2024/09/27 更新


ワダ アキヒサ
和田 明久
WADA Akihisa
医学部附属病院 耳鼻いんこう科 助教

学位 1

  1. 博士(医学) ( 2021年3月   名古屋大学 ) 

所属学協会 3

  1. 日本頭頸部癌学会

  2. 日本臨床腫瘍学会

  3. 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会


論文 18

  1. Proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics adversely effect the efficacy of nivolumab in patients with recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck 査読有り

    Wada, A; Enokida, T; Okano, S; Sato, M; Tanaka, H; Ueda, Y; Fujisawa, T; Takeshita, N; Tanaka, N; Tahara, M

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER   184 巻   頁: 30 - 38   2023年5月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:European Journal of Cancer  

    Background: Several reports have shown that the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and antibiotics (Abx) can reduce the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in various cancers. To date, however, the association of immune checkpoint inhibitors with PPI and/or Abx in patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (R/M SCCHN) has not been reported. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients with platinum-refractory R/M SCCHN treated with nivolumab from May 2017 and March 2020 in our institute. Primary sites included the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx. The relationship between prognostic parameters, such as overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), PFS2 and PFS3, and clinical factors, including PPI or Abx use, was examined, and the creation of prognostic classification was also attempted. Results: Of 110 patients identified, 56 patients received PPI and 24 patients received Abx within 30 days before or after the initiation of nivolumab. With a median follow-up of 17.2 months (range: 13.8–25.0), median PFS, PFS2, PFS3 and OS were 3.2, 8.1, 14.0 and 17.2 months, respectively. In univariate analysis, the use of PPI and of Abx was significantly associated with poor prognosis in all parameters (PFS, PFS2, PFS3 and OS). Median OS (hazard ratio; 95%confidence interval, p-value) by these covariates were 13.6 versus 23.8 months (1.70; 1.01–2.87, p = 0.046) for PPI and 10.0 versus 20.1 months (1.85; 1.00–3.41, p = 0.048) for Abx, respectively. Furthermore, these factors showed mutually independent adverse associations on multivariate analysis. Conclusion: The use of PPI and Abx attenuated the efficacy of nivolumab in R/M SCCHN. Further prospective evaluation is warranted.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2023.02.011

    Web of Science



  2. Development of a plant-based surgical training model for fluorescence-guided cancer surgery 査読有り

    Shigeyama, M; Nishio, N; Wada, A; Mitani, S; Morimoto, G; Yokoi, S; Mukoyama, N; Yokoi, M; van Keulen, S; Rosenthal, E; Sone, M



    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Head and Neck  

    Background: Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) can help surgeons to discriminate tumor tissue from adjacent normal tissues using fluorescent tracers. Methods: We developed a surgical training model, manufactured using sustainable vegetable organic material with indocyanine green (ICG)-containing “tumor.” Surgeons evaluated the model with both the closed-field and endoscopic fluorescence imaging devices and assessed its efficacy to identify residual tumor after enucleation using electrocautery. Results: Strong correlations of fluorescence were obtained at all working distance (3, 5, 7, and 10 cm), showing the robustness of fluorescence signal for the closed-field and endoscopic fluorescence imaging devices. The higher fluorescence signals were obtained in the wound bed in the closed-field fluorescence imaging device and the residual tumor could be clearly identified by fluorescence endoscopy. Conclusions: Our FGS training model may provide experience for surgeons unfamiliar with optical surgery and subsequent tissue interactions. The model seemed particularly helpful in teaching surgeons the principles of FGS.

