Papers - NISHIDA, Yoshihiro
希少疾患患者へのリハビリテーション診療は必須である Reviewed
西田 佳弘
Vol. 61 ( 12 ) page: 1128 - 1128 2024.12
新理事のご挨拶 Reviewed
大高 洋平, 尾﨑 敏文, 酒井 良忠, 西田 佳弘, 西村 行秀, 藤原 俊之, 宮本 健史
Vol. 61 ( 11 ) page: 1120 - 1122 2024.11
Hishida Aika, Ando Takahiro, Yamaguchi Hidetoshi, Nishiwaki Kimitoshi, Nishida Yoshihiro
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol. 60 ( 12 ) page: 1105 - 1110 2023.12
特集 脊髄および末梢神経鞘腫瘍のすべて -神経鞘腫瘍の手術:末梢神経鞘腫瘍-悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍 Reviewed
西田 佳弘, 浦川 浩, 生田 国大, 酒井 智久, 小池 宏, 藤戸 健雄
脊椎脊髄ジャーナル Vol. 36 ( 5 ) page: 351 - 355 2023.6
A case of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for lipoma arborescens of the knee Reviewed
The Central Japan Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Vol. 66 ( 3 ) page: 475 - 476 2023.5
誌説 Competitionとcooperation Reviewed
西田 佳弘
整形外科 Vol. 74 ( 2 ) page: 106 - 106 2023.2
Fibrous dysplasia associated with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst in the left proximal femur Reviewed
KATO Masataka
The Central Japan Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Vol. 66 ( 1 ) page: 99 - 100 2023.1
骨軟部 軟部腫瘍 良性軟部腫瘍・デスモイド型線維腫症の診断・治療指針 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
最新主要文献とガイドラインでみる整形外科学レビュー 2023-’24 Vol. ー page: 255 - 260 2023
膝関節に発生した樹枝状脂肪腫に対して人工関節置換術を施工した1症例 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 66 page: 475 - 476 2023
各種難病の最新治療情報 神経線維腫症1型の最新治療情報 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
月刊 難病と在宅ケア Vol. 29 page: 33 - 36 2023
薬物療法の適応と限界1・2 デスモイドに対する薬物治療 Reviewed
西田 佳弘, 酒井 智久, 生田 国大, 小池 宏
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 96 page: 488 - 493 2022
後腹膜発生軟部肉腫に対する治療戦略 Reviewed
生田 国大, 西田 佳弘
整形・災害外科 Vol. 65 page: 289 - 294 2022
特集 骨粗鬆症-指導に役立つエビデンス 紫外線によるビタミンD産生-必要な日照時間と影響因子 Reviewed
西田 佳弘, 牧田 和也, 落合 聡史
総合リハビリテーション Vol. 49 ( 4 ) page: 351 - 355 2021.4
Okada Takashi, Kadono Izumi, Konno Suzuna, Sugiyama Junya, Hishida Aika, Nishida Yoshihiro, Sugiura Hideshi
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol. 57 ( 5 ) page: 468 - 473 2020.5
症例報告 上腕骨近位部の骨表面に発生したグロムス腫瘍の1例 Reviewed
杉浦 喬也, 生田 国大, 新井 英介, 酒井 智久, 小池 宏, 西田 佳弘
臨床整形外科 Vol. 55 ( 4 ) page: 385 - 388 2020.4
食道癌術後の心房細動発症が術後経過、身体機能に及ぼす影響 Reviewed
白井 祐也, 水野 陽太, 清水 大, 井上 貴行, 岡田 貴士, 西田 佳弘, 小池 聖彦, 永谷 元基
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 47S1 ( 0 ) page: C-17_2 - C-17_2 2020
筋力低下に加え、廃用も呈した抗SRP(signal recognition particle)抗体陽性壊死性ミオパチー症例に対する理学療法介入の経験 Reviewed
鄭 伃廷, 柴田 篤志, 加古 誠人, 橋詰 淳, 天草 善信, 熱田 直樹, 勝野 雅央, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 47S1 ( 0 ) page: F-171_2 - F-171_2 2020
Ishida Hideyuki, Chikatani Kenichi, Mori Yoshiko, Momose Syuji, Osada Hisato, Yamano Tomoki, Tomita Naohiro, Akiyama Yasuki, Hirata Keiji, Nuguruma Naoki, Takayama Tetsuji, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishikawa Hideki
Journal of Hereditary Tumors Vol. 20 ( 2 ) page: 45 - 58 2020
大腿部骨・軟部腫瘍患者における患肢温存術後の機能変化に関する報告 Reviewed
栢本 あずさ, 加古 誠人, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 47S1 ( 0 ) page: A-206_1 - A-206_1 2020
Thermal Medicine Vol. 35 ( 3 ) page: 23 - 32 2019.9
誌上シンポジウム 骨軟部腫瘍の薬物治療アップデート 骨巨細胞腫に対するデノスマブ治療 Reviewed
浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 生田 国大, 大田 剛広, 酒井 智久, 西田 佳弘
臨床整形外科 Vol. 54 ( 7 ) page: 665 - 670 2019.7
誌上シンポジウム 骨軟部腫瘍の薬物治療アップデート デスモイドに対する薬物治療 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
臨床整形外科 Vol. 54 ( 7 ) page: 697 - 702 2019.7
軟部肉腫広範切除のため大腿四頭筋腱合併切除後に膝伸展機構の再建を行い、装具なしで歩行を獲得した症例 Reviewed
神山 卓史, 加古 誠人, 森 友洋, 髙木 優衣, 寺井 千晶, 栗谷 彩, 白井 祐也, 新井 英介, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 46S1 ( 0 ) page: H2-114_1 - H2-114_1 2019
外反変形性膝関節症患者に対する人工膝関節全置換術前後の特徴について Reviewed
加古 誠人, 森 友洋, 髙木 優衣, 寺井 千晶, 栗谷 彩, 神山 卓史, 白井 祐也, 濱田 恭, 平岩 英樹, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 46S1 ( 0 ) page: H2-71_1 - H2-71_1 2019
内反型変形性膝関節症患者におけるTUGに影響を及ぼす因子の検討 Reviewed
白井 祐也, 森 友洋, 加古 誠人, 髙木 優衣, 寺井 千晶, 栗谷 彩, 神山 卓史, 濱田 恭, 平岩 秀樹, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 46S1 ( 0 ) page: H2-219_2 - H2-219_2 2019
変形性膝関節症患者の健康関連QOLに関連する因子の検討 Reviewed
寺井 千晶, 加古 誠人, 髙木 優衣, 栗谷 彩, 神山 卓史, 白井 祐也, 森 友洋, 濱田 恭, 平岩 秀樹, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 46S1 ( 0 ) page: H2-25_1 - H2-25_1 2019
画像診断と病理 骨芽細胞腫 Reviewed
駒田 智大, 岩野 信吾, 長縄 慎二, 新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 下山 芳江
画像診断 Vol. 39 ( 1 ) page: 4 - 5 2018.12
A case report; Surgery and rehabilitation for spinal canal stenosis in achondroplasia Reviewed
The Central Japan Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Vol. 61 ( 5 ) page: 963 - 964 2018.9
胸腺摘出術患者における術前6分間歩行距離は術後離床遅延を予測する Reviewed
林 和寛, 福本 紘一, 横井 香平, 永谷 元基, 井上 貴行, 伊藤 理, 中島 裕貴, 服部 慶子, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 2016 ( 0 ) page: 0784 2017
生体肝移植術前後における筋力と6分間歩行距離の変化 Reviewed
水野 陽太, 伊藤 理, 服部 慶子, 永谷 元基, 井上 貴行, 西田 佳弘, 大西 康晴, 亀井 秀弥, 倉田 信彦, 長谷川 好規, 小倉 靖弘
理学療法学Supplement Vol. 2016 ( 0 ) page: 0763 2017
四肢の骨・軟部肉腫 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 Vol. 54 ( 3 ) page: 224 - 228 2017
Financial burden of surgical treatment for retroperitoneal sarcoma. Reviewed
Yokoyama Y, Sunagawa M, Kurimoto K, Sakai T, Nishida Y, Ebata T, Kodera Y.
Surg Today. Vol. 54 ( 10 ) page: 1201 - 1207 2024.10
The impact of goal-directed prehabilitation therapy on functional capacity in patients undergoing hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery: A randomized clinical trial. Reviewed
Mizuno Y, Yokoyama Y, Nakajima H, Inoue T, Tanaka S, Nagaya M, Inokawa Y, Ando M, Nishida Y, Ebata T.
Surgery. Vol. 176 ( 2 ) page: 252 - 258 2024.8
Japanese orthopaedic association (JOA) clinical practice guidelines on the management of malignant bone tumors - Secondary publication. Reviewed
Tsuchiya K, Akisue T, Ehara S, Kawai A, Kawano H, Hiraga H, Hosono A, Hutani H, Morii T, Morioka H, Nishida Y, Oda Y, Ogose A, Shimose S, Yamaguchi T, Yamamoto T, Yoshida M.
J Orthop Sci. Vol. S0949-2658 ( 23 ) page: 00321 - 00324 2024.7
Preoperative Sarcopenia Severity and Clinical Outcomes after Total Hip Arthroplasty. Reviewed
Tanaka S, Kayamoto A, Terai C, Nojiri S, Fugane Y, Mori T, Nagaya M, Kako M, Iida H, Osawa Y, Takegami Y, Nishida Y.
Nutrients. Vol. 16 ( 13 ) page: 2085 - 2085 2024.6
膝関節周囲軟部肉腫術後の膝関節機能の検討 Reviewed
小池 宏, 永野 昭仁, 相羽 久輝, 淺沼 邦洋, 筑紫 聡, 小澤 英史, 河南 勝久, 生田 国大, 西田 佳弘, 今釜 史郎
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 98 ( 6 ) page: S1607 - S1607 2024.6
補助人工心臓植込み後に高次脳機能障害を合併し、寛骨臼骨折受傷後、部分荷重歩行獲得に難渋した一例 Reviewed
堀 勇斗, 寺井 千晶, 府金 幸紀, 森 友洋, 山口 英敏, 浅見 雄太, 西田 佳弘
国立大学リハビリテーション Vol. 45 page: 54 - 58 2024.4
Effects of acute phase intensive electrical muscle stimulation in COVID-19 patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation: an observational case-control study. Reviewed
Tsuchikawa Y, Tanaka S, Kasugai D, Nakagawa R, Shimizu M, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Nasu T, Omote N, Higashi M, Yamamoto T, Jingushi N, Numaguchi A, Nishida Y.
Sci Rep. Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 5254 - 5254 2024.3
TGF-β signaling promotes desmoid tumor formation via CSRP2 upregulation. Reviewed
Li Y, Fujishita T, Mishiro-Sato E, Kojima Y, Niu Y, Taketo MM, Urano Y, Sakai T, Enomoto A, Nishida Y, Aoki M.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 115 ( 2 ) page: 401 - 411 2024.2
<Editors' Choice> The relationship between preoperative foot alignment and postoperative outcomes in patients who underwent initial total knee arthroplasty. Reviewed
Hishida A, Hiraiwa H, Kadono I, Yamaguchi H, Okada T, Terai C, Kayamoto A, Nishida Y.
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 86 ( 1 ) page: 91 - 103 2024.2
Clinical Outcomes of a Novel Unidirectional Porous β-Tricalcium Phosphate Filling in Distal Radius Fracture with Volar Locking Plate Fixation: Secondary Publication of the Japanese Version. Reviewed
Sudo Y, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Arai T, Takatsu T.
Medicina (Kaunas). Vol. 60 ( 1 ) page: 1 - 1 2023.12
Potential drug interactions between pazopanib and proton pump inhibitors/potassium-competitive acid blockers in patients with soft tissue sarcoma. Reviewed
Liang Y, Maeda O, Shimokata T, Yokota K, Koike H, Sakai T, Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Akiyama M, Ando Y.
Int Cancer Conf J. Vol. 13 ( 1 ) page: 63 - 67 2023.11
Clinical Outcome in Patients With High-grade Soft-tissue Sarcoma Receiving Prosthetic Replacement After Tumor Resection of the Lower Extremities: Tokai Musculoskeletal Oncology Consortium Study. Reviewed
Nakamura T, Sakai T, Tsukushi S, Kimura H, Wasa J, Hosono K, Izubuchi Y, Kozawa E, Nagano A, Asanuma K, Sudo A, Nishida Y.
In Vivo. Vol. 37 ( 6 ) page: 2642 - 2647 2023.11
The current management of clear cell sarcoma. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Imagama S, Tanaka K, Ozaki T.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. 53 ( 10 ) page: 899 - 904 2023.10
Clinical investigation for the mechanisms of anaphylactic symptoms in osteoarthritis patients after diclofenac etalhyaluronate administration. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Yagami A, Takada S, Muramatsu D, Nobuoka Y, Okayama Y.
Mod Rheumatol. Vol. 20 2023.10
Efficacy of rehabilitation initiated in the early phase after simultaneous deceased donor liver and kidney transplantation: A case report. Reviewed
Tanaka S, Mizuno Y, Nojiri S, Futamura D, Nagaya M, Nishida Y, Sano Y, Ishida S, Kato M, Kurata N, Jobara K, Fujimoto Y, Ogura Y.
Medicine (Baltimore). Vol. 102 ( 38 ) page: e35324 - e35324 2023.9
Physical function and mental health trajectories in COVID-19 patients following invasive mechanical ventilation: a prospective observational study. Reviewed
Yamamoto H, Tanaka S, Kasugai D, Shimizu M, Tsuchikawa Y, Hori Y, Fugane Y, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Omote N, Higashi M, Yamamoto T, Jingushi N, Numaguchi A, Goto Y, Nishida Y.
Sci Rep. Vol. 13 ( 1 ) page: 14529 - 14529 2023.9
Development of Therapeutic Agent for Osteoarthritis via Inhibition of KIAA1199 Activity: Effect of Ipriflavone In Vivo. Reviewed
Zhang J, Nishida Y, Koike H, Zhuo L, Ito K, Ikuta K, Sakai T, Imagama S.
Int J Mol Sci. Vol. 24 ( 15 ) page: 12422 - 12422 2023.8
In-Hospital Fall Risk Prediction by Objective Measurement of Lower Extremity Function in a High-Risk Population. Reviewed
Tanaka S, Imaizumi T, Morohashi A, Sato K, Shibata A, Fukuta A, Nakagawa R, Nagaya M, Nishida Y, Hara K, Katsuno M, Suzuki Y, Nagao Y.
J Am Med Dir Assoc. Vol. 23 2023.8
Association between National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and Functional Independence Measure scores in patients with ischemic stroke from convalescent rehabilitation outcomes. Reviewed
Senda J, Ito K, Kotake T, Mizuno M, Kishimoto H, Yasui K, Nakagawa-Senda H, Katsuno M, Nishida Y, Sobue G.
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 85 ( 3 ) page: 428 - 443 2023.8
整形外科医の手による骨・軟部腫瘍の医師主導治験への道 腱滑膜巨細胞腫に対するザルトプロフェンを用いた医師主導治験(REALIZE study)の立案と実施 Reviewed
武内 章彦, 遠藤 誠, 川井 章, 西田 佳弘, 寺内 竜, 松峯 昭彦, 相羽 久輝, 中村 知樹, 尾崎 敏文, 星 学, 土屋 弘行
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 97 ( 8 ) page: S1557 - S1557 2023.8
Hand Grip Strength Assessment Based on Sarcopenia Diagnostic Criteria Predicts Swallowing Function. Reviewed
Okada T, Yamaguchi H, Tanaka S, Koyama K, Hishida A, Konno S, Nakamura M, Sugiura H, Nishida Y.
Dysphagia. 2023.7
A phase 1 trial of NY-ESO-1-specific TCR-engineered T-cell therapy combined with a lymph node-targeting nanoparticulate peptide vaccine for the treatment of advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Reviewed
Ishihara M, Nishida Y, Kitano S, Kawai A, Muraoka D, Momose F, Harada N, Miyahara Y, Seo N, Hattori H, Takada K, Emori M, Kakunaga S, Endo M, Matsumoto Y, Sasada T, Sato E, Yamada T, Matsumine A, Nagata Y, Watanabe T, Kageyama S, Shiku H.
Int J Cancer. Vol. 152 ( 12 ) page: 2554 - 2566 2023.6
叢状神経線維腫に対するMEK阻害剤セルメチニブの期待と注意事項 Reviewed
西田 佳弘, 野々部 典枝, 城所 博之, 加藤 太一, 武市 拓也, 生田 国大, 今釜 史郎
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 97 ( 6 ) page: S1427 - S1427 2023.6
Selumetinib in Japanese pediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and symptomatic, inoperable plexiform neurofibromas: An open-label, phase I study. Reviewed
Suenobu S, Terashima K, Akiyama M, Oguri T, Watanabe A, Sugeno M, Higashimori M, So K, Nishida Y.
Neurooncol Adv. Vol. 5 ( 1 ) 2023.5
Impact of skeletal muscle mass on the prognosis of patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable or borderline resectable pancreatic cancer. Reviewed
Nakajima H, Yamaguchi J, Takami H, Hayashi M, Kodera Y, Nishida Y, Watanabe N, Onoe S, Mizuno T, Yokoyama Y, Ebata T.
Int J Clin Oncol. Vol. 28 ( 5 ) page: 688 - 697 2023.5
Significance of expression of CD109 in osteosarcoma and its involvement in tumor progression via BMP signaling. Reviewed
Mori N, Esaki N, Shimoyama Y, Shiraki Y, Asai N, Sakai T, Nishida Y, Takahashi M, Enomoto A, Mii S.
Pathol Res Pract. Vol. 245 page: 154443 - 154443 2023.5
膝関節に発生した樹枝状脂肪腫に対して人工関節置換術を施工した1症例 Reviewed
高橋 裕, 藤林 孝義, 柘植 峻, 大倉 俊昭, 西田 佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 66 ( 3 ) page: 475 - 476 2023.5
Genomic patterns of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) evolution correlate with clinical outcome and are detectable in cell-free DNA. Reviewed
Cortes-Ciriano I, Steele CD, Piculell K, Al-Ibraheemi A, Eulo V, Bui MM, Chatzipli A, Dickson BC, Borcherding DC, Feber A, Galor A, Hart J, Jones KB, Jordan JT, Kim RH, Lindsay D, Miller C, Nishida Y, Proszek PZ, Serrano J, Sundby RT, Szymanski JJ, Ullrich NJ, Viskochil D, Wang X, Snuderl M, Park PJ, Flanagan AM, Hirbe AC, Pillay N, Miller DT.
