Updated on 2025/03/05


YANO Katsuya
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Department of Plant Production Sciences Associate professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
Undergraduate School
School of Agricultural Sciences
Associate professor
Contact information

Degree 1

  1. 博士(農学) ( 1996.3   名古屋大学 ) 

Research Interests 6

  1. Soil nutrients and water

  2. Rhizosphere

  3. Plant roots

  4. Plant production

  5. Physiological ecology

  6. Crop

Research Areas 3

  1. Others / Others  / Crop Science

  2. Others / Others  / Environmental Agriculture

  3. Others / Others  / Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Current Research Project and SDGs 5

  1. 生態系におけるリンの循環

  2. 作物の資源獲得戦略

  3. 安定同位体を利用した環境ー植物間の物質動態

  4. 水資源の循環と効率的利用

  5. Interaction between Crop Root System and Soil Organisms

Research History 1

  1. Associate Professor


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Education 3

  1. Nagoya University   Graduate School, Division of Agriculture

    1993.4 - 1996.3

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    Country: Japan

  2. 大阪府立大学   農学研究科   園芸農学

    1991.4 - 1993.3

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    Country: Japan

  3. Osaka Prefecture University   Faculty of Agriculture

    1986.4 - 1991.3

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    Country: Japan

Committee Memberships 3

  1. 日本学術振興会   科学研究費委員会専門委員  

    2023.10 - 2024.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  2. 日本学術振興会   科学研究費委員会専門委員  

    2022.10 - 2023.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society

  3. 日本学術振興会   科学研究費委員会専門委員  

    2021.10 - 2022.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


Papers 58

  1. Accelerate Senescence Reversed CO<sub>2</sub>-Fertilization Effect under Elevated CO<sub>2</sub> in Potato: A Weak Relationship with Nitrogen Acquisition

    Yi, Y; Yano, K

    JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE   Vol. 210 ( 4 )   2024.8

  2. Nocturnal versus diurnal transpiration in rice plants: Analysis of five genotypes grown under different atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> and soil moisture conditions

    Yi, Y; Yano, K


  3. Endophytic N<sub>2</sub> fixation in sweet potato: responses to N, P, and K inputs and visualization of <SUP>15</SUP>N<sub>2</sub> utilizing bacterial cells via Raman spectroscopy

    Ueda, R; Yano, K

    BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS   Vol. 59 ( 3 ) page: 275 - 283   2023.4

  4. Verification of water-use efficiency estimates via carbon isotope discrimination in potato under varying nutrient statuses and CO<sub>2</sub> conditions. Reviewed

    Yi Y, Yano K

    Physiologia Plantarum   Vol. 174 ( 2 ) page: e13660   2022.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13660

    Web of Science


  5. Revisiting Why Plants Become N Deficient Under Elevated CO<sub>2</sub>: Importance to Meet N Demand Regardless of the Fed-Form Reviewed

    Igarashi, M; Yi, Y; Yano, K

    FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE   Vol. 12   page: 726186   2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.726186

    Web of Science


  6. Plant growth and water economy of <i>Solanum tuberosum</i> in response to doubled CO<sub>2</sub>: Interaction between potassium and phosphorus Reviewed

    Yi, Y; Yano, K

    JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE   Vol. 207 ( 5 ) page: 901 - 912   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/jac.12507

    Web of Science

  7. Nitrogen and Water Demands for Maximum Growth of Solanum tuberosum under Doubled CO2: Interaction with Phosphorus Based on the Demands

    Yi Yan, Sugiura Daisuke, Yano Katsuya


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104089

    Web of Science

  8. Quantifying Phosphorus and Water Demand to Attain Maximum Growth of Solanum tuberosum in a CO2-Enriched Environment Reviewed

    Yi Yan, Sugiura Daisuke, Yano Katsuya

    FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE   Vol. 10   page: 1417   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01417

    Web of Science


  9. Draft Genome Sequence of Burkholderia vietnamiensis Strain RS1, a Nitrogen-Fixing Endophyte Isolated from Sweet Potato Reviewed

    Rina Shinjo, Kazuma Uesaka, Kunio Ihara, Shunsuke Sakazaki, Katsuya Yano, Motohiko Kondo, Aiko Tanaka

    Microbiology Resource Announcements   Vol. 7   page: e00820-18   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00820-18.

  10. Al resistance and mechanical impedance to roots in Zea mays: Reduced Al toxicity via enhanced mucilage production Reviewed

    Kazunori Okamoto, Katsuya Yano

    Rhizosphere   Vol. 3 ( 1 ) page: 60 - 66   2017.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2016.12.005

    Web of Science

  11. Varietal differences in the growth responses of rice to an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus under natural upland conditions Reviewed

    Thongkhoun Sisaphaithong, Shinichi Hanai, Rie Tomioka, Yoshihiro Kobae, Aiko Tanaka, Katsuya Yano, Chisato Takenaka & Shingo Hata

    Plant Signaling & Behavior   Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: e1274483   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2016.1274483

    Web of Science


  12. Complete genome sequence of Kosakonia sacchari strain BO-1, an endophytic diazotroph isolated from a sweet potato Reviewed

    Rina Shinjo, Kazuma Uesaka, Kunio Ihara, Kseniia Loshakova, Yuri Mizuno, Katsuya Yano, Aiko Tanaka

      Vol. 4 ( 5 ) page: e00868-16   2016.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00868-16

  13. Bacterial consortia in iron-deposited colonies formed on paddy soil surface under microaerobic conditions Reviewed

    Soil Science and Plant Nutrition   Vol. 59 ( 3 ) page: 337-346   2013.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2013.791807

  14. Effects of seed P-enrichment and localized P-fertilizer application on soil-grown wheat Reviewed

    N. Sekiya, R. Fukuju and K. Yano

    Plant Production Science   Vol. 16 ( 2 ) page: 199-202   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  15. Nitrogen uptake from amino acids in maize through arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Reviewed

    Matsumura, A., Taniguchi, S., Yamawaki, K., Hattori, R., Tarui, A., Yano, K., & Daimon, H.