    DOI: 10.1002/hed.27835

    Web of Science



  3. Anxiety, depression and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing laryngectomy: A long-term prospective evaluation 査読有り

    Mukoyama, N; Nishio, N; Kimura, H; Tokura, T; Kishi, S; Ogasawara, K; Tsuzuki, H; Yokoi, S; Wada, A; Shigeyama, M; Ozaki, N; Fujimoto, Y; Sone, M



    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders  

    Background: This study aimed to assess anxiety, depression and quality of life (QoL) in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing laryngectomy using comprehensive self-reported questionnaires for a period of up to 5 years. Methods: This prospective observational study enrolled 150 consecutive patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer who underwent laryngectomy at Nagoya University Hospital between 2007 and 2020. Anxiety, depression and QoL were assessed at baseline (preoperative) and at 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months after surgery using two brief self-reported questionnaires, such as the eight-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-8) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: The surgical procedures were total laryngectomy, pharyngo-laryngectomy and pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy in 97 (65%), 41 (27%) and 12 (8%) patients, respectively. All eight items of the SF-8 were significantly worse than those of the normal population at baseline and at 3 months after surgery. However, general health, vitality, mental health and bodily pain improved to normal levels within 1 year after surgery and were maintained for 5 years. In this study, 35% of patients were categorised as potential cases of depression, and 35% were potential cases of anxiety. During the follow-up period, the proportion of patients with anxiety gradually decreased after surgery. Further analysis revealed that the SF-8 and HADS scores and trends in 89 patients without tumour recurrence were similar to those in the total enrolled 150 patients. Conclusion: Anxiety, depression and QoL in laryngectomised patients improved at 1 year after surgery and were maintained for up to 5 years. What this paper adds: What is already known on the subject Laryngectomy is associated with prolonged functional and psychological effects and has a major impact on patient quality of life (QoL). Several prospective studies evaluating the QoL in laryngectomised patients have been reported, in which significant deterioration in social functioning was found even 1 year after surgery. What this paper adds to existing knowledge One year is not a sufficient period for laryngectomised patients to return to normal life and spend their time in a social community. A recent review showed that most studies on QoL in laryngectomised patients were conducted under 1 year after the procedure, and there were not enough studies of sufficient quality. This is the first long-term prospective observational study of Japanese patients with head and neck cancer who underwent laryngectomy up to 5 years after surgery. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? Our long-term observational study showed that the scores for anxiety, depression and QoL in laryngectomised patients improved at 1 year after surgery and were maintained for up to 5 years. Clinicians should recognize the importance of psychosocial risk factors in their QoL and multidisciplinary management, including social and psychological support, is essential for long-term laryngectomised survivors.

    DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.13036

    Web of Science



  4. Weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin and cetuximab (PCE) combination followed by nivolumab for recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN) 査読有り

    Takeshita, N; Enokida, T; Okano, S; Fujisawa, T; Wada, A; Sato, M; Tanaka, H; Tanaka, N; Onaga, R; Hoshi, Y; Sakashita, S; Ishii, G; Tahara, M

    ORAL ONCOLOGY   147 巻   頁: 106615   2023年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Oral Oncology  

    Objectives: Cetuximab-based chemotherapy is a standard 1st-line treatment for recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN). However, few studies have reported survival data for a treatment sequence consisting of a PCE regimen (paclitaxel + carboplatin + cetuximab) followed by an immune checkpoint inhibitor. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively assessed 37 patients with R/M SCCHN from the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx who received PCE as 1st-line treatment followed by nivolumab as 2nd-line at the National Cancer Center Hospital East between December 2016 and July 2021. For comparison, we also analyzed 14 patients who did not receive nivolumab after PCE. Results: Of the 37 patients who received nivolumab, overall response rate (ORR) by PCE was 48.6%, and median time to response and median progression-free survival (PFS) were 2.1 months (range: 0.8–4.8) and 4.4 months, respectively. In the nivolumab phase, ORR was 10.8%. 23 patients received 3rd-line therapy. Median PFS2, PFS3, and overall survival (OS) were 6.8, 11.6, and 19.5 months, respectively. Subgroup analysis by PD-L1 expression showed no significant difference in OS. Analysis of the comparison group revealed a trend toward improved OS in those who received nivolumab compared to those who did not (HR 0.47, 95%CI [0.19–1.13], p = 0.084). Conclusion: PCE followed by nivolumab shows a favorable survival outcome, representing the potential for rapid tumor response with PCE and extension of OS by the addition of nivolumab regardless of combined positive score.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2023.106615

