Graduate School of Engineering Professor

Updated on 2025/03/06
博士(工学) ( 2000.3 早稲田大学 )
Reaction Analysis
Solution Plasma
Fuel Cell Battery
Secondary Battery
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology/Materials / Fundamental physical chemistry / Physical Chemistry
Energy Engineering / Applied plasma science
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanometer-scale chemistry
Nanotechnology/Materials / Nanostructural physics
Nanotechnology/Materials / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties / Functional Materials/Device
Nanotechnology/Materials / Composite materials and interfaces / Material Processing/Treatment
Nanotechnology/Materials / Metals production and resources production
Nagoya University Department of Chemical Systems Engineering, Graduated School of Engineering Professor
Nagoya University Department of Chemical Systems Engineering, Graduated School of Engineering Professor
Institute for Innovation for Future Society Professor
Nagoya University Administrative Support Organizations Headquarters for Industry, Academia and Government Cooperation
2012.10 - 2016.3
Nagoya University
2012.4 - 2016.3
Nagoya University EcoTopia Science Institute Nano-Material Science Research Division
2011.7 - 2017.3
Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Materials,Physics and Energy Engineering Engineering of Structural Materials in Ultimate States
2011.7 - 2017.3
Nagoya University, Green Mobility Research Center, Professor
2011.7 - 2016.3
EcoTopia Science Institute/Professor
2009.4 - 2011.6
2004.3 - 2009.3
2000.10 - 2004.3
2000.4 - 2000.9
1997.4 - 2000.3
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 2000.3
Country: Japan
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 2000.3
Country: Japan
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 1997.3
Country: Japan
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering
1991.4 - 1995.3
Country: Japan
表面技術協会 理事(国際担当)
日本MRS 常任理事
2008.4 - 2009.3
The Surface Science of Japan
The Chemical Soceity of Japan
資源素材学会 評議委員
日本学術振興会産学協力研究第183委員会委員会 運営幹事
Excellence Award of Poster Presentation
2011.1 The 12th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design
Excellence Award of Poster Presentation
2011.1 The 12th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design
Excellence Award of Poster Presentation
2011.1 The 12th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design
ASIA-PACIFIC INTERFINISH 2010 1st Prize Poster Winner
ASIA-PACIFIC INTERFINISH 2010 1st Prize Poster Winner
17th Iketani ConferenceThe Doyama Symposium on Advanced Material・Doyama Awards
2007.9 日本MRS
17th Iketani ConferenceThe Doyama Symposium on Advanced Material・Doyama Awards
2007.9 日本MRS
The Symposium on Electronic Materials and Processing on occasion of IUMRS-ICA-2006 Best Paper Award
2006.12 IUMRS-ICA-2006
平成18年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 若手奨励賞
2006.12 表面技術協会
The Symposium on Electronic Materials and Processing on occasion of IUMRS-ICA-2006 Best Paper Award
2006.12 IUMRS-ICA-2006
平成18年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 若手奨励賞
2006.12 表面技術協会
2006.9 日本金属学会
2006.9 日本金属学会
表面技術協会第109回講演大会: 第10回表面技術協会学術奨励講演賞
2006.3 表面技術協会
表面技術協会第109回講演大会: 第10回表面技術協会学術奨励講演賞
2006.3 表面技術協会
2005.12 表面技術協会
2005.12 日本MRS
2005.12 表面技術協会
2005.12 日本MRS
表面技術協会第107回講演大会: 第9回表面技術協会学術奨励講演賞
2005.3 表面技術協会
表面技術協会第107回講演大会: 第9回表面技術協会学術奨励講演賞
2005.3 表面技術協会
第15回日本MRS学術シンポジウム: 第15回日本MRS学術シンポジウム奨励賞
2004.12 日本MRS
第15回日本MRS学術シンポジウム: 第15回日本MRS学術シンポジウム奨励賞
2004.12 日本MRS
日本金属学会2004年秋季(第135回)大会: 第3回日本金属学会優秀ポスター賞
2004.9 日本金属学会
日本金属学会2004年秋季(第135回)大会: 第3回日本金属学会優秀ポスター賞
2004.9 日本金属学会
平成16年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会: 若手奨励賞
2003.12 表面技術協会
平成16年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会: 若手奨励賞
2003.12 表面技術協会
表面技術協会第107回講演大会: 第9回学術奨励講演賞
2003.3 表面技術協会
表面技術協会第107回講演大会: 第9回学術奨励講演賞
2003.3 表面技術協会
2002.3 表面技術協会
2002.3 表面技術協会
2001.12 日本MRS
2001.12 日本MRS
A Bandgap-Tuned Tetragonal Perovskite as Zero-Strain Anode for Potassium-Ion Batteries Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Yang W., Huang J., Zheng Q., Chen L., Orita A., Saito N., Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Yang L.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition Vol. 63 ( 52 ) 2024.12
Interphase Optimum via Synergistic Effect of Poly(1,3-dioxolane) Electrolytes and Lithium Difluorophosphate for Stable Lithium Metal Batteries Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Hu A., Liao Z., Yang Q., Huang J., Wei Z., Sun Y., Zhao E., Zhang Z., Yang L., Saito N., Orita A.
Advanced Functional Materials Vol. 34 ( 51 ) 2024.12
Solid-state rigid polymer composite electrolytes with in-situ formed nano-crystalline lithium ion pathways for lithium-metal batteries Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Wei Z., Huang J., Liao Z., Hu A., Zhang Z., Orita A., Saito N., Yang L.
Energy Storage Materials Vol. 72 2024.9
Accelerated Capacity and Cycling Performance via Facile Instantaneous Precipitation Induced Amorphization for Lithium-Ion Batteries Reviewed International coauthorship
Yang W., Huang J., Zhang Y., Saito N., Zhang Z., Yang L.
Small Methods Vol. 7 ( 11 ) 2023.11
Moon J., Yun H., Ukai J., Chokradjaroen C., Thiangtham S., Hashimoto T., Kim K., Sawada Y., Saito N.
Carbon Vol. 215 2023.11
Search for stable host materials as low-voltage anodes for lithium-ion batteries: A mini-review Reviewed International coauthorship
Zhang Y., Huang J., Saito N., Zhang Z., Yang L., Hirano S.i.
Energy Storage Materials Vol. 55 page: 364 - 387 2023.1
Nanoscale advanced carbons as an anode for lithium-ion battery Reviewed International coauthorship
Naraprawatphong R., Chokradjaroen C., Thiangtham S., Yang L., Saito N.
Materials Today Advances Vol. 16 2022.12
Saccharide-originated fluorescent carbon dots synthesized by in-liquid plasma with controlled orderliness of carbon core through precursor alteration for selective and rapid metal ion detection Reviewed International coauthorship
Treepet S., Chokradjaroen C., Kim K., Saito N., Watthanaphanit A.
Materials Today Chemistry Vol. 26 2022.12
Graphitic N-doped graphene via solution plasma with a single dielectric barrier Reviewed
Niu J., Chokradjaroen C., Saito N.
Carbon Vol. 199 page: 347 - 356 2022.10
Solution plasma synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon dots from glucosamines: Comparative fluorescence modulation for dopamine detection Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Treepet S., Duangmanee T., Chokradjaroen C., Kim K., Saito N., Watthanaphanit A.
Carbon Vol. 231 2025.1
Zhu Z., Liu Y., Sawada Y., Saito N.
Coatings Vol. 15 ( 1 ) 2025.1
Enhanced energy storage efficiency of an innovative three-dimensional nickel cobalt metal organic framework nanocubes with molybdenum disulphide electrode material as a battery-like supercapacitor Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Palanisamy R., Pavadai N., Pavadai R., Saito N., Pattananuwat P., Sujaridworakun P.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 1009 2024.12
Platinum nanoparticles wrapped in carbon-dot-films as oxygen reduction reaction catalysts prepared by solution plasma sputtering International journal
Liu Y., Zhu Z., Wang P., Deng Z., Niu J., Sawada Y., Saito N.
Nanoscale Advances Vol. 7 ( 4 ) page: 1048 - 1060 2024.12
Few-Layer MoS<inf>2</inf> on a SiO<inf>2</inf>/Si Wafer through Sulfurization Chemical Vapor Deposition with a Vaporization-Shadowing Effect Reviewed International journal
Zhu Z., Liu Y., Sato K., Niu J., Chokradjaroen C., Sawada Y., Saito N.
ACS Applied Nano Materials Vol. 7 ( 17 ) page: 20257 - 20266 2024.9
Surface functionalization of cellulose derived from hemp by tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and poly vinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-based composite separator membrane for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) International coauthorship International journal
Sirichaibhinyo T., Thiangtham S., Saito N., Ummartyotin S.
Results in Engineering Vol. 23 2024.9
Park J.H., Saito N., Kawasumi M.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 72 page: 642 - 651 2024.6
Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanothin Film as a Buffer Layer between Anodic Graphite and Solid Electrolyte Interphase for Lithium-Ion Batteries Reviewed International coauthorship International journal
Ukai J., Kim K., Matsuhara S., Yang L., Saito N.
ACS Omega Vol. 9 ( 23 ) page: 24372 - 24378 2024.6
Nam H.N., Phung Q.M., Choeichom P., Yamauchi Y., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 26 ( 14 ) page: 10711 - 10722 2024.3
Nanoarchitectonics Solution Plasma Polymerization of Amino-Rich Carbon Nanosorbents for Use in Enhanced Fluoride Removal Reviewed International coauthorship
Tipplook M., Tanaka H., Sudare T., Hagio T., Saito N., Teshima K.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Vol. 16 ( 6 ) page: 7038 - 7046 2024.2
Synthesis of crown-ether-embedded graphene by the solution plasma Reviewed International coauthorship
Kim H.m., Saito N., Kim D.w.
Carbon Vol. 216 2024.1
A solid-solution approach for high frequency 3-dimensional isotropic negative-refractive-index metamaterials based on microwave ceramics International coauthorship
Chang Q., Wang Z., Liu X., Saito N., Fan T.
Ceramics International Vol. 50 ( 1 ) page: 772 - 780 2024.1
Regulated Phase Separation in Al–Ti–Cu–Co Alloys through Spark Plasma Sintering Process Reviewed
Lee S., Chokradjaroen C., Sawada Y., Yoon S., Saito N.
Materials Vol. 17 ( 2 ) 2024.1
Conversion of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using solution plasma process Reviewed International coauthorship
Klanarong N., Saito N., Prasertsung I., Damrongsakkul S.
Renewable Energy Vol. 218 2023.12
Park J.H., Kim K., Wang X., Huda M., Sawada Y., Matsuo Y., Saito N., Kawasumi M.
Journal of Power Sources Vol. 580 2023.10
Park J.H., Saito N., Kawasumi M.
Carbon Vol. 214 2023.10
Lee S., Chokradjaroen C., Sawada Y., Saito N.
Journal of Materials Research Vol. 38 ( 18 ) page: 4235 - 4246 2023.9
Yokoyama K., Lin H.S., Shui Q.J., Wang X., Saito N., Matsuo Y.
Applied Physics Express Vol. 16 ( 8 ) 2023.8
Introducing micropores into carbon nanoparticles synthesized via a solution plasma process by thermal treatment and their charge storage properties in supercapacitors Reviewed International coauthorship
Thu M.M., Chaiammart N., Jongprateep O., Techapiesancharoenkij R., Thant A.A., Saito N., Panomsuwan G.
RSC Advances Vol. 13 ( 24 ) page: 16136 - 16144 2023.6
Morphological Evolution of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized via Solution Plasma Sputtering: Effect of Sodium Chloride Concentration and Storage Time Reviewed International coauthorship
Chantaramethakul J., Choophun N., Chokradjaroen C., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N., Panomsuwan G.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 127 ( 6 ) page: 3184 - 3193 2023.2
A facile and efficient approach for the removal of high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater: Liquid-phase plasma treatment Reviewed International coauthorship
Back S., Saito N., Lee S.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Vol. 11 ( 1 ) 2023.2
Carbon Fibers Prepared via Solution Plasma-Generated Seeds Reviewed
Romero Valenzuela A.E., Chokradjaroen C., Choeichom P., Wang X., Kim K., Saito N.
