Updated on 2024/12/07


Graduate School of Medicine Program in Integrated Medicine Biomedical Regulation Professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Medicine
Undergraduate School
School of Medicine Department of Medicine

Degree 1

  1. 医学博士 ( 2009.3   名古屋大学 ) 

Research Interests 5

  1. 脊髄損傷治療

  2. 靱帯骨化症

  3. 脊椎脊髄腫瘍

  4. 脊柱変形

  5. 脊椎脊髄外科

Research History 5

  1. カリフォルニア大学デービス校 整形外科 リサーチフェロー

    2010.8 - 2011.2

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    Country:United States

  2. 名古屋大学医学部附属病院:助教

    2009.12 - 2013.6

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  3. 名古屋大学医学部付属病院整形外科:医員

    2007.7 - 2009.12

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  4. 名城病院整形外科 脊椎脊髄センター:医師

    2001.12 - 2006.3

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  5. 豊橋市民病院:研修医/医師

    1997.4 - 2001.12

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Education 1

  1. Nagoya University   Faculty of Medicine

    - 1997.3

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 4

  1. 日本整形外科学会

  2. 日本脊椎脊髄病学会

  3. 日本側彎症学会

  4. 日本インストゥルメンテーション学会

Awards 6

  1. 大正富山医薬品奨励賞

    2011   日本整形外科災害外科学会  

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  2. Stryker Traveling Fellowship Award


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  3. 日本整形外科学会奨励賞

    2010   日本整形外科学会  

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  4. Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Depuy Clinical Fellowship Award

    2009   Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association  

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  5. Medtronic Sofamor Danek Research Award


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  6. 日本側彎症学会最優秀論文賞

    2006   日本側彎症学会  

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Papers 659

  1. Improvement of atelectasis after corrective fusion for lordoscoliosis with intrathoracic vertebral protrusion in arthrogryposis multiplex congenita: efficacy of positive-pressure ventilation test. Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama,Noriaki Kawakami, Taichi Tsuji, Tetsuya Ohara, Nohara A, Matsubara Y, Tokumi Kanemura, Yoshito Katayama, Ryoji Tauchi, Naoki Ishiguro.

    J Orthop Sci   Vol. 18 ( 5 ) page: 856-860   2013.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  2. Influence of spinal sagittal alignment, body balance, muscle strength, and physical ability on falling of middle-aged and elderly males Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Taisuke Seki, Kenichi Hirano, et al.

    Eur Spine J   Vol. 22 ( 6 ) page: 1346-1353   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  3. Surgical treatment for kyphoscoliosis of Cohen syndrome Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Noriaki Kawakami, et al.

    Nagoya J Med Sci     page: in press   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  4. Radiographic Adjacent Segment Degeneration at Five Years After L4/5 Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion With Pedicle Screw Instrumentation: Evaluation by Computed Tomography and Annual Screening With Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Noriaki Kawakami,et al.

    J Spinal Disord Tech     page: in press   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  5. Treatment for primary spinal atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Norimitsu Wakao, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto, Hiroki Matsui, Tomohiro Matsumoto, Ukai J, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Hiroaki Nakashima, Maruyama K, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Naoki Ishiguro.

    J Orthop Sci   Vol. 17 ( 6 ) page: 822-827   2012.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  6. Influence of lumbar kyphosis and back muscle strength on the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in middle-aged and elderly people. Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama,Yukiharu Hasegawa, Norimitsu Wakao, Kenichi Hirano, Hamajima N, Naoki Ishiguro.

    Eur Spine J   Vol. 21 ( 11 ) page: 2149-2157   2012.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  7. Posterior Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis With Pedicle Screws and Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene Tape: Achieving the Ideal Thoracic Kyphosis Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto, Hiroki Matsui, Tomohiro Matsumoto, Yoshihito Sakai, Yoshito Katayama, Yukikiro Matsuyama, Naoki Ishiguro.

    J Spinal Disord Tech     page: in press   2012

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  8. Differentiation of localization of spinal hemangioblastomas based on imaging and pathological findings Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Yoshihito Sakai, Fumihiko Kato, Yasutsugu Yukawa, Koji Sato, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto, Yoshio Hashizume, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Naoki Ishiguro

    Eur Spine J   Vol. 20 ( 8 ) page: 1377-1384   2011.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  9. Factors Related to Surgical Outcome After Posterior Decompression and Fusion for Craniocervical Junction Lesions Associated with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Norimitsu Wakao, Hiroshi Kitoh, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Naoki Ishiguro

    Eur Spine J   Vol. 20   page: 320-325   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  10. An arterial pulse examination is not sufficient for diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease in lumbar spinal canal stenosis: a prospective multicenter study Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Yoshihito Sakai, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Masao Deguchi, Yudo Hachiya, Yoshimitsu Osawa, Hisatake Yoshihara, Mitsuhiro Kamiya, Tokumi Kanemura, Fumihiko Kato,Yasutsugu Yukawa, Toru Yoshida, Atsushi Harada, Noriaki Kawakami, Kazuhiro Suzuki, Yuji Matsubara, Manabu Goto, Koji Sato, Koji Maruyama, Makoto Yanase, Yoshihiro Ishida, Naoto Kuno, Takao Hasegawa, Naoki Ishiguro

    Spine   Vol. 36 ( 15 ) page: 1204-1210   2011

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  11. *Preventive effect of artificial ligamentous stabilization on the upper adjacent segment impairment following Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Noriaki Kawakami, Yuji Matsubara, Tokumi Kanemura, Taichi Tsuji, Tetsuya Ohara.

    Spine   Vol. 34 ( 25 ) page: 2775-2781   2009.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    RESULTS.: In the S group, significant posterior intervertebral expansion on radiograph was less advanced at the final follow-up (P < 0.005). MRI images demonstrated less significant aggravation of disc degeneration (P < 0.001) and progression of adjacent stenosis (P < 0.01), at L3/4 in the S group. Adjacent intervertebral changes on MRI occurred relatively early after surgery, suggesting that changes were due to transition syndrome, but not age-related changes. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrated an effect of soft stabilization for the prevention of transition syndrome in lumbar spine fusion. Although the postoperative follow-up periods in this study were not sufficiently long to reach a definitive conclusion, intervertebral breakdown adjacent to the rigid spine fusion could be diminished by the application of soft stabilization.

  12. *Image classification of idiopathic spinal cord herniation based on symptom severity and surgical outcome: a multicenter study. Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Yukihiro Matsuyama ,Yoshihito Sakai, Hiroshi Nakamura Yoshito Katayama, Zenya Ito , Norimitsu Wakao, Koji Sato , Mitsuhiro Kamiya, Fumihiko Kato ,Yasutsugu Yukawa , Yasushi Miura , HisatakeYoshihara , Kazuhiro Suzuki , Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano ,Ryoji Tauchi , Akio Muramoto , and Naoki Ishiguro.

    Journal of Neurosurgery Spine   Vol. 11 ( 3 ) page: 310-9   2009.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    RESULTS: Patients with Type P herniation had a good postoperative recovery, and those with a Type C location had significant severe preoperative lower-extremity paralysis and a significantly poor postoperative recovery. Patients with a bone defect had a significantly severe preoperative myelopathy, but showed no difference in postoperative recovery. CONCLUSIONS: The authors' results showed that a Type C classification and a bone defect have strong relationships with severity of symptoms and surgical outcome and are important imaging and clinical features for ISCH. These findings may allow surgeons to determine the severity of preoperative symptoms and the probable surgical outcome from imaging.

  13. *C5 Palsy After Cervical Laminoplasty: A Multicenter Study. Reviewed

    Shiro Imagama, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Noriaki Kawakami, Mitsuhiro Kamiya, Yasutsugu Yukawa, Tokumi Kanemura, Naoki Ishiguro, and Nagoya Spine Group.

    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British Volume   Vol. In press   page: 393-400   2009

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We have reviewed 1858 patients who had undergone a cervical
    laminoplasty and identified 43 (2.3%) who had developed a C5
    nerve palsy with a MRC grade of 0 to 2 in the deltoid, with or
    without involvement of the biceps, but with no loss of muscular
    strength in any other muscles. The clinical features and radiological
    findings of patients with (group P) and without (group
    C) C5 palsy were compared. CT scanning of group P revealed a
    significant narrowing of the intervertebral foramen of C5 (p <
    0.005) and a larger superior articular process (p < 0.05). On
    MRI, the posterior shift of the spinal cord at C4-5 was significantly
    greater in group P, than in group C (p < 0.01). This study
    is the first to correlate impairment of the C5 nerve root with a
    C5 palsy. It may be that early foraminotomy in susceptible individuals
    and the avoidance of tethering of the cord by excessive
    laminoplasty may prevent a post-operative palsy of the C5
    nerve root.

  14. Quality of life in adult patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip who were treated for hip dislocation during childhood.

    Sawamura K, Kitoh H, Matsushita M, Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Imagama S

    Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B   Vol. 34 ( 1 ) page: 38 - 43   2025.1

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    DOI: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000001173


  15. The Wait Time for Surgery Following Injury Affects Functional Outcomes and Complications After an Ankle Fracture: A Propensity Score-Matched Multicenter Study, the TRON Study.

    Sugino T, Takegami Y, Bando K, Sato T, Fujita T, Oka Y, Imagama S

    Foot & ankle specialist   Vol. 17 ( 6 ) page: 592 - 597   2024.12

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    DOI: 10.1177/19386400231164211


  16. Free bone fragments are associated with the development of heterotopic ossification after hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture: a retrospective observational study.

    Yokoi H, Takegami Y, Ochiai S, Miyachi T, Urasaki T, Imagama S

    European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie   Vol. 34 ( 8 ) page: 3947 - 3953   2024.12

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00590-024-04083-6


  17. Surgical strategy for metastatic spinal tumors based on Spine Instability Neoplastic Score and patient-reported outcomes: JASA multicenter prospective study.

    Nakajima H, Watanabe S, Honjoh K, Kubota A, Shiratani Y, Suzuki A, Terai H, Shimizu T, Kakutani K, Kanda Y, Tominaga H, Kawamura I, Ishihara M, Paku M, Takahashi Y, Funayama T, Miura K, Shirasawa E, Inoue H, Kimura A, Iimura T, Moridaira H, Akeda K, Takegami N, Nakanishi K, Sawada H, Matsumoto K, Funaba M, Suzuki H, Funao H, Oshigiri T, Hirai T, Otsuki B, Kobayakawa K, Uotani K, Manabe H, Tanishima S, Hashimoto K, Iwai C, Yamabe D, Hiyama A, Seki S, Goto Y, Miyazaki M, Watanabe K, Nakamae T, Kaito T, Nakashima H, Nagoshi N, Kato S, Imagama S, Watanabe K, Inoue G, Furuya T

    Journal of neurosurgery. Spine     page: 1 - 12   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.3171/2024.7.SPINE24340


  18. Patterns of sitting spinal alignment in non-ambulatory scoliosis patients with paraplegia: an observational study.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Ohara T, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Yamauchi I, Imagama S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society     2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08584-0


  19. Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Conjoined Tendon-Preserving Posterior Approach: The Modified Posterior Approach with a Minimum of 2-Year Follow-Up.

    Ozawa Y, Osawa Y, Seki T, Takegami Y, Iida H, Funahashi H, Imagama S

    Orthopaedic surgery     2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1111/os.14194


  20. Multimodal Deep Learning-based Radiomics Approach for Predicting Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

    Maki S, Furuya T, Katsumi K, Nakajima H, Honjoh K, Watanabe S, Kaito T, Takenaka S, Kanie Y, Iwasaki M, Furuya M, Inoue G, Miyagi M, Ikeda S, Imagama S, Nakashima H, Ito S, Takahashi H, Kawaguchi Y, Futakawa H, Murata K, Yoshii T, Hirai T, Koda M, Ohtori S, Yamazaki M

    Spine   Vol. 49 ( 22 ) page: 1561 - 1569   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000005088


  21. Prospective Registration Study for Establishing Minimal Clinically Important Differences in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Spinal Metastases.

    Hirota R, Oshigiri T, Iesato N, Emori M, Teramoto A, Shiratani Y, Suzuki A, Terai H, Shimizu T, Kakutani K, Kanda Y, Tominaga H, Kawamura I, Ishihara M, Paku M, Takahashi Y, Funayama T, Miura K, Shirasawa E, Inoue H, Kimura A, Iimura T, Moridaira H, Nakajima H, Watanabe S, Akeda K, Takegami N, Nakanishi K, Sawada H, Matsumoto K, Funaba M, Suzuki H, Funao H, Hirai T, Otsuki B, Kobayakawa K, Uotani K, Manabe H, Tanishima S, Hashimoto K, Iwai C, Yamabe D, Hiyama A, Seki S, Goto Y, Miyazaki M, Watanabe K, Nakamae T, Kaito T, Nakashima H, Nagoshi N, Kato S, Imagama S, Watanabe K, Inoue G, Furuya T

    Spine   Vol. 49 ( 22 ) page: 1539 - 1547   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000005062


  22. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio between titanium plate and hydroxyapatite block spacers in cervical laminoplasty for degenerative cervical myelopathy.

    Kagami Y, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Ouchida J, Ogura K, Shinjo R, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.10.003


  23. Meclozine and growth hormone ameliorate bone length and quality in experimental models of achondroplasia.

    Sawamura K, Matsushita M, Esaki R, Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Ohno K, Kitoh H, Imagama S

    Journal of bone and mineral metabolism     2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00774-024-01563-x


  24. Correction: Safety and feasibility of intravenous administration of a single dose of allogenic-Muse cells to treat human cervical traumatic spinal cord injury: a clinical trial.

    Koda M, Imagama S, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Ouchida J, Suda K, Harmon Matsumoto S, Komatsu M, Endo T, Suzuki S, Inami S, Ueda H, Miyagi M, Inoue G, Takaso M, Nagata K, Yamada H, Kamei N, Nakamae T, Suzuki H, Nishida N, Funaba M, Kumagai G, Furuya T, Yamato Y, Funayama T, Takahashi H, Yamazaki M

    Stem cell research & therapy   Vol. 15 ( 1 ) page: 402   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1186/s13287-024-04044-0


  25. Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on Neurological Recovery in Older Patients With Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Without Bone Injury: A Retrospective Multicenter Study.

    Takeda K, Watanabe K, Nori S, Yamane J, Kono H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Nakashima H, Segi N, Funayama T, Eto F, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Kawaguchi K, Suzuki N, Uei H, Nakanishi K, Terai H, Inoue G, Kiyasu K, Iizuka Y, Akeda K, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Yoshii T, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Global spine journal     page: 21925682241297587   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1177/21925682241297587


  26. What Are the Sex-Based Differences of Acetabular Coverage Features in Hip Dysplasia?

    Funahashi H, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Iida H, Ozawa Y, Ido H, Imagama S

    Clinical orthopaedics and related research   Vol. 482 ( 11 ) page: 1971 - 1983   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000003126


  27. Effects of Palliative Surgical Treatment for Spinal Metastases on the Patient's Quality of Life With a Focus on the Segment of the Metastasis: A Prospective Multicenter Study.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Ouchida J, Shiratani Y, Shimizu T, Suzuki A, Terai H, Kakutani K, Kanda Y, Tominaga H, Kawamura I, Ishihara M, Paku M, Takahashi Y, Funaba M, Funayama T, Nakajima H, Akeda K, Hirai T, Inoue H, Nakanishi K, Funao H, Oshigiri T, Otsuki B, Kobayakawa K, Tanishima S, Hashimoto K, Iimura T, Sawada H, Uotani K, Manabe H, Iwai C, Yamabe D, Hiyama A, Seki S, Goto Y, Miyazaki M, Watanabe K, Nakamae T, Kaito T, Nagoshi N, Kato S, Watanabe K, Imagama S, Inoue G, Furuya T

    Global spine journal     page: 21925682241297948   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1177/21925682241297948


  28. Accelerometer-based portable navigation system shows no superior accuracy over pelvic alignment guide for acetabular cup placement in total hip arthroplasty in lateral decubitus position.

    Okamoto M, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Tanaka S, Nobori T, Imagama S

    Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery   Vol. 144 ( 11 ) page: 4849 - 4856   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00402-024-05571-4


  29. Prevalence and treatment rates of osteoporosis among individuals with rotator cuff tears.

    Kawashima I, Ishizuka S, Oba H, Sakaguchi T, Nakashima H, Takegami Y, Imagama S

    Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery   Vol. 33 ( 11 ) page: e606 - e609   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jse.2024.02.026


  30. Predictive factors for reoperation after periprosthetic femoral fracture: A retrospective multicenter (TRON) study.

    Iwata M, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Kurokawa H, Takami H, Terasawa S, Takatsu T, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1445 - 1450   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.11.016


  31. Circulating miRNA-122 is associated with knee osteoarthritis progression: A 6-year longitudinal cohort study in the Yakumo study.

    Funahashi H, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Nakashima H, Ishizuka S, Fujii R, Yamada H, Suzuki K, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1411 - 1416   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.10.004


  32. Associations of frailty with RA-ILD and poor control of disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A multi-center retrospective observational study.

    Ohashi Y, Takahashi N, Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Sato R, Maeda M, Kihira D, Kishimoto K, Terabe K, Asai S, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1496 - 1502   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.11.012


  33. The prevalence and characteristics of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in the community-living middle-aged and elderly population: The Yakumo study.

    Ohshima K, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Ouchida J, Takegami Y, Ishizuka S, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1346 - 1352   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.10.005


  34. The survey of bone allograft transplantation in a Japanese regional bone bank.

    Asamoto T, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Takemoto G, Komatsu D, Seki T, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1528 - 1533   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.11.001


  35. Unusual cave-like subacromial bone erosion caused by suture-knots for rotator cuff repair with pathological findings of foreign-body granuloma from polyethylene particle.

    Sakaguchi T, Mishima S, Ishizuka S, Oba H, Mizuno T, Kawashima I, Fukui J, Fujii S, Imagama S

    JSES reviews, reports, and techniques   Vol. 4 ( 4 ) page: 830 - 833   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.xrrt.2023.06.001


  36. Clinical effectiveness of baricitinib and abatacept in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Asai S, Takahashi N, Terabe K, Yoshioka Y, Kojima T, Kobayakawa T, Sobue Y, Watanabe T, Hirano Y, Kanayama Y, Kato T, Hanabayashi M, Suzuki M, Imagama S

    International journal of rheumatic diseases   Vol. 27 ( 11 ) page: e15414   2024.11

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    DOI: 10.1111/1756-185X.15414


  37. A class of chemical compounds enhances clustering of muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in cultured myogenic cells.

    Miyairi Y, Ohkawara B, Sato A, Sawada R, Ishii H, Tomita H, Inoue T, Nakashima H, Ito M, Masuda A, Hosono Y, Imagama S, Ohno K

    Biochemical and biophysical research communications   Vol. 731   page: 150400   2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2024.150400


  38. Radiographic factors affecting contralateral knee alignment in patients with dysplastic hip osteoarthritis.

    Tanaka S, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Ozawa Y, Imagama S

    The Knee   Vol. 51   page: 249 - 257   2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2024.09.014


  39. Elderly trochanteric fracture outcomes: Unveiling the risks of excessive postoperative sliding - A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) investigation.

    Suzuki M, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakasima H, Mishima K, Kumagai H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.09.003


  40. Risk factors for nonunion in femoral neck fracture patients with internal fixation: A multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study.

    Kurahashi S, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima H, Mishima K, Yamauchi K, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.09.002


  41. Does global spinal alignment affect the use of walking aids after multi-segment spinal fixation for patients with ASD? A multicenter retrospective study.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Yamauchi I, Oishi R, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Ode Y, Nagatani Y, Okada Y, Tsushima M, Machino M, Ota K, Tachi H, Kagami Y, Shinjo R, Ohara T, Tsuji T, Kanemura T, Imagama S, Adult Spinal Deformity Study Group of the Nagoya Spine Group

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 33 ( 10 ) page: 3833 - 3841   2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08380-w


  42. Peri-implant fractures after Intramedullary fixation for femoral trochanteric fracture: a multicenter (TRON Group) study.

    Kaneda T, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima H, Mishima K, Mabuchi M, Imagama S

    European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society   Vol. 50 ( 5 ) page: 2587 - 2594   2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00068-024-02567-y


  43. Longitudinal impact of multi-segment spinal fixation surgery on mobility status and clinical outcomes in adult spinal deformity: a multicenter retrospective study.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Yamauchi I, Oishi R, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Ode Y, Nagatani Y, Okada Y, Tsushima M, Kanemura T, Machino M, Ohara T, Ota K, Tachi H, Tsuji T, Kagami Y, Shinjo R, Imagama S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 33 ( 10 ) page: 3894 - 3903   2024.10

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08397-1


  44. Efficacy and Safety of Auranofin for Progressive Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis: The Study Protocol of an Open-Label Phase II Trial.

    Nishida Y, Ito K, Sakai T, Kinoshita F, Kuwatsuka Y, Kinoshita S, Imagama S

    Cureus   Vol. 16 ( 10 ) page: e71033   2024.10

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    DOI: 10.7759/cureus.71033


  45. Low Nutrition before Injury Is a Risk Factor for Dysphagia in Older Patients with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: Based on a Multicenter Data of 707 Patients.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Ouchida J, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Funayama T, Eto F, Watanabe K, Nori S, Furuya T, Yunde A, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Uei H, Sawada H, Terai H, Tamai K, Kuroda A, Inoue G, Suzuki N, Kato K, Akeda K, Takegami N, Iizuka Y, Oshima Y, Tonomura H, Kiyasu K, Funao H, Yoshii T, Ishihara M, Kaito T, Seki S, Kakutani K, Tominaga H, Ohba T, Sakai D, Otsuki B, Miyazaki M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 8 ( 5 ) page: 473 - 479   2024.9

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    DOI: 10.22603/ssrr.2023-0227


  46. Adipokine dysregulation as an underlying pathology for diffuse ectopic ossification of spinal posterior longitudinal ligament in patients with obesity.

    Takahata M, Koike Y, Endo T, Ikegawa S, Imagama S, Kato S, Kanayama M, Kobayashi K, Kaito T, Sakai H, Kawaguchi Y, Oda I, Terao C, Kanto T, Taneichi H, Iwasaki N

    The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society     2024.9

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.09.023


  47. Ten-Year Follow-up of Posterior Decompression and Fusion Surgery for Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ouchida J, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Ode Y, Imagama S

    The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume   Vol. 106 ( 17 ) page: 1600 - 1609   2024.9

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    DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.23.01475


  48. Trabecular Bone Remodeling After Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Comparison of Three-Dimensional Porous Tantalum and Titanium-Coated Polyetheretherketone Interbody Cages.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Shinjo R, Kagami Y, Machino M, Ito S, Ouchida J, Morishita K, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Imagama S

    Global spine journal   Vol. 14 ( 7 ) page: 2106 - 2115   2024.9

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  49. Association between sarcopenia and locomotive syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A multicenter observational study (T-FLAG).

    Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Ohashi Y, Sato R, Kosugiyama H, Ohno Y, Hasegawa J, Sugiura T, Terabe K, Asai S, Imagama S

    International journal of rheumatic diseases   Vol. 27 ( 9 ) page: e15321   2024.9

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    DOI: 10.1111/1756-185X.15321


  50. Early surgery within 48 hours of admission for hip fracture did not improve 1-year mortality in Japan: a single-institution cohort study.

    Iida H, Takegami Y, Sakai Y, Watanabe T, Osawa Y, Imagama S

    Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy   Vol. 34 ( 5 ) page: 660 - 667   2024.9

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    DOI: 10.1177/11207000241248836


  51. Verification of grip strength as an evaluation tool for locomotive syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis.

    Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Ohashi Y, Sato R, Kosugiyama H, Ohno Y, Hasegawa J, Sugiura T, Terabe K, Asai S, Imagama S

    Osteoporosis and sarcopenia   Vol. 10 ( 3 ) page: 119 - 125   2024.9

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.afos.2024.07.001


  52. Clinical features of juvenile onset ankylosing spondylitis in Japanese patients.

    Kishimoto K, Asai S, Suzuki M, Sato R, Hasegawa J, Terabe K, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology     2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1093/mr/roae065


  53. Comparison of gait analysis before and after unilateral total knee arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis.

    Fukui J, Matsui Y, Mizuno T, Watanabe T, Takemura M, Ishizuka S, Imagama S, Arai H

    Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research   Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 506   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1186/s13018-024-04891-w


  54. Prevalence of social frailty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: data from a multicenter observational study (T-FLAG study).

    Suzuki M, Asai S, Ohashi Y, Sobue Y, Ishikawa H, Terabe K, Sato R, Kosugiyama H, Hasegawa J, Ohno Y, Sugiura T, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology     2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1093/mr/roae078


  55. Comparison of effectiveness of methotrexate in patients with late-onset versus younger-onset rheumatoid arthritis: Real-world data from an inception cohort in Japan (NICER-J).

    Asai S, Suzuki M, Hara R, Hirano Y, Nagamine S, Kaneko T, Suto T, Okano T, Yoshioka Y, Hirao M, Wakabayashi H, Fujibayashi T, Watanabe T, Takakubo Y, Ishikawa H, Nasu Y, Takemoto T, Kato T, Torikai E, Koyama K, Takagi H, Fujiwara T, Sobue Y, Ohashi Y, Nishiume T, Terabe K, Kojima M, Kojima T, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology   Vol. 34 ( 5 ) page: 892 - 899   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1093/mr/roae027


  56. Safety and feasibility of intravenous administration of a single dose of allogenic-Muse cells to treat human cervical traumatic spinal cord injury: a clinical trial.

    Koda M, Imagama S, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Ouchida J, Suda K, Harmon Matsumoto S, Komatsu M, Endo T, Suzuki S, Inami S, Ueda H, Miyagi M, Inoue G, Takaso M, Nagata K, Yamada H, Kamei N, Nakamae T, Suzuki H, Nishida N, Funaba M, Kumagai G, Furuya T, Yamato Y, Funayama T, Takahashi H, Yamazaki M

    Stem cell research & therapy   Vol. 15 ( 1 ) page: 259   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1186/s13287-024-03842-w


  57. Impact of surgical treatment on patient reported outcome in patients with spinal metastases from prostate cancer.

    Hirota R, Oshigiri T, Iesato N, Emori M, Teramoto A, Shiratani Y, Suzuki A, Terai H, Shimizu T, Kakutani K, Kanda Y, Tominaga H, Kawamura I, Ishihara M, Paku M, Takahashi Y, Funayama T, Miura K, Shirasawa E, Inoue H, Kimura A, Iimura T, Moridaira H, Nakajima H, Watanabe S, Akeda K, Takegami N, Nakanishi K, Sawada H, Matsumoto K, Funaba M, Suzuki H, Funao H, Hirai T, Otsuki B, Kobayakawa K, Uotani K, Manabe H, Tanishima S, Hashimoto K, Iwai C, Yamabe D, Hiyama A, Seki S, Goto Y, Miyazaki M, Watanabe K, Nakamae T, Kaito T, Nakashima H, Nagoshi N, Kato S, Imagama S, Watanabe K, Inoue G, Furuya T

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.07.012


  58. Neuromodulation with transcranial direct current stimulation contributes to motor function recovery via microglia in spinal cord injury.

    Oishi R, Takeda I, Ode Y, Okada Y, Kato D, Nakashima H, Imagama S, Wake H

    Scientific reports   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 18031   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-69127-7


  59. Analysis of spinopelvic parameters in adult patients with lumbosacral transitional vertebrae.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Kanemura T, Tsushima M, Ito S, Segi N, Tomita H, Morishita K, Oyama H, Oshima K, Imagama S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 33 ( 8 ) page: 2952 - 2959   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08378-4


  60. Factors related to collapse progression in Japanese Investigation Committee classification type B osteonecrosis of the femoral head.

    Ido H, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Hiroto F, Ozawa Y, Imagama S

    International orthopaedics   Vol. 48 ( 8 ) page: 2033 - 2040   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00264-024-06221-5


  61. Computer simulation study of cementless cup placement for dysplastic hip osteoarthritis using subluxation percentage of Crowe classification.

    Otaka K, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Iida H, Ozawa Y, Funahashi H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society   Vol. 42 ( 8 ) page: 1801 - 1809   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1002/jor.25819


  62. Characteristics of pelvic obliquity in dysplastic hip osteoarthritis.

    Ozawa Y, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Funahashi H, Tanaka S, Imagama S

    Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery   Vol. 144 ( 8 ) page: 3813 - 3821   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00402-024-05476-2


  63. Risk factors for residual pelvic obliquity one year after total hip arthroplasty.

    Ozawa Y, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Iida H, Takemoto G, Imagama S

    European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie   Vol. 34 ( 6 ) page: 3319 - 3327   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00590-024-04060-z


  64. A novel technique for C1-C2 posterior screw insertion using patient-specific guides created by CT-based 3D printing.

    Kagami Y, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Ouchida J, Shinjo R, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 86 ( 3 ) page: 487 - 496   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.86.3.487


  65. Adenosine triphosphate release inhibitors targeting pannexin1 improve recovery after spinal cord injury.

    Morishita K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 86 ( 3 ) page: 392 - 406   2024.8

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    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.86.3.392


  66. Risk factors for lateralization or superiorization of the center of the femoral head in eccentric rotational acetabular osteotomy.

    Okamoto M, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Iida H, Funahashi H, Seki T, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 4 ) page: 1009 - 1014   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.06.010


  67. Worsening ambulation in elderly patients with cervical odontoid fractures: A nationwide multicenter study in Japan.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Yokogawa N, Ikegami S, Watanabe K, Funayama T, Hasegawa T, Tonomura H, Kakutani K, Furuya T, Suzuki N, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Miyazaki M, Terashima Y, Suzuki H, Hashimoto K, Uei H, Funao H, Kaito T, Kawaguchi K, Sakai D, Seki S, Otsuki B, Inoue G, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 4 ) page: 927 - 932   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.05.006


  68. Sacroiliac joint fusion in patients with ankylosing spondylitis is associated with hip involvement.

    Ido H, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Kishimoto K, Kihira D, Suzuki M, Asai S, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 4 ) page: 939 - 944   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.06.012


  69. Analysis of Calcaneal Avulsion Fractures Treated Surgically and Nonsurgically: A Retrospective Multicenter Study.

    Takahashi Y, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Asami Y, Takahashi H, Kato M, Kanemura T, Imagama S

    JB & JS open access   Vol. 9 ( 3 )   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.OA.23.00127


  70. Preoperative low Hounsfield units in the lumbar spine are associated with postoperative mechanical complications in adult spinal deformity.

    Yamauchi I, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Ouchida J, Oishi R, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Ode Y, Nagatani Y, Okada Y, Morishita K, Takeichi Y, Kagami Y, Tachi H, Ohshima K, Ogura K, Shinjo R, Ohara T, Tsuji T, Kanemura T, Imagama S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 33 ( 7 ) page: 2824 - 2831   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08261-2


  71. Neurologic recovery following laminectomy and tumor resection of a pediatric cervical synovial osteochondromatosis causing paralysis.

    Yamauchi I, Nakashima H, Inoue T, Nojima T, Imagama S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 33 ( 7 ) page: 2904 - 2908   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00586-024-08304-8


  72. Low and high body mass index and lower numbers of screws in the articular segment are risk factors for non-union of distal humeral fractures in the elderly: A multi-center retrospective study (TRON study).

    Iwase K, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Oshika Y, Yokoyama H, Tanaka K, Sakai T, Imagama S

    Shoulder & elbow   Vol. 16 ( 3 ) page: 312 - 320   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1177/17585732221131923


  73. Gradual Reduction Using Overhead Traction for Late-Detected Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: A Report of Three Cases Diagnosed Among Children Over Four Years Old.

    Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Sawamura K, Matsushita M, Imagama S

    Cureus   Vol. 16 ( 7 ) page: e63833   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.7759/cureus.63833


  74. Does Preoperative Manual Reduction (Omoto Technique) Affect Surgical Outcomes for Calcaneal Fractures? A Multicenter (TRON Group) Retrospective Study.

    Takahashi H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Takahashi Y, Kato M, Mabuchi M, Imagama S

    The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons   Vol. 63 ( 4 ) page: 450 - 455   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1053/j.jfas.2024.02.003


  75. Descriptive analysis of incidence and risk factors for short intramedullary nail breakage in femoral intertrochanteric fractures: a multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study.

    Noritake H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima H, Mishima K, Ito T, Imagama S

    European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie   Vol. 34 ( 5 ) page: 2605 - 2611   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00590-024-03957-z


  76. Association of mid-thigh quadriceps muscle quality with postoperative outcomes in patients with hip osteoarthritis undergoing total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective cohort study.

    Iida H, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Funahashi H, Ozawa Y, Ido H, Asamoto T, Otaka K, Tanaka S, Imagama S

    International orthopaedics   Vol. 48 ( 7 ) page: 1715 - 1721   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00264-024-06142-3


  77. Risk factors of periprosthetic joint infection after hemiarthroplasty for displaced femoral neck fracture in the elderly: Analysis of 1619 cases in the multicenter database.

    Sumi S, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima H, Mishima K, Takatsu T, Imagama S

    Injury   Vol. 55 ( 7 ) page: 111603   2024.7

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111603


  78. Vimseltinib for tenosynovial giant cell tumour.

    Urakawa H, Imagama S

    Lancet (London, England)   Vol. 403 ( 10445 ) page: 2665 - 2667   2024.6

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    DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01113-9


  79. Epidemiology of Cervical Fracture/Cervical Spinal Cord Injury and Changes in Surgical Treatment Modalities in Elderly Individuals During a 10-year Period: A Nationwide Multicenter Study in Japan

    Segi, N; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Yokogawa, N; Sasagawa, T; Funayama, T; Eto, F; Watanabe, K; Nori, S; Furuya, T; Yunde, A; Nakajima, H; Hasegawa, T; Yamada, T; Terashima, Y; Hirota, R; Suzuki, H; Imajo, Y; Ikegami, S; Uehara, M; Tonomura, H; Sakata, M; Hashimoto, K; Onoda, Y; Kawaguchi, K; Haruta, Y; Suzuki, N; Kato, K; Uei, H; Sawada, H; Nakanishi, K; Misaki, K; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Inoue, G; Shirasawa, E; Kakutani, K; Iizuka, Y; Takasawa, E; Akeda, K; Kiyasu, K; Tominaga, H; Tokumoto, H; Funao, H; Oshima, Y; Yoshii, T; Kaito, T; Sakai, D; Ohba, T; Seki, S; Otsuki, B; Ishihara, M; Miyazaki, M; Okada, S; Imagama, S; Kato, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 5 ) page: 1583 - 1594   2024.6

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  80. Association between advanced glycation end-products and fall risk in older adults: The Yakumo Study.

    Iida H, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Funahashi H, Ozawa Y, Ido H, Asamoto T, Otaka K, Tanaka S, Nakashima H, Ishizuka S, Seki T, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Geriatrics & gerontology international   Vol. 24 ( 6 ) page: 517 - 522   2024.6

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    DOI: 10.1111/ggi.14871


  81. Is spinopelvic compensation associated with unstable gait?: Analysis using whole spine X-rays and a two-point accelerometer during gait in healthy adults.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Ouchida J, Kayamoto A, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Takegami Y, Ishizuka S, Seki T, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Gait & posture   Vol. 111   page: 22 - 29   2024.6

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2024.04.013


  82. Reply to "Letter to the Editor Concerning 'Implant-Related Complications After Spinal Fusion: A Multicenter Study.' by Koshimizu et al.".

    Koshimizu H, Nakashima H, Ohara T, Tauchi R, Kanemura T, Shinjo R, Machino M, Ito S, Ando K, Imagama S

    Global spine journal   Vol. 14 ( 5 ) page: 1682 - 1683   2024.6

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    DOI: 10.1177/21925682241227412


  83. Retrospective study comparing the accuracies of handheld infrared stereo camera and augmented reality-based navigation systems for total hip arthroplasty.

    Tanaka S, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Okamoto M, Imagama S

    Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery   Vol. 144 ( 6 ) page: 2811 - 2821   2024.6

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00402-024-05330-5


  84. Comparison of conjoined tendon-preserving posterior approach and conventional posterolateral approach in hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in the elderly: A multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study.

    Ogura K, Takegami Y, Kuwahara Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima R, Yamamoto S, Naito K, Kasai T, Makida K, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.5

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.05.003


  85. Reply to "Letter to the Editor Concerning 'Clinical Outcomes of Condoliase Injection Therapy for Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation' by Kagami et al.".

    Kagami Y, Nakashima H, Segi N, Shinjo R, Imagama S

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 8 ( 3 ) page: 353   2024.5

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    DOI: 10.22603/ssrr.2024-0001


  86. Trabecular Bone Remodeling after Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Comparison of the Osseointegration in Three-Dimensional Porous Titanium Cages and Polyether-Ether-Ketone Cages.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Ouchida J, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Matsumoto T, Kanbara S, Ito K, Imagama S

    Global spine journal     page: 21925682241255686   2024.5

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    DOI: 10.1177/21925682241255686


  87. Factors associated with discrepancies in disease activity as assessed by SDAI and RAPID3 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Data from a multicenter observational study (T-FLAG).

    Suzuki M, Asai S, Ohashi Y, Sobue Y, Ishikawa H, Takahashi N, Terabe K, Sato R, Kosugiyama H, Hasegawa J, Ohno Y, Sugiura T, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology     2024.5

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    DOI: 10.1093/mr/roae040


  88. Choice of and response to treatment in patients with early-diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis: Real-world data from an inception cohort in Japan (NICER-J).

    Suzuki M, Asai S, Hara R, Hirano Y, Nagamine S, Kaneko T, Sakane H, Okano T, Yoshioka Y, Tsuji S, Wakabayashi H, Takakubo Y, Takemoto T, Fujibayashi T, Watanabe T, Kato T, Ishikawa H, Nasu Y, Torikai E, Kaneko A, Takagi H, Fujiwara T, Kihira D, Hattori K, Kishimoto K, Ohashi Y, Sobue Y, Yokota Y, Nishiume T, Terabe K, Takahashi N, Kojima M, Imagama S, Kojima T

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 3 ) page: 921 - 926   2024.5

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.03.020


  89. Relationship between locomotive syndrome and advanced glycation end products measured by skin autofluorescence in community-dwelling patients: the Yakumo Study.

    Ozawa Y, Takegami Y, Seki T, Osawa Y, Iida H, Okamoto M, Nakashima H, Ishizuka S, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 86 ( 2 ) page: 314 - 325   2024.5

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    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.86.2.314


  90. Diaphyseal forearm fracture management in adolescent patients from 2011 to 2020: A multicenter study of surgery and regional anesthesia trends.

    Kimura Y, Asami Y, Tokutake K, Takegami Y, Oshima K, Ishihara N, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.4

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.03.009


  91. Obesity Is Associated with Asymptomatic Vertebral Fractures: A Yakumo Study.

    Miyairi Y, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Ouchida J, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Machino M, Seki T, Ishizuka S, Takegami Y, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 13 ( 7 )   2024.4

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    DOI: 10.3390/jcm13072063


  92. Anti-sclerostin antibody therapy prevents post-ischemic osteonecrosis bone collapse via interleukin-6 association.

    Ozawa Y, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Asamoto T, Tanaka S, Imagama S

    Bone   Vol. 181   page: 117030   2024.4

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2024.117030


  93. Neurological recovery rate and predictive factors of incomplete AIS grade C spinal cord injury in the older aged population.

    Tamai K, Terai H, Nakamura H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Yamane J, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Kuroda A, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Spinal cord   Vol. 62 ( 4 ) page: 149 - 155   2024.4

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    DOI: 10.1038/s41393-024-00963-0


  94. Long-term oral meclozine administration improves survival rate and spinal canal stenosis during postnatal growth in a mouse model of achondroplasia in both sexes.

    Funahashi H, Matsushita M, Esaki R, Mishima K, Ohkawara B, Kamiya Y, Takegami Y, Ohno K, Kitoh H, Imagama S

    JBMR plus   Vol. 8 ( 4 ) page: ziae018   2024.4

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    DOI: 10.1093/jbmrpl/ziae018


  95. Does Early and Late Weight Bearing Have an Effect on the Results of Elderly Tibial Plateau Fractures with Internal Fixation?: A Multicenter (TRON Group) Study.

    Sudo Y, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Shimizu K, Naruse K, Takatsu T, Imagama S

    Indian journal of orthopaedics   Vol. 58 ( 4 ) page: 354 - 361   2024.4

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    DOI: 10.1007/s43465-024-01113-7


  96. Comparing short vs. intermediate and long nails in elderly patients with unstable multifragmental femoral trochanteric fractures (AO type A2): Multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study.

    Tsugeno H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Mishima K, Nakashima H, Kobayashi K, Imagama S

    Injury   Vol. 55 ( 4 ) page: 111420   2024.4

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111420


  97. Fracture of the patella involving inferior pole is associated with postoperative patella baja - A retrospective multicenter study.

    Murase F, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Oyama H, Arakawa O, Takatsu T, Nakashima H, Mishima K, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.03.008


  98. Intervertebral fusion sites in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A computed tomography study.

    Kishimoto K, Asai S, Suzuki M, Kihira D, Sato R, Terabe K, Ohashi Y, Maeda M, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology   Vol. 34 ( 3 ) page: 599 - 606   2024.3

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  99. External validation of a deep learning model for predicting bone mineral density on chest radiographs.

    Asamoto T, Takegami Y, Sato Y, Takahara S, Yamamoto N, Inagaki N, Maki S, Saito M, Imagama S

    Archives of osteoporosis   Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 15   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1007/s11657-024-01372-9


  100. Impact of malnutrition on mortality and neurological recovery of older patients with spinal cord injury.

    Tamai K, Terai H, Nakamura H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Yamane J, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Kuroda A, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Scientific reports   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 5853   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56527-y


  101. A large preoperative pelvic oblique angle affects perception of leg length discrepancy after total hip arthroplasty.

    Takemoto G, Osawa Y, Seki T, Takegami Y, Kato D, Okamoto M, Iida H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 566 - 573   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.01.013


  102. Effect of anaesthesia on cemented hemiarthroplasty -A multicentre retrospective study (TRON study).

    Yamamoto S, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima R, Naito K, Ogura K, Kato D, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 585 - 588   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.02.005


  103. An appropriate method for predicting the femoral angle on whole-body X-ray images from full-spine X-ray images.

    Ito K, Nakashima H, Kagami Y, Ouchida J, Satake K, Tsushima M, Tomita H, Ode Y, Nagatani Y, Imagama S, Kanemura T

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 489 - 493   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.02.007


  104. Influence of the timing of surgery for cervical spinal cord injury without bone injury in the elderly: A retrospective multicenter study.

    Nori S, Watanabe K, Takeda K, Yamane J, Kono H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Ando K, Nakashima H, Segi N, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Shirasawa E, Inoue G, Kiyasu K, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Funao H, Kaito T, Yoshii T, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 480 - 485   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.01.004


  105. The anatomical relationship between the celiac artery and the median arch ligament in degenerative spinal surgery.

    Kagami Y, Nakashima H, Ito K, Satake K, Tsushima M, Ouchida J, Morita Y, Ode Y, Segi N, Imagama S, Kanemura T

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 2 ) page: 502 - 507   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.02.015


  106. Autoantibodies Against Dihydrolipoamide S-Acetyltransferase in Immune-Mediated Neuropathies.

    Fukami Y, Iijima M, Koike HH, Yagi S, Furukawa S, Mouri N, Ouchida J, Murakami A, Iida M, Yokoi S, Hashizume A, Iguchi Y, Imagama S, Katsuno M

    Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation   Vol. 11 ( 2 ) page: e200199   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000200199


  107. Comparison of the Outcomes of Plating, Screw Fixation, and Pinning in Sanders Type II Fractures: A Multicenter (TRON) Retrospective Study.

    Kato M, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Asami Y, Takahashi Y, Takahashi H, Kumagai H, Imagama S

    The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons   Vol. 63 ( 2 ) page: 171 - 175   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1053/j.jfas.2023.10.002


  108. Calcitriol ameliorates motor deficits and prolongs survival of Chrne-deficient mouse, a model for congenital myasthenic syndrome, by inducing Rspo2.

    Ohkawara B, Tomita H, Inoue T, Zhang S, Kanbara S, Koshimizu H, Miyasaka Y, Takeda JI, Nishiwaki H, Nakashima H, Ito M, Masuda A, Ishiguro N, Ogi T, Ohno T, Imagama S, Ohno K

    Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics   Vol. 21 ( 2 ) page: e00318   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.neurot.2024.e00318


  109. A Longitudinal Study on the Effect of Exercise Habits on Locomotive Syndrome and Quality of Life during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ouchida J, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Ishizuka S, Takegami Y, Seki T, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 13 ( 5 )   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.3390/jcm13051385


  110. Do Postural and Walking Stabilities Change over a Decade by Aging? A Longitudinal Study.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Ouchida J, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Miyairi Y, Morita Y, Takegami Y, Ishizuka S, Seki T, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 13 ( 4 )   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.3390/jcm13041081


  111. Cellular senescence is associated with osteonecrosis of the femoral head while mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium inhibits bone collapse.

    Okamoto M, Nakashima H, Sakai K, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Watanabe J, Ito S, Hibi H, Imagama S

    Scientific reports   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 3329   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-53400-w


  112. Extension of the Antero-Posterior Necrotic Regions Associated With Collapse Cessation in Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head.

    Osawa Y, Seki T, Takegami Y, Okamoto M, Iida H, Imagama S

    The Journal of arthroplasty   Vol. 39 ( 2 ) page: 387 - 392   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2023.08.020


  113. Early versus delayed weight bearing after internal fixation for femoral neck fracture in younger adults: A multicenter retrospective study.

    Hasegawa K, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Nakashima H, Mishima K, Kobayashi K, Imagama S

    Injury   Vol. 55 ( 2 ) page: 111292   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2023.111292


  114. Response to the Letter to the Editor: Evaluation of the Association between Neck Pain and the Trapezius Muscles in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy Using Motor Evoked Potential: A Retrospective Study.

    Ito S, Sakai Y, Harada A, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Kambara S, Inoue T, Hida T, Ito K, Ishiguro N, Imagama S

    Asian spine journal   Vol. 18 ( 1 ) page: 160 - 161   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.31616/asj.2022.0028.r2


  115. Rod fracture after multiple-rod technique for adult spinal deformity: a case report.

    Yamauchi I, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Tauchi R, Ohara T, Kawakami N, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 86 ( 1 ) page: 135 - 141   2024.2

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    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.86.1.135


  116. Risk factors for intraoperative femoral fractures in cementless bipolar hip arthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in multicenter: The TRON group study.

    Ido H, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Okamoto M, Iida H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2024.01.005


  117. Early Versus Delayed Surgery for Elderly Traumatic Cervical Spinal Injury: A Nationwide Multicenter Study in Japan.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Ito S, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Watanabe K, Nori S, Funayama T, Eto F, Nakajima H, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Furuya T, Yunde A, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Uei H, Sawada H, Kawaguchi K, Nakanishi K, Suzuki N, Oshima Y, Hasegawa T, Iizuka Y, Tonomura H, Terai H, Akeda K, Seki S, Ishihara M, Inoue G, Funao H, Yoshii T, Kaito T, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Kakutani K, Sakai D, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Miyazaki M, Murotani K, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Global spine journal     page: 21925682241227430   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1177/21925682241227430


  118. Trabecular Bone Remodeling as a New Indicator of Osteointegration After Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

    Segi, N; Nakashima, H; Shinjo, R; Kagami, Y; Ando, K; Machino, M; Ito, S; Koshimizu, H; Tomita, H; Ouchida, J; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 25 - 32   2024.1

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  119. Implant-Related Complications after Spinal Fusion: A Multicenter Study

    Koshimizu, H; Nakashima, H; Ohara, T; Tauchi, R; Kanemura, T; Shinjo, R; Machino, M; Ito, S; Ando, K; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 74 - 81   2024.1

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  120. Association between locomotive syndrome and fall risk in the elderly individuals in Japan: The Yakumo study.

