2024/10/18 更新


ハネ マサヤ
羽根 正弥
HANE Masaya
糖鎖生命コア研究所 統合生命医科学糖鎖研究センター 分子生理・動態部門 助教
大学院生命農学研究科 助教

学位 1

  1. 博士(農学) ( 2016年3月   名古屋大学 ) 

研究キーワード 1

  1. プローブ開発

研究分野 1

  1. ライフサイエンス / 応用生物化学

経歴 10

  1. 名古屋大学   糖鎖生命コア研究所   助教

    2021年9月 - 現在

  2. 名古屋大学   糖鎖生命コア研究所 統合生命医科学糖鎖研究センター分子生理・動態部門   助教

    2021年9月 - 現在

  3. 名古屋大学   大学院生命農学研究科   助教

    2021年6月 - 現在

  4. 名古屋大学   大学院生命農学研究科 応用生命科学専攻   助教

    2021年6月 - 現在

  5. 名古屋大学   大学院生命農学研究科   特任助教

    2020年4月 - 2021年5月



  6. 名古屋大学   大学院生命農学研究科   研究員

    2020年1月 - 2020年3月

  7. 名古屋大学   生物機能開発利用研究センター   博士研究員

    2019年2月 - 2019年12月

  8. University of California, San Diego   Cellular and Molecular Medicine   博士研究員

    2016年9月 - 2019年1月

  9. 名古屋大学   生物機能開発利用研究センター   博士研究員

    2016年4月 - 2016年8月

  10. 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 DC1

    2014年4月 - 2016年3月


学歴 2

  1. 名古屋大学   生命農学研究科   生命技術科学専攻

    2011年4月 - 2016年3月


    国名: 日本国

  2. 名古屋大学   農学部   応用生命科学科

    2007年4月 - 2011年3月


    国名: 日本国

所属学協会 3

  1. 日本糖質学会

  2. 日本生化学会

  3. 日本農芸化学会

受賞 5

  1. 第25回 日本糖質学会奨励賞

    2022年   日本糖質学会   疾患関連糖鎖オリゴ・ポリシアル酸の生合成機構および認識分子の解析


  2. 第2回日本糖質学会優秀講演賞受賞者

    2019年8月   日本糖質学会   統合失調症患者に見出される ST8SIA2 のプロモーター領域 rSNP のインパクトの解析

  3. グリーン自然科学国際教育研究プログラムAnnual Research award

    2016年3月   名古屋大学  

    羽根 正弥

  4. 第86回 日本生化学会大会 鈴木紘一メモリアル賞

    2013年9月   日本生化学会  

    羽根 正弥

  5. 包括脳ネットワーク若手優秀発表賞

    2012年7月   包括脳ネットワーク  

    羽根 正弥


論文 36

  1. Neuraminidase inhibition promotes the collective migration of neurons and recovery of brain function

    Matsumoto, M; Matsushita, K; Hane, M; Wen, CT; Kurematsu, C; Ota, H; Nguyen, HB; Thai, TQ; Herranz-Pérez, V; Sawada, M; Fujimoto, K; García-Verdugo, JM; Kimura, KD; Seki, T; Sato, C; Ohno, N; Sawamoto, K

    EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE   16 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 1228 - 1253   2024年6月


    出版者・発行元:EMBO Molecular Medicine  

    In the injured brain, new neurons produced from endogenous neural stem cells form chains and migrate to injured areas and contribute to the regeneration of lost neurons. However, this endogenous regenerative capacity of the brain has not yet been leveraged for the treatment of brain injury. Here, we show that in healthy brain chains of migrating new neurons maintain unexpectedly large non-adherent areas between neighboring cells, allowing for efficient migration. In instances of brain injury, neuraminidase reduces polysialic acid levels, which negatively regulates adhesion, leading to increased cell–cell adhesion and reduced migration efficiency. The administration of zanamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor used for influenza treatment, promotes neuronal migration toward damaged regions, fosters neuronal regeneration, and facilitates functional recovery. Together, these findings shed light on a new mechanism governing efficient neuronal migration in the adult brain under physiological conditions, pinpoint the disruption of this mechanism during brain injury, and propose a promising therapeutic avenue for brain injury through drug repositioning.

    DOI: 10.1038/s44321-024-00073-7

    Web of Science



  2. Identification and characterization of a novel deaminoneuraminic acid (Kdn)-specific aldolase from Sphingobacterium species

    Nakagawa, T; Iwaki, Y; Di Wu; Hane, M; Sato, C; Kitajima, K

    GLYCOBIOLOGY   33 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 984 - 984   2023年12月


  3. Identification of a buried β-strand as a novel disease-related motif in the human polysialyltransferases

    Hatanaka R., Hane M., Hayakawa K., Morishita S., Ohno S., Yamaguchi Y., Wu D., Kitajima K., Sato C.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry   300 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 105564 - 105564   2023年12月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Biological Chemistry  

    The polysialyltransferases ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4 and their product, polysialic acid (polySia), are known to be related to cancers and mental disorders. ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4 have conserved amino acid (AA) sequence motifs essential for the synthesis of the polySia structures on the neural cell adhesion molecule. To search for a new motif in the polysialyltransferases, we adopted the in silico Individual Meta Random Forest program that can predict disease-related AA substitutions. The Individual Meta Random Forest program predicted a new eight-amino-acids sequence motif consisting of highly pathogenic AA residues, thus designated as the pathogenic (P) motif. A series of alanine point mutation experiments in the pathogenic motif (P motif) showed that most P motif mutants lost the polysialylation activity without changing the proper enzyme expression levels or localization in the Golgi. In addition, we evaluated the enzyme stability of the P motif mutants using newly established calculations of mutation energy, demonstrating that the subtle change of the conformational energy regulates the activity. In the AlphaFold2 model, we found that the P motif was a buried β-strand underneath the known surface motifs unique to ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4. Taken together, the P motif is a novel buried β-strand that regulates the full activity of polysialyltransferases from the inside of the molecule.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105564


  4. Interactions between polysialic acid and dopamine-lead compounds as revealed by biochemical and <i>in silico</i> docking simulation analyses

    Hayakawa, K; Hane, M; Hamagami, H; Imai, M; Tanaka, H; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL   40 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 461 - 471   2023年8月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Glycoconjugate Journal  

    Polysialic acid is an important glyco-epitope in vertebrate brains, while altered expressions of polySia and biosynthetic enzyme have been reported in brain diseases such as schizophrenia and depression. Recently, the binding between polySia and dopamine and the involvement of this in Akt signaling has been demonstrated. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the binding of polySia and dopamine remains unknown. Therefore, here, we demonstrated the interaction between dopamine and polySia using frontal affinity chromatography alongside docking simulations. In addition, we prepared dopamine-lead compounds to understand the detailed molecular basis of polySia binding by frontal affinity chromatography, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and docking simulations.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10719-023-10119-6

    Web of Science



    その他リンク: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10719-023-10119-6/fulltext.html

  5. Polysialic Acid/Polysialyltransferases and Psychiatric Disorders

    Hane, M

    TRENDS IN GLYCOSCIENCE AND GLYCOTECHNOLOGY   35 巻 ( 205 ) 頁: E38 - E41   2023年5月


    出版者・発行元:Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology  

    Polysialic acid is a linear homopolymer of sialic acid that is widely expressed in the fetal brain but is expressed only in some limited regions of the adult brain where somehow remain a high degree of neuroplasticity. Conventionally, it is considered to be an anti-adhesion molecule owing to its physicochemical properties. However, it has recently been shown that it directly binds bioactive molecules involved in brain development and higher brain functions and comprehensively regulates their actions near the cell sur-face. Recently, postmortem brain and large-scale comparative genomic analyses have revealed an association between polysialic acid and its biosynthetic enzyme, ST8SIA2, and psychiatric disorders. In this review, I discuss polysialic acid and the effects of various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on ST8SIA2, focusing on the results of biochemical analyses.

    DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2313.2E

    Web of Science


  6. Forced expression of a2,3-sialyltransferase IV rescues impaired heart development in a2,6-sialyltransferase I-deficient medaka

    Omoto, T; Wu, D; Maruyama, E; Tajima, K; Hane, M; Sato, C; Kitajima, K



    出版者・発行元:Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  

    Sialic acids (Sias) are often linked to galactose (Gal) residues by α2,6- and α2,3-linkages in glycans of glycoproteins. Sias are indispensable for vertebrate development, because organisms deficient in some enzymes in the Sia synthetic pathway are lethal during the development. However, it remains unknown if the difference of Siaα2,6Gal or α2,3Gal linkage has a critical meaning. To find a clue to understand significance of the linkage difference at the organism level, medaka was used as a vertebrate model. In embryos, Siaα2,6Gal epitopes recognized by Sambucus nigra lectin (SNA) and Siaα2,3Gal epitopes recognized by Maackia amurensis lectin (MAA) were enriched in the blastodisc and the yolk sphere, respectively. When these lectins were injected in the perivitelline space, SNA, but not MAA, impaired embryo body formation at 1 day post-fertilization (dpf). Most Siaα2,6Gal epitopes occurred on N-glycans owing to their sensitivity to peptide:N-glycanase. Of knockout-medaka (KO) for either of two β-galactoside:α2,6-sialyltransferase genes, ST6Gal I and ST6Gal II, only ST6Gal I–KO showed severe cardiac abnormalities at 7–16 dpf, leading to lethality at 14–18 dpf. Interestingly, however, these cardiac abnormalities of ST6Gal I–KO were rescued not only by forced expression of ST6Gal I, but also by that of ST6Gal II and the β-galactoside:α2,3-sialyltransferase IV gene (ST3Gal IV). Taken together, the Siaα2,6Gal linkage synthesized by ST6Gal I are critical in heart development; however, it can be replaced by the linkages synthesized by ST6Gal II and ST3Gal IV. These data suggest that sialylation itself is more important than its particular linkage for the heart development.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.01.010

    Web of Science



  7. シアル酸認識分子をプローブとしたシアログライコーム解析

    羽根 正弥

    Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology   35 巻 ( 203 ) 頁: J16 - J16   2023年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:FCCA(Forum: Carbohydrates Coming of Age)  

    DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2225.6j

    CiNii Research

  8. Identification and characterization of a deaminoneuraminic acid (Kdn)-specific aldolase from Sphingobacterium species

    Nakagawa, T; Iwaki, Y; Wu, D; Hane, M; Sato, C; Kitajima, K

    GLYCOBIOLOGY   33 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 47 - 56   2023年1月



    Sialic acid (Sia) is a group of acidic sugars with a 9-carbon backbone, and classified into 3 species based on the substituent group at C5 position: N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc), and deaminoneuraminic acid (Kdn). In Escherichia coli, the sialate aldolase or N-acetylneuraminate aldolase (NanA) is known to catabolize these Sia species into pyruvate and the corresponding 6-carbon mannose derivatives. However, in bacteria, very little is known about the catabolism of Kdn, compared with Neu5Ac. In this study, we found a novel Kdn-specific aldolase (Kdn-aldolase), which can exclusively degrade Kdn, but not Neu5Ac or Neu5Gc, from Sphingobacterium sp., which was previously isolated from a Kdn-assimilating bacterium. Kdn-aldolase had the optimal pH and temperature at 7.0–8.0 and 50 ◦C, respectively. It also had the synthetic activity of Kdn from pyruvate and mannose. Site-specific mutagenesis revealed that N50 residue was important for the Kdn-specific reaction. Existence of the Kdn-aldolase suggests that Kdn-specific metabolism may play a specialized role in some bacteria.

    DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwac053

    Web of Science



  9. Critical Role of the Cortical Alveolus Protease Alveolin in Chorion Hardening In Vivo at Medaka Fertilization

    Fu, B; Wu, D; Yasumasu, S; Hane, M; Sato, C; Kitajima, K

    BIOMOLECULES   13 巻 ( 1 )   2023年1月



    Alveolin is a cortical alveolus proteinase that is secreted in the perivitelline space (PVS) at fertilization to act on the chorion. Purified alveolin is known to induce chorion hardening in vitro by processing zona pellucida B (ZPB), a major chorion component. However, in vivo function of alveolin remains unclear; thus, in this study, the effects of alveolin efficiency (Alv−/−) at the organism level were investigated using the medaka, Oryzias latipes. The Alv−/− fertilized eggs were mechanically fragile; however, they developed normally and left offspring as long as they were carefully handled before hatching. A mechanical press test showed that the Alv−/− fertilized eggs were six times more fragile than the wild-type eggs. They were 35% larger owing to the enlarged PVS, 34% thinner, and permeable to even 10 kDa FITC-dextran. These results are consistent with the transmission electron microscopy observation that the periphery of the inner layers was highly porous in the Alv−/− chorion. In chorion hardening, the alveolin-mediated processing of ZPB and the transglutaminase (TGase)-mediated crosslinking of chorion components are the key steps. This study was the first to show that alveolin also processed TGase concomitantly with ZPB, which greatly facilitated the crosslinking. Thus, alveolin was concluded to be the primary trigger for chorion hardening in vivo. Furthermore, fertilization in a balanced salt solution could partially improve the impaired chorion hardening of the Alv−/− eggs fertilized in water, probably through an alveolin-independent mechanism.

    DOI: 10.3390/biom13010146

    Web of Science



  10. Implication of <i>N</i>-glycolylneuraminic acid in regulation of cell adhesiveness of C2C12 myoblast cells during differentiation into myotube cells 国際誌

    Go, S; Sato, C; Hane, M; Go, S; Kitajima, K

    GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL   39 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 619 - 631   2022年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Glycoconjugate Journal  

    A transition of sialic acid (Sia) species on GM3 ganglioside from N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) to N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) takes place in mouse C2C12 myoblast cells during their differentiation into myotube cells. However, the meaning of this Sia transition remains unclear. This study thus aims to gain a functional insight into this phenomenon. The following lines of evidence show that the increased de novo synthesis of Neu5Gc residues in differentiating myoblast cells promotes adhesiveness of the cells, which is beneficial for promotion of differentiation. First, the Sia transition occurred even in the C2C12 cells cultured in serum-free medium, indicating that it happens through de novo synthesis of Neu5Gc. Second, GM3(Neu5Gc) was localized in myoblast cells, but not in myotube cells, and related to expression of the CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase (CMAH) gene. Notably, expression of CMAH precedes myotube formation not only in differentiating C2C12 cells, but also in mouse developing embryos. Since the myoblast cells were attached on the dish surface more strongly than the myotube cells, expression of GM3(Neu5Gc) may be related to the surface attachment of the myoblast cells. Third, exogenous Neu5Gc, but not Neu5Ac, promoted differentiation of C2C12 cells, thus increasing the number of cells committed to fuse with each other. Fourth, the CMAH-transfected C2C12 cells were attached on the gelatin-coated surface much more rapidly than the mock-cells, suggesting that the expression of CMAH promotes cell adhesiveness through the expression of Neu5Gc.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10719-022-10049-9

