Graduate School of Science Designated assistant professor

Updated on 2024/03/31
博士(理学) ( 2017.3 東京大学 )
Early Universe
Primordial Black Hole
Gravitational wave
Natural Science / Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies Associate researcher
2022.4 - 2023.3
Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research Designated assistant professor
Daido University Lecturer (part-time)
2019.4 - 2021.3
Notes:Classical mechanics 1, 2
Nagoya University Cosmology group JSPS Fellow PD
2018.4 - 2021.3
Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris Dr. Sébastien Renaux-Petel's Group PD researcher
2017.4 - 2018.3
The University of Tokyo Kavli IPMU, ICRR JSPS Fellow DC2
2015.4 - 2017.3
The University of Tokyo Kavli IPMU, ICRR ALPS Fellow
2012.10 - 2017.3
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science
2014.4 - 2017.3
Country: Japan
Notes: Ph.D.
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science
2012.4 - 2014.3
Country: Japan
Notes: M.Sc. in Physics
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Physics
2008.4 - 2012.3
Country: Japan
The Physical Society of Japan
Outstanding Presentation Award Gold Prize
2020.11 Online JGRG workshop 2020 Manifestly covariant theory of stochastic inflation
EPL's Highlights 2020
Conformal inflation in the metric-affine geometry
Yusuke Mikura, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama
2019-20 Highlights of Classical and Quantum Gravity
Inflationary stochastic anomalies
Lucas Pinol, Sébastien Renaux-Petel, Yuichiro Tada
Cancellation of quantum corrections on the soft curvature perturbations
Tada, Y; Terada, T; Tokuda, J
Abe, KT; Tada, Y
PHYSICAL REVIEW D Vol. 108 ( 10 ) 2023.11
Stochastic dynamics of multi-waterfall hybrid inflation and formation of primordial black holes
Tada, Y; Yamada, M
Squeezed bispectrum and one-loop corrections in transient constant-roll inflation Reviewed
Hayato Motohashi, Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2023 ( 08 ) page: 069 - 069 2023.8
Primordial black hole formation in hybrid inflation Reviewed
Yuichiro Tada, Masaki Yamada
Physical Review D Vol. 107 ( 12 ) 2023.6
Primordial black holes and gravitational waves induced by exponential-tailed perturbations Reviewed
Katsuya T. Abe, Ryoto Inui, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2023 ( 5 ) page: 044 - 044 2023.5
Hybrid metric-Palatini Higgs inflation Reviewed
Minxi He, Yusuke Mikura, Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2023 ( 5 ) page: 047 - 047 2023.5
Stochastic formalism for U(1) gauge fields in axion inflation Reviewed
Tomohiro Fujita, Kyohei Mukaida, Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2022 ( 12 ) page: 026 - 026 2022.12
Effective Inspiral Spin Distribution of Primordial Black Hole Binaries Reviewed
Yasutaka Koga, Tomohiro Harada, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Chul-Moon Yoo
The Astrophysical Journal Vol. 939 ( 2 ) 2022.11
Effective treatment of U(1) gauge field and charged particles in axion inflation Reviewed
Tomohiro Fujita, Jun'ya Kume, Kyohei Mukaida, Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2022 ( 9 ) page: 023 - 023 2022.9
On UV-completion of Palatini-Higgs inflation Reviewed
Yusuke Mikura, Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2022 ( 5 ) page: 035 - 035 2022.5
Statistics of coarse-grained cosmological fields in stochastic inflation Reviewed
Yuichiro Tada, Vincent Vennin
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2022 ( 2 ) page: 021 - 021 2022.2
Primordial black holes in peak theory with a non-Gaussian tail Reviewed
Naoya Kitajima, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Chul-Moon Yoo
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2021 ( 10 ) page: 053 - 053 2021.10
Suyama T., Tada Y., Yamaguchi M.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Vol. 2021 ( 7 ) 2021.7
Katsuya T. Abe, Yuichiro Tada, Ikumi Ueda
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2021 ( 6 ) page: 048 - 048 2021.6
Minimal k -inflation in light of the conformal metric-affine geometry Reviewed
Mikura Y., Tada Y., Yokoyama S.
