Updated on 2024/04/05


Graduate School of Science Associate professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Science
Graduate School of Humanities
Undergraduate School
School of Science Department of Physics
Associate professor
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Degree 1

  1. 博士(理学) ( 2010.3   名古屋大学 ) 

Research Interests 11

  1. 宇宙線イメージング

  2. Cosmic Rays

  3. Nuclear Emulsion

  4. 中性子

  5. レーザー加速

  6. ミューオンラジオグラフィ

  7. ミューオン

  8. ミュオグラフィ

  9. Emulsion

  10. Imaging

  11. イオン計測

Research Areas 6

  1. Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Disaster prevention engineering

  2. Energy Engineering / Quantum beam science

  3. Humanities & Social Sciences / Archaeology

  4. Natural Science / Experimental studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics

  5. Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Geotechnical engineering

  6. Energy Engineering / Nuclear engineering

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Current Research Project and SDGs 1

  1. 宇宙線イメージングによる巨大物体内部の非破壊三次元可視化

Research History 3

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Science   Associate professor


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  2. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Science   Designated assistant professor

    2019.4 - 2021.3

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  3. Nagoya University   Designated assistant professor

    2014.4 - 2019.3

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Education 1

  1. Nagoya University

    2004.4 - 2010.3

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Professional Memberships 4

  1. 日本オリエント学会


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  2. 日本物理学会

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  3. 日本写真学会

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  4. 応用物理学会

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Committee Memberships 1

  1. 一般社団法人日本写真学会   幹事  


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    Committee type:Academic society


Awards 9

  1. 2022年度 日本写真学会 学術賞

    2022.6   一般社団法人 日本写真学会   宇宙線イメージング技術の開発と応用

    森島 邦博

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  2. 第4回宇宙開発利用大賞 文部科学大臣賞

    2020.3   一般財団法人 日本宇宙フォーラム   宇宙線を活用した巨大物体の内部イメージング


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  3. 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞

    2019.4   文部科学省   原子核乾板による宇宙線イメージングの開発とその応用の研究


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  4. NEDO-TCP 最優秀賞

    2019.1   国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構   Cosmic Ray Imaging


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  5. 市村学術賞 貢献賞

    2017.4   公益社団法人 新技術開発財団   原子核乾板を用いたミューオンラジオグラフィ―の開拓

    森島邦博, 中野敏行

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  6. 日本物理学会 第21 回(2016年)論文賞

    2016.2   Observation of tau neutrino appearance in the CNGS beam with the OPERA experiment

    N. Agafonova, A. Aleksandrov, A. Anokhina, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, T. Asada, D. Bender, A. Bertolin, C. Bozza, R. Brugnera, A. Buonaura, S. Buontempo, B. Büttner, M. Chernyavsky, A. Chukanov, L. Consiglio, N. D'Ambrosio, G. de Lellis, M. de Serio, P. Del Amo Sanchez, A. Di Crescenzo, D. Di Ferdinando, N. Di Marco, S. Dmitrievski, M. Dracos, D. Duchesneau, S. Dusini, T. Dzhatdoev, J. Ebert, A. Ereditato, R. A. Fini, T. Fukuda, G. Galati, A. Garfagnini, G. Giacomelli, C. Goellnitz, J. Goldberg, Y. Gornushkin, G. Grella, M. Guler, C. Gustavino, C. Hagner, T. Hara, T. Hayakawa, A. Hollnagel, B. Hosseini, H. Ishida, K. Ishiguro, K. Jakovcic, C. Jollet, C. Kamiscioglu, M. Kamiscioglu, T. Katsuragawa, J. Kawada, H. Kawahara, J. H. Kim, S. H. Kim, N. Kitagawa, B. Klicek, K. Kodama, M. Komatsu, U. Kose, I. Kreslo, A. Lauria, J. Lenkeit, A. Ljubicic, A. Longhin, P. Loverre, M. Malenica, A. Malgin, G. Mandrioli, T. Matsuo, V. Matveev, N. Mauri, E. Medinaceli, A. Meregaglia, M. Meyer, S. Mikado, M. Miyanishi, P. Monacelli, M.C. Montesi, K. Morishima, M. T. Muciaccia, N. Naganawa, T. Naka, M. Nakamura, T. Nakano, Y. Nakatsuka, K. Niwa, S. Ogawa, N. Okateva, A. Olshevsky, T. Omura, K. Ozaki, A. Paoloni, B. D. Park, I. G. Park, L. Pasqualini, A. Pastore, L. Patrizii, H. Pessard, C. Pistillo, D. Podgrudkov, N. Polukhina, M. Pozzato, F. Pupilli, M. Roda, T. Roganova, H. Rokujo, G. Rosa, O. Ryazhskaya, O. Sato, A. Schembri, I. Shakiryanova, T. Shchedrina, A. Sheshukov, H. Shibuya, T. Shiraishi, G. Shoziyoev, S. Simone, M. Sioli, C. Sirignano, G. Sirri, M. Spinetti, L. Stanco, N. Starkov, S. M. Stellacci, M. Stipcevic, P. Strolin, S. Takahashi, M. Tenti, F. Terranova, V. Tioukov, S. Tufanli, A. Umemoto, P. Vilain, M. Vladimirov, L. Votano, J. L. Vuilleumier, G. Wilquet, B. Wonsak, C. S. Yoon, I. Yaguchi, M. Yoshimoto, S. Zemskova, A. Zghiche

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  7. 2015年度 日本写真学会 進歩賞


    Kunihiro Morishima

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  8. 第20回放射線奨励賞


    Kunihiro Morishima

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  9. NEDO-TCP オーディエンス賞

    2019.1   国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構   Cosmic Ray Imaging


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Papers 109

  1. Development of cosmic-ray imaging with nuclear emulsion films for safety assessments of levees Reviewed

    Nobuko Kitagawa, Kunihiro Morishima, Yutaka Fukumoto, Hiroyasu Yasuda, Tomoya Imanishi, Kazuki Kishimoto, Hiroto Kodama, Fuyu Miyata, Kento Morii, Kento Nakano, Taketo Nishigaki, Kai Shimizu

    Proceedings of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2023)     2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Sissa Medialab  

    DOI: 10.22323/1.444.0540


  2. Hidden chamber discovery in the underground Hellenistic necropolis of Neapolis by muography Reviewed

    Valeri Tioukov, Kunihiro Morishima, Carlo Leggieri, Federico Capriuoli, Nobuko Kitagawa, Mitsuaki Kuno, Yuta Manabe, Akira Nishio, Andrey Alexandrov, Valerio Gentile, Antonio Iuliano, Giovanni De Lellis

    Scientific Reports   Vol. 13 ( 1 )   2023.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  


    We report in this paper the muography of an archaeological site located in the highly populated “Sanità” district in the center of Naples, ten meters below the current street level. Several detectors capable of detecting muons - high energy charged particles produced by cosmic rays in the upper layers of atmosphere - were installed underground at the depth of 18 m, to measure the muon flux over several weeks. By measuring the differential flux with our detectors in a wide angular range, we have produced a radiographic image of the upper layers. Despite the architectural complexity of the site, we have clearly observed the known structures as well as a few unknown ones. One of the observed new structures is compatible with the existence of a hidden, currently inaccessible, burial chamber.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-32626-0

    Web of Science



    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-32626-0

  3. Precise characterization of a corridor-shaped structure in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons Reviewed International coauthorship

    Sébastien Procureur, Kunihiro Morishima, Mitsuaki Kuno, Yuta Manabe, Nobuko Kitagawa, Akira Nishio, Hector Gomez, David Attié, Ami Sakakibara, Kotaro Hikata, Masaki Moto, Irakli Mandjavidze, Patrick Magnier, Marion Lehuraux, Théophile Benoit, Denis Calvet, Xavier Coppolani, Mariam Kebbiri, Philippe Mas, Hany Helal, Mehdi Tayoubi, Benoit Marini, Nicolas Serikoff, Hamada Anwar, Vincent Steiger, Fumihiko Takasaki, Hirofumi Fujii, Kotaro Satoh, Hideyo Kodama, Kohei Hayashi, Pierre Gable, Emmanuel Guerriero, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Tamer Elnady, Yasser Elshayeb, Mohamed Elkarmoty

    Nature Communications     2023.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36351-0

  4. Development of High-Resolution Nuclear Emulsion Plates for Synchrotron X-Ray Topography Observation of Large-Size Semiconductor Wafers Reviewed

    Harada Shunta, Nishigaki Taketo, Kitagawa Nobuko, Ishiji Kotaro, Hanada Kenji, Tanaka Atsushi, Morishima Kunihiro


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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11664-023-10270-8

    Web of Science

  5. Measurement method for laser-accelerated multi-hundred-MeV protons utilizing multiple Coulomb scattering in an emulsion cloud chamber Reviewed

    Asai Takafumi, Inoue Chihiro, Jinno Satoshi, Kitagawa Nobuko, Kodaira Satoshi, Morishima Kunihiro, Fukuda Yuji, Yamauchi Tomoya, Kanasaki Masato

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   Vol. 62 ( 1 )   2023.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.35848/1347-4065/acac59

    Web of Science

  6. Laser-driven multi-MeV high-purity proton acceleration via anisotropic ambipolar expansion of micron-scale hydrogen clusters Reviewed

    Jinno Satoshi, Kanasaki Masato, Asai Takafumi, Matsui Ryutaro, Pirozhkov Alexander S., Ogura Koichi, Sagisaka Akito, Miyasaka Yasuhiro, Nakanii Nobuhiko, Kando Masaki, Kitagawa Nobuko, Morishima Kunihiro, Kodaira Satoshi, Kishimoto Yasuaki, Yamauchi Tomoya, Uesaka Mitsuru, Kiriyama Hiromitsu, Fukuda Yuji

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 12 ( 1 )   2022.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18710-x

    Web of Science

  7. Three-dimensional density tomography determined from multi-directional muography of the Omuroyama scoria cone, Higashi-Izu monogenetic volcano field, Japan Reviewed

    Nagahara Shogo, Miyamoto Seigo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke

    BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY   Vol. 84 ( 10 )   2022.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00445-022-01596-y

    Web of Science

  8. Measurements of protons and charged pions emitted from nu(mu) charged-current interactions on iron at a mean neutrino energy of 1.49 GeV using a nuclear emulsion detector Reviewed

    Oshima H., Matsuo T., Ali A., Aoki S., Berns L., Fukuda T., Hanaoka Y., Hayato Y., Hiramoto A., Ichikawa A. K., Inamoto H., Kasumi A., Kawahara H., Kikawa T., Komatani R., Komatsu M., Kuretsubo K., Marushima T., Matsumoto H., Mikado S., Minamino A., Mizuno K., Morimoto Y., Morishima K., Naganawa N., Naiki M., Nakamura M., Nakamura Y., Nakano T., Nakaya T., Nishio A., Odagawa T., Ogawa S., Rokujo H., Sato O., Shibuya H., Sugimura K., Suzui L., Suzuki Y., Takagi H., Takahashi S., Takao T., Tanihara Y., Watanabe M., Yamada K., Yasutome K., Yokoyama M., Yoshimoto M., NINJA Collaboration N. I. N. J. A. Collaboration

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Vol. 106 ( 3 )   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.032016

    Web of Science

  9. Development of glass-based nuclear emulsion plate as an ultra-high precision tracking detector in the era of fully automated readout systems Reviewed

    Manabe Yuta, Morishima Kunihiro, Kitagawa Nobuko, Nishio Akira, Kuno Mitsuaki


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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2022.166741

    Web of Science

  10. The SHiP experiment at the proposed CERN SPS Beam Dump Facility Reviewed International coauthorship

    Ahdida C., Akmete A., Albanese R., Alt J., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Baaltasar Dos Santos F., Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I., Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Boiarska I., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brignoli A., Buescher V., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K. -Y., Chumakov A., Climescu M., Conaboy A., Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., de Asmundis R., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Giulio L., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dmitrenko V., Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Donskov S., Drohan V., Dubreuil A., Durhan O., Ehlert M., Elikkaya E., Enik T., Etenko A., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Ferrillo M., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fischer H., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V., Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golovtsov V., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V., Grandchamp A. L., Graverini E., Grenard J. -L., Grenier D., Grichine V., Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu., Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I., Kain V., Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Karpenkov D., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim Y. G., Kim V., Kitagawa N., Ko J. -W., Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I., Kolosov V., Komatsu M., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I., Korol'ko I., Korzenev A., Koukovini Platia E., Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I., Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V., Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Leonardo N., Levy J. -M., Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Lopez Sola E., Lyons F., Lyubovitskij V., Maalmi J., Magnan A. -M., Maleev V., Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu., Mikulenko A., Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Park B. D., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V., Polukhina N., Prieto Prieto J., Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Reghunath A., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Rodrigues Cavalcante A. B., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V., Samsonov V., Sanchez Galan F., Santos Diaz P., Sanz Ull A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Schumann M., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V., Shibuya H., Shihora L., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Soares G., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Than Naing S., Timiryasov I., Tioukov V., Tommasini D., Torii M., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ursov E., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Uvarov L., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venkova P., Venturi V., Vidulin I., Vilchinski S., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Williams O., Woo J. -K., Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zaytsev Yu., Zelenov A., Zimmerman J.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 82 ( 5 )   2022.5

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  11. A muographic study of a scoria cone from 11 directions using nuclear emulsion cloud chambers Reviewed

    Miyamoto Seigo, Nagahara Shogo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.5194/gi-11-127-2022

    Web of Science

  12. Track reconstruction and matching between emulsion and silicon pixel detectors for the SHiP-charm experiment

    Ahdida C., Akmete A., Albanese R., Alt J., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Dos Santos F. Baaltasar, Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V, Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I, Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Boiarska I, Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brignoli A., Buescher V, Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K-Y, Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Cicero V, Climescu M., Conaboy A., Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., de Asmundis R., Saraiva J. De Carvalho, De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Giulio L., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dmitrenko V, Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V, Dubreuil A., Durhan O., Ehlert M., Elikkaya E., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferrillo M., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fischer H., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V, Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golovtsov V, Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V, Gorshenkov M., Grachev V, Grandchamp A. L., Graverini E., Grenard J-L, Grenier D., Grichine V, Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu, Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I, Kain V, Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Karpenkov D., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim Y. G., Kim V, Kitagawa N., Ko J-W, Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I, Kolosov V, Komatsu M., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I, Korol'koo I, Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V, Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I, Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V, Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Leonardo N., Levy J-M, Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Sola E. Lopez, Lyons F., Lyubovitskij V, Maalmi J., Magnan A-M, Maleev V, Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu, Mikulenko A., Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V, Polukhina N., Prieto J. Prieto, Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Reghunath A., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V, Samsonov V, Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Ull A. Sanz, Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Schumann M., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V, Shibuya H., Shihora L., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Soares G., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I, Tioukov V, Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ursov E., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Uvarov L., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venkova P., Venturi V., Vidulin I, Vilchinski S., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Williams O., Woo J-K, Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zaytsev Yu, Zelenov A., Zimmerman J.

    JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Vol. 17 ( 3 )   2022.3

  13. Performance of an emulsion telescope for gamma-ray observations in the GRAINE2018 balloon-borne experiment Reviewed

    Nakamura Yuya, Aoki Shigeki, Iyono Atsushi, Karasuno Ayaka, Kodama Kohichi, Komatani Ryosuke, Komatsu Masahiro, Komiyama Masahiro, Kuretsubo Kenji, Marushima Toshitsugu, Matsuda Syota, Morishima Kunihiro, Morishita Misaki, Naganawa Naotaka, Nakamura Mitsuhiro, Nakamura Motoya, Nakamura Takafumi, Nakano Noboru, Nakano Toshiyuki, Nishio Akira, Oda Miyuki, Rokujo Hiroki, Sato Osamu, Sugimura Kou, Suzuki Atsumu, Takahashi Satoru, Torii Mayu, Yamamoto Saya, Yoshimoto Masahiro


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptab148

    Web of Science

  14. OPERA tau neutrino charged current interactions Reviewed International coauthorship

    Agafonova N., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., del Amo Sanchez P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V., Goldberg J., Gorbunov S., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Ishiguro K., Iuliano A., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Lavasa A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Shakirianova I., Schembri A., Shchedrina T., Shibayama E., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Simko T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tsanaktsidis I., Tufanli S., Ustyuzhanin A., Vasina S., Vidal Garcia M., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Yoon C. S.

