Updated on 2024/10/22


Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability Division of Systems Research (DS) Professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Engineering
Contact information

Degree 1

  1. Docter of Engineering ( 1989.3   Nagoya University ) 

Research Interests 6

  1. Energy conversion

  2. Environmental emissions

  3. Biomass

  4. Waste

  5. Coal

  6. Coal

Research Areas 4

  1. Others / Others  / Recycling Engineering

  2. Others / Others  / Catalyst/Resource Chemical Process

  3. Others / Others  / Thermal Engineering

  4. Others / Others  / Energy Studies

Current Research Project and SDGs 1

  1. Environmental friendly energy conversion engineering

Research History 18

  1. Nagoya University   Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainabilty   Director in General


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  2. Nagoya University   Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability Division of Systems Research   Professor


  3. Nagoya University   EcoTopia Science Institute Division of Green Systems   Professor

    2014.4 - 2015.9

  4. Nagoya University   EcoTopia Science Institute   Professor

    2012.2 - 2015.9

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  5. Nagoya University   EcoTopia Science Institute Energy Science Research Department   Professor

    2012.2 - 2014.3

  6. ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya University   Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering   Professor

    2007.4 - 2012.1

  7. ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya University


  8. ProfessorInternational Cooperation Center for Engineering Education Development, Toyohashi University of Technology

    2006.4 - 2007.3

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  9. Toyohashi University of Technology

    2006.4 - 2007.3

  10. ProfessorInternational Cooperation Center for Engineering Education Development, Toyohashi University of Technology

    2006.4 - 2007.3

  11. Visiting ResearcherDepartment of Chmical & Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, USA

    1996.5 - 1997.3

  12. Visiting ResearcherDepartment of Chmical & Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, USA

    1996.5 - 1997.3

  13. Associate ProfessorDepartment of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

    1995.5 - 2006.3

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  14. Associate ProfessorDepartment of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

    1995.5 - 2006.3

  15. Research AssociateDepartment of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

    1993.4 - 1995.4

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  16. Research AssociateDepartment of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

    1993.4 - 1995.4

  17. Research AssociateDepartment of Energy Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

    1989.4 - 1993.3

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  18. Research AssociateDepartment of Energy Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

    1989.4 - 1993.3

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Education 3

  1. Nagoya University   Faculty of Engineering   Department of Chemical Engineerig

    1986.4 - 1989.3

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    Country: Japan

  2. Nagoya University   Faculty of Engineering   Department of Chemical Enginnering

    1984.4 - 1986.3

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    Country: Japan

  3. Nagoya University   Faculty of Engineering   Department of Chemical Engineering

    1980.4 - 1984.3

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 14

  1. The Japan Institute of Energy   Vice Chairman


  2. The Society of Chemical Engineer, Japan


  3. The Combustion Society of Japan   Director

  4. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

  5. The Heat Transfer Society of Japan

  6. The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts

  7. The Japan Society of Mechanical Enginners

  8. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

  9. The Combustion Society of Japan

  10. The Japan Society of Mechanical Enginners

  11. The Heat Transfer Society of Japan

  12. The Japan Institute of Energy

  13. The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts

  14. The Society of Chemical Engineer, Japan

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Awards 21

  1. 令和3年度地域環境保全功労者

    2021.6   環境省  


  2. 日本機械学会東海支部功績賞

    2021.3   日本機械学会  


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  3. 日本エネルギー学会石炭科学会議優秀賞

    2020.10   日本エネルギー学会   微粉炭のガス化挙動に及ぼすチャー構造の影響


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  4. 環境保全推進功労

    2019.6   愛知県  


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  5. 日本機械学会東海学生会第49回学生員卒業研究発表講演会Best Presentation Award

    2018.3   日本機械学会   エンジン内付着物と潤滑油の分析


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  6. 日本機械学会フェロー

    2018.2   日本機械学会  


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  7. 第23回流動化・粒子プロセッシングシンポジウム優秀ポスター賞

    2017.12   化学工学会   気泡流動層のOxy-fuel石炭燃焼におけるSOx放出挙動


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  8. 日本エネルギー学会石炭科学会議優秀賞

    2017.10   日本エネルギー学会   石炭ガス化プロセスにおける微量成分の分配挙動の解明


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  9. 日本エネルギー学会賞(学術部門)

    2017.2   日本エネルギー学会   固体燃焼・ガス化過程における反応・環境汚染物質・灰成分の挙動解明に関する研究


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  10. 日本燃焼学会論文賞

    2013.12   日本燃焼学会  


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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal  Country:Japan

  11. 日本燃焼学会論文賞

    2013.12   日本燃焼学会  

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  12. 功績賞

    2012.3   化学工学会   

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  13. 功績賞

    2012.3   化学工学会  

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  14. 粉生熱技術振興賞

    2011.11   谷川熱技術振興基金  


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    Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.  Country:Japan

  15. 粉生熱技術振興賞

    2011.11   谷川熱技術振興基金  

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  16. 廃棄物資源循環学会論文賞

    2011.5   廃棄物資源循環学会   乾燥下水汚泥燃焼域における窒素酸化物の生成・消滅特性とその機構

    成瀬 一郎,義家 亮,植木 保昭

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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal  Country:Japan

  17. 廃棄物資源循環学会論文賞

    2011.5   廃棄物資源循環学会  

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  18. 日本エネルギー学会論文賞

    2010.8   日本エネルギー学会  

    長沼 弘,池田 信矢,伊藤 正,佐藤 文夫,浦島 一晃,多久和 穀志,義家 亮,成瀬 一郎

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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal  Country:Japan

  19. 日本エネルギー学会論文賞

    2010.8   日本エネルギー学会  

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  20. 日本燃焼学会論文賞

    2007.12   日本燃焼学会  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  21. 日本燃焼学会論文賞


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Papers 516

  1. The role of post-pyrolysis carbon dioxide capture in hydrogen recovery from waste-derived pyrolysis gas Reviewed

    Wang, YX; Veksha, A; Ong, J; Ueki, Y; Yoshiie, R; Naruse, I; Lisak, G

    FUEL   Vol. 381   2025.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    The study elucidated the role of post-pyrolysis CO2 removal using a CaO sorbent on upgrading pyrolysis gas into H2-rich gas. The pyrolysis gas was obtained from various waste-derived feedstocks (municipal sewage sludge, refused derived fuel (RDF), pine sawdust (biomass), and marine litter) by pyrolysis (600 °C), and underwent the treatment with CaO (600 °C) followed by the thermolytic decomposition at 1300 °C. The results show that CaO utilization does not change significantly H2 yield and higher heating value of gas on a feedstock mass basis but increases H2 purity from 49.6–83.3 to 63.7–94.4 vol% and H2/CO ratio from 1.1–5.7 to 1.9–19.8 of the product gas across all feedstocks. Normalized rate constants K for CO2 capture by CaO, determined by the grain model, varied between 0.0001 and 0.0006 min−1, revealing the feedstock-specific effectiveness of CaO. The higher CaO consumption rates were observed in case of RDF and biomass compared to sludge and marine litter. This could be attributed to the coking and faster carbonation of CaO caused by the composition of pyrolytic products. The obtained results emphasize the potential of integrating CaO sorbent into pyrolysis-based processes for the production of decarbonized H2-rich gas with higher purity. Moreover, the use of normalized kinetic parameters provides a straightforward method for the selection of feedstocks suitable for decarbonization of pyrolysis gas using CaO sorbent. The predominant factor affecting the carbonation kinetics of the CaO sorbent was found to be the CO2 flow rates in their respective pyrolysis gases.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.133293

    Web of Science


  2. Degradation of solid oxide fuel cell anodes by the deposition of potassium compounds

    Zhang, H; Yoshiie, R; Naruse, I; Ueki, Y

    CARBON RESOURCES CONVERSION   Vol. 7 ( 4 )   2024.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Carbon Resources Conversion  

    Alkali contents with low melting points in the ash of woody biomass vaporize during the biomass gasification process, damaging various downstream energy conversion devices, such as the solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). In this study, the degradation of SOFC anodes by the deposition of potassium compounds (KCl, K2CO3, and KOH) was investigated. An aqueous solution of potassium compounds was dripped onto the anode surface of the SOFC button cell at room temperature. After drying at 343 K, 6.964 × 10-6 mol KCl, 6.964 × 10-6 mol KOH, and 3.482 × 10-6 mol K2CO3 was deposited on the anode. Button cells with the deposition of K compounds were employed for power generation experiments at 1023 K with the supply of artificial syngas from biomass gasification. After the power generation experiments, the surface structures of the anodes were microscopically analyzed using the SEM and EDS. As a result, K compounds hardly affected the OCV of SOFC. With the addition of KCl, no apparent change in the anode structure was observed, and only a slight KCl deposit was detected. However, chloride tends to be chemisorbed on Ni, increasing the ohmic resistance as well as the adsorption/desorption resistance. However, KOH transformed to K2CO3 and then remained massively on the anode, which was clearly observed in the SEM images. K2CO3 significantly decreased the cell voltage under a current density of 100 mA·cm−2. Through impedance analyses, this voltage drop was mainly attributed to the ohmic resistance and gas diffusion resistance. However, there is no evidence that this deposit degrades Ni particles.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.crcon.2024.100238

    Web of Science


  3. Comparative life cycle assessment of organic industrial solid waste co-disposal in a MSW incineration plant

    Liu, YH; Li, AJ; Guo, GZ; Zhang, JW; Ren, Y; Dong, L; Gong, LF; Hu, HY; Yao, H; Naruse, I

    ENERGY   Vol. 305   2024.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy  

    Co-disposal experiments involving industrial solid waste (ISW) are conducted at a municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plant in this study, investing the environmental impact of co-disposal with different ISW addition proportions using life cycle assessment (LCA). Results show that increasing ISW proportions improves economic indicators, reducing the payback period from 7.92 years (0 % ISW) to 6.58 years (40 % ISW). Environmental impact indicators initially decrease and then increase. The indicator with the greatest environmental impact is Eutrophication Potential (EP), the only major indicator with positive values in all scenarios when considering power output. Its normalization value reaches a minimum at 30 % ISW blending, at 7.85 × 10−12. Contribution analysis reveals that the direct emissions of N-containing gases are the primary cause, while the addition of urea, ammonia water, and quicklime in flue gas treatment, as well as the ash-slag landfill, also have significant effects. Technical optimization of stepwise co-disposal, denitrification system and ash-slag reduction will be the focus. Compared to the existing conventional situation, the co-disposal system exhibits considerable improvements in environmental benefits and carbon reduction potential. Notably, there is a significant reduction in non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions. This study offers theoretical insights for multi-source waste disposal in MSW incineration plants.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2024.132322

    Web of Science


  4. 3-3-2 Reduction behaviors of iron oxide by waste plastics and woody biomass

    KADA Kohei, DEMACHI Toyoko, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 33 ( 0 ) page: 58 - 59   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Coke, a reducing material in the iron ore reduction process in the ironmaking process, is expected to be depleted in the future, and due to the recent progression of global warming, alternative resources to coke are becoming increasingly important. Therefore, we focused on waste plastic and woody biomass, which are coke-derived wastes, and conducted reduction experiments under N2 atmosphere using a batch-type vertical tube furnace in order to utilize them as reduction material for iron oxide.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.33.0_58

    CiNii Research

  5. 5-2-1 Ash melting behaviors and ash adhesion control technology for energy recovery of industrial waste

    MUKOMOTO Shun, DEMACHI Toyoko, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 33 ( 0 ) page: 148 - 149   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Ash adhesion to the surface of heat-transfer tubes such as slugging and fouling that occurs in waste incinerators and boilers causes problems such as reduction of power generation efficiency, corrosion of heat-transfer tubes, and impediment to safe operation of incinerators. In this study, we investigated a heat-transfer tube material with excellent ash adhesion resistance and corrosion resistance to solve these problems. Specifically, we compared the molten salt formation ratio due to the difference in heat-transfer tube materials by using thermodynamic equilibrium calculation and conducted experiments to measure the contact angle, which is related to the ash adhesion force.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.33.0_148

    CiNii Research

  6. Processing plastic waste via pyrolysis-thermolysis into hydrogen and solid carbon additive to ethylene-vinyl acetate foam for cushioning applications

    Wang, YX; Chang, BP; Veksha, A; Kashcheev, A; Tok, ALY; Lipik, V; Yoshiie, R; Ueki, Y; Naruse, I; Lisak, G

    JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS   Vol. 464   page: 132996   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Hazardous Materials  

    A strategy for enhancing value creation from pyrolysis gas and oil, derived from plastic waste, through the generation of two additional outputs of solid carbon and hydrogen was investigated. Three types of hard-to-recycle plastic waste (marine plastic litter, household mixed plastics and cosmetic products packaging) were thermally treated in two stages: (i) decomposition of feedstock into gas and oil via pyrolysis at 600 °C; and (ii) thermolytic conversion of the pyrolysis gas and a fraction of oil into hydrogen and solid carbon at 1300 °C separately. The thermolysis of both pyrolysis gas and oil fractions predominantly resulted in the production of solid carbon (39–70 wt% per plastic feedstock and carbon content of 91.3–98.6 wt%) and H2-rich gas (H2 yield of 5.9–10.8 wt% per plastic waste feedstock and H2 content of 71.4–97.2 vol% per gas volume). The incorporation of pyrolysis oil into the thermolysis process could enhance the outputs of solid carbon and hydrogen. Characterizations of solid carbon and hydrogen obtained from pyrolysis gas and oil fractions were further conducted. The observed similar properties of H2 and solid carbon from pyrolysis gas and oil supported the feasibility of introducing all the pyrolytic products together into the thermolysis process without condensation of oil. To enhance the value of these solid carbon derived from plastics for practical usage, we utilized the obtained solid carbon as a reinforcing agent for polymer composite foam development. The solid carbon reinforced composite foam displayed great abrasion resistance (wear loss: 240 mg), compression strength (0.347 MPa), and dynamic impact properties (energy returned: 124 J/m and energy absorbed: 57.3 J/m), emphasizing the viability of solid carbon as a nucleating agent and reinforcing filler in polymer foam for cushioning applications. Overall, the strategy of pyrolysis-thermolysis, which harnesses both pyrolysis gas and oil, unlocks additional value creation by producing two new outputs from plastic waste. Depending on the market prices for solid carbon and hydrogen, this can substantially change the economics of plastic waste management and create new revenue streams, incentivizing plastic waste collection and processing.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132996

    Web of Science



  7. Ash deposition and corrosion mechanisms of tubes in Waste-to-Energy plants

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, MORI Takehito, WATANABE Sho, SAWADA Akihiro, GOTO Taeko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Mechanical Engineering Journal   Vol. 11 ( 2 ) page: 23-00486 - 23-00486   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>In order to decrease ash deposition and hot corrosion in Waste-to-Energy plants, it is necessary to understand mechanisms of the ash deposition and the corrosion, and to develop new solutions. In this study, an adhesion force between an ash pellet and an alloy specimen were firstly measured to investigate the increase mechanisms of the ash deposition and the corrosion, using a tensile testing machine with an electrical furnace. Second, mass loss of the alloy specimens was measured as hot corrosion tests based on Japanese Industrial Standards. Third, phenomenon on the interface was evaluated with production amount of molten salts which were calculated by thermodynamic equilibrium. As a result, the adhesion force and the mass loss of all specimens increased with the interface temperature, and there was exact materials dependency, which indicated that a high chromium content design to improve corrosion resistance was valid also for decrease of the ash adhesion. Moreover, it was observed that mass loss of the alloy specimens with the ash sample collected from an actual boiler had a temperature dependence, and molten salts and accelerated oxidation induced by chlorides attacked the alloy specimens. In addition, generation of HCl gas and molten salts with temperature increase was confirmed with the thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. Judging from these results, starting temperature of the adhesion could be correspond to one which the alloy started to be severely corroded.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/mej.23-00486

    Web of Science

    CiNii Research

  8. Mechanism of arsenic migration and transformation during pulverized coal combustion

    Huang, YD; Li, AJ; Hu, HY; Li, S; Zou, C; Zou, RJ; Wu, XJ; Naruse, I; Yao, H


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    The gaseous arsenic released from pulverized coal combustion not only poses environmental impacts but also causes the severe poisoning of selective catalytic reduction catalyst. The unclear understanding of the interactions between gaseous arsenic and minerals in coal hinders the arsenic emission control by promoting gaseous arsenic transformation into less troublesome particulate-bound arsenic. To clarify the mechanism of arsenic migration and transformation during pulverized coal combustion, field test, pilot-scale combustion trial, lab-scale adsorption experiment, and molecular-scale theoretical calculation were synergistically conducted in this study. The results demonstrated that the interactions between gaseous arsenic and mineral components included chemical reaction and oxidation process, which began at high temperatures (∼1350 °C) and mainly took place in medium-high temperature region (650∼1350 °C). The metakaolin, magnetite, hematite and anhydrite were found to be active components for the interactions. Among these, anhydrite was the main trapper for gaseous arsenic at high temperatures due to the high thermal stability of calcium arsenate. While metakaolin, magnetite and hematite owned high arsenic adsorption performance in medium-temperature region. In the process of flue-gas cooling, gaseous arsenic tended to be captured by anhydrite thereby forming calcium-bound arsenic at high temperatures, and subsequently reacted with metakaolin, magnetite and hematite by generating iron- or aluminum-bound arsenic as flue gas further cooled down. High flue-gas temperatures and ash components (especially magnetite and hematite) facilitated the arsenic oxidation to hypotoxic arsenate in fly ash. These findings provided the foundation for in-depth control of arsenic emission from coal combustion by promoting arsenic migration and transformation into fly ash.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2024.105467

    Web of Science


  9. Influence mechanism of chlorine on arsenic release and transformation during municipal solid waste incineration

    Li, S; Hu, HY; Zou, C; Dong, L; Huang, YD; Liu, H; Naruse, I; Yao, H


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    Arsenic release presents a critical environmental pollution issue during municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration. The increase of chlorine-containing waste for incineration processes has heightened interest in the volatilization of heavy metals induced by chlorine. However, the migration and transformation of arsenic, which has a strong affinity for oxygen at high temperatures, are less understood in the context of chlorine influence, leading to the absence of corresponding regulatory strategies. Therefore, this study first investigated the mass distribution of arsenic during co-incineration of MSW and chlorine-rich solid waste (plastics) in a grate incinerator. In addition, Ca3(AsO4)2 was selected as the predominant form of arsenate in the bottom ash to perform decomposition experiments under the influence of HCl, supported by thermodynamic calculations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The results demonstrated that chlorine enhances the migration of arsenic from the bottom ash to the fly ash during the co-incineration process. For the first time, it has been discovered that Ca3(AsO4)2 transforms into Ca5(AsO4)3Cl when exposed to HCl at high temperatures, releasing As2O3 (g) into the flue gas. Importantly, the presence of HCl significantly lowers the initial temperature for the release of As2O3 (g). This effect is attributed to the adsorption of chlorine from HCl onto the calcium atoms in Ca3(AsO4)2, which affects the binding energy of adjacent Ca-O-As structure, thereby facilitating arsenic release at lower energies. Furthermore, the initial transformation temperature of Ca3(AsO4)2 into Ca5(AsO4)3Cl is reduced from 1300 °C to 600 °C in a high-chlorine atmosphere, which was obtained by incorporating the thermal properties of Ca5(AsO4)3Cl. These insights are crucial for the understanding of arsenic transformation in high-chlorine environments and offer guidance for arsenic emissions control during the incineration of chlorine-rich solid waste.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2024.105586

    Web of Science


  10. Electrochemical characteristics of solid oxide fuel cells supplied with CO-rich fuel gases

    ZHANG Hui, ONOGI Rui, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology   Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 23-00525 - 23-00525   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and The Heat Transfer Society of Japan  

    <p>CO<sub>2</sub> biomass gasification is an attractive option for reducing CO<sub>2</sub> emission which produces gas mixtures with higher CO concentrations than typical syngas compositions. However, carbon deposition and catalyst degradation may occur when CO-rich fuel gas is supplied to a Ni-Yttria-stabilized Zirconia solid oxide-based fuel cell. In this study, the electrochemical performance of an SOFC (anode: NiO-YSZ/NiO-GDC) with various CO-rich gas compositions was experimentally investigated. Four distinct gas mixtures were tested using electrochemical experiments at 1073 K. Impedance and steady-state polarization measurements were taken, and electric power generation was assessed at 100 mA·cm<sup>-2</sup> under the 4 gas mixtures. Gas 1, a mixture of H<sub>2</sub> (38%), CO (19%), CO<sub>2</sub> (9.5%), and H<sub>2</sub>O (5%) was prepared as a reference gas to model a typical syngas mixture obtained from biomass gasifier. It generated the highest voltage without any degradation of the anode over 8 h. Gas 2, containing CO (19%), CO<sub>2</sub> (9.5%), and H<sub>2</sub>O (5%), caused serious anode degradation compared with Gas 1. Gas 3, containing CO (19%) and H<sub>2</sub>O (5%) showed good performance with a relatively small polarization resistance and good stability in long-term electric power generation test. Gas 4, consisting of CO (20%) and CO<sub>2</sub> (10%), exhibited the largest charge-transfer resistance at low overpotential and a significant diffusion resistance at high overpotential. Additionally, Gas 4 had the worst stability in the electric power generation test. Based on these results, we conclude that biomass gasification gas is a promising fuel for use in SOFCs. CO direct oxidation can provide electric power generation, although it appears to be unstable and shows high resistance at both low and high overpotentials. H<sub>2</sub>O addition can efficiently improve the stability of the CO direct oxidation process.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.23-00525

    Web of Science


    CiNii Research

  11. Pyrolysis and steam gasification properties of mangroves

    Sakurai Y., Kobayashi J., Sakai Y., Naruse I.

    Chemosphere   Vol. 345   page: 140388   2023.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Chemosphere  

    The rising atmospheric CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels remains a global concern. Mangrove forests, which are important for global biodiversity, are known for their high carbon fixation capacity. However, the characteristics of the pyrolysis and gasification of mangroves remain unclear. Thus, this study focused on mangroves' basic pyrolysis and steam gasification properties for use as a gasification fuel. Three mangrove species: Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera cylindrica, and Avicennia marina, were used as experimental samples. In addition, three species of land wood were used for comparison: Eucalyptus, Japanese cedar, and Japanese cypress. In addition to the raw sample, a demineralized sample was used for each sample to account for the influence of the alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEMs) on pyrolysis and steam gasification. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed to obtain thermogravimetric curves of mangroves and land wood. A laboratory-scale instrument for pyrolysis and gasification using a batch-type horizontal electric furnace was also used at 800 °C in an inert and steam atmosphere. The char yield of raw mangroves was high and independent of the Klason lignin content, suggesting that AAEMs influence char formation during the initial pyrolysis of the mangroves. The results of pyrolysis and gasification under steam atmosphere showed that the H2 production ratio (Steam/Inert) from mangroves was 2.52–5.33, compared to 1.76–2.35 for land woods, the addition of steam significantly enhanced the steam gasification of mangroves. Mangroves contain relatively large amounts of AAEMs, which indicates their potential as a gasification feedstock.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.140388



  12. O-11 Effect of char particle size on gasification behavior of biomass char

    SHIGEYOSHI Seinosuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, NAKAJIMA Mitsuyuki, ENDO Yoshihiro, YANAGAWA Tetsu

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 19 ( 0 ) page: 25 - 26   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Currently, carbon-neutral biomass fuels are attracting attention as an alternative fuel to fossil fuels from the perspective of combating global warming and realizing a sustainable society. However, biomass fuels have the problems of low energy density and high transportation costs. Therefore, we focused on biomass gasification technology. In this study, H<sub>2</sub>O gasification experiments were conducted with four different grain size samples using an electrically heated vertical batch furnace to investigate the effect of char grain size on the H<sub>2</sub>O gasification behavior of woody biomass char. As a result, there was almost no effect of char particle size on the reaction rate because the reaction proceeds by diffusion of the gasifier into the porous structure of the wood.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.19.0_25

    CiNii Research

  13. O-16 CO<sub>2</sub> concentration dependence of CO<sub>2</sub> gasification behavior of woody biomass

    ITO Norihiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 19 ( 0 ) page: 35 - 36   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In recent years, the primary energy consumption has been incresing globally. Demands for biomass fuels, which are carbon neutral, have been becoming larger. However, biomass fuels have problems such as low energy density and low transportation efficiency. To solve them, biomass gasification has gained broad attention. In this study, we investigated the effect of CO<sub>2</sub> as an oxidant in the gasification reaction of woody biomass. CO<sub>2</sub> gasification experiments were conducted under three conditions with different CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations using an electrically heated drop tube furnace, and the produced gas was analyzed for chemical compositions. As a result, it was found that CO production increased with increase in CO<sub>2</sub> concentration under the experimental conditions while H<sub>2</sub> production decreased.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.19.0_35

    CiNii Research

  14. 1-01 Effect of temperature on degradation behavior during gasification reaction of coke

    ZHENG Zhenjie, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 60 ( 0 ) page: 2 - 3   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>As the hydrogen enrichment operation is being considered in the blast furnace to reduce the CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. Since the ash behavior of coke is one of the factors that deteriorate the permeability and stability in the blast furnace, it is important to understand the degradation behavior of coke during the H<sub>2</sub>O gasification process. In this study, in order to find the effect of temperature on degradation behavior between CO<sub>2</sub> gasification and H<sub>2</sub>O gasification, gasification experiments were conducted in CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O atmospheres at different temperatures in 20% reaction ratio. Moreover, to investigate the pore behavior, we used the SEM to observe the cross-section of cokes.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.60.0_2

    CiNii Research

  15. 2-17 Kinetic evaluation of high temperature corrosion in Waste-to-Energy conditions

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, GOTO Taeko, SAWADA Akihiro, MORI Takehito, WATANABE Sho, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 60 ( 0 ) page: 58 - 59   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Some ash particles in municipal and industrial waste adhere to heat exchanger tube surfaces, which causes problems such as heat-transfer inhibition, high temperature corrosion and low utilization in Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants. The objective of this study is to develop new surface treatment materials and techniques which can decrease the ash deposition and the corrosion. In this paper, mechanisms of NaCl-induced accelerated oxidation were evaluated through TG-DTA, hightemperature corrosion test, and understanding of reaction kinetics.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.60.0_58

    CiNii Research

  16. 2-16 Kinetic analysis of high temperature accelerated oxidation in NaCl

    SAWADA Akihiro, NAGANUMA Hiroshi, GOTO Taeko, MORI Takehito, WATANABE Sho, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 60 ( 0 ) page: 56 - 57   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In woody biomass or waste to energy plants, high temperature corrosion of boiler tubes, such as active oxidation which is caused by alkali chlorides has become a serious problem. In this study, the active oxidation of metal specimens in the presence of NaCl was evaluated with Thermogravimetry - Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) to elucidate the mechanisms and establish the highly practical solutions for the corrosion. As a result, the active oxidation had a dependency of the metal composition, and there was a correlation between increments of metal specimens with TG isothermal tests and decrements with immersion corrosion tests.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.60.0_56

    CiNii Research

  17. 1-04 Formation behavior of silica particles from biomass in the combustion field

    SUEZAWA Ryo, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki, Takanori OKA

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 60 ( 0 ) page: 8 - 9   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In recent large-scale pulverized coal-fired power plants, the co-firing of biomass fuels is being promoted to reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of power generation. One of the issues related to the biomass co-firing is the deposition and agglomeration of trace components in the boiler. In this study, we focused on silicon compounds as trace components that affect the combustion process. Silicon compounds are simultaneously combusted with biomass fuels, leading to the formation of silica particles, which can adhere to combustion boilers and cause performance deterioration, as well as contribute to atmospheric pollution as particles smaller than PM2.5. Therefore, countermeasures are necessary. The aim of this study is to investigate the combustion characteristics of organic silicon compounds and the behavior of silica particle formation within a pulverized coal combustion boiler. Siloxane, which is might be considered as one of the trace components in biomass, is used as a substitute for silicon compounds, and combustion experiments are conducted using a Drop Tube Furnace (DTF). The analysis of the generated particles provides insights into the formation behavior of silica particles under combustion conditions. When siloxane was combusted using the DTF (Drop Tube Furnace) apparatus, it resulted in the formation of primary particles consisting of white silica particles with amorphous structures at the nanoscale or below.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.60.0_8

    CiNii Research

  18. 3-2-1 Formation behaviors of tar and soot in CO<sub>2</sub> gasification of woody biomass

    OKADA Takumi, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 32 ( 0 ) page: 40 - 41   2023.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Recently, the gasification process of woody biomass has been attracting attention to produce renewable gas fuels. However, the gasification process emits tar and soot, which can cause equipment troubles. Therefore, it is necessary to control the formation of tar and soot, and then it is important to elucidate their formation behaviors. This study compared pyrolysis and CO<sub>2</sub> gasification experiments at 950°C and 1100°C, simulating CO<sub>2</sub> gasification by exhaust gas recirculation. Experimental results showed that the addition of CO<sub>2</sub> increased soot formation at 1100°C. It was also observed that H<sub>2</sub> decreases under the same conditions due to the reverse water-gas shift reaction. One of the reasons for the increase in soot formation is that the decrease in H<sub>2</sub> promotes the condensation polymerization of hydrocarbons.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.32.0_40

    CiNii Research

  19. 5-2-3 Control of ash adhesion in municipal waste treatment furnaces

    AWATA Yosuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 32 ( 0 ) page: 114 - 115   2023.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Ash adhesion to the surface of heat-transfer tubes such as slugging and fouling that occurs in waste incinerators and boilers causes problems such as corrosion of heat-transfer tubes, reduction of power generation efficiency, and impediment to safe operation of incinerators. In this study, we investigated a heat-transfer tube material with excellent corrosion resistance and ash adhesion resistance to solve these problems. Specifically, we compared the molten salt formation ratio due to the difference in heat-transfer tube materials by using thermodynamic equilibrium calculation and conducted ash adhesion experiments by using drop tube furnace.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.32.0_114

    CiNii Research

  20. Defossilization and decarbonization of hydrogen production using plastic waste: Temperature and feedstock effects during thermolysis stage Reviewed

    Andrei Veksha, Yuxin Wang, Jun Wei Foo, Ichiro Naruse Grzegorz Lisak

    Journal of Hazardous Materials   Vol. 452 ( 131270 )   2023.6

  21. Effect of temperature on behavior and mechanism of biochar gasification in the mixed CO2 and H2O atmosphere Reviewed

    Yuxin Wang, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of the Energy Institute   Vol. 108 ( 101238 )   2023.6

  22. Characteristics of biomass gasification by oxygen-enriched air in small-scale auto-thermal packed-bed gasifier for regional distribution Reviewed

    Yuxin Wang, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 342 ( 127852 )   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>This study focuses on the operation of Ni-YSZ-based SOFC fueled with artificial fuel gas simulating syngas from biomass gasification. H<sub>2</sub>, CO, CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O were mixed to make up artificial fuel gas with various compositions. Electrochemical behaviors were investigated under constant current conditions at 1073K during 8h using Galvano-stat. Cyclic voltammetry was also conducted to assess the stability of SOFC. Measurement results showed that CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O have significant impacts on power generation performance. In particular, the performance degradation was significant in the absence of CO<sub>2</sub>.</p>

  23. Energy recovery with non-fossil fuels in metal recycling furnace

    Watanabe Hiromitsu, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Oshima Yusuke, Nakagawara Satoshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 34 ( 0 ) page: 295   2023

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    <p>The non-ferrous smelting industry is accelerating its efforts to expand the processing of recycled materials in order to achieve carbon neutrality, but Top Submerged Lance (TSL) furnace, which play an important role as metal recycling furnace, consume large amounts of coal, which has high CO<sub>2</sub> emissions per unit of heat. The study examined waste circuit boards, waste plastics, waste tyres and biomass fuels as candidates for alternative fuels, and confirmed whether torrefaction of biomass fuels with low calorific value could produce the same calorific value as the fuel used, fuel coal. Sample properties and calorific value after torrefaction of six biomass fuels were compared with fuel coals, showed that all samples had a higher volatile content and a lower fixed carbon content than fuel coal, but the ash content differed from sample to sample. In addition, the torrefaction of both samples significantly increased the calorific value.</p>

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.34.0_295

    CiNii Research

  24. Degradation Behaviors of Coke in CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O Gasification Reactions at Low Temperatures

    Zheng Zhenjie, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ISIJ International   Vol. 63 ( 11 ) page: 1810 - 1816   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    <p>This study aims to investigate the degradation behavior of coke during CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O gasification reactions. Gasification experiments were conducted in CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O atmospheres at 1000°C using cokes with different coke reaction indices (CRIs) at 20% reaction ratio. After gasification, the shrinkage ratio in CO<sub>2</sub> gasification was higher than that in H<sub>2</sub>O gasification. Moreover, the shrinkage ratio increased with increasing CRI, indicating that the ratio of the surface reaction became larger than that of the internal reaction with increasing CRI at same reaction ratio. The increase value in porosity by gasification reaction decreased with increasing CRI. Owing to the faster diffusion rate of water vapor at 1000°C, water vapor diffuses into the inner part of coke faster, whereas CO<sub>2</sub> gasification reacted from the outer to the inner slowly. Therefore, the increase in porosity of the inner part of coke by H<sub>2</sub>O gasification is larger than that by CO<sub>2</sub> gasification. In addition, the degradation behavior in same coke by CO<sub>2</sub> or H<sub>2</sub>O gasification did not have obviously difference at same reaction ratio in 1000°C.</p>

    DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-207

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    CiNii Research

  25. Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides by Calcium Ferrites in an Iron Ore Sintering Plant

    Katayama Kazuaki, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Nagata Junji, Higuchi Kenichi

    ISIJ International   Vol. 63 ( 10 ) page: 1647 - 1657   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    <p>In iron ore sintering plants, the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO<sub>x</sub>) must be reduced. Previous studies have shown that calcium ferrites could significantly reduce NO<sub>x</sub> emissions. However, the reaction paths between calcium ferrites and NOx have not been clarified yet. In this study, NO<sub>x</sub> reduction tests were conducted at 1073 K–1373 K with a CO/CO<sub>2</sub> ratio of 0.03–0.10. Accordingly, the phase compositions of calcium ferrites before and after NO<sub>x</sub> reduction were investigated. CaO·FeO·Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (CWF), which had a significant effect on NO<sub>x</sub> reduction, was formed with a CO/CO<sub>2</sub> ratio of 0.03–0.10. Based on the phase compositions of the calcium ferrites before and after NO<sub>x</sub> reduction, we determined that the CWF reduced the amounts of NO<sub>x</sub>, and CaO·Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (CF), 2CaO·Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (C2F), and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> are produced from the CWF. The NO<sub>x</sub> reduction behavior during coke combustion tests was also investigated. By coating a mixture of iron ore and quicklime around the coke, NOx formation was decreased during coke combustion. This phenomenon may have been caused by the formation of reduced calcium ferrites from a mixture of iron ore and quicklime on the coke surface.</p>

    DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-210

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    CiNii Research

  26. Ash adhesion control technology for energy recovery of industrial waste

    Mukomoto Shun, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Nagatsu Nobuharu

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 34 ( 0 ) page: 435   2023

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    <p>Ash adhesion on the surface of heat transfer tubes in incinerators and boilers that use waste-derived fuels causes problems such as reduced power generation performance due to heat transfer inhibition, incinerator operation inhibition, and inhibition of high temperature and high pressure boiler steam generation. In this study, we investigated thermal spraying materials for heat transfer tube surfaces that can reduce ash adhesion. The molten salt formation rate, which is related to the ash adhesion phenomenon, was compared and evaluated for each material using thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, and contact angle measurement experiments were conducted using each material to investigate the ash adhesion resistance of the thermal spraying materials from both computational and experimental aspects. The developed material Ni-2 was found to have significantly lower molten salt formation than the other two materials, and is expected to be an excellent material against high-temperature corrosion. The contact angle of Ni-2 was higher than that of the other substrate, indicating that Ni-2 can inhibit and reduce ash adhesion.</p>

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.34.0_435

    CiNii Research

  27. 1-03 Ash Particles Behaviors during Gasification Reaction of Coke

    ZHENG Zhenjie, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 59 ( 0 ) page: 6 - 7   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In a blast furnace, coke plays various roles such as supplying a heat source and generating reducing gases such as CO through a gasification reaction. However, with the global warming progresses, it is becoming necessary to reduce CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. To reduce CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, Hydrogen-enriched blast furnace operation is being considered. In this study, in order to find the difference between CO<sub>2</sub> gasification and H<sub>2</sub>O gasification, we used the SEM to observe the cross-section of cokes.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.59.0_6

    CiNii Research

  28. 2-28 Mechanisms of ash deposition and high-temperature corrosion in Waste to Energy plants

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, GOTO Taeko, SAWADA Akihiro, MORI Takehito, WATANABE Sho, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 59 ( 0 ) page: 84 - 85   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Some ash particles in municipal and industrial waste adhere to heat exchanger tube surfaces, which causes problems such as heat-transfer inhibition, high temperature corrosion and low utilization in Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants. The objective of this study is to develop new surface treatment materials and techniques which can decrease the ash deposition and the corrosion. In particular, mass loss with high-temperature corrosion test and ash adhesion force were measured to provide further understanding of ash deposition mechanisms for various metal surfaces in WtE plants.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.59.0_84

    CiNii Research

  29. 2-27 Kinetic analysis of active oxidation in chloride environment

    SAWADA Akihiro, NAGANUMA Hiroshi, GOTO Taeko, MORI Takehito, WATANABE Sho, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 59 ( 0 ) page: 82 - 83   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In woody biomass or waste to energy plants, high temperature corrosion of boiler tubes, such as active oxidation which is caused by alkali chlorides has become a serious problem. In this study, the active oxidation of metal specimens in a chloride environment was evaluated with Thermogravimetry - Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) to elucidate the mechanisms and establish the highly practical solutions for the corrosion. As a result, the active oxidation had a dependency of the metal composition, and there was a correlation between increments of metal specimens with TG isothermal tests and decrements with immersion corrosion tests.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.59.0_82

    CiNii Research

  30. Ash deposition mechanisms in Waste-to-Energy plants Reviewed

    Hiroshi NAGANUMA, Takehito MORI, Sho WATANABE, Akihiro SAWADA, Taeko GOTO, Yasuaki UEKI, Ryo YOSHIIE, Ichiro NARUSE

    Mechanical Engineering Journal   Vol. 9 ( 4 ) page: 21   2022.6

  31. Biomass Gasification with Oxygen Enriched Air in Packed Bed Gasifier

    YOSHIIE Ryo, SHIRATO Daisuke, ODA Masaya, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan   Vol. 64 ( 207 ) page: 74 - 79   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Combustion Society of Japan  

    <p>Biomass gasification processes are recently attracting attention to produce renewable gaseous fuels as alternatives of fossil fuels. However, raw woody biomass resources to be able to use for biomass gasification are limited because the biomass containing high moisture may lead to low heating values of the gaseous fuels produced, which are inappropriate for the use in gas engines. Then, the introduction of oxygen-enriched air into the gasification reactor has been proposed in this study, which can reduce heat loss during the gasification due to the sensible heat of nitrogen in the gasified gas and increase concentrations of combustible substances in the syngas. Additionally, high partial pressure of oxygen promotes the gasification reaction rates, improving the carbon conversion efficiency. A downdraft packed bed gasifier, which is known to be suitable for small-scale distributed utilization of biomass resources, was selected for woody biomass gasification experiments in this study. After switching the inlet gas from air to oxygen enriched air, the temperature at the top surface of biomass pellet bed rose sharply. The temperature through the packed bed was also kept high under the oxygen enriched air gasification, compared with the normal air gasification. Moreover, the syngas with more H<sub>2</sub> and CO significantly increased. The thermo-equilibrium calculations were conducted to confirm the gaseous compositions and their difference between the air and oxygen enriched air gasification. As a result, the calculation was almost consistent with the experimental results obtained.</p>

    DOI: 10.20619/jcombsj.2103

    CiNii Research

  32. Reduction Characteristics of Iron Oxide using Carbonaceous Materials Derived from Wastes

    Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 33 ( 0 ) page: 11 - 17   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from ironmaking processes should be reduced to avoid global warming. One promising solution is the effective utilization of organic waste materials in ironmaking processes. In this study, fundamental research on the application of organic waste materials, carbonized municipal waste (CMW) and carbonized woody biomass (CWB), as reducing agents was conducted experimentally to make metal iron from iron oxide. In the reduction experiments of the mixture of iron oxide (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) with reducing agents (CMW, CWB, coal and graphite), metal iron was obtained with CMW and CWB. This is because the reactivity of fixed carbon in CMW and CWB is higher than that in coal and graphite. As a result, CMW and CWB are usable as reducing agents to make reduced iron.

