of Education

    - 1991

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 5

  1. 中部教育学会

  2. 日本教育方法学会

  3. 日本教育工学会

  4. 日本教育学会

  5. 日本カリキュラム学会

Awards 1

  1. 日本教育工学会研究奨励賞


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Papers 71

  1. From “content” to “competence”: A cross-cultural analysis of pedagogical praxis in a Chinese science lesson Reviewed

    Mohammad Reza Sarkar Arani, Yimin Gao, Linfeng Wang, Yoshiaki Shibata, Yanling Lin, Hiroyuki Kuno & Toshiya Chichibu

    PROSPECTS     2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11125-022-09630-9

  2. The principles of teacher's decision-making in Japanese board writing (bansho) process

    Tan, SR; Nozaki, S; Fu, HX; Shibata, Y

    ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF EDUCATION   Vol. 43 ( 1 ) page: 236 - 251   2023.1

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  3. 一人一人の個が育つ協同の教育のあり方 Invited


    協同と教育   Vol. 18   page: 130 - 145   2023

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

  4. 一人一人の子どもの豊かな学びを実現するための授業研究の役割 (公開シンポジウム)


    中部教育学会紀要   Vol. 20   page: 53 - 60   2020.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

  5. 授業における子どもの認識の展開過程の可視化 : オントロジーを利用して

    坂本 將暢・丹下 悠史・ 柴田 好章・埜嵜, 志保:他16名

    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学   Vol. 66 ( 2 ) page: 157 - 172   2020.3

  6. 名古屋大学教育方法研究室における「授業分析」と「R.R. 方式」の教育評価論としての意義の再検討

    柴田 好章・石原 正敬

    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学   Vol. 66 ( 2 ) page: 139 - 155   2020.3

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    Authorship:Lead author  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.18999/nueduca.66.2.139

  7. 新学習指導要領の理論的課題 : 問題解決学習の立場から


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   Vol. 396   page: 6 - 11   2019.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  8. From "chalk and talk" to "guide on the side": A cross-cultural analysis of pedagogy that drives customised teaching for personalised learning

    Arani Mohammad Reza Sarkar, Lander Bruce, Shibata Yoshiaki, Lee Christine Kim-Eng, Kuno Hiroyuki, Lau Andrew

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION   Vol. 54 ( 2 ) page: 233 - 249   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12340

    Web of Science

  9. 一人一人の子どもに応じた教育実践を展開するために : 授業記録にもとづく授業研究による教師の発達


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   Vol. 392   page: 22 - 28   2019.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  10. 教師の問題解決学習としての授業改善と授業分析


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   Vol. 390   page: 39 - 46   2019.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  11. 初志の会にとっての理論とは


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   Vol. 383   page: 31 - 35   2018.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  12. 新学習指導要領と初志の会の問題解決学習


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   Vol. 379   page: 16 - 17   2017.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  13. How teachers respond to students' mistakes in lessons A cross-cultural analysis of a mathematics lesson

    Arani Mohammad Reza Sarkar, Shibata Yoshiaki, Sakamoto Masanobu, Iksan Zanaton, Amirullah Aini Haziah, Lander Bruce


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1108/IJLLS-12-2016-0058

    Web of Science

  14. 教科書の中の問題解決学習 : 生きている子どもの姿が教科書に見出せるか?


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   Vol. 371   page: 20 - 23   2016.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  15. 「中間項による授業の記述とデータ解析に関わる諸問題の検討」

    柴田好章・中道豊彦・水野正朗・副島孝・坂本篤志・中島淑子・須田昂宏・埜崎志保・丹下悠史・付洪雪・堀田貴之・横山真理・近藤茂明・深谷久美・タン シャーリー・野村昂平・満田清恵・キラン チワリ

    『名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要—教育科学—』   Vol. 60 ( (2) ) page: 105-128   2014.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  16. 高等学校における多様な学習成果の評価手法のあり方−能力観に着目して− Invited