    SCIENTIFIC DATA   Vol. 8 ( 1 )   2021.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41597-021-00991-y

    Web of Science

  15. Track formation in nuclear emulsion plates for cosmic-ray imaging with stabilized Ag nanoparticles Reviewed

    T. Tani, A. Nishio, T. Uchida, K. Morishima

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   Vol. 1006   page: 165427 - 165427   2021.8

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165427

    Web of Science


  16. Sensitivity of the SHiP experiment to dark photons decaying to a pair of charged particles Reviewed International coauthorship

    Ahdida C., Akmete A., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Baaltasar Dos Santos F., Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V, Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I, Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Boiarska I, Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Buescher V, Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K-Y, Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Cicero V, Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., de Asmundis R., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Giulio L., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dmitrenko V, Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V, Dubreuil A., Durhan O., Ehlert M., Elikkaya E., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferrillo M., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V, Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golovtsov V, Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V, Gorshenkov M., Grachev V, Grandchamp A. L., Graverini E., Grenard J-L, Grenier D., Grichine V, Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu, Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I, Kain V, Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Karpenkov D., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim Y. G., Kim V, Kitagawa N., Ko J-W, Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I, Kolosov V, Komatsu M., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I, Korol'ko I, Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V, Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I, Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V, Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Leonardo N., Levy J-M, Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Lopez Sola E., Lyubovitskij V, Maalmi J., Magnan A-M, Maleev V, Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu, Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V, Polukhina N., Prieto J. Prieto, Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V, Samsonov V, Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Ull A. Sanz, Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V, Shibuya H., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Soares G., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I, Tioukov V, Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ursov E., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Uvarov L., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venturi V., Vidulin I, Vilchinski S., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Williams O., Woo J-K, Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zaytsev Yu, Zelenov A., Zimmerman J.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 81 ( 5 )   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09224-3

    Web of Science

  17. Sensitivity of the SHiP experiment to light dark matter Reviewed International coauthorship

    Ahdida C., Akmete A., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Baaltasar Dos Santos F., Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V., Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I., Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Boiarska I., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Buscher V., Buonaura A., Buonocore L., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K. -Y., Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Cicero V., Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., de Asmundis R., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Giulio L., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dmitrenko V., Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V., Dubreuil A., Durhan O., Ehlert M., Elikkaya E., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferrillo M., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Frugiuele C., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V., Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golovtsov V., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V., Grandchamp A. L., Graverini E., Grenard J. -L., Grenier D., Grichine V., Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu., Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I., Kain V., Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Karpenkov D., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim Y. G., Kim V., Kitagawa N., Ko J. -W., Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I., Kolosov V., Komatsu M., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I., Korol'ko I., Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V., Koukovini Platia E., Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I., Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V., Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Levy J. -M., Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Lopez Sola E., Lyubovitskij V., Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V., Malinin A., Maltoni F., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mattelaer O., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu., Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V., Polukhina N., Prieto Prieto J., Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Rodrigues Cavalcante A. B., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V., Samsonov V., Sanchez Galan F., Santos Diaz P., Sanz Ull A., Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V., Shibuya H., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Than Naing S., Timiryasov I., Tioukov V., Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Tramontano F., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ursov E., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Uvarov L., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venturi V., Vilchinski S., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Williams O., Woo J. -K., Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zaytsev Yu., Zelenov A., Zimmerman J.


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2021)199

    Web of Science

  18. First measurement using a nuclear emulsion detector of the nu(mu) charged-current cross section on iron around the 1 GeV energy region Reviewed

    Oshima H., Matsuo T., Ali A., Aoki S., Berns L., Fukuda T., Hanaoka Y., Hayato Y., Hiramoto A., Ichikawa A. K., Kawahara H., Kikawa T., Komatani R., Komatsu M., Kuretsubo K., Marushima T., Matsumoto H., Mikado S., Minamino A., Mizuno K., Morimoto Y., Morishima K., Naganawa N., Naiki M., Nakamura M., Nakamura Y., Nakano N., Nakano T., Nakaya T., Nishio A., Odagawa T., Ogawa S., Rokujo H., Sato O., Shibuya H., Sugimura K., Suzui L., Suzuki Y., Takagi H., Takahashi S., Takao T., Tanihara Y., Watanabe R., Yamada K., Yasutome K., Yokoyama M.


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptab027

    Web of Science

  19. Latent image stabilization in nuclear emulsions for cosmic-ray imaging Reviewed

    Tadaaki Tani, Akira Nishio, Takayuki Uchida, Kunihiro Morishima

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   Vol. 975   page: 164163 - 164163   2020.9

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2020.164163

    Web of Science


  20. First observation of a tau neutrino charged current interaction with charm production in the OPERA experiment OPERA Collaboration

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V, Goldberg J., Gorbunov S., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Ishiguro K., Iuliano A., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I, Laudisio F., Lauria A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V, Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Okateva N., Ogawa S., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakirianova I, Shchedrina T., Shibuya H., Shibayama E., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V, Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Yoon C. S.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 80 ( 8 )   2020.8

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  21. Nuclear emulsion with excellent long-term stability developed for cosmic-ray imaging Reviewed

    Akira Nishio, Kunihiro Morishima, Ken-ichi Kuwabara, Tetsuo Yoshida, Takeshi Funakubo, Nobuko Kitagawa, Mitsuaki Kuno, Yuta Manabe, Mitsuhiro Nakamura

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   Vol. 966   page: 163850 - 163850   2020.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2020.163850


  22. Measurement of the muon flux from 400 GeV/c protons interacting in a thick molybdenum/tungsten target

    Ahdida C., Akmete A., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Dos Santos F. Baaltasar, Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V, Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I, Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Boiarska I, Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Buescher V, Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K-Y, Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Cicero V, Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., de Asmundis R., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Giulio L., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dmitrenko V, Dmitrievskiy S., Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V, Dubreuil A., Durhan O., Ehlert M., Elikkaya E., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferrillo M., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V, Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V, Gorshenkov M., Grachev V, Grandchamp A. L., Graverini E., Grenard J-L, Grenier D., Grichine V, Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu, Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I, Kain V, Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Karpenkov D., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim Y. G., Kim V, Kitagawa N., Ko J-W, Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I, Kolosov V, Komatsu M., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I, Korol'ko I, Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V, Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I, Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V, Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Levy J-M, Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Sola E. Lopez, Lyubovitskij V, Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V, Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu, Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V, Polukhina N., Prieto J. Prieto, Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V, Samsonov V, Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Ull A. Sanz, Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V, Shibuya H., Shihora L., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I, Tioukov V, Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ursov E., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venturi V., Vilchinski S., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Williams O., Woo J-K, Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zaytsev Yu, Zimmerman J.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 80 ( 3 )   2020.3

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  23. The magnet of the scattering and neutrino detector for the SHiP experiment at CERN

    Ahdida C., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Dos Santos F. Baaltasar, Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V., Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Berezkina I., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I., Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brundler R., Bruschi M., Buescher V., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K. -Y., Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., Saraiva J. De Carvalho, De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dipinto P., Dmitrenko V., Dmitrievskiy S., Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V., Dubreuil A., Ehlert M., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fabbri L., Fabich A., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V., Gerlach S., Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V., Gornushkin Y., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V., Grandchamp A. L., Granich G., Graverini E., Grenard J. -L., Grenier D., Grichine V., Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu., Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Ivantchenko V., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I., Kain V., Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim S. H., Kim Y. G., Kim V., Kitagawa N., Ko J. -W., Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I., Kolosov V., Komatsu M., Kondrateva N., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I., Korol'ko I., Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V., Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I., Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V., Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Levy J. -M., Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Sola E. Lopez, Lyubovitskij V., Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V., Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu., Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Minutolo V., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park S. K., Passeggio G., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V., Polukhina N., Prieto J., Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V., Samsonov V., Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Sanz A., Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V., Shibuya H., Shihora L., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Storaci B., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I., Tioukov V., Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venkova P., Venturi V., Vilchinski S., Villa M., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Woo J. -K., Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zarubin P., Zarubina I., Zaytsev Yu.

    JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Vol. 15 ( 1 )   2020.1

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  24. Fast simulation of muons produced at the SHiP experiment using Generative Adversarial Networks

    Ahdida C., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Dos Santos F. Baaltasar, Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V, Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Berezkina I, Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I, Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brundler R., Bruschi M., Bscher V, Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K-Y, Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Congedo L., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dipinto P., Dmitrenko V, Dmitrievskiy S., Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V, Dubreuil A., Ehlert M., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fabbri L., Fabich A., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V, Gerlach S., Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V, Gornushkin Y., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V, Grandchamp A. L., Granich G., Graverini E., Grenard J-L, Grenier D., Grichine V, Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu, Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Ivantchenko V, Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I, Kain V, Kaiser B., Kamiscioglu C., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim S. H., Kim Y. G., Kim V, Kitagawa N., Ko J-W, Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I, Kolosov V, Komatsu M., Kondrateva N., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I, Korol'ko I, Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V, Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I, Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V, Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Levy J-M, Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Sola E. Lopez, Lyubovitskij V, Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V, Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu, Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park S. K., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V, Polukhina N., Prieto J. Prieto, Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V, Samsonov V, Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Ull A. Sanz, Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schliwinski J. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V, Shibuya H., Shihora L., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Storaci B., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I, Tioukov V, Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venkova P., Venturi V., Vilchinski S., Villa M., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Woo J-K, Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zarubin P., Zarubina I, Zaytsev Yu

    JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Vol. 14   2019.11

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  25. Measurement of the cosmic ray muon flux seasonal variation with the OPERA detector

    Agafonova N., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V, Goldberg J., Gorbunov S., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Ishiguro K., Iuliano A., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I, Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V, Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I, Shchedrina T., Shibayama E., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V, Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Yoon C. S.


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  26. Final results on neutrino oscillation parameters from the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V., Goldberg J., Gorbunov S., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Ishiguro K., Iuliano A., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Shibayama E., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Yoon C. S.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Vol. 100 ( 5 )   2019.9

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  27. Development of a balloon-style pressure vessel gondola for balloon-borne emulsion gamma-ray telescopes

    Rokujo H., Komiyama M., Aoki S., Hamada K., Hara T., Iyono A., Kawahara H., Kodama K., Komatani R., Komatsu M., Kuretsubo K., Marushima T., Matsuda S., Matsumoto H., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Morishima K., Morishita M., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakamura T., Nakamura Y., Nakano T., Nishio A., Niwa K., Okada S., Otsuka N., Ozaki K., Sato O., Shibayama E., Suzuki A., Takahashi S., Tateishi Y., Torii M., Yabu M., Yamada K., Yamamoto S., Yoshimoto M.


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  28. Application of nuclear emulsions for the identification of multi-MeV protons in laser ion acceleration experiments Reviewed

    Takafumi Asai, Masato Kanasaki, Satoshi Jinno, Nobuko Kitagawa, Nobumichi Shutoh, Satoshi Kodaira, YAMAUCHI TOMOYA, Keiji Oda, Kunihiro Morishima, Yuji Fukuda

    High Energy Density Physics   Vol. 32   page: 44 - 50   2019.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER  

    Nuclear emulsions are applied to identify multi-MeV protons accelerated by an intense PW-class laser. Although nuclear emulsions, which record the three-dimensional trajectories of charged particles, feature high sensitivity and a sub-micron spatial resolution, they have never been used for the detection of laser-accelerated ions. This is because intense laser-matter interactio

    DOI: 10.1016/j.hedp.2019.04.002

    Web of Science


  29. Sensitivity of the SHiP experiment to Heavy Neutral Leptons

    Ahdida C., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Dos Santos F. Baaltasar, Back J. J., Bagulya A., Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V., Bencivenni G., Berdnikov Y. A., Berdnikov A. Y., Berezkina I., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I., Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brundler R., Bruschi M., Buescher V., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K. -Y., Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dipinto P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Marco N., Dmitrenko V., Dmitrievskiy S., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Dougherty L. A., Drohan V., Dubreuil A., Ebert J., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fabbri L., Fabich A., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Ferro-Luzzi M., Felici G., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V., Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov S., Gorbunov D., Gorkavenko V., Gornushkin Y., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V., Grandchamp A. L., Granich G., Graverini E., Grenard J. -L., Grenier D., Grichine V., Gruzinskii N., Guz Yu., Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Ivantchenko V., Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I., Kain V., Kamiscioglu C., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim Y. G., Kim V., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Ko J. -W., Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I., Kolosov V., Komatsu M., Kondrateva N., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I., Korol'ko I., Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V., Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I., Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V., Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Levy J. -M., Lopes L., Sola E. Lopez, Loschiavo V. P., Lyubovitskij V., Guler A. M., Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V., Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu., Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owen P. H., Owtscharenko N., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Paparella R., Park B. D., Park S. K., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V., Polukhina N., Prieto J. Prieto, Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Robbe P., Rodin Viktor, Rodin Volodymyr, Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V., Samsonov V., Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Ull A. Sanz, Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V., Shibuya H., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Storaci B., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I., Tioukov V., Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., van Herwijnen E., van Waasen S., Venkova P., Venturi V., Vilchinski S., Villa M., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Woo J. -K., Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zarubin P., Zarubina I., Zaytsev Yu.


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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2019)077

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  30. Discovery of a big void in Khufu's Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Kunihiro Morishima, Mitsuaki Kuno, Akira Nishio, Nobuko Kitagawa, Yuta Manabe, Masaki Moto, Fumihiko Takasaki, Hirofumi Fujii, Kotaro Satoh, Hideyo Kodama, Kohei Hayashi, Shigeru Odaka, Sébastien Procureur, David Atti, Simon Bouteille, Denis Calvet, Christopher Filosa, Patrick Magnier, Irakli Mandjavidze, Marc Riallot, Benoit Marini, Pierre Gable, Yoshikatsu Date, Makiko Sugiura, Yasser Elshayeb, Tamer Elnady, Mustapha Ezzy, Emmanuel Guerriero, Vincent Steige, Nicolas Serikoff, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Bernard Charlès, Hany Helal, Mehdi Tayoubi

    Nature   Vol. 552 ( 7685 ) page: 386 - +   2017.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Nature Publishing Group  

    The Great Pyramid, or Khufu's Pyramid, was built on the Giza plateau in Egypt during the fourth dynasty by the pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), who reigned from 2509 bc to 2483 bc. Despite being one of the oldest and largest monuments on Earth, there is no consensus about how it was built. To understand its internal structure better, we imaged the pyramid using muons, which are by-products of cosmic rays that are only partially absorbed by stone. The resulting cosmic-ray muon radiography allows us to visualize the known and any unknown voids in the pyramid in a non-invasive way. Here we report the discovery of a large void (with a cross-section similar to that of the Grand Gallery and a minimum length of 30 metres) situated above the Grand Gallery. This constitutes the first major inner structure found in the Great Pyramid since the nineteenth century. The void, named ScanPyramids' Big Void, was first observed with nuclear emulsion films installed in the Queen's chamber, then confirmed with scintillator hodoscopes set up in the same chamber and finally re-confirmed with gas detectors outside the pyramid. This large void has therefore been detected with high confidence by three different muon detection technologies and three independent analyses. These results constitute a breakthrough for the understanding of the internal structure of Khufu's Pyramid. Although there is currently no information about the intended purpose of this void, these findings show how modern particle physics can shed new light on the world's archaeological heritage.

    DOI: 10.1038/nature24647

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    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/nature24647

  31. Development of nuclear emulsion for muography Reviewed

    Kunihiro Morishima, Akira Nishio, Masaki Moto, Toshiyuki Nakano, Mitsuhiro Nakamura

    Annals of Geophysics   Vol. 60 ( 1 )   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV  

    DOI: 10.4401/ag-7387

    Web of Science


  32. Determination of the muon charge sign with the dipolar spectrometers of the OPERA experiment

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyavsky M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Goloubkov D., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Meyer M., Mikado S., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Rokujo H., Roganova T., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.


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  33. Extra-large crystal emulsion detectors for future large-scale experiments Reviewed

    T. Ariga, A. Ariga, K. Kuwabara, K. Morishima, M. Moto, A. Nishio, P. Scampoli, M. Vladymyrov

    JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Vol. 11   page: P03003   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

    Photographic emulsion is a particle tracking device which features the best spatial resolution among particle detectors. For certain applications, for example muon radiography, large-scale detectors are required. Therefore, a huge surface has to be analyzed by means of automated optical microscopes. An improvement of the readout speed is then a crucial point to make these applications possible and the availability of a new type of photographic emulsions featuring crystals of larger size is a way to pursue this program. This would allow a lower magnification for the microscopes, a consequent larger field of view resulting in a faster data analysis. In this framework, we developed new kinds of emulsion detectors with a crystal size of 600-1000 nm, namely 3-5 times larger than conventional ones, allowing a 25 times faster data readout. The new photographic emulsions have shown a sufficient sensitivity and a good signal to noise ratio. The proposed development opens the way to future large-scale applications of the technology, e.g. 3D imaging of glacier bedrocks or future neutrino experiments.

    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/03/P03003

    Web of Science


  34. Discovery of tau Neutrino Appearance in the CNGS Neutrino Beam with the OPERA Experiment

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bodnarchuk I., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyavsky M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa H., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P. F., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matsushita T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Olchevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Shakirianova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladymyrov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Zemskova S.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Vol. 115 ( 12 )   2015.9

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  35. Limits on muon-neutrino to tau-neutrino oscillations induced by a sterile neutrino state obtained by OPERA at the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A. G., Bodnarchuk I., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyavsky M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakirianova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladymyrov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Zemskova S.


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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2015)069

    Web of Science

  36. Proton Linear Energy Transfer measurement using Emulsion Cloud Chamber

    Shin Jae-ik, Park Seyjoon, Kim Haksoo, Kim Meyoung, Jeong Chiyoung, Cho Sungkoo, Lim Young Kyung, Shin Dongho, Lee Se Byeong, Morishima Kunihiro, Naganawa Naotaka, Sato Osamu, Kwak Jungwon, Kim Sung Hyun, Cho Jung Sook, Ahn Jung Keun, Kim Ji Hyun, Yoon Chun Sil, Incerti Sebastien


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  37. Application of advanced nuclear emulsion technique to fusion neutron diagnostics

    Nakayama Y., Tomita H., Morishima K., Yamashita F., Hayashi S., Cheon MunSeong, Isobe M., Ogawa K., Naka T., Nakano T., Nakamura M., Kawarabayashi J., Iguchi T., Ochiai K.