Materials Vol. 16 ( 3 ) 2023.2
Dechojarassri D., Wang X., Chae S., Sawada Y., Hashimoto T., Saito N.
Fuel Cells Vol. 23 ( 1 ) page: 4 - 14 2023.2
Low-potential and high-capacity lithium battery anode based on hierarchical assemblies of Na<inf>2</inf>TiSiO<inf>5</inf> nanotubes Reviewed International coauthorship
Zhang Y., Huang J., Saito N., Zhang Z., Yang L., Hirano S.i.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 604 2022.12
Multi-strategy synergistic in-situ constructed gel electrolyte-binder system for high-performance lithium-ion batteries with Si-based anode Reviewed International coauthorship
Zhao E., Luo S., Zhang Z., Saito N., Yang L., Hirano S.i.
Electrochimica Acta Vol. 434 2022.12
Kim U.J., Saito N., Lee S.H.
Frontiers in Marine Science Vol. 9 2022.11
Romero Valenzuela A.E., Chokradjaroen C., Thiangtham S., Saito N.
Coatings Vol. 12 ( 11 ) 2022.11
Plasma–Solution Junction for the Formation of Carbon Material
Niu J., Chokradjaroen C., Sawada Y., Wang X., Saito N.
Coatings Vol. 12 ( 11 ) 2022.11
Zhang Y., Huang J., Saito N., Yang X., Zhang Z., Yang L., Hirano S.i.
Advanced Energy Materials Vol. 12 ( 31 ) 2022.8
Gu Y., Yang L., Luo S., Zhao E., Saito N.
Ionics Vol. 28 ( 8 ) page: 3743 - 3759 2022.8
Zhao Y., Wang X., Guo X., Shi N., Cheng D., Zhou H., Saito N., Fan T.
Electrochimica Acta Vol. 420 2022.7
Fundamentals of solution plasma for advanced materials synthesis Reviewed International coauthorship
Chokradjaroen C., Wang X., Niu J., Fan T., Saito N.
Materials Today Advances Vol. 14 2022.6
Chang Q., Liu X., Wang Z., Saito N., Fan T.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Vol. 128 ( 5 ) 2022.5
Luo S., Zhao E., Gu Y., Saito N., Zhang Z., Yang L., Hirano S.i.
Nano Research Vol. 15 ( 4 ) page: 3290 - 3298 2022.4
Saymung R., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N., Traiphol N., Traiphol R.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol. 106 page: 243 - 252 2022.2
Morphology control of ZnO nanostructures using Zn and W electrodes in solution plasma process
Kim K., Chae S., Masuda Y., Saito N.
Materials Letters Vol. 309 2022.2
Synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbons from single-source precursors by solution plasma
Gasidit Panomsuwan, Chayanapat Chokradjaroen, Nagahiro Saito
Nanomaterials via Single-Source Precursors: Synthesis, Processing and Applications page: 475 - 505 2022.1
Thiangtham S., Saito N., Manuspiya H.
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022
Panomsuwan G., Wongcharoen S., Chokradcharoen C., Tipplook M., Jongprateep O., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 193 - 200 2021.12
Zhao Y., Wang X., Guo X., Cheng D., Zhou H., Saito N., Fan T.
Carbon Vol. 184 page: 609 - 617 2021.10
Islam, MZ; Watthanaphanit, A; Chae, S; Niitsu, K; Saito, N
MATERIALS EXPRESS Vol. 11 ( 9 ) page: 1602 - 1607 2021.9
Islam, MZ; Watthanaphanit, A; Chae, S; Niitsu, K; Saito, N
MATERIALS EXPRESS Vol. 11 ( 9 ) page: 1587 - 1593 2021.9
Facile synthesis of ZnO nanobullets by solution plasma without chemical additives
Kim K., Chae S., Choi P.G., Itoh T., Saito N., Masuda Y.
RSC Advances Vol. 11 ( 43 ) page: 26785 - 26790 2021.7
Wang P., Wang X., Chen S., Zhang J., Mu X., Chen Y., Sun Z., Wei A., Tian Y., Zhou J., Liang X., Miao L., Saito N.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Vol. 13 ( 26 ) page: 30556 - 30564 2021.7
Lin H.S., Kaneko T., Ishikawa S., Jeon I., Chae S., Yana T., Saito N., Matsuo Y.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 60 ( 7 ) 2021.7
Tipplook M., Panomsuwan G., Muta Y., Saito N.
ACS Applied Energy Materials Vol. 4 ( 6 ) page: 5606 - 5614 2021.6
Chokradjaroen C., Niu J., Panomsuwan G., Saito N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Vol. 22 ( 9 ) 2021.5
Deposition of carbon–tungsten carbide on coir pulp to improve its compatibility with polylactic acid
Boonyeun N., Rujiravanit R., Saito N.
Cellulose Vol. 28 ( 7 ) page: 4119 - 4136 2021.5
Islam M.Z., Watthanaphanit A., Chae S., Saito N.
Materials Advances Vol. 2 ( 8 ) page: 2636 - 2641 2021.4
Boonyeun N., Rujiravanit R., Saito N.
Polymers Vol. 13 ( 7 ) 2021.4
Phan P.Q., Naraprawatphong R., Pornaroontham P., Park J., Chokradjaroen C., Saito N.
Materials Advances Vol. 2 ( 1 ) page: 322 - 335 2021
Natural Self-Confined Structure Effectively Suppressing Volume Expansion toward Advanced Lithium Storage Reviewed International coauthorship
Zhang Y., Huang J., Liao Z., Hu A., Li X., Saito N., Zhang Z., Yang L., Hirano S.I.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2021
Liao Z., Huang J., Chen W., Saito N., Zhang Z., Yang L., Hirano S.i.
Energy Storage Materials Vol. 33 page: 442 - 451 2020.12
Single-walled carbon nanotubes wrapped by cationic nitrogen-doped carbon for electrocatalytic applications Reviewed International coauthorship
Chae S., Phan P.Q., Panomsuwan G., Bratescu M.A., Hashimoto T., Teshima K., Saito N.
ACS Applied Nano Materials Vol. 3 ( 10 ) page: 10183 - 10189 2020.10
Phan P.Q., Chae S., Pornaroontham P., Muta Y., Kim K., Wang X., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 10 ( 60 ) page: 36627 - 36635 2020.10
Solution plasma: new synthesis method of N-doped carbon dots as ultra-sensitive fluorescence detector for 2,4,6-trinitrophenol Reviewed International coauthorship
Kim K., Chokradjaroen C., Saito N.
Nano Express Vol. 1 ( 2 ) 2020.9
Chokradjaroen C., Rujiravanit R., Theeramunkong S., Saito N.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 237 2020.6
Thiangtham S., Runt J., Saito N., Manuspiya H.
Cellulose Vol. 27 ( 3 ) page: 1367 - 1384 2020.2
Tipplook M., Pornaroontham P., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
ACS Applied Nano Materials Vol. 3 ( 1 ) page: 218 - 228 2020.1
Rujiravanit R., Kantakanun M., Chokradjaroen C., Vanichvattanadecha C., Saito N.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 228 2020.1
Synthesis of Au Nanoparticles in Natural Matrices by Liquid-Phase Plasma: Effects on Cytotoxic Activity against Normal and Cancer Cell Lines Reviewed International coauthorship
Treesukkasem N., Chokradjaroen C., Theeramunkong S., Saito N., Watthanaphanit A.
ACS Applied Nano Materials Vol. 2 ( 12 ) page: 8051 - 8062 2019.12
Pornaroontham P., Panomsuwan G., Chae S., Saito N., Thouchprasitchai N., Phongboonchoo Y., Pongstabodee S.
Nanomaterials Vol. 9 ( 12 ) 2019.12
Quantitative spectrochemical analysis of solution plasma in aromatic molecules
Bratescu M.A., Kim K., Saito N.
Plasma Processes and Polymers Vol. 16 ( 7 ) 2019.7
P-Type Doping of Graphene with Cationic Nitrogen
Chae S., Panomsuwan G., Bratescu M.A., Teshima K., Saito N.
ACS Applied Nano Materials Vol. 2 ( 3 ) page: 1350 - 1355 2019.3
Production of reducing sugar from cassava starch waste (CSW) using solution plasma process (SPP)
Prasertsung I., Aroonraj K., Kamwilaisak K., Saito N., Damrongsakkul S.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 205 page: 472 - 479 2019.2
Prasertsung I., Kaewcharoen S., Kunpinit K., Yaowarat W., Saito N., Phenrat T.
Water Science and Technology Vol. 79 ( 5 ) page: 967 - 974 2019
Maximization of sodium storage capacity of pure carbon material used in sodium-ion batteries Reviewed International coauthorship
Kang J., Kim D.Y., Chae S.A., Saito N., Choi S.Y., Kim K.H.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Vol. 7 ( 27 ) page: 16149 - 16160 2019
Kim H., Saito N., Kim D.
Journal of Chemistry Vol. 2019 2019
Chokradjaroen C., Theeramunkong S., Yui H., Saito N., Rujiravanit R.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 201 page: 20 - 30 2018.12
Jedsukontorn T., Ueno T., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Vol. 367 page: 270 - 281 2018.12
Kim H., Saito N.
Scientific Reports Vol. 8 ( 1 ) 2018.12
Jedsukontorn T., Ueno T., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 757 page: 188 - 199 2018.8
Panomsuwan G., Saito N.
Crystal Research and Technology Vol. 53 ( 8 ) 2018.8
Kim H., Saito N., Kim D.
ChemistrySelect Vol. 3 ( 23 ) page: 6302 - 6308 2018.6
Tipplook, M; Hashimi, K; Bratescu, MA; Saito, N
NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 10 ( 5-6 ) page: 667 - 674 2018.5
Chae, S; Hashimi, K; Bratescu, MA; Saito, N
NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 10 ( 5-6 ) page: 784 - 789 2018.5
The Initial Reactions from Pyridine to Hetero-Carbon Nanomaterials Through Solution Plasma
Kim, K; Hashimi, K; Bratescu, MA; Saito, N
NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 10 ( 5-6 ) page: 814 - 819 2018.5
Jedsukontorn T., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Nanomaterials Vol. 8 ( 4 ) 2018.4
Panomsuwan G., Li O.L., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Chokradjaroen C., Rujiravanit R., Theeramunkong S., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Panomsuwan G., Chokradjaroen C., Rujiravanit R., Ueno T., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Plasma in Solution and Its Applications
Saito N., Nakamura J., Shirafuji T., Ishizaki T.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Solution plasma: A new reaction field for nanomaterials synthesis
Saito N., Bratescu M.A., Hashimi K.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Synthesis of silicon-carbon black composite as anode material for lithium ion battery
Kim H., Yun Y., Lee Y.C., Lee M.H., Saito N., Kang J.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 57 ( 1 ) 2018.1
Enhancement of nitrogen self-doped nanocarbons electrocatalyst via tune-up solution plasma synthesis
Lee S., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 8 ( 62 ) page: 35503 - 35511 2018
The solution plasma process for heteroatom-carbon nanosheets: The role of precursors
Hyun K., Saito N.
Scientific Reports Vol. 7 ( 1 ) 2017.12
Pitchaimuthu S., Honda K., Suzuki S., Naito A., Suzuki N., Katsumata K.I., Nakata K., Ishida N., Kitamura N., Idemoto Y., Kondo T., Yuasa M., Takai O., Ueno T., Saito N., Fujishima A., Terashima C.
ACS Omega Vol. 3 ( 1 ) page: 898 - 905 2017.11
Synthesis of Few-Layer Graphene by Peeling Graphite Flakes via Electron Exchange in Solution Plasma
Chae S., Bratescu M., Saito N.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 121 ( 42 ) page: 23793 - 23802 2017.10
Conversion of cellulose into reducing sugar by solution plasma process (SPP)
Prasertsung I., Chutinate P., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N., Damrongsakkul S.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 172 page: 230 - 236 2017.9
Generation of non-equilibrium condition in solution plasma discharge using low-pass filter circuit
Heo Y., Lee S., Bratescu M., Kim S., Lee G., Saito N.
