Graduate School of Law

Updated on 2024/12/08
Ph.D ( 2011.7 University College London )
LL.M ( 2006.6 University of Cambridge )
Humanities & Social Sciences / International law / public international law, international economic law
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne École de Droit de la Sorbonne Visiting Professor
Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba
2014.9 - 2016.3
Assistant Professor, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study
2012.4 - 2014.8
Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2010.7 - 2012.4
Teaching Fellow, University College London
2008.9 - 2009.3
Judge, Tokyo District Court
2002.10 - 2005.2
University College London Graduate School, Division of Law Public International Law
2007.1 - 2011.7
Country: United Kingdom
Japanese Association of International Economic Law
ICSID Panel of Conciliators, Designation by the Chairman of the ICSID Administrative Council Conciliator
2017.9 - 2023.9
The Center for American and International Law, Institute for Transnational Arbitration Member of the Academic Council
Committee type:Academic society
Investment Treaty Forum, British Institute of International and Comparative Law Advisory Board Member
Legal Advisory Committee of the Energy Charter Treaty Member of the Committee
Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration Arbitrator
Japan Sports Arbitration Agency Arbitrator
Japan International Mediation Center Mediator, Japan International Mediation Center
Counterclaims based on Corporate Climate Change Responsibility: Challenges and Prospects Invited Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Transnational dispute Management Vol. Advance Publication page: 1 - 18 2023.8
Materializing corporate social responsibility in investor-state dispute settlement Invited Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Columbia FDI Perspectives Vol. 312 page: 1 - 4 2021.8
Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration: Is the Host State the Right Claimant? Invited Reviewed International coauthorship
Tomoko Ishikawa
Jean Ho and Mavluda Sattorova (eds.) Investors’ International Law (Hart Publishing) 2021.6
Investment Screening on National Security Grounds and International Law: The Case of Japan Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Journal of International and Comparative Law Vol. 7 ( 1 ) page: 71-98 2020.6
Intervention: Investment arbitration Invited Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Max Planck Encyclopedias of Public International Law (Oxford Public International Law) page: 2019.9
紹介 Kei Nakajima, The International Law of Sovereign Debt Dispute Settlement Invited Reviewed
Vol. 122 ( 3 ) page: 177 - 181 2024.11
Security Exceptions in International Investment Agreements: The Case of Japan
Tomoko Ishikawa
Dai Yokomizo et al (eds), Changing Orders in International Economic Law Vol. Volume 1 page: 114 - 124 2023.12
E. Whitsitt, D. Bray, J. Chaisse, S. Forrest, T. Ishikawa, Joongi Kim, and F.G. Sourgens
Transnational Dispute Management Vol. 16 ( 5 ) page: 1-8 2019.10
Towards G20 Guiding Principles on Investment Facilitation for Sustainable Development
Axel Berger, Ahmad Ghouri, Tomoko Ishikawa, Karl P. Sauvant, Matthew Stephenson
SSRN 2019.3
Counterclaims and the Rule of Law in Investment Arbitration Invited Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
American Journal of International Law Unbound Vol. 113 page: 33-37 2019.1
Case Comment: Marco Gavazzi and Stefano Gavazzi v. Romania - A New Approach to Determining Jurisdiction over Counterclaims in ICSID Arbitration? Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
ICSID Review Vol. 32 ( 3 ) page: 721-728 2017.11
Effective Interpretation in Investment Arbitration: Lessons from the Jurisprudence of the WTO Appellate Body
Tomoko Ishikawa
International Economic Law Vol. 26 page: 6-26 2017.10
The Protection of Energy Investment under the ECT: An Extra-EU Country's Perspective Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
European Investment Law and Arbitration Review Vol. 2 page: 277-301 2017.10
Restitution as a `Second Chance' for Investor-State Relations: Restitution and Monetary Damages as Sequential Options Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution Vol. 3 page: 154-175 2017.4
The Rise of the Notion of Illegitimate Debt Invited Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Accounting, Economics and Law Vol. 6 ( 3 ) page: 189-217 2016.12
Provisional Application of Treaties at the Crossroads between International and Domestic Law Invited Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