    Web of Science



  5. Subsequent chemotherapy with paclitaxel plus cetuximab-based chemotherapy following immune checkpoint inhibitor in recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck 査読有り

    Tanaka, H; Enokida, T; Okano, S; Fujisawa, T; Tanaka, N; Takeshita, N; Onaga, R; Hoshi, Y; Wada, A; Sato, M; Ueda, Y; Tahara, M

    FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY   13 巻   頁: 1221352   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Frontiers in Oncology  

    Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are essential in treating recurrent/metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN). However, the overall response rate (ORR) is limited to 10-20%, and subsequent chemotherapy is critical to maximizing the subjects’ prognosis. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 59 patients with R/M SCCHN treated with paclitaxel+cetuximab (PE)-based chemotherapy (PCE, paclitaxel+carboplatin+cetuximab; or PTX+Cmab, paclitaxel+cetuximab) following disease progression after either pembrolizumab or nivolumab monotherapy. Results: Of 59 patients, 15 were treated with pembrolizumab, with an ORR of 13.3%, and the remaining 44 with nivolumab, with an ORR of 11.4%. All patients in the pembrolizumab cohort had platinum-sensitive disease. Following ICI treatment, 19 patients were treated with PCE and the remaining 40 with PTX+Cmab. PE-based chemotherapy induced favorable and prompt tumor shrinkage even in cases where ICI was not effective, with a median change in the summed dimensions of target lesions of -43.4%, resulting in an ORR of 62.7%. Median time to response was 1.8 months. The patients in the pembrolizumab cohort appeared to have a numerically higher response rate than those receiving nivolumab (80.0% vs. 56.8%). For the 59 patients, progression-free survival and overall survival, calculated from the initiation of PE-based chemotherapy, were 4.6 months and 17.1 months, respectively. Grade ≥3 adverse events occurred in 40.7%, and no treatment-related death was observed. Conclusion: PE-based chemotherapy following ICI is encouraging for its robust antitumor efficacy in R/M SCCHN.

    DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1221352

    Web of Science



  6. The treatment sequence of weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin, and cetuximab (PCE) followed by nivolumab for R/M SCCHN

    Takeshita, N; Enokida, T; Okano, S; Fujisawa, T; Wada, A; Satou, M; Tanaka, H; Tanaka, N; Onaga, R; Hoshi, Y; Tahara, M

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY   34 巻   頁: S1424 - S1424   2023年11月

  7. Efficacy of endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy using a curved rigid laryngoscope in patients with sporadic inclusion body myositis: four retrospective case reviews 査読有り

    Shigeyama, M; Nishio, N; Yokoi, S; Mukoyama, N; Wada, A; Maruo, T; Noda, S; Murakami, A; Tsuboi, T; Katsuno, M; Fujimoto, Y; Sone, M

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   85 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 866 - 874   2023年11月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Sporadic inclusion body myositis (s-IBM) is an acquired degenerative inflammatory myopathy that leads to slowly progressive muscle weakness and atrophy of the limbs, face, and pharynx. Owing to the slow progression of the disease, the indications for surgical intervention remain unclear. Herein, we retrospectively reviewed the records of four patients with s-IBM who had undergone cricopharyngeal myotomy for severe dysphagia at our institution between 2016 and 2021. Among these, one patient underwent transcervical cricopharyngeal myotomy and laryngeal suspension, as videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing revealed poor laryngeal elevation. The remaining three patients underwent endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy using a curved rigid laryngoscope. Preoperatively, the mean Hyodo score was 8 points (range: 6-10) using a flexible endoscope. The mean surgical duration was 104 min, and no severe complications were observed. Postoperatively, all patients achieved improvement in swallowing function and food intake. Moreover, swallowing function was maintained in all four patients even 6-12 months postoperatively. Cricopharyngeal myotomy may be a safe surgical procedure with the potential to improve swallowing function, and a Hyodo score of 6 may be considered a surgical indication for cricopharyngeal myotomy in patients with s-IBM.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.85.4.866

    Web of Science



  8. Salvage chemotherapy with paclitaxel plus cetuximab (PE)based regimen following immune checkpoint inhibitor in R/M SCCHN