Plasma Processes and Polymers Vol. 14 ( 8 ) 2017.8
Simple Solution Plasma Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanoporous MnO<inf>2</inf> for Organic Dye Removal
Kim H., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering Vol. 5 ( 7 ) page: 5842 - 5851 2017.7
Chokradjaroen C., Rujiravanit R., Watthanaphanit A., Theeramunkong S., Saito N., Yamashita K., Arakawa R.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 167 page: 1 - 11 2017.7
Crystallinity and surface state of cellulose in wet ball-milling process
Nemoto S., Ueno T., Watthanaphanit A., Hieda J., Saito N.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science Vol. 134 ( 22 ) 2017.6
Kim S.M., Jo Y.G., Lee M.H., Saito N., Kim J.W., Lee S.Y.
Electrochimica Acta Vol. 233 page: 123 - 133 2017.4
Enhanced ferromagnetism in graphite-like carbon layer-coated ZnO crystals
Tu N., Dung N.H., Lan N.T., Nguyen K.T., Dung N.D., Viet D.X., Tuan N.T., Bui H.V., Nam D.V., Huy P.T., Saito N.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 695 page: 233 - 237 2017
Jedsukontorn T., Ueno T., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 726 page: 567 - 577 2017
New insights into vegetable oil pyrolysis by cold plasma technique
Meeprasertsagool P., Watthanaphanit A., Ueno T., Saito N., Reubroycharoen P.
Energy Procedia Vol. 138 page: 1153 - 1158 2017
Novel synthesis of PtPd nanoparticles with good electrocatalytic activity and durability
Zhang J., Hu X., Yang B., Su N., Huang H., Cheng J., Yang H., Saito N.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 709 page: 588 - 595 2017
Jedsukontorn T., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Molecular Catalysis Vol. 432 page: 160 - 171 2017
Nemoto S., Ueno T., Watthanaphanit A., Hieda J., Bratescu M.A., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 56 ( 9 ) 2017
Solution plasma synthesis of a boron-carbon-nitrogen catalyst with a controllable bond structure
Lee S., Heo Y., Bratescu M.A., Ueno T., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 19 ( 23 ) page: 15264 - 15272 2017
Synthesis of carbon nanoparticles from used motor oil and benzene via solution plasma process
Seangarunthong N., Khongthong P., Panomsuwan G., Ueno T., Saito N., Eiad-Ua A.
Key Engineering Materials Vol. 751 KEM page: 773 - 778 2017
Solution plasma synthesis of Pt/ZnO/KB for photo-assisted electro-oxidation of methanol
Hu X., Ge C., Su N., Huang H., Xu Y., Zhang J., Shi J., Shen X., Saito N.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 692 page: 848 - 854 2017
Kang J., Kim Y., Kim H., Hu X., Saito N., Choi J., Lee M.
Scientific Reports Vol. 6 2016.12
Fastest Formation Routes of Nanocarbons in Solution Plasma Processes
Morishita T., Ueno T., Panomsuwan G., Hieda J., Yoshida A., Bratescu M., Saito N.
Scientific Reports Vol. 6 2016.11
Jedsukontorn T., Meeyoo V., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Cuihua Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Catalysis Vol. 37 ( 11 ) page: 1975 - 1981 2016.11
Morishita T., Ueno T., Panomsuwan G., Hieda J., Bratescu M., Saito N.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 49 ( 41 ) 2016.9
Janpetch N., Saito N., Rujiravanit R.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 148 page: 335 - 344 2016.9
Hyun K., Ueno T., Panomsuwan G., Li O., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 18 ( 16 ) page: 10856 - 10863 2016.4
Akceoglu G., Li O., Saito N.
JOM Vol. 68 ( 4 ) page: 1071 - 1077 2016.4
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Vol. 8 ( 11 ) page: 6962 - 6971 2016.3
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Carbon Vol. 98 page: 411 - 420 2016.3
Synthesis of Fe-Cu bi-functional catalysts by solution plasma process for li-air battery application
Li O.L., Takahashi R., Urashima K., Saito N.
International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 10 ( 1 ) page: 51 - 56 2016.3
Analysis of benzoquinone decomposition in solution plasma process
Bratescu M., Saito N.
Journal of Instrumentation Vol. 11 ( 1 ) 2016.1
Adsorption of carbon dioxide by solution-plasma-synthesized heteroatom-doped carbon nanospheres
Thongwichit N., Helena Li O.L., Yaowarat W., Saito N., Suriyapraphadilok U.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 1 ) 2016.1
Highly durable silica-coated Pt/carbon nanotubes for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells application
Yaowarat W., Helena Li O.L., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 1 ) 2016.1
Hyun K., Ueno T., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 1 ) 2016.1
Synthesis of SnO<inf>2</inf> nanoparticles using a solution plasma and their gas-sensing properties
Zhang J., Hu X., Shi J., Lu P., Shen X., Xu P., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 55 ( 1 ) 2016.1
Kang J., Kim H., Saito N., Lee M.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: 37 - 44 2016
DFT calculation of oxygen adsorption on a core-single shell ZnNb catalyst
Morishita T., Ueno T., Panomsuwan G., Hieda J., Antoaneta Bratescu M., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 6 ( 100 ) page: 98091 - 98095 2016
Serizawa A., Iwase Y., Sudare T., Saito N., Kamiyama N., Ishizaki T.
Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals Vol. 66 ( 1 ) page: 9 - 14 2016
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
RSC Advances Vol. 6 ( 115 ) page: 114553 - 114559 2016
Li O.L., Hayashi H., Ishizaki T., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 6 ( 57 ) page: 51864 - 51870 2016
Kamiyama N., Panomsuwan G., Yamamoto E., Sudare T., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 286 page: 172 - 177 2016
Kim H., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 6 ( 4 ) page: 2826 - 2834 2016
Hyun K., Ueno T., Li O., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 6 ( 9 ) page: 6990 - 6996 2016
Sudare T., Ueno T., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A Vol. 119 ( 48 ) page: 11668 - 11673 2015.12
Akceoglu G., Li O., Saito N.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Vol. 136 page: 1 - 6 2015.12
Influences of solution plasma conditions on degradation rate and properties of chitosan
Tantiplapol T., Singsawat Y., Narongsil N., Damrongsakkul S., Saito N., Prasertsung I.
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies Vol. 32 page: 116 - 120 2015.12
Jedsukontorn T., Meeyoo V., Saito N., Hunsom M.
Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 281 page: 252 - 264 2015.12
Accelerated nanoparticles synthesis in alcohol-water-mixture-based solution plasma
Sudare T., Ueno T., Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 17 ( 45 ) page: 30255 - 30259 2015.10
Lee H., Ueno T., Saito N.
JOM Vol. 67 ( 11 ) page: 2550 - 2556 2015.10
Innovative Graphite Oxide-Cellulose Based Material Specific for Genomic DNA Extraction
Akceoglu G.A., Li O.L., Saito N.
JOM Vol. 67 ( 11 ) page: 2557 - 2563 2015.9
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Electrochemistry Communications Vol. 59 page: 81 - 85 2015.7
Li O.L., Guo Y., Chang J.S., Saito N.
Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) Vol. 36 ( 13 ) page: 1672 - 1679 2015.7
Panomsuwan G., Watthanaphanit A., Ishizaki T., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 17 ( 21 ) page: 13794 - 13799 2015.6
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Vol. 3 ( 18 ) page: 9972 - 9981A 2015.5
Li O.L., Guo Y., Chang J.S., Urashima K., Saito N.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 12 ( 5 ) page: 1769 - 1778 2015.5
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 17 ( 9 ) page: 6227 - 6232 2015.3
Hu X., Shi J., Zhang J., Tang W., Zhu H., Shen X., Saito N.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 619 page: 452 - 457 2015.1
Enhancement of ORR catalytic activity by multiple heteroatom-doped carbon materials
Kim D., Li O., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 17 ( 1 ) page: 407 - 413 2015.1
Ishizaki T., Kamiyama N., Yamamoto E., Kumagai S., Sudare T., Saito N.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society Vol. 162 ( 14 ) page: C741 - C743 2015
Direct deposition of gold nanoparticles on cellulose fiber by solution plasma process
Nemoto S., Watthanphanit A., Saito N.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1723 page: 1 - 7 2015
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Materials Today: Proceedings Vol. 2 ( 8 ) page: 4302 - 4308 2015
Yaowarat W., Li O., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 5 ( 55 ) page: 44258 - 44262 2015
In situ solution plasma synthesis of mesoporous nanocarbon-supported bimetallic nanoparticles
Kang J., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 5 ( 37 ) page: 29131 - 29134 2015
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing
Watthanaphanit A., Lee H., Saito N.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1745 page: 22 - 27 2015
A study on electron impact dissociative ionization of organosilicon precursors for plasma processing
Yun Y., Lee M., Inoue Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 14 ( 12 ) page: 9653 - 9656 2014.12
One-step facile synthesis of Pd nanoclusters supported on carbon and their electrochemical property
Shi J., Hu X., Zhang J., Tang W., Li H., Shen X., Saito N.
Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Vol. 24 ( 6 ) page: 593 - 598 2014.12
Panomsuwan G., Chiba S., Kaneko Y., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Vol. 2 ( 43 ) page: 18677 - 18686 2014.11
Panomsuwan G., Chiba S., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Vol. 1641 ( 4 ) 2014.11
Watthanaphanit A., Heo Y.K., Saito N.
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Vol. 45 ( 6 ) page: 3099 - 3103 2014.11
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Vacuum Vol. 109 page: 175 - 179 2014.11
Hierarchical meso-macro structure porous carbon black as electrode materials in Li-air battery
Kang J., Li O.L., Saito N.
Journal of Power Sources Vol. 261 page: 156 - 161 2014.9
Plasma-induced synthesis of CuO nanofibers and ZnO nanoflowers in water
Hu X., Zhang X., Shen X., Li H., Takai O., Saito N.
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Vol. 34 ( 5 ) page: 1129 - 1139 2014.9
X-ray analysis of strain distribution in two-step grown epitaxial SrTiO<inf>3</inf> thin films
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 105 ( 5 ) 2014.8
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 309 page: 95 - 105 2014.8
Kim D.W., Li O.L., Saito N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 16 ( 28 ) page: 14905 - 14911 2014.7
Synthesis of mono-dispersed nanofluids using solution plasma
Heo Y., Bratescu M., Ueno T., Saito N.
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 116 ( 2 ) 2014.7
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society Vol. 97 ( 5 ) page: 1383 - 1385 2014.5
Heo Y., Antoaneta Bratescu M., Aburaya D., Saito N.
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 104 ( 14 ) 2014.4
A phonon thermodynamics approach of gold nanofluids synthesized in solution plasma
Kang Heo Y., Antoaneta Bratescu M., Aburaya D., Saito N.
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 104 ( 11 ) 2014.3
Depolymerization of chitosan-metal complexes via a solution plasma technique
Pornsunthorntawee O., Katepetch C., Vanichvattanadecha C., Saito N., Rujiravanit R.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 102 ( 1 ) page: 504 - 512 2014.2
Watthanaphanit A., Panomsuwan G., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 4 ( 4 ) page: 1622 - 1629 2014
Solution plasma exfoliation of graphene flakes from graphite electrodes
Lee H., Bratescu M., Ueno T., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 4 ( 93 ) page: 51758 - 51765 2014
Panomsuwan G., Chiba S., Saito N., Ishizaki T.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1641 2014
Kim D., Li O., Pootawang P., Saito N.
RSC Advances Vol. 4 ( 32 ) page: 16813 - 16819 2014
Charge doping of large-area graphene by gold-alloy nanoparticles
Bratescu M., Saito N.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 117 ( 50 ) page: 26804 - 26810 2013.12
Shirafuji T., Noguchi Y., Yamamoto T., Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O., Tsuchimoto A., Nojima K., Okabe Y.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 52 ( 12 ) 2013.12
Gold nanoparticle synthesis using three-dimensionally integrated micro-solution plasmas
Shirafuji T., Ueda J., Nakamura A., Cho S.P., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 52 ( 12 ) 2013.12
Degradation of β-chitosan by solution plasma process (SPP)
Prasertsung I., Damrongsakkul S., Saito N.