    愛知県教育委員会 平成25年度「高等学校における多様な学習成果の評価手法に関する調査研究」(文部科学省委嘱事業)     page: 7-21   2014.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  17. 授業洞察力を高める校内授業研究のあり方 Invited Reviewed


    考える子ども   ( 356 ) page: 18-22   2014.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  18. Reorienting the cultural script of teaching: cross cultural analysis of a science lesson Reviewed

    Mohammad Reza Sarkar Arani , Yoshiaki Shibata , Kim-Eng Christine Lee , Hiroyuki Kuno , Masami Matoba , Fong Lay Lean , John Yeo

    International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies   Vol. 3 ( 3 ) page: 215 – 235   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1108/IJLLS-10-2013-0056

  19. 生徒の主体的な学びを実現している教師の実践知 : ナラティブとエビデンスを統合した研究アプローチの提案


    日本教育方法学会紀要『教育方法学研究』   Vol. 38   page: 109-119   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  20. 問題解決学習の討論場面の中間記述言語を用いた授業分析 −江口武正「耕地整理」を対象にして−


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要—教育科学—   Vol. 57 ( 1 ) page: 1-14   2010.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  21. 江口武正『耕地整理』の今日的意義と地域に根ざした教育の課題-社会問題への教育実践からのアプローチの可能性-

    上越教育大学学校教育実践研究センター研究報告書(平成21年度版)     page: 20-27   2010.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  22. 授業研究における理論知と実践知の統合に関する研究(2)-理論に基づく協同学習と作文教育の授業モデルの提案-


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 ―教育科学―   Vol. 56 ( 1 ) page: 119-134   2009.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  23. 専門課程におけるキャリア教育科目を対象とした授業研究


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 ―教育科学―   Vol. 56 ( 1 ) page: 135-147   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  24. 授業分析における児童発言の多様な解釈の問題性


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 ―教育科学―   Vol. 56 ( 1 ) page: 43-55   2009.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  25. *授業分析用中間記述言語に関する予備的研究

    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要ー教育科学ー   Vol. 55 ( 2 ) page: 37 - 45   2009.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  26. 教師の専門性を高め合う授業研究のあり方―「ぶれない専門性」と「さらなる専門性」を求めて―

    平成20年度上越教育大学学校教育実 践研究センター研究報告書     page: 18-35   2009.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  27. 「活用型」学力を問う-2008年改訂学習指導要領の学力観をもとに-


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会編『考える子ども』   ( 320 ) page: 23-28   2009.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  28. 授業研究に おける理論知と実践知の統合に関する研究( 1 ) ―理論的根拠にもとづく協同学習と作文教育の構想ー


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要ー教育科学ー   Vol. 55 ( 1 ) page: 175-186   2008

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  29. *教育学研究における知的生産としての授業分析の可能性 -重松鷹泰・日比裕の授業分析の方法を手がかりに- Reviewed

    教育学研究   Vol. 74 ( 2 ) page: 189-202   2007.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  30. Quantitative Analysis of Student Communication Practice: An Alternative Perspective on Lesson Study Approach

    Redesigning Pedagogy 2007 Conference Abstract, Singapore     page: 212   2007.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English  

  31. School-university partnerships: a new recipe for creating professional knowledge in school Reviewed

    Masami Matoba, Yoshiaki Shibata and Mohammad Reza Sarkar Arani

    Educational Research for Policy and Practice   Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 55-65   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  32. 名古屋大学におけるキャリア教育の体系化と評価のあり方 ー現代GP「専門教育型キャリア教育体系の構築」ー

    名古屋大学キャリア教育効果検討プロジェクト(名古屋大学学生相談総合センター、名古屋大学キャリア支援・教育開発センター準備室)『キャリア教育の効果をどう把握すればよいのか』     page: 1-19   2007.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  33. Delivering Jugyou Kenkyuu for Reframing Schools as Learning Organizations: An Examination of the Process of Japanese School Change