    Tanaka, H; Enokida, T; Okano, S; Ueda, Y; Fujisawa, T; Wada, A; Sato, M; Takeshita, N; Tanaka, N; Onaga, R; Hoshi, Y; Tahara, M

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY   34 巻   頁: S1388 - S1388   2023年11月

  9. Potential efficacy of local therapy for progressive lesions after nivolumab in patients with recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck 査読有り

    Sato, M; Enokida, T; Wada, A; Okano, S; Tanaka, H; Fujisawa, T; Ueda, Y; Motegi, A; Shinozaki, T; Takeshita, N; Tanaka, N; Zenda, S; Matsuura, K; Akimoto, T; Hayashi, R; Tahara, M

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   28 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 1023 - 1032   2023年8月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Clinical Oncology  

    Background: In recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN), local therapy (LT) such as surgery or radiotherapy can be treatment options for improved survival or quality of life. To date, however, few reports have addressed the efficacy of LT for sites of disease progression after immune checkpoint inhibitors, including other cancers. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with R/M SCCHN originating from the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx and treated with nivolumab. We extracted patients undergoing salvage LT or palliative radiotherapy (RT) to the selected progressive lesion at any time after initiation of nivolumab. Results: Twenty-four patients received LT. Salvage LT was performed in 9 (37.5%) patients, including surgery and definitive RT in 5 and 4 patients, respectively. Palliative RT was performed in 15 (62.5%) patients. LT was provided in 10 (41.7%) patients for oligoprogressive disease. Twelve (50.0%) patients received subsequent systemic therapy immediately after LT. Classification based on patient treatment divided the population into four subgroups with different prognoses (salvage LT followed by subsequent systemic therapy [n = 3], salvage LT alone [n = 6], palliative RT followed by subsequent systemic therapy [n = 9], and palliative RT alone [n = 6]). Median OS in this order was 24.5, 9.0, 7.3, and 2.4 months (p = 0.001). All patients in the salvage LT followed by subsequent systemic therapy group continued nivolumab. Conclusion: In R/M SCCHN patients who have received nivolumab, salvage LT for the selected progressive lesion with continuation of nivolumab potentially provides an excellent survival prognosis.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10147-023-02351-9

    Web of Science



  10. Combination chemotherapy with taxane and platinum in patients with salivary gland carcinoma: a retrospective study of docetaxel plus cisplatin and paclitaxel plus carboplatin 査読有り

    Onaga, R; Enokida, T; Ito, K; Ueda, Y; Okano, S; Fujisawa, T; Wada, A; Sato, M; Tanaka, H; Takeshita, N; Tanaka, N; Hoshi, Y; Tahara, M

    FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY   13 巻   頁: 1185198   2023年6月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Frontiers in Oncology  

    Background: Despite advances in precision medicine, most patients with recurrent or metastatic salivary gland carcinoma still need conventional chemotherapies, such as the combination of taxane and platinum. However, evidence for these standardized regimens is limited. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients with salivary gland carcinoma treated with a taxane and platinum, which contained docetaxel at a dose of 60 mg/m2 plus cisplatin at a dose of 70 mg/m2 on day 1, or paclitaxel at a dose of 100 mg/m2 plus carboplatin at a dose of area under the plasma concentration-time curve = 2.5 on days 1 and 8 (both on 21-day cycles), between January 2000 and September 2021. Result: Forty patients with ten adenoid cystic carcinomas and thirty other pathologies were identified. Of these, 29 patients were treated with docetaxel plus cisplatin and 11 with paclitaxel plus carboplatin. For the total population, the objective response rate (ORR) and median progression-free survival (mPFS) were 37.5% and 5.4 months (95% confidence interval: 3.6–7.4 months), respectively. On subgroup analysis, docetaxel plus cisplatin provided favorable efficacy compared with paclitaxel plus carboplatin (ORR: 46.5% vs. 20.0%, mPFS: 7.2 vs. 2.8 months), and the findings were well retained in patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma (ORR: 60.0% vs. 0%, mPFS: 17.7 vs. 2.8 months). Grade 3/4 neutropenia was relatively frequent in the docetaxel plus cisplatin (59% vs.27%), although febrile neutropenia was uncommon (3%) in the cohort. No treatment-related death was seen in any case. Conclusion: The combination of taxane and platinum is generally effective and well-tolerated for recurrent or metastatic salivary gland carcinoma. In contrast, paclitaxel plus carboplatin appears unfavorable in terms of efficacy in certain patients, such as those with adenoid cystic carcinoma.

    DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1185198

    Web of Science



  11. Safety and Clinical Benefits of Laryngeal Closure in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 査読有り

    Yokoi, S; Nishio, N; Maruo, T; Hiramatsu, M; Mukoyama, N; Tsuzuki, H; Wada, A; Atsuta, N; Ito, D; Tsuboi, T; Sobue, G; Katsuno, M; Fujimoto, Y; Sone, M

    DYSPHAGIA   38 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 211 - 219   2023年2月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Dysphagia  

    This study evaluated the safety of laryngeal closure and post-surgical changes in swallowing function of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and proposed an appropriate surgical strategy for patients with ALS. Clinical and surgical data of 26 consecutive patients with ALS who underwent laryngeal closure at Nagoya University Hospital in Japan between 2003 and 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Changes in swallowing functions were evaluated before and approximately 1 month post-surgery using Neuromuscular Disease Swallowing Status Scale (NdSSS), and Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS). The median operation time was 126 min (range, 51–163 min), and the median intraoperative blood loss was 20 mL (range, 0–88 mL). Among the 26 ALS patients who underwent laryngeal closure, grade 1 (mild) complications occurred in three patients (12%); however, no severe complications were observed. After surgery, 25 patients (96%) maintained the swallowing function and only one patient (4%) had deteriorating NdSSS and FOIS scores. No patients were referred to our hospital due to severe aspiration pneumonia after the surgery. Two patients did not require a feeding tube after the surgery and returned to oral intake. Laryngeal closure may be a safe surgical procedure for preventing chronic aspiration and may also maintain swallowing function of patients with ALS. Further multicenter prospective studies using the gold standard videofluoroscopic swallowing examination are required to support our findings.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00455-022-10454-0

    Web of Science



  12. Surgical Strategy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal: Management of Locally Advanced Cases with Skull Base Involvement

    Goto, S; Nishio, N; Iwami, K; Yoshida, T; Maruo, T; Mukoyama, N; Tsuzuki, H; Yokoi, S; Wada, A; Hiramatsu, M; Hayashi, Y; Kamei, Y; Fujii, M; Sone, M; Fujimoto, Y

    JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY PART B-SKULL BASE   84 巻 ( 01 ) 頁: 69 - 78   2023年2月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base  

    Objective Surgical indications for advanced-stage squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the external auditory canal (EAC) are highly dependent on the skull base surgery team. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical outcomes in patients with SCC of the EAC and to clarify the surgical indication of far advanced cases using the T4 subclassification. Methods Patients with SCC of the EAC who underwent curative treatment from 2002 to 2021 at our hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Clinical and surgical results, including operative data, overall survival (OS), and disease-specific survival (DSS), were analyzed. To clarify the surgical indication for advanced-stage tumors, we proposed the T4 subclassification. Results In the 46 patients included in the study, 8 patients had T1 tumors, 10 had T2 tumor, 5 had T3 tumors, and 23 had T4 tumors. The 5-year DSS with T1, T2, T3, and T4 tumors were 100, 85.7, 100, and 61.7%, respectively. No prognostic impacts for margin status were found between the 5-year OS and DSS (p = 0.23 and 0.13, respectively). Patients with far-advanced-stage (T4b) tumors were significantly associated with shorter DSS than those with early-stage (T1/T2) and advanced-stage (T3/T4a) tumors (p = 0.007 and 0.03, respectively). Conclusion The present study focused on patients with SCC of the EAC at a university hospital over a period of 20 years, especially with skull base involvement, and a T4 subclassification was proposed. Complete tumor resection in an en bloc fashion could help achieve a good survival rate even in patients with locally advanced tumors.