Cancer Discov. Vol. 13 ( 3 ) page: 654 - 671 2023.3
Clinical results of active surveillance for extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis. Reviewed
Sakai T, Nishida Y, Ito K, Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Koike H, Imagama S.
Cancer Med. Vol. 12 ( 5 ) page: 5245 - 5254 2023.3
Which modality is better to diagnose high-grade transformation in retroperitoneal liposarcoma? Comparison of computed tomography, positron emission tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Reviewed
Nakashima Y, Yokoyama Y, Ogawa H, Sakakibara A, Sunagawa M, Nishida Y, Mizuno T, Yamaguchi J, Onoe S, Watanabe N, Kawakatsu S, Igami T, Ebata T.
Int J Clin Oncol. Vol. 28 ( 3 ) page: 482 - 490 2023.3
Investigation of inpatient convalescent rehabilitation outcomes in branch atheromatous disease. Reviewed
Senda J, Ito K, Kotake T, Mizuno M, Kishimoto H, Yasui K, Katsuno M, Nishida Y, Sobue G.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. Vol. 32 ( 3 ) 2023.3
Dedifferentiated liposarcoma in the extremity and trunk wall: A multi-institutional study of 132 cases by the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG). Reviewed
Morii T, Anazawa U, Sato C, Iwata S, Nakagawa M, Endo M, Nakamura T, Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Nakayama R, Udaka T, Kawamoto T, Kito M, Sato K, Imanishi J, Akiyama T, Kobayashi H, Nagano A, Outani H, Toki S, Nishisho T, Sasa K, Suehara Y, Kawano H, Ueda T, Morioka H.
Eur J Surg Oncol. Vol. 49 ( 2 ) page: 353 - 361 2023.2
Hyaluronan in articular cartilage: analysis of hip osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis of femoral head. Reviewed
Zhang J, Nishida Y, Koike H, Ito K, Zhuo L, Nishida K, Kimata K, Ikuta K, Sakai T, Urakawa H, Seki T, Imagama S.
J Orthop Res. Vol. 41 ( 2 ) page: 307 - 315 2023.2
Impact of Early Ambulation on the Prognosis of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Patients. Reviewed
Tsuchikawa Y, Tokuda Y, Ito H, Shimizu M, Tanaka S, Nishida K, Takagi D, Fukuta A, Takeda N, Yamamoto H, Hori M, Nishida Y, Mutsuga M.
Circ J. Vol. 87 ( 2 ) page: 306 - 311 2023.1
Case report: Novel NIPBL-BEND2 fusion gene identified in osteoblastoma-like phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the fibula. Reviewed
Sakai T, Okuno Y, Murakami N, Shimoyama Y, Imagama S, Nishida Y.
Front Oncol. 2023.1
左大腿骨近位部に生じた二次性動脈瘤様骨嚢腫を合併した線維性骨異形成の検討 Reviewed
加藤 雅崇, 小澤 英史, 長田 直大, 都野田 真健, 今釜 史郎, 西田 佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 66 ( 1 ) page: 99 - 100 2023.1
Perioperative Adriamycin plus ifosfamide vs. gemcitabine plus docetaxel for high-risk soft tissue sarcomas: randomised, phase II/III study JCOG1306. Reviewed
Tanaka K, Machida R, Kawai A, Nakayama R, Tsukushi S, Asanuma K, Matsumoto Y, Hiraga H, Hiraoka K, Watanuki M, Yonemoto T, Abe S, Katagiri H, Nishida Y, Nagano A, Suehara Y, Kawashima H, Kawano M, Morii T, Hatano H, Toguchida J, Okuma T, Takeyama M, Takenaka S, Akisue T, Furuta T, Emori M, Hiruma T, Outani H, Yamamoto T, Kataoka T, Fukuda H, Ozaki T, Iwamoto Y.
Br J Cancer. Vol. 127 ( 8 ) page: 1487 - 1496 2022.11
Surgical Treatment and Complications of Deep-Seated Nodular Plexiform Neurofibromas Associated with Neurofibromatosis Type 1. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Sakai T, Koike H, Ito K, Urakawa H, Imagama S.
J Clin Med. Vol. 11 ( 19 ) page: 5695 - 5695 2022.9
A clinical trial of a unidirectional porous tricalcium phosphate filling for defects after resection of benign bone lesions: a prospective multicenter study. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Ota T, Tsukushi S, Kozawa E, Nakashima H, Yamada K, Yamashita S, Imagama S.
Sci Rep. Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 16060 - 16060 2022.9
Randomized placebo-controlled double-blind phase II study of zaltoprofen for patients with diffuse-type and unresectable localized tenosynovial giant cell tumors: The REALIZE study. Reviewed
Takeuchi A, Endo M, Kawai A, Nishida Y, Terauchi R, Matsumine A, Aiba H, Nakamura T, Tandai S, Ozaki T, Hoshi M, Kayano D, Okuda M, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Miwa S, Igarashi K, Yoshimura K, Nomura A, Murayama T, Tsuchiya H.
Front Oncol. Vol. 12 2022.9
Short-term clinical outcomes of Kyocera Modular Limb Salvage System designed cementless stems for the endoprosthetic reconstruction of lower extremities: a Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group multi-institutional study. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Hirose T, Nakata E, Nakagawa R, Nakamura T, Imanishi J, Nagano A, Tamiya H, Ueda T; and Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG).
BMC Cancer. Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 781 - 781 2022.7
Efficacy of auranofin as an inhibitor of desmoid progression. Reviewed
Ito K, Nishida Y, Hamada S, Shimizu K, Sakai T, Ohkawara B, Alman BA, Enomoto A, Ikuta K, Koike H, Zhang J, Ohno K, Imagama S.
Sci Rep. Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 11918 - 11918 2022.7
Clinical features and treatment outcomes of dedifferentiated and grade 3 chondrosarcoma: A multi-institutional study. Reviewed
Kozawa E, Nishida Y, Kawai A, Hayakawa K, Nokitaka S, Kawashima H, Iwata S, Tsuchiya H, Tsukushi S, Takenaka S, Imanishi J, Baba I, Nagano A, Morii T, Shirai T, Shimizu K, Kawano H.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 113 ( 7 ) page: 2397 - 2408 2022.7
S100-negative epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with possible perineurial differentiation. Reviewed
Yamashita K, Funauchi Y, Hayakawa K, Ae K, Matsumoto S, Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Ueno T, Shimoyama Y, Hiruta N, Machinami R, Kawachi H, Takeuchi K.
Virchows Arch. Vol. 480 ( 6 ) page: 1269 - 1275 2022.6
転移性骨腫瘍の新たな展開 デュアルコンセプトの骨転移治療法開発 抗腫瘍と骨形成促進効果 Reviewed
西田 佳弘, 大田 剛広, 生田 国大, 鈴木 喜貴, 小池 宏, 相羽 久輝, 木村 浩明, 酒井 智久, 伊藤 鑑, 村上 英樹, 今釜 史郎
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 96 ( 6 ) page: S1275 - S1275 2022.6
Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) clinical practice guidelines on the management of soft tissue tumors 2020 - Secondary publication. Reviewed
Kawai A, Araki N, Ae K, Akiyama T, Ozaki T, Kawano H, Kunisada T, Sumi M, Takahashi S, Tanaka K, Tsukushi S, Naka N, Nishida Y, Miyachi M, Yamamoto N, Yoshida A, Yonemoto T, Yoshida M, Iwata S.
J Orthop Sci. Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: 533 - 550 2022.5
A randomized phase III trial of denosumab before curettage for giant cell tumor of bone. JCOG1610. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Nagano A, Machida R, Tanaka K, Kataoka T, Sekino Y, Nishida Y, Takahashi M, Kunisada T, Kawano M, Yoshida Y, Takagi T, Sato K, Hiruma T, Hatano H, Tsukushi S, Sakamoto A, Akisue T, Hiraoka K, Ozaki T.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. hyac071 2022.4
Possible Repositioning of an Oral Anti-Osteoporotic Drug, Ipriflavone, for Treatment of Inflammatory Arthritis via Inhibitory Activity of KIAA1199, a Novel Potent Hyaluronidase. Reviewed
Koike H, Nishida Y, Shinomura T, Ohkawara B, Ohno K, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Ushida T, Imagama S.
Int J Mol Sci. Vol. 23 ( 8 ) page: 4089 - 4089 2022.4
Surgical treatment for extremity rhabdomyosarcoma: longitudinal national questionnaire survey in Japan. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Kawai A.
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 52 ( 4 ) page: 362 - 369 2022.4
Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Lower Limb Muscle Strength After Living Donor Liver Transplant: A Case-Control Study. Reviewed
Hattori K, Mizuno Y, Ogura Y, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Jobara K, Kurata N, Nishida Y.
Transplant Proc. Vol. 54 ( 3 ) page: 749 - 754 2022.4
Long-Term Results of Kyocera Modular Limb Salvage System after Resection of Tumors in the Distal Part of the Femur: Report from Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group Study. Reviewed
Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Toda Y, Takenaka S, Outani H, Fujiwara T, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Tome Y, Kawamoto T, Kito M, Shinohara N, Tomita M, Torigoe T, Sudo A, Kawano H.
Cancers (Basel) Vol. 14 ( 4 ) page: 870 - 870 2022.2
Clinical outcome in patients who underwent amputation due to extremity soft tissue sarcoma: Tokai Musculoskeletal Oncology Consortium study. Reviewed
Hagi T, Nakamura T, Nagano A, Koike H, Yamada K, Aiba H, Fujihara N, Wasa J, Asanuma K, Kozawa E, Ishimura D, Kawanami K, Izubuchi Y, Shido Y, Sudo A, Nishida Y.
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 52 ( 2 ) page: 157 - 162 2022.2
Successful treatment with denosumab for pelvic fibrous dysplasia: A case report and review of the literature. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Sakai T, Koike H, Ito K, Imagama S, Nishida Y.
Medicine (Baltimore). Vol. 100 ( 49 ) page: e28138. - e28138. 2021.12
Clinical Outcome in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients with Lung Metastasis Who Received Metastasectomy and/or Radiofrequency Ablation: Tokai Musculoskeletal Oncology Consortium Study. Reviewed
Nakamura T, Asanuma K, Takao M, Yamanaka T, Koike H, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Tsukushi S, Kuroda H, Kozawa E, Sano M, Aiba H, Nakanishi R, Nagano A, Yamada K, Shido Y, Kawanami K, Izubuchi Y, Sudo A, Nishida Y.
Cancer Manag Res. Vol. 13 page: 8473 - 8480 2021.11
Trends in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis: Japanese musculoskeletal oncology group questionnaire survey. Reviewed
Murase F, Nishida Y, Hamada S, Sakai T, Shimizu K, Ueda T.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. 51 ( 11 ) page: 1615 - 1621 2021.11
Response to Letter to the Editor. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Kano K, Nobuoka Y, Seo T.
Arthritis Rheumatol. Vol. 73 ( 11 ) page: 2148 - 2149 2021.11
Pathophysiology of Hyaluronan Accumulation/Depolymerization in Osteoarthritic Joints. Reviewed
Nishida Y.
Am J Pathol. Vol. 191 ( 11 ) page: 1963 - 1965 2021.11
Efficacy and safety of cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors for desmoid tumor management: a systematic review. Reviewed
Emori M, Matsumoto Y, Murahashi Y, Yoshida M, Nishida Y.
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 83 ( 4 ) page: 673 - 681 2021.11
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging improves the accuracy of differentiation of benign from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Reviewed
Koike H, Nishida Y, Ito S, Shimoyama Y, Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Sakai T, Shimizu K, Ito K, Imagama S.
World Neurosurg. Vol. S1878-8750 ( 21 ) page: 01483-2 - 01483-2 2021.10
Reconstruction of the extensor mechanism augmented with reverse transferred iliotibial band after proximal tibia tumor resection and mega-prosthetic replacement. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Sakai T, Koike H, Imagama S.
Knee. Vol. 33 page: 102 - 109 2021.10
【骨・軟部腫瘍のマネジメント(その2)】再建法、その他 骨欠損への対応 悪性骨・軟部腫瘍切除後の骨性再建における自家加温処理骨の長期成績 Reviewed
生田 国大, 西田 佳弘, 杉浦 英志, 今釜 史郎
別冊整形外科 ( 80 ) page: 113 - 116 2021.10
【骨・軟部腫瘍のマネジメント(その2)】良性骨腫瘍・腫瘍類似疾患の治療 類骨骨腫 類骨骨腫に対するO-armガイド下手術の有用性 Reviewed
小池 宏, 西田 佳弘, 生田 国大, 酒井 智久, 伊藤 鑑, 今釜 史郎
別冊整形外科 ( 80 ) page: 71 - 73 2021.10
Less-invasive fascia-preserving surgery for abdominal wall desmoid. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Hamada S, Sakai T, Ito K, Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Koike H, Imagama S.
Sci Rep. Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 19379 - 19379 2021.9
Pathophysiology of Hyaluronan Accumulation/Depolymerization in Osteoarthritic Joints. Reviewed
Nishida Y.
Am J Pathol. Vol. S0002-9440 ( 21 ) page: 00380 - 00381 2021.9
Efficacy and safety of diclofenac-hyaluronate conjugate(diclofenac etalhyaluronate) for knee osteoarthritis: a randomaized phase 3 trial in Japan. Reviewed
Yoshihiro Nishida, Kazuyuki Kano, Yuji Nobuoka, Takayuki Seo.
Arthritis Rheumatol. Vol. 73 ( 9 ) page: 1646 - 1655 2021.9
Tumor location and type affect local recurrence and joint damage in tenosynovial giant cell tumor: a multi-center study. Reviewed
Ota T, Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Tsukushi S, Yamada K, Kozawa E, Urakawa H, Imagama S.
Sci Rep. Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 17384 - 17384 2021.8
Spontaneous Regression of Brown Tumor in a Patient Treated With Peritoneal Dialysis. Reviewed
Ito K, Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Sakai T, Imagama S.
Cureus. Vol. 13 ( 8 ) page: e17078 - e17078 2021.8
Effect of Neoadjuvant Therapies on Soft Tissue Sarcomas with Tail-like Lesions: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Reviewed
Aiba H, Ikuta K, Asanuma K, Kawanami K, Tsukushi S, Matsumine A, Ishimura D, Nagano A, Shido Y, Kozawa E, Yamada K, Wasa J, Kimura H, Sakai T, Murakami H, Sakai T, Nakamura T, Nishida Y.
Cancers (Basel). Vol. 13 ( 15 ) page: 3901 - 3901 2021.8
転移性骨腫瘍に対するデノスマブ長期使用により非定型大腿骨骨折を生じた1例 Reviewed
家崎 雄介, 生田 国大, 酒井 智久, 小池 宏, 今釜 史郎, 西田 佳弘
整形・災害外科 Vol. 64 ( 9 ) page: 1151 - 1154 2021.8
A Novel Technique to Lengthen the Reverse Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap Arc. Reviewed
Takanari K, Nakamura Y, Uchibori T, Nakamura R, Ebisawa K, Kambe M, Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Kamei Y.
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. Vol. 9 ( 7 ) page: 3525 - 3525 2021.7
Overexpression of KIAA1199, a novel strong hyaluronidase, is a poor prognostic factor in patients with osteosarcoma. Reviewed
Ito K, Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Koike H, Sakai T, Zhang J, Shimoyama Y, Imagama S.
J Orthop Surg Res. Vol. 16 ( 1 ) page: 439 - 439 2021.7
Establishment of in-hospital clinical network for patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 in Nagoya University Hospital. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Natsume A, Ishihara N, Morikawa M, Kidokoro H, Muramatsu Y, Nonobe N, Ishizuka K, Takeichi T, Kanbe M, Mizuno S, Imagama S, Ozaki N.
Sci Rep. Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 11933 - 11933 2021.6
The prognostic role of β-catenin mutations in desmoid-type fibromatosis undergoing resection only: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. Reviewed
Milea J.M. Timbergen, Chiara Colombo, Michel Renckens, Hee Sung Kim, Joost van Rosmalen, Sébastien Salas, John T. Mullen, MD, Piergiuseppe Colombo, Yoshihiro Nishida, MD, Erik A.C. Wiemer, Cornelis Verhoef, Stefan Sleijfer, Alessandro Gronchi, Dirk J. Grünhagen
Ann Surg. Vol. 273 ( 6 ) page: 1094 - 1101 2021.6
Preoperative paraspinous muscle sarcopenia and physical performance as prognostic indicators in non-small-cell lung cancer. Reviewed
Tanaka S, Ozeki N, Mizuno Y, Nakajima H, Hattori K, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Fukui T, Nakamura S, Goto M, Sugiyama T, Nishida Y, Chen-Yoshikawa TF.
J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. Vol. 12 ( 3 ) page: 646 - 656 2021.6
A comparison of the usefulness of nuclear beta-catenin in the diagnosis of demoid-type fibromatosis among commonly used anti-beta-catenin antibodies. Reviewed
Yamada Y, Hirata M, Sakamoto A, Noguchi T, Ito K, Nishida Y, Matsuda S, Haga H
Pathol Int. Vol. 71 ( 6 ) page: 392 - 399 2021.6
腱滑膜巨細胞腫患者を対象としたpexidartinibの多施設共同、2パート、非盲検、単群、国内第II相臨床試験デザイン Reviewed
川井 章, 武内 章彦, 遠藤 誠, 角永 茂樹, 井上 悟, 菊森 久仁佳, 井上 裕之, 金井 由奈, 西田 佳弘
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 95 ( 6 ) page: S1335 - S1335 2021.6
Short-range UV-LED irradiation in postmenopausal osteoporosis using ovariectomized mice. Reviewed
Ochiai S, Nishida Y, Higuchi Y, Morita D, Makida K, Seki T, Ikuta K, Imagama S.
Sci Rep. Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 7875 - 7875 2021.4
【骨・軟部腫瘍のマネジメント(その1)】診断 組織・遺伝子診断 デスモイド型線維腫症の病理組織診断におけるピットフォール CTNNB1遺伝子変異解析の有用性 Reviewed
酒井 智久, 西田 佳弘, 生田 国大, 小池 宏, 伊藤 鑑, 今釜 史郎
別冊整形外科 ( 79 ) page: 55 - 57 2021.4
巻頭言 希少疾患から学び、得られる診療の底力 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
日本義肢協会誌 Vol. 125 page: 1 - 1 2021.4
Sustained-release diclofenac conjugated to hyaluronate (diclofenac etalhyaluronate) for knee osteoarthritis: a randomized phase 2 study. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Kano K, Nobuoka Y, Seo T.