    Mohammd Reza Sarkar Arani, Yoshiaki Shibata and Masami Matoba

    Nagoya Journal of Education and Human Development   ( 3 )   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  34. Leardership for Learning: An Examination of Lesson Study in Fukisima District Sc

    Yoshiaki Shibata, Takenobu Fukaya, Takateru Yamamoto, Kenji Asano, Hikozou Takeuchi, Takahiro Mouri, Eiki Ooka, Chikako Kuroda and Masami Matoba

    The 2nd Annual Conference on Learning Study, Program Book, Center for Learning-study And School Partnership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education     page: -   2006.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English  

  35. 内在的な価値に基づく学力への転換

    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   ( 304 ) page: 54-57   2006.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  36. *子どもの思考を顕在化するための発言の分析表示法の提案 ―中間項を用いた授業分析による事例,概念,構想の関連構造の可視化―

    柴田 好章・坂本 將暢・石原 正敬

    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要―教育科学―   Vol. 52 ( 2 ) page: 135-148   2006.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  37. 中等教育における授業分析


    社会科の初志をつらぬく会『考える子ども』   ( 156 ) page: 57-60   2005.7

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  38. 高校生が教える立場を体験するワークショップの実践 Reviewed


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要(教育科学)   Vol. 51 ( 1 ) page: 99-132   2004.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  39. 教育実践問題の協同的研究体制の構築 ー名古屋大学と東海市教育委員会の連携ー


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要(教育科学)   Vol. 50 ( 2 ) page: 141-170   2004.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  40. 高等学校の総合的な学習における課題追究とキャリア形成との関わり ー名大附属「総合人間科」経験者の語りの分析ー


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科『中等教育研究センター紀要』   ( 4 ) page: 95-109   2004.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  41. Research on Integrating the Quantitative Research Method to the Qualitative Analysis of Classroom Interaction Based on Tracscriptions

    Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists     2000

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  42. Research on Improving University Learning Environment with Space Collaboration System (3) : Practice and Analysis of the Collaborative and Distant Lecture Series of "SCS Special Lecture of Educational Technology 1" in 1999

    Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education   Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 603-615   2000

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  43. Analysis of Contents and Function in the Students' Mutual Communication Process : Contents-based Structure of Discourse and Function-based Category of Utterance

    Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education   Vol. 18 ( 2 ) page: 901-917   1999

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  44. Some Factors in the Background of the Information Education

    Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education   Vol. 18 ( 2 ) page: 865-885   1999

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  45. Research on Improving University Learning Environment with Space Collaboration System (2) : Practice and Analysis of the Collaborative and Distant Lecture of "Educational Technology"

    Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education   Vol. 18 ( 2 ) page: 887-899   1999

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  46. An Analysis of the Communication Process of the Group Discussion in a Junior High School Social Studies Classroom

    Research Report of JET Conferences   Vol. JET99-2   page: 67-72   1999

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  47. Development and Application of a Method for the Analysis of Classroom Communication Process : Clarifying Structural Articulation Based on Words Frequencies

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 1-21   1999

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  48. Designing Classroom Research for Improvement of Teaching : Sharing and Accumulating the Findings from the Analysis of Classroom Interaction

    Research Report of JET Conferences   Vol. JET99-3   page: 61-66   1999

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  49. Research on Improving University Learning Envioronment with Space Collaboration System(1) : Practice and Analysis of Collaboration Teaching with SCS

    BUlletin of Joetsu University of Education   Vol. 17 ( 2 ) page: 603-618   1998

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  50. Category Analysis of Students' Mutural Communication Process : In the Small Group Ddiscussion at a Junior High School Social Studies Class

    Research Report of JET Conferences   Vol. JET98 ( 2 ) page: 33-38   1998

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  51. Teachers' Decision in the Category Analysis of a Group Discussion

    Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Educational Technology     page: 227-230   1998

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  52. Meaning of 'Practical Acitivities' for the Teacher Training Curriculum : A Project on Learning 'Nature Study' through Experience

    Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education   Vol. 18 ( 1 ) page: 91-104   1998

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  53. Research Conference using Space Collaboration System

      Vol. 12 ( 6 ) page: 19-24   1998

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  54. 多地点遠隔共同授業のためのSCS環境とその利用における課題(共著)

    岐阜大学カリキュラム開発研究センター研究報告   Vol. 17 ( 2 ) page: 1-11   1998

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  55. The Analysis of Children's Cognitive Process from the Perspective of Pedagogical Factors

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 43 ( 2 ) page: 243-272   1997

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  56. A Study of Quantitative Methods for Analyzing Classroom Verbal Communication

    Research Report of JET Conferences   Vol. JET97 ( 4 ) page: 71-78   1997

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  57. A Study of Methods of Analyzing Classroom Verbal Communication Records : Toward Integrating Quantitative Methods into Qualitative Methods

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 43 ( 2 ) page: 217-228   1997

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  58. Practice and Analysis of Collaboration Teaching using SCS

    Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Educational Technology   Vol. 1   page: 149-151   1997

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  59. Analysis of the Appearance Pattern of Words Found in Transcriptions of Instruction

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   Vol. 21 ( 1 ) page: 1-12   1997

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  60. Partitioning and Structuring of a Class Based upon Appearance-pattern of Words in Transcription

    Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Educational Technology     page: 111-112   1996

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  61. A Structural Analysis of Children's Thinking Process from the Perspective of Several Pedagogical Factors

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 42 ( 2 ) page: 263-299   1996

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  62. Utilization of Internet at the School of Education and Affiliated Schools of Nagoya University

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 42 ( 1 ) page: 213-227   1995

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  63. Indexes of Patterns of Using Concepts for Analysis of Classroom Interaction

    Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Educational Technology     page: 143-144   1995

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  64. A Quantitative Analysis of Conceptual Patterns in Description of Communication Process : In Grade Six Social Studies Class on the World War II Battle for Okinawa

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 42 ( 1 ) page: 185-195   1995

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  65. An Analysis of Structure among Concepts from Speeches in Classwork Using Cluster Analysis

    Proceedings of The Fourth Joint Conference on Educational Technology   Vol. 第一分冊   page: 165-168   1994

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  66. Survey on Tendency of Researches on Educational Computing using ERIC Database(2) : Application of Multivariate Analysis of Combination Patterns of Descriptors

    Proceedings of The Fourth Joint Conference on Educational Technology   Vol. 第二分冊   page: 261-262   1994

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  67. An Analysis of Children's Thinking Process and the Structure of the Classroom Communication Process

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 40 ( 2 ) page: 181-217   1994

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  68. Characterizing the Process of Classroom Instruction with the Structure of the Subject Matter

    Research Report of JET Conferences   Vol. JET93-5   page: 31-38   1993

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  69. Survey on Tendency of Researches on Educational Computing using ERIC Database

    Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Educational Technology     page: 408-409   1993

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  70. An Analysis of Children's Thinking Process : The Relationship Between the Idea and the Expression

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University(Dept. of Education)   Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 123-169   1993

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  71. A Study of Children's Thinking Process from the Perspective of Intermediate Factors

    Bulletin of the School of Education, Nagoya University (Dept. of Education)   Vol. 39 ( 2 ) page: 127-156   1993

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Books 15

  1. 「ウィズコロナ,ポストコロナ時代の学校での学びの展望と課題 -『今,ここにいる,私たちの学び』を求めて-」, 日本教育方法学会編『教育方法50 パンデミック禍の学びと教育実践 : 学校の困難と変容を検討する』

    柴田好章( Role: Sole author)

    図書文化  2021.10 

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    Responsible for pages:78-91   Language:Japanese

  2. 小学校社会科3・4年生用 副読本作成の手引き 〔新訂版〕

    柴田好章( Role: Contributor ,  4年の単元構成案)

    日本文教出版  2018.10 

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    Total pages:87   Responsible for pages:68-77   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction

  3. 「シンガポールにおけるLesson Study」、日本教育工学会 監修、小柳 和喜雄 編著、柴田 好章 編著『教育工学選書 Lesson Study』

    柴田好章( Role: Joint editor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2017.1 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  4. 「日本の授業研究と世界のLesson Study」、日本教育工学会 監修、小柳 和喜雄 編著、柴田 好章 編著『教育工学選書 Lesson Study』

    柴田好章( Role: Joint editor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2017.1 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  5. 「中学校におけるアクティブ・ラーニングの可能性と課題」, 日本教育方法学会編『教育方法45 アクティブ・ラーニングの教育方法学的検討』

    柴田好章( Role: Sole author)

    図書文化  2016.10 

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  6. 「授業設計・授業分析における学習内容へのアプローチ」日本教育工学会 監修 西之園晴夫・生田考至・小柳和喜雄 編『教育工学選書 教育工学における教育実践研究』

    柴田好章( Role: Sole author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2012.11 

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  7. 「協同の学びをどうデザインしていくか」”, 和井田節子・柴田好章 編『協同の学びをつくる -幼児教育から大学まで-』

    柴田好章( Role: Sole author)

    三恵社  2012.8 

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  8. 「学校教育の情報化の動向 −ICTの活用を中心に-」, 日本教育方法学会編『教育方法40 デジタルメディア時代の教育方法』

    柴田好章( Role: Sole author)

    図書文化  2011.10 

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  9. 翻訳  ジェニファー C. グリーン「評価による社会的プログラムの理解」(平山満義 監訳, 大谷尚・伊藤 勇 編訳『質的研究ハンドブック3巻 質的研究資料の収集と解釈』、第15章)

    ( Role: Joint author)

    北大路書房  2006.8 

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  10. (一部分担)犬山教育委員会編著 自ら学ぶ力を育む教育文化の創造 ―犬山市の教育改革のさらなる展開ー

    ( Role: Joint author)

    黎明書房  2005.11 

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  11. (共同研究)授業記録による授業改革のプロセス(名古屋大学・東海市教育委員会)

    ( Role: Joint author)

    黎明書房  2004.11 

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  12. 「情報通信技術(ICT)による学習の変化」(日本教育方法学会編『子ども参加の学校と授業改革』)

    ( Role: Joint author)

    図書文化  2002.9 

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  13. *授業分析における量的手法と質的手法の統合に関する研究

    ( Role: Sole author)

    風間書房  2002.2 

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  14. 量的手法を取り入れた授業分析(授業分析の方法と課題 日比裕・的場正美編)

    ( Role: Joint author)

    黎明書房  1999 

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  15. 「授業分析を通した子どもの再発見」千々布敏弥 編『結果が出る小・中OJT実践プラン20+9』

    柴田好章( Role: Contributor)


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  1. 書評 添田晴雄著『文字と音声の比較教育文化史研究』


    教育学研究   Vol. 87 ( 3 ) page: 402 - 404   2020.9

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    Authorship:Lead author  

Works 6

  1. オープンコースウェア「 教育方法学講義II―授業分析と教育の科学化―」


  2. 「校内授業研究リーダ育成講座用テキスト」


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    独立行政法人 教員研修センター の平成18年度教員研修モデルカリキュラム開発プログラムに採択された東海市教育委員会との連携プロジェクト:「参加型授業研究会を基盤とする校内研究のリーダ育成」

  3. 書評「授業研究と教師の成長」(木原俊行著)


  4. 学び合うことの意義の探究 ー授業におけるコミュニケーションの分析ー


  5. 事典項目「教育用ソフトウェア」


  6. 事典項目「データベース」


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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 17

  1. 自己調整学習とOPPA論を援用し教育クラウドを活用した自己調整学習サイト開発研究

    Grant number:23H01015  2023.4 - 2026.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    藤本 義博, 野内 頼一, 藤枝 秀樹, 益田 裕充, 木原 俊行, 後藤 顕一, 田中 保樹, 柴田 好章, 神 孝幸