    DOI: 10.1055/a-1733-2585

    Web of Science



  13. Validation of a surgical training model containing indocyanine green for near-infrared fluorescence imaging 査読有り

    Nishio, N; Mitani, S; Sakamoto, K; Morimoto, G; Yokoi, S; Shigeyama, M; Wada, A; Mukoyama, N; Rosenthal, EL; Sone, M

    LARYNGOSCOPE INVESTIGATIVE OTOLARYNGOLOGY   7 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 1011 - 1017   2022年8月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology  

    Objective: To determine the efficacy of a surgical training model for fluorescence-guided cancer surgery and validate its utility to detect any residual tumors after tumor resection using electrocautery. Methods: We developed surgical training models containing indocyanine green (ICG) for near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging using a root vegetable organic material (konjac). After the fluorescence assessment for the models, the surgical simulation for fluorescence-guided cancer surgery using electrocautery was performed. ICG-containing tumors were divided into two surgical groups: “Enucleation” (removal of the entire visible tumor) and “Complete resection” (removal of the tumor with an appropriate 5-mm surgical margin). Results: All 12 ICG-containing tumors were clearly visible from the normal view but not from the flipped view. The tumor resection time was significantly longer in the “Complete resection” group than in the “Enucleation” group (p <.001). The ICG-containing tumors showed a high tumor-to background ratio from the normal (average = 45.8) and flipped (average = 19.2) views, indicating that the models including ICG-containing tumors were useful for a surgical simulation in fluorescence-guided surgery. The average mean fluorescence intensity of the wound bed was significantly higher in the “Enucleation” group than in the “Complete resection” group (p <.01). No decrease in fluorescence signal was found in the wound bed even at 2 days postresection. Conclusion: Our surgical training model containing a fluorescent agent is safe, inexpensive, not harmful for humans, and easy to dispose after use. Our model would be beneficial for surgeons to learn NIR fluorescence imaging and to accelerate fluorescence-guided cancer surgery into clinical application.

    DOI: 10.1002/lio2.858

    Web of Science



  14. Nivolumab for recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer patients with non-squamous cell carcinoma and/or a primary subsite excluded from CheckMate141, a retrospective study 査読有り

    Ueda, Y; Okano, S; Enokida, T; Fujisawa, T; Ito, K; Sato, M; Tanaka, H; Wada, A; Tahara, M

    ORAL ONCOLOGY   130 巻   頁: 105932   2022年7月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Oral Oncology  

    Objectives: In CheckMate 141, nivolumab significantly improved overall survival (OS) in patients with platinum-refractory recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinomas (R/M SCC) of the head and neck. However, reports on nivolumab for patients with non-SCC and/or a primary subsite excluded from CheckMate 141 are limited. Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of R/M head and neck cancer patients who received nivolumab. The study subject excluded patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx. Results: A total of 59 patients were included, consisting of 40 males and 19 females with a median age of 61 years. Half of the patients had non-SCC histology. The main primary site included the sinonasal cavity (n = 18), salivary gland (n = 15), and nasopharynx (n = 13). Three (6.0%) patients achieved a complete response and 5 (10.0%) a partial response, giving an overall response rate (ORR) of 16.6%. Median time-to-treatment failure (TTF) and OS were 3.7 and 16.2 months, respectively. Salivary gland and nasopharyngeal cancer achieved relatively higher ORR (25.0 and 36.4%, respectively). On analysis by primary site, nasopharyngeal cancer showed a significantly better TTF and OS than the other primary sites. On analysis by histological findings, no significant difference in TTF and OS was observed between non-SCC and SCC. Conclusion: Nivolumab for cancers involving the salivary gland/nasopharynx and non-SCC histology showed comparable efficacy to that in CheckMate 141. This result indicates that nivolumab may be effective even for patients not included in CheckMate 141.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2022.105932

    Web of Science



  15. Management of bilateral locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal

    Nishio, N; Okazaki, Y; Wada, A; Tsuzuki, H; Kambe, M; Fujimoto, Y; Sone, M

    ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA CASE REPORTS   7 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 8 - 13   2022年2月