Physical Review D Vol. 103 ( 10 ) 2021.5
Lucas Pinol, Sébastien Renaux-Petel, Yuichiro Tada
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Vol. 2021 ( 4 ) page: 048 - 048 2021.4
Conformal inflation in the metric-affine geometry Reviewed
Y. Mikura, Y. Tada, S. Yokoyama
EPL (Europhysics Letters) Vol. 132 ( 3 ) page: 39001 - 39001 2020.11
Local observer effect on the cosmological soft theorem Reviewed
Teruaki Suyama, Yuichiro Tada, Masahide Yamaguchi
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Vol. 2020 ( 11 ) 2020.11
Escape from the swampland with a spectator field Reviewed
Kazuhiro Kogai, Yuichiro Tada
Physical Review D Vol. 101 ( 10 ) 2020.5
Stochastic inflation with an extremely large number of e-folds Reviewed
Naoya Kitajima, Yuichiro Tada, Fuminobu Takahashi
Physics Letters B Vol. 800 2020.1
Primordial black hole tower: Dark matter, earth-mass, and LIGO black holes Reviewed
Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama
Physical Review D Vol. 100 ( 2 ) 2019.7
Inflationary stochastic anomalies Reviewed
Lucas Pinol, Sébastien Renaux-Petel, Yuichiro Tada
Class. Quant. Grav. Vol. 36 ( 7 ) 2019.4
Primordial black hole tower: Dark matter, earth-mass, and LIGO black holes
多田 祐一郎
arXiv Vol. 1904.10298 page: 10298 2019
Does the detection of primordial gravitational waves exclude low energy inflation? Reviewed
Tomohiro Fujita, Ryo Namba, Yuichiro Tada
Physics Letters B Vol. 778 page: 17 - 21 2018.3
$\mathcal O(10) M_⊙$ primordial black holes and string axion dark matter Reviewed
Inomata, Keisuke, Kawasaki, Masahiro, Mukaida, Kyohei, Tada, Yuichiro, Yanagida, Tsutomu T.
Phys. Rev. Vol. 96 ( 12 ) page: 123527 - 123527 2017.12
Inflationary Primordial Black Holes as All Dark Matter Reviewed
Inomata, Keisuke, Kawasaki, Masahiro, Mukaida, Kyohei, Tada, Yuichiro, Yanagida, Tsutomu T.
Phys. Rev. Vol. 96 ( 4 ) page: 043504 - 043504 2017.8
Inomata, Keisuke, Kawasaki, Masahiro, Mukaida, Kyohei, Tada, Yuichiro, Yanagida, Tsutomu T.
Phys. Rev. Vol. 95 ( 12 ) page: 123510 - 123510 2017.6
Squeezed bispectrum in the $δ N$ formalism: local observer effect in field space Reviewed
Tada, Yuichiro, Vennin, Vincent
JCAP Vol. 1702 ( 2 ) page: 021 - 021 2017.2
Primordial black holes as dark matter in supergravity inflation models Reviewed
Kawasaki, Masahiro, Kusenko, Alex, er, Tada, Yuichiro, Yanagida, Tsutomu T.