    DOI: 10.3985/jjsmcwm.33.11

    CiNii Research

  33. Effects of CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O on char NO<sub>x</sub> generation behaviors in the waste incineration

    SHO Rintaro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, DENDA Tomohiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2022.32 ( 0 ) page: 2205-08-04   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>In recent years, low air ratio high temperature combustion has become the mainstream in waste stoker incinerators in order to improve boiler efficiencies, while NO<sub>x</sub> generation due to high temperature in the furnace has become a new problem. In this study, the NO<sub>x</sub> generation behavior derived from nitrogen in char was evaluated by simulating the char combustion area in the incinerator in the combustion experiment of the biomass char sample by DTF (Drop tube Furnace) using the combustion atmosphere as a parameter. In particular, we focused on the effects of high-concentration H<sub>2</sub>O and CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations due to exhaust gas recirculation and confirmed that H<sub>2</sub>O contributes to the reduction of NO<sub>x</sub> emissions.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2022.32.2205-08-04

    CiNii Research

  34. 1-04 Deposition characteristics of Si compounds on the De-NOx catalyst for PC boilers

    SHIBATA Ryuya, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, OKA Takanori, YOSHIDA Takuya, YATABE Shota

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 58 ( 0 ) page: 8 - 9   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Since a large amount of NOx, that is one of air pollutants, arises from coal combustion process, the SCR method is generally applied for coal-fired power stations to reduce NOx emissions. In the SCR method, NH<sub>3</sub> is introduced into the flue gas at De-NOx catalyst, and NOx is reduced to N<sub>2</sub> by catalytic reaction. This De-NOx catalyst is located upstream of the exhaust gas treatment process, and exposed to a lot of soot and dust particles in the flue gas. Previous studies have revealed that the deterioration of De-NOx catalyst is caused by the deposition of the silica compounds on its surface. Then, the adhesion conditions of these silica compounds were experimentally clarified in this study. De-NOx catalyst samples were exposed to siloxane vapor in simulated flue gas. The formation of silica layer on the surface of De-NOx catalyst was observed by SEM/EDX. The experimental results suggested that silica layer became more explicit in gas including impurities, such as SO<sub>2</sub>, NH<sub>3</sub>, and NO.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.58.0_8

    CiNii Research

  35. Degradation Behavior of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) with Trace Hydrocarbons

    ZHANG Hui, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 100 ( 9 ) page: 169 - 176   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>The effects of hydrocarbon-contained in fuel gas on SOFC with Ni-YSZ as anode are evaluated in this study. Low concentration of toluene was mixed with 96.9% hydrogen and 3.1% steam to simulate bio-syngas, corresponding to current developments of biomass gasification technology. Power generation performance was investigated under Galvano-static-mode with toluene concentrations from 0 mg/Nm<sup>3</sup> to 1900 mg/Nm<sup>3</sup> at 850<sup> </sup>°C for 30 hours. Impedance spectroscopy under OCV conditions was also conducted to assess SOFC’s internal resistance. As the result, SOFC shows a good stability and generation performance without toluene exposure. However, the voltage decreases even under a low concentration of 380 mg/Nm<sup>3</sup> while keeping current density constant at 200 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>. Furthermore, this degradation tends to be serious as concentration of toluene increases. Dramatic voltage drop and visible carbon deposition should not be insignificant when toluene’s concentration was 1900 mg/Nm<sup>3</sup>. This performance loss seems to be recovered to a certain extent without serious structure destruction on anode.</p>

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.100.169


    CiNii Research

  36. Degradation Behavior of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) with Trace Hydrocarbons

    Zhang Hui, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Ueki Yasuaki

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY   Vol. 100 ( 9 ) page: 169 - 176   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  37. 3-1-3 Effect of Temperature and Gasifying Agents on the Gasification Behavior of Biomass Char

    WANG Yuxin, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 30 ( 0 ) page: 38 - 39   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In recent years, biomass gasification technology has been attracting more and more attention as an environmentally friendly biomass conversion technology. Biomass char gasification is the most important step of the overall operation of biomass gasification. The char gasification reaction is the limiting step in the global gasification reaction and is of major importance in designing biomass gasifier. In this study, biomass char gasification experiments in H<sub>2</sub>O, CO<sub>2</sub> and their mixtures were carried out in a batch type vertical tube furnace. The gasification characteristics and temperature dependence of biomass char in various gasifying agents were experimentally investigated. We also studied the mixed atmosphere gasification and found the char reactivity in a mixed atmosphere of steam and carbon dioxide can be expressed as the sum of the individual reactivity obtained in single atmosphere gasification experiments.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.30.0_38

    CiNii Research

  38. 5-1-1 Formations of environmental pollutants from oxy-coal combustion in fluidized bed

    Yamanaka Kento, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 30 ( 0 ) page: 122 - 123   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Oxy-fuel combustion has drawn attention all over the world as useful technique to achieve carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). This technology enriches CO<sub>2</sub> in exhaust gas by the flue gas recirculation with adding pure oxygen to combustion atmosphere, which makes easy to capture CO<sub>2</sub> for CCS. Meanwhile, bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) combustion has advantages of high combustion efficiency due to its homogeneous particle mixing and temperature. However, there are few studies of BFB boiler with oxy-fuel combustion system focusing on the formation mechanism of sulfur oxides such as SO<sub>2</sub> and SO<sub>3</sub>. In this study, we focused on the mechanism of sulfur oxides formation under oxy-fuel BFB combustion. We conducted lab-scale BFB coal combustion experiment under air, CO<sub>2</sub>-O<sub>2</sub>, and oxy-fuel conditions, and measured SO<sub>2</sub>, SO<sub>3</sub> and NO emissions in flue gas. Then, we compare the formation behaviors and reaction mechanisms of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxide under those three atmospheres.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.30.0_122

    CiNii Research

  39. O-08 Combustion Behaviors of Biomass in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed

    KATO Koki, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, NARUKAWA Kimihito, NAKAMURA Hideki

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 16 ( 0 ) page: 19 - 20   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Woody biomass is attracting attention as an alternative energy to fossil fuels. The use of woody biomass is expected to expand in the future. In order to use biomass efficiently as a fuel, it is necessary to clarify its combustion characteristics. Therefore, in this study, in order to clarify the combustion characteristics of biomass, a biomass combustion experiment was conducted using a bubble fluidized bed. Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) was used as an experimental sample. The effect of temperature on the combustion behaviors of biomass was experimentally considered.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.16.0_19

    CiNii Research

  40. O-09 Ash Deposition Behaviors in Biomass Fired Boiler

    YAMASHITA Tatsuya, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, SATO Naoki

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 16 ( 0 ) page: 21 - 22   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Operational problems in biomass-fired boilers include ash deposition to heat transfer tubes and corrosion of heat transfer tubes. Therefore, in this study, we focused on potassium compounds in biomass and conducted an ash deposition experiment using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. In the experiment, potassium-containing mineral (K-feldspar) was used as simulated ash. The amount of ash deposition in various atmospheres was measured. The cross section of samples was observed and analyzed by SEM-EDX, and the atmosphere dependence of the ash deposition characteristics was experimentally considered.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.16.0_21

    CiNii Research

  41. Tar generation and decomposition in downdraft packed bed reactor for woody biomass gasification

    YOSHIIE Ryo, YAMADA Atsushi, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology   Vol. 16 ( 3 ) page: JTST0034 - JTST0034   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and The Heat Transfer Society of Japan  

    <p>When the biomass gasifier is connected with a gas engine system directly, tar should be removed from the syngas to prevent the engine from breaking down. A downdraft packed bed gasifier has the advantage for low tar emission because the syngas passes through the char gasification zone downstream of the reactor, where tar compounds can be trapped and decomposed. Then, objective of this study is to confirm the tar decomposition behaviors inside the downdraft packed bed reactor. Woody biomass gasification experiments were carried out, using an auto-thermal downdraft packed bed gasifier. The reactor’s height and inner diameter were 1000mm and 100mm, respectively. Black pine pallets were continuously fed into the reactor from the top. The gasifying agent was air, which was introduced into the reactor at the air-fuel equivalent ratio of 0.49. The packed bed height was kept to be constant at 600mm. The reactor has eleven thermo-couples and eleven sampling ports at the wall along the flow direction. They were used for measurements of temperature profiles and gas compositions in the reactor. Micro-GC was used for the measurement of N<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>2</sub>, CO, CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>, and FIDGC was used for other hydrocarbons. In some ports among them, tar in syngas was also sampled via dichloromethane scrubbing in ice-bath, and analyzed for molecular weight distributions of tar compounds by TOF-MS. As a result, tar and larger hydrocarbons were confirmed to be generated in the upstream, and then decomposed downstream inside the downdraft reactor.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.2021jtst0034

    Web of Science


    CiNii Research

  42. Absorption characteristics of mercury in exhaust gas by denitration catalyst

    Nakayama Kota, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Ueki Yasuaki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 32 ( 0 ) page: 409   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.32.0_409

    CiNii Research

  43. Fundamental combustion behaviors of dried sewage sludge

    YOSHIIE Ryo, KOBAYASHI Kazushi, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, KAWAI Takuya, ENDO Masato

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2021.31 ( 0 ) page: 309   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>It is important to use combustible waste products as sustainable energy resources for reducing the usage of fossil fuels. One of the simplest ways to do that is the thermal recycling, in which waste products are burned in boilers to drive steam turbines and so on. To design boilers with high efficiencies and low environmental impacts, the residence time for char burnout in combustion zone should be appropriately estimated for each solid fuel. Sewage sludge accounts for 20% of industrial waste products discharged in Japan, although the large part of it is just incinerated without thermal recycling. Then, the objective in this study is to investigate fundamental combustion behaviors of sewage sludge as a solid fuel, in particular, to estimate char burnout in sewage sludge combustion, compared with other solid fuels like woody biomass. Thermo-gravimetrical analysis was combined with iso-thermal combustion experiments of dried sewage sludge samples. Effects of temperature and oxygen concentration were examined, and experimental results were analyzed based on reaction kinetics.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2021.31.309

    CiNii Research

  44. Combustion rate analysis of woody biomass including volatile matter and fixed carbon

    Mizoguchi Soki, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 32 ( 0 ) page: 251   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.32.0_251

    CiNii Research

  45. Recent progress in tar removal by char and the applications: A comprehensive analysis

    Zeng X., Ueki Y., Yoshiie R., Naruse I., Wang F., Han Z., Xu G.

    Carbon Resources Conversion   Vol. 3   page: 1 - 18   2020.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Carbon Resources Conversion  

    Tar catalytic removal by char is a promising technology for gasification process because of its porous structure, good catalytic activity, low cost, and easy to treatment after deactivation. To provide comprehensive information on the tar catalytic removal by char, this study focuses on the ongoing efforts and advances from fundamental researches to the industrial applications. The tar removal efficiency by char much depends on reaction conditions and char property, such as char origin, porous structure, the functional group on char surface, carbon structure, and AAEM components. The typical reaction kinetics, reaction mechanism, and the deactivation, will be introduced. Then, for the different gasification processes, the potential or typical applications of tar removal by char are discussed and compared. Finally, a comprehensive analysis and improvement in scaling up, commercializing tar removal technologies and integrating the gasification process, are also evaluated and analyzed in this review.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.crcon.2019.12.001


  46. Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Partial Pressure on Combustion Behavior of Sewage Sludge Char

    Kazushi Kobayashi, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, takuta Kawai

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 31 ( 0 ) page: 227   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.31.0_227

    CiNii Research

  47. Effects of gas compositions on NOx formation during char combustion in waste incineration

    YOSHIIE Ryo, TSUKAMOTO Kazutaka, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, USUKI Taichi, DENDA Tomohiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2020.30 ( 0 ) page: 304   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    An incineration process is the most dominant method of the waste disposal in Japan. A stoker furnace incinerator is widely used for the waste incineration. In the stoker furnace incinerator, waste products can be sufficiently stirred and burned completely. Recently, low air ratio and high temperature incineration have been applied to the stoke furnace incinerator to improve efficiencies of power generations. However, they result in the increase in the amount of air pollutant NOx due to their higher flame temperatures. In addition, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system, which is also applied into advanced incinerators, makes the NOx formation more complicated. In this research, NOx and other gaseous emissions from RDF char combustion were experimentally analyzed, investigating effects of exhaust gas compositions on NOx formations.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2020.30.304

    CiNii Research

  48. O-17 Biomass Gasification in Oxygen-enriched Air with Packed Bed Gasifier

    ODA Masaya, Shirato Daisuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 15 ( 0 ) page: 31 - 32   2019.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In recent years, biomass gasification processes are attracting attention to produce renewable gaseous fuels. However, it is difficult to use raw biomass because it has low heating values. So, we considered the introduction of oxygen enriched air. By supplying oxygen-enriched air, the heat loss due to water evaporation can be compensated. It is considered that partial combustion of the fuel can be promoted and sufficient heat can be obtained. In the experiments, we used a packed bed gasifier. This gasifier is small in size and suitable for small-scale distributed utilization of biomass. From the experimental results, it was found that even if moisture content of the wet biomass is high, the gasification of the biomass is possible by increasing the oxygen concentration of the gasifying agent. The syngas contained more H<sub>2</sub> and CO compared with normal biomass gasification.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.15.0_31

    CiNii Research

  49. P-3-2 Elucidation of gasification behavior of various biomass

    SHIRATO Daisuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 28 ( 0 ) page: 248 - 249   2019.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In recent years, due to problems of fossil fuel depletion and global warming, biomass has attracted attention as an alternative energy source. So we focused on biomass gasification. In this study, gasification experiments of three types of biomass are conducted as preliminary experiments of gasification by packed bed gasifier. Assuming that the gas produced when each sample burns completely is assumed as a gasifying agent, the mass loss and gas yield of the sample during gasification were measured.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.28.0_248

    CiNii Research

  50. P-3-9 Effect of mixing various biomasses on combustion behaviors of biomass

    KATO Koki, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, NARUKAWA Kimihito, MORII Kazuhiko

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 28 ( 0 ) page: 262 - 263   2019.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Biomass is attracting attention as an alternative energy of fossil fuel. It is expected that the use of woody biomass will increase in the future. In order to use biomass efficiently as fuel, it is necessary to clarify its combustion characteristics. So, in this study, in order to clarify the combustion characteristic of biomass, pyrolysis and combustion experiment during the temperature rising process of two kinds of biomass were conducted by using the thermogravimetric analyzer. Two kinds of woody biomass were used as experimental samples. The effects of mixing each biomass on the combustion behavior of woody biomass were discussed.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.28.0_262

    CiNii Research

  51. Oxygen chemisorption of sub-bituminous coal at temperature

    Yoshiie R., Ueki Y., Naruse I.

    12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019     2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019  

    The effective utilization of sub-bituminous coals has been extended as an energy source for power generation because of their low cost and long minable years. However, sub-bituminous coal may undergo spontaneous combustion owing to high reactivity with oxygen in low-temperature air compared with bituminous coal. Therefore, the objective of this study is to elucidate the low-temperature oxidation behaviors of sub-bituminous coal. In particular, transition from oxygen chemisorption to low-temperature oxidation of sub-bituminous coal has been experimentally examined in detail. Isothermal gravimetric analyses are conducted for several bituminous and sub-bituminous coal samples at temperatures varying between 356 K and 476 K in oxygen-enriched air. The chemical compositions of emission gas are continuously monitored under low-temperature oxidation conditions. The experimental results show that the mass of all tested coals, including those of bituminous and sub-bituminous coals, increases at temperatures below 426 K as a result of oxygen chemisorption. At 476 K, the mass of sub-bituminous coal increases slightly with low H2 and CO2 emissions at the beginning and subsequently decreases with high CO and CO2 emissions. This mass change indicates that the transition from oxygen chemisorption to low-temperature oxidation occurs during this period.


  52. High efficiency operation by biomass gasification gas dilution spark ignition engine

    CHINO Mitsuki, KUBO Naoki, KOBAYASHI Jun, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   Vol. 2019 ( 0 ) page: J07108P   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>Low temperature combustion due to dilution of intake air using inert gas is one of the effective methods for heat loss reduction of the engine. However, the combustion velocity almost decreases due to high dilution and that is the reason why a misfire occurs. To prevent the misfire due to reduction of the combustion velocity, application of a biomass gasified gas containing both hydrogen and inert gas to dilution was proposed. Dilution gas in which hydrogen was added to the inert gas was introduced into the engine. And it was suggested that the efficiency be improved.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2019.j07108p

    CiNii Research

  53. NOx formation behaviors in char combustion of waste incineration process

    TSUKAMOTO Kazutaka, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki, DENDA Tomohiro, USUKI Taichi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2019.29 ( 0 ) page: J206   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    An incineration process is the most dominant method of the waste disposal in Japan. A stoker furnace is widely used for the waste incineration. Recently, in the stoker furnace, low air ratio and high temperature incineration have been applied increasingly. However, they result in the increase in the amount of air pollutant NOx generated due to flame instability. Especially, it is difficult to control NOx production in char combustion. In this research, in order to evaluate the NOx generation mechanisms in char combustion of waste incineration process, RDF char burning experiments were carried out, investigating the combustion behaviors and exhaust gas compositions. The incineration experiments were conducted at different temperatures and gas conditions such as O<sub>2</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, steam, EGR(Exhaust gas recirculation). The char-NOx production behavior showed different behaviors depending on experiment conditions. In particular at the steam gas and EGR conditions, the char-NOx concentration was very high due to the steam gas shift reaction.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2019.29.j206

    CiNii Research

  54. Combustion Technologies of Wastes as One of Local Energy Resources

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Nihon Enerugii Gakkai Kikanshi Enermix   Vol. 97 ( 6 ) page: 623 - 630   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jieenermix.97.6_623

    CiNii Research

  55. Synergistic effect of thermal cracking/partial oxidation/catalytic reforming by char on tar removal in a fluidized bed two-stage gasification process of industrial biomass

    Ueki Yasuaki, Zeng Xi, Naruse Ichiro, Yoshiie Ryo, Han Zhennan, Xu Guangwen

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 29 ( 0 ) page: 597   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    Industrial biomass is the byproduct of light-industry, such as spirit lees, herb residue, bagasse and so on. It is not only a kind of biomass resource, but also a serious environmental pollution source. Gasification is promising and attractive because of cleanness, high efficiency and large treating capacity. However, due to high content of moisture, nitrogen, and organic residue, the existing direct gasification process faces challenges, such as low efficiency, large temperature fluctuation and high tar content in fuel gas. So, innovating gasification process and reactor structure become essential and necessary. In this study, a new fluidized bed two-stage (FBTS) gasification process, mainly consisting of a fluidized bed (FB) pyrolyzer and a transport fluidized bed (TFB) gasifier, has been proposed by the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This process decouples direct gasification process into two sub-processes, namely feedstock pyrolysis and char gasification. Depending on thermal cracking, partial oxidation and catalytic reforming by char, the produced tar will be removed to a very low level. To research and develop the FBTS gasification process successfully, the synergistic effect of thermal cracking, partial oxidation and catalytic reforming by char was examined systematically on a laboratory FBTS reaction apparatus.

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.29.0_597

    CiNii Research

  56. Elucidation of the NOx generation in waste incineration processes

    Tsukamoto Kazutaka, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Ueki Yasuaki, denda Tomohiro, Usuki Taichi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 29 ( 0 ) page: 309   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    An incineration process is the most dominant method of the waste disposal in Japan. A stoker furnace is widely used for the waste incineration. Recently, in the stoker furnace, low air ratio and high temperature incineration have been applied increasingly. However, they result in the increase in the amount of air pollutant NOx and greenhouse gas N<sub>2</sub>O generated due to flame instability. In this research, in order to clarify the NOx generation mechanisms in the waste incineration, RDF burning experiments were carried out, investigating the combustion behaviors and exhaust gas compositions. Mass reduction of RDF proceeded faster with higher temperature. NOx concentration in exhaust gas was found to decrease with increase in temperature. It might result from the strong reduction atmosphere generated around RDF fuel. In addition, RDF burning simulation was carried out, using elemental reaction kinetics. It was found that most of HCN and NH<sub>3</sub> at high temperature was converted to NO, N<sub>2</sub>O and N<sub>2</sub>.

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.29.0_309

    CiNii Research

  57. Examination of the Reduced Reaction Mechanism for NOx Concentration Prediction in a Waste Incinerator

    Denda Tomohiro, Usuki Taichi, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 29 ( 0 ) page: 301   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.29.0_301

    CiNii Research

  58. Examination of the Reduced Reaction Mechanism for NOx Concentration Prediction in a Waste Incinerator

    DENDA Tomohiro, USUKI Taichi, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUASE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2018.28 ( 0 ) page: 205   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    We have developed the technique of numerical simulation which uses the reduced reaction mechanism to predict the combustion behavior in a waste incinerator. In this paper, we newly made the reduced reaction mechanism “N916” (34 species, 76 reactions) for NOx concentration prediction by benchmarking GRI-Mech3.0 (50 species, 326 reactions) which is the typical combustion reaction mechanism. In order to examine the precision of N916, we calculated temperature and NOx concentration distribution in two-dimensional diffusion flame by using N916 and GRI-Mech3.0. The results showed that temperature and NOx concentration distributions were similar and the rate of divergence of NOx concentration value on center axis in the flame was almost 10%. There is a possibility that N916 is able to be used as the substitution for GRI-Mech3.0 in numerical simulation.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2018.28.205

    CiNii Research

  59. Oxidation, Absorption and Desorption Mechanisms of Mercury by the De-NOx Catalyst

    YOSHIIE Ryo, SAKAIDA Masaya, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2018.28 ( 0 ) page: 307   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted in 2013, and regulations on mercury emissions are becoming stricter all over the world. Coal combustion is one of the major mercury emission sources. The majority of mercury emissions from coal combustion is in elemental mercury. This is because elemental mercury is water-insoluble, although oxidized mercury is water-soluble and easily captured by wet scrubbing systems. In this study, we expected the De-NOx catalyst to have a mercury oxidation/capture performance and conducted mercury oxidation/capture experiment using the De-NOx catalyst as a sorbent. In the result, when HCl existed in the atmosphere, the De-NOx catalyst oxidized all of vapor mercury. On the other hand, when HCl existed in the atmosphere, the De-NOx catalyst showed high mercury capture performance. Furthermore, De-NOx catalyst maintained high mercury capture performance at a high temperature (743 K)

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2018.28.307

    CiNii Research

  60. Oxidation and Capture Mechanism of Mercury by the De-NOx Catalyst

    YOSHIIE Ryo, SAKAIDA Masaya, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2018.67 ( 0 ) page: 528   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2018.67.528

    CiNii Research

  61. Contacts with “Funryu”

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Nihon Enerugii Gakkai Kikanshi Enermix   Vol. 96 ( 3 ) page: 234   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jieenermix.96.3_234

    CiNii Research

  62. P-1-2 Modeling of coalescence and detachment behaviors of ash particle in pulverized coal combustion

    MATSUYAMA Tatsuya, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 256 - 257   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>One of major problems in pulverized coal combustion process is ash deposition which causes corrosion of the heat transfer tube, decrease in the heat exchange rate, blockage of the gas flow path, etc. The properties of ash particle such as particle number, particle diameter and elemental composition are very important factors to predict and control such ash deposition phenomena. Moreover, it is also important to distinguish whether an ash particle is Included Mineral (IM) or Excluded Mineral (EM). In this study, we made the models of single pulverized coal particle in combustion process using the CCSEM data of different carbon conversion and coal types gotten by DTF experiment in authors’ previous study and evaluated properties of ash particles through the simulation.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_256

    CiNii Research

  63. P-1-3 SOx Emission from Oxy-fuel Coal Combustion in a Fluidized Bed

    ASAI Ryosuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 258 - 259   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Oxy-fuel coal combustion has drawn attention in the world as useful technique to achieve carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). It is a technology to enrich CO<sub>2</sub> in exhaust gas by the flue gas recirculation with additional pure O<sub>2</sub> to combustion atmosphere, which makes easy to capture CO<sub>2</sub> downstream. Meanwhile, bubbling fluidized bed coal combustion has advantages of direct de-sulfurization in bed material and reduction of thermal NO<sub>X</sub> in low combustion temperature. However, there are few studies of oxy-coal fluidized bed combustion including emission behaviors of SOx and NOx. In particular, SO<sub>3</sub> is of special concern, because the elevated SO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O concentrations in boiler by the flue gas recirculation may promote the formation of SO<sub>3</sub>. Objectives of this study are to understand SOx emission behaviors during the oxy-coal fluidized bed combustion under the actual flue gas recirculation condition, compared with those under the air and CO<sub>2</sub>-O<sub>2</sub> combustion conditions.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_258

    CiNii Research

  64. P-1-4 Concentrations of trace elements in particles with their diameter during coal gasification process

    ATSUMI Shota, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 260 - 261   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In this study, we conducted coal gasification experiments by electrical drop tube furnace. In the experiments, we used Low Pressure Impactor (LPI) for the particle sampling in different particle size. Captured particles are dissolved in the acid on each particle size and the trace element concentrations of the solutions in the particles are analyzed by ICP-AES. For the consideration of the result of the experiments, we conducted thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. Calculation results support to investigate the chemical compounds of trace elements in the gasification atmosphere.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_260

    CiNii Research

  65. Evaluation of pyrolysis and gasification behaviors of waste plastics

    Matsunaga Shimpei, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 28 ( 0 ) page: 301   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.28.0_301

    CiNii Research

  66. Fundamental Combustion Behaviors of Solid Industrial Wastes

    ASAI Toshihiko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, TERASAKI Junichi, UENO Naoki

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 96 ( 6 ) page: 167 - 175   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>To elucidate fundamental combustion behaviors of some solid combustible wastes, the isothermal combustion experiments are carried out, using an electrically heated vertical batch furnace. The effects of the furnace temperature and the oxygen partial pressure in the reaction atmosphere on the combustion behaviors are studied experimentally and kinetically. Comparing the experimental results obtained with the kinetic modelling results, the most optimum kinetic model is proposed for all of the samples employed, and the detail combustion mechanisms are also elucidated quantitatively. As a result, the completion period of the overall combustion decreases with increases of both the furnace temperature and the oxygen partial pressure. The evolution period of volatile matter (VM) is reduced in order from the bituminous coal, the oil coke to the waste plastic of composite materials. While, the reaction period by 95 % of the conversion is shorten in order from the oil coke, the waste plastic of composite materials and the bituminous coal. The reaction model for the oil coke is revealed as the parallel model of the volumetric model with the grain model. For both the waste plastic of composite materials and the bituminous coal, the parallel model the volumetric model of with the pore model agrees well with the respective experimental results. The activation energy of the fixed carbon (FC) combustion for the oil coke is the largest of the three. The activation energy for the waste plastic of composite material is almost the same as that for the bituminous coal. The reaction orders of the oxygen partial pressure for the VM evolution and the FC combustion become almost 0 and 1 for all of the samples, respectively.</p>

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.96.167

    CiNii Research

  67. Research on Elucidation of Reaction, Pollutants and Ash Behaviors during Solid Fuel Combustion and Gasification

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Nihon Enerugii Gakkai Kikanshi Enermix   Vol. 96 ( 3 ) page: 236 - 241   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Both resources and environmental controls have globally become obvious. Although alternative energy resources should be utilized more and more, it is also necessary to enhance efficient and ecological use of fossil fuels, which have undertaken basis of global energy society. As coal is one of the even-distributed and reasonable fossil fuels worldwide, huge amount of coal has been consumed in economically developed countries, such rising countries as China and India and economically developing countries. As a result, not only tightness of the coal supply, but also increase of load of the global environment have worried in the near future. From the present viewpoint and the future trend, coal must utilize efficiently and ecologically, and another solid fuels, including biomass and solid wastes, must also be recognized as one of the alternative ones. Additionally, development of both the global, ecological and efficient utilization technologies for those solid fuels and the core and component technologies to support them as well as the academic studies to elucidate the mechanisms in the phenomena occurring have been much more important in the near future to sustain the basis of global energy society.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jieenermix.96.3_236

    CiNii Research

  68. P-7-10 Oxidation and Capture Mechanism of Mercury by the De-NOx Catalyst

    SAKAIDA Masaya, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichoro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 336 - 337   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>The Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted in 2013, and regulations on mercury emissions are becoming stricter all over the world. Coal combustion is one of the major mercury emission sources. The majority of mercury emissions from coal combustion is an elemental mercury. This is because oxidized mercury is water-soluble, but on the other hand elemental mercury is water-insoluble. In this study, we expected the De-NOx catalyst to have a mercury oxidation/capture performance and conducted mercury oxidation/capture experiment using the De-NOx catalyst as a sorbent. In the result, when HCl is present in the atmosphere, the De-NOx catalyst oxidized mercury and when HCl is not present in the atmosphere, the De-NOx catalyst showed high mercury capture performance. Furthermore, De-NOx catalyst maintained high mercury capture performance at a high temperature (743 K)</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_336

    CiNii Research

  69. P-5-4 Behavior of pyrolysis and steam gasification of various plastics

    MATSUNAGA Shimpei, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichoro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 308 - 309   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Among various recovery processes from waste plastics, the gasification with steam addition is one of the promising technologies to reduce unwanted tar and increase the conversion to syngas. In this study, batch furnace experiments of pyrolysis and steam gasification were conducted on three kinds of plastics. Gas, tar and soot and generation behaviors were examined in them. Granular samples of ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), PC (polycarbonate) and PE (polyethylene) were used as simulated waste plastics. All experiments were duplicated using different sampling trains for gas collections and tar collections. Nitrogen gas was fed into the furnace to achieve an inert atmosphere, and the temperature was raised to 973 K, 1073 K and 1173 K, respectively. 1.2 g of the sample was inserted into the furnace. In the steam gasification experiment, water vapor was entrained by the nitrogen.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_308

    CiNii Research

  70. Oxidation and capture characteristics of mercury in coal combustion exhaust gas

    Sakaida Masaya, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 28 ( 0 ) page: 323   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.28.0_323

    CiNii Research

  71. Sintering characteristics of CaO-rich municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the addition of Si/Al-rich ash residues

    Hu Hong-Yun, Liu Huan, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Ping-An, Li Ai-Jun, Yao Hong, Naruse Ichiro

    JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT   Vol. 18 ( 2 ) page: 340 - 347   2016.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    Thermal treatment is a promising technology for the fast disposal of hazardous municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash in China. However, fly ash produced in grate incinerator (GFA) is rich in CaO and chlorides, which promote the formation of toxic hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] and ash agglomeration during the thermal process, inhibiting the thermal disposal of GFA. In this study, sintering characteristics of CaO-rich GFA were improved by adding Si/Al-rich MSWI ash residues. According to the results, ash agglomeration was well suppressed during thermal treatment of the mixed ash. Si/Al/Fe-compounds competed with un-oxidized Cr-compounds to react with CaO and suppressed Cr(VI) formation. Meanwhile, chlorides in GFA facilitated heavy metal volatilization from added ashes to the secondary fly ash, favoring the recovery of these metals. Ca-aluminosilicates was found as the main mineral phase in the thermally treated mixed ash, which has attractive potential for applications. The formation of the aluminosilicates made the heavy metals that remained in the treated mixed ash more stable than the thermally treated single ash.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-014-0341-z

    Web of Science


  72. Products of High Temperature Gasification of ABS, PC and PE


    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan   Vol. 58 ( 186 ) page: 234 - 241   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Combustion Society of Japan  

    <p>In this study a series of steam gasification experiments were performed on three thermoplastics - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), Polycarbonate (PC) and Polyethylene (PE), in a batch reactor. The effects of steam flow rate and reactor temperature (600~1000℃.) on the amount of tar, soot and char have been studied. The results were then compared with those of Pyrolysis, from our previous study. In addition time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) analysis was performed to identify the fingerprints of several different tars. It was found out that steam addition has varying effects on each of the studied polymers. It had a positive effect on soot reduction in the case of ABS and PE; tar reduction in PE; and some char reduction in PC. Temperature increase was found to decrease the relative amount of tar while increasing char production. According to the TOF-MS data, the average molecular weight of tar increases with temperature increase.</p>

    DOI: 10.20619/jcombsj.58.186_234

    CiNii Research

  73. Current Issues of Ash Deposition and Corrosion on Waste-to-Energy Plant

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, SASAKI Yoriaki, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NINOMIYA Yoshihiko, CHEN Juan, NOGUCHI Manabu, CHO Hiromitsu

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 95 ( 11 ) page: 1089 - 1104   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Some ash particles in solid wastes adhere on the heat exchanger tube surfaces inside incinerators. The ash deposition may cause such troubles, heat transfer inhibition, operational problems and high temperature corrosion. The authors have conducted the fundamental research for a surface treatment technology, using a thermal spray coating technique to reduce the deposition and the corrosion. First, this paper reviewed the previous studies on the deposition and the corrosion, such as characteristics of wastes, formation of ash and mechanisms in the incinerators. Then, the corrosion mechanisms were reported by means of our analysis and thermo-equilibrium calculations of the interfaces between the tube surface and the deposition. Moreover, the recent countermeasures against the ash deposition and the hot corrosion were reviewed, and their effectiveness and feasibilities were evaluated.</p>

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.95.1089

    CiNii Research

  74. Investigation of initial pyrolysis behaviors in waste incineration processes

    IDERA Ryo, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2016.26 ( 0 ) page: 304   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>In order to incinerate heterogeneous fuel such as waste products completely, high excess air ratio was traditionally applied to the burning zone in the incinerator. However, from viewpoints of heat recovery efficiency and flue gas treatment, low excess air ratio at high temperature has been becoming more popular for the waste incinerator year by year. Meanwhile, technologies for NOx emission control should be stricter since high temperature and flame instability under low excess air incineration conditions intend to extend NOx formation. In this study, initial pyrolysis behaviors of wastes in their incineration processes were analyzed to investigate their contributions to NOx formations.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2016.26.304

    CiNii Research

  75. Gasification of woody biomass and tar formation/decomposition behaviors in packed bed gasifier

    UEKI Yasuaki, YAMADA Atsushi, NUNOME Yoko, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems   Vol. 2016.21 ( 0 ) page: E224   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>Recently, the issue of global environment becomes worse and it is caused by greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide. Woody biomass attracts attention since it is a renewable energy source and carbon-neutral. One of the promising methods for energy conversion from woody biomass is gasification technology. The purpose of this study is to clarify the gasification behavior of woody biomass and formation/decomposition behavior of tar in the packed-bed gasifier. Gasification experiments (downdraft gasification) were carried out by using the packed-bed gasifier. In this study, pellets of black pine were fed intermittently and using air as the gasification agent. In the gasification experiments, the temperature distribution and the gas compositions in the gasifier were measured during gasification, and the amount of tar in the gasified gas was measured.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmepes.2016.21.e224

    CiNii Research

  76. Waste Lubricant Oil Regeneration by Solvent Extraction with Membrane Separation

    Yoshiie Ryo, Kataoka Naoya, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 27 ( 0 ) page: 37 - 43   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    Japan generates about 1 million kL of used lubricant oil annually, only 2 % of which is recycled as regenerated oil. The method presented in this report using solvent extraction with membrane separation produces few residual products : only impurities remaining in a membrane rubber bag. For this study, a continuous regeneration system was set up and operated with two waste lubricant oil samples. The oil recovery rate was estimated over time. Oil quality was tested before and after regeneration processing. Sulfur contents, carbon residue, viscosity at 40 °C, carbon number distribution, and water content were analyzed to assess the oil quality. Continuous regeneration up to 15 h was achieved. The regenerated base oil quality was confirmed, showing no degradation during 15 h extraction.

    DOI: 10.3985/jjsmcwm.27.37

    CiNii Research

  77. Use of Soft Plasma Ionization Source at Evacuated Air Atmospheres in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to Suppress Fragmentation of Volatile Organic Compounds

    Nunome Yoko, Park Hyunkook, Kodama Kenji, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Lee Sang C., Kitagawa Kuniyuki, Wagatsuma Kazuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS   Vol. 48 ( 6 ) page: 436 - 440   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Spectroscopy Letters  

    This study describes a measuring system for mass spectrometry, consisting of a glow discharge ionization source for soft plasma ionization and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, to detect toxic volatile organic compounds rapidly and easily. It is the most important to determine how the complicated fragmentation of such compounds can be suppressed to occur so as to recognize the mass spectra of the volatile organic compounds as their fingerprints. The novelty of this work is that the optimal discharge condition for the soft plasma ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometer system could be selected, so that the parent mass peak of analyte molecules could be observed both with high sensitivity and with little or no fragmentation of them. Use of air gas at a pressure of 1000 Pa provided the most favorable result for these criteria, whereas, in a previous report, the soft plasma ionization source operating with argon at a pressure of 346 Pa had yielded additional mass peaks of the fragmented species. The reason for this would be explained by the fact that energetic electrons in the plasma, which principally cause the fragmentation of the volatile organic compounds, have lower number density at higher gas pressures, through de-accelerated collisions with the plasma gas.

    DOI: 10.1080/00387010.2014.905962

    Web of Science


  78. Conversion Synergies during Steam Co-gasification of Simulated Biomass with Coal

    YOSHIIE Ryo, KIHEDU Joseph, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan   Vol. 57 ( 179 ) page: 21 - 26   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Combustion Society of Japan  

    <p>Lignin and cellulose chemicals were used as artificial biomass components to make-up a simulated biomass. Alkali and alkaline earth metal (AAEM) as well as volatile matter contents in these chemicals were much different from each other. Co-gasification of coal with simulated biomass shows improved conversion characteristics in comparison to the average calculated from separate conversion of coal and simulated biomass. Two conversion synergetic peaks were observed whereby the first peak occurred around 400 °C while the second one occurred above 800 °C. Although co-gasification of coal with lignin that has high AAEM content also shows two synergy peaks, the one at higher temperature is dominant. Co-gasification of coal with cellulose shows only a single synergy peak around 400 °C indicating that synergy at low temperature is related with interaction of volatiles. Investigation of morphology changes during gasification of lignin and coal, suggests that their low reactivity is associated with their solid shape maintained even at high temperature.</p>

    DOI: 10.20619/jcombsj.57.179_21

    CiNii Research

  79. P-05 Reduction Characteristics of Iron Oxide by Woody Biomass

    WAKATA Shunsuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 9 ( 0 ) page: 62 - 63   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    The iron making process, especially pig iron making process discharges the huge amount of CO_2 because coke made from coal is used as a reductant. For this reason, steel industry discharges the largest amount of CO_2 and it occupies about 13% in Japanese emission. This paper focused the woody biomass substitute for coke in pig iron making process and studied reduction characteristics of iron oxide when heated iron oxide and woody biomass mixed sample in N_2 atmosphere. In addition, we aim to clarify the reduction characteristics of iron oxide by volatile matters in woody biomass.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.9.0_62

    CiNii Research

  80. Regeneration of Used Alkali Carbonates for Gaseous Sulfur Removal in a Gasification System

    Raharjo Slamet, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 27 ( 5 ) page: 2762 - 2766   2013.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    Integrated coal gasification combined cycle is expected to play an important role as one of a number of highly efficient conversion technologies for carbonaceous resources. However, it is vital to remove as much H 2S and COS as possible. Our previous study suggested that the molten alkali carbonates of 43 mol of Na2CO3 + 57 mol of K 2CO3 can completely adsorb them at 1173 K to form alkali sulfides. Furthermore, to enhance the overall efficiency in the gasification system, the regeneration characteristics of the used alkali carbonates should be studied. Therefore, the current study works on that issue. The optimum regeneration condition for experiments was estimated by chemical equilibrium software, FactSage 6.2, prior to the regeneration experiments. Chemical equilibrium calculations suggested that a mixture of carbon dioxide and steam could regenerate the used alkali carbonates. The experiments were conducted in an electrically heated tube reactor using a mixture of CO2 and steam as the regeneration agent. As a result, the remaining sulfur in solid after regeneration experiments was around 5 mass % of the total sulfur content in the raw sample at an optimum temperature range of 650-773 K. It is expected that around 95% of alkali sulfides was converted back to alkali carbonates. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

    DOI: 10.1021/ef400219q

    Web of Science


  81. Reduction mechanisms of ash deposition in coal and/or biomass combustion boilers

    Naganuma Hiroshi, Ikeda Nobuya, Ito Tadashi, Matsuura Mikio, Nunome Yoko, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL   Vol. 106   page: 303 - 309   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    Some ash particles in solid fuels adhere on heat exchanger tube surfaces inside coal and/or biomass combustion boilers. The authors have already proposed a surface treatment on tubes, using a thermal spraying technique, to reduce ash deposition. Understanding reduction mechanisms of the ash deposition is necessary to evaluate effects of the surface treatment technique on the reduction of ash deposition. The reduction mechanisms of the ash deposition were elucidated due to physical and chemical aspects, measuring adhesion forces between the ash particles and some alloy specimens of the tube at high temperature under the simulated boiler conditions. As a result, the adhesion force increased with time and depended on both the ash types and the alloy specimens. The thermal spraying of Ni-alloy, in particular, could reduce the adhesion force. Moreover interface reactions between the ash particles and the alloy specimen played an effective role in increasing the adhesion force, alkali metal compounds in the ash samples also related to an increase of the adhesion force. Fe, which was one of the main alloy elements, diffused into the ash deposition layer beyond the interface. This observation result suggested that the interface reactions of the ash particles with the alloy caused an increase of the adhesion force. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2012.11.017

    Web of Science


  82. Reaction behavior during heating biomass materials and iron oxide composites

    Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Ohno Ko-ichiro, Maeda Takayuki, Nishioka Kold, Shimizu Masakata

    FUEL   Vol. 104   page: 58 - 61   2013.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    Effective utilization of biomass materials as a reducing agent in the ironmaking process is one of the key technologies for environmental protection. In this work, in order to study the possibility of effective use of woody biomass as a reducing agent in the carbon composite method, we carried out experiments of the thermal decomposition of woody powder and reduction of mixture of woody powder and iron oxide. Conversion ratio into H2 from woody powder was almost the same between thermal decomposition of woody powder and reduction of the mixture sample. Conversion ratio into CO by reduction was larger than that by thermal decomposition. The final reduction degrees of mixture samples at the temperature from 1273 to 1573 K were 100%. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2010.09.019

    Web of Science


  83. The mechanism of gravity shedding of ash deposits in coal fired boiler

    Sato N., Ueno S., Aramaki H., Nunome Y., Ueki Y., Yoshiie R., Naruse I.

    30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013   Vol. 5   page: 4053 - 4060   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013  

    The purpose of this study is to examine the gravity shedding mechanisms of ash deposits experimentally. A horizontal furnace, which could simulate the temperature profile in practical boilers, was used in this experiment. The pulverized coal was burned in this furnace. The typical bituminous coal was selected as a sample coal. The gravity shedding of ash deposits was observed, inserting a water-cooling tube into the furnace during combustion. After the experiments, the cross-sectional surface of the water-cooling tube was analyzed using a scanning electronic microscopy. The ash deposits before shedding were found to be between 2 and 3 mm thick. The ash deposits near the metal surface consisted of ash particles, while the surface of the ash deposits partly consisted of lightly sintered ash particles. After shedding, the remaining ash layer was found to be 500 μm thick on the tube surface.


  84. Clean Technologies for Solid Fuels

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan   Vol. 55 ( 172 ) page: 87 - 93   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Combustion Society of Japan  

    <p>According to the supply trend of primary energy resources, the resources of such fossil fuels as oil, natural gas and coal have still been consumed steadily worldwide. Among those fossil fuels, the coal resource has the highest ratio of reserves to production. On the other hand, the global environmental issues have strongly been focused recently. In these points of view, the coal must be utilized efficiently and ecologically as well as carbon neutral resources like biomass and solid wastes should also be utilized more effectively. The coal, biomass and solid wastes are generally categorized as solid fuel. Even for the biomass, it is necessary to convert it high-efficiently and environment-friendly. However, those solid fuels have not only their own structural difficulties, but also compositional diversity. In order to solve those difficulties, the harmonization between the theory or model and the social needs is necessary, and the interdisciplinary cooperation will also be effective.</p>

    DOI: 10.20619/jcombsj.55.172_87

    CiNii Research

  85. Volatilization characteristics of boron compounds during coal combustion

    Noda Naoki, Ito Shigeo, Nunome Yoko, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: 2831 - 2838   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    Boron behavior during coal combustion was studied experimentally and theoretically. Seven types of coal with different boron concentrations were pyrolyzed or burned, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. In order to understand the effect of coal type on the boron component of ash, chemical equilibrium calculations were made to determine which boron compounds contributed to forming the boron compounds found in the ash particles. Additionally, XAFS analyses were also carried out to evaluate the results obtained by the chemical equilibrium calculations. Some boron compounds in coal were volatilized, and others remained in the molten coal ash after combustion. Both the chemical equilibrium calculations of the boron compounds under the combustion condition and the boron analysis of the ash particles by the XAFS suggested that the boron compound contained in the ash was mainly B 2O3. The boron compounds were concentrated in the molten slag during combustion. The enrichment of boron into the ash as particles was related to the amount of slag formed. The index, (Base/Acid ratio) × (Ash content), correlates well with the volatilization fraction of boron even in the actual power plants. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.018

    Web of Science


  86. Development of Reduction Technology of Ash Deposit in Pulverized Coal Fired Boilers(Session 1)

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 22 ( 0 ) page: vi - vii   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In order to enhance net power generation efficiency obtained by pulverized coal fired boilers more, it is necessary to fundamentally develop reduction technologies of ash deposit during operation. The thermal coating technology on surfaces of heat exchanger tubes was applied to reduce the ash deposit during coal combustion in this study. Such several tests as the ash melting experiments at high temperature, the deposition experiments of ash particles and the measurements of deposition force after long-term keeping under the simulated boiler condition were carried out. Consequently, the Ni alloy specimen was selected as the best coating material to control the ash deposit. Finally, that coating material was also tested in practical boilers and showed the good performance on the reduction of ash deposit.

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.22.0_vi

    CiNii Research

  87. Regeneration of waste lubricant oil by solvent extraction with membrane separation

    Kataoka Naoya, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Ueki Yasuaki, Nunome Yoko

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 24 ( 0 ) page: 355   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.24.0_355

    CiNii Research

  88. 資源・エネルギー

    成瀬 一郎, 神原 信志, 汲田 幹夫, 大友 順一郎, 坂田 興, 野田 玲治, 義家 亮

    化学工学 = Chemical engineering   Vol. 76 ( 10 ) page: 620 - 627   2012.10

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    CiNii Research

  89. No.62 Elucidation degradation behavior by a minor component on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

    OIDA Akiyuki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki, NUNOME Yoko

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 49 ( 0 ) page: 120 - 121   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In recent years, protections of environmental pollution and global warming are most important issues to discuss the world energy use. Efficient and clean use of fossil energy resources in the world has been increasing in importance. Coal is produced all over the world also, and it amount of reserves is larger than any other fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, etc.). Consequently, IGFC (Integrated gasification fuel cell combined cycle) has been attracting attention as one of efficient coal utilization. However, trace elements in coal are emitted to coal syn-gas in vapor phase, and affect fuel cell electrodes to deteriorate their performances. In this study, we assess the effect of trace element in syn-gas on SOFC power generation. We have tested a button cell in 900℃ for about 20 hours with simulated gas doped vapor As and Se.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.49.0_120

    CiNii Research

  90. Reduction of ash deposition in pulverized coal fired boilers

    Naruse I., Yoshiie R., Ueki Y., Matsuura M., Naganuma H.

    Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion     page: 517 - 522   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion  

    This study proposes reduction technology of ash deposition on the heat exchanger tube in pulverized coal fired (PCF) boilers. Thermal spraying technique is adopted to change the surface properties of tube to reduce the ash deposition. As a result, Ni alloy as a thermal spraying material played an effective role to reduce the deposition under both the ash deposition experiments and the actual coal combustion experiments. However, it is necessary to change ash types in order to evaluate that the thermal spraying technology is universally useful or not. If this technology will be applied to the commercialized PCF boilers, additionally, the effectiveness for the long-term will also be studied as well as the theoretical elucidation on the reduction of ash deposition must be discussed. In this study, therefore, four types of coal ash with different melting points were tested as samples for the ash deposition experiments. The long-term ash adhesion experiments were also carried out, using a precise tension tester at high temperature. As the theoretical approaches, the compositions of each ash particle depositing on the tube surface were analyzed by a computer-controlled scanning electron microscope (CCSEM) with electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector, thereby the interfacial reactions between the ash deposition layer and the heat exchanger tube were discussed. Those results obtained were also compared to the results obtained by the thermal equilibrium calculations. © Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


  91. Slagging behavior of upgraded brown coal and bituminous coal in 145MW practical coal combustion boiler

    Akiyama K., Pak H., Takubo Y., Tada T., Ueki Y., Yoshiie R., Naruse I.

    Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion     page: 77 - 82   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion  

    The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate behaviors of ash deposition during combustion of Upgraded Brown Coal (UBC) and bituminous coal in a 145 MW practical coal combustion boiler. A blended coal consisting 20 wt% of the UBC and 80 wt% of the bituminous coal was burned for the combustion tests. Before the actual ash deposition tests, the molten slag fractions of ash calcualted by chemical equilibrium calculations under the combustion condition was adopted as one of the indices to estimate the tendency of ash deposition. The calculation results showed that the molten slag fraction for UBC ash reached approximately 90% at 1523 K. However, that for the blended coal ash became about 50%. These calculation results mean that blending the UBC with a bituminous coal played a role in decreasing the molten slag fraction. Next, the ash deposition tests were conducted, using a practical pulverized coal combustion boiler. A water-cooled stainless-steel tube was inserted in locations at 1523 K in the boiler to measure the amount of ash deposits. The results showed that the mass of deposited ash for the blended coal increased and shape of the deposited ash particles on the tube became large and sperical. This is because the molten slag fraction in ash for the blended coal at 1523 K increased and the surface of deposited ash became sticky. However, the mass of the deposited ash for the blended coal did not greatly increase and no slagging problems occurred for 8 days of boiler operation under the present blending conditions. Therefore, appropriate blending of the UBC with a bituminous coal enables the UBC to be used with a low ash melting point without any ash deposition problems in a practical boiler. © Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


  92. Refinement of Waste Lubricant Oil Using Rubber Membrane Extraction Method


    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B   Vol. 78 ( 789 ) page: 1048 - 1052   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A process to recover base oil from waste lubricating oil is proposed in this study, which is based on solvent extraction with membrane. In this process, organic solvent is circulated in a closed loop, leading to a resource saving. Residue consists of only impurities in waste lubricating oil, such as suspended particles, aqueous droplets, soot and tar, leading to a waste reducing. This process includes a fractional distillation, too, but it is for separating out organic solvent from oils. Then, temperature for fractional distillation is lower than 100 °C, leading to an energy saving. Rubber film is utilized as membrane, whose polymer network structure works as filter to separate impurities from oil dissolved in solvent. In order to verify the feasibility of this process, effect of extraction period, solvent volume and extraction temperature on both yield and quality of the extracted oil was experimentally estimated.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.78.1048


    CiNii Research

  93. 国際協力機構・インドネシア高等教育開発計画プロジェクトに携わって

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 89 ( 10 ) page: 947   2010.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会  

    CiNii Research

  94. Reaction characteristic of woody biomass with CO<inf>2</inf>and H <inf>2</inf>O

    Naruse I., Ueki Y., Isayama T., Shinba T., Kihedu J., Yoshiie R.

    Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan   Vol. 96 ( 4 ) page: 151 - 154   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    Objective in this study is to elucidate the fundamental gasification characteristics for carbonaceous resources. Effects of temperature and gaseous agents on the gasification characteristics of carbonaceous materials were experimentally and theoretically studied by the gasification of woody sawdust, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. Results of the co-gasification of CO2 with H2O were compared by the gasification by a single gaseous agent such as CO2 or H2O. As a result, H2 and CO concentrations increased with an increase of temperature. CO concentration under the co-gasification condition produced more than that under the single gasification condition. The H2 formation showed the opposite tendency to the CO formation during the co-gasification. This synergy effect was also elucidated theoretically by the simulation of reaction kinetics. The simulated temperature indicating the maximum synergy effect on CO formation agreed well with that obtained by the experiments.


  95. NOx Formation/Destruction Characteristics in Sewage Sludge Combustion

    Naruse Ichiro, Hirabayashi Miwa, Yoshiie Ryo, Ueki Yasuaki

    Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 21 ( 6 ) page: 193 - 201   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    Pyrolysis and combustion experiments of dried sewage sludge were conducted using an electrically heated drop furnace to elucidate NOx formation/destruction characteristics. When the dried sewage sludge was fed into the drop furnace, the particle temperature rose rapidly and the particles swelled. The char particle structure became balloon-like. Regarding NOx formation, both NO and N<SUB>2</SUB>O were formed during combustion. After N<SUB>2</SUB>O was generated in the flame, NO was produced because N<SUB>2</SUB>O was destroyed by H radicals formed by CO oxidation. Although conversion of fuel-N into N<SUB>2</SUB>O decreased with increased furnace temperature, conversion of fuel-N into NO increased. The N<SUB>2</SUB>O conversion ratio of the dried sewage sludge was higher than that of the sample coal because the dried sewage sludge emits more HCN, which more readily produces N<SUB>2</SUB>O.

    DOI: 10.3985/jjsmcwm.21.193

    CiNii Research

  96. Reaction Characteristic of Woody Biomass with CO2 and H2O

    Naruse Ichiro, Ueki Yasuaki, Isayama Tsutomu, Shinba Takanori, Kihedu Joseph H., Yoshiie Ryo

    Tetsu-to-Hagane   Vol. 96 ( 4 ) page: 150 - 155   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    Objective in this study is to elucidate the fundamental gasification characteristics for carbonaceous resources. Effects of temperature and gaseous agents on the gasification characteristics of carbonaceous materials were experimentally and theoretically studied by the gasification of woody sawdust, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. Results of the co-gasification of CO<sub>2</sub> with H<sub>2</sub>O were compared by the gasification by a single gaseous agent such as CO<sub>2</sub> or H<sub>2</sub>O. As a result, H<sub>2</sub> and CO concentrations increased with an increase of temperature. CO concentration under the co-gasification condition produced more than that under the single gasification condition. The H<sub>2</sub> formation showed the opposite tendency to the CO formation during the co-gasification. This synergy effect was also elucidated theoretically by the simulation of reaction kinetics. The simulated temperature indicating the maximum synergy effect on CO formation agreed well with that obtained by the experiments.

    DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane.96.150


    CiNii Research

  97. Theoretical Study on Desulfurization Characteristics in a Fluidized Bed Combustor

    MURAKAMI Takahiro, KURITA Noriyuki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of High Temperature Society   Vol. 36 ( 1 ) page: 41 - 46   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:High Temperature Society of Japan  

    Sulfur oxides (SO<SUB>x</SUB>) are one of the main sources of acid rain. In a fluidized bed combustor, limestone is a directly supplied into the combustor, as a desulfurizer in order to decrease the emissions of SO<SUB>x</SUB> from fuel, such as sewage sludge and coal. In our previous studies, NaCl-doped limestone has a good performance on the desulfurization characteristics. In the present study, the effect of alkali metal compounds NaCl, KCl and LiCl-dopings on the formation of CaO crystal structure was simulated by the molecular dynamics method. The result indicates that KCl in KCl-doped CaO deforms more largely the CaO crystal structure than NaCl, because K atom tends to separate from Cl atom at high temperature due to larger ionic radius of K than that of Na. For LiCl-doped CaO, LiCl also deforms the CaO crystal structure, because Li, whose ionic radius is smaller than that of Na, can move freely inside the CaO crystal lattice at high temperature. Based on the results obtained by the molecular dynamics simulations, only the NaCl-doping into CaO has a positive effect on the CaO crystallization. Consequently, this NaCl-doping may enhance the desulfurization efficiency. From this viewpoint, the molecular dynamics simulation can well explain the relationship between the desulfurization efficiency of CaO and the effect of alkali metal compounds addition into CaO.

    DOI: 10.7791/jhts.36.41

    CiNii Research

  98. Using sorbents to control heavy metals and particulate matter emission during solid fuel combustion

    Yao Hong, Naruse Ichiro

    PARTICUOLOGY   Vol. 7 ( 6 ) page: 477 - 482   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Particuology  

    Some of the heavy metals in coal and wastes vaporize during combustion, concentrate in fine particulates, and emit with the flue gas into the atmosphere, to produce adverse effect on environment and health. This study first investigates the fate of the heavy metal species, especially Pb, Cd and Cr, known as semi-volatile, in various flue gases, especially in the presence of HCl and SO2, by chemical equilibrium calculation, in which, Si and Ca were proposed as base sorbent materials to capture Pb, Cd and Cr. Then Si- and Ca-based compounds as well as waste materials used as sorbents were optimized to capture the heavy metals. Finally, the optimal sorbent was tested in actual burning of dried sewage sludge as solid fuel, to evaluate the effectiveness of the sorbent. Calculated results show that Cl increases the volatility of most heavy metals, while SO2 enhances formation of condensed phases. Among the sorbents tested, kaolin appears most efficient to capture Pb and Cd. For sludge combustion with kaolin addition, both Pb and Cd were shifted from sub-micron to macro-sized particles, and accompanied by considerable decrease of 0.1 μm particles. © 2009.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2009.06.004

    Web of Science


  99. Introduction of Research Group (Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya University)

      Vol. 88 ( 1 ) page: 81 - 84   2009.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  100. Elucidation of Ash Deposition Mechanisms with Interfacial Reaction

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, IKEDA Nobuya, ITO Tadashi, SATO Fumio, URASHIMA Kazuaki, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 88 ( 9 ) page: 816 - 822   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In order to control ash deposition on heat exchanger tubes in coal or woody biomass combustion boilers, surface treatment of the tubes, using a thermal spraying technique, was proposed in this study. The ash deposition mechanisms were elucidated, based on physical and chemical aspects, under the condition of long exposure period. First, adhesive force (<I>S<SUB>b</SUB></I>) between ash and alloy surface at high temperature was measured. As the physical aspect, <I>S<SUB>b</SUB></I> increased with an increase of the exposure time and could be predicted by an improved logistic function. Moreover, <I>S<SUB>b</SUB></I> depended on the temperature, so that an interface reaction controlled the increasing rate of adhesive force. As the chemical aspect, the interface between the ash deposition and alloy was observed and analyzed by a SEM-EDS and a FE-EPMA to consider the mechanisms of an increase of the adhesive force. The result showed that S and Na contained in the ash composition diffused into the alloy and that Fe mainly composing of the alloy specimens also diffused into the ash deposition. The diffusion coefficient of Fe into the ash deposition was also calculated by the results of a point elemental analysis. These results suggested that the interfacial reactions of the ash particles with the alloy affected the increase of adhesive force.

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.88.816


    CiNii Research

  101. Reaction Behaviors in Packed-Bed Woody Biomass Gasifier(Thermal Engineering)

    TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, TORIGOE Takashi, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B   Vol. 75 ( 752 ) page: 810 - 816   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Gasification technology is recognized as one of the candidates to utilize the biomass effectively. From this viewpoint, this study focused fundamentals on woody biomass gasification, using a labscale packed-bed. In this experiment, pellets of black pine are gasified, using air as the gasification agent. The gasification tests were carried out under both updraft and downdraft conditions. The temperature distribution inside the gasifier and the compositions of gasified gas were measured and analyzed during gasification by thermo-couples inserted from a furnace wall and a micro gas chromatograph, respectively. The produced gasses before cooling were also sampled to analyze amount of tar generation in the gasses. As a result, the lower heating value of the produced gas under the downdraft condition was higher than that under the updraft condition. It was easier to operate under the downdraft condition than under the updraft. Under the updraft condition, bridging phenomenon happened. Amount of tar generation under the downdraft condition was lower than that under the updraft. This is because tar passes through a partial combustion zone or higher temperature zone in the downdraft gasifier.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.75.752_810


    CiNii Research

  102. 燃焼プロセスにおける微量成分を含む微粒子の生成挙動と炉内吸収技術

    成瀬 一郎

    工業加熱 46     page: 31 - 37   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  103. 界面反応を伴う石炭灰付着機構の解明 Reviewed

    義家 亮, 成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌 88,2     page: 816 - 822   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  104. Dependence of deposit behavior of combustion ash on coal types

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, IKEDA Nobuya, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, MATSUURA Mikio, ITO Tadashi, SATAKE Hideshi

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 46 ( 0 ) page: 126 - 127   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal fired boilers, molten ash particles generated during combustion have possibility of adhesion on surface of heat exchanger tubes. This causes problems of heat transfer inhibition such as slagging and fouling as well as boiler trouble on operation. In order to solve this problem, surface treatment technology of the heat exchanger tubes is developed in this study. This paper describes dependence of the adhesive force between the deposition layer and the tube surface on the coal types.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.46.0_126

    CiNii Research

  105. The Release Behavior of Boron in Coal Combustion

    NODA Naoki, MATSUDA Hiromitsu, Ito Shigeo, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 46 ( 0 ) page: 144 - 145   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Boron contained in coal are partly released to the flue gas during combustion. Boron are captured in flue gas cleaning systems and the emissions of these elements are generally low. However, it is important to understand the behavior of boron to improve the reliability of the gas cleaning systems. Though a lot of researches examined the behavior of boron, the behavior of these elements in coal combustion has not been clarified in detail yet. In this research, the release behavior of boron from coal was investigated using a drop tube furnace (DTF). As a result, it is thought that a part of the boron would be absorbed in molten slag during combustion.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.46.0_144

    CiNii Research

  106. Regeneration of waste lubricating oil by solvent extraction with membrane

    Miwa Takahiro, Yoshiie Ryo, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 20 ( 0 ) page: 125 - 125   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.

    CiNii Research

  107. 環境化学工学

    竹下 健二, 江頭 靖幸, 下ヶ橋 雅樹, 成瀬 一郎

    化学工学 = CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 72 ( 10 ) page: 570 - 574   2008.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  108. Development of thermal spraying wire for adhesion control of ashes (report 1)

    ITO Tadashi, SAITO Teiichiro, NAGANUMA Hiroshi, IKEDA Nobuya, NARUSE Ichiro, IGARASHI Yoshiaki

    Pre-Prints of the National Meeting of JWS   Vol. 83   page: 206 - 207   2008.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Welding Society  

    CiNii Research

  109. Development of thermal spraying wire for adhesion control of ashes (report 1)


    Preprints of the National Meeting of JWS   Vol. 2008f ( 0 ) page: 311 - 311   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY  

    A report of the adesion behaviors of ashes on work boiler tubes and some properties of thermal splaying layer, based on the study of the mechanisms of ash adhesion.

    DOI: 10.14920/jwstaikai.2008f.0.311.0

    CiNii Research

  110. 大気環境

    成瀬 一郎

    化学工学 = CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 71 ( 10 ) page: 702 - 703   2007.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  111. Role of Methanol in Supercritical Water Oxidation of Ammonia

    Taro Oe, Hiroshi Suzugaki, Ichiro Naruse, Armando T. Quitain, Hiroyuki Daimon, Koichi Fujie

    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research   Vol. 46 ( 11 ) page: 3566 - 3573   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

    The role of methanol (MeOH) in the supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) of ammonia (NHs) was investigated near the typical operating conditions of a commercial plant at 560-620°C and 25 MPa using a tubular reactor. It was found that the presence of MeOH strongly affected the reaction behavior of nitrogen. With the addition of MeOH, at concentrations more than twice the initial concentrations of NH3 (1.4-5.7 mmol/mol of the feed mixture), the conversion of NH3 to N2O increased by about four times to 0.5-0.6 compared to that with no MeOH addition. The production of NO3- from NH3 increased in the liquid effluent with a conversion of up to 0.2. The productions of NO2-, NO, and NO2 from NH3 had similar behavior under the presence of MeOH at the tested conditions, and significant effects were observed at MeOH concentrations more than 2-6 times of the initial concentrations of NH3. The experimental results made it clear that NO and NO 2 were produced under the SCWO conditions. Methods for the reduction of N2O and NO3- were also investigated. Results showed that SCWO is not suitable for the decomposition of N2O. Other post-treatment methods such as catalytic decomposition should be applied to reduce N2O in the gas effluent. NO3- reduction methods (e.g., two-step reaction) proposed in this study should also be considered to prevent corrosion of the reactor material. © 2007 American Chemical Society.

    DOI: 10.1021/ie070168u


    CiNii Research

  112. P224 Fundamental biomass gasification tests by packed-bed gasifier

    TORIGOE Takashi, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 2 ( 0 ) page: 88 - 89   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    The biomass gasification has recently been recognized as one of the candidate technologies to utilize the biomass effectively. In this study, pellets of black pine are gasified in a packed-bed gasifier, using air as gasification agent. In the gasification tests, the temperature distribution in the gasifier and the compositions in the gasified gas are measured and analyzed during gasification by thermo-couples and a micro gas chromatograph, respectively. Fundamental gasification characteristics in the packed-bed were discussed by those results obtained.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.2.0_88

    CiNii Research

  113. O211 Fundamental characteristics of CO_2 and H_2O gasification for woody biomass in electrically heated drop tube furnace

    Shinba Takanori, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 2 ( 0 ) page: 36 - 37   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Fundamental gasification characteristics in CO_2 and H_2O atmospheres at high temperature are experimentally studied, using an electric heated drop tube furnace. The gasification experiments are performed, changing temperature at the furnace wall, gasification agents and residence time. Hinoki sawdust is selected as a fuel. In the experiments, the gas composition and the elemental compositions in the residual reaction particles are analyzed. The result shows that co-existence of CO_2 with H_2O can enhance the gasification performance, compared with the individual gasification characteristics.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.2.0_36

    CiNii Research

  114. Emission Behaviors and Control of Trace Elements during Combustion Processes

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan   Vol. 14 ( 328 ) page: 177 - 183   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan  

    DOI: 10.11451/mukimate2000.14.177

    CiNii Research

  115. Atmospheric Environment

      Vol. 70 ( 10 ) page: 575 - 576   2006.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  116. Twenty-first annual international pittsburgh coal conference

    Suzuki T., Naruse I.

    Fuel   Vol. 85 ( 2 )   2006.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2005.08.024


  117. P227 Gasification characteristics of woody biomass by electrically heated drop tube furnace

    Shinba Takanori, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 1 ( 0 ) page: 110 - 111   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Gasification and pyrolysis characteristics of woody biomass were studied, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace, at 1173K and in CO_2 and N_2 atmospheres, respectively. Hinoki sawdust was selected as one of samples of woody biomass. Under this experimental condition, the gasification conversion and cold gas efficiency attained about 18% and 39%, respectively. The main components of the gaseous species were CO, H_2 and CH_4. The concentrations of those gaseous species in gasification were higher than that in pyrolysis. The main composition of the residue for gasification was fixed carbon. These results suggested that volatile matter in the biomass is easily gasified. The fixed carbon in the biomass was hard to be gasified.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.1.0_110

    CiNii Research

  118. Effect of Alkali Metal Compounds on Limestone Calcination in Desulfurization Process: Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    MURAKAMI Takahiro, KURITA Noriyuki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan   Vol. 114 ( 1332 ) page: 676 - 680   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Ceramic Society of Japan  

    In this study, the change in the desulfurization characteristics of limestone induced by adding some alkali metal compounds and chlorides to limestone was investigated by thermobalance experiments. In addition, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to elucidate the effect of alkali-metal chloride additions on the CaO calcination for the desulfurization process. The experimental results obtained show that the addition of NaCl into the limestone is the most effective in improving the desulfurization efficiency. The X-ray diffraction analyses of the calcined seashell, limestone and NaCl-doped limestone found that the calcined seashell, as well as the calcined NaCl-doped limestone, have a similar structure as the CaO crystal. These two materials also show a high desulfurization efficiency. The MD simulations show that NaCl doping into the CaO contributes to the crystallization of CaO, while KCl and LiCl dopings have a small contribution. Therefore, the NaCl doping has a predominant effect on the CaO crystallization leading to a high desulfurization efficiency.<br>

    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.114.676


    CiNii Research

  119. P223 NO and N_2O behaviors during co-combustion of low-grade coal with biomass

    Gani Asri, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science   Vol. 1 ( 0 ) page: 102 - 103   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In considering effective utilization of low-grade coals with high fixed carbon content, it is necessary to enhance ignition and burnout characteristics by means of adding the supplemental fuels. Co-combustion technologies for low-grade coals with biomass are generally recognized as one of the candidate technologies to enhance these characteristics. Although the biomass addition will affect NO_x emission, the precise NO and N_2O behaviors during co-combustion have not always been elucidated yet. Therefore, this report studies fundamental NO and N_2O formation/decomposition behaviors and their mechanisms experimentally and theoretically. In the simulation, the homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction schemes are considered to elucidate the NO and N_2O formation/decomposition mechanisms precisely. As a result, concentrations of NO and N_2O during co-combustion become almost similar to those during coal combustion, even if the input fuel nitrogen in co-combustion is half of that in coal combustion. The NO and N_2O formation/decomposition mechanisms relate to the heterogeneous reaction scheme. The main elemental reaction is the reaction of NO with char-C to produce CN, which reacts with OH to form NCO. Consequently, the simulation results agree well with the experimental results obtained.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.1.0_102

    CiNii Research

  120. Formation Mechanisms and Control of Particulate Matter with Trace Metal Compounds in Solid-fuel Combustion Processes

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan   Vol. 48 ( 144 ) page: 174 - 179   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Combustion Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.20619/jcombsj.48.144_174

    CiNii Research

  121. Caracteristic of Particulate Matter Formation during Combustion of Simulated Waste Oil

    kanaoka toshiki, muramatsu kenshi, naruse ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   Vol. 17 ( 0 ) page: 241 - 241   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    This paper studies the fundamental formation characteristics of fine particulates during the wasted oil combustion. The combustion experiments are conducted, using a drop tube furnace with a spray burner of two-phase flow type. The particulate matter in the exhausted gas is collected and classified by a Low Pressure Impactor (LPI) isokinetically. This study focuses on effect of content of residual carbon and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in a fuel on the PM formation. The light oil with C-type heavy oil or several types of aromatic hydrocarbons are tested as the simulated waste oils. As a result, particle size distribution of the particulates during light oil combustion at stoichiometric air ratio of 0.8 becomes single-mode with the size between 0.08 and 0.24 mm. The PM collected looks like a tar as precursor of soot particles. The residual carbon and aromatic hydrocarbons in a fuel affect concentration of precursor of soot particles and formation of submicron particles with size between 0.08 and 0.24 mm. Additionally, 3 to 4 rings PAHs are concentrated in the precursor of soot particles.

    DOI: 10.14912/jswmepac.

    CiNii Research

  122. Screening of sorbents and capture of lead and cadmium compounds during sewage sludge combustion

    Yao H., Mkilaha I., Naruse I.

    Fuel   Vol. 83 ( 7-8 ) page: 1001 - 1007   2004.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    Current understanding has shown that aluminosilicate- and calcium-based sorbents could be applied to control trace metals emission from combustion and incineration processes. However, the use of industrial commercial sorbents is not always appropriate. The present study dwells on the use of natural and waste materials as sorbents to capture lead and cadmium compounds during combustion. The main task is to optimize the use of those materials by screening them, using a thermobalance. Then, the determined optimum sorbent was tested on an electrically heated drop tube furnace, burning sewage sludge at temperatures ranging from 1073 to 1223 K. The results showed that some of aluminosilicate-based sorbent were more effective than calcium-based sorbents. Kaolin was found to be a relatively effective sorbent for Pb and Cd capturing. The results further showed that the capture ability depended on chemical compositions and specific surface area of the sorbents. Presence of HCl caused a little decrease in the capture ability, using aluminosilicate-based sorbents, while significant effect on the capture processes was noted when calcium-based sorbents were used. Furthermore, when kaolin was added into the sewage sludge, kaolin was an appropriate sorbent to control lead and cadmium emissions. Temperature increase enhances the capture ability under our experimental conditions. Kaolin addition played a role for low leachability of the trace metals. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2003.10.022


  123. 燃焼プロセスにおける微量金属成分の生成挙動解明とその制御に関する研究(進歩賞(学術部門),平成15年度日本エネルギー学会)

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 83 ( 4 ) page: 3   2004.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会  

    CiNii Research

  124. Application of Wasted Plastics to Thermal and Carbon Sources in Electric Furnaces for Steel Making

    KAMESHIMA Tamotsu

      Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: 94   2004.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  125. Methodology to construct material circulatory network in a local community

    Naruse, I; Hotta, M; Goto, T; Funatsu, K


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    Web of Science

  126. Material Circulatory Network in Local Society

    NARUSE Ichiro

      Vol. 67 ( 5 ) page: 267 - 268   2003.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  127. Sorbent control of trace metals in sewage sludge combustion and incineration

    Naruse I., Yao H., Mkilaha I.

    Journal De Physique. IV : JP   Vol. 107 ( II ) page: 917 - 920   2003.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal De Physique. IV : JP  

    Coal and wastes combustion have become an important issue not only in terms of energy generation but also environmental conservation. The need for alternative fuels and wastes management has made the two energy sources of importance. However, the utilization of the two is faced with problems of impurity trace metals in the fuel. These metals usually speciate during combustion or incineration leading to generation of fumes and subsequently particles. This paper reports on the study aimed at understanding the speciation of trace metals and their emission from combustion systems as particulates. Experiments carried out using a down-flow furnace and theoretical study carried out using lead, chromium and cadmium as basic metals had shown that their speciation and subsequent emission is controlled by both chemical composition and physical properties of the fuel. The physical and chemical and physical properties of the fuel and their respective compounds and the operating conditions of the incineration and combustion system control the enrichment of the particles with trace metals.

    DOI: 10.1051/jp4:20030448


  128. Optimization and utilization of sorbents to control trace metal emissions in combustion processes

    Yao, H; Naruse, I

    COAL COMBUSTION FACING THE 21ST CENTURY     page: 427 - 431   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  129. Trace-metal speciation during sludge combustion and incineration

    Mkilaha I., Yao H., Naruse I.

    Combustion Science and Technology   Vol. 174 ( 11-12 ) page: 325 - 344   2002.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Combustion Science and Technology  

    Municipal waste combustion has been opted as a method for reducing the size of the volume, and consequently, for reducing the necessary requirement of areas for direct disposal. However, the emission of the conventional gaseous pollutants are not the only problem; traces of metal fumes emanate from the metallic compounds that are in the wastes. Efforts to control these metal fumes have not been so successful because of the complicated mechanisms of the metallic compounds during combustion. Failure of the conventional systems to trap the trace elements is due to their appearance with the submicron particles from the combustion and incineration systems. In this work, a thermomechanical equilibrium approach is employed to study the combustion and gasification behavior of trace metals with a case of lead, cadmium, and chromium during the incineration of sewage sludge. In this work, sulfur and chlorine have been found to play a key role in the speciation of the trace metals. However, these elements are only active when oxygen is present. A test on alkali metals mixed with trace metals showed that at low concentrations of S and Cl, the alkali metals react first with these elements before other metals. Chlorine assists in retaining most of the trace metals in the vapor phase while sulfur keeps them in the condensed form. The presence of iron, as is the case with most sorbents, hinders the reaction of Cl with the metals, thus suppressing the formation of volatile compounds.

    DOI: 10.1080/713712965


  130. Thermodynamic analysis of the role of chlorine and sulfur environments during combustion and incineration processes

    MKILAHA Iddi S. N., YAO Hong, NARUSE Ichiro

      Vol. 4 ( 2 ) page: 143 - 149   2002.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  131. 固体の燃焼

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 81 ( 7 ) page: 606 - 607   2002.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  132. 燃焼プロセスにおける水銀の挙動と制御

    成瀬 一郎

    化学工学   Vol. 66 ( 4 ) page: 247 - 248   2002.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  133. 固体の燃焼

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 80 ( 7 ) page: 605 - 606   2001.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  134. Prediction of Evolution Characteristics of Alkali Metal Compounds in Coal Combustion/Gasification from Coal Properties.


    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 34 ( 7 ) page: 899 - 905   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Fundamental evolution characteristics of alkali metal compounds, especially sodium compounds in coal combustion/gasification were experimentally studied using a rapidly heated batch reactor under a wide range of temperature conditions. Six types of coal with different properties were reacted in the reactor. The evolution characteristics of sodium compounds obtained experimentally were compared with those predicted using both coal properties of cross-correlation coefficient between sodium and silicon in the raw coal and the fraction of condensed sodium aluminosilicates in the residue, calculated by the thermochemical equilibrium theory. The reason why the two indices were selected is that the sodium aluminosilicates was detected by X-ray diffraction analysis in the residue. The cross-correlation coefficient between sodium and silicon in the raw coal is calculated using two digital images of sodium and silicon distributions obtained by the Energy dispersed X-ray (EDX) analysis at the cross-section of raw coals. On the other hand, the chemical equilibrium calculation is performed by prescribing the experimental conditions and ultimate analysis data and ash compositions of the coal. The results predicted correlated well with the experimental data even when the evolution characteristics of sodium was dependent on the coal type and when the experimental conditions were varied widely. The coal with low cross-correlation coefficient between sodium and silicon and low fraction of condensed sodium aluminosilicates in the residue was found to release sodium compounds. Both of the two indices proposed can contribute to the prediction of fundamental evolution characteristics of alkali metal compounds in the coal combustion/gasification.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.34.899


    CiNii Research

  135. Output-Input and Input-Output Database in Industrial Processes.

    Yoshida Hiroyuki, Imaoka Tsutomu, Tanada Seiki, Kajiuchi Toshio, Naruse Ichiro, Ohno Katsuhisa, Muroyama Katsuhiko, Sawada Tatsuro, Ishii Mikita, Hatate Yasuo, Funazukuri Toshitaka, Shirai Yoshihito, Goto Motonobu, Nagai Minoru, Hirao Masahiko, Katayama Hiroyuki, Mizuno Noritaka, Goto Shigeo

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   Vol. 14 ( 4 ) page: 333 - 343   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, JAPAN  

    DOI: 10.11353/sesj1988.14.333

    CiNii Research

  136. Methodology to Construct Material Circulation Network in a Local Community

    NARUSET Ichiro, GOTOW Tomoyuki, YAMAUCHI Kenji, FUNATSU Kimito

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   Vol. 14 ( 2 ) page: 231 - 237   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, JAPAN  

    In order to realize a social system with sustainable development, it is necessary for local communities to construct inter-industries material circulation network. In this aspect, wastes evolving from the industries are defined as unused materials. This study suggests a methodology of constructing networks among different industries for reusable materials. Two types of databases are made by means of industrial surveys. One of the databases reveals information about raw material, products and wastes, which is received or emitted on each company of industries in a subject community. The second database defines conversion technologies that enable to transform the wastes into reusable materials. Based on the databases, a network simulator program can analyze material flows in the community. In this paper, Higashi-Mikawa area in Aichi Prefecture was chosen as a model of local community, and the databases of the industries and wastes treatment companies were made, furthermore the material flow for. selected wastes were simulated. Additionally, one suggestion about optimum material circulation network in an application of proper conversion technology is hypothetically designed.

    DOI: 10.11353/sesj1988.14.231

    CiNii Research

  137. Emission and De-chlorination Characteristics in Refuse-Derived Fuel Combustion.

    Naruse Ichiro, Higuchi Atsushi, Yanagino Hideo

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 27 ( 5 ) page: 604 - 609   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Fundamental de-chlorination characteristics of Refuse-Derived Fuels (RDF), which were developed for use as a source of thermal energy, were studied by using both practical RDF and simulated RDF. For the simulated RDF polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or NaCl was added as a chlorine source. In the experiments, single pellets of RDF were burned in an electrically heated batch furnace. The de-chlorination efficiency was calculated by analysis of Cl in the residue after combustion. The efficiency obtained was compared with that obtained by chemical equilibrium calculation.<br>HCl was found to be mainly emitted during the volatile matter combustion. The de-chlorination characteristics for PVC addition differ from that for NaCl addition. For the RDF with PVC and Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> addition, the de-chlorination reaction depends on the furnace temperature, and the optimum temperature is about 923 K. At low temperature the de-chlorination rate is slower than the evolution rate of HCl gas, whereas high temperature, CaCl<sub>2</sub>, which is produced by the de-chlorination reaction, is decomposed during the char combustion. For the NaCl addition, C1 is not absorbed into a Ca compound. According to chemical equilibrium calculation, NaCl is evaporated as a form of NaCl and Na<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> vapors, and HCl is not produced.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.27.604


    CiNii Research

  138. Reaction Behavior of Coke Lump in Raceway of Blast Furnace with Pulverized Coal Injection.

    Naruse Ichiro, Nakayama Katsuya, Higuchi Atsushi, Khairil

    ISIJ International   Vol. 40 ( 8 ) page: 744 - 748   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    Reaction behaviors of a coke lump in raceway of blast furnaces which pulverized coal injection technology was adopted were studied by using a horizontal pulverized coal reactor. In the experiments two types of coke lump were used as samples. In the experiments, the reaction behaviors of coke lump were continuously observed by an 8 mm video camera system. Mass change of the coke lump was weighed at each exposure time, and surface temperature of the coke lump was also continuously measured by a two-color pyrometer. Additionally, both the reacting coal particles and gas were sampled and analyzed, and the deposition on the coke surface was also analyzed. In order to elucidate the effect of ash particles in coal on the coke reaction, LPG was also supplied as a fuel into the reactor instead of coal. <br>As a result, mass loss of coke in the coal combustion is larger than that in the LPG combustion. When the coal particles collide with the coke at the surface, the ash particles easily stick there and spherical molten ash is formed on the surface. For the LPG combustion, only small spherical molten ash resulted from the coke is formed. Those results suggest that ash particles of the coal may enhance coke degradation due to chemical interactions between coal ash and coke.

    DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.40.744


    CiNii Research

  139. 69. Ash Adhesion Behavior in Coal Gasification Reactor


    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 37 ( 0 ) page: 281 - 284   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    The adhesion behavior of ash generated during coal gasification under high temperature condition was investigated by using horizontal-type pulverized coal reactor with water-cooled tube. The size distribution and chemical composition of attacking and deposited particles on tube surface were measured by CCSEM (Computer Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy). The fraction of fine size and low fusion temperature in collision particles selectively adhered to tube surface. The ash adhesion probability to dry surface was determined by the collision efficiency and viscosity prediction of each particle. Ash adhesion model that will be applied to the gasifier was proposed.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.37.0_281

    CiNii Research

  140. 7-4. Fundamentals on Combustion and De-chlorine Behaviors of Refuse Derived Fuel

    HIGUCHI Atsushi, YANAGINO Hidero, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 9 ( 0 ) page: 285 - 288   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.9.0_285

    CiNii Research

  141. Effect of Alkali Metal Compounds into Sea-Shell on Desulfurization Characteristics.

    MURAKAMI Takahiro, SAITO Katsuhiro, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 79 ( 11 ) page: 1070 - 1077   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Influence of alkali metal compounds on desulfurization characteristics of sea-shell and limestone was elucidated quantitatively by using a thermobalance in this study. Scallop removed alkali metals and chlorine and Tsukumi limestone added several alkali metal compounds and chlorides were used as a sample. In order to elucidate additive effect of sodium chloride into the limestone on the desulfurization characteristics, the mean pore size by a pore sizer, the sulfur distribution within a reacting particle by an EDX system and the crystal structure of particles by a XRD system were measured.<BR>As a result, the desulfurization efficiency for the scallop even after removing the alkali metals and chlorine little changed. The addition of sodium chloride into the limestone can increase the desulfurization efficiency best. Both the mean pore size and the crystal structure of the calcined limestone, into which sodium chloride was added, was similar to those of the calcined scallop.Thus the desulfurization reaction produced over the whole of a particle. However, even if sodium chloride was added into the calcined limestone (CaO), the desulfurization efficiency was not promoted.

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.79.1070


    CiNii Research

  142. Studies on Combustion and Sulfur Fixation Characteristics of Coal-Biomass Briquette

    WANG Qing-Yue, LU Guo-Qing, SAKAMOTO Kazuhiko, MARUYAMA Toshihiko, KIM Hee-Joon, NARUSE Ichiro, HATAKEYAMA Shiro, MIZOGUCHI Tsuguo, LUO Rong-Xue, KAMIDE Mitsushi

    Earozoru Kenkyu   Vol. 15 ( 4 ) page: 364 - 371   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology  

    In order to utilize low-grade coals, which contain high concentrations of sulfur (2-6 wt. %) and ash (>15 wt. %, dry basis), controlling pollutant emissions during combustion in domestic stoves and small-capacity industrial boilers, a composite solid fuel “coal-biomass briquette” with sulfur fixation function was produced in a pilot plant in Chongqing city, China. It was composed of 80 wt. % of low-grade coal and 20 wt. % of biomass (<I>e. g.</I>, wood chips and agricultural wastes) with a small fraction of sulfur-fixation additives. In this study, we investigated the ignition and combustion characteristics of the coal-biomass briquettes, and developed a new sulfur fixation additive made from sub-product in gas welding industries. It was found that the coal-biomass briquette has the lower ignition temperature and higher combustion efficiency than the usual coal briquettes, and that the newly developed additive was superior to limestone or scallop shells in sulfur fixation capability. This method is simple, economical, and efficient, in terms of emission control of SO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO and other particulate pollutants from the combustion of low-grade coals using the conventional domestic stoves and boilers without modification. The coal-biomass briquette can be applicable for pollution control of coal combustion in some developing countries.

    DOI: 10.11203/jar.15.364

    CiNii Research

  143. Reaction Behaviors of Coke under High-temperature Pulverized Coal Reaction Conditions

    HIGUCHI Atsushi

      Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 70 - 72   1999.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Research

  144. Effects of air dilution on highly preheated air combustion in a regenerative furnace

    Yuan, JW; Naruse, I

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 13 ( 1 ) page: 99 - 104   1999.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef980127y

    Web of Science

  145. Fundamental Evolution Characteristics of Alkali Metal Compounds in Coal Combustion.


    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 25 ( 3 ) page: 389 - 394   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    In combined cycle power generation systems for coal combustion and/or gasification, the vapor of alkali metal compounds may cause hot corrosion at the surface of blades of a gas turbine. The influence of coal type on fundamental evolution characteristics of alkali metal compounds, especially sodium compounds, in coal combustion is experimentally elucidated in this study by using a rapidly heated electrical batch combustor. Both classification of forms of sodium compounds and analysis of the cross-correlation coefficients between the existing locations of sodium and other elements in the cross-section of a particle of raw coal by using an EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray) system and an image correlation method are conducted in order to quantify the effect of coal type on the sodium evolution characteristics.<BR>As a result, the evolution characteristics of sodium are influenced by the coal type. Most of the sodium evolved is classified as water-soluble sodium. Coal in which sodium chloride is contained as a major sodium compound evolves sodium compounds more easily than other coals do. The distributions of sodium, silicon and aluminum in a coal particle contribute to the evolution characteristics of sodium. Coals with high cross-correlation coefficients between sodium and silicon/aluminum show low evolution fraction of sodium.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.25.389


    CiNii Research

  146. 2F1130 Combustion Rate Analysis of Elliptical Coal-Biomass Briquette

    WangQing-Yue, LuGuo-Qing, KimHee-Joon, NaruseI.

        page: 371   1998.9

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    CiNii Research

  147. Non-Contact Temperature Measurement under High Temperature Conditions

    NARUSE Ichiro

      Vol. 62 ( 1 ) page: 47 - 48   1998.1

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    CiNii Research

  148. Self-Denitrification Behavior of Biobriquette Added with Pulp Black Liquid.


    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 24 ( 5 ) page: 779 - 783   1998

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    The characteristics of self-denitrification in biobriquettes are studied experimentally. To enhance effective utilization of low-grade coals, and to control emission of environmental pollutants from combustion, a new artificial solid fuel, a biobriquette with a self-denitrification function, is developed. It was produced by the mixture of low-grade coal, cornstalk as biomass and pulp black liquid as denitrificazer under a high compression pressure condition. Both experiments of pyrolysis and combustion were performed in order to reveal the mechanism of nitrogen-oxide formation and denitrification of the biobriquette.<BR>It is found that the release fraction of fuel-N is raised with increasing pyrolysis temperature in both coal and biomass. The release fraction of fuel-N in biomass is much higher than coal at the same pyrolysis temperature. The conversion fraction of fuel-N to NO slightly ascends and the fraction to N<SUB>2</SUB>O slowly descends with increasing furnace temperature, but the sum of conversion fraction of fuel-N to NO and N<SUB>2</SUB>O appears to be independent of furnace temperature. The denitrification process of the biobriquette with the pulp black liquid appears to proceed as two stages, namely the volatile combustion stage and the char combustion stage. Denitrification mainly happens in the char combustion stage. A denitrification efficiency of 40% can be obtained in the biobriquette combustion with a pulp black liquid of 10 mass%. Finally, it is confirmed for the first time that the pulp black liquid has significant denitrification capabilities in the biobriquette combustion.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.24.779


    CiNii Research

  149. Study on characteristics of self-desulfurization and self-denitrification in biobriquette combustion

    Naruse I., Kim H., Lu G., Yuan J., Ohtake K.

    Symposium (International) on Combustion   Vol. 27 ( 2 ) page: 2973 - 2979   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Symposium (International) on Combustion  

    The characteristics of self-desulfurization and self-denitrification in biobriquettes were studied experimentally and numerically in this paper. The biobriquette was produced by mixing coal, biomass, desulfurizer, and/or denitrificater under a high-compression pressure condition. The combustion process of biobriquette appears in two stages, namely the volatile combustion stage and the char combustion stage. It was proved that limestone, wasted scallop shell, and calcium hydroxide have effective self-desulfurization capability in biobriquette combustion and that desulfurization mainly happens in the char combustion stage. Comparatively among the three desulfurizers used, calcium hydroxide has the highest desulfurization capability because of its lower calcination temperature, and scallop shell the second because of the larger porosity after calcination. A desulfurization efficiency as high as about 80% can be reached for some kinds of coals using scallop shell as desulfurizer with Ca/S over 3. A modified shrinking-core model was developed to predict the desulfurization efficiency in the char combustion stage, and an approximate agreement was obtained between the predictions and the experiments. It was also found that pulp black liquid, an industrial waste to roll as binder in the biobriquetting process, has both self-denitrification and self-desulfurization capabilities in biobriquette combustion. A denitrification efficiency of about 40% can be obtained by adding the pulp black liquid into biobriquette with about 15% in mass.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0082-0784(98)80157-4


  150. Reduction of pollutants from diesel exhaust by high pressure gas injection

    Kawai D., Mkilaha I., Osawa T., Naruse I., Ohtake K.