    Iida H, Seki T, Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Kato D, Takemoto G, Ando K, Ishizuka S, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 327 - 333   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.11.023


  121. Early weight bearing versus late weight bearing after intramedullary nailing for distal femoral fracture (AO/OTA 33) in elderly patients: A multicenter propensity-matched study.

    Komaki K, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Hanabayashi M, Kuwahara Y, Yamada Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 268 - 272   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.10.023


  122. Disease activity at baseline is an independent predictor of frailty at one year in pre-frail patients with rheumatoid arthritis; a multicenter retrospective observational study.

    Ohashi Y, Takahashi N, Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Hattori K, Kishimoto K, Terabe K, Asai S, Kojima T, Kojima M, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 315 - 320   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.10.025


  123. Pedicular kinking during posterior corrective procedure for thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis with unstable osteoporotic fracture.

    Koshimizu H, Nakashima H, Tomita H, Segi N, Ito S, Machino M, Ando K, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 409 - 412   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.06.007


  124. What factors are associated with loss of alignment after open reduction and internal fixation for tibial plateau fractures? A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study.

    Shimizu K, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Naruse K, Sudo Y, Matsubara Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 286 - 291   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.12.008


  125. Total hip arthroplasty and autologous bone grafting for treating bilateral osteonecrosis of the acetabulum: A case report.

    Otaka K, Osawa Y, Seki T, Inoue H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 384 - 389   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.04.004


  126. Prognostic Factors for Respiratory Dysfunction for Cervical Spinal Cord Injury and/or Cervical Fractures in Elderly Patients: A Multicenter Survey

    Hirota, R; Terashima, Y; Ohnishi, H; Yamashita, T; Yokogawa, N; Sasagawa, T; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Segi, N; Funayama, T; Eto, F; Yamaji, A; Watanabe, K; Yamane, J; Takeda, K; Furuya, T; Yunde, A; Nakajima, H; Yamada, T; Hasegawa, T; Suzuki, H; Imajo, Y; Ikegami, S; Uehara, M; Tonomura, H; Sakata, M; Hashimoto, K; Onoda, Y; Kawaguchi, K; Haruta, Y; Suzuki, N; Kato, K; Uei, H; Sawada, H; Nakanishi, K; Misaki, K; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Shirasawa, E; Inoue, G; Kakutani, K; Kakiuchi, Y; Kiyasu, K; Tominaga, H; Tokumoto, H; Iizuka, Y; Takasawa, E; Akeda, K; Takegami, N; Funao, H; Oshima, Y; Kaito, T; Sakai, D; Yoshii, T; Ohba, T; Otsuki, B; Seki, S; Miyazaki, M; Ishihara, M; Okada, S; Imagama, S; Kato, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 101 - 112   2024.1

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  127. Predictive factors for one-year mortality after surgery for periprosthetic femoral fracture: A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study.

    Kurokawa H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Takami H, Iwata M, Terasawa S, Inoue H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 299 - 305   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.12.015


  128. An age-matched comparative study on intramedullary nailing and plate fixation of both-bone diaphyseal forearm fracture in adolescents.

    Ishihara N, Tokutake K, Takegami Y, Asami Y, Kumagai H, Ota H, Kimura Y, Ohshima K, Imagama S

    European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie   Vol. 34 ( 1 ) page: 441 - 450   2024.1

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  129. Fall risk in patient with dysplastic hip osteoarthritis.

    Asamoto T, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Okamoto M, Iida H, Imagama S

    International orthopaedics   Vol. 48 ( 1 ) page: 221 - 227   2024.1

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  130. Reply to "Letter to the Editor Concerning 'Trabecular Bone Remodeling as a New Indicator of Osteointegration After Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion.' by Segi et al.".

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Shinjo R, Kagami Y, Machino M, Ito S, Ouchida J, Imagama S

    Global spine journal   Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 353 - 354   2024.1

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  131. Association between laughter, frailty, and depression in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

    Suzuki M, Kojima T, Terabe K, Ohashi Y, Sato R, Kosugiyama H, Hasegawa J, Ohno Y, Nagai K, Ohnishi C, Sugiura H, Fujita H, Nagayoshi M, Kojima M, Asai S, Imagama S

    International journal of rheumatic diseases   Vol. 27 ( 1 ) page: e15034   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1111/1756-185X.15034


  132. Double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients aged 60 years and older.

    Miyamoto K, Kurokouchi K, Ishizuka S, Takahashi S, Tsukahara T, Kawai R, Sakai T, Oba H, Sakaguchi T, Imagama S

    Asia-Pacific journal of sports medicine, arthroscopy, rehabilitation and technology   Vol. 35   page: 71 - 75   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.asmart.2023.11.003


  133. Relationship between locomotive syndrome and large joint symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

    Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Ohashi Y, Koshima H, Okui N, Funahashi K, Ishikawa H, Inoue H, Asai S, Terabe K, Maeda M, Sato R, Kosugiyama H, Ohno Y, Imagama S

    International journal of rheumatic diseases   Vol. 27 ( 1 ) page: e14947   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1111/1756-185X.14947


  134. Well-controlled disease activity with drug treatment will not improve the frailty status of RA patients to robust state: A multicenter observational study (T-FLAG).

    Ohashi Y, Takahashi N, Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Sato R, Maeda M, Terabe K, Asai S, Imagama S

    International journal of rheumatic diseases   Vol. 27 ( 1 ) page: e14946   2024.1

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    DOI: 10.1111/1756-185X.14946


  135. A nationwide multicenter study of the cost effectiveness of five leading drugs for pharmacological management of cervicobrachial symptoms.

    Wakao N, Furuya T, Yoshii T, Arima H, Yamato Y, Nakashima H, Imagama S, Imajo Y, Miyamoto H, Inoue G, Miyagi M, Kanbara S, Iizuka Y, Chikuda H, Watanabe K, Kobayashi K, Tsushima M, Miyazaki M, Yagi M, Suzuki S, Takahata M, Hongo M, Koda M, Nagata K, Mori K, Suzuki A, Kaito T, Murotani K, Miyakoshi N, Hashizume H, Matsuyama Y, Kawakami M, Haro H, Project Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research (JSSR)

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association     2023.12

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2023.12.004


  136. Arthroscopic Bankart repair with peeling osteotomy of the anterior glenoid rim preserves glenoid morphology.

    Kawashima I, Iwahori Y, Ishizuka S, Oba H, Sakaguchi T, Watanabe A, Inoue M, Imagama S

    Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery   Vol. 32 ( 12 ) page: 2445 - 2452   2023.12

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jse.2023.05.011


  137. Locked Tension Band Wiring: A Modified Technique for Olecranon Fractures-A Multicenter Study Comparing Clinical Outcomes and Complications with Conventional Methods.

    Kuwahara Y, Takegami Y, Mitsuya S, Tokutake K, Yamauchi K, Imagama S

    Indian journal of orthopaedics   Vol. 57 ( 12 ) page: 2024 - 2030   2023.12

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    DOI: 10.1007/s43465-023-01017-y


  138. Impact of Obesity, Osteopenia, and Scoliosis on Interobserver Reliability of Measures of the Spinopelvic Sagittal Radiographic Parameters.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Kanemura T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Nagatani Y, Kagami Y, Imagama S

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 7 ( 6 ) page: 519 - 525   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.22603/ssrr.2023-0050


  139. Wedge-Shaped Deformity of the First Sacral Vertebra Associated with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Comparison of Cases with and without Scoliosis.

    Yamauchi I, Nakashima H, Ito S, Segi N, Ouchida J, Tauchi R, Ohara T, Kawakami N, Imagama S

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 7 ( 6 ) page: 540 - 546   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.22603/ssrr.2023-0134


  140. Displaced tibial and fibular stress fractures in a female elite pole-vaulter with menstrual dysfunction, vitamin D deficiency, and high serum pentosidine.

    Kawashima I, Hiraiwa H, Ishizuka S, Oba H, Sakaguchi T, Idota M, Kawai R, Tsukahara T, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 1513 - 1517   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2021.08.019


  141. Deep learning-based prediction model for postoperative complications of cervical posterior longitudinal ligament ossification

    Ito, S; Nakashima, H; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Tsutui, S; Hirai, T; Matsukura, Y; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Koda, M; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Maki, S; Nagoshi, N; Nishida, N; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Miyagi, M; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Banno, T; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Oda, M; Mori, K; Taneichi, H; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 32 ( 11 ) page: 3797 - 3806   2023.11

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  142. Increased prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage in rheumatoid arthritis patients with moderate/high disease activity.

    Asai S, Takahashi N, Kishimoto K, Suzuki M, Ohashi Y, Terabe K, Kojima T, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 1400 - 1406   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.09.014


  143. Ulnar Nerve Neuropathy After Surgery for Intraarticular Distal Humerus Fractures: An Analysis of 116 Patients.

    Oshika Y, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Yokoyama H, Oguchi T, Imagama S

    The Journal of hand surgery   Vol. 48 ( 11 ) page: 1171.e1 - 1171.e5   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2023.02.001


  144. Surgical outcomes in instrumented surgery for dumbbell type spinal cord tumor -the comparison with non-instrumented surgery for spinal cord tumor.

    Ando K, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Tomita H, Koshimizu H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 1234 - 1239   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.10.026


  145. Laterality of lumbar disc herniation.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Sato K, Deguchi M, Matsubara Y, Kanemura T, Urasaki T, Yoshihara H, Sakai Y, Ito K, Shinjo R, Ando K, Machino M, Segi N, Tomita H, Koshimizu H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 1207 - 1213   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.10.003


  146. The current management of clear cell sarcoma.

    Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Imagama S, Tanaka K, Ozaki T

    Japanese journal of clinical oncology   Vol. 53 ( 10 ) page: 899 - 904   2023.10

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  147. Role of Transcranial Motor Evoked Potential Monitoring During Traumatic Spinal Injury Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research.

    Ushirozako H, Yoshida G, Imagama S, Machino M, Ando M, Kawabata S, Yamada K, Kanchiku T, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi S, Iwasaki H, Shigematsu H, Tadokoro N, Takahashi M, Wada K, Yamamoto N, Funaba M, Yasuda A, Hashimoto J, Morito S, Takatani T, Kobayashi K, Nakanishi K, Kurosu K, Matsuyama Y

    Spine   Vol. 48 ( 19 ) page: 1388 - 1396   2023.10

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    DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004652


  148. Efficacy of D-Wave Monitoring Combined With the Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potentials in High-Risk Spinal Surgery: A Retrospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Shigematsu, H; Ando, M; Kobayashi, K; Yoshida, G; Funaba, M; Morito, S; Takahashi, M; Ushirozako, H; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Tadokoro, N; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Yasuda, A; Hashimoto, J; Tani, T; Ando, K; Machino, M; Takatani, T; Matsuyama, Y; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 8 ) page: 2387 - 2395   2023.10

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  149. Prognostic impact of respiratory dysfunction in elderly patients with cervical spinal cord injury and/or fractures: a multicenter survey.

    Hirota R, Terashima Y, Ohnishi H, Yamashita T, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Nori S, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Kuroda A, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 32 ( 10 ) page: 3522 - 3532   2023.10

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  150. Racial differences in whole-body sagittal alignment between Asians and Caucasians based on international multicenter data.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Kanemura T, Okamoto M, Hatsushikano S, Imagama S, Le Huec JC, Hasegawa K

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 32 ( 10 ) page: 3608 - 3615   2023.10

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  151. Arthroscopic All-Suture Anchor Technique for Unstable Ramp Lesions with Medial Meniscal Defects.

    Miyamoto K, Kurokouchi K, Ishizuka S, Takahashi S, Idota M, Haga T, Imagama S

    Arthroscopy techniques   Vol. 12 ( 10 ) page: e1837 - e1842   2023.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.eats.2023.06.015


  152. Management of Antithrombotic Drugs before Elective Spine Surgery: A Nationwide Web-Based Questionnaire Survey in Japan.

    Tezuka F, Sakai T, Imagama S, Takahashi H, Takaso M, Aizawa T, Otani K, Okuda S, Kato S, Kanemura T, Kawaguchi Y, Konishi H, Suda K, Terai H, Nakanishi K, Nishida K, Machino M, Miyakoshi N, Murakami H, Yamato Y, Yukawa Y, Medical Safety Promotion Committee of The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 7 ( 5 ) page: 428 - 435   2023.9

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    DOI: 10.22603/ssrr.2023-0015


  153. Addressing osteoporosis treatment after hemiarthroplasty for a femoral neck fracture: impact on survival rates after a subsequent periprosthetic femoral fracture - a multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study.

    Takegami Y, Osawa Y, Iida H, Okamoto M, Ozawa Y, Funahashi H, Ido H, Asamoto T, Imagama S

    Archives of osteoporosis   Vol. 18 ( 1 ) page: 122   2023.9

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    DOI: 10.1007/s11657-023-01330-x


  154. Preoperative Symptom Duration Influences Neurological Recovery and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures After Surgical Treatment of Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

    Matsukura Y, Egawa S, Inose H, Sakai K, Kusano K, Tsutsui S, Hirai T, Wada K, Katsumi K, Koda M, Kimura A, Furuya T, Maki S, Nagoshi N, Nishida N, Nagamoto Y, Oshima Y, Ando K, Nakashima H, Takahata M, Mori K, Nakajima H, Murata K, Miyagi M, Kaito T, Yamada K, Banno T, Kato S, Ohba T, Moridaira H, Fujibayashi S, Katoh H, Kanno H, Taneichi H, Imagama S, Kawaguchi Y, Takeshita K, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Yamazaki M, Okawa A, Yoshii T

    Spine   Vol. 48 ( 18 ) page: 1259 - 1265   2023.9

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    DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004762


  155. Comparative Outcomes of Anterior and Posterior Plating for Distal-Third Humerus Shaft Fractures.

    Shimamoto Y, Tokutake K, Takegami Y, Asami Y, Sato K, Ueno H, Nakano T, Fujii S, Okui N, Imagama S

    The Journal of hand surgery     2023.9

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2023.07.014


  156. Intertrochanteric curved varus osteotomy for subchondral fracture of the femoral head: a case series.

    Otaka K, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Seki T, Imagama S

    Arthroplasty (London, England)   Vol. 5 ( 1 ) page: 46   2023.9

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  157. Potential of patellar height measurement methods in predicting recurrent patellar dislocation incidence: a case-control study.

    Yamashita S, Ishizuka S, Sakai T, Oba H, Sakaguchi T, Mizuno T, Kawashima I, Tsukahara T, Takahashi S, Kurokouchi K, Imagama S

    BMC musculoskeletal disorders   Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 707   2023.9

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    DOI: 10.1186/s12891-023-06813-z


  158. Pelvic morphologies of developmental dysplasia and primary osteoarthritis on range of motion after total hip arthroplasty.

    Funahashi H, Osawa Y, Seki T, Takegami Y, Nishida K, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society   Vol. 41 ( 9 ) page: 2007 - 2015   2023.9

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  159. Utility of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of lumbar spondylolysis in adolescent patients.

    Nakashima H, Yoneda M, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Tomita H, Ouchida J, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 5 ) page: 955 - 960   2023.9

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.06.019


  160. Association between Locomotive Syndrome and Hearing Loss in Community-Dwelling Adults.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ouchida J, Ishizuka S, Takegami Y, Yoshida T, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 17 )   2023.8

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    DOI: 10.3390/jcm12175626


  161. Reasons and risk factors for discontinuation of treatment with any biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A long-term observational study

    Terabe, K; Takahashi, N; Asai, S; Hirano, Y; Kanayama, Y; Yabe, Y; Oguchi, T; Fujibayashi, T; Ishikawa, H; Hanabayashi, M; Hattori, Y; Suzuki, M; Kishimoto, K; Ohashi, Y; Imaizumi, T; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 5 ) page: 891 - 898   2023.8

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  162. Impact of Preoperative Motor Status for the Positive Predictive Value of Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potentials Alerts in Thoracic Spine Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study by the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research.

    Funaba M, Kanchiku T, Yoshida G, Machino M, Ushirozako H, Kawabata S, Ando M, Yamada K, Iwasaki H, Shigematsu H, Fujiwara Y, Tadokoro N, Takahashi M, Taniguchi S, Wada K, Yamamoto N, Yasuda A, Morito S, Hashimoto J, Takatani T, Kobayashi K, Ando K, Kurosu K, Segi N, Nakashima H, Nakanishi K, Takeshita K, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S

    Global spine journal     page: 21925682231196454   2023.8

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    DOI: 10.1177/21925682231196454


  163. Development of Therapeutic Agent for Osteoarthritis via Inhibition of KIAA1199 Activity: Effect of Ipriflavone In Vivo.

    Zhang J, Nishida Y, Koike H, Zhuo L, Ito K, Ikuta K, Sakai T, Imagama S

    International journal of molecular sciences   Vol. 24 ( 15 )   2023.8

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  164. Automated Detection and Diagnosis of Spinal Schwannomas and Meningiomas Using Deep Learning and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ouchida J, Oda M, Yamauchi I, Oishi R, Miyairi Y, Mori K, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 15 )   2023.8

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  165. Factors Associated With Loss of Cervical Lordosis After Laminoplasty for Patients With Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: Data From a Prospective Multicenter Study.

    Nakashima H, Imagama S, Yoshii T, Egawa S, Sakai K, Kusano K, Tsutsui S, Hirai T, Matsukura Y, Wada K, Katsumi K, Koda M, Kimura A, Furuya T, Maki S, Nagoshi N, Nishida N, Nagamoto Y, Oshima Y, Ando K, Takahata M, Mori K, Nakajima H, Murata K, Miyagi M, Kaito T, Yamada K, Banno T, Kato S, Ohba T, Moridaira H, Fujibayashi S, Katoh H, Kanno H, Taneichi H, Kawaguchi Y, Takeshita K, Nakamura M, Okawa A, Yamazaki M

    Spine   Vol. 48 ( 15 ) page: 1047 - 1056   2023.8

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  166. A less invasive operative method using a medial cannulated cancellous screw and single plate fixation for the treatment of transcondylar fracture of the humerus in elderly patients in multicenter (TRON group) study

    Tanaka, K; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Oshika, Y; Iwase, K; Yokoyama, H; Taguchi, K; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 6 ) page: 2481 - 2487   2023.8

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  167. Clinical comparison of double-plate fixation by the perpendicular plate method versus parallel plate method for distal humeral fracture: a multicenter (TRON group) study

    Yokoyama, H; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Oshika, Y; Iwase, K; Tanaka, K; Kanemura, T; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 6 ) page: 2427 - 2433   2023.8

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  168. Glypican-2 defines age-dependent axonal response to chondroitin sulfate.

    Ouchida J, Ozaki T, Segi N, Suzuki Y, Imagama S, Kadomatsu K, Sakamoto K

    Experimental neurology   Vol. 366   page: 114444   2023.8

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  169. Retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study of humeral shaft fragility fractures: Analysis of mortality rates and risk factors.

    Sato K, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Shimamoto Y, Ueno H, Ando T, Imagama S

    Injury   Vol. 54 ( 8 ) page: 110855   2023.8

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  170. Relationship between frailty and methotrexate discontinuation due to adverse events in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

    Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Ohashi Y, Koshima H, Okui N, Funahashi K, Ishikawa H, Inoue H, Asai S, Terabe K, Kishimoto K, Kihira D, Maeda M, Sato R, Imagama S

    Clinical rheumatology   Vol. 42 ( 8 ) page: 2069 - 2077   2023.8

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  171. Predictors of postoperative complications of tension band wiring techniques for patella fracture: A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study.

    Oyama H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Murase F, Arakawa O, Oguchi T, Imagama S

    Injury   Vol. 54 ( 8 ) page: 110896   2023.8

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  172. Clinical Outcomes of Condoliase Injection Therapy for Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation.

    Kagami Y, Nakashima H, Segi N, Shinjo R, Imagama S

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 7 ( 4 ) page: 363 - 370   2023.7

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  173. Genetic insights into ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine.

    Koike Y, Takahata M, Nakajima M, Otomo N, Suetsugu H, Liu X, Endo T, Imagama S, Kobayashi K, Kaito T, Kato S, Kawaguchi Y, Kanayama M, Sakai H, Tsuji T, Miyamoto T, Inose H, Yoshii T, Kashii M, Nakashima H, Ando K, Taniguchi Y, Takeuchi K, Ito S, Tomizuka K, Hikino K, Iwasaki Y, Kamatani Y, Maeda S, Nakajima H, Mori K, Seichi A, Fujibayashi S, Kanchiku T, Watanabe K, Tanaka T, Kida K, Kobayashi S, Takahashi M, Yamada K, Takuwa H, Lu HF, Niida S, Ozaki K, Momozawa Y, Genetic Study Group of Investigation Committee on Ossification of the Spinal Ligaments, Yamazaki M, Okawa A, Matsumoto M, Iwasaki N, Terao C, Ikegawa S

    eLife   Vol. 12   2023.7

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    DOI: 10.7554/eLife.86514


  174. Differences in Involvement of Whole-Body Compensatory Alignment for Decompensated Spinopelvic Sagittal Balance.

    Ouchida J, Nakashima H, Kanemura T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Ode Y, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 14 )   2023.7

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  175. Age and symptoms at onset of ankylosing spondylitis in Japanese patients

    Kishimoto, K; Asai, S; Suzuki, M; Takahashi, N; Terabe, K; Ohashi, Y; Hattori, K; Kojima, T; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 4 ) page: 817 - 822   2023.7

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  176. Risk factors for denosumab discontinuation in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis

    Hattori, K; Takahashi, N; Kojima, T; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 4 ) page: 843 - 850   2023.7

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  177. Prognosis of Cervical Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis-Related Spine Injuries in Elderly Patients: Analyses of Both Fracture and Spinal Cord Injury Without Fracture.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Nori S, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Shirasawa E, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Funao H, Oshima Y, Yoshii T, Kaito T, Sakai D, Ohba T, Seki S, Otsuki B, Ishihara M, Miyazaki M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Global spine journal     page: 21925682231186757   2023.7

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  178. Residual Neuropathic Pain in Postoperative Patients With Cervical Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament.

    Miyagi M, Inoue G, Yoshii T, Egawa S, Sakai K, Kusano K, Nakagawa Y, Hirai T, Wada K, Katsumi K, Kimura A, Furuya T, Nagoshi N, Kanchiku T, Nagamoto Y, Oshima Y, Nakashima H, Ando K, Takahata M, Mori K, Nakajima H, Murata K, Matsunaga S, Kaito T, Yamada K, Kobayashi S, Kato S, Ohba T, Inami S, Fujibayashi S, Katoh H, Kanno H, Koda M, Takahashi H, Ikeda S, Imagama S, Kawaguchi Y, Takeshita K, Matsumoto M, Takaso M, Okawa A, Yamazaki M

    Clinical spine surgery   Vol. 36 ( 6 ) page: E277 - E282   2023.7

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  179. Comparison of Surgical Outcomes of Anterior and Posterior Fusion Surgeries for K-line (-) Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: A Prospective Multicenter Study.

    Nagoshi N, Yoshii T, Egawa S, Sakai K, Kusano K, Tsutsui S, Hirai T, Matsukura Y, Wada K, Katsumi K, Koda M, Kimura A, Furuya T, Sato Y, Maki S, Nishida N, Nagamoto Y, Oshima Y, Ando K, Nakashima H, Takahata M, Mori K, Nakajima H, Murata K, Miyagi M, Kaito T, Yamada K, Banno T, Kato S, Ohba T, Moridaira H, Fujibayashi S, Katoh H, Kanno H, Watanabe K, Taneichi H, Imagama S, Kawaguchi Y, Takeshita K, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Yamazaki M

    Spine   Vol. 48 ( 13 ) page: 937 - 943   2023.7

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  180. Intramedullary cavernous hemangioma of the spinal cord with intra- and extramedullary hematomas.