Rheumatology (Oxford) Vol. 60 ( 3 ) page: 1435 - 1444 2021.3
Open-label phase 3 study of diclofenac conjugated to hyaluronate (diclofenac etalhyaluronate: ONO-5704/SI-613) for treatment of osteoarthritis: 1-year follow-up. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Kano K, Osato T, Seo T.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 233 - 233 2021.3
Comprehensive molecular and clinicopathological profiling of desmoid tumours. Reviewed
Kohsaka S, Hirata M, Ikegami M, Ueno T, Kojima S, Sakai T, Ito K, Naka N, Ogura K, Kawai A, Iwata S, Okuma T, Yonemoto T, Kobayashi H, Suehara Y, Hiraga H, Kawamoto T, Motoi T, Oda Y, Matsubara D, Matsuda K, Nishida Y, Mano H.
Eur J Cancer. Vol. 145 page: 109 - 120 2021.3
Limitations and benefits of FDG-PET/CT in NF1 patients with nerve sheath tumors: A cross-sectional/longitudinal study. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Ito S, Urakawa H, Sakai T, Koike H, Ito K, Imagama S.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 112 ( 3 ) page: 1114 - 1122 2021.3
骨軟部 良性軟部腫瘍・デスモイド型線維腫症の診断・治療指針 Reviewed
西田 佳弘
最新腫瘍文献とガイドラインでみる整形外科学レビュー2021-'22 page: 239 - 244 2021.3
初発悪性軟部腫瘍における四肢切・離断症例の治療成績 東海骨軟部腫瘍コンソーシアム共同研究 Reviewed
萩 智仁, 中村 知樹, 永野 昭仁, 酒井 智久, 山田 健志, 相羽 久輝, 筑紫 聡, 片桐 浩久, 淺沼 邦洋, 須藤 啓広, 西田 佳弘
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 95 ( 3 ) page: S892 - S892 2021.3
Bone fragility of a school child during COVID-19 Reviewed
Yoshihiro Nishida and Kunihiro Ikuta
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 83 ( 1 ) page: 217 - 218 2021.2
腹壁原発C/C-rearranged sarcomaの1例 Reviewed
加藤 万結, 服部 浩佳, 川田 しお梨, 秋田 直洋, 関水 匡大, 小野 学, 二村 昌樹, 後藤 雅彦, 堀部 敬三, 生田 国大, 新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 前田 尚子
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 Vol. 57 ( 5 ) page: 414 - 414 2021.2
Phase II clinical trial of pazopanib for patients with unresectable or metastatic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Reviewed
Yoshihiro Nishida, Hiroshi Urakawa, Robert Nakayama, Eisuke Kobayashi, Toshifumi Ozaki, Keisuke Ae, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Takahiro Goto, Hiroaki Hiraga, Norifumi Naka, Shunji Takahashi, Yuichi Ando, Masahiko Ando, Yachiyo Kuwatsuka, Shunsuke Hamada , Takafumi Ueda, Akira Kawai
Int J Cancer Vol. 148 ( 1 ) page: 140 - 149 2021.1
Prognostic significance of the MDM2/HMGA2 ratio and histological tumor grade in dedifferentiated liposarcoma. Reviewed
Yamashita K, Kohashi K, Yamada Y, Akatsuka S, Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Toyokuni S, Oda Y.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer. Vol. 60 ( 1 ) page: 26-37 2021.1
Characteristics of primary and repeated recurrent retroperitoneal liposarcoma: outcomes after aggressive surgeries at a single institution. Reviewed
Kenta Ishii, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Yoshihiro Nishida, Suguru Yamada, Yasuhiro Kodera, Naoto Sassa, Momokazu Gotoh, Masato Nagino
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 50 ( 12 ) page: 1412 - 1418 2020.12
What Factors Are Associated with Treatment Outcomes of Japanese Patients with Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma? Reviewed
Nakayama R, Hayakawa K, Kobayashi E, Endo M, Asano N, Yonemoto T, Kawashima H, Hamada K, Watanabe I, Futani H, Goto T, Nishida Y, Ozaki T.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Vol. 478 ( 11 ) page: 2537 - 2547 2020.11
Desmoid with biweekly methotrexate and vinblastine shows similar effects to weekly administration: A phase II clinical trial. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Hamada S, Urakawa H, Ikuta K, Sakai T, Koike H, Ito K, Emoto R, Ando Y, Matsui S.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 111 ( 11 ) page: 4187-4194 2020.11
Effectiveness of doxorubicin-based and liposomal doxorubicin chemotherapies for patients with extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis: A systematic review. Reviewed
Koki Shimizu, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Akira Kawai, Masahiro Yoshida, Yoshihiro Nishida
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. 50 ( 11 ) page: 1274-1281 2020.10
Is mutation analysis of β-catenin useful for the diagnosis of desmoid-type fibromatosis? A systematic review. Reviewed
Sakai T, Hamada S, Koike H, Shimizu K, Yoshida M, Nishida Y.
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 50 ( 9 ) page: 1037 - 1042 2020.9
Is tumour location a prognostic factor for pharmacological treatment in patients with desmoid-type fibromatosis? a systematic review. Reviewed
Koike H, Hamada S, Sakai T, Shimizu K, Yoshida M, Nishida Y.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. 50 ( 9 ) page: 1032 - 1036 2020.9
Forced Expression of KIAA1199, a Novel Hyaluronidase, Inhibits Tumorigenicity of Low-Grade Chondrosarcoma Reviewed
Koike H , Nishida Y, Shinomura T, Zhuo L, Hamada S, Ikuta K, Ito K, Kimata K, Ushida T, Ishiguro N
J Orthop Res. Vol. 38 ( 9 ) page: 1942 - 1951 2020.9
Phase II trial of pazopanib in patients with metastatic or unresectable chemoresistant sarcomas Reviewed
Urakawa H, Kawai A, Goto T, Hiraga H, Ozaki T, Tsuchiya H, Nakayama R, Naka N, Matsumoto Y, Kobayashi E, Okuma T, Kunisada T, Ando M, Ueda T, Nishida Y.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 111 ( 9 ) page: 3303 - 3312 2020.9
Short physical performance battery discriminates clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients aged 75 years and over. Reviewed
Fujita K, Nakashima H, Kako M, Shibata A, Yu-Ting C, Tanaka S, Nishida Y, Kuzuya M.
Arch Gerontol Geriatr. Vol. 90 page: 104155 2020.9
膝蓋骨および大腿四頭筋の広範欠損に対して大腿筋膜付き前外側大腿皮弁による機能的再建を行った1例 Reviewed
伊藤 弘幸, 高成 啓介, 中村 優, 蛯沢 克巳, 神戸 未来, 内堀 貴文, 宮永 亨, 新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 亀井 讓
日本形成外科学会会誌 Vol. 40 ( 9 ) page: 489-496 2020.9
Cardiac metastases from primary myxoid liposarcoma of the thigh: a case report. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Sakai T, Koike H, Okada T, Imagama S, Nishida Y.
World J Surg Oncol. Vol. 18 ( 1 ) page: 227 - 227 2020.8
Risk Factors of Local Recurrence after Surgery in Extra-Abdominal Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis:A Multicenter Study in Japan. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Hamada S, Kawai A, Kunisada T, Ogose A, Matsumoto Y, Ae K, Toguchida J, Ozaki T, Hirakawa A, Motoi T, Sakai T, Kobayashi E, Gokita T, Okamoto T, Matsunobu T, Shimizu K, Koike H.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 111 ( 8 ) page: 2935 - 2942 2020.8
Low energy irradiation of narrow-range UV-LED prevents osteosarcopenia associated with vitamin D deficiency in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6. Reviewed
Kazuya Makida, Yoshihiro Nishida, Daigo Morita, Satoshi Ochiai, Yoshitoshi Higuchi, Taisuke Seki, Kunihiro Ikuta, Naoki Ishiguro
Sci Rep. Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 11892 2020.7
Functional evaluation following deltoid muscle resection in patients with soft tissue sarcoma Reviewed
Hamada S, Nishida Y, Takanari K, Ota T, Urakawa H, Ikuta K, Sakai T, Tsukushi S, Kamei Y, Ishiguro N
Jap J Clin Oncol. Vol. 50 ( 7 ) page: 772 - 778 2020.7
Clinical value of serum bone resorption markers for predicting clinical outcomes after use of bone modifying agents in metastatic bone tumors:A prospective cohort study. Reviewed
Urakawa H,Ando Y,Hase T,Kikumori T,Arai E,Maeda O,Mitsuma A,Sugishita M,Shimokata T,Ikuta K,Ishiguro N,Nishida Y.
Int J Cancer. Vol. 146 ( 12 ) page: 3504 - 3515 2020.6
A case of retroperitoneal dedifferentiated liposarcoma successfully treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy and subsequent surgery. Reviewed
Yokoyama Y, Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Nagino M.
Surg Case Rep. Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 105 - 105 2020.5
Definitive radiation therapy in patients with unresectable desmoid tumors: A systematic review. Reviewed
Matsunobu T, Kunisada T, Ozaki T, Iwamoto Y, Yoshida M, Nishida Y
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 50 ( 5 ) page: 568 - 573 2020.5
Usefulness of surgical treatment for asymptomatic patients with extra-peritoneal desmoid-type fibromatosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Reviewed
Kito M, Ogose A, Yoshida M, Nishida Y
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 50 ( 5 ) page: 574-580 2020.5
Thoracic dumbbell-shaped paraganglioma arising in extra-adrenal area: A case report and literature review. Reviewed
Tsushima M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Vol. 25 ( 3 ) page: 525 - 528 2020.5
How Many Steps Per Day are Necessary to Prevent Postoperative Complications Following Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgeries for Malignancy? Reviewed
Nakajima H, Yokoyama Y, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Mizuno Y, Kayamoto A, Nishida Y, Nagino M.
Ann Surg Oncol Vol. 27 ( 5 ) page: 1387 - 1397 2020.5
全身性強皮症および多発性筋炎のオーバーラップ症候群に合併したⅡ型呼吸不全に対して呼吸器リハビリテーション治療が有効であった1例 Reviewed
岡田 貴士, 門野 泉, 金野 鈴奈, 杉山 純也, 菱田 愛加, 西田 佳弘, 杉浦 英志
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol. 57 ( 5 ) page: 468 - 473 2020.5
Clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes of retroperitoneal tumors: a comprehensive data collection from multiple departments. Reviewed
Sassa N, Yokoyama Y, Nishida Y, Yamada S, Uchida H, Kajiyama H, Nagino M, Kodera Y, Gotoh M.
Int J Clin Oncol Vol. 25 ( 5 ) page: 929 - 936 2020.5
岡田 貴士, 門野 泉, 金野 鈴奈, 杉山 純也, 菱田 愛加, 西田 佳弘, 杉浦 英志
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol. 57 ( 5 ) page: 468-473 2020.5
Efficacy of low dose chemotherapy with methotrexate and vinblastine for patients with extra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis : A systematic review. Reviewed
Shimizu K, Hamada S, Sakai T, Koike H, Yoshida M, Nishida Y
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 50 ( 4 ) page: 419 - 424 2020.4
Genomics of MPNST (GeM) Consortium: Rationale and Study Design for Multi-Omic Characterization of NF1-Associated and Sporadic MPNSTs. Reviewed International coauthorship
Miller DT, Cortés-Ciriano I, Pillay N, Hirbe AC, Snuderl M, Bui MM, Piculell K, Al-Ibraheemi A, Dickson BC, Hart J, Jones K, Jordan JT, Kim RH, Lindsay D, Nishida Y, Ullrich NJ, Wang X, Park PJ, Flanagan AM.
Genes (Basel). Vol. 11 ( 4 ) page: e387 2020.4
上腕骨近位部の骨表面に発生したグロムス腫瘍の1例 Reviewed
杉浦 喬也, 生田 国大, 新井 英介, 酒井 智久, 小池 宏, 西田 佳弘
臨床整形外科 Vol. 55 ( 4 ) page: 385-388 2020.4
Preoperative six-minute walk distance as a predictor of postoperative complication in patients with esophageal cancer. Reviewed
Inoue T, Ito S, Kanda M, Niwa Y, Nagaya M, Nishida Y, Hasegawa Y, Koike M, Kodera Y
Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus Vol. 33 ( 2 ) page: doz050 - doz050 2020.3
Osteosarcoma in patients over 50 years of age: Multi-institutional retrospective analysis of 104 patients. Reviewed
Nagano A, Matsumoto S, Kawai A, Okuma T, Hiraga H, Matsumoto Y, Nishida Y, Yonemoto T, Hosaka M, Takahashi M, Yoshikawa H, Kunisada T, Asanuma K, Naka N, Emori M, Kubo T, Kawashima H, Kawamoto T, Yokoyama R, Tsukushi S, Sato K, Okamoto T, Hiraoka K, Morioka H, Tanaka K, Takagi T, Iwamoto Y, Ozaki T
Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Vol. 25 ( 2 ) page: 319-323 2020.3
Effects of ultraviolet irradiation with a LED device on bone metabolism associated with vitamin D deficiency in senescence-accelerated mouse P6 Reviewed
Morita D, Higuchi Y, Makida K, Seki T, Ikuta K, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y
Heliyon Vol. 6 ( 2 ) page: e03499 2020.2
Targetable driver mutations in multicentric reticulohistiocytosis. Reviewed
Murakami N, Sakai T, Arai E, Muramatsu H, Ichikawa D, Asai S, Shimoyama Y, Ishiguro N, Takahashi Y, Okuno Y, Nishida Y
Haematologica Vol. 105 ( 2 ) page: e61-e64 2020.1
The management of desmoid tumours: A joint global consensus-based guideline approach for adult and paediatric patients. Reviewed
Desmoid Tumor Working Group. (Alman B, Nishida Y, et al)
Eur J Cancer. Vol. 127 page: 96-107 2020.1
The role of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in localized extraskeletal osteosarcoma. Reviewed
Heng M, Gupta A, Chung PW, Healey JH, Vaynrub M, Rose PS, Houdek MT, Lin PP, Bishop AJ, Hornicek FJ, Chen YL, Lozano-Calderon S, Holt GE, Han I, Biau D, Niu X, Bernthal NM, Ferguson PC, Wunder JS; Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG, Nishida Y included); Soft Tissue Osteosarcoma International Collaborative (STOIC).
Eur J Cancer. Vol. 125 page: 130-141 2020.1
Massively parallel sequencing of tenosynovial giant cell tumors reveals novel CSF1 fusion transcripts and novel somatic CBL mutations. Reviewed
Tsuda Y, Hirata M, Katayama K, Motoi T, Matsubara D, Oda Y, Fujita M, Kobayashi H, Kawano H, Nishida Y, Sakai T, Okuma T, Goto T, Ogura K, Kawai A, Ae K, Anazawa U, Suehara Y, Iwata S, Miyano S, Imoto S, Shibata T, Nakagawa H, Yamaguchi R, Tanaka S, Matsuda K
International journal of cancer Vol. 145 ( 12 ) page: 3276 - 3284 2019.12
Integrated Exome and RNA Sequencing of Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma. Reviewed
Makoto Hirata, Naofumi Asano, Kotoe Katayama, Akihiko Yoshida, Yusuke Tsuda, Masaya Sekimizu, Sachiyo Mitani, Eisuke Kobayashi, Motokiyo Komiyama, Hiroyuki Fujimoto, Takahiro Goto, Yukihide Iwamoto, Norifumi Naka, Shintaro Iwata, Yoshihiro Nishida, Toru Hiruma, Hiroaki Hiraga, Hirotaka Kawano, Toru Motoi, Yoshinao Oda, Daisuke Matsubara, Masashi Fujita, Tatsuhiro Shibata, Hidewaki Nakagawa, Robert Nakayama, Tadashi Kondo, Seiya Imoto, Satoru Miyano, Akira Kawai, Rui Yamaguchi, Hitoshi Ichikawa, and Koichi Matsuda
Nat Commun Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 5683 2019.12
Clinical Frailty Scale Score Before ICU Admission Is Associated With Mobility Disability in Septic Patients Receiving Early Rehabilitation. Reviewed
Nakajima H, Nishikimi M, Shimizu M, Hayashi K, Inoue T, Nishida K, Takahashi K, Matsui S, Nishida Y, Matsuda N.
Crit Care Explor. Vol. 1 ( 12 ) page: e0066 2019.12
MRI characteristics predict the efficacy of meloxicam treatment in patients with desmoid-type fibromatosis Reviewed
Shimizu Koki, Hamada Shunsuke, Sakai Tomohisa, Ito Shinji, Urakawa Hiroshi, Arai Eisuke, Ikuta Kunihiro, Koike Hiroshi, Ishiguro Naoki, Nishida Yoshihiro
Clinical Features of Thoracic Myelopathy: A Single-Center Study. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nakashima H, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev. Vol. 3 ( 11 ) page: - 2019.11
Clinical features and treatment outcome of desmoid-type fibromatosis: based on a bone and soft tissue tumor registry in Japan. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Kawai A, Toguchida J, Ogose A, Ae K, Kunisada T, Matsumoto Y, Matsunobu T, Takahashi K, Nishida K, Ozaki T
International journal of clinical oncology Vol. 24 ( 11 ) page: 1498-0505 2019.11
Pazopanib for progressive desmoid tumours: children, persistant effects, and cost. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Sakai T, Koike H, Ito K.
Lancet Oncol. Vol. 20 ( 10 ) page: e555 2019.10
Treatment of tenosynovial giant-cell tumour types. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Ikuta K
The Lancet. Oncology Vol. 20 ( 8 ) page: e399 2019.8
The clinical outcome of eribulin treatment in Japanese patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma: a Tokai Musculoskeletal Oncology Consortium study Reviewed
Nakamura Tomoki, Tsukushi Satoshi, Asanuma Kunihiro, Katagiri Hirohisa, Ikuta Kunihiro, Nagano Akihito, Kozawa Eiji, Yamada Satoshi, Shido Yoji, Yamada Kenji, Kawanami Katsuhisa, Ishimura Daisuke, Sudo Akihiro, Nishida Yoshihiro
CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS Vol. 36 ( 4 ) page: 343-350 2019.8
Cilostazol use is associated with FIM cognitive improvement during convalescent rehabilitation in patients with ischemic stroke: a retrospective study. Reviewed
Senda J, Ito K, Kotake T, Kanamori M, Kishimoto H, Kadono I, Nakagawa-Senda H, Wakai K, Katsuno M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Sobue G.
