Graduate School of Law

Updated on 2024/09/30
博士(学術) ( 2002.3 名古屋大学 )
修士(学術) ( 1995.3 名古屋大学 )
学士(法学) ( 1993.3 金沢大学 )
Law in Peace-building
Indonesian Law
Law and Development
Asian Law
Comparative law
Others / Others / Basic Science of Law
Law and Human Rights in Indonesia
Role of Law in the Reconstruction Process in Post-Tsunami Aceh
Law and Development
Nagoya University Graduate School of International Development Professor
Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
2007 - 2015.3
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
2005 - 2007
JSPS-Research Fellow
2003 - 2005
Visiting Reseacher, JETRO-Institute of Developing Economy
2000 - 2001
Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of International Development Department of International Cooperation Studies
1995.4 - 2002.3
Country: Japan
Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of International Development Department of International Cooperation Studies
1993.4 - 1995.3
Country: Japan
Kanazawa University Faculty of Law
1989.4 - 1993.3
Country: Japan
国際開発学会 常任理事(人材育成委員会委員長)
2018.10 - 2020.9
Committee type:Academic society
Legal Changes during Joko Widodo’s Administration – Backsliding of Democracy? Invited Reviewed
Shimada Yuzuru
International Quarterly for Asian Studies Vol. 55 ( 2 ) page: 269 - 287 2024.9
Transitional Justice in the Post-Authoritarian Indonesia: Law and its Limitation
Shimada Yuzuru
Societal System and Law Vol. 19 page: 17 - 33 2022.6
Authoritarianism and Constitutional Politics in Post-Authoritarian Indonesian Society: Reemergence or Legacy Invited Reviewed
Brawijaya Law Journal Vol. 9 ( 1 ) page: 90 - 106 2022.4
Transitional Justice in Indonesia: Human Rights Violation in the authoritarian regime and the Post-Authoritarian constitutional regime Invited
Shimada Yuzuru
Comparative Law Journal Vol. 82 page: 159 - 169 2021.12
国際開発研究 Vol. 28 ( 2 ) page: 171-174 2019.11
『社会体制と法』 ( 16/17 ) page: 20-31 2019.2
国際開発学会編『国際開発学事典』丸善出版 page: 228-229 2018.12
国際開発学会編『国際開発学事典』丸善出版 page: 228-229 2018.12
Pembangunan Otonomi Daerah Jepang dan Hubungan Pusat-Daerah: Satu Perbandingan dengan Indonesia Reviewed
Yuzuru Shimada
Budy Sugandi and Ali Rif'fan eds., Pemerintah dan Pemerintahan Daerah: Refleksi pada Era Reformasi, Insight Indonesia page: 1-7 2018.7
Pembangunan Otonomi Daerah Jepang dan Hubungan Pusat-Daerah: Satu Perbandingan dengan Indonesia(日本における地方自治の発展と中央地方関係:インドネシアとの比較) Reviewed
Budy Sugandi and Ali Rif'fan eds., Pemerintah dan Pemerintahan Daerah: Refleksi pada Era Reformasi, Insight Indonesia page: 1-7 2018.7
Development of legal theory for environment protection and remedy for victims in Japan
Yuzuru Shimada
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR) Vol. 98 page: 19-24 2018
インドネシアにおける法令の種類、序列および整合性に関する法的枠組み(二・完) Invited
ICD News Vol. 71 page: 69-78 2017.6
The Object of Comparison in the Comparative Study of Constitutional Law Reviewed
Shimada Yuzuru
Besson, Heckendorn and Jube eds. Comparing Comparative Law page: 35-58 2017.4
インドネシアにおける法令の種類、序列および整合性に関する法的枠組み(一) Invited
ICD News Vol. 70 page: 95-103 2017.3
東南アジア法史研究回顧 Invited Reviewed
法制史研究 Vol. 66 page: 133−178 2017.3
アジア法研究 Vol. 9 page: 159-172 2016.3
社会体制と法 Vol. 14 page: 33-50 2014.3
国際開発研究 Vol. 22 ( 2 ) page: 69-71 2013.11
島田 弦
月刊インドネシア ( 770 ) page: 6-14 2012.7
"Rule of Law" and Democratization in Indonesia: Legal aid movement in transitional period Reviewed
Shimada Yuzuru
Forum of International Development Studies Vol. 42 page: 105-123 2012.3
Legal aid movement in Indonesia: Adnan Buyung Nasution, the founder of the Indonesia Legal Aid Institute Reviewed
Vol. 245 page: 277-298 2012
Legal Reform in Peace-Building: Judicial development in East-Timor Invited Reviewed
Shimada Yuzuru
Journal of International Development Studies Vol. 20 ( 2 ) page: 65-78 2011.11
The Influence of Dutch Legal Study in 19th Century on Indonesian Adat Law Study: On Cornelis van Vollenhoven's Adat Law Study Reviewed
Shimada Yuzuru
Forum of International Development Studies Vol. 38 page: 55-69 2009.3
Enviromental dispute resolution system in Indonesia Invited
Shimada Yuzuru
page: 193-203 2008.11
Role of Law in the reconstruction precess in post-tsunami Aceh
Shimada Yuzuru
Graduate School of Enviromental Studies, Nagoya University, The 3rd Investigation Report of 2004 Nothern Sumatra Earthquake page: 79-82 2007.2