    Koshimizu H, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Kanbara S, Inoue T, Yamaguchi H, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 4 ) page: 937 - 941   2023.7

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  181. Spinopelvic Imbalance Is Associated With Increased Sway in the Center of Gravity: Validation of the "Cone of Economy" Concept in Healthy Subjects

    Segi, N; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Machino, M; Ito, S; Koshimizu, H; Tomita, H; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 6 ) page: 1502 - 1508   2023.7

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  182. Cervical Spinal Cord Compression in Adult Scoliosis

    Nakashima, H; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 6 ) page: 1576 - 1581   2023.7

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  183. Comparison of functional outcome and complications of locking plate versus coracoclavicular fixation in the treatment of unstable distal clavicle fractures: the multicenter, propensity-matched TRON study

    Katayama, Y; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Okui, N; Sakai, T; Takahashi, H; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 5 ) page: 1789 - 1795   2023.7

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  184. What is the Radiographic Factor Associated with Meniscus Injury in Tibial Plateau Factures? Multicenter Retrospective (TRON) Study.

    Naruse K, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Shimizu K, Sudo Y, Shinohara T, Imagama S

    Indian journal of orthopaedics   Vol. 57 ( 7 ) page: 1076 - 1082   2023.7

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  185. Periprosthetic humeral fracture revision using a massive allograft in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis: A case report

    Kishimoto, K; Kojima, T; Takahashi, N; Asai, S; Terabe, K; Suzuki, M; Ohashi, Y; Kihira, D; Maeda, M; Tatebe, M; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY CASE REPORTS   Vol. 7 ( 2 ) page: 359 - 363   2023.6

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  186. Comparison of surgical treatments for distal ulna fracture when combined with anterior locking plate fixation of distal radius in the over 70 age group

    Shibata, R; Tokutake, K; Takegami, Y; Natsume, T; Matsubara, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-EUROPEAN VOLUME   Vol. 48 ( 6 ) page: 516 - 523   2023.6

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  187. Factors affecting return to sports after eccentric rotational acetabular osteotomy.

    Osawa Y, Seki T, Takegami Y, Makida K, Ochiai S, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR   Vol. 109 ( 4 ) page: 103442   2023.6

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  188. Incidence and Risk Factors for Fracture-Related Infection After Peri-Prosthetic Femoral Fractures: A Multicenter Retrospective Study (TRON Group Study).

    Matsuno Y, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Takami H, Kurokawa H, Iwata M, Terasawa S, Yamauchi KI, Imagama S

    Surgical infections   Vol. 24 ( 5 ) page: 433 - 439   2023.6

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  189. Relationship between lumbosacral transitional vertebra and postoperative outcomes of patients with Lenke 5C adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a minimum 5-year follow-up study.

    Yamauchi I, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Segi N, Tauchi R, Ohara T, Kawakami N, Imagama S

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society   Vol. 32 ( 6 ) page: 2221 - 2227   2023.6

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  190. Prognostic value of bone resorption pattern in the anterior portion of the femoral head in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.

    Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Matsushita M, Imagama S

    Journal of children's orthopaedics   Vol. 17 ( 3 ) page: 197 - 204   2023.6

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  191. Efficacy of Transcranial Motor Evoked Potential Monitoring During Intra- and Extramedullary Spinal Cord Tumor Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Ushirozako, H; Yoshida, G; Imagama, S; Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Shigematsu, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Takatani, T; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 4 ) page: 961 - 969   2023.5

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  192. Metabolic syndrome reduces spinal range of motion: The Yakumo study.

    Kanbara S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Seki T, Ishizuka S, Ito S, Inoue T, Yamaguchi H, Koshimizu H, Segi N, Tomita H, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 3 ) page: 547 - 553   2023.5

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  193. Early weight bearing and mobilization decrease perioperative complications in patients after ankle fracture; the retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study.

    Bando K, Takegami Y, Ando T, Sugino T, Sato T, Fujita T, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 3 ) page: 651 - 655   2023.5

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  194. Low body mass index is a risk factor for increased post-operative mortality and poor functional improvement in distal femur fractures among patients aged over 65: A multicentre (TRON) study.

    Kuwahara Y, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Yamada Y, Komaki K, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 28 ( 3 ) page: 631 - 636   2023.5

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  195. Factors affecting sports participation after total hip arthroplasty.

    Osawa Y, Seki T, Takegami Y, Kato D, Takemoto G, Imagama S

    International orthopaedics   Vol. 47 ( 5 ) page: 1181 - 1187   2023.5

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  196. Changes in medical costs for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis over the past 15 years.

    Kobayashi K, Sato K, Ando T, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 85 ( 2 ) page: 333 - 342   2023.5

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  197. <Editors' Choice> Hook plate fixation versus locking plate fixation for distal clavicle fracture: a multicenter propensity score-matched study.

    Takahashi H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Katayama Y, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 85 ( 2 ) page: 223 - 232   2023.5

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  198. Anatomical Analysis of the Gonadal Veins and Spine in Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion.

    Kagami Y, Nakashima H, Satake K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Segi N, Tomita H, Ouchida J, Morita Y, Ode Y, Imagama S, Kanemura T

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 8 )   2023.4

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  199. Re: Shibata et al. Comparison of surgical treatments for distal ulna fracture when combined with anterior locking plate fixation of the distal radius in the over 70 age group. J Hand Surg Eur. Epub ahead of print 28 January 2023. DOI: 10.1177/17531934221150495

    Shibata Ryutaro, Tokutake Katsuhiro, Takegami Yasuhiko, Natsume Tadahiro, Matsubara Yuji, Imagama Shiro


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  200. Association between Postoperative Neck Pain and Intraoperative Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potential Waveforms of the Trapezius Muscles in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy Who Underwent Cervical Laminoplasty.

    Ito S, Sakai Y, Ando K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Segi N, Tomita H, Koshimizu H, Hida T, Ito K, Harada A, Imagama S

    Asian spine journal   Vol. 17 ( 2 ) page: 330 - 337   2023.4

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  201. Locked Tension Band Wiring for Mayo IIA Olecranon Fractures: Modified Surgical Technique and Retrospective Comparative Study of Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness with Locking Plate.

    Kuwahara Y, Takegami Y, Mitsuya S, Tokutake K, Yamauchi K, Imagama S

    The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume   Vol. 28 ( 2 ) page: 205 - 213   2023.4

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  202. Delirium Risk Score in Elderly Patients with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury and/or Cervical Fracture.

    Tamai K, Terai H, Nakamura H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Yamane J, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Kuroda A, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 6 )   2023.3

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  203. Activated FGFR3 suppresses bone regeneration and bone mineralization in an ovariectomized mouse model.

    Kawashima I, Matsushita M, Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Osawa Y, Ohkawara B, Ohno K, Kitoh H, Imagama S

    BMC musculoskeletal disorders   Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 200   2023.3

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  204. Comparison of the Relationship between Visual Acuity and Motor Function in Non-Elderly and Elderly Adults.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Machino M, Segi N, Ishizuka S, Takegami Y, Takeuchi J, Ouchida J, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 5 )   2023.3

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  205. Factors associated with frailty in rheumatoid arthritis patients with decreased renal function

    Ohashi, Y; Takahashi, N; Sobue, Y; Suzuki, M; Hattori, K; Kishimoto, K; Terabe, K; Asai, S; Kojima, T; Kojima, M; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 323 - 329   2023.3

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  206. Effectiveness of tacrolimus concomitant with biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    Terabe, K; Takahashi, N; Asai, S; Hirano, Y; Kanayama, Y; Yabe, Y; Oguchi, T; Fujibayashi, T; Ishikawa, H; Hanabayashi, M; Hattori, Y; Suzuki, M; Kishimoto, K; Ohashi, Y; Imaizumi, T; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: 292 - 301   2023.3

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  207. Clinical results of active surveillance for extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis

    Sakai, T; Nishida, Y; Ito, K; Ikuta, K; Urakawa, H; Koike, H; Imagama, S

    CANCER MEDICINE   Vol. 12 ( 5 ) page: 5245 - 5254   2023.3

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  208. Longer time of implantation using the buried pin technique for intramedullary nailing would decrease refracture in the diaphyseal forearm fracture in children-retrospective multicenter (TRON) study.

    Ohshima K, Tokutake K, Takegami Y, Asami Y, Matsubara Y, Natsume T, Kimura Y, Ishihara N, Imagama S

    Injury   Vol. 54 ( 3 ) page: 924 - 929   2023.3

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  209. Clinical Features and Surgical Outcomes of Osteochondroma of the Spine.

    Sakai Y, Nakashima H, Takatsu T, Imagama S

    Malaysian orthopaedic journal   Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: 117 - 123   2023.3

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  210. Effects of Dementia on Outcomes after Cervical Spine Injuries in Elderly Patients: Evaluation of 1512 Cases in a Nationwide Multicenter Study in Japan.

    Yamada Y, Yokogawa N, Kato S, Sasagawa T, Tsuchiya H, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ito S, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Yamane J, Nori S, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Kuroda A, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Watanabe K

    Journal of clinical medicine   Vol. 12 ( 5 )   2023.2

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  211. Acute osteomyelitis of the patella due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an immunocompetent child: A case report.

    Kamiya Y, Mishima K, Tanaka T, Sawamura K, Matsushita M, Imagama S

    Medicine   Vol. 102 ( 7 ) page: e33012   2023.2

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  212. Characteristics of the cervical spine and cervical cord injuries in older adults with cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.

    Okuwaki S, Funayama T, Koda M, Eto F, Yamaji A, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Ando K, Nakashima H, Segi N, Watanabe K, Nori S, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Shirasawa E, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Scientific reports   Vol. 13 ( 1 ) page: 2689   2023.2

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  213. Vertebral Endplate Concavity in Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Tapered 3D-Printed Porous Titanium Cage versus Squared PEEK Cage.

    Segi N, Nakashima H, Shinjo R, Kagami Y, Machino M, Ito S, Ouchida J, Morishita K, Oishi R, Yamauchi I, Imagama S

    Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)   Vol. 59 ( 2 )   2023.2

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  214. Comparison of radiological characteristics between diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis and ankylosing spondylitis: a multicenter study.

    Takahashi T, Yoshii T, Mori K, Kobayashi S, Inoue H, Tada K, Tamura N, Hirai T, Sugimura N, Nagoshi N, Maki S, Katsumi K, Koda M, Murata K, Takeuchi K, Nakashima H, Imagama S, Kawaguchi Y, Yamazaki M, Okawa A

    Scientific reports   Vol. 13 ( 1 ) page: 1849   2023.2

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  215. Hyaluronan in articular cartilage: Analysis of hip osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis of femoral head

    Zhang, JR; Nishida, Y; Koike, H; Ito, K; Zhuo, LS; Nishida, K; Kimata, K; Ikuta, K; Sakai, T; Urakawa, H; Seki, T; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH   Vol. 41 ( 2 ) page: 307 - 315   2023.2

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  216. Retrospective Comparative Study of Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness with Bone Substitutes on Volar Locking Plate Fixation of Unstable Distal Radial Fractures in the Elderly.

    Mori Y, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Oka Y, Imagama S

    The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume   Vol. 28 ( 1 ) page: 61 - 68   2023.2

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  217. <Editors' Choice> Neck pain after cervical laminoplasty is associated with postoperative atrophy of the trapezius muscle.

    Ito S, Sakai Y, Ando K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Segi N, Tomita H, Koshimizu H, Hida T, Ito K, Harada A, Imagama S

    Nagoya journal of medical science   Vol. 85 ( 1 ) page: 103 - 112   2023.2

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  218. The age-specific normative values of standing whole-body sagittal alignment parameters in healthy adults: based on international multicenter data

    Ouchida, J; Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Okamoto, M; Hatsushikano, S; Imagama, S; Le Huec, JC; Hasegawa, K

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 32 ( 2 ) page: 562 - 570   2023.2

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  219. Case report: Novel NIPBL-BEND2 fusion gene identified in osteoblastoma-like phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the fibula

    Sakai, T; Okuno, Y; Murakami, N; Shimoyama, Y; Imagama, S; Nishida, Y

    FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY   Vol. 12   page: 956472   2023.1

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  220. Predictive factors for achievement of treatment goals in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with denosumab

    Hattori, K; Takahashi, N; Kojima, T; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 33 ( 1 ) page: 217 - 223   2023.1

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  221. A case of synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome with isolated lesions of the thoracic spine

    Hattori, K; Takahashi, N; Suzuki, M; Kojima, T; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY CASE REPORTS   Vol. 7 ( 1 ) page: 243 - 246   2023.1

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  222. Are the Clinical Results of Locking Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures Inferior in Patients over 80 Years of Age? A Multicentre (TRON Group) Study

    Sakurai, S; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Kuwahara, Y; Shibata, R; Ota, H; Kumagai, H; Imagama, S

    INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 57 ( 1 ) page: 117 - 123   2023.1

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  223. Differences in peri-hip articular pain after total hip arthroplasty between taper wedge stem and fit-and-fill stem

    Kato, D; Takegami, Y; Seki, T; Osawa, Y; Takemoto, G; Okamoto, M; Iida, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 35   page: 58 - 63   2023.1

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  224. Hip function in patients undergoing conservative treatment for osteonecrosis of the femoral head

    Osawa, Y; Takegami, Y; Kato, D; Okamoto, M; Iida, H; Imagama, S

    INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 47 ( 1 ) page: 89 - 94   2023.1

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  225. Risk Factors for Early Mortality in Older Patients with Traumatic Cervical Spine Injuries-A Multicenter Retrospective Study of 1512 Cases

    Kobayashi, M; Yokogawa, N; Kato, S; Sasagawa, T; Tsuchiya, H; Nakashima, H; Segi, N; Ito, S; Funayama, T; Eto, F; Yamaji, A; Yamane, J; Nori, S; Furuya, T; Yunde, A; Nakajima, H; Yamada, T; Hasegawa, T; Terashima, Y; Hirota, R; Suzuki, H; Imajo, Y; Ikegami, S; Uehara, M; Tonomura, H; Sakata, M; Hashimoto, K; Onoda, Y; Kawaguchi, K; Haruta, Y; Suzuki, N; Kato, K; Uei, H; Sawada, H; Nakanishi, K; Misaki, K; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Kuroda, A; Inoue, G; Kakutani, K; Kakiuchi, Y; Kiyasu, K; Tominaga, H; Tokumoto, H; Iizuka, Y; Takasawa, E; Akeda, K; Takegami, N; Funao, H; Oshima, Y; Kaito, T; Sakai, D; Yoshii, T; Ohba, T; Otsuki, B; Seki, S; Miyazaki, M; Ishihara, M; Okada, S; Imagama, S; Watanabe, K

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 12 ( 2 )   2023.1

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  226. Mortality and clinical outcomes of Vancouver type B periprosthetic femoral fractures : a multicentre retrospective study.

    Takami H, Takegami Y, Tokutake K, Kurokawa H, Iwata M, Terasawa S, Oguchi T, Imagama S

    Bone & joint open   Vol. 4 ( 1 ) page: 38 - 46   2023.1

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  227. Meclozine ameliorates bone mineralization and growth plate structure in a mouse model of X-linked hypophosphatemia

    Kamiya, Y; Matsushita, M; Mishima, K; Ohkawara, B; Michigami, T; Imagama, S; Ohno, K; Kitoh, H

    EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE   Vol. 25 ( 1 ) page: 39   2023.1

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  228. Current Trends in Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring: A Survey Analysis among Japanese Expert Spine Surgeons

    Shigematsu, H; Yoshida, G; Morito, S; Funaba, M; Tadokoro, N; Machino, M; Kobayashi, K; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Ando, K; Matsuyama, Y; Imagama, S

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 7 ( 1 ) page: 26 - 35   2023

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  229. Phase 1b study on the repurposing of meclizine hydrochloride for children with achondroplasia.

    Matsushita M, Kitoh H, Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Kato D, Takemoto G, Sawamura K, Ueno S, Yasuhiro N, Nishida K, Imagama S

    PloS one   Vol. 18 ( 7 ) page: e0283425   2023

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  230. Automated Detection of the Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Using Deep Learning and Plain Radiographs.

    Ito S, Nakashima H, Segi N, Ouchida J, Oda M, Yamauchi I, Oishi R, Miyairi Y, Mori K, Imagama S

    BioMed research international   Vol. 2023   page: 8495937   2023

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    DOI: 10.1155/2023/8495937


  231. Relationship between quadriceps muscle computed tomography measurement and motor function, muscle mass, and sarcopenia diagnosis.

    Mizuno T, Matsui Y, Tomida M, Suzuki Y, Ishizuka S, Watanabe T, Takemura M, Nishita Y, Tange C, Shimokata H, Imagama S, Otsuka R, Arai H

    Frontiers in endocrinology   Vol. 14   page: 1259350   2023

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    DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1259350


  232. Effect of low body mass index on clinical recovery after fusion surgery for osteoporotic vertebral fracture: A retrospective, multicenter study of 237 cases

    Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Shirasawa, E; Uchida, K; Hosogane, N; Watanabe, K; Katsumi, K; Kaito, T; Yamashita, T; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Nojiri, K; Suzuki, S; Okada, E; Ueda, S; Hikata, T; Shiono, Y; Watanabe, K; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Ohtori, S; Furuya, T; Orita, S; Inage, K; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Funao, H; Isogai, N; Harimaya, K; Okada, S; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Doi, T; Kiyasu, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Sakai, D; Tanaka, M; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Nakano, A; Ikegami, S; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Nakanishi, K; Oshima, M; Uei, H; Aoki, Y; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Endo, H; Seki, S; Murakami, H; Kato, S; Yoshioka, K; Hongo, M; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Takaso, M; Ishii, K

    MEDICINE   Vol. 101 ( 52 ) page: e32330   2022.12

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  233. Comparison of intraoperative neuromonitoring accuracies and procedures associated with alarms in anterior versus posterior fusion for cervical spinal disorders: A prospective multi-institutional cohort study.

    Wada K, Imagama S, Matsuyama Y, Yoshida G, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Machino M, Kawabata S, Iwasaki H, Funaba M, Kanchiku T, Yamada K, Fujiwara Y, Shigematsu H, Taniguchi S, Ando M, Takahashi M, Ushirozako H, Tadokoro N, Morito S, Yamamoto N, Yasuda A, Hashimoto J, Takatani T, Tani T, Kumagai G, Asari T, Nitobe Y, Ishibashi Y

    Medicine   Vol. 101 ( 49 ) page: e31846   2022.12

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  234. Validation of grip strength as a measure of frailty in rheumatoid arthritis.

    Sobue Y, Suzuki M, Ohashi Y, Koshima H, Okui N, Funahashi K, Ishikawa H, Inoue H, Kojima M, Asai S, Terabe K, Kishimoto K, Maeda M, Kihira D, Imagama S, Kojima T

    Scientific reports   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 21090   2022.12

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  235. The Utility of Transcranial Stimulated Motor-Evoked Potential Alerts in Cervical Spine Surgery Varies Based on Preoperative Motor Status

    Funaba, M; Kanchiku, T; Kobayashi, K; Yoshida, G; Machino, M; Yamada, K; Shigematsu, H; Tadokoro, N; Ushirozako, H; Takahashi, M; Yamamoto, N; Morito, S; Kawabata, S; Fujiwara, Y; Ando, M; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Wada, K; Yasuda, A; Hashimoto, J; Takatani, T; Ando, K; Matsuyama, Y; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 47 ( 23 ) page: 1659 - 1668   2022.12

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  236. Do heel-unloading orthoses improve clinical outcomes in patients after surgical treatment of calcaneal fracture? A propensity-matched, multicenter analysis of the TRON database

    Kagami, Y; Tokutake, K; Takegami, Y; Okui, N; Sakai, T; Inoue, H; Kanemura, T; Hanabayashi, M; Ito, O; Kanayama, Y; Maruyama, K; Yoshida, H; Ando, T; Sugimoto, R; Sugimoto, T; Imagama, S

    PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 46 ( 6 ) page: 569 - 575   2022.12

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  237. Gain-of-Function of FGFR3 Accelerates Bone Repair Following Ischemic Osteonecrosis in Juvenile Mice

    Kato, D; Matsushita, M; Takegami, Y; Mishima, K; Kamiya, N; Osawa, Y; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H

    CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 111 ( 6 ) page: 622 - 633   2022.12

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  238. Influence of vitamin D on sarcopenia pathophysiology: A longitudinal study in humans and basic research in knockout mice

    Mizuno, T; Hosoyama, T; Tomida, M; Yamamoto, Y; Nakamichi, Y; Kato, S; Kawai-Takaishi, M; Ishizuka, S; Nishita, Y; Tange, C; Shimokata, H; Imagama, S; Otsuka, R

    JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE   Vol. 13 ( 6 ) page: 2961 - 2973   2022.12

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  239. Prospective Investigation of Surgical Outcomes after Anterior Decompression with Fusion and Laminoplasty for the Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis

    Yoshii, T; Morishita, S; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Tsutsui, S; Hirai, T; Matsukura, Y; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Koda, M; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Maki, S; Nagoshi, N; Nishida, N; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Miyagi, M; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Banno, T; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Taneichi, H; Imagama, S; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 23 )   2022.12

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  240. Efficacy of soluble lansoprazole-impregnated beta-tricalcium phosphate for bone regeneration

    Mishima, K; Okabe, YT; Mizuno, M; Ohno, K; Kitoh, H; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 20550   2022.11

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  241. Transcranial Motor-evoked Potentials for Intraoperative Nerve Root Monitoring During Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study

    Yoshida, G; Ushirozako, H; Machino, M; Shigematsu, H; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Iwasaki, H; Ando, M; Taniguchi, S; Takatani, T; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Kurosu, K; Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Takeshita, K; Matsuyama, Y; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 47 ( 22 ) page: 1590 - 1598   2022.11

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  242. Locomotive syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Sobue, Y; Suzuki, M; Ohashi, Y; Koshima, H; Okui, N; Funahashi, K; Ishikawa, H; Inoue, H; Kojima, M; Asai, S; Terabe, K; Hattori, K; Kishimoto, K; Takahashi, N; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 84 ( 4 ) page: 799 - 812   2022.11

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  243. Association Between Vitamin A Intake and Disease Severity in Early-Onset Heterotopic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine

    Endo, T; Imagama, S; Kato, S; Kaito, T; Sakai, H; Ikegawa, S; Kawaguchi, Y; Kanayama, M; Hisada, Y; Koike, Y; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Oda, I; Okada, K; Takagi, R; Iwasaki, N; Takahata, M

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 12 ( 8 ) page: 1770 - 1780   2022.10

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  244. Plate fixation through the lateral extensile approach versus cannulated screw fixation through the sinus tarsi approach for calcaneal fracture: a multicenter, propensity score-matched TRON study

    Sugimoto, T; Tokutake, K; Takegami, Y; Okui, N; Kanayama, Y; Inoue, H; Sugimoto, R; Kagami, Y; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY   Vol. 32 ( 7 ) page: 1333 - 1340   2022.10

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  245. Does surgical treatment for unstable fragility fracture of the pelvis promote early mobilization and improve survival rate and postoperative clinical function?

    Saito, Y; Tokutake, K; Takegami, Y; Yoshida, M; Omichi, T; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY   Vol. 48 ( 5 ) page: 3747 - 3756   2022.10

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  246. Factors Affecting the Waiting Time from Injury to Surgery in Elderly Patients with a Cervical Spine Injury: A Japanese Multicenter Survey.