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 81 ( 3 ) page: 359-373 2019.8
Frequent mutations of genes encoding vacuolar H+ -ATPase components in granular cell tumors. Reviewed
Sekimizu M, Yoshida A, Mitani S, Asano N, Hirata M, Kubo T, Yamazaki F, Sakamoto H, Kato M, Makise N, Mori T, Yamazaki N, Sekine S, Oda I, Watanabe SI, Hiraga H, Yonemoto T, Kawamoto T, Naka N, Funauchi Y, Nishida Y, Honoki K, Kawano H, Tsuchiya H, Kunisada T, Matsuda K, Inagaki K, Kawai A, Ichikawa H.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer. Vol. 58 ( 6 ) page: 373-380 2019.6
Roles of hyaluronan in cardiovascular and nervous system disorders Reviewed
Ding Hong-yan, Xie Ya-nan, Dong Qiang, Kimata Koji, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki, Zhuo Li-sheng
JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE B Vol. 20 ( 5 ) page: 428-436 2019.5
A randomized phase III trial of denosumab before curettage for giant cell tumor of bone: Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study JCOG1610. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Mizusawa J, Tanaka K, Eba J, Hiraga H, Kawai A, Nishida Y, Hosaka M, Iwamoto Y, Fukuda H, Ozaki T.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. 49 ( 4 ) page: 379-382 2019.4
Fusion surgery with instrumentation following carbon ion radiotherapy for primary lumbar tumors: A case series. Reviewed
Ando K, Kobayashi K, Machino M, Ota K, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Imai R, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S.
J Clin Neurosci. Vol. 62 page: 264-268 2019.4
Successful treatment of a recurrent chest wall desmoid tumor with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Reviewed
Kaiho T, Nakajima T, Nishida Y, Yoshino I.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Vol. 157 ( 3 ) page: e195-e197. 2019.3
Randomized placebo-controlled double-blind phase II study of zaltoprofen for patients with diffuse-type and unresectable localized tenosynovial giant cell tumors: a study protocol. Reviewed
Takeuchi A, Nomura A, Yamamoto N, Hayashi K, Igarashi K, Tandai S, Kawai A, Matsumine A, Miwa S, Nishida Y, Nakamura T, Terauchi R, Hoshi M, Kunisada T, Endo M, Yoshimura K, Murayama T, Tsuchiya H.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Vol. 20 ( 1 ) page: 68 2019.2
Is immunohistochemical staining for β-catenin the definitive pathological diagnostic tool for desmoid-type fibromatosis?: a multi-institutional study. Reviewed
Koike H, Nishida Y, Kohno K, Shimoyama Y, Motoi T, Hamada S, Kawai A, Ogose A, Ozaki T, Kunisada T, Matsumoto Y, Matsunobu T, Ae K, Gokita T, Sakai T, Shimizu K, Ishiguro N.
Hum Pathol. Vol. 84 page: 155-163 2019.2
Wave Change of Intraoperative Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potentials During Corrective Fusion for Syndromic and Neuromuscular Scoliosis. Reviewed
Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). Vol. 16 ( 10 ) page: 53-58 2019.1
Clinical Benefit of Preoperative Exercise and Nutritional Therapy for Patients Undergoing Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgeries for Malignancy. Reviewed
Nakajima H, Yokoyama Y, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Mizuno Y, Kadono I, Nishiwaki K, Nishida Y, Nagino M.
Ann Surg Oncol. Vol. 26 ( 10 ) page: 264-272 2019.1
西田 佳弘
整形・災害外科 Vol. 62 ( 1 ) page: 1 2019.1
Post-operative regression of retro-odontoid pseudotumors treated with and without fusion. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Eur Spine J. Vol. 27 ( 12 ) page: 3105-3112 2018.12
画像診断と病理 骨芽細胞腫
駒田 智大, 岩野 信吾, 長縄 慎二, 新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 下山 芳江
画像診断 Vol. 39 ( 1 ) page: 4-5 2018.12
西田 佳弘
Clinician クリニシアン Vol. 65 ( 669 ) page: 1041-1047 2018.12
Feasibility and effects of a self-assembling peptide as a scaffold in bone healing: An in vivo study in rabbit lumbar posterolateral fusion and tibial intramedullary models. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nishida K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
J Orthop Res. Vol. 36 ( 12 ) page: 3285-3293 2018.12
Postoperative Complications Associated With Spine Surgery in Patients Older Than 90 Years: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Sato K, Kato F, Kanemura T, Yoshihara H, Sakai Y, Shinjo R, Hachiya Y, Osawa Y, Matsubara Y, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Global Spine J. Vol. 8 ( 8 ) page: 887-891 2018.12
画像診断と病理 骨芽細胞腫
駒田 智大, 岩野 信吾, 長縄 慎二, 新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 下山 芳江
画像診断 Vol. 39 ( 1 ) page: 4-5 2018.12
Successful treatment of a recurrent chest wall desmoid tumor with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Reviewed
Kaiho T, Nakajima T, Nishida Y, Yoshino I.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. ( 18 ) page: 32881-2 2018.11
Serum cystatin C level is associated with locomotive syndrome risk and can be an early predictor in community-living people: The Yakumo study. Reviewed
Tanaka S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Machino M, Ota K, Seki T, Suzuki K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y, Imagama S
Modern rheumatology Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 1035-1040 2018.11
Atypical vertebral column fracture at the middle of fused area after instrumented posterior decompression and fusion surgery for beak type thoracic ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Reviewed
Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
J Orthop Sci. Vol. 23 ( 6 ) page: 1100-1104 2018.11
Impact of variation in physical activity after total joint replacement. Reviewed
Hayashi K, Kako M, Suzuki K, Takagi Y, Terai C, Yasuda S, Kadono I, Seki T, Hiraiwa H, Ushida T, Nishida Y.
J Pain Res. Vol. 11 page: 2399-2406 2018.10
Carbon ion radiotherapy for unresectable localized axial soft tissue sarcoma. Reviewed
Imai R, Kamada T, Araki N; and the Working Group for Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas.
Cancer Med. Vol. 7 ( 9 ) page: 4308-4314 2018.9
What Is the Success of Repeat Surgical Treatment of a Local Recurrence After Initial Wide Resection of Soft Tissue Sarcomas? Reviewed
Sugiura H, Tsukushi S, Yoshida M, Nishida Y.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Vol. 476 ( 9 ) page: 1791-1800 2018.9
菱田 愛加, 門野 泉, 岡田 貴士, 今釜 史郎, 西田 佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 61 ( 5 ) page: 963-964 2018.9
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 松下 雅樹, 門野 泉, 長田 侃, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 27 ( 1 ) page: 105-109 2018.9
菱田 愛加, 門野 泉, 岡田 貴士, 今釜 史郎, 西田 佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 61 ( 5 ) page: 963-964 2018.9
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 松下 雅樹, 門野 泉, 長田 侃, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 27 ( 1 ) page: 105-109 2018.9
Clinical outcome of primary giant cell tumor of bone after curettage with or without perioperative denosumab in Japan: from a questionnaire for JCOG 1610 study. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Yonemoto T, Matsumoto S, Takagi T, Asanuma K, Watanuki M, Takemoto A, Naka N, Matsumoto Y, Kawai A, Kunisada T, Kubo T, Emori M, Hiraga H, Hatano H, Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Akisue T, Morii T, Takahashi M, Nagano A, Yoshikawa H, Sato K, Kawano M, Hiraoka K, Tanaka K, Iwamoto Y, Ozaki T.
World J Surg Oncol. Vol. 16 ( 1 ) page: 160 2018.8
Post-operative delayed ambulation after thymectomy is associated withpre-operative six-minute walk distance.
Hayashi K, Fukumoto K, Yokoi K, Nagaya M, Inoue T, Ito S, Nakajima H, Hattori K, Kadono I, Nishida Y
Disability and rehabilitation Vol. 40 ( 16 ) page: 1900-1905. 2018.8
Epidemiological trends in spine surgery over 10 years in a multicenter database. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S.
Eur Spine J. Vol. 27 ( 8 ) page: 1698-1703 2018.8
Reoperation within 2 years after lumbar interbody fusion: a multicenter study. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Ando K, Kato F, Kanemura T, Sato K, Hachiya Y, Matsubara Y, Kamiya M, Sakai Y, Yagi H, Shinjo R, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S.
Eur Spine J. Vol. 27 ( 8 ) page: 1972-1980 2018.8
Preoperative 6-Minute Walk Distance Is Associated With Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction. Reviewed
Hayashi K, Oshima H, Shimizu M, Kobayashi K, Matsui S, Nishida Y, Usui A.
Ann Thorac Surg. Vol. 106 ( 2 ) page: 505-512 2018.8
<Editors' Choice> Effect of postoperative doxorubicin administration on ischemic wound healing. Reviewed
Morishita T, Toriyama K, Takanari K, Yagi S, Ebisawa K, Hishida M, Narita Y, Osaga S, Nishida Y, Kamei Y.
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 80 ( 3 ) page: 357-366 2018.8
Surgical intervention for a pediatric isolated intramedullary spinal aneurysm. Reviewed
Morozumi M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Eur Spine J. Vol. 27 ( Suppl 3 ) page: 342-346. 2018.7
Surgical outcomes of spinal cord and cauda equina ependymoma: Postoperative motor status and recurrence for each WHO grade in a multicenter study. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Ando K, Kato F, Kanemura T, Sato K, Kamiya M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S.
J Orthop Sci. Vol. 23 ( 4 ) page: 614-621 2018.7
生田国大, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 浦川浩, 新井英介, 濵田俊介, 大田剛広, 石黒直樹
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 34 2018.7
生田国大, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 浦川浩, 新井英介, 濵田俊介, 大田剛広, 石黒直樹
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 34 2018.7
The Feature of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes in Elderly Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Prospective Cohort Study on 1025 Patients. Reviewed
Machino M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Ito K, Kato F, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Spine. Vol. 43 ( 12 ) page: 817-823 2018.6
Suppression of hyaluronan synthesis attenuates the tumorigenicity of low grade chondrosarcoma. Reviewed
Hamada S, Nishida Y, Zhuo L, Shinomura T, Ikuta K, Arai E, Koike H, Kimata K, Ushida T, Ishiguro N.
J Orthop Res. Vol. 36 ( 6 ) page: 1573-1580 2018.6
Predictors of complications in heat-treated autograft reconstruction after intercalary resection for malignant musculoskeletal tumors of the extremity. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Sugiura H, Tsukushi S, Yamada K, Urakawa H, Arai E, Hamada S, Ishiguro N.
J Surg Oncol. Vol. 117 ( 7 ) page: 1469-1478 2018.6
Perioperative Management of Patients with Hemophilia during Spinal Surgery. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ando K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Asian Spine J. Vol. 12 ( 3 ) page: 442-445 2018.6
Efficacy of Conical Laminoplasty After Thoracic Laminectomy. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Clinical spine surgery Vol. 31 ( 4 ) page: 156-161 2018.5
Self-efficacy is an independent predictor for postoperative six-minute walk distance after elective open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm Reviewed
Hayashi Kazuhiro, Kobayashi Kiyonori, Shimizu Miho, Tsuchikawa Yohei, Kodama Akio, Komori Kimihiro, Nishida Yoshihiro
Disability and rehabilitation Vol. 40 ( 10 ) page: 1114-1118 2018.5
Long-term functional outcome of tibial osteomyelitis reconstruction with free tissue transfer. Reviewed
Takanari K, Toriyama K, Kambe M, Nakamura R, Nakamura Y, Sato H, Ebisawa K, Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Kamei Y
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS Vol. 71 ( 5 ) page: 758-760 2018.5
Analysis of the Infiltrative Features of Chordoma: The Relationship Between Micro-Skip Metastasis and Postoperative Outcomes Reviewed
Akiyama Toru, Ogura Koichi, Gokita Tabu, Tsukushi Satoshi, Iwata Shintaro, Nakamura Tomoki, Matsumine Akihiko, Yonemoto Tsukasa, Nishida Yoshihiro, Saita Kazuo, Kawai Akira, Matsumoto Seiichi, Yamaguchi Takehiko
ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY Vol. 25 ( 4 ) page: 912-919 2018.4
Osteogenic differentiation in dedifferentiated liposarcoma: a study of 36 cases in comparison to the cases without ossification Reviewed
Yamashita Kyoko, Kohashi Kenichi, Yamada Yuichi, Ishii Takeaki, Nishida Yoshihiro, Urakawa Hiroshi, Ito Ichiro, Takahashi Mitsuru, Inoue Takeshi, Ito Masafumi, Ohara Yuuki, Oda Yoshinao, Toyokuni Shinya
HISTOPATHOLOGY Vol. 72 ( 5 ) page: 729-738 2018.4
【運動器画像診療の最前線】部位別・疾患別画像診療の最前線 軟部腫瘍の画像診療
生田 国大, 西田 佳弘
関節外科 Vol. 37 page: 144-152 2018.4
Post-operative regression of retro-odontoid pseudotumors treated with and without fusion. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society 2018.3
Surgical outcomes of spinal cord and cauda equina ependymoma: Postoperative motor status and recurrence for each WHO grade in a multicenter study. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Ando K, Kato F, Kanemura T, Sato K, Kamiya M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S
Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 2018.3
Wave Change of Intraoperative Transcranial Motor-Evoked Potentials During Corrective Fusion for Syndromic and Neuromuscular Scoliosis. Reviewed
Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Imagama S
Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.) 2018.3
Single metastasis of myxoid liposarcoma from the thigh to thyroid gland: a case report Reviewed
Urakawa Hiroshi, Nakanishi Kenichi, Arai Eisuke, Ikuta Kunihiro, Hamada Shunsuke, Ota Takehiro, Ishiguro Naoki, Nishida Yoshihiro
WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY Vol. 16 ( 1 ) page: 71 2018.3
Image Diagnostic Classification of Magnetic Resonance T2 Increased Signal Intensity in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Clinical Evaluation Using Quantitative and Objective Assessment. Reviewed
Machino M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Ito K, Kato F, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Spine Vol. 43 ( 6 ) page: 420-426 2018.3
Predictors of complications in heat-treated autograft reconstruction after intercalary resection for malignant musculoskeletal tumors of the extremity. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Nishida Y, Sugiura H, Tsukushi S, Yamada K, Urakawa H, Arai E, Hamada S, Ishiguro N
Journal of surgical oncology 2018.3
Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis misdiagnosed as tenosynovial giant cell tumour Reviewed
Nishida Yoshihiro, Asai Shuji, Arai Eisuke
RHEUMATOLOGY Vol. 57 ( 3 ) page: 461-461 2018.3
Sarcopenia and physical function are associated with inflammation and arteriosclerosis in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study Reviewed
Hida Tetsuro, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Muramoto Akio, Ito Kenyu, Ishikawa Yoshimoto, Tsushima Mikito, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki, Hasegawa Yukiharu
Modern rheumatology Vol. 28 ( 2 ) page: 345-350 2018.3
水野 陽太, 井上 貴行, 高木 優衣, 服部 慶子, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘, 小倉 靖弘, 永谷 元基, 伊藤 理
国立大学リハビリテーション療法士学術大会誌39回 Vol. - ( - ) page: 122-126 2018.3
富田 紗依子, 吉田 彬人, 新井 英介, 安田 尚太郎, 西川 貴久子, 松井 泰行, 杉浦 英志, 西田 佳弘
国立大学リハビリテーション療法士学術大会誌39回 Vol. - ( - ) page: 30-35 2018.3
富田 紗依子, 吉田 彬人, 新井 英介, 安田 尚太郎, 西川 貴久子, 松井 泰行, 杉浦 英志, 西田 佳弘
国立大学リハビリテーション療法士学術大会誌39回 Vol. - ( - ) page: 30-35 2018.3
水野 陽太, 井上 貴行, 高木 優衣, 服部 慶子, 門野 泉, 西田 佳弘, 小倉 靖弘, 永谷 元基, 伊藤 理
国立大学リハビリテーション療法士学術大会誌39回 Vol. - ( - ) page: 122-126 2018.3
Epidemiological trends in spine surgery over 10 years in a multicenter database. Reviewed
Reoperation within 2 years after lumbar interbody fusion: a multicenter study. Reviewed
Preoperative six-minute walk distance is associated with pneumonia after lung resection Reviewed
Hattori Keiko, Matsuda Toshiaki, Takagi Yui, Nagaya Motoki, Inoue Takayuki, Nishida Yoshihiro, Hasegawa Yoshinori, Kawaguchi Koji, Fukui Takayuki, Ozeki Naoki, Yokoi Kohei, Ito Satoru
Surgical outcomes of decompressive laminoplasty with spinous process osteotomy to treat lumbar spinal stenosis
Kanbara Shunsuke, Urasaki Testuya, Tomita Hiroyuki, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Morozumi Masayoshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Ota Kyotaro, Machino Masaaki, Ito Sadayuki, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki, Imagama Shiro
NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 80 ( 1 ) page: 1-9 2018.2
A genome-wide association study in the Japanese population identifies the 12q24 locus for habitual coffee consumption: The J-MICC Study Reviewed
Nakagawa-Senda Hiroko, Hachiya Tsuyoshi, Shimizu Atsushi, Hosono Satoyo, Oze Isao, Watanabe Miki, Matsuo Keitaro, Ito Hidemi, Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Endoh Kaori, Kuriki Kiyonori, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Arisawa Kokichi, Nindita Yora, Ibusuki Rie, Suzuki Sadao, Hosono Akihiro, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Takashima Naoyuki, Nakamura Yasuyuki, Kuriyama Nagato, Ozaki Etsuko, Furusyo Norihiro, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Nakatochi Masahiro, Sasakabe Tae, Kawai Sayo, Okada Rieko, Hishida Asahi, Naito Mariko, Wakai Kenji, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Tanaka Hideo
Effects of a self-assembling peptide as a scaffold on bone formation in a defect Reviewed
Ando Kei, Imagama Shiro, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Morozumi Masayoshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Machino Masaaki, Ota Kyotaro, Nishida Koji, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
PLOS ONE Vol. 13 ( 1 ) page: e0190833 2018.1
Factors for a Good Surgical Outcome in Posterior Decompression and Dekyphotic Corrective Fusion with Instrumentation for Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: Prospective Single-Center Study. Reviewed
Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nakashima H, Nishida Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N
Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.) Vol. 13 ( 6 ) page: 661-669 2017.12
Analysis of falls that caused serious events in hospitalized patients Reviewed
Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Inagaki Yuko, Suzuki Yusuke, Nishida Yoshihiro, Nagao Yoshimasa, Ishiguro Naoki
GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL Vol. 17 ( 12 ) page: 2403-2406 2017.12
Efficacy of Early Fusion With Local Bone Graft and Platelet-Rich Plasma in Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery Followed Over 10 Years. Reviewed
Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ishikawa Y, Nakamura H, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Machino M, Ota K, Nakashima H, Takamatsu J, Matsushita T, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Matsuyama Y
Global spine journal Vol. 7 ( 8 ) page: 749-755 2017.12
Suppression of hyaluronan synthesis attenuates the tumorigenicity of low-grade chondrosarcoma. Reviewed
Hamada S, Nishida Y, Zhuo L, Shinomura T, Ikuta K, Arai E, Koike H, Kimata K, Ushida T, Ishiguro N
Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2017.11
Acute non-traumatic idiopathic spinal subdural hematoma: radiographic findings and surgical results with a literature review Reviewed
Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL Vol. 26 ( 11 ) page: 2739-2743 2017.11
Independent association of joint space narrowing, cyst formation and health-related quality of life of patients with hip osteoarthritis in Japan Reviewed
Takegami Yasuhiko, Seki Taisuke, Higuchi Yoshitoshi, Komatsu Daigo, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE Vol. 22 ( 6 ) page: 1096-1101 2017.11
Intrawound Vancomycin powder as the prophylaxis of surgical site infection after invasive spine surgery with a high risk of infection Reviewed
Hida Tetsuro, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Morozumi Masayoshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Machino Masaaki, Ota Kyotaro, Kanbara Shunsuke, Ito Sadayuki, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki, Imagama Shiro
NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 79 ( 4 ) page: 545-550 2017.11
The Feature of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes in Elderly Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Prospective Cohort Study on 1025 Patients. Reviewed
Machino M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Ito K, Kato F, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Spine 2017.10
Intravenous immunoglobulin for maintenance treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a multicentre, open-label, 52-week phase III trial Reviewed
Kuwabara Satoshi, Mori Masahiro, Misawa Sonoko, Suzuki Miki, Nishiyama Kazutoshi, Mutoh Tatsuro, Doi Shizuki, Kokubun Norito, Kamijo Mikiko, Yoshikawa Hiroo, Abe Koji, Nishida Yoshihiko, Okada Kazumasa, Sekiguchi Kenji, Sakamoto Ko, Kusunoki Susumu, Sobue Gen, Kaji Ryuji
Factors associated with the decision of operative procedure for proximal femoral bone metastasis: Questionnaire survey to institutions participating the Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Study Group of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group Reviewed
Araki Nobuhito, Chuman Hirokazu, Matsunobu Tomoya, Tanaka Kazuhiro, Katagiri Hirohisa, Kunisada Toshiyuki, Hiruma Toru, Hiraga Hiroaki, Morioka Hideo, Hatano Hiroshi, Asanuma Kunihiro, Nishida Yoshihiro, Hiraoka Koji, Okamoto Takeshi, Abe Satoshi, Watanuki Munenori, Morii Takeshi, Sugiura Hideshi, Yoshida Yukihiro, Ohno Takatoshi, Outani Hidetatsu, Yokoyama Koichiro, Shimose Shoji, Fukuda Haruhiko, Iwamoto Yukihide
JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE Vol. 22 ( 5 ) page: 938-945 2017.9
Macronutrient intakes and serum oestrogen, and interaction with polymorphisms in CYP19A1 and HSD17B1 genes: a cross-sectional study in postmenopausal Japanese women Reviewed
Takagi Sahoko, Naito Mariko, Kawai Sayo, Okada Rieko, Nagata Chisato, Hosono Satoyo, Nishida Yuichiro, Takashima Naoyuki, Suzuki Sadao, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Mikami Haruo, Uemura Hirokazu, Kuriyama Nagato, Ohnaka Keizo, Kubo Michiaki, Hamajima Nobuyuki, Tanaka Hideo, Wakai Kenji
BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION Vol. 118 ( 6 ) page: 463-472 2017.9
新井 英介, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 小澤 英史, 二村 尚久, 西田 佳弘
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 95-97 2017.9
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 松下 雅樹, 門野 泉, 杉浦 洋, 北村 暁子, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 120-124 2017.9
小澤 英史, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 生田 国大, 濱田 俊介, 西田 佳弘, 佐藤 啓, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 28 page: 7-8 2017.9
生田 国大, 小澤 英史, 浦川 浩, 濱田 俊介, 西田 佳弘, 露木 悠太, 佐藤 啓, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男
生田 国大, 小澤 英史, 浦川 浩, 濱田 俊介, 西田 佳弘, 露木 悠太, 佐藤 啓, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男 Vol. 28 page: 23-24 2017.9
濱田 俊介, 浦川 浩, 小澤 英史, 生田 国大, 西田 佳弘, 露木 悠太, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 28 page: 31-32 2017.9
濱田 俊介, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 生田 国大, 西田 佳弘, 島田 聡子, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 28 page: 43-44 2017.9
筑紫 聡, 西田 佳弘, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 5-7 2017.9
新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 30-32 2017.9
小澤 英史, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 46-49 2017.9
新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 小澤 英史, 二村 尚久
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 61-63 2017.9
浦川 浩, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 小澤 英史, 新井 英介, 二村 尚久
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 72-75 2017.9
新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 30-32 2017.9
小澤 英史, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 46-49 2017.9
浦川 浩, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 小澤 英史, 新井 英介, 二村 尚久
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 72-75 2017.9
小澤 英史, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 生田 国大, 濱田 俊介, 西田 佳弘, 佐藤 啓, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 28 page: 7-8 2017.9
新井 英介, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 小澤 英史, 二村 尚久
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 5 page: 61-63 2017.9
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 松下 雅樹, 門野 泉, 杉浦 洋, 北村 暁子, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 120-124 2017.9
濱田 俊介, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 生田 国大, 西田 佳弘, 島田 聡子, 下山 芳江, 中村 栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 28 page: 43-44 2017.9
Immunohistochemical staining with non-phospho beta-catenin as a diagnostic and prognostic tool of COX-2 inhibitor therapy for patients with extra-peritoneal desmoid-type fibromatosis Reviewed
Sakai Tomohisa, Nishida Yoshihiro, Hamada Shunsuke, Koike Hiroshi, Ikuta Kunihiro, Ota Takehiro, Ishiguro Naoki
DIAGNOSTIC PATHOLOGY Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 66 2017.8
Clinical and Radiographical Differences Between Thoracic Idiopathic Spinal Cord Herniation and Spinal Arachnoid Cyst Reviewed
Nakashima Hiroaki, Imagama Shiro, Yagi Hideki, Kato Fumihiko, Kanemura Tokumi, Sato Koji, Kawakami Noriaki, Kamiya Mitsuhiro, Yoshihara Hisatake, Ito Kenyu, Matsuyama Yukihiro, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
SPINE Vol. 42 ( 16 ) page: E963-E968 2017.8
Conditional knockdown of hyaluronidase 2 in articular cartilage stimulates osteoarthritic progression in a mice model. Reviewed
Higuchi Y, Nishida Y, Kozawa E, Zhuo L, Arai E, Hamada S, Morita D, Ikuta K, Kimata K, Ushida T, Ishiguro N.
Sci Rep. Vol. 7 ( 1 ) page: 7028 2017.8
Analysis of Incident and Accident Reports and Risk Management in Spine Surgery Reviewed
Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Hida Tetsuro, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Ishikawa Yoshimoto, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Morozumi Masayoshi, Nishida Yoshihiro, Nagao Yoshimasa, Ishiguro Naoki
SPINE Vol. 42 ( 15 ) page: 1184-1188 2017.8
Incidence and characteristics of accidental falls in hospitalizations Reviewed
Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Imagama Shiro, Inagaki Yuko, Suzuki Yusuke, Ando Kei, Nishida Yoshihiro, Nagao Yoshimasa, Ishiguro Naoki
NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 79 ( 3 ) page: 291-298 2017.8
The poor quality and reliability of information on periacetabular osteotomy on the internet in Japan Reviewed
Takegami Yasuhiko, Seki Taisuke, Amano Takafumi, Higuchi Yoshitoshi, Komatsu Daigo, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 79 ( 3 ) page: 375-385 2017.8
Risk Factors for Ineffectiveness of Posterior Decompression and Dekyphotic Corrective Fusion with Instrumentation for Beak-Type Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: A Single Institute Study (vol 80, pg 800, 2017) Reviewed
Ando Kei, Ito Zenya, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Hida Tetsuro, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Ishikawa Yoshimoto, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Morozumi Masayoshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Machino Masaaki, Ota Kyotaro, Nakashima Hiroaki, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
NEUROSURGERY Vol. 81 ( 2 ) page: 403-403 2017.8
大腿骨遠位骨肉腫に対する加温処理骨と血管柄付き腓骨再建後の移植腓骨の骨癒合とサイズの変化 Reviewed
中村 優, 高成 啓介, 蛯沢 克己, 神戸 未来, 中村 亮太, 亀井 譲, 生田 国大, 西田 佳弘
日本形成外科学会会誌 Vol. 37 ( 8 ) page: 473 - 473 2017.8
Collaboration with an infection control team for patients with infection after spine surgery. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Kato D, Ando K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Morozumi M, Tanaka S, Yagi T, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Am J Infect Control. Vol. 45 ( 7 ) page: 767-770 2017.7
Heat-stimuli-enhanced osteogenesis using clinically available biomaterials. Reviewed
Ota T, Nishida Y, Ikuta K, Kato R, Kozawa E, Hamada S, Sakai T, Ishiguro N.
PLoS One. Vol. 12 ( 7 ) page: e0181404 2017.7
Early radiographic risk factors for rigid relapse in idiopathic clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method.
Mishima K, Kitoh H, Matsushita M, Sugiura H, Hasegawa S, Kitamura A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons 2017.6
Characteristics of Residual Symptoms following Laminoplasty in Diabetic Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Prospective Cohort Study. Reviewed
Machino M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Tanaka S, Morozumi M, Ito K, Kato F, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N
Spine. Vol. 42 ( 12 ) page: E708-715 2017.6
Characteristics of Residual Symptoms After Laminoplasty in Diabetic Patients With Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
Machino Masaaki, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Hida Tetsuro, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Tanaka Satoshi, Morozumi Masayoshi, Ito Keigo, Kato Fumihiko, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
SPINE Vol. 42 ( 12 ) page: E708-E715 2017.6
Analysis of Factors for Predicting Survival in Soft-tissue Sarcoma with Metastatic Disease at Initial Presentation. Reviewed
Nakamura T, Katagiri H, Shido Y, Hamada S, Yamada K, Nagano A, Yamada S, Tsukushi S, Ishimura D, Matsumine A, Sudo A, Nishida Y.
Anticancer Res. Vol. 37 ( 6 ) page: 3137-3141 2017.6
安田 尚太郎, 中島 裕貴, 福井 高幸, 井上 貴行, 服部 慶子, 林 和寛, 寺井 千晶, 麻生 裕紀, 伊藤 理, 横井 香平, 西田 佳弘, 永谷 元基
愛知県理学療法学会誌 Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 41-47 2017.6
安田 尚太郎, 中島 裕貴, 福井 高幸, 井上 貴行, 服部 慶子, 林 和寛, 寺井 千晶, 麻生 裕紀, 伊藤 理, 横井 香平, 西田 佳弘, 永谷 元基
愛知県理学療法学会誌 Vol. 29 ( 1 ) page: 41-47 2017.6
Aggressive osteoblastoma of the cervical spine involving the canal and vertebral artery: a case report. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Kobayashi K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Eur Spine J. page: 111-116 2017.5
Primary extraskeletal osteosarcoma: a clinicopathological study of 18 cases focusing on MDM2 amplification status.
Yamashita K, Kohashi K, Yamada Y, Nishida Y, Urakawa H, Oda Y, Toyokuni S
Human pathology Vol. 63 page: 63-69 2017.5
Risk Factors for Ineffectiveness of Posterior Decompression and Dekyphotic Corrective Fusion with Instrumentation for Beak-Type Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: A Single Institute Study
Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Ito Zenya, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Hida Tetsuro, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Ishikawa Yoshimoto, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Morozumi Masayoshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Machino Masaaki, Ota Kyotaro, Nakashima Hiroaki, Wakao Norimitsu, Nishida Yoshihiro, Matsuyama Yukihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
NEUROSURGERY Vol. 80 ( 5 ) page: 800-808 2017.5
Associations among pain catastrophizing, muscle strength, and physical performance after total knee and hip arthroplasty. Reviewed
Hayashi K, Kako M, Suzuki K, Hattori K, Fukuyasu S, Sato K, Kadono I, Sakai T, Hasegawa Y, Nishida Y.
World J Orthop. Vol. 8 ( 4 ) page: 336-341 2017.4
Prospective Comparison of Age- and Sex-Related Differences in Quantifiable 10-S Grip and Release and 10-S Step Test Results for Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy in 454 Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and 818 Asymptomatic Subjects. Reviewed
Machino M, Imagama S, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Tanaka S, Morozumi M, Ito K, Kato F, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Spine. Vol. 42 ( 8 ) page: 578-585 2017.4
Comparative Study of Surgical Treatment and Nonsurgical Follow Up for Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: Radiological and Clinical Evaluation. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Spine. Vol. 42 ( 6 ) page: 407-410 2017.3
Discrimination between spinal extradural meningioma and both intra and extradural meningioma: Case Report
Ito Kenyu, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Hida Tetsuro, Tsushima Mikito, Matsumoto Akiyuki, Morozumi Masayoshi, Tanaka Satoshi, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 79 ( 1 ) page: 115-121 2017.2
Preoperative 6-minute walk distance accurately predicts postoperative complications after operations for hepato-pancreato-biliary cancer
Hayashi Kazuhiro, Yokoyama Yukihiro, Nakajima Hiroki, Nagino Masato, Inoue Takayuki, Nagaya Motoki, Hattori Keiko, Kadono Izumi, Ito Satoru, Nishida Yoshihiro
SURGERY Vol. 161 ( 2 ) page: 525-532 2017.2
Intraspinal meningioma with malignant transformation and distant metastasis
Ito Kenyu, Imagama Shiro, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Shido Yoji, Yoshida Go, Arima Hideyuki, Kanbara Shunsuke, Hirose Takanori, Matsuyama Yukihiro, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol. 79 ( 1 ) page: 97-102 2017.2
MRI Signal Intensity Classification in Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament -Predictor Of Surgical Outcomes. Reviewed
Ito K, Imagama S, Ito K, Ito Z, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Machino M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Kato F.
Spine. Vol. 42 ( 2 ) page: E98-E103 2017.1
Antitumor effects of 4-methylumbelliferone, a hyaluronan synthesis inhibitor, on malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Ota T, Zhuo L, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Hamada S, Kimata K, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Int J Cancer. Vol. 140 ( 2 ) page: 469-479 2017.1
Transcranial motor evoked potential waveform changes in corrective fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Reviewed
Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
J Neurosurg Pediatr. Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 108-115 2017.1
Phase II study of the effectiveness and safety of trastuzumab and paclitaxel for taxane- and trastuzumab-naive patients with HER2-positive, previously treated, advanced, or recurrent gastric cancer (JFMC45-1102)
Nishikawa Kazuhiro, Takahashi Tsunehiro, Takaishi Hiromasa, Miki Akira, Noshiro Hirokazu, Yoshikawa Takaki, Nishida Yasunori, Iwasa Satoru, Miwa Hiroto, Masuishi Toshiki, Boku Narikazu, Yamada Yasuhide, Kodera Yasuhiro, Yoshida Kazuhiro, Morita Satoshi, Sakamoto Junichi, Saji Shigetoyo, Kitagawa Yuko
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER Vol. 140 ( 1 ) page: 188-196 2017.1
Combination Treatment of Perioperative Rehabilitation and Psychoeducation Undergoing Thoracic Surgery. Reviewed
Hayashi K, Inoue T, Nagaya M, Ito S, Nakajima H, Hattori K, Kadono I, Yokoi K, Nishida Y.
Case Rep Med. 2017
Modelling of Compressive Hydraulic Fluid in Cylinders Considering Potential Energy, State Equation and Energy Loss
Takasuga Kazuki, Asai Toru, Nishida Yoshiharu, Tsutsui Akira, Yamada Takashi
Staged decrease of physical ability on the locomotive syndrome risk test is related to neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, shoulder complaints, and quality of life in middle-aged and elderly people - The utility of the locomotive syndrome risk test
Imagama Shiro, Hasegawa Yukiharu, Ando Kei, Kobayashi Kazuyoshi, Hida Tetsuro, Ito Kenyu, Tsushima Mikito, Nishida Yoshihiro, Ishiguro Naoki
MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY Vol. 27 ( 6 ) page: 1051-1056 2017
Feasibility and efficacy of gemcitabine and docetaxel combination chemotherapy for bone and soft tissue sarcomas: multi-institutional retrospective analysis of 134 patients. Reviewed
Tanaka K, Joyama S, Chuman H, Hiraga H, Morioka H, Yoshikawa H, Hosaka M, Takahashi M, Kubo T, Hatano H, Kaya M, Toguchida J, Nishida Y, Nagano A, Tsumura H, Iwamoto Y.
World J Surg Oncol. Vol. 14 ( 1 ) page: 306 2016.12
Impact of disease free status on prognosis in metastatic non-small round cell soft tissue sarcomas. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Ikuta K, Hamada S, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Clin Exp Metastasis. Vol. 33 ( 8 ) page: 799-807 2016.12
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 松下 雅樹, 門野 泉, 杉浦 洋, 長谷川 幸, 北村 暁子, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 25 ( 2 ) page: 251-254 2016.12
Resection of Beak-Type Thoracic Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament from a Posterior Approach under Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring for Paralysis after Posterior Decompression and Fusion Surgery. Reviewed
Imagama S, Ando K, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, Tanaka S, Morozumi M, Machino M, Ota K, Nakashima H, Wakao N, Nishida Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
Global Spine J. Vol. 6 ( 8 ) page: 812-821 2016.12
Changes in Muscle Strength and Six-Minute Walk Distance Before and After Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Reviewed
Mizuno Y, Ito S, Hattori K, Nagaya M, Inoue T, Nishida Y, Onishi Y, Kamei H, Kurata N, Hasegawa Y, Ogura Y.
