論文 - 則永 行庸
Extended Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model for Benzene Pyrolysis with New Reaction Pathways Including Oligomer Formation 査読有り
Kousoku Akihiro, Norinaga Koyo, Miura Kouichi
INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 53 巻 ( 19 ) 頁: 7956-7964 2014年5月
Low-Temperature Gasification of Biomass and Lignite: Consideration of Key Thermochemical Phenomena, Rearrangement of Reactions, and Reactor Configuration 査読有り
Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Kudo Shinji, Kim Hyun-Seok, Norinaga Koyo, Matsuoka Koichi, Hosokai Sou
ENERGY & FUELS 28 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 4-21 2014年1月
Hydrodynamic behavior of binary mixture of solids in a triple-bed combined circulating fluidized bed with high mass flux 査読有り
Fushimi Chihiro, Ishizuka Masanori, Guan Guoqing, Suzuki Yoshizo, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Tsutsumi Atsushi
ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY 25 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 379-388 2014年1月
Catalytic Hydrothermal Reforming of Lignin in Aqueous Alkaline Medium 査読有り
Kudo Shinji, Hachiyama Yasuyo, Takashima Yuka, Tahara Junya, Idesh Saruul, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 28 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 76-85 2014年1月
Preparation of Coke from Hydrothermally Treated Biomass in Sequence of Hot Briquetting and Carbonization 査読有り
Kudo Shinji, Mori Aska, Soejima Ryosuke, Murayama Fusa, Karnowo, Nomura Seiji, Dohi Yusuke, Norinaga Kayo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL 54 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 2461-2469 2014年
Sulfonate Ionic Liquid as a Stable and Active Catalyst for Levoglucosenone Production from Saccharides via Catalytic Pyrolysis 査読有り
Kudo Shinji, Zhou Zhenwei, Yamasaki Kento, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
CATALYSTS 3 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 757-773 2013年12月
Promoting gas production by controlling the interaction of volatiles with char during coal gasification in a circulating fluidized bed gasification reactor 査読有り
Matsuoka Koichi, Hosokai Sou, Kato Yoshishige, Kuramoto Koji, Suzuki Yoshizo, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY 116 巻 頁: 308-316 2013年12月
Preparation of Coke from Indonesian Lignites by a Sequence of Hydrothermal Treatment, Hot Briquetting, and Carbonization 査読有り
Mori Aska, Yuniati Mutia Dewi, Mursito Anggoro Tri, Kudo Shinji, Norinaga Koyo, Nonaka Moriyasu, Hirajima Tsuyoshi, Kim Hyun-Seok, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 6607-6616 2013年11月
Detailed Kinetic Analysis and Modeling of Steam Gasification of Char from Ca-Loaded Lignite 査読有り
Kim Hyun-Seok, Kudo Shinji, Tahara Keisuke, Hachiyama Yasuyo, Yang Hua, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 11 ) 頁: 6617-6631 2013年11月
Rapid pyrolysis of brown coal in a drop-tube reactor with co-feeding of char as a promoter of in situ tar reforming 査読有り
Zhang Li-xin, Matsuhara Toru, Kudo Shinji, Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Norinaga Koyo
FUEL 112 巻 頁: 681-686 2013年10月
Kudo S.
Catalysts 3 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 757-773 2013年9月
Catalytic effects of Na and Ca from inexpensive materials on in-situ steam gasification of char from rapid pyrolysis of low rank coal in a drop-tube reactor 査読有り
Zhang Li-xin, Kudo Shinji, Tsubouchi Naoto, Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Ohtsuka Yasuo, Norinaga Koyo
Catalytic Hydrothermal Reforming of Jatropha Oil in Subcritical Water for the Production of Green Fuels: Characteristics of Reactions over Pt and Ni Catalysts 査読有り
Idesh Saruul, Kudo Shinji, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 8 ) 頁: 4796-4803 2013年8月
Detailed Analysis of Residual Volatiles in Chars from the Pyrolysis of Biomass and Lignite 査読有り
Yang Hua, Kudo Shinji, Hazeyama Seira, Norinaga Koyo, Masek Ondrej, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 6 ) 頁: 3209-3223 2013年6月
Estimation of Enthalpy of Bio-Oil Vapor and Heat Required for Pyrolysis of Biomass 査読有り
Yang Hua, Kudo Shinji, Kuo Hsiu-Po, Norinaga Koyo, Mori Aska, Masek Ondrej, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 5 ) 頁: 2675-2686 2013年5月
Conversion Characteristics of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Simulated Gaseous Atmospheres in Reducing Section of Two-Stage Entrained-Flow Coal Gasifier in Air- and O-2/CO2-Blown Modes 査読有り
Sakurai Yasuhiro, Yamamoto Shuji, Kudo Shinji, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 1974-1981 2013年4月
Production of ketones from pyroligneous acid of woody biomass pyrolysis over an iron-oxide catalyst 査読有り
Mansur Dieni, Yoshikawa Takuya, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Tago Teruoki, Masuda Takao
FUEL 103 巻 頁: 130-134 2013年1月
Detailed chemical kinetic modelling of vapour-phase cracking of multi-component molecular mixtures derived from the fast pyrolysis of cellulose 査読有り
Norinaga Koyo, Shoji Tetsuya, Kudo Shinji, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
FUEL 103 巻 頁: 141-150 2013年1月
Simultaneous Maximization of the Char Yield and Volatility of Oil from Biomass Pyrolysis 査読有り
Huang Yong, Kudo Shinji, Masek Ondrej, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
ENERGY & FUELS 27 巻 ( 1 ) 頁: 247-254 2013年1月
Coproduction of clean syngas and iron from woody biomass and natural goethite ore 査読有り
Kudo Shinji, Sugiyama Keigo, Norinaga Koyo, Li Chun-Zhu, Akiyama Tomohiro, Hayashi Jun-ichiro
FUEL 103 巻 頁: 64-72 2013年1月