Graduate School of Engineering Professor

Updated on 2025/03/13
Ph.D (Eng) ( 1994.9 Osaka University )
Ionic liquid
Light energy conversion
Nanostructured material
Metal nanoparticle
Semiconductor nanoparticle
Others / Others / Functional Materials/Device
Nanotechnology/Materials / Energy chemistry / Electrochemistry
Others / Others / Nanoparticle
Others / Others / Composite Materials/Physical Properties
Others / Others / Physical Chemistry
Preparation of Nanoparticles in Ionic Liquids and Their Application
Control of Electrode Surfaces in the Nanometer Scale for Highly Efficient Fuel Cells
Design and Development of Highly Efficient Light Energy Conversion Systems
Fabrication of Semiconductor Nanoparticle Arrays Having a Tunable Emission
Photochemical Structural Control of Semiconductor Nanocomposite Structures and Their Application to Highly Selective Photocatalyses
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Associate Professor, Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido Unieristy
2000.10 - 2005.3
Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univeristy
1994.10 - 2000.9
Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry
- 1994
Country: Japan
Osaka University Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry
- 1990
Country: Japan
The Electrochemical Society
The American Chemical Society
2020.3 公益社団法人 電気化学会
平成29年度 電気化学会学術賞
2017.3 電気化学会 精密ナノ構造制御による金属・半導体粒子の高機能化と応用
鳥本 司
第30回 光化学協会賞
2016.9 光化学協会 半導体ナノ粒子の微細構造制御と光機能材料開発
鳥本 司
第30回永井科学技術財団賞 学術賞
2013.3 永井科学技術財団
2001 Electrochemical Society of Japan Award for Young Electrochemists
2001.4 The Electrochemical Society of Japan
Controlling optical properties and electronic energy structure of I–III–VI semiconductor quantum dots for improving their photofunctions Invited Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata
Motomura, G; Ohisa, S; Uematsu, T; Kuwabata, S; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Fujisaki, Y
Vol. 16 ( 49 ) page: 68169 - 68180 2024.11
Tailoring Energy Structure of Low-Toxic Ternary Ag-Bi-S Quantum Dots through Solution-Phase Synthesis for Quantum-Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Invited Reviewed
Vol. 10 page: e202400029 2024.10
Rismaningsih, N; Takiyama, T; Akiyoshi, K; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T
ELECTROCHEMISTRY Vol. 92 ( 7 ) 2024.8
Yolk@Shell Nanostructures for Water Splitting: Current Development and Future Prospects Invited Reviewed International coauthorship
ACS MATERIALS LETTERS Vol. 6 ( 9 ) page: 4066 - 4089 2024.8
Red-Light-Driven Bifunctionalization of Styrene Derivatives Reviewed
Kai, U; Katsurayama, Y; Nishida, R; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Furuyama, T
JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Vol. 89 ( 11 ) page: 8178 - 8184 2024.5
ADVANCED PHYSICS RESEARCH Vol. 3 ( 10 ) page: 2400042 2024.5
Uematsu, T; Izumi, R; Sugano, S; Sugano, R; Hirano, T; Motomura, G; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
FARADAY DISCUSSIONS Vol. 250 ( 0 ) page: 281 - 297 2024.3
Photosensitization of TiO2 Electrodes Immobilized with Chiral Plasmonic Au Nanocolloids by Circularly Polarized Light Irradiation Invited Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Shuji Isogawa, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Hiromu Kashida, Hiroyuki Asanuma, and Tsukasa Torimoto
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Vol. 160 ( 9 ) page: 094709 2024.3
量子ドットの発見から始まった光機能材料の開発とその進展 Invited
上松太郎, 本村玄一, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
ナノ学会会報 Vol. 22 ( 2 ) page: 43 - 52 2024.3
多元系半導体量子ドットを使った高純度EL素子の開発 Invited Reviewed
本村玄一, 大久 哲, 上松太郎, 桑畑 進,亀山達矢, 鳥本 司, 都築俊満, 藤崎好英
映像情報メディア学会誌 Vol. 78 ( 1 ) page: 124 - 130 2024.1
Size- and Shape-Dependent Separation of Multinary Quantum Dots with Plasmonic Thin-Layer Chromatography Invited Reviewed
Akiyoshi, K; Maeda, Y; Yamaguchi, N; Kameyama, T; Tsuboi, Y; Yamane, H; Ishihara, H; Torimoto, T
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Vol. 128 ( 2 ) page: 908 - 918 2023.12
Tozawa, M; Miyamae, C; Akiyoshi, K; Kameyama, T; Yamamoto, T; Motomura, G; Fujisaki, Y; Uematsu, T; Kuwabata, S; Torimoto, T
NANOSCALE ADVANCES Vol. 5 ( 24 ) page: 7057 - 7066 2023.12
量子ドット 化学と物理の融合から生まれた新材料 Invited
上松太郎, 亀山達矢, 秋吉一孝, 鳥本 司, 桑畑 進
現代化学 ( 12 ) page: 18 - 21 2023.12
量子ドットの発見と高精度な化学合成 Invited
亀山達矢, 上松太郎, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
化学 Vol. 78 ( 12 ) page: 26 - 28 2023.12
Bright Red Luminescence from Ag-In-Ga-S-Based Quantum Dots with the Introduction of Copper Reviewed
Uematsu, T; Krobkrong, N; Asai, K; Motomura, G; Fujisaki, Y; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Vol. 96 ( 11 ) page: 1274 - 1282 2023.11
Photoluminescence Redshift of AgInS2 Quantum Dots by Employing Shells with Graded Composition Reviewed
Krobkrong, N; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
ELECTROCHEMISTRY Vol. 91 ( 10 ) page: 107001 2023.10
Ogura, Y; Nakamura, A; Kameyama, T; Kurokawa, Y; Tochigi, E; Shibata, N; Torimoto, T; Hoshino, S; Yokoi, T; Matsunaga, K
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 107 ( 4 ) page: 2040 - 2047 2023.10
Kameyama, T; Sato, K; Yamamoto, T; Tamura, M; Iida, T; Shoji, T; Tsuboi, Y; Torimoto, T
CHEMELECTROCHEM Vol. 10 ( 17 ) page: e202300182 2023.9
Electrocatalyst Fabrication Using Metal Nanoparticles Prepared in Ionic Liquids Invited Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Yao, Y; Tsuda, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
CHEMICAL RECORD Vol. 23 ( 8 ) 2023.8
発光特性の制御可能な多元量子ドットの合成とデバイス応用 Invited
鳥本 司,秋吉一孝,亀山達矢, 上松太郎,桑畑 進
光技術コンタクト Vol. 61 ( 8 ) page: 11 - 19 2023.8
Krobkrong, N; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Vol. 62 ( 6 ) page: 061003 2023.6
Development of Cu-In-Ga-S quantum dots with a narrow emission peak for red electroluminescence Reviewed
Jiang, C; Tozawa, M; Akiyoshi, K; Kameyama, T; Yamamoto, T; Motomura, G; Fujisaki, Y; Uematsu, T; Kuwabata, S; Torimoto, T
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Vol. 158 ( 16 ) page: 164708 2023.4
Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Exhibiting Narrow-Spectrum Green Electroluminescence by Using Ag-In-Ga-S/GaSx Quantum Dots Reviewed International journal
Motomura, G; Uematsu, T; Kuwabata, S; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Tsuzuki, T
Facile High-Yield Synthesis of Ag-In-Ga-S Quaternary Quantum Dots and Coating with Gallium Sulfide Shells for Narrow Band-Edge Emission Reviewed International journal
Uematsu, T; Tepakidareekul, M; Hirano, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
Development of plasmonic thin-layer chromatography for size-selective and optical-property-dependent separation of quantum dots Reviewed International journal
Torimoto, T; Yamaguchi, N; Maeda, Y; Akiyoshi, K; Kameyama, T; Nagai, T; Shoji, T; Yamane, H; Ishihara, H; Tsuboi, Y
NPG ASIA MATERIALS Vol. 14 ( 1 ) 2022.12
多元半導体量子ドットの制御可能な可視・近赤外光応答特性 Invited Reviewed
亀山達矢,上松太郎,桑畑 進,鳥本 司
Vol. 80 page: 66 - 69 2022.12
Composition control of alloy nanoparticles consisting of bulk-immiscible Au and Rh metals <i>via</i> an ionic liquid/metal sputtering technique for improving their electrocatalytic activity Reviewed International journal
Akiyoshi, K; Watanabe, Y; Kameyama, T; Kawawaki, T; Negishi, Y; Kuwabata, S; Torimoto, T
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Vol. 24 ( 39 ) page: 24335 - 24344 2022.10
Multifunctional Magnetic CuS/Gd<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Nanoparticles for Fluorescence/Magnetic Resonance Bimodal Imaging-Guided Photothermal-Intensified Chemodynamic Synergetic Therapy of Targeted Tumors Reviewed International journal
Luo, MC; Yukawa, H; Sato, K; Tozawa, M; Tokunaga, M; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Baba, Y
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol. 14 ( 30 ) page: 34365 - 34376 2022.8
Direct Detection of Long-Range Interdomain Auger Recombination in Dumbbell-Shaped Quasi-Type-II Nanoparticle Reviewed International journal
Koga, M; Masuoka, K; Tsuneizumi, S; Kameyama, T; Ito, S; Torimoto, T; Miyasaka, H
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS Vol. 13 ( 29 ) page: 6845 - 6851 2022.7
進化する多元半導体量子ドットの光機能とその利用 Invited Reviewed
亀山達矢, 上松太郎, 桑畑進, 鳥本司
電気化学 Vol. 90 ( 2 ) page: 115 - 121 2022.6
Tepakidareekul, M; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
CRYSTENGCOMM Vol. 24 ( 20 ) page: 3715 - 3723 2022.5
Surface ligand chemistry on quaternary Ag(In<sub><i>x</i></sub>Ga<sub>1-<i>x</i></sub>)S<sub>2</sub> semiconductor quantum dots for improving photoluminescence properties Reviewed International journal
Hoisang, W; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
NANOSCALE ADVANCES Vol. 4 ( 3 ) page: 849 - 857 2022.2
Optical trapping of nanoparticles in superfluid helium Reviewed International journal
Minowa, Y; Geng, X; Keisuke, K; Sato, K; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Ashida, M
OPTICA Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 139 - 144 2022.1
Red-light-activatable ruthenium phthalocyanine catalysts Reviewed International journal
Ishikawa, Y; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Maeda, H; Segi, M; Furuyama, T
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Vol. 57 ( 99 ) page: 13594 - 13597 2021.12
Optical Trapping of Nanocrystals at Oil/Water Interfaces: Implications for Photocatalysis Reviewed International journal
Tsuboi, Y; Naka, S; Yamanishi, D; Nagai, T; Yuyama, K; Shoji, T; Ohtani, B; Tamura, M; Iida, T; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS Vol. 4 ( 11 ) page: 11743 - 11752 2021.11
Photoluminescence Stability Enhancement of Ag-In-Ga-S/GaS<sub>x</sub> Core/Shell Quantum Dots with Thicker Shells by the Addition of Gallium Diethyldithiocarbamate Reviewed International journal
Hoisang, W; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
CHEMISTRY LETTERS Vol. 50 ( 11 ) page: 1863 - 1866 2021.11
Photoluminescence properties of quinary Ag-(In,Ga)-(S,Se) quantum dots with a gradient alloy structure for <i>in vivo</i> bioimaging Reviewed International journal
Rismaningsih, N; Yamauchi, H; Kameyama, T; Yamamoto, T; Morita, S; Yukawa, H; Uematsu, T; Baba, Y; Kuwabata, S; Torimoto, T
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Vol. 9 ( 37 ) page: 12791 - 12801 2021.10
Perylene-Cy3 FRET System to Analyze Photoactive DNA Structures Reviewed International journal
Kawai, H; Doi, T; Ito, Y; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Kashida, H; Asanuma, H
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Vol. 27 ( 50 ) page: 12845 - 12850 2021.9
Luminescent Quaternary Ag(In<i><sub>x</sub></i>Ga<sub>1-<i>x</i></sub>)S<sub>2</sub>/GaS<i><sub>y</sub></i> Core/Shell Quantum Dots Prepared Using Dithiocarbamate Compounds and Photoluminescence Recovery via Post Treatment Reviewed International journal
Hoisang, W; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Vol. 60 ( 17 ) page: 13101 - 13109 2021.9
Optical force mapping at the single-nanometre scale Reviewed International journal
Yamanishi, J; Yamane, H; Naitoh, Y; Li, YJ; Yokoshi, N; Kameyama, T; Koyama, S; Torimoto, T; Ishihara, H; Sugawara, Y
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Vol. 12 ( 1 ) 2021.6
Incoherent Optical Tweezers on Black Titanium Reviewed International journal
Hashimoto, S; Uenobo, Y; Takao, R; Yuyama, K; Shoji, T; Linklater, DP; Ivanova, E; Juodkazis, S; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Tsuboi, Y
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol. 13 ( 23 ) page: 27586 - 27593 2021.6
Variations in Photoluminescence Intensity of a Quantum Dot Assembly Investigated by Its Adsorption on Cubic Metal-Organic Frameworks Reviewed International journal
Kumagai, K; Uematsu, T; Torimoto, T; Kuwabata, S
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Vol. 125 ( 15 ) page: 8285 - 8293 2021.4
Photoluminescence Enhancement by Light Harvesting of Metal–Organic Frameworks Surrounding Semiconductor Quantum Dots Reviewed International journal
Kohei Kumagai, Taro Uematsu, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata
Chemistry of Materials Vol. 33 ( 5 ) page: 1607 - 1617 2021.3
Shape-controlled synthesis of Cu2O nanoparticles with single-digit nanoscale void space via ionic liquid/metal sputtering and their photoelectrochemical properties Invited Reviewed International journal
Suzuki Shushi, Morimoto Atsumi, Kuwabata Susumu, Torimoto Tsukasa
Green Electroluminescence Generated by Band-edge Transition in Ag-In-Ga-S/GaSx Core/shell Quantum Dots Reviewed International journal
Motomura, G; Iwasaki, Y; Kameyama, T; Torimoto, T; Uematsu, T; Kuwabata, S; Tsuzuki, T
Kameyama, T; Ota, N; Sasamoto, K; Torimoto, T
Electroluminescence from band-edge-emitting AgInS2/GaSx core/shell quantum dots Reviewed International journal
Motomura Genichi, Ogura Kei, Iwasaki Yukiko, Uematsu Taro, Kuwabata Susumu, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Tsuzuki Toshimitsu
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Vol. 117 ( 9 ) page: 091101 2020.8