    Uehara M, Ikegami S, Takizawa T, Oba H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Ando K, Nakashima H, Segi N, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Nori S, Takeda K, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Shirasawa E, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Kato S

    World neurosurgery   Vol. 166   page: e815 - e822   2022.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.07.104


  247. Factors Affecting the Waiting Time from Injury to Surgery in Elderly Patients with a Cervical Spine Injury: A Japanese Multicenter Survey

    Uehara Masashi, Ikegami Shota, Takizawa Takashi, Oba Hiroki, Yokogawa Noriaki, Sasagawa Takeshi, Ando Kei, Nakashima Hiroaki, Segi Naoki, Funayama Toru, Eto Fumihiko, Yamaji Akihiro, Watanabe Kota, Nori Satoshi, Takeda Kazuki, Furuya Takeo, Yunde Atsushi, Nakajima Hideaki, Yamada Tomohiro, Hasegawa Tomohiko, Terashima Yoshinori, Hirota Ryosuke, Suzuki Hidenori, Imajo Yasuaki, Tonomura Hitoshi, Sakata Munehiro, Hashimoto Ko, Onoda Yoshito, Kawaguchi Kenichi, Haruta Yohei, Suzuki Nobuyuki, Kato Kenji, Uei Hiroshi, Sawada Hirokatsu, Nakanishi Kazuo, Misaki Kosuke, Terai Hidetomi, Tamai Koji, Shirasawa Eiki, Inoue Gen, Kakutani Kenichiro, Kakiuchi Yuji, Kiyasu Katsuhito, Tominaga Hiroyuki, Tokumoto Hiroto, Iizuka Yoichi, Takasawa Eiji, Akeda Koji, Takegami Norihiko, Funao Haruki, Oshima Yasushi, Kaito Takashi, Sakai Daisuke, Yoshii Toshitaka, Otsuki Bungo, Seki Shoji, Miyazaki Masashi, Ishihara Masayuki, Okada Seiji, Imagama Shiro, Kato Satoshi

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 166   page: E815 - E822   2022.10

  248. Factors Affecting the Waiting Time from Injury to Surgery in Elderly Patients with a Cervical Spine Injury: A Japanese Multicenter Survey

    Uehara Masashi, Ikegami Shota, Takizawa Takashi, Oba Hiroki, Yokogawa Noriaki, Sasagawa Takeshi, Ando Kei, Nakashima Hiroaki, Segi Naoki, Funayama Toru, Eto Fumihiko, Yamaji Akihiro, Watanabe Kota, Nori Satoshi, Takeda Kazuki, Furuya Takeo, Yunde Atsushi, Nakajima Hideaki, Yamada Tomohiro, Hasegawa Tomohiko, Terashima Yoshinori, Hirota Ryosuke, Suzuki Hidenori, Imajo Yasuaki, Tonomura Hitoshi, Sakata Munehiro, Hashimoto Ko, Onoda Yoshito, Kawaguchi Kenichi, Haruta Yohei, Suzuki Nobuyuki, Kato Kenji, Uei Hiroshi, Sawada Hirokatsu, Nakanishi Kazuo, Misaki Kosuke, Terai Hidetomi, Tamai Koji, Shirasawa Eiki, Inoue Gen, Kakutani Kenichiro, Kakiuchi Yuji, Kiyasu Katsuhito, Tominaga Hiroyuki, Tokumoto Hiroto, Iizuka Yoichi, Takasawa Eiji, Akeda Koji, Takegami Norihiko, Funao Haruki, Oshima Yasushi, Kaito Takashi, Sakai Daisuke, Yoshii Toshitaka, Otsuki Bungo, Seki Shoji, Miyazaki Masashi, Ishihara Masayuki, Okada Seiji, Imagama Shiro, Kato Satoshi

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 166   page: E815 - E822   2022.10

  249. Does surgery improve neurological outcomes in older individuals with cervical spinal cord injury without bone injury? A multicenter study

    Nori, S; Watanabe, K; Takeda, K; Yamane, J; Kono, H; Yokogawa, N; Sasagawa, T; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Segi, N; Funayama, T; Eto, F; Yamaji, A; Furuya, T; Yunde, A; Nakajima, H; Yamada, T; Hasegawa, T; Terashima, Y; Hirota, R; Suzuki, H; Imajo, Y; Ikegami, S; Uehara, M; Tonomura, H; Sakata, M; Hashimoto, K; Onoda, Y; Kawaguchi, K; Haruta, Y; Suzuki, N; Kato, K; Uei, H; Sawada, H; Nakanishi, K; Misaki, K; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Shirasawa, E; Inoue, G; Kiyasu, K; Iizuka, Y; Takasawa, E; Funao, H; Kaito, T; Yoshii, T; Ishihara, M; Okada, S; Imagama, S; Kato, S

    SPINAL CORD   Vol. 60 ( 10 ) page: 895 - 902   2022.10

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  250. Association between locomotive syndrome and methotrexate discontinuation due to adverse events in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A retrospective observational study

    Sobue, Y; Suzuki, M; Ohashi, Y; Koshima, H; Okui, N; Funahashi, K; Ishikawa, H; Inoue, H; Kojima, M; Asai, S; Terabe, K; Hattori, K; Kishimoto, K; Takahashi, N; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 22 ( 10 ) page: 904 - 906   2022.10

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  251. Relationship between sarcopenia classification and thigh muscle mass, fat area, muscle CT value and osteoporosis in middle-aged and older Japanese adults

    Kuriyama, K; Matsui, Y; Suzuki, Y; Mizuno, T; Watanabe, T; Takemura, M; Ishizuka, S; Yamashita, S; Imagama, S; Arai, H

    BONE   Vol. 163   page: 116487   2022.10

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  252. Surgical Treatment and Complications of Deep-Seated Nodular Plexiform Neurofibromas Associated with Neurofibromatosis Type 1

    Ikuta, K; Nishida, Y; Sakai, T; Koike, H; Ito, K; Urakawa, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 19 )   2022.10

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  253. A clinical trial of a unidirectional porous tricalcium phosphate filling for defects after resection of benign bone lesions: a prospective multicenter study

    Ikuta, K; Nishida, Y; Ota, T; Tsukushi, S; Kozawa, E; Nakashima, H; Yamada, K; Yamashita, S; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 16060   2022.9

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  254. Differences in clinical characteristics of cervical spine injuries in older adults by external causes: a multicenter study of 1512 cases.

    Yokogawa N, Kato S, Sasagawa T, Hayashi H, Tsuchiya H, Ando K, Nakashima H, Segi N, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Nori S, Yamane J, Furuya T, Yunde A, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Ikegami S, Uehara M, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Shirasawa E, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Imagama S, Watanabe K

    Scientific reports   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 15867   2022.9

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  255. Effect of trochanter displacement on impingement and bone contact in total hip arthroplasty performed after curved intertrochanteric varus osteotomy for osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a simulation study

    Okamoto, M; Seki, T; Takegami, Y; Osawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 850   2022.9

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  256. Myelopathy caused by intrathecal remnants of oil-based contrast medium

    Ito, S; Sakai, Y; Harada, A; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Kanbara, S; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 27 ( 5 ) page: 1159 - 1163   2022.9

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  257. Impact of the hip joint mobility on whole-body sagittal alignment: prospective analysis in case with hip arthroplasty

    Ouchida, J; Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ando, K; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Machino, M; Ito, S; Yamaguchi, H; Segi, N; Koshimizu, H; Tomita, H; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 31 ( 9 ) page: 2399 - 2407   2022.9

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  258. Impact of Adjacent Facet Joint Osteoarthritis on Adjacent Segment Degeneration after Short-Segment Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Indirect Decompression: Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up

    Ouchida, J; Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Ando, K; Machino, M; Ito, S; Segi, N; Morita, Y; Ode, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2022   page: 3407681   2022.8

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  259. A multicenter study of 1-year mortality and walking capacity after spinal fusion surgery for cervical fracture in elderly patients

    Sasagawa, T; Yokogawa, N; Hayashi, H; Tsuchiya, H; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Segi, N; Watanabe, K; Nori, S; Takeda, K; Furuya, T; Yunde, A; Ikegami, S; Uehara, M; Suzuki, H; Imajo, Y; Funayama, T; Eto, F; Yamaji, A; Hashimoto, K; Onoda, Y; Kakutani, K; Kakiuchi, Y; Suzuki, N; Kato, K; Terashima, Y; Hirota, R; Yamada, T; Hasegawa, T; Kawaguchi, K; Haruta, Y; Seki, S; Tonomura, H; Sakata, M; Uei, H; Sawada, H; Tominaga, H; Tokumoto, H; Kaito, T; Iizuka, Y; Takasawa, E; Oshima, Y; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Otsuki, B; Miyazaki, M; Nakajima, H; Nakanishi, K; Misaki, K; Inoue, G; Kiyasu, K; Akeda, K; Takegami, N; Yoshii, T; Ishihara, M; Okada, S; Aoki, Y; Harimaya, K; Murakami, H; Ishii, K; Ohtori, S; Imagama, S; Kato, S

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 798   2022.8

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  260. Clinical Indicators of Surgical Outcomes After Laminoplasty for Patients With Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: A Prospective Multicenter Study

    Nagoshi, N; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Tsutsui, S; Hirai, T; Matsukura, Y; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Koda, M; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Maki, S; Nishida, N; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Miyagi, M; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Banno, T; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Watanabe, K; Taneichi, H; Imagama, S; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Nakamura, M; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 47 ( 15 ) page: 1077 - 1083   2022.8

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  261. Mortality and functional outcomes of fragility fractures of the pelvis by fracture type with conservative treatment: a retrospective, multicenter TRON study

    Omichi, T; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Saito, Y; Ito, O; Ando, T; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY   Vol. 48 ( 4 ) page: 2897 - 2904   2022.8

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  262. Close association of polarization and LC3, a marker of autophagy, in axon determination in mouse hippocampal neurons

    Segi, N; Ozaki, T; Suzuki, Y; Ouchida, J; Imagama, S; Kadomatsu, K; Sakamoto, K

    EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY   Vol. 354   page: 114112   2022.8

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  263. Paraplegia due to spinal epidural lipoma without spinal dysraphism in an adolescent patient: a case report

    Segi, N; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Machino, M; Ito, S; Matsumoto, A; Koshimizu, H; Tomita, H; Nojima, T; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 84 ( 3 ) page: 656 - 663   2022.8

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  264. Treatment for the Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament and Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum

    Machino, M; Sakai, K; Yoshii, T; Furuya, T; Ito, S; Segi, N; Ouchida, J; Imagama, S; Nakashima, H

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 16 )   2022.8

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  265. Patient factors influencing a delay in diagnosis in pediatric spinal cord tumors

    Koshimizu, H; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nishimura, Y; Machino, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Segi, N; Tomita, H; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 84 ( 3 ) page: 516 - 525   2022.8

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  266. Transcranial Motor-evoked Potential Alert After Supine-to-Prone Position Change During Thoracic Ossification in Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research.

    Yoshida G, Ushirozako H, Imagama S, Kobayashi K, Ando K, Ando M, Kawabata S, Yamada K, Kanchiku T, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi S, Iwasaki H, Shigematsu H, Takatani T, Tadokoro N, Takahashi M, Wada K, Yamamoto N, Funaba M, Yasuda A, Hashimoto J, Morito S, Tani T, Matsuyama Y

    Spine   Vol. 47 ( 14 ) page: 1018 - 1026   2022.7

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  267. Efficacy of auranofin as an inhibitor of desmoid progression

    Ito, K; Nishida, Y; Hamada, S; Shimizu, K; Sakai, T; Ohkawara, B; Alman, BA; Enomoto, A; Ikuta, K; Koike, H; Zhang, JR; Ohno, K; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 11918   2022.7

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  268. Sacroiliac Joint Degeneration After Lumbopelvic Fixation

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tanaka, S; Segi, N; Ouchida, J; Kagami, Y; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 12 ( 6 ) page: 1158 - 1164   2022.7

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  269. The characteristics of the young patients with cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine: A multicenter cross-sectional study

    Mori, K; Yoshii, T; Hirai, T; Maki, S; Katsumi, K; Nagoshi, N; Nishimura, S; Takeuchi, K; Ushio, S; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Ito, K; Imagama, S; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Watanabe, M; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 27 ( 4 ) page: 760 - 766   2022.7

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  270. Biceps tenotomy versus soft-tissue tenodesis in females aged 60 years and older with rotator cuff tears

    Kawashima, I; Sugaya, H; Takahashi, N; Matsuki, K; Tokai, M; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 27 ( 4 ) page: 786 - 791   2022.7

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  271. The Association of Bohler's Angle With Postoperative Pain and Gender for Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fracture, Multicenter Retrospective Study-TRON Study

    Sugimoto, R; Tokutake, K; Takegami, Y; Kanayama, Y; Okui, N; Sakai, T; Kagami, Y; Sugimoto, T; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF FOOT & ANKLE SURGERY   Vol. 61 ( 4 ) page: 766 - 770   2022.7

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  272. Is anterior decompression and fusion more beneficial than laminoplasty for K-line (+) cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament? An analysis using propensity score matching

    Inoue, T; Maki, S; Yoshii, T; Furuya, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Kimura, A; Nagoshi, N; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Ohtori, S; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE   Vol. 37 ( 1 ) page: 13 - 20   2022.7

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  273. Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament and a High OP Index: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study (JOSL Study)

    Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Hashimoto, J; Ushio, S; Mori, K; Maki, S; Katsumi, K; Nagoshi, N; Takeuchi, K; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Nishimura, S; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Nakashima, H; Imagama, S; Murata, K; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Watanabe, M; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Egawa, S; Matsukura, Y; Inose, H; Okawa, A; Yamazaki, M; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 13 )   2022.7

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  274. Risk factors for fracture-related infection after open reduction and internal fixation of proximal humerus fractures: A multicenter retrospective study of 496 fractures (TRON group study)

    Makihara, K; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Yamauchi, K; Hiramatsu, Y; Matsuura, Y; Imagama, S

    INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED   Vol. 53 ( 7 ) page: 2573 - 2578   2022.7

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  275. Postoperative progression of ligamentum flavum ossification after posterior instrumented surgery for thoracic posterior longitudinal ligament ossification: long-term outcomes during a minimum 10-year follow-up

    Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Segi, N; Tomita, H; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE   Vol. 36 ( 6 ) page: 986 - 996   2022.6

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  276. Association between Occupation and Cervical Disc Degeneration in 1211 Asymptomatic Subjects

    Machino, M; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Ando, K; Ito, S; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 12 )   2022.6

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  277. Impact of obesity on cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: a nationwide prospective study

    Mori, K; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Tsutsui, S; Hirai, T; Matsukura, Y; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Koda, M; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Maki, S; Nagoshi, N; Nishida, N; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Takahata, M; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Miyagi, M; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Banno, T; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Taneichi, H; Imagama, S; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 8884   2022.5

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  278. A preliminary examination of the association between locomotive syndrome and circulating miRNA-199 in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study

    Takegami, Y; Seki, T; Osawa, Y; Makida, K; Ochiai, S; Nakashima, H; Fujii, R; Yamada, H; Suzuki, K; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: 696 - 700   2022.5

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  279. Influence of frailty on patient global assessment in rheumatoid arthritis

    Suzuki, M; Asai, S; Sobue, Y; Ohashi, Y; Koshima, H; Okui, N; Ishikawa, H; Takahashi, N; Terabe, K; Kishimoto, K; Hattori, K; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 22 ( 5 ) page: 399 - 404   2022.5

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  280. Bisphosphonate treatment is associated with decreased mortality rates in patients after osteoporotic vertebral fracture

    Iida, H; Sakai, Y; Seki, T; Watanabe, T; Wakao, N; Matsui, H; Imagama, S

    OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 33 ( 5 ) page: 1147 - 1154   2022.5

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  281. Bypass of Epiphyseal Fragmentation Following Early Salter Innominate Osteotomy and Its Clinical Relevance in Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

    Mishima, K; Kamiya, Y; Matsushita, M; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 42 ( 5 ) page: 239 - 245   2022.5

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  282. Cervical disc degeneration is associated with a reduction in mobility: A cross-sectional study of 1211 asymptomatic healthy subjects

    Machino, M; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Ando, K; Ito, S; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 99   page: 342 - 348   2022.5

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  283. Comparison of periprosthetic femoral fracture torque and strain pattern of three types of femoral components in experimental model

    Takegami, Y; Seki, T; Osawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BONE & JOINT RESEARCH   Vol. 11 ( 5 ) page: 270 - 277   2022.5

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  284. Displaced humeral head after intramedullary nailing for proximal humeral fracture is associated with worse short-term outcomes-a multicenter TRON study.

    Hiramatsu Y, Takegami Y, Katsuhiro T, Matsuura Y, Makihara K, Kanemura T, Imagama S

    JSES international   Vol. 6 ( 3 ) page: 374 - 379   2022.5

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseint.2021.12.009


  285. Factors influencing inconsistent leg length discrepancy in dysplastic hip osteoarthritis: a retrospective study

    Takemoto, G; Osawa, Y; Seki, T; Takegami, Y; Ochiai, S; Kato, D; Imagama, S

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 381   2022.4

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  286. Relationship between locomotive syndrome and frailty in rheumatoid arthritis patients by locomotive syndrome stage

    Sobue, Y; Suzuki, M; Ohashi, Y; Koshima, H; Okui, N; Funahashi, K; Ishikawa, H; Asai, S; Terabe, K; Yokota, Y; Kishimoto, K; Takahashi, N; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 32 ( 3 ) page: 546 - 553   2022.4

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  287. Associations Between Neck and Shoulder Pain and Neuropathic Pain in a Middle-aged Community-living Population

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Ito, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Segi, N; Tomita, H; Koshimizu, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 47 ( 8 ) page: 632 - 639   2022.4

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  288. Risk factors for second hip fracture in elderly patients: an age, sex, and fracture type matched case-control study

    Fujita, T; Takegami, Y; Ando, K; Sakai, Y; Nakashima, H; Takatsu, S; Imagama, S


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  289. Promethazine Downregulates Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling and Increases the Biomechanical Forces of the Injured Achilles Tendon in the Early Stage of Healing

    Sakaguchi, T; Ohkawara, B; Kishimoto, Y; Miyamoto, K; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S; Ohno, K

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   Vol. 50 ( 5 ) page: 1317 - 1327   2022.4

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  290. Factors affecting postoperative pulmonary function deterioration in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A prospective study using 3-dimensional image reconstruction by biplanar stereoradiography

    Machino, M; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 98   page: 182 - 188   2022.4

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  291. Possible Repositioning of an Oral Anti-Osteoporotic Drug, Ipriflavone, for Treatment of Inflammatory Arthritis via Inhibitory Activity of KIAA1199, a Novel Potent Hyaluronidase

    Koike, H; Nishida, Y; Shinomura, T; Ohkawara, B; Ohno, K; Zhuo, LS; Kimata, K; Ushida, T; Imagama, S


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  292. Adjacent Segment Degeneration after Short-Segment Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF)

    Ouchida, J; Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Matsubara, Y; Satake, K; Muramoto, A; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Morozumi, M; Segi, N; Morita, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2022   page: 5161503   2022.3

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  293. Predictive ability of inflammatory markers and laboratory parameters in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease A single-center retrospective comparative study

    Mishima, K; Kamiya, Y; Matsushita, M; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H

    MEDICINE   Vol. 101 ( 11 )   2022.3

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  294. Outcomes of pediatric anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions in patients with and without bucket handle meniscus repairs

    Kawashima, I; Kawai, R; Tsukahara, T; Hiraiwa, H; Ishizuka, S; Kusaka, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS-PART B   Vol. 31 ( 2 ) page: E185 - E189   2022.3

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  295. Conservative treatment of spondylolysis involving exercise initiated early and sports activities resumed with a lumbar-sacral brace

    Nakashima, H; Yoneda, M; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Ouchida, J; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 27 ( 2 ) page: 360 - 365   2022.3

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  296. Predictive factors for mortality after distal femoral fractures in the elderly: A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study

    Yamada, Y; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Taguchi, K; Kuwahara, Y; Komaki, K; Imagama, S

    INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED   Vol. 53 ( 3 ) page: 1225 - 1230   2022.3

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  297. Intradural Lumbar Disc Herniation From the Lateral Inner Surface of the Dura Without a Penetration Hole: A Case Report

    Segi, N; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Imagama, S

    CUREUS JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 14 ( 2 ) page: e22418   2022.2

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  298. Meclozine ameliorates skeletal muscle pathology and increases muscle forces in<i> mdx</i> mice

    Kawamura, Y; Hida, T; Ohkawara, B; Matsushita, M; Kobayashi, T; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Tanaka, S; Tsushima, M; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Imagama, S; Ito, M; Masuda, A; Ishiguro, N; Ohno, K


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  299. Factors Negatively Influencing Postoperative Improvement After Laminoplasty in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy.

    Inose H, Yoshii T, Kimura A, Takeshita K, Inoue H, Maekawa A, Endo K, Furuya T, Nakamura A, Mori K, Kanbara S, Imagama S, Seki S, Matsunaga S, Okawa A

    Clinical spine surgery   Vol. 35 ( 1 ) page: E230 - E235   2022.2

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    DOI: 10.1097/BSD.0000000000001207


  300. Severity of Myelopathy is Closely Associated With Advanced Age and Signal Intensity Change in Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament A Prospective Nationwide Investigation

    Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Nagoshi, N; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY   Vol. 35 ( 1 ) page: E155 - E161   2022.2

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  301. Trends in the numbers of spine surgeries and spine surgeons over the past 15 years

    Kobayashi, K; Sato, K; Kato, F; Kanemura, T; Yoshihara, H; Sakai, Y; Shinjo, R; Ohara, T; Yagi, H; Matsubara, Y; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 84 ( 1 ) page: 155 - 162   2022.2

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  302. Nutritional Influences on Locomotive Syndrome

    Ito, S; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Machino, M; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Wakai, K; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 3 )   2022.2

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  303. DNA methylation is associated with muscle loss in community-dwelling older men -the Yakumo study- : a preliminary experimental study

    Kato, D; Takegami, Y; Seki, T; Nakashima, H; Osawa, Y; Suzuki, K; Yamada, H; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 84 ( 1 ) page: 60 - 68   2022.2

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  304. How does intraoperative fracture malalignment affect postoperative function and bone healing following distal femoral fracture? A RETROSPECTIVE MULTICENTRE STUDY

    Kuwahara, Y; Takegami, Y; Tokutake, K; Yamada, Y; Komaki, K; Ichikawa, T; Imagama, S

    BONE & JOINT OPEN   Vol. 3 ( 2 ) page: 165 - 172   2022.2

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  305. Meclozine Attenuates the MARK Pathway in Mammalian Chondrocytes and Ameliorates FGF2-Induced Bone Hyperossification in Larval Zebrafish

    Takemoto, G; Matsushita, M; Okamoto, T; Ito, T; Matsuura, Y; Takashima, C; Chen-Yoshikawa, TF; Ebi, H; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H; Ohno, K; Hosono, Y

    FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY   Vol. 9   page: 694018   2022.1

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  306. Characteristics of Tc-MEP Waveforms for Different Locations of Intradural Extramedullary Tumors A Prospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Yoshida, G; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Shigematsu, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Takatani, T; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 47 ( 2 ) page: 172 - 179   2022.1

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  307. Comparison of laminoplasty and posterior fusion surgery for cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament

    Nakashima, H; Imagama, S; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Nagoshi, N; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Li, YY; Yatsuya, H; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 748   2022.1

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  308. The development of knee osteoarthritis and serum carotenoid levels among community-dwelling people in Japan

    Takemoto, G; Seki, T; Takegami, Y; Osawa, Y; Makida, K; Ochiai, S; Ishizuka, S; Suzuki, K; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 32 ( 1 ) page: 205 - 212   2022.1

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  309. Differences in the prevalence of locomotive syndrome and osteoporosis in Japanese urban and rural regions: The Kashiwara and Yakumo studies

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Kanemura, T; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 32 ( 1 ) page: 199 - 204   2022.1

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  310. Efficacy of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Using Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potentials for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy A Prospective Multicenter Study by the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Funaba, M; Kanchiku, T; Yoshida, G; Imagama, S; Kawabata, S; Fujiwara, Y; Ando, M; Yamada, K; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Shigematsu, H; Kobayashi, K; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Ando, K; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Takatani, T; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 47 ( 1 ) page: E27 - E37   2022.1

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  311. Prediction of delayed union of tibial shaft fracture treated with intramedullary nailing: multicenter-study analysis and literature review -the TRON study

    Kawasaki, N; Takegami, Y; Sakai, R; Todoroki, K; Uemi, R; Imagama, S


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  312. Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Improves the Accuracy of Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors

    Koike, H; Nishida, Y; Ito, S; Shimoyama, Y; Ikuta, K; Urakawa, H; Sakai, T; Shimizu, K; Ito, K; Imagama, S

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 157   page: E207 - E214   2022.1

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  313. Formulation of Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) clinical practice guideline for the management of low back pain- the revised 2019 edition

    Shirado, O; Arai, Y; Iguchi, T; Imagama, S; Kawakami, M; Nikaido, T; Ogata, T; Orita, S; Sakai, D; Sato, K; Takahata, M; Takeshita, K; Tsuji, T

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 27 ( 1 ) page: 3 - 30   2022.1

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  314. Differences in Demographic and Radiographic Characteristics between Patients with Visible and Invisible T1 Slopes on Lateral Cervical Radiographic Images

    Ito, S; Nakashima, H; Matsumoto, A; Ando, K; Machino, M; Segi, N; Tomita, H; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 11 ( 2 )   2022.1

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  315. Factors contributing to neck pain in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy: A prospective multicenter study

    Inose, H; Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Inoue, H; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Miyamoto, T; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Seki, S; Matsunaga, S; Takahashi, K; Okawa, A

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY   Vol. 30 ( 1 ) page: 10225536221091848   2022.1

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  316. Inconvenience and adaptation in Japanese adult achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia: A cross-sectional study

    Ajimi Akiko, Matsushita Masaki, Mishima Kenichi, Haga Nobuhiko, Fujiwara Sayaka, Ozono Keiichi, Kubota Takuo, Kitaoka Taichi, Imagama Shiro, Kitoh Hiroshi

    CLINICAL PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY   Vol. 31 ( 1 ) page: 18 - 24   2022.1

  317. Thoracic myelopathy due to ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament shown on dynamic MR.

    Segi N, Ando K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Koshimizu H, Tomita H, Imagama S

    Surgical neurology international   Vol. 13   page: 51   2022

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    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_14_2022


  318. Recurrent ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the upper thoracic region 10 years after initial decompression.