    American Journal of Plant Sciences   Vol. 4   page: 2290-2294   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  16. Stable Isotopes (H, C and N) as a Tool for Crop Physiological Ecology Invited Reviewed

    Katsuya YANO and Nobuhito SEKIYA

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science   Vol. 81 ( 4 ) page: 460-465   2012.10

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

  17. Applying hydraulic lift in an agroecosystem: forage plants with shoots removed supply water to neighboring vegetable crops Reviewed

    Sekiya, N., Araki, H., Yano, K.

    Plant and Soil   Vol. 341 ( 1-2 ) page: 39-50   2011.4

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0581-1

  18. Water and solute movements in soil heterogeneity-system as interacted with plant roots Invited Reviewed

    Katsuya Yano

    J. Weed Sci. Tech.   Vol. 56 ( 1 ) page: 19-23   2011.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  19. Seed P-enrichment as an effective P supply to wheat Reviewed

    Sekiya, N. and Yano, K.

      Vol. 327 ( 1-2 ) page: 347-354   2010.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11104-009-0058-2

  20. 緑肥作物の導入と農耕地におけるリンの再利用 Invited


    農業および園芸   Vol. 85 ( 1 ) page: 198-204   2010.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  21. Stomatal density of cowpea correlates carbon isotope discrimination in different phosphorus, water and CO2 environments Reviewed

    Sekiya, N. and Yano, K.

    New Phytologist   Vol. 179 ( 3 ) page: 799-807   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02518.x

  22. Heterogeneity in spatial P-distribution and foraging capability by Zea mays: Effects of patch size and barriers to restrict root proliferation within a patch Reviewed

    Kume, T., Sekiya, N., Yano, K.

    Annals of Botany   Vol. 98 ( 6 ) page: 1271-1277   2006.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcl216

  23. Water-extraction by split-roots of sesbania and pigeon pea exposed to spatially heterogeneous distribution of soil water Reviewed

    Sekiya, N. and Yano, K.

    Plant Production Science   Vol. 9 ( 3 ) page: 191-199   2006.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Previous studies have suggested that the deep roots of sesbania (Sesbania sesban) function less efficiently in water acquisition than those of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) despite similar rooting depths. To investigate this phenomenon, both species were grown in a vertically split-root system. The top soil was watered at two-day intervals and the bottom soil was kept wet. Fifty-seven days after sowing, the watering to the top soil was withheld and the water uptake was monitored in both the layers. At any given rate of transpiration, the water influx rate per unit root surface (WIR/RS) was higher in the top soil than in the bottom soil in sesbania, despite the greater availability of water in the latter. By contrast, in pigeon pea, the WIR/RS was higher in the bottom soil than in the top soil. In sesbania, aerenchyma tissue was observed only in the cortex of the roots in the bottom soil. On the other hand, aerenchyma tissue was scarcely observed in pigeon pea roots, suggesting that the presence of aerenchyma tissue led to the reduced WIR/RS of sesbania roots in the bottom soil. Thermal image analysis showed that the stomata of sesbania leaves did not respond to water shortage. Instead, the sesbania leaves were shed in order to avoid desiccation, further reducing the potential to extract water. We therefore conclude that the water-extraction ability of deep roots was lower in sesbania than in pigeon pea as a result of aerenchyma formation and leaf shedding.

  24. Hydrogen isotope composition of soil water above and below the hardpan in a rainfed lowland rice field Reviewed

    Yano, K., Sekiya, N., Samson, B.K., Mazid, M.A., Yamauchi, A., Kono, Y. and Wade, L.J.

    Field Crops Research   Vol. 96 ( 2-3 ) page: 477-480   2006.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In rainfed lowland rice fields, developing hardpan soil layers must be important to pool rainfall, but during drought that also restricts water movement from below it. We investigated whether the hardpan can maintain a contrast of deuterium/hydrogen isotopic composition (delta D) in soil water under field condition. The experimental site was at Rajshahi in north-west Bangladesh. The hardpan soil layers had developed around 0.2 m soil-depth in the field. Soil water from either above or below the hardpan was collected non-destructively with porous cups installed into the field. Using an isotopic ratio mass spectrometer, delta D value of each water sample was determined. During the sampling period, the field surface varied from water-saturated to unsaturated status with rainfall event. While the delta D values fluctuated by the influence of rainfall, significant differences in the delta D values were always detected between above and below the hardpan, revealing heterogeneity in the delta D values persisted with the hardpan. The effect of hardpan on retention of the delta D signature was further confirmed in a laboratory experiment using intact soil columns collected from a paddy field at Nagoya University. The natural delta D signature in rainfed lowland rice field may be useful to identify certain genotypes that demonstrate in situ capability of water acquisition from below the hardpan through delta D analysis of the xylem sap.

  25. 植物とVA菌根菌の窒素をめぐる駆け引き


    根の研究   Vol. 15 ( 1 ) page: 11–17   2006.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

    陸上植物の根は,むき出しの「根」で存在するよりも,共生微生物の菌根菌が共生した状態の「菌根」で存在しているのが普通である.最も普遍的にみられるのがVA 菌根であり,この菌根が形成されると宿主植物のリン獲得能が向上することはよく知られている.しかし,多くの生態系で植物の成長を律速しているのはリンよりもむしろ窒素であるが,VA 菌根菌が宿主植物の窒素栄養に関与しているかどうかは議論が続いてきた.私たちは最近,アンモニアを吸収したVA 菌根菌は速やかに宿主にその窒素を提供するのに,硝酸を吸収した場合には自らが利用するだけで宿主に受け渡さない,という選択的な窒素供給現象を見いだした.本稿では,VA 菌根菌が宿主植物の窒素栄養にどのように関与するのかについて,私たちの研究を紹介しつつ,過去の研究の問題点について議論する.

  26. Nitrogen delivery to maize via mycorrhizal hyphae depends on the form of N supplied Reviewed

    Tanaka, Y. and Yano, K.