    Web of Science



  11. Sulfation of sialic acid is ubiquitous and essential for vertebrate development

    Ertunc, N; Phitak, T; Wu, D; Fujita, H; Hane, M; Sato, C; Kitajima, K

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   12 巻 ( 1 )   2022年7月


    出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    Glycosylation of proteins and lipids occurs in vertebrates, usually terminating with sialylation, which regulates the physicochemical and biological properties of these glycoconjugates. Although less commonly known, sialic acid residues also undergo various modifications, such as acetylation, methylation, and sulfation. However, except for acetylation, the enzymes or functions of the other modification processes are unknown. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate the ubiquitous occurrence of sulfated sialic acids and two genes encoding the sialate: O-sulfotransferases 1 and 2 in vertebrates. These two enzymes showed about 50% amino acid sequence identity, and appeared to be complementary to each other in acceptor substrate preferences. Gene targeting experiments showed that the deficiency of these genes was lethal for medaka fish during young fry development and accompanied by different phenotypes. Thus, the sulfation of sialic acids is essential for the vertebrate development.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-15143-4

    Web of Science



  12. Theα 2,8-sialyltransferase 6 (St8sia6) localizes in the ER and enhances the anchorage-independent cell growth in cancer 国際誌

    Hatanaka, R; Araki, E; Hane, M; Go, S; Wu, D; Kitajima, K; Sato, C



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  

    Sialylation, the final stage of post-translational modification of proteins, is achieved in the Golgi apparatus and is related to the malignant phenotype of cancer. Disialylation of ganglioside (GD3) by St8sia1 and polysialylation by St8sia2 and 4 have been shown to be related to malignant phenotypes; however, di/oligosialylation by St8sia6 is still unknown. In this study, we analyzed the malignant phenotype of St8sia6 and found that upregulation of St8sia6 in melanoma B16 cells increased anchorage-independent cell growth, which was not due to sialic acid cleavage by a sialidase. Moreover, unlike other sialyltransferases, St8sia6 localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We found that the localization to the Golgi apparatus could be regulated by swapping experiments using St8sia2; however, the malignant phenotype did not change. These data demonstrate that the enhancement of anchorage-independent cell growth by St8sia6 is not due to its localization of ER, but is due to the expression of the protein itself.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.03.146

    Web of Science



  13. Comprehensive Analysis of Oligo/Polysialylglycoconjugates in Cancer Cell Lines 国際誌

    Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Molecular Sciences  

    In cancer cells, cell-surface sialylation is altered, including a change in oligo/polysialic acid (oligo/polySia) structures. Since they are unique and rarely expressed in normal cells, oligo/polySia structures may serve as promising novel biomarkers and targets for therapies. For the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, a precise understanding of the oligo/polySia structures in cancer cells is necessary. In this study, flow cytometric analysis and gene expression datasets were obtained from sixteen different cancer cell lines. These datasets demonstrated the ability to predict glycan structures and their sialylation status. Our results also revealed that sialylation patterns are unique to each cancer cell line. Thus, we can suggest promising combinations of antibody and cancer cell for glycan prediction. However, the precise prediction of minor glycans need to be further explored.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms23105569

    Web of Science



  14. Polysialylation in a DISC1 Mutant Mouse 国際誌

    Takahashi, Y; Abe, C; Hane, M; Wu, D; Kitajima, K; Sato, C



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Molecular Sciences  

    Schizophrenia is a serious psychiatric disorder that affects the social life of patients. Psychiatric disorders are caused by a complex combination of genetic (G) and environmental (E) factors. Polysialylation represents a unique posttranslational modification of a protein, and such changes in neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) have been reported in postmortem brains from patients with psychiatric disorders. To understand the G × E effect on polysialylated NCAM expression, in this study, we performed precise measurements of polySia and NCAM using a disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1)-mutant mouse (G), a mouse model of schizophrenia, under acute stress conditions (E). This is the first study to reveal a lower number and smaller length of polySia in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of DISC1 mutants relative to those in wild-type (WT) mice. In addition, an analysis of polySia and NCAM responses to acute stress in five brain regions (olfactory bulb, prefrontal cortex, suprachiasmatic nucleus, amygdala, and hippocampus) revealed that the pattern of changes in these responses in WT mice and DISC1 mutants differed by region. These differences could indicate the vulnerability of DISC1 mutants to stress.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms23095207

    Web of Science



  15. Analysis of biochemical features of ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha 2,8-sialyltransferase (St8sia) 5 isoforms 査読有り

    Araki, E; Hane, M; Hatanaka, R; Kimura, R; Tsuda, K; Konishi, M; Komura, N; Ando, H; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL   39 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 291 - 302   2022年4月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Glycoconjugate Journal  

    Gangliosides are important components of the membrane and are involved in many biological activities. St8sia5 is an α2,8-sialyltransferase involved in ganglioside synthesis, and has three isoforms. In this study, we analyzed the features of three isoforms, St8sia5-S, -M, and -L that had not been analyzed, and found that only St8sia5-L was localized in the Golgi, while the majority of St8sia5-M and -S were localized in the ER. The localization of Golgi of St8sia5 depended on the stem region. In addition, the incorporation of exogenous GD3 was upregulated only in St8sia5-L expressing cells. Taken together, the localization of St8sia5 is important for the activity of the enzyme.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10719-021-10034-8

    Web of Science



    その他リンク: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10719-021-10034-8/fulltext.html

  16. Lower promoter activity of the <i>ST8SIA2</i> gene has been favored in evolving human collective brains 国際誌

    Hayakawa, T; Terahara, M; Fujito, NT; Matsunaga, T; Teshima, KM; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Takahata, N; Satta, Y

    PLOS ONE   16 巻 ( 12 ) 頁: e0259897   2021年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PLoS ONE  

    ST8SIA2 is an important molecule regulating expression of the phenotype involved in schizophrenia. Lowered promoter activity of the ST8SIA2 gene is considered to be protective against schizophrenia by conferring tolerance to psychosocial stress. Here, we examined the promoter-type composition of anatomically modern humans (AMHs) and archaic humans (AHs; Neanderthals and Denisovans), and compared the promoter activity at the population level (population promoter activity; PPA) between them. In AMHs, the TCT-type, showing the second lowest promoter activity, was most prevalent in the ancestral population of non-Africans. However, the detection of only the CGT-type from AH samples and recombination tracts in AH sequences showed that the CGT- and TGT-types, exhibiting the two highest promoter activities, were common in AH populations. Furthermore, interspecies gene flow occurred into AMHs from AHs and into Denisovans from Neanderthals, influencing promoter-type compositions independently in both AMHs and AHs. The difference of promoter-type composition makes PPA unique in each population. East and Southeast Asian populations show the lowest PPA. This results from the selective increase of the CGC-type, showing the lowest promoter activity, in these populations. Every non-African population shows significantly lower PPA than African populations, resulting from the TCT-type having the highest prevalence in the ancestral population of non-Africans. In addition, PPA reduction is also found among subpopulations within Africa via a slight increase of the TCT-type. These findings indicate a trend toward lower PPA in the spread of AMHs, interpreted as a continuous adaptation to psychosocial stress arising in migration. This trend is considered as genetic tuning for the evolution of collective brains. The inferred promoter-type composition of AHs differed markedly from that of AMHs, resulting in higher PPA in AHs than in AMHs. This suggests that the trend toward lower PPA is a unique feature in AMH spread.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259897