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  38. The OPERA experiment

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyaysky M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Rokujo H., Roganova T., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.

    NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS   Vol. 267   page: 87 - 93   2015

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  39. Latest Developments in Nuclear Emulsion Technology Reviewed

    Kunihiro Morishima

    Physics Procedia   Vol. 80   page: 19 - 24   2015

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Elsevier B.V.  

    Nuclear emulsion is high sensitive photographic film used for detection of three-dimensional trajectory of charged particles. These trajectories are recorded as tracks consist of a lot of silver grains. The size of silver grain is about 1 μm, so that nuclear emulsion has submicron three-dimensional spatial resolution, which gives us a few mrad three-dimensional angular resolution. The important technical progress was speed-up of the read-out technique of nuclear emulsions built with optical microscope system. We succeeded in developing a high-speed three-dimensional read-out system named Super Ultra Track Selector (S-UTS) with the operating read-out speed of approximately 50 cm2/h. Nowadays we are developing the nuclear emulsion gel independently in Nagoya University by introducing emulsion gel production machine. Moreover, we are developing nuclear emulsion production technologies (gel production, poring and mass production). In this paper, development of nuclear emulsion technologies for the OPERA experiment, applications by the technologies and current development are described.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.082

    Web of Science



  40. Procedure for short-lived particle detection in the OPERA experiment and its application to charm decays

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyavsky M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Rokujo H., Roganova T., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 74 ( 8 )   2014.8

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  41. Measurement of the TeV atmospheric muon charge ratio with the complete OPERA data set

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyavsky M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Rokujo H., Roganova T., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 74 ( 7 )   2014.7

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  42. new results on nu (mu) -> nu (tau) appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam (vol 11, 036, 2013)

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Asada T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Ben Dhahbi A., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Brunetti G., Buettner B., Buontempo S., Chaussard L., Chernyavskiy M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., Sanchez P. Del Amo, De Lellis G., De Serio M., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hakamata K., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Ishikawa M., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Katsuragawa T., Kawahara H., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Minotti A., Miyanishi M., Miyashita E., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Shakiryanova I., Schcedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Suzuki K., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Yoshimoto M., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.


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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)014

    Web of Science

  43. Evidence for nu(mu) -> nu(tau) appearance in the CNGS neutrino beam with the OPERA experiment

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Asada T., Autiero D., Ben Dhahbi A., Badertscher A., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chaussard L., Chernyavsky M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Del Amo Sanchez P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Favier J., Ferber T., Ferone G., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hakamata K., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Ishikawa M., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Katsuragawa T., Kawada J., Kawahara H., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Miyashita E., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roda M., Rokujo H., Roganova T., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefal W., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Suzuki K., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Yoshimoto M., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Vol. 89 ( 5 )   2014.3

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  44. New results on nu(mu) -> nu(tau) appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Asada T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Ben Dhahbi A., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Brunetti G., Buettner B., Buontempo S., Chaussard L., Chernyavskiy M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., Sanchez P. Del Amo, De Lellis G., De Serio M., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hakamata K., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Ishikawa M., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Katsuragawa T., Kawahara H., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Minotti A., Miyanishi M., Miyashita E., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Shakiryanova I., Schcedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Suzuki K., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Yoshimoto M., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 11 )   2013.11

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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)036

    Web of Science

  45. Search for nu(mu) -> nu(e) oscillations with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Ben Dhahbi A., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buettner B., Buontempo S., Chaussard L., Chernyavsky M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Juget F., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Mancini-Terracciano C., Mandrioli G., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F. W., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Minotti A., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Naumov D., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olchevsky A., Omura T., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schchedrina T., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Shakiryanova I., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Suzuki K., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. -L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.


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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)004

    Web of Science

  46. Development of an automated nuclear emulsion analyzing system Reviewed

    K. Morishima, K. Hamada, R. Komatani, T. Nakano, K. Kodama

    RADIATION MEASUREMENTS   Vol. 50   page: 237 - 240   2013.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    This paper describes the development of an automated nuclear emulsion analyzing system, which is constructed of the following three parts, the nuclear emulsion "OPERA film", the latest automated scanning system "S-UTS" and the three-dimensional track reconstruction software "NETSCAN". The system is able to operate at a speed of 72 cm(2)/h and overcame the bottleneck of long time-consuming to recognize tracks in the nuclear emulsion by human eyes. The system is essential for the OPERA experiment, muon radiography, gamma-ray telescope and many other fields with nuclear emulsion. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.06.016

    Web of Science


  47. Development and utilization of "Plate Changer" system for neutrino interaction locations in OPERA emulsion target

    Yoshida J., Ariga A., Ban T., Hoshino K., Ishiguro K., Kazuyama M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Koshiba S., Matsuo T., Miyanishi K., Morishima K., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Natsume M., Narita K., Omura T., Oya M., Sato O., Shiraishi T., Suzuki K., Kose U., Yoon C. S., Zama Y.


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  48. Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam using the 2012 dedicated data

    Adam T., Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Ben Dhahbi A., Beretta M., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buettner B., Buontempo S., Carlus B., Cavanna F., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavsky M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Felici G., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Girerd C., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Golubkov D., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guerin C., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim J. H., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lauria A., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Malgin A., Mancini-Terracciano C., Mandrioli G., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Ogawa S., Olchevsky A., Ozaki K., Palamara O., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Schuler J., Shakiryanova I., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. -L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Wurtz J., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A., Zimmermann R.


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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)153

    Web of Science

  49. Development of 14-MeV neutron measurement with nuclear emulsion for D-T burning plasma diagnostics Reviewed

    K. Morishima, M. Isobe, H. Tomita, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, M. Sasao

    Plasma and Fusion Research   Vol. 8   page: 2402164   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English  

    DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.2402164


  50. First demonstration of cosmic ray muon radiography of reactor cores with nuclear emulsion based on an automated high-speed scanning technology Reviewed

    K. Morishima, N. Naganawa, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, J. Kawarabayashi, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, S. Maeda

    KEK Proceedings   Vol. 2012-8   page: 27   2012.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  51. Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam

    Adam T., Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Altinok O., Sanchez P. Alvarez, Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Ben Dhahbi A., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buontempo S., Carlus B., Cavanna F., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavsky M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., Colosimo G., Crespi M., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Declais Y., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Capua F., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Efthymiopoulos I., Egorov O., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Giovannozzi M., Girerd C., Goldberg J., Goellnitz C., Golubkov D., Goncharova L., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Gschwendtner E., Guerin C., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Enikeev R., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Ieva M., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Jones M., Juget F., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kiritsis E., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Mazzoni A., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Missiaen D., Monacelli P., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Nitti F., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olchevsky A., Palamara O., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Riguzzi F., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryasny V., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Sahnoun Z., Schembri A., Schuler J., Lavina L. Scotto, Serrano J., Shakiryanova I., Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tezuka I., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Tran N. T., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. -L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Wurtz J., Yakushev V., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A.

    JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   ( 10 )   2012.10

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    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2012)093

    Web of Science

  52. LET Measurement Using Nuclear Emulsion and Monte Carlo Simulation for Proton Beam

    Shin J., Cho S., Park S., Lee S., Kwak J., Kim S., Morishima K.

    MEDICAL PHYSICS   Vol. 39 ( 6 ) page: 3757 - 3757   2012.6

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    Web of Science

  53. Search for nu(mu) -> nu(tau) oscillation with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Altinok O., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Bagulya A., Ben Dhahbi A., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buontempo S., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavskiy M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., D'Ambrosio N., Dal Corso F., Declais Y., Sanchez P. del Amo, De Lellis G., De Serio M., Di Capua F., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Egorov O., Enikeev R., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Frekers D., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Golubkov D., Goncharova L., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hoshino K., Ieva M., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Juget F., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Kogiso K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Lippi I., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Lutter G., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Mannai K., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Miyamoto S., Monacelli P., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Niwa K., Nonoyama Y., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevsky A., Omura T., Palamara O., Paniccia M., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Romano G., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryasny V., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Lavina L. Scotto, Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci M., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Suzuki K., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tezuka I., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Trabelsi A., Tran T., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yakushev V., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Yoshioka T., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A., Zimmermann R.

    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Vol. 14   2012.3

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  54. Momentum measurement by the multiple Coulomb scattering method in the OPERA lead-emulsion target

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Altinok O., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Bagulya A., Ben Dhahbi A., Bertolin A., Besnier M., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buontempo S., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavskiy M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., D'Ambrosio N., Dal Corso F., De Lellis G., Sanchez P. del Amo, Declais Y., De Serio M., Di Capua F., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Egorov O., Enikeev R., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Frekers D., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Golubkov D., Goncharova L., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hoshino K., Ieva M., Ishida H., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Juget F., Kamiscioglu M., Kazuyama K., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Kubota H., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Lippi I., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Lutter G., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Manai K., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Miyamoto S., Monacelli P., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Niwa K., Nonoyama Y., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olshevskiy A., Paniccia M., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pretzl K., Pilipenko V., Pistillo C., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Romano G., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryasny V., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Schroeder H., Lavina L. Scotto, Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tezuka I., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Trabelsi A., Tran T., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yakushev V., Yoon C. S., Yoshioka T., Yoshida J., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A., Zimmermann R.

    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Vol. 14   2012.1

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  55. Study of neutrino interactions with the electronic detectors of the OPERA experiment

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Altinok O., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Bagulya A., Bendhahbi A., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buontempo S., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavskiy M., Chiarella V., Chukanov A., D'Ambrosio N., Dal Corso F., De Lellis G., del Amo Sanchez P., Declais Y., De Serio M., Di Capua F., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Egorov O., Enikeev R., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Frekers D., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Gollnitz C., Goldberg J., Golubkov D., Goncharova L., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hollnagel A., Hoshino K., Ieva M., Ishida H., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Juget F., Kamiscioglu M., Kazuyama K., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Kubota H., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Lippi I., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Lutter G., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Mannai K., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Miyamoto S., Monacelli P., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Niwa K., Nonoyama Y., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olchevskiy A., Paniccia M., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pretzl K., Pilipenko V., Pistillo C., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Romano G., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryasny V., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Schroeder H., Lavina L. Scotto, Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Shoziyeov G., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tezuka I., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Trabelsi A., Tran T., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yakushev V., Yoon C. S., Yoshioka T., Yoshida J., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A., Zimmermann R.

    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Vol. 13   2011.5

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  56. Measurement of low-energy neutrino cross-sections with the PEANUT experiment

    Aoki S., Ariga A., Arrabito L., Autiero D., Besnier M., Bozza C., Buontempo S., Carrara E., Consiglio L., Cozzi M., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., Declais Y., De Serio M., Di Capua F., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Duchesneau D., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Fukuda T., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Grella G., Hamada K., Ieva M., Juget F., Kitagawa N., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laktineh I., Longhin A., Lundberg B., Lutter G., Mandrioli G., Marotta A., Meisel F., Migliozzi P., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Nonoyama Y., Paolone V., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pistillo C., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Rameika R., Rescigno R., Rosa G., Russo A., Sato O., Lavina L. Scotto, Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Strolin P., Tenti M., Tioukov V., Yoshida J., Yoshioka T.

    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Vol. 12   2010.11

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  57. Time stamp technique using a nuclear emulsion multi-stage shifter for gamma-ray telescope Reviewed

    Satoru Takahashi, Shigeki Aoki, Hiroki Rokujo, Kaname Hamada, Masahiro Komatsu, Kunihiro Morishima, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Toshiyuki Nakano, Kimio Niwa, Osamu Sato, Teppei Yoshioka, Koichi Kodama


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Nuclear emulsion has a potential use as a gamma-ray telescope with high angular resolution. For this application it is necessary to know the time when each track was recorded in the emulsion. In previous experiments using nuclear emulsion, various efforts were used to associate time to nuclear emulsion tracks and to improve the time resolution. Using a high speed readout system for nuclear emulsion together with a clock-based multi-stage emulsion shifter, we invented a technique to give a time-stamp to emulsion tracks and greatly improve the time resolution. A test experiment with a 2-stage shifter was used to demonstrate the principle of multi-stage shifting, and we achieved a time resolution 1.5 s for 12.1 h (about 1 part in 29 000) with the time stamp reliability 97% and the time stamp efficiency 98%. This multi-stage shifter can achieve the time resolution required for a gamma-ray telescope and can also be applied to another cosmic ray observations and accelerator experiments using nuclear emulsion. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.03.114

    Web of Science


  58. Observation of a first v(tau) candidate event in the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Altinok O., Ambrosio M., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Bagulya A., Bendhabi A., Bertolin A., Besnier M., Bick D., Boyarkin V., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunet F., Brunetti G., Buontempo S., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavsky M., Chiarella V., Chon-Sen N., Chukanov A., Ciesielski R., Dal Corso F., D'Ambrosio N., Declais Y., Sanchez P. del Amo, De Lellis G., De Serio M., Di Capua F., Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Di Giovanni A., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Egorov O., Enikeev R., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Ferber T., Fini R. A., Frekers D., Fukuda T., Galkin V., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Goldberg J., Goellnitz C., Golubkov D., Goncharova L., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hoshino K., Ieva M., Ishida H., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Juget F., Kamiscioglu M., Kawada J., Kazuyama M., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Kubota H., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Lippi I., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Lutter G., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Mannai K., Marotta A., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Miyamoto S., Monacelli P., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Niwa K., Nonoyama Y., Ogawa S., Olchevsky A., Omura T., Orlova G., Osedlo V., Paniccia M., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pilipenko V., Pistillo C., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Publichenko P., Pupilli F., Repellin J. P., Rescigno R., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Romano G., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryasny V., Ryazhskaya O., Sakatani Y., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Schroeder H., Lavina L. Scotto, Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Suzuki K., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tezuka I., Tioukov V., Tolun R., Trabelsi A., Tran T., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. -L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yakushev V., Yoon C. S., Yoshida J., Yoshioka T., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A., Zimmermann R.

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   Vol. 691 ( 3 ) page: 138 - 145   2010.7

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  59. Measurement of the atmospheric muon charge ratio with the OPERA detector

    Agafonova N., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Autiero D., Badertscher A., Bagulya A., Bertolin A., Besnier M., Bick D., Boyarkin V., Bozza C., Brugiere T., Brugnera R., Brunetti G., Buontempo S., Cazes A., Chaussard L., Chernyavsky M., Chiarella V., Chon-Sen N., Chukanov A., Cozzi M., D'Amato G., Dal Corso F., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., Declais Y., De Serio M., Di Capua F., Di Ferdinando D., Di Giovanni A., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Ebert J., Egorov O., Enikeev R., Ereditato A., Esposito L. S., Favier J., Felici G., Ferber T., Fini R., Frekers D., Fukuda T., Fukushima C., Galkin V. I., Garfagnini A., Giacomelli G., Giorgini M., Goellnitz C., Goldberg J., Golubkov D., Goncharova L., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Grianti F., Guler M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hamada K., Hara T., Hierholzer M., Hoshino K., Ieva M., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Juget F., Kazuyama M., Kim S. H., Kimura M., Klicek B., Knuesel J., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Kubota H., Lazzaro C., Lenkeit J., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Lutter G., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Marotta A., Marteau J., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Migliozzi P., Mikado S., Miyamoto S., Monacelli P., Morishima K., Moser U., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Naumov D., Nikitina V., Niwa K., Nonoyama Y., Ogawa S., Olchevski A., Oldorf C., Orlova G., Osedlo V., Paniccia M., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Park I. G., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pennacchio E., Pessard H., Pilipenko V., Pistillo C., Policastro G., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pretzl K., Publichenko P., Pupilli F., Rescigno R., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Romano G., Rosa G., Rostovtseva I., Rubbia A., Russo A., Ryasny V., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Sato Y., Schembri A., Parzefall W. Schmidt, Schroeder H., Lavina L. Scotto, Sheshukov A., Shibuya H., Simone S., Sioli M., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Song J. S., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stipcevic M., Strauss T., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tezuka I., Tioukov V., Tolun P., Tran T., Tufanli S., Vilain P., Vladimirov M., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yakushev V., Yoon C. S., Yoshioka T., Yoshida J., Zaitsev Y., Zemskova S., Zghiche A., Zimmermann R.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 67 ( 1-2 ) page: 25 - 37   2010.5

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  60. Development of a new automatic nuclear emulsion scanning system, S-UTS, with continuous 3D tomographic image read-out Reviewed

    K. Morishima, T. Nakano

    JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Vol. 5   page: P04011   2010.4

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

    The previous version of the automatic nuclear emulsion scanning system had a limit on read-out speed of several microscope views per second (views/s). This was due to unavoidable mechanical vibration when microscope stage was stopped to acquire tomographic images along the optical axis in emulsion. To overcome this limit, we succeeded in developing optics synchronized to stage movement so that tomographic images can be acquired without stopping a stage. This new system, S-UTS, is now operative with scanning speed of 50 views/s, or 72 cm(2)/h, with high efficiency and sub-mu m precision. It plays an essential role in the OPERA experiment at CERN.