Polymer Degradation and Stability Vol. 98 ( 10 ) page: 2089 - 2093 2013.10
Highly efficient treatment of industrial wastewater by solution plasma with low environmental load
Cai L., Wu Y., Wu Y., Yamauti S., Saito N.
Water Science and Technology Vol. 68 ( 4 ) page: 923 - 928 2013.9
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 103 ( 11 ) 2013.9
Shirafuji T., Himeno Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology Vol. 26 ( 4 ) page: 507 - 511 2013.9
Solution plasma synthesis process of carbon nano particles in organic solutions
Li H., Kang J., Urashima K., Saito N.
International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 7 ( 1 ) page: 31 - 36 2013.9
Crosslinking of a gelatin solutions induced by pulsed electrical discharges in solutions
Prasertsung I., Damrongsakkul S., Saito N.
Plasma Processes and Polymers Vol. 10 ( 9 ) page: 792 - 797 2013.9
Synthesis of structure-controlled carbon nano spheres by solution plasma process
Kang J., Li O., Saito N.
Carbon Vol. 60 page: 292 - 298 2013.8
Kang J., Li O., Saito N.
Nanoscale Vol. 5 ( 15 ) page: 6874 - 6882 2013.7
One-step synthesis of gold bimetallic nanoparticles with various metal-compositions
Bratescu M., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 562 page: 74 - 83 2013.6
Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.
Polymer Degradation and Stability Vol. 98 ( 5 ) page: 1072 - 1080 2013.5
Solution plasma sputtering processes for the synthesis of PtAu/C catalysts for Li-Air batteries
Terashima C., Iwai Y., Cho S.P., Ueno T., Zettsu N., Saito N., Takai O.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Vol. 8 ( 4 ) page: 5407 - 5420 2013.4
Hu X., Shen X., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 552 page: 351 - 355 2013.3
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Vacuum Vol. 89 ( 1 ) page: 35 - 39 2013.3
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Solid State Communications Vol. 158 page: 65 - 69 2013.3
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Vol. 22 ( 3 ) page: 863 - 868 2013.3
Pootawang P., Saito N., Lee S.Y.
Nanotechnology Vol. 24 ( 5 ) 2013.2
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science Vol. 210 ( 2 ) page: 311 - 319 2013.2
Simple synthesis of platinum nanoparticles by plasma sputtering in water
Hu X., Takai O., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 52 ( 1 PART2 ) 2013.1
Panomsuwan G., Zettsu N., Saito N.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1509 page: 80 - 85 2013
The role of activated nitrogen species on double-folded screen nitriding process
Kim S., Lee J., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 417 ( 1 ) 2013
Synthesis of gold nanoparticles by solution plasma sputtering in various solvents
Hu X., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 417 ( 1 ) 2013
Watthanaphanit A., Panomsuwan G., Saito N.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1569 2013
Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Solution Plasma Processing
Takai, O; Bratescu, MA; Ueno, T; Saito, N
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 45 ( 49 ) 2012.12
Rapid sterilization of Escherichia coli by solution plasma process
Andreeva N., Ishizaki T., Baroch P., Saito N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 51 ( 12 ) 2012.12
15th International conference on thin films (ICTF-15)
Takai O., Saito N., Terashima C.
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan Vol. 55 ( 10 ) page: 464 - 468 2012.11
Pootawang P., Saito N., Takai O., Lee S.Y.
Nanotechnology Vol. 23 ( 39 ) 2012.10
Pootawang P., Saito N., Takai O., Lee S.Y.
Materials Research Bulletin Vol. 47 ( 10 ) page: 2726 - 2729 2012.10
Panomsuwan G., Takai O., Saito N.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Vol. 108 ( 2 ) page: 337 - 342 2012.8
Treatment of non-point sources by a thermal plasma system under DC partial transferred mode
Li O.L., Guo Y., Chang J.S., Urashima K., Saito N.
International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 6 ( 1 ) page: 63 - 67 2012.7
Study on the combustion inhibition of poly phenylene ether alloy
Yamashita T., Nakashima E., Takeda K., Saito N., Takai O.
Kobunshi Ronbunshu Vol. 69 ( 6 ) page: 297 - 299 2012.6
Murata T., Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Applied Optics Vol. 51 ( 13 ) page: 2298 - 2305 2012.5
Li O.L., Takeuchi N., He Z., Guo Y., Yasuoka K., Chang J.S., Saito N.
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Vol. 32 ( 2 ) page: 343 - 358 2012.4
Andreeva N., Ishizaki T., Baroch P., Saito N.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical Vol. 164 ( 1 ) page: 15 - 21 2012.3
Preparation of low molecular weight chitosan using solution plasma system
Prasertsung I., Damrongsakkul S., Terashima C., Saito N., Takai O.
Carbohydrate Polymers Vol. 87 ( 4 ) page: 2745 - 2749 2012.3
Panomsuwan G., Cho S., Saito N., Takai O.
Crystal Research and Technology Vol. 47 ( 2 ) page: 187 - 194 2012.2
Hu X., Cho S., Takai O., Saito N.
Crystal Growth and Design Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 119 - 123 2012.1
Salman S.A., Kuroda K., Saito N., Okido M.
Magnesium Technology page: 241 - 245 2012
Size-controlled gold nanoparticles synthesized in solution plasma
Bratescu M.A., Cho S.P., Takai O., Saito N.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 115 ( 50 ) page: 24569 - 24576 2011.12
Low-temperature fabrication of bunch-shaped ZnO nanowires using a sodium hydroxide aqueous solution
Hu X., Masuda Y., Ohji T., Saito N., Kato K.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 11 ( 12 ) page: 10935 - 10939 2011.12
Ishizaki T., Andreeva N., Saito N.
Technical Proceedings of the 2011 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2011 Vol. 1 page: 437 - 440 2011.11
Microstructural characterization of gold nanoparticles synthesized by solution plasma processing
Cho S., Bratescu M., Saito N., Takai O.
Nanotechnology Vol. 22 ( 45 ) 2011.11
Murata T., Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Vol. 60 ( 2 ) page: 125 - 130 2011.11
Effect of the electrode work function on the water plasma breakdown voltage
Miron C., Bratescu M., Saito N., Takai O.
Current Applied Physics Vol. 11 ( 5 SUPPL. ) 2011.9
Redox reactions in liquid plasma during iron oxide and oxide-hydroxide nanoparticles synthesis
Bratescu M., Saito N., Takai O.
Current Applied Physics Vol. 11 ( 5 SUPPL. ) 2011.9
Baek S.M., Shirafuji T., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 519 ( 20 ) page: 6678 - 6682 2011.8
Pootawang P., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 519 ( 20 ) page: 7030 - 7035 2011.8
Fabrication of transparent protective diamond-like carbon films on polymer
Baek S.M., Shirafuji T., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 50 ( 8 PART 2 ) 2011.8
Murata T., Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan Vol. 119 ( 1391 ) page: 591 - 594 2011.7
Optical diagnostic of bipolar electrical discharges in HCl, KCl, and KOH solutions
Miron C., Bratescu M.A., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 109 ( 12 ) 2011.6
Baroch P., Potocky S., Saito N.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology Vol. 20 ( 3 ) 2011.6
Ishizaki, T; Okido, M; Masuda, Y; Saito, N; Sakamoto, M
LANGMUIR Vol. 27 ( 10 ) page: 6009 - 6017 2011.5
Bratescu M., Hieda J., Umemura T., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 29 ( 3 ) 2011.5
Pootawang P., Saito N., Takai O.
Materials Letters Vol. 65 ( 6 ) page: 1037 - 1040 2011.3
Terashima C., Arihara K., Okazaki S., Shichi T., Tryk D.A., Shirafuji T., Saito N., Takai O., Fujishima A.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Vol. 3 ( 2 ) page: 177 - 182 2011.2
Panomsuwan G., Saito N., Takai O.
Materials Science Forum Vol. 695 page: 598 - 601 2011
Synthesis of gold nanoparticles on petal-shaped silica by solution plasma
Yamamoto T., Ueno T., Zettsu N., Takai O., Saito N.
2011 Int. Symp. on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Symp. on "COE for Education and Research of Micro-Nano Mechatronics", Symposium on "Hyper Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular System Innovation" page: 186 - 191 2011
Bratescu M., Saito N., Takai O.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 257 ( 5 ) page: 1792 - 1799 2010.12
OH production enhancement in bubbling pulsed discharges
Lungu C., Porosnicu C., Jepu I., Chiru P., Zaroschi V., Lungu A., Saito N., Bratescu M., Takai O., Velea T., Predica V.
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1282 page: 115 - 118 2010.12
A novel 3-dimensional cell culture system for embryoid bodies' formation
Zou X., Wu Y., Zhuang D., Zha G., Saito N., Takai O.
Proceedings - 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2010 Vol. 4 page: 1627 - 1632 2010.12
FTIR study of methylene blue plasma degradation products through plasma treatment on water
Shirafuji T., Hieda J., Takai O., Saito N., Morita T., Sakai O., Tachibana K.
IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON page: 1938 - 1942 2010.12
Solution plasma process for template removal in mesoporous silica synthesis
Pootawang P., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 49 ( 12 ) 2010.12
Time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy in water electrical discharges
Miron C., Bratescu M., Saito N., Takai O.
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Vol. 30 ( 5 ) page: 619 - 631 2010.10
Ishizaki T., Hieda J., Saito N., Saito N., Takai O.
Electrochimica Acta Vol. 55 ( 23 ) page: 7094 - 7101 2010.9
Baek S., Shirafuji T., Cho S., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 49 ( 8 PART 2 ) 2010.8
Effect of increasing hardness on Si-containing diamond-like carbon film during tribo-test
Kim S.G., Kim S.W., Saito N., Takai O.
Diamond and Related Materials Vol. 19 ( 7-9 ) page: 1017 - 1020 2010.7
Fabrication and application of super-hydrophobic surface
Takai O., Ishizaki T., Saito N.
Toraibarojisuto/Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists Vol. 55 ( 4 ) page: 254 - 259 2010.6
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Langmuir Vol. 26 ( 11 ) page: 8147 - 8154 2010.6
Needle electrode erosion in water plasma discharge
Potocký S., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 518 ( 3 ) page: 918 - 923 2009.12
Synthesis process of gold nanoparticles in solution plasma
Saito N., Hieda J., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 518 ( 3 ) page: 912 - 917 2009.12
Solution plasma surface modification for nanocarbon-composite materials
Hieda J., Shirafuji T., Noguchi Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals Vol. 73 ( 12 ) page: 938 - 942 2009.12
Bratescu M., Fujita S., Saito N., Takai O.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1138 page: 60 - 66 2009.12
Biomimetic materials processing
Ishizaki T., Hieda J., Bratescu M.A., Saito N., Takai O.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 7404 2009.11
Fabrication of microtemplates for the control of bacterial immobilization
Miyahara Y., Mitamura K., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 27 ( 5 ) page: 1183 - 1187 2009.9
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society Vol. 156 ( 10 ) 2009.9
Ichin Y., Mitamura K., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 27 ( 4 ) page: 826 - 830 2009.7
Surface modification of gold nanorods by organosilanes
Mitamura K., Imae T., Saito N., Takai O.
Composite Interfaces Vol. 16 ( 4 ) page: 377 - 385 2009.7
Self-assembly of human plasma fibrinogens on binary organosilane monolayers with micro domains
Lee S., Saito N., Takai O.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 255 ( 18 ) page: 7912 - 7917 2009.6
Lee S.H., Saito N., Takai O.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 255 ( 16 ) page: 7302 - 7306 2009.5
Adsorption of protein on polyelectrolyte brush surface
Higuchi, A; Tatematsu, H; Fujima, T; Saito, N; Takai, O
Chemical dynamics of protein adsorption and desorption on regulated surfaces in aqueous solutions
Saito, N; Hieda, J; Takai, O
Bioreorganization surface with hierarchical structure
Takai, O; Saito, N; Sato, H; Miura, Y; Kobayashi, K
Effects of humidity on the friction coefficient of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating
Kim S.G., Cho Y.K., Jang W.S., Kim S.W., Nagahiro S., Takai O.