    Plant, Cell & Environment   Vol. 28 ( 10 ) page: 1247-1254   2005.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2005.01360.x

  27. Root morphological plasticity for heterogeneous phosphorus supply in Zea mays L. Reviewed

    Yano, K. and Kume, T

    Plant Production Science   Vol. 8 ( 4 ) page: 427-432   2005.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The morphological plasticity of roots in nutrient-enriched patches of soil is regarded as an adaptive response in plants, but its functional efficiency is still debatable. We examined whether the efficiency is dependent upon the patch size, or the amount of phosphate (P) supplied in maize (Zea mays L.). Two levels of P-input (high and low) and three patch sizes (large, medium and small) were used in various combinations in containers filled with soil. Irrespective of the P-inputs, P uptake and biomass were greatest in large patches together with root proliferation restricted to the soil inside patches, indicating that the effect of P-patch size was stronger than the amount of P supplied. Due to the fine root proliferation (about 0.5mm-width) of higher specific root length, the root length promoted was not accompanied by more biomass investment inside the patches. For the medium and small patches, such a localized root proliferation disappeared, resulting in impaired plant growth with limited P acquisition. It was concluded that the efficiency of the root plasticity on P acquisition depends on the size of P patches more strongly than the inputs.

  28. Mycorrhizal alleviation of acid soil stress in the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) Reviewed

    Yano, K. and Takaki, M

    Soil Biology & Biochemistry   Vol. 37 ( 8 ) page: 1569-1572   2005.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    It is not known why sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivated in tropical regions tolerates acid soil. Here, we report the involvement of mycorrhizal symbiosis in this tolerance. Plants were grown in root-boxes filled with either acidic soil (pH 4.2) or the same soil amended with lime (pH 5.2) for 30-d in a growth chamber. In the inoculated treatments, the percentage of root length colonized by Gigaspora margarita was not affected by soil pH (23±9% at pH 4.2 vs. 30±12% at pH 5.2). The root and shoot dry weights of the non-mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 were 27 and 35%, respectively, of those at pH 5.2. The root and shoot dry weights of the mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 were 70 and 51% of those at pH 5.2. Growth promotion in mycorrhizal plants was significant only at pH 4.2 (2-fold increase in whole plant dry weight), but not at pH 5.2. As a result, no significant difference was detected in whole plant dry weight between the mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 and non-mycorrhizal plants at pH 5.2. The mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 showed reduced toxic symptoms of Mn (brown specks on mature leaves) and Al (poor root growth) compared to non-mycorrhizal ones, but tissue concentrations of P, K and Ca did not increase in mycorrhizal plants. We assume that the mycorrhizal colonization can reduce toxic effects of those elements while the exact mechanisms should be further investigated.

  29. 植物メカニズムの解明と環境教育の可能性



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    自然に学ぶものづくり2004. 積水化学工業株式会社.

  30. 植物の難溶性リン利用能と菌根共生系の関与


    農業および園芸   Vol. 79   page: 1012-1017   2004.9

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  31. Progess in drought avoidance of rainfed lowland rice Invited

    Wade LJ, Samson BK, Siopongco J, Egdane J, Ismail A, Bennett J, Salekdeh H, Ghareyazie B, McLaren CG, Kamoshita A, Yano K, Yamauchi A

    Water in Agriculture   Vol. ACIAR Proceedings No. 116   page: 215-223   2004.6

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  32. 植物のスプリンクラー機能: Hydraulic liftの活用


    農業および園芸   Vol. 79   page: 695-702   2004.6

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  33. *Do pigeon pea and sesbania supply groundwater to intercropped maize through hydraulic lift?: Hydrogen stable isotope investigation of xylem waters. Reviewed

    Sekiya, N. and Yano, K

    Field Crops Research   Vol. 86 ( 2-3 ) page: 167-173   2004.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Hydraulic lift is a movement of water between soil layers contrasting in water potential through plant root systems. We expected that an introduction of deep-rooted plants into intercropping systems could provide an opportunity for the associated crops to utilize water from deep in the soil layers through hydraulic lift. A stable hydrogen isotope (deuterium) was used to investigate this possibility in a field experiment conducted at the Zambia National Irrigation Research Station. Maize (Zea mays) plants were grown adjacent to the deep rooting legumes, pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and sesbania (Sesbania sesban), whose roots accessed groundwater having the deuterium/hydrogen isotope ratios (deltaD) different from those of rainfall. We hypothesized that the deltaD values of xylem waters from shallow-rooted maize would become closer to those of groundwater when hydraulic lift occurred, and this would be affected by the distance between the maize and the legumes. The maize near pigeon pea showed deltaD values closer to those of groundwater while the maize at a distance did not. However, we could not detect such a distance-dependence in maize plants grown adjacent to sesbania. Based on the field trial, a glasshouse experiment was implemented for the pigeon pea-maize association. The plants were grown in a split-root container with an air gap between the two soil layers. The pigeon pea roots were allowed to develop in the bottom soil injected with D2O while the maize roots were confined in the top soil. Immediately after the injection, a higher D concentration above the level of natural occurrence was detected in xylem waters from each of the maize plants, confirming that pigeon pea lifted water from the bottom and transferred it to the maize. Moreover, the water supply from the pigeon pea to the maize was enhanced by the shading treatment on the pigeon pea, implying the possibility of regulating the function of the hydraulic lift. It is concluded that at least pigeon pea c