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  2. セキュア環境における共創型授業分析の教育方法学的・教育工学的意義の解明

    Grant number:22K18621  2022.6 - 2025.3

    科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    坂本 將暢, 柴田 好章, 埜嵜 志保

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  3. General Study on Structural Change of " The Course of Study System"

    Grant number:20H00103  2020.4 - 2025.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

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  4. Dialogue among East and West Asia for Reconstruction Pedagogy through Lesson Study

    Grant number:19KK0058  2019.10 - 2025.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

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  5. Reconstructing theory of teaching and learning through upgrading lesson analysis

    Grant number:19H01627  2019.4 - 2024.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct Cost: \13300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3990000 )

  6. Development and Evaluation of a Lesson Structuring System for School-Based Collaborative Lesson Study

    Grant number:19K02998  2019.4 - 2023.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Sakamoto Masanobu

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    The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a system for teachers to collaboratively engage in class research and analysis at schools.
    In this study, we developed a system that, in addition to recording classroom speech, visualizes and displays the amount of speech by the teacher and students, the position of the first occurrence of the focus word, the tendency of the appearance of the focus word, and the breakdown of the classroom scene (segmentation) based on this information. We also developed a prototype version of a method that uses images from a spy camera (a video camera worn next to the eyes) attached to the teacher to obtain the teacher's position in the classroom, and then displays the results of what the teacher is doing at that moment (speaking, writing, listening, or other).

  7. Design and operation study of a lesson study portal site for developing lesson study

    Grant number:19H01726  2019.4 - 2022.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


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    he portal site for lesson research, which was constructed by using the three-layer model of school research development factors, is
    It has been clarified that it enables lesson study in collaboration with various others of the school and external organizations and functions effectively.
    Specifically, I participated in the training by continuously using the "class study portal site" using slack as a platform for the teacher training sponsored by the Okayama Prefectural Education Center from July 2021 to January 202226. Worked on a lesson study relay by a well-known teacher. As a result, there was a result that "it was motivated to continue to improve the lessons persistently by sharing information on the actual situation of the students by co-promoting lessons of the same unit and subject matter in the same grade as teachers from different schools."

  8. Construction Professional Capital through Lesson Study: An Empirical Research

    Grant number:17H02674  2017.4 - 2022.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    CHICHIBU Toshiya

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    Following Hargreaves and Fullan's framework of professional capital, this study analyzes the structure of the organizational transformation of schools' human capital, social capital, and decisional capital through lesson study.
    Various methods of lesson study have been proposed, but the key to any of them is the depth of reflection and agency of the teacher. In this study, we set up a framework in which the situation in which teachers' agency and the deepening of reflection mutually influence each other is defined as decisional capital, which is expanded in a cyclical manner with social capital and human capital. We analyzed cases in which school agency was exercised through the coaching by the educational committee, and at the same time, the level of reflection within the school was deepened.

  9. Development of Descriptive Language for Constructive Bansho (Board Writing)

    Grant number:16K12787  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Shibata Yoshiaki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\3380000 ( Direct Cost: \2600000 、 Indirect Cost:\780000 )

    This study focuses on Bansho (Board Writing) in elementary and junior high schools in Japan. The teacher uses Bansho not only for transferring knowledge but also promoting classroom interaction and learning with social constructivist approach during lesson. The Teacher writes down the contents of students' utterances and making summary and relation among them. In this study, we developed a visualizing methods and descriptive language for Bansho process during lesson, analyzed the students' interaction during lesson and clarified the role of Bansho and teachers' practical knowledges.