ICSID Review Vol. 31 ( 2 ) page: 270-289 2016.6
The Principle of Effective Interpretation in the World Trade Organization and Investment Arbitration: Difference in Parameters? Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal Vol. 8 ( 2 ) page: 267-298 2015.11
Japan's Ambitious International Investment Agreement Policy - Laying the Groundwork for Future Disputes? Reviewed
Jonathan Stoel, Tomoko Ishikawa and Michael Jacobson
Transnational Dispute Management page: 1-27 2015.1
Extraterritorial Discovery in Aid of Execution and State Immunity: Case Comment on Republic of Argentina v. NML Capital, Ltd., 573 U.S. ___ (2014) Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium page: 1-20 2014.10
Collective Action Clauses in Sovereign Bond Contracts and Investment Treaty Arbitration an Approach to Reconcile the Irreconcilable Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium Vol. 3 ( 3 ) page: 63-98 2014.7
International Sovereign Debt and Investment Treaty Arbitration: Ambiente Ufficio S.p.A. and others v. Argentina Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
Rivista Dell' Arbitrato Vol. 2 page: 415-448 2014.5
Third Party Participation in Investment Treaty Arbitration Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa
International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol. 59 ( 2 ) page: 373-412 2010.4
Recalibrating the Balance in International Investment Agreements Invited Reviewed International coauthorship
Tomoko Ishikawa
Kung-Chung Liu, Julien Chaisse (eds.), The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP (Hart Publishing) 2019.11
Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: The Unexhausted Potential of Current Mechanisms Reviewed
Tomoko Ishikawa( Role: Sole author)
Cambridge University Press 2022.11
石川将康・加毛明(編)・石川知子他( Role: Joint author , 国際投資調停と第三者参加)
東京大学出版会 2024.7
Investors’ International Law International journal
Jean Ho and Mavluda Sattorova (eds.)( Role: Joint author , Chapter 8. Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration: Is the Host State the Right Claimant?)
Hart Publishing 2021.6
Public and Private Governance of Cybersecurity: Challenges and Potential Reviewed International journal
Tomoko Ishikawa and Yarik Kryvoi (eds.)( Role: Edit)
Cambridge University Press 2023.9
The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP
Kung-Chung Liu, Julien Chaisse et al.( Role: Joint author)
Hart Publishing 2019.11
International Investment Treaties and Arbitration Across Asia
Julien Chaisse, Luke Nottage et al.( Role: Joint author)
Brill/NIjhoff 2018.4
Asia's Changing International Investment Regime: Sustainability, Regionalization, and Arbitration
Julien Chaisse, Tomoko Ishikawa and Sufian Josoh( Role: Edit)
Springer 2017.10
International Economic Law and Governance Essays in Honour of Mitsuo Matsushita
Julien Chaisse, Tsai-yu Lin et al.( Role: Contributor , Balancing Investment Protection and Other Public Policy Goals: Lessons from World Trade Organization (WTO) Jurisprudence (Chapter 7))
Oxford University Press 2016.8 ( ISBN:9780198778257 )
Natural Resources Grabbing: An International Law Perspective
F.R. Jacur et al.( Role: Contributor , The Role of International Environmental Principles in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Precautionary and Polluter Pays Principles and Partial Compensation)
Brill/Nijhoff 2015.11
Reshaping the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Journeys for the 21st Century
J. Kalicki, A. Joubin-Bret et al. ( Role: Contributor)
Brill/NIjhoff 2015.2
Regional Cooperation and Free Trade Agreements in Asia
J. Hu, M. Vanhullebusch et al.( Role: Contributor)
Brill/Nijhoff 2014.9
The Belt and Road cooperation and Partnership Model Agreement
Wang Guiguo, Rajesh Sharma (eds.), Tomoko Ishikawa, Addis Adeno et al.(Chapter 7 Investment)
Joint Publishing (HK) 2023.10
Transnational Dispute Management Special Issue: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
Elizabeth Whitsitt, Stephanie Forrest, Joongi Kim, Devin Bray, Tomoko Ishikawa, Frédéric G. Sourgens, Julien Chaisse( Role: Joint editor)
MARIS b.v. 2019.10
講義 国際経済法
柳赫秀、久保田隆、梅島修、内記香子、国松麻季、加藤暁子、石川知子、中谷和弘、濱田太郎( Role: Joint author)
東信堂 2018.12
Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: India, Japan, R.O, Korea
Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee et al.( Role: Joint author)
Zhejiang University Press 2017.12
Rethinking International Law and Justice
C. Sampford et al.( Role: Contributor)
Ashgate 2015.1
Perspective on Energy Transition Disputes under the Modernised Energy Charter Treaty Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa, Barton Legum, Crina Baltag, Simon Batifort