    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/5/04/P04011

    Web of Science


  61. First Emulsion γ-Ray Telescope Imaging of the Vela Pulsar by the GRAINE 2018 Balloon-borne Experiment

    Satoru Takahashi, Shigeki Aoki, Atsushi Iyono, Ayaka Karasuno, Kohichi Kodama, Ryosuke Komatani, Masahiro Komatsu, Masahiro Komiyama, Kenji Kuretsubo, Toshitsugu Marushima, Syota Matsuda, Kunihiro Morishima, Misaki Morishita, Naotaka Naganawa, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Motoya Nakamura, Takafumi Nakamura, Yuya Nakamura, Noboru Nakano, Toshiyuki Nakano, Kazuma Nakazawa, Akira Nishio, Miyuki Oda, Hiroki Rokujo, Osamu Sato, Kou Sugimura, Atsumu Suzuki, Mayu Torii, Saya Yamamoto, Masahiro Yoshimoto

    The Astrophysical Journal   Vol. 960 ( 1 ) page: 47 - 47   2023.12

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Astronomical Society  


    We are developing the Gamma-Ray Astro-Imager with Nuclear Emulsion project, designed for 10 MeV–100 GeV cosmic γ-ray observations with a high angular resolution (5′/0.°08 at 1–2 GeV) and a polarization-sensitive large-aperture (∼10 m<sup>2</sup>) emulsion telescope for repeated long-duration balloon flights. In 2018, a balloon-borne experiment was carried out in Australia with a 0.38 m<sup>2</sup> sensitive area and a flight duration of 17.4 hr, including 6.7 hr of Vela observations. Significant improvements compared with the 2015 balloon-borne experiment were achieved by a factor of 5, including both an increase in effective area × time and a reduction in the background contribution. We aimed to demonstrate the telescope’s overall performance based on detection and imaging of a known γ-ray source, the Vela pulsar. A robust detection of the Vela pulsar was achieved with a 68% containment radius of 0.°42, at a significance of 6σ, at energies above 80 MeV. The resulting angular profile is consistent with that of a pointlike source. We achieved the current best imaging performance of the Vela pulsar using an emulsion γ-ray telescope with the highest angular resolution of any γ-ray telescope to date.

    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0973


    Other Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ad0973/pdf

  62. Reexamination of structure and formation process of Omuroyama scoria cone, Izu Tobu Volcano Group, Japan, based on high-resolution LiDAR-based DEM and 3D-density imaging by muography

    Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke, Miyamoto Seigo, Nagahara Shogo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, 英名字 英名前


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Volcanological Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2021.0_39


  63. 3D-density imaging of Izu-Omuroyama scoria cone by a pilot multi-directional muography

    Miyamoto Seigo, Nagahara Shogo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Volcanological Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2021.0_38


  64. First measurement of (nu)over-bar(mu) and nu(mu) charged-current inclusive interactions on water using a nuclear emulsion detector

    Hiramoto A., Suzuki Y., Ali A., Aoki S., Berns L., Fukuda T., Hanaoka Y., Hayato Y., Ichikawa A. K., Kawahara H., Kikawa T., Koga T., Komatani R., Komatsu M., Kosakai Y., Matsuo T., Mikado S., Minamino A., Mizuno K., Morimoto Y., Morishima K., Naganawa N., Naiki M., Nakamura M., Nakamura Y., Nakano N., Nakano T., Nakaya T., Nishio A., Odagawa T., Ogawa S., Oshima H., Rokujo H., Sanjana I, Sato O., Shibuya H., Sugimura K., Suzui L., Takagi H., Takao T., Tanihara Y., Yasutome K., Yokoyama M.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Vol. 102 ( 7 )   2020.10

  65. Nuclear emulsion with excellent long-term stability developed for cosmic -ray imaging

    Nishio Akira, Morishima Kunihiro, Kuwabara Ken-ichi, Yoshida Tetsuo, Funakubo Takeshi, Kitagawa Nobuko, Kuno Mitsuaki, Manabe Yuta, Nakamura Mitsuhiro


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  66. The experimental facility for the Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS

    Ahdida C., Albanese R., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Arduini G., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Dos Santos F. Baaltasar, Baranov A., Bardou F., Barker G. J., Battistin M., Bauche J., Bay A., Bayliss V, Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Berezkina I, Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I, Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Borburgh J., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brundler R., Bruschi M., Buescher V, Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Calviani M., Campanelli M., Casolino M., Charitonidis N., Chau P., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavskiy M., Choi K-Y, Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Cornelis K., Cristinziani M., Crupano A., Dallavalle G. M., Datwyler A., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., De Carvalho Saraiva J., De Lellis G., de Magistris M., De Roeck A., De Serio M., De Simone D., Dedenko L., Dergachev P., Di Crescenzo A., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dipinto P., Dmitrenko V, Dmitrievskiy S., Dougherty L. A., Dolmatov A., Domenici D., Donskov S., Drohan V, Dubreuil A., Ebert J., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fabbri L., Fabich A., Fedin O., Fedotovs F., Felici G., Ferro-Luzzi M., Filippov K., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fraser M., Fresa R., Froeschl R., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gall J., Gatignon L., Gavrilov G., Gentile V, Goddard B., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golovatiuk A., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbounov P., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V, Gornushkin Y., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V, Grandchamp A. L., Granich G., Graverini E., Grenard J-L, Grenier D., Grichine V, Gruzinskii N., Guler A. M., Guz Yu, Haefeli G. J., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., Harris I. W., van Herwijnen E., Hessler C., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Ivantchenko V, Jacobsson R., Jokovic D., Jonker M., Kadenko I, Kain V, Kamiscioglu C., Kershaw K., Khabibullin M., Khalikov E., Khaustov G., Khoriauli G., Khotyantsev A., Kim S. H., Kim Y. G., Kim V, Kitagawa N., Ko J-W, Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I, Kolosov V, Komatsu M., Kondrateva N., Kono A., Konovalova N., Kormannshaus S., Korol I, Korol'ko I, Korzenev A., Kostyukhin V, Platia E. Koukovini, Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I, Kudenko Y., Kurbatov E., Kurbatov P., Kurochka V, Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lamont M., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lee K. S., Lee K. Y., Levy J-M, Loschiavo V. P., Lopes L., Sola E. Lopez, Lyubovitskij V, Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V, Malinin A., Manabe Y., Managadze A. K., Manfredi M., Marsh S., Marshall A. M., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Miano A., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu, Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Muttoni Y., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Nasybulin S., Ninin P., Nishio A., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Opitz B., Osborne J., Ovchynnikov M., Owtscharenko N., Owen P. H., Pacholek P., Paoloni A., Paparella R., Park B. D., Park S. K., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Perillo-Marcone A., Petkov G. L., Petridis K., Petrov A., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V, Polukhina N., Prieto J. Prieto, Prokudin M., Prota A., Quercia A., Rademakers A., Rakai A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Rinaldesi M., Rodin Volodymyr, Rodin Viktor, Robbe P., Cavalcante A. B. Rodrigues, Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V, Samsonov V, Galan F. Sanchez, Diaz P. Santos, Ull A. Sanz, Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Sgobba S., Shadura O., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V, Shibuya H., Shirobokov S., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Simoniello R., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Solodko E., Starkov N., Stoel L., Storaci B., Stramaglia M. E., Sukhonos D., Suzuki Y., Takahashi S., Tastet J. L., Teterin P., Naing S. Than, Timiryasov I, Tioukov V, Tommasini D., Torii M., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venkova P., Venturi V., Vilchinski S., Villa M., Vincke Heinz, Vincke Helmut, Visone C., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., van Waasen S., Wanke R., Wertelaers P., Woo J-K, Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zarubin P., Zarubina I, Zaytsev Yu


  67. Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope using Statistical Reconstruction in Nuclear Emulsion Reviewed

    Kanji Watanabe, Hideki Tomita, Masahiro Yoshimoto, Kunihiro Morishima, Ryosuke Komatani, Tatsuhiro Naka, Toshiyuki Nakano, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Tetsuo Iguchi

    JPS Conference Proceedings   Vol. 24   page: 011023   2019.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.7566/JPSCP.24.011023


  68. Search for simultaneous and parallel cosmic gamma rays in the balloon-borne emulsion telescope experiments (GRAINE2015)

    Yamamoto Saya, Iyono Atsushi, Aoki Shigeki, Takahashi Satoru, Rokujo Hiroki, Mizutani Fukashi, Hamada Kaname, Hara Toshio, Inoue Tatsuki, Ishiguro Katsumi, Kawahara Hiroaki, Kodama Koichi, Komatani Ryosuke, Komatsu Masahiro, Kosaka Tetsuya, Miyanishi Motoaki, Morishima Kunihiro, Morishita Misaki, Nakamura Mitsuhiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Nishio Akira, Niwa Kimio, Otsuka Naoto, Ozaki Keita, Sato Osamu, Shibayama Emi, Suzuki Atsumu, Tanaka Ryo, Tateishi Yurie, Tawa Shuichi, Yabu Misato, Yamada Kyohei, Yoshimoto Masahiro


  69. Acceleration of quasimonoenergetic protons via laser-driven shock created in micron-scale hydrogen clusters

    FUKUDA Yuji, KANASAKI Masato, JINNO Satoshi, MATSUI Ryutaro, Kinoshita Masaharu, PIROZHKOV Alexander S., SAGISAKA Akito, OGURA Koichi, MIYASAKA Yasuhiro, KONDO Kotaro, ASAI Takafumi, SHIMIZU Kazuki, SAKAMOTO Keita, KITAGAWA Nobuko, MORISHIMA Kunihiro, KODAIRA Satoshi, ODA Keiji, YAMAUCHI Tomoya, UESAKA Mitsuru, KONDO Kiminori, KAWACHI Tetsuya, KANDO Masaki, KIRIYAMA Hiromitsu, KISHIMOTO Yasuaki

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   Vol. 74.2   page: 622 - 622   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.74.2.0_622


  70. Laser driven proton acceleration using hydrogen clusters

    Jinno S., Kanasaki M., Takano Y., Morii K., Asai T., Sakamoto Y., Shimizu K., Pirozhkov A., Sagisaka A., Ogura K., Miyasaka Y., Morishima K., Kodaira S., Matsui R., Kishimoto Y., Oda K., Yamauchi T., Uesaka M, Kondo K., Kawachi T., Kando M., Kiriyama H., Fukuda Y.

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   Vol. 74.1   page: 608 - 608   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.74.1.0_608


  71. Omni-directional muography for volcanoes : demonstration for Omuroyama, Ito-city, Shizuoka, Japan

    Miyamoto Seigo, Nagahara Shogo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Volcanological Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2019.0_9


  72. Study of charged hadron multiplicities in charged-current neutrino-lead interactions in the OPERA detector (vol 78, 62, 2018)

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bodnarchuk I., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Gorbunov S., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Okateva N., Ogawa S., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakirianova I., Shchedrina T., Shibuya H., Shibayama E., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 78 ( 9 )   2018.9

  73. Final results of the search for v(mu) -> v(e) oscillations with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Favier J., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Gorbunov S., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishiguro K., Iuliano A., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meisel F., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Okateva N., Ogawa S., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I., Shchedrina T., Shibuya H., Shibayama E., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Yoon C. S.


  74. First demonstration of gamma‐ray imaging using a balloon‐borne emulsion telescope Reviewed

    ROKUJO Hiroki, AOKI Shigeki, HAMADA Kaname, HARA Toshio, INOUE Tatsuki, ISHIGURO Katsumi, IYONO Atsushi, KAWAHARA Hiroaki, KODAMA Koichi, KOMATANI Ryosuke, KOMATSU Masahiro, KOSAKA Tetsuya, MIYANISHI Motoaki, MIZUTANI Fukashi, MORISHIMA Kunihiro, MORISHITA Misaki, NAGANAWA Naotaka, NAKAMURA Mitsuhiro, NAKANO Toshiyuki, NISHIO Akira, NIWA Kimio, OTSUKA Naoto, OZAKI Keita, SATO Osamu, SHIBAYAMA Emi, SUZUKI Atsumu, TAKAHASHI Satoru, TANAKA Ryo, TATEISHI Yurie, TAWA Shuichi, YABU Misato, YAMADA Kyohei, YAMAMOTO Saya, YOSHIMOTO Masahiro

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Web)   Vol. 2018 ( 6 )   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/pty056

    Web of Science


  75. Final Results of the OPERA Experiment on nu(tau )Appearance In the CNGS Neutrino Beam

    Agafonova N., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievsky S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Favier J., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V, Goldberg J., Gorbunov S., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Ishiguro K., Iuliano A., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I, Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malenica M., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V, Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Olchevsky A., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Pistillo C., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sadovsky A., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakiryanova I, Shchedrina T., Shibayama E., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V, Tufanli S., Ustyuzhanin A., Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Vol. 120 ( 21 )   2018.5

  76. Study of charged hadron multiplicities in charged-current neutrino-lead interactions in the OPERA detector

    Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bertolin A., Bodnarchuk I., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Galati G., Garfagnini A., Gentile V., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Gorbunov S., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa T., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P., Malgin A., Malenica M., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Okateva N., Ogawa S., Ozaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakirianova I., Shchedrina T., Shibuya H., Shibayama E., Shiraishi T., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Wonsak B., Yoon C. S.

    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Vol. 78 ( 1 )   2018.1

  77. Development of Collimated Fast Neutron Detection without Physical Collimator

    Tomita Hideki, Watanabe Kanji, Kanamori Kotaro, Yoshimoto Masahiro, Komatani Ryosuke, Morishima Kunihiro, Naka Tatsuhiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Nakamura Mitsuhiro, Iguchi Tetsuo


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  78. Generation of high-repetitive, multi-MeV, pure proton beams via Coulomb explosion of micron-size hydrogen clusters Reviewed

    Fukuda Yuji, Takano Yuta, Morii Kousaku, Asai Takafumi, Sakamoto Keita, Shimizu Kazuki, Morishima Kunihiro, Kodaira Satoshi, Okamoto Yuki, Matsui Ryutaro, Kishimoto Yasuaki, Kanasaki Masato, Oda Keiji, Yamauchi Tomoya, Uesaka Mitsuru, Kondo Kiminori, Kawachi Tetsuya, Kando Masaki, Kiriyama Hiromitsu, Jinno Satoshi, Pirozhkov Alexander S., Sagisaka Akito, Ogura Koichi, Miyasaka Yasuhiro, Nakanii Nobuhiko, Uno Masataka

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   Vol. 73 ( 0 ) page: 560 - 560   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.73.1.0_560


  79. Density structure imaging of Omuroyama scoria cone by muography - Test observation for omni-directional muography -

    Miyamoto Seigo, Nagahara Shogo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Volcanological Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2018.0_166


  80. Density structure imaging of Omuroyama scoria cone by muography:—Test observation for omni-directional muography—

    Miyamoto Seigo, Nagahara Shogo, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakano Toshiyuki, Koyama Masato, Suzuki Yusuke


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Volcanological Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2018.0_103


  81. High-resolution tracking in a GEM-emulsion detector

    Alexandrov A., Bencivenni G., Bertani M., Buonaura A., Capoccia C., Cibinetto G., De Lellis G., De Lucia E., Di Crescenzo A., Domenici D., Farinelli R., Felici G., Kitagawa N., Komatsu M., Morello G., Morishima K., Lener M. Poli, Tioukov V.


  82. First neutrino event detection with nuclear emulsion at J-PARC neutrino beamline

    Fukuda T., Aoki S., Cao S., Chikuma N., Fukuzawa Y., Gonin M., Hayashino T., Hayato Y., Hiramoto A., Hosomi F., Ishiguro K., Iori S., Inoh T., Kawahara H., Kim H., Kitagawa N., Koga T., Komatani R., Komatsu M., Matsushita A., Mikado S., Minamino A., Mizusawa H., Morishima K., Matsuo T., Matsumoto T., Morimoto Y., Morishita M., Nakamura K., Nakamura M., Nakamura Y., Naganawa N., Nakano T., Nakaya T., Nakatsuka Y., Nishio A., Ogawa S., Oshima H., Quilain B., Rokujo H., Sato O., Seiya Y., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Suzuki Y., Tada S., Takahashi S., Yamada K., Yoshimoto M., Yokoyama M.