    Segi N, Ando K, Nakashima H, Machino M, Ito S, Koshimizu H, Tomita H, Imagama S

    Surgical neurology international   Vol. 13   page: 17   2022

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    DOI: 10.25259/SNI_1187_2021


  319. Assessment of Ureters at Dangerous Locations in Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion

    Kagami, Y; Nakashima, H; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tanaka, S; Segi, N; Ouchida, J; Morita, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Imagama, S; Kanemura, T

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 38 - 44   2022

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  320. Cicatricial Fibromatosis Causing Cervical Myelopathy Due to Rapid Growth after Removal of Meningioma: A Case Report

    Kanbara, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Segi, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 90 - 92   2022

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  321. Inconvenience and adaptation in Japanese adult achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia: A cross-sectional study.

    Ajimi A, Matsushita M, Mishima K, Haga N, Fujiwara S, Ozono K, Kubota T, Kitaoka T, Imagama S, Kitoh H

    Clinical pediatric endocrinology : case reports and clinical investigations : official journal of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology   Vol. 31 ( 1 ) page: 18 - 24   2022

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    DOI: 10.1297/cpe.2021-0043


  322. Influence of Age and Gender on Intervertebral Disk Degeneration and Height in the Thoracolumbar Spine

    Machino, M; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 6 ( 4 ) page: 379 - 387   2022

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  323. Is Blood Loss Greater in Elderly Patients under Antiplatelet or Anticoagulant Medication for Cervical Spine Injury Surgery? A Japanese Multicenter Survey.

    Uehara M, Ikegami S, Takizawa T, Oba H, Yokogawa N, Sasagawa T, Ando K, Nakashima H, Segi N, Funayama T, Eto F, Yamaji A, Watanabe K, Nori S, Takeda K, Furuya T, Orita S, Nakajima H, Yamada T, Hasegawa T, Terashima Y, Hirota R, Suzuki H, Imajo Y, Tonomura H, Sakata M, Hashimoto K, Onoda Y, Kawaguchi K, Haruta Y, Suzuki N, Kato K, Uei H, Sawada H, Nakanishi K, Misaki K, Terai H, Tamai K, Shirasawa E, Inoue G, Kakutani K, Kakiuchi Y, Kiyasu K, Tominaga H, Tokumoto H, Iizuka Y, Takasawa E, Akeda K, Takegami N, Funao H, Oshima Y, Kaito T, Sakai D, Yoshii T, Ohba T, Otsuki B, Seki S, Miyazaki M, Ishihara M, Okada S, Aoki Y, Harimaya K, Murakami H, Ishii K, Ohtori S, Imagama S, Kato S

    Spine surgery and related research   Vol. 6 ( 4 ) page: 366 - 372   2022

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  324. Characteristics of Tc-MEP Waveforms in Spine Surgery for Patients with Severe Obesity

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Yoshida, G; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Shigematsu, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Takatani, T; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 24 ) page: 1738 - 1747   2021.12

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  325. Machine Learning Approach in Predicting Clinically Significant Improvements After Surgery in Patients with Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Maki, S; Furuya, T; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Kimura, A; Nagoshi, N; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Ohtori, S; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 24 ) page: 1683 - 1689   2021.12

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  326. Lumbar Thecal Sac Dimensions and Axial Spinal Cord Areas on Magnetic Resosnace Imaging in 626 Healthy Subjects

    Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Katayama, Y; Matsumoto, T; Tsushima, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 24 ) page: E1327 - E1333   2021.12

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  327. Successful treatment with denosumab for pelvic fibrous dysplasia A case report and review of the literature

    Ikuta, K; Sakai, T; Koike, H; Ito, K; Imagama, S; Nishida, Y

    MEDICINE   Vol. 100 ( 49 ) page: e28138   2021.12

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  328. Comparison of Surgical Outcomes After Open- and Double-Door Laminoplasties for Patients with Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament <i>A Prospective Multicenter Study</i>

    Nagoshi, N; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Watanabe, K; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Nakamura, M; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 23 ) page: E1238 - E1245   2021.12

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  329. Prospective Investigation of Postoperative Complications in Anterior Decompression with Fusion for Severe Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Egawa, S; Yoshii, T; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Katoh, H; Nagoshi, N; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 23 ) page: 1621 - 1629   2021.12

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  330. Reconstruction of the extensor mechanism augmented with reverse transferred iliotibial band after proximal tibia tumor resection and mega-prosthetic replacement

    Ikuta, K; Nishida, Y; Tsukushi, S; Sakai, T; Koike, H; Imagama, S

    KNEE   Vol. 33   page: 102 - 109   2021.12

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  331. Collapse Progression or Cessation Affects the Natural History of Contralateral Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

    Osawa, Y; Seki, T; Takegami, Y; Makida, K; Ochiai, S; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY   Vol. 36 ( 12 ) page: 3839 - 3844   2021.12

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  332. Deep flexion helps to avoid popliteal artery injury during all-inside lateral meniscal repair: A cadaveric study

    Mizuno, T; Hiraiwa, H; Tsukahara, T; Ishizuka, S; Yamashita, S; Sakai, T; Imagama, S

    KNEE   Vol. 33   page: 159 - 168   2021.12

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  333. Perioperative Complications in Posterior Surgeries for Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Nagoshi, N; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY   Vol. 34 ( 10 ) page: E594 - E600   2021.12

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  334. Comparison of Outcomes between Minimally Invasive Lateral Approach Vertebral Reconstruction Using a Rectangular Footplate Cage and Conventional Procedure Using a Cylindrical Footplate Cage for Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture

    Segi, N; Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Machino, M; Ito, S; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Tomita, H; Ouchida, J; Morita, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 23 )   2021.12

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  335. Perioperative Complications in Posterior Surgeries for Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament A Prospective Nationwide Investigation

    Yoshii Toshitaka, Egawa Satoru, Sakai Kenichiro, Kusano Kazuo, Nakagawa Yukihiro, Hirai Takashi, Wada Kanichiro, Katsumi Keiichi, Fujii Kengo, Kimura Atsushi, Furuya Takeo, Nagoshi Narihito, Kanchiku Tsukasa, Nagamoto Yukitaka, Oshima Yasushi, Ando Kei, Takahata Masahiko, Mori Kanji, Nakajima Hideaki, Murata Kazuma, Matsunaga Shunji, Kaito Takashi, Yamada Kei, Kobayashi Sho, Kato Satoshi, Ohba Tetsuro, Inami Satoshi, Fujibayashi Shunsuke, Katoh Hiroyuki, Kanno Haruo, Imagama Shiro, Koda Masao, Kawaguchi Yoshiharu, Takeshita Katsushi, Matsumoto Morio, Yamazaki Masashi, Okawa Atsushi

    CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY   Vol. 34 ( 10 ) page: E594 - E600   2021.12

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  336. Characteristics of Cases with Poor Transcranial Motor-evoked Potentials Baseline Waveform Derivation in Spine Surgery A Prospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Yoshida, G; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Shigematsu, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Takatani, N; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 22 ) page: E1211 - E1219   2021.11

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  337. Effect of Early vs Delayed Surgical Treatment on Motor Recovery in Incomplete Cervical Spinal Cord Injury With Preexisting Cervical Stenosis A Randomized Clinical Trial

    Chikuda, H; Koyama, Y; Matsubayashi, Y; Ogata, T; Ohtsu, H; Sugita, S; Sumitani, M; Kadono, Y; Miura, T; Tanaka, S; Akiyama, T; Ando, K; Anno, M; Azuma, S; Endo, K; Endo, T; Fujiyoshi, T; Furuya, T; Hayashi, H; Higashikawa, A; Hiyama, A; Horii, C; Iimoto, S; Iizuka, Y; Ikuma, H; Imagama, S; Inokuchi, K; Inoue, H; Inoue, T; Ishii, K; Ishii, M; Ito, T; Itoi, A; Iwamoto, K; Iwasaki, M; Kaito, T; Kato, T; Katoh, H; Kawaguchi, Y; Kawano, O; Kimura, A; Kobayashi, K; Koda, M; Komatsu, M; Kumagai, G; Maeda, T; Makino, T; Mannoji, C; Masuda, K; Masuda, K; Matsumoto, K; Matsumoto, M; Matsunaga, S; Matsuyama, Y; Mieda, T; Miyoshi, K; Mochida, J; Moridaira, H; Motegi, H; Nakagawa, Y; Nohara, Y; Oae, K; Ogawa, S; Okazaki, R; Okuda, A; Onishi, E; Ono, A; Oshima, M; Oshita, Y; Saita, K; Sasao, Y; Sato, K; Sawakami, K; Seichi, A; Seki, S; Shigematsu, H; Suda, K; Takagi, Y; Takahashi, M; Takahashi, R; Takasawa, E; Takenaka, S; Takeshita, K; Takeshita, Y; Tokioka, T; Tokuhashi, Y; Tonosu, J; Uei, H; Wada, K; Watanabe, M; Yahata, T; Yamada, K; Yasuda, T; Yasui, K; Yoshii, T

    JAMA NETWORK OPEN   Vol. 4 ( 11 ) page: e2133604   2021.11

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  338. Risk factors for delayed diagnosis of spinal fracture associated with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis: A nationwide multiinstitution survey

    Kobayashi, K; Okada, E; Yoshii, T; Tsushima, M; Yamada, T; Watanabe, K; Katsumi, K; Hiyama, A; Katoh, H; Watanabe, M; Nakagawa, Y; Okada, M; Endo, T; Shiraishi, Y; Takeuchi, K; Matsunaga, S; Maruo, K; Sakai, K; Kobayashi, S; Ohba, T; Wada, K; Ohya, J; Mori, K; Nishimura, H; Tsuji, T; Watanabe, K; Okawa, A; Matsumoto, M; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 6 ) page: 968 - 973   2021.11

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  339. Does pulmonary function improve after surgical correction of adult idiopathic scoliosis?

    Nakashima, H; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S; Redding, GJ

    SPINE DEFORMITY   Vol. 9 ( 6 ) page: 1609 - 1616   2021.11

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  340. Dermatan sulphate is an activating ligand of anaplastic lymphoma kinase

    Machino, M; Gong, YH; Ozaki, T; Suzuki, Y; Watanabe, E; Imagama, S; Kadomatsu, K; Sakamoto, K

    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY   Vol. 170 ( 5 ) page: 631 - 638   2021.11

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  341. Relationship of frequency of participation in a physical checkup and physical fitness in middle-aged and elderly people: the Yakumo study

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Segi, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 83 ( 4 ) page: 841 - 850   2021.11

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  342. Factors Significantly Associated with Postoperative Neck Pain Deterioration after Surgery for Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: Study of a Cohort Using a Prospective Registry

    Koda, M; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Maki, S; Nagoshi, N; Watanabe, K; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Takahashi, H; Fujii, K; Miyagi, M; Inoue, G; Takaso, M; Imagama, S; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Nakamura, M; Matsumoto, M; Okawa, A; Yamazaki, M

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 21 )   2021.11

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  343. Relationship between use of sleep medication and accidental falls during hospitalization

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Suzuki, Y; Nagao, Y; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 83 ( 4 ) page: 851 - 860   2021.11

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  344. Validity of the Alarm Point in Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring of the Spinal Cord by the Monitoring Working Group of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research <i>A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study of 1934 Cases</i>

    Takahashi, M; Imagama, S; Kobayashi, K; Yamada, K; Yoshida, G; Yamamoto, N; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Wada, K; Shigematsu, H; Tadokoro, N; Ushirozako, H; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Ando, K; Hashimoto, J; Morito, S; Takatani, T; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 20 ) page: E1069 - E1076   2021.10

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  345. Evaluation of the Association between Neck Pain and the Trapezius Muscles in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy Using Motor Evoked Potential: A Retrospective Study

    Ito, S; Sakai, Y; Harada, A; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Kambara, S; Inoue, T; Hida, T; Ito, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 15 ( 5 ) page: 604 - 610   2021.10

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  346. Long-Term Survivorship of Closed-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy for Severe Knee Osteoarthritis: Outcomes After 10 to 37 Years

    Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Yamashita, S; Oba, H; Kawamura, Y; Sakaguchi, T; Idota, M; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   Vol. 9 ( 10 ) page: 23259671211046964   2021.10

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  347. Assessment of the Preserved Biceps Tendon After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair in Patients ≤ 55 Years.

    Kawashima I, Sugaya H, Takahashi N, Matsuki K, Tokai M, Hiraiwa H, Imagama S

    Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation   Vol. 3 ( 5 ) page: e1273 - e1278   2021.10

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.asmr.2021.04.006


  348. Association between Severity of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and Ossification of Other Spinal Ligaments in Patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Nishimura, S; Hirai, T; Nagoshi, N; Yoshii, T; Hashimoto, J; Mori, K; Maki, S; Katsumi, K; Takeuchi, K; Ushio, S; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Nakashima, H; Imagama, S; Murata, K; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Watanabe, M; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Matsukura, Y; Inose, H; Yamazaki, M; Watanabe, K; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 20 )   2021.10

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  349. Less-invasive fascia-preserving surgery for abdominal wall desmoid

    Nishida, Y; Hamada, S; Sakai, T; Ito, K; Ikuta, K; Urakawa, H; Koike, H; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 19379   2021.9

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  350. Metabolic changes in synovial cells in early inflammation: Involvement of CREB phosphorylation in the anti-inflammatory effect of 2-deoxyglucose

    Kishimoto, K; Terabe, K; Takahashi, N; Yokota, Y; Ohashi, Y; Hattori, K; Kihira, D; Maeda, M; Kojima, T; Imagama, S

    ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS   Vol. 708   page: 108962   2021.9

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  351. Zonisamide upregulates neuregulin-1 expression and enhances acetylcholine receptor clustering at the in vitro neuromuscular junction

    Inoue, T; Ohkawara, B; Bushra, S; Kanbara, S; Nakashima, H; Koshimizu, H; Tomita, H; Ito, M; Masuda, A; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S; Ohno, K

    NEUROPHARMACOLOGY   Vol. 195   page: 108637   2021.9

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  352. Association Between Knee Alignment and Meniscal Tear in Pediatric Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

    Kawashima, I; Kawai, R; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Tsukahara, T; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME   Vol. 103 ( 17 ) page: 1604 - 1610   2021.9

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  353. Understanding the effect of non-surgical factors in a transcranial motor-evoked potential alert: A retrospective cohort study

    Shigematsu, H; Yoshida, G; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 5 ) page: 739 - 743   2021.9

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  354. The 5-question Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale predicts postoperative fall risk in patients undergoing surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy

    Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Inoue, H; Inose, H; Yoshii, T; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Miyamoto, T; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Seki, S; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Matsunaga, S; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 5 ) page: 779 - 785   2021.9

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  355. Associations between Clinical Findings and Severity of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis in Patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Hirai, T; Nishimura, S; Yoshii, T; Nagoshi, N; Hashimoto, J; Mori, K; Maki, S; Katsumi, K; Takeuchi, K; Ushio, S; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Nakashima, H; Imagama, S; Murata, K; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Watanabe, M; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Yamazaki, M; Matsukura, Y; Inose, H; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 18 )   2021.9

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  356. Tumor location and type affect local recurrence and joint damage in tenosynovial giant cell tumor: a multi-center study

    Ota, T; Nishida, Y; Ikuta, K; Tsukushi, S; Yamada, K; Kozawa, E; Urakawa, H; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 17384   2021.8

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  357. 4-Methylumbelliferone suppresses catabolic activation in anterior cruciate ligament-derived cells via a mechanism independent of hyaluronan inhibition

    Idota, M; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Yamashita, S; Oba, H; Kawamura, Y; Sakaguchi, T; Haga, T; Mizuno, T; Kawashima, I; Kuriyama, K; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH   Vol. 16 ( 1 ) page: 507   2021.8

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  358. Spontaneous Regression of Brown Tumor in a Patient Treated With Peritoneal Dialysis

    Ito, K; Ikuta, K; Nishida, Y; Sakai, T; Imagama, S

    CUREUS JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 13 ( 8 ) page: e17078   2021.8

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  359. Predictors of Falls in Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A Prospective Multi-institutional Study

    Inose, H; Yoshii, T; Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Inoue, H; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Miyamoto, T; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Seki, S; Matsunaga, S; Takahashi, K; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 15 ) page: 1007 - 1013   2021.8

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  360. Normative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data of Age-Related Degenerative Changes in Cervical Disc Morphology

    Machino, M; Ito, K; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 152   page: E502 - E511   2021.8

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  361. Age-related degenerative changes and sex-specific differences in osseous anatomy and intervertebral disc height of the thoracolumbar spine

    Machino, M; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Katayama, Y; Matsumoto, T; Tsushima, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 90   page: 317 - 324   2021.8

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  362. Comparison of the effects of baricitinib and tocilizumab on disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a propensity score matching analysis

    Asai, S; Takahashi, N; Kobayakawa, T; Kaneko, A; Watanabe, T; Kato, T; Nishiume, T; Ishikawa, H; Yoshioka, Y; Kanayama, Y; Watanabe, T; Hirano, Y; Hanabayashi, M; Yabe, Y; Yokota, Y; Suzuki, M; Terabe, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S; Kojima, T

    CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 40 ( 8 ) page: 3143 - 3151   2021.8

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  363. Differences in the mass and quality of the quadriceps with age and sex and their relationships with knee extension strength

    Mizuno, T; Matsui, Y; Tomida, M; Suzuki, Y; Nishita, Y; Tange, C; Shimokata, H; Imagama, S; Otsuka, R; Arai, H

    JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE   Vol. 12 ( 4 ) page: 900 - 912   2021.8

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  364. Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Cervical Spine Surgery for Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

    Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Hirai, T; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Fujii, K; Furuya, T; Nagoshi, N; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Watanabe, K; Imagama, S; Koda, M; Kawaguchi, Y; Nakamura, M; Matsumoto, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 15 )   2021.8

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  365. Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 protects articular cartilage against inflammatory responses via CaMKK/AMPK/NF-κB signaling pathway

    Hattori, K; Takahashi, N; Terabe, K; Ohashi, Y; Kishimoto, K; Yokota, Y; Suzuki, M; Kojima, T; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 15508   2021.7

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  366. Metabolic reprogramming in chondrocytes to promote mitochondrial respiration reduces downstream features of osteoarthritis

    Ohashi, Y; Takahashi, N; Terabe, K; Tsuchiya, S; Kojima, T; Knudson, CB; Knudson, W; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 15131   2021.7

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  367. The impact of ossification spread on cervical spine function in patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

    Katsumi, K; Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Maki, S; Mori, K; Nagoshi, N; Nishimura, S; Takeuchi, K; Ushio, S; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Ito, K; Imagama, S; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Watanabe, M; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 14337   2021.7

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  368. Overexpression of KIAA1199, a novel strong hyaluronidase, is a poor prognostic factor in patients with osteosarcoma

    Ito, K; Nishida, Y; Ikuta, K; Urakawa, H; Koike, H; Sakai, T; Zhang, JR; Shimoyama, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH   Vol. 16 ( 1 ) page: 439   2021.7

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  369. The association of the progression of knee osteoarthritis with high-sensitivity CRP in community-dwelling people-the Yakumo study

    Kondo, F; Takegami, Y; Ishizuka, S; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 40 ( 7 ) page: 2643 - 2649   2021.7

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  370. Seasonal variation in incidence and causal organism of surgical site infection after PLIF/TLIF surgery: A multicenter study

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Kato, F; Kanemura, T; Sato, K; Hachiya, Y; Matsubara, Y; Sakai, Y; Yagi, H; Shinjo, R; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 4 ) page: 555 - 559   2021.7

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  371. Smoking and trimalleolar fractures are risk factors for infection after open reduction and internal fixation of closed ankle fractures: A multicenter retrospective study of 1,201 fractures *

    Sato, T; Takegami, Y; Sugino, T; Bando, K; Fujita, T; Imagama, S

    INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED   Vol. 52 ( 7 ) page: 1959 - 1963   2021.7

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  372. The Level of Conus Medullaris in 629 Healthy Japanese Individuals

    Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Katayama, Y; Tsushima, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Ito, S; Koshimizu, H; Segi, N; Tomita, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 14 )   2021.7

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  373. Characteristics of cases with and without calcification in spinal meningiomas

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Segi, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 89   page: 20 - 25   2021.7

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  374. Effects of Preoperative Motor Status on Intraoperative Motor-evoked Potential Monitoring for High-risk Spinal Surgery

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Yoshida, G; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Shigematsu, H; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Kobayashi, S; Ushirozako, H; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 12 ) page: E694 - E700   2021.6

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  375. Impact of Neck and Shoulder Pain on Health-Related Quality of Life in a Middle-Aged Community-Living Population

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Koshimizu, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2021   page: 6674264   2021.6

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  376. Neurological improvement is associated with neck pain attenuation after surgery for cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

    Koda, M; Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Sakai, K; Kusano, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hirai, T; Wada, K; Katsumi, K; Kimura, A; Furuya, T; Maki, S; Nagoshi, N; Watanabe, K; Kanchiku, T; Nagamoto, Y; Oshima, Y; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Takahata, M; Mori, K; Nakajima, H; Murata, K; Matsunaga, S; Kaito, T; Yamada, K; Kobayashi, S; Kato, S; Ohba, T; Inami, S; Fujibayashi, S; Katoh, H; Kanno, H; Takahashi, H; Fujii, K; Miyagi, M; Inoue, G; Takaso, M; Imagama, S; Kawaguchi, Y; Takeshita, K; Nakamura, M; Matsumoto, M; Okawa, A; Yamazaki, M