    JSAE Review   Vol. 18 ( 3 ) page: 241 - 245   1997.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JSAE Review  

    In order to reduce the pollutants from diesel exhaust, high-pressure gas was injected during combustion into a modified pre-chamber of an IDI diesel engine at a varied load and gas injection timing. The result shows that high-pressure gas injection can reduce the particulates and NOx simultaneously, with little influence on the engine performance. The combustion process in the pre-chamber was visualized by means of an ultra high-speed video system and image analysis of the pictures obtained. The results of the visualization show that by injecting gas, the flame is first quenched, followed by the reduction of NOx in the pre-chamber by hydrocarbon. Although high-pressure gas injection could have caused a substantial increase in HC as a result of temperature quenching, this seems to be controlled by the consumed portion of HC during the recycling of NOx. Chemical analysis of polycyclic aromatics compounds was carried out for the purpose of establishing its variations with gas injection. It was established that gas injection not only reduces PM by oxidation of solid carbon, but also the PAH component. © 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Elsevier Science B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0389-4304(97)00013-1


  151. Reduction of pollutants from diesel exhaust by high pressure gas injection

    KAWAI Daizaburo, MKILAHA Iddi S. N., OSAWA Takuya, NARUSE Ichiro, OHTAKE Kazutomo

      Vol. 18 ( 3 ) page: 241 - 245   1997.7

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    CiNii Research

  152. Simultaneous reduction of particulate matter and NO<inf>x</inf> in a diesel engine by compressed gas injection: Macroscopic study at residual load

    Mkilaha I.S.N., Inoue M., Kawai D., Naruse I., Ohtake K.

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering   Vol. 211 ( 3 ) page: 227 - 236   1997

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering  

    A modified pre-chamber of an indirect injection (IDI) diesel engine was used to elucidate the influence on emissions of compressed air injection into the pre-chamber during combustion. The test parameters were air injection timing and arrangements of gas injection. This paper presents the experimental results for two types of injection arrangements; I- and Y-type. The I-type is arranged such that the gas injection jet and fuel injection nozzle are in opposite directions, while the Y-type is such that it forms a 'Y' shape with the nozzle and the passageway. Results obtained reveal that the Y-type arrangement is superior in combustion characteristics and emissions reduction to the I-type. A remarkable reduction in both particulate matter (PM) and NOx is realized at air injection timings during 35° and 65° after top dead centre (ATDC). The reduction mechanism can be explained as due to the induced turbulence which improves mixing and heat transfer. The effect of the modifications on the performance of the engine was evaluated based on the fuel economy and efficiency. This evaluation has shown that the test cylinder approximates closely to the normal cylinder of the original engine. © IMechE 1997.

    DOI: 10.1243/0954407971526380


  153. 燃焼プロセスにおける有害金属の生成機構とその制御 : アメリカにおける研究動向

    成瀬 一郎

    日本機械学会誌   Vol. 100 ( 947 ) page: 1108   1997

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.100.947_1108

    CiNii Research

  154. Fundamental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Biobriquette.

    Lu Guo-Qing, Toyama Tetsuya, Kim Hee-Joon, Naruse Ichiro, Ohtake Kazutomo, Kamide Mitsushi

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 23 ( 3 ) page: 404 - 412   1997

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Characteristics of pyrolysis and combustion of biobriquettes were studied by using an electrically heated batch combustor. The influences of biomass content of the biobriquette on the combustion characteristics which were obtained by measuring the fuel consumption profile and the experimental results were analyzed by both volume and shrinking-core reaction models.<BR>The following conclusions were obtained (1) total volatile matter content in the biobriquette was directly proportional to its biomass content. Biomass in the biobriquette promotes ignitability and burning rate of low grade coal ; (2) combustion time history was divided into two stages, in which volatile matter mainly evolved and burned to lead fixed carbon combustion ; (3) in the former stage, the reaction rate constant and its order always remained linear related to biomass content ; (4) in the latter stage, the combustion behavior may be simulated by using the shrinking-core reaction model and the reaction was controlled by oxygen diffusion through both the gas boundary layer film and the ash layer almost evenly, and ash layer diffusion coefficients were also linear related to biomass content.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.23.404


    CiNii Research

  155. Computation Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering. Influence of Coal Type and Briquetting Conditions on Combustion Rate of Biobriquette.

    Lu Guo-Qing, Kim Hee-Joon, Naruse Ichiro, Ohtake Kazutomo, Kamide Mitsushi

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 23 ( 6 ) page: 954 - 961   1997

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    The combustion time history of a biobriquette is divided into two stages in which volatile matter content mainly evolves and burns prior to char combustion. The volume model for the former stage and the shrinking-core reaction model for the latter stage are employed to calculate the combustion rate of the biobriquette. In this study, the influence of briquette shape, compression pressure and types of coal on the combustion rate are investigated by using the two models and experimental data.<BR>The shapes of spherical and cylindrical biobriquettes hardly influence the combustion behavior of the biobriquette (if they have same diameter and the length of cylinder is equal to its diameter). Compression pressure has no effect on the rate of the former stage but gave obvious effect on the latter stage through the density change of the biobriquette when it is under about 245 MPa. The reaction rate constant and its order vary linearly with the fuel ratio of coal briquette in the former stage. The type of coal and compression pressure have a larger influence on the rate of the latter stage due to different porosity in the ash layer. Finally, the combustion rate can be analyzed by the obtained models and semi-empirical equation.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.23.954


    CiNii Research

  156. Fundamentals on Evaporation of Alkali Compounds.

    Noda Reiji, Takano Tsuyoshi, Naruse Ichiro, Ohtake Kazutomo

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 23 ( 5 ) page: 635 - 643   1997

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    In order to obtain fundamental data for alkali metal vaporization, the evaporation rate of alkali chlorides and alkali sulfates (NaCl, KCl, Na<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>, K<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>), which are major alkali compounds present in coal, were measured under inert, oxidizing and reducing atmosphere by using a thermobalance. A diffusion model was applied to obtain alkali metal evaporation data and identify an evaporating path and a rate controlling phenomena.<BR>Alkali chlorides evaporated as monomers and dimers. The evaporation rate is explained by a diffusion model. In the case of alkali sulfates, a dissociation reaction occurred simultaneously with evaporation as monomer. In inert and oxidizing atmospheres, the dissociation reaction was represented as<BR>M<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>⇒2M+SO<SUB>2</SUB>+O<SUB>2</SUB><BR>Evaporation rates can be calculated by a diffusion model in oxidizing atmosphere. In an inert atmosphere, however, when dissociation becames remarkable evaporation rate is controlled by the dissociation rate. Under a reducing atmosphere the expected reaction was represented as<BR>M<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>+2CO⇒2M+SO<SUB>2</SUB>+2CO<SUB>2</SUB><BR>This reaction does not reach equilibrium, so that the following reactions controll evaporation rate.<BR>M<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>⇒2M+COS+5CO<SUB>2</SUB><BR>COS+2CO<SUB>2</SUB>⇒SO<SUB>2</SUB>+3CO

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.23.635


    CiNii Research

  157. 2. 燃焼・燃料 : 2・5 固体燃料 (機械工学年鑑(1994年)熱工学)

    成瀬 一郎

    日本機械学會論文集. B編   Vol. 61 ( 588 ) page: 2780 - 2781   1995.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人日本機械学会  

    CiNii Research

  158. 4-1. Characteristics of Biobriquette Combustion and Desulfurization of Shell

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 4 ( 0 ) page: 103 - 106   1995

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.4.0_103

    CiNii Research

  159. Characteristics of Desulfurization Reaction by Shells.

    Naruse Ichiro, Nishimura Kiyoshi, Ohtake Kazutomo, Kawabe Teisuke

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 21 ( 5 ) page: 904 - 909   1995

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Desulfurization characteristics of shells (scallop (Hotate), short-necked clam (Asari) and oyster (Kaki)) were studied by using a thermobalance and compared to the results obtained by limestones (Tsukumi-and Funao-Brand) currently used as desulfurizers. First, such physical and chemical properties of these samples as specific surface area, pore size distribution and chemical constituents are identified. In the thermobalance experiments the calcination temperature, the rate of temperature increase to this point, and the desulfurizing temperature are changed, and the particle diameter is fixed in the range of 297-420 μm. After calcination is carried out in N<SUB>2</SUB> gas, the sample is sulfurized in SO<SUB>2</SUB>+O<SUB>2</SUB> gas in N<SUB>2</SUB> balance. The cross-sectional sulfur distribution within the reacted particle is measured by a two-dimensional XMA. Results show there is no correlation between the desulfurization efficiency and the specific surface area. However the desulfurization efficiency depends on the pore size distribution. The desulfurization efficiency of shells becomes higher than that of limestones. In the case of limestone, sulfur is only trapped near the particle surface since the micro-pores are plugged due to CaSO<SUB>4</SUB>. In the case of the shells, however, the sulfur is distributed over the whole body.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.21.904

    CiNii Research

  160. Study of N2O Formation Characteristics in Char Combustion.

    Kuramoto Koji, Koizumi Kazuhiro, Naruse Ichiro, Ohtake Kazutomo

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 20 ( 4 ) page: 482 - 488   1994

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Formation/destruction characteristics of nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) in bubbling fluidized-bed coal combustion, especially in char combustion, were experimentally studied, using a fixed-bed reactor in which char particles were packed in a single layer. In the combustion experiment, such combustion parameters as bed temperature, supplied oxygen concentration and char type were varied. The change of gas species concentration and compositions in the burning char were analyzed during the char combustion process.<BR>In the initial stage of char combustion, NO was produced rapidly, but N<SUB>2</SUB>O concentration increased slowly. This result is caused by N<SUB>2</SUB>O destruction due to H radical, which is produced from the oxidation of CO. In the latter half of combustion, however, N<SUB>2</SUB>O concentration increased faster since the formation rate of H radical decreased. The N<SUB>2</SUB>O concentration increased with decreasing bed temperature and with increasing supplied O<SUB>2</SUB> concentration. This tendency is similar to that in the volatile combustion. From chemical and physical analyses of the burning char particles, the evolution behavior of N-component is influenced by the difference in surface and internal structures (network or balloon type) during the char combustion.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.20.482

    CiNii Research

  161. Fossil Energy. Characteristics of N2O Formation/Destruction in Low Temperature Pulverized Coal Combustion.

    Naruse Ichiro, Yamamoto Yasuyukim, Itoh Hirofumi, Ohtake Kazutomo

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 20 ( 6 ) page: 843 - 848   1994

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    One of the main sources of N<SUB>2</SUB>O production is considered to be exhaust gas released from low temperature coal combustors. In this study N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation/destruction characteristics in pulverized coal combustion under low temperature condition are discussed by changing coal types. The experimental apparatus is a one dimensional electrically heated laminar flow reactor. By calculating the mass balance of nitrogen included in both the sampled burning particles and combustion gas, the effect of gas species including nitrogen (HCN and NH<SUB>3</SUB>) on N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation is studied experimentally.<BR>N<SUB>2</SUB>O is mainly produced during volatile matter combustion. Coals which emit more HCN than NH<SUB>3</SUB> produce higher N<SUB>2</SUB>O concentration. After volatile matter combustion, N<SUB>2</SUB>O concentration increases again and NO concentration decreases gradually. This result can be explained by means of the mass balance of nitrogen. An increase in N<SUB>2</SUB>O in char combustion may be caused not only by the reaction between NO and carbon in char : NO + (char-C) -NCO and NCO + NO→N<SUB>2</SUB>O +CO, but also the reaction between nitrogen in char and NO : (char-N) +NO→N<SUB>2</SUB>O. The conversion from fuel nitrogen to N<SUB>2</SUB>O increases with a decrease in the burning fraction and with a decrease in the fuel ratio. This tendency depends on the difference of temperature and combustion atmosphere surrounding coal particles.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.20.843

    CiNii Research

  162. Formation Characteristics and Mechanisms of N2O in Bubbling Fluidized-Bed Coal Combustion.

    Naruse Ichiro, Imanari Masao, Koizumi Kazuhiro, Yuan Jian-Wei, Ohtake Kazutomo

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 20 ( 2 ) page: 178 - 185   1994

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Characteristics and mechanisms of N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation/destruction in bubbling fluidized-bed coal combustion were studied experimentally and theoretically. Combustion experiments were carried out to find the influence of bed temperature, combustion stoichiometry, coal type and feeding method of coal particles on N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation. To obtain get a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation/destruction, the homogeneous volatile combustion in the freeboard were simulated numerically. The effect of bed temperature, combustion stoichiometry and volatile-N species on N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation and the controlling reactions of N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation/destruction are analyzed.<BR>This study finds that N<SUB>2</SUB>O concentration increases with decreasing bed temperature and with increasing combustion stoichiometry. On the other hand, NO concentration changes little against bed temperature, but increases with increasing combustion stoichiometry. N<SUB>2</SUB>O seems to be mainly formed from the volatile matter combustion. HCN and NH<SUB>3</SUB>, evolved as volatile-N species, strongly contribute to form N<SUB>2</SUB>O as well as NO. Especially, HCN contributes more to forming N<SUB>2</SUB>O than does NH<SUB>3</SUB>. On the other hand, H radicals produced by the oxidation reactions of CO and H<SUB>2</SUB> promote the destruction of N<SUB>2</SUB>O.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.20.178


    CiNii Research

  163. Formation and Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide from a Circulating Fluidized-Bed Coal Combustor.

    HIRAMA Toshimasa, HOSODA Hideo, MORITOMI Hiroshi, SUZUKI Yoshizo, HARADA Michiaki, SHIMIZU Tadaaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 72 ( 4 ) page: 252 - 262   1993

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.72.252

    CiNii Research

  164. Combustion Rate Analysis of Fly Ash Containing Unburned Carbon.

    Chen Yong, Matsuda Hitoki, Hasatani Masanobu, Kondo Kiyoshi, Naruse Ichiro

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 48 - 54   1993

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    The combustibility of finely powdered fly ash A and B, discharged from a combustion furnace operated at 1673 K and a fluidized-bed combustor at 1123 K, respectively, was investigated by applying nonisothermal reaction analysis with a thermo-gravimeter. The combustion experiments were carried out in an atmosphere of air flow under the following conditions : sample size < 37μm, heating rate 1-1000 K/min, and temperature up to 1173K. The results obtained are as follows.<BR>1) When heating rate is below 2 K/min the combustion becomes reaction-controlled; when it is above 700 K/min the combustion becomes diffusion-controlled.<BR>2) The combustion reaction parameters and effective diffusivity of oxygen in ash were fly ash A : <I>E</I> 70.1 (kJ/mol), <I>A</I>=0.71 (Us kPa), <I>D</I><I><SUB>c</SUB></I> =1.66× 10<SUP>-5</SUP> (cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s) <BR>fly ash B : <I>E</I> = 82.0 (kJ / mol), <I>A</I>=13.3 (1/s kPa), <I>D</I><I><SUB>c</SUB></I>= 1.94×10<SUP>-5</SUP> (cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s) <BR>3) The combustibility of fly ash A is sampller than that of char A. It was observed that part of the unburned carbon in fly ash A was converted to graphite.<BR>4) The combustibility of fly ash B is slightly greater than that of char B. This difference was considered to be caused by the difference in specific surface area of unburned carbon between char B and fly ash B.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.19.48

    CiNii Research

  165. Study on N<inf>2</inf>O formation/destruction characteristics in coal combustion under a wide temperature range

    Naruse I., Yamamoto Y., Imanari M., Yuan J., Ohtake K.

    Symposium (International) on Combustion   Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 1415 - 1421   1992

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Symposium (International) on Combustion  

    Characteristics of N2O formation/destruction in coal combustion are studied experimentally and theoretically over a wide range of combustion temperature. The combustion experiments are carried out in pulverized (1200-1700 K) and bubbling fluidized bed (1000-1200 K) coal combustors to find the influence of combustion temperature, combustion air ratio and coal type on N2O formation. The effect of catalytic reactions by char, CaO and stainless steel particles on the N2O destruction reaction are also tested by using a packed bed reactor. In order to get a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of N2O formation/destruction, numerical simulations are carried out for homogeneous volatile combustion and for combustion of single coal particles. The controlling reactions of N2O formation/destruction are analyzed. The experimental and numerical study found that N2O was mainly formed from the volatiles combustion. The low temperature and oxidizing atmosphere favor N2O formation. N2O concentration increases with decreasing temperature and with increasing air ratio. HCN and NH3, evolved as volatile-N species, make important contributions to the formation of N2O as well as NO. Especially, HCN contributes more to the formation of N2O than NH3 in the low temperature range. On the other hand, H radicals produced by the oxidation reactions of CO and H2 promote the destruction of N2O. Char, CaO and stainless steel particles also act as N2O destruction catalysts. © 1992 Combustion Institute.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80165-7


  166. Gas-Solid Interfacial Heat Transfer in Circulating Fluidized Beds.

    Watanabe Tomohide, Chen Yong, Naruse Ichiro, Hasatani Masanobu

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 600 - 606   1992

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    The local and the average heat transfer coefficients between gas and solid particles in a circulating fluidized bed were estimated by temperature profiles by use of the heat balance equation. Characteristics of interfacial heat transfer were studied on an experimental basis.<BR>The local heat transfer coefficient showed high value near the bottom of the riser. Above this elevation the local heat transfer coefficient gradually decreased to a constant value. The coefficient is influenced by a change in slip velocity between gas and solid particles. The average heat transfer coefficient was well correlated with the particle Reynolds number with slip velocity. The Nusselt number obtained in the circulating fluidized bed condition was low comparing with that in the pneumatic conveying and bubbling fluidized bed conditions. The Nusselt number decreased with an increase in total particle hold -up in the riser. These results suggest that heat transfer between gas and solid particles in the circulating fluidized bed condition depends on the solid particle behavior and gas flow characteristics.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.18.600

    CiNii Research

  167. Development of Oil Leakage Detector for Dynamos and Transformers.

    Naruse Ichiro, Inoue Toshio, Sakai Matsushige, Yasui Kiyoshi, Hasatani Masanobu

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 562 - 569   1992

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    To detect oil leakage in a dynamo or transformer, a direct and simple method is proposed in this study. The oil leakage detector was manufactured and tested as a labo -scale experiment. Sample insulation, lubrication and control oils were used. Based on the results obtained, the detector was applied to a practical dynamo and transformer. To study the coloring mechanism of the detector, important chemical species included in those oils were identified by using an FID gas chromatograph, a GC mass -spectral analyzer and a nuclear magnetic resonance analyzer.<BR>Labo -scale experiments showed that a detector combining a coloring matter with a developed color was usable for leakage detection of the three kinds of oil used. Water did not interrupt the oil leakage signal detected. From measurements of detail chemical properties the key coloring component was an aromatic proton. Before doing practical tests such the safety of the detector as the electric resistance, the destructive voltage of insulation and the temperature characteristics was confirmed in advance. The detector was able to defect oil leakage in practical use.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.18.562

    CiNii Research

  168. Optical Simultaneous and Separate Measurement of Particle and Gas Temperature in Pulverized Coal Combustion Fields.

    Yamamoto Yasuyuki, Goto Katsuji, Ichimaru Hiroshi, Naruse Ichiro, Ohtake Kazutomo

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 643 - 651   1992

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    An optical method to measure particle and gas temperatures simultaneously and separately was proposed in order to study a combustion mechanism in pulverized coal combustion fields. The particle temperature was measured by high-speed two-color thermometry. The gas temperature was measured by an Na-D line reversal method. The CT method was used to (computed tomography) estimate the cross-sectional tem-perature distributions along the pulverized coal combustion field. Attenuation of radiation by the particles along the optical path was taken into account in the temperature calculation. The applicability of this method was demonstrated by computer simulations for artificial temperature and particle concentration distributions.<BR>The temperature distribution in the furnace was correctly obtained by the experimental projection data by means of the CT method. The experimentally obtained particle and gas temperature distributions showed that there existed a great difference between these two temperatures. In the volatile combustion region the particle temperature was higher than the gas temperature, and the fluctuation of particle temperature was also larger than that of gas temperature. In the char combustion region, on the other hand, the gas temperature became higher than the particle temperature.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.18.643

    CiNii Research

  169. Combustion limits of coal in two-stage CFM-bed combustor with exhaust heat recirculation.

    Naruse Ichiro, Matsuda Hitoki, Hasatani Masanobu

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 15 ( 1 ) page: 105 - 112   1989

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    A CFM-bed (Combined Fast Fluidized Bed and Moving Bed) gas-solid contactor was applied to a solid fuel combustor. This combustor was proposed as a promising solid-fuel combustor with high efficiency and a countermeasure against environmental pollution. The combustor is composed of a set of double pipes. A fast fluidized bed and/or an entrained bed is formed in the inner pipe where partial combustion of coal particles may take place. A moving bed is made at the outlet of the annular part wherechar combustion may happen.<BR>In the present study, Loy Yang coal and coke were used as a typical low-grade solid fuel. Rich and lean combustion limits were experimentally investigated with a single-staged combustion mode by changing the primary air ratio. It was confirmed that this combustor could be operated successfully in a wide operational range of primary air ratio from 0.3 to 2.4. The principal ignition mechanism of the fule in this combustor was made clear by considering not only internal particle circulation but also the exhaust heat recirculation from the annular part to the inner pipe.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.15.105

    CiNii Research

  170. Ash deposition mechanisms in Waste-to-Energy plants Invited Reviewed

    Hiroshi NAGANUMA, Takehito MORI, Sho WATANABE, Akihiro SAWADA, Taeko GOTO, Yasuaki UEKI, Ryo YOSHIIE, Ichiro NARUSE

    J-STAGE Mechanical Engineering Journal     2022.5

  171. Ash deposition mechanisms in Waste-to-Energy plants, Reviewed

    Hiroshi NAGANUMA, Takehito MORI, Sho WATANABE, Akihiro SAWADA, Taeko GOTO, Yasuaki UEKI, Ryo YOSHIIE, Ichiro NARUSE

    J-STAGE Mechanical Engineering Journal, Article ID: 21-00435     2022.5

  172. Ash Particle Behaviors during Combustion and Gasification of Coke Reviewed

    Ueki Yasuaki, Teshima Koki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ISIJ INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 60 ( 7 ) page: 1427 - 1433   2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2355/isijintemational.ISIJINT-2019-692

    Web of Science

  173. 1-01 Influence of char structure on gasification behavior of pulverized coal

    NEGISHI Takamasa, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, NAKANO Kaoru

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 57 ( 0 ) page: 2 - 3   2020

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Currently, pulverized coal is blown into blast furnaces to reduce the amount of coke used in the steelmaking process. On the other hand, in recent years, the grade of coal has been declining due to the increase in the use of coal, and the company has been forced to respond to the diversification of coal types. Therefore, in this study, we used a batch furnace to prepare three types of coal char, and then the cross-sectional observation of the char by SEM and specific surface area analysis by BET method using N<sub>2</sub> were carried out. Coal with porous particles and high specific surface area values was found to have very high gasification reactivity for both CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>, while coal with balloon-type particles with large cavities inside the particles and low specific surface area values was found to have lower gasification reactivity.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.57.0_2

  174. 4-11 Degradation behavior of solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC)with trace hydrocarbons

    ZHANG Hui, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 29 ( 0 ) page: 130 - 131   2020

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In this study, effects of tar-containing fuel gas on the SOFC with Ni-YSZ as anode electrode are evaluated. The simulated gas was hydrogen contaminated with toluene as model substance of tar. Electrochemical behaviors were investigated under several toluene concentrations in wet (2.3vol% H<sub>2</sub>O) H<sub>2</sub> at 850°C during 30h using constant current measurement and impedance analysis in order to assess the SOFC's stability. Constant current measurements were conducted under 200mA/cm<sup>2</sup> mainly and impedance analysis was conducted under OCV conditions. Experimental results show that the presence of tar dramatically reduces the electrochemical performance of SOFC even under a low concentration of 100ppm. It was also indicated this reduction tend to be serious when concentration of toluene increase.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.29.0_130

  175. 1-02 Oxy-Fuel Coal Combustion Behavior in a Fluidized Bed

    YAMANAKA Kento, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 57 ( 0 ) page: 4 - 5   2020

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Oxy-Fuel combustion is one of the techniques to achieve carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). Meanwhile, fluidized bed combustion has the advantage of increasing combustion efficiency due to particle flow. Oxy-fuel coal combustion in a fluidized bed is a relatively new study, so the combustion behavior remains unclear. In this study, we investigated Oxy-fuel coal combustion behavior by comparing three combustion atmospheres, air, CO<sub>2</sub>-O<sub>2</sub> and Oxy-Fuel using bubbling fluidized bed reactor. Especially in this research, we focused on the production of SOx, and in Oxy-fuel combustion, the concentration of SO<sub>2</sub> increased due to the effect of recirculation. Regarding SO<sub>3</sub> generation in Oxy-fuel combustion, the concentration became high due to the influence of SO<sub>2</sub> circulation and H<sub>2</sub>O circulation.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.57.0_4

  176. Direct analysis of saturated hydrocarbons using glow discharge plasma ionization source for mass spectrometry Reviewed

    Nunome Yoko, Kodama Kenji, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Wagatsuma Kazuaki

    TALANTA   Vol. 204   page: 310 - 319   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.05.115

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  177. Generation behavior of tar from ABS, PC, and PE during pyrolysis and steam gasification by mass spectrometry Reviewed

    Nunome Yoko, Suzuki Toshiya, Nedjalkov Ivan, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT   Vol. 21 ( 6 ) page: 1300 - 1310   2019.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-019-00883-9

    Web of Science


  178. Characteristics of Biomass Devolatilization and in Situ Char Gasification Tested by the Non-Isothermal Method Reviewed

    Zeng Xi, Kahara Kaito, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Xu Guangwen, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 33 ( 10 ) page: 9805 - 9817   2019.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b00672

    Web of Science


  179. Removal of gaseous elemental mercury by hydrogen chloride non-thermal plasma modified biochar

    Luo Jinjing, Jin Mingchang, Ye Lurong, Cao Yinan, Yan Yonggui, Du Rupeng, Yoshiie Ryo, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro, Lin ChinJung, Lee YiYuan

    JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS   Vol. 377   page: 132 - 141   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.05.045

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  180. Development of a Heating Process of a Slag-Tapping Hole by Syngas Burning in a 150 t/d Entrained-Bed Coal Gasifier Reviewed

    Ishiga Takuya, Kumagai Takeshi, Utano Masakazu, Yamashita Hiroshi, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 33 ( 4 ) page: 3557 - 3564   2019.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b04341

    Web of Science


  181. A novel CO2-water leaching method for AAEM removal from Zhundong coal Reviewed

    Ding Lizhi, Gao Yaxin, Li Xian, Wang Wenhui, Xue Yi, Zhu Xianqing, Xu Kai, Hu Hongyun, Luo Guangqian, Naruse Ichiro, Yao Hong

    FUEL   Vol. 237   page: 786 - 792   2019.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.10.084

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  182. Effects of mechanical stresses around single tube on ash shedding in pulverized coal combustor Reviewed

    Sato Naoki, Ueno Shun-ichiro, Ohno Emi, Tamura Masato, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 37 ( 3 ) page: 2875 - 2882   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.175

    Web of Science


  183. Oxygen chemisorption and low-temperature oxidation behaviors of sub-bituminous coal

    Yoshiie Ryo, Onda Masaomi, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: JTST0005 - JTST0005   2019

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and The Heat Transfer Society of Japan  

    <p>The effective utilization of sub-bituminous coals should be extended as an energy source for power generation because of their low cost and long minable years. However, sub-bituminous coal may undergo spontaneous combustion owing to high reactivity with oxygen in low-temperature air compared with bituminous coal. Therefore, the objective of this study is to elucidate the low-temperature oxidation behaviors of sub-bituminous coal. In particular, transition from oxygen chemisorption to low-temperature oxidation of sub-bituminous coal has been experimentally examined in detail. Isothermal gravimetric analyses are conducted for several bituminous and sub-bituminous coal samples at temperatures varying between 356 K and 476 K in oxygen-enriched air. The chemical compositions of emission gas are continuously monitored under low-temperature oxidation conditions. The changes in the chemical structure of the coals are analyzed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry. The experimental results show that the mass of all tested coals, including those of bituminous and sub-bituminous coals, increases at temperatures below 426 K as a result of oxygen chemisorption. At 476 K, the mass of sub-bituminous coal increases slightly with low H<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions at the beginning and subsequently decreases with high CO and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. This mass change indicates that the transition from oxygen chemisorption to low-temperature oxidation occurs during this period. In addition, the FTIR spectra of sub-bituminous coals show the existence of carbonyl groups even in raw coal samples. These carbonyl groups are considered to contribute to the formation of CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub> from the beginning of reactions, triggering the transition from oxygen chemisorption to low-temperature oxidation.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.2019jtst0005

    Web of Science


    CiNii Research

  184. 1-14 Co-combustion Behaviors of Woody Biomass with P ulverized C oal

    NAGATA Jun, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, NARUKAWA Kimihito, MORII Kazuhiko

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 56 ( 0 ) page: 28 - 29   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Currently, the proportion of fossil fuel in the primary energy supply in Japan is very high. So, the use of renewable energy is collecting a lot of attention as an alternative to fossil fuel. Biomass, a type of renewable energy, has the advantage of carbon neutral. On the other hand, Biomass has the disadvantage of low power generation efficiency when using power generation because of the low energy density. From these backgrounds, biomass co-combustion for coal fired power generation has been focused on. In this study, co-combustion experiments of pulverized coal and biomass samples were carried out, in order to investigate the effect of mixture ratios and types of biomass samples on co-combustion behaviors.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.56.0_28

  185. 1-5 Adhesion characteristics of Si compounds on the De-NOx catalyst surface

    NAKANISHI Kota, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, OKA Takanori, YOSHIDA Takuya, TANAKA Takeharu, AKIYAMA Katsuya

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 56 ( 0 ) page: 10 - 11   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In coal-fired power generation, De NOx catalysts are known to deteriorate over time, but its mechanism has not been clarified yet. According to the previous research, it has been found that amorphous silica forms a thin layer on the catalyst surface, which composition are much different from those of coal ash. It implies that coal ash itself does not adhere on the surface of the catalyst, but Si compounds in the gas deposits to the catalyst. In order to confirm this consideration, deposition behaviors of vapor Si compounds to the catalyst surface were examined, and its effect on the catalyst performance was investig ated. High volatile siloxane was selected to simulate vapor Si compounds in exhaust gas. Two kinds of experiments are conducted, such as exposure and immersion tests. In the former, test pieces of the catalyst were exposed to siloxane vapor. In the latter, test pieces were immersed in liquid siloxane and calcined afterward. The amount of silica deposition on the surface of the catalyst was analyzed by SEM / EDX. In the catalyst performance evaluation test, dete rioration of the catalyst by silica adhesion wa s confirmed.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.56.0_10

  186. 1-2-1 Control of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal fired Boiler

    TSUKAHARA Kyohei, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 28 ( 0 ) page: 8 - 9   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Coal combustion process discharges a large amount of ash, compared with petroleum and natural gas combustions. Coal ash particles melt and partially volatilizes at high temperature zones, causing many problems. In this study, ash deposition experiment was carried out, using simulated heat transfer tubes made of thermal spraying material. Coal ash was injected into the furnace via high penetrance at a high temperature. The molten slag formation ratio of their chemical composition in a single coal was estimated by the thermodynamic equilibrium calculation and the change of ash deposition characteristics was quantitatively discussed.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.28.0_8

  187. Examination of the reduced combustion reaction mechanism for NOx concentration prediction in a waste incinerator

    Denda T.

    12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019     2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019  


  188. Insight of arsenic transformation behavior during high-arsenic coal combustion

    Yang Y.

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 37 ( 4 ) page: 4443 - 4450   2019

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.064


  189. A deep insight into carbon conversion during Zhundong coal molten salt gasification

    Mian Xu, Hongyun Hu, Yuhan Yang, Yongda Huang, Kang Xie, Huan Liu, Xian Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 220   page: 890 - 897   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Ltd  

    Molten salt gasification is a promising way for collaborative use of solar energy and Zhundong coal, with in situ capture of Cl/S-pollutants as well as alkali metals. The present study provides a deep insight into carbon conversion during molten salt gasification of a typical Zhundong coal in ternary carbonate eutectics (Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3). The results demonstrated that the molten salt gasification of Zhundong coal underwent a rapid devolatilization of raw coal and then the gasification of char. The interactions between CO2 and volatiles promoted the cracking of macromolecular compounds, increasing the carbon conversion efficiency during the devolatilization process. The gasification of char was mainly determined by the direct reaction with molten salt, which was slightly affected by the CO2 concentration in the carrier gas. The results of char characterization evidenced that the condensation/graphitization of char was stimulated in the molten eutectics. Meanwhile, a large amount of O-containing groups, especially carbonyl groups, were formed in the molten salt treated char with carbonates as oxygen supplier. Under the influence of molten salts, some carbonyl groups would be formed inside the char. However, the decomposition of those carbonyl groups was suppressed by the mass transfer resistance of the released CO and/or CO2. Applying proper feeding mode, such as feeding coal in pulverized form, could enhance the contact of coal, molten salt and CO2, which remarkably promoted the interactions between molten salts and char containing functional groups.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.12.051

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  190. Combustion behaviors of wasted plastics coated around electric cables in electrically heated drop tube furnaces

    Yoko Nunome, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Ivan Nedjalkov, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 543 - 551   2018.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Tokyo  

    For thermal recycle by wasted plastics coated around electric cables, ignition and combustion experiments of the pulverized samples were carried out, using two types of electrically heated drop tube furnace, in which the particles are pulsatively fed and continuously fed, respectively. The ignition phenomenon was defined as occurrence of luminous emission from a cloud of the particles fed in the former furnace. The wasted plastics coated around the electric cables mainly make of polyethylene with a little amount of carbon particles. The ignition characteristics of the pulverized plastic samples as well as graphite particles as a reference sample were studied, changing the particle diameters and the furnace wall temperatures. In the electrically heated drop tube furnace with the continuous feeding system, the wall temperature and stoichiometric combustion air ratio were varied to elucidate the fundamental combustion characteristics. As a result, the ignition temperature depended on the particle diameter. The plastics with the particle diameter ranged from 150 to 300 µm could ignite at the lowest furnace temperature. From the continuous combustion tests, CO and lower molecule hydrocarbons like CH4, C2H2 and C2H4 were produced in the upper region of furnace. Finally, all of them gradually burned out.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-017-0618-0

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  191. Development of soft ionization using direct current pulse glow discharge plasma source in mass spectrometry for volatile organic compounds analysis

    Yoko Nunome, Kenji Kodama, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Kazuaki Wagatsuma

    Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy   Vol. 139   page: 44 - 49   2018.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier B.V.  

    This study describes an ionization source for mass analysis, consisting of glow discharge plasma driven by a pulsed direct-current voltage for soft plasma ionization, to detect toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) rapidly and easily. The novelty of this work is that a molecular adduct ion, in which the parent molecule attaches with an NO+ radical, [M + NO]+, can be dominantly detected as a base peak with little or no fragmentation of them in an ambient air plasma at a pressure of several kPa. Use of ambient air as the discharge plasma gas is suitable for practical applications. The higher pressure in an ambient air discharge provided a stable glow discharge plasma, contributing to the soft ionization of organic molecules. Typical mass spectra of VOCs toluene, benzene, o-xylene, chlorobenzene and n-hexane were observed as [M + NO]+ adduct ion whose peaks were detected at m/z 122, 108, 136, 142 and 116, respectively. The NO generation was also confirmed by emission bands of NO γ-system. The ionization reactions were suggested, such that NO+ radical formed in an ambient air discharge could attach with the analyte molecule.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2017.11.002

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  192. Case study on removal of heavy metals from waste incineration fly ash by acid leaching method

    Yoshiie Ryo, Luo Jinjing, Cao Yinan, Sun Shiqiang, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集   Vol. 29 ( 0 )   2018

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会  

    Four kinds of fly ash from three municipal solid incinerators in southern China were examined in this study. The characteristics of fly ash were examined and acid leaching treatment was used to remove heavy metals from samples. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was executed to assess the effect of acid leaching method to fly ash samples. The experiment results showed that the contents of Cd and Pb in the original fly ash were higher, which classified them into the hazardous waste list. With the treatment of water washing and acid leaching, all fly ash samples removed heavy metals efficiently and the contents of heavy metals in treated fly ash met the admittance criterion of sanitary landfill.

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.29.0_603

  193. No.1-18 Effect of Temperatures on Ash Particles Characteristics during Reaction of Coke

    TESHIMA Koki, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 55 ( 0 ) page: 36 - 37   2018

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>One of the important purposes of the coke in the blast furnace is the spacer to ensure the gas and liquid permeability. In other hands, ash particles in coke became slags inside the furnace and these are one of the causes that significantly worsen the permeability. In this study, combustion and gasification experiments of coke were conducted at each experimental temperature. Ash particles in the coke samples were analyzed by using SEM in order to clarify effect of temperatures on ash particles characteristics during combustion and gasification of coke.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.55.0_36

  194. Na & Ca removal from Zhundong coal by a novel CO2-water leaching method and the ashing behavior of the leached coal

    Yaxin Gao, Lizhi Ding, Xian Li, Wenhui Wang, Yi Xue, Xianqing Zhu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Ichiro Naruse, Zongqing Bai, Hong Yao

    FUEL   Vol. 210   page: 8 - 14   2017.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Zhundong coalfield in China is the largest intact coalfield in the world. However, serious fouling and slagging issues occurred when the Zhundong coal combustion, because of its high Na and Ca contents. In this study, a novel CO2-water leaching method was proposed to remove Na and Ca in Zhundong coal. The removal efficiencies of Na and Ca and the ash characteristics of the leached coal were investigated in detail. The results show that the CO2-water leaching can be easily achieved at room temperature under atmospheric pressure. The removal efficiencies of Na and Ca by the CO2-water leaching were significantly higher than those of water leaching. It is attributed to the effective removal of the organic Na and Ca in the coal. In addition, the CaCO3 in the coal was also effectively removed by CO2-water leaching. The volatility of Na from CO2-water leached coal is only 25% of that of raw coal during the combustion at 900 degrees C. The alkali-acid ratio (B/A) of the CO2-water leached coal ash was significantly lower than those of the raw coal and the water leached coal ashes. The fusion temperature of the CO2-water leached coal ash significantly increased, compared with those of the raw coal and the water leached coal ashes. The deformation temperature of the CO2-water leached coal ash was as high as 1202 degrees C, much higher than those of the raw coal and water leached coal ashes, which were 1098 degrees C and 1142 degrees C, respectively. Besides, the agglomeration and sintering phenomena of coal ash was also inhibited significantly by the CO2-water leaching. Therefore, the CO2-water leaching method was found to be an effective and promising method for AAEM removal from Zhundong coal, and can markedly mitigate the fouling and slagging during Zhundong coal combustion.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.08.046

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  195. Interactions between molten salts and ash components during Zhundong coal gasification in eutectic carbonates

    Junhao Shen, Hongyun Hu, Mian Xu, Huan Liu, Kai Xu, Xiuju Zhang, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    FUEL   Vol. 207   page: 365 - 372   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Molten salt gasification provides a promising way for the combined usage of solar energy and coal, during which molten salts act as a heat storage and transfer medium. However, the interactions between coal ash components and molten salts might have undesired effects on the molten salt gasification. The present study investigated the distribution of mineral matters in typical Zhundong coals and the fate of coal ashes in the high-temperature Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3 eutectic system. The results showed that alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEMs) were widely distributed in Zhundong coals in the forms of NaCl, CaCO3, CaSO4 and organic matter, which were predominantly dissolved in the molten salts. After the dissolution of these AAEMs, the melting temperature and enthalpy of the molten salts were changed, while the viscosity of the mixtures was hardly affected in melting phase. On the other hand, Si/Al-compounds were also of high content in some Zhundong coals, existing as quartz, kaolin and amorphous species. Some of these compounds tended to react with molten salts, by forming Li-silicate or Li/K-aluminosilicates, which were precipitated out of the system. Meanwhile, the suspension of the unreacted Si/Al-compounds increased the viscosity of molten salts. Additionally, interactions between coal ashes and molten salts brought about the decrease in thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of the eutectic system as well as the increase in specific heat capacity. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.06.079

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  196. Effect of hydrogen gas addition on combustion characteristics of pulverized coal

    Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Shinroku Matsuzaki

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 161   page: 289 - 294   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    A promising approach to decrease CO2 emissions from blast furnaces during ironmaking is to blow a reducing gas containing hydrogen into blast furnaces from their tuyeres. However, the combustion behavior of pulverized coal in the presence of a hydrogen-containing gas has not been elucidated. In this work, the combustion experiments of pulverized coal using a drop tube fumace were carried out to investigate the effect of H-2 gas addition on the combustibility of pulverized coal. The combustion ratio of char particles in the presence of H-2 gas (when introduced at a flow rate of 0.10 L/min) was larger than that in the absence of H-2 gas. This is because of the enhanced release of volatile matter from coal and the combustion of char due to an increase in the temperature of the coal particles, which was caused by the drastic combustion of H-2 gas. The combustion ratio of char particles when H-2 gas was added at flow rates higher than 0.21 L/min was considerably smaller than that obtained when H-2 gas was not added. It was found that the combustibility of coal was enhanced when an optimum H-2 gas flow rate was used. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2017.02.034

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  197. Investigation of fragmentation and coalescence behavior of ash particles in simulated coal combustion

    Ryo Yoshiie, Hitoshi Nishimura, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse, Naoki Sato, Takamasa Ito, Wonyoung Choi, Shunichiro Ueno

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 161   page: 101 - 106   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    In order to predict ash deposition in a pulverized coal combustion process, the fragmentation, detachment, and coalescence behavior of ash particles in coal were quantitatively evaluated to distinguish between excluded and included minerals. The experiments for simulated EM heating and simulated coal combustion were carried out in a drop tube furnace. Change in the numbers of EM and IM particles were measured at different residence times by scanning a sampling probe along the flow direction in the reactor tube. The rate constants of EM fragmentation were estimated from the simulated EM heating experiment. The solution to a system of differential equations that includes the effects of fragmentation, detachment, and coalescence as functions for the numbers of EM and IM was obtained as a kinetic model. These functions were fitted to the experimental results for simulated coal combustion experiment to obtain the rate constants for detachment and coalescence. This method was also applied to previous experimental results using three actual coal samples. The rate constants of detachment and coalescence were mainly affected by char structure during coal combustion. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2017.02.033

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  198. Fundamental Combustion Behaviors of Solid Industrial Wastes

    Asai Toshihiko, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Terasaki Junichi, Ueno Naoki

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY   Vol. 96 ( 6 ) page: 167-175   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

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  199. Fundamental Combustion Behaviors of Solid Industrial Wastes

    Asai Toshihiko, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Terasaki Junichi, Ueno Naoki

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY   Vol. 96 ( 6 ) page: 167-175   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  200. Energy system simulation of regenerable Molten Alkali Carbonates for gasification of carbonaceous resources

    Raharjo S.

    ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences   Vol. 12 ( 7 ) page: 2306 - 2312   2017.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences  


  201. Tar and soot generation behaviors from ABS, PC and PE pyrolysis

    Ivan Nedjalkov, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT   Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 682 - 693   2017.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    In this study we performed a non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis on three thermoplastics-ABS, PC and PE. The Coats and Redfern method (Nature 201: 68-69, 1964) was then used to approximate the kinetic parameters of each material. In addition, we performed a series of pyrolysis experiments in a batch reactor, for each plastic. The experiments were performed over the temperature range of 600-1000 degrees C at a constant residence time. The liquid and solid products of the pyrolysis, were collected, separated and weighted. Those products were categorized as soot, tar and char (PC only), and their relative weight to initial sample weight (DAF) was plotted against the temperature. The tar measured was exclusively medium to high molecular weight (&gt;80 g/mol). Results revealed that relative tar and soot production, for all three materials, first increases and then decreases with temperature increase. The maximum achieved tar yields for ABS, PC and PE were at 700, 650 and 800 degrees C, respectively; and the maximum soot yields were at 1000, 1000, 950 degrees C, respectively.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-016-0470-7

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  202. 1-4-1 Effect of coal types on low-temperature oxidation behaviors of coal

    YOSHIIE Ryo, ONDA Masaomi, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichoro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 24 - 25   2017

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>Consumption of subbituminous coal will be expanded due to its low cost and long minable years around the world. However, a control of spontaneous firing at the stock yard is one of outstanding issues for the utilization of subbituminous coal. Therefore, an objective of this study is the elucidation of low-temperature oxidation behaviors of subbituminous coals. Several subbituminous and bituminous coals were selected as experimental samples for low-temperature oxidation. Mass changes of coal samples were measured by thermos-balance at the temperature between 356K and 476K in 50%N<sub>2</sub>-50%O<sub>2</sub> atmosphere. Differences of molecular structures of coals between before and after low-temperature oxidation were analyzed by FTIR As a result, the aliphatic carbon in the coal was confirmed to react with oxygen, forming carbonyl group.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_24

  203. 5-2-1 Combustion Behaviors of Solid Combustible Wastes under Isothermal Conditions

    UEKI Yasuaki, ASAI Toshihiko, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, TERASAKI Junichi, UENO Naoki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 26 ( 0 ) page: 186 - 187   2017

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>To elucidate fundamental combustion behaviors of some solid combustible wastes under isothermal conditions, the isothermal combustion experiments are carried out, using an electrically heated vertical batch furnace. The effects of the furnace temperature and the oxygen partial pressure in the reaction atmosphere on the combustion behaviors are studied experimentally and kinetically. As a result, the completion period of the overall combustion decreases with increases of both the furnace temperature and the oxygen partial pressure.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_186

  204. No.1-1 Elucidation of distribution behaviors of trace elements during coal gasification process

    ATSUMI Shota, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 54 ( 0 ) page: 2 - 3   2017

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    <p>In this study, we conducted coal gasification experiments by electrical drop tube furnace. In the experiments, we used Low Pressure Impactor (LPI) for the particle sampling in different particle size. Captured particles are dissolved in the acid on each particle size and the trace element concentrations of the solutions in the particles are analyzed by ICP-AES. For the consideration of the result of the experiments, we conducted thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. Calculation results support to investigate the chemical compounds of trace elements in the gasification atmosphere.</p>

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.54.0_2

  205. CO2 Regeneration of Used Alkali Carbonates for High-Temperature Desulfurization in Gasification

    Raharjo Slamet, Nedjalkov Ivan, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 30 ( 10 ) page: 8556 - 8560   2016.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b00722

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  206. Effects of Coal Type on Growth and Shedding of Ash Deposit in Pulverized Coal Combustors

    Sato Naoki, Ueno Shunichiro, Priyanto Dedy E., Ohno Emi, Matsuzawa Yoshiaki, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 30 ( 7 ) page: 6059 - 6069   2016.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02836

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  207. Capture of Gaseous Mercury by Waste-Derived Particles as Sorbents

    Yoshiie Ryo, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 312 - 316   2016.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    Flue gases contain elemental mercury formed by combustion/incineration processes, and it is difficult to remove them by conventional gas cleaning devices. Researchers have developed a few sorbent materials to capture gaseous elemental mercury. Our study also found two candidate sorbent materials using low-cost waste derived particles, a paper sludge incineration ash and a carbonized municipal solid waste char. The main objective of this study is to elucidate the capturing mechanisms of gaseous elemental mercury in these two sorbents. In order to analyze the chemical states of the mercury adsorbed on the sorbents, X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) analyses of the mercury captured by sorbents are conducted. The XANES spectra of the two sorbents were found to be similar to those of Hg<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> and HgS standard chemicals, while the XANES spectrum of the commercialized activated carbon for mercury capture was similar to that of elemental mercury. These results suggest that the gaseous mercury is captured and fixed on the sorbents via oxidation by chlorine and sulfur present in the sorbents.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.14we339

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  208. Gasification Characteristics of Woody Biomass with Mixture Gas of CO2 with H2O

    Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 287 - 293   2016.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    The objectives in the present study are to elucidate the fundamental gasification characteristics of woody biomass with a mixture gas of CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O. The effects of temperature and gasification agents on the gasification characteristics of woody biomass were experimentally studied using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. The co-gasification performance of CO<sub>2</sub> with H<sub>2</sub>O was compared with the CO<sub>2</sub> or H<sub>2</sub>O gasification performance alone. As a result, H<sub>2</sub> and CO concentrations increased with an increase of temperature under both the co- and single-gasification conditions. CO under the co-gasification condition was produced more than under the single-gasification condition. The H<sub>2</sub> formation showed the opposite tendency to the CO formation during the co-gasification. This synergistic effect is caused by the difference of the surface structure of the woody biomass particles by CO<sub>2</sub> from H<sub>2</sub>O.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.14we338

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  209. Preface to the Special Issue for Energy Engineering

    Naruse Ichiro, Ohtomo Junichiro, Qian Eika W., Yoshiie Ryo

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 235 - 235   2016.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan  

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.16pr4903

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  210. Development of thermal spraying materials through several corrosion tests for heat exchanger tube of incinerators Reviewed

    Juan Chen, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Hiroshi Naganuma, Yoriaki Sasaki, Manabu Noguchi, Hiromitsu Cho, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 141 ( 2 ) page: 216-224   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  211. Development of thermal spraying materials through several corrosion tests for heat exchanger tube of incinerators Reviewed

    Juan Chen, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Hiroshi Naganuma, Yoriaki Sasaki, Manabu Noguchi, Hiromitsu Cho, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 141 ( 2 ) page: 216-224   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  212. Development of thermal spraying materials through several corrosion tests for heat exchanger tube of incinerators

    Chen Juan, Ninomiya Yoshihiko, Naganuma Hiroshi, Sasaki Yoriaki, Noguchi Manabu, Cho Hiromitsu, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 141   page: 216 - 224   2016.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.08.040

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  213. Performance indicators for air and air-steam auto-thermal updraft gasification of biomass in packed bed reactor Reviewed

    Joseph H. Kihedu, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 141   page: 93 - 98   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Auto-thermal updraft gasification of biomass pellets in a packed bed reactor was conducted by using air and air-steam mixture. Air-steam gasification produced syngas with slightly improved lower heating value of 4.5 MJ/m(N)(3), in comparison to 4.4 MJ/M-N(3) produced during air gasification. The corresponding tar generation for air gasification and air-steam gasification was 212 g/m(N)(3) and 26.2 g/m(N)(3), respectively. Cold gas efficiency for air gasification and air-steam gasification was realized to be 91% and 91.4%, respectively. Carbon conversion during air-steam gasification reached about 91.5% while carbon conversion during air gasification was limited to 84.3%. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.07.015

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  214. ポリ硫酸第二鉄の熱分解特性に関する研究 Reviewed


    硫酸と工業   Vol. 69 ( 6 ) page: 1-9   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  215. 膜分離溶媒抽出を用いた廃潤滑油再生手法の開発 Reviewed


    廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌   Vol. 27   page: 37-43   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  216. 廃棄物系炭化物による空気および還元性雰囲気中の元素水銀の捕捉特性 Reviewed


    鉄と鋼   Vol. 102 ( 1 ) page: 56-60   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  217. Effects of Coal Type on Growth and Shedding of Ash Deposit in Pulverized Coal Combustors Reviewed

    Naoki Sato, Shunichiro Ueno, Dedy E. Priyanto, Emi Ohno, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Enargy Fuels     page: in press   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  218. ar and soot generation behaviors from ABS, PC and PE pyrolysis Reviewed

    Ivan Nedjalkov, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    J Mater Cycles Waste Manag     page: , in press   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  219. Sintering characteristics of CaO-rich municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the addition of Si/Al-rich ash residues Authors Reviewed

    Hong-Yun Hu,Huan Liu,Qiang Zhang,Ping-An Zhang,Ai-Jun Li,Hong Yao,Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 18 ( 2 ) page: 340–347   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  220. Gasification Characteristics of Woody Biomass with Mixture Gas of CO2 with H2O

    Yasuaki UEKI, Ryo YOSHIIE, Ichiro NARUSE

    Jornal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 287-293   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  221. Performance indicators for air and air–steam auto-thermal updraftgasification of biomass in packed bed reactor Reviewed

      Vol. 141   page: 93–98   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  222. 519 Removal of Trace Elements in Coal Gasification Atmosphere by Sorbent

    YOSHIIE Ryo, MIZUNO Yuta, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2016 ( 0 ) page: _519 - 1_-_519-2_   2016

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2016.65._519-1_

  223. Capture Characteristics of Gaseous Elemental Mercury by Carbonized Waste in Air and Reducing Atmospheres

    Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Sawa Hiroaki, Naruse Ichiro

    Tetsu-to-Hagane   Vol. 102 ( 1 ) page: 56 - 60   2016

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    Coal contains harmful trace elements. Especially, mercury has high volatility. Mercury of approximately 27% in coals used in coal fired power plants is released as gaseous elemental mercury in a flue gas to the atmosphere. In an ironmaking system, since large amounts of coal are used as a reducing agent and heat source, there is a possibility that the gaseous elemental mercury emits from some processes. Therefore, an objective in this work is to develop adsorbents that are able to capture the gaseous elemental mercury in an air atmosphere and a reducing atmosphere. In this work, carbonized wastes (sewage sludge, paper sludge, woody biomass and municipal solid waste) were used as experimental samples. As a result, the municipal solid waste char has the highest property to capture the elemental mercury in the air atmosphere at 423 K. From results of X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) analyses, the mercury captured in the municipal solid waste char was mainly captured as mercury sulfide (HgS) on the char. On the other hand, a mercury capture ratio of the municipal solid waste char in the reducing atmosphere was lower than that in the air atmosphere.

    DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2015-046

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  224. ar and soot generation behaviors from ABS, PC and PE pyrolysis Reviewed

    Ivan Nedjalkov, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    J Mater Cycles Waste Manag     page: , in press   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  225. Effects of Coal Type on Growth and Shedding of Ash Deposit in Pulverized Coal Combustors Reviewed

    Naoki Sato, Shunichiro Ueno, Dedy E. Priyanto, Emi Ohno, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Enargy Fuels     page: in press   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  226. Gasification Characteristics of Woody Biomass with Mixture Gas of CO2 with H2O

    Yasuaki UEKI, Ryo YOSHIIE, Ichiro NARUSE

    Jornal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 287-293   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  227. No.1-3 Evaluation of coalescence and detachment behaviors of ash particle in pulverized coal combustion

    MATSUYAMA Tatsuya, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 53 ( 0 ) page: 6 - 7   2016

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    One of the major problems in pulverized coal combustion process is ash deposit phenomena such as slagging and fouling. The behaviors of Included Minerals (IM) and Excluded Minerals (EM) are an important factor to predict and control such ash deposit phenomena. Then, we sampled pulverized coal particles in different carbon conversion and coal types using Drop Tube Furnace (DTF) and analyzed ash particles by Computer Controlled Scanning Electric Microscope (CCSEM) in previous study<sup>3)</sup>. In this study, we made the models of single pulverized coal particle in combustion process using data gotten by CCSEM analysis and evaluated IM/EM particle properties such as particle number, particle diameter and composition in different carbon conversion and coal types through the simulation.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.53.0_6

  228. No.1-2 Capture and Oxidation Mechanism of Mercury in Coal Combustion Exhaust Gas

    SAKAIDA Masaya, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 53 ( 0 ) page: 4 - 5   2016

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Coal combustion is one of the major mercury emission sources. The majority of mercury emissions from coal combustion is an elemental mercury. This is because oxidized mercury is water-soluble and easily captured, but on the other hand elemental mercury is water-insoluble and difficult to capture. In this study, we expected the De-NO<sub>x</sub> catalyst to have a mercury capture/oxidation performance and performed mercury capture/oxidation experiment using the De-NO<sub>x</sub> catalyst as a sorbent. In the result, when HCl is present in the atmosphere, the De-NO<sub>x</sub> catalyst oxidized mercury and when HCl is not present in the atmosphere, the De-NO<sub>x</sub> catalyst showed high mercury capture performance. Furthermore, De-NO<sub>x</sub> catalyst maintained high mercury capture performance at a relatively high temperature (673 K).

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.53.0_4

  229. No.1-1 Oxy-Fuel Coal Combustion Behavior in a Fluidized Bed

    ASAI Ryosuke, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 53 ( 0 ) page: 2 - 3   2016

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Oxy-Fuel coal combustion has drawn attention in the world as useful technique to achieve carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). It is a technology to enrich CO<sub>2</sub> in exhaust gas by the flue gas recirculation with additional pure O<sub>2</sub> to combustion atmosphere, which makes easy to capture CO<sub>2</sub>. Meanwhile, bubbling fluidized bed coal combustion has advantages of direct sulfur capturing in bed material and decreasing of thermal NO<sub>X</sub> in low combustion temperature. Objectives of this paper are to understand hazardous emission behaviors during the oxy-coal fluidized bed combustion under the actual flue gas recirculation condition, compared with those under the air and CO<sub>2</sub>-O<sub>2</sub> combustion conditions. A lab-scale fluidized bed reactor was utilized as the experimental equipment. Dusts were separated from flue gas via cyclone downstream, and carbon contents in them were analyzed to estimate carbon balances through the reactor.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.53.0_2

  230. Sintering characteristics of CaO-rich municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the addition of Si/Al-rich ash residues Authors Reviewed

    Hong-Yun Hu, Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Ping-An Zhang,Ai-Jun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 18 ( 2 ) page: 340–347   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  231. ポリ硫酸第二鉄の熱分解特性に関する研究 Reviewed

    義家亮, 坂下基, 植木保昭, 成瀬一郎

    硫酸と工業   Vol. 69 ( 6 ) page: 1-9   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  232. 廃棄物系炭化物による空気および還元性雰囲気中の元素水銀の捕捉特性 Reviewed

    植木保昭, 義家亮, 澤浩明, 成瀬一郎

    鉄と鋼   Vol. 102 ( 1 ) page: 56-60   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  233. 膜分離溶媒抽出を用いた廃潤滑油再生手法の開発 Reviewed

    義家亮, 片岡直也, 植木保昭, 成瀬一郎

    廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌   Vol. 27   page: 37-43   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  234. Heating technique of slag-tapping hole in high-temperature coal gasifier Reviewed

    Takuya Ishiga,Fumihiko Kiso,Akinori Suetsugu,Masakazu Utano, Hiroshi Yamashita, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    , Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 138   page: 100-108   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  235. 微粉炭燃焼ボイラー内における灰挙動の解明 Reviewed


    ボイラ研究   ( 393 ) page: 27-33   2015.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  236. Heating technique of slag-tapping hole in high-temperature coal gasifier Reviewed

    Takuya Ishiga, Fumihiko Kiso, Akinori Suetsugu, Masakazu Utano, Hiroshi Yamashita, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    , Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 138   page: 100-108   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  237. Heating technique of slag-tapping hole in high-temperature coal gasifier

    Ishiga Takuya, Kiso Fumihiko, Suetsugu Akinori, Utano Masakazu, Yamashita Hiroshi, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 138   page: 100 - 108   2015.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.05.017

    Web of Science


  238. 微粉炭燃焼ボイラー内における灰挙動の解明 Reviewed

    成瀬一郎, 義家亮, 植木保昭, 佐藤直樹

    ボイラ研究   ( 393 ) page: 27-33   2015.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  239. Effects of flue gas re-circulation and nitrogen contents in coal on NOX emissions under oxy-fuel coal combustion

    Yoshiie Ryo, Hikosaka Naoki, Nunome Yoko, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 136   page: 106 - 111   2015.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2014.10.036

    Web of Science


  240. Growth and gravity shedding of ash deposition layer in pulverized coal combustors

    Sato Naoki, Priyanto Dedy Eka, Ueno Shunichiro, Matsuzawa Yoshiaki, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 134   page: 1 - 10   2015.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.02.011

    Web of Science


  241. Effects of flue gas re-circulation and nitrogen contents in coal on NOX emissions under oxy-fuel coal combustion Reviewed

    Ryo Yoshiie , Naoki Hikosaka , Yoko Nunome , Yasuaki Ueki , Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 136   page: 106-111   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  242. Growth and gravity shedding of ash deposition layer in pulverized Reviewed

    Naoki Sato, Dedy Eka Priyanto, Shunichiro Ueno, YoshiakiMatsuzawa, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie , Ichiro Naruse

    coal combustors Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 134   page: 1-10   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  243. Mechanism of chromium oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration Reviewed

    Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Lin, Dunkui Chen, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 35   page: 2397-2403   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  244. 213 Tar generation behaviors in waste plastic gasification with steam

    YOSHIIE Ryo, SUZUKI Toshiya, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2015 ( 0 ) page: _213 - 1_-_213-2_   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2015.64._213-1_

  245. Combustion Behavior of Pulverized Coal and Ash Particle Properties during Combustion

    Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ISIJ INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 55 ( 6 ) page: 1305 - 1312   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会  

    CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from blast furnaces should be reduced to curtail the impact of global warming. A promising solution is the low reducing agent rate (RAR) operation of blast furnaces. Char and ash particles derived from pulverized coal affect permeability in the furnace during low RAR operation. In our study, the combustion behavior and ash particle properties of pulverized coal during combustion were investigated. Char particles formed during combustion were sampled using a drop tube furnace, and then analyzed for their combustion ratio and ash particle properties. As a result, the combustion behavior of pulverized coal and properties of ash particles in raw coal were different by a coal type. Moreover, the combustibility of pulverized coal and the variation in ash particle properties during combustion were affected by the structure of the char particles.

    DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.55.1305

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  246. 5-2-4 Ash Deposition Behavior at blended coal combustion in Pulverized Coal Combustion Boiler

    NARUKAWA Kimihito, INAGAKI Hironobu, AZUMA Yuichi, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 24 ( 0 ) page: 192 - 193   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In order to use the low-grade coals which are out of the power station requirement, blending of high-grade coals have been carried out in pulverized coal power station. However, for ash adhesion such as slagging and fouling, which is one of the important evaluation items of the coal, improvement of coal characteristics by the blending of coal does not become clear. It is necessary to establish the ash adhesion evaluation technology on the blending of the coal to reduce the cost of generation and increase availability of coal because most of low-grade coals are low ash fusion temperature. The purpose of this work is elucidation of ash deposition behavior at blended coal combustion. Ash deposits were collected on a heat transfer tube with an ash deposit experiment at some blend condition. In addition, we calculated the molten fraction of each blending condition by chemical equilibrium theory, using FactSage Ver.6.3.1 software.

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.24.0_192

  247. 3-1-4 Gasification Behavior and tar reduction in Packed-bed Biomass Gasifier

    YAMADA Atsushi, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 24 ( 0 ) page: 70 - 71   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    The purpose of this study is the gasification behavior of biomass in the packed-bed, carrying out gasification experiment (updraft and downdraft gasification). In this study, pellets of black pine (φ6.5 mm × 8.5 mm) were fed intermittently and using air as the gasification agent. In the gasification tests, the temperature distribution and the gas compositions in the gasifier were measured during gasification, and the amount of tar in the gasified gas was measured. In addition, the steam was injected in the gasifier in order to reduce the amount of tar.

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.24.0_70

  248. Effects of flue gas re-circulation and nitrogen contents in coal on NOX emissions under oxy-fuel coal combustion Reviewed

    Ryo Yoshiie, Naoki Hikosaka, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 136   page: 106-111   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  249. Growth and gravity shedding of ash deposition layer in pulverized Reviewed

    Naoki Sato, Dedy Eka Priyanto, Shunichiro Ueno, YoshiakiMatsuzawa, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    coal combustors Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 134   page: 1-10   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  250. No.50 Elucidation of oxygen adsorption properties of coal

    ONDA Masaomi, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, HASEGAWA Masakazu, HATTORI Masanori, INAGAKI Hironobu

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 52 ( 0 ) page: 100 - 101   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Coal has better stability of price and supply compared to other fossil fuels. In particular, subbituminous coal is expected effective utilization because that has low cost and long minable years. However, subbituminous coal has the self-ignition risk that caused by reacting with oxygen in the air. Therefore, an objective of this study is the elucidation of oxygen adsorption properties of coal. Experimental samples are some kinds of the subbituminous coal and bituminous coal. In the oxygen adsorption experiments between 356K and 476K in 50%N_2-50%O_2 atmosphere, the amount of oxygen adsorption on the coal was determined by thermobalance. As a result, it is found that the oxygen adsorption amount of bituminous coal is larger than those of subbituminous coal and oxygen adsorption amount is correlated with the carbon content of the coal.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.52.0_100

  251. No.28 Elucidation of Ash Deposition Behaviors of Blended Coal in Pulverized Coal-fired Boiler

    MORISHITA Jumpu, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 52 ( 0 ) page: 56 - 57   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Ash deposition behaviors on heat transfer tubes under blended coal combustion condition have been becoming one of important issues associated to recent pulverized coal-fired boilers. In this study, ash deposition experiments, using two ash samples from bituminous and subbituminous coals, at two different temperatures, 1050℃ and 1250℃, were carried out and the mass of ash deposition was measured. Deposited ash samples were solidified by epoxy resin, and then analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX). In addition, fractions of liquid slag in ash were estimated by Thermo-equilibrium calculation to analyze ash melting characteristics.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.52.0_56

  252. No.26 Evaluation of corrosion resistance and ash deposition of thermal spraying materials to reduce ash deposition for biomass waste incinerator

    SASAKI Yoriaki, NAGANUMA Hiroshi, NOGUCHI Manabu, CHO Hiromitsu, NINOMIYA Yoshihiko, CHEN Juan, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 52 ( 0 ) page: 52 - 53   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Some ash particles of biomass fuels adhere to heat exchanger tube surfaces, which causes some troubles such as heat transfer inhibition, operational problems and hot corrosion in incineration plants. In this study, the authors have developed a surface treatment technology of tubes via a thermal spraying technology and a corrosion-resistant coating to reduce the ash deposition and the hot corrosion. Both the results of 'High-temperature Corrosion Test' and 'Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)' are exhibited in this paper. The major conclusions are drawn as follows: Polarization conductance of specimens can be evaluated by means of equivalent circuits which are assumed on the interface between specimens and simulated ash. Moreover, it is clear that EIS is available for evaluating the corrosion resistance.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.52.0_52

  253. Mechanism of chromium oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration

    Hu Hongyun, Xu Zhang, Liu Huan, Chen Dunkui, Li Aijun, Yao Hong, Naruse Ichiro

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 35 ( 2 ) page: 2397 - 2403   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.08.029

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  254. Mechanism of chromium oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration Reviewed

    Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Lin, Dunkui Chen, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 35   page: 2397-2403   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  255. Dual role of conditioner CaO in product distributions and sulfur transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis

    Liu Huan, Zhang Qiang, Hu Hongyun, Xiao Ruxi, Li Aijun, Qiao Yu, Yao Hong, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL   Vol. 134   page: 514 - 520   2014.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2014.06.020

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  256. Counter-flow air gasification of woody biomass pellets in the auto-thermal packed bed reactor

    Kihedu Joseph H., Yoshiie Ryo, Nunome Yoko, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL   Vol. 117 ( PARTB ) page: 1242 - 1247   2014.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2013.07.050

    Web of Science


  257. Mechanism of chromium Oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration Reviewed

    Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Liu, Dunkui Chen, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute     page: 0   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  258. Using sorbents to control heavy metals and particulate matter emission during solid fuel combustion Reviewed

    Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Particuology   Vol. 7   page: 477-482   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  259. Dual role of conditioner CaO in product distributions and sulfur transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis Reviewed

    Huan Liu, Quang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Ruxi Xiao, Aijun Li, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 134   page: 514-520   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  260. Counter-flow air gasification of woody biomass pellets in the auto-thermal packed bed reactor Reviewed

    Joseph H. Kihedu, Ryo Yoshiie, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 117   page: 1242-1247   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  261. Effect of Woody Biomass Addition on Coke Properties. Reviewed

    Yasuaki Ueki, Yoko Nunome, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Yuko Nishibata and Sadayoshi Aizawa

    ISIJ International   Vol. 54   page: 2454-2460   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  262. Use of Soft Plasma Ionization Source at Evacuated Air Atmospheres in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to Suppress Fragmentation of Volatile Organic Compounds, Reviewed

    Nunome Yoko, Park Hyunkook, Kodama Kenji, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Lee Sang C., Kitagawa Kuniyuki, Wagatsuma Kazuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS   Vol. 48 ( 6 ) page: 436-440   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  263. 328 Fundamental studies of combustion characteristics of low-grade coal

    YOSHIIE Ryo, MAEDA Kouhei, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, PAK Haeyang, AKIYAMA Katsuya

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2014 ( 0 ) page: _328 - 1_-_328-2_   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2014.63._328-1_

  264. 7-4-2 Analysis of tar generated during thermal decomposition of plastics waste

    SUZUKI Toshiya, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 23 ( 0 ) page: 276 - 277   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Currently, one methods of recycling waste plastics include gasification. Gasification is carrying out thermal decomposition of the carbon resources, such as coal and the biomass for generating combustible gas. However, gasification will generate tar which is a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. It generate as a by-product. If the amount of generation of tar can be reduced, failure of a gas engine can be prevented, and also generation gas can also be increased. So, in this research, by adding vapor as a gasifying agent, when gasifying a plastic, reduction of tar was aimed at and the gasification behavior was inquired using the Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS).

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.23.0_276

  265. 7-2-1 Evaluation of corrosion resistance of thermal spraying materials to reduce the ash deposition for waste incinerator

    SASAKI Yoriaki, NAGANUMA Hiroshi, NOGUCHI Manabu, CHO Hiromitsu, NINOMIYA Yoshihiko, CHEN Juan, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 23 ( 0 ) page: 260 - 261   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Some ash particles of solid fuels adhere to heat exchanger tube surfaces, which causes some troubles such as heat transfer inhibition, operational problems and hot corrosion in incineration plants. The authors have developed a surface treatment technology of tubes via a thermal spraying technique (TST) to reduce the ash deposition. Both the results of 'High-temperature corrosion test' and 'Alternating current impedance testing' were exhibited in this paper. The corrosion resistance of TST was evaluated by measuring the polarization conductance and weight loss in corrosive conditions. As a result, it was clear that some materials of TST have high corrosion resistance and the AC impedance testing is available for evaluating the corrosion resistance.

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.23.0_260

  266. Counter-flow air gasification of woody biomass pellets in the auto-thermal packed bed reactor Reviewed

    Joseph H. Kihedu, Ryo Yoshiie, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 117   page: 1242-1247   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  267. Effect of Woody Biomass Addition on Coke Properties. Reviewed

    Yasuaki Ueki, Yoko Nunome, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Yuko Nishibata, Sadayoshi Aizawa

    ISIJ International   Vol. 54   page: 2454-2460   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  268. Effect of Woody Biomass Addition on Coke Properties

    Ueki Yasuaki, Nunome Yoko, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro, Nishibata Yuko, Aizawa Sadayoshi

    ISIJ INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 54 ( 11 ) page: 2454 - 2460   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会  

    The price of caking coal, which is used in the production of metallurgical coke, has risen in recent years. Also of concern is the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted from steel industries, comprising approximately 15% of total CO<sub>2</sub> emissions in Japan. Therefore, CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from the ironmaking process should be reduced to avoid global warming. In this work, fundamental research is conducted on the effect of adding woody biomass to the properties of coke, with the aim of possibly using woody biomass, which is carbon neutral, as a raw material in coke-making. Experimental results showed that the connectivity between coal particles in the coke sample during carbonization and coke strength drastically decrease by adding woody biomass to caking coal. However, the coke properties of the coke sample with added woody biomass could be improved by removing the partly volatile matter of woody biomass before mixing with caking coal, and as a result, the possibility of using woody biomass as a raw material for coke-making with prior carbonization at temperatures of more than 500°C was found.

    DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.54.2454

    Web of Science


  269. Dual role of conditioner CaO in product distributions and sulfur transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis Reviewed

    Huan Liu, Quang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Ruxi Xiao, Aijun Li, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 134   page: 514-520   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  270. Dramatic Response of S-1 Administration to Chemorefractory Advanced Thymic Cancer.

    Kaira K, Naruse I, Imai H, Sunaga N, Hisada T, Motegi M, Asao T, Yamada M

    Chemotherapy   Vol. 60 ( 5-6 ) page: 356 - 9   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1159/000437289


  271. Mechanism of chromium Oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration Reviewed

    Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Liu, Dunkui Chen, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute     page: 0   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  272. No.59 Evaluation of SOFC anode degradation caused by As and Se in fuel gas.

    FUJITA Ryohei, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, UEKI Yasuaki, KURAMOTO Koji

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 51 ( 0 ) page: 118 - 119   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Recently, the efficient use of coal has been increasingly developed as technologies against global warming issues. One of the solutions is a triple combined cycle system with coal gasification, such as IGFC (Integrated coal Gasification Fuel Cell combined cycle). SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) is a key device in the system. however, trace elements in syn gas damage anodes of the SOFC. In this study, thermodynamics equilibrium calculation and power generation experiment are conducted to elucidate the reaction between anode materials and trace elements, such as As and Se.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.51.0_118

  273. No.4 Elucidation of Ash particles Behavior during Combustion of Coke

    WAKATA Shunsuke, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 51 ( 0 ) page: 8 - 9   2014

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    One of the important purposes of the coke in the blast furnace is the spacer to ensure the gas and liquid permeability. In other hands, Ash particles in coke became slags inside the furnace and these are one of the causes that significantly worsen the permeability. in this study, combustion experiments of coke were conducted and ash particles in the coke samples were analyzed by using SEM/EDX in order to clarify ash particles behavior during combustion of coke.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.51.0_8

  274. Use of Soft Plasma Ionization Source at Evacuated Air Atmospheres in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to Suppress Fragmentation of Volatile Organic Compounds, Reviewed

    Nunome Yoko, Park Hyunkook, Kodama Kenji, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Lee Sang C, Kitagawa Kuniyuki, Wagatsuma Kazuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS   Vol. 48 ( 6 ) page: 436-440   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  275. Using sorbents to control heavy metals and particulate matter emission during solid fuel combustion Reviewed

    Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Particuology   Vol. 7   page: 477-482   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  276. Emissions of particles and trace elements from coal gasification

    Yoshiie Ryo, Taya Yukihiro, Ichiyanagi Taro, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL   Vol. 108   page: 67 - 72   2013.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2011.06.011

    Web of Science


  277. Control of ash deposition in solid fuel fired boiler

    Naganuma Hiroshi, Ikeda Nobuya, Ito Tadashi, Satake Hideshi, Matsuura Mikio, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 105   page: 77 - 81   2013.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.09.009

    Web of Science


  278. Reduction mechanisms of ash deposition in coal and/or biomass combustion boilers Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Tadashi Ito, Mikio Matsuura, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 106   page: 303-309   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  279. Reaction behavior during heating biomass materials and iron oxide composites Reviewed

    Y.Ueki, R.yoshiie, I.Naruse, K.-i.Ohno, T.Maeda, K.Nishioka and M.Shimizu

    FUEL   Vol. 104   page: 58-61   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  280. Contribution of Volatile Interactions During Co-Gasification of Biomass with Coal Reviewed

    Joseph H. Kihedu, Ryo Yoshiie, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki and Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy   Vol. 2 ( 1 ) page: 39-46   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  281. Reduction mechanisms of ash deposition in coal and/or biomass combustion boilers Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Tadashi Ito, Mikio Matsuura, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 106   page: 303–309   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  282. Control of ash deposition in solid fuel fired boiler Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Tadashi Ito, Mikio Matsuura, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 105   page: 77-81   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  283. Emissions of particles and trace elements from coal gasification Reviewed

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Yukihiro TAYA, Taro ICHIYANAGI, Yasuaki UEKI, Ichiro NARUSE

    Fuel   Vol. 108   page: 67-72   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  284. Effects of coal types on ash fragmentation and coalescence behaviors in pulverized coal combustion Reviewed

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Takuro TSUZUKI, Yasuaki UEKI, Yoko NUNOME, Ichiro NARUSE, Naoki SATO, Takamasa ITO, Yoshiaki MATSUZAWA, Toshiyuki SUDA

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: 2895-2902   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  285. 313 Mercury adsorption in flue gas by particles derived from waste products

    YOSIIE Ryo, SAWA Hiroaki, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2013 ( 0 ) page: 214 - 217   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Atmospheric mercury emissions from coal combustion and waste incineration processes have been drawing attention as global pollutant. It has been reported that wet desulfurization process and/or absorbing bed of activated carbon, which are generally installed in domestic coal fired power plants, can control mercury emissions. However, considering the growing diversity of fuels including waste products and the overseas market development, a low-cost dry process for mercury removal from stack gas needs to be developed in near future. Objective in this study is to utilize particle materials derived from waste products to capture gaseous mercury. Mercury absorption experiments have bee n conducted using some mineral particles. As a result, calcined paper sludge showed the high performance for mercury absorption.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2013.23.214

  286. 318 NOx emission behaviors in oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal

    YOSHIIE Ryo, HIKOSAKA Naoki, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2013 ( 0 ) page: 185 - 186   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2013.62.185

  287. 316 Direct detection of organic aerosols in smoke by soft plasma ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

    NUNOME Yoko, KODAMA Kenji, PARK Hyunkook, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, LEE Sang Chun, KITAGAWA Kuniyuki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2013 ( 0 ) page: 222 - 223   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Nano-sized organic aerosols, nanoparticles (d_p < 50 nm), in the atmosphere have attracted a lot of attention in recent years because of adverse effects on human health. A new system combining a soft plasma ionization (SPI) source with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) has been successfully developed and applied to direct and on-line analysis of smoke generated during combustion. The mass spectra of smoke were obtained in conjunction with the effects of gas species (air, Ar and He), pressure (1600-2600 Pa) and current (10-130 mA) of the SPI discharge. To investigate the ionization mechanism of the SPI, we also have studied spontaneous emission spectra from the SPI source. Considering the results from mass and emission s pectral data, we suppose an ionization mechanism of the SPI which can efficiently produce excitation ofN_2 in the presence o f the noble gas, leading to promote ionization of sample.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2013.23.222

  288. Contribution of Volatile Interactions During Co-Gasification of Biomass with Coal Reviewed

    Joseph H. Kihedu, Ryo Yoshiie, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy   Vol. 2 ( 1 ) page: 39-46   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  289. Emissions of particles and trace elements from coal gasification Reviewed

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Yukihiro TAYA, Taro ICHIYANAGI, Yasuaki UEKI, Ichiro NARUSE

    Fuel   Vol. 108   page: 67-72   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  290. Effects of coal types on ash fragmentation and coalescence behaviors in pulverized coal combustion

    Yoshiie Ryo, Tsuzuki Takuro, Ueki Yasuaki, Nunome Yoko, Naruse Ichiro, Sato Naoki, Ito Takamasa, Matsuzawa Yoshiaki, Suda Toshiyuki

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: 2895 - 2902   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2012.08.009

    Web of Science


  291. Effects of coal types on ash fragmentation and coalescence behaviors in pulverized coal combustion Reviewed

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Takuro TSUZUKI, Yasuaki UEKI, Yoko NUNOME, Ichiro NARUSE, Naoki SATO, Takamasa ITO, Yoshiaki MATSUZAWA, Toshiyuki SUDA

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: 2895-2902   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  292. Control of ash deposition on the surface of heat transfer tube

    Naruse I.

    2013 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2013     2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:2013 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2013  

    DOI: 10.1109/MHS.2013.6710484


  293. Control of Ash Deposition on the Surface of Heat Transfer Tube

    Naruse Ichiro, Nunome Yoko, Ueki Yasuaki, Azuma Yuichi, Iwai Takanori, Yoshiie Ryo, Naganuma Hiroshi


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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  294. Control of ash deposition in solid fuel fired boiler Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Tadashi Ito, Mikio Matsuura, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 105   page: 77-81   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  295. No.26 Ash Deposition Behavior during Co-combustion in Pulverized Coal Combustion Boiler.

    Azuma Yuichi, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, NARUKAWA Kimihito, INAGAKI Hironobu

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 50 ( 0 ) page: 52 - 53   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal combustion boiler, ash deposits such as slagging and fouling prevent heat transfer. On the other hand, a reserve of high lank coal is limited. So co-combustion of low lank coal, that is inexpensive, and high lank coal has been carried out in pulverized coal combustion boiler. Generally, low lank coal includes ash of low melting point. However, in this situation, ash deposition behavior has not been clarified. The purpose of this work is elucidation of ash deposition behavior during co-combustion in pulverized coal combustion boiler. Ash deposits were collected on a heat transfer tube with an ash deposit experiment at some blend condition. Ash particles near the adhesion interface were analyzed about element distribution by a Scanning Electron Microscope and an Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX). And ash particles are also analyzed about composition and particle size distribution by a Computer Control Scanning Electron Microscope (CCSEM). We calculated the molten fraction of each mix condition ash by chemical equilibrium theory, using FactSage Ver.6.3.1 software.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.50.0_52

  296. No.28 Oxy-Fuel combustion property of coal using fluidized bed

    SUGIURA Kouki, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 50 ( 0 ) page: 56 - 57   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Recently, oxy-fuel coal combustion has drawn attention as useful technique to achieve carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). This is the technique that enriches CO_2 in exhaust gas by the flue gas recirculation with additional pure O_2 to combustion atmosphere, which makes easy to capture CO_2. 0n the other hand, bubbling fluidized bed coal combustion has advantages of direct sulfur capturing in furnace by adding desulfurizing agents to bed material and decreasing of thermal NO_x as a result of low combustion temperature. However, oxy-fuel combustion behavior of coal in a bubbling fluidized bed is still unclear. In this study, we conducted the coal burning experiment under CO_2/O_2 using bubbling fluidized bed and compared oxy-fuel combustion behavior with air combustion behavior of coal. In addition, three coal samples having different nitrogen contents were tested to estimate the effect of raw coal properties on oxy-fuel combustion behaviors.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.50.0_56

  297. No.27 Artificial coal of mineral particle behaviors in coal combustion process

    NISHIMURA Hitoshi, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 50 ( 0 ) page: 54 - 55   2013

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In general, the use of coal having different physical properties from those of design coal in a pulverized coal combustion plant causes ash deposit troubles, such as fouling and slagging. However, from the viewpoint of utilization of low rank coals, flexibilities for various coal types as fuel are going to be required in pulverized coal fired boilers before long. Then, it is important to preliminarily predict mineral particle behaviors in coal combustion process. In this study, their behaviors are studied by use of artificial coal samples which contains included minerals and excluded minerals. Coal samples are burned in a drop tube furnace to sample particles in different conversion ratio and residence time. Then included and excluded minerals are analyzed and classified in particles by CCSEM

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.50.0_54

  298. Reaction behavior during heating biomass materials and iron oxide composites Reviewed

    Y.Ueki, R.yoshiie, I.Naruse, K.-i.Ohno, T.Maeda, K.Nishioka, M.Shimizu

    FUEL   Vol. 104   page: 58-61   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  299. Reduction mechanisms of ash deposition in coal and/or biomass combustion boilers Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Tadashi Ito, Mikio Matsuura, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 106   page: 303-309   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  300. Reduction mechanisms of ash deposition in coal and/or biomass combustion boilers Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Tadashi Ito, Mikio Matsuura, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 106   page: 303–309   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  301. Development of a Method for Measuring Gaseous Boron in Coal Combustion Flue Gas

    NODA Naoki, ITO Shigeo, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 38 ( 3 ) page: 183 - 188   2012.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    Boron compounds are generally highly volatile, and some of them vaporize in coal combustion and are contained in the flue gas. The partitioning behavior of boron from coal to the flue gas depends on the coal type, and the partitioning mechanisms are complex. In order to elucidate these mechanisms, it is necessary to develop a method to measure gaseous boron in coal combustion flue gas. In this study, we examined the absorption solution and sampling system material for gaseous boron compounds, using a model system of gaseous boron compounds and flue gas from a practical coal combustion facility. As a result, nitric acid with hydrogen peroxide was found to be the optimum solution for absorption. Silica glass or ethylene tetrafluoride resin were suitable materials for the sampling probe and line and the absorption impinger. Additionally, the sampling line must be kept at more than 130&deg;C in order to analyze the gaseous boron concentration accurately.

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.38.183


  302. 石炭燃焼排ガス中ガス状ホウ素の測定法開発 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   Vol. 38 ( 3 ) page: 183-188   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  303. 膜分離を伴う溶媒抽出による廃潤滑油の再生処理 Reviewed


    日本機械学会論文集B編   Vol. 78 ( 789 ) page: 1048-1052   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  304. Effects of coal types on ash fragmentation and coalescence behaviors in pulverized coal combustion Reviewed

    Ryo Yoshiie, Takuro Tsuzuki, Yasuaki Ueki, Yoko Nunome, Ichiro Naruse, Naoki Sato, Takamasa Ito, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Toshiyuki Suda

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 34   page: 2895-2902   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  305. Volatilization characteristics of boron compounds during coal combustion Reviewed

    Naoki Noda, Shigeo Ito, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 34   page: 2831-2838   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  306. Conversion synergies during steam co-gasification of lingno-cellulosic simulated biomass with coal Reviewed

    Kihedu J.H, Yoshiie R, Nunome Y, Ueki Y, Naruse I

    Jornal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems   Vol. 2 ( 4 ) page: 97-103   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  307. 203 Adsorption characteristics of gaseous mercury by carbonized waste

    UEKI Yasuaki, SAWA Hiroaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2012 ( 0 ) page: 131 - 132   2012

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Coal and solid fuels derived from industrial wastes sometimes contain a small amount of mercury compounds. In conmbustion processes, gaseous elemental mercury passes through the stack and releases into the atmosphere. Mercury emissions in the combustion processes have been focused as one of upcoming air pollutants. In this work, it is the purpose to use wastes (sewage sludge, woody biomass and municipal waste) as an adsorbent of elemental mercury. We conducted mercury adsorption experiment used carbonized sewage sludge, carbonized biomass and carbonized municipal waste as adsorbents. As a result, the mercury adsorption ratio of carbonized municipal waste was the largest.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2012.22.131

  308. 403 Effects of coal types on ash behaviors in pulverized coal combustion

    YOSHIIE Ryo, TSUZUKI Takuro, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro, SATO Naoki, MATSUZAWA Yoshiaki, ITO Takamasa, SUDA Toshiyuki

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2012 ( 0 ) page: _403 - 1_-_403-2_   2012

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2012.61._403-1_

  309. Conversion synergies during steam co-gasification of lingno-cellulosic simulated biomass with coal Reviewed

    Kihedu J.H, Yoshiie R, Nunome Y, Ueki Y, Naruse I

    Jornal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems   Vol. 2 ( 4 ) page: 97-103   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  310. Effects of coal types on ash fragmentation and coalescence behaviors in pulverized coal combustion Reviewed

    Ryo Yoshiie, Takuro Tsuzuki, Yasuaki Ueki, Yoko Nunome, Ichiro Naruse, Naoki Sato, Takamasa Ito, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Toshiyuki Suda

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 34   page: 2895-2902   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  311. Development of a Method for Measuring Gaseous Boron in Coal Combustion Flue Gas

    Noda Naoki, Ito Shigeo, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 38 ( 3 ) page: 183 - 188   2012

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  312. No.21 Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Emissions of Nitrogen Oxide from Coal Combustion

    HIKOSAKA Naoki, NUNOME Yoko, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 49 ( 0 ) page: 42 - 43   2012

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Currently, it becomes increasingly necessary to decrease CO_2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion processes, because they are major contributors to the global warming. Oxy-fuel coal combustion has drawn attention as useful technique to achieve carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). This is the technique that enriches CO_2 in exhaust gas by the flue gas recirculation with additional pure O_2 to combustion atmosphere, which makes easy to capture and liquidize CO_2 downstream. However, there have been few reports about behaviors of various environmental pollutants in oxy-fuel coal combustion with the flue gas recirculation. In this study, we experimentally estimated effects of NO and N_2O recirculation with CO_2 by a drop tube furnace equipment. In addition, we simulated NO and N_2O formations under oxy-fuel coal combustion condition by elementary reaction analysis, and then we discussed mechanism for the formation of NOX.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.49.0_42

  313. Reduction of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Fired Boilers

    Naruse I., Yoshiie R., Ueki Y., Matsuura M., Naganuma H.