Akiyoshi Kazutaka, Kameyama Tatsuya, Yamamoto Takahisa, Kuwabata Susumu, Tatsuma Tetsu, Torimoto Tsukasa
RSC ADVANCES Vol. 10 ( 48 ) page: 28516 - 28522 2020.8
Controlling the visible-light driven photocatalytic activity of alloyed ZnSe-AgInSe2 quantum dots for hydrogen production Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Hsieh Ping-Yen, Kameyama Tatsuya, Takiyama Takayuki, Masuoka Ko, Yamamoto Takahisa, Hsu Yung-Jung, Torimoto Tsukasa
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A Vol. 8 ( 26 ) page: 13142 - 13149 2020.7
Red light-inducible overall water-splitting photocatalyst, gold-inserted zinc rhodium oxide and bismuth vanadium oxide heterojunction, connected using gold prepared by sputtering in ionic liquid Reviewed International journal
Yoda Masaomi, Takashima Toshihiro, Akiyoshi Kazutaka, Torimoto Tsukasa, Irie Hiroshi
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Vol. 153 ( 1 ) page: 014701 2020.7
Kameyama Tatsuya, Sugiura Kouta, Kuwabata Susumu, Okuhata Tomoki, Tamai Naoto, Torimoto Tsukasa
RSC ADVANCES Vol. 10 ( 28 ) page: 16361 - 16365 2020.4
Tailored Photoluminescence Properties of Ag(In,Ga)Se2 Quantum Dots for Near-Infrared In Vivo Imaging Reviewed International journal
Kameyama Tatsuya, Yamauchi Hiroki, Yamamoto Takahisa, Mizumaki Toshiki, Yukawa Hiroshi, Yamamoto Masahiro, Ikeda Shigeru, Uematsu Taro, Baba Yoshinobu, Kuwabata Susumu, Torimoto Tsukasa
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS Vol. 3 ( 4 ) page: 3275 - 3287 2020.4
Synthesis of submicron-sized CdS particles using reverse micelles Reviewed International journal
Minowa Yosuke, Kuramoto Shohei, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Ashida Masaaki
Efficient quantum-dot light-emitting diodes using ZnS-AgInS2 solid-solution quantum dots in combination with organic charge-transport materials Reviewed International journal
Motomura Genichi, Ogura Kei, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Uematsu Taro, Kuwabata Susumu, Tsuzuki Toshimitsu
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Vol. 116 ( 9 ) 2020.3
Temperature dependences of photoluminescence intensities observed from AgInGaS and AgInGaS/GaSx core-shell nanoparticles Reviewed International journal
Ichimiya Masayoshi, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Uematsu Taro, Kuwabata Susumu, Ashida Masaaki
Enhancement of electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction on Au-Ag nanorings by plasmon excitation
Kameyama, T; Sasamoto, K; Torimoto, T
Hoisang Watcharaporn, Uematsu Taro, Yamamoto Takahisa, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kuwabata Susumu
NANOMATERIALS Vol. 9 ( 12 ) 2019.12
Direct surface modification of semiconductor quantum dots with metal-organic frameworks Reviewed International journal
Kumagai Kohei, Uematsu Taro, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kuwabata Susumu
CRYSTENGCOMM Vol. 21 ( 37 ) page: 5568 - 5577 2019.10
Nanotraffic Lights: Rayleigh Scattering Microspectroscopy of Optically Trapped Octahedral Gold Nanoparticles Reviewed International journal
Shoji Tatsuya, Tamura Mamoru, Kameyama Tatsuya, Iida Takuya, Tsuboi Yasuyuki, Torimoto Tsukasa
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Vol. 123 ( 37 ) page: 23096 - 23102 2019.9
Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties of Zn-Ag-In-Te Nanocrystals with High Energy Photon Excitation Invited Reviewed International journal
Kameyama Tatsuya, Sugiura Kouta, Kuwabata Susumu, Okuhata Tomoki, Tamai Naoto, Torimoto Tsukasa
CHEMNANOMAT Vol. 5 ( 8 ) page: 1028 - 1035 2019.8
Non-destructive dispersion of quantum dots into gases Invited Reviewed
Kumakura M., Koide D., Shimomura T., Baba Y., Takiyama T., Kameyama T., Torimoto T., Moriyasu T.
Kameyama Tatsuya, Kishi Marino, Miyamae Chie, Sharma Dharmendar Kumar, Hirata Shuzo, Yamamoto Takahisa, Uematsu Taro, Vacha Martin, Kuwabata Susumu, Torimoto Tsukasa
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol. 10 ( 49 ) page: 42844 - 42855 2018.12
Minoshima Wataru, Ito Ryuya, Takiyama Takayuki, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Tawa Keiko
Two-photon Absorption Spectrum of Solid Solution Nanocrystals of ZnS-AgInS2
Suzuki Yasutaka, Onishi Shozo, Matsumoto Kazuya, Takiyama Takayuki, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kawamata Jun
CHEMISTRY LETTERS Vol. 47 ( 12 ) page: 1475 - 1477 2018.12
Uematsu Taro, Wajima Kazutaka, Sharma Dharmendar Kumar, Hirata Shuzo, Yamamoto Takahisa, Kameyama Tatsuya, Vacha Martin, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kuwabata Susumu
NPG ASIA MATERIALS Vol. 10 page: 713 - 726 2018.8
Izumi Reiko, Yao Yu, Tsuda Tetsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kuwabata Susumu
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A Vol. 6 ( 25 ) page: 11853 - 11862 2018.7
Izumi Reiko, Yao Yu, Tsuda Tetsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kuwabata Susumu
ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS Vol. 1 ( 7 ) page: 3030 - 3034 2018.7
Kameyama Tatsuya, Koyama Seiya, Yamamoto Takahisa, Kuwabata Susumu, Torimoto Tsukasa
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Vol. 122 ( 25 ) page: 13705 - 13715 2018.6
Kameyama Tatsuya, Sugiura Kouta, Ishigami Yujiro, Yamamoto Takahisa, Kuwabata Susumu, Okuhata Tomoki, Tamai Naoto, Torimoto Tsukasa
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Vol. 6 ( 8 ) page: 2034 - 2042 2018.2
Izumi Reiko, Yao Yu, Tsuda Tetsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Kuwabata Susumu
Shoji Tatsuya, Naka Shota, Koyama Seiya, Kameyama Tatsuya, Torimoto Tsukasa, Tsuboi Yasuyuki
String-shaped Au structures fabricated by optical vortex ablation
Nakamura Yuri, Nakamura Ryosuke, Koriyama Chisa, Miyamoto Katsuhiko, Torimoto Tsukasa, Tsuboi Yasuyuki, Omatsu Takashige
Kameyama Tatsuya, Sugiura Kouta, Ishigami Yujiro, Yamamoto Takahisa, Kuwabata Susumu, Okuhata Tomoki, Tamai Naoto, Torimoto Tsukasa
Torimoto Tsukasa
ELECTROCHEMISTRY Vol. 85 ( 9 ) page: 534 - 542 2017.9
Takashi Hamada, Daisuke Sugioka, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 46 ( 7 ) page: 956 - 959 2017.7
Influence of Zn on the Photoluminescence of Colloidal (AgIn)xZn2(1-x)S2 Nanocrystals Reviewed
Dharmendar Kumar Sharma, Shuzo Hirata, Lukasz Bujak, Vasudevanpillai Biju, Tatsuya Kameyama, Marino Kishi, Tsukasa Torimoto and Martin Vacha
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 19 ( 5 ) page: 3963 - 3969 2017.2
Yusuke Ogihara, Hiroshi Yukawa, Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroyasu Nishi, Daisuke Onoshima, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Tsukasa Torimoto and Yoshinobu Baba
Sci. Rep. Vol. 7 page: 40047 2017.1
Shushi Suzuki, Yuuki Hattori, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem. Vol. 332 page: 371 - 375 2017.1
Kameyama Tatsuya, Sato Kentaro, Torimoto Tsukasa
Plasmonic Au nano-needle fabricated by optical vortex laser illumination
Izumisawa Kai, Sugimoto Tatsuyuki, Nakamura Yuri, Miyamoto Katsuhiko, Torimoto Tsukasa, Morita Ryuji, Omatsu Takashige
Single-step Preparation of Indium Tin Oxide Nanocrystals Dispersed in Ionic Liquids via Oxidation of Molten In-Sn Alloys Reviewed
Daisuke Sugioka, Tatsuya Kameyama, Takahisa Yamamoto, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Commun. Vol. 52 page: 12241-12244 2016.10
Controlling Shape Anisotropy of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles for Improving Photocatalytic Activity Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Yutaro Kamiya, Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroyasu Nishi, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tamaki Shibayama
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Vol. 8 page: 27151-27161 2016.10
Highly Durable Pt Nanoparticle-supported Carbon Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Tailored by Using an Ionic Liquid Thin Layer Reviewed
Kazuki Yoshii, Keisuke Yamaji, Tetsuya Tsuda, Hiroaki Matsumoto, Takeshi Sato, Reiko Izumi, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Mater. Chem. A Vol. 4 ( 31 ) page: 12152-12157 2016.7
Single-particle Spectroscopy of I-III-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Spectral Diffusion and Suppression of Blinking by Two-color Excitation Reviewed
Dharmendar Kumar Sharma, Shuzo Hirata, Lukasz Bujak, Vasudevanpillai Biju, Tatsuya Kameyama, Marino Kishi, Tsukasa Torimoto and Martin Vacha
Nanoscale Vol. 8 ( 28 ) page: 13687-13694 2016.6
Temperature-independent Formation of Au Nanoparticles in Ionic Liquids by Arc Plasma Deposition Reviewed
Yoshikiyo Hatakeyama, Satoshi Kimura, Tatsuya Kameyama, Yoshiaki Agawa, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Ken Judai, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Keiko Nishikawa
Vol. 658 page: 188-191 2016.6
Intra- and Inter-atomic Optical Transitions of Fe, Co, and Ni Ferrocyanides Studied Using First-principles Many-electron Calculations Reviewed
Shinta Watanabe,* Yuki Sawada, Masato Nakaya, Masahito Yoshino, Takanori Nagasaki, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto, Yusuke Inaba, Hideharu Takahashi, Kenji Takeshita, and Jun Onoe
J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 119 page: 235102 2016.6
Evaluation of Surface Ligands on Semiconductor Nanoparticle Surfaces Using Electron Transfer to Redox Species Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Eisuke Shimomura, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 120 ( 29 ) page: 16012-16023 2016.5
Formation of a Pt-decorated Au Nanoparticle Monolayer Floating on Ionic Liquid by the Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering Method and Tunable Electrocatalytic Activities of the Resulting Monolayer Reviewed
Daisuke Sugioka, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, Takahisa Yamamoto, and Tsukasa Torimoto
ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. Vol. 8 ( 17 ) page: 10874-10883 2016.4
Crystal Phase-controlled Synthesis of Rod-shaped AgInTe2 Nanocrystals for in vivo Imaging in the Near-infrared Wavelength Region Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Yujiro Ishigami, Hiroshi Yukawa, Taisuke Shimada, Yoshinobu Baba, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Nanoscale Vol. 8 ( 10 ) page: 5435-5440 2016.3
Controlling the Electronic Energy Structure of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanocrystals for Photoluminescence and Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Takuya Takahashi, Takahiro Machida, Yutaro Kamiya, Takahisa Yamamoto, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Phys. Chem. C, 119(44), (2015) Vol. 119 ( 44 ) page: 24740-24749 2015.10
Single-step Preparation of Two-dimensionally Organized Gold Particles via Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputter Deposition Reviewed
Daisuke Sugioka, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 17 ( 19 ) page: 13150-13159 2015.5
Ultrathin Oxide Shell Coating of Metal Nanoparticles Using Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Yasuhiro Ohta, Kazuki Enokida, Daisuke Sugioka, Tatsuya Kameyama, Takahisa Yamamoto, Tamaki Shibayama, Kazuki Yoshii, Tetsuya Tsuda, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Mater. Chem. A Vol. 3 ( 11 ) page: 6177-6186 2015.3
Synthesis of alloy AuCu Nanoparticles with the L10 Structure in an Ionic Liquid using Sputter Deposition Reviewed
Shushi Suzuki, Yousuke Tomita, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Dalton Trans. Vol. 44 ( 9 ) page: 4186-4194 2015.3
Wavelength- and Efficiency-Tunable Plasmon-Induced Charge Separation by the Use of Au-Ag Alloy Nanoparticles Reviewed
Hiroyasu Nishi, Tsukasa Torimoto and Tetsu Tatsuma
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 17 ( 6 ) page: 4042-4046 2015.2
Well-Controlled Synthesis of Wurtzite-Type Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticles Using Multiple Sulfur Sources via a Two-Step Heating Process Reviewed
Hiroyasu Nishi, Takahito Nagano, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
CrystEngCom. Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: 174-182 2015.1
Widely-Controllable Electronic Energy Structure of ZnSe-AgInSe2 Solid Solution Nanocrystals for Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Yusuke Douke, Hiroko Shibakawa, Masahide, Kawaraya, Hiroshi Segawa, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 118 ( 51 ) page: 29517-29524 2014.12
Atomic Resolution Imaging of Gold Nanoparticle Generation and Growth in Ionic Liquids Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Masahiro Baba, Yoshifumi Oshima, Tetsuya Tsuda, Tsukasa Torimoto and Susumu Kuawabata
J. Am. Chem. Soc. Vol. 136 ( 39 ) page: 13789-13797 2014.10
Size-Controlled Synthesis of Ag8SnS6 Nanocrystals for Efficient Photoenergy Conversion Systems Driven by Visible and Near-IR Lights Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Shigetoshi Fujita, Hideaki Furusawa, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2014.6