  34. Phosphorus acquisition from non-labile sources in peanut and pigeonpea with mycorrhizal interaction Reviewed

    Shibata, R. and Yano, K

    Applied Soil Ecology   Vol. 24 ( 2 ) page: 133-141   2003.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Both peanuts and pigeonpeas are believed to utilize non-labile phosphate (P) due to the dissolving abilities of their root exudates, in which the mycorrhizal interaction is rarely considered. We examined a hypothesis that such effective P acquisition would not appear without the mycorrhizal function. First, mycorrhizal responses of peanuts and pigeonpeas were compared with soybeans or a non-mycorrhizal species of yellow lupin in a P-limited soil amended with a mixture of three non-labile P sources (Fe-P, Al-P, and Ca-phytate). Inoculation with Gigaspora margarita greatly increased P uptake in pigeonpeas (10-fold) and peanuts (6-fold), more than in soybeans (3-fold), indicating greater mycorrhizal dependency in both these plants. Second, the mycorrhizal responses of peanuts and pigeonpeas were compared in a soil amended with three P sources individually. P uptake responses were significant, and similar for all the P sources in pigeonpeas. In peanuts, the response was significant for both Al-P and Fe-P, but not for Ca-phytate because of greater P uptake in the non-inoculated plants, implying a direct utilization of Ca-phytate by peanuts. Third, interactive effects of the pigeonpeas' rhizosphere and extraradical hyphae were investigated in a compartment container, where root exudate movement as well as hyphal penetration into the compartment soil, amended with Al-P, was controlled. A significant increase in P uptake was found only when both the exudates and hyphae were permitted access into the compartment soil, suggesting the importance of the interactive effect. We concluded that the mycorrhiza can accelerate P acquisition by the plants from non-labile sources in soil through interaction between the roots and hyphae. It is a novel finding that peanuts can utilize Ca-phytate without mycorrhiza, but the mechanism is still unclear.

  35. Mycorrhizal phosphorus enhancement of plants in undisturbed soil differs from phosphorus uptake stimulation by arbuscular mycorrhizae over non-mycorrhizal controls Reviewed

    McGonigle, T.P., Yano, K. and Shinhama, T

    Biology and Fertility of Soils   Vol. 37 ( 5 ) page: 268-273   2003.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Previous greenhouse and field studies have shown arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) plants usually have greater P uptake and growth when raised in undisturbed soil compared to soil disturbed between plantings, such as by tillage. We report here for the first time that AM fungi able to stimulate shoot P uptake in experimental comparisons to non-mycorrhizal plants differ in their ability to bring about similar responses in undisturbed soil compared to disturbed soil. This outcome indicates a difference in functional character between the two stimulation processes. Three isolates of AM fungi were tested for growth promotion of maize (Zea mays L.) in pots in a soil disturbance experiment that included non-mycorrhizal controls. All three fungi colonized roots well and promoted shoot P uptake compared to non-inoculated controls, but only Glomus mosseae was able to stimulate growth in undisturbed soil compared to disturbed soil. This effect was seen when Glomus mosseae was alone or in combination with Gigaspora margarita. However, the presence of Glomus aggregatum in combination with Glomus mosseae prevented any stimulation, presumably due to domination by Glomus aggregatum. The ability of AM fungi to be beneficial to plants in comparison to non-mycorrhizal situations likely relates to the spread of mycelium in the soil and the capacity for nutrient transfer to the root. The ability of an AM fungus to promote growth in undisturbed soil appears to be related to these features and, in addition, a capacity for persistence and retention of functional capacity of the extraradical mycelium from one plant generation to the next.

  36. Relationship between the distribution of Na and the damages caused by salinity in the leaves of rice seedlings grown under a saline condition Reviewed

    Mitsuya, S., Yano, K., Kawasaki, M., Taniguchi, M. and Miyake, H

    Plant Production Science   Vol. 5   page: 269-274   2002.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  37. Water acquisition from rainfall and groundwater by legume crops developing deep rooting systems determined with stable hydrogen isotope compositions of xylem waters Reviewed

    Sekiya, N. and Yano, K

    Field Crops Research   Vol. 78 ( 2-3 ) page: 133-139   2002.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The deuterium/hydrogen isotope ratios (deltaD) of xylem waters from pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and sesbania (Sesbania sesban) plants grown in semi-arid Zambia were investigated to know the seasonal variation in water sources for those crops. The study was conducted at a field site in the Zambia National Irrigation Research Station from November 2000 until April 2001. We measured the deltaD values of xylem waters exuded by both of the legumes, in addition to those of rainfall and groundwater. This was done by use of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. While the deltaD values of rainfall fluctuated considerably, those of groundwater were almost constant throughout the experimental period. The deltaD values obtained from the xylem waters from both species also fluctuated, suggesting the influence of water from rainfall. The tap roots of both of the plants reached at least 2 in below the soil surface, where groundwater was available. However, xylem waters from sesbania always showed deltaD values closer to those of the groundwater, as compared to values measured in pigeon pea. This implies that sesbania. has a greater dependency on groundwater for its water supply than pigeon pea. During the dry season, only pigeon pea exuded xylem sap despite its smaller dependency on groundwater. Therefore, it was hypothesized that pigeon pea could more actively absorb water from drying surface layers, while sesbania was less able. This water from surface layers would result in a diluted groundwater composition in xylem waters of pigeon pea. We have shown that deltaD analysis for xylem waters can aid in the understanding of the function of deep rooting systems of crops grown in fields.

  38. Changes in thermal images of cassava shoots with excising the tuberous roots

    "Yano, K., Banoc D.M., Pardales Jr., J.R. & Yamauchi, A."


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    "In: Nakatani, M. & Komaki, K eds., Potential of Root Crops for Food and Industrial Resources. pp136-138."

  39. Comparisons in soil water extraction between cassava cultivars

    "Yano, K., Kato, Y., Banoc D.M., Pardales Jr., J.R. & Yamauchi, A."


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    "In: Nakatani, M. & Komaki, K eds., Potential of Root Crops for Food and Industrial Resources. pp132-135."

  40. 水素の安定同位体自然存在比から評価した植物が利用する水資源の由来


    根の研究   Vol. 11(2)   page: 35-42   2002.6

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  41. Regulation of rhizosphere acidification by photosynthetic activity in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) seedlings Reviewed

    Rao, T.P., Yano, K., Iijima, M., Yamauchi, A. and Tatsumi, J

    Annals of Botany   Vol. 89   page: 213-220   2002.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In contrast to cereals or other crops, legumes are known to acidify the rhizosphere even when supplied with nitrates. This phenomenon has been attributed to N-2 fixation allowing excess uptake of cations over anions; however, as we have found previously, the exposure of the shoot to illumination can cause rhizosphere acidification in the absence of N-2 fixation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp). In this study, we examined whether the light-induced acidification can relate to photosynthetic activity and corresponding alterations in cation-anion uptake ratios. The changes of rhizosphere pH along the root axis were visualized using a pH indicator agar gel. The intensity of pH changes (alkalization/acidification) in the rhizosphere was expressed in proton fluxes, which were obtained by processing the images of the pH indicator agar gel. The uptake of cations and anions was measured in nutrient solution. The rhizosphere was alkalinized in the dark but acidified with exposure of the shoots to light. The extent of light-induced acidification was increased with leaf size and intensity of illumination on the shoot, and completely stopped with the application of photosynthesis inhibitor. Although the uptake of cations was significantly lower than that of anions, the rhizosphere was acidified by light exposure. Proton pump inhibitors N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodimide and vanadate could not stop the light-induced acidification. The results indicate that light-induced acidification in cowpea seedlings is regulated by photosynthetic activity, but is not due to excess uptake of cations.