名古屋大学環境学研究科『2004年北部スマトラ地震調査報告II』 Vol. - ( - ) page: 132-136 2006
*「インドネシアにおける植民地支配と「近代経験」-インドネシア国家原理とアダット法研究」 Reviewed
『社会体制と法』 ( 6 ) page: 50-67 2005
Vol. - ( - ) page: 383-392 2004
国立国会図書館調査及び立法考査局編『諸外国の憲法事情 3』国立国会図書館、2003年12月、 Vol. - ( - ) page: 64-84 2003
『アジ研ワールド・トレンド』 Vol. 8 ( 2 ) page: 24-27 2002
*「インドネシアの開発主義と人権を巡る裁判――90年代の判例分析」 Reviewed
アジア経済第41巻第2号 Vol. 41 ( 2 ) page: 2-32 2000.2
法学セミナー Vol. 44 ( 10 ) page: 65-68 1999.10
島田弦、桑原尚子( Role: Joint editor)
旬報社 2021.4
Legal assistance and Asia series: Indonesia - Challenging democratization and globalization
Shimada Yuzuru Role: Edit)
Junposha 2020.6 ( ISBN:9784845116393 )
*"The Role of Law in the Reconstruction Process of the Aceh Tsunami Disaster" in Per Bergling, Jenny Ederlof and Veronica L. Taylor eds. Rule of Law Promotion: Global Perspectives, Local Applications
( Role: Sole author)
Iustus 2010.1
"Indonesia", Aikyo Masanori ed., The Handbook of Asian Legal Systems, Nagoya University Press, pp. 130-155.
( Role: Sole author)
Nagoya University Press 2009.10
"Islamic Law", Aikyo Masanori ed., The Handbook of Asian Legal Systems, Nagoya University Press, pp. 390-398.
( Role: Sole author)
Nagoya University Press 2009.10
( Role: Sole author)
成文堂 2008.10
( Role: Joint author)
アジア経済研究所 2002
島田弦( Role: Contributor , 「21.東ティモール民主共和国」)
明石書店 2021.12
島田弦( Role: Contributor , 「3.ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国」)
明石書店 2021.12
島田弦( Role: Contributor , 「7.インドネシア共和国」)
明石書店 2021.12
島田弦( Role: Contributor , 第I部第5章)
旬報社 2021.4
島田弦( Role: Contributor , 第I部第1章)
旬報社 2021.4
島田弦( Role: Sole author)
旬報社 2020.6
島田弦( Role: Sole author)
旬報社 2020.6
島田弦( Role: Sole author)
旬報社 2020.6
島田弦( Role: Sole author)
旬報社 2020.6
島田 弦( Role: Sole author)
文眞堂 2016.6
「V-2 災害リスク管理の法制度」高橋誠・田中重好・木股文昭編著『スマトラ地震による津波被害と復興』282-296頁
島田弦( Role: Sole author)
古今書院 2014.2 ( ISBN:9784772241717 )
「III-3 被災後の法的課題」高橋誠・田中重好・木股文昭編著『スマトラ地震による津波被害と復興』136-148頁
島田弦( Role: Sole author)
古今書院 2014.2 ( ISBN:9784772241717 )
"Legal systems for disaster management in Indonesia" in Djati Mardiatno and Makoto Takahashi eds., Community approach to disaster
Shimada Yuzuru( Role: Sole author)
Gadjah Mada university press 2012.7 ( ISBN:979-420-787-X )
( Role: Sole author)
勁草書房 2009.12
Local regulations quality and the local economy in Indonesia: A geospatial exploratory analysis International coauthorship International conference
Yuzuru Shimada, Bangkit A. Wiryaman, Carlos Mendez-Guerra
Asian Law and Society Association Meeting 2023 2023.12.15 Asia Law and Society Association
アジア法学会学術総会 2022.6.19 アジア法学会
Civil and Political Rights in Indonesia under old and new constitutionalism: Comparing human rights situation in the Soeharto regime and the Reformation era International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) Conference
Strategy and Regulatory Reform Practices in Japan: Harmonization of central and local regulations in the era of local autonomy Invited International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
Konferensi Nasional Hukum Tata Negara (National Conference on the Constitutional Law)
Revisiting the freedom of expression in Indonesia: Socio-legal review of oppression against freedom under the New Order and its continuity International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
IANC's 1st Conference on Socio Legal Studies
Tension between ASEAN law and Indonesian law in the age of democratization Invited International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
the Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium
Development of legal theory for environment protection and remedy for pollution victims in Japan Invited International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
the 1st International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga
Development of legal theory for environment protection and remedy for victims in Japan Invited International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
Concept of 'sovereignty' in Indonesia: Discussing the MPR Invited International conference
International Workshop "State, Constitutionalism & Citizenship in Southeast Asia"
The Place of Non-Judicial Staff in the Judicial Administration: Preliminary Research on Court Clerk in Indonesian District Court International conference
Shimada Yuzuru
Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) Conference