Visualization of Electrochemical Reactions by Redox-Dependent Quenching of Photoluminescence from ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Semiconductor Nanoparticles Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Yusuke Kaji, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
Electrochemistry Vol. 82 2014.5
Three-dimensional micro/nano-scale structure fabricated by combination of non-volatile polymerizable RTIL and FIB irradiation Reviewed
Susumu Kuwabata, Hiro Minamimoto, Kosuke Inoue, Akihito Imanishi, Ken Hosoya, Hiroshi Uyama, Tsukasa Torimoto, Tetsuya Tsuda, Shu Seki
Scientific Reports Vol. 4 2014.1
Photo-functional Materials Fabricated with Chalcopyrite-type Semiconductor Nanoparticles Composed of AgInS2 and Its Solid Solutions Invited Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Phys.Chem. Lett. Vol. 5 page: 336-347 2014.1
Controllable Electronic Energy Structure of Size-controlled Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticles Prepared by a Solution-based Approach Reviewed
Hiroyasu Nishi, Takahito Nagano, Susumu Kuwabata and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 16 2014.1
Light-induced Saturation Change in the Angle-independent Structural Coloration of Colloidal Amorphous Arrays Reviewed
Ryoko Hirashima, Takahiro Seki, Kiyofumi Katagiri, Yuki Akuzawa, Tsukasa Torimoto and Yukikazu Takeoka
J. Mater. Chem. C Vol. 2 page: 344-348 2014.1
Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Imaging Using Cadmium-Free Quantum Dots Reviewed
Miyazaki Yoshiyuki, Yukawa Hiroshi, Nishi Hiroyasu, Okamoto Yukihiro, Kaji Noritada, Torimoto Tsukasa, Baba Yoshinobu
Cell Medicine Vol. 6 page: 91-97 2013.10
Composition-Dependent Photoelectrochemical Properties of Nonstoichiometric Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticles Reviewed
Hiroyasu Nishi, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. C Vol. 117 ( 41 ) page: 21055-21063 2013.9
イオン液体へのスパッタリングによるナノ粒子合成とその活用 Invited
桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
Vol. 81 ( 8 ) page: 635-640 2013.8
Photoinduced Electron Transfer of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid-Solution Semiconductor Nanoparticles: Emission Quenching and Photocatalytic Reactions Controlled by Electrostatic Forces Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Akihisa Doko, Tsukasa Torimoto, Koji Oohora, Takashi Hayashi, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 117 ( 30 ) page: 15667-15676 2013.7
Theory for Self-consistent Interplay between Light and Nanomaterials Strongly Modified by Metallic Nanostructures Reviewed
Akira Ishikawa, Katsuya Osono, Atsushi Nobuhiro, Yoshihiko Mizumoto, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Hajime Ishihara
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 15 ( 12 ) page: 4214-4225 2013.3
Composition-Dependent Electrocatalytic Activity of AuPd Alloy Nanoparticles Prepared Via Simultaneous Sputter Deposition into An Ionic Liquid Reviewed
Masanori Hirano, Kazuki Enokida, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Susumu Kuwabata, Hisao Yoshida, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 15 ( 19 ) page: 7286-7294 2013.3
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoluminescence and Photocatalytic Activities of Visible-Light-Responsive ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles Reviewed
Takuya Takahashi, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, Akira Ishikawa, Hajime Ishihara, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 117 ( 6 ) page: 2511-2520 2013.2
Shape-controlled Synthesis of ZnS-CuInS2-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles and Their Photoluminescence Properties Reviewed
Meilin Dai, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 42 page: 171-173 2013.2
津田哲哉,鳥本 司,桑畑 進
化学工業 Vol. 64 page: 23-31 2013.2
ZnS-AgInS2 Nanoparticles as a Temperature Sensor Reviewed
Yu Matsuda , Tsukasa Torimoto, Tomohiro Kameya, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Vol. 176 page: 505-508 2012.9
Tunable Photoelectrochemical Properties of Chalcopyrite AgInS2 Nanoparticles Size-Controlled with a Photoetching Technique Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Masaki Tada, Meilin Dai, Tatsuya Kameyama, Shushi Suzuki, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 116 ( 41 ) page: 21895-21902 2012.9
Solution-phase Synthesis of Stannite-type Ag2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticles for Application to Photoelectrode Materials Reviewed
Tetsuya Sasamura, Takaaki Osaki, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tamaki Shibayama, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 41 ( 9 ) page: 1009-1011 2012.9
Platinum Nanoparticle Immobilization onto Carbon Nanotubes Using Pt-Sputtered Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid Reviewed
Kazuki Yoshii, Tetsuya Tsuda, Takashi Arimura, Akihito Imanishi, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
RSC Adv. Vol. 2 ( 22 ) page: 8262-8264 2012.7
Introduction of Ionic Liquid to Vacuum Conditions for Development of Material Productions and Analyses Reviewed
Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto, Akihito Imanishi, and Tetsuya Tsuda
Electrochemistry Vol. 80 ( 7 ) page: 498-503 2012.7
Compositional Control of AuPt Nanoparticles Synthesized in Ionic Liquids by the Sputter Deposition Technique Reviewed
Shushi Suzuki, Toshimasa Suzuki, Yousuke Tomita, Masanori Hirano, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
CrystEngComm Vol. 14 ( 15 ) page: 4922-4926 2012.6
Tunable Photoluminescence from Visible to Near-infrared Wavelength Region of Non-stoichiometric AgInS2 Nanoparticles Reviewed
Meilin Dai, Shoji Ogawa, Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Mater. Chem Vol. 22 ( 25 ) page: 12851-12858 2012.4
Photosensitization of ZnO Rod Electrodes with AgInS2 Nanoparticles and ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles for Solar Cell Application Reviewed
Tetsuya Sasamura, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata and Tsukasa Torimoto
RSC Adv. Vol. 2 ( 2 ) page: 552-559 2012.1
Nanoscale Laser Processing of Hollow Silica Microbeads Assisted by Surface Plasmon Resonance of Gold Particles Reviewed
Koji Furukawa, Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Takayuki Yako, Masashi Otsuki, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 40 ( 12 ) page: 1411-1413 2011.12
Enhanced Photocurrent Generation in Layer-by-Layer-Assembled CdS Nanoparticle/Titania Nanosheet Multilayer Films Invited Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Katsuhiko Takagi, Tsukasa Torimoto
Vol. 79 ( 10 ) page: 776-778 2011.10
Long Term Optical Properties of ZnS-AgInS2 and AgInS2-AgGaS2 Solid-Solution Semiconductor Nanoparticles Dispersed in Polymer Matrices Reviewed
Shigeo Maeda, Taro Uematsu, Toshihiro Doi, Jun Tokuda, Toshihiro Fujita, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata
Electrochemistry Vol. 79 ( 10 ) page: 813-816 2011.10
One-Pot Synthesis of Water-Soluble Nanoparticles of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution with Controllable Photoluminescence Invited Reviewed
Meilin Dai, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Vol. 79 ( 10 ) page: 790-792 2011.10
Plasmon-Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticle Immobilized on Silica-Coated Gold Particles Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Hiroki Horibe, Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Shigeru Ikeda, Michio Matsumura, Akira Ishikawa, and Hajime Ishihara
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Vol. 2 ( 16 ) page: 2057-2062 2011.8
Modulating the Immobilization Process of Au Nanoparticles on TiO2(110) by Electrostatic Interaction Between the Surface and Ionic Liquids Reviewed
Shushi Suzuki, Yasuhiro Ohta, Takashi Kurimoto, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 13 ( 30 ) page: 13585–13593 2011.8
イオン液体への金属スパッタリングによるナノ複合粒子の作製 Invited
鳥本 司, 岡崎健一
Colloid & Interface Communication Vol. 36 ( 3 ) page: 11-12 2011.8
高効率で発光する低毒性半導体ナノ粒子の液相合成と応用 Invited
鳥本 司, 岡崎健一
未来材料 Vol. 11 ( 8 ) page: 5-11 2011.8
Surface-plasmon-enhanced Photocurrent Generation of CdTe Nanoparticle/Titania Nanosheet Composite Layers on Au Particulate Films Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Yumi Ohno, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Vol. 221 page: 244-249 2011.6
Modification of Excimer Emission of Perylene Dye Thin Films by Single Silver Nanocubes Reviewed
Ryohei Yasukunia, Guillaume Laurenta, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Makoto Oki, Tsukasa Torimoto, Tsuyoshi Asahi
Vol. 221 page: 194-198 2011.6
イオン液体に高分散した金属ナノ粒子の合成と光機能材料への応用 Invited Reviewed
岡崎健一, 鳥本 司
高分子 Vol. 60 ( 6 ) page: 391-392 2011.6
Photoinduced Electron Transfer between the Anionic Porphyrins and Viologens in Titania Nanosheets and Monodisperse Mesoporous Silica Hybrid Films Reviewed
Tatsuto Yui, Yuka Kobayashi, Yuri Yamada, Kazuhisa Yano, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Katsuhiko Takagi
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Vol. 3 ( 4 ) page: 931–935 2011.4
半導体ナノ粒子の液相合成・固定化と光機能材料への応用 Invited
鳥本 司、笹村哲也、亀山達矢、岡崎健一
光技術コンタクト Vol. 49 ( 3 ) page: 11-17 2011.3
Fabrication of Nanoframe Structures by Site-selective Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles on Silver Cubes in an Ionic Liquid Reviewed
Ken-ichi Okazaki, Junya Sakuma, Jun-ichi Yasui, Susumu Kuwabata, Kaori Hirahara, Nobuo Tanaka, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 84-86 2011.1
低毒性元素からなる新規半導体ナノ粒子の作製と光機能材料への応用 Invited Reviewed
笹村哲也, 岡崎健一, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
日本写真学会誌 Vol. 73 ( 6 ) page: 290-296 2010.12
Preparation of Luminescent AgInS2-AgGaS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles and Their Optical Properties Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Toshihiro Doi, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1, Vol. 1 ( 22 ) page: 3283–3287 2010.11
Catalytic Activity and Regeneration Property of a Pd Nanoparticle Encapsulated in a Hollow Porous Carbon Sphere for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation Reviewed
Takashi Harada, Shigeru Ikeda,* Fumihiro Hashimoto, Takao Sakata, Keita Ikeue, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Michio Matsumura
Langmuir Vol. 26 ( 22 ) page: 17720–17725 2010.11
Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid. A New Medium for Material Production and Analyses under Vacuum Conditions Invited Reviewed
Susumu Kuwabata, Tetsuya Tsuda, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Vol. 1 ( 21 ) page: 3177-3188 2010.11
Fabrication of Transition Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Highly Dispersed in Ionic Liquids by Sputter Deposition Reviewed
Toshimasa Suzuki, Shushi Suzuki, Yousuke Tomita, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tamaki Shibayama, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto*
Chem. Lett. Vol. 39 page: 1072-1074 2010.10
Palladium Nanoparticles in Ionic Liquid by Sputter Deposition as Catalysts for SuzukiMiyaura Coupling in Water Reviewed
Yoshiro Oda, Koji Hirano, Kazuki Yoshii, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Masahiro Miura
Chem. Lett. Vol. 39 ( 10 ) page: 1069-1071 2010.10
Nanosize-Controlled Syntheses of Indium Metal Particles and Hollow Indium Oxide Particles via the Sputter Deposition Technique in Ionic Liquids Reviewed
Toshimasa Suzuki, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Shushi Suzuki, Tamaki Shibayama, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Mater. Vol. 22 ( 18 ) page: 5209-5215 2010.9
Oxygen Reduction Catalytic Ability of Platinum Nanoparticles Prepared by Room-temperature Ionic Liquid-sputtering Method Reviewed
Tetsuya Tsudaa, Kazuki Yoshiia, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata
J. Power Sources Vol. 195 ( 18 ) page: 5980-5985 2010.9
Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Densely Immobilized Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticle Films Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Takaaki Osaki, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tamaki Shibayama, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Mater. Chem. Vol. 20 ( 25 ) page: 5319-5324 2010.7
Immobilization of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles on ZnO Rod Array Electrodes and Their Photoresponse with Visible Light Irradiation Reviewed
Tetsuya Sasamura, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Ryuta Tsunoda, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 39 page: 619-621 2010.6
Sensing of Protein Adsorption with a Porous Bulk Composite Comprising Silver Nanoparticles Deposited on Hydroxyapatite Reviewed
Chikara Ohtsuki, Yuji Ichikawa, Hiroyuki Shibata, Giichiro Kawachi, Tsukasa Torimoto, Shin-ichi Ogata
J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med. Vol. 21 ( 4 ) page: 1225-1232 2010.4
半導体ナノ粒子の組織化と光機能: 量子ドット配列制御による高機能性材料の創製 Invited Reviewed
亀山達矢 ,鳥本 司
化学と工業 Vol. 63 ( 4 ) page: 327-329 2010.4