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 11910   2021.6

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  377. Establishment of in-hospital clinical network for patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 in Nagoya University Hospital

    Nishida, Y; Ikuta, K; Natsume, A; Ishihara, N; Morikawa, M; Kidokoro, H; Muramatsu, Y; Nonobe, N; Ishizuka, K; Takeichi, T; Kanbe, M; Mizuno, S; Imagama, S; Ozaki, N

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 11933   2021.6

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  378. Clinical features and prognostic factors in spinal meningioma surgery from a multicenter study

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Matsumoto, T; Sato, K; Kato, F; Kanemura, T; Yoshihara, H; Sakai, Y; Hirasawa, A; Nakashima, H; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 11630   2021.6

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  379. Enoxaparin promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury by

    Ito, S; Ozaki, T; Morozumi, M; Imagama, S; Kadomatsu, K; Sakamoto, K

    EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY   Vol. 340   page: 113679   2021.6

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  380. Delayed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction increases the incidence of medial meniscal bucket handle tears and medial compartment chondral injuries in patients aged 40 years and older

    Kawashima, I; Tsukahara, T; Sakai, T; Kawai, R; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Imagama, S

    ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY   Vol. 141 ( 6 ) page: 971 - 975   2021.6

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  381. Early versus delayed weight bearing after intramedullary nailing for tibial shaft fracture: A multicenter, propensity score-matched study, the TRON study

    Uemi, R; Takegami, Y; Sakai, R; Todoroki, K; Kawasaki, N; Imagama, S

    INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED   Vol. 52 ( 6 ) page: 1583 - 1586   2021.6

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  382. Reply to the Letter to the Editor of V. Kumar et al. concerning "Primary cervical decompression surgery may improve lumbar symptoms in patients with tandem spinal stenosis" by Inoue T, et al. (Eur Spine J; 2021 Jan 6. doi: 10.1007/s00586-020-06693-0)

    Inoue, T; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 30 ( 6 ) page: 1790 - 1790   2021.6

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  383. Three-dimensional reconstruction image by biplanar stereoradiography reflects pulmonary functional states in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    Machino, M; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 88   page: 178 - 184   2021.6

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  384. Pedicle screw placement with use of a navigated surgical drill at subaxial cervical spine

    Satake, K; Kanemura, T; Ito, K; Tanaka, S; Morita, Y; Nakashima, H; Ouchida, J; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 88   page: 28 - 33   2021.6

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  385. Human Nonmercaptalbumin Is a New Biomarker of Motor Function

    Ito, S; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Koshimizu, H; Fujii, R; Yamada, H; Ando, Y; Ueyama, J; Kondo, T; Suzuki, K; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 10 ( 11 )   2021.6

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  386. Sagittal alignment at 3 years old determines future thoracolumbar kyphosis in achondroplasia: A prospective study with minimum 5-year follow-up from infancy

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Segi, N; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    NORTH AMERICAN SPINE SOCIETY JOURNAL   Vol. 6   page: 100070   2021.6

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  387. The impact of vitamin D supplementation on body fat mass in elite male collegiate athletes

    Kawashima, I; Tsukahara, T; Kawai, R; Mizuno, T; Ishizuka, S; Hiraiwa, H; Imagama, S

    NUTRITION & METABOLISM   Vol. 18 ( 1 ) page: 51   2021.5

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  388. Predictors for quality of life improvement after surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy: a prospective multi-center study

    Inose, H; Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Inoue, H; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Miyamoto, T; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Seki, S; Matsunaga, S; Okawa, A

    HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES   Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 150   2021.5

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  389. Overcoming locomotive syndrome: The Yakumo Study

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 31 ( 3 ) page: 750 - 754   2021.5

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  390. Risk Factor for Poor Patient Satisfaction After Lumbar Spine Surgery in Elderly Patients Aged Over 80 years

    Hikata, T; Ishii, K; Matsumoto, M; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Ishiguro, N; Yamashita, M; Seki, S; Terai, H; Suzuki, A; Tamai, K; Aramomi, M; Ishikawa, T; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Yamada, K; Hongo, M; Endo, K; Suzuki, H; Nakano, A; Watanabe, K; Ohya, J; Chikuda, H; Aoki, Y; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Mukaiyama, K; Hasegawa, M; Kiyasu, K; Iizuka, H; Kobayashi, R; Iizuka, Y; Nishida, K; Kakutani, K; Nakajima, H; Murakami, H; Demura, S; Kato, S; Yoshioka, K; Namikawa, T; Watanabe, K; Nakanishi, K; Nakagawa, Y; Yoshimoto, M; Fujiwara, H; Nishida, N; Imajo, Y; Yamazaki, M; Abe, T; Fujii, K; Kaito, T; Eguchi, Y; Furuya, T; Orita, S; Ohtori, S

    CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY   Vol. 34 ( 4 ) page: E223 - E228   2021.5

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  391. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament located on the concave side of the apex vertebra in adult spinal deformity

    Koshimizu, H; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 83 ( 2 ) page: 387 - 392   2021.5

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  392. Association between Low Muscle Mass and Inflammatory Cytokines

    Ito, S; Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Fujii, R; Takegami, Y; Yamada, H; Ando, Y; Suzuki, K; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2021   page: 5572742   2021.4

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  393. Age-related Changes in T1 and C7 Slope and the Correlation Between Them in More Than 300 Asymptomatic Subjects

    Inoue, T; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Katayama, Y; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Segi, N; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 8 ) page: E474 - E481   2021.4

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  394. Evaluation of muscle quality and quantity for the assessment of sarcopenia using mid-thigh computed tomography: a cohort study

    Oba, H; Matsui, Y; Arai, H; Watanabe, T; Iida, H; Mizuno, T; Yamashita, S; Ishizuka, S; Suzuki, Y; Hiraiwa, H; Imagama, S

    BMC GERIATRICS   Vol. 21 ( 1 ) page: 239   2021.4

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  395. Short-range UV-LED irradiation in postmenopausal osteoporosis using ovariectomized mice

    Ochiai, S; Nishida, Y; Higuchi, Y; Morita, D; Makida, K; Seki, T; Ikuta, K; Imagama, S

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 7875   2021.4

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  396. Primary cervical decompression surgery may improve lumbar symptoms in patients with tandem spinal stenosis

    Inoue, T; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Katayama, Y; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Segi, N; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 30 ( 4 ) page: 899 - 906   2021.4

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    Takegami, Y; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Suzuki, K; Fujii, R; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE   Vol. 29   page: S156 - S156   2021.4

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    Web of Science

  398. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Manual Measurements of Neck Circumference Are Interchangeable, and Declining Neck Circumference Is Related to Presarcopenia

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Tanaka, S; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Koshimizu, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2021   page: 6622398   2021.3

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  399. Predictors associated with neurological recovery after anterior decompression with fusion for degenerative cervical myelopathy

    Inose, H; Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Inoue, H; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Seki, S; Matsunaga, S; Takahashi, K; Okawa, A

    BMC SURGERY   Vol. 21 ( 1 ) page: 144   2021.3

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  400. Low muscle mass affect hip fracture treatment outcomes in older individuals: a single-institution case-control study

    Iida, H; Seki, T; Sakai, Y; Watanabe, T; Wakao, N; Matsui, H; Imagama, S

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 259   2021.3

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  401. Effects of body mass index and range of motion on intraoperative change in pelvic tilt during total hip arthroplasty using the direct anterior approach

    Okamoto, M; Kawasaki, M; Okura, T; Seki, T; Imagama, S

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 240   2021.3

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  402. Risk Factors for Poor Outcome of Cervical Laminoplasty Multivariate Analysis in 505 Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 5 ) page: 329 - 336   2021.3

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  403. Postoperative Syrinx Shrinkage in Spinal Ependymoma of WHO Grade II.

    Kobayashi K, Ando K, Machino M, Tanaka S, Morozumi M, Kanbara S, Ito S, Inoue T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S

    Clinical spine surgery   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: E100 - E106   2021.3

  404. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum in an Adolescent Soccer Player.

    Kobayakawa A, Hiraiwa H, Ishizuka S, Yamashita S, Oba H, Kawamura Y, Sakaguchi T, Idota M, Haga T, Mizuno T, Kawashima I, Kuriyama K, Imagama S

    Journal of sports science & medicine   Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 52 - 55   2021.3

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  405. Postoperative Syrinx Shrinkage in Spinal Ependymoma of WHO Grade II

    Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Ando Kei, Machino Masaaki, Tanaka Satoshi, Morozumi Masayoshi, Kanbara Shunsuke, Ito Sadayuki, Inoue Taro, Matsuyama Yukihiro, Ishiguro Naoki, Imagama Shiro

    CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: E100 - E106   2021.3

  406. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum in an Adolescent Soccer Player

    Kobayakawa Akinori, Hiraiwa Hideki, Ishizuka Shinya, Yamashita Satoshi, Oba Hiroki, Kawamura Yusuke, Sakaguchi Takefumi, Idota Masaru, Haga Takahiro, Mizuno Takafumi, Kawashima Itaru, Kuriyama Kanae, Imagama Shiro

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE   Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 52 - 55   2021.3

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    Web of Science

  407. Limitations and benefits of FDG-PET/CT in NF1 patients with nerve sheath tumors: A cross-sectional/longitudinal study

    Nishida, Y; Ikuta, K; Ito, S; Urakawa, H; Sakai, T; Koike, H; Ito, K; Imagama, S

    CANCER SCIENCE   Vol. 112 ( 3 ) page: 1114 - 1122   2021.3

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  408. Intraoperative pedicle screw migration to the abdominal cavity in a severe osteoporotic spine surgery

    Ouchida, J; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Nakashima, H; Ishikawa, Y; Segi, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S


  409. Kinetic changes in the spinal cord occupation rate of dural sac in cervical spondylotic myelopathy

    Machino, M; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 24   page: 222 - 226   2021.3

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  410. Risk factors of non-union in Anderson-D'Alonzo type III odontoid fractures with conservative treatment

    Koshimizu, H; Nakashima, H; Ito, K; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Kato, F; Sato, K; Deguchi, M; Matsubara, Y; Inoue, H; Kanemura, T; Urasaki, T; Yoshihara, H; Wakao, N; Shinjo, R; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 24   page: 280 - 283   2021.3

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  411. Efficacy of Intraoperative Intervention Following Transcranial Motor-evoked Potentials Alert During Posterior Decompression and Fusion Surgery for Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament A Prospective Multicenter Study of the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Yoshida, G; Ando, M; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Taniguchi, S; Iwasaki, H; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Shigematsu, H; Funaba, M; Yasuda, A; Ushirozako, H; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 4 ) page: 268 - 276   2021.2

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  412. A New Global Spinal Balance Classification Based on Individual Pelvic Anatomical Measurements in Patients With Adult Spinal Deformity

    Nakashima, H; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 4 ) page: 223 - 231   2021.2

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  413. The dual presence of frailty and locomotive syndrome is associated with a greater decrease in the EQ-5D-5L index

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Kanemura, T; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 83 ( 1 ) page: 159 - 167   2021.2

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  414. Postoperative changes in spinal cord signal intensity in patients with spinal cord injury without major bone injury: comparison between preoperative and postoperative magnetic resonance images

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE   Vol. 34 ( 2 ) page: 259 - 266   2021.2

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  415. Poor derivation of Tc-MEP baseline waveforms in surgery for ventral thoracic intradural extramedullary tumor: Efficacy of use of the abductor hallucis in cases with a preoperative non-ambulatory status

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 84   page: 60 - 65   2021.2

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  416. Challenges for Joint Commission International accreditation: performance of orthopedic surgeons based on International Patient Safety Goals

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machin, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 83 ( 1 ) page: 87 - 92   2021.2

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  417. Three-Dimensional Analysis of Preoperative and Postoperative Rib Cage Parameters by Simultaneous Biplanar Radiographic Scanning Technique in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Minimum 2-Year Follow-Up

    Machino, M; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 2 ) page: E105 - E113   2021.1

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  418. Automated Detection of Spinal Schwannomas Utilizing Deep Learning Based on Object Detection From Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Ito, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Oda, M; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Mori, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 46 ( 2 ) page: 95 - 100   2021.1

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  419. Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) clinical practice guidelines on the management of ossification of the spinal ligament, 2019

    Kawaguchi, Y; Imagama, S; Iwasaki, M; Kaito, T; Koda, M; Chikuda, H; Hasegawa, T; Mori, K; Yoshii, T

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 45   2021.1

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  420. Asfotase alfa has a limited effect in improving the bowed limbs in perinatal benign hypophosphatasia: A case report

    Matsushita, M; Mishima, K; Nagata, T; Kamiya, Y; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H

    CLINICAL PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 1 ) page: 53 - 56   2021.1

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  421. Effect of race, age, and gender on lumbar muscle volume and fat infiltration in the degenerative spine

    Hida, T; Eastlack, RK; Kanemura, T; Mundis, GM; Imagama, S; Akbarnia, BA

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 69 - 74   2021.1

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  422. Impact of background factors on outcomes of pharmacological therapy for chronic low back pain: A nationwide multicenter prospective study

    Imagama, S; Murakami, H; Kaito, T; Matsuyama, Y; Yamashita, T; Kawakami, M; Takahashi, K; Yoshida, M; Ohtori, S; Taguchi, T; Haro, H; Taneichi, H; Yamazaki, M; Inoue, G; Nishida, K; Yamada, H; Kabata, D; Shintani, A; Iwasaki, M; Ito, M; Miyakoshi, N; Yonenobu, K; Takura, T; Mochida, J

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 92 - 102   2021.1

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  423. The Essence of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Ossification of Spinal Ligaments, 2019: 5. Treatment of Thoracic OPLL

    Imagama, S

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 5 ( 5 ) page: 330 - 333   2021

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  424. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pharmacological Treatments for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Nationwide, Multicenter Study in Japan

    Inoue, G; Kaito, T; Matsuyama, Y; Yamashita, T; Kawakami, M; Takahashi, K; Yoshida, M; Imagama, S; Ohtori, S; Taguchi, T; Haro, H; Taneichi, H; Yamazaki, M; Nishida, K; Yamada, H; Kabata, D; Shintani, A; Iwasaki, M; Ito, M; Miyakoshi, N; Murakami, H; Yonenobu, K; Takura, T; Mochida, J

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 5 ( 4 ) page: 252 - 263   2021

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  425. A Longitudinal Study of Lumbar Sagittal Change in Middle-Aged Healthy Volunteers

    Ito, K; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 5 ( 3 ) page: 160 - 164   2021

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  426. Scapular Winging following Sports-Related Injury in a Rugby Player

    Ishizuka, S; Kobayakawa, A; Hiraiwa, H; Oba, H; Sakaguchi, T; Idota, M; Haga, T; Mizuno, T; Kawashima, I; Kuriyama, K; Imagama, S

    CASE REPORTS IN ORTHOPEDICS   Vol. 2021   page: 4511538   2021

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  427. Transdiaphragmatic Approach as a Novel Less Invasive Retroperitoneal Approach at Thoracolumbar Junction: Comparison with Conventional Diaphragmatic Incision

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tanaka, S; Segi, N; Ouchida, J; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 5 ( 6 ) page: 405 - 411   2021

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  428. Health-related Quality of Life in Adult Patients with Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia and Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia.

    Matsushita M, Mishima K, Kamiya Y, Haga N, Fujiwara S, Ozono K, Kubota T, Kitaoka T, Imagama S, Kitoh H

    Progress in rehabilitation medicine   Vol. 6   page: 20210048   2021

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    DOI: 10.2490/prm.20210048


  429. Zonisamide ameliorates neuropathic pain partly by suppressing microglial activation in the spinal cord in a mouse model

    Koshimizu, H; Ohkawara, B; Nakashima, H; Ota, K; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Tomita, H; Sayo, A; Kiryu-Seo, S; Konishi, H; Ito, M; Masuda, A; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S; Kiyama, H; Ohno, K

    LIFE SCIENCES   Vol. 263   page: 118577   2020.12

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  430. Trends in Medical Costs for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery in Japan

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 10 ( 8 ) page: 1040 - 1045   2020.12

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  431. Scoliosis Caused by Limb-Length Discrepancy in Children

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Mishima, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 6 ) page: 801 - 807   2020.12

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  432. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease in a patient with Bardet-Biedl syndrome: A case report of a novel <i>MKKS/BBS6</i> mutation

    Mishima, K; Fujita, A; Mizuno, S; Matsushita, M; Nagata, T; Kamiya, Y; Miyake, N; Matsumoto, N; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H

    CLINICAL CASE REPORTS   Vol. 8 ( 12 ) page: 3109 - 3114   2020.12

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  433. Associations between Clinical Symptoms and Degree of Ossification in Patients with Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: A Prospective Multi-Institutional Cross-Sectional Study

    Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Hashimoto, J; Mori, K; Maki, S; Katsumi, K; Nagoshi, N; Takeuchi, K; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Nishimura, S; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Ito, K; Imagama, S; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Watanabe, M; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Yamazaki, M; Yuasa, M; Inose, H; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE   Vol. 9 ( 12 )   2020.12

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  434. Effect of periosteal resection on longitudinal bone growth in a mouse model of achondroplasia

    Kaneko, S; Matsushita, M; Mishima, K; Takegami, Y; Imagama, S; Kitoh, H

    BONE REPORTS   Vol. 13   page: 100708   2020.12

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  435. Surgical outcomes and factors related to postoperative motor and sensory deficits in resection for 244 cases of spinal schwannoma

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Segi, N; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 81   page: 6 - 11   2020.11

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  436. Prediction of outcome following laminoplasty of cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Focus on the minimum clinically important difference

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Koshimizu, H; Ito, K; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 81   page: 321 - 327   2020.11

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  437. Larger muscle mass of the upper limb correlates with lower amplitudes of deltoid MEPs following transcranial stimulation

    Ito, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Segi, N; Koshimizu, H; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 81   page: 426 - 430   2020.11

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  438. An intraoperative 3D image-based navigation error during cervical pedicle screw insertion

    Nakashima, H; Ishikawa, Y; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 82 ( 4 ) page: 799 - 805   2020.11

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  439. Dynamic changes in longitudinal stretching of the spinal cord in thoracic spine: Focus on the spinal cord occupation rate of dural sac

    Machino, M; Morita, D; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Koshimizu, H; Ito, K; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 198   page: 106225   2020.11

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  440. Trends in Reoperation for Surgical Site Infection After Spinal Surgery With Instrumentation in a Multicenter Study

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Kato, F; Sato, K; Kanemura, T; Matsubara, Y; Yoshihara, H; Hirasawa, A; Deguchi, M; Shinjo, R; Sakai, Y; Inoue, H; Ishiguro, N

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 20 ) page: 1459 - 1466   2020.10

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  441. Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Laminoplasty, Anterior Decompression With Fusion, and Posterior Decompression With Fusion for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy <i>A</i> <i>Prospective</i> <i>Multicenter</i> <i>Study</i>

    Inose, H; Yoshii, T; Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Inoue, H; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Miyamoto, T; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Seki, S; Matsunaga, S; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 20 ) page: E1342 - E1348   2020.10

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  442. Influence of Global Spine Sagittal Balance and Spinal Degenerative Changes on Locomotive Syndrome Risk in a Middle-Age and Elderly Community-Living Population

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2020   page: 3274864   2020.9

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  443. Reply to the Letter to the Editor regarding "Postoperative Kyphosis in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Cut-off Preoperative Angle for Predicting the Post-Laminoplasty Kyphosis Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2020 May 15;45(10): 641-648''

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 18 ) page: E1213 - E1213   2020.9

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  444. Patient-reported Quality of Life Following Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion or Indirect Decompression Using Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tanaka, S; Ouchida, J; Segi, N; Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 18 ) page: E1172 - E1178   2020.9

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  445. Differences of locomotive syndrome and frailty in community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly people: Pain, osteoarthritis, spinal alignment, body balance, and quality of life

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Nakashima, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 5 ) page: 921 - 929   2020.9

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  446. True accuracy of percutaneous pedicle screw placement in thoracic and lumbar spinal fixation with a CT-based navigation system: Intraoperative and postoperative assessment of 763 percutaneous pedicle screws

    Ouchida, J; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Nakashima, H; Segi, N; Suzuki, K; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 79   page: 1 - 6   2020.9

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  447. The characteristics of the patients with radiologically severe cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine: A CT-based multicenter cross-sectional study

    Mori, K; Yoshii, T; Hirai, T; Nagoshi, N; Takeuchi, K; Ushio, S; Iwanami, A; Yamada, T; Seki, S; Tsuji, T; Fujiyoshi, K; Furukawa, M; Nishimura, S; Wada, K; Furuya, T; Matsuyama, Y; Hasegawa, T; Takeshita, K; Kimura, A; Abematsu, M; Haro, H; Ohba, T; Watanabe, M; Katoh, H; Watanabe, K; Ozawa, H; Kanno, H; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Fujibayashi, S; Koda, M; Yamazaki, M; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 25 ( 5 ) page: 746 - 756   2020.9

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  448. Poor spinal alignment in females with obesity: The Yakumo study

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS   Vol. 21   page: 512 - 516   2020.9

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  449. Impact of pelvic incidence on lumbar osteophyte formation and disc degeneration in middle-aged and elderly people in a prospective cross-sectional cohort

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Nakashima, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 29 ( 9 ) page: 2262 - 2271   2020.9

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  450. Age-related changes in upper and lower cervical alignment and range of motion: normative data of 600 asymptomatic individuals

    Inoue, T; Ito, K; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Katayama, Y; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 29 ( 9 ) page: 2378 - 2383   2020.9

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  451. Postoperative Syrinx Shrinkage in Spinal Ependymoma of WHO Grade II.