ASEAN法とインドネシア法の緊張関係 International conference
Transplantation of Legal Thought: Comparing actors and their ideasof law in legal transplantation in the Constitution of Japan andIndonesia International conference
Yuzuru Shimada
Yuzuru Shimada
Democracy and Constitutionalism in Indonesian Constitutional Court: Discussion from the Cases on Education Expenses in the National Budget International conference
Yuzuru Shimada
EuroSEAS 2015
島田 弦
Succession of Judiciary from colony to the Independent Indonesia: The roots of bureaucratic judiciary and its weakness International conference
Yuzuru Shimada
Asian Law Institute Annual Conference
島田 弦
Recent development of legal system on disaster management in Indonesia and its function: The role of law to support sustainability of society under the disaster International conference
8th Asian Law Institute Conference
Integration of traditional community norms into disaster risk management laws in Indonesia: Learning in Aceh and practicing in Central Java International conference
7th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference
2015.10 - 2016.9
Grant type:Competitive
本研究では、アジア諸国を題材として、社会と法との相互作用を重視する法学研究(Socio-legal Research)から「法の支配」の再定義を試みる。Socio-legal Researchというアプローチを用いる理由は、従来の法理学的・規範論的な法学研究が直面するアジア比較法研究の限界を乗り越え、社会的現実から「法の支配」を捉え直すことで新たな視点を獲得できると考えるからである。そして、非欧米諸国における「法の支配」の類型モデル(試案)を策定することが目的である。本研究で試案する「法の支配」類型モデルは、学術的な貢献だけでなく、国際開発協力における実効性ある「法の支配」プログラムに資することも射程とする。
2014.1 - 2015.12
Grant type:Competitive
Influence of Foreign Law over Indonesian Legal System: Preliminary research for legal empowerment assistance
2012.10 - 2013.9
Grant type:Competitive
Fostering Research Capabilities of Young Researchers through "the Academic Network for Development in Asia" :For Institutional Development
2011.7 - 2011.12
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:24K00215 2024.4 - 2028.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\18070000 ( Direct Cost: \13900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4170000 )
衛星データと法令マッピングによるインドネシアの地域経済と分権に係る空間計量分析 International coauthorship
Grant number:23H03617 2023.4 - 2027.3
日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
Authorship:Coinvestigator(s) Grant type:Competitive
Grant amount:\15470000 ( Direct Cost: \11900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3570000 )
2013.4 - 2017.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2011.4 - 2015.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
2009.4 - 2013.3
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
2006.4 - 2009.3
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B),課題番号:18730013
島田 弦
Authorship:Principal investigator
Property Rights and Customary Law in Indonesia
Grant number:24K03164 2024.4 - 2028.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Grant number:23H03617 2023.4 - 2027.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Grant number:23K28307 2023.4 - 2027.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Grant number:20H01423 2020.4 - 2024.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
國分 典子, 蔡 秀卿, 牧野 力也, 松井 直之, 水島 玲央, 赤坂 正浩, 島田 弦, D. Gangabaatar, 岡 克彦
今年度は ① 韓国・台湾における「ドイツ型」導入の背景および発展理由要因の研究 ② 「ドイツ型」導入による韓国・台湾における従来型司法との関係性についての研究 の二点に重点をおいて、各参加者が調査・分析を行うことを予定していた。①に関する法史学的調査研究は2020年度に重点的に行う予定であったが、COVID-19のために海外での調査研究はなお調査が必要な部分が残っていたため、2021年度(繰越期間も含む)はそれぞれの研究参加者が担当地域で関連学術書の文献調査および現地研究者へのインタビュー等を行ったほか、韓国に関しては現地研究協力者から憲法の各領域における憲法裁判状況の報告を受けた。②に関しては、韓国に関しCOVID-19の既成が緩和された2022年に入って韓国担当の國分、岡、水島が現地で専門家へのインタビューおよび資料調査を行った。
Grant number:19H01381 2019.4 - 2023.3
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
高橋 誠, 室井 研二, 伊賀 聖屋, 島田 弦
Conceptualizing the Post-Authoritarian Constitution model: Case study in Indonesia's constitution and constitutionalism
Grant number:19K01260 2019.4 - 2023.3
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
Grant number:17H02444 2017.4 - 2020.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Aikyo Masanori
This study was conducted under the auspices of the ASEAN Community, which was established in December 2015, to study the specific content and background of the constitutional principles dominating in some ASEAN countries and varying from modern constitutionalism. In this study, we have translated the constitutions of ASEAN countries and examined the constitution-making process in detail. Additionally, through taking a closer look at the coup d'état in Myanmar, China's strong-arm politics in Hong Kong and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the form of what this study hypothetically describes as "heterologous" has been clearly revealed. It was clearly characterized as the emergence of a new "anti-constitutionalism and anti-democracy" constitutional image.