  83. First demonstration of an emulsion multi-stage shifter for accelerator neutrino experiments in J-PARC T60

    Yamada K., Aoki S., Cao S., Chikuma N., Fukuda T., Fukuzawa Y., Gonin M., Hayashino T., Hayato Y., Hiramoto A., Hosomi F., Inoh T., Iori S., Ishiguro K., Kawahara H., Kim H., Kitagawa N., Koga T., Komatani R., Komatsu M., Matsushita A., Mikado S., Minamino A., Mizusawa H., Matsumoto T., Matsuo T., Morimoto Y., Morishima K., Morishita M., Naganawa N., Nakamura K., Nakamura M., Nakamura Y., Nakano T., Nakatsuka Y., Nakaya T., Nishio A., Ogawa S., Oshima H., Quilain B., Rokujo H., Sato O., Seiya Y., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Suzuki Y., Tada S., Takahashi S., Yokoyama M., Yoshimoto M.


  84. The active muon shield in the SHiP experiment

    Akmete A., Alexandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Atkin E., Azorskiy N., Back J. J., Bagulya A., Baranov A., Barker G. J., Bay A., Bayliss V., Bencivenni G., Berdnikov A. Y., Berdnikov Y. A., Bertani M., Betancourt C., Bezshyiko I., Bezshyyko O., Bick D., Bieschke S., Blanco A., Boehm J., Bogomilov M., Bondarenko K., Bonivento W. M., Boyarsky A., Brenner R., Breton D., Brundler R., Bruschi M., Buscher V., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Cadeddu S., Calcaterra A., Campanelli M., Chauveau J., Chepurnov A., Chernyavsky M., Choi K. -Y., Chumakov A., Ciambrone P., Dallavalle G. M., D'Ambrosio N., D'Appollonio G., De Lellis G., De Roeck A., De Serio M., Dedenko L., Di Crescenzo A., Di Marco N., Dib C., Dijkstra H., Dmitrenko V., Domenici D., Donskov S., Dubreuil A., Ebert J., Enik T., Etenko A., Fabbri F., Fabbri L., Fedin O., Fedorova G., Felici G., Ferro-Luzzi M., Fini R. A., Fonte P., Franco C., Fukuda T., Galati G., Gavrilov G., Gerlach S., Golinka-Bezshyyko L., Golubkov D., Golutvin A., Gorbunov D., Gorbunov S., Gorkavenko V., Gornushkin Y., Gorshenkov M., Grachev V., Graverini E., Grichine V., Guler A. M., Guz Yu., Hagner C., Hakobyan H., van Herwijnen E., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Hushchyn M., Iaselli G., Iuliano A., Jacobsson R., Jonker M., Kadenko I., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Khabibullin M., Khaustov G., Khotyantsev A., Kim S. H., Kim V., Kim Y. G., Kitagawa N., Ko J. -W., Kodama K., Kolesnikov A., Kolev D. I., Kolosov V., Komatsu M., Konovalova N., Korkmaz M. A., Korol I., Korol'ko I., Korzenev A., Kovalenko S., Krasilnikova I., Krivova K., Kudenko Y., Kurochka V., Kuznetsova E., Lacker H. M., Lai A., Lanfranchi G., Lantwin O., Lauria A., Lebbolo H., Lee K. Y., Levy J. -M., Lopes L., Lyubovitskij V., Maalmi J., Magnan A., Maleev V., Malinin A., Mefodev A., Mermod P., Mikado S., Mikhaylov Yu., Milstead D. A., Mineev O., Montanari A., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Movchan S., Naganawa N., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Novikov A., Obinyakov B., Ogawa S., Okateva N., Owen P. H., Paoloni A., Park B. D., Paparella L., Pastore A., Patel M., Pereyma D., Petrenko D., Petridis K., Podgrudkov D., Poliakov V., Polukhina N., Prokudin M., Prota A., Rademakers A., Ratnikov F., Rawlings T., Razeti M., Redi F., Ricciardi S., Roganova T., Rogozhnikov A., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Rovelli T., Ruchayskiy O., Ruf T., Samoylenko V., Saputi A., Sato O., Savchenko E. S., Schmidt-Parzefall W., Serra N., Shakin A., Shaposhnikov M., Shatalov P., Shchedrina T., Shchutska L., Shevchenko V., Shibuya H., Shustov A., Silverstein S. B., Simone S., Skorokhvatov M., Smirnov S., Sohn J. Y., Sokolenko A., Starkov N., Storaci B., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Timiryasov I., Tioukov V., Tosi N., Treille D., Tsenov R., Ulin S., Ustyuzhanin A., Uteshev Z., Vankova-Kirilova G., Vannucci F., Venkova P., Vilchinski S., Villa M., Vlasik K., Volkov A., Voronkov R., Wanke R., Woo J. -K., Wurm M., Xella S., Yilmaz D., Yilmazer A. U., Yoon C. S., Zaytsev Yu.


  85. More results from the OPERA experiment

    Galati G., Agafonova N., Aleksandrov A., Anokhina A., Aoki S., Ariga A., Ariga T., Bender D., Bertolin A., Bodnarchuk I., Bozza C., Brugnera R., Buonaura A., Buontempo S., Buettner B., Chernyavskiy M., Chukanov A., Consiglio L., D'Ambrosio N., De Lellis G., De Serio M., Sanchez P. Del Amo, Di Crescenzo A., Di Ferdinando D., Di Marco N., Dmitrievski S., Dracos M., Duchesneau D., Dusini S., Dzhatdoev T., Ebert J., Ereditato A., Fini R. A., Fornari F., Fukuda T., Garfagnini A., Goldberg J., Gornushkin Y., Grella G., Guler A. M., Gustavino C., Hagner C., Hara T., Hayakawa H., Hollnagel A., Hosseini B., Ishiguro K., Jakovcic K., Jollet C., Kamiscioglu C., Kamiscioglu M., Kim S. H., Kitagawa N., Klicek B., Kodama K., Komatsu M., Kose U., Kreslo I., Laudisio F., Lauria A., Ljubicic A., Longhin A., Loverre P. F., Malenica M., Malgin A., Mandrioli G., Matsuo T., Matveev V., Mauri N., Medinaceli E., Meregaglia A., Mikado S., Miyanishi M., Mizutani F., Monacelli P., Montesi M. C., Morishima K., Muciaccia M. T., Naganawa N., Naka T., Nakamura M., Nakano T., Niwa K., Ogawa S., Omura T., Osaki K., Paoloni A., Paparella L., Park B. D., Pasqualini L., Pastore A., Patrizii L., Pessard H., Podgrudkov D., Polukhina N., Pozzato M., Pupilli F., Roda M., Roganova T., Rokujo H., Rosa G., Ryazhskaya O., Sato O., Schembri A., Shakirianova I., Shchedrina T., Sheshukov A., Shibayama E., Shibuya H., Shiraishi T., Shoziyoev G., Simone S., Sirignano C., Sirri G., Sotnikov A., Spinetti M., Stanco L., Starkov N., Stellacci S. M., Stipcevic M., Strolin P., Takahashi S., Tenti M., Terranova F., Tioukov V., Vasina S., Vilain P., Voevodina E., Votano L., Vuilleumier J. L., Wilquet G., Yoon C. S.


  86. Development of fast neutron pinhole camera using nuclear emulsion for neutron emission profile measurement in KSTAR

    Y. Izumi, H. Tomita, Y. Nakayama, S. Hayashi, K. Morishima, M. Isobe, M. S. Cheon, K. Ogawa, T. Nishitani, T. Naka, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, T. Iguchi

    Review of Scientific Instruments   Vol. 87 ( 11 )   2016.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:American Institute of Physics Inc.  

    We have developed a compact fast neutron camera based on a stack of nuclear emulsion plates and a pinhole collimator. The camera was installed at J-port of Korea superconducting tokamak advanced research at National Fusion Research Institute, Republic of Korea. Fast neutron images agreed better with calculated ones based on Monte Carlo neutron simulation using the uniform distribution of Deuterium-Deuterium (DD) neutron source in a torus of 40 cm radius.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4963866

    Web of Science



  87. GRAINE 2015, a balloon-borne emulsion gamma-ray telescope experiment in Australia Reviewed

    Satoru Takahashi, Shigeki Aoki, Kaname Hamada, Toshio Hara, Tatsuki Inoue, Katsumi Ishiguro, Atsushi Iyono, Hiroaki Kawahara, Koichi Kodama, Ryosuke Komatani, Masahiro Komatsu, Tetsuya Kosaka, Motoaki Miyanishi, Fukashi Mizutani, Kunihiro Morishima, Misaki Morishita, Naotaka Naganawa, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Toshiyuki Nakano, Akira Nishio, Kimio Niwa, Naoto Otsuka, Keita Ozaki, Hiroki Rokujo, Osamu Sato, Emi Shibayama, Atsumu Suzuki, Ryo Tanaka, Yurie Tateishi, Shuichi Tawa, Misato Yabu, Kyohei Yamada, Saya Yamamoto, Masahiro Yoshimoto


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC  

    We are developing the GRAINE project, which consists of a 10MeV-100 GeV cosmic gamma-ray observation with a precise (0.08 degrees at 1-2 GeV) and polarization-sensitive (50% or below the minimum detectable polarization for the Vela pulsar above 100 MeV) large-aperture-area (similar to 10m(2)) emulsion telescope, by repetitive long duration balloon flights. In 2015, we performed a Japan-Australia JAXA collaborative balloon experiment at the Alice Springs balloon-launching station. The telescope had a 3780 cm(2) aperture and was aloft for a total of 14.4 h. The experiment aims to detect the well-known bright Vela pulsar gamma-ray source and thereby demonstrate the overall performance of the emulsion gamma-ray telescope. The design, improvements, and preparations as well as the 2015 balloon experiment are described in this paper. Analysis of the data from this experiment is ongoing.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptw089

    Web of Science


  88. Development of cosmic-ray muon radiography using nuclear emulsion and an application for volcanology

    Morishima Kunihiro, Nishio Akira, Moto Masaki, Kuno Mitsuaki, Manabe Yuta, Kitagawa Nobuko, Nakamura Mitsuhiro


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Volcanological Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2016.0_63


  89. Observation of the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of MeV ions accelerated by the hydrodynamic ambipolar expansion of clusters Reviewed

    Masato Kanasaki, Satoshi Jinno, Hironao Sakaki, Anatoly Ya. Faenov, Tatiana A. Pikuz, Mamiko Nishiuchi, Hiromitsu Kiriyama, Masaki Kando, Akira Sugiyama, Kiminori Kondo, Ryutaro Matsui, Yasuaki Kishimoto, Kunihiro Morishima, Yukinobu Watanabe, Clare Scullion, Ashley G. Smyth, Aaron Alejo, Domenico Doria, Satyabrata Kar, Marco Borghesi, Keiji Oda, Tomoya Yamauchi, Yuji Fukuda

    RADIATION MEASUREMENTS   Vol. 83   page: 12 - 14   2015.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    An inhomogeneous spatial distribution of laser accelerated carbon/oxygen ions produced via the hydrodynamic ambipolar expansion of CO2 clusters has been measured by using CR-39 detectors. An inhomogeneous etch pits spatial distribution has appeared on the etched CR-39 detector installed on the laser propagation direction, while homogeneous ones are appeared on those installed at 45 degrees and 90 degrees from the laser propagation direction. From the range of ions in CR-39 obtained by using the multi-step etching technique, the averaged energies of carbon/oxygen ions for all directions are determined as 0.78 +/- 0.09 MeV/n. The number of ions in the laser propagation direction is about 1.5 times larger than those in other directions. The inhomogeneous etch pits spatial distribution in the laser propagation direction could originate from an ion beam collimation and modulation by the effect of electromagnetic structures created in the laser plasma. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.06.011

    Web of Science


  90. A Study of DD Fusion Neutron Measurement by Nuclear Emulsion Technique with Pinhole Collimator Reviewed

    Y. Nakayama, H. Tomita, F. Yamashita, S. Hayashi, J. Kawarabayashi, T. Iguchi, K. Morishima, T. Naka, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, M. Isobe, K. Ogawa, MunSeong Cheon, K. Ochiai

    KEK Proceedings   Vol. 2015-8   page: 44-49   2015.11

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  91. Application of advanced nuclear emulsion technique to fusion neutron diagnostics Reviewed

    Y. Nakayama, H. Tomita, K. Morishima, F. Yamashita, S. Hayashi, MunSeong Cheon, M. Isobe, K. Ogawa, T. Naka, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, J. Kawarabayashi, T. Iguchi, K. Ochiai


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    In order to measure the 2.5 MeV neutrons produced by DD nuclear fusion reactions, we have developed a compact neutron detector based on nuclear emulsion. After optimization of development conditions, we evaluated the response of the detector to an accelerator-based DD neutron source. The absolute efficiency at an energy of 2.5 MeV was estimated to be (4.1 +/- 0.2) X 10(-6) tracks/neutron. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.093

    Web of Science


  92. Development of nuclear emulsion for fast neutron measurement Reviewed

    Shogo Machii, Kenichi Kuwabara, Kunihiro Morishima


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Nuclear emulsion is high sensitive photographic film used for detection of three-dimensional trajectory of charged particles. Energy resolution of nuclear emulsion is 21% (12%) FWHM against neutron energy of 2.8 MeV (4.9 MeV). Nuclear emulsion has high gamma ray rejection power. For now, at least 2 x 10(4) gamma rays/cm(2), no increase of as a background for neutron measurement when scan using automatic nuclear emulsion read out system HTS. This value suggests that it is applicable even under high gamma ray environment, such as nuclear fusion reactor. (C) 2015 Published Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.098

    Web of Science


  93. Development of nuclear emulsion detector for muon radiography Reviewed

    A. Nishio, K. Morishima, K. Kuwabara, M. Nakamura


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Muon radiography is the non-destructive testing technique of large-scale constructions with cosmic ray muon. Cosmic ray muon has high penetrating power and it always comes from the whole sky. In the same way of taking a X-ray photograph, we can obtain integrated density of constructions which thickness are several tens to several hundreds. We had ever applied this technique to nuclear reactors, volcanos, and so on. Nuclear emulsion is three dimensional track detector with micrometric position accuracy. Thanks to high position resolution, Nuclear emulsion has mrad angular resolution. In addition, the features which require no power supply and can observe in a large area suitable for muon radiography. In Nagoya University, we launched emulsion manufacturing equipment at 2010. It has become possible to flexible development of our detector and succeeded to development of high sensitive nuclear emulsion film (Nagoya emulsion). An important factor is the temperature characteristic to withstand the outdoor observation as a detector to be used in the muon radiography. There is a phenomenon of a latent image fading, whichit is well known in the photographic industry, and this phenomenon is known that temperature and water are involved. So we examined temperature and humidity characteristic of latent image fading about Nagoya emulsion. As a result, we found latent image fading is strongly depends on both temperature and humidity. By dehydrating emulsion film in RH8%, over 95% (Grain Density&gt;40) detection efficiency of muon track keeps over 3months in 25degree, for 2months in 35degree. Additionally it was showed in this test that increasing back ground noise "fog", which may have occurred by sealing emulsion film in a narrow space, is reduced by buffer space in the bag. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.084

    Web of Science


  94. Application of Advanced Nuclear Emulsion Technique to Fusion Neutron Diagnostics

    Y. Nakayama, H. Tomita, K. Morishima, F. Yamashita, S. Hayashi, Mun Seong Cheon, M. Isobe, K. Ogawa, T. Naka, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, J. Kawarabayashi, T. Iguchi, K. Ochiai

    Physics Procedia   Vol. 80   page: 81 - 83   2015

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Elsevier B.V.  