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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  314. Volatilization characteristics of boron compounds during coal combustion Reviewed

    Naoki Noda, Shigeo Ito, Yoko Nunome, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 34   page: 2831-2838   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  315. Slagging Behavior of Upgraded Brown Coal and Bituminous coal in 145MW Practical Coal Combustion Boiler

    Akiyama Katsuya, Pak Haeyang, Takubo Yoji, Tada Toshiya, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro


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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  316. 石炭燃焼排ガス中ガス状ホウ素の測定法開発 Reviewed

    野田直希, 伊藤茂男, 植木保昭, 義家亮, 成瀬一郎

    化学工学論文集   Vol. 38 ( 3 ) page: 183-188   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  317. 膜分離を伴う溶媒抽出による廃潤滑油の再生処理 Reviewed

    義家亮, 植木保昭, 三輪高裕, 成瀬一郎

    日本機械学会論文集B編   Vol. 78 ( 789 ) page: 1048-1052   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  318. Effect of MgO addition to upgraded brown coal on ash-deposition behavior during combustion

    Akiyama Katsuya, Pak Haeyang, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL   Vol. 90 ( 11 ) page: 3230 - 3236   2011.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2011.06.041

    Web of Science


  319. Ash Deposition Behaviors and its Reduction in Pulverized Coal Combustor

    NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, NAGANUMA Hiroshi

      ( 369 ) page: 8 - 15   2011.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  320. Normal location of thumb/big toe may be related to programmed cell death in the preaxial area of embryonic limb.

    Kimura S, Yamada S, Naruse I

    Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)   Vol. 294 ( 8 ) page: 1352 - 9   2011.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/ar.21434


  321. Ash deposition behavior of upgraded brown coal in pulverized coal combustion boiler

    Akiyama Katsuya, Pak Haeyang, Takubo Yoji, Tada Toshiya, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY   Vol. 92 ( 7 ) page: 1355 - 1361   2011.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.02.016

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  322. Gas-Phase Reaction of NOX Formation in Oxyfuel Coal Combustion at Low Temperature

    Yoshiie Ryo, Kawamoto Takuya, Hasegawa Daisuke, Ueki Yasuaki, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 25 ( 6 ) page: 2481 - 2486   2011.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef200277q

    Web of Science


  323. Gasification characteristics of woody biomass in the packed bed reactor Reviewed

    Yasuaki Ueki, Takashi Torigoe, Hirofumi Ono, Ryo Yoshiie, Joseph H. Kihedu, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 1795-1800   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  324. Gas-Phase Reaction of NOX Formation in Oxyfuel Coal Combustion at Low Temperature Reviewed

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Takuya KAQAMOTO, Daisuke HASEGAWA, Yasuaki UEKI, Ichiro NARUSE

    2011 ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 25   page: 2481-2486   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  325. 202 Reduction characteristics of iron oxide by carbonaceous materials from waste

    DOI Atsuo, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2011 ( 0 ) page: 109 - 111   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It is important for environmental protection to use waste materials effectively. In this work, we conducted fundamental researches on the application of carbonaceous materials from waste as a reductant for iron oxide. Carbonaceous materials from waste (carbonized municipal waste, carbonized biomass, canbonized sewage sludge) were mixtured with hematite reagent The mixtures were heated up at the temperatures of 1000-1200℃ in N_2 gas by using thermo gravimetric analysis (TG) or batch furnace. In the reduction experiments, weight changes and concentrations of generated gases from samples were measured by electric balance and micro gas chromatograph, respectively. Weight changes ratio was calculated to compare reaction rate and reactive character.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2011.21.109

  326. 659 Gasification Characteristics of Woody Biomass with Carbon Dioxide and Steam

    UEKI Yasuaki, AKIMOTO Hirotaka, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2011 ( 0 ) page: _659 - 1_-_659-2_   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2011.60._659-1_

  327. 658 NO_x formations in coal combustion with flue gas recirculation

    YOSHIIE Ryo, KAWAMOTO Takuya, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2011 ( 0 ) page: _658 - 1_-_658-2_   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2011.60._658-1_

  328. 3-7-2 石炭・バイオマスの水蒸気・CO_2共ガス化(3-7 ガス化1,Session3 バイオマス等,研究発表)

    キヘドゥ ジョセフ, 義家 亮, 成瀬 一郎, 植木 保昭

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   Vol. 20 ( 0 ) page: 110 - 111   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    Improved steam co-gasification characteristics of coal and cedar (biomass) blend was observed against additive average behavior for separate gasification of coal and biomass. Similar effect was less pronounced during CO_2 co-gasification. Blends gasified to 800℃ reveal hastened pore development and physical cracking on coal particles. Co-pyrolysis char has higher H/C ratio and exhibits higher reactivity than chars mixed after separate pyrolysis of coal and cedar.

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.20.0_110

  329. 204 Refinement of waste lubricant oil using rubber membrane extraction method

    YOSIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, MIWA Takahiro, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2011 ( 0 ) page: 115 - 118   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A novel low temperature process to recover base oil from waste lubricating oil is proposed in this study, which is based on solvent extraction with membrane. In this process, organic solvent is circulated in a closed loop, representing a resource saving technology. Residue consists of only impurities in waste lubricating oil, such as suspended particles, aqueous droplets, soot and tar, representing a waste reducing technology. This process includes a fractional distillation, too, but it is for separating out organic solvent from oils. Then, temperature for fractional distillation is lower than 100 degC, representing energy saving technology. Rubber film is utilized as membrane in this process. Rubber film has swelling property when it is immersed in organic solvent. Expanded polymer network structure works as filter to separate impurities from oil dissolved in solvent. Objective in this paper is to verify the feasibility of solvent extraction with rubber membrane to recover base oil from waste lubricating oil. Effect of extraction period, solvent volume and extraction temperature on both yield and quality of the extracted oil was experimentally estimated. Quality of extracted oil was evaluated through measurement of sulfur, carbon residue and carbon number distribution in oil molecules.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2011.21.115

  330. Gas-Phase Reaction of NOX Formation in Oxyfuel Coal Combustion at Low Temperature Reviewed

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Takuya KAQAMOTO, Daisuke HASEGAWA, Yasuaki UEKI, Ichiro NARUSE

    2011 ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 25   page: 2481-2486   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  331. No.53 Coal type dependence of mineral particle behaviors in coal combustion process

    TSUZUKI Takuro, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, SATO Naoki, MATSUZAWA Yoshiaki, ITO Takamasa, SUDA Toshiyuki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 48 ( 0 ) page: 106 - 107   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    From a standpoint of utilization of low rank coals, flexibility to a variety of coal types as fuel is increasingly needed in pulverized coal fired boilers. If coal which physical properties are far from those of the design coal is used in the boiler, ash deposit troubles called fouling and slagging become much more severe. Therefore mineral particle behaviors in coal combustion are studied for different types of coal samples in this study. Coals having low, middle and high melting points of ash are burned in a drop tube furnace to sample char particle in different conversion ratios. Then included and excluded minerals are analyzed in char particles via CCSEM.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.48.0_106

  332. No.18 Development of combustion technology for low-rank coals in pulverized coal-fired boiler

    PAK Haeyang, AKIYAMA Katsuya, TAKUBO Yoji, TADA Toshiya, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 48 ( 0 ) page: 36 - 37   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    The main purpose of this study is to develop the combustion technology for low-rank coals with low melting point of ash. Various kinds of coals with different melting temperatures and ash compositions were used as the samples for the chemical equilibrium calculations and the pilot-scale combustion experiment. It was confirmed that the deposition fraction of ash obtained by the experiment rapidly increased when the molten slag fraction obtained by the calculation became over 60%. Finally, the combustion tests of the blended coal of low rank coal with bituminous coal were conducted using a 145 MW pulverized coal-fired boiler. The blending mass ratio of low rank coal to bituminous coal was decided, using the coal blending method developed. As a result, the mass of the deposited ash for the blended coal did not greatly increase and no slagging problems occurred for 11 days of boiler operation.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.48.0_36

  333. Gasification characteristics of woody biomass in the packed bed reactor

    Ueki Yasuaki, Torigoe Takashi, Ono Hirofumi, Yoshiie Ryo, Kihedu Joseph H., Naruse Ichiro

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 1795 - 1800   2011

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2010.07.080

    Web of Science


  334. Gasification characteristics of woody biomass in the packed bed reactor Reviewed

    Yasuaki Ueki, Takashi Torigoe, Hirofumi Ono, Ryo Yoshiie, Joseph H. Kihedu, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 1795-1800   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  335. Control of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Combustor

    Naruse Ichiro, Yoshiie Ryo, Matsuura Mikio, UEKI Yasuaki, NAGANUMA Hiroshi, ITO Tadashi

    Journal of chemical engineering of Japan   Vol. 43 ( 8 ) page: 872 - 879   2010.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    A thermal spraying technique was adopted to change the surface properties of heat exchanger tubes in pulverized coal fired boilers in order to reduce ash deposition. Initially, four types of coal ash with different melting points were tested as samples for ash deposition experiments. As a result, ash particles with higher fouling factor selectively adhered on the tube surface. Even for the ash particles with lower melting point, Ni alloy as a thermal spraying material played an effective role in reducing deposition. Ni alloy can reduce the ash deposition by limiting formation of molten slag at high temperature. In addition, long-term ash adhesion experiments were also carried out using a precise tension tester at high temperature. The effectiveness of the Ni alloy was also proved after long term contact between an ash pellet and a rod thermally sprayed Ni alloy at high temperature. This is because the Ni alloy can control the diffusion of Fe compounds from the tube rod to the ash deposition layer.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.10we129


  336. Effect of MgO additive on the reduction of ash deposition of upgraded brown coal

    Akiyama K.

    27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2010, PCC 2010   Vol. 3   page: 1955 - 1967   2010.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2010, PCC 2010  


  337. Effects of various gaseous agents on gasification of woody biomass

    Ueki Y.

    International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies and Hazardous Waste Combustors 2010     page: 151 - 168   2010.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies and Hazardous Waste Combustors 2010  


  338. Ash Deposition Behavior of Upgraded Brown Coal and Bituminous Coal

    Akiyama Katsuya, Pak Haeyang, Tada Toshiya, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    ENERGY & FUELS   Vol. 24 ( 8 ) page: 4138 - 4143   2010.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef9014313

    Web of Science


  339. Gaseous mercury oxidation behavior in homogeneous reaction with chlorine compounds Reviewed

    Ichiro Naruse, Ryo Yoshiie, Tsutomu Kameshima, Tsuyoshi Takuwa

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 12 ( 2 ) page: E1090101   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  340. Ash Deposition Behavior of Upgraded Brown Coal and Bituminous Coal Reviewed

    Katsuya Akiyama, Haeyang Pak, Toshiya Tada, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, and Ichiro Naruse

    Energy Fuels   Vol. 24   page: 4138-4143   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  341. Hot Gas Desulfurization and Regeneration Characteristics with Molten Alkali Carbonates Reviewed

    S.Raharjo, U.Yasuaki, R.Yoshiie and I. Naruse

    International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications   Vol. 1 ( 1 ) page: 96-102   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  342. Ash Deposition Behavior of Upgraded Brown Coal and Bituminous Coal Reviewed

    Katsuya Akiyama, Haeyang Pak, Toshiya Tada, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Energy Fuels   Vol. 24   page: 4138-4143   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  343. Gaseous mercury oxidation behavior in homogeneous reaction with chlorine compounds Reviewed

    Ichiro Naruse, Ryo Yoshiie, Tsutomu Kameshima, Tsuyoshi Takuwa

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management   Vol. 12 ( 2 ) page: E1090101   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  344. Hot Gas Desulfurization and Regeneration Characteristics with Molten Alkali Carbonates Reviewed

    S.Raharjo, U.Yasuaki, R.Yoshiie, I. Naruse

    International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications   Vol. 1 ( 1 ) page: 96-102   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  345. Gaseous mercury oxidation behavior in homogeneous reaction with chlorine compounds

    Naruse Ichiro, Yoshiie Ryo, Kameshima Tsutomu, Takuwa Tsuyoshi

    JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT   Vol. 12 ( 2 ) page: 154 - 160   2010.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-009-0283-z

    Web of Science


  346. Reaction Characteristic of Woody Biomass with CO2 and H2O

    Naruse Ichiro, Ueki Yasuaki, Isayama Tsutomu, Shinba Takanori, Kihedu Joseph H., Yoshiie Ryo


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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  347. Birth defects caused by mutations in human GLI3 and mouse Gli3 genes.

    Naruse I, Ueta E, Sumino Y, Ogawa M, Ishikiriyama S

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 50 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 7   2010.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2009.00266.x


  348. Gender-dependent differences in the incidence of ochratoxin A-induced neural tube defects in the Pdn/Pdn mouse.

    Ueta E, Kodama M, Sumino Y, Kurome M, Ohta K, Katagiri R, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 50 ( 1 ) page: 29 - 39   2010.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2009.00255.x


  349. Theoretical Study on Desulfurization Characteristics in a Fluidized Bed Combustor

    MURAKAMI Takahiro, KURITA Noriyuki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of High Temperature Society   Vol. 36 ( 1 ) page: 41 - 46   2010.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  350. 木質バイオマスのCO2およびH2Oとの反応特性 Reviewed

    成瀬一郎、植木保昭、伊佐山勉、榛葉貴紀、Joseph H.Kihedu、義家亮

    鉄と鋼   Vol. 96 ( 4 ) page: 150-155   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  351. 流動層燃焼炉における炉内脱硫特性の理論的考察 Reviewed


    高温学会誌   Vol. 36 ( 1 ) page: 14-46   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  352. 乾燥下水汚泥燃焼域における窒素酸化物の生成・消滅特性とその機構 Reviewed


    廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌   Vol. 21 ( 6 ) page: 193-201   2010

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  353. 264 Decomposition Characteristics of Dilute Unburned Hydrocarbons in Flue Gas

    YOSHIIE Ryo, HAYASHI Masaya, UEKI Yasuaki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2010 ( 0 ) page: 127 - 128   2010

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2010.59.127

  354. Control of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Combustor

    Naruse Ichiro, Yoshiie Ryo, Matsuura Mikio, Ueki Yasuaki, Naganuma Hiroshi, Ito Tadashi

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   Vol. 43 ( 10 ) page: 872 - 879   2010

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  355. Desulfurization and Regeneration Process by Using Molten Alkali Carbonates at High Temperature

    Raharjo Slamet, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro


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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  356. Mechanisms of ash deposition and damage of heat exchanger tube in pulverized coal combustion

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, IKEDA Nobuya, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, UEKI Yasuaki, MATSUURA Mikio, ITO Tadashi, SATAKE Hideshi

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 47 ( 0 ) page: 50 - 51   2010

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal fired boilers, molten ash particles generated during combustion have possibility of adhesion on surface of heat exchanger tubes. This causes problems of heat transfer inhibition such as slagging and fouling as well as erosion and/or corrosion of the tubes. In order to solve those problems, surface treatment technology on the heat exchanger tubes has been developed in this study. In this paper, the ash deposition and tube damage mechanisms were discussed by observing and analyzing the interface between the tube and ash deposition in the practical boiler.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.47.0_50

  357. Fundamental combustion characteristics and kinetics of Upgraded Brown Coal

    SHIMAMURA Michio, UEKI Yasuaki, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, AKIYAMA Katsuya

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 47 ( 0 ) page: 58 - 59   2010

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    To preserve fossil fuel resources, it is important to develop the efficient use of low rank coals like brown coal and lignite all over the world. Upgraded Brown Coal(UBC), which is the coal dewatered and stabilized in heated oil, is the promising way to use low rank coals as well as bituminous coals. In this paper, fundamental combustion characteristics and kinetics of UBC are examined via thermo-gravimetric(TG)analyses and Drop Tube Furnace(DTF)experiments. They are compared with those of bituminous coal. The UBC seemed to have higher reactivity during combustion than bituminous coal. There is a difference in the volatile evolution process between the UBC and bituminous coals.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.47.0_58

  358. Study on highly effective utilization of coal ash by means of CCSEM analyses

    Akahori Yuki, Ueki Yasuaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 47 ( 0 ) page: 54 - 55   2010

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In Japan, electricity is mainly produced by means of thermal power generation with combustion of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. On the other hand, large amount of coal is used as material of cement by mixing with limestone, too. Therefore, the purpose is to develop high efficiency energy cycle which product electric power and cement material called clinker simalutaneously to save the usage of raw materials. In this paper, the prediction of how to create clinker is examined by means of Factsage which is thermal equilibrium calculation software. The results obtained are compared how much mix ratio is more efficiency to product clinker. The results of CCSEM analyses show what components created in from experiment.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.47.0_54

  359. 乾燥下水汚泥燃焼域における窒素酸化物の生成・消滅特性とその機構 Reviewed

    成瀬一郎, 平林美和, 義家亮, 植木保昭

    廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌   Vol. 21 ( 6 ) page: 193-201   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  360. 木質バイオマスのCO2およびH2Oとの反応特性 Reviewed

    成瀬一郎, 植木保昭, 伊佐山勉, 榛葉貴紀, Joseph, H.Kihedu, 義家亮

    鉄と鋼   Vol. 96 ( 4 ) page: 150-155   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  361. 流動層燃焼炉における炉内脱硫特性の理論的考察 Reviewed

    村上高広, 栗田典之, 成瀬一郎

    高温学会誌   Vol. 36 ( 1 ) page: 14-46   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  362. Introduction of research group: Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya University

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 88 ( 1 ) page: 81 - 84   2009.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

  363. *界面反応を伴う石炭灰付着機構の解明 Reviewed


    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 88 ( 9 ) page: 816-822   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  364. *Behavior of lead compounds during municipal solid waste incineration Reviewed

    Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 32   page: 2685-2691   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  365. Control of ash deposition in pulverized coal-fired boiler Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Takayuki Kawai,suyoshi Takuwa, Tadashi Ito, Yoshiaki Igarashi, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 32   page: 2709-2716   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  366. *充填層式木質バイオマスガス化炉の反応挙動解明 Reviewed


    日本機械学会論文集B編   Vol. 75 ( 752 ) page: 242-248   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  367. *Behavior of lead compounds during municipal solid waste incineration Reviewed

    Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 32   page: 2685-2691   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  368. Behavior of lead compounds during municipal solid waste incineration

    Yao Hong, Naruse Ichiro

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 32   page: 2685 - 2691   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2008.07.026

    Web of Science


  369. *界面反応を伴う石炭灰付着機構の解明 Reviewed

    長田宏, 池田信矢, 伊藤正, 佐藤文夫, 浦島一晃, 多久和毅志, 義家亮, 成瀬一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 88 ( 9 ) page: 816-822   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  370. *充填層式木質バイオマスガス化炉の反応挙動解明 Reviewed

    多久和穀志, 鳥越隆志, 義家亮, 成瀬一郎

    日本機械学会論文集B編   Vol. 75 ( 752 ) page: 242-248   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  371. Control of ash deposition in pulverized coal fired boiler

    Naganuma Hiroshi, Ikeda Nobuya, Kawai Takayuki, Takuwa Tsuyoshi, Ito Tadashi, Igarashi Yoshiaki, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   Vol. 32   page: 2709 - 2716   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2008.06.001

    Web of Science


  372. Control of ash deposition in pulverized coal-fired boiler Reviewed

    Hiroshi Naganuma, Nobuya Ikeda, Takayuki Kawai, suyoshi Takuwa, Tadashi Ito, Yoshiaki Igarashi, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    Proceedings of Combustion Institute   Vol. 32   page: 2709-2716   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  373. Gasification characteristics of woody biomass in the packed bed reactor

    Yoshiie R.

    7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2009     2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2009  


  374. 228 Gasification behaviors of woody biomass in packed bed gasifier

    ONO Hirofumi, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro, TORIGOE Takashi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2009 ( 0 ) page: 216 - 219   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of biomass gasification in the packed-bed, conducting gasification experiment and analysis of syn-gas in the reactor. In this study, pellets of black pine (ψ6.5mm×8.5mm) are fed intermittently with air as the gasification agent. The gasification experiments were carried out by two type gasification methods, such as updraft and downdraft setups. In the gasification tests, the temperature distribution in the gasification reactor and the gas compositions are measured and analyzed during gasification by thermo-couples inserted from a furnace wall and a micro gas chromatograph, respectively. Product gas before cooling were sampled for determine the amount of tar generation.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2009.19.216

  375. 606 Emission behaviors of particulates with trace elements under coal gasification

    YOSHIIE Ryo, TAYA Yukihiro, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2009 ( 0 ) page: 375 - 376   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2009.58.375

  376. Gasification and Desulfurization Characteristics of Carbonaceous Materials in Molten Alkali Carbonates

    RAHARJO Slamet, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, IWASAKI Shin, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of Environment and Engineering   Vol. 4 ( 2 ) page: 386 - 394   2009

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    This study focuses on gasification technology of carbonaceous materials in molten carbonates since this gasifier can gasify those fuels catalytically and in-situ clean up the gasified gas at high temperature simultaneously. This gasification system has such advantages that alkali metal compounds have catalytic function for the gasification reactions, the molten alkali compounds can absorb sulfur compounds and the molten media can capture ash and un-reacted particles produced. The molten carbonate employed in this study is an eutectic salt with the compositions of 43 mol% Na<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>3</SUB> and 57 mol% K<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>3</SUB>. CO<SUB>2</SUB> is selected as a gasification agent. Before the gasification experiments, the optimum gasification and desulfurization temperature is evaluated by the chemical equilibrium calculations. Fundamental gasification and desulfurization experiments were conducted, by using an electrically heated reactor. As a result, the main compositions of the gasified gas are CO, H<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>. H<SUB>2</SUB>S and COS gases in the product can be absorbed almost completely by the molten alkali carbonates. These results suggest that this gasifier can gasify the carbonaceous materials and desulfurize even at high temperature inside the furnace simultaneously.

    DOI: 10.1299/jee.4.386

  377. Gasification and Desulfurization Characteristics of Carbonaceous Materials in Molten Alkali Carbonates

    NARUSE Ichiro, RAHARJO Slamet, IWASAKI Shin, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, YOSHIIE Ryo

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B   Vol. 74 ( 748 ) page: 2636 - 2641   2008.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This study focuses on gasification technology of carbonaceous materials in molten carbonates since this gasifier can gasify those fuels catalytically and in-situ clean up the gasified gas at high temperature simultaneously. This gasification system has such advantages that alkali metal compounds show catalytic function for the gasification reactions, the molten alkali compounds can absorb sulfur compounds and the molten media can capture ash and unreacted particles produced. The molten carbonate employed in this study is an eutectic salt with the compositions of 43mol% Na_2CO_3 and 57mol% K_2CO_3. CO_2 is selected as a gasification agent. Before the gasification experiments, the optimum gasification and desulfurization temperature is evaluated by the chemical equilibrium calculations. Fundamental gasification and desulfurization experiments were conducted, by using an electrically heated reactor. As a result, the main compositions of the gasified gas are CO, H_2 and CH_4. H_2S and COS gases in the product can be absorbed almost completely by the molten alkali carbonates. These results suggest that this gasifier can gasify the carbonaceous materials and desulfurize even at high temperature inside the furnace simultaneously.

  378. Altered signaling pathway in the dysmorphogenesis of telencephalon in the Gli3 depressed mouse embryo, Pdn/Pdn.

    Ueta E, Kurome M, Teshima Y, Kodama M, Otsuka Y, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 48 ( 2 ) page: 74 - 80   2008.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2008.00182.x


  379. *溶融アルカリ炭酸塩を用いた炭素系物質のガス化・脱硫特性 Reviewed

    成瀬一郎、Slamet RAHARJO、岩崎伸、多久和穀志、義家亮

    日本機械学会論文集B編   Vol. 74 ( 748 ) page: 2636-2641   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  380. *溶融アルカリ炭酸塩を用いた炭素系物質のガス化・脱硫特性 Reviewed

    成瀬一郎, Slamet RAHARJO, 岩崎伸, 多久和穀志, 義家亮

    日本機械学会論文集B編   Vol. 74 ( 748 ) page: 2636-2641   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  381. Gasification and Desulfurization Characteristics of Carbonaceous Materials in Molten Alkali Carbonates

    NARUSE Ichiro, RAHARJO Slamet, IWASAKI Shin, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, YOSHIIE Ryo

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B   Vol. 74 ( 748 ) page: 2636 - 2641   2008

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This study focuses on gasification technology of carbonaceous materials in molten carbonates since this gasifier can gasify those fuels catalytically and <I>in-situ</I> clean up the gasified gas at high temperature simultaneously. This gasification system has such advantages that alkali metal compounds show catalytic function for the gasification reactions, the molten alkali compounds can absorb sulfur compounds and the molten media can capture ash and unreacted particles produced. The molten carbonate employed in this study is an eutectic salt with the compositions of 43 mol% Na<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>3</SUB> and 57 mol% K<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>3</SUB>. CO<SUB>2</SUB>, is selected as a gasification agent. Before the gasification experiments, the optimum gasification and desulfurization temperature is evaluated by the chemical equilibrium calculations. Fundamental gasification and desulfurization experiments were conducted, by using an electrically heated reactor. As a result, the main compositions of the gasified gas are CO, H<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>. H<SUB>2</SUB>S and COS gases in the product can be absorbed almost completely by the molten alkali carbonates. These results suggest that this gasifier can gasify the carbonaceous materials and desulfurize even at high temperature inside the furnace simultaneously.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.74.2636


  382. Combustion characteristics and kinetics of upgraded brown coal

    Nishio Kentaro, Takuwa Tsuyoshi, Yoshiie Ryo, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 45 ( 0 ) page: 44 - 45   2008

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    To preserve fossil fuels all over the world, it is important to develop the efficient use of low rank coals like brown coal and lignite. Upgraded Brown Coal (UBC), which is the coal dewatered and stabilized in heated oil, is the promising way to use low rank coals as sophisticatedly as bituminous coals. In this paper, fundamental combustion characteristics and kinetics of UBCs are examined via thermo-gravimetric analyses. The results obtained are compared with those of some kinds of bituminous coal. The UBC seemed to have higher reactivity during combustion. There is a little difference in the volatile evolution process between the UBC and bituminous coals.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.45.0_44

  383. Reduction of ash deposition by surface treatment on heat exchanger tube

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, IKEDA Nobuya, NARUSE Ichiro, YOSHIIE Ryo, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, URASHIMA Kazuaki, ITO Tadashi, IGARASHI Yoshiaki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 45 ( 0 ) page: 90 - 91   2008

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal fired boilers, molten ash particles generated during combustion have possibility of adhesion on surface of heat exchanger tubes. This ash deposition layer formed plays a role for insulation surrounding the tubes. In order to solve this problem, surface treatment technology of the heat exchanger tubes is developed in this study. Surface treatment technology adopted in this study could reduce the ash deposition during coal combustion. The adhesive bond between the deposition layer and the tube surface related to percentage of content of alkali sulfate in ash.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.45.0_90

  384. 554 Enrichment behavior of trace metal components in combustion of simulated waste oil

    Kanaoka Toshiki, Muramatsu Kenshi, Naruse Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2008 ( 0 ) page: 387 - 388   2008

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2008.57.387

  385. 552 Study on reaction behaviors in packed-bed biomass gasifier

    TORIGOE Takashi, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch   Vol. 2008 ( 0 ) page: 383 - 384   2008

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetokai.2008.57.383

  386. Studies on Behavior of Trace Metal during Coal Gasification Process

    TAYA Yukihiro, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, ASAKURA Eiji, YOSHIIE Ryo, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 45 ( 0 ) page: 94 - 95   2008

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Some trace metal compounds in coal easily vaporize and form fumes during coal gasification. The fumes subsequently cause some problems such as corrosion of the gas turbine blades and material deterioration of the fuel cell. Therefore, it is necessary to understand and control the volatilization of those compounds. In this paper, the evolution behavior of trace heavy metal compounds, especially for Pb and Cd has been studied by thermodynamic equilibrium calculation under combustion and gasification conditions.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.45.0_94

  387. Detailed kinetic and control of alkali metal compounds during coal combustion

    Takuwa T.

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 88 ( 11-12 ) page: 1029 - 1034   2007.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel Processing Technology  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2007.06.010


  388. Experiments and thermodynamic equilibrium of homogenous oxidation of mercury

    Luo G.

    Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics   Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 1039 - 1042   2007.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics  


  389. Prevention of ochratoxin A-induced neural tube defects by folic acid in the genetic polydactyly/arhinencephaly mouse, Pdn/Pdn.

    Katagiri R, Kurome M, Teshima Y, Ueta E, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 47 ( 3 ) page: 90 - 6   2007.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2007.00152.x


  390. Emission Behaviors and Control of Trace Elements during Combustion Processes

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials,Japan   Vol. 14 ( 328 ) page: 177 - 183   2007.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  391. Effect of cellulose and lignin content on pyrolysis and combustion characteristics for several types of biomass Reviewed

    Asri Gani and Ichiro Naruse

    Renewable Energy   Vol. 32 ( 4 ) page: 649-661   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  392. Effect of cellulose and lignin content on pyrolysis and combustion characteristics for several types of biomass Reviewed

    Asri Gani, Ichiro Naruse

    Renewable Energy   Vol. 32 ( 4 ) page: 649-661   2007.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  393. Effect of cellulose and lignin content on pyrolysis and combustion characteristics for several types of biomass

    Gani A.

    Renewable Energy   Vol. 32 ( 4 ) page: 649 - 661   2007.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Renewable Energy  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2006.02.017


  394. Effect of Liquid Phase on Deposition Behaviors of Coal Ash

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, NARUSE Ichiro, MIYAUCHI Yoshiki, KAWAI Takayuki, ITOH Tadashi, MIKI Yoshiharu, AIZAWA Iichiro, KARINO Katsuhiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 86 ( 2 ) page: 102 - 108   2007.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In order to prevent adhesion of molten ash particles on the surface of heat exchanger tubes in coal combustion boilers, surface treatment of the tubes, using a thermal spray coating techniaue, is conducted in this study. As one of the important mechanisms of ash adhesion relates to liquid-bridge force between the tube surface and the molten ash particles, contact angle of the liquid-phase on the surface for the simulated molten ash particles was measured, varying types of coating metal species. The ash deposition experiments on the coated tubes were also conducted, using a ertical furnace under the high-temperature condition. The result showed that the two values of the wettability and the slagging factor of the ash particles deposited could evaluate the ash adhesion characteristics. The wettablity could be controlled by changing types of the coating metal species. The amount of ash deposition increased with an increase of the slagging factor. Especially, sodium and potassium compounds were concentrated in the position apart from 60 egrees from the stagnation point. These results suggest that the surface treatment of the tubes, using a thermal spray coating technique, can control the ash deposition behaviors.

  395. Role of Methanol on Supercritical Water Oxidation of Ammonia, Reviewed

    Suzugaki H.,Naruse I.Quitain,A.T.,Daimon,H.,Fujie,K.

    Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.   Vol. 46   page: 3566-3573   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  396. Detailed kinetic and control of alkali metal compounds during coal combustion Reviewed

    Tsuyoshi Takuwa and Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 88 ( 11-12 ) page: 1029-1034   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  397. Emission control of sodium compounds and their formation mechanisms during coal combustion Reviewed

    T. Takuwa and I. Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 31   page: 2863-2870   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  398. Detailed kinetic and control of alkali metal compounds during coal combustion Reviewed

    Tsuyoshi Takuwa, Ichiro Naruse

    Fuel Processing Technology   Vol. 88 ( 11-12 ) page: 1029-1034   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  399. Emission control of sodium compounds and their formation mechanisms during coal combustion

    Takuwa T.

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 31 II   page: 2863 - 2870   2007

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2006.07.170


  400. Emission control of sodium compounds and their formation mechanisms during coal combustion Reviewed

    T. Takuwa, I. Naruse

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 31   page: 2863-2870   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  401. Effect of Liquid Phase on Deposition Behaviors of Coal Ash

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, NARUSE Ichiro, MIYAUCHI Yoshiki, KAWAI Takayuki, ITOH Tadashi, MIKI Yoshiharu, AIZAWA Iichiro, KARINO Katsuhiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 86 ( 2 ) page: 102 - 108   2007

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In order to prevent adhesion of molten ash particles on the surface of heat exchanger tubes in coal combustion boilers, surface treatment of the tubes, using a thermal spray coating technique, is conducted in this study. As one of the important mechanisms of ash adhesion relates to liquid-bridge force between the tube surface and the molten ash particles, contact angle of the liquid-phase on the surface for the simulated molten ash particles was measured, varying types of coating metal species. The ash deposition experiments on the coated tubes were also conducted, using a vertical furnace under the high-temperature condition. The result showed that the two values of the wettability and the slagging factor of the ash particles deposited could evaluate the ash adhesion characteristics. The wettablity could be controlled by changing types of the coating metal species. The amount of ash deposition increased with an increase of the slagging factor. Especially, sodium and potassium compounds were concentrated in the position apart from 60 degrees from the stagnation point. These results suggest that the surface treatment of the tubes, using a thermal spray coating technique, can control the ash deposition behaviors.

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.86.102


  402. Role of coal utilization technologies for suatainable society

    Naruse Ichiro


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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  403. Role of Methanol on Supercritical Water Oxidation of Ammonia, Reviewed

    Suzugaki H, Naruse I.Quitain,A.T, Daimon,H, Fujie,K

    Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.   Vol. 46   page: 3566-3573   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  404. 1-18 Temperature dependency of adhesive bond of coal ash on metal surface

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, IKEDA Nobuya, NARUSE Ichiro, KAWAI Takayuki, ITO Tadashi, IGARASHI Yoshiaki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 16 ( 0 ) page: 36 - 37   2007

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.16.0_36

  405. 37 Prediction of Ash Deposition Characteristics during Pulverized Coal Combustion

    NARUSE Ichiro, KAWAI Takayuki

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 44 ( 0 ) page: 74 - 75   2007

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal combustors, molten ash particles generated during combustion have possibility of adhesion on surface of heat exchanger tubes. This ash deposition layer formed plays a role for insulation surrounding the tubes. In order to prevent this problem, it is, first, necessary to predict ash deposition characteristics. In this paper, not only amount of the ash deposition was measured experimentally, but also that amount was compared with amount of the slag-liquid phase calculated by the thermal equilibrium theory. As a result, the amount of slag-liquid phase calculated could be correlated with the amount of ash deposition obtained experimentally.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.44.0_74

  406. Genetic susceptibility in the neural tube defects induced by ochratoxin A in the genetic arhinencephaly mouse, Pdn/Pdn.

    Ohta K, Maekawa M, Katagiri R, Ueta E, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 46 ( 3 ) page: 144 - 8   2006.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2006.00117.x


  407. Mercury emissions and species during combustion of coal and waste

    Yao H.

    Energy and Fuels   Vol. 20 ( 5 ) page: 1946 - 1950   2006.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef060100b


  408. Mass Balance and Formation Mechanism of Trace Metals in High Temperature Processes

    NINOMIYA Yoshihiko, NARUSE Ichiro

    Chemical engineering of Japan   Vol. 70 ( 7 ) page: 329 - 334   2006.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  409. Mechanisms of fine particulates formation with alkali metal compounds during coal combustion

    Takuwa T.

    Fuel   Vol. 85 ( 5-6 ) page: 671 - 678   2006.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2005.08.043


  410. Ash Behaviors and Deposition Phenomena in Coal Gasification

    NARUSE Ichiro, YAMASHITA Toru, AKIMOTO Akemitsu

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 85 ( 1 ) page: 20 - 27   2006.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    This report deals with comprehensive studies on ash formation, ash deposition and growth of the deposition layer during gasification. For the ash formation, both the coagulation model for the included mineral particles and the splitting model for the excluded mineral particles are developed, based on the experimental and analytical results obtained. For the ash deposition process, the ash deposition characteristics depend on properties of ash in raw coals, especially for the melting temperature. The fine ash particles selectively adhere at the initial stage of deposition. The ash compositions of the depositing particles differ from those of the ash particles in the char particles before deposition. For growth of the ash deposition layer, both the melting tests for several types of coal ash and the chemical equilibrium calculations on the molten phases of some ash compositions contribute to modeling the growth behaviors of ash deposition layer during gasification. Finally, the actual coal gasification tests are conducted at atmospheric pressure, using a bench-scale coal gasifier, to confirm the validity of some models developed in these studies.

  411. Ash behaviors and deposition phenomena in coal gasification

    Naruse I.

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 85 ( 1 ) page: 20 - 27   2006.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy  


  412. Effect of alkali metal compounds on limestone calcination in desulfurization process: Molecilar dynamic simulatioms Reviewed

    Takahiro Murakani, Noriyuki Kurita and Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan   Vol. 114 ( 8 ) page: 676-680   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  413. Mercury Emissions and Species during Combustion of Coal and Waste Reviewed

    Hong Yao, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu, Tamotsu Kameshima and Ichiro Naruse

    Energy & Fuels   Vol. 20   page: 1946-1950   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  414. Mechanisms of Fine Particulates Formation with Alkali Metal Compounds during Coal Combustion Reviewed

    T. Takuwa, I. S. N. Mkilaha and I. Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 85   page: 671-678   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  415. Effect of alkali metal compounds on limestone calcination in desulfurization process: Molecilar dynamic simulatioms Reviewed

    Takahiro Murakani, Noriyuki Kurita, Ichiro Naruse

    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan   Vol. 114 ( 8 ) page: 676-680   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  416. Mechanisms of Fine Particulates Formation with Alkali Metal Compounds during Coal Combustion Reviewed

    T. Takuwa, I. S. N. Mkilaha, I. Naruse

    Fuel   Vol. 85   page: 671-678   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  417. Mercury Emissions and Species during Combustion of Coal and Waste Reviewed

    Hong Yao, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu, Tamotsu Kameshima, Ichiro Naruse

    Energy & Fuels   Vol. 20   page: 1946-1950   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  418. 1-6. Non-catalysic Steam Reforming Technology of Heavy and Waste Oils

    NARUMI Yoshinari, SUZUKI Yuzo, GOTO Shinichi, TAKAHASHI Nobusada, NARUSE Ichiro, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 15 ( 0 ) page: 43 - 44   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.15.0_43

  419. 23. Effect of metal-coal ash interfacial reactions on change of adhesive bond

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, AIZAWA Iichiro, NARUSE Ichiro, KAWAI Takayuki, ITO Tadashi, KARINO Katsuhiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 43 ( 0 ) page: 47 - 48   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal combustors, molten ash particles generated during combustion have possibility of adhesion on surface of heat exchanger tubes. This ash deposition layer formed plays a role for insulation surrounding the tubes. In order to prevent this problem, surface treatment technology of the tube to control the ash adhesion is tested in this study. Time change of an adhesive bond of coal ash on the metal, which is important to understand the fouling mechanism, is measured. The metal and ash composition at the interface is also observed, and the effect of the interfacial reactions on the change of the adhesive bond is discussed.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.43.0_47

  420. 1.1 固体の燃焼(1. 燃焼理論,III エネルギー変換技術の進展と研究動向,平成17年における重要なエネルギー関係事項)

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 85 ( 8 ) page: 677 - 678   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.85.677

  421. 1-8. Time change of adhesive bond and interfacial reactions of coal ash on metal surface

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, AIZAWA Iichiro, NARUSE Ichiro, KAWAI Takayuki, ITO Tadashi, KARINO Katsuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 15 ( 0 ) page: 47 - 48   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.15.0_47

  422. 310 Reaction Dynamics of Mercury in Homogeneous Atmosphere

    TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, KAMESHIMA Tamotsu, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2006 ( 0 ) page: 267 - 269   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The objectives are to elucidate homogeneous mechanisms of mercury oxidization in high temperature and study the important factors on mercury oxidization in the homogeneous reaction. The mercury oxidation experiments were carried out by injecting Hg gas with HCl or Cl_2 gas, using an electrically heated horizontal reaction tube. Additionally, chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics analyses were also conducted for studying the main mercury elementary reaction scheme theoretically. The results show that HCl has little possibility of mercury oxidation. For Cl_2 addition case, however, the mercury oxidization is enhanced more.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2006.16.267

  423. 5-4. Behaviors of lead during waste combustion

    MAEYAMA Takeshi, MORI Shigehumi, TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, Yao Hong, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 15 ( 0 ) page: 307 - 308   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.15.0_307

  424. 41. Desulfurization and Regeneration Characteristic with Molten Alkali Carbonates at High Temperature

    Raharjo Slamet, Naruse Ichiro

    石炭科学会議発表論文集   Vol. 43 ( 0 ) page: 83 - 84   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.43.0_83

  425. 311 Control of Fine Particulate and Alkali Compounds during Coal Combustion by Kaolin

    TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2006 ( 0 ) page: 270 - 273   2006

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to control emissions of sodium compounds during coal combustion, the sorbent injection technology is tested under the coal combustion condition. Kaolin is selected as the sorbent to absorb vapors of sodium compounds evolved from the coals. In the combustion experiments, the kaolin is physically mixed with coal. Two types of coal, which have the similar coal properties, are burned. Combustion tests are conducted, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace, to study effect of kaolin addition on the capture characteristics of sodium compounds. As a result, the kaolin can effectively capture the vapor of sodium compounds even under the actual coal combustion condition. The capture efficiency depends on the coal type. The sodium compounds for the coals, which produce many fine particles with size of less than 1μm, tend to be effectively captured by the kaolin.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2006.16.270

  426. Exencephaly induction by valproic acid in the genetic polydactyly/arhinencephaly mouse, Pdn/Pdn.

    Maekawa M, Ohta K, Katagiri R, Ueta E, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 45 ( 4 ) page: 132 - 6   2005.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2005.00082.x


  427. Combustion characteristics of dried sewage sludge and control of trace-metal emission

    Yao H.

    Energy and Fuels   Vol. 19 ( 6 ) page: 2298 - 2303   2005.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef0501039


  428. Control of Trace Metal Emissions by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion Reviewed

    H. Yao and I. Naruse

    Proc. of Combus. Inst.   Vol. 30 ( 2 ) page: 3009-3016   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  429. Control of Trace Metal Emissions by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion Reviewed

    H. Yao, I. Naruse

    Proc. of Combus. Inst.   Vol. 30 ( 2 ) page: 3009-3016   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  430. Characteristics of co-combustion of low-rank coal with biomass

    Gani A.

    Energy and Fuels   Vol. 19 ( 4 ) page: 1652 - 1659   2005.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef049728h


  431. Fundamental ash deposition characteristics in pulverized coal reaction under high temperature conditions

    Naruse I.

    Fuel   Vol. 84 ( 4 ) page: 405 - 410   2005.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuel  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2004.09.007


  432. Fundamental Study on Initial Ash Deposition during Pulverized Coal Reaction Reviewed

    I. Naruse, D. Kamihashira, Khairil, Y. Miyauchi, Y. Kato, T. Yamashita and H. Tominaga

    Fuel   Vol. 84   page: 405-410   2005

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  433. Characteristics of Co-combustion of Low-Rank Coal with Biomass Reviewed

    A. Gani, K. Morishita, K. Nishikawa and I. Naruse

    Energy & Fuels   Vol. 19   page: 2298-2303   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  434. Characteristics of Co-combustion of Low-Rank Coal with Biomass Reviewed

    A. Gani, K. Morishita, K. Nishikawa, I. Naruse

    Energy & Fuels   Vol. 19   page: 2298-2303   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  435. Control of trace metal emissions by sorbents during sewage sludge combustion

    Yao H.

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 30 II   page: 3009 - 3016   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2004.07.047


  436. Fundamental Study on Initial Ash Deposition during Pulverized Coal Reaction Reviewed

    I. Naruse, D. Kamihashira, Khairil, Y. Miyauchi, Y. Kato, T. Yamashita, H. Tominaga

    Fuel   Vol. 84   page: 405-410   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  437. Effect of mineral matters in coal on formation behaviors of particulate matter and alkali metal compounds during coal combustion

    Takuwa T.

    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, 2005     page: 271 - 275   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, 2005  

    DOI: 10.1115/fbc2005-78039


  438. No and N<inf>2</inf>O formation/decomposition characteristics during co-combustion of coal with biomass

    Gani A.

