2025/03/06 更新


サトウ タカヒコ
佐藤 貴彦
SATO Takahiko
医学部附属病院 血液内科 助教

学位 2

  1. 博士(医学) ( 2025年3月   名古屋大学 ) 

  2. 学士(医学) ( 2012年3月   名古屋大学 ) 

研究分野 2

  1. ライフサイエンス / 血液、腫瘍内科学

  2. ライフサイエンス / 免疫学

所属学協会 5

  1. 日本内科学会

  2. 日本血液学会

  3. 日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会

  4. 日本癌学会

  5. American Association for Cancer Research


論文 16

  1. Sustained inhibition of CSF1R signaling augments antitumor immunity through inhibiting tumor-associated macrophages. 査読有り

    Sato T, Sugiyama D, Koseki J, Kojima Y, Hattori S, Sone K, Nishinakamura H, Ishikawa T, Ishikawa Y, Kato T, Kiyoi H, Nishikawa H

      10 巻 ( 1 )   2025年1月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.178146


  2. Simple and early prediction of severe CAR-T-related adverse events after Axi-cel infusion by initial high fever. 査読有り

    Wakabayashi H, Terakura S, Ishigiwa K, Ohara F, Hirano S, Yokota H, Kuwano S, Furukawa K, Shimada K, Sato T, Hanajiri R, Kiyoi H



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12185-025-03957-7


  3. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia is safe but poses challenges for long-term maintenance of molecular remission: Results of the Auto-Ph17 study. 査読有り

    Nishiwaki S, Sugiura I, Sato T, Kobayashi M, Osaki M, Sawa M, Adachi Y, Okabe M, Saito S, Morishita T, Kohno A, Nishiyama T, Iida H, Kurahashi S, Kuwatsuka Y, Sugiyama D, Ito S, Nishikawa H, Kiyoi H

    eJHaem   4 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 358 - 369   2023年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jha2.677


  4. Impact of HLA Epitope Matching on Outcomes After Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation. 査読有り

    Iwasaki M, Kanda J, Tanaka H, Shindo T, Sato T, Doki N, Fukuda T, Ozawa Y, Eto T, Uchida N, Katayama Y, Kataoka K, Ara T, Ota S, Onizuka M, Kanda Y, Ichinohe T, Atsuta Y, Morishima S

    Frontiers in immunology   13 巻   頁: 811733   2022年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.811733


  5. Assessment of cellular response to mitogens in long-term allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation survivors. 査読有り

    Sato T, Goto M, Ohbiki M, Goto T, Morishita T, Seto A, Ozawa Y, Miyamura K

    International Journal of Hematology   114 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 682 - 690   2021年12月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12185-021-03206-7


  6. A Phase I/II Multicenter Trial of HLA-Haploidentical PBSCT with PTCy for Aggressive Adult T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma. 査読有り

    Tanaka T, Nakamae H, Ito A, Fuji S, Hirose A, Eto T, Henzan H, Takase K, Yamasaki S, Makiyama J, Moriuchi Y, Choi I, Nakano N, Hiramoto N, Kato K, Sato T, Sawayama Y, Kim SW, Inoue Y, Inamoto Y, Fukuda T

    Transplantation and cellular therapy   27 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 928.e1 - 928.e7   2021年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jtct.2021.07.010


  7. A case of sporadic late-onset nemaline myopathy with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: long-term observation of neurological symptoms after autologous stem-cell transplantation.

    Ando T, Sato T, Kurahashi S, Kawaguchi Y, Kagaya Y, Ozawa Y, Hirano S, Goto Y, Mano K, Yokoi S, Nakamura T, Murakami A, Noda S, Kimura S, Sone J, Kuru S, Sobue G, Katsuno M

    Nagoya journal of medical science   83 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 641 - 647   2021年8月



    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.83.3.641


  8. Novel anti-GARP antibody DS-1055a augments anti-tumor immunity by depleting highly suppressive GARP+ regulatory T cells.

    Satoh K, Kobayashi Y, Fujimaki K, Hayashi S, Ishida S, Sugiyama D, Sato T, Lim K, Miyamoto M, Kozuma S, Kadokura M, Wakita K, Hata M, Hirahara K, Amano M, Watanabe I, Okamoto A, Tuettenberg A, Jonuleit H, Tanemura A, Maruyama S, Agatsuma T, Wada T, Nishikawa H

    International immunology   33 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 435 - 446   2021年7月



    DOI: 10.1093/intimm/dxab027


  9. A case of reexpansion pulmonary edema and acute pulmonary thromboembolism associated with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

    Kazama S, Hiraiwa H, Kimura Y, Ozaki R, Shibata N, Arao Y, Oishi H, Kato H, Kuwayama T, Yamaguchi S, Kondo T, Furusawa K, Morimoto R, Okumura T, Bando YK, Sato T, Shimada K, Kiyoi H, Nakamura G, Yasuda Y, Kasugai D, Ogawa H, Higashi M, Yamamoto T, Jingushi N, Ozaki M, Numaguchi A, Goto Y, Matsuda N, Murohara T

    Journal of cardiology cases   23 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 53 - 56   2021年1月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jccase.2020.08.013


  10. Day 0 bone marrow pathology of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a novel prognostic factor in myeloid malignancies.