Remarkable Photoluminescence Enhancement of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles by Postsynthesis Treatment Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto,* Shoji Ogawa, Tomohiro Adachi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tamaki Shibayama, Akihiko Kudo and Susumu Kuwabata
Chem. Commun. Vol. 46 ( 12 ) page: 2082-2084 2010.3
New Frontiers in Materials Science Opened by Ionic Liquids Invited Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tetsuya Tsuda, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Susumu Kuwabata
Adv. Mater. Vol. 22 ( 11 ) page: 1196-1221 2010.3
Size Control and Immobilization of Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized in an Ionic Liquid on Glass Substrates for Plasmonic Applications Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Yumi Ohno, Takashi Kurimoto, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys Vol. 12 ( 8 ) page: 1804–1811 2010.2
Studies on Reaction Conditions for Size-selective Photoetching of Cadmium Telluride Nanocrystals Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata
Electrochemistry Vol. 78 ( 2 ) page: 170-174 2010.2
A Facile Synthesis of AuAg Alloy Nanoparticles Using a Chemical Reaction Induced by Sputter Deposition of Metal onto Ionic Liquids Reviewed
Toshimasa Suzuki, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tomonori Kiyama, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Electrochemistry Vol. 77 page: 636-638 2009.8
Electrocatalytic Activity of Platinum Nanoparticles Synthesized by Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid−Sputtering Method Reviewed
Tetsuya Tsusa, Takasuke Kurihara, Yasunori Hoshino, Tomonori Kiyama, Ken-ichi Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
Electrochemistry Vol. 77 page: 693-695 2009.8
Tuning of the Fluorescence Wavelength of CdTe Quantum Dots with 2 nm Resolution by Size-selective Photoetching Reviewed
T. Uematsu , H. Kitajima, T. Kohma, T. Torimoto, Y. Tachibana, and S. Kuwabata
Nanotechnology Vol. 20 page: 215302 2009.5
*Electrochemical Deposition of Gold Frame Structure on Silver Nanocubes Reviewed
Ken-ichi Okazaki, Jun-ichi Yasui, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Commun. page: 2917-2919 2009.4
Stacked-Structure-Dependent Photoelectrochemical Properties of CdS Nanoparticle / Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Nanosheet Multilayer Films Prepared by Layer-by-layer Accumulation
Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Katsuhiko Takagi, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 11 page: 5369-5376 2009.4
Thermally Induced Self-assembly of Gold Nanoparticles Sputter-deposited in Ionic Liquids on Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite Surfaces Reviewed
Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tomonori Kiyama, Toshimasa Suzuki, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 38 page: 330-331 2009.3
Hybridization of Silver Nanoparticles on Hydroxyapatite in an Aqueous Solution Reviewed
Yuji Ichikawa, Shin-ichi Ogata, Tsukasa Torimoto, Giichiro Kawachi, Koichi Kikuta and Chikara Ohtsuki
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 117 page: 294-298 2009.3
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Au Nanoparticles Dispersed in the Ionic Liquids 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate Reviewed
Yoshikiyo Hatakeyama, Maimi Okamoto, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata, and Keiko Nishikawa
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 113 page: 3917-3922 2009.2
Photo-Induced Electron Migrations in the Nano-Cavities of Mesoporous Silica Sensitized by a Cationic Porphyrin Dye Reviewed
Takuya Hirano, Tatsuto Yui, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tsutomu Kajino, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Haruo Inoue, Katsuhiko Takagi, and Tsukasa Torimoto
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 9 page: 506-513 2009.1
Photocatalytic Electron Flow through the Interface of Titania Nanosheets and Mesoporous Silica Hybrid Films Reviewed
Tatsuto Yui, Takuya Hirano, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Haruo Inoue, Tsukasa Torimoto, Katsuhiko Takagi
Vol. 207 page: 135-142 2009.1
Photochemical Shape Control of Cadmium Sulfide Nanorods Coated with an Amorphous Silica Thin Layer Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Masayuki Hashitani, Takahito Konishi, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tamaki Shibayama, and Bunsho Ohtani
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 9 page: 495-500 2009.1
Systematic Studies on Emission Quenching of Cadmium Telluride Nanoparticles Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Takahiro Waki, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 113 ( 52 ) page: 21621-21628 2009
Emission Quench of Water-soluble ZnS–AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanocrystals and Its Application to Chemosensors Reviewed
Taro Uematsu, Shohei Taniguchi, Tsukasa Torimoto and Susumu Kuwabata
Chem. Commun. ( 48 ) page: 7485-7487 2009
Self-Assembly of Ionic Liquid (BMI-PF6)-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles on a Silicon Surface: Chemical and Structural Aspects Reviewed
Om P. Khatri, Kosaku Adachi, Kuniaki Murase, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tsukasa Torimoto, Nobuo Tanaka, Susumu Kuwabata, and Hiroyuki Sugimur
Langmuir Vol. 24 page: 7785-7792 2008.7
Photoluminescence Enhancement of ZnS–AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles Layer-by-layer-assembled in Inorganic Multilayer Thin Films Reviewed
Tatsuya Kameyama, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Yuji Ichikawa, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 37 ( 7 ) page: 700-701 2008.7
*Single-step synthesis of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles in ionic liquids by a sputter deposition technique Reviewed
Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tomonori Kiyama, Kaori Hirahara, Nobuo Tanaka, Susumu Kuwabata and Tsukasa Torimoto
Chem. Commun. page: 691-693 2008.2
Development of new techniques for scanning electron microscope observation using ionic liquid Reviewed
Satoshi Arimoto, Masaharu Sugimura, Hitoshi Kageyamaa, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata
Electrochimica Acta Vol. 53 page: 6228-6234 2008
Development of in situ electrochemical scanning electron microscopy with ionic liquids as electrolytes Reviewed
Satoshi Arimoto, Daisuke Oyamatsu, Tsukasa Torimoto, Susumu Kuwabata
CHEMPHYSCHEM Vol. 9 page: 763-767 2008
*Facile Synthesis of ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles for a Color-Adjustable Luminophore Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tomohiro Adachi, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Miwa Sakuraoka, Tamaki Shibayama, Bunsho Ohtani, Akihiko Kudo, and Susumu Kuwabata
J. Am. Chem. Soc. Vol. 129 ( 41 ) page: 12388-12389 2007.11
Encapsulation of Titanium(IV) Oxide Particles in Hollow Silica for Size-selective Photocatalytic Reactions Reviewed
Shigeru Ikeda, Yoshimitsu Ikoma, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Takashi Harada, Tsukasa Torimoto, Bunsho Ohtani and Michio Matsumura
Chem. Commun. page: 3753-3755 2007.9
*Photocatalytic Syntheses of Azoxybenzene by Visible Light Irradiation of Silica-Coated Cadmium Sulfide Nanocomposites Reviewed
B. Pal, T. Torimoto, K.-i. Okazaki and B. Ohtani
Chem. Commun. ( 5 ) page: 483-485 2007.2
Size-selective Photocatalytic Reactions by Titanium(IV) Oxide Coated with a Hollow Silica Shell in Aqueous Solutions Reviewed
Shigeru Ikeda, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Yoshimitsu Ikoma, Takashi Harada, Tsukasa Torimoto, Bunsho Ohtani and Michio Matsumura
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 2007 page: 6319-6326 2007.2
One-step Synthesis and Photosensitivity of Size-quantized Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanoparticles Deposited on Porous Zinc Oxide Film Electrodes Reviewed
K.-i. Okazaki, N. Kojima, Y. Tachibana, Susumu K., and T. Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 36 page: 712-713 2007
真空蒸着法を用いるイオン液体中でのナノ粒子合成 Invited
岡崎健一,桑畑 進,鳥本 司
触媒 Vol. 49 page: 630-635 2007
コア・シェル型粒子の光化学的ナノ構造制御と機能材料への応用 Invited Reviewed
鳥本 司, 大谷文章
Vol. 38 page: 103-110 2007
イオン液体の電顕微鏡観察 Invited
桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
表面科学 Vol. 28 page: 322-326 2007
Controlling Surface Reactions of CdS Nanocrystals: Photoluminescence Activation, Photoetching and Photostability under Light Irradiation Reviewed
Keiichi Sato, Satoshi Kojima, Shinya Hattori, Taeko Chiba, Keiko Ueda-Sarson, Tsukasa Torimoto, Yasuhiro Tachibana, and Susumu Kuwabata
Nanotechnology Vol. 18 page: 465702 2007
CdS Quantum Dots Sensitized TiO2 Sandwich Type Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells
Y. Tachibana, H. Y. Akiyama, Y. Ohtsuka, T. Torimoto, and S. Kuwabata
Chem. Lett. Vol. 36 page: 88-89 2007
Effect of Ionic Surfactants on the Iridescent Color in Lamellar Liquid Crystalline Phase of a Nonionic Surfactant
X. Chen, H. Mayama, G. Matsuo, T. Torimoto, B. Ohtani, and K. Tsujii
J. Colloid Interface Sci. Vol. 305 page: 308-314 2007
Double-Beam Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Studies on Transient Absorption of Titanium(IV)Oxide Photocatalyst Powders Reviewed
Naoya Murakami, Orlando Omar Prieto Mahaney, Ryu Abe, Tsukasa Torimoto, and Bunsho Ohtani
J. Phys. Chem. C Vol. 111 page: 11927-11935 2007
Pyrene-to-porphyrin excited singlet energy transfer in LBLdeposited LDH nanosheets Reviewed
Vol. 11 page: 428 2007
Microscopic Structure of Separately Accommodated Phorphyrins and Viologens in Mesoporous Silica and Titania Nanosheet Hybrid Films Reviewed
Tatsuo Yui, Tsutomu Kajino, Takako Tsuchino, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Tsukasa Torimoto, Yoshiaki Fukushima, and Katsuhiko Takagi
Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jap. Vol. 32 page: 449-452 2007
Photo-Switching Behavior of CdS Nanoparticles Doped in a Polymer Film Reviewed
Y. Ohara, T. Nakabayashi, K. Iwasaki, T. Torimoto, B. Ohtani, and N. Ohta
Compt. Rend. Chim. Vol. 9 page: 742-749 2006
Origin of Chiral Discrimination by a Two-Dimensionally Dhiral Self-Assembled Monolayer: A Quantum Chemical Study
T. Nishikawa, T. Torimoto, T. Nakanishi, T. Osaka, B. Ohtani
Chem. Phys. Lett. Vol. 432 page: 502-507 2006
Electric-Field-Induced Changes in Absorption and Emission Spectra of CdS Nanoparticles Doped in a Polymer Film
Y. Ohara, T. Nakabayashi, K. Iwasaki, T. Torimoto, B. Ohtani, T. Hiratani, K. Konishi, N. Ohta
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 110 page: 20927-20936 2006
Ligand-Free Platinum Nanoparticle Encapsulated in a Hollow Porous Carbon Shell as a Highly Active Heterogeneous Catalyst in Hydrogenation Reaction
S. Ikeda, S. Ishino, T. Harada, N. Okamoto, T. Sakata, H. Mori, S. Kuwabata, T. Torimoto, M. Matsumura
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Vol. 45 page: 7063-7066 2006
Photochemical Electron Transfer through the Interface of Hybrid Films of Titania Nano-Sheets and Mono-Dispersed Spherical Mesoporous Silica Particles
T. Yui, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Yamada, T. Tsuchino, K. Yano, T. Kajino, Y. Fukushima, T. Torimoto, H. Inoue, and K. Takagi
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 8 page: 4585-4590 2006
Analysis of Quantum Dot Fluorescence Coupled with a Microsphere Resonator
H. Takashima, Hideki Fujiwara, J.-i. Hotta, S. Takeuchi, K. Sasaki, S.-y. Murakami, T. Torimoto, B. Ohtani
Jap. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 45 page: 6917-6921 2006
Photochemical Fine-Tuning of Luminescent Color of Cadmium Selenide Nanoparticles: Fabricating a Single-Source Multi-Color Luminophore
T. Torimoto, S.-y. Murakami, M. Sakuraoka, K. Iwasaki, K.-i. Okazaki, T. Shibayama, and B. Ohtani
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 110 page: 13314-13318 2006
Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Analysis of Photoinduced Change in Absorption of Titanium(IV) Oxide Photocatalyst Powders: A Novel Feasible Technique for Measurement of Defect Density
N. Murakami, O. O. P. Mahaney, T. Torimoto, and B. Ohtani
Chem Phys. Lett. Vol. 426 page: 204-208 2006
Fabrication of Jingle-Bell-Shaped Core–Shell Nanoparticulate Films and Molecular-Size-Responsive Photoluminescence Quenching of Cadmium Sulfide Cores Reviewed
K. Iwasaki, T. Torimoto, T. Shibayama, T. Nishikawa, and B. Ohtani
Small Vol. 2 page: 854-858 2006
Observation of Ionic Liquid by Scanning Electron Microscope Reviewed
S. Kuwabata, A. Kongkanand, D. Oyamatsu, and T. Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 35 page: 600-601 2006
*Sputter Deposition onto Ionic Liquids: Simple and Clean Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Ultrafine Metal Nanoparticles
T. Torimoto, K.-i. Okazaki, T. Kiyama, K. Hirahara, N. Tanaka, and S. Kuwabata
App. Phys. Lett. Vol. 89 page: 243117 2006