    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, 2005     page: 219 - 223   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, 2005  

    DOI: 10.1115/fbc2005-78024


  439. 1-15. Effect of liquid phase on deposition of coal ash

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, AIZAWA Iichiro, NARUSE Ichiro, MIYAUCHI Yoshiki, KAWAI Takayuki, ITO Tadashi, MIKI Yoshiharu, KARINO Katsuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 14 ( 0 ) page: 44 - 45   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.14.0_44

  440. 3-3.バイオマスの燃焼・熱分解特性へのリグニン・セルロースの影響((1)熱分解,Session 3 バイオマス等)

    ガニ アスリ, 成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   Vol. 14 ( 0 ) page: 102 - 103   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.14.0_102

  441. 23. Homogeneous Reaction Behaviors of Mercury Compounds

    KAMESHIMA Tamotsu, YAO Hong, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 42 ( 0 ) page: 49 - 50   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    The objectives are to elucidate homogeneous mechanisms of mercury oxidization and study the important factors on mercury oxidization in the homogeneous reaction system. The mercury oxidation experiments were conducted by injecting Hg gas with HCl or Cl_2 gas, using an electrically heated horizontal tube. Chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics analyses were also carried out to study the main mercury elementary reaction scheme theoretically. The results show that HCI has little possibility of mercury oxidization. For Cl_2 addition, however, the mercury oxidization is enhanced more. The coexistence atmosphere of H_2O with Cl_2 affects promotion of mercury oxidization.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.42.0_49

  442. 218 Scenario making for effective utilization system of woody biomass in local community At Shinshiro and Horai areas in Aichi Prefecture

    Shinba Takanori, Takuwa Tsuyoshi, Naruse Ichiro, Kawai Yoshio, Tomimura Shuhei

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2005 ( 0 ) page: 174 - 177   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this study, Shinshiro and Horai areas were selected as a local community with forest resources unused effectively since fraction of forest area in this community exceeded to 60%. First, tree types and their amount were investigated in those areas. Amount and types of recycled and wasted woody biomass were also investigated by hearing and questionnaires to sawmill factories in Shinshiro and Horai areas. Based on those investigation results, available amount of woody biomass to energy and material resources was estimated. Additionally, several energy production technologies such as combustion, gasification and so forth were also surveyed Consequently, a small-scale fixed bed gasifier with a gasoline engine was selected as one of the candidate. To operate this gasifier, fundamental thermal properties of the biomass selected were analyzed, and the gasification and power generation experiments were also conducted.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2005.15.174

  443. 12. Ash Behaviors and Deposition Characteristic in Coal Gasification Process

    Kawai Takayuki, Miyauchi Yoshiki, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 42 ( 0 ) page: 27 - 28   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Recently, high-temperature and high-pressure coal gasification combined cycle systems have been under developed to realize more efficient and ecological coal utilization technologies. In the gasification process, however, slugging and fouling troubles sometimes occur in the section of furnace wall and heat exchanger, respectively, since the operating temperature exceeds the ash melting temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to predict ash behaviors in the gasification process, based on the properties of mineral particles in the raw coals. Objective of this study is to elucidate the formation behaviors of ash particles and deposition characteristic during coal gasification. The experiments were conducted, using a horizontal high-temperature pulverized coal reactor. Ash particles in the reacting particles sampled during reaction were analyzed, using a Computer Controlled Scanning Electron Microscope (CCSEM).

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.42.0_27

  444. 1.1 固体の燃焼(1.燃焼理論,III エネルギー変換技術の進展と研究動向,平成16年における重要なエネルギー関係項目)

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 84 ( 8 ) page: 670 - 671   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.84.670

  445. 3-32. Proposal of system for sustainable local community with forest based on woody biomass

    Shinba Takanori, Takuwa Tsuyoshi, Naruse Ichiro, Kawai Yoshio, Tomimura Shuhei

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 14 ( 0 ) page: 160 - 161   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.14.0_160

  446. 3-48.木質系バイオマス熱分解ガス化改質システムの研究開発((13)ガス化1,Session 3 バイオマス等)

    鳴海 良成, 鈴木 雄三, 後藤 信一, 高橋 伸定, 成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   Vol. 14 ( 0 ) page: 192 - 193   2005

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.14.0_192

  447. Application of waste plastics to electric furnaces for steel making as thermal and carbon sources

    Naruse I.

    Waste Management in Japan     page: 145 - 154   2004.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Waste Management in Japan  


  448. Sonic hedgehog expression in Gli3 depressed mouse embryo, Pdn/Pdn.

    Ueta E, Maekawa M, Morimoto I, Nanba E, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 44 ( 1 ) page: 27 - 32   2004.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2003.00005.x


  449. The prognostic and therapeutic relevance of p27kip1 in Ewing's family tumors.

    Matsunobu T, Tanaka K, Matsumoto Y, Nakatani F, Sakimura R, Hanada M, Li X, Oda Y, Naruse I, Hoshino H, Tsuneyoshi M, Miura H, Iwamoto Y

    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research   Vol. 10 ( 3 ) page: 1003 - 12   2004.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-0788-3


  450. 1-6. Development of surface treatment technology to reduce adhesion of coal ash : Wettability experiments of simulated ash at high temperature

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, AIZAWA Iichiro, NARUSE Ichiro, TABIRA Syuichi, Kato Yuji, MIYAUCHI Yoshiki

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 13 ( 0 ) page: 34 - 35   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.13.0_34

  451. 1.1 固体の燃焼(1. 燃焼理論,III エネルギー変換技術の進展と研究動向,平成15年における重要なエネルギー関係項目)

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 83 ( 8 ) page: 631 - 632   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.83.631

  452. 39. Fundamental experiments of coal and biomass gasification in molten carbonate

    IWASAKI Shin, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 41 ( 0 ) page: 83 - 84   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Gasification technology of solid fuels in molten carbonates has been selected as one of the advanced gasification systems. The molten carbonates employed in this study are eutectic salts of Na_2CO_3 (43mol%) and K_2CO_3 (57mol%). As the advantages of utilization of the eutectic salts for coal gasification, the alkali metals play a role for the gasification catalyst, desulfurization solvent and capture material of ash particles. The gasification test results show that the main compositions in the product gas are CO and H_2. H_2S and COS concentrations in the product gas is low enough to introduce the gasified gas into an Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) system, in which H_2S and COS concentrations should be less than 1ppm in the gasified gas.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.41.0_83

  453. NO and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Formation/Decomposition Characteristics during Co-Combustion of Coal with Biomass

    Gani Asri, Naruse Ichiro

    アジア・太平洋化学工学会議発表論文要旨集   Vol. 2004 ( 0 ) page: 554 - 554   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    Co-combustion technologies of coal with biomass have been applied in several practical coal boilers in order to reduce CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission, fuel cost and so forth. Furthermore, the biomass may be able to enhance the combustion performance and to control NOx emission, since the biomass contains high volatile matter and evolves NH<SUB>3</SUB> as volatile-N species. Emission of NOx from coal combustion has recently become a subject of intense research, because of its increasing concentrations in the atmosphere and its known ability to deplete the ozone layer and also contribute to the Greenhouse effect. However, fundamental combustion and NOx emission characteristics for biomass and mixtures of coal with biomass have not been elucidated precisely yet. From these viewpoints, co-combustion technology is one of the candidates to reduce the NOx emission and enhance the effective utilization of both low-grade coals and biomasses. In this study, fundamentals of pyrolysis characteristics of several types of biomass were studied first, using a thermo-gravimetric analyzer. The combustion behaviour of biomass, coal and its mixture were tested, using electrically heated drop tube furnace. In the combustion test, the ignition behaviour, Combustion efficiency and NOx (NO and N<SUB>2</SUB>O) emission behaviour were focused, based on the results of gas compositions along the furnace axis. The main results obtained show that biomass can enhance the ignition characteristics of the low-volatile coal during co-combustion. NO and N<SUB>2</SUB>O formation during the co-combustion affects effect of coal combustion even if the input fuel nitrogen becomes half of that under coal combustion condition. At least NO behavior can be simulated by the homogeneous reaction scheme relating to NOx even at constant temperature. During biomass combustion, fine particulates less than 2 &micro;m are produced as ash particles. Burning biomass with coal shifts the particle size distribution from fine particles to coarse particles.

    DOI: 10.11491/apcche.2004.0.554.0

  454. Mechanism of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Reaction under High Temperature Conditions

    Naruse Ichiro, Miyauchi Yoshiki, Kato Yuji, Yamashita Toru, Tominaga Hiroaki

    アジア・太平洋化学工学会議発表論文要旨集   Vol. 2004 ( 0 ) page: 269 - 269   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    When mineral matters in coal transform during the reaction, the ash compositions as well as the particle size distribution vary. This phenomenon affects fundamental characteristics of ash deposition. In the experiment, three types of coal with the different melting temperature and ash content were burned under the condition of high-temperature air pulverized coal reaction. A water-cooled tube was inserted into the furnace to make the ash adhere. Particle size and composition distributions of ash particles in both reacting coal particles and depositing layer were analyzed, using a Computer Controlled Scanning Microscope (CCSEM). As a result, quantity of the ash deposition on the tube surface increases with a decrease of the melting temperature of coal ash. The growth rate for the coal with low ash-melting temperature became higher. For structure of the deposit layer, fine particles of size less than 3 mm mainly consisted of the initial layer for three types of coal, and the thickness was about 30 mm. Deposition of fine particulates of about 3 mm became a trigger of initial deposition at the stagnation point of tube even if the different types of coal were burned. This phenomenon was also simulated by a simple deposition model, which considered turbulence of flow field, thermophoresis force to the ash particles and so forth. The chemical compositions of ash particles in the reacting particles differed from those in the initial deposition layer. This suggests that the chemical compositions also contribute to the ash deposition phenomena.

    DOI: 10.11491/apcche.2004.0.269.0

  455. Enrichment Mechanisms of Alkali Metal Compounds in Fine Particulates during Coal Combustion

    Takuwa Tsuyoshi, Naruse Ichiro

    アジア・太平洋化学工学会議発表論文要旨集   Vol. 2004 ( 0 ) page: 549 - 549   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    Some trace metal compounds in the fuel tend to be enriched in the fine particulates. The fine particulates with the size of less than 1 m as well as hot metallic vapor with alkali metal compounds cause erosive and corrosive effects to blades of a gas turbine. Therefore, it is necessary to understand behaviors and mechanisms of fine particulates formation with alkali metal compounds during coal combustion. Combustion tests were conducted, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace to burn two types of coal with different Na and K concentrations. The burning particles were collected by a Low Pressure Impactor (LPI). As a result, the enrichment mechanism of Na was elucidated by the size distribution of Na concentration in the fine particulates collected in each stage of the LPI. For the fine particulates, the enrichment phenomena were controlled by an internal reaction of Na compounds vapor with fine ash particulates or nucleation, which depended on the coal type. For the relatively coarse particulates, on the other hand, the gas film diffusion controlled the enrichment of Na compounds into the ash particles with the chemical reactions of Na compounds vapor with the those ash particles.

    DOI: 10.11491/apcche.2004.0.549.0

  456. Emissions and Control of Lead and Cadmium during Sludge Combustion

    Yao Hong, Naruse Ichiro

    アジア・太平洋化学工学会議発表論文要旨集   Vol. 2004 ( 0 ) page: 386 - 386   2004

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    This paper focuses on the emission behaviors of Pb, Cd and Cr during the sewage sludge combustion using a 2 m tall, 40 mm inner diameter electrically heated drop tube furnace. Equilibrium calculations were carried out before to predict the tendency of these trace metal emissions as the same conditions of experiments. The potential use of sorbent to manage emissions of Pb, Cd and Cr for the sewage sludge combustion was also tested. Experimental procedures involved baseline runs of sludge alone and a number of runs with the kaolin addition at 1073, 1148 and 1223K. The sample was collected by the aerosol size fractionation system composed of a water-cooled sampling probe with rapid N2 quenching and a Low Pressure Impactor (LPI). Particle size distributions (PSDs) indicate that most of Pb and Cd are contained in the fine particles (less than 1&micro;m). However, Cr compounds are not enriched in the fine particulates. Since the equilibrium calculations predict that Pb and Cd vaporize at above 973K, these results are due to Pb and Cd vaporization and subsequent reaction in the furnace and/or nucleation in the probe. The addition of 5 % dispersed kaolin power causes an approximate 51 % of Pb and 40 % Cd reduction in the fine particles at the temperature of 1223K during sewage sludge combustion. Pb compound in coarse particles becomes insoluble because of the reaction with kaolin in the furnace.

    DOI: 10.11491/apcche.2004.0.386.0

  457. Effect of coal type on emission characteristics of alkali metal compounds in particulate matters

    Takuwa T.

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion     page: 229 - 233   2003.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion  

    DOI: 10.1115/FBC2003-022


  458. Formation Characteristics of Fine Particulates with Na Compounds during Coal Combustion

    Takuwa Tsuyoshi, Mkilaha I. S. N., Naruse Ichiro

    Journal of chemical engineering of Japan   Vol. 36 ( 11 ) page: 1347 - 1351   2003.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    Some metal compounds in coal vaporize and form fumes during the combustion. The fumes are usually exhausted through the flue gas. For coal-fired combined power generation systems such as pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC), hot metallic vapors may contact with the surfaces of gas-turbine blades. Since this contact of the hot vapors with the surface has a corrosive effect, it is necessary to control the formation of those fumes, which contain alkali metal compounds. In this paper, the evolution behavior of alkali metal compounds, especially sodium compounds, has been studied, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace with a low-pressure impactor. The main objective in this study is to elucidate the conditions and the possible mechanisms to form alkali metal compounds in particulate matter during combustion. Two types of coal with different sodium contents were tested, where the coal conversion characteristics were established. Furthermore, the evolution and inclusion of sodium compounds into the sub-micron particles were studied in relation to the particle size distribution and sodium fraction distribution in the collected particulates. The study proved that the evolution and inclusion of sodium on sub-micron particles depended on the functions of the coal type. The reaction-controlled mechanism and heterogeneous condensation via chemical reactions during the combustion much more influenced the inclusion of sodium in sub-micron particles. At the coarse particles of above about 0.5 <I>&mu;</I>m, the reaction that formed the particles was mainly via gas film diffusion surrounding the particle.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.36.1347


  459. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Effect of NaCl-Doping on the Calcination Characteristics in Desulfurization Processes

    Murakami Takahiro, Kurita Noriyuki, Naruse Ichiro

    Journal of chemical engineering of Japan   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 225 - 230   2003.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    Desulfurization performance of wasted seashells was found to be over twice as high as that of limestone, which was currently used as a desulfurizer in fluidized bed coal combustors. NaCl-doping into limestone was also found to be effective in improving the desulfurization efficiency. From X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of calcined seashell, limestone and NaCl-doped limestone, on the other hand, not only the calcined seashell but also the NaCl-doped limestone had strong peaks of CaO crystal, and those two materials also had high desulfurization activity. This improvement was hypothesized to be due to NaCl causing a change in the crystal structure of CaO. In order to elucidate the effect of NaCl addition on the CaO crystal structure in the incineration of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB>, the change of structures was simulated by means of molecular dynamics simulations of CaO. In the simulation one molecule of NaCl was exchanged into one molecule of CaO. A pair correlation functions and the distances between Ca and O atoms, which were obtained by the simulations, were compared with those from the crystal CaO.<BR>NaCl-doping affected the crystalization temperature of CaO. The crystallization temperature increased due to adding a little bit of NaCl. From the result of the pair correlation functions obtained in NaCl-doped CaO, the difference of the potential energy of NaCl from that of CaO seemed to contribute to the crystallization of the bulk of CaO. The simulation and experimental results obtained suggested that NaCl-doping contributed to crystallizing the CaO molecules.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.36.225


  460. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Effect of NaCl-doping on the Calcination Characteristics in Desulfurization Processes Reviewed

    T. Murakami, N. Kurita and I. Naruse

    Journal of Chemical Engineering, Japan   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 225-230   2003.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  461. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Effect of NaCl-doping on the Calcination Characteristics in Desulfurization Processes Reviewed

    T. Murakami, N. Kurita, I. Naruse

    Journal of Chemical Engineering, Japan   Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 225-230   2003.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  462. 1-10. Behaviors of Ash Deposition under High-temperature Pulverized Coal Reaction Conditions

    KATO Yuji, MIYAUCHI Yoshiki, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 12 ( 0 ) page: 42 - 43   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.12.0_42

  463. Fundamental Study on Co-combustion Characteristics of Low-grade Coal with Biomass

    GANI Asri, NISHIKAWA Kunihiro, MORISHITA Keiju, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2003 ( 0 ) page: 107 - 110   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Fundamental pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of several types of biomass were studied, using a thermogravimetric analyzer. An electrically heated drop tube furnace was employed to elucidate the effect of the biomass addition on the combustion behavior, NOx emission characteristics and ash formation. The results obtained show that pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of biomass depend on lignin and cellulose compositions in the biomass. The biomass can enhance the ignition of the low-grade coal. However, NO and N_2O emission behaviors under the co-combustion condition resemble those under the coal combustion condition. When the only biomass is burned, fine particulates of less than 2μm are produced. However, the coal ash captures the fine particulates from biomass during co-combustion.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2003.13.107

  464. Emission behavior and control of trace metal components during dried swage sludge combustion

    TAKIGAWA Yohei, YAO Hong, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Engineering   Vol. 2003 ( 0 ) page: 103 - 106   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Trace metal components in wastes evolve and/or concentrate in fine particulates during the combustion or incineration processes. Some of them may be emitted as a gaseous phase or fine particulates to the atmosphere. When released to the atmosphere, however, those compounds may cause adverse effects to the ecological system. In this study, the optimum sorbent to capture them during combustion is tested in burning dried sewage sludge at temperature ranging from 1073 to 1223 K, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. Both formation behaviors of particulate mater and capture characteristics of trace elements by the optimum sorbent are discussed under practical combustion conditions. This study also conducts the leaching test of trace metals in the by-product.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeenv.2003.13.103

  465. 1.1 固体の燃焼(1. 燃焼理論,III エネルギー変換技術の進展と研究動向,平成14年における重要なエネルギー関係事項)

    成瀬 一郎

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 82 ( 7 ) page: 462 - 463   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.82.462

  466. 58. Effect of surface treatment technology on adhesion control of pulverized coal ashes

    NAGANUMA Hiroshi, NARUSE Yuichi, NARUSE Ichiro, KATO Yushi, MIYAUCHI Yoshiki, ITO Tadashi, MIKI Ryouji

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 118 - 119   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In pulverized coal combustors, melting ashes generated during combustion usually adhere to surface of heat exchanger tubes, so that the ash deposition forms a insulation layer surrounding the tubes. In order to prevent this problem, surface treatment technology of the tube to control the ash adhesion was applied in this study. Test pieces with various surface properties were inserted into actual coal combustion atmosphere to evaluate the adhesion characteristics. After the adhesion tests, the amount of ash deposition, physical and chemical analyses of ash deposition layer and so forth were performed. Consequently, the ash adhesion could be controlled by the surface treatment technology.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.40.0_118

  467. E155 石炭とバイオマスの混焼特性

    ガニ アスリ, 西川 国博, 森下 桂樹, 成瀬 一郎

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集   Vol. 2003 ( 0 ) page: 201 - 202   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    Fundamentals of pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of several types of biomass were studied, using a thermogravimetric analyzer. In order to elucidate effect of the biomass addition on coal combustion behavior, combustion performance, NOx emission characteristics and ash formation were discussed, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace. The results obtained showed that pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of biomass depended on lignin and cellulose composition in the biomass. The biomass could enhance the ignition of the low-rank coal. However, NO and N_2O emission behaviors under the co-combustion condition resembled those under the coal combustion. When the biomass was burned alone, fine particulates of less than 2,, m are produced. Under the co-combustion condition, coal ash could capture the fine particulates from the biomass during combustion.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeted.2003.201

  468. 59. Deposition experiment of simulated coal ash by thermal spraying burner

    Kato Yuji, Miyauchi Yoshiki, Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 40 ( 0 ) page: 120 - 121   2003

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Recently, high temperature coal utilization technologies have been focused. However, those technologies have some problems such as slagging and fouling due to molten coal ash. Therefore, it is necessary to study characterization of ash deposition and its mechanisms. This work studies fundamental characteristics on ash deposition, using a thermal spraying burner. Several kinds of inorganic particle are tested as a simulated coal ash. In the experiments, the deposition mass was weighed, and cross-section of the deposition layers was analyzed by a scanning electron microscope.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.40.0_120

  469. Integration of a transposon into the Gli3 gene in the Pdn mouse.

    Ueta E, Nanba E, Naruse I

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 42 ( 4 ) page: 318 - 22   2002.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2002.tb00898.x


  470. Comparative Study of Lead and Cadmium Compounds Capture by Sorbents

    Yao Hong, Saito Noboru, Mkilaha Iddi S.N., NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of chemical engineering of Japan   Vol. 35 ( 5 ) page: 401 - 408   2002.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    Trace metal compounds, which are emitted from combustion systems such as waste incinerators, coal combustors, and so forth, enrich in fine particulates, usually formed during various stages of combustion. Owing to the difficulties of capturing fine particulates by conventional particulate dust collection systems, these are exhausted in the atmosphere. Fundamentals of the emission and control of trace metal compounds of lead and cadmium were studied at relatively low temperature (1073&ndash;1273 K), using a thermobalance. In order to capture these trace metal compounds, seven types of sorbent, namely alumina, silica, kaolin, limestone, scallop, zeolite and apatite, were used. As a result, the natural aluminosilicate materials like kaolin and zeolite were found to be effective in capturing lead and cadmium chemically. Although the presence of HCl decreases capture efficiencies, the products didn&rsquo;t react with HCl. The types of kaolin had a little influence on the capture efficiency and processes in general. On the other hand, the calcium-based sorbents like limestone, scallop and apatite, could capture both the trace metals and chlorine. On the presence of HCl, the capture efficiencies of these sorbents decreased sharply. Both alumina and silica have low ability to capture trace metal compounds. Moreover, in reducing atmosphere, all sorbents showed low capture abilities since the products were reduced.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.35.401


  471. Enhanced anti-tumor effect of trastuzumab in combination with cisplatin.

    Naruse I, Fukumoto H, Saijo N, Nishio K

    Japanese journal of cancer research : Gann   Vol. 93 ( 5 ) page: 574 - 81   2002.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2002.tb01293.x


  472. Fundamentals on Vaporization Behavior of Trace Metal Compounds at Different Atmospheres and Temperatures

    Yao Hong, Minato Hirofumi, Mkilaha Iddi S. N., NARUSE Ichiro

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 81 ( 4 ) page: 256 - 262   2002.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本エネルギ-学会  

  473. Feasibility study of the co-generation system with direct internal reforming-molten carbonate fuel cell (DIR-MCFC) for residential use

    Sugiura K.

    Journal of Power Sources   Vol. 106 ( 1-2 ) page: 51 - 59   2002.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Power Sources  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0378-7753(01)01022-9


  474. Application of Wasted Seashell to Desulfurizer in fluidized Bed Coal Combustion


    The Thermal and nuclear power   Vol. 53 ( 3 ) page: 2 - 10   2002.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  475. Antitumor activity of the selective epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI) Iressa (ZD1839) in an EGFR-expressing multidrug-resistant cell line in vitro and in vivo.

    Naruse I, Ohmori T, Ao Y, Fukumoto H, Kuroki T, Mori M, Saijo N, Nishio K

    International journal of cancer   Vol. 98 ( 2 ) page: 310 - 5   2002.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/ijc.10173


  476. Hydrocephalus manifestation in the genetic polydactyly/ arhinencephaly mouse (Pdn/Pdn).

    Naruse I, Ueta E

    Congenital anomalies   Vol. 42 ( 1 ) page: 27 - 31   2002.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2002.tb00851.x


  477. Fundamentals on Vaporization Behavior of Trace Metal Compounds at Different Atmospheres and Temperatures.

    YAO Hong, MINATO Hirofumi, MKILAHA Iddi S.N, NARUSE Ichiro

    日本エネルギー学会誌   Vol. 81 ( 4 ) page: 256 - 262   2002

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会  

    Trace metals are usually inevitably contained in wastes, coals and so forth. When the wastes and/or coals are burnt, pollutants like NO<SUB>x</SUB>, SO<SUB>x</SUB>, soot, particulates, dioxins and heavy metal compounds are emitted from the furnaces. Some of the heavy trace metal compounds condense on the particle surface and/or form fine particulates during the combustion/incineration processes. Owing to the difficulties in capturing those fine particulates by means of conventional dust collection systems, those particulates tend to be exhausted into the atmosphere. In this study, fundamental behavior of the vaporization of Pb, Cd and Cr compounds was studied at relatively low temperature. In this experiment the effects of temperature and reaction atmosphere on the vaporization behavior of Pb, Cd and Cr compounds were studied using a thermobalance. The chemical thermoequilibrium calculation for each compound was also carried out in order to validate the experimental results obtained. As a result, the vaporization behavior of the metal compounds appears dependent on their respective melting points. Most of chlorides were easily vaporized at relatively low temperatures. This suggests that the presence of HCl enhances the vaporization of metal compounds, while coexistence of SO<SUB>2</SUB> shows inhibition of the vaporization tendencies of Pb and Cd compounds. All of the Cd compounds vaporized in the reducing conditions. The results of chemical thermoequilibrium calculation agreed closely with the experimental results obtained.

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.81.256


  478. Interaction between molten coal ash and coke in raceway of blast furnace

    Khairil K.

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 805 - 810   2002

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Proceedings of the Combustion Institute  

    DOI: 10.1016/S1540-7489(02)80103-1


  479. Ash Behaviors in Pulverized Coal Combustion with Highly Preheated Air

    Naruse Ichiro, KAMIHASHIRA Daisuke, Khairil

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   Vol. 2002 ( 0 ) page: 5 - 6   2002

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Particle size and composition distributions of ash particles in both reacting coal and depositing layer are analyzed, using CCSEM (Computer Controlled Scanning Microscope), to study behaviors of ash particles included in the reacting coal and deposition phenomena. For the behaviors of ash particles in the reacting coal, fraction of the coarse particles gradually increases due to coagulation, so that the composition of the coarse particles also changes during evolution and combustion processes of volatile matter. For structure of the deposit layer, on the other hand, fine particles of size less than 3μm mainly consist of the initial layer for three types of coal, and the thickness was about 30μm. Growth behavior of the deposit at the stagnation depended on the coal type. The deposition phenomena take place due to preference of both particle size and composition.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2002.4.0_5

  480. 52 Coal Type Dependence of Formation Behavior of Fine Particulate Containing Alkali Metal Compounds

    TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, Mkilaha Iddi S.N., Naruse Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 39 ( 0 ) page: 121 - 122   2002

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Some metal compounds in coal vaporize and form fumes during the combustion. The fumes are usually contained in the exhaust gas. For coal-fired combined power generation systems such as pressurized fluidized bed combustion, hot metallic vapors are introduced in a gas turbine. As this phenomenon causes corrosion problem of the turbine blades, it is necessary to control the formation of those fumes, which include alkali metal compounds. In this paper, the evolution behavior of alkali metal compounds, especially for sodium compounds, has been studied, using a drop tube furnace with a low-pressure impactor. As a result, concentration profile of sodium in the fine particles has dependence on coal type. On the other hand, the condensation mechanism of sodium seems to be similar in each coal.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.39.0_121

  481. Formation Mechanism of Fine Particulate with Alkali Metal Compounds in Coal Combustion

    TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, MURAKAMI Takahiro, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of thermal engineering conference   Vol. 2002 ( 0 ) page: 187 - 188   2002

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Some metal compounds in coal vaporize and form fumes during the combustion. The fumes are usually contained in the exhaust gas. For coal-fired combined power generation systems such as pressurized fluidized bed combustion, hot metallic vapors are introduced in gas turbine. As this phenomenon causes corrosion problem of the turbine blades, it is necessary to control the formation of those fumes, which include alkali metal compounds. In this paper, the evolution behavior of alkali metal compounds, especially for sodium compounds, has been studied, using a drop tube furnace with a low-pressure impactor.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeptec.2002.0_187

  482. Modeling on combustion characteristics of biocoalbriquettes

    Kim H.

    Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME   Vol. 123 ( 1 ) page: 27 - 31   2001.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME  

    DOI: 10.1115/1.1347988


  483. 地域物質循環型社会構築のためのデータベースとその利用法

    堀田 雅也, 後藤 知行, 船津 公人, 成瀬 一郎

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 202 - 204   2001.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  484. 固体燃焼I固体燃焼総論

    成瀬 一郎

    燃焼研究   Vol. 124   page: 35 - 46   2001.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本燃焼学会事務局  

  485. Coal Combustion Technologies

    NARUSE Ichiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 80 ( 4 ) page: 216 - 228   2001.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  486. Particulates Control in Combustion Processes


    The Thermal and nuclear power   Vol. 52 ( 4 ) page: 1 - 9   2001.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  487. Effect of Molten Coal Ash on Coke Degradasion in High Temperature Pulverized Coal Reaction


    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting   Vol. 14 ( 1 )   2001.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  488. Fundamental Reaction Characteristics of Pulverized Coal at High Temperature

    KAMIHASHIRA Khairil Daisuke, NAKAYAMA Katsuya, NARUSE Ichiro, Naruse Ichiro

    ISIJ international   Vol. 41 ( 2 ) page: 136 - 141   2001.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会  

    In order to enhance the overall thermal efficiency in blast furnace system as well as coal gasifiers, it is necessary to elucidate fundamental reaction characteristics of pulverized coal at high temperature. The experiments were carried out using a horizontal pulverized coal reactor with a pre-combustor to produce vitiated air at high temperature and high-oxygen concentration. The reaction behavior of coal during combustion and/or gasification are elucidated by means of sampling and analyzing both reacting particles and reaction gases as well as optical measurement of the instantaneous particle temperature. Evolution rate of the volatile matter for various types of coal at high temperature is obtained from the Arrhenius plots.<br>As a result, the volatile matter is rapidly evolved as soon as coal particles are introduced into the furnace since temperature of the vitiated air increases sufficiently. Result shows that the evolution rate of volatile matter does not depend on coal types. Activation energy and frequency factor of the evolution rate of volatile matter for various types of coal remain almost constant in the particle temperature range of 2 200 to 2 700 K, even when other experimental conditions were varied. In the char combustion region, char structure was found to affect the reaction rate of fixed carbon. It is observed that coal, which forms a network-type of char, indicated reaction rate of fixed carbon which did not always increase even when the vitiated air temperature was high enough. For a balloon-type char, on the other hand, the reaction rate of fixed carbon decreased with an increase of the vitiated air temperature.

    DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.41.136


  489. 1-28. Micro-analysis f coal ash deposition at high temperature

    KAMIHASHIRA Daisuke, Khairil, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 10 ( 0 ) page: 127 - 130   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.10.0_127

  490. 47. Elucidation of ash deposition mechanisms by analysis of ash particles in reacting coal particles


    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 38 ( 0 ) page: 195 - 198   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    Precise and quantitative behaviors on ash deposition phenomena in high-temperature coal gasification were studied, using a horizontal pulverized coal gasifier with a pre-combustor. The deposition experiment was carried out by inserting a water-cooled tube into the gasifier. The deposition phenomena were quantitatively and visually discussed by analyzing ash particles in the raw coal, the reacting particles and the deposition layer by means of CCSEM. As a result, particle diameter and chemical composition of ash particles rapidly change in the initial stage. The included mineral particles tend to agglomerate inside a coal particle during volatile matter combustion.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.38.0_195

  491. K-2233 Co-combustion Characteristics of Coal with Biomass

    Morishita Keiju, Naruse Ichiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   Vol. 1 ( 0 ) page: 603 - 604   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In order to utilize low-grade coals efficiently and cleanly, co-combustion of coal with biomass was proposed since the biomass had the function to enhance the overall reaction characteristics. In this study, co-combustion of coal with biomass was tested by an electrically heated drop tube furnace to elucidate effect of the biomass on the combustion characteristics of coal. As a result, the biomass can enhance ignition of the low-grade coal during the co-combustion. Formation of NO under the co-combustion condition tended to relatively increase.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.II.01.1.0_603

  492. K-2223 Combustion and De-chlorination Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuels

    HIGUCHI Atsushi, YANAGINO Hideo, NARUSE Ichiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   Vol. 1 ( 0 ) page: 583 - 584   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Fundamentals on de-chlorination characteristics with Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF), which had been developed to utilize as source for thermal energy, were studied by using both the practical RDF and the simulated RDF. For the simulated RDF polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or NaCl was added as a chlorine source. In the experiment single pellet of RDF was burned in an electrically heated batch furnace. The de-chlorination efficiency was calculated by means of analysis of Cl in the residue after combustion. The efficiency obtained was compared with that obtained by chemical equilibrium calculation. As a result, HCl is almost emitted during the volatile matter combustion. The de-chlorination characteristics for PVC addition differ from that for NaCl addition. For the RDF adding the de-chlorination reaction depends on the furnace temperature, and the optimum temperature is about 923 K. The phenomena are caused by the following reasons. At low temperature the de-chlorination rate is slower than the evolution rate of HCl gas. At high temperature, on the other hand, CaCl_2, which is produced by the de-chlorination reaction, is decomposed during the char combustion. For the NaCl addition, Ca compound does not absorb Cl in NaCl. According to chemical equilibrium calculation, NaCl is evaporated as a form of NaCl and Na_2Cl_2 vapors. HCl is not produced either.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.II.01.1.0_583

  493. Coal combustion technologies

    Naruse I.

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   Vol. 80 ( 4 ) page: 216 - 228   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy  


  494. 714 Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Desulfurization Characteristics in Coal Combustion

    MURAKAMI Takahiro, KURITA Noriyuki, NARUSE Ichiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   Vol. 2001 ( 0 ) page: _7 - 27_-_7-28_   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Limestone has been currently used as a desulfuriser to capture SOx emitted from fluidized bed coal combustors. The limestone mainly consists of CaCO_3, which is also contained in seashells. Considering this similarity, desulfurization characteristics of the seashells and limestone were compared in our previous study. From the results obtained, the desulfurization efficiency of seashell was over twice higher than that of limestone. The reason of high desulfurization efficiency of seashell is caused by high alkali content in the seashells. In the present study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations will be useful to study that relationship theoretically. Therefore, we adopted MD simulations relating to CaO structure. In the simulation, two cases of CaO alone and CaO-NaCl or KCl systems were analyzed in order to elucidate change of the molecular structure for CaO due to the alkali addition.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmekansai.2001.76._7-27_

  495. 48. Evolution Behavior of Fine Particulates Containing Alkali Metal Compounds in Coal Combustion

    TAKUWA Tsuyoshi, MURAKAMI Takahiro, NARUSE Ichiro

    Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science   Vol. 38 ( 0 ) page: 199 - 202   2001

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    In coal-fired combined power generation systems like pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC), vapor-phase alkali metal compounds from coal contaminate the reaction gas, which may cause hot corrosion of turbine blades. In this study, evolution behaviors of the alkali metal compounds, especially for sodium compounds, in coal combustion were elucidated, sampling and shifting the fine particulates in the combustion process and analyzing the sodium concentration. Concentration of fine particulates and distribution of sodium concentration in the particulates depended on coal type. The mechanism of sodium enrichment was estimated by the result of sodium concentration in the particulates shifted.

    DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.38.0_199

  496. Experimental Study on Combustion and Pollutant Control of Biobriquette

    Lu G.

    Energy and Fuels   Vol. 14 ( 6 ) page: 1133 - 1138   2000.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef990115s


  497. Ash deposition characteristics in pulverized coal reaction under high temperature conditions

    Naruse I.

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   Vol. 33 ( 3 ) page: 359 - 364   2000

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan  

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.33.359


  498. Modeling of combustion characteristics and NO<inf>x</inf> emission in highly preheated and diluted air combustion

    Yuan J.

    International Journal of Energy Research   Vol. 22 ( 14 ) page: 1217 - 1234   1998.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:International Journal of Energy Research  

    DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-114X(199811)22:14<1217::AID-ER443>3.0.CO;2-S


  499. Experimental study on self-desulfurization characteristics of biobriquette in combustion

    Lu G.

    Energy and Fuels   Vol. 12 ( 4 ) page: 689 - 696   1998

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Energy and Fuels  

    DOI: 10.1021/ef970194c


  500. Influence of coal type on evolution characteristics of alkali metal compounds in coal combustion

    Naruse I.

    Symposium (International) on Combustion   Vol. 27 ( 2 ) page: 1711 - 1717   1998

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Symposium (International) on Combustion  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0082-0784(98)80011-8


  501. Disruption of Semaphorin III/D gene causes severe abnormality in peripheral nerve projection

    Taniguchi M, Yuasa S, Fujisawa H, Naruse I, Saga S, Mishina M, Yagi T

    NEURON   Vol. 19 ( 3 ) page: 519 - 530   1997.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  502. Disruption of semaphorin III/D gene causes severe abnormality in peripheral nerve projection

    Taniguchi M.

    Neuron   Vol. 19 ( 3 ) page: 519 - 530   1997.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Neuron  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80368-2


  503. Fundamentals on combustion and gasification behavior of coal particle trapped on molten slag layer

    Noda R.

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 235 - 241   1996.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan  

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.29.235


  504. Positional cues that are strictly localized in the telencephalon induce preferential growth of mitral cell axons

    Sugisaki N.

    Journal of Neurobiology   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 127 - 137   1996.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Journal of Neurobiology  

    DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4695(199602)29:2<127::AID-NEU1>3.0.CO;2-C


  505. Positional cues that are strictly localized in the telencephalon induce preferential growth of mitral cell axons

    Sugisaki N, Hirata T, Naruse I, Kawakami A, Kitsukawa T, Fujisawa H

    JOURNAL OF NEUROBIOLOGY   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 127 - 137   1996.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  506. Fundamental study on N<inf>2</inf>O formation/decomposition characteristics by means of low-temperature pulverized coal combustion

    Naruse I.

    Symposium (International) on Combustion   Vol. 26 ( 2 ) page: 3213 - 3221   1996

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Symposium (International) on Combustion  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0082-0784(96)80167-6


  507. Gas exchange between the bubble and emulsion phases during bubbling fluidized bed coal combustion elucidated by conditional gas sampling

    Naruse I.

    Symposium (International) on Combustion   Vol. 25 ( 1 ) page: 545 - 552   1994

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Symposium (International) on Combustion  

    DOI: 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80684-3




    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 48 - 54   1993.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science



    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 562 - 569   1992.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science



    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 600 - 606   1992.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  511. Strain Difference in Effects of Ethanol Treatment on Fetal Development in C57BL and DBA Mice

    FUKUI Y.

    Congenital Anomalies   Vol. 30 ( 3 ) page: 177 - 186   1990.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Congenital Anomalies  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4520.1990.tb00185.x




    TERATOLOGY   Vol. 41 ( 6 ) page: 731 - 735   1990.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  513. Fetal laser surgery in genetic Polydactyly mice

    Naruse I.

    Teratology   Vol. 41 ( 6 ) page: 731 - 735   1990.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Teratology  

    DOI: 10.1002/tera.1420410610




    DEVELOPMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH   Vol. 51 ( 2 ) page: 253 - 258   1990.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

  515. Developmental brain abnormalities accompanied with the retarded production of S-100β protein in genetic polydactyly mice

    Naruse I.