    In order to measure the 2.5 MeV neutrons produced by DD nuclear fusion reactions, we have developed a compact neutron detector based on nuclear emulsion. After optimization of development conditions, we evaluated the response of the detector to an accelerator-based DD neutron source. The absolute efficiency at an energy of 2.5 MeV was estimated to be (4.1±0.2)×10-6 tracks/neutron.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.093



  95. Alpha track analysis using nuclear emulsions as a preselecting method for safeguards environmental sample analysis

    Takuma Noto, Hideki Tomita, Yosuke Sakai, Jun Kawarabayashi, Tatsuhiro Naka, Kunihiro Morishima, Toshiyuki Nakano, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Tetsuo Iguchi

    Radiation Measurements   Vol. 71   page: 533 - 536   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Ltd  

    Alpha track analysis in state-of-the-art nuclear emulsions was investigated to develop a preselecting method for environmental sampling for safeguards, which is based on counting of each alpha and fission tracks from nuclear material. We developed an automatic scanning system and software for readout of alpha tracks in the emulsions. Automatic analysis of alpha tracks from an uranium ore sample was demonstrated.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2014.06.001

    Web of Science



  96. Development of Compact Neutron Camera with Nuclear Emulsion for Energetic-ion Profile Diagnostics

    Iguchi, T, Tomita, H, Nakayama, Y, Yamashita, F, Morishima, K, Sakai, Y, Nakamura, M, Nakano, T, Yamamoto, Y, Kawarabayashi, J, Murakami, S, Ochiai, K

    NIFS Annual Report Apr.2013 - Mar.2014   Vol. 2013   page: 197   2014.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  97. Progress in development of neutron energy spectrometer for deuterium plasma operation in KSTAR

    H. Tomita, F. Yamashita, Y. Nakayama, K. Morishima, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Sakai, M. S. Cheon, M. Isobe, K. Ogawa, S. Hayashi, J. Kawarabayashi, T. Iguchi

    REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS   Vol. 85 ( 11 )   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER INST PHYSICS  

    Two types of DD neutron energy spectrometer (NES) are under development for deuterium plasma operation in KSTAR to understand behavior of beam ions in the plasma. One is based on the state-of-the-art nuclear emulsion technique. The other is based on a coincidence detection of a recoiled proton and a scattered neutron caused by an elastic scattering of an incident DD neutron, which is called an associated particle coincidence counting-NES. The prototype NES systems were installed at J-port in KSTAR in 2012. During the 2012 and 2013 experimental campaigns, multiple shots-integrated neutron spectra were preliminarily obtained by the nuclear emulsion-based NES system. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4893004

    Web of Science



  98. Observation of tau neutrino appearance in the CNGS beam with the OPERA experiment Reviewed

    N. Agafonova, A. Aleksandrov, A. Anokhina, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, T. Asada, D. Bender, A. Bertolin, C. Bozza, R. Brugnera, A. Buonaura, S. Buontempo, B. Büttner, M. Chernyavsky, A. Chukanov, L. Consiglio, N. D'Ambrosio, G. De Lellis, M. De Serio, P. Del Amo Sanchez, A. Di Crescenzo, D. Di Ferdinando, N. Di Marco, S. Dmitrievski, M. Dracos, D. Duchesneau, S. Dusini, T. Dzhatdoev, J. Ebert, A. Ereditato, R. A. Fini, T. Fukuda, G. Galati, A. Garfagnini, G. Giacomelli, C. Goellnitz, J. Goldberg, Y. Gornushkin, G. Grella, M. Guler, C. Gustavino, C. Hagner, T. Hara, T. Hayakawa, A. Hollnagel, B. Hosseini, H. Ishida, K. Ishiguro, K. Jakovcic, C. Jollet, C. Kamiscioglu, M. Kamiscioglu, T. Katsuragawa, J. Kawada, H. Kawahara, J. H. Kim, S. H. Kim, N. Kitagawa, B. Klicek, K. Kodama, M. Komatsu, U. Kose, I. Kreslo, A. Lauria, J. Lenkeit, A. Ljubicic, A. Longhin, P. Loverre, M. Malenica, A. Malgin, G. Mandrioli, T. Matsuo, V. Matveev, N. Mauri, E. Medinaceli, A. Meregaglia, M. Meyer, S. Mikado, M. Miyanishi, P. Monacelli, M. C. Montesi, K. Morishima, M. T. Muciaccia, N. Naganawa, T. Naka, M. Nakamura, T. Nakano, Y. Nakatsuka, K. Niwa, S. Ogawa, N. Okateva, A. Olshevsky, T. Omura, K. Ozaki, A. Paoloni, B. D. Park, I. G. Park, L. Pasqualini, A. Pastore, L. Patrizii, H. Pessard, C. Pistillo, D. Podgrudkov, N. Polukhina, M. Pozzato, F. Pupilli, M. Roda, T. Roganova, H. Rokujo, G. Rosa, O. Ryazhskaya, O. Sato, A. Schembri, I. Shakiryanova, T. Shchedrina, A. Sheshukov, H. Shibuya, T. Shiraishi, G. Shoziyoev, S. Simone, M. Sioli, C. Sirignano, G. Sirri, M. Spinetti, L. Stanco, N. Starkov, S. M. Stellacci, M. Stipcevic, P. Strolin, S. Takahashi, M. Tenti, F. Terranova, V. Tioukov, S. Tufanli, A. Umemoto, P. Vilain, M. Vladimirov, L. Votano, J. L. Vuilleumier, G. Wilquet, B. Wonsak, C. S. Yoon, I. Yaguchi, M. Yoshimoto, S. Zemskova, A. Zghiche

    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics   Vol. 2014 ( 10 ) page: 101C01 - 101C01   2014.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Physical Society of Japan  

    The OPERA experiment is searching for νμ ν τ oscillations in appearance mode, i.e., via the direct detection of \\tau leptons in \\nu -\\tau charged-current interactions. The evidence of \\nu -\\mu \\rightarrow \\nu -\\tau appearance has been previously reported with three \\nu -\\tau candidate events using a sub-sample of data from the 2008-2012 runs. We report here a fourth \\nu -\\tau candidate event, with the \\tau decaying into a hadron, found after adding the 2012 run events without any muon in the final state to the data sample. Given the number of analyzed events and the low background, \\nu -\\mu \\rightarrow \\nu -\\tau oscillations are established with a significance of 4.2\\sigma.

    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptu132

    Web of Science



  99. Investigation of development condition with new nuclear emulsion for neutron measurement under high gamma-ray background Reviewed

    Kohei Ishihara, Jun Kawarabayashi, Hideki Tomita, Tatsuhiro Naka, Takashi Asada, Kunihiro Morishima, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Shigetaka Maeda, Tetsuo Iguchi

    Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology   Vol. 4   page: 661-664   2014.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.15669/pnst.4.661


  100. Development of Neutron Measurement Systems for Study of High-Energy Particle Physics

    Uritani, A, Iguchi, T, Kawarabayashi, J, Watanabe, K, Tomita, H, Yamazaki, A, Nakamura, M, Nakano, T, Morishima, K, Sasao, M, Nishitani, T, Ochiai, K, Shinohara, T, Kondo, T, Ishikawa, K, Takada, E, Kaneko, J.H

    NIFS Annual Report Apr.2012 - Mar.2013   Vol. 2012   page: 243   2013.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  101. Fast neutron detection under intense gamma-ray fields with novel nuclear emulsion technique Reviewed

    K. Ishihara, K. Takagi, H. Minato, J. Kawarabayashi, H. Tomita, S. Maeda, T. Naka, K. Morishima, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, T. Iguchi

    Radiation Measurements   Vol. 55   page: 79 - 82   2013.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    In order to measure neutron flux and energy in the presence of high-intensity background gamma rays, a new nuclear emulsion based on a non-sensitized OPERA film was synthesized, which had small AgBr grain sizes of 60, 90 and 160 nm. The sensitivity of this new emulsion, which is described in terms of the stopping power and grain density, was estimated experimentally by neutron irradiation at several energies. The response of the emulsion to gamma-ray-induced electrons was also simulated and the results were compared with experimental data obtained using a 60Co gamma source. The results indicated that each AgBr grain has a threshold energy that must be deposited before the AgBr can develop into metallic Ag. Based on these results, the efficiency of the new emulsion in detecting gamma rays and neutrons was evaluated. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.10.019

    Web of Science



  102. Application of Nuclear Emulsion to Neutron Emission Profile Diagnostics in National Spherical Torus Experiment Reviewed

    M. Isobe, D.S. Darrow, A.L. Roquemore, K. Morishima, H. Tomita, H. Minato, K. Ogawa

    Plasma and Fusion Research   Vol. 8   page: 2402068   2013.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.2402068


  103. Development of Fusion Neutron Pinhole Imaging using Nuclear Emulsions for Energetic Ion Diagnostics Reviewed

    Hideki Tomita, Fumitaka Yamashita, Yousuke Yamamoto, Haruna Minato, Kunihiro Morishima, Yosuke Sakai, Mitsutaka Isobe, Kunihiro Ogawa, Toshiyuki Nakano, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Jun Kawarabayashi, Tetsuo Iguchi, Kentaro Ochiai, MunSeong Cheon

    Plasma and Fusion Research   Vol. 8   page: 2406095   2013.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.2406095


  104. Comprehensive track reconstruction tool ''NETSCAN 2.0'' for the analysis of the OPERA emulsion cloud chamber Reviewed

    K. Hamada, T. Fukuda, K. Ishiguro, N. Kitagawa, K. Kodama, M. Komatsu, K. Morishima, T. Nakano, Y. Nakatsuka, Y. Nonoyama, O. Sato, J. Yoshida

    Journal of Instrumentation   Vol. 7 ( 7 )   2012.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    NETSCAN is a track reconstruction algorithm used in Emulsion Cloud Chambers (ECC). NETSCAN and Emulsion Cloud Chambers were used in the DONUT experiment to detect Tau-neutrinos interactions. The algorithm has been revised in order to cope with the OPERA event analysis performed in Japan. A new version of NETSCAN was necessary to effectively analyze the most massive emulsion experiment in history with limited resources. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.

    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/7/07/P07001

    Web of Science



  105. Development of neutron measurement in intense gamma field using new type of nuclear emulsion Reviewed

    J. Kawarabayashi, K. Ishihara, K. Takagi, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, T. Naka, K. Morishima, S. Maeda

    Journal of ASTM International   Vol. 9 ( 3 )   2012.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    To precisely measure the neutron emissions from a spent fuel assembly of a fast breeder reactor, we formed nuclear emulsions based on a non-sensitized Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus (OPERA) film with AgBr grain sizes of 60, 90, and 160 nm. The efficiency for 252Cf neutron detection of the new emulsion was calculated to be 0.7 × 10 -4, which corresponded to an energy range from 0.3 to 2 MeV and was consistent with a preliminary estimate based on experimental results. The sensitivity of the new emulsion was also experimentally estimated by irradiating with 565 keV and 14 MeV neutrons. The emulsion with an AgBr grain size of 60 nm had the lowest sensitivity among the above three emulsions but was still sensitive enough to detect protons. Furthermore, the experimental data suggested that there was a threshold linear energy transfer of 15 keV/μm for the new emulsion, below which no silver clusters developed. Further development of nuclear emulsion with an AgBr grain size of a few tens of nanometers will be the next stage of the present study. Copyright © 2012 by ASTM International.

    DOI: 10.1520/JAI104007



  106. Development of neutron measurement in intense gamma field using new type of nuclear emulsion

    J. Kawarabayashi, K. Ishihara, K. Takagi, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, T. Naka, K. Morishima, S. Maeda

    ASTM Special Technical Publication   Vol. 1550 STP   page: 730 - 736   2012.1

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    To precisely measure the neutron emissions from a spent fuel assembly of a fast breeder reactor, we formed nuclear emulsions based on a non-sensitized Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus (OPERA) film with AgBr grain sizes of 60, 90, and 160 nm. The efficiency for 252Cf neutron detection of the new emulsion was calculated to be 0.7 × 10-4, which corresponded to an energy range from 0.3 to 2 MeV and was consistent with a preliminary estimate based on experimental results. The sensitivity of the new emulsion was also experimentally estimated by irradiating with 565 keV and 14 MeV neutrons. The emulsion with an AgBr grain size of 60 nm had the lowest sensitivity among the above three emulsions but was still sensitive enough to detect protons. Furthermore, the experimental data suggested that there was a threshold linear energy transfer of 15 keV/μm for the new emulsion, below which no silver clusters developed. Further development of nuclear emulsion with an AgBr grain size of a few tens of nanometers will be the next stage of the present study. Copyright © 2012 by ASTM International.



  107. Temperature dependence of gamma-ray and neutron sensitivities of nuclear emulsion with AgBr nano-grains

    Ishihara Kohei, Kawarabayashi Jun, Tomita Hideki, Naka Tatsuhiro, Asada Takashi, Morishima Kunihiro, Nakamura Mitsuhiro, Maeda Shigetaka, Iguchi Tetsuo

    Proceedings of Annual / Fall Meetings of Atomic Energy Society of Japan   Vol. 2012   page: 89 - 89   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Atomic Energy Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.11561/aesj.2012f.0.89.0


  108. Design consideration on compact neutron pinhole camera with nuclear emulsion for energetic-ion profile diagnostics

    Yusuke Nomura, Hideki Tomita, Jun Kawarabayashi, Tetsuo Iguchi, Mitsutaka Isobe, Kunihiro Morishima, Toshiyuki Nakano, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Seiki Ohnishi

    Plasma and Fusion Research   Vol. 6 ( 1 )   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    For imaging of the emission profile of DD neutron produced by energetic deuterium ions, we propose a neutron pinhole camera with state-of-the-art nuclear emulsion technique. Recoiled proton due to elastic scattering of incident neutron passing though the pinhole makes a track in the nuclear emulsion. The incident neutron energy can be estimated by the energy of recoil proton and scattering angle that are derived from the track length and an angle between the track and the incident direction of neutron, respectively. DD neutron emission profile can be obtained with lower background events due to scattered neutrons and gamma-rays. We made preliminary designs on the pinhole collimator size and arrangement. The estimated spatial resolution would be better 100 mm with tungsten alloy collimator for the application to emission profile imaging of DD neutron in LHD plasma. © 2011 The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research.

    DOI: 10.1585/pfr.6.2402148



  109. The analysis of interface emulsion detector for the OPERA experiment in JAPAN Scanning facility Reviewed

    T. Fukuda, K. Kodama, M. Komatsu, S. Miyamoto, K. Morishima, T. Nakano, T. Omura, Y. Sakatani, O. Sato

    Journal of Instrumentation   Vol. 5 ( 4 )   2010.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The OPERA experiment, designed to search for neutrino oscillations, started its physics run in July 2008. It is the most recent emulsion-counter hybrid experiment. In this experiment two different types of emulsion detectors are used. One is called Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC), and is used as a target. The other is called Changeable Sheet (CS), which is attached to the downstream side of each ECC to identify the ECC in which a tagged neutrino interaction occurred. The CS interfaces rough tracking information obtained in the electronic detectors to the ECC and therefore is a key element of the emulsion-counter hybrid experiment. As a first step, a CS selected by electronic detectors is scanned and analyzed to decide if the ECC is to be developed and analyzed in detail
    a few CS are usually to be analyzed to identify an ECC for each tagged event due to the inaccuracy of the electronic detectors. The CS has a large scanning area and therefore Japan and Europe (Gran Sasso) are sharing in the CS analysis load to handle the scanning job. In this paper, the CS analysis method developed for the Japan scanning facility is described in detail. 100 million tracks are read out on each CS by an automatic emulsion read-out system ( S-UTS ), most of them are so-called fake tracks mainly due to low momentum Compton electrons or random noise and a few real tracks from a tagged neutrino interaction have to be picked up among a huge background. A dedicated method to reject this background without losing real tracks has been developed on the basis of analyzing track data obtained by S-UTS and combining these data with a final selection using additional information on multiple Coulomb scattering of candidate tracks obtained by human eye check to eliminate a remaining background. Performance of this method is shown to be sufficient for the OPERA experiment. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.

    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/5/04/P04009

    Web of Science



▼display all

Books 2

  1. Muography Reviewed International journal

    Kunihiro Morishima, Nobuko Kitagawa, Akira Nishio( Role: Contributor ,  Chapter 21)

    Wiley  2022.3 

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    Language:English Book type:Scholarly book

    DOI: 10.1002/9781119722748.ch21

  2. Cosmic ray muography

    Kunihiro Morishima( Role: Contributor ,  Chapter 9 : Muography and Archaeology)

    World Scientific  2023.4  ( ISBN:9789811264900

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    Total pages:xiii, 291 p.   Language:English

    CiNii Books



  1. 宇宙線ミューオンイメージングによるクフ王ピラミッド内部の新空間の発見 Invited Reviewed

    森島邦博, 北川暢子

    高エネルギーニュース   Vol. 42 ( 4 )   2024.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  2. 原子核乾板を用いた宇宙線イメージング技術による河川堤防の観測 Invited Reviewed

    北川暢子, 森島邦博, 福元豊, 安田浩保

    地盤工学会誌   Vol. 72 ( 1 ) page: 24   2024.1

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    Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  3. Evolusion of nuclear emulsion technology and its applications-Survival of analog film through the era of degital cameras-

    長縄直崇, 福田努, 北川暢子, 小松雅宏, 森島邦博, 中竜大, 中野敏行, 西尾晃, 六條宏紀, 佐藤修, 木村充宏, 歳藤利行

    放射線化学(Web)   ( 107 )   2019

  4. Development of Cosmic Ray Tomography with Nuclear Emulsion Invited

      Vol. 34   page: 277 - 280   2017.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  5. Development of Cosmic-ray Radiography with Nuclear Emulsion and Its Applications Invited

      Vol. 42 ( 3 ) page: 97 - 102   2017.1

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  6. Attempt to investigate upper ground from the inside of a tunnel by cosmic ray muon

      Vol. 137   page: 52 - 55   2017

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    CiNii Books


  7. Development of neutron spectroscopy system for deuterium experiment on LHD

    Tomita, H, Hayahi, S, Nakayama, Y, Ohshima, T, Morishima, K, Nakamura, M, Nakano, T, Iguchi, T, Cheon, M, Murakami, S, Jo, J, Isobe, M, Ogawa, K

    NIFS Annual Report Apr.2015 - Mar.2016   Vol. 2015   page: 142   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  8. Geophysical exploration by cosmic ray muon using emulsion cloud chamber

      Vol. 135   page: 105 - 108   2016

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    CiNii Books


  9. Development of Neutron Diagnostic Systems Leading to Extended Physics of Energetic Particle Confinement in LHD

    Uritani, A, Iguchi, T, Kawarabayashi, J, Watanabe, K, Tomita, H, Yamazaki, A, Nakamura, M, Nakano, T, Morishima, K, Sasao, M, Nishitani, T, Ochiai, K, Shinohara, T, Kondo, T, Ishikawa, K, Takada, E, Kaneko, J.H, Murakami, S, Misawa, T, Harano, H, Matsumoto, T, Yamanishi, H, Isobe, M, Osakabe, M, Miyake, H, Hayashi, H, Ogawa, K

    NIFS Annual Report Apr.2014 - Mar.2015   Vol. -   page: 205   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  10. Development of Fast Neutron Imaging using Nuclear Emulsion Technique

    Y. Nakayama, H. Tomita, K. Morishima, F. Yamashita, S. Hayashi, M. Isobe, K. Ogawa, MunSeong Cheon, DongHwan Kim, T. Naka, T. Nakano, M. Nakamura, V. Sonnenschein, J. Kawarabayashi, T. Iguchi, K. Ochiai

    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Imaging (ICAI2015)     page: 350-352   2015.6

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  11. 高ガンマ線バックグラウンド下での高速中性子精密測定技術の開発

    河原林順, 中野敏行, 富田英生, 森島邦博, 石原康平, 坂井陽介, 前田茂貴

    日本原子力研究開発機構JAEA-Review(Web)   ( 2013-024 ) page: 2.1.1 (WEB ONLY)   2013.11

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  12. 27pRC-12 Analysis of the new momentum region of tau-hadron decay background in OPERA experiment

    Suzuki T., Shibuya H., Ogawa S., Fukuda T., Matsuo T., Ishida H., Tsuchida Y., Kajiwara T., Sudo J., Makino T., Nakamura M., Sato O., Nakano T., Miyanishi M., Morishima K., Naganawa N., Naka R., Hamada K., Yoshida J., Kitagawa N., Komatani R., Ishiguro K., Nakatsuka Y., Suzuki K., Omura T., Yokokura R., Asada T., Masuda H., Katsuragawa T., Shiraishi T., Hakamada K., Yoshimoto M., Ishikawa M., Heyakawa T., Miyashita H., Kawahara H., Tomita N., Niwa K., Hoshino K., Komatsu M., Kodama K., Aoki S., Hara T., Takahashi S., Rokujo H., Owaki K., Kemada K., Nakagawa R., Sato Y., Tezuka I., Mikado S.

