Updated on 2023/09/11


Graduate School of Engineering Materials Design Innovation Engineering 1 Designated associate professor
Designated associate professor

Research Interests 4

  1. Electron microscopy

  2. 組織解析

  3. High Entropy Alloy

  4. Ni 基耐热超合金

Research Areas 1

  1. Nanotechnology/Materials / Material processing and microstructure control


Papers 9

  1. Analysis of Crystal Orientation in Two-Way Cold-Rolled and Annealed Pure Iron

    Suzuki Yutaro, Ogawa Toshio, Sun Fei, Adachi Yoshitaka, Yamaguchi Atsushi, Matsubara Yukihiro

    Tetsu-to-Hagane   Vol. 109 ( 9 ) page: 770 - 778   2023.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan  

    <p>We analyzed the crystal orientation of pure iron with two-way cold-rolling and subsequent annealing. As-received pure iron sheets were cold-rolled in the vertical direction against the cold-rolling direction of the as-received sheet, and then in the cold-rolling direction of the as-received sheet. The cold-rolled specimens were annealed in two conditions (short-term and long-term annealing). As short-term annealing, cold-rolled specimen was heated to desired temperature, and then water-quenched to room temperature (298 ± 2 K). As long-term annealing, cold-rolled specimen was heated to 1123 K and held for up to 180 min, and then furnace-cooled for up to 150 min and water-quenched to room temperature. The strain distribution of cold-rolled specimen was uniform, and Goss orientation grains were observed at the interface of α-fiber and γ-fiber and within the micro-shear bands in γ-fiber. By short-term annealing, Goss orientation grains within micro-shear bands grew, whereas those at the interface of α-fiber and γ-fiber disappeared. Abnormal grain growth of Goss orientation grains was attributed to the existence of grains having Σ9 grain boundaries against Goss orientation grains. In addition, existence of multiple adjacent Goss orientation grains played crucial role on the abnormal grain growth of Goss orientation grains.</p>

    DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane.tetsu-2023-019

    CiNii Research

  2. Evaluation of the Tensile Properties of Vanadium-Added Steels with Different Ferrite and Pearlite Hardness Ratios

    Minato Kawamura, Toshio Ogawa, Fei Sun, Yoshitaka Adachi

    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance     2023.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11665-023-08436-w

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11665-023-08436-w/fulltext.html

  3. Improvement in the Strength–Ductility Balance of Tempered Martensite Steel by Controlling Cementite Particle Size Distribution

    Kenji Hayakawa, Toshio Ogawa, Lei He, Fei Sun, Yoshitaka Adachi

    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance     2023.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11665-023-08428-w

    Web of Science


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11665-023-08428-w/fulltext.html

  4. Modulated Structure Formation in Dislocation Cells in 316L Stainless Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

    Sun Fei, Ogawa Toshio, Adachi Yoshitaka, Sato Kazuhisa, Takagi Shunya, Miyamoto Goro, Suzuki Asuka, Yamanaka Akinori, Nakada Nobuo, Ishimoto Takuya, Nakano Takayoshi, Koizumi Yuichiro

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   Vol. 64 ( 6 ) page: 1143 - 1149   2023.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials  

    <p>Metal additive manufacturing enables producing complex geometric structures with high accuracy and breaks the design constraints of traditional manufacturing methods. Laser powder bed fusion, a typical additive manufacturing process, presents a challenge in experimentally understanding the nano-scaled microstructure-process relationship regarding the wide range of process parameters. In this study, we aim to reveal the novel nanoscale structural features by advanced scanning transmission electron microscopy to clarify the formation mechanisms in 316L stainless steel by laser powder bed fusion. Here we show that the slender columnar grains were confined to the centreline of the melt pool along the build direction, and the columnar cell structure at the side branching of the melt pool grew along orthogonal directions to follow drastic changes in thermal gradient across adjacent melt pools. Novel nano-scaled modulated structures have been observed in the dislocation cells parallel to the laser scan direction, which were mainly caused by the elastic strain involving the thermal gradient inside the melt pool and across adjacent melt pools as well as the effective strain field in the dislocation cell interiors. An in-depth understanding of microstructure developments is worthy of fabricating high-performance materials by controlling the additive manufacturing process.</p>

    DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.mt-me2022004


    CiNii Research

  5. The initial grain size effect on the tensile-deformed microstructure in Type 310S austenitic stainless steel

    Kodai Takeshita, Toshio Ogawa, Fei Sun, Yoshitaka Adachi

    Materials Letters   Vol. 341   page: 134285 - 134285   2023.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2023.134285


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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 1

  1. Novel strengthening mechanisms of high-strength Ni-Fe-based superalloys

    2020.4 - 2023.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

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    Authorship:Principal investigator