Journal of the Korean Physical Society Vol. 54 ( 3 ) page: 1228 - 1236 2009.3
Friction behavior of diamond-like carbon coating with relative humidity
Kim S., Saito N., Otake N., Kim S., Takai O.
Proceedings of the 17th IFHTSE Congress Vol. 1 page: 373 - 376 2009
Ishizaki, T; Cho, SP; Saito, N
CRYSTENGCOMM Vol. 11 ( 11 ) page: 2338 - 2343 2009
Miron C., Chang J.S., Takeda T., Saito N., Takai O.
GD 2008 - 17th International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications page: 489 - 492 2008.12
Reaction Dynamics for Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma
Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1056 page: 221 - 226 2008.12
Hieda J., Chang J.S., Saito N., Takai O.
2008 IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, ICDL 2008 2008.11
Nano/Micro Patterning of Inorganic Thin Films
Koumoto, K; Saito, N; Gao, YF; Masuda, Y; Zhu, PX
BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Vol. 81 ( 11 ) page: 1337 - 1376 2008.11
Lee S.H., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 254 ( 22 ) page: 7453 - 7458 2008.9
Ishizaki T., Sakurai H., Saito N., Takai O.
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 202 ( 22-23 ) page: 5535 - 5538 2008.8
Yun Y., Yoshida T., Shimazu N., Nanba N., Inoue Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 202 ( 22-23 ) page: 5259 - 5261 2008.8
Size-regulated gold nanoparticles fabricated by a discharge in reverse micelle solutions
Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 202 ( 22-23 ) page: 5343 - 5346 2008.8
Effect of reaction temperature on growth of organosilane self-assembled monolayers
Lee S., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 47 ( 8 PART 1 ) page: 6442 - 6447 2008.8
Effects of humidity and solution age on growth of organosilane self-assembled monolayers
Lee S., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 47 ( 8 PART 1 ) page: 6416 - 6421 2008.8
Bipolar pulsed electrical discharges in liquid
Baroch P., Saito N.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol. 36 ( 4 PART 1 ) page: 1156 - 1157 2008.8
Morphology of high-frequency electrohydraulic discharge for liquid-solution plasmas
Takeda T., Chang J.S., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol. 36 ( 4 PART 1 ) page: 1158 - 1159 2008.8
Exotic shapes of gold nanoparticles synthesized using plasma in aqueous solution
Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 26 ( 4 ) page: 854 - 856 2008.7
Bipolar pulsed electrical discharge for decomposition of organic compounds in water
Baroch P., Anita V., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Electrostatics Vol. 66 ( 5-6 ) page: 294 - 299 2008.5
Baroch P., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 41 ( 8 ) 2008.4
Bratescu M.A., Allred D.B., Saito N., Sarikaya M., Takai O.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 254 ( 10 ) page: 2960 - 2966 2008.3
Scanning probe microscopy for the analysis of composite Ti/hydrocarbon plasma polymer thin films
Choukourov A., Grinevich A., Slavinska D., Biederman H., Saito N., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 602 ( 5 ) page: 1011 - 1019 2008.3
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Lee S., Takai O.
Nanotechnology Vol. 19 ( 5 ) 2008.2
'Fabrication and structure of alginate gel incorporating gold nanorods
Mitamura K., Imae T., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 112 ( 2 ) page: 416 - 422 2008.1
Yun Y., Yoshida T., Shimazu N., Nanba N., Inoue Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 46 ( 11 ) page: 7460 - 7464 2007.11
Application of Ultra-Water-Repellent Surface to Cell Culture
Ino K., Ito A., Wu Y., Saito N., Hibino E., Takai O., Honda H.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Vol. 104 ( 5 ) page: 420 - 423 2007.11
A micropatterned carbohydrate display for tissue engineering by self-assembly of heparin
Sato H., Miura Y., Saito N., Kobayashi K., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 601 ( 18 ) page: 3871 - 3875 2007.9
Lee S.H., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 601 ( 18 ) page: 4206 - 4211 2007.9
Localized surface plasmon resonance of silicon compounds adsorbed on silver nanoparticles
Bratescu M., Saito N., Mori H., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 601 ( 18 ) page: 3886 - 3891 2007.9
SPM analysis of fibrinogen adsorption on solid surfaces
Choukourov A., Grinevich A., Saito N., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 601 ( 18 ) page: 3948 - 3951 2007.9
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Sato Y., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 601 ( 18 ) page: 3861 - 3865 2007.9
Lee S., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Materials Science and Engineering C Vol. 27 ( 5-8 SPEC. ISS. ) page: 1241 - 1246 2007.9
Fabrication and self-assembly of hydrophobic gold nanorods
Mitamura K., Imae T., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B Vol. 111 ( 30 ) page: 8891 - 8898 2007.8
Baroch P., Hieda J., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 515 ( 12 ) page: 4905 - 4908 2007.4
Nae F., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 515 ( 12 ) page: 5147 - 5152 2007.4
Wu Y., Kouno M., Saito N., Andrei Nae F., Inoue Y., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 515 ( 9 ) page: 4203 - 4208 2007.3
The importance of precursor molecules symmetry in the formation of self-assembled monolayers
Lee S.H., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 46 ( 3 A ) page: 1118 - 1123 2007.3
A micropatterned multifunctional carbohydrate display by an orthogonal self-assembling strategy
Sato H., Miura Y., Saito N., Kobayashi K., Takai O.
Biomacromolecules Vol. 8 ( 2 ) page: 753 - 756 2007.2
Fabrication and characterization of ultra-water-repellent alumina-silica composite films
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Inoue Y., Bekke M., Takai O.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 40 ( 1 ) page: 192 - 197 2007.1
Yun Y., Yoshida T., Shimazu N., Inoue Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Solid State Phenomena Vol. 124-126 ( PART 1 ) page: 347 - 350 2007
Role of carbon atoms in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition for carbon nanotubes synthesis
Bratescu M., Suda Y., Sakai Y., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 515 ( 4 ) page: 1314 - 1319 2006.12
Degradation of bacteria using pulse plasma discharge in liquid medium
Baroch P., Takeda T., Oda M., Saito N., Takai O.
Conference Record of the International Power Modulator Symposium and High Voltage Workshop page: 482 - 485 2006.12
Multifunctional micropatterning of glycoconjugate polymer via a orthogonal self-assembly
Miura Y., Sato H., Kobayashi K., Saito N., Takai O.
Polymer Preprints, Japan Vol. 55 ( 2 ) page: 5260 - 5261 2006.12
Rapid mass production of gold nanoaprticle from gold salts
Yonezawa T., Oda M., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O.
Polymer Preprints, Japan Vol. 55 ( 2 ) page: 3843 - 3844 2006.12
Ishizaki T., Saito N., SunHyung L., Ishida K., Takai O.
Langmuir Vol. 22 ( 24 ) page: 9962 - 9966 2006.11
Treatment of immobilized collagen on poly(tetrafluoroethylene) nanoporous membrane with plasma
Bratescu M.A., Saito N., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 45 ( 10 B ) page: 8352 - 8357 2006.10
Water droplets interaction with super-hydrophobic surfaces
Wu Y., Saito N., Nae F.A., Inoue Y., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 600 ( 18 ) page: 3710 - 3714 2006.9
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Ohta R., Takai O.
Diamond and Related Materials Vol. 15 ( 9 ) page: 1378 - 1382 2006.9
Synthesis of DLC films by PECVD combined with hollow cathode sputtering
Anita V., Butsuda T., Saito N., Takai O.
Vacuum Vol. 80 ( 7 SPEC. ISS. ) page: 736 - 739 2006.5
Ohta R., Yokota T., Anita V., Saito N., Takai O.
Vacuum Vol. 80 ( 7 SPEC. ISS. ) page: 752 - 755 2006.5
Magnetron plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of diamond-like carbon thin films
Anita V., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 506-507 page: 63 - 67 2006.5
Microarc plasma treatment of titanium and aluminum surfaces in electrolytes
Anita V., Saito N., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 506-507 page: 364 - 368 2006.5
Ohta R., Saito N., Ishizaki T., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 600 ( 8 ) page: 1674 - 1678 2006.4
Carbohydrate Microarrays by Click Chemistry
H. Sato, Y. Miura, T. Yamauchi, N. Saito, K. Kobayashi, O. Takai
Trans. Mater. Research. Soc. J. Vol. 31 page: 659-703 2006
Micropatterned saccharide display on the silicon surface
Sato H., Miura Y., Saito N., Kobayashi K., Takai O.
Polymer Preprints, Japan Vol. 54 ( 1 ) 2005.12
Yamazaki T., Imae T., Sugimura H., Saito N., Hayashi K., Takai O.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 5 ( 11 ) page: 1792 - 1800 2005.12
Properties of DLC thin films produced by RF PE-CVD from pyrrole monomer
Takai O., Anita V., Saito N.
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 200 ( 1-4 SPEC. ISS. ) page: 1106 - 1109 2005.10
Saito N., Lee S., Takahiro I., Hieda J., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B Vol. 109 ( 23 ) page: 11602 - 11605 2005.6
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Takai O., Asakura S., Goto K., Fuwa A.
Electrochimica Acta Vol. 50 ( 16-17 ) page: 3509 - 3516 2005.5
Okano T., Inari H., Ishizaki T., Saito N., Sakamoto W., Takai O.
Chemistry Letters Vol. 34 ( 4 ) page: 600 - 601 2005.4
Nae F.A., Saito N., Hozumi A., Takai O.
Langmuir Vol. 21 ( 4 ) page: 1398 - 1402 2005.2
Saito N., Hieda J., Takai O.
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Vol. 7 ( 12 ) 2004.12
Anita V., Butuda T., Maeda T., Takizawa K., Saito N., Takai O.
Diamond and Related Materials Vol. 13 ( 11-12 ) page: 1993 - 1996 2004.11
Reversible nanochemical conversion
Sugimura H., Lee S., Saito N., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Vol. 22 ( 6 ) 2004.11
Contribution of primary chemical bonding states of amorphous carbon nitride to hardness
Saito N., Ohta R., Lee K.H., Kobayashi Y., Okazaki S., Inoue Y., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Vol. 7 ( 8 ) 2004.9
Organosilane self-assembled monolayers directly linked to the diamond surfaces
Ohta R., Saito N., Inoue Y., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 22 ( 5 ) page: 2005 - 2009 2004.9
Okano, T; Inari, H; Saito, N; Takai, O
Sugimura H., Saito N., Ishida Y., Ikeda I., Hayashi K., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 22 ( 4 ) page: 1428 - 1432 2004.7
Saito N., Lee S., Maeda N., Ohta R., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Vol. 22 ( 4 ) page: 1425 - 1427 2004.7
Generation of amino-terminated surfaces by chemical lithography using atomic force microscopy
Saito, N; Maeda, N; Sugimura, H; Takai, O
LANGMUIR Vol. 20 ( 13 ) page: 5182 - 5184 2004.6
UV Raman spectroscopic probing into nitrogen-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon
Ohta R., Saito N., Okazaki S., Inoue Y., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 457 ( 1 ) page: 128 - 132 2004.6
Electrodeposition of CuInTe<inf>2</inf> film from an acidic solution
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Fuwa A.
Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 182 ( 2-3 ) page: 156 - 160 2004.4
Surface potential microscopy for chemistry of organic self-assembled monolayers in small domains
Sugimura H., Saito N., Maeda N., Ikeda I., Ishida Y., Hayashi K., Hong L., Takai O.
Nanotechnology Vol. 15 ( 2 ) 2004.2
Oxygen gas assisted electron beam lithography in organosilane self-assembled monolayers
Yamaguchi M., Saito N., Takai O.