  42. Regulation of phosphorus solubilization by light conditions on shoot in legumes.

    Rao, T.P., Yano, K., Yamauchi, A., Tatsumi, J., Iijima, M.

    Plant nutrition-Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers     page: 558-559   2001

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    Regulation of phosphorus solubilization by light conditions on shoot in legumes

  43. トウモロコシ根系が発揮する可塑性の窒素獲得における意義


    根の研究   Vol. 9   page: 167-171   2000.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  44. 微少土壌孔隙水のδ 18 O 値の測定と土壌ー大気圏水循環研究への応用



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  45. Rhizosphere pH changes induced by exposure of shoot to light Reviewed

    Rao, T.P., Yano, K., Yamauchi, A. and Tatsumi, J

    Plant Production Science   Vol. 3   page: 101-107   2000.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  46. A simple method for quantitative estimation of rhizosphere pH along root axes through visualization

    Rao, T.P., Yano, K., Yamauchi, A. and Tatsumi, J

    Plant Production Science   Vol. 3   page: 94-100   2000.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  47. Time Course Changes in Thermal Images of Cassava Camopy with Catting the Adventitious Roots : Comparison between Cultivars Uader different Soil water conditions

    Raport of the Tokai Branch of Crop Science Society of Japan   Vol. 127   page: 19-22   1999

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  48. Arbuscular mycorrhizal formation in undisturbed soil counteracts compacted soil stress for pigeon pea Reviewed

    Yano, K., Yamauchi, A., Iijima, M. and Kono, Y

    Applied Soil Ecology   Vol. 10 ( 1-2 ) page: 95-102   1998.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Plant growth is sometimes restricted with soil compaction under no-tillage conditions, although undisturbed soils are favorable to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi of a symbiont. We examined growth responses of the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) to soil disturbance and inoculation with an AM fungus (Gigaspora margarita Pecker & Hall) in a pot experiment. The AM fungal inoculum was added to the soil and wheat was grown. After 6 months the shoot of wheat was removed and the soil was either disturbed or remained undisturbed. Subsequently, pigeon pea was grown and harvested after 3 months. The colonization and spore density of Gigaspora were significantly greater in undisturbed soil than in disturbed soil. Undisturbed soil showed higher penetrometer resistance and resulted in impaired shoot growth of the pigeon pea with lower shoot-to-root (S/R) ratio than disturbed soil. However, inoculation with the AM fungus reduced the stress impact of undisturbed soil on the pigeon pea without affecting the soil resistance and S/R ratio. A possible reason for reducing the stress impact was increase in specific root length, rather than P inflow with the AM formation. It is a novel finding that AM formation in undisturbed soil could promote root elongation despite the fact that soil was seriously compacted.

  49. シンポジウム「Phosphorus in Plant Biology」に参加して


    根の研究   Vol. 7   page: 83-84   1998.1

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  50. Plant phosphorus demand affects root responses to locally applied phosphorus in wheat: Plasticity in specific root length and acid phosphatase exudation.

    Yano, K.and Kojima, K.

    Phosphorus in plant biology: Regulatory roles in molecular, cellular, organismic, and ecosystem processes. American Society of Plant Physiologists     page: 335-337   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Plant phosphorus demand affects root responses to locally applied phosphorus in wheat: Plasticity in specific root length and acid phosphatase exudation

  51. Localized alteration in lateral root development in roots colonized by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Reviewed

    Mycorrhiza   Vol. 6 ( 5 ) page: 409   1996.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The morphological responses of root systems to localized colonization by endophytes is not well understood. We examined the responses of lateral roots to the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Gigaspora margarita Becker & Hall inoculated locally into the soil. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) were examined. Root boxes filled with nutrient-poor soil in were inoculated in one half with the fungus and in the other half with a sterilized inoculum. Responses were apparent after 30 days but not after 20 days. Overall, lateral root development was more advanced in inoculated soil. This was clearly observed for 2nd- and 3rd-order lateral roots, but less clear for Ist-order lateral roots in both species, although percentage of colonized root length was higher in Ist-order lateral roots. Whilst in peanut the responses were clearly evident at the level of lateral roots initiated on more proximal parts of the tap root axis, they occurred on more distal parts in pigeon pea. We conclude that plants under nutrient-poor conditions give priority to mycorrhizal roots when partitioning assimilation products within the root system. Thus, AM formation may induce local morphological alteration of root systems.

  52. Modification of Root System Morphology in a Peanut Seedling Inoculated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus, Gigaspora margarita Becker & Hall Reviewed

    Yano, K., Yamauchi, A.and Kono, Y.

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science   Vol. 65 ( 2 ) page: 361-367   1996.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Modification of root system morphology caused by the inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Gigaspora margarita Pecker & Hall) was evaluated in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut plants were grown for 16 days in root boxes placed in a growth chamber with natural light. Inoculum of the fungus was uniformly mixed with the soil in root boxes, whereas in others, the soil was uninoculated to serve as a control. In each root system, the tap root axis was divided into 10-mm sections, where lateral roots remained intact, to evaluate the difference in lateral root development along the tap root. Two-way ANOVA in which the variation sources were divided into the inoculation treatment and section of tap root axis, showed significant effects of the inoculation on lateral root development. As for the root number, the effect was promotive for the 1st order lateral roots but inhibitive for the 2nd order ones, and as for the individual root length, inhibitive for the former but was not detected for the latter. Our conclusion is that the inoculation caused changes in root system morphology of peanut through lateral root development on the tap root, where the responses were different between Ist and 2nd order lateral roots.