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   Vol. 68 ( 1 ) page: 33 - 33   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Physical Society of Japan (JPS)  

    CiNii Books


  13. 高ガンマ線バックグラウンド下での高速中性子精密測定技術の開発

    河原林順, 富田英生, 中野敏行, 森島邦博, 野村祐介, 石原康平, 前田茂貴

    日本原子力研究開発機構JAEA-Review(Web)   ( 2012-031 ) page: 2.1.8 (WEB ONLY)   2012.8

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  14. 高ガンマ線バックグラウンド下での高速中性子精密測定技術の開発

    河原林順, 富田英生, 野村祐介, 能任琢真, 高木恵輔, 中野敏行, 森島邦博, 前田茂貴

    日本原子力研究開発機構JAEA-Review(Web)   ( 2011-030 ) page: 2.1.14 (WEB ONLY)   2011.8

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▼display all

Presentations 70

  1. Cosmic ray imaging with nuclear emulsion plates for investigation of archaeological ruins Invited International conference

    Kunihiro Morishima


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    Event date: 2023.7 - 2023.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  2. Muography with nuclear emulsions developed at Nagoya University International conference

    K.Morishima, N.Kitagawa, T.Imanishi, F.Miyata, K.Kishimoto, H.Kodama, K.Morii, K.Shimizu, K.Nakano, T.Nishigaki

    Muographers 2023  2023.6.20 

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    Event date: 2023.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  3. ScanPyramids プロジェクトにおけるクフ王ピラミッドの切妻構造背後を対象とした宇宙線イメージングについての報告

    森島邦博, 久野光慧, 眞部祐太, 北川暢子, 西尾晃, ScanPyramidsプロジェクト

    日本オリエント学会 第63回年次大会  2021.10.31 

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    Event date: 2021.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  4. 宇宙線イメージングのための高速シミュレーションの開発と古墳内部探査への適用の検討 Invited

    中野 健斗, 北川 暢子, 森島 邦博


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    Event date: 2024.3

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  5. 3D reconstruction of cavities by cosmic ray imaging International conference

    Hiroto Kodama, Kento Nakano, Kunihiro Morishima, Nobuko Kitagawa

    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  6. Silver grain size control of nuclear emulsion with 300nm silver bromide crystal size and performance evaluation using HTS International conference


    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  7. ScanPyramids -Exploration of unknown structures of Khafre’s Pyramid by Cosmic Ray Imaging using nuclear emulsions- International conference


    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  8. Exploration of effective conpound of Nuclear Emulsions International conference


    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  9. Development of Automated Grain Density Measurement Method for Evaluation of Nuclear Emulsions Using CNN International conference

    Kento NAKANO, Nobuko KITAGAWA, Kunihiro MORISHIMA

    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  10. Crystal size measurement of silver bromide crystals and evaluation of nuclear emulsions of various crystal size International conference


    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  11. Cosmic-ray imaging with nuclear emulsion plates for safety assessments of levees International conference

    Nobuko Kitagawa, Kunihiro Morishima, Yutaka Fukumoto, Hiroyasu Yasuda, Tomoya Imanishi, Kazuki Kishimoto, Hiroto Kodama, Fuyu Miyata, Kento Morii, Kento Nakano, Taketo Nishigaki, Kai Shimizu

    ICMaSS 2023 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  12. Cosmic Ray Imaging Opens New Horizons in Archaeological Research International conference

    K.Morishima, N.Kitagawa

    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  13. Cosmic Ray Imaging from outside the Pyramids International conference

    Yuki Kambe, Kunihiro Morishima, Nobuko Kitagawa, Hiroto Kodama, Kazuki Kishimoto, Kai Shimizu, Kento Morii, Kento Nakano, Taketo Nishigaki, Atsuki Yoshihara, Nana Horie, Masaru Yazaki

    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  14. Application of Cosmic Ray Imaging Using Nuclear Emulsions to Detecting Cavities in Trees International conference

    Kento Morii, Kunihiro Morishima, Nobuko Kitagawa, Riko Tsurumi, Luu Khanh Linh, Tomoya Imanishi, Fuyu Miyata, Kazuki Kishimoto, Hiroto Kodama, Kai Shimizu, Kento Nakano, Taketo Nishigaki

    ICMaSS 2023 

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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  15. 宇宙線イメージングによるクフ王ピラミッドの 切妻構造背後の新空間の調査報告

    森島邦博, 北川暢子, ScanPyramids

    日本オリエント学会第 65 回大会  2023.10.29 

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    Event date: 2023.10

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  16. Blenderを用いた宇宙線イメージングのシミュレーション手法の開発

    児玉 滉人, 中野 健斗, 北川 暢子, 森島 邦博


     More details

    Event date: 2023.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  17. 宇宙線イメージングのためのGPUによる高速シミュレーションの開発

    中野 健斗, 北川 暢子, 森島 邦博


     More details

    Event date: 2023.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  18. 大粒子原子核乾板の解析手法の開発

    志水凱, 北川暢子, 森島邦博, 西垣豪人


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  19. 原子核乾板による宇宙線ミューオンイメージングと対象の多彩化 Invited


    2023年 日本物理学会 第78回年次大会 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  20. 宇宙線イメージング考古学 Invited


    2023年 日本物理学会 第78回年次大会 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.9

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  21. Development of cosmic-ray imaging with nuclear emulsion films for safety assessments of levees International conference

    Nobuko Kitagawa, Kunihiro Morishima, Yutaka Fukumoto, Hiroyasu Yasuda, Tomoya Imanishi, Kazuki Kishimoto, Hiroto Kodama, Fuyu Miyata, Kento Morii, Kento Nakano, Taketo Nishigaki, Kai Shimizu


     More details

    Event date: 2023.7 - 2023.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  22. Blenderを用いた宇宙線イメージングによる未知空洞の3次元推定

    児玉滉人, 北川暢子, 森島邦博

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  23. 新調湿材料を⽤いた原⼦核乾板の調湿⼿法の研究

    森井 健登, 森島 邦博, 北川 暢子

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  24. 宇宙線イメージングによる地下資源探査の検討

    西垣豪人, 中野健斗, 北川暢子, 森島邦博

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  25. 宇宙線イメージングによる地下空洞探査

    森島邦博 、 北川暢子、岸本和樹、 児玉滉人 、 志水凱 、 森井健登 、 中野健斗 、 西垣豪人

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  26. 大粒子原子核乾板の低温現像による粒子サイズ制御と読み取り装置による性能評価

    志水凱, 北川暢子, 森島邦博, 桑原謙一, 吉田哲夫, 西垣豪人

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  27. ScanPyramids 〜宇宙線イメージングによるカフラー王ピラミッドの未知空洞探査〜

    岸本和樹, 森島邦博, 北川暢子, 児玉滉人, 志水凱, 森井健登, 中野健斗, 西垣豪人

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

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    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  28. CNN を⽤いた原⼦核乾板評価のための⾃動 Grain Density 計測⼿法の開発

    中野健斗, 北川暢子, 森島邦博

    2023年度 日本写真学会年次大会 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.7

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  29. Application of muography with nuclear emulsions for the observation inside levees International conference

    Nobuko Kitagawa, Kunihiro Morishima, Yutaka Fukumoto, Hiroyasu Yasuda, Tomoya Imanishi, Kazuki Kishimoto, Hiroto Kodama, Fuyu Miyata, Kento Morii, Kento Nakano, Taketo Nishigaki, Kai Shimizu

    Muographers 2023  2023.6.19 

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    Event date: 2023.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  30. エジプト考古学と宇宙線イメージングが解き明かす真相 Invited

    森島 邦博

    MEBINAR × 高等研究院  2023.3.20 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

  31. エジプト考古学と宇宙線イメージングが解き明かす真相 Invited

    森島 邦博

    MEBINAR × 高等研究院  2023.3.20 

     More details

    Event date: 2023.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  32. 大粒子原子核乾板の特性評価と読み取り装置への最適化


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  33. 原子核乾板の新評価手法の開発と有効化合物の探索


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

     More details

    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  34. 電子顕微鏡による臭化銀粒子の粒子径測定


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

     More details

    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  35. Blenderを用いた宇宙線イメージングのシミュレーション手法の開発


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  36. 原子核乾板ボーリング検出器を用いた地下空洞探査 -亜炭鉱跡編-


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  37. ScanPyramids ‐カフラー王編 2022年10,11月遠征


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  38. 原子核乾板検出器を用いた河川堤防内部の宇宙線イメージング


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  39. 宇宙線イメージング技術の開発と応用 Invited

    森島 邦博

    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  40. 宇宙線イメージングによる樹木診断


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  41. 耐水性の向上を目指した原子核乾板用パッキング材の開発


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  42. 宇宙線イメージングのためのGPUによる高速シミュレーションの開発


    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  43. Blenderを用いた宇宙線イメージングのシミュレーション手法の開発

    児玉滉人, 森井健登, 中野健斗, 北川暢子, 森島邦博

    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  44. ScanPyramids ‐カフラー王編 2022年10,11月遠征

    森井健登, 森島邦博, 北川暢子, 今西智也, 宮田芙悠, 岸本和樹, 児玉滉人, 志水凱, 中野健斗, 西垣豪人

    2022年 画像関連学会連合会 第8回合同秋季大会  2022.11.22 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  45. 2028年の土木と日本のあるべき姿 Invited

    森島 邦博

    土木科学シンポジウム  2022.11.18 

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

  46. 宇宙線イメージング考古学 Invited

    森島 邦博

    宇宙線研究会2022   2022.10.25 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  47. 国際的対話で繋ぐ宇宙・素粒子・災害・資源・考古学 Invited International conference

    森島 邦博

    サイエンスアゴラオンライン  2022.10.20 

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    Event date: 2022.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

  48. 宇宙線イメージングによる地下構造探査技術の開発

    森島 邦博、北川 暢子、今西 智也、森井 健登、中野 健斗

    応用物理学会 第83回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2022.9.20 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  49. クラスターターゲットと高強度レーザーの相互作用によるMeV級イオンの繰り返し発生

    金崎 真聡、浅井 孝文、鍛治 賢志、田邉 寛之、井上 千裕、望月 政一郎、南 卓海、境 健太郎、姫野 公輔、田口 智也、小田 和昌、鈴木 蒼一朗、安倍 勇輝、郡 英輝、時安 敦史、田中 周太、Pikuz Tatiana、北川 暢子、森島 邦博、小平 聡、今 亮、Huang Kai、中新 信彦、近藤 康太郎、神門 正城、真柴 雄司、宮坂 泰弘、小倉 浩一、匂坂 明人、桐山 博光

    応用物理学会 第83回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2022.9.21 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  50. 大粒子原子核乾板に対する解析手法の開発

    志水凱, 北川暢子, 森島邦博

    日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会  2022.9.8 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  51. 原子核乾板の新評価手法の開発と有効化合物の探索

    宮田芙悠, 森島邦博, 北川暢子, 桑原謙一, 吉田哲夫

    日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会  2022.9.8 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  52. 原子核乾板を用いた河川堤防内部の宇宙線イメージング

    北川暢子, 森島邦博, 福元豊, 安田浩保, 今西智也, 宮田芙悠, 児玉滉人, 志水凱, 森井健登


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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  53. 原子核乾板を用いたクフ王のピラミッド内部における宇宙線観測(11)

    森島邦博, 久野光慧, 眞部祐太, 西尾晃, 北川暢子

    日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会  2022.9.8 

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  54. 宇宙線イメージングのシミュレーションに向けた3次元モデル作成手法の確立

    森井 健登,児玉 滉人,中野 健斗,北川 暢子,森島 邦博

    2022年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会  2022.7.16  一般社団法人 日本写真学会

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  55. 原子核乾板評価のための自動 Grain Density 計測手法の開発

    中野 健斗,宮田 芙悠,北川 暢子,森島 邦博

    2022年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会  2022.7.16  一般社団法人 日本写真学会

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  56. 多方向ミュオグラフィによる伊豆大室山の3次元透視

    長原 翔伍,宮本 成悟,森島 邦博,中野 敏行,小山 真人,鈴木 雄介

    2022年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会   2022.7.16 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  57. 宇宙線イメージングのための原子核乾板ボーリング検出器の開発

    今西 智也,森島 邦博,北川 暢子

    2022年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会  2022.7.16  一般社団法人 日本写真学会

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  58. Blenderを用いた宇宙線イメージングのシミュレーション開発

    児玉 滉人,森井 健登,中野 健斗,北川 暢子,森島 邦博

    2022年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会  2022.7.16  一般社団法人 日本写真学会

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  59. Blenderを用いた宇宙線イメージングのシミュレーション開発

    児玉 滉人, 森井 健登, 中野 健斗, 北川 暢子, 森島 邦博

    2022年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会  2022.7.16  一般社団法人 日本写真学会

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  


  60. 最新の原子核乾板技術と宇宙線イメージング Invited


    日本原子力学会 2022年春の年会  2022.3.16 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  61. 宇宙線イメージングのための原子核乾板ボーリング検出器の開発

    今西智也, 森島邦博, 北川暢子, 西尾晃

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3.17 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  62. 宇宙ガンマ線観測性能の向上を目的とした新たな原子核乾板の読み取り手法開発

    中村悠哉, 駒谷良輔, 小松雅宏, 小宮山将広, 佐藤修, 杉村昂, 鳥井茉有, 長縄直祟, 中野敏行, 中野昇, 中村光廣, 西尾晃, 森下美沙希, 森島邦博, 六條宏紀, 児玉康一, 伊代野淳, 山本紗矢, 吉本雅浩, 青木茂樹, 小田美由紀, 烏野絢花, 呉坪健司, 鈴木州, 高橋覚, 中村崇文, 中村元哉, 松田菖汰, 丸嶋利嗣

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3.17 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  63. GRAINE計画:次期気球実験に向けた準備状況

    髙橋覚, 青木茂樹, 東崇史, 小田美由紀, 加藤拓海, 烏野絢花, 呉坪健司, 鈴木州, 長原翔伍, 中村崇文, 中村元哉, 松田菖汰, 丸嶋利嗣, 山下真優, 児玉康一, 伊代野淳, 仲澤和馬, 吉本雅浩, 臼田育矢, 駒谷良輔, 小松雅宏, 小宮山将広, 佐藤修, 志水凱, 菅波亜門, 杉村昂, 鳥井茉有, 長縄直祟, 中野敏行, 中野昇, 中村友亮, 中村光廣, 中村悠哉, 西尾晃, 林煕崇, 南英幸, 森下美沙希, 森島邦博, 山本紗矢, 六條宏紀

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3.17 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  64. 原子核乾板の新しい評価方法の開発

    宮田芙悠, 森島邦博, 北川暢子, 西尾晃

    日本物理学会第77回年次大会  2022.3.16 

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    Event date: 2022.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  65. 原子核乾板を用いた宇宙線ミューオンラジオグラフィ ~クフ王ピラミッド内部の新空間の発見と多対象への展開~ Invited


    第6回 文理融合シンポジウム  2022.1.7 

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    Event date: 2022.1

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  66. ミュオンを用いたインフラ施設の透視技術 Invited


    第4回土木科学シンポジウム  2021.11.26 

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  67. "Current status of ScanPyramids - Cosmic ray muon imaging of Khufuʼs Pyramid with nuclear emulsions" Invited International conference

    Kunihiro Morishima

    International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021 (ICMaSS2021)  2021.11.5 

     More details

    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  68. ScanPyramids プロジェクトにおけるクフ王ピラミッドの切妻構造背後を対象とした宇宙線イメージングについての報告