Digest of Papers - Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2004 page: 198 - 199 2004
Microstructured π-conjugated organic monolayer covalently attached to silicon
Saito N., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Langmuir Vol. 19 ( 26 ) page: 10632 - 10634 2003.12
Origin of N 1s spectrum in amorphous carbon nitride obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Ohta R., Lee K.H., Saito N., Inoue Y., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 434 ( 1-2 ) page: 296 - 302 2003.6
Hayashi K., Hozumi A., Saito N., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 532-535 page: 1072 - 1078 2003.6
Saito N., Youda S., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Surface Science Vol. 532-535 page: 970 - 975 2003.6
Saito N., Kadoya Y., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 42 ( 4 B ) page: 2534 - 2537 2003.4
Saito N., Wu Y., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B Vol. 107 ( 3 ) page: 664 - 667 2003.1
Wu Y., Hayashi K., Saito N., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Surface and Interface Analysis Vol. 35 ( 1 ) page: 94 - 98 2003.1
Sugimura, H; Saito, N; Hayashi, K; Maeda, N; Takai, O
Saito N., Youda S., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Chemistry Letters ( 12 ) page: 1194 - 1195 2002.12
Hayashi K., Saito N., Sugimura H., Takai O., Nakagiri N.
Langmuir Vol. 18 ( 20 ) page: 7469 - 7472 2002.10
Saito N., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O.
Journal of Materials Chemistry Vol. 12 ( 9 ) page: 2684 - 2687 2002.9
Hayashi K., Saito N., Sugimura H., Takai O., Nakagiri N.
Ultramicroscopy Vol. 91 ( 1-4 ) page: 151 - 156 2002.8
Saito N., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O., Nakagiri N.
Surface and Interface Analysis Vol. 34 ( 1 ) page: 601 - 605 2002.8
Surface potential microscopy for organized molecular systems
Sugimura H., Hayashi K., Saito N., Nakagiri N., Takai O.
Applied Surface Science Vol. 188 ( 3-4 ) page: 403 - 410 2002.3
Takai O., Lee K., Ohta R., Saito N.
Seimitsu Kogaku Kaishi/Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering Vol. 68 ( 12 ) page: 1526 - 1529 2002
Saito N., Hayashi K., Sugimura H., Takai O., Nakagiri N.
Chemical Physics Letters Vol. 349 ( 3-4 ) page: 172 - 177 2001.11
Kelvin probe force microscopy images of microstructured organosilane self-assembled monolayers
Sugimura H., Hayashi K., Saito N., Takai O., Nakagiri N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers Vol. 40 ( 6 B ) page: 4373 - 4377 2001.6
Sugimura, H; Hayashi, K; Saito, N; Takai, O; Nakagiri, N
Hirota M., Kato J., Saito N., Fuwa A.
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry Vol. 81 ( 3-4 ) page: 133 - 146 2001
Behavior of Cu-In-Te electrodeposition from acid solution
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Yata D., Fuwa A.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Processing Materials for Properties page: 281 - 284 2000.12
Preparation of YSZ thin films by RF plasma-enhanced metal organic chemical vapor depodition
Nishimura T., Ichikawa T., Saito N., Fuwa A.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Processing Materials for Properties page: 267 - 270 2000.12
Saito N., Hirota M., Ishizaki T., Fuwa A.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Processing Materials for Properties page: 727 - 732 2000.12
Saito N., Ishizaki T., Fuwa A.
Materials Transactions, JIM Vol. 41 ( 3 ) page: 383 - 392 2000.3
Saito N., Fuwa A.
Chemosphere Vol. 40 ( 2 ) page: 131 - 145 2000.1
Gas phase equilibria for dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzo-p-furan and biphenyl in the C-H-O system
Saito N., Ishizaki T., Fuwa A.
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry Vol. 74 ( 3-4 ) page: 165 - 177 2000
Nagahiro Saito, Takahiro Ishizaki, Akio Fuwa
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry Vol. 75 ( 3-4 ) page: 161 - 179 2000
Thermodynamic function derivation of dioxin substances using semi-empirical molecular orbital theory
Saito N., Fuwa A.
Proceedings of the TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Conference Vol. 3 page: 2009 - 2018 1999.12
Saito N., Fuwa A.
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals Vol. 63 ( 3 ) page: 319 - 325 1999
Saito N., Hirota M., Ishizaki T., Fuwa A.
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals Vol. 63 ( 4 ) page: 520 - 526 1999
Effect of citric acid and EDTA addition on Cu-In alloy electrochemical deposition
Ishizaki T., Saito N., Fuwa A.
Materials Transactions, JIM Vol. 40 ( 9 ) page: 867 - 870 1999
Hirota M., Saito N., Ishizaki T., Fuwa A.
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals Vol. 63 ( 7 ) page: 931 - 937 1999
Texture of thin silicon films deposited from Si<inf>2</inf>Cl<inf>6</inf>
Kato Y., Saito N., Fuwa A.
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals Vol. 60 ( 8 ) page: 744 - 750 1996.8
Superhydrophobic Anticorrosion Coating
Ishizaki T., Furukawa T., Kamiyama N., Saito N., Takai O.
Handbook of Self-Cleaning Surfaces and Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications: Volumes 1 and 2 2023.1 ( ISBN:9783527351367 )
Synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbons from single-source precursors by solution plasma
Panomsuwan G., Chokradjaroen C., Saito N.( Role: Sole author)
Nanomaterials via Single-Source Precursors: Synthesis, Processing and Applications 2022.1 ( ISBN:9780128203446 )
澤田康之、齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
化学工業社 2022.1
Flow chemistry : integrated approaches for practical applications
Luis S. V. (Santíago V.), García-Verdugo E. (Eduardo)( Role: Sole author)
Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 ( ISBN:9781788014984 )
Solution plasma reactions and materials synthesis
Panomsuwan G., Ueno T., Yui H., Nakamura J., Saito N.
Molecular Technology: Energy Innovation 2018.12 ( ISBN:9783527345885 )
Biomimetic superhydrophobic surface fabrication by plasma processing
Watthanaphanit A., Saito N.( Role: Sole author)
Biomimetic Architectures by Plasma Processing: Fabrication and Applications 2014.1 ( ISBN:9789814463942 )
低コスト・ハイパフォーマンス技術による水処理革命(分担執筆) 3章 物理化学処理
上野智永,齋藤永宏( Role: Sole author)
コロナ社 2013.12
低コスト・ハイパフォーマンス技術による水処理革命(分担執筆) 3章 物理化学処理
上野智永,齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013.12
低コスト・ハイパフォーマンス技術による水処理革命(分担執筆) 3章 物理化学処理
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Sole author)
コロナ社 2013.12
低コスト・ハイパフォーマンス技術による水処理革命(分担執筆) 3章 物理化学処理
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013.12
太陽エネルギー社会を築く材料テクノロジー(II) -材料プロセス編- 名古屋大学大学員工学研究科材料バックキャストテクノロジー研究センター 編 (分担執筆) 9章 薄膜技術
上野智永,齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013.11
太陽エネルギー社会を築く材料テクノロジー(II) -材料プロセス編- 名古屋大学大学員工学研究科材料バックキャストテクノロジー研究センター 編 (分担執筆) 9章 薄膜技術
上野智永,齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013.11
太陽エネルギー社会を築く材料テクノロジー(II) -材料プロセス編- 名古屋大学大学員工学研究科材料バックキャストテクノロジー研究センター 編 (分担執筆) 9章 薄膜技術
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013.11
太陽エネルギー社会を築く材料テクノロジー(II) -材料プロセス編- 名古屋大学大学員工学研究科材料バックキャストテクノロジー研究センター 編 (分担執筆) 9章 薄膜技術
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013.11
エコトピア科学概論「5.2節 グリーンモビリティ社会を目指して」
齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013
Micro-Nano Mechatronics (Chapter 6 Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Solution Plasma Processing)
O. Takai, M. A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Saito( Role: Sole author)
薄膜の評価技術ハンドブック「第6章第3節 電池電極特性」
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Sole author)
テクノシステム 2013
堀 克敏, 松山 秀人, 齊藤 永宏, 市野 良一( Role: Sole author)
コロナ社 2013 ( ISBN:9784339066302 )
Micro-Nano Mechatronics (Chapter 6 Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Solution Plasma Processing)
O. Takai, M. A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Saito( Role: Joint author)
薄膜の評価技術ハンドブック「第6章第3節 電池電極特性」
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
テクノシステム 2013
エコトピア科学概論「5.2節 グリーンモビリティ社会を目指して」
齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013
薄膜の評価技術ハンドブック「第6章第3節 電池電極特性」
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
テクノシステム 2013
薄膜の評価技術ハンドブック「第6章第3節 電池電極特性」
上野智永, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
テクノシステム 2013
堀 克敏, 松山 秀人, 齊藤 永宏, 市野 良一( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013 ( ISBN:9784339066302 )
Micro-Nano Mechatronics (Chapter 6 Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Solution Plasma Processing)
O. Takai, M. A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Saito( Role: Sole author)
Micro-Nano Mechatronics (Chapter 6 Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Solution Plasma Processing)
O. Takai, M. A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Saito( Role: Sole author)
エコトピア科学概論「5.2節 グリーンモビリティ社会を目指して」
齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013
エコトピア科学概論「5.2節 グリーンモビリティ社会を目指して」
齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
コロナ社 2013
Home dialysis in Japan : contemporary status
Suzuki Hiromichi( Role: Sole author)
Karger 2012 ( ISBN:9783318021097 )
上野智永, 稗田純子, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏( Role: Sole author)
シーエムシー出版 2011
石崎貴裕, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
日刊工業新聞社 2011
Nanofabrication techniques and applications
S. H. Lee, T. Ishizaki, K. Teshima, N. Saito, O. Takai( Role: Joint author)
InTECH 2011
上野智永, 稗田純子, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
シーエムシー出版 2011
石崎貴裕, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
日刊工業新聞社 2011
Nanofabrication techniques and applications
S. H. Lee, T. Ishizaki, K. Teshima, N. Saito, O. Takai( Role: Joint author)
InTECH 2011
上野智永, 稗田純子, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏( Role: Sole author)
シーエムシー出版 2011
石崎貴裕, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
日刊工業新聞社 2011
石崎貴裕, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
日刊工業新聞社 2011
上野智永, 稗田純子, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏( Role: Joint author)
シーエムシー出版 2011
Nanofabrication techniques and applications
S. H. Lee, T. Ishizaki, K. Teshima, N. Saito, O. Takai( Role: Joint author)
InTECH 2011
Nanofabrication techniques and applications
S. H. Lee, T. Ishizaki, K. Teshima, N. Saito, O. Takai( Role: Joint author)
InTECH 2011
Saito N., Ishizaki T., Hieda J., Fujita S., Takai O.( Role: Sole author)
Industrial Plasma Technology: Applications from Environmental to Energy Technologies 2010.10 ( ISBN:9783527325443 )
Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials
Takahiro Ishizaki, Katsuya Teshima, SunHyong Lee, Yoshitake Masuda, Nagahiro Saito, Osamu Takai( Role: Joint author)
Wiley 2010
Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials
Takahiro Ishizaki, Katsuya Teshima, SunHyong Lee, Yoshitake Masuda, Nagahiro Saito, Osamu Takai( Role: Joint author)
Wiley 2010
Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials
Takahiro Ishizaki, Katsuya Teshima, SunHyong Lee, Yoshitake Masuda, Nagahiro Saito, Osamu Takai( Role: Joint author)
Wiley 2010
鈴木 洋通, 平澤 博之( Role: Sole author)
Karger 2010 ( ISBN:9783805594783 )
Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials
Takahiro Ishizaki, Katsuya Teshima, SunHyong Lee, Yoshitake Masuda, Nagahiro Saito, Osamu Takai( Role: Joint author)
Wiley 2010
( Role: Joint author)
日本金属学会会報 2009
齋藤 永宏( Role: Joint author)
日本金属学会会報 2009
齋藤 永宏( Role: Joint author)
日本金属学会会報 2009
齋藤 永宏( Role: Joint author)
日本金属学会会報 2009
( Role: Joint author)
株式会社シーエムシー出版 2008
齋藤 永宏( Role: Sole author)
株式会社シーエムシー出版 2008
齋藤 永宏( Role: Sole author)
株式会社シーエムシー出版 2008
齋藤 永宏( Role: Sole author)
株式会社シーエムシー出版 2008
Transverse spin at PHENIX: Results and prospects
Aidala C., Adare A., Afanasiev S., Ajitanand N.N., Akiba Y., Al-Bataineh H., Alexander J., Aoki K., Aphecetche L., Armendariz R., Aronson S.H., Asai J., Averbeck R., Awes T.C., Azmoun B., Babintsev V., Baksay G., Baksay L., Baldisseri A., Barish K.N., Barnes P.D., Bassalleck B., Bathe S., Batsouli S., Baublis V., Bazilevsky A., Belikov S., Bennett R., Berdnikov Y., Bickley A.A., Boissevain J.G., Borel H., Boyle K., Brooks M.L., Buesching H., Bumazhnov V., Bunce G., Butsyk S., Campbell S., Chang B.S., Charvet J.L., Chernichenko S., Chi C.Y., Chiba J., Chiu M., Choi I.J., Chujo T., Chung P., Churyn A., Cianciolo V., Cleven C.R., Cole B.A., Comets M.P., Constantin P., Csanád M., Csörgo T., D’Enterria D., Dahms T., Das K., David G., Deaton M.B., Dehmelt K., Delagrange H., Denisov A., Deshpande A., Desmond E.J., Dietzsch O., Dion A., Donadelli M., Drapier O., Drees A., Dubey A.K., Durum A., Dzhordzhadze V., Efremenko Y.V., Egdemir J., Ellinghaus F., Emam W.S., Enokizono A., En’yo H., Esumi S., Eyser K.O., Fields D.E., Finger M., Fleuret F., Fokin S.L., Fraenkel Z., Franz A., Franz J., Frawley A.D., Fujiwara K., Fukao Y., Fusayasu T., Gadrat S., Garishvili I., Glenn A., Gong H., Gonin M., Gosset J., Goto Y.( Role: Sole author)