  53. Distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizas in peanut root system Reviewed

    Yano, K., Yamauchi, A. and Kono, Y

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science   Vol. 65   page: 315-323   1996.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonies was assessed in a peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) root system at early growth stage. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Gigaspora margarita Pecker & Hall) was uniformly inoculated into non-sterilized soil. Peanut plants were grown in root boxes filled with the soil for 16 days inside a growth chamber. Approximately 66% of the total length of the mycorrhizal colonies was found on the Ist order lateral roots, while the rest was observed on the 2nd ones. In contrast, the tap root was scarcely colonized. On the Ist order lateral roots, regardless of the root length, it was evident that the frequency of the mycorrhizal colonies increased acropetally toward the root apex especially in the relatively aged roots that initiated on the proximal portion of tap root axis. In those lateral roots, the highest frequency of the mycorrhizal colony occurrence was recognized in the most apical part of the root, while many of relatively long colonies were found a little behind the root apex. However, the trend became unclear gradually in the relatively younger lateral roots initiated on the more distal potion of tap root axis. These facts clearly showed that in the Ist order lateral roots, the distribution and growth of mycorrhizal colonies are closely related with their initiating positions along tap root axis.

  54. How does arbuscular mycorrhiza formation modify root system development of peanut and pigeon pea?

    "Yano, K., Yamauchi, A. and Kono, Y."

    "Crop Research in Asia: Achievements and Perspective Ishii, R. and Horie, T. Kyoritsu Printing`sTokyo"     page: 632-633   1996.1

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  55. Root system development of food legumes as affected by nodule formation

    Mia, Md. W. Yamauchi, A., Yano, K. and Kono, Y.

    Report of the Tokai Branch of Crop Science of Japan   Vol. 122   page: 9-10   1996.1

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  56. 不耕起土壌がキマメの生長ならびにVA菌根形成に及ぼす影響

    矢野勝也,山内 章,河野恭廣

    日本作物学会東海支部会報   Vol. 119   page: 13-14   1995.1

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  57. Plant root system and VA mycorrhizas formation

      Vol. 70 ( 8 ) page: 925   1995

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  58. Effects of Sunn Hemp and Peanut Incorporated as Green Manures on Growth and Nitrogen Uptake of the Succeeding Wheat Reviewed

    Yano K, Daimon H, Mimoto H

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science   Vol. 63 ( 1 ) page: 137   1994

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

▼display all

Books 10

  1. リンの事典

    矢野勝也( Role: Joint author ,  トピックス20 ラッカセイに学ぶリン資源の有効活用)

    朝倉書店  2017.11 

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    Total pages:344   Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia

  2. 新しい植物学・ 20章 栄養分と肥料

    矢野勝也( Role: Sole author)

    培風館  2010.7 

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  3. 作物学用語事典・根(マメ科)

    矢野勝也( Role: Sole author)

    農山漁村文化協会  2010.4 

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  4. 根の生態学・11章 菌根.

    菅原俊二・矢野勝也( Role: Joint author)

    シュプリンガー・ファーラーク東京  2008.2 

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  5. 栽培学・共生微生物

    矢野勝也( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2006 

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  6. 栽培学・土壌微生物

    矢野勝也( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2006 

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  7. 根のデザインー根が作る食糧と環境ー・根系と根圏環境

    矢野勝也( Role: Joint author)

    養賢堂  2003 

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  8. ファイテク How to みる・きく・はかる-植物環境計測-・根の微生物をみる-VA菌根菌とリン酸吸収

    矢野勝也( Role: Joint author)

    養賢堂  2002 

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  9. 根の事典・根の養分吸収戦略

    矢野勝也( Role: Sole author)

    朝倉書店  1998 

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  10. 根の事典・根の分泌物質と養分吸収

    矢野勝也( Role: Sole author)

    朝倉書店  1998 

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▼display all

Presentations 35

  1. Strong potassium acquisition from soil in sweet potato

    MO Fan, YANO Katsuya

    GTR annual meeting  2024.1.12 

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    Event date: 2024.1

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  2. なぜサツマイモは救荒作物となり得たのか?サツマイモの優れた養分獲得能の秘密 Invited


    名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科 附属フィールド科学教育研究センター東郷フィールド(附属農場) 「農場講演会」  2023.8.1  名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科 附属フィールド科学教育研究センター東郷フィールド(附属農場)

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    Event date: 2023.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

    Venue:東郷町役場 2階大会議室  

  3. Nitrogen and water demands for maximum growth of Solanum tuberosum under doubled CO2: interaction with phosphorus based on the demands

    YI Yan, SUGIURA Daisuke & YANO Katsuya


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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  4. Growth responses of potato to elevated CO2 under different growth stages in open-top chambers: Interaction with phosphorus supply

    YI Yan & YANO Katsuya


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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  5. リンにまつわる植物のジレンマ:土壌-植物間のリン動態 Invited


    日本鉄鋼協会第182回秋季講演大会シンポジウム「リン資源としての製鋼スラグの有効活用をめぐって」  2021.9.2  スラグ由来の人工リン鉱石研究会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  6. Varietal difference of potato in response to elevated CO2

    YI Yan & YANO Katsuya


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    Event date: 2021.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  7. Plant growth and water economy of Solanum tuberosum in response to doubled CO2: interaction between potassium and phosphorus

    YI Yan & YANO Katsuya


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    Event date: 2021.3

    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  8. Extending estimation of WUE via Δ13C across various plant nutrient status and CO2 conditions

    Yan YI, Katsuya YANO


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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  9. Nitrogen and phosphorus demands for maximum growth of Solanum tuberosum under doubled CO2

    Yan YI, Katsuya YANO


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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  10. Accelerated senescence by elevated CO2 in Solanum tuberosum: Effects of nutrients and chamber types