    Web of Science



  17. Comparative Studies of Polysialic Acids Derived from Five Different Vertebrate Brains 国際誌

    Yang, Y; Murai, R; Takahashi, Y; Mori, A; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES   21 巻 ( 22 ) 頁: 1 - 22   2020年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Molecular Sciences  

    Polysialic acid (polySia/PSA) is a linear homopolymer of sialic acid (Sia) that primarily modifies the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in mammalian brains. PolySia-NCAM not only displays an anti-adhesive function due to the hydration effect, but also possesses a molecule-retaining function via a direct binding to neurologically active molecules. The quality and quantity of polySia determine the function of polySia-NCAM and are considered to be profoundly related to the maintenance of normal brain functions. In this study, to compare the structures of polySia-NCAM in brains of five different vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish), we adopted newly developed combinational methods for the analyses. The results revealed that the structural features of polySia considerably varied among different species. Interestingly, mice, as a mammal, possess eminently distinct types of polySia, in both quality and quantity, compared with those possessed by other animals. Thus, the mouse polySia is of larger quantities, of longer and more diverse chain lengths, and of a larger molecular size with higher negative charge, compared with polySia of other species. These properties might enable more advanced brain function. Additionally, it is suggested that the polySia/Sia ratio, which likely reflects the complexity of brain function, can be used as a new promising index to evaluate the intelligence of different vertebrate brains.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms21228593

    Web of Science



  18. Human-specific microglial Siglec-11 transcript variant has the potential to affect polysialic acid-mediated brain functions at a distance. 査読有り 国際誌

    Hane M, Chen DY, Varki A

    Glycobiology   31 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 231 - 242   2020年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwaa082


  19. Combinational Analyses with Multiple Methods Reveal the Existence of Several Forms of Polysialylated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in Mouse Developing Brains 査読有り 国際誌

    Mori, A; Yang, Y; Takahashi, Y; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES   21 巻 ( 16 ) 頁: 1 - 20   2020年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Molecular Sciences  

    Polysialic acid (polySia/PSA) is an anionic glycan polymer of sialic acid, and it mostly modifies the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in mammalian brains. Quality and quantity of the polySia of the polySia–NCAM is spatio-temporally regulated in normal brain development and functions, and their impairments are reported to be related to diseases, such as psychiatric disorders and cancers. Therefore, precise understanding of the state of polySia–NCAM structure would lead to the diagnosis of diseases for which their suitable evaluation methods are necessary. In this study, to develop these evaluation methods, structures of polySia–NCAM from mouse brains at six different developmental stages were analyzed by several conventional and newly developed methods. Integrated results of these experiments clearly demonstrated the existence of different types of polySia–NCAMs in developing brains. In addition, combinational analyses were shown to be useful for precise understanding of the quantity and quality of polySia, which can provide criteria for the diagnosis of diseases.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms21165892

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  20. Acute stress-induced change in polysialic acid levels mediated by sialidase in mouse brain 査読有り

    Abe, C; Yi, Y; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   9 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 9950   2019年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    Stress is an important environmental factor influencing human behaviour and causing several mental disorders. Alterations in the structure of polysialic acid (polySia/PSA) due to genetic alterations in ST8SIA2, which encodes a polySia-synthesizing enzyme, are related to certain mental disorders. However, whether stress as an environmental factor leads to changes in polySia structure is unknown. Here we studied the effects of acute stress on polySia expression and found reductions in both the quantity and quality of polySia in the olfactory bulb and prefrontal cortex, even with short-term exposure to acute stress. The use of inhibitors for sialidase, microglia and astrocytes revealed that these declines were due to a transient action of sialidase from microglia and astrocytes in the olfactory bulb and prefrontal cortex, respectively. These data suggest that sialidase dynamically regulates polySia expression in a brain region-specific manner.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-46240-6

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  21. Mental disorders and an acidic glycan-from the perspective of polysialic acid (PSA/polySia) and the synthesizing enzyme, ST8SIA2 査読有り

    Sato, C; Hane, M

    GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL   35 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 353 - 373   2018年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Glycoconjugate Journal  

    Mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder, are challenging to manage, worldwide. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders is essential and required. Studies investigating such molecular mechanisms are well performed and important findings are accumulating apace. Based on the fact that these disorders are due in part to the accumulation of genetic and environmental risk factors, consideration of multi-molecular and/or multi-system dependent phenomena might be important. Acidic glycans are an attractive family of molecules for understanding these disorders, because impairment of the fine-tuned glycan system affects a large number of molecules that are deeply involved in normal brain function. One of the candidates of this important family of glycan epitopes in the brain is polysialic acid (PSA/polySia). PSA is a well-known molecule because of its role as an oncodevelopmental antigen and is also widely used as a marker of adult neurogenesis. Recently, several reports have suggested that PSA and PSA-related genes are associated with multiple mental disorders. The relationships among PSA, PSA-related genes, and mental disorders are reviewed here.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10719-018-9832-9

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  22. Positive selection on schizophrenia-associated <i>ST8SIA2</i> gene in post-glacial Asia 査読有り

    Fujito, NT; Satta, Y; Hane, M; Matsui, A; Yashima, K; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Takahata, N; Hayakawa, T

    PLOS ONE   13 巻 ( 7 ) 頁: e0200278   2018年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PLoS ONE  

    A number of loci are associated with highly heritable schizophrenia and the prevalence of this mental illness has had considerable negative fitness effects on human populations. Here we focused on one particular schizophrenia-associated gene that encodes a sialyltransferase (ST8SIA2) and is expressed preferentially in the brain with the level being largely determined by three SNPs in the promoter region. It is suggested that the expression level of the ST8SIA2 gene is a genetic determinant of schizophrenia risk, and we found that a geographically differentiated non-risk SNP type (CGC-type) has significantly reduced promoter activity. A newly developed method for detecting ongoing positive selection was applied to the ST8SIA2 genomic region with the identification of an unambiguous sweep signal in a rather restricted region of 18 kb length surrounding the promoter. We also found that while the CGC-type emerged in anatomically modern humans in Africa over 100 thousand years ago, it has increased its frequency in Asia only during the past 20–30 thousand years. These findings support that the positive selection is driven by psychosocial stress due to changing social environments since around the last glacial maximum, and raise a possibility that schizophrenia extensively emerged during the Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic era.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200278

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    CiNii Research

  23. Different properties of polysialic acids synthesized by the polysialyltransferases ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4 査読有り

    Mori, A; Hane, M; Niimi, Y; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY   27 巻 ( 9 ) 頁: 834 - 846   2017年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Glycobiology  