Ministerial Meeting & 47th Session of the International Energy Charter Industry Advisory Panel 2024.12.4 Energy Charter Secretariat
Social License to Operate and Investor Responsibility Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Forty-Second ITF Public Conference Illegality in International Investment Law 2024.11.8 British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Better Settlement of Climate Change Disputes: A View from UNCITRAL Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
UNCITRAL Colloquium on the Law of International Trade for a Greener Future 2024.10.24 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
New Trends and Key Issues in International Trade and Energy Negotiations Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Emerging Framework for Global Negotiation on Energy and the WTO 2024.7.2 Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan Research Institute
エネルギー転換をめぐる国際法の現状と課題 Invited
名古屋大学協力会研究シーズ提案セミナー「カーボン・ニュートラル実現に向けた国際的な取組み」 2024.11.22 名大協力会
社会的操業許可(Social Licence to Operate)と投資紛争 ―エネルギー転換への示唆― Invited
世界法学会2024年度研究大会 2024.5.18 世界法学会
エネルギー転換の 地政学的影響: 法的視点から(討論) Invited
日本国際経済学会第83回全国大会 2024.10.6 日本国際経済学会
The ‘UNFCCC’ Model as a model for the Multilateral Instrument on ISDS Reform Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
The 7th intersessional meeting of UNCITRAL Working Group III 2024.3.8 UNCITRAL
Multilateral Legal Frameworks to Address Climate Change: Implementation Challenges and Responses Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
ILA Italy Environmental Transition Series 2024.1.18 International Law Association Italy
Unilateral Sanctions as a Climate Change Measure: Investment Claims and Defences Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
The 14th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence and InternationalLaw 2023.12.15 Yale University, Tulane University, Zhejiang University
Concluding Remarks Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Fortieth ITF Public Conference: Territory in International Investment Law 2023.11.10 British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Counterclaims based on Corporate Climate Change Responsibility Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
UNCITRAL Colloquium on Climate Change and the Law of International Trade 2023.7.13 The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
単独経済制裁と投資協定:「例外条項」の役割 Invited
国際取引法フォーラム 第201回定例研究会 2023.12.16 国際取引法フォーラム
Third Party Participation in Investor-State Mediation Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence 2022.12.9 Yale law school, Academy of International Strategy and Law
National Security Regime and FDI Invited International conference
National Security Regime and FDI 2022.5.12 British Institute of International and Comparative Law
The Japanese corporate approach to international dispute resolution Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
The Japanese corporate approach to international dispute resolution: a high-level comparison of litigation, arbitration and other forms of ADR 2022.4.18 International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration
対内直接投資規制強化の世界的傾向ー国際投資法への示唆 Invited International conference
チェコ投資スクリーニングウェビナー 2021.12.14 在日チェコ共和国大使館
Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Investor-State Dispute Settlement Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence 2021.10.30 Zhejiang University, Yale University Law School, Tulane University Law School
Asian Perspectives on ISDS Reform Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Arbitration and Mediation as a Global Force for Good: A New Dawn in the Post-Pandemic World
Careers in Investment Arbitration: Perspectives from East to West Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa, Duncan Watson, Ling Yang
Careers in Investment Arbitration: Perspectives from East to West
Meaning, Scope and Challenges of Security Exceptions in International Investment Agreements International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Seminar on Investor-state dispute settlement: international investment agreements in changing times
FDI Screening on Security Grounds Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
10th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence
FDI Screening in the EU-Japan Agreement Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
The Impact of EU Investment Law on International Economic Globalism
Screening inward FDI on national security grounds Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Should FDI be restricted on national security grounds?