    Sato T, Kawashima N, Ito M, Atsuta Y, Kagaya Y, Seto A, Morishita T, Fukushima N, Ozawa Y, Miyamura K

    Blood cell therapy   3 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 84 - 91   2020年11月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  

    DOI: 10.31547/bct-2020-007


  11. Higher Peak Tacrolimus Concentrations after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Increase the Risk of Endothelial Cell Damage Complications.

    Morishita T, Okabe M, Kawaguchi Y, Lee Y, Ohbiki M, Osaki M, Goto M, Araie H, Sato T, Goto T, Ozawa Y, Miyamura K

    Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation   24 巻 ( 12 ) 頁: 2509 - 2516   2018年12月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2018.07.029


  12. Iodine staining and p16 immunohistochemistry as a novel screening for secondary esophageal neoplasm after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

    Sato T, Seto A, Kagaya Y, Kawashima N, Koyama D, Morishita T, Ozawa Y, Miyamura K, Yamaguchi T, Haruta JI, Ito M

    Bone marrow transplantation   53 巻 ( 10 ) 頁: 1359 - 1363   2018年10月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41409-018-0197-2


  13. Successful treatment with allogeneic stem cell transplantation followed by DLI and TKIs for e6a2 BCR-ABL-positive acute myeloid leukaemia: A case report and literature review.

    Harada Y, Nishiwaki S, Sugimoto T, Onodera K, Goto T, Sato T, Kamoshita S, Kawashima N, Seto A, Okuno S, Yamamoto S, Iwasaki T, Ozawa Y, Miyamura K, Akatsuka Y, Sugiura I

    Medicine   96 巻 ( 50 ) 頁: e9160   2017年12月



    DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000009160


  14. Long-term outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation with intensified myeloablative conditioning for refractory myeloid malignancy.

    Kawashima N, Inamoto Y, Sato T, Nakashima M, Kagaya Y, Watakabe K, Seto A, Fukushima N, Kurahashi S, Ozawa Y, Miyamura K

    Bone marrow transplantation   51 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 869 - 71   2016年6月



    DOI: 10.1038/bmt.2016.15


  15. Counterbalance between RB inactivation and miR-17-92 overexpression in reactive oxygen species and DNA damage induction in lung cancers.

    Ebi H, Sato T, Sugito N, Hosono Y, Yatabe Y, Matsuyama Y, Yamaguchi T, Osada H, Suzuki M, Takahashi T

    Oncogene   28 巻 ( 38 ) 頁: 3371 - 9   2009年9月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  

    DOI: 10.1038/onc.2009.201


  16. Relationship of deregulated signaling converging onto mTOR with prognosis and classification of lung adenocarcinoma shown by two independent in silico analyses.

    Ebi H, Tomida S, Takeuchi T, Arima C, Sato T, Mitsudomi T, Yatabe Y, Osada H, Takahashi T

    Cancer research   69 巻 ( 9 ) 頁: 4027 - 35   2009年5月



    DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-3403



講演・口頭発表等 3

  1. Sustained inhibition of CSF1R signaling effectively augments antitumor immune responses through inhibiting tumor-associated macrophages 国際会議

    Takahiko Sato, Daisuke Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Kojima, Satomi Hattori, Kazuki Sone, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Yuichi Ishikawa, Takuma Kato, Hitoshi Kiyoi, Hiroyoshi Nishikawa

    American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2024  2024年4月8日  American Association for Cancer Research


    開催年月日: 2024年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

    開催地:San Diego   国名:アメリカ合衆国  

  2. Novel CSF1R inhibitor, FF-10101, strongly inhibit tumor-associated macrophages and improve anti-tumor response

    Takahiko Sato, Daisuke Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Kojima, Satomi Hattori, Kazuki Sone, Yuichi Ishikawa, Hiroyoshi Nishikawa, Hitoshi Kiyoi



    開催年月日: 2023年9月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  3. FF-10101, a novel CSF1R inhibitor, strongly inhibit tumor-associated macrophages and improve anti-tumor response 国際会議

    Takahiko Sato, Daisuke Sugiyama, Yasuhiro Kojima, Satomi Hattori, Kazuki Sone, Yuichi Ishikawa, Hitoshi Kiyoi, Hiroyoshi Nishikawa

    2nd JCA-AACR Precision Cancer Medicine International Conference  2023年6月29日 


    開催年月日: 2023年6月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

    開催地:Kyoto   国名:日本国