Surface modification of photoluminescent CdS nanocrystals inducing spontaneous phase transfer reaction Reviewed
S. Kuwabata, K. Sato, S. Hattori, T. Chiba, K. Ueda-Sarson, Y. Tachibana, and T. Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 34 ( 9 ) page: 1300-1301 2005.9
Synthesis of metal-cadmium sulfide nanocomposites using jingle-bell-shaped core-shell photocatalyst particles Reviewed
B. Pal, T. Torimoto, K. Iwasaki, T. Shibayama, H. Takahashi, and B. Ohtani
J. Appl. Electrochem. Vol. 35 ( 7-8 ) page: 751-756 2005.7
Photocatalytic preparation of encapsulated gold nanoparticles by jingle-bell-shaped cadmium sulfide-silica nanoparticles Reviewed
B. Pal, T. Torimoto, S. Ikeda, T. Shibayama, K. Sugawara, H. Takahashi, and B. Ohtani,
Top. Cat. Vol. 35 ( 3-4 ) page: 321-325 2005
Size and structure-dependent photocatalytic activity of jingle-bell-shaped silica-coated cadmium sulfide nanoparticles for methanol dehydrogenation Reviewed
B. Pal, T. Torimoto, K. Iwasaki, T. Shibayama, H. Takahashi, and B. Ohtani
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 108 ( 48 ) page: 18670-18674 2004.12
Preparation method allowing self-isolation of CdS nanocrystals emitting intense band-gap luminescence Reviewed
S. Kuwabata, K. Ueda-Sarson, and T. Torimoto
Chem. Lett. Vol. 33 ( 10 ) page: 1344-1345 2004.8
Preparation and characterization of water-soluble jingle-bell-shaped silica-coated cadmium sulfide nanoparticles Reviewed
K. Iwasaki, T. Torimoto, T. Shibayama, H. Takahashi, and B. Ohtani
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 108 ( 32 ) page: 11946-11952 2004.8
Light intensity dependence of the action spectra of photocatalytic reactions with anatase titanium(IV) oxide Reviewed
T. Torimoto, Y. Aburakawa, Y. Kawahara, S. Ikeda, and B. Ohtani
Chem. Phys. Lett. Vol. 392 ( 1-3 ) page: 220-224 2004.7
半導体ナノ粒子の形状制御と光化学特性 Invited
鳥本 司
光化学 Vol. 35 page: 42-44 2004
Preparation of Novel Silica-Cadmium Sulfide Composite Nanoparticles Having Adjustable Void Space by Size-Selective Photoetching, Reviewed
T. Torimoto, J. P. Reyes, K. Iwasaki, B. Pal, T. Shibayama, K. Sugawara, H. Takahashi, and B. Ohtani
J. Am. Chem. Soc. Vol. 125 page: 316-317 2003
Photochemical Hydrogen Evolution from Aqueous Triethanolamine Solutions Sensitized by Binaphthol-Modified Titanium(IV) Oxide under Visible Light Irradiation Reviewed
S. Ikeda, C. Abe, T. Torimoto, B. Ohtani
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. Vol. 160 page: 61-67 2003
Vol. 24 page: 39-45 2003
Quantitative Analysis of Defective Sites in Titanium(IV) Oxide Photocatalyst Powders Reviewed
S. Ikeda, N. Sugiyama, S. Murakami, H. Kominami, Y. Kera, H. Noguchi, K. Uosaki, T. Torimoto, and B. Ohtani
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 5 page: 778-783 2003
Development of Photocatalytic Reaction System for Oxidative Decomposition of Volatile Organic Compounds in Water with Enhanced Aeration Reviewed
R. Villacres, S. Ikeda, T. Torimoto, B. Ohtani
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A:Chem. Vol. 160 page: 121-126 2003
Layer-by-Layer Accumulation of Cadmium Sulfide Core-Silica Shell Nanoparticles and Size-Selective Photoetching to Make Adjustable Void Space Between Core and Shell Reviewed
T. Torimoto, J. P. Reyes, S.-y. Murakami, B. Pal, B. Ohtani
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem. Vol. 160 page: 69-76 2003
化学工業 Vol. 53 ( 7 ) page: 522-527 2002
池田 茂、 鳥本 司、 大谷文章
光触媒 Vol. 7 page: 48-51 2002
鳥本 司、 大谷文章
光触媒 Vol. 7 page: 32-37 2002
Visible Light-induced Hydrogen Evolution from Aqueous Suspensions of Titanium(IV) Oxide Modified with Binaphthol Reviewed
Electrochemistry Vol. 70 ( 6 ) page: 442-446 2002
Photoelectrochemical Activities of Ultrathin Lead Sulfide Films Prepared by Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy
T. Torimoto, S. Takabayashi, H. Mori, and S. Kuwabata
J. Electroanal. Chem. Vol. 522 page: 33-39 2002
Discrimination of the Active Crystalline Phases in Anatase-Rutile Mixed Titanium(IV) Oxide Photocatalysts through Action Spectrum Analyses Reviewed
T. Torimoto, N. Nakamura, S. Ikeda, and B. Ohtani
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Vol. 4 ( 23 ) page: 5910-5914 2002
Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study on Photoelectrochemical Deposition of Lead(IV) Oxide on Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanoparticulate Films Reviewed
T. Torimoto, S. Si, and B. Ohtani
Electrochemistry Vol. 70 ( 6 ) page: 438-441 2002
サイズ選択光エッチングによる単分散半導体ナノ粒子の作製 Invited
Vol. 4 ( 2 ) page: 27-30 2001
半導体ナノ粒子の調製・固定化と光電気化学特性 Invited
Vol. 69 ( 11 ) page: 866-871 2001
Characterization of Ultrasmall CdS Nanoparticles Prepared by the Size-Selective Photoetching Technique Reviewed
T. Torimoto, H. Kontani, Y. Shibutani, S. Kuwabata, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 105 ( 29 ) page: 6838-6845 2001
Photoelectrochemical Properties of Size-Quantized Semiconductor Photoelectrodes Prepared by Two-Dimensional Cross-Linking of Monodisperse CdS Nanoparticles Reviewed
T. Torimoto, N. Tsumura, H. Nakamura, S. Kuwabata, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Electrochim. Acta Vol. 45 ( 20 ) page: 3269-3276 2000
Titanium Dioxide/Adsorbent Hybrid Photocatalysts for Photodestruction of Organic Substances of Dilute Concentrations Invited
Catal Today Vol. 58 page: 133-140 2000
Electrochemical Preparation of ZnS/CdS Superlattice and Its Photoelectrochemical Properties
T. Torimoto, A. Obayashi, S. Kuwabata, and H. Yoneyama
Electrochem. Commun. Vol. 2 ( 5 ) page: 359-362 2000
半導体ナノ粒子アレイの作製と光電気化学特性 Invited
表面 Vol. 38 ( 7 ) page: 353-363 2000
Preparation of Size-quantized ZnS Thin Films Using Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties Reviewed
T. Torimoto, A. Obayashi, S. Kuwabata, H. Yasuda, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 16 ( 16 ) page: 5820-5824 2000
(26) Effects of Surface Charges and Surface States of Chemically Modified Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Immobilized to Gold Electrode Substrate on Photoinduced Charge Transfers Reviewed
M. Miyake, T. Torimoto, M. Nishizawa, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 15 ( 8 ) page: 2714-2718 1999
Photoinduced Destruction of Bromoform Dissolved in Water Using TiO2-loaded Adsorbent Reviewed
H. Yoneyama, H. Kanemoto, N. Takeda, and T. Torimoto
Z. Phys. Chem. Vol. 213 page: 43-48 1999
Influences of Initial Particle Size on Preparation of Monodisperse CdS Nanoparticles with Size-selective Photoetching Reviewed
T. Torimoto, H. Kontani, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Chem. Lett. ( 5 ) page: 379-380 1999
単分散半導体ナノ粒子の調製とその応用 Invited
鳥本 司, 桑畑 進,米山 宏
マテリアルインテグレーション Vol. 12 page: 53-59 1999
Effects of Mordenite Support on Photodegradation of Gaseous Organic Compounds over TiO2 Photocatalyst Reviewed
N. Takeda, T. Torimoto, and H. Yoneyama
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 72 ( 7 ) page: 1615-1621 1999
Fabrication of CdS Nanoparticle Chains along DNA Double Strands Reviewed
T. Torimoto, M. Yamashita, S. Kuwabata, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 103 ( 42 ) page: 8799-8803 1999
Photoelectrochemical Characterization of Nearly Monodisperse CdS Nanoparticles-Immobilized Gold Electrodes Reviewed
M. Miyake, T. Torimoto, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 15 ( 4 ) page: 1503-1507 1999
Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Two-Dimensionally Organized CdS Nanoparticle Thin Films Reviewed
T. Torimoto, N. Tsumura, M. Miyake, M. Nishizawa, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 15 ( 5 ) page: 1853-1858 1999
Influence of Carbon Black as an Adsorbent used in TiO2 Photocatalyst Films on Photodegradation Behaviors of Propyzamide Reviewed
N. Takeda, N. Iwata, T. Torimoto, and H. Yoneyama
J. Catal. Vol. 177 page: 240-246 1998
Photoelectrochemical Properties of Size-Quantized CdS Thin Films Prepared by an Electrochemical Method Reviewed
T. Torimoto, S. Nagakubo, M. Nishizawa, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 14 ( 25 ) page: 7077-7081 1998
Effect of Structural Variation on Photocurrent Efficiency in Alkyl-Substituted Porphyrin Solid-State Thin Layer Photocells
M. A. Fox, J. V. Grant, D. Melamed, T. Torimoto, C.-y. Liu, and A. J. Bard
Chem. Mater. Vol. 10 ( 7 ) page: 1771-1776 1998
半導体ナノ粒子表面上での光誘起電子移動 Invited
米山 宏,鳥本 司
触媒 Vol. 40 page: 544-551 1998
Characteristic Features of Size-selective Photoetching of CdS Nanoparticles as a Means of Preparation of Monodisperse Particles Reviewed
T. Torimoto, H. Nishiyama, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
J. Electrochem. Soc. Vol. 145 ( 6 ) page: 1964-1968 1998
Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 Using Surface-modified CdS Photocatalysts in Organic Solvents
B.-J. Liu, T. Torimoto, and H. Yoneyama
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A : Chem. Vol. 113 page: 93-97 1998
Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide in the Presence of Nitrate Using TiO2 Nanocrystal Photocatalyst Embedded in SiO2 Matrices Reviewed
B.-J. Liu, T. Torimoto, and H. Yoneyama
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A : Chem. Vol. 115 ( 2-3 ) page: 227-230 1998
Evaluation of Diffusibility of Adsorbed Propionaldehyde on Titanium Dioxide-Loaded Adsorbent Photocatalyst Films from Its Photodecomposition Rate Reviewed
N. Takeda, M. Ohtani, T. Torimoto, S. Kuwabata, and H. Yoneyama
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 101 ( 14 ) page: 2644-2649 1997
Effect of Activated Carbon Content in TiO2-loaded Activated Carbon on Photodegradation Behavior of Dichloromethane Reviewed
T. Torimoto, Y. Okawa, N. Takeda, and H. Yoneyama
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. Vol. 103 page: 153-157 1997
Effect of Solvents on Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Using TiO2 Nanocrystal Photocatalyst Embedded in SiO2 matrices Reviewed
B.-J. Liu, T. Torimoto, H. Matsumoto, and H. Yoneyama
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem Vol. 108 page: 187-192 1997
Photoelectrochemical Doping of TiO2 Particles and the Effect of Charge Carrier Density on the Photocatalytic Activity of Microporous Semiconductor Electrode Films Reviewed
T. Torimoto, R. J. Fox, III, and M. A. Fox
J. Electrochem. Soc. Vol. 143 ( 11 ) page: 3712-3717 1996
Effects of Adsorbents Used as Supports for Titanium Dioxide Loading on Photocatalytic Degradation of Propyzamide Reviewed
T. Torimoto, S. Ito, S. Kuwabata, and H. Yoneyama
Environ. Sci. Technol. Vol. 30 ( 4 ) page: 1275-1281 1996
Preparation and Properties of Size-Quantized TiO2 Particles Immobilized in Polyvinylpyrrolidinone Gel Films Reviewed
H. Uchida, S. Hirao, T. Torimoto, S. Kuwabata, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 11 ( 10 ) page: 3725-3729 1995
Effect of Inert Supports for Titanium Dioxide Loading on Enhancement of Photodecomposition Rate of Gaseous Propionaldehyde Reviewed
N. Takeda, T. Torimoto, S. Sampath, S. Kuwabata, and H. Yoneyama
J.Phys.Chem. Vol. 99 ( 24 ) page: 9986-9991 1995
半導体超微粒子の固定化とその光触媒への応用 Invited
米山 宏,鳥本 司
表面科学 Vol. 16 page: 173-179 1995
Nanometric Surface Design of Size-quantized Semiconductor Microcrystals Invited
H. Yoneyama and T. Torimoto
Adv. Mater. Vol. 7 page: 492-494 1995
半導体超微粒子の調製と光触媒活性 Invited
米山 宏,鳥本 司
電気化学 Vol. 63 page: 2-5 1995
Preparation of CdS Microcrystals Covalently Bound with Viologen Groups and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties Reviewed
T. Torimoto, K. Maeda, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Chem. Lett ( 6 ) page: 977-980 1994
Effect of Surface Charge of 4-Aminothiophenol-Modified PbS Microcrystal Photocatalysts on Photoinduced Charge Transfer Reviewed
T. Torimoto, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
J.Phys.Chem. Vol. 98 ( 11 ) page: 3036-3043 1994
Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Zinc Sulfide Microcrystals Modified with Various Alkanethiols to Methyl Viologen Reviewed
H. Inoue, N. Ichiroku, T. Torimoto, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Langmuir Vol. 10 ( 12 ) page: 4517-4522 1994
Photoelectrochemical Properties of Size-Quantized CdS Microcrystals Modified with Various Amounts of Viologen-Functionalized Thiol Reviewed
T. Torimoto, K. Maeda, J. Maenaka, and H. Yoneyama
J. Phys. Chem. Vol. 98 ( 51 ) page: 13658-13664 1994
Surface Structures of PbS Microcrystals Modified with 4-Hydroxythiophenol and Their Influences on Photoinduced Charge Transfer Reviewed
T. Torimoto, H. Uchida, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 115 ( 5 ) page: 1874-1880 1993
Effects of Size Quantization of Zinc Sulfide Microcrystallites on Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Reviewed
H. Inoue, T. Torimoto, T. Sakata, H. Mori, and H. Yoneyama
Chem. Lett. ( 9 ) page: 1483-1486 1990
金属ナノ粒子の合成/構造制御とペースト化および最新応用展開 Reviewed
鳥本 司、亀山達矢、津田哲哉、桑畑 進( Role: Joint author , イオン液体/金属スパッタリング法による金属ナノ粒子の合成と機能材料への応用)
R&D支援センター 2020.12 ( ISBN:978-4-905507-48-2 )
Photosynergetic Responses in Molecules and Molecular Aggregates Reviewed