    Yan YI, Katsuya YANO


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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  11. サツマイモ窒素固定能に与える土壌養分環境の影響

    上田 理紗子, 矢野 勝也

    日本作物学会第250回講演会   2020.9.3  日本作物学会

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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  12. Nitrogen and water demands for maximum growth of Solanum tuberosum under doubled CO2: Interaction with phosphorus nutrition on their demands

    Yan YI, Daisuke SUGIURA, Katsuya YANO


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    Event date: 2020.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  13. Interaction between P supply and elevated CO2 on biomass production and water-economy of potato

    Yan Yi, Katsuya Yano

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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  14. 高CO2環境下における土耕ダイズのリン施肥反応

    村瀬 志織, 吉田 篤司, 矢野 勝也


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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  15. 土壌の滅菌がサツマイモの生育と窒素固定能へ及ぼす影響 International conference

    新庄 莉奈, 田中 愛子, 矢野 勝也, 近藤 始彦


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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  16. アーバスキュラー菌根菌による生育促進のイネにおける品種間差

    畑信吾, Thongkhoun Sisaphaithong, 鈴木彩葉, 花井伸一, 富岡利恵, 小八重善裕, 田中愛子, 矢野勝也, 竹中千里


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    Event date: 2016.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  17. アーバスキュラー菌根菌への生育応答のイネ品種間差に関する圃場試験

    Thongkhoun SISAPHAITHONG,花井伸一,富岡利恵,小八重善裕,田中愛子, 矢野勝也,竹中千里,畑信吾


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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:つくば国際会議場   Country:Japan  

  18. 高CO2環境下のサツマイモ収量におけるシンク容量制限の影響



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

    Venue:信州大学長野キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  19. Does root tip mucilage participate in Al resistance by Zea mays?

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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  20. コムギ・オオムギのアルミニウムストレス緩和における根端粘液の関与

    岡本一穂, 矢野勝也


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    Event date: 2011.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:山口大学吉田キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  21. アーバスキュラー菌根菌との共生によるトウモロコシのアミノ酸吸収

    松村 篤, 谷口 真司, 山脇 賢治, 矢野 勝也, 大門 弘幸


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    Event date: 2011.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:山口大学吉田キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  22. リンの施肥量削減に向けた作物種子のリン富化条件の探索

    丸井 沙織, 矢野 勝也


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    Event date: 2011.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:山口大学吉田キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  23. 作物の窒素栄養に対する菌根共生系の関与



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    Event date: 2010.8

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  24. 植物のフィチン利用能:水耕および土耕での比較

    大西淳志, 矢野勝也


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    Event date: 2009.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  25. 圃場条件下で検証した深根性植物根系の灌漑機能

    関谷信人, 古川秀隆, 荒木英樹, 矢野勝也


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    Event date: 2009.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  26. リンを富化したコムギ種子はリン施肥量の削減に有効である

    矢野勝也, 関谷信人


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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  27. Using plant roots as an irrigation system International conference

    5th International Crop Science Congress 

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    Event date: 2008.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  28. 2-D mapping and image analysis of phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere International conference

    5th International Crop Science Congress 

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    Event date: 2008.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

  29. 植物スプリンクラー機能の種間比較

    水本有紀, 関谷信人, 矢野勝也


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    Event date: 2006.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  30. 「Hydraulic liftを利用した植物で植物を灌漑する技術」プロジェクト紹介

    関谷信人, 張喜英 , 村中聡, 荒木英樹, 矢野勝也


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    Event date: 2006.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  31. どの方向にリン資源が存在するかをトウモロコシは知っている?

    久米貴志, 関谷信人, 矢野勝也


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    Event date: 2006.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  32. 自然におけるリンの循環


    Nature COEシンポジウム 

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    Event date: 2005.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  33. ラッカセイに学ぶリン資源の有効活用



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    Event date: 2005.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    "こどもの城, 東京都渋谷区"

  34. 根機能のコストと利益:その機能は個体にとって本当に有利?



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    Event date: 2004.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    "中部大学リサーチセンター, 春日井市"

  35. リンを富化したコムギ種子はリン施肥量の削減に有効である



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    Event date: 2001.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


▼display all

Works 2

  1. なんと植物スプリンクラー:根が水を放出!?


  2. マメ科の根がもたらす水分供給効果


Research Project for Joint Research, Competitive Funding, etc. 7

  1. 高CO2環境と植物の窒素欠乏:蒸散抑制の関与

    Grant number:183304  2018.11 - 2019.10


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1200000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 )

  2. Hydraulic liftを利用した植物で植物を灌漑する技術

    2005.7 - 2008.6


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  3. 植物を用いて植物を灌漑する技術(植物スプリンクラー)の実用化へ向けた研究

    2004.10 - 2005.9


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  4. 植物に学ぶリン資源の有効活用法

    2003.10 - 2004.9


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    Grant type:Competitive


  5. 植物の持つHydraulic liftの意義に関する研究

    2000.10 - 2001.9


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    Grant type:Competitive


  6. 菌根共生系における土壌蓄積難溶性リンの溶解機構の解明

    2000.1 - 2000.12


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    Grant type:Competitive


  7. キャッサバおよびサツマイモの養水分吸収機構の特異性

    1998.4 - 1999.3

    日本学術振興会熱帯生物資源研究助成事業 代表 

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    Grant type:Competitive


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KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 17

  1. 二酸化炭素濃度の上昇が植物の老化を促進させるメカニズムの解明

    Grant number:24KF0224  2024.11 - 2027.3

    科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費

    矢野 勝也

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\2000000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 )

  2. エンドファイト窒素固定能の機能実体特定とその世代間伝達

    Grant number:22K18346  2022.6 - 2025.3

    科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的研究(開拓)

    矢野 勝也

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\26000000 ( Direct Cost: \20000000 、 Indirect Cost:\6000000 )

