Presentations -
Petrological characteristics of serpentinized peridotites dredged from oceanic core complexes in the Shikoku Basin
Segawa, I., Hirauchi, K., Ohara, Y., Kouketsu, Y., Michibayashi, K.
JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2020 Virtual 2020.7.14
Thermal structure near the continental Moho of subduction zone: Natural example of the Asemigawa region of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, SW Japan. Invited
Kouketsu. Y., Sadamoto, K., Umeda, H., Kawahara, H., Nagaya, T., Taguchi, T., Mori, H., Wallis, S. R., Enami, M.
JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2020 Virtual 2020.7.15
The Microstructure and Composition of Picrolitic Antigorite Veins in Serpentinites from the High-P Metamorphic Yuli Belt in Eastern Taiwan
Sakaguchi, I. T., Kouketsu, Y., Tsai, C., Dewangga, D. D., Michibayashi, K.
JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2020 Virtual 2020.7.16
The occurrence of jadeite in the ultramafic body discovered in the Sanbagawa belt, Shibukawa region, central Japan.
Shioya, H., Michibayashi, K., Kouketsu, Y., Enami, M.
JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2020 Virtual 2020.7.16
Raman spectroscopy of quartz eclogite in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt: Potential of Raman geobarometry using kyanite-quartz system.
Tomioka, Y., Kouketsu, Y., Taguchi, T.
JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2020 Virtual 2020.7.16
The formation process of axial internode skeletons in deep-sea isidid octocorals inferred from crystal orientation
Kozaka, Y., Michibayashi, K., Kouketsu, Y., Tokuda, Y., Sato, H.
JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2020 Virtual 2020.7.14
安藤宏太, 纐纈佑衣, 道林克禎
日本地質学会第126年学術大会(2019山口) 2019.9.24
塩谷輝, 道林克禎, 纐纈佑衣, 平内健一, 苗村康輔
日本地質学会第126年学術大会(2019山口) 2019.9.24
四国中央部三波川帯汗見川地域に記録され たモホ不連続面近傍におけるスラブの温度構造及び変形構造
纐纈佑衣, 貞本和志, 梅田隼人, 河原弘和, 永冶方敬, 田口知樹, 森宏, ウォリス サイモン, 榎並正樹
日本地質学会第126年学術大会(2019山口) 2019.9.24
ザクロ石中の相転移を伴わないコース石の発見とその意義:イタリア・西アルプスLago di Cignana Unitの例
田口知樹, 纐纈佑衣, 伊神洋平, 三宅亮
日本地質学会第126年学術大会(2019山口) 2019.9.24
Attenuated Total Reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy of serpentine minerals.
Sakaguchi, I., Kouketsu, Y., Michibayashi, K., Wallis, S.
榎並正樹, 纐纈佑衣, 道林克禎, 田口知樹
日本鉱物科学会2019年年会 2019.9.21
Generation of high fluid pressure at the base of the shallow mantle wedge—evidence from serpentinite of the Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan International conference
ウォリス サイモン、纐纈 佑衣、横田 麻莉
Crystal orientation analysis of olivine in ultra-mylonite using TKDmethod: progress in spatial resolution from EBSD International conference
Yohei Igami, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Kakihata Yuki, Yui Kouketsu
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Verification of damage by polishing of sheet-like minerals International conference
Yui Kouketsu, Kota Ando, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Antigorite Raman spectrum: a case study in Shiraga region of thecentral Shikoku, Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, SW Japan International conference
Kota Ando, Yui Kouketsu, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Static stage of exhumation of metamorphic rocks recorded in garnets: Evidence of EBSD-EPMA mapping International conference
Yui Kouketsu
2018 AGU Fall Meeting
纐纈 佑⾐, 柿畑 優季, 清⽔ 健⼆, 道林 克禎, Wallis Simon
Wide variety of crystallinity of carbonaceous materials in metasedimentary schists in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan International conference
Yui Kouketsu, Chih Ying Yeh, Chin Ho Tsai, Masaki Enami
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Effect of shearing by polishing on the crystallinity of graphite International conference
Yui Kouketsu, Masaki Enami, Akira Miyake, Tomoki Taguchi, Yohei Igami, Hiroyuki Kagi
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018