Transplant Proc. Vol. 48 ( 10 ) page: 3348-3355 2016.12
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 松下 雅樹, 門野 泉, 杉浦 洋, 長谷川 幸, 北村 暁子, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 25 ( 2 ) page: 251-254 2016.12
Changes in exercise capacity, muscle strength, and health-related quality of life in esophageal cancer patients undergoing esophagectomy. Reviewed
Inoue T, Ito S, Ando M, Nagaya M, Aso H, Mizuno Y, Hattori K, Nakajima H, Nishida Y, Niwa Y, Kodera Y, Koike M, Hasegawa Y.
BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. Vol. 8 page: 34 2016.11
Short-range ultraviolet irradiation with LED device effectively increases serum levels of 25(OH)D. Reviewed
Morita D, Nishida Y, Higuchi Y, Seki T, Ikuta K, Asano H, Ishiguro N.
J Photochem Photobiol B. Vol. 164 page: 256-63 2016.11
Self-assembling Peptide Reduces Glial Scarring, Attenuates Posttraumatic Inflammation, and Promotes Neurite Outgrowth of Spinal Motor Neurons. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Nakashima H, Ito K, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Spine. Vol. 41 ( 2 ) page: e1201-7 2016.10
Analysis of cervical kyphosis and spinal balance in young idiopathic scoliosis patients classified by the apex of thoracic kyphosis. Reviewed
Ito K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Eur Spine J. Vol. 25 ( 10 ) page: 3220-25 2016.10
Desmin phosphorylation by Cdk1 is required for efficient separation of desmin intermediate filaments in mitosis and detected in murine embryonic/newborn muscle and human rhabdomyosarcoma tissues. Reviewed
Makihara H, Inaba H, Enomoto A, Tanaka H, Tomono Y, Ushida K, Goto M, Kurita K, Nishida Y, Kasahara K, Goto H, Inagaki M.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Vol. 478 ( 3 ) page: 1323-9 2016.9
Simple resection of truncal desmoid tumors: A case series. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Hamada S, Kozawa E, Ikuta K, Ishiguro N
Oncol Lett. Vol. 12 ( 2 ) page: 1564-68 2016.8
Low bone mineral density in achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia. Reviewed
Matsushita M, Kitoh H, Mishima K, Kadono I, Sugiura H, Hasegawa S, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Pediatr Int. Vol. 58 ( 8 ) page: 705-8 2016.8
Oncological outcome after lung metastasis in patients presenting with localized chondrosarcoma at extremities: Tokai Musculoskeletal Oncology Consortium study. Reviewed
Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Yamada S, Tsukushi S, Kawanami K, Ohno T, Katagiri H, Sugiura H, Yamada K, Yamada Y, Sudo A, Nishida Y
Onco Targets Ther. Vol. 9 page: 4747-51 2016.7
Clinical outcome of recurrent giant cell tumor of the extremity in the era before molecular target therapy: the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group study. Reviewed
Takeuchi A, Tsuchiya H, Ishii T, Nishida Y, Abe S, Matsumine A, Kawai A, Yoshimura K, Ueda T.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Vol. 17 page: 306 2016.7
The clinical outcome of pazopanib treatment in Japanese patients with relapsed soft tissue sarcoma: A Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) study. Reviewed
Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Kawai A, Araki N, Goto T, Yonemoto T, Sugiura H, Nishida Y, Hiraga H, Honoki K, Yasuda T, Boku S, Sudo A, Ueda T
Cancer. Vol. 122 ( 9 ) page: 1408-16 2016.5
Clinical Results and Complications of Lower Limb Lengthening for Fibular Hemimelia: A Report of Eight Cases. Reviewed
Mishima K, Kitoh H, Iwata K, Matsushita M, Nishida Y, Hattori T, Ishiguro N
Medicine (Baltimore). Vol. 95 ( 21 ) page: e3787 2016.5
Giant cell tumor of bone arising in long bones possibly originates from the metaphyseal region. Reviewed
Futamura N, Urakawa H, Tsukushi S, Arai E, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Oncol Lett. Vol. 11 ( 4 ) page: 2629-34 2016.4
生田 国大, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 小澤 英史, 濱田 俊介, 石黒 直樹, 西田 佳弘
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 7 ( 1 ) page: 60-63 2016.4
Gait Speeds Associated with Anxiety Responses to Pain in Osteoarthritis Patients. Reviewed
Hayashi K, Kako M, Suzuki K, Hattori K, Fukuyasu S, Sato K, Kadono I, Sakai T, Hasegawa Y, Nishida Y.
Pain Med. Vol. 17 ( 3 ) page: 606-13 2016.3
Characteristics of cultured desmoid cells with different CTNNB1 mutation status. Reviewed
Hamada S, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Arai E, Ikuta K, Sakai T, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Cancer Med. Vol. 5 ( 2 ) page: 352-60 2016.2
Predictive factors for a distal adjacent disorder with L3 as the lowest instrumented vertebra in Lenke 5C patients. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima A, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 59-66 2016.1
Predictive factors for a distal adjacent disorder with L3 as the lowest instrumented vertebra in Lenke 5C patients. Reviewed
Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima A, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. Vol. 26 ( 1 ) page: 59-66 2016.1
Association of Leukoaraiosis With Convalescent Rehabilitation Outcome in Patients With Ischemic Stroke. Reviewed
Senda J, Ito K, Kotake T, Kanamori M, Kishimoto H, Kadono I, Suzuki Y, Katsuno M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Sobue G
Stroke. Vol. 47 ( 1 ) page: 160-6 2016.1
Increased expression and activation of cathepsin K in human osteoarthritic cartilage and synovial tissues. Reviewed
Kozawa E, Cheng XW, Urakawa H, Arai E, Yamada Y, Kitamura S, Sato K, Kuzuya M, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
J Orthop Res. Vol. 34 ( 1 ) page: 127-34 2016.1
Combination of Continuous Epidural Block and Rehabilitation in a Case of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Reviewed
Hayashi K, Nishiwaki K, Kako M, Suzuki K, Hattori K, Sato K, Kadono I, Nishida Y.
J Nippon Med Sch. Vol. 83 ( 6 ) page: 262-267 2016
Low-dose chemotherapy with methotrexate and vinblastine for patients with desmoid tumors: relationship to CTNNB1 mutation status. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Hamada S, Kozawa E, Ikuta K, Ando Y, Ishiguro N.
Int J Clin Oncol. Vol. 20 ( 6 ) page: 1211-7 2015.12
Post-operative pulmonary and shoulder function after sternal reconstruction for patients with chest wall sarcomas. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Toriyama K, Kamei Y, Yokoi K, Ishiguro N.
Int J Clin Oncol. Vol. 20 ( 6 ) page: 1218-25 2015.12
三島 健一, 鬼頭 浩史, 門野 泉, 松下 雅樹, 杉浦 洋, 長谷川 幸, 北村 暁子, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
日本小児整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 24 ( 2 ) page: 242-245 2015.12
Development and external validation of nomograms predicting distant metastases and overall survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery for patients with nonmetastatic osteosarcoma: A multi-institutional study. Reviewed
Ogura K, Fujiwara T, Yasunaga H, Matsui H, Jeon DG, Cho WH, Hiraga H, Ishii T, Yonemoto T, Kamoda H, Ozaki T, Kozawa E, Nishida Y, Morioka H, Hiruma T, Kakunaga S, Ueda T, Tsuda Y, Kawano H, Kawai A
Cancer. Vol. 121 ( 21 ) page: 3844-52 2015.11
Objective tumor response to denosumab in patients with giant cell tumor of bone: a multicenter phase II trial. Reviewed
Ueda T, Morioka H, Nishida Y, Kakunaga S, Tsuchiya H, Matsumoto Y, Asami Y, Inoue T, Yoneda T.
Ann Oncol. Vol. 26 ( 10 ) page: 2149-2154 2015.10
Prediction of Clinically Significant Leg-Length Discrepancy in Congenital Disorders. Reviewed
Mishima K, Kitoh H, Kadono I, Matsushita M, Sugiura H, Hasegawa S, Kitamura A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Orthopedics. Vol. 38 ( 10 ) page: e919-24 2015.10
【整形外科領域における移植医療】 骨および軟骨に対する人工・生体材料、組織細胞移植の臨床成績 骨・軟部腫瘍への対応 骨・軟部腫瘍切除後の広範囲骨欠損に対する加温処理骨移植術 術後10年以上の長期成績
杉浦英志, 西田佳弘, 中島浩敦, 山田芳久, 山田健志, 中西啓介, 高橋満
別冊整形外科 ( 68 ) page: 182-186 2015.10
【整形外科領域における移植医療】 骨および軟骨に対する人工・生体材料、組織細胞移植の臨床成績 骨・軟部腫瘍への対応 良性骨腫瘍掻爬後の骨欠損に対するハイドロキシアパタイト配向連通多孔体の短期治療成績
大田剛広, 中島浩敦, 吉田雅博, 山田健志, 細野幸三, 西田佳弘
別冊整形外科 ( 68 ) page: 153-157 2015.10
Subchondral Fracture of the Femoral Head in a High School Badminton Player: A Case Report Reviewed
Urakawa H, Hasegawa Y, Tsukushi S, Seki T, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Curr Sports Med Rep. Vol. 14 ( 5 ) page: 386-8 2015.9
Inhibition of hyaluronan synthesis alters sulfated glycosaminoglycans deposition during chondrogenic differentiation in ATDC5 cells. Reviewed
Yoshioka Y, Kozawa E, Urakawa H, Arai E, Futamura N, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Histochem Cell Biol. Vol. 144 ( 2 ) page: 167-77. 2015.8
Expression of colony-stimulating factor 1 is associated with occurrence of osteochondral change in pigmented villonodular synovitis. Reviewed
Ota T, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Ikuta K, Hamada S, Tsukushi S, Shimoyama Y, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Tumour Biol. Vol. 36 ( 7 ) page: 5361-7. 2015.7
Secondary aneurysmal bone cyst in the distal humerus after resection of intra-articular nodular fasciitis of the elbow. Reviewed
Yamamoto M, Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Hirata H.
BMC Res Notes. Vol. 22 ( 8 ) page: 311. 2015.7
背部に発生し自然消退したinfantile hemangiopericytomaの1例
大田剛広, 筑紫聡, 浦川浩, 石黒直樹, 西田佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 58 ( 4 ) page: 729-730 2015.7
Association of short duration from initial symptoms to specialist consultation with poor survival in soft-tissue sarcomas. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Tsukushi S, Arai E, Kozawa E, Futamura N, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Am J Clin Oncol. Vol. 38 ( 3 ) page: 266-71. 2015.6
【放っておいてはいけない『しこり・こぶ・腫れ』】 軟部腫瘤診療における他科との連携
西田佳弘, 筑紫聡
Orthopaedics Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 7-12 2015.6
Surgical treatment for fibrous dysplasia of femoral neck with mild but prolonged symptoms: a case series. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Hosono K, Nakashima H, Yamada Y, Urakawa H, Ishiguro N.
J Orthop Surg Res. Vol. 10 page: 63 2015.5
Postoperative brain metastases in soft tissue sarcomas. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Tsukushi S, Kozawa E, Ikuta K, Hamada S, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Clin Exp Metastasis. Vol. 32 ( 4 ) page: 345-51. 2015.4
生田国大, 筑紫聡, 浦川浩, 小澤英史, 濵田俊介, 石黒直樹, 西田佳弘
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 68-71 2015.4
Aggressive surgical treatment with bony pelvic resection for locally recurrent rectal cancer. Reviewed
Uehara K, Ito Z, Yoshino Y, Arimoto A, Kato T, Nakamura H, Imagama S, Nishida Y, Nagino M.
Eur J Surg Oncol. Vol. 41 ( 3 ) page: 413-20. 2015.3
In vivo heat-stimulus-triggered osteogenesis. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Hamada S, Ota T, Kato R, Honda H, Kobayashi T, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Int J Hyperthermia. Vol. 31 ( 1 ) page: 58-66. 2015.2
安藤 圭, 今釜 史郎, 伊藤 全哉, 小林 和克, 八木 秀樹, 新城 龍一, 飛田 哲朗, 伊藤 研悠, 石川 喜資, 西田 佳弘, 石黒 直樹
Journal of Spine Research Vol. 6 ( 2 ) page: 161-165 2015.2
Solitary fibrous tumors in the extremities: imaging findings for six patients.
Hyodo R, Komada T, Takada A, Kawai H, Ito S, Nishida Y, Naganawa S.
Nagoya J Med Sci. Vol. 77 ( 1-2 ) page: 167-78. 2015.2
Non-rigid reconstruction of chest wall defects after resection of musculoskeletal tumors. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Sugiura H, Yamada Y, Kamei Y, Toriyama K, Ishiguro N.
Surg Today. Vol. 45 ( 2 ) page: 150-5. 2015.2
これは何でしょう?Q&A Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis(MRH;多中心性細網組織球症)
高橋伸典, 西田佳弘, 石黒直樹
Bone Joint Nerve Vol. 5 ( 1 ) page: 217-220 2015.1
Neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin and ifosfamide for bone sarcomas in adult and older patients.
Urakawa H, Tsukushi S, Sugiura H, Yamada K, Yamada Y, Kozawa E, Arai E, Futamura N, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Oncol Lett. Vol. 8 ( 6 ) page: 2485-2488 2014.12
A case of severe proximal focal femoral deficiency with overlapping phenotypes of Al-Awadi-Raas-Rothschild syndrome and Fuhrmann syndrome. Reviewed
Matsushita M, Kitoh H, Mishima K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Pediatr Radiol. Vol. 44 ( 12 ) page: 1617-9. 2014.12
生田国大, 筑紫聡, 小澤英史, 浦川浩, 石黒直樹, 西田佳弘
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 57 ( 6 ) page: 1249-1250 2014.11
【Free Flapと有茎皮弁の使い分け】 四肢悪性骨軟部腫瘍切除後の皮弁による再建術の経験 遊離皮弁の適応について
鳥山和宏, 八木俊路朗, 高成啓介, 筑紫聡, 西田佳弘, 亀井譲
創傷 Vol. 5 ( 4 ) page: 181-188 2014.10
【整形外科の手術手技-私はこうしている】 下肢 大腿骨 大腿骨近位骨巨細胞腫に対する前方アプローチによる掻爬および側方アプローチによる内固定術
中島浩敦, 吉田雅博, 新井英介, 山田健志, 西田佳弘
別冊整形外科 Vol. 66 page: 169-172 2014.10
鳥山和宏, 八木俊路朗, 高成啓介, 小野昌史, 筑紫聡, 西田佳弘, 亀井譲
創傷 Vol. 5 ( 4 ) page: 196E-202E 2014.10
Prognostic significance of histological invasion in high grade soft tissue sarcomas.
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N.
Springerplus. Vol. 3 page: 544 2014.9
Early and late fracture following extensive limb lengthening in patients with achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia.
Kitoh H, Mishima K, Matsushita M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Bone Joint J. Vol. 96-B ( 9 ) page: 1269-73 2014.9
Keratan sulfate expression is associated with activation of a subpopulation of microglia/macrophages in Wallerian degeneration.
Shinjo R, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Kadomatsu K.
Neurosci Lett. Vol. 579 page: 80-5 2014.9
切除縁評価法の問題点 軟部肉腫における広範切除術後の局所再発と切除縁についての検討
杉浦英志, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 中島浩敦, 山田健志, 山田芳久, 長谷川弘晃, 吉田雅博
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 88 ( 9 ) page: 575-581 2014.9
Residual tumor after unplanned excision reflects clinical aggressiveness for soft tissue sarcomas
Arai E, Sugiura H, Tsukushi S, Nakashima H, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y
Tumor Biology Vol. 35 ( 8 ) page: 8043-9 2014.8
Hyaluronan expression as a significant prognostic factor in patients with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Reviewed
Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Arai E, Zhuo L, Futamura N, Hamada S, Kimata K, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Clin Exp Metastasis. Vol. 31 ( 6 ) page: 715-25 2014.8
High incidence of regional and in-transit lymph node metastasis in patients with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Sugiura H, Nakashima H, Yamada Y, Ishiguro N.
Int J Clin Oncol. Vol. 19 ( 3 ) page: 536-43 2014.6
EMMPRIN co-expressed with matrix metalloproteinases predicts poor prognosis in patients with osteosarcoma.
Futamura N, Nishida Y, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Ikuta K, Hamada S, Ishiguro N.
Tumour Biol. Vol. 35 ( 6 ) page: 5159-5 2014.6
Clinical factors affecting pathological fracture and healing of unicameral bone cysts.
Urakawa H, Tsukushi S, Hosono K, Sugiura H, Yamada K, Yamada Y, Kozawa E, Arai E, Futamura N, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Vol. 15 page: 159 2014.5
Lower leg compartment syndrome in neurofibromatosis 1 patient with plexiform neurofibrom: a case report of aneurysm rupture.
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Arai E, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N.
Ann Vasc Surg. Vol. 28 ( 4 ) page: 1035.e5-9 2014.5
Nuclear expression of β-catenin predicts the efficacy of meloxicam treatment for patients with sporadic desmoid tumors.
Hamada S, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Futamura N, Ikuta K, Shimoyama Y, Nakamura S, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Tumour Biol. Vol. 35 ( 5 ) page: 4561-6 2014.5
CTNNB1 S45F mutation predicts poor efficacy of meloxicam treatment for desmoid tumors: a pilot study. Reviewed
Hamada S, Futamura N, Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
PLoS One. Vol. 9 ( 5 ) page: e96391. 2014.5
生田 国大, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 小澤 英史, 二村 尚久, 濱田 俊介, 石黒 直樹, 西田 佳弘
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 5 ( 1 ) page: 69-71 2014.4
Clinical outcomes of Kyocera Modular Limb Salvage system after resection of bone sarcoma of the distal part of the femur: the Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group study.
Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Uchida A, Kawai A, Nishida Y, Kunisada T, Araki N, Sugiura H, Tomita M, Yokouchi M, Ueda T, Sudo A.
Int Orthop. Vol. 38 ( 4 ) page: 825-30 2014.4
Multiple primary malignancies in elderly patients with high grade soft tissue sarcoma.
Kozawa E, Sugiura H, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Arai E, Futamura N, Nakashima H, Yamada Y, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Int J Clin Oncol. Vol. 19 ( 2 ) page: 384-90 2014.4
Equivalent cross-relaxation rate imaging positively correlates with pathological grade and cell density of adipocytic tumors.