Post-2015 New Development Cooperation Paradigm in Asia
Grant number:16KT0088 2016.7 - 2022.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Ito Sanae
We conducted this research to examine the changing politics of East Asia's development cooperation and analyzed them in relation to its developmental state tradition. We presented our research findings at international academic conferences and are in the process of publishing an edited volume entitled "The Easternization of Development: The Politics of East Asia's Developmentalist Cooperation from Practical Action Publishing, UK.
In this volume, we argue that what some scholars describe as the 'Southernisation' of development' taking place in the post-2015 era should more appropriately be viewed in terms of the 'Easternization of development'. Japan, South Korea and China strategically strengthen their practices of 'developmentalist' cooperation in response to the discourse of the SDGs promoting private sector participation in development. While I edited the whole volume, individual chapters are written by a collection of scholars from Japan, South Korea, China and Germany.
Impacts on the Member States Laws through ASEAN Economic Community Building
Grant number:16H01981 2016.4 - 2019.3
Despite of the declaration of ASEAN Community in 2015, ASEAN should be regarded as a hub of networks at intra- and extra-regional levels, with weak control over intra-regional governance. Under this framework, the Member States’ laws are rather autonomously harmonized through their mutual reference in the single market, while ASEAN plays a modest role in this process through promoting introduction of international standards, rather than those of its own. Main tool of ASEAN is meetings frequently held in various cities in Member States.
To bypass authoritative elements so well structured in Member States’ politics, functionalism has prevailed in the policy of actors which has exercised considerable influence over ASEAN. Considering the current situations entailing serious problems caused by excessive marketization, it would be, however, one of the biggest challenges to introduce constitutional values.
Legal Education in Asian Countries :Case Studies in legal technical assistance counterparts
Grant number:15H05176 2015.4 - 2019.3
Yotsumoto Kenji
Legal technical assistance projects by the government of Japan have been conducted without consideration about legal knowledge and skill of counterparts such as judicial officers and public prosecutors.
Our research finds real pictures, challenges and some problems in the legal education in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam from the point of view that quality of law and judiciary is based on the legal education which counterparts received.These findings will contribute improvement of the quality of legal technical assistance in future.
International Comparative Study on Mega-earthquake Disasters: Interactions in the Multi-layered Recovery Space
Grant number:15H01905 2015.4 - 2019.3
Takahashi Makoto
This study points out that the post-disaster recovery itself brings about new kinds of disaster risk, related to the actores interactions in the recovery processes, that disaster experiences are not embedded into the community mechanisms for disaster risk reduction, and that these are caused by lack of vertical and horizontal coordination mechanisms in the post-disaster recovery processes, interrelated to pre- and post-disaster community and risk governances, through reformulation of the recovery model focusing on actors interactions in the multi-layered recovery space and comparison between recent three mega-earthquake disasters in humid Asia: the 2004 Sumatra, the 2008 Sichuan, and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake disasters.
Peacebuilding Sepcial Lecture
Law and Development
2008.4 - 2009.3 (名古屋学芸大学)
2008.4 - 2009.3 (椙山女学園大学)
2007.4 (Nagoya University of foreign Studies)
Level:Undergraduate (liberal arts)