    日本オリエント学会 第63回年次大会  2021.10.31 

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    Event date: 2021.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  69. 原子核乳剤の潜像退行の抑制 -ゼラチンとキレート剤の効果-


    2021 年度 日本写真学会オンライン年次大会  2021.7.21 

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    Event date: 2021.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  70. Cosmic ray muon imaging of Khufuʼs Pyramid with nuclear emulsions Invited International conference

    Kunihiro Morishima

    HEDS2021  2021.4.19 

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    Event date: 2021.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 20

  1. Pioneering a non-destructive investigation method for multi-layered stone structures utilizing the permeability of cosmic ray muons

    Grant number:23K17276  2023.6 - 2026.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)

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  2. Development of Innovative Tree Diagnostic Techniques Using Cosmic Ray Imaging

    Grant number:23K17805  2023.6 - 2025.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\6370000 ( Direct Cost: \4900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1470000 )

  3. 宇宙線イメージングによる革新的地下空洞探査技術の開発

    Grant number:23H01657  2023.4 - 2026.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    森島 邦博

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\18460000 ( Direct Cost: \14200000 、 Indirect Cost:\4260000 )


  4. 原子核乾板によるピラミッド・火山の三次元ミューオンイメージングと対象の多彩化

    Grant number:21H05086  2021.8 - 2024.3

    科学研究費助成事業  学術変革領域研究(B)

    森島 邦博, 宮本 成悟

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\39000000 ( Direct Cost: \30000000 、 Indirect Cost:\9000000 )


  5. Formation of the Multiscale Muon Imaging for Particles and Huge Structures

    Grant number:21B203  2021.8 - 2024.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  6. 素粒子現象から巨大構造物までを透視するマルチスケールミューオンイメージングの創成

    Grant number:21H05084  2021.8 - 2024.3

    科学研究費助成事業  学術変革領域研究(B)

    森島 邦博, 福元 豊, 堀井 泰之, 大谷 将士

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1170000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 、 Indirect Cost:\270000 )


  7. International Joint Research to Discover Royal Tombs of Maya Civilization Using Muon Fluoroscopy

    Grant number:20KK0008  2020.10 - 2023.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Competitive

  8. Three dimensional density imaging of volcanoes by omni-directional muography

    Grant number:19H01988  2019.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Competitive


  9. 高度情報処理と素粒子計測の融合によるミューオントモグラフィ技術

    2018.10 - 2022.3

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  さきがけ 


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  10. Study of Nuclear Emulsion production for precise measurements of neutrino properties

    Grant number:18H05541  2018.6 - 2023.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)

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  11. Development of Visualization Technology for Internal Structures of River Embankments and Civil Engineering Structures by Muon

    Grant number:20K20352  2018.6 - 2021.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)


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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Competitive

    The purpose of this research was to develop exploration technology by muons in order to visualize the internal structure of levees and civil engineering structures. The research is divided into four topics. As a result, we were able to establish a compact visualization technology which can measure in a short time.
    The present research has succeeded in downsizing the detector to the size of a laptop and can easily visualize soil cover with thickness up to about 3 m. In addition, when a visualization experiment of the levees was carried out using a simultaneously counting type muon detector, the levee shape could be caught in about 8 hours. Moreover, we also succeeded in visualizing the infiltration situation of a soil tank in an experiment, so it is possible to utilize it as a new technology that can visualize the internal situation of the levee at the time of flood.

  12. Development of cosmic-ray muon tomography with nuclear emulsion

    Grant number:18H03470  2018.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct Cost: \13300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3990000 )


  13. Development of cosmic-ray muon radiography with nuclear emulsion

    Grant number:15H04241  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Morishima Kunihiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\14300000 ( Direct Cost: \11000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3300000 )

    We developed cosmic-ray muon radiography with nuclear emulsion. Cosmic-ray muon radiography is a non-destructive inspection for large scale structures. We developed basic technologies and conducted the experiment for several targets. As a result, we achieved the following results. 1. Discovery of unknown big void inside the Khufu’s Pyramid at Cairo in Egypt. 2. Demonstration of imaging of lower part of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant. 3. Demonstration of imaging of hollow floor plate. These results validated the methodology of application of several targets (archaeology, industrial plant, civil engineering).


  14. Directional Dark Matter detection by Nuclear Emulsion

    Grant number:26302003  2014.4 - 2017.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    NAKAMURA Mitsuhiro, NAGANAWA Naotaka, MORISHIMA Kunihiro

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

    We have been promoting a directional dark matter detection experiment using super fine grain nuclear emulsion (NIT). Development of low BG NIT, of high resolution read-out system to detect ~100nm long recoil tracks, evaluation of the dependence of the detection efficiency on the recoil energy have been performed. It is concluded that the sensitivity of 10kg NIT will cover the parameter region claimed by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment.
    Letter of Intent has been submitted to LNGS Science Committee, and accepted as a test experiment named NEWSdm. Experimental area at the underground laboratory has been specified , and Pilot run and BG measurement run has been performing in the specified zone.

  15. Development of the large statistical analysis method of cosmic-ray emulsion chamber

    Grant number:25800142  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Morishima Kunihiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\2730000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 、 Indirect Cost:\630000 )

    I developed the large statistical analysis method of cosmic-ray emulsion chamber to analyze the balloon chambers (RUNJOB, JACEE), which was conducted a few years ago . These chambers recorded a huge amount of cosmic ray particles. I established the method of re-glycerine process of these emulsions to read out these films by using latest scanning system. And also, I established the analyzing method and validated the separation between proton and other heavy particles. In addition, I applied this method to measure cosmic-ray muon flux by using new emulsion chamber on the ground.


  16. Automatic identification for low energy electrons by nuclear emulsion

    Grant number:24540302  2012.4 - 2015.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SATO Osamu

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

    Increase of automatic scanning power and its track recognition make large scale exepriments for elementary particle physics posiible. While automatic scanning system produces huge amount of tracks not only real tracks but mainly "noise" traks. The track of compton electrons are the main part of the noise tracks. This study is aimed to recognize low energy electron track as it is and separete from minimum ionizing particle's tracks (signals for standard analysis). As the first step, number of image frames is increased from 16 to 32 layers and resulting a reduction of nozie tracks as 1/10. By tuning the algorithm to alpha ray tracks (>20um), we got more than 90% efficiency for alpha tracks. The noise track reduction study was continued with plate to plate alignment failed data sets. The failures are caused due to huge contamination of noize tracks in cosmic ray track data. The alignment of about 100 data sets were recovered after the study of multi valiable BDT analysis.

  17. Newly Development of Inner Visualization for River Levee and Engineering Structures by using Mu-Particle.

    Grant number:18H05334  2018.6 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Challenging Research (Pioneering)  Challenging Research (Pioneering)

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  18. Investigation of a large land slide fracture by using cosmic-ray muons in Canary Islands

    Grant number:15K17747  2015.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    MIYAMOTO Seigo, MORISHIMA Kunihiro, Pedro Hernandez

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    We attempted to observe the shape and porosity of fracture or faults predicted to be a sign of massive mountain collapse on one of the Spanish Canary Islands, La Palma.Ten pieces of emulsion films and nine of 1mm-thick lead plates were stacked with sandwich structure. This type of detector have strong noise reduction power. This was installed in front of the fracture/fault outcrop of La Palma Island in January, 2016. In June, we completed collection of all the films, we were able to successfully finish the observation with an effective area of 0.75 m2 and observation period 3 months. The image analysis and reconstruction of muon track was done except some amount of emulsion films. We are under summarizing the last results for submit this to the academic journal.


  19. Investigation of a synergetic ion acceleration process in cluster media at a relativistic laser intensity regime

    Grant number:26247100  2014.4 - 2018.3

    Fukuda Yuji

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

    The project aims, by utilizing the advanced ion acceleration method with the use of micron-size cluster targets developed by PI and co-workers, to find a new way to generate quasi-monoenergetic ion beams exceeding 100 MeV, which has a potential to be widely applicable to medical and industrial purposes, but no one has accomplished before. In numerical studies using the 3D-PIC code, we have discovered a new approach for accelerating a quasimonoenergetic proton bunch up to 290 MeV via a hemispherically converging collisionless shock created via laser-cluster interactions at the relativistically induced transparency regime. We have conducted ion acceleration experiments with the PW class J-KAREN-P laser at QST-KPSI. We found that only protons having the energies exceeding 10 MeV were for the first time accelerated in the forward direction with a high repetition rate.

  20. Development of Measurement Technique of Fast Neutron Flux with Nuclear Emulsion in the Underground Laboratory

    Grant number:23740185  2011 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    MORISHIMA Kunihiro

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )

    Nuclear emulsion is high sensitive photographic film used for detection of three-dimensional trajectory of charged particles. The principle of the measurement of fast neutron with nuclear emulsion is the detection of proton recoiled by neutron. However, electron tracks scattered by gamma rays are also recorded in the nuclear emulsion. These electron tracks are major background for fast neutron measurement. We developed new nuclear emulsion by adding a tiny amount of the rhodium into the silver bromide crystals in order to control the sensitivity and achieved high performance of electron background rejection. We can use this new emulsion to measure fast neutron flux in the underground experiment.


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Teaching Experience (On-campus) 20

  1. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging A


  2. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging 3


  3. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging 1


  4. Technology and Humanities(From2022)


  5. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging B


  6. [G30] Seminar in Particle Physics and Astrophysics 3


  7. [G30] Seminar in Particle Physics and Astrophysics 3


  8. Seminar on Particle Physics 3


  9. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging 4


  10. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging 2


  11. Seminar on Particle Physics 3


  12. Technology and humanities research (Enrolled in/after 2022)


  13. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging 1


  14. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging A


  15. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging 2


  16. Colloquium Cosmic Ray Imaging B


  17. 物理学実験Ⅱ


  18. 物理学実験Ⅰ


  19. 物理学実験Ⅱ


  20. 物理学実験Ⅰ


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Social Contribution 11

  1. 宇宙線を可視化する原子核乾板と超高感度霧箱 ~ピラミッド内部の未知空間の発見に大活躍!~


    日本科学振興協会(JAAS)  JAAS年次大会2023「会いに行ける科学者フェス」  2023.10

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    Type:Science festival


  2. KEKサマーチャレンジ2023


    高エネルギー加速器研究機構  KEKサマーチャレンジ  2023.8

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    Type:Research consultation


  3. 50周年特別講座 最新技術「宇宙線イメージング」によるクフ王ピラミッド内部の新空間の発見!


    SBS学苑  2023.7

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  4. ピラミッドを透視する。 ー宇宙線ミューオンで解き明かすー


    KMI SCT、名大研究フロントライン  2023.7

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  5. 宇宙線によるピラミッドの新空間の発見


    NHK文化センター名古屋教室  宇宙講座2023  2023.5

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  6. エジプト考古学と宇宙線イメージングが解き明かす真相

    Role(s):Appearance, Lecturer

    名古屋大学MEBINAR事務局  MEBINAR  2023.3

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


  7. 宇宙線イメージングによるクフ王ピラミッド内部の新空間の発見


    朝日カルチャーセンター  2021.11

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    Audience: Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students, College students, Graduate students, Teachers, Guardians, General


  8. 宇宙線によるピラミッドの新空間の発見


    NHK文化センター  宇宙講座2021「宇宙と物質の起源」  2021.6

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    Audience: Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students, College students, Graduate students, Teachers, Guardians, Researchesrs, General


  9. 宇宙線イメージングによるクフ王大ピラミッド内部の新空間の発見!


    学校法人 滝学園  土曜講座19周年記念講演会  2021.4

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    Audience: Junior students, High school students


  10. 宇宙から降り注ぐ"粒子"で大発見 ~ミューオン、ニュートリノの観測現場から~


    NHK公開セミナー 「コズミックフロント☆NEXT」 in 名古屋市科学館  名古屋市科学館 プラネタリウム「Brother Earth(ブラザーアース)」  2019.12

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    いま宇宙から降り注ぐ“ 粒子 ”を捉える最先端研究が大きな成果を上げています。 名古屋大学による ピラミッドの透視やニュートリノ観測の成果を世界最大級のドームに広がる全天映像で紹介します。 4K、8K で撮影された臨場感のある高精細映像と研究現場の舞台裏をお楽しみください。


  11. 世界が絶賛したピラミッド透視技術でスタートアップ!


    第72回名大カフェ "Science, and Me"  S.Core  2019.7

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    Type:Science cafe


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Media Coverage 36

  1. エジプト 世界最大のピラミッド 186年ぶりに未知の空間を確認 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHK ニュース7, ニュースウォッチ9, NEWS WEB  2023.3

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  2. シリーズ古代遺跡透視 マヤ文明の謎を解き明かせ TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  コズミック フロント  2022.3

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  3. エジプト 悠久の王国 プロローグ ピラミッド透視とファラオの謎 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKスペシャル  2024.3

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  4. 古代エジプト”3400年前㊙黄金都市”日本クルー初潜入 TV or radio program

    テレビ東京  有吉の世界同時中継  2024.3

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  5. 『世界の何だコレ!?ミステリー』 TV or radio program

    フジテレビ  『世界の何だコレ!?ミステリー』  2024.1

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  6. 「北野誠のズバリサタデー」 TV or radio program

    CBCラジオ  「北野誠のズバリサタデー」  2023.10

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  7. 【大ピラミッド】財宝がある可能性は?発見された”もう1つの空間”には何がある? Internet

    Youtube  河江肖剰の古代エジプト  2023.8

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  8. 【ピラミッド】最新技術で大発見!未知の空間を発見した驚きの調査方法に迫る Internet

    Youtube  河江肖剰の古代エジプト  2023.8

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  9. 【ピラミッド】未知の空間を発見した最新技術に迫る! Internet

    Youtube  河江肖剰の古代エジプト  2023.7

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  10. 第1677回 世界遺産 誕生の真実 TV or radio program

    TBS  世界ふしぎ発見!  2023.7

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  11. 『石塚元章 ニュースマン!!』 TV or radio program

    CBCラジオ  『石塚元章 ニュースマン!!』  2023.5

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  12. 【有吉の世界同時中継】 TV or radio program

    テレビ東京  【有吉の世界同時中継】  2023.4

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  13. シリーズ古代遺跡透視 ピラミッドに挑め!2900日の記録 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  2023.3

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  14. Hidden corridor in Egypt’s Great Pyramid mapped with cosmic rays Internet

    NewScientist  NewScientist  https://www.newscientist.com/article/2362300-hidden-corridor-in-egypts-great-pyramid-mapped-with-cosmic-rays/  2023.3

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  15. エジプト 世界最大のピラミッド 186年ぶりに未知の空間を確認 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHK ニュース7, ニュースウォッチ9, NEWS WEB  2023.3

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  16. 技術の大進化で解明!古代遺跡のお金の秘密 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  有吉のお金発見 突撃!カネオくん  2022.4

  17. シリーズ古代遺跡透視 マヤ文明の謎を解き明かせ TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  コズミック フロント  2022.3

  18. 古代マヤ大発掘~翡翠のマスクに秘められた文明崩壊の謎~ TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKBS8K  2019.10

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  19. 宇宙の狩人 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKBS4K  2019.3

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  20. 古代文明 大ピラミッド 発見!謎の巨大空間 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKBSプレミアム  2018.2

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  21. 見えないモノを見る! ひもとかれる歴史の謎 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  サイエンスZERO  2018.1

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  22. NHKスペシャル シリーズ 古代遺跡透視 「大ピラミッド 発見!謎の巨大空間」 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKスペシャル  2017.11

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  23. クフ王 ピラミッド 「未知の空洞」を発見 Newspaper, magazine

    日刊工業新聞  1面  2017.11

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  24. ピラミッド中央 30メートルの空間 Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞  3面  2017.11

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  25. ピラミッドに巨大空間 Newspaper, magazine

    読売新聞  28面、36面  2017.11

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  26. ピラミッド 未知の空洞 Newspaper, magazine

    赤旗新聞  14面  2017.11

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  27. ピラミッド 未知の巨大空間 Newspaper, magazine

    日経新聞  24面  2017.11

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  28. クフ王ピラミッド内部に未知の巨大空間を発見したことについて Newspaper, magazine

    産経新聞  3面  2017.11

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  29. クフ王ピラミッドに未知の大空間を発見 Newspaper, magazine

    中部経済新聞  13面  2017.11

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  30. クフ王ピラミッドに大空間 Newspaper, magazine

    中日新聞  32面  2017.11

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  31. クフ王ピラミッド 全長30メートル超 未知の空間 Newspaper, magazine

    毎日新聞  29面  2017.11

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  32. ピラミッド透視 謎の空間を発見! TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  クローズアップ現代  2016.10

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  33. NHKスペシャル シリーズ 古代遺跡透視 「プロローグ 大ピラミッド 永遠の謎に挑む」 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKスペシャル  2016.5

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  34. シリーズ原発事故(15)「最新報告 廃炉を阻む壁 ”核燃料デブリ”」 TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  サイエンスZERO  2015.12

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  35. 宇宙の力で陥没事故に挑む TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKニュース おはよう日本  2015.8

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  36. 宇宙の力で陥没事故に挑む TV or radio program

    日本放送協会  NHKニュース おはよう東海  2015.7

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