Phys. Rev. Vol. 94 ( 8 ) page: 083523 - 083523 2016.10
Revisiting constraints on small scale perturbations from big-bang nucleosynthesis Reviewed
Inomata, Keisuke, Kawasaki, Masahiro, Tada, Yuichiro
Phys. Rev. Vol. 94 ( 4 ) page: 043527 - 043527 2016.8
Can massive primordial black holes be produced in mild waterfall hybrid inflation? Reviewed
Kawasaki, Masahiro, Tada, Yuichiro
JCAP Vol. 1608 ( 8 ) page: 041 - 041 2016.8
Primordial black holes as biased tracers Reviewed
Tada, Yuichiro, Yokoyama, Shuichiro
Phys. Rev. Vol. 91 ( 12 ) page: 123534 - 123534 2015.6
Consistent generation of magnetic fields in axion inflation models Reviewed
Fujita, Tomohiro, Namba, Ryo, Tada, Yuichiro, Takeda, Naoyuki, Tashiro, Hiroyuki
JCAP Vol. 1505 ( 5 ) page: 054 - 054 2015.5
Anisotropic CMB distortions from non-Gaussian isocurvature perturbations Reviewed
Ota, Atsuhisa, Sekiguchi, Toyokazu, Tada, Yuichiro, Yokoyama, Shuichiro
JCAP Vol. 1503 ( 3 ) page: 013 - 013 2015.3
Non-perturbative approach for curvature perturbations in stochastic $δ N$ formalism Reviewed
Fujita, Tomohiro, Kawasaki, Masahiro, Tada, Yuichiro
JCAP Vol. 1410 ( 10 ) page: 030 - 030 2014.10
A new algorithm for calculating the curvature perturbations in stochastic inflation Reviewed
Fujita, Tomohiro, Kawasaki, Masahiro, Tada, Yuichiro, Takesako, Tomohiro
JCAP Vol. 1312 ( 12 ) page: 036 - 036 2013.12
Albert Escrivà, Florian Kuhnel, Yuichiro Tada
曲率ゆらぎへの非摂動的アプローチ Invited
第11回観測的宇宙論ワークショップ 2022.12.13
星が先かブラックホールが先か?原始ブラックホール研究の最前線 Invited
名古屋大学・名古屋市科学館 公開オンラインセミナー 2021.8.22
宇宙の「インフレ」と「金融工学」 Invited
名大発アカデミックフラッシュ 第2報 2021.9.3
多田祐一郎, 山田將樹
日本物理学会春季大会 2023.3.23
第35回 理論懇シンポジウム 2022.12.21
Primordial black holes in peak theory with a non-Gaussian tail
Naoya Kitajima, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Chul-Moon Yoo
The KEK-PH + KEK-Cosmo joint workshop on "Primordial Black Holes" 2021.10.19
Primordial black holes in peak theory with a non-Gaussian tail Invited
Naoya Kitajima, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Chul-Moon. Yoo
2021 NRF-JSPS Workshop in particle physics, cosmology, and gravitation 2021.7.21
Probability density functions of coarse-grained curvature and density perturbations in stochastic inflation
Yuichiro Tada, Vincent Vennin
JGRG30 2021.12.9
Probability density functions of coarse-grained curvature and density perturbations in stochastic inflation
Yuichiro Tada, Vincent Vennin
COSMO'21 2021.8.2
Self-introduction, or a biased view of what theoretical cosmologists are recently interested in Invited
Yuichiro Tada
E-lab seminar, Nagoya U. 2021.5.25
インフレーションの「現在」と重力波 Invited
DECIGO ワークショップ 2021.12.11
多田祐一郎, Vincent Vennin
日本物理学会秋季大会 2021.9.14
Primordial black holes and induced gravitational waves in light of the non-Gaussian tail Invited
K. T. Abe, A. Escrivà, N. Kitajima, R. Inui, Y. Tada, S. Yokoyama, C. M. Yoo
Hybrid metric-Palatini Higgs inflation
M. He, Y. Mikura, Y. Tada
JGRG31 2022.10.25
Inflation theory — D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous? — Invited
Y. Tada
19th Rencontres du Vietnam "Theory meeting experiments: particle astrophysics and cosmology" 2023.1.8
On the soft theorem in the transient ultra-slow or constant roll inflation Invited
H. Motohashi, Y. Tada