EU Constitutional Preconditions and Limits Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
A Common European Law on Investment Screening
International Investor Obligations and Counterclaims Before Investor-State Tribunals Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Investor's International Law Workshop
Developments in the Arbitral Case Law Invited International conference
Jansen Calamita, Tomoko Ishikawa
ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area Economic Cooperation Work Programme: Regional Forum on Investment Disputes, Resolution and Prevention
Developments in International Treaty-making Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area Economic Cooperation Work Programme: Regional Forum on Investment Disputes, Resolution and Prevention
ISDS: Overview and Reform Directions Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Investment Law & Investor-State Mediator Training
From general exceptions clause to investor's obligations? Recent Developments Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Seminar on Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A New Paradigm of Investment Agreements and Investment Arbitrations
Corporate Responsibility in International Law: A Case of Investment Arbitration International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
30th SASE Annual Meeting "Global Reordering: Prospects for Equality, Democracy and Justice"
Ethics and the Rule of Law in Investment Arbitration Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
BIICL/GSID Seminar "Ethics and the Rule of Law in Investment Arbitration"
Japan's Current SEZ Policy: A Review of Issues and Options Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
ASIA FDI Forum: Special Economic Zones Issues & Implications for Investment Law
Reforming International Investment Arbitration Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP
Extraneous Legal Rules and Third Parties in Treaty Interpretation Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Twenty Ninth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference: Treaty Law Issues in International Investment Law
Towards `Legitimate' IIAs and Investment Arbitration International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
2. UNCITRAL Japan Seminar 2017: Prospects of Japanese Trade and Investment Policy
Enforcement of Investment Arbitration Award and Sovereign Immunity Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
3. Seminar on Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Evolution of Investment Arbitration - Challenges, Proposals and Implications
The Emergence of China's Investment Rule-Making Leadership in Asia International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
14th ASLI Conference: A Uniting Force? `Asian Values' and the Law
Legal issues in investment treaties and CSR Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Asian Development Finance in the Era of SDGs
A Japanese Perspective on International Investment Agreements: Recent Developments Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
SCIL/ CAPLUS Symposium: International Investment Arbitration Across Asia
Investment Agreement under the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) as the Basis of Global Investment Policy International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
4th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
TPP and the Digital Economy in Asia Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
APRU 2016 Digital Economy Summer Seminar
The Protection of Energy Investments under the ECT: an extra-EU country's perspective Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
What Energy Union?
わが国の投資協定政策の変遷とTPP投資章 Invited
What are the remedies available to investors under the ECT? Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Stockholm Energy Charter Treaty Forum
Japanese Perspective on International Investment Agreements Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
ICSID AT 50: the Evolution of International Investment Treaties and Dispute Resolution
Balancing Investment Protection and Public Policy Goals: the Role of Dispute Settlement Invited International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Asia FDI Forum
Keeping Interpretation in Investment Treaty Arbitration on Track: The Role of States Parties International conference
Tomoko Ishikawa
Balancing Investment Protection and Public Policy Goals: the Role of Dispute Settlement
Towards a Cooperative Climate Change Governance: With a focus on Low-Carbon Hydrogen Projects
2023.7 - 2029.3
JSPS Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\114660000 ( Direct Cost: \88200000 、 Indirect Cost:\26460000 )
Social Licence to Operate for Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production
2023.2 - 2024.1
The Mitsubishi Foundation Research Grants in the Humanities
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct Cost: \2240000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Emerging security threats and the development of economic globalisation
2019.10 - 2022.3
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research international law, international politics
Tomoko Ishikawa
Authorship:Principal investigator
2018.4 - 2021.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
石川 知子
Authorship:Principal investigator
2014.4 - 2017.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Seminar on International Development and Cooperation Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb
Multinational Enterprises and International Law
International Economic Law
Breaking Issues in International Economic Law
2023.2 (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Level:Postgraduate Country:France
Investment Dispute Settlement
2016.8 - 2019.8 (St. Gallen University)
Level:Postgraduate Country:Switzerland
International Business Law (Law on Foreign Investment)
2015.7 (The University of Tokyo)
Level:Undergraduate (specialized) Country:Japan
世界銀行グループ 日本人ジュニア・プロフェッショナル・オフィサー(JPO)採用面接官
世界銀行 2024.6
世界銀行グループ 日本人ジュニア・プロフェッショナル・オフィサー(JPO)採用面接官
Editor, Asian Journal of Comparative Law International contribution
Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Review, evaluation, Peer review
Cambridge University Press 2021.9
Reviewer for Global Sustainability International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
Cambridge University Press 2024.11
Editor, Journal of International Arbitration International contribution
Role(s):Planning, management, etc., Review, evaluation, Peer review
Kluwer Law International 2022.5
Reviewer for Asia Pacific Law Review
Role(s):Peer review
Reviewer for Transnational Dispute Management International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
Maris BV 2023.1
Reviewer for Asia Pacific Law Review International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
Reviewer for ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
Oxford University Press 2021.10
Reviewer for Review of European, Comparative & International Law International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
Reviewer for Leiden International of International Law International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
Cambridge University Press 2020.12
Reviewer for Melbourne Journal of International Law International contribution
Role(s):Peer review
University of Melbourne 2019.8
Reviewer for ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal
Role(s):Peer review
Oxford University Press 2019.3
Reviewer for Melbourne Journal of International Law
Role(s):Peer review
University of Melbourne 2018.3