  16. Safety and feasibility of fat injection therapy with adipose-derived stem cells in a rabbit hypoglossal nerve paralysis model: A pilot study 査読有り

    Wada, A; Nishio, N; Yokoi, S; Tsuzuki, H; Mukoyama, N; Maruo, T; Hiramatsu, M; Yamamoto, T; Goto, M; Fujimoto, Y; Sone, M

    AURIS NASUS LARYNX   48 巻 ( 2 ) 頁: 274 - 280   2021年4月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Auris Nasus Larynx  

    Objective: The aim of this study is to establish a unilateral tongue atrophy model by cutting the hypoglossal nerve and to evaluate the safety and feasibility of a fat injection of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) to restore swallowing function. Methods: A total of 12 rabbits were randomized to three groups; the ADSCs+fat group (n=4), the fat group (n=4) and the control group (n=4). All rabbits were treated with denervation of the left hypoglossal nerve and their conditions including body weight and food intake were checked during follow-up periods (8 weeks). At 4 weeks after the transection of the nerve, rabbits received the injection therapy into the denervated side of the tongue with 1.0mL fat tissue premixed with 0.5mL ADSCs in the ADSCs+fat group, 1.0mL fat tissue premixed with 0.5mL PBS in the fat group and 1.5mL PBS in the control group. Rabbits were euthanized 8 weeks post-treatment and resected tongues were collected, formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded. To evaluate the change of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue, muscle fibers around the treatment area was analyzed by evaluating 5 consecutive hematoxylin-eosin slides per rabbit. Results: Food intake did not decrease upon nerve denervation, and none of the rabbits displayed adverse effect such as aspiration, surgical wound dehiscence or infection. No significant body weight changes were found between the three groups at 4 and 8 weeks after nerve transection (p>0.05). In the control group, the denervated side of tongue had significantly smaller muscle fiber areas and diameters compared to the non-denervated side (p<0.05). The ADSCs+fat group demonstrated a larger area of inferior longitudinal muscle fibers compared to the control and the fat groups (582±312µm2 vs. 405±220µm2 and 413±226µm2; p<0.05). A significant thicker lesser diameter of inferior longitudinal muscle fibers was found in the ADSCs+fat group compared to the control and the fat groups (24±8µm vs. 20±6µm and 20±7µm; p<0.05). Conclusion: The rabbit tongue atrophy model was found suitable for the assessment of muscle change after nerve transection. Fat injection therapy with ADSCs demonstrated great potential to prevent the muscle atrophy after denervation and to promote the muscle regeneration around the injection area.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.anl.2020.08.003

    Web of Science



  17. Feasibility of virtual surgical simulation in the head and neck region for soft tissue reconstruction using free flap: a comparison of preoperative and postoperative volume measurement 査読有り

    Yokoi, S; Nishio, N; Fujimoto, Y; Fujii, M; Iwami, K; Hayashi, Y; Takanari, K; Hiramatsu, M; Maruo, T; Mukoyama, N; Tsuzuki, H; Wada, A; Kamei, Y; Sone, M



    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  

    In the head and neck region, preoperative evaluation of the free flap volume is challenging. The current study validated preoperative three-dimensional (3D) virtual surgical simulation for soft tissue reconstruction by assessing flap volume and evaluated fat and muscle volume changes at follow-up in 13 head and neck cancer patients undergoing anterolateral craniofacial resection. Patients received 3D virtual surgical simulation, and the volume of the planned defects was estimated by surgical simulation. Following en bloc resection of the tumor, the defect in the skull base was covered using a rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap. Following surgery, computed tomography scans were acquired at day 1 and at 6 and 12 months. Virtual planned defect was on average 227 ml (range, 154–315) and was 10% smaller than the actual flap volume in patients without skin involvement of the tumor. Between day 1 and 12 months post-surgery, the volume of fat and muscle tissue in the free flap dropped by 9% and 58%, respectively. Our results indicate that 3D virtual surgical simulation provides essential information in determining the accurate volume of the required free flap for surgical defect repair and may thus help improve surgical planning and functional and esthetic outcome.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2020.07.025