    15N2ガスをサツマイモに供与した後、植物体内から細菌群を回収した。ラマン顕微鏡を用いて、細菌シトクロムcを検出し、シトクロムc内部にC-14NだけでなくC-15Nを有する細菌が存在することを確認できた。希釈した細菌懸濁液を寒天ゲル上に塗布し、細菌シングルセルを観察した。15Nを含むシングルセルと含まないシングルセルをそれぞれ回収してゲノム解析を実施し、16S rDNA配列から窒素固定に関与した可能性のある細菌候補が得られた。同時に、ニトロゲナーゼ遺伝子(nifH)の有無も調査した。その結果、いくつかの細菌がnifH遺伝子を有すること、かつ15N2を利用したことを確認できた。

  3. New opportunities for plant water economy through the interaction of CO2 environment and nutrient status

    Grant number:21H02328  2021.4 - 2024.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Yano Katsuya

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17940000 ( Direct Cost: \13800000 、 Indirect Cost:\4140000 )

    The study demonstrated that under doubled CO2 concentrations, CO2 uptake is possible even at low stomatal aperture, and that biomass production capacity can be doubled without an increase in transpiration. However, it is more important than ever to control the nutritional status of plants in order to achieve this, and it was clarified that the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, whose demand is increasing, without excess or deficiency, leads to an increase in water use efficiency, which is directly related to biomass production capacity. The study also suggested that a high CO2 environment suppresses daytime transpiration but not nighttime transpiration, and that nighttime transpiration without photosynthesis includes wasteful water consumption that is not directly related to biomass production, and that suppression of such transpiration may reduce water consumption without reducing biomass production.

  4. Physiological factors and molecular mechanisms on absorption and distribution of cesium in indica and japonica rice varieties

    Grant number:16H04865  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Kondo Motohiko

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    This research focuses on physiological and genetic factors conferring to the varietal difference in absorption and distribution of Cs in rice. Indica varieties showed larger Cs uptake during panicle initiation to heading stages as compared with japonica ones, which was attributed not only to the differences in K uptake but also Cs absorption ability of root. The expression level of several transporter genes was different in Koshihikari and Habataki, which suggests that difference in Cs dynamics between both cultivars may be related with the gene expressions. Distribution of Cs to grain was also larger in indica than japonica varieties and it was enhanced under low K conditions. Distribution of Cs was regulated dynamically during ripening period. During ripening, Cs was translocated from leaf blades to other parts. Cs accumulated most in the panicle neck at maturing stage. Genetic analysis using Kosihikari/IR64 CSSL reveals several QTLs related to Cs uptake.

  5. Traits of sweet potato in response to high CO2

    Grant number:16H05055  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Yano Katsuya

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\17810000 ( Direct Cost: \13700000 、 Indirect Cost:\4110000 )

    We have previously found that sweet potato plants demonstrated high biomass production capacity under high CO2 environment. The cause was analyzed from 1) nitrogen fixation ability by endophytes, 2) secondary growth of tuber making sink capacity flexible. The nitrogen-fixing ability of sweet potato was estimated through the δ15N analysis, showing a greater variation similar to that by soybean to corn. Treating the sweet potato tuberous root so as not to enlarge does not cause an increase in leaf starch concentration or a decrease in stomatal conductance. Moreover, in potato plants with high CO2 environment, the biomass production ability did not increase due to aging promoted probably by nitrogen deficiency at later growth stage. These results suggest that the flexibility of sink capacity alone is not enough to enhance biomass under elevated CO2.

  6. 植物気孔形態の可変性:何のために変化するのか?

    2013.4 - 2015.3

    科学研究費補助金  挑戦的萌芽研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  7. 土の硬さで植物のアルミニウムストレスを緩和できるか?

    2012.4 - 2013.3

    科学研究費補助金  挑戦的萌芽研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  8. 作物種子のリン富化技術


    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  9. 土壌不均一系における植物パフォーマンス

    2008.4 - 2011.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B),課題番号:20380178

    矢野 勝也

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  10. 作物による土壌蓄積リン資源の獲得戦略の多様性と施肥量削減への応用

    2008.4 - 2011.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(A)


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  11. 根圏ホスファターゼ活性の画像解析法

    2007.4 - 2008.3

    科学研究費補助金  萌芽研究,課題番号:19658123

    矢野 勝也

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  12. 植物の hydraulic lift 現象における水放出経路の解明

    2005.4 - 2008.3

    科学研究費補助金  若手研究(A),課題番号:17688015

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  13. リン酸欠乏が気孔閉鎖を誘発するメカニズムの解析および気孔ー光合成関係の再検証


    科学研究費補助金  特別研究員奨励費

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  14. 導管水同位体解析から評価した天水田イネの水資源獲得様式

    2001.4 - 2005.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)(1)(海外学術調査)

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  15. 菌根共生系を利用した作物による難溶性リン酸吸収の促進

    1999.4 - 2001.3

    科学研究費補助金  奨励研究(A)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  16. 不耕起栽培における菌根ネットワークの意義

    1998.4 - 2001.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)(2)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  17. 発育解剖学的差異をもつ作物根系構成要素の機能的特異性の解明

    1996.4 - 1998.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(A)(2)

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▼display all


Teaching Experience (On-campus) 12

  1. 動植物の科学


  2. 基礎セミナーA


  3. 植物生理学2


  4. 植物生産科学1


  5. 資源生産生態学基礎講義


  6. 資源生産生態学特論I


  7. 卒業論文


  8. 専門セミナー


  9. 資源生物科学実験実習


  10. 資源生産生態学演習I


  11. 資源生産生態学輪講I


  12. 資源生物科学実験実習


▼display all

Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 3

  1. 環境保全と農業

    1998.4 - 1999.3 愛知県立農業大学校)

  2. 作物学

    1998.4 - 1999.3 愛知県立農業大学校)

  3. 有機農業

    1996.4 - 1997.3 愛知県立農業大学校)


Social Contribution 2

  1. 2023年度高校生環境学習推進事業(あいちの未来クリエイト部)

    Role(s):Commentator, Lecturer, Advisor

    株式会社フルハシ環境総合研究所  2023.8 - 2023.11

  2. 名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科 附属フィールド科学教育研究センター東郷フィールド(附属農場) 「農場講演会」


    名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科 附属フィールド科学教育研究センター東郷フィールド  2023.8