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama( Role: Joint author , Controlling Optical Properties of Multinary Quantum Dots for Developing Novel Photoelectrochemical Reactions)
Springer Nature 2020 ( ISBN:978-981-15-5450-6 )
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama and Susumu Kuwabata ( Role: Joint author)
Wiley 2016.10 ( ISBN:9783527693283 )
鳥本 司,杉岡大輔,亀山達矢,吉井一記,桑畑 進( Role: Joint author)
シーエムシー出版 2016
寺西利治,鳥本司,山田真美( Role: Joint author)
近代科学社 2014 ( ISBN:978-4-7649-5027-6 )
Use of Ionic Liquid Under Vacuum Conditions( Ed., Ionic Liquids - New Aspects for the Future)
Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto, Akihito Imanishi and Tetsuya Tsuda; Jun-ichi Kadokawa( Role: Joint author)
ナノ粒子(イオン液体研究会監修, イオン液体の科学)
岡崎 健一、桑畑 進、鳥本 司( Role: Joint author)
丸善 2012.11 ( ISBN:-10: 462108612X )
半導体ナノ粒子の作製と光機能材料への応用(CSJカレントレビュー 第9号「金属および半導体ナノ粒子の科学: 新しいナノ材料の機能性と応用展開」 日本化学会編)
鳥本 司( Role: Sole author)
化学同人 2012.5 ( ISBN:10: 4759813691 )
化学的手法による量子ドットの組織化とその積層構造に依存する光機能(笹井 亮,高木克彦 監修, 革新機能材料の開発と応用展開)
亀山達矢、鳥本 司( Role: Joint author)
シーエムシー出版 2012.5 ( ISBN:-10: 4781305652 )
真空技術との共存(高分子学会編集, 最先端材料システムワンポイントシリーズ 第2号「イオン液体」)
桑畑 進,鳥本 司,根本典子( Role: Joint author)
共立出版 2012 ( ISBN:-10: 4320044266 )
内部に空隙を有するコア・シェル構造体の作製と光触媒への応用(岩本正和編, 触媒調製ハンドブック)
鳥本 司, 大谷文章( Role: Joint author)
エヌティーエス 2011
光化学反応を用いる半導体ナノ複合体の構造制御 (高木克彦 編集:光と界面がおりなす新しい化学の世界)
鳥本 司( Role: Sole author)
クバプロ 2008
光化学反応を用いる単分散半導体ナノ粒子の作製と光機能材料への応用(山本重夫 監修:量子ドットの生命化学領域への応用)
鳥本 司、岡崎健一、大谷文章( Role: Joint author)
シーエムシー出版 2007
単分散半導体ナノ粒子の光化学的調製と複合機能材料合成への応用 (国武豊喜 監修:図解 高分子素材のすべて)
鳥本 司,大谷文章( Role: Joint author)
工業調査会 2005
光化学的手法による半導体ナノ粒子の精密粒径制御(橋本和仁,大谷文章,工藤昭彦 監修:光触媒)
鳥本 司,大谷文章( Role: Joint author)
エヌ・ティー・エス 2005
コア・シェル構造をもつ無機半導体ナノハイブリッド(国武豊喜 監修:ナノマテリアルハンドブック)
( Role: Joint author)
作用スペクトル解析による光触媒活性結晶相の評価(橋本和仁,藤島 昭 監修:図解 光触媒のすべて)
大谷文章,鳥本 司( Role: Joint author)
工業調査会 2003
酸化チタン/吸着剤ハイブリッド光触媒を用いた気相および液相光触媒反応(岩本正和 監修:環境触媒ハンドブック)
鳥本 司,桑畑 進,米山 宏( Role: Joint author)
エヌ・ティー・エス 2001
浅井 晴香, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第105回春季年会 2025.3.27 日本化学会
Synthesis of Yolk-Shell Nanoparticles with Hollow Pt Cages and Chiral Au Cores
Yi Chen, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
日本化学会第105回春季年会 2025.3.26 日本化学会
Synthesis of Zn-doped CuGaS2 nano-disc for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
Yuhan Zhang, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, and Tsukasa Torimoto
日本化学会第105回春季年会 2025.3.26 日本化学会
斎藤 祐摩, 近藤 省吾, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第105回春季年会 2025.3.29 日本化学会
古橋 奈子, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第105回春季年会 2025.3.29 日本化学会
組成によって制御可能なAg(Sb,Bi)S2 固溶体量子ドットの光電気化学特性
榊原 拓実, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第92回大会 2025.3.18 電気化学会
張 文韜, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢 鳥本 司
電気化学会第92回大会 2025.3.18 電気化学会
Synthesis of Cu-Ag-Ge-S Quantum Dots with Tunable Near-Infrared Optical Properties and Their Photoelectrochemical Performance
Mu Yuning, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Norikazu Fujihira, and Tsukasa Torimoto
電気化学会第92回大会 2025.3.20 電気化学会
古橋 奈子, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第92回大会 2025.3.18 電気化学会
坂井 智哉, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第92回大会 2025.3.19 電気化学会
林 陽奈子, 長谷川 万里子, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 佐藤 弘規, 大嶋 優輔, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第92回大会 2025.3.19 電気化学会
Ag-In-Ga-S量子ドットの発光特性制御とLEDへの応用 Invited
鳥本 司
第72回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2025.3.14 応用物理学会
Synthesis and Tunable Optical Properties of Ag-In-Ga-S Quantum Dots for LED Applications Invited International conference
低毒性Ag–Ga–S 量子ドットの液相合成と青色発光素子への応用
都澤 諒,大藤 秀斗,秋吉 一孝,亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎,桑畑 進,鳥本 司
2024年度ヤングエレクトロケミスト研究会・光電気化学研究会 2024.12.3 電気化学会
Optimizing Near-Infrared Emission of Ag8GeS6 Quantum Dots for In Vivo Bioimaging through Precise Control of ZnS Shell Thickness
Nurmanita Rismaningsih, Junya Kubo, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroshi Yukawa, Yoshinobu Baba, Tsukasa Torimoto
2024年度ヤングエレクトロケミスト研究会・光電気化学研究会 2024.12.3 電気化学会
斎藤 祐摩, 近藤 省吾, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
第55回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 2024.11.2 中部化学関係学協会
坂井 智哉, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 鳥本 司
第55回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 2024.11.3 中部化学関係学協会
Bandgap engineering of newly developed Ag–Mn–Sn–S quantum dots International conference
Chang Jiang, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Naoki Banno, Hiroshi Yukawa, Yoshinobu Baba, and Tsukasa Torimoto
Quantum Innovation 2024 2024.10.22 Quantum Innovation Hubs
Improving Photochemical Properties of I-III-VI-Based Quantum Dots through Size and Composition Control Invited International conference
T. Torimoto, T. Mori, C. Jiang, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, T. Uematsu, and S. Kuwabata
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Preparation of AuCu Alloy Nanoparticles Via Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering for Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction Invited International conference
T. Torimoto, R. Ito, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, Y. Yui, and M. Ibe
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Size and Composition Dependent Photoelectrochemical Properties of Cu-Ga-S Quantum Dots International conference
G. Komada, S. Ofuji, M. Tozawa, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Synthesis and Near-IR Photoluminescence Property of Ag-Au-S Quantum Dots International conference
K. Akiyoshi, M. Hasegawa, C. Miyamae, T. Kameyama, H. Sato, Y. Ohshima, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Fabrication of Ni-Pt-Ir Ternary Alloy Nanoparticles Throught Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering and Their Electrocatalytic Activity for Urea Oxidation International conference
K. Hiraide, Y. Liu, K. Akiyoshi, S. Kuwabata, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.7 The Electrochemical Society
Enhancement of Near-IR Photoluminescence of Ag8GeS6 Quantum Dots Via Semiconductor Shell Coating International conference
M. Soto, N. Rismaningsih, J. Kubo, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, N. Fujihira, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Synthesis of Blue-Light Emitting Ag-Ga-S Quantum Dots for LED Application International conference
M. Tozawa, S. Ofuji, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, G. Motomura, Y. Fujisaki, T. Uematsu, S. Kuwabata, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Fabrication of Near-Infrared Photodetectors with Ag-Cu-In-Te Nanorod Films as an Active Layer International conference
S. Kubota, C. Muto, T. Kameyama, S. Kuwabata, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
Synthesis of Chiral Au-Ag Core-Shell Nanoparticles and Their Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Properties International conference
T. Shoji, S. Isogawa, T. Torimoto, and T. Kameyama
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.9 The Electrochemical Society
Colloidal Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Near-IR-Responsive Ag8GeS6 Quantum Dots International conference
N. Rismaningsih, J. Kubo, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, H. Yukawa, Y. Baba, and T. Torimoto
PRiME2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science) 2024.10.8 The Electrochemical Society
劉一雄, 秋吉一孝, 亀山達矢, 桑畑進, 鳥本司
第134回触媒討論会 2024.9.20 触媒学会
Synthesis of Hollow Pt Nanocages Enclosing Chiral Au Nanoparticles
Yi Chen, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama
第75回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2024.9.17 日本化学会
榊原 拓実, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
第75回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2024.9.19 日本化学会
古橋 奈子, 柳田 恵, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
第75回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2024.9.17 日本化学会
Solution-phase Preparation of Gu-Ag-Ge-S Quantum Dots Exhibiting Near-IR Surface Plasmon Resonance
Yuning Mu, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Norikazu Fujihira, Tsukasa Torimoto,
第75回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2024.9.17 日本化学会
浅井 晴香, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 鳥本 司
2024年光化学討論会 2024.9.5 光化学協会
Enhanced Photoluminescence of Ag-Ga-S Quantum Dots via Precise Composition Control for Blue QD-LEDs
Makoro TOZAWA, Shuto OFUJI, Kazutaka AKIYOSHI, Tatsuya KAMEYAMA, Genichi MOTOMURA, Yoshihide FUJISAKI, Taro UEMATSU, Susumu KUWABATA, Tsukasa TORIMOTO
2024年光化学討論会 2024.9.3 光化学協会
榊原 拓実, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2024年光化学討論会 2024.9.4 光化学協会
林 陽奈子, 長谷川 万里子, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 佐藤 弘規, 大嶋 優輔, 鳥本 司
2024年光化学討論会 2024.9.4 光化学協会
Synthesis of Less-toxic Multinary Ag–Mn–Sn–S Quantum Dots with Composition-dependent Energy Gap International conference
Chang Jiang, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kamayama, and Tsukasa Torimoto
MCARE2024 (Meterials Challenges in Altermative and Renewable Energy 2024) 2024.8.21
Solution-phase Synthesis of AgInGaS Quantum Dots for Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, and Susumu Kuwabata
The 24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy International Conference on Artifical Photosynthesis-2024(IPS-24/ICARP2024) 2024.7.29
Facile Solution-Phase Synthesis of Ag-Au-S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared Photoluminescence International conference
Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Mariko Hasegawa, Chie Miyamae, Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroki Sato, Yusuke Ohshima, Tsukasa Torimoto
The 24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy International Conference on Artifical Photosynthesis-2024(IPS-24/ICARP2024) 2024.7.30
Enhanced Luminescence of Ag-In-Ga-S Nanocrystals Embedded in Ga2O3 Matrix by Na+ Doping for Light-Emitting Diodes International conference
Makoto Tozawa, Chie Miyamae, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Genichi Motomura, Yoshihide Fujisaki, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
The 24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy International Conference on Artifical Photosynthesis-2024(IPS-24/ICARP2024) 2024.7.29
Tailoring Photoelectrochemical Properties of Ag-Bi-S Quantum Dots through Size and Composition International conference
Wentao Zhang, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
The 24th International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy International Conference on Artifical Photosynthesis-2024(IPS-24/ICARP2024) 2024.7.29
Colloidal Synthesis of Bi-based Multinary Quantum Dots for the Application to Photovoltaics International conference
Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Wentao Zhang, Yumeno Kasuga, Takumi Sakakibara, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
IWANN2024 (The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Nanoscience and Nanomaterials 2024) 2024.6.27
Controlling Electronic Energy Structure of Ternary Ag-Bi-S Quantum Dots for Improving Their Photoelectrochemical Properties Invited International conference
Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Wentao Zhang, Tatsuya Kameyama, and Tsukasa Torimoto
TICC-2024 (The 3rd Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis) 2025.6.20 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
秋吉 一孝, ヌルマニタ リスマニングシ, 久保 淳弥, 亀山 達矢, 山本 剛久, 藤平 紀一, 湯川 博, 馬場 嘉信, 鳥本 司
量子生命科学会 第6回大会 2024.5.30
Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Activity of Anisotropic-Shaped ZnSe-AgInSe2 Solid Solution Quantum Dots with a Near-IR-Responsivity Invited International conference
T. Torimoto, K. Masuoka, K. Akiyoshi, T. Uematsu, S. Kuwabata
245th ECS Meeting 2024.5.28 The Electrochemical Society
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Composition-Dependent Optical Properties of Less-Toxic Multinary Ag–Mn–Sn–S Quantum Dots International conference
C. Jiang, K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama, and T. Torimoto
245th ECS Meeting 2024.5.29 The Electrochemical Society
ノーベル化学賞2023『量子ドットの化学合成と光機能』 Invited
鳥本 司
第13回CSJ化学フェスタ2023 2023.10.17 日本化学会
Tunable Optical Properties of Less-toxic Multinary Quantum Dots Composed of Ag-In-Ga-S Alloys and Related Compounds Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata
The 31th International Conference on Photochemistry 2023 (ICP2023) 2023.7.28 The Japanese Photochemistry Association
サイズ・組成により自在に制御できる多元量子ドットの光機能 Invited
鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
秋吉 一孝, 長谷川万里子, 宮前千恵, 亀山達矢, 佐藤弘規, 大嶋優輔, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
Improvement of Photoluminescence Property of Near-IR-Responsive Ag8GeS6 Quantum Dots by ZnS Coating
Rismaningsih Nurmanita, 久保淳弥, 亀山達矢, 藤平 紀一, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
