Health literacy promotion
Biology Science Education, Teaching and learning
Internationalization of higher education, English as a Medium of Instruction in science courses
2024/10/24 更新
博士(医学) ( 2008年3月 名古屋大学 )
Master's in Veterinary Medicine ( 2000年6月 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Bulgaria )
Internationalization of higher education
English as a Medium of Instruction in science education
Health literacy
Biology Science education
CLIL and EMI in biology tertiary education
人文・社会 / 科学教育 / biology science education
ライフサイエンス / 栄養学、健康科学 / health literacy
人文・社会 / 外国語教育 / CLIL and EMI in biology tertiary education
Health literacy
English as a Medium of Instruction in science education
Biology Science education
CLIL in science education
名古屋大学 特任准教授
2020年12月 - 現在
名古屋大学 G30特任准教授
2011年12月 - 2020年11月
神戸大学 研究員
2010年4月 - 2011年3月
2004年4月 - 2008年3月
国名: 日本国
Trakia University
1993年9月 - 2000年6月
国名: ブルガリア共和国
ICLHE (Integrated Content and Language in Higher Education) Newsletter aditor
Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association
Excellent Teacher Award
2018年 Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Health risk factors associated with the future medical specialists life style – comparative study among Bulgarian and foreign students 査読有り 国際共著
P. Gatseva, M. Vasileva, V. Atanasova, St. Harizanova, A. Bivolarska
General Medicine 24 巻 ( 4 ) 頁: 31 - 38 2022年9月
An efficient near infrared spectroscopy based on aquaphotomics technique for rapid determining the level of Cadmium in aqueous solution 査読有り
Alfian Putra, Maria Vassileva, Ryoko Santo, Roumina Tsenkova
A new screening method for recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains based on their xylose fermentation ability measured by near infrared spectroscopy 査読有り 国際誌
Hiroyuki Morita, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Maria Vassileva, Akihiko Kondo, Roumiana Tsenkova
ANALYTICAL METHODS 6 巻 ( 17 ) 頁: 6628 - 6634 2014年9月
Spectral patterns of urinary water as a biomarker of estrus in giant panda 査読有り 国際共著
Kinoshita K., Miyazaki M., Morita H., Vassileva M., Tang C., Li D., Ishikawa O., Kusunoki H., Tsenkova R.
Scientific Reports 2012年11月
Extracellular metabolites play a dominant role in near-infrared spectroscopic quantification of bacteria at food-safety level concentrations 査読有り 国際共著
Nakakimura Y., Vassileva M., Stoyanchev T., Nakai K., Osawa R., Kawano J., Tsenkova R.
Analytical methods 2012年5月
Near infrared spectroscopy as high-throughput technology for screening of xylose-fermenting recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 査読有り
Morita H, Hasunuma T, Vassileva M, Tsenkova R, Kondo A.
Analytical Chemistry 2011年6月
Near infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics: Novel approach for rapid in vivo diagnosis of virus infected soybean. 査読有り
Jinendra B, Tamaki K, Kuroki S, Vassileva M, Yoshida S, Tsenkova R.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2010年7月
A new phylogenetic cluster of cereulide-producing Bacillus cereus strains. 査読有り
Vassileva M, Torii K, Oshimoto M, Okamoto A, Agata N, Yamada K, Hasegawa T, Ohta M.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2007年2月
Phylogenetic analysis of Bacillus cereus isolates from severe systemic infections using Multilocus sequence typing scheme. 査読有り
Vassileva M, Torii K, Oshimoto M, Okamoto A, Agata N, Yamada K, Hasegawa T, Ohta M.
Microbiology and Immunology 2006年9月
CLIL Material Creation from a Language and Content Teacher Perspective: Two Mindsets, One Mission
Vassileva M., Kavanagh B.
7th J-CLIL Tohoku conference 2024年6月22日 J-CLIL
Creating an Innovative Partnership: Insights from a Hybrid CLIL Course in Engineering and Science
Vassileva M., Kavanagh B.
英語で専門科目を学ぶためのプローチを考えよう:C L I L紹介 招待有り
名古屋大学高等教育研究センター第216回招聘セミナー 2024年5月16日 名古屋大学高等教育研究センター
Strategies for Integrating Local and International Students in One Class 国際会議
Vassileva M.
ICLHE East Asia Symposium 2024年4月20日 ICLHE East Asia
EMI and CLIL in the context of Japanese national policy for internationalization of universities 招待有り 国際会議
Vassileva M.
LALS Seminar series 2024年3月8日 Victoria University of Wellington, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
EMI classes in specialized subjects – why they matter and how to incorporate them into the existing curriculum 招待有り
Vassileva M.
Kobe University Faculty Development Workshop 2021年9月16日 Kobe University
The rise and fall of gender equality in Eastern Europe: a second-generation researcher mother’s perspective 招待有り
Vassileva M.
Science and Gender symposium 2019年9月27日 Nagoya University Gender Research Library
Gender Inequality: you can’t treat a disease if you don’t know its root cause 招待有り
Vassileva M.
Nagoya University He for She Club Conference 2018年7月10日 Nagoya University He for She Club
Strategies for effective teaching in English 招待有り
Vassileva M.
Nagoya University Faculty Development Workshop 2017年4月6日 Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Seeing is believing. Comparison of Japanese, American and European Higher Education models. 招待有り
Vassileva M.
Temple University Seminar 2016年10月19日 Temple University Japan Campus
Women in Science: An alternative view to gender equality
Vassileva M.
EURAXESS European Research Day 2015年12月11日 EURAXESS
School of Science and the G30 Program: Present and Future 招待有り
Vassileva M.
29th Ariyama Symposium 2014年3月11日 Nagoya University School of Science
Is pessimism shortening your life? Genetics Perspective.
Aichi Prefectural University 2020年1月
Is pessimism shortening your life? Genetics Perspective
Nagoya University Global Science Campus Nagoya University Global Science Campus 2019年7月
Food and Mood
Aichi Prefectural University 2019年1月
Is pessimism shortening your life? Genetics Perspective.
Nagoya University Global Science Campus Nagoya University Global Science Campus 2018年6月
EURAXESS Japan Newsletter International Women`s Day Issue
EURAXESS Japan EURAXESS Japan newsletter 2016年3月
ICLHE East Asia Symposium 2023 “Rethinking E in EMI” 国際学術貢献
ICLHE 2023年4月