    Kobayashi K, Ando K, Machino M, Tanaka S, Morozumi M, Kanbara S, Ito S, Inoue T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S

    Clinical spine surgery     2020.8

  452. Cardiac metastases from primary myxoid liposarcoma of the thigh: a case report

    Ikuta, K; Sakai, T; Koike, H; Okada, T; Imagama, S; Nishida, Y

    WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY   Vol. 18 ( 1 ) page: 227   2020.8

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  453. Zonisamide ameliorates progression of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in a rat model

    Kanbara, S; Ohkawara, B; Nakashima, H; Ohta, K; Koshimizu, H; Inoue, T; Tomita, H; Ito, M; Masuda, A; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S; Ohno, K

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 13138   2020.8

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  454. Short- versus long-segment posterior spinal fusion with vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral collapse with neurological impairment in thoracolumbar spine: a multicenter study

    Ishikawa, Y; Watanabe, K; Katsumi, K; Ohashi, M; Shibuya, Y; Izumi, T; Hirano, T; Endo, N; Kaito, T; Yamashita, T; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Harimaya, K; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Doi, T; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Nakano, A; Sakai, D; Nukaga, T; Ikegami, S; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Ohtori, S; Furuya, T; Orita, S; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Kiyasu, K; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Seki, S; Hongo, M; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Aoki, Y; Oshima, M; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Endo, H; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Nakanishi, K; Watanabe, K; Hikata, T; Suzuki, S; Isogai, N; Okada, E; Funao, H; Ueda, S; Shiono, Y; Nojiri, K; Hosogane, N; Ishii, K

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 21 ( 1 ) page: 513   2020.8

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  455. Reoperation for Late Neurological Deterioration After Laminoplasty in Individuals With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy <i>Comparison of Cases of Cervical Spondylosis and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament</i>

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Ouchida, J; Morita, D; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 15 ) page: E909 - E916   2020.8

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  456. Risk Factors for Neuropathic Pain in Middle-Aged and Elderly People: A Five-Year Longitudinal Cohort in the Yakumo Study

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    PAIN MEDICINE   Vol. 21 ( 8 ) page: 1604 - 1610   2020.8

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  457. Persistence of Denosumab Therapy among Patients with Osteoporosis

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Machino, M; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 4 ) page: 453 - 458   2020.8

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  458. Lateral approach corpectomy and reconstruction after anterior longitudinal ligament release in cases with fixed kyphosis: A technical note and a preliminary case series

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Tanaka, S; Segi, N; Ouchida, J; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 78   page: 164 - 169   2020.8

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  459. Dynapenia and physical performance in community-dwelling elderly people in Japan

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Machino, M; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 82 ( 3 ) page: 415 - 424   2020.8

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  460. Associations of Serum MicroRNA with Bone Mineral Density in Community-Dwelling Subjects: The Yakumo Study

    Nakashima, H; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Fujii, R; Takegami, Y; Yamada, H; Ando, Y; Suzuki, K; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2020   page: 5047243   2020.7

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  461. Systemic treatment with a novel basic fibroblast growth factor mimic small-molecule compound boosts functional recovery after spinal cord injury

    Imagama, S; Ogino, R; Ueno, S; Murayama, N; Takemoto, N; Shimmyo, Y; Kadoshima, T; Tamura, S; Kuroda, M; Matsuyama, Y; Kadomatsu, K; Morita, Y; Inoue, T; Ishiguro, N

    PLOS ONE   Vol. 15 ( 7 ) page: e0236050   2020.7

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  462. Prognostic Factors in the New Katagiri Scoring System After Palliative Surgery for Spinal Metastasis

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Nakashima, H; Sato, K; Kanemura, T; Yoshihara, H; Hirasawa, A; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 13 ) page: E813 - E819   2020.7

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  463. Effect of bisphosphonates or teriparatide on mechanical complications after posterior instrumented fusion for osteoporotic vertebral fracture: a multi-center retrospective study

    Kawabata, A; Yoshii, T; Hirai, T; Ushio, S; Kaito, T; Yamashita, T; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Watanabe, K; Katsumi, K; Ohashi, M; Shibuya, Y; Harimaya, K; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Doi, T; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Nakano, A; Sakai, D; Nukaga, T; Ikegami, S; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Ohtori, S; Furuya, T; Orita, S; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Kiyasu, K; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Seki, S; Hongo, M; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Aoki, Y; Oshima, M; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Endo, H; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Nakanishi, K; Watanabe, K; Hikata, T; Suzuki, S; Isogai, N; Okada, E; Funao, H; Ueda, S; Shiono, Y; Nojiri, K; Hosogane, N; Ishii, K

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS   Vol. 21 ( 1 ) page: 420   2020.7

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  464. The factors related to the poor ADL in the patients with osteoporotic vertebral fracture after instrumentation surgery

    Murata, K; Matsuoka, Y; Nishimura, H; Endo, K; Suzuki, H; Takamatsu, T; Sawaji, Y; Aihara, T; Kusakabe, T; Maekawa, A; Yamamoto, K; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Tagami, A; Yoshii, T; Harimaya, K; Kawaguchi, K; Kimura, A; Inoue, G; Nakano, A; Sakai, D; Hiyama, A; Ikegami, S; Ohtori, S; Furuya, T; Orita, S; Imagama, S; Kobayashi, K; Kiyasu, K; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Seki, S; Hongo, M; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Aoki, Y; Uei, H; Ajiro, Y; Takahata, M; Endo, H; Abe, T; Nakanishi, K; Watanabe, K; Okada, E; Hosogane, N; Funao, H; Isogai, N; Ishii, K

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 29 ( 7 ) page: 1597 - 1605   2020.7

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  465. Relationship between lumbopelvic discordance and locomotive syndrome in a middle-aged community-living population: The Yakumo study

    Morozumi, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 25 ( 4 ) page: 693 - 699   2020.7

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  466. Locomotive syndrome and the power spectral characteristics of body sway

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Kanemura, T; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 20 ( 7 ) page: 691 - 696   2020.7

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  467. Superficial Siderosis With Verrucous Vegetation Around a Dural Defect Confirmed by Intraoperative Ultrasonography.

    Machino M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Nakashima H, Kanbara S, Ito S, Ishiguro N

    Journal of medical cases   Vol. 11 ( 7 ) page: 192 - 195   2020.7

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    DOI: 10.14740/jmc3495


  468. Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy in Preventing Falls and Fall-related Neurological Deterioration A Prospective Multi-institutional Study

    Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Shiraishi, Y; Inose, H; Yoshii, T; Maekawa, A; Endo, K; Miyamoto, T; Furuya, T; Nakamura, A; Mori, K; Seki, S; Kanbara, S; Imagama, S; Matsunaga, S; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 11 ) page: E631 - E638   2020.6

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  469. Simultaneous single-position lateral interbody fusion and percutaneous pedicle screw fixation using O-arm-based navigation reduces the occupancy time of the operating room

    Ouchida, J; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Nakashima, H; Ishikawa, Y; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1277 - 1286   2020.6

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  470. Indirect Decompression Using Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Restenosis after an Initial Decompression Surgery

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Ishikawa, Y; Ouchida, J; Segi, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 3 ) page: 305 - 311   2020.6

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  471. Postoperative Kyphosis in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Cut-off Preoperative Angle for Predicting the Postlaminoplasty Kyphosis

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 10 ) page: 641 - 648   2020.5

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  472. Weakness of grip strength reflects future locomotive syndrome and progression of locomotive risk stage: A 10-year longitudinal cohort study

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Tsushima, M; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 3 ) page: 573 - 579   2020.5

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  473. Shoulder pain has most impact on poor quality of life among various types of musculoskeletal pain in middle-aged and elderly people: Yakumo study

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 3 ) page: 568 - 572   2020.5

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  474. Epidemiology and effect on physical function of osteosarcopenia in community-dwelling elderly people in Japan

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 3 ) page: 592 - 597   2020.5

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  475. Declining neck circumference is an anthropometric marker related to frailty in middle-aged and elderly women

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 3 ) page: 598 - 603   2020.5

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  476. Thoracic dumbbell-shaped paraganglioma arising in extra-adrenal area: A case report and literature review.

    Tsushima M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 25 ( 3 ) page: 525 - 528   2020.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2017.08.022

    Web of Science


  477. Postoperative iatrogenic spinal cord herniation: three case reports with a literature review

    Nakashima, H; Ishikawa, Y; Kato, F; Kanemura, T; Shinjo, R; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 82 ( 2 ) page: 383 - 389   2020.5

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  478. Higher extracellular water-to-total body water ratio more strongly reflects the locomotive syndrome risk and frailty than sarcopenia

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Kanemura, T; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS   Vol. 88   page: 104042   2020.5

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  479. Accuracy of rib cage parameters from 3-Dimensional reconstruction images obtained using simultaneous biplanar radiographic scanning technique in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: <i>Comparison with conventional computed tomography</i>

    Machino, M; Kawakami, N; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 75   page: 94 - 98   2020.5

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  480. The Prevalence and Risk Factors for S2 Alar-Iliac Screw Loosening with a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ito, K; Ishikawa, Y; Ouchida, J; Segi, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 14 ( 2 ) page: 177 - 184   2020.4

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  481. Clinical characteristics in patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: A prospective multi-institutional cross-sectional study

    Hirai, T; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Mori, K; Maki, S; Katsumi, K; Nagoshi, N; Takeuchi, K; Furuya, T; Watanabe, K; Nishida, N; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Kato, S; Nagashima, K; Koda, M; Ito, K; Imagama, S; Matsuoka, Y; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Ohba, T; Katoh, H; Matsuyama, Y; Ozawa, H; Haro, H; Takeshita, K; Watanabe, M; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Yamazaki, M; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 5532   2020.3

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  482. Reduction in body cell mass as a predictor of osteoporosis: A cross-sectional study

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 2 ) page: 391 - 396   2020.3

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  483. Impact of comorbidity rates of lumbar spondylosis, knee osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis on physical QOL and risk factors for poor physical QOL in middle-aged and elderly people

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY   Vol. 30 ( 2 ) page: 402 - 409   2020.3

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  484. Differences of lumbopelvic sagittal parameters among community-dwelling middle-age and elderly individuals: Relations with locomotor physical function

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 73   page: 80 - 84   2020.3

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  485. Outcomes of Surgery for Thoracic Myelopathy Owing to Thoracic Ossification of The Ligamentum Flavum in a Nationwide Multicenter Prospectively Collected Study in 223 Patients Is Instrumented Fusion Necessary?

    Ando, K; Imagama, S; Kaito, T; Takenaka, S; Sakai, K; Egawa, S; Shindo, S; Watanabe, K; Fujita, N; Matsumoto, M; Nakashima, H; Wada, K; Kimura, A; Takeshita, K; Kato, S; Murakami, H; Takeuchi, K; Takahata, M; Koda, M; Yamazaki, M; Watanabe, M; Fujibayashi, S; Furuya, T; Kawaguchi, Y; Matsuyama, Y; Yoshii, T; Okawa, A

    SPINE   Vol. 45 ( 3 ) page: E170 - E178   2020.2

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  486. Neurological function following early versus delayed decompression surgery for drop foot caused by lumbar degenerative diseases

    Nakashima, H; Ishikawa, Y; Kanemura, T; Kato, F; Satake, K; Ito, K; Ito, K; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 72   page: 39 - 42   2020.2

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  487. Connection of discontinuous segments in early functional recovery from thoracic ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament treated with posterior instrumented surgery

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Ito, S; Kanbara, S; Inoue, T; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE   Vol. 32 ( 2 ) page: 200 - 206   2020.2

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  488. Association between locomotive syndrome and the Japanese version of the EQ-5D-5L in middle-aged and elderly people in Japan

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 82 ( 1 ) page: 5 - 14   2020.2

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  489. A Study of Risk Factors for Early-Onset Adjacent Vertebral Fractures After Kyphoplasty

    Morozumi, M; Matsubara, Y; Muramoto, A; Morita, Y; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 13 - 20   2020.2

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  490. A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing anterior decompression with fusion and posterior laminoplasty for cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

    Yoshii, T; Egawa, S; Hirai, T; Kaito, T; Mori, K; Koda, M; Chikuda, H; Hasegawa, T; Imagama, S; Yoshida, M; Iwasaki, M; Okawa, A; Kawaguchi, Y

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 25 ( 1 ) page: 58 - 65   2020.1

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  491. A comparative study of two reconstruction procedures for osteoporotic vertebral fracture with lumbar spinal stenosis: Posterior lumbar interbody fusion versus posterior and anterior and combined surgery

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 25 ( 1 ) page: 52 - 57   2020.1

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  492. The Surgical Outcomes of Spinal Fusion for Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures in the Lower Lumbar Spine with a Neurological Deficit

    Isogai, N; Hosogane, N; Funao, H; Nojiri, K; Suzuki, S; Okada, E; Ueda, S; Hikata, T; Shiono, Y; Watanabe, K; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Yamashita, T; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Ohtori, S; Orita, S; Furuya, T; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Sakai, D; Nukaga, T; Kiyasu, K; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Nakano, A; Harimaya, K; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Doi, T; Ikegami, S; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Oshima, M; Uei, H; Aoki, Y; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Seki, S; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Endo, H; Hongo, M; Nakanishi, K; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Ishii, K

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 4 ( 3 ) page: 199 - 207   2020

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  493. Reply to the Editor: Surgical Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture with Neurological Deficit-A Nationwide Multicenter Study in Japan

    Hosogane, N; Nojiri, K; Suzuki, S; Funao, H; Okada, E; Isogai, N; Ueda, S; Hikata, T; Shiono, Y; Watanabe, K; Watanabe, K; Kaito, T; Yamashita, T; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Ohtori, S; Orita, S; Furuya, T; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Sakai, D; Nukaga, T; Kiyasu, K; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Nakano, A; Harimaya, K; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Doi, T; Ikegami, S; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Oshima, M; Uei, H; Aoki, Y; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Seki, S; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Endo, H; Hongo, M; Nakanishi, K; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Ishii, K

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 4 ( 3 ) page: 292 - 293   2020

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  494. Impact of Rigid Fixation of the Pubic Symphysis for Spinopelvic Fixation in Two Cases of Lumbosacral Agenesis

    Kanbara, S; Nohara, A; Ohara, T; Saito, T; Tauchi, R; Imagama, S; Kawakami, N

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 4 ( 4 ) page: 341 - 346   2020

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  495. Impact of Consultation Length on Satisfaction in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Nationwide Multicenter Study in Japan

    Miyakoshi, N; Kudo, D; Matsuyama, Y; Yamashita, T; Kawakami, M; Takahashi, K; Yoshida, M; Kaito, T; Imagama, S; Ohtori, S; Taguchi, T; Haro, H; Taneichi, H; Yamazaki, M; Inoue, G; Nishida, K; Yamada, H; Kabata, D; Shintani, A; Iwasaki, M; Ito, M; Murakami, H; Yonenobu, K; Takura, T; Mochida, J

    SPINE SURGERY AND RELATED RESEARCH   Vol. 4 ( 3 ) page: 208 - 215   2020

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  496. Indirect Decompression on MRI Chronologically Progresses After Immediate Postlateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ishikawa, Y; Ouchida, J; Segi, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 44 ( 24 ) page: E1411 - E1418   2019.12

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  497. Differences in clinical outcomes between traumatic cervical myelopathy and degenerative cervical myelopathy: A comparative study of cervical spinal cord injury without major bone injury and cervical spondylotic myelopathy

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 70   page: 127 - 131   2019.12

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  498. Changes in Sagittal Alignment Following Short-Level Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Comparison between Posterior and Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusions

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ishikawa, Y; Ouchida, J; Segi, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 6 ) page: 904 - 912   2019.12

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  499. Musculoskeletal Factors and Geriatric Syndromes Related to the Absence of Musculoskeletal Degenerative Disease in Elderly People Aged over 70 Years

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Nakashima, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2019   page: 7097652   2019.11

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  500. Predictors of pre-sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults: a 5-year longitudinal study.

    Kobayashi K, Ando K, Tsushima M, Machino M, Ota K, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Kanbara S, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1053 - 1058   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/14397595.2018.1551171

    Web of Science


  501. Postoperative Resolution of MR T2 Increased Signal Intensity in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy The Impact of Signal Change Resolution on the Outcomes

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    SPINE   Vol. 44 ( 21 ) page: E1241 - E1247   2019.11

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  502. Surgical outcomes of spinal fusion for osteoporotic vertebral fracture in the thoracolumbar spine: Comprehensive evaluations of 5 typical surgical fusion techniques

    Watanabe, K; Katsumi, K; Ohashi, M; Shibuya, Y; Hirano, T; Endo, N; Kaito, T; Yamashita, T; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Harimaya, K; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Doi, T; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Nakano, A; Sakai, D; Nukaga, T; Ikegami, S; Shimizu, M; Futatsugi, T; Ohtori, S; Furuya, T; Orita, S; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Kiyasu, K; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Seki, S; Hongo, M; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Aoki, Y; Oshima, M; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Endo, H; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Nakanishi, K; Watanabe, K; Hikata, T; Suzuki, S; Isogai, N; Okada, E; Funao, H; Ueda, S; Shiono, Y; Nojiri, K; Hosogane, N; Ishii, K

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 24 ( 6 ) page: 1020 - 1026   2019.11

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  503. Natural reduction in acute intratumoral hemorrhage of spinal schwannoma in the cauda equina

    Ito, K; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Tsushima, M; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE   Vol. 81 ( 4 ) page: 701 - 705   2019.11

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  504. Multivariate analysis of factors related to the absence of musculoskeletal degenerative disease in middle-aged and older people

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Nakashima, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 19 ( 11 ) page: 1141 - 1146   2019.11

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  505. Increase in lumbar kyphosis and spinal inclination, declining back muscle strength, and sarcopenia are risk factors for onset of GERD: a 5-year prospective longitudinal cohort study

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Ishizuka, S; Nakashima, H; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 28 ( 11 ) page: 2619 - 2628   2019.11

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  506. Clinical Features of Thoracic Myelopathy: A Single-Center Study

    Ando, K; Imagama, S; Kobayashi, K; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Machino, M; Ota, K; Nakashima, H; Nishida, Y; Ishiguro, N


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  507. Complications after spinal fixation surgery for osteoporotic vertebral collapse with neurological deficits: Japan Association of Spine Surgeons with ambition multicenter study

    Sakai, Y; Kaito, T; Takenaka, S; Yamashita, T; Makino, T; Hosogane, N; Nojiri, K; Suzuki, S; Okada, E; Watanabe, K; Funao, H; Isogai, N; Ueda, S; Hikata, T; Shiono, Y; Watanabe, K; Katsumi, K; Fujiwara, H; Nagamoto, Y; Terai, H; Tamai, K; Matsuoka, Y; Suzuki, H; Nishimura, H; Tagami, A; Yamada, S; Adachi, S; Ohtori, S; Orita, S; Furuya, T; Yoshii, T; Ushio, S; Inoue, G; Miyagi, M; Saito, W; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Sakai, D; Nukaga, T; Kiyasu, K; Kimura, A; Inoue, H; Nakano, A; Harimaya, K; Doi, T; Kawaguchi, K; Yokoyama, N; Oishi, H; Ikegami, S; Futatsugi, T; Shimizu, M; Kakutani, K; Yurube, T; Oshima, M; Uei, H; Aoki, Y; Takahata, M; Iwata, A; Seki, S; Murakami, H; Yoshioka, K; Endo, H; Hongo, M; Nakanishi, K; Abe, T; Tsukanishi, T; Ishii, K

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 24 ( 6 ) page: 985 - 990   2019.11

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  508. Adverse Events Related to Transcranial Electric Stimulation for Motor-evoked Potential Monitoring in High-risk Spinal Surgery

    Yoshida, G; Imagama, S; Kawabata, S; Yamada, K; Kanchiku, T; Fujiwara, Y; Tadokoro, N; Takahashi, M; Wada, K; Yamamoto, N; Ushirozako, H; Kobayashi, K; Yasuda, A; Ando, M; Tani, T; Matsuyama, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 44 ( 20 ) page: 1435 - 1440   2019.10

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  509. Locomotive Syndrome Stage 1 Predicts Significant Worsening of Future Motor Performance: The Prospective Yakumo Study

    Kobayashi, K; Imagama, S; Ando, K; Machino, M; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2019   page: 1970645   2019.10

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  510. The Relationship Between Neuropathic Pain and Spinal Alignment <i>Independent Risk Factors for Low Quality of Life in Middle</i>-<i>Aged and Elderly People</i>

    Imagama, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Tanaka, S; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y

    SPINE   Vol. 44 ( 19 ) page: E1130 - E1135   2019.10

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  511. Factors Affecting Postoperative Sagittal Alignment after Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Adult Spinal Deformity: Posterior Osteotomy, Anterior Longitudinal Ligament Rupture, and Endplate Injury

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ishikawa, Y; Ouchida, J; Segi, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 5 ) page: 738 - 745   2019.10

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  512. Waist Circumference Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Is Interchangeable with Manual Measurement: Increased Waist Circumference Is Associated with Locomotive Syndrome Risk

    Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Machino, M; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S

    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL   Vol. 2019   page: 5971030   2019.9

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  513. Increasing postural sway in balance test is related to locomotive syndrome risk: A cross-sectional study.

    Tanaka S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Seki T, Hamada T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Machino M, Ota K, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 24 ( 5 ) page: 912 - 917   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2019.01.011

    Web of Science


  514. Detection of Spinal Dural Defect in Superficial Siderosis by Intraoperative Ultrasonography

    Machino, M; Imagama, S; Ishiguro, N

    WORLD NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 129   page: 386 - 388   2019.9

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  515. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the pharmacological management of chronic low back pain with four leading drugs

    Kaito, T; Matsuyama, Y; Yamashita, T; Kawakami, M; Takahashi, K; Yoshida, M; Imagama, S; Ohtori, S; Taguchi, T; Haro, H; Taneichi, H; Yamazaki, M; Inoue, G; Nishida, K; Yamada, H; Kabata, D; Shintani, A; Iwasaki, M; Ito, M; Miyakoshi, N; Murakami, H; Yonenobu, K; Takura, T; Mochida, J

    JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE   Vol. 24 ( 5 ) page: 805 - 811   2019.9

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  516. Cut off value in each gender and decade of 10-s grip and release and 10-s step test: A comparative study between 454 patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and 818 healthy subjects

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ito, K; Kato, F; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 184   page: 105414   2019.9

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  517. Unplanned Second-Stage Decompression for Neurological Deterioration Caused by Central Canal Stenosis after Indirect Lumbar Decompression Surgery

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Satake, K; Ishikawa, Y; Ouchida, J; Sege, N; Yamaguchi, H; Imagama, S

    ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 13 ( 4 ) page: 584 - 591   2019.8

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  518. Wave changes in intraoperative transcranial motor-evoked potentials during posterior decompression and dekyphotic corrective fusion with instrumentation for thoracic ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY   Vol. 29 ( 6 ) page: 1177 - 1185   2019.8

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  519. Predictors of Prolonged Length of Stay After Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Multicenter Study

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Kato, F; Kanemura, T; Sato, K; Hachiya, Y; Matsubara, Y; Kamiya, M; Sakai, Y; Yagi, H; Shinjo, R; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 9 ( 5 ) page: 466 - 472   2019.8

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  520. Predictors of locomotive syndrome in community-living people: A prospective five-year longitudinal study.

    Kobayashi K, Ando K, Tsushima M, Machino M, Ota K, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Kanbara S, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology   Vol. 29 ( 4 ) page: 669 - 675   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/14397595.2018.1514705

    Web of Science


  521. The decreasing phase angles of the entire body and trunk during bioelectrical impedance analysis are related to locomotive syndrome.

    Tanaka S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Seki T, Hamada T, Machino M, Ota K, Morozumi M, Kanbara S, Ito S, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association   Vol. 24 ( 4 ) page: 720 - 724   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2018.12.016

    Web of Science


  522. Occipitocervical or C1-C2 fusion using allograft bone in pediatric patients with Down syndrome 8 years of age or younger

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Ito, K; Tsushima, M; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Machino, M; Ota, K; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS-PART B   Vol. 28 ( 4 ) page: 405 - 410   2019.7

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  523. Comparative Radiographic Outcomes of Lateral and Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion in the Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Kyphosis.

    Nakashima H, Kanemura T, Satake K, Ishikawa Y, Ouchida J, Segi N, Yamaguchi H, Imagama S

    Asian spine journal   Vol. 13 ( 3 ) page: 395 - 402   2019.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.31616/asj.2018.0204

    Web of Science


  524. Relationship between locomotive syndrome and body composition among community-dwelling middle-age and elderly individuals in Japan: The Yakumo study.

    Tanaka S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Seki T, Suzuki K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Machino M, Ota K, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology   Vol. 29 ( 3 ) page: 491 - 495   2019.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/14397595.2018.1465645

    Web of Science


  525. The decrease in phase angle measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis reflects the increased locomotive syndrome risk in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study.

    Tanaka S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Seki T, Hamada T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Machino M, Ota K, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S

    Modern rheumatology   Vol. 29 ( 3 ) page: 496 - 502   2019.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/14397595.2018.1469582

    Web of Science


  526. What Are the Important Predictors of Postoperative Functional Recovery in Patients With Cervical OPLL? Results of a Multivariate Analysis

    Nakashima, H; Kanemura, T; Kanbara, S; Satake, K; Ito, K; Ishiguro, N; Kato, F; Imagama, S

    GLOBAL SPINE JOURNAL   Vol. 9 ( 3 ) page: 315 - 320   2019.5

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  527. Optimal stimulation intensity for Br(E)-MsEP waveform derivation at baseline in pediatric spinal surgery

    Kobayashi, K; Ando, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY   Vol. 180   page: 74 - 78   2019.5

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  528. Computed tomography-based navigation system-assisted surgery for primary spine tumor

    Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Tanaka, S; Ishiguro, N; Imagama, S

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE   Vol. 63   page: 22 - 26   2019.5