都澤 諒, 宮前 千恵, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 細貝 拓也, 佐藤 弘規, 大嶋 優輔, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
Composition-dependent optical properties of new colloidal Ag-Mn-Sn-S quantum dots
江 暢, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
伊藤 龍一, 由井 悠基, 井部 将也, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
辻 将治, 太田 直希, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会第90回大会 2023.3.27 電気化学会
Colloidal Synthesis of Ag8GeS6 Quantum Dots Showing an Intense Near-IR Photoluminescence
Nurmanita Rismaningsih, Junya Kubo, Tatsuya Kameyama, Norikazu Fujihira, Tsukasa Torimoto
劉 一雄, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達也, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第103回春季年会 2023.3.22 日本化学会
張 文韜, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第103回春季年会 2023.3.22 日本化学会
春日 夢乃, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第103回春季年会 2023.3.22 日本化学会
Colloidal synthesis of Ag-Mn-Sn-S quantum dots and their composition-dependent optical property
Chang Jiang, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
大藤 秀斗, 田中 澪月, 都澤 諒, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第103回春季年会 2023.3.22 日本化学会
住友 竜司, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第103回春季年会 2023.3.22 日本化学会
低毒性な Bi 系多元量子ドットの液相化学合成と電子エネルギー構造制御 Invited
秋吉 一孝, 張 文韜, 春日 夢乃, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
次世代太陽電池セル・モジュール分科会2022年度第3回、ペロブスカイト太陽電池分科会 2022年度第2回合同研究会, 2023.3.14 次世代太陽電池セル・モジュール分科会、ペロブスカイト太陽電池分科会
イオン液体/金属スパッタ蒸着による PtIr 合金ナノ粒子の作製と粒子サイズに依存する電極触媒活性
劉一雄,秋吉 一孝,亀山達矢,桑畑 進,鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会 東北支部・東海支部合同シンポジウム 2022.11.20 電気化学会 東北支部・東海支部
組成とサイズに依存する AgBiS2 量子ドットの光電気化学特性
2022年電気化学会 東北支部・東海支部合同シンポジウム 2022.11.20 電気化学会 東北支部・東海支部
Controlling Energy Band Structure of Bismuth-based Multinary Quantum Dots Prepared by a Solution-phase Method and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties International conference
Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Wentao Zhang, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-33) 2022.11.16
コアシェル構造 AIGS@ZnGaS 量子ドットの合成と発光検出型温度センサへの応用
都澤 諒, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 宮地 冬, 湯川 博, 桑畑 進, 馬場 嘉信, 鳥本 司
第53回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 2022.11.5 中部化学関係学協会支部連合協議会
Preparation of Group I-III-VI-based Quantum Dots with Less Toxicity and Their Photofunctions Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto
INSPINSA2022 (The 12th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Sciences and its Application) 2022.10.19 Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
I-III-VI 族半導体をベースとする量子ドットの合成と発光特性制御 Invited
鳥本 司
第73回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2022.9.20 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
イオン液体/金属スパッタ法により作製したAuCu 合金ナノ粒子の CO2還元反応の電極触媒活性
伊藤 龍一, 由井 悠基, 井部 将也, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
第73回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2022.9.20 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
コアシェル構造 AgAuS@InSx量子ドットの合成と近赤外発光特性の向上
長谷川 万里子, 宮前 千恵, 亀山 達矢, 佐藤 弘規, 大島 優輔, 鳥本 司
第73回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2022.9.20 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of Ag8GeX6 (X = S, Se) Nanoparticles
Nurmanita Rismaningsih, Junya Kubo, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
イオン液体/金属スパッタ法によるコアシェル構造 Au@Ni ナノ粒子の作製と組成に依存する尿素酸化活性
伊藤 由実, 秋吉 一孝, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司, 亀山 達矢
第73回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2022.9.20 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
住友 竜司, 亀山 達矢, 津田 哲哉, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
第73回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2022.9.20 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
Tuning the Electronic Energy Structure of Quaternary Cu-In-Ga-S Quantum Dots for Luminescent Devices
秋吉 一孝, 張 文韜, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2022年光化学討論会 2022.9.13 光化学協会
辻 将治, 太田 直希, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2022年光化学討論会 2022.9.13 光化学協会
大藤 秀斗, 田中 澪月, 都澤 諒, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学秋季大会 2022.9.8 電気化学会
五十川 修志, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学秋季大会 2022.9.8 電気化学会
久保 淳弥, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学秋季大会 2022.9.8 電気化学会
髙森 千鶴, 増岡 輝, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学秋季大会 2022.9.8 電気化学会
lasmonic thin-layer chromatography for precise separation of less-toxic multinary quantum dots by size, shape, and optical property International conference
Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Yui Maeda,1 Naoko Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Hajime Ishihara, and Tsukasa Torimoto
The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO13) 2022.7.29
サイズと組成によって変化する多元半導体量子ドットの光電気化学特性 Invited
鳥本 司
電気化学会北海道支部50周年記念シンポジウム 2022.6.11 電気化学会北海道支部
五十川 修志, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会北海道支部50周年記念シンポジウム 2022.6.11 電気化学会北海道支部
金属スパッタリング法による コアシェル構造Au@Ni 複合ナノ粒子膜の作製と尿素酸化活性
伊藤由実, 秋吉一孝, 亀山達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
電気化学会北海道支部50周年記念シンポジウム 2022.6.11 電気化学会北海道支部
久保 淳弥, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
電気化学会北海道支部50周年記念シンポジウム 2022.6.11 電気化学会北海道支部
I-III-VI族半導体からなる低毒性多元量子ドットの液相合成と光機能制御 Invited
鳥本 司
光化学協会第43回光化学若手の会 2022.6.11 光化学協会
Controlling the Energy Structure of Ag(In,Ga)S Quantum Dots for Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Invited International conference
T. Torimoto, T. Mori, T. Kameyama, T. Uematsu and S. Kuwabata
241st ECS Meeting 2022.5.29 The Electrochemical Society
Controlling Electronic Energy Structure of Near-IR-Responsive Ag(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Quantum Dots for In Vivo Bioimaging International conference
N. Rismaningsih, H. Yamauchi, T. Kameyama, H. Yukawa, Y. Baba, T. Uematsu, S. Kuwabata, and T. Torimoto
241st ECS Meeting 2022.5.29 The Electrochemical Society
Solution-Phase Syntheses and Photochemical Properties of Silver Bismuth Sulfide Nanoparticles International conference
K. Akiyoshi, W. Zhang, T. Kameyama, and T. Torimoto
241st ECS Meeting 2022.5.29 The Electrochemical Society
イオン液体/金属スパッタ蒸着による PtIr 合金ナノ粒子の作製とアンモニア酸化活性の評価
劉 一雄,秋吉一孝,亀山達矢,鳥本 司,桑畑 進
ナノ学会第 20 回大会 2022.5.21 ナノ学会
秋吉一孝,前田結衣,山口奈緒子,亀山達矢,坪井泰之,石原 一, 鳥本 司
ナノ学会第 20 回大会 2022.5.21 ナノ学会
Ag-Bi-S 系と Bi-S 系ナノ粒子のバンド構造制御と光電気化学特性
張 文韜,秋吉一孝,亀山達矢,鳥本 司
ナノ学会第 20 回大会 2022.5.21 ナノ学会
都澤 諒, 宮前 千恵, 本村 玄一, 岩崎 有希子, 都築 俊満, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第102回春季年会 2022.3.25 日本化学会
秋吉 一孝, 張 文韜, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
日本化学会第102回春季年会 2022.3.25 日本化学会
多元化合物半導体量子ドットの合成と発光材料への応用 Invited
鳥本 司
2022年第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2022.3.22 応用物理学会
Solution-phase Synthesis of red-emitting Cu-In-Ga-S@GaZnSx quantum dots and their electroluminescence properties
Chang Jiang, Tatsuya Kameyama, Genichi Motomura, Yukiko Iwasaki, Toshimitsu Tsuzuki, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
久保 淳弥, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会第89回大会 2022.3.16 電気化学会
五十川 修志, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会第89回大会 2022.3.16 電気化学会
伊藤 由実, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会第89回大会 2022.3.17 電気化学会
髙森 千鶴, 増岡 輝, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会第89回大会 2022.3.15 電気化学会
秋吉 一孝, 前田 結衣, 山口 奈緒子, 亀山 達矢, 坪井 泰之, 石原 一, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会第89回大会 2022.3.15 電気化学会
長谷川 万里子, 宮前 千恵, 亀山 達矢, 佐藤 弘規, 大嶋 優輔, 鳥本 司
2022年電気化学会第89回大会 2022.3.15 電気化学会
Development of Plasmonic Thin Layer Chromatography for Size Separation of Quantum Dots Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Naoko Yamaguchi, Yui Maeda, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tatsuya Shoji, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Hajime Ishihara
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.21 American Chemical Society
Photoelectrochemical Properties of Plasmonic Molybdenum Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared by an Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering Technique International conference
Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.18 American Chemical Society
Controlling Photochemical Properties of Ag(In, Ga)(S, Se)2 Quantum Dots for in Vivo Bioimaging International conference
Nurmanita Rismaningsih, Hiroki Yamauchi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.19 American Chemical Society
Electrocatalytic Activity Enhancement of Colloidal Ag-Pt Nanorings with Plasmonic Excitation International conference
Naoki Ota, Kosuke Sasamoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tsukasa Torimoto
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.19 American Chemical Society
Preparation of Water-Soluble Ag-In-Ga-S Quantum Dots and Their Photoluminescence Properties International conference
Makoto Tozawa, Chie Miyamae, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.18 American Chemical Society
Size Separation of Quantum Dots with Ag-Based Plasmonic Thin Layer chromatography International conference
Yui Maeda, Naoko Yamaguchi, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tatsuya Shoji, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Hajime Ishihara, Tsukasa Torimoto
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.19 American Chemical Society
Improving Near-IR Band-Edge Photoluminescence of Ag-In-Ga-Se@GaSx Quantum Dots International conference
Chisato Muto, Hiroki Yamauchi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Pacifichem 2021 2021.12.19 American Chemical Society
イオン液体/金属スパッタリング法による Au@Ni 複合ナノ粒子膜の作製と尿素酸化活性
伊藤 由実, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
2021 年 電気化学会 東海支部-東北支部合同シンポジウム 2021.11.22 電気化学会
組成傾斜 Zn-Ag-In-Se ナノロッドの作製と金の光析出によるヘテロ構造形成
髙森千鶴, 増岡輝, 亀山達矢, 桑畑進, 鳥本司
2021 年 電気化学会 東海支部-東北支部合同シンポジウム 2021.11.22 電気化学会
Solution-Phase Preparation of AgInS2-Based Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Their Tunable Photoluminescence Properties Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama
International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021 (ICMaSS2021) 2021.11.6 Organizing Committee of ICMaSS2021, Nagoya University
Tuning the Energy Structure of Heterojunction in ZnS-AgInS2 Nano-Dumbbells by Cu Doping International conference
Tatsuya Kameyama, Shuhei Tsuneizumi, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
11th Asian Photochemistry Conference (APC 2021) 2021.11.2 Asian Photochemistry Association
久保淳弥, 亀山達矢, 鳥本司
第52回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 2021.10.30 中部化学関係学協会支部連合
五十川修志, 亀山達矢, 鳥本司
第52回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 2021.10.30 中部化学関係学協会支部連合
Controlling Photochemical Properties of Ag(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Quantum Dots for near-IR in vivo Bioimaging
Nurmanita Rismaningsih, Hiroki Yamauchi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroshi Yukawa, Yoshinobu Baba, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Non-linear Photocatalytic Properties of Near-IR-Responsive Multinary Quantum Dots Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto
Fuzhou University Remote Lecture 2021.9.27 Fuzhou University
張 文韜, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
第72回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2021.9.17 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
太田 直希, 笹本 康介, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
第72回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2021.9.15 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
落合 康介, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
第72回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2021.9.15 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
武藤 千聖, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
第72回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2021.9.16 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
伊藤 由実, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
第72回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2021.9.17 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会
Zn-Ag-In-Se ナノロッドへの金の光析出によるヘテロ構造粒子の作製と光学特性
髙森 千鶴, 増岡 輝, 亀山 達矢, 桑畑 進, 鳥本 司
2021年光化学討論会 2021.9.15 光化学協会
Wavelength-Tunable Photoluminescence of Ag(In, Ga)(S, Se)2 Quantum Dots for Near-IR Bioimaging
Nurmanita Rismaningsih, Hiroki Yamauchi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroshi Yukawa, Taro Uematsu, Yoshinobu Baba, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Synthesis of Highly Luminescent Ag-Na-Ga-In-S Quantum Dots and Their Application to Electroluminescence Devices
Makoto Tozawa, Chie Miyamae, Genichi Motomura, Yukiko Iwasaki, Toshimitsu Tsuzuki, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
Solution-phase Preparation of Cu-In-Ga-S Quantum Dots and Their Composition-Dependent Optical Properties
Chang Jiang, Tatsuya Kameyama, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata, Tsukasa Torimoto
長谷川 万里子, 宮前 千恵, 亀山 達矢, 佐藤 弘規, 大嶋 優輔, 鳥本 司