Transversity 2005: Como, Italy, 7-10 September 2005 2006.1 ( ISBN:9789812568465 )
Science & Technology・超微細パターニング技術 -次世代のナノ・マイクロパターニングプロセス-
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
New Diamond・ダイヤモンド表面の有機修飾による機能化と集積化
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
Mast cells : methods and protocols
Krishnaswamy Guha, Chi David S.( Role: Sole author)
Humana Press 2006 ( ISBN:1588293742 )
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
Dietary fats and risk of chronic disease
Huang Yung-Sheng Dr, 柳田 晃良, Knapp Howard R.( Role: Sole author)
AOCS Press 2006 ( ISBN:9781893997547 )
New Diamond・ダイヤモンド表面の有機修飾による機能化と集積化
( Role: Joint author)
Science & Technology・超微細パターニング技術 -次世代のナノ・マイクロパターニングプロセス-
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
Surface-potential reversibility of an amino-terminated self-assembled monolayer based on nanoprobe chemistry
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005.6
Surface-potential reversibility of an amino-terminated self-assembled monolayer based on nanoprobe chemistry
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005.6
( Role: Joint author)
( Role: Joint author)
Fabrication of a built-in patterned metal microstructure on a polymer substrate using a microstructured organic monolayer template
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 2004.12
Fabrication of a built-in patterned metal microstructure on a polymer substrate using a microstructured organic monolayer template
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 2004.12
Contribution of primary chemical bonding states of amorphous carbon nitride to hardness
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 2004.9
Contribution of primary chemical bonding states of amorphous carbon nitride to hardness
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 2004.9
Exploration of the chemical bonding forms of alkoxy-type organic monolayers directly attached to silicon
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 2004.7
Exploration of the chemical bonding forms of alkoxy-type organic monolayers directly attached to silicon
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 2004.7
Chemical resistivity of self-assembled monolayer covalently attached to silicon substrate to hydrofluoric acid and ammonium fluoride
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Surface Science 2003.6
Chemical resistivity of self-assembled monolayer covalently attached to silicon substrate to hydrofluoric acid and ammonium fluoride
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Surface Science 2003.6
Surface potential images of self-assembled monolayers patterned by organosilanes: Ab initio molecular orbital calculations
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Surface and Interface Analysis 2002.8
Surface potential images of self-assembled monolayers patterned by organosilanes: Ab initio molecular orbital calculations
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Surface and Interface Analysis 2002.8
Diene-transmissive hetero Diels-Alder reaction of cross-conjugated azatrienes with ketenes: A novel and efficient, stereo-controlled synthetic method for hexahydroquinolinones
Saito T.( Role: Joint author)
Tetrahedron Letters 2002.4
Diene-transmissive hetero Diels-Alder reaction of cross-conjugated azatrienes with ketenes: A novel and efficient, stereo-controlled synthetic method for hexahydroquinolinones
Saito T( Role: Joint author)
Tetrahedron Letters 2002.4
Surface potentials of patterned organosilane self-assembled monolayers acquired by Kelvin probe force microscopy and ab initio molecular calculation
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Chemical Physics Letters 2001.11
Surface potentials of patterned organosilane self-assembled monolayers acquired by Kelvin probe force microscopy and ab initio molecular calculation
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Chemical Physics Letters 2001.11
Prediction for thermodynamic function of dioxins for gas phase using semi-empirical molecular orbital method with PM3 Hamiltonian
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Chemosphere 2000.1
Gas phase equilibria for dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzo-p-furan and biphenyl in the C-H-O system
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2000.1
Thermodynamic investigation of the effect of oxygen and hydrogen chloride potential upon generation and decomposition behavior of dioxins
Saito N.( Role: Joint author)
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2000.1
Thermodynamic investigation of the effect of oxygen and hydrogen chloride potential upon generation and decomposition behavior of dioxins
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2000.1
Gas phase equilibria for dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzo-p-furan and biphenyl in the C-H-O system
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2000.1
Prediction for thermodynamic function of dioxins for gas phase using semi-empirical molecular orbital method with PM3 Hamiltonian
Saito N( Role: Joint author)
Chemosphere 2000.1
Effect of citric acid and EDTA addition on Cu-In alloy electrochemical deposition
Ishizaki T.( Role: Joint author)
Materials Transactions, JIM 1999.12
Effect of citric acid and EDTA addition on Cu-In alloy electrochemical deposition
Ishizaki T( Role: Joint author)
Materials Transactions, JIM 1999.12
Theoretical analysis for thermal chemical vapor deposition from Tetraethoxysilane using a semi-empirical molecular orbital method
Hirota M.( Role: Joint author)
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 1999.1
Theoretical analysis for thermal chemical vapor deposition from Tetraethoxysilane using a semi-empirical molecular orbital method
Hirota M( Role: Joint author)
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 1999.1
Occurrence of papaya ring spot potyvirus strain P in Sri Lanka
Perera W. G. S., Suetsugu Tetsuro, Saito Norihiko( Role: Sole author)
National Plant Quarantine Services Project : Japan International Cooperation Agency 1998
Signal transduction in affective disorders
小澤 寛樹, 斉藤 利和, 高畑 直彦, Nihon Seishin Shinkei Gakkai. Sokai (92nd : 1996: Sapporo-shi Japan), Symposium on Affective Disorders and Neuronal Signal Transduction (1996 : Sapporo-shi Japan), Sapporo Neuroscience Meeting (11th : 1996)( Role: Sole author)
Springer 1997 ( ISBN:4431702105 )
Shibata T.-A, Ohta S, Saito N( Role: Sole author)
World Scientific 1996 ( ISBN:9810227884 )
京都大学数理解析研究所( Role: Sole author)
京都大学数理解析研究所 1996
Bizet Georges, Scheidt Samuel, Bach Johann Sebastian, Chabrier Emmanuel, Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich, Debussy Claude, Gabrieli Giovanni, 東京金管五重奏団, ザ・ブラス, 東京シュタット・ファイファー・アンサンブル, 東京トランペット・クワルテット, 新日本フィル・トロンボーン四重奏団, ユーフォニアム・テューバ四重奏団「獅子座」, Holcombe, 斎藤 高順, 高山 直也, 森田 一浩, Jones P., Levin M., Minerd D.( Role: Sole author)
Victor 1996
One-pot synthesis of purple benzene-derived MnO2-carbon hybrids and synergistic enhancement for the removal of cationic dyes
Hyemin Kim, Nagahiro Saito
Scientific Reports Vol. 8 ( 1 ) 2018.12
Development of Oxygen Reduction Catalysts for Fuel Cells International conference
Nagahiro Saito
MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 2023.12.12 MRS-J and IUMRS
Solution Plasma Process for Surface Invited International conference
Nagahiro Saito
ICSE2023International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2023) & Regional INTERFINISH 2023 for 60th Anniversary of Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2023.11.3 The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
第39回九州・山口プラズマ研究会 2023.11.4 応用物理学会 九州支部
Niu Jiangqi, Chokradjaroen Chayanaphat, 澤田 康之, 齋藤 永宏
表面技術協会 第145回講演大会
Ti-Al-Mg 系から SPS 法により合成した軽量材料とその機械的特性
Seulgee Lee, Chokradjaroen Chayanaphat, 加藤 隆彦, 澤田 康之, 齋藤 永宏
表面技術協会 第145回講演大会
燃料電池電極として用いられる Pt / Pd-NG の熱処理による ORR の改善
Yilai Wang, Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Xiaoyang Wang, Sangwoo Chae, 澤田 康之, 齋藤 永宏
表面技術協会 第145回講演大会
Mechanical and surface properties of light weight Mg-Al-Ti alloys International conference
Seulgee Lee, Satita Thiangtham, Chayanaphat Chokradjaroen, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Hight temperature cerium conversion coatings on AZ31 magnesium alloy International conference
Salah Salman, Mohamed Gouda and Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
N-doped 3D High Porous Hierarchical Graphene for High Performance Oxygen Reduction Reaction International conference
Yelin Zhao, Xiaoyang Wang, Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Han Zhou, Nagahiro Saito, Tongxiang Fan
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Sub-10 nm-scaled shell-layer of N-doped carbon for Li+ pathway International conference
Junmo Moon, Sangwoo Chae, Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Interfacial and Structural Analysis of Li-F-XYZ Based-Solid Electrolyte Thin Films International conference
Ruijie Zheng, Yelin Zhao, Xiaoyang Wang, Satita Thiangtham, Rinyarat Naraprawatphong, Chayanaphat Chokradjaroen, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Room Temperature Synthesis of Pt catalyst on SWCNTs for Fuel Cell with Solution Plasma Process International conference
Takumi Yana, Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Junmu Park, Sangwoo Chae, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nagahiro SAITO
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Validation of powder resistance prediction of carbon electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries: From qualitative cluster analysis to quantitative neural network analysis International conference
Hojung Yun, Sangwoo Chae, Yukihiro Muta, Yasuyuki Sawada, Takahiro Ishizaki, *Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Identification of Structural Descriptors of Carbon Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries by Unsupervised Cluster Analysis International conference
SANGWOO CHAE, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
CNT Decorated by Graphene Covered Pt with Solution Plasma Method for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction International conference
Yilai Wang, Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Sangwoo Chae, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Pt free-Based Core-Shell Catalysts for Oxygen Fuel Cell Electrodes by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Sangwoo Chae, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Green preparation of chitosan oligosaccharide-functionalized ZnO and Zn(OH)2 via solution plasma process International conference
Chayanaphat Chokradjaroen, Satita Thiangtham, Sewan Theeramunkong, Nagahiro Saito, Ratana Rujiravanit
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Carbon-Metal catalyst composites for fuel cells International conference
Andrés E. Romero V., Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Xiaoyang Wang, Sangwoo Chae, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Chitosan-deposited iron oxide nanoparticles by solution plasma and their magnetic property International conference
Nie Jing, Chayanaphat Chokradjaroen, Satita Thiangtham, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Glow Plasma in Organic Solution by Criss-cross System International conference
Jiangqi Niu, Rinyarat Naraprawatphong, Chayanaphat Chokradjaroen, Xiaoyang Wang, Sangwoo Chae, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Synthesis of Low-Platinum Core-Shell Structured Catalyst for Fuel Cell via Solution Plasma Process International conference
Junmu Park, Yukihiro Muta, Duangkamol Dechojarassri, Yasuyuki Sawada, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Rapid Surface Modification of Water-Soluble Sulfonated Cellulose derived from Agricultural Waste-Sugarcane Bagasse via Solution Plasma Process International conference
Satita Thiangtham, Chayanaphat Chokradjaroen, Nagahiro Saito, and Hathaikarn Manuspiya
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Surface Modification of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Electrochemical Property International conference
Rinyarat Naraprawatphong, Xiaoyang Wang, Sangwoo Chae, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Characterization of Solution Plasma Derived Defective TiO2 Decorated N-doped Graphene for Photocatalysis International conference
Xiaoyang Wang, Sangwoo Chae, Yelin Zhao, Rinyarat Naraprawatphong, Yasuyuki Sawada, Tongxiang Fan, Nagahiro Saito
INTERFINISH 2020 2021.9
Few-layered Carbon allotrope deposition on a transition metal catalyst using a liquid carbon solution synthesized by SPP.