Okuda H, Matsushima S, Sugiura H, Yamada K, Hamada S, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Magn Reson Imaging. Vol. 32 ( 3 ) page: 206-10 2014.4
良性腫瘍に対する最新の治療戦略 色素性絨毛結節性滑膜炎(PVNS)
西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 酒井 忠博, 石黒 直樹
臨床整形外科 Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 243-247 2014.3
Correlation between equivalent cross-relaxation rate and cellular density in soft tissue tumors.
Hamada S, Matsushima S, Sugiura H, Yamada K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Skeletal Radiol. Vol. 43 ( 2 ) page: 141-7 2014.2
Favorable outcome after complete resection in elderly soft tissue sarcoma patients: Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group study.
Yoneda Y, Kunisada T, Naka N, Nishida Y, Kawai A, Morii T, Takeda K, Hasei J, Yamakawa Y, Ozaki T; Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group.
Eur J Surg Oncol. Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 49-54 2014.1
Surgical procedures and prognostic factors for local recurrence of soft tissue sarcomas.
Sugiura H, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Yamada Y, Tsukushi S, Yamada K.
J Orthop Sci. Vol. 19 ( 1 ) page: 141-9 2014.1
Unilateral instrumented fixation for cervical dumbbell tumors.
Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
J Orthop Surg Res. Vol. 9 page: 2 2014.1
【小児整形外科疾患 診断・治療の進歩】 手術的治療の進歩 腫瘍性疾患 小児の色素性絨毛結節性滑膜炎の診断と治療
宮本 健太郎, 中島 浩敦, 吉田 雅博, 山田 健志, 西田 佳弘, 酒井 忠博
別冊整形外科 ( 64 ) page: 207-212 2013.10
西田 佳弘
リウマチ科 Vol. 50 ( 4 ) page: 501-506 2013.10
生田 国大, 筑紫 聡, 小澤 英史, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 二村 尚久, 濱田 俊介, 石黒 直樹, 西田 佳弘
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 4 ( 1 ) page: 78-81 2013.10
鳥山 和宏, 八木 俊路朗, 高成 啓介, 小野 昌史, 筑紫 聡, 西田 佳弘, 亀井 譲
創傷 Vol. 4 ( 4 ) page: 196-202 2013.10
筑紫 聡, 西田 佳弘, 和佐 潤志, 浦川 浩
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 4 page: 83-85 2013.7
紫藤 洋二, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 細野 幸三, 石黒 直樹
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 4 page: 13-15 2013.7
Neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1)に生じた大腿MPNSTの一例
紫藤 洋二, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 細野 幸三, 石黒 直樹
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 4 page: 23-26 2013.7
紫藤 洋二, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 和佐 潤志, 石黒 直樹
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 4 page: 39-42 2013.7
筑紫 聡, 西田 佳弘, 紫藤 洋二, 和佐 潤志
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 4 page: 51-53 2013.7
筑紫 聡, 西田 佳弘, 和佐 潤志, 浦川 浩
骨軟部腫瘍治療 Vol. 4 page: 63-65 2013.7
Hyaluronan synthesis inhibitor supplements the inhibitory effects of zoledronic acid on bone metastasis of lung cancer. Reviewed
Futamura N, Urakawa H, Arai E, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Clin Exp Metastasis. Vol. 30 ( 5 ) page: 595-606 2013.6
【外来で見逃さない軟部腫瘍】 軟部腫瘍診療におけるMRI検査の意義
西田 佳弘
関節外科 Vol. 32 ( 6 ) page: 637-643 2013.6
Suppression of hyaluronan synthesis alleviates inflammatory responses in murine arthritis and in human rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts. Reviewed
Yoshioka Y, Kozawa E, Urakawa H, Arai E, Futamura N, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
Arthritis Rheum. Vol. 65 ( 5 ) page: 1160-70 2013.5
Planned preservation surgery for soft tissue sarcomas adjacent to critical structures.
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Urakawa H, Arai E, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Vol. 133 ( 4 ) page: 481-6 2013.4
Osteosarcoma after bone marrow transplantation.
Ueki H, Maeda N, Sekimizu M, Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Horibe K.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Vol. 35 ( 2 ) page: 134-8 2013.3
Metastasis of osteosarcoma to stomach made clinically evident by hematemesis: a case report.
Urakawa H, Tsukushi S, Tsurudome I, Hirata A, Arai E, Kozawa E, Futamura N, Miyahara R, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
World J Surg Oncol. page: 11-48 2013.2
Midterm outcome of risedronate therapy for patients with Paget's disease of bone in the central part of Japan. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Tsukushi S, Sugiura H, Urakawa H, Ishiguro N.
Clin Rheumatol. 2013 Feb;32(2):241-5. Vol. 32 ( 2 ) page: 241-5 2013.2
鳥山 和宏, 八木 俊路朗, 高成 啓介, 小野 昌史, 筑紫 聡, 西田 佳弘, 亀井 譲
創傷 Vol. 4 ( 3 ) page: 196-202 2013
Evaluation of long-term outcomes of pasteurized autografts in limb salvage surgeries for bone and soft tissue sarcomas.
Sugiura H, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Yamada Y, Tsukushi S, Yamada K.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Vol. 132 ( 12 ) page: 1685-95 2012.12
Orthopaedic surgical technique 腫瘍 膝周辺の骨肉腫患肢温存手術(大腿骨遠位発生骨肉腫)
西田 佳弘
整形外科Surgical Technique Vol. 2 ( 6 ) page: 611-625 2012.12
Enhancement of malignant properties of human osteosarcoma cells with disialyl gangliosides GD2/GD3.
Shibuya H, Hamamura K, Hotta H, Matsumoto Y, Nishida Y, Hattori H, Furukawa K, Ueda M, Furukawa K.
Cancer Sci. Vol. 103 ( 9 ) page: 1656-64 2012.9
軟部肉腫の治療成績はどこまで改善したか 悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍の画像診断・治療・予後関連因子
西田 佳弘, 和佐 潤志, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 高橋 満, 杉浦 英志, 片桐 浩久, 中島 浩敦, 山田 芳久, 石黒 直樹
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 86 ( 9 ) page: 660-664 2012.9
Osteochondroma with metaphyseal abnormalities after total body irradiation followed by stem cell transplantation.
Shido Y, Maeda N, Kato K, Horibe K, Tsukushi S, Ishiguro N, Nishida Y.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Vol. 34 ( 5 ) page: 378-82 2012.7
Clinicopathological prognostic factors of superficial non-small round cell soft tissue sarcomas.
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Shido Y, Wasa J, Ishiguro N.
J Surg Oncol. Vol. 105 ( 7 ) page: 668-72 2012.6
Versican V1 isoform regulates cell-associated matrix formation and cell behavior differentially from aggrecan in Swarm rat chondrosarcoma cells. Reviewed
Wasa J, Nishida Y, Shinomura T, Isogai Z, Futamura N, Urakawa H, Arai E, Kozawa E, Tsukushi S, Ishiguro N.
Int J Cancer. Vol. 130 ( 10 ) page: 2271-81 2012.5
Is it possible to identify clinically useful prognostic groups for patients with desmoid tumors? Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Arai E, Ishiguro N.
J Clin Oncol. Vol. 30 ( 12 ) page: 1390 2012.4
Therapeutic potential of hyaluronan oligosaccharides for bone metastasis of breast cancer.
Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Knudson W, Knudson CB, Arai E, Kozawa E, Futamura N, Wasa J, Ishiguro N.
J Orthop Res. Vol. 30 ( 4 ) page: 662-72 2012.4
Transition of Treatment for Patients with Extra-Abdominal Desmoid Tumors: Nagoya University Modality.
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Shido Y, Urakawa H, Arai E, Ishiguro N.
Cancers. Vol. 4 ( 1 ) page: 88-99 2012.3
Chondroblastoma of the femoral neck as a cause of hip synovitis.
Kaneko H, Kitoh H, Wasa J, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
J Pediatr Orthop B. Vol. 21 ( 2 ) page: 179-82 2012.3
Osteochondral destruction in pigmented villonodular synovitis during the clinical course. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Nakashima H, Sugiura H, Yamada Y, Urakawa H, Arai E, Ishiguro N.
J Rheumatol. Vol. 39 ( 2 ) page: 345-51 2012.2
Osteoarthritic change is delayed in a Ctsk-knockout mouse model of osteoarthritis. Reviewed
Kozawa E, Nishida Y, Cheng XW, Urakawa H, Arai E, Futamura N, Shi GP, Kuzuya M, Hu L, Sasaki T, Ishiguro N.
Arthritis Rheum. Vol. 64 ( 2 ) page: 454-64 2012.2
Inhibition of hyaluronan synthesis in breast cancer cells by 4-Methylumbelliferone suppresses tumorigenicity in vitro and metastatic lesions of bone in vivo. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Wasa J, Arai E, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Kozawa E, Futamura N, Ishiguro N.
Int J Cancer. Vol. 130 ( 2 ) page: 454-66 2012.1
Foot sarcomas: Factors affecting oncological and functional outcomes.
Kozawa E, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Tsukushi S, Toriyama K, Kamei Y, Ishiguro N.
Oncology Lett. 2012 Jan Vol. 3 ( 1 ) page: 82-88 2012.1
Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer Successfully Treated by Total Pelvic Exenteration with Combined Ischiopubic Rami Resection: Report of a Case.
Uehara K, Yoshioka Y, Taguchi Y, Igami T, Ebata T, Yokoyama Y, Sugawara G, Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Yoshino Y, Nagino M.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. Vol. 42 ( 1 ) page: 58-62 2012.1
軟部肉腫の治療成績はどこまで改善したか 悪性末梢神経鞘腫瘍の画像診断・治療・予後関連因子
西田 佳弘, 和佐 潤志, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 高橋 満, 杉浦 英志, 片桐 浩久, 中島 浩敦, 山田 芳久, 石黒 直樹
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 86 ( 9 ) page: 660-664 2012
私論 日本の医療は輝きを維持できるか
臨床雑誌整形外科 Vol. 63 ( 7 ) page: 630 2012
西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 石黒 直樹
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 3 ( 1 ) page: 66-68 2012
生田 国大, 西田 佳弘, 筑紫 聡, 浦川 浩, 新井 英介, 小澤 英志, 二村 尚久, 石黒 直樹
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 3 ( 1 ) page: 69-72 2012
軟部肉腫の治療成績はどこまで改善したか 粘液型および脱分化型脂肪肉腫の治療成績 年代別治療成績の検討を中心に
穴澤 卯圭, 森岡 秀夫, 鈴木 禎寿, 森井 健司, 保坂 聖一, 浅野 尚文, 岩田 慎太郎, 尾崎 敏文, 柳川 天志, 川井 章, 西田 佳弘, 保坂 泰介, 上田 孝文, 矢部 啓夫, 戸山 芳昭
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 86 ( 9 ) page: 647-653 2012
二村尚久, 西田佳弘, 中島浩敦, 杉浦英志, 山田芳久, 石黒直樹
整形外科 Vol. 63 ( 4 ) page: 319-323 2012
仙骨脊索腫の外科療法と重粒子線治療の長期成績(5-10年未満と10年以上) 仙骨発生脊索腫に対する重粒子線治療の臨床成績 手術治療との比較
西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 山田芳久, 杉浦英志, 紫藤洋二, 和佐潤志, 石黒直樹
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 86 ( 1 ) page: 15-18 2012
Clinical outcome of sacral chordoma with carbon ion radiotherapy compared with surgery. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Kamada T, Imai R, Tsukushi S, Yamada Y, Sugiura H, Shido Y, Wasa J, Ishiguro N.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Vol. 79 ( 1 ) page: 110-6 2011
Keratan Sulfate Restricts Neural Plasticity after Spinal Cord Injury. Reviewed
Imagama S, Sakamoto K, Tauchi R, Shinjo R, Ohgomori T, Ito Z, Zhang H, Nishida Y, Asami N, Takeshita S, Sugiura N, Watanabe H, Yamashita T, Ishiguro N, Matsuyama Y, Kadomatsu K.
J Neurosci. Vol. 31 ( 47 ) page: 17091-17102. 2011
Pedicle omental flap transfer combined with vascular reconstruction after wide resection of a myxoid liposarcoma in the inguinal region. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Kamei Y, Toriyama K, Ishiguro N.
Ann Vasc Surg. Vol. 25 ( 8 ) page: 1139.e1-4. 2011
Vascularized fibular flaps enhance histological repair in pasteurized autogenous bone graft. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Wasa J, Urakawa H, Toriyama K, Kamei Y, Ishiguro N.
Ann Plast Surg. Vol. 67 ( 4 ) page: 416-20. 2011
Difficulties to Detect In-Transit Lymphatic Metastasis in Patients With Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Extremity: In Regard to La et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011; 80: 1151-1157.). Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Urakawa H, Arai E, Ishiguro N.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Vol. 81 ( 2 ) page: 606. 2011
Clinicopathological assessment of T1 soft tissue sarcomas. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Wasa J, Urakawa H, Ishiguro N.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Vol. 131 ( 5 ) page: 695-9. 2011
Recurrent alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma with prior surgery and radiotherapy: altered lymphatic drainage limits the reliability of sentinel lymph node biopsy. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Yamada Y, Shimoyama Y, Shido Y, Wasa J, Ishiguro N.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Vol. 33 ( 1 ) page: e26-8. 2011
西田佳弘, 和佐潤志, 筑紫聡, 石黒直樹
日本レックリングハウゼン病学会雑誌 Vol. 2 ( 1 ) page: 77-80 2011
Inhibition of hyaluronan retention by 4-methylumbelliferone suppresses osteosarcoma cells in vitro and lung metastasis in vivo.
Arai E, Nishida Y, Wasa J, Urakawa H, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Kozawa E, Futamura N, Ishiguro N.
Br J Cancer. Vol. 105 ( 12 ) page: 1839-49 2011
Oncologic and functional outcomes of soft tissue sarcomas of the distal upper extremity: comparison with those of the proximal upper extremity. Reviewed
Yamada Y, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Sugiura H, Tsukushi S, Kamei Y, Toriyama K, Ishiguro N.
Int Surg. Vol. 95 ( 1 ) page: 33-9. 2010
Intramuscular Granular Cell Tumor in the Lower Extremities. Reviewed
Arai E, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Sugiura H, Ishiguro N.
Clin Orthop Rel Res. Vol. 468 ( 5 ) page: 1384-9 2010
胸膜外発生solitary fibrous tumor 9例の臨床病理学的検討
吉田雅博, 中島浩敦, 高桑康成, 二村尚久, 杉浦英志, 西田佳弘
整形外科 Vol. 60 ( 13 ) page: 1349-1355 2010
Musculoskeletal Tumor 骨・軟部腫瘍 デスモイド型線維腫症に対する治療戦略 薬物治療の位置づけ
癌と化学療法 Vol. 37 ( 3 ) page: 425-429 2010
【股関節疾患の治療 up-to-date】 腫瘍性疾患の治療 股関節に発症した色素性絨毛結節性滑膜炎の診断・治療
西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 中島浩敦, 石黒直樹
別冊整形外科 ( 57 ) page: 173-176 2010
筑紫聡, 西田佳弘, 紫藤洋二, 和佐潤志, 石黒直樹
整形外科 Vol. 61 ( 7 ) page: 620-623 2010
軟骨再生 基礎と臨床 ヒアルロン酸の関節内注射による治療
臨床整形外科 Vol. 45 ( 9 ) page: 779-783 2010
CT-guided needle biopsy for musculoskeletal lesions. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Yoshida M, Ishiguro N.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Vol. 130 ( 5 ) page: 699-703. 2010
Nodular fasciitis causing axillary nerve palsy: a case report. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Koh S, Fukuyama Y, Hirata H, Ishiguro N.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. Vol. 19 ( 4 ) page: e1-4. 2010
MRI features in the differentiation of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and neurofibromas. Reviewed
Wasa J, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Shido Y, Sugiura H, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
AJR Am J Roentgenol. Vol. 194 ( 6 ) page: 1568-74. 2010
Nodular fasciitis of the finger and hand: case report. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Wasa J, Iwata Y, Kozawa E, Ishiguro N.
J Hand Surg Am. Vol. 35 ( 7 ) page: 1184-6. 2010
Glanzmann thrombasthenia detected because of knee hemarthrosis: a case report. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Katsumi A, Ishiguro N.
J Pediatr Orthop B. Vol. 19 ( 6 ) page: 521-3. 2010
Clinical and treatment outcomes of planned and unplanned excisions of soft tissue sarcomas. Reviewed
Arai E, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Wasa J, Ishiguro N.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Vol. 468 ( 11 ) page: 3028-34. 2010
Clinicopathologic prognostic factors of pure myxoid liposarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Vol. 468 ( 11 ) page: 3041-6. 2010
Targeted hyperthermia using magnetite cationic liposomes and an alternating magnetic field in a mouse osteosarcoma model. Reviewed
Shido Y, Nishida Y, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi T, Ishiguro N.
J Bone Joint Surg Br. Vol. 92 ( 4 ) page: 580-5. 2010
*Successful treatment with meloxicam, a COX-2 inhibitor, of patients with extra-abdominal desmoid tumors: a pilot study. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Yamada Y, Shido Y, Wasa J, Ishiguro N.
J Clin Oncol. Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: e107-9. 2010
Suppression of tumour metastasis in a murine osteosarcoma model with anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody treatment. Reviewed
Kozawa E, Sugiura H, Wasa J, Kohyama K, Yamada K, Nishioka A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Taguchi O.
Anticancer Res. Vol. 30 ( 12 ) page: 5019-22 2010
Surgical treatment for local control of extremity and trunk desmoid tumors. Reviewed
Shido Y, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Katagiri H, Sugiura H, Yamada Y, Ishiguro N.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg Vol. 129 page: 929-933 2009
制圧への治療戦略 再発性骨・軟部悪性腫瘍 再発性軟部肉腫に対する再発広範切除術の成績と予後因子について
杉浦英志, 山田健志, 小澤英史, 西田佳弘, 米川正洋, 中島浩敦
日本整形外科学会雑誌 Vol. 83 ( 1 ) page: 28-32 2009
【整形外科疾患におけるinterventional radiology】 転移性骨腫瘍におけるCTガイド下生検
吉田雅博, 筑紫聡, 水野正昇, 西田佳弘
関節外科 Vol. 28 ( 6 ) page: 674-678 2009
Pericellular Matrix Formation Alters the Efficiency of Intracellular Uptake of Oligonucleotides in Osteosarcoma Cells. Reviewed
Suzuki Y, Nishida Y, Naruse T, Gemba T, Ishiguro N.