2021年電気化学秋季大会 2021.9.9 電気化学会
秋吉 一孝, 張 文韜, 亀山 達矢, 鳥本 司
2021年電気化学秋季大会 2021.9.9 電気化学会
都澤 諒, 亀山 達矢, 上松 太郎, 宮地 冬, 湯川 博, 桑畑 進, 馬場 嘉信, 鳥本 司
2021年電気化学秋季大会 2021.9.9 電気化学会
前田 結衣, 山口 奈緒子, 秋吉 一孝, 亀山 達矢, 坪井 泰之, 石原 一, 鳥本 司
2021年電気化学秋季大会 2021.9.8 電気化学会
Composition-Controlled Synthesis of Near-IR-Light-Emitting Ag-Ιn-Ga-Se Nanocrystals for Biological Imaging International conference
Tatsuya Kameyama, Hiroki Yamauchi, Toshiki Mizumaki, Hiroshi Yukawa, Yoshinobu Baba, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tsukasa Torimoto
239th ECS Meeting 2021.6.3 Electrochemical Society
低毒性Ag(In,Ga)S2@ZnGaSx 量子ドットの合成と発光特性制御
都澤諒, 宮前千恵, 亀山達矢, 上松太郎, 桑畑進, 鳥本司
ナノ学会第19回大会 2021.5.22 ナノ学会
Synthesis of Ring-Shaped Ag-Pt Nanoparticles for the Application to Plasmon-Enhanced Electrocatalysts International conference
Tatsuya Kameyama, Naoki Ota, Kosuke Sasamoto, Tsukasa Torimoto
The 8th Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference (OMC2021) 2021.4.20 SPIE-The International Society for Optics and Photonics (USA)
Photocatalytic H2 Evolution with Anisotropic-Shaped ZnSe-AgInSe2 Solid Solution Nanorods Invited International conference
T. Torimoto, K. Masuoka, T. Kameyama, S. Kuwabata
Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRiME2020) 2020.10.7 The Electrochemical Society
Promoting Hot Carrier Extraction in Zn-Ag-In-Te Nanocrystals By Irradiation of High-Energy Light International conference
T. Kameyama, K. Sugiura, S. Kuwabata, T. Okuhata, N. Tamai and T. Torimoto
Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRiME2020) 2020.10.5 The Electrochemical Society
Syntheses and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Plasmonic Molybdenum Oxide Nanoparticles Via Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering International conference
K. Akiyoshi, T. Kameyama , S. Kuwabata, and T. Torimoto,
Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRiME2020) 2020.10.5 The Electrochemical Society
低毒性多元量子ドットの液相合成とプラズモンクロマトグラフィーによるサイズ分離 Invited
鳥本 司
第18回プラズモニック化学シンポジウム 2020.7.10 プラズモニック化学研究会
Enhancement of Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Au-Ag nanorings by Plasmon Excitation International conference
Tatsuya Kameyama, Kosuke Sasamoto, Tsukasa Torimoto
The 7th Optical Manipulation Conference(OMC’2020) 2020.4 On line
Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputtering Technique for Preparation of Metal and Alloy Nanoparticles Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, and Susumu Kuwabata
ISPlasma2020 / IC-PLANTS2020
Size- and composition-dependent localized surface plasmon resonance of colloidal Au-Ag nanorings Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Kosuke Sasamoto, Tatsuya Kameyama
The International Symposium Plasmonics and Nanophotonics (iSPN2019)
Solution-phase Syntheses of Multinary Semiconductor Nanocrystals Composed of Less-toxic Elements and Their Photochemical Properties Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata,
The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13)
Controllable Photoluminescence Property of Ag(In,Ga)S2 Quantum Dots Invited International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tatsuya Kameyama, Marino Kishi, Chie Miyamae, Taro Uematsu, Susumu Kuwabata
The 10th Integrated Molecular/Materials Science & Engineering (IMSE-10)
Narrow Band-Edge Photoluminescence of Ga3+-Doped AgInS2 Quantum Dots Invited International conference
T. Torimoto, T. Kameyama, M. Kishi, C. Miyamae, T. Uematsu, and S. Kuwabata,
235th ECS Meeting
Preparation of Gold-Semiconductor Nanoparticles Composites and Their Plasmon-enhanced Photocatalytic Activites International conference
ICP 2013 Symposium in Plasmon-based Chemistry and Physics
Plasmon-Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities of Visible-Light-Responsive ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Takuya Takahashi, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, and Tatsuya Kameyama
The Second International Conference on Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion: Development of Materials and Nanomaterials
Plasmon-enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen EvolutionUsing ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Takuya Takahashi, Akihiko Kudo, Susumu Kuwabata, Tatsuya Kameyama
223rd ECS Meeting
鳥本 司
鳥本 司
鳥本 司
鳥本 司
鳥本 司
鳥本 司
日本セラミクス協会 第25回秋季シンポジウム
鳥本 司
Photosensitization of ZnO Nanorod Electrodes with ZnS-AgInS2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Tetsuya Sasamura, Ken-ichi Okazaki, Akihiko Kudo, and Susumu Kuwabata
Facile Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Ionic Liquids via Sputter Deposition Technique International conference
Tsukasa Torimoto, Ken-ichi Okazaki, and Susumu Kuwabata
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
Anisotropic Shape Control of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Using Photochemical Techniques and Their Application to Solar Light Energy Conversion Systems
2010.2 - 2014.3
Grant type:Competitive
2005.9 - 2006.3
Grant type:Competitive
2004 - 2005
Grant type:Competitive
2001.12 - 2005.3
Grant type:Competitive
Preparation of Quantum Dot Hybrid Arrays for the Application to Light Conversion Systems
Grant number:22K19083 2022.6 - 2024.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
Torimoto Tsukasa
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\6500000 ( Direct Cost: \5000000 、 Indirect Cost:\1500000 )
A monolayer film composed of metal-semiconductor composite nanoparticles was fabricated by sequentially sputter-depositing metals onto an ionic liquid surface. At first, Au was sputter-deposited onto the ionic liquid, forming a monolayer film of Au nanoparticles on the liquid surface. Subsequently, Ni was sputter-deposited onto this film and then air-oxidized to produce a monolayer film of Au-NiOx composite nanoparticles. This film was transferred onto a glassy carbon electrode substrate using a horizontal deposition method. The cyclic voltammogram of the Au-NiOx composite revealed an oxidation peak corresponding to the oxidation of Ni(II) to Ni(III), in addition to the reduction peak of the AuOx monolayer on the Au surface. This confirms the formation of a monolayer film composed of Au-NiOx metal-semiconductor composite nanoparticles using a method involving sequential metal sputtering onto an ionic liquid.
Grant number:22H00341 2022.4 - 2026.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\42770000 ( Direct Cost: \32900000 、 Indirect Cost:\9870000 )
近赤外領域にバンドギャップを持つ半導体としてAgBiS2を選び、、液相化学合成により粒子サイズと組成の制御を行った。反応温度を100oCから200oCへ上昇させると、量子ドットのサイズが2.6 nmから8.1 nmに増大した。粒子組成は、反応温度の上昇に伴ってAg割合が増大し、150℃以上で合成した量子ドットでは、AgBiS2の化学量論組成に近い値を示した。化学量論組成のAg-Bi-S量子ドットをITO電極上に担持して光電気化学特性を評価したところp型半導体の光応答が得られ、その光電流の立ち上がり電位は価電子帯準位によく一致した。光電流の作用スペクトルを測定から、近赤外光照射によって光電流が生成したことがわかった。一方で、Ag含有率の少ない量子ドットは、バンドギャップ内に光電流の立ち上がり電位を示し、再結合中心となる欠陥サイトがバンドギャップ内に存在することが示唆された。以上のように、粒子内の欠陥準位を精度良く制御することで、効率よく光エネルギー変換できるAg-Bi-S量子ドットが作製できることを明らかにした。
Fabrication of highly efficient photofunctional devices with heterojunctioned quantum dots
Grant number:18K19128 2018.6 - 2020.3
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
Torimoto Tsukasa
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\6240000 ( Direct Cost: \4800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1440000 )
We developed a solution-phase method for synthesizing high-quality multinary quantum dots (QDs) composed of less toxic elements, in which harmful defect sites for photo-generated charge carriers were mostly eliminated. Furthermore, the chemical compositions of QDs were precisely controlled to tune their electronic energy structures. The obtained QDs exhibited photoluminescence properties, photoelectrochemical properties, and photocatalytic activities, being dependent on the sizes and shapes of QDs and their chemical compositions. These results indicate that less-toxic multinary quantum dots obtained in this study are useful as photo-functional materials in practical applications.
Grant number:18H03927 2018.4 - 2022.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Tsukasa Torimoto
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\44460000 ( Direct Cost: \34200000 、 Indirect Cost:\10260000 )
Alloy nanoparticles composed of multinary elements are expected to exhibit various functions. The preparation of multinary alloy nanoparticles, however, has been very difficult with use of conventional methods, because it requires more precise controls of the particle composition and size as the number of constituent metal elements increases. In this study, we used a non-equilibrium process, that is, an ionic liquid/metal sputtering method, to synthesize nanoparticles composed of non-equilibrium alloys, which were difficult to be prepared by conventional chemical methods. Furthermore, we evaluated electrocatalytic activities of obtained multinary alloy nanoparticles for various electrode reactions, in which the activities were strongly dependent on the particle compositions. Since our methods enable to obtain novel non-equilibrium alloy nanoparticles, we can use these to develop novel highly functional electrocatalysts.
Grant number:17H05254 2017.4 - 2019.3
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\7930000 ( Direct Cost: \6100000 、 Indirect Cost:\1830000 )
Mg2+ドープZAIS量子ドット(Mg-ZAIS)は、対応する金属酢酸塩を、オレイルアミン中250 ℃で、硫黄化合物と反応させることによって作製した。得られたMg-ZAIS量子ドットを、正孔捕捉剤としてNa2Sを含む水/2-プロパノール混合溶液(1 : 1)に分散させてXeランプを照射(λ>350 nm)し、発生した水素量を定量することによって光触媒活性を評価した。
Mg-ZAIS量子ドット中のMg2+含有割合は、仕込み金属組成に関わらず、全金属原子に対して約2~4%とほぼ一定であった。Mg-ZAIS量子ドットの粒子形状はロッド形状であり、粒子中のZn2+含有割合を増加させると、ロッド幅(約5 nm)をほとんど変化させることなく、ロッド長さを16 nmから23 nmまで増加させることができた。ロッド形状をもつZAISおよびMg-ZAIS量子ドットに光照射すると、いずれの場合においても光照射時間とともに水素発生量がほぼ直線的に増加した。さらにMg-ZAIS量子ドットの水素発生速度は、ZAIS量子ドットのものよりも約3倍大きくなった。このことは、Mg2+がZAIS結晶内の金属カチオンと置換してドープされることで、量子ドット中のキャリア濃度が増大し、H+への光励起電子移動がより効率よく起こったためと考えられる。
Fabrication of structured materials by illumination of helical light fields
Grant number:16H06507 2016.6 - 2021.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Omatsu Takashige
We have successfully demonstrated optical vortex trapping and chiral crystallization of sodium chlorate (NaClO3). The chirality of NaClO3 crystals is selectively controlled by controlling the handedness of an irradiating optical vortex laser beam. A high crystal enantiomeric excess of 57% was obtained. These results manifest that the orbital angular momentum of an irradiating optical vortex laser beam twists the crystal during its polymorphic transition from a metastable achiral crystal to a stable chiral crystal. This work will offer new fundamental insights into the dynamics and mechanism of enantioselective control in chiral crystallization and the origin of homochirality.
Efficient light energy conversion with semiconductor nano-photodiode particles
Grant number:15H03876 2015.4 - 2018.3
Torimoto Tsukasa
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4050000 )
Light energy conversion systems using semiconductor nanoparticles have been attracted much attention. In this study, we synthesized multinary semiconductor nanoparticles of low toxicity with solution phase methods and investigated their activities for light energy conversion. The photocatalytic activity of the ZnS-AgInS2 solid solution (ZAIS) nanoparticles was remarkably varied, depending on their particle composition, size, and shape. In particular, dumbbell-shaped ZAIS particles, composed of two ellipsoidal nanocrystals deposited on a rod-shaped particle, showed higher photocatalytic activity than those of single-component counterparts, due to the efficient charge separation at Type II heterojunction inside a particle. Furthermore, thin film photoelectrodes, composed of in the ZnTe-AgIgTe2 solid solution (ZAITe) nanoparticles, exhibited higher activity for photocurrent generation when the heterojunction was formed by the deposition of In2S3 shell layer on the ZAITe film surface.
2015.4 - 2017.3
科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2015.4 - 2017.3
科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2015.4 - 2016.3
Authorship:Principal investigator
2014.4 - 2015.3
Authorship:Principal investigator
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A),課題番号:20245031
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator
2007.8 - 2011.3
科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究、19049009
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator
科学研究費補助金 萌芽研究,課題番号:19655075
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator
2005.4 - 2007.3
科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究,課題番号:17029004
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator
2004 - 2007.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B),課題番号:16350095
鳥本 司
Authorship:Principal investigator
2006.4 - 2007.3 (大阪大学)
ノーベル賞が未来を照らす! 化学賞&物理学賞 徹底解説SP
Role(s):Appearance, Commentator, Media coverage
NHK サイエンスZERO 2023.12
Role(s):Advisor, Demonstrator
トヨタ産業技術記念館 週末ワークショップ 2023.8
名大 量子ドット研究 Newspaper, magazine
中日新聞 中日新聞 ノーベル賞と中部 科学の現場から 2023.12