A. E. Romero Valenzuela, N. Saito
表面技術協会 第141回講演大会
溶液プラズマで合成した N ドープカーボンドットからのニトロ芳香族分子のセンシング
ソリューションプラズマを用いた高品位窒素ドープグラフェン合成における Stone-Wales 転移に基づく五員環-六員環変形反応
Characterization of Solution Plasma Derived Heterographene for Photocatalysis
Xiaoyang Wang, S. W. Chae, N. Saito,
表面技術協会 第141回講演大会
In Situ Synthesis of Amino Siloxane Oligomer-Linked Nanocarbon For Antibiotic Removal
M. Tipplook, N. Saito
表面技術協会 第141回講演大会
N+-doped Graphene by Solution Plasma International conference
S. W. Chae, P. Pornaroontham, R. Naraprawatphong, X. Wang, N. Saito
Plasma Surface Engineering Satellite 2020
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship for Carbons prepared by Solution Plasma International conference
J. M. Moon, S. W. Chae, P. Pornaroontham, R. Naraprawatphong, X. Wang, T. Watanabe, N. Saito
Plasma Surface Engineering Satellite 2020
Mechanisms of high grade nitrogen doped graphene synthesis from 5-member ring materials International conference
Y. Muta, N. Saito
The 2nd International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation (ICMARI 2019)
Liquid Phase Plasma Synthesis of Amino-Rich Carbonaceous as an Efficient Adsorbent for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions International conference
M. Tipplook, A. E. Romero Valenzuela, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
Synergistic Effect of Electrical Properties of Cationic Nitrogen-Doped Carbon and Carbon Nanotubes Composites Synthesized via Plasma Solution International conference
S. W. Chae, T. Yana, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
Solution Plasma and Hetero-Graphene International conference
S. W. Chae, P. Pornaroontham, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
Analyzing properties of nitrogen, boron and nitrogen-boron doped few-layer graphene coated copper nanoparticles synthesized by solution plasma for oxygen reduction reaction catalyst International conference
P. Q. Phan, K. S. Kim, Y. Muta, M. Tipplook, S. W. Chae, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
One-pot synthesis of MnO2-carbon hybrids for enhancement of the cationic dyes removal International conference
H. M. Kim, S.G. Lee, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
A new synthesis route to prepare amphiphilic Pt/C catalyst for highly efficient proton exchange membrane fuel cell International conference
M. Tipplook, N. Saito
The 2nd International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation (ICMARI 2019)
Preparation of Lectin-recognition Hydrogels Layers Layer on SPR Sensor Chips by Molecular Imprinting using Carbohydrate Ligands International conference
R.Naraprawatphong, N. Saito, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
The 2nd International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation (ICMARI 2019)
Investigation of N-doped Carbon Dots Synthesized by Solution Plasma for Detection of Nitro Aromatic Molecules International conference
K. S. Kim, J. M. Moon, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
One-Pot Synthesis of Cationic Nitrogen-doped Graphene International conference
S. W. Chae, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
The 2nd International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation (ICMARI 2019)
Highly Cationic Nitrogen-doped Graphene to Enhance Electric Properties via Solution Plasma International conference
S. W. Chae, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
One-Step Synthesis and Properties of Cationic Nitrogen-doped Graphene by Solution Plasma International conference
S. W. Chae, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit (2019 MRS)
Solution plasma process: a novel method for wastewater treatment International conference
P. Pornaroontham, M. Tipplook, H. M. Kim, S. Chae, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
Synthesis of nitrogen-oxygen-codoped nanocarbons via solution plasma process and nitridation for CO2 adsorption International conference
P. Pornaroontham, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
Materials Research Meeting Materials Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (MRM 2019)
A novel synthesis of smart Pt/C catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell
M. Tipplook, N. Saito
The 3rd Meeting for the Study of Next-generation Smart Materials Creation and Application Development
A one-step procedure for synthesizing core-shell nanospheres of metal nanoparticles protected by nitrogen-doped few-layer graphene
Phu Quoc Phan, K. S. Kim, Y. Muta, M. Tipplook, S. W. Che, N. Saito
The 3rd Meeting for the Study of Next-generation Smart Materials Creation and Application Development
Synthesis and Purification Process for High Grade Graphene Materials International conference
Y. Muta, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
A study of Cationic Nitrogen-doped Carbon Wrapping Carbon nanotubes with excellent electrical conductivity and high carrier concentration International conference
S.W. Chae, T. Yana, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Nitrogen-doped Few-layer Graphene Coated Copper and Silver Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalyst under Acid Condition International conference
Phu Quoc Phan, K. S. Kim, Yukihiro Muta, M. Tipplook, S. W. Chae, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
Synthesis of purple benzene-derived MnO2-carbon hybrids for enhancement of the cationic dyes removal International conference
H.M. Kim, S.G. Lee, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
A Novel Amino-rich Carbon Synthesis through Liquid Phase Plasma for Efficient Antibiotic Capture International conference
M. Tipplook, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
Synthesis of Cationic N-doped Graphene via Solution Plasma International conference
S. W. Chae, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
Carbon dioxide adsorption on nitrogen-oxygen-codoped nanocarbons via solution plasma process and nitridation International conference
P. Pornaroontham, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
Synthesis of highly N-doped carbon dots through solution plasma for molecular detection International conference
K. Kim, J. Moon, N. Saito
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2019 (AEPSE 2019)
Synthesis of highly N doped carbon dots through solution plasma for molecular detection
K. S. Kim, N. Saito
Synthesis of N-doped carbon dot by solution plasma and its detection performance of nitro molecule
K. S. Kim, N. Saito
表面技術協会 第140回講演大会
Synthesis of Cationic N-Doped Graphene via Solution Plasma
S. W. Chae, N. Saito
表面技術協会 第140回講演大会
High Planarity Nitrogen-doped Grahene Synthesis from Imidazole Ring Materials using Solution Plasma Process International conference
Y. Muta, N. Saito
The 5th edition of Nanotech France 2019
Solution Plasma Process Synthesis Metal-Free Porphyrin Functionalized Carbon Nano-Sheet Supported Platinum Nanoparticle for PEMFCs International conference
M. Tipplook, N. Saito
The 5th edition of Nanotech France 2019
Synthesis and Properties of Cationic Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Wrapped SWCNTs International conference
S.W Chae, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The Final Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Solution Plasma Catalyst for CH Activation International conference
N. Saito
The International Conference on Advanced and Applied Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers (ICAPPP 2018)
One-Step Solution Plasma Synthesis of Hybrid Silane-Modified C/Pt Catalyst for Enhanced PEM Fuel Cell Performance International conference
M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The International Conference on Advanced and Applied Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers (ICAPPP 2018)
Cationic N Doped Graphene Synthesis Mechanism of Transformed from Pentagonal Monomer International conference
Y. Muta, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The International Conference on Advanced and Applied Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers (ICAPPP 2018)
Synthesis of Highly Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots from Organic Monomer by Solution Plasma International conference
K.S. Kim, N. Saito
The International Conference on Advanced and Applied Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers (ICAPPP 2018)
Solution plasma synthesis of core-shell copper particle protected by nitrogen doped multilayer graphene as an oxygen reduction reaction catalyst International conference
P.Q. Phu, K.S. Kim, S. W. Chae, Y. Muta, M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The International Conference on Advanced and Applied Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers (ICAPPP 2018)
Synthesis of Cationic Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Wrapping Carbon Nanotubes with High Electrical Conductivity International conference
S.W Chae, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The International Conference on Advanced and Applied Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers (ICAPPP 2018)
5 to 6 members ring transformation mechanism of cationic N doped graphene synthesis using solution plasma International conference
Y. Muta, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The Final Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Facile Solution plasma Process synthesis of Self-assembled Hybrid-Oganosilane Coating on Carbon/Pt Catalyst for PEM Fuel Cell International conference
M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The Final Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Solution plasma synthesis of core-shell copper particle protected by nitrogen doped multilayer graphene as an oxygen reduction reaction catalyst International conference
P.Q. Phu, K.S. Kim, S.W. Chae, Y. Muta, M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The Final Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Synthesis of highly N doped carbon dots through solution plasma for molecular detection International conference
K.S. Kim, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The Final Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Fabrication of Ammonia Gas Sensor Using Metal-free Porphyrin-Based Nano-Assembled Thin Films: Effect of Silanization Pretreatment on Substrate
M. Tipplook, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
In situ Solution Plasma Synthesis of Amine-Terminated Silane-Modified Carbon Nanoparticles for Efficient Removal of Heavy Metal Ions
M. Tipplook, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
Effect of Nitrogen doped on the Fluorescence property of Carbon dots synthesized through Solution Plasma
K. S. Kim, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
Cationic N-doped carbon wrapping CNT to enhance electrical conductivity
S. W. Chae, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
カーボン量子ドットの量子収率と電子バンド 16-14B 15:13 構造に及ぼす窒素ドーピングの影響
Novel of Nano-Assembled Tetra-phenylporphyrin on Organosilane-Modified Substrate for Ammonia Gas Sensor
M. Tipplook, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
表面技術協会 第138回講演大会
Highly Nitrogen doped Carbon dots Synthesized from Organic Monomer through Solution Plasma International conference
K.S. Kim, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 6th International Workshop and the 5th International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technology (SPM-6 & Mini SPM-5)
N-doped carbon rapping CNTs to enhance electrical conductivity International conference
S.W Chae, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The Third Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Solution Plasma Catalyst and the CH activation International conference
N. Saito, S.W Chae, K.S. Kim, Y. Muta, M. A. Bratescu
The 6th International Workshop and the 5th International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technology (SPM-6 & Mini SPM-5)
Solution Plasma and Hetero-graphene International conference
N. Saito, S.W Chae, K.S. Kim, Y. Muta, M. Tipplook
Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP 2018)
Facile Synthesis of Amine-Modified Carbon Nanosorbents and Their Application in Heavy Metal Ions Removal International conference
M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 1st CU-NU Joint Symposium “Exploring the Possibility of Establishing a Joint Degree Program between Chulalongkorn University and Nagoya University”
Transformation Mechanism of Cationic N doped Graphene Synthesis from Pentagonal Monomer Using Solution Plasma International conference
Y. Muta, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 6th International Workshop and the 5th International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technology (SPM-6 & Mini SPM-5)
Carbon dioxide Capture on Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanoparticle Derived from Aromatic Compounds via Solution Plasma and Nitriding Processes International conference
P. Pornaroontham, S. Pongstabodee, N. Saito
The 3rd Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region
Enhancement of Nafion-ionomer coverage on Pt-carbons International conference
M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 3rd Seminar on JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of Research Hub for Compact Mobility Model in the ASEAN Region”
The nano-structure and their properties of exfoliation several layers-stacked graphene prepared by solution plasma in graphite dispersed in aqueous solutions International conference
S.W Chae, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 4th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMap 2017)
Thin Films Fabrication of Tetraphenyl Porphyrin Deposited on Amino Silane-Modified Substrate for Acetone Gas Sensor International conference
M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
2017 Workshop on Biomimetic Materials and Energy-saving Materials (2017BMEM)
Self-Assembled TSPP Stacking Structures through