    Developmental Brain Research   Vol. 51 ( 2 ) page: 253 - 258   1990.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Developmental Brain Research  

    DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(90)90283-5




    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU   Vol. 15 ( 1 ) page: 105 - 112   1989.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Web of Science

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Books 20

  1. 基礎からわかる化学工学

    石井 宏幸 (情報通信), 成瀬 一郎 , 衣笠 巧, 金澤 亮一( Role: Sole author)

    森北出版  2020  ( ISBN:9784627246010

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    CiNii Books

  2. 機械工学テキスト選書

    酒井 康彦 , 成瀬 一郎 , 松本 敏郎( Role: Sole author)

    共立出版  2014 

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  3. 物質循環型地域社会創成を支援する未利用資材ITネットワークシステムの構築

    成瀬 一郎 ( Role: Sole author)

    成瀬一郎  2004 

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  4. 分子動力学解析によるカルシウム系高性能脱硫剤の開発支援

    成瀬 一郎 ( Role: Sole author)

    成瀬一郎  2003 

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  5. 道 : Performance

    大竹 一友 , 成瀬 一郎 , 井田 民男, 野田 玲治, 村上 高広( Role: Sole author)

    大竹研究室  1998 

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    CiNii Books

  6. 環境調和型社会のためのエネルギー科学(2章)新しいエネルギー変換技術2-1

    成瀬一郎他11名( Role: Joint author)

    コロナ社  2016.1 

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  7. 環境調和型社会のためのエネルギー科学(2章)新しいエネルギー変換技術2-1

    成瀬一郎( Role: Joint author)

    コロナ社  2016.1 

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    Responsible for pages:98-120   Language:Japanese

  8. 新編化学工学 (6章)気固反応操作

    成瀬一郎他21名( Role: Joint author)

    共立出版  2012.3 

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  9. 新編化学工学 (6章)気固反応操作

    成瀬一郎( Role: Joint author)

    共立出版  2012.3 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:200-206   Language:Japanese

  10. 伝熱計測技術ハンドブック 8章)燃焼計測

    成瀬一郎,義家亮他9名( Role: Joint author)

    テクノシステム  2011.9 

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  11. 伝熱計測技術ハンドブック 8章)燃焼計測

    成瀬一郎, 義家亮他( Role: Joint author)

    テクノシステム  2011.9 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:403-422   Language:Japanese

  12. *燃焼・ガス化技術の基礎と応用

    成瀬一郎他13名( Role: Joint author)

    三恵社  2009.9 

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  13. *燃焼・ガス化技術の基礎と応用

    成瀬一郎( Role: Joint author)

    三恵社  2009.9 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:65-83   Language:Japanese


  14. 生態恒常性工学

    成瀬一郎他22名( Role: Joint author)

    コロナ社  2008.4 

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  15. 生態恒常性工学

    成瀬一郎( Role: Joint author)

    コロナ社  2008.4 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:86-111   Language:Japanese


  16. 化学工学

    成瀬一郎他23名( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2008.3 

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  17. 化学工学

    成瀬一郎( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2008.3 

     More details

    Responsible for pages:71-116   Language:Japanese


  18. Advanced sensor systems and applications : 15-18 October 2002, SHanghai, China

    Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, Rao Yun-Jiang, Jones Julian D., Naruse Hiroshi, Chen Robert I.( Role: Sole author)

    SPIE  2002  ( ISBN:0819447099

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  19. GCP症候群の相同疾患マウスにおける多指症/無嗅脳症の発症メカニズム

    成瀬 一郎( Role: Sole author)

    [成瀬一郎]  1999 

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  20. CFM層型固気接触装置の粒子流動特性と燃焼装置への応用に関する研究

    成瀬 一郎( Role: Sole author)

    [出版者不明]  1989 

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▼display all

Presentations 119

  1. カルシウムフェライト系化合物による窒素酸化物の還元促進

    長江隼介,成瀬一郎, 義家亮, 植木保昭

    日本鉄鋼協会第186回秋季講演大会  2023.9.20 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:富山大学   Country:Japan  

  2. バイオマス燃焼における腐食成分の付着挙動および制御技術


    化学工学会第54回秋季大会  2023.9.11 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡大学   Country:Japan  

  3. 亜鉛製錬プロセスにおける流動焙焼炉内の流動性悪化


    化学工学会第54回秋季大会  2023.9.11 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡大学   Country:Japan  

  4. 廃プラスチックおよび木質バイオマスによる酸化鉄の還元特性

    加田航平, 植木保昭, 義家亮, 成瀬一郎

    第34回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会  2023.9.11 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:大阪工業大学   Country:Japan  

  5. 永津伸治産業廃棄物によるエネルギーリカバリ時の灰付着制御

    向本舜, 植木保昭, 義家亮, 成瀬一郎

    第34回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会  2023.9.11 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:大阪工業大学   Country:Japan  

  6. 木質バイオマスのCO2ガス化時のタール及びすすの生成挙動


    第32回日本エネルギー学会大会  2023.8.8 

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    Event date: 2023.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡大学   Country:Japan  

  7. 一般廃棄物処理炉内における灰付着制御


    第32回日本エネルギー学会大会  2023.8.8 

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    Event date: 2023.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡大学   Country:Japan  

  8. 高効率エネルギー回収・利用システム開発 ~リサイクル困難な廃プラスチックからの高効率なエネルギー回収と冷熱利用~ Invited


    第45回新産業技術促進検討会シンポジウム・NEDO『革新的プラスチック資源循環プロセス技術開発』プロジェクト 進捗報告会  2023.8.2 

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    Event date: 2023.8

    Venue:東京都   Country:Japan  

  9. Control of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Combustion Boilers International conference

    Ichiro NARUSE

    2022-2023 China-Japan High-level Expert Symposium on Coal Combustion and Low Carbon Utilization  2023.7.28 

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    Event date: 2023.7

  10. Tar emission behaviors from steam gasification of woody biomass International conference

    Ryo YOSHIIE, Haruki YOSHIDA, Yasuaki UEKI, Ichiro NARUSE

    International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2023(IWEE2023)  2023.7.26 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Venue: Kunibiki Messe, Shimane, JAPAN   Country:Japan  

  11. Electrochemical characteristics of solid oxide fuel cells fed with CO-rich fuel gases International conference

    Hui Zhang, Rui Onogi, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2023(IWEE2023)  2023.7.26 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Venue: Kunibiki Messe, Shimane, JAPAN   Country:Japan  

  12. 流動層における消化汚泥とアンモニアの混焼


    日本機械学会第33回環境工学総合シンポジウム2023  2023.7.25 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:くにびきメッセ   Country:Japan  

  13. 流動層を用いたオキシバイオマス燃焼挙動の解明


    第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 TOKAI ENGINEERING COMPLEX 2023(TEC23)  2023.3.7 

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    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  14. バイオマス燃焼過程における六価クロムの生成挙動デル化


    日本エネルギー学会第18回バイオマス科学会議  2022.11.30 

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    Event date: 2022.11 - 2022.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:群馬県   Country:Japan  

  15. バイオマスガス化ガス組成がSOFCの発電性能に与える影響

    小野木瑠似, 義家亮, 成瀬一郎, 植木保昭

    日本エネルギー学会第18回バイオマス科学会議  2022.11.30 

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    Event date: 2022.11 - 2022.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:群馬県   Country:Japan  

  16. バイオマス水蒸気ガス化時のタール放出挙動の解析


    日本エネルギー学会第18回バイオマス科学会議  2022.11.30 

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    Event date: 2022.11 - 2022.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:群馬県   Country:Japan  

  17. 木質バイオマスのCO2ガス化挙動の解明


    日本燃焼学会第60回燃焼シンポジウム  2022.11.21 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京都   Country:Japan  

  18. コークス反応過程における灰粒子挙動


    日本エネルギー学会第59回石炭科学会議  2022.10.20 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:札幌   Country:Japan  

  19. 異なるガス組成におけるカルシウムフェライトのNOx低減効果

    片山一昭、長田淳治、成瀬 一郎、義家 亮、植木 保昭

    日本鉄鋼協会第184回秋季講演大会  2022.9.21 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡工業大学   Country:Japan  

  20. 産業廃棄物灰からの溶融塩生成特性解明と灰付着制御


    日本鉄鋼協会第184回秋季講演大会  2022.9.21 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  21. コークスの水蒸気ガス化反応における粉化挙動

    植木 保昭、鄭 振傑、義家 亮、成瀬 一郎

    日本鉄鋼協会第184回秋季講演大会  2022.9.21 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡工業大学   Country:Japan  

  22. 一般廃棄物灰の溶融挙動解明と灰付着制御


    第33回廃棄物資源循環学会  2022.9.20 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:宮崎大学   Country:Japan  

  23. TSL炉代替燃料の燃焼挙動に関する基礎的研究


    第33回廃棄物資源循環学会  2022.9.20 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:宮崎大学   Country:Japan  

  24. 流動層における消化汚泥とアンモニアの混焼


    第33回廃棄物資源循環学会  2022.9.20 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:宮崎大学   Country:Japan  

  25. バイオマス燃焼における腐食成分の付着挙動

    原 拓海、義家 亮、植木 保昭、成瀬 一郎、和田 知歌子,上野 俊一郎

    第31回日本エネルギー学会大会  2022.8.4 

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    Event date: 2022.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京都   Country:Japan  

  26. 産業廃棄物処理炉内における灰付着制御

    佐伯達哉、義家 亮、植木 保昭、成瀬 一郎

    第31回日本エネルギー学会大会  2022.8.4 

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    Event date: 2022.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京都   Country:Japan  

  27. 廃脱硝触媒粉末による排ガス中水銀の吸収


    日本機械学会第32回環境工学総合シンポジウム2022  2022.7.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:香川県高松市   Country:Japan  

  28. 廃棄物焼却におけるチャーNOx生成挙動に対するCO2およびH2Oの影響


    日本機械学会第32回環境工学総合シンポジウム2022  2022.7.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:香川県高松市   Country:Japan  

  29. 様々な廃棄物の燃焼挙動評価と速度論解析

    義家 亮、溝口 創紀、植木 保昭、成瀬 一郎

    日本機械学会第32回環境工学総合シンポジウム2022  2022.7.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:香川県高松市   Country:Japan  

  30. 微粉炭燃焼ボイラ内における石炭燃焼灰の付着制御


    日本機械学会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表会講演会  2022.3.4 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  31. 熱重量分析によるバイオマスチャーのガス化挙動の解明


    日本エネルギー学会第17回バイオマス科学会議  2022.1.19 

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    Event date: 2022.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  32. 産業廃棄物灰の溶融特性の解明とその制御


    日本燃焼学会第59回燃焼シンポジウム  2021.11.22 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  33. 産業廃棄物灰からの溶融塩生成特性解明と灰付着制御


    日本燃焼学会第59回燃焼シンポジウム  2021.11.22 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  34. Effect of Char Structure and Gas Atmosphere on Gasification Behavior of Pulverized Coal Char International conference

    Takamasa Negishi, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Kaoru Nakano

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  35. Deposition characteristics of Si compounds on the De-NOx catalyst for PC boilers International conference

    Ryuya SHIBATAI, Ryo YOSHIIE, Yasuaki UEKI, Ichiro NARUSE, Takanori OKA, Takuya YOSHIDA, Shota YATABE

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  36. Degradation behavior of solid oxide fuel cells with synthetic biomass gasification gas International conference

    Zhang Hui, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  37. Ash Particle Properties during Combustion or Gasification of Coke International conference

    Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  38. Oxidation and capturing performances of gaseous mercury in flue gas using pulverized DeNOx catalyst International conference

    Ryo Yoshiie, Kota Nakayama, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  39. Effect of Temperature and Gasifying Agents on Gasification Behavior of Biomass Char International conference

    Yuxin Wang, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  40. Emissions of environmental pollutants from oxy-coal combustion in fluidized bed International conference

    Kento Yamanaka, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  41. Combustion rate analysis of woody biomass including volatile matter and fixed carbon International conference

    Soki Mizoguch, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  42. Elucidation of Gasification Behavior of Biomass Char by Thermogravimetric Analysis International conference

    Masaya Uemoto, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Mitsuyuki Nakajima, Tetsu Yanagawa

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  43. Reduction Behavior of Iron Ore in a Combustion Field of Pulverized Coal International conference

    Kentaro Yamamoto, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  44. Molten Salt Formation Characteristics of Industrial Waste Ash and Control of Ash Deposition International conference

    Onoda Kaito, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshie, Ichiro Naruse

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021  2021.11.4 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Venue:Nagoya University   Country:Japan  

  45. 微粉炭ボイラー用脱硝触媒上のSi化合物析出特性


    日本エネルギー学会 第58回石炭科学会議  2021.11.22 

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    Event date: 2021.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  46. バイオマス燃料の燃焼挙動の解明と速度論解析


    第32回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会  2021.10.25 

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    Event date: 2021.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  47. 脱硝触媒による排ガス中水銀の吸収特性


    第32回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会  2021.10.25 

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    Event date: 2021.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  48. Effects of Atmospheric Gas and Temperature on Behavior of Ash Particles in Coke Lump International conference

    Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse

    7th International Symposium on Gasification and its applications  2021.9.27 

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    Event date: 2021.9


  49. 木質バイオマスガス化過程におけるタール放出挙動へのガス雰囲気の影響


    化学工学会 第52回秋季大会  2021.9.24 

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  50. 微粉炭による鉄鉱石粉の還元特性に及ぼす雰囲気ガスの影響

    山本賢太郎  植木保昭 義家亮 成瀬一郎 JFE 守田祐哉

    日本鉄鋼協会第182回秋季講演大会  2021.9.2 

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:名城大学   Country:Japan  

  51. 微粉炭チャーのガス化挙動に及ぼすチャー構造およびガス化剤の影響


    日本鉄鋼協会第182回秋季講演大会  2021.9.2 

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:名城大学   Country:Japan  

  52. バイオマスチャーのガス化挙動に及ぼす温度およびガス化剤の影響

    Wang Yuxin 義家亮 植木保昭 成瀬一郎

    第30回日本エネルギー学会大会  2021.8.4 

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    Event date: 2021.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  53. 流動層を用いたオキシ石炭燃焼における環境汚染物質生成挙動

    山中建人 義家亮 成瀬一郎 植木保昭 

    第30回日本エネルギー学会大会  2021.8.5 

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    Event date: 2021.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  54. CO2およびH2Oによる木質バイオマスのガス化挙動



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    Event date: 2021.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  55. 微粉炭ガス化場における鉄鉱石粉の還元挙動


    日本鉄鋼協会 第181回春季講演大会  2021.3.17 

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    Event date: 2021.3


  56. 一般廃棄物灰の溶融特性解明とその制御

    日本機械学会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表会講演会  2021.3.13 

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    Event date: 2021.3


  57. コークスのガス化反応過程における粉発生挙動

    日本機械学会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表会講演会  2021.3.13 

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    Event date: 2021.3


  58. 気泡流動層を用いたバイオマス燃焼挙動の解明


    日本エネルギー学会 第16 回バイオマス科学会議  2021.1.20 

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    Event date: 2021.1

  59. バイオマス燃焼ボイラ内における灰付着挙動


    日本エネルギー学会 第16 回バイオマス科学会議  2021.1.20 

     More details

    Event date: 2021.1

  60. Precise Ash Behaviors during Pulverized Coal Combustion

    Ichiro Naruse, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie

    Innovation of Ironmaking Technologies and Future International Collaboration 

     More details

    Event date: 2014.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  61. Ash Fragmentation and Coagulation Behaviors during Pulverized Coal Combustion International conference

    Ichiro Naruse, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki

    International Workshop in Waste Thermal Treatment 

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    Event date: 2014.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  62. Corrosion Control on Heat-Exchanger Tubes of Incinerators by Thermal Spraying Materials International conference



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    Event date: 2014.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  63. Material circulatory network in the local community International conference

    Science and Technology for Environmental Conservation and Construction of a Society with Less Environmental Burden 

     More details

    Event date: 2014.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  64. Resources, Energy and Environment International conference


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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  65. Resources, Energy and Environment, International conference

    PutraCAT Public Lecture Programme 

     More details

    Event date: 2013.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  66. 微粉炭燃焼ボイラにおける灰付着低減技術の開発



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    Event date: 2013.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:工学院大学   Country:Japan  

  67. 石炭燃焼場における微量成分の制御~水銀の反応機構と捕捉技術~



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    Event date: 2013.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:水俣   Country:Japan  

  68. 低炭素で魅力的なまちを実現するために



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    Event date: 2012.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名古屋大学   Country:Japan  

  69. 粉体による微量成分の炉内捕捉技術の開発



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    Event date: 2012.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:札幌   Country:Japan  

  70. バイオマス利活用の利点と課題,-環境・エネルギー燃焼工学からのアプローチ-



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    Event date: 2012.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:愛知県豊田市   Country:Japan  

  71. 環境・資源・エネルギーとバイオマス利活用技術



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    Event date: 2012.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:金沢   Country:Japan  

  72. Recent Incineration Technologies in Japan International conference

    Ichiro Naruse

    Science and Technology(S&T) for Environmental Conservation and Construction of a Society with Less Enviranmental Burden 

     More details

    Event date: 2012.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  73. 石炭および木質バイオマスの燃焼・ガス化反応と灰の挙動



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    Event date: 2011.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名古屋   Country:Japan  

  74. バイオマスの燃焼・ガス化挙動の解明



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    Event date: 2011.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名古屋大学   Country:Japan  

  75. 最新の廃棄物焼却処理および排出微粒子の生成と制御について-ゴミの分別は必要か-



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    Event date: 2010.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  76. 石炭燃焼・ガス化炉内における灰の付着挙動とその低減技術



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    Event date: 2010.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  77. 石炭によるオキシフューエル燃焼条件でのNOx生成挙動とその機構



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    Event date: 2010.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  78. 持続可能な社会のためのエンジン技術研究会



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    Event date: 2010.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  79. Effects of Various Gaseous Agents on Gasification of Woody Biomass International conference


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    Event date: 2010.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  80. 木質バイオマスのCO2およびH2Oとの反応特性



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    Event date: 2010.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  81. Hot Desulfurization by Alkali Carbonates and Their Regeneration Characteristic

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    Event date: 2010.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  82. 燃焼排ガス中の希薄未燃炭化水素の分解特性



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    Event date: 2010.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  83. LIBSによる蒸気状水銀の直接分析法の開発



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    Event date: 2010.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  84. Oxy-fuel 燃焼場における石炭燃焼挙動およびNOxの生成機構解明



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    Event date: 2010.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  85. Desulfurization and Regeneration Process by Using Molten Alkali Carbonated at High Temperature International conference


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    Event date: 2010.2

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  86. 廃棄物由来の炭化物の燃焼評価とその基礎燃焼特性



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    Event date: 2010.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  87. 環境調和型高効率エネルギー変換技術~地域規模から地球規模まで~



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    Event date: 2009.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  88. 固体燃焼・ガス化



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    Event date: 2009.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  89. 地球環境と環境・エネルギー



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  90. 地球環境と環境・エネルギー



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    Event date: 2008.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  91. バイオマス利活用の現状と課題



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    Event date: 2008.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  92. 伝導伝熱・対流伝熱・輻射伝熱



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    Event date: 2008.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  93. 資源・エネルギーと環境



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    Event date: 2008.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  94. Role of Coal Utilization Technology for Sustainable Society International conference

    The 6th International Symposium on Coal Combustion 

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    Event date: 2007.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  95. Emissions and Control of Trace Metals During Combustion Processes, Advances in Combustion Technology: Improving the Environment and Energy Efficiency International conference

    American – Japanese Flame Research Committees International Symposium, INTERNATIONAL FLAME RESEARCH FOUNDATION 

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    Event date: 2007.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  96. 微粉炭燃焼・ガス化プロセスにおける灰付着機構と微量成分



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    Event date: 2007.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  97. 資源・エネルギーと環境



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    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  98. Role of Coal Utilization Technology for Sustainable Society International conference

    National Conference on Chemical Engineering Sciences and Applications (ChESA) 2007 

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    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  99. 石炭灰と金属との付着力温度依存性



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    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  100. 高温場における微量金属成分の基礎反応挙動の解明と素反応解析



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    Event date: 2007.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  101. 微粉炭燃焼場における灰付着特性の予測



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    Event date: 2007

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  102. 微粉炭ボイラにおける灰の付着制御



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    Event date: 2007

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  103. 粉体による微量成分の炉内捕捉技術の開発 International conference


    平成24年度微粒子工学講演会  2012.11.28  粉体工学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  104. 石炭燃焼場における微量成分の制御~水銀の反応機構と捕捉技術~ International conference


    水銀および水銀廃棄物の適正管理に関するセミナー  2013.2.23 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  105. 石炭燃焼・ガス化炉内における灰の付着挙動とその低減技術 International conference


    化学工学会第42回秋季大会  2010.9.6  化学工学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  106. 石炭および木質バイオマスの燃焼・ガス化反応と灰の挙動 International conference


    (社)日本鉄鋼協会第101回製銑部会  2011.6.16  (社)日本鉄鋼協会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  107. 環境・資源・エネルギーとバイオマス利活用技術 International conference


    ほくり環境・バイオマス研究会総会  2012.6.21  ほくり環境・バイオマス研究会

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  108. 最新の廃棄物焼却処理および排出微粒子の生成と制御について-ゴミの分別は必要か- International conference


    エネルギー・資源学会平成22年度オータムワークショップ  2010.10.28  エネルギー・資源学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  109. 微粉炭燃焼ボイラにおける灰付着低減技術の開発 International conference


    第22回日本エネルギー学会大会  2013.8.5  日本エネルギー学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  110. 低炭素で魅力的なまちを実現するために International conference


    環境省環境研究総合推進費プロジェクト公開セミナー  2012.12.2 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  111. バイオマス利活用の利点と課題,-環境・エネルギー燃焼工学からのアプローチ- International conference


    平成24年度バイオマス利活用研究会  2012.10.11  バイオマス利活用研究会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  112. バイオマスの燃焼・ガス化挙動の解明 International conference


    (独)日本学術振興会製銑第54委員会第178回研究会  2011.6.2  (独)日本学術振興会製銑第54委員会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  113. Resources, Energy and Environment,

    PutraCAT Public Lecture Programme  2013.8.26 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  114. Resources, Energy and Environment

    ChESA2013  2013.9.18 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  115. Recent Incineration Technologies in Japan

    Ichiro Naruse

    Science and Technology(S&T) for Environmental Conservation and Construction of a Society with Less Enviranmental Burden  2012.3.18 

     More details

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  116. Precise Ash Behaviors during Pulverized Coal Combustion International conference

    Ichiro Naruse, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie

    Innovation of Ironmaking Technologies and Future International Collaboration  2014.11.10 

     More details

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  117. Material circulatory network in the local community

    Science and Technology for Environmental Conservation and Construction of a Society with Less Environmental Burden  2014.3.13 

     More details

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  118. Corrosion Control on Heat-Exchanger Tubes of Incinerators by Thermal Spraying Materials


    WGERC2014  2014.11.1 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  119. Ash Fragmentation and Coagulation Behaviors during Pulverized Coal Combustion

    Ichiro Naruse, Ryo Yoshiie, Yasuaki Ueki

    International Workshop in Waste Thermal Treatment  2014.11.6 

     More details

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

▼display all

Research Project for Joint Research, Competitive Funding, etc. 28

  1. 電気集塵装置の灰付着挙動の解明

    2017.4 - 2018.3



  2. LIBSの廃棄物焼却施設への適用検討

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    成瀬一郎 植木保昭

  3. 廃棄物焼却炉に関する数値解析技術の高度化

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    成瀬一郎 植木保昭

  4. Ni系溶射皮膜の石炭灰付着低減効果に関する評価研究

    2017.4 - 2018.3



  5. 高炉羽口ブローパイプおよびレースウェイでの反応挙動の基礎研究

    2017.4 - 2018.3



  6. 廃棄物焼却炉に関する数値解析技術の高度化

    2016.7 - 2017.3


    成瀬一郎 植木保昭

  7. LIBSの廃棄物焼却施設への適用検討

    2016.7 - 2017.3


    成瀬一郎 植木保昭

  8. 高炉羽口ブローパイプおよびレースウェイでの反応挙動の基礎研究

    2016.4 - 2017.3


  9. Ni系溶射皮膜の石炭灰付着低減効果に関する評価研究

    2016.4 - 2017.3


  10. 電気集塵装置の灰付着挙動の解明

    2016.4 - 2017.3


  11. 高炉からのCO2排出削減技術開発:水素系ガス多量吸込み下でのレースウエイ挙動の基礎検討

    2012.8 - 2013.2


  12. 低品位炭の燃焼特性に関する基礎的研究

    2012.7 - 2017.3


  13. 瀝青炭灰および亜瀝青炭灰の混灰による灰付着挙動に関する研究

    2011.6 - 2012.3


  14. ハイパーコール副生炭の燃焼特性に関する基礎的研究

    2011.4 - 2012.3


  15. 超高温常圧水蒸気を用いたバイオマス廃棄物の高効率ガス化技術によるコジェネシステム開発

    2010.7 - 2011.5


  16. 低融点灰の付着特性に関する基礎研究

    2010.6 - 2011.3


  17. 水素系ガス多量吸込み下でのレースウエイ挙動の基礎検討

    2009.8 - 2011.3


  18. 高炉での新エネルギー利用技術

    2009.4 - 2013.3


  19. 微粉炭ボイラー炉内脱硫改質技術における脱硫灰及び改質灰のメカニズムの検討

    2009.4 - 2010.3


  20. シミュレーションによるN20生成・分解反応機構調査

    2009.1 - 2009.3


  21. 固体酸化物形燃料電池システム要素技術開発事業

    2008.7 - 2011.3


  22. Thermal recycle of woody biomass wasted from construction industries

    2008.6 - 2009.5

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    Grant type:Competitive

  23. Combustion characteristics and kinetics of carbonized materials

    2008.4 - 2009.3

  24. ホウ素、セレンの石炭中、排ガス中の存在形態

    2008.4 - 2009.3


  25. Reaction analysis of mercury oxidation

    2007.9 - 2008.3

    Cooperative Research within Japan 

  26. UBC(改質褐炭)の灰特性と燃焼特性に関する研究

    2007.8 - 2010.3


  27. Study on ash deposition behavion

    2007.4 - 2009.3

    Cooperative Research within Japan 

  28. Prediction of Volatile Organic Compannols (VOC) emission in exhausted gas of cement factory

    2007.4 - 2008.3

    Cooperative Research within Japan 

▼display all

KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 26

  1. Study on highly-efficient energy conversion technologies of biomass by gasification

    Grant number:17F17822  2017.11 - 2020.3

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    Authorship:Other  Grant type:Competitive

  2. LIBSの廃棄物焼却施設への適用検討

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    義家 亮, 成瀬一郎, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

  3. 高炉羽口ブローパイプおよびレースウェイでの反応挙動の基礎研究

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    成瀬 一郎, 義家亮, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

  4. 電気集塵装置の灰付着挙動の解明

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    成瀬 一郎, 義家亮, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

  5. 廃棄物焼却炉に関する数値解析技術の高度化

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    義家 亮, 成瀬一郎, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

  6. Ni系溶射皮膜の石炭灰付着低減効果に関する評価研究

    2017.4 - 2018.3


    成瀬 一郎, 義家亮, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

  7. LIBSの廃棄物焼却施設への適用検討

    2016.7 - 2017.3


    義家 亮, 成瀬一郎, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

  8. 廃棄物焼却炉に関する数値解析技術の高度化

    2016.7 - 2017.3


    義家 亮, 成瀬一郎, 植木保昭

      More details

    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

  9. Ni系溶射皮膜の石炭灰付着低減効果に関する評価研究

    2016.4 - 2017.3


    成瀬 一郎

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

  10. 高炉羽口ブローパイプおよびレースウェイでの反応挙動の基礎研究

    2016.4 - 2017.3


    成瀬 一郎

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

  11. 電気集塵装置の灰付着挙動の解明

    2016.4 - 2017.3


    成瀬 一郎

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

  12. Monitoring of trace elements in coal gasification gas by double pulse LIBS

    Grant number:23561029  2011 - 2013


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    To investigate trace element emissions in coal combustion/gasification gas, we worked on the development of a rapid analytical method to monitor trace elements in vapor/aerosol phase. Double pulse LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) system with a single optical lens and small angled two lasers were built up and examined to improve detection ranges, but it fell short of our expectations. An infrared image furnace with a quartz reactor was arranged to achieve coal combustion/gasification experiments with rapid heating. Trace elements downstream of the reactor were analyzed by single pulse LIBS. Signals from As and Sb were successfully detected. Concentration of Sb in coal combustion gas was measured based on calibration curve method.

  13. Ash behavior in combustion and gasification processes of solid fuels

    2007.4 - 2010.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  14. Ash behavior in combustion and gasification processes of solid fuels

    2007.4 - 2010.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Direct Cost: \12870000 )

  15. Theoretical approach on ash behaviors in combustion/gasification processes of solid fuels

    Grant number:19360437  2007 - 2009

    NARUSE Ichiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\19370000 ( Direct Cost: \14900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4470000 )

    Behaviors of ash compositions in coal, waste, biomass and so forth during combustion or gasification processes were elucidated theoretically and quantitatively. The following issues were discussed in this research ;
    1) Characterization of ash occurrence in the fuels
    2) Elucidation of coagulation and destruction behaviors during combustion or gasification
    3) Behaviors of ash deposition in the furnace
    4) Quantification of emission of particulate matter

  16. Construction of IT network of non-utilized materials for local community with material circulatory function

    Grant number:13555206  2001 - 2003

    NARUSE Ichiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\13000000 ( Direct Cost: \13000000 )

    In order to realize asocial system with sustainable development, it is necessary for local communities to construct inter-industries material circulatory network. In this aspect, wastes evolving from the industries are defined as unused materials. This study develops a methodology of constructing circulatory networks among different industries for reusable materials. Two types of databases are made by means of industrial surveys. One of the databases reveals information about raw materials, products and wastes, received from or emitted to each company of industries in a subject community. The second database defines conversion technologies that enable transformation of wastes into reusable materials. Based on these databases, material flows in the community are analyzed by a network simulator program.
    In this study, the methodology is tested on application to Toyohashi city in Aichi Prefecture. First of all, the databases of the industries, wastes treatment companies and waste conversion technologies were prepared. In order to propose one example of proper material circulatory network, the material flow, was analyzed by the Network Simulator based on following 3 steps. In this analysis, each network was evaluated in terms of amount of materials that were emitted from the region.
    i)Analyzing material circulatory networks among companies in the same industry.
    ii)Correcting the best network, and defining the I-O amounts as whole of the industry.
    iii)Analyzing material circulatory networks among different industries.
    As a results, an optimum hypothetical material circulatory network among different industries is proposed, which enable" to reduction of the amount of material emission from the region accounting to 10,899 ton of raw material, 8,666 ton of products, and 2,233 ton of wastes. Moreover, upscale method of the database is also predicted and described.

  17. Development promotion of highly effective desulfurizers of calcium compounds by molecular dynamic simulatons

    Grant number:13650811  2001 - 2002

    NARUSE Ichiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\500000 ( Direct Cost: \500000 )

    The effect of the alkali metal compounds on the desulfurization characteristics was elucidated quantitatively and theoretically in this study. The desulfurization experiments by adding some alkali metal compounds and chlorides to limestone were carried out, using a thermobalance. The mechanism on the enhancement of desulfurization characteristics were elucidated, based on the chemical and physical change of structure due to alkali metal compounds addition as well as structure change of CaO calculated by molecular dynamics simulation. Obtained results show that addition of NaCl into the limestone was found to be the most effective on improving the desulfurization efficiency. In order to elucidate in details the effect of the NaCl-doping on such structure change, the crystal structures of calcined seashell, limestone and NaCl-doped limestone were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Consequently, CaO in both seashell and NaCl-doped limestone was crystallized, whereas CaO in the calcined limestone was disordered. Therefore, NaCl-doping can change the CaO crystal structure. From those experimental facts, the desulfurization characteristics are influenced by result of the crystal structure of samples after calcination. Next, the crystal structures for pure CaO and NaCl-doped CaO were simulated, using molecular dynamics simulation, in order to confirm the effect of NaCl-doping on the CaO structure theoretically. The results show that NaCl-doping into CaO contributes to the crystallization of CaO even at the temperatures of formation of amorphous structure for the pure CaO. Additionally, KC1 and LiCl-doped CaO was simulated under the same calculation conditions and procedures. Finally, only NaCl stably exists as the CaO crystal, while NaCl-doping showed predominant effect on the CaO crystallization. These tendencies depend on the difference of the potential energy and ionic radius of each alkali metal chloride. The experimental and simulation results obtained suggested that NaCl-doping contributed to crystallizing the CaO molecules.

  18. Development of Clean Utilization Technologies of Low-grade Coals Combined with Biomass

    Grant number:11218205  1999 - 2002

    NARUSE Ichiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\28200000 ( Direct Cost: \28200000 )

    In order to utilize low-grade coals efficiently and cleanly, technologies of co-combustion or co-gasification of coal with biomass will contribute to enhancing utilization of low-grade coals. In this study, three kinds of experiments such as a biobriquette combustion, using an electrically heated batch combustor, co-combustion of coal with biomass, using an electrically heated drop tube furnace, and fundamental gasification of coal or biomass, using a molten salt gasifier, were carried out. For the biobriquette combustion, the ignition lag and burning rate of the biobriquette becomes shorter and faster than that of the coal briquette, respectively, since the biomass in the biobriquette plays a role for a trigger of ignition. Slaked lime can capture in situ SO_2 produced from the briquette. In the co-combustion experiments, the biomass can enhance ignition and burnout of the low-grade coal during the co-combustion. But, trend of NO and N_2O emissions during the co-combustion is similar with that during the coal combustion. The chemical kinetic simulation relating to NOx can also explain the trend of NOx behaviors obtained experimentally. However, heterogeneous reaction scheme seems to affect the trend of N_2O. In the biomass combustion, fine particulates with the particle size of less than 2μm are produced as ash particles. Burning the biomass with the coal, however, the fine particulates from the biomass are captured by the ash from the coal during the combustion. The molten salt coal gasifier seems to have such functions as in-furnace desulfurization, dust collection and catalytic action of carbon. It may be possible for the gasifier to produce a clean synthesis gas without a gas cleaning-up system even at relatively low temperature.

  19. Zero Emissions by Forming Networks among Various Production Processes in Different Types of Industries

    Grant number:09247107  1997 - 2000

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (A)

    YOSHIDA Hiroyuki

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    (1) Construction of Database of Output-Input and Conversion Technologies, and Proposal of Criterion for Evaluation of Conversion Technology A survey based on questionnaires for 8500 factories and interviews on how materials move as various productive processes go on was conducted and basic input-output and output-input database needed for the establishment of zero-emission network were obtained in this work. Database on actual conversion technologies (converter) from waste products to raw materials was also made. Moreover, the criterion for evaluation of such conversion technology was proposed.
    (2) Development of Conversion Technology In order to attain zero emission through networking among various production processes in different types of industries, various conversion technologies were developed in this work. For example, Hiroyuki Yoshida : - a fundamental study on further treatment of fish waste to obtain useful resources very fast using sub-critical water treatment, Wataru Nishijima - comparison evaluation of the reuse of organic wastes, Tsutomu Imaoka - the local zero emission system of the organic solid wastes using waste cool heat from LNG, Kiyohiko Nakasaki - production of biodegradable plastic from sludge, and lchiro Naruse - the formation of advanced resources from solid wastes. Above researches are almost completed.
    (3) Construction of a local zero emission network The zero emission networks between the factories in Toyohashi area (Aichi Prefecture) and Miyagi Prefecture were proposed respectively using the database mentioned above and the network simulator developed by this research. In Miyagi Prefecture, when only an output-input database was used, the number of connection of the network were 30 factories. However, when conversion technologies were introduced, the number increased to 1178, and it became clear how conversion technology is important for construction of a zero emission network. Moreover, the network in plastics industry was proposed in the Toyohashi area. The amount of waste before network construction was 174 t/month but after construction of the network, it decrease to 131t/month.

  20. Development of new kind of fuels for controlling pollution and health

    Grant number:08555054  1996 - 1997

    KIM Hee-Joon

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    In this study, a new kind of fuels with mixture of coal, biomass and some kinds of desulfurizer and/or denitrificater, has been developed. From this research, the following results are obtained ; 1)it is found through the experiments of pyrolysis and combustion that the volatile release in a biobriquette is proportional to the biomass content in it. The combustion of the biobriquette has two stages in which volatile matter evolves and burns in the gas phase outside of the biobriquette and then leads to char combustion. In the former stage, a volume model is developed to describe the volatile combustion. The char combustion behavior is described by using a shrinking-core reaction model. According to the shrinking-core reaction model, the char combution is proceeding from the surface towards the inside, controlled by the oxygen diffusion in both the ash layr inside the biobriquette and gas boundary layr around the biobriquette. 2) in the desulfurization characteristics of the biobriquette with desulfurizer, the desulfurization efficiency is influenced by both the calcination temperature of desulfurizer and the types of coal. The scallop shell has a good desulfurization capability better than that of limestone. The shrinking-core reaction model is adopted for descriving the desulfurization process during the char combustion. The calculated results agreed generally with the experimental ones. 3) the pulp black liquid, an industrial waste, was rolled as rolled as binder in biobriquetting process. It has a significant denitrifcation capability in combustion process. Especially, the pulp black liquid was developed originally as a denitrifier in this research.

  21. Scientific Studies on Coal Maceral and Ash for Development of Coal Utilization under High Temperature Conditions

    Grant number:07455095  1995 - 1996

    OHTAKE Kazutomo

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    In order to develop the utilization technologies for coal under the high temperature conditions, the ignition behavior, the reactivity, the combustion and gasification behaviors of a coal particle on the molten slag layr and the changes of ash components during the reaction were studied experimentally. The relation of these phenomena to the maceral in coal particles and / or char structure within reacting particles was elucidated. So that the maceral and the char structures were able to be one of index to evaluate the reactivities of coal in addition to the fuel ratio and coal types currently applied as the index.
    The results obtained in this project are summarized as follows :
    1.The ignition temperature decreases with an increase of the vitrinite content in coal particles.
    2.Ignition temperature depends on the structure of char. The ignition temperature for coals with the net-work type becomes low.
    3.The reactivity of a coal particle on the molten slag layr is influenced by the reaction atmosphere. This may be caused by the interaction between the slag layr and ash inside the particle. Under the reducing condition a coal particle is destroyed by the combination of the coal ash with the molten slag, and the reaction rate is accelerated.
    4.The evaporation rate of pure alkali metal compounds are measured quantitatively in order to elucidate the behaviors of ash vaporization under the high temperature conditions. The effect of the existence of ash particles on the evaporation temperature is also tested, so that the ash particles act the fall of evaporation temperature of alkali metal compounds.

  22. Development of Thermal Recycle Technology for Wasted Insulating Material of Electric Power Cable

    Grant number:06555060  1994 - 1995

    Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B)

    OHTAKE Kazutomo

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    In order to thermally recycle a wasted insulating material of electric power cable, which was made of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), the combustion properties and fundamental ignition/combustion characteristics were studied by using a thermogravimetric analyzer and an electrically heated drop furnace. The practical combustion behaviors were also tested by using a swirl flow turbulent combustor.
    From the thermobalance experiments, the combustion behavior of sample is divided into two stages. During the first stage the volatile matter evolves and burns around 500 K.Ih the second stage, on the other hand, the combustion of residual solid component takes place in the temperature range of 700-800 K.
    Regarding the fundamental ignition/combustion characteristics obtained by using the drop furnace, the particles sieved from 150 until 300 mum can burn at the lowest ignition temperature, and the fluctuation of ignition temperature becomes narrow. The detail combustion behavior was elucidated by measuring the components of released gas along the furnace axis during the combustion. Although low-grade hydrocarbonsand CO are produced in the upper stream of furnace, all of them diminish at the exit. Comparing the fundamental combustion behavior of the wasted material of cable coating with pulverized coals, the former can burn more easily than the latter.
    Based on the above-mentioned results, the wasted material was applied as the solid fuel to the swirling turbulent combustor. As a result, even the coarse particles ranged from 300 to 440 mum can burn completely. However, the larger particles ranged more than 500 mum cannot maintain the steady combustion. These results suggest that the wasted insulating material of electricpower cable can be applied worthily as one of practical solid fuels.

  23. 環境汚染物質の防除機能を兼ね備えたバイオコールの燃焼および環境汚染物質生成特性

    Grant number:06750792  1994


    成瀬 一郎

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )


  24. Influence to Combustion Characteristic with Time-dependent Mixing Process of Microscopic Structure in Turbulent Diffusion Fiames

    Grant number:05452158  1993 - 1994

    Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    OHTAKE Kazutomo

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    Space- and time-resolved information, as well as macro- and microscopic visualizations, is essential for detailed study of mixing, reaction and heat transfer mechanisms in a turbulent diffusion flame. However, turbulent diffusion flame structures have been studied almost solely by time-resolved single-point measurement due to the restriction of diagnostics. In this study, time-dependent spatial mixing processes in turbulent diffusion flame are visualized by instantaneous flame luminosity and plane Mie scattering images by an ultrahigh-speed video system (Fastcam). It is found that the auto-similarity of the instantaneous turbulent diffusion flame structure has a fractal dimension defined by fractal analysis which appears corresponding to the fractal analysis of the combustion region. Macroscopic movements of the flame region are classified in terms of the instantaneous variations of flame shape. The texture analysis resulted the relationships in flame structures in different areas. Information entropy analysis was used to get its existing probability and gave the information on the existence of wrinkling flame structures.

  25. 気泡流動層石炭燃焼場での気泡相と粒子濃厚相のガス組成分離計測による燃焼機構解明

    Grant number:05750672  1993


    成瀬 一郎

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )


  26. Transformation Mechanisms of NO_x into N_2O and Its Depression in Coal Combustion and De-NO_x Process

    Grant number:03452128  1991 - 1992

    Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    OHTAKE Kazutomo

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    Nitrous oxide (N_2O) has been arrested the attention as one of environmental pollutants produced from coal combustion. In this study, characteristics of N_2O formation/destruction in both turbulent pulverized coal combustion (high temperature combustion) and bubbling fluidized bed coal combustion (low temperature combustion) are discussed experimentally and theoretically.
    In case of turbulent pulverized coal combustion, during the volatile matter combustion region, N_2O concentration increases. The maximum N_2O concentration becomes higher, if the temperature gradient gets gentler. Finally, at the exit of furnace, N_2O reaches quite low value. The influence of non-catalytic selective reduction (NCSR) of NO by NH_3 injection on N_2O formation/destruction depends on the combustion atmosphere where NH_3 is supplied.
    In the bubbling fluidized bed coal combustion, N_2O concentration increases with decreasing temperature and with increasing the combustion stoichiometry. The difference of N_2O concentration due to coal types can be explained by the difference of N-contained species evolved together with the volatile matter. HCN is found to contribute more to N_2O formation than NH_3. In case that the coal particles are directly supplied onto the bed surface, N_2O is mainly formed in the freeboard of combustor. In case of bottom feed experiments, on the other hand, N_2O is rapidly formed just above the air distributor. In the experiments of N_2O decomposition through the beds of several kinds of particles, char, CaO and oxidized stainless steel particles can catalytically contribute to the N_2O decomposition. In the char combustion experiments, the tendency of N_2O formation characteristics is similar to that of the combustion of volatile matter.
    From the numerical model for single coal particle combustion, N_2O is mainly produced during the volatile combustion. The reactions by way of NCO, NH and N_2 contribute to N_2O formation. On the other hand, H radical becomes one of the important species for N_2O reduction. The modeling could explain well the experimental results.

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Industrial property rights 4

  1. Facilities of clean-up of fuel gas and power generation

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    Application no:特願2006-283061号  Date applied:2006.10

    Country of applicant:Domestic  

  2. Facilities of clean-up of fuel gas and power generation

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    Application no:特願2006-283061号  Date applied:2006.10

  3. 灰付着防止方法

    成瀬 一郎,長沼 宏,成瀬 祐一,三木 良治,伊藤 正

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    Application no:特願2003-360976  Date applied:2003.11

  4. 可燃ゴミによる固形燃料の製造方法

    進 博人,中宮 敏博,前浪 洋輝,伊藤 善章,間人 健一,笠倉 忠夫,成瀬 一郎

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    Application no:特願2000-71189  Date applied:2000.3


Teaching Experience (On-campus) 11

  1. エネルギー変換工学



    資源・エネルギー・環境の現状を理解した上で、エネルギー変換の基礎を熱力学的に理解するとともに、エネルギー変換技術に係わる熱移動の基礎を学ぶ。 達成目標 ・資源・エネルギー・環境の現状を認識する ・エネルギー変換プロセスを熱力学的に理解する ・熱移動現象の基礎を理解する

  2. 高温エネルギー変換工学特論


  3. 高温エネルギー変換工学特論


  4. 高温エネルギー変換工学特別実験及び演習A




  5. 高温エネルギー変換工学セミナー1D




  6. 高温エネルギー変換工学セミナー1C




  7. 高温エネルギー変換工学セミナー1B




  8. 高温エネルギー変換工学セミナー1A




  9. 伝熱工学演習



    講義で学んだ伝熱工学の基礎理論に基づき演習問題を解くことにより、具体的な伝熱工学の問題へアプローチの方法と解決する手法を習得する。 達成目標 ・フーリエの法則を用いて、定常および非定常熱伝導問題を計算することができる。 ・対流熱伝達の理論に基づき、温度分布、熱伝達率、伝熱量などを計算することができる。 ・熱放射の基礎法則を用いて熱放射量の計算をすることができる。 ・熱交換器の基礎設計ができる。

  10. 伝熱工学


  11. エネルギー変換工学



    資源・エネルギー・環境の現状を理解した上で、エネルギー変換の基礎を熱力学的に理解するとともに、エネルギー変換技術に係わる熱移動の基礎を学ぶ。 達成目標 ・資源・エネルギー・環境の現状を認識する ・エネルギー変換プロセスを熱力学的に理解する ・熱移動現象の基礎を理解する

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Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 5

  1. 燃焼技術


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    Level:Other  Country:Japan

  2. 熱技術


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    Level:Other  Country:Japan

  3. 資源・エネルギー・環境論

    2009.4 - 2017.3 Tohoku University)

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    Level:Postgraduate  Country:Japan

  4. 資源・エネルギー・環境論

    2009.4 - 2010.3 Ehime University)

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    Level:Undergraduate (specialized)  Country:Japan

  5. 熱・エネルギー工学

    2007.4 - 2014.3 Toyohashi University of Technology)

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    Level:Undergraduate (specialized)  Country:Japan


Social Contribution 12

  1. 一般財団法人石炭フロンティア機構 ケミカルピーリング 燃焼ポリジェネレーション技術開発 技術検討委員会 委員長

    Role(s):Organizing member

    一般財団法人石炭フロンティア機構  2021.7 - 2022.3

  2. 一般財団法人石炭フロンティア機構 技術開発委員会 副委員長

    Role(s):Organizing member

    一般財団法人石炭フロンティア機構  2021.7 - 2022.3

  3. 愛知県「2021愛知環境賞」専門部会委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    愛知県  2020.8 - 2021.3

  4. 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構分野横断的公募事業のピアレビュア

    Role(s):Organizing member

    愛知県  2020.4 - 2022.3

  5. 愛知県「2020愛知環境賞」専門部会委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    愛知県  2019.9 - 2020.3

  6. 岡崎市廃棄物処理施設検討会議構成員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    岡崎市  2019.8 - 2021.3

  7. あいち地域循環圏形成プラン推進会議専門委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    愛知県  2019.5 - 2023.3

  8. 豊橋市廃棄物処理施設専門委員会委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    豊橋市  2019.4 - 2023.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  9. 愛知環境賞選考委員会専攻部会及び専門部会委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    愛知県  2018.9 - 2021.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  10. 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構NEDO技術員 

    Role(s):Organizing member

    NEDO  2018.8 - 2022.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  11. 三重県企業庁RDF焼却・発電施設の撤去に伴う安全管理会議委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    三重県  2018.4 - 2023.3

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    Audience: Governmental agency


  12. 愛知県新エネルギー産業協議会委員

    Role(s):Organizing member

    愛知県  2018.3 - 2022.2

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Media Coverage 6

  1. 今後の火力発電の役割と課題 Newspaper, magazine

    電気新聞  2017.10

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  2. 新城市・鳳来町木質バイオマス利用 Newspaper, magazine

    中日新聞  2004.1

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  3. 三重県一般廃棄物燃焼炉検証 Newspaper, magazine

    中日新聞  2004.1

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  4. 新城市・鳳来町木質バイオマス利用 Newspaper, magazine

    東愛知新聞  2003.1

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  5. 貝殻の有効利用 Newspaper, magazine

    日刊工業新聞  1996

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  6. 石炭エネルギー TV or radio program

    日本テレビ  所さんの目がテン・  1996

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