Domestic Molecule-type Workshop "Non-linear Nature of Cosmological Perturbations and its Observational Consequences" 2023.3.28
Recent progress on stochastic inflation Invited
Workshop on Gravitation & Cosmology 2022.11.29
Revisiting the formation of massive primordial black holes in hybrid inflation
Y. Tada, M. Yamada
i-LINK workshop on observational cosmology 2023.6.7
Squeezed bispectrum and one-loop corrections in transient constant-roll inflation
H. Motohashi, Y. Tada, T. Terada, J. Tokuda
COSMO'23 2023.9.15
Statistics of coarse-grained cosmological fields in stochastic inflation
Y. Tada, V. Vennin
New Horizons in Primordial Black Hole Physics 2023.6.19
Stochastic approach to cosmic inflation
Y. Tada
TSQS 2022 2022.11.8
Stochastic approach to the inflationary universe Invited
Y. Tada
YITP International Molecule-type Workshop "Revisiting cosmological non-linearities in the era of precision surveys" 2023.7.27
アクシオンインフレーションにおける U(1) ゲージ場の確率形式
藤田智弘, 向田享平, 多田祐一郎
日本物理学会秋季大会 2022.9.6
A. Escrivà, 北嶋直弥, 多田祐一郎, 横山修一郎, 柳哲文
日本物理学会第77回年次大会 2022.3.17
原始ブラックホールは自然科学なのか Invited
基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2023 (PPP2023) 2023.9.1
Grant number:21K13918 2021.4 - 2024.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )
Aspects of gravity and quantum theory in the stochastic formalism
Grant number:19K14707 2019.4 - 2021.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Tada Yuichiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\1560000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\360000 )
A total of 13 papers are published during the research term. In particular, 1908.08694 proposed and tested a very long-lasting inflationary theory in the stochastic formalism, and 2008.07497 reformulated that formalism in a covariant way in the inflaton fields and resolved the existing uncertainty. 2111.15280 established a method to calculate the probability density function of arbitrarily coarse-grained cosmological fluctuations in the stochastic formalism, filling in the last piece of the puzzle from inflation to astrophysical object formations. These results were presented at 24 national and international conferences and 11 seminars, and I received the Outstanding Presentation Award Gold Prize at the Online JGRG Workshop 2020.
Curvature Perturbations and Primordial Black Hole Formation in the Inflationary Universe
Grant number:18J01992 2018.4 - 2021.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Grant number:15J10829 2015.4 - 2017.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費 特別研究員奨励費
多田 祐一郎
昨年度は5本の論文 (arXiv:1605.04646, 1606.07631, 1609.08876, 1611.06130, 1701.02544) を提出した。1つ目の論文では小スケールにもし大きな曲率ゆらぎが生じていた場合、それがビッグバン元素合成に与える影響について再考察し、既存の結果が定性的レベルで修正されることを示した。また3つ目の論文では、曲率ゆらぎのスクィーズド極限バイスペクトルに関し、近年指摘されているゲージ依存効果についての新たな理解を示し、簡単な計算アルゴリズムを提唱した。これは今後、実際に何らかの観測 (宇宙背景放射や銀河バイアス等) によってバイスペクトルを測定し、それを宇宙初期の物理と対応させるときに非常に重要になってくる。残りの論文では原始ブラックホールについて議論している。昨年 LIGO グループが初の重力波直接検出を発表し話題になったが、この重力波は重いブラックホール連星の合体から来ており、こうしたブラックホールが原始ブラックホールである可能性も注目されてきている。また伴って、原始ブラックホールが暗黒物質である可能性も再注目されてきた。そこで我々は実際に具体的なインフレーション模型を構築し、原始ブラックホールが LIGO の重力波イベントや暗黒物質を説明しうるか、また他に検出方法があるかどうかなどを検証した。
これら研究成果に関し、国際会議で2度, 国内会議で1度口頭発表を行った. また国内外合わせて4つの研究機関でセミナー発表を行った.
Classical mechanics 1, 2
2019.4 - 2021.3 (Daido University)