  10. A Comparative Study of Cultural Foundation of Teaching:

    Grant number:15H03477  2015.4 - 2020.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Sarkar Arani Mohammad Reza

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a comparative research design as a lens for deep understanding of cultural foundation of teaching, especially what goes on in the classroom as praxis. Emphasis is here placed on transnational lesson study and cross-cultural lesson analysis as well as transnational learning for designing ‘science of improvement’ and authentic pedagogy. The findings are intended to clarify the communication approach used in the classroom (speaking/listening/memorizing; writing/reading/noting), teaching materials, teacher agency, classroom climate regarding mistakes, meaning of quality of learning, teaching and teacher, cross‐cultural analysis of pedagogy that drives customised teaching for personalised learning etc. This study pays greater attention to the larger stakeholder of the teaching and pedagogical function and learning process, those who are directly involved in the learning, namely, the students.

  11. An Empirical Study on Formative Assessment of Knowledge Building Process through Dialogue

    Grant number:15K04260  2015.4 - 2018.3

    MIZUNO Masao

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

    The purpose of this research is to clarify the essence of learning process deepened through dialogue and to develop formative assessment method of knowledge building process. We proposed FAM (Formative Assessment Matrix for lesson design) approach for teachers. Many teachers who created FAM commented, "I could not design deeper learning until now, but by writing FAM, the image of deeper learning and higher order thinking became clear". FAM’s assessment scale, that is, “knowing”, “connecting”, and “higher order thinking” makes it possible to design high-quality lessons. Teachers can learn principles of lesson design from activity of verbalize their viewpoint of assessment, and improve lessons based on results of students’ self-assessment. The FAM approach will assist learning process design for knowledge construction. Teachers can re-examine their concept of teaching and learning. The use of FAM approach will lead to the realization of interactive and high-quality learning.

  12. Conceptualization of Pedagogical Correctness through a Comparative Lesson Analysis

    Grant number:15K13189  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Sarkar Arani Mohammad Reza

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    The purpose of this study was to examine lessons practices through a comparative analysis for conceptualizing pedagogical correctness and clarify connection of pedagogical and professional correctness in practice. Emphasis is here placed on why different correctness will be accrued among educators, researchers and practitioners in the same education context. Comparative lesson analysis and meta-analysis as a qualitative research method was employed for data collection. The findings are intended to clarify the significant influence that comparative lesson analysis has exerted on expanding research for improving and studying pedagogical correctness based on the specific and analytical perspectives of different lenses among practitioners, social scientists, and educational philosopher and researchers.

  13. A Study on the Characteristics of the Japanese Approach to Lesson Study and its Recontextualization in the Teaching Practice

    Grant number:26285182  2014.4 - 2020.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MATOBA Masami

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    This study aims to clarify the characteristics of the Japanese approach to lesson study.
    The following results were obtained: (1) Japanese-style lesson study was divided into three categories, and the characteristics of each category were clarified. (2) Historically, lesson study in Japan has shifted from a science-oriented approach to collaborative research between teachers and researchers since the 1990s. (3) In curriculum management studies, lesson studies are incorporated and related to curriculum studies. (4) The Japanese school teachers use a lesson plan called ZASEKIHYOU-JUGYOUAN in Japan and KART as tools for children's understanding of the teacher. (5) In the "SHAKAIKA NO SHOSI WO TURANUKU KAI," which is one of the non-government site educational organization, lesson planning, implementation, and evaluation in the lesson study practice are based on the thoughts of Kaoru Ueda, who is the leader of the organization.

  14. 教育専門職の授業洞察力の向上のための授業過程可視化技法の体系化

    2013.4 - 2018.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  15. Visualization of the process of classroom lesson for competency of insight for educational professionals

    Grant number:25282052  2013.4 - 2018.3

    Shibata Yoshiaki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )

    In this stud aims to synthesize the methods of the visualization of classroom lesson process for contributing to enhance the educational professionals competencies of insight of teaching and learning process.

  16. 授業分析用中間記述言語の開発

    2009 - 2012.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C),課題番号:21500934

    柴田 好章

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  17. 量的手法と質的手法を統合した授業分析システムの開発

    2005 - 2007

    科学研究費補助金  若手研究(A),課題番号:17680049

    柴田 好章

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

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