    Polysialic acid (polySia) is mainly found as a modification of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in whole embryonic brains, as well as restricted areas of adult vertebrate brains, including the hippocampus. PolySia shows not only repulsive effects on NCAM-involved cell–cell interactions due to its bulky and hydrated properties, but also attractive effects on the interaction with neurologically active molecules, which exerts a reservoir function. Two different polysialyltransferases, ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4, are involved in the synthesis of polySia chains; however, to date, the differences of the properties between polySia chains synthesized by these two enzymes remain unknown. In this study, to clarify this point, we first prepared polySia-NCAMs from HEK293 cells stably expressing ST8SIA4 and ST8SIA2, or ST8SIA2 (SNP-7), a mutant ST8SIA2 derived from a schizophrenia patient. The conventional sensitive chemical and immunological characterizations showed that the quantity and quality (structural features) of polySia are not so much different between ST8SIA4- and ST8SIA2-synthesized ones, apart from those of ST8SIA2 (SNP-7). Then, we assessed the homophilic and heterophilic interactions mediated by polySia-NCAM by adopting a surface plasmon resonance measurement as an in vitro analytical method. Our novel findings are as follows: (i) the ST8SIA2- and ST8SIA4-synthesized polySia-NCAMs exhibited different attractive and repulsive effects than each other; (ii) both polySia- and oligoSia-NCAMs synthesized by ST8SIA2 were able to bind polySia-NCAMs; (iii) the polySia-NCAM synthesized by a ST8SIA2 (SNP-7) showed markedly altered attractive and repulsive properties. Collectively, polySia-NCAM is suggested to simultaneously possess both attractive and repulsive properties that are highly regulated by the two polysialyltransferases.

    DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwx057

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  24. Chlorpromazine Increases the Expression of Polysialic Acid (PolySia) in Human Neuroblastoma Cells and Mouse Prefrontal Cortex 査読有り

    Abe, C; Nishimura, S; Mori, A; Niimi, Y; Yang, Y; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Molecular Sciences  

    The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is modified by polysialic acid (polySia or PSA) in embryonic brains. In adult brains, polySia modification of NCAM is only observed in restricted areas where neural plasticity, remodeling of neural connections, or neural generation is ongoing although the amount of NCAM remains unchanged. Impairments of the polySia-expression and several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the polysialyltransferase (polyST) ST8SIA2 gene are reported to be associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Chlorpromazine (CPZ) is well-known as an agent for treating schizophrenia, and our hypothesis is that CPZ may affect the polySia expression or the gene expression of polySTs or NCAM. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the effects of CPZ on the expression of polySia-NCAM on human neuroblastoma cell line, IMR-32 cells, by immunochemical and chemical methods. Interestingly, the cell surface expression of polySia, especially those with lower chain lengths, was significantly increased on the CPZ-treated cells, while mRNAs for polySTs and NCAM, and the amounts of total polySia-NCAM remained unchanged. The addition of brefeldin A, an inhibitor of endocytosis, suppressed the CPZ-induced cell surface polySia expression. In addition, polySia-NCAM was also observed in the vesicle compartment inside the cell. All these data suggest that the level of cell surface expression of polySia in IMR-32 is highly regulated and that CPZ changes the rate of the recycling of polySia-NCAM, leading to the up-regulation of polySia-NCAM on the cell surface. We also analyzed the effect of CPZ on polySia-expression in various brain regions in adult mice and found that CPZ only influenced the total amounts of polySia-NCAM in prefrontal cortex. These results suggest a brain-region-specific effect of CPZ on the expression of total polySia in mouse brain. Collectively, anti-schizophrenia agent CPZ consistently up-regulates the expression polySia at both cellular and animal levels.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms18061123

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  25. Polysialyltransferase ST8SIA2 and psychiatric disorders

    Hane M., Kitajima K., Sato C.

    Seikagaku   89 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 634 - 643   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Seikagaku  

    DOI: 10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2017.890634


    CiNii Research

  26. ポリシアル酸転移酵素遺伝子ST8SIA2と精神疾患の関わり 査読有り

    羽根正弥, 北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ

    生化学   89 巻   頁: 634 - 643   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  27. ポリシアル酸転移酵素遺伝子ST8SIA2と精神疾患の関わり 査読有り

    羽根 正弥, 佐藤 ちひろ

    生化学   89 巻   頁: 634 - 643   2017年


  28. Effects of intronic single nucleotide polymorphisms (iSNPs) of a polysialyltransferase, ST8SIA2 gene found in psychiatric disorders on its gene products 査読有り

    Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS   478 巻 ( 3 ) 頁: 1123 - 1129   2016年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  

    Polysialic acid (polySia) is a linear homopolymer of sialic acid and mainly modifies neural cell adhesion molecule. PolySia plays important roles in synapse formation, learning and memory, social behavior and is associated with several diseases. Gene analyses of one of the biosynthetic enzymes for polySia, ST8SIA2, have revealed that several SNPs and genetic variations in the ST8SIA2 gene are associated with several psychiatric disorders; however, the mechanisms underlying these associations remain unknown. Here, we analyzed the effects of two iSNPs of ST8SIA2, rs2168351 and rs3784730, which are associated with bipolar disorder and autism spectrum disorder, respectively, on the expression of mRNA, ST8SIA2 and its final product, polySia in mouse neuroblastoma and human adenocarcinoma cell lines. We found that both iSNPs affected the expression of pre-mRNA and mRNA of ST8SIA2, and altered the cellular levels of ST8SIA2 and polySia. Taken together, these results indicate that impairment of the regulated expression of ST8SIA2 and the resulting downstream effects on gene products by these two iSNPs contribute to the development of these psychiatric disorders.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.08.079

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  29. Relationship between ST8SIA2, polysialic acid and its binding molecules, and psychiatric disorders 査読有り

    Sato, C; Hane, M; Kitajima, K

    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS   1860 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 1739 - 1752   2016年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects  

    Polysialic acid (polySia, PSA) is a unique and functionally important glycan, particularly in vertebrate brains. It is involved in higher brain functions such as learning, memory, and social behaviors. Recently, an association between several genetic variations and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of ST8SIA2/STX, one of two polysialyltransferase genes in vertebrates, and psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), was reported based on candidate gene approaches and genome-wide studies among normal and mental disorder patients. It is of critical importance to determine if the reported mutations and SNPs in ST8SIA2 lead to impairments of the structure and function of polySia, which is the final product of ST8SIA2. To date, however, only a few such forward-directed studies have been conducted. In addition, the molecular mechanisms underlying polySia-involved brain functions remain unknown, although polySia was shown to have an anti-adhesive effect. In this report, we review the relationships between psychiatric disorders and polySia and/or ST8SIA2, and describe a new function of polySia as a regulator of neurologically active molecules, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and dopamine, which are deeply involved in psychiatric disorders. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Glycans in personalised medicine" Guest Editor: Professor Gordan Lauc.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2016.04.015

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  30. Protective effects of polysialic acid on proteolytic cleavage of FGF2 and proBDNF/BDNF 査読有り

    Hane, M; Matsuoka, S; Ono, S; Miyata, S; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY   25 巻 ( 10 ) 頁: 1112 - 1124   2015年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Glycobiology  

    Polysialic acid (polySia) is a linear polymer of sialic acid that modifies neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in the vertebrate brain. PolySia is a large and exclusive molecule that functions as a negative regulator of cell-cell interactions. Recently, we demonstrated that polySia can specifically bind fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and BDNF; however, the protective effects of polySia on the proteolytic cleavage of these proteins remain unknown, although heparin/heparan sulfate has been shown to impair the cleavage of FGF2 by trypsin. Here, we analyzed the protective effects of polySia on the proteolytic cleavage of FGF2 and proBDNF/BDNF. We found that polySia protected intact FGF2 from tryptic activity via the specific binding of extended polySia chains on NCAM to FGF2. Oligo/polySia also functioned to impair the processing of proBDNF by plasmin via binding of oligo/polySia chains on NCAM. In addition, the polySia structure synthesized by mutated polysialyltransferase, ST8SIA2/STX(SNP7), which was previously identified from a schizophrenia patient, was impaired for these functions compared with polySia produced by normal ST8SIA2. Taken together, these data suggest that the protective effects of polySia toward FGF2 and proBDNF may be involved in the regulation of the concentrations of these neurologically active molecules.

    DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwv049

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  31. Rapid Trimming of Cell Surface Polysialic Acid (PolySia) by Exovesicular Sialidase Triggers Release of Preexisting Surface Neurotrophin 査読有り

    Sumida, M; Hane, M; Yabe, U; Shimoda, Y; Pearce, OMT; Kiso, M; Miyagi, T; Sawada, M; Varki, A; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   290 巻 ( 21 ) 頁: 13202 - 13214   2015年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Biological Chemistry  

    As acidic glycocalyx on primary mouse microglial cells and a mouse microglial cell line Ra2, expression of polysialic acid (polySia/PSA), a polymer of the sialic acid Neu5Ac (N-acetylneuraminic acid), was demonstrated. PolySia is known to modulate cell adhesion, migration, and localization of neurotrophins mainly on neural cells. PolySia on Ra2 cells disappeared very rapidly after an inflammatory stimulus. Results of knockdown and inhibitor studies indicated that rapid surface clearance of polySia was achieved by secretion of endogenous sialidase Neu1 as an exovesicular component. Neu1-mediated polySia turnover was accompanied by the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor normally retained by polySia molecules. Introduction of a single oxygen atom change into polySia by exogenous feeding of the non-neural sialic acid Neu5Gc (N-glycolylneuraminic acid) caused resistance to Neu1-induced polySia turnover and also inhibited the associated release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. These results indicate the importance of rapid turnover of the poly-Sia glycocalyx by exovesicular sialidases in neurotrophin regulation.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M115.638759

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  32. Insight into single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the polysialyltransferase ST8SIA2/STX in psychiatric disorders

    Hane, M; Nishimura, S; Hayakawa, T; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY   24 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 1206 - 1206   2014年11月



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  33. Comparison of analytical methods to detect polysialic acid. 査読有り

    Nishimura S, Hane M, Niimi Y, Miyata S, Kitajima K, Sato C

    Journal of Glycomics and Lipidomics   4 巻   頁: 113   2014年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  34. Crystal Structure of Anti-polysialic Acid Antibody Single Chain Fv Fragment Complexed with Octasialic Acid <i>INSIGHT INTO THE BINDING PREFERENCE FOR POLYSIALIC ACID</i> 査読有り 国際誌

    Nagae, M; Ikeda, A; Hane, M; Hanashima, S; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Yamaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   288 巻 ( 47 ) 頁: 33784 - 33796   2013年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Biological Chemistry  

    Polysialic acid is a linear homopolymer of α2-8-linked sialic acids attached mainly onto glycoproteins. Cell surface polysialic acid plays roles in cell adhesion and differentiation events in a manner that is often dependent on the degree of polymerization (DP). Anti-oligo/polysialic acid antibodies have DP-dependent antigenic specificity, and such antibodies are widely utilized in biological studies for detecting and distinguishing between different oligo/polysialic acids. A murine monoclonal antibody mAb735 has a unique preference for longer polymers of polysialic acid (DP > 10), yet the mechanism of recognition at the atomic level remains unclear. Here, we report the crystal structure of mAb735 single chain variable fragment (scFv735) in complex with octasialic acid at 1.8 Å resolution. In the asymmetric unit, two scFv735 molecules associate with one octasialic acid. In both complexes of the unit, all the complementaritydetermining regions except for L3 interact with three consecutive sialic acid residues out of the eight. A striking feature of the complex is that 11 ordered water molecules bridge the gap between antibody and ligand, whereas the direct antibodyligand interaction is less extensive. The dihedral angles of the trisialic acid unit directly interacting with scFv735 are not uniform, indicating that mAb735 does not strictly favor the previously proposed helical conformation. Importantly, both reducing and nonreducing ends of the bound ligand are completely exposed to solvent. We suggest that mAb735 gains its apparent high affinity for a longer polysialic acid chain by recognizing every three sialic acid units in a paired manner. © 2013 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M113.496224

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  35. Novel Regulation of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2)-mediated Cell Growth by Polysialic Acid 査読有り

    Ono, S; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   287 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 3710 - 3722   2012年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Biological Chemistry  

    Polysialic acid (polySia) is a unique polysaccharide that modifies neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) spatiotemporally. Recently, we demonstrated that polySia functions as a reservoir for several neurotrophic factors and neurotransmitters. Here, we showed the direct interaction between polySia and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) by native-PAGE, gel filtration, and surface plasmon resonance. The minimum chain length of polySia required for the interaction with FGF2 was 17. Compared with heparan sulfate, a well known glycosaminoglycan capable of forming a complex with FGF2, polySia formed a larger complex with distinct properties in facilitating oligomerization of FGF2, as well as in binding to FGF receptors. In polySia-NCAM-expressing NIH-3T3 cells, which were established by transfecting cells with either of the plasmids for the expression of the polysialyltransferases ST8SiaII/STX and ST8SiaIV/PST that can polysialylate NCAM, FGF2-stimulated cell growth, but not cell survival, was inhibited. Taken together, these results suggest that polySia-NCAM might be involved in the regulation of FGF2-FGF receptor signaling through the direct binding of FGF2 in a manner distinct from heparan sulfate. © 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M111.276618

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  36. Structural and functional impairments of polysialic acid (polySia)-neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) synthesized by a mutated polysialyltransferase of a schizophrenic patient 査読有り

    Hane, M; Sumida, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY   84 巻 ( 9 ) 頁: 1895 - 1906   2012年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Pure and Applied Chemistry  

    Polysialic acid (polySia) is a homopolymer of sialic acid with a degree of polymerization (DP) of 8-100. When present on neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), polySia has anti-adhesive effects on cell-cell interactions owing to its bulky polyanionic nature, and is involved in the regulation of neurogenesis and neuronal functions. Recently, we demonstrated that polySia functions not only as an anti-cell adhesion molecule, but also as a reservoir scaffold for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), which are biologically active molecules in neurogenesis. To understand the significance of polySia structure in the reservoir function, we focused on polySia-NCAM biosynthesized by mutated polysialyltransferase (ST8SiaII or STX) that was reported in a schizophrenia patient. The polySia-NCAM biosynthesized by mutant ST8SiaII/STX contained less polySia with shorter chain length and exhibited impaired reservoir function for BDNF and FGF2 as compared with that synthesized by wild-type (wt) ST8SiaII/STX. Our findings suggest that the quantity and quality of polySia on NCAM are important for normal neuronal functioning. © 2012 IU PAC.