    Web of Science



  18. Diagnosis of cervical lymph node metastases in head and neck cancer with ultrasonic measurement of lymph node volume 査読有り

    Nishio, N; Fujimoto, Y; Hiramatsu, M; Maruo, T; Tsuzuki, H; Mukoyama, N; Yokoi, S; Wada, A; Furukawa, MK; Furukawa, M; Sone, M

    AURIS NASUS LARYNX   46 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 889 - 895   2019年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Auris Nasus Larynx  

    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of ultrasound (US) volume measurement of the cervical lymph nodes for diagnosing nodal metastasis in patients with head and neck cancer using a node-by-node comparison. Methods: Thirty-four consecutive patients with head and neck cancer from one tertiary university hospital were prospectively enrolled from 2012 to 2017. Patients with histologically proven squamous cell primary tumors in the head and neck region scheduled to undergo a therapeutic neck dissection were eligible. For each patient, 1–4 target lymph nodes were selected from the planned neck dissection levels. Lymph nodes with thickness >20 mm or in a cluster were excluded. Node-by-node comparisons between the pre-operative US assessment, the post-operative actual measurements and histopathological results were performed for all target lymph nodes. Quantitative measurements, such as three diameters, ratios of the three diameters and volume were analyzed in this study. Lymph node volume was calculated using the ellipsoid formula. Results: Patients comprised 28 men and 6 women with a mean age of 60.0 years (range, 29–80 years) at the time of surgery. In total, 67 target lymph nodes were analyzed in this study and the thickness ranged from 3.9 to 20.0 mm (mean 8.0 mm). There was a strong correlation between the US volume and post-operative actual volume (ρ = 0.87, p < 0.01). The US volume measured 2156 ± 2156 mm3 for the tumor positive nodes, which was significantly greater than the US volume of 512 ± 315 mm3 for tumor negative nodes (p < 0.01). Significant differences between tumor positive and tumor negative nodes were found in five variables (volume, thickness, major axis, minor axis and ratio of minor axis to thickness) for total lymph nodes. To identify predictors of lymph node metastasis, ROC curves of the US variables of target lymph nodes were compared, of which 4 variables were considered acceptable for predicting the lymph node metastasis: volume (AUC 0.86), thickness (AUC 0.86), major axis (AUC 0.79), and minor axis (AUC 0.79) for total lymph nodes. The optimal cut-off level for US volume in total lymph nodes was found to be 1242 mm3, whereby a 62% sensitivity and 98% specificity was reached (likelihood ratio: 25.2). Conclusion: Pre-operative ultrasonic volume measurement of the cervical lymph nodes was useful for early detection of cervical nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.anl.2019.02.003

    Web of Science




書籍等出版物 2

  1. JOHNS 「特集 分子標的薬と耳鼻咽喉科」

    小林 英士ら( 担当: 共著 ,  範囲: 分子標的薬とは)

    東京医学社  2021年12月 


    総ページ数:114   担当ページ:1511-1513   記述言語:日本語 著書種別:学術書

  2. 頭頸部がん薬物療法ハンドブック 改訂3版

    藤井正人ら( 担当: 共著 ,  範囲: 甲状腺がんに対する薬物療法 ソラフェニブ)

    中外医学者社  2021年11月 


    総ページ数:251   担当ページ:103-105   記述言語:日本語 著書種別:教科書・概説・概論

講演・口頭発表等 2

  1. 外耳道がん術後再発に対してnivolumabを投与中,破壊性甲状腺炎・下垂体炎・1型糖尿病を発症した一例

    和田 明久

    日本頭頸部癌学会学術集会  2023年6月15日 


    開催年月日: 2023年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

  2. 当院における気道熱傷の検討

    和田 明久

    第42回 日本救急医学会総会  2014年10月28日 


    開催年月日: 2014年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

    開催地:福岡   国名:日本国  


担当経験のある科目 (本学) 1

  1. 耳鼻咽喉科