J Surg Res Vol. 152 page: 148-156 2009
Constitutively activated ALK2 and increased smad1/5 cooperatively induce BMP signaling in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Reviewed
Fukuda T, Kohda M, Kanomata K, Nojima J, Nakamura A, Kamizono J, Noguchi Y, Iwakiri K, Kondo T, Kurose J, Endo KI, Awakura T, Fukushi J, Nakashima Y, Chiyonobu T, Kawara A, Nishida Y, Wada I, Akita M, Komori T, Nakayama K, Nanba A, Maruki Y, Yoda T, Tomoda H, Yu PB, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Miyazono K, Matsuoka M.
J Biol Chem Vol. 284 page: 7149-7156 2009
Vascularized clavicular rotation graft for revised shoulder arthrodesis after tumor resection of the proximal humerus: A case report. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Hosono K, Ishiguro N.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg Vol. 18 page: e13-16 2009
Vocabulary IDO
浦川浩, 西田佳弘
整形外科 Vol. 60 ( 13 ) page: 1382 2009
運動器疾患予防の最先端 変形性膝関節症の予防
西田佳弘, 石黒直樹
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 Vol. 52 ( 5 ) page: 1185-1186 2009
Prognostic value of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase expression in high grade osteosarcoma. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Shimoyama Y, Nakamura S, Ishiguro N.
Clin Exp Metastasis. Vol. 26 ( 8 ) page: 1005-12. 2009
Soft tissue sarcomas of the chest wall. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Sugiura H, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
J Thorac Oncol. Vol. 4 page: 834-7 2009
*Osteosarcoma in The Elderly Over 60 Years: A Multicenter Study by The Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Isu K, Ueda T, Nishimoto Y, Tsuchiya H, Wada T, Sato K, Tsukushi S, Sugiura H.
J Surg Oncol. Vol. 100 page: 48-54 2009
Cyclo-oxygenase-2 Overexpression May Predicts Poor Survival in Patients With High-grade Extremity Osteosarcoma. Reviewed
Urakawa H, Nishida Y, Naruse T, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
Clin Orthop Rel Res. Vol. 467 page: 2932-8 2009
Reconstruction of the first and second metatarsals with free vascularised double-barrelled fibular graft after resection of a chondrosarcoma. Reviewed
Toriyama K, Kamei Y, Yagi S, Uchibori M, Nishida Y, Torii S.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. Vol. 62 ( 12 ) page: e580-3. 2009
【上肢の外科 最近の進歩】 上肢悪性腫瘍に対する手術の成績と問題点 上腕・前腕発生軟部肉腫に対する治療成績
西田佳弘, 山田芳久, 中島浩敦, 杉浦英志, 筑紫聡, 石黒直樹
別冊整形外科 Vol. 54 page: 222-225 2008
細野幸三, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 紫藤洋二, 山田芳久, 宮田友子, 下山芳江, 長坂徹郎, 川井久美, 榊原綾子, 中村栄男, 安江敬
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 20 page: 7-8 2008
細野幸三, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 紫藤洋二, 島田聡子, 下山芳江, 長坂徹郎, 中村栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 20 page: 13-14 2008
和佐潤志, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 紫藤洋二, 下山芳江, 島田聡子, 長坂徹郎, 中村栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 20 page: 25-26 2008
学会を聞く 第41回日本整形外科学会骨軟部腫瘍学術集会
整形外科 Vol. 59 ( 12 ) page: 1519-1520 2008
Results of limb-salvage surgery with vascular reconstruction for soft tissue sarcoma in the lower extremity: comparison between only arterial and arterovenous reconstruction. Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Sugiura H, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
J Surg Oncol Vol. 97 ( 3 ) page: 216-20 2008
Differential expression of angiogenic factors in peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Reviewed
Wasa J, Nishida Y, Suzuki Y, Tsukushi S, Shido Y, Hosono K, Shimoyama Y, Nakamura S, Ishiguro N.
Clin Exp Metastasis Vol. 25 ( 7 ) page: 819-25 2008
Challenge 貴方も名医 Invited
Clinic magazine Vol. 460 ( 3 ) page: 38, 72-73 2008
【見逃さないための骨軟部腫瘍診断のABC】 骨腫瘍 骨腫瘍と鑑別を要する疾患 Invited
Orthopaedics Vol. 21 ( 9 ) page: 25-32 2008
筑紫聡, 西田佳弘, 杉浦英志, 中島浩敦, 石黒直樹
整形外科 Vol. 59 ( 10 ) page: 1197-1200 2008
*Reconstruction of the proximal humerus after extensive extraarticular resection for osteosarcoma: a report of two cases with clavicula pro humero reconstruction. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Yamada Y, Kamei Y, Toriyama K, Ishiguro N.
Oncol Rep Vol. 20 ( 5 ) page: 1105-9 2008
Brachialis muscle tear mimicking an intramuscular tumor: A report of two cases. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, Yamada Y, Hosono K, Ishiguro N.
J Hand Surg Vol. 32 ( 8 ) page: 1237-41 2007
Re-operation results in osteoarthritic change of knee joints in patients with giant cell tumor of bone. Reviewed
Suzuki Y, Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Tsukushi S, Sugiura H, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
Knee Vol. 14 page: 369-374 2007
*Hyaluronan oligosaccharides inhibit tumorigenicity of osteosarcoma cell lines MG-63 and LM-8 in vitro and in vivo via perturbation of hyaluronan-rich pericellular matrix of the cells. Reviewed
Hosono K, Nishida Y, Knudson W, Knudson CB, Naruse T, Suzuki Y, Ishiguro N.
Am J Pathol Vol. 171 page: 274-286 2007
Combined fibular osteocutaneous and omental flaps. Reviewed
Kamei Y, Nakayama B, Toriyama K, Hyodo I, Yagi S, Sugiura H, Nishida Y, Nakanishi K, Torii S.
Plast Reconstr Surg Vol. 119 page: 1499-1504 2007
Synergistic effects of meloxicam and conventional cytotoxic drugs in human MG-63 osteosarcoma cells. Reviewed
Naruse T, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Biomed Pharmacother Vol. 61 page: 338-346 2007
Pasteurized intercalary autogenous bone graft combined with vascularized fibula. Reviewed
Sugiura H, Takahashi M, Nakanishi K, Nishida Y, Kamei Y.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Vol. 456 page: 196-202 2007
【良性骨軟部腫瘍に対する手術治療のpitfall】 デスモイド Invited
整形・災害外科 Vol. 50 ( 6 ) page: 671-677 2007
細野幸三, 西田佳弘, 山田芳久, 筑紫聡, 石黒直樹, 下山芳江, 榊原綾子, 川井久美, 長坂徹郎, 中村栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 19 page: 5-6 2007
筑紫聡, 西田佳弘, 山田芳久, 細野幸三, 下山芳江, 長坂徹郎, 中村栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 19 page: 19-20 2007
細野幸三, 西田佳弘, 山田芳久, 筑紫聡, 石黒直樹, 下山芳江, 榊原綾子, 川井久美, 長坂徹郎, 中村栄男
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 19 page: 27-28 2007
Synovial osteochondromatosis of the carpometacarpal joint. Reviewed
Nakashima H, Sugiura H, Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Ishiguro N.
Am J Orthop Vol. 36 ( 10 ) page: E151-2 2007
臨床室 思春期に発症した舟状-第1楔状骨間癒合症の3例
山田芳久, 西田佳弘, 筑紫聡, 細野幸三, 石黒直樹
整形外科 Vol. 58 ( 13 ) page: 1737-1740 2007
整形外科 Vol. 58 ( 9 ) page: 1229-1232 2007
整形外科 Vol. 58 ( 4 ) page: 379-383 2007
整形外科 Vol. 58 ( 3 ) page: 277-279 2007
関節軟骨とヒアルロン酸 軟骨細胞ヒアルロン酸阻害モデルにおける回復程解析 Invited
臨床整形外科 Vol. 42 ( 4 ) page: 307-311 2007
【骨腫瘍の手術のコツと落とし穴】 上腕骨近位悪性骨腫瘍切除後再建法 各種再建術式のコツと落とし穴 Invited
骨・関節・靱帯 Vol. 19 ( 12 ) page: 1143-1150 2006
Persistent popliteal pain derived from cavernous hemangioma involving gracilis tendon and tendon sheath Reviewed
Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Tsukushi S, Shimoyama Y, Nagasaka T, Ishiguro N.
Knee Vol. 13 page: 252-254 2006
Serum tumor markers in skeletal metastasis Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Katagiri H, Kataoka T, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
Jpn J Clin Oncol Vol. 36 page: 439-444 2006
Clavicula pro humero reconstruction after wide resection of the proximal humerus Reviewed
Tsukushi S, Nishida Y, Takahashi M, Ishiguro N.
Clin Orthop Vol. 447 page: 132-137 2006
【マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼの最新知見 癌増殖・浸潤・転移を中心として】 癌の骨転移のメカニズム Invited
G.I.Research Vol. 14 ( 6 ) page: 566-571 2006
関節軟骨組織におけるヒアルロン酸合成 Invited
リウマチ科 Vol. 36 ( 4 ) page: 421-427 2006
学会レポート 第73回米国整形外科学会議(American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons)
Arthritis Vol. 4 ( 2 ) page: 60-61 2006
小児がん Vol. 43 ( 2 ) page: 233-240 2006
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 18 page: 39-40 2006
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 18 page: 25-26 2006
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 18 page: 3-4 2006
整形外科 Vol. 57 ( 4 ) page: 426-429 2006
中部整災誌 Vol. 49 ( 4 ) page: 675-676 2006
Meloxicam inhibits osteosarcoma growth, invasiveness and metastasis by COX-2-dependent and independent routes. Reviewed
Naruse T, Nishida Y, Hosono K, Ishiguro N
Carcinogenesis Vol. 27 page: 584-592 2006
Increased expression of membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase-1 is correlated with poor prognosis in patients with osteosarcoma. Reviewed
Uchibori M, Nishida Y, Nagasaka T, Yamada Y, Nakanishi K, Ishiguro N
Int. J Oncol Vol. 28 page: 33-42 2006
【関節症の診断と治療 最近のトピックス】 関節症とヒアルロン酸 細胞外マトリックス内のヒアルロン酸の意義 Invited
関節外科 Vol. 24 ( 1 ) page: 24-30 2005
整形外科 Vol. 56 page: 1689-1692 2005
Dose-dependent inhibition of proliferation, invasiveness and stimulation of apoptosis in osteosarcoma cell line, MG-63, by COX-2 inhibitor, meloxicam. Reviewed
Naruse T, Nishida Y, Hosono K, Ishiguro N.
Trans Orthop Res Soc Vol. 30 page: 436 2005
整形外科 Vol. 56 ( 5 ) page: 520-524 2005
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 17 page: 31-32 2005
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 17 page: 15-16 2005
日本人工関節学会誌 Vol. 34 page: 263-264 2005
仙骨発生脊索腫に対する治療 手術治療と重粒子線治療の選択
中部整災誌 Vol. 48 ( 1 ) page: 119-120 2005
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 17 page: 9-10 2005
Hyaluronan oligosaccharides inhibit proliferation and invasiveness of osteosarcoma cell line, MG-63, by suppression of hyaluronan in pericellular matrix of the tumor cells. Reviewed
Hosono K, Nishida Y, Knudson W, Ishiguro N.
Trans Orthop Res Soc Vol. 30 page: 435 2005
Sentinel lymph node biopsy reveals a positive popliteal node in clear cell sarcoma: a case report Reviewed
Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Tsukushi S, Shibata S, Ishiguro N
Anticancer Res Vol. 25 page: 4413-4416 2005
Antisense inhibition of hyaluronan synthase-2 in human osteosarcoma cells inhibits hyaluronan retention and tumorigenicity Reviewed
Nishida Y, Knudson W, Knudson CB, Ishiguro N
Exp Cell Res Vol. 307 page: 194-203 2005
Regenerating the fibula with beta-tricalcium phosphate minimizes morbidity after fibula resection Reviewed
Arai E, Nakashima H, Tsukushi S, Shido Y, Nishida Y, Yamada Y, Sugiura H, Katagiri H
Clin Orthop Rel Res Vol. 431 page: 233-237 2005
【骨転移の診断と最新治療】 がんの骨転移過程における細胞外マトリックス マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ(MMP)の役割を中心に Invited
骨・関節・靱帯 Vol. 17 ( 4 ) page: 323-330 2004
中部整災誌 Vol. 47 ( 5 ) page: 1067-1068 2004
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 16 page: 35-36 2004
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 16 page: 23-24 2004
東海骨軟部腫瘍 Vol. 16 page: 15-16 2004
腓骨採取後の骨補填材料としてのb-tricalcium phosphate(b-TCP)の使用経験
臨床整形外科 Vol. 39 ( 3 ) page: 331-335 2004
関節外科 Vol. 23 ( 2 ) page: 285-289 2004
日本人工関節学会誌 Vol. 34 page: 263-264 2004
整形外科 Vol. 55 ( 12 ) page: 1535-1538 2004
臨床整形外科 Vol. 39 page: 367-371 2004
中部整災誌 Vol. 47 ( 4 ) page: 709-710 2004
中部整災誌 Vol. 47 ( 4 ) page: 717-718 2004
Osteogenic Protein-1 inhibits matrix depletion in a hyaluronan hexasaccharide-induced model of osteoarthritis Reviewed
Nishida Y, Knudson CB, Knudson W.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage Vol. 12 page: 374-82 2004
Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Suggests Their Potential Role for Joint Destruction
Uchibori M, Nishida Y, Tabata I, Sugiura H, Nakashima H, Yamada Y, Ishiguro N.
J Rheum Vol. 31 page: 110-119 2004
Stimulated Type I Collagen Turnover in Patients With Giant Cell Tumor of Bone. Reviewed
Hiroatsu Nakashima, Hideshi Sugiura, Yoshihiro Nishida, Yoshihisa Yamada , Izuru Tabata , Naoki Ishiguro.
Calcif Tissue Int. Vol. 73 page: 5-8 2003
Telomerase Activity in Osteosarcoma; Comparison to p53 and PCNA expression. Reviewed
Hiroatsu Nakashima, Yoshihiro Nishida, Hideshi Sugiura, Yoshihisa Yamada, Hirohisa Katagiri, Masahiro Yonekawa, Hisashi Iwata, Tetsuro Nagasaka, Naoki Ishiguro.
Eur J Surg Oncol Vol. 29 page: 564-567 2003
A study of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor chains expression in lipoarcoma. Reviewed
Tabata I, Nishida Y, Sugiura H, Zhuo L, Yoneda M, Kimata K, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
Eur J Surg Oncol. Vol. 29 page: 665-669 2003
Remodelling and healing process of moderately heat-treated bone grafts after wide resection of bone and soft-tissue tumors. Reviewed
Sugiura H, Yamamura S, Sato K, Katagiri H, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Yamada Y.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Vol. 123 page: 514-520 2003
Extracellular matrix recovery by human articular chondrocytes after treatment of hyaluronan hexasaccharides or Streptomyces hyaluronidase Reviewed
Nishida Y, Knudson CB, Knudson W.
Mod Rheum Vol. 13 page: 62-68 2003
Epithelioid sarcoma mimicking a primary osseous multifocal scapula lesion. Reviewed
Nakashima H, Katagiri H, Sugiura H, Yonekawa M, Nishida Y, Yamada Y.
Skeletal Radiol Vol. 31 ( 7 ) page: 430-3 2002
Additional wide resection of malignant soft tissue tumors. Reviewed
Sugiura H, Takahashi M, Katagiri H, Nishida Y, Nakashima H, Yonekawa M, Iwata H.
Clin Orthop Relat Res Vol. 394 page: 201-10 2002
Heat-treated autogenous bone graft after wide resection of bone and soft tissue tumors: radiographic, scintigraphic, and magnetic imaging features.
Hideshi Sugiura, Yoshihiro Nishida, Hiroatsu Nakashima, Yoshihisa Yamada, Shigeki Yamamura, Keiji Sato, Hisashi Iwata
page: 181-185 2001
Osteogenic Protein-1 stimulates cell-associated matrix assembly by human articular chondrocytes: upregulation of hyaluronan synthase, CD44 and aggrecan. Reviewed
Yoshihiro Nishida, Cheryl B Knudson, Wolfgang Eger, Klaus E Kuettner and Warren Knudson.
Arthritis Rheum Vol. 43 page: 206-214 2000
Hyaluronan oligosaccharides perturb cartilage matrix homeostasis and induce chondrocytic chondrolysis. Reviewed
Warren Knudson, Brian Casey, Yoshihiro Nishida, Wolfgang Eger, Klaus E. Kuettner and Cheryl B. Knudson.
Arthritis Rheum Vol. 43 page: 1165-74 2000
Differential effects of interleukin-1 on hyaluronan and proteoglycan metabolism in two compartments of the matrix formed by articular chondrocytes maintained in alginate. Reviewed
Aloma L. D`Souza, Koichi Masuda, Lari M. Otten, Yoshihiro Nishida, Warren Knudson and Eugene J-M.A. Thonar.
Arch Biochem Biophys Vol. 374 page: 59-65 2000
Osteogenic protein-1 promotes the synthesis and retention of extracellular matrix within bovine articular cartilage and chondrocyte cultures. Reviewed
Yoshihiro Nishida, Cheryl B Knudson, Arkady Margulis and Warren Knudson.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage Vol. 8 page: 127-36 2000
Stimulation of hyaluronan metabolism by interleukin-1 alpha in human articular cartilage Reviewed
Nishida Y, D'Souza AL, Thonar EJ, Knudson W.
Arthritis Rheum Vol. 43 page: 1315-26 2000
Antisense inhibition of hyaluronan synthase-2 in human articular chondrocytes inhibits proteoglycan retention and matrix assembly. Reviewed
Nishida Y, Knudson CB, Nietfeld JJ, Margulis A, Knudson W.
J Biol Chem Vol. 274 ( 31 ) page: 21893-21899 1999
The effect of Da-Fang-Feng-Tang on treatment of type II collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1 Mice. Reviewed
Lian Rong Wang, Naoki Ishiguro, Eiji Yamada, Yoshihiro Nishida, Koji Sato, Hisashi Iwata.
Am J Chin Med Vol. 27 page: 205-215 1999