    DOI: 10.1351/PAC-CON-11-12-10

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書籍等出版物 3

  1. Substantial Basis for Glyco-Assembly: Siglec7 and Synthetic Sialylpolymers

    Morishita S., Hane M., Kitajima K., Sato C.

    Glycosignals in Cancer: Molecular Assembly and Recognition, Second Edition  2023年1月  ( ISBN:9789811977329, 9789811977312


    Sialic acid is one of the tags that are recognized as “self,” when immune cells survey “non-self” items using the sialic acid-recognizing lectins, Siglecs, on their cell surface. These self-non-self discriminating machineries give not only an advantage to the host cells in innate immune system but also a disadvantage because they allow cancer cells to escape from the immune cells. Siglec7 is one of such machineries predominantly expressed in natural killer (NK) cells and acts as an inhibitory receptor in a sialic acid-dependent manner; however, how Siglec7 binds the sialic acid residues on its counter-receptors has still remained unknown. Since 1999, many reports have described the binding properties of Siglec7 using various sialic acid-containing materials, mostly focusing on the sialyl linkage and the types of core glycan structure. Very recently, two new features of Siglecs binding have been reported: One is the discovery of the new binding sites in various Siglec molecules different than the conventional binding site; the other is the finding of the mucin-type ligands as a natural counter-receptor of Siglec7. These new features thus led us to overview the new binding sites of Siglec7, structural aspects and affinity for the SIglec7 ligands, and natural ligands. In this chapter, we describe the synthetic and natural ligands for Siglec7 and discuss their ligand-binding properties, which are important for therapeutic drug development especially under the spot light of multivalency.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-7732-9_3


  2. Role of Polysialic Acid in Schizophrenia

    Sato C., Hane M., Kitajima K.

    Comprehensive Glycoscience: Second Edition  2021年6月  ( ISBN:9780128194751, 9780128222447



    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819475-1.00026-2


  3. Polysialyltransferase assay

    Hane M., Kitajima K., Sato C.

    Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine  2015年1月  ( ISBN:9784431548416, 9784431548409



    It has been shown that polysialic acid (polySia) is an indispensable component for viability of mouse during development. Especially, it is deeply involved in normal brain function in mouse and human, affecting cell adhesion, cell migration, cell growth, neurogenesis, and synaptogenesis. PolySia is synthesized by two polysialyltransferases, ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4. Mice deficient in both enzymes show lethality soon after birth. Mice deficient in either ST8SIA2 or ST8SIA4 show significant impairments in learning, memory, circadian rhythm, and social behavior. Interestingly, different phenotypes are often observed between ST8SIA2- and ST8SIA4-deficient mice. Therefore, characterization of these enzymes in vitro and in vivo and precise understanding of the structurefunction relationship of polySia become more and more important. In this chapter, assay procedures for in vitro activity of the polysialyltransferases are focused on to obtain clear results of their in vitro activities that are often said to be very weak compared with other sialyltransferases.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-54841-6_118



  1. Direct Observation Method for Glycans at Single-Molecule Level

    Hane M.  

    Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology36 巻 ( 209 ) 頁: J16 - J16   2024年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology  

    DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2341.6J


    CiNii Research

  2. Direct Observation Method for Glycans at Single-Molecule Level

    Hane M.  

    Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology36 巻 ( 209 ) 頁: E16 - E16   2024年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology  

    DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2341.6E


    CiNii Research

  3. ポリシアル酸/ポリシアル酸転移酵素と精神疾患

    羽根 正弥  

    Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology35 巻 ( 205 ) 頁: J38 - J42   2023年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:FCCA(Forum: Carbohydrates Coming of Age)  


    DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2313.2j

    CiNii Research

  4. Sialoglycomic Analysis Using Sialic Acid Recognition Molecules as Probes

    Hane, M  

    TRENDS IN GLYCOSCIENCE AND GLYCOTECHNOLOGY35 巻 ( 203 ) 頁: E16 - E16   2023年1月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology  

    DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2225.6E

    Web of Science


    CiNii Research

  5. ポリシアル酸転移酵素遺伝子ST8SIA2と精神疾患の関わり

    羽根正弥, 北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ  

    生化学89 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 634 - 643   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本生化学会  

    DOI: 10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2017.890634


    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research

  6. ポリシアル酸転移酵素STXとPSTにより生合成されるポリシアル酸の構造及び分子保持機能の解析

    新美百希, 新美百希, 羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 松岡修平, 松岡修平, 宮田真路, 宮田真路, 北島健, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ  

    日本糖質学会年会要旨集34th 巻   頁: 193   2015年7月




  7. 哺乳類細胞の内在性ポリシアル酸転移酵素の性質の解析

    石原幸奈, 石原幸奈, 羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 宮田真路, 宮田真路, 北島健, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ  

    日本糖質学会年会要旨集34th 巻   頁: 192   2015年7月




  8. マウスの急性ストレス条件下における脳内ポリシアル酸構造の領域特異的変動の解析

    阿部智佳羅, 阿部智佳羅, 羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 宮田真路, 宮田真路, 北島建, 北島建, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ  

    日本糖質学会年会要旨集34th 巻   頁: 193   2015年7月




  9. ポリシアル酸転移酵素STX/ST8SIA2とPST/ST8SIA4のポリシアル酸生合成能の解析

    新美百希, 羽根正弥, 西村紗希, 宮田真路, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ  

    日本糖質学会年会要旨集33rd 巻   頁: 144   2014年7月




  10. 癌や精神疾患に関わるポリシアル酸構造に特異的な一本鎖抗体の作製と特異性評価

    羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 羽根正弥, 長江雅倫, 池田明美, 山口芳樹, 北島健, 北島健, 北島健, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ, 佐藤ちひろ  

    日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web)2014 巻   2014年



講演・口頭発表等 10

  1. <i>In vitro</i> and <i>in silico</i> analyses of oligo/polysialoglycoconjugates in cancer cells

    Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2023年12月25日 


    開催年月日: 2023年12月

  2. Is the linkage mode of sialic acid residues significant in normal heart development in medaka?

    Kitajima, K; Omoto, T; Wu, D; Maruyama, E; Tajima, K; Hane, M; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2023年12月25日 


    開催年月日: 2023年12月

  3. Discovery of a new sialic acid-binding site of Siglec-7 that frequently occurs among CD33-like Siglecs

    Yoshimura, A; Morishita, S; Miyashita, M; Komura, H; Hane, M; Di Wu; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2023年12月25日 


    開催年月日: 2023年12月

  4. Developmental and organ-specific expression profiles of sulfated sialic acids in medaka fish as revealed by the chemical method

    Yamashita, S; Wu, D; Hane, M; Komura, N; Ando, H; Sato, C; Kitajima, K

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2023年12月25日 


    開催年月日: 2023年12月

  5. Demonstration of biological significance of the unique C-domain in the vertebrate CMP-sialic acid synthetase

    Wu, D; Toda, S; Hane, M; Sato, C; Kitajima, K

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2023年12月25日 


    開催年月日: 2023年12月

  6. A Uniquely Human Evolutionary Change in ST8Sia-II Impacts Enzyme Stability and Polysialic Acid Function

    Vaill, M; Hane, M; Naito-Matsui, Y; Diaz, S; Davies, L; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Varki, A

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2016年12月 


    開催年月日: 2016年12月


  7. The Out of Africa and mental disorders: Adaptation with reduction in STX promoter activity

    Fujito, N; Satta, Y; Hane, M; Matsui, A; Yashima, K; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Takahata, N; Hayakawa, T

    GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS  2016年12月 


    開催年月日: 2016年12月

  8. Spread of reduced activity of STX promoter throughout Great Journey

    Fujito, N; Satta, Y; Hane, M; Matsui, A; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Hayakawa, T

    GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS  2015年12月 


    開催年月日: 2015年12月


  9. Adaptive evolution of the promoter region of the Sialyltransferase 8B (STX) gene

    Fujito, NT; Hayakawa, T; Hane, M; Kitajima, K; Sato, C; Satta, Y

    GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS  2014年12月 


    開催年月日: 2014年12月


  10. An anti-schizophrenic drug affects the surface expression of polySia-NCAM in IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cells

    Nishimura, S; Hane, M; Niimi, Y; Kitajima, K; Sato, C

    GLYCOBIOLOGY  2014年11月 


    開催年月日: 2014年11月



科研費 7

  1. グリコサミノグリカンに対する代謝酵素を用いた新奇プローブの創出と評価

    研究課題/研究課題番号:24K08829  2024年4月 - 2027年3月

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    羽根 正弥



    配分額:4550000円 ( 直接経費:3500000円 、 間接経費:1050000円 )


  2. 肺癌由来エクソソームの糖鎖解析によるリキッドバイオプシー開発と個別化治療への応用

    研究課題/研究課題番号:24K12009  2024年4月 - 2027年3月

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    加藤 毅人, 芳川 豊史, 佐藤 ちひろ, 羽根 正弥



    本研究では肺癌手術患者の腫瘍及び正常肺検体を利用して組織内EVを抽出しEV表面の糖鎖解析を行う。さらに肺癌患者血漿と健常者血漿からもEV抽出及び糖鎖解析を行う。これら糖鎖データの統合 解析から、腫瘍由来EVに特異的であり患者血漿にも発現する糖鎖修飾をMRDとして同定し、 その糖鎖修飾をターゲットとした超高感度リキッドバイオプシーの開発を、多数の肺癌患者血漿を用いて行う。本研究における腫瘍内EVからMRDの標的となりうる糖鎖修飾を選択する手法は極めて独創的であり、複雑化する肺癌の集学的治療において、より効果的な個別化治療を進めていくために有用なリキッドバイオプシーの開発に繋がると考える。

  3. 脊椎動物におけるシアル酸特異的硫酸転移酵素群の発見とその生物学的重要性の証明

    研究課題/研究課題番号:23K23523  2022年4月 - 2025年3月

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ, 呉 迪, 羽根 正弥




  4. 脊椎動物におけるシアル酸特異的硫酸転移酵素群の発見とその生物学的重要性の証明

    研究課題/研究課題番号:22H02256  2022年4月 - 2025年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    北島 健, 佐藤 ちひろ, 呉 迪, 羽根 正弥

  5. ST8SIA2上のrSNPsに関わる因子群の同定と統合失調症の分子機構の解明

    研究課題/研究課題番号:22K15059  2022年4月 - 2024年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

    羽根 正弥



    配分額:4550000円 ( 直接経費:3500000円 、 間接経費:1050000円 )

    ST8SIA2のプロモーター領域のregulatory SNPについては、酵素の発現が発現細胞の種類によって大きく異なることを発見した。この事実は、いまだ未解明であるST8SIA2遺伝子発現のプロモーター領域による制御機構の解明の手がかりとなると考えられる。そこで本研究では、このプロモーター領域を介するST8SIA2遺伝子の発現制御とその破綻が疾患を惹起するポリシアル酸構造に及ぼす効果を明らかにする。

  6. 免疫細胞レクチンシグレックの新規リガンド結合部位の証明と新しい免疫制御機構の解明

    研究課題/研究課題番号:21H02425  2021年4月 - 2025年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    佐藤 ちひろ, 呉 迪, 田中 浩士, 長江 雅倫, 羽根 正弥



    免疫応答は病原体や異物、がんなどの変異した細胞から身体を守る重要な生体防御機構である。自然免疫において、免疫細胞上で活躍する分子群としてレクチン(糖鎖認識分子)が存在する。レクチンは特に糖鎖を介した自己・非自己の認識に長けており、シグレックは細胞表面のシアル酸を自己と認識し、免疫細胞の活性化抑制に関わることが知られている。しかしそのリガンド認識メカニズムは不明な点が多い。本研究は、申請者が初めてSiglec上にその存在を発見した新規シアル酸結合領域Site2に着目し、リガンド結合の構造基盤の解明、natural ligandの同定、リガンド認識制御メカニズムの解明を目指すものである。

  7. 免疫細胞レクチンシグレックの新規リガンド結合部位の証明と新しい免疫制御機構の解明

    研究課題/研究課題番号:23K21291  2021年4月 - 2025年3月

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    佐藤 ちひろ, 呉 迪, 田中 浩士, 羽根 正弥, 長江 雅倫



    自然免疫に関わるシアル酸結合認識レクチンSiglecは、細胞表面のシアル酸を自己と認識し、免疫細胞の活性化抑制に関わることが知られているが、そのリガンド認識メカニズムは不明な点が多い。本研究は、申請者が初めてSiglec上にその存在を発見した新規シアル酸結合領域Site2に着目して、 Site2-リガンド結合の構造基盤の解明、 真のnatural ligandの同定、リガンド認識制御メカニズムの解明、を目指す。本研究の遂行によって、Siglecの複雑なシアル酸認識の分子メカニズムが解明され、新規Site2を加味した真のSiglecによる自己・非自己認識の免疫制御メカニズムの提唱が可能になる
    免疫応答は病原体や異物、がんなどの変異した細胞から身体を守る重要な生体防御機構である。自然免疫において、免疫細胞上で活躍する分子群としてレクチン(糖鎖認識分子)が存在する。レクチンは特に糖鎖を介した自己・非自己の認識に長けており、シグレックは細胞表面のシアル酸を自己と認識し、免疫細胞の活性化抑制に関わることが知られている。しかしそのリガンド認識メカニズムは不明な点が多い。本研究では、申請者が初めてSiglec上にその存在を発見した新規シアル酸結合領域Site2に着目し、リガンド結合の構造基盤の解明、natural ligandの同定、リガンド認識制御メカニズムの解明を目指す。
    本年度はSiglecの構造解析に向けてSiglecの大量調整行うために、タグの切断酵素であるTEVプロテアーゼの調整およびHEK細胞におけるSiglecの調整を行った。新規シアル酸結合部位であるsite2の存在に対して結晶構造とは異なる手法による証明のために、野生型に加えてsite1およびsite2の変異体をあわせて作製し、リガンドとの結合に対する阻害剤の効果を測定し、site2の存在証明をすることができた。また真のnatural ligandの同定、特に糖鎖構造に焦点をあてるため、モデルリガンドとしてのdiSia-dex, monoSia-dexおよび、タンデムにシアル酸が存在するポリシアル酸や他の酸性多糖との相互作用を、バイオレイヤー干渉法を用いて解析し、結合特性を明らかにした。さらに責任糖転移酵素を明らかにするために、CHO細胞においてST6GalNAcおよびST8SIAを過剰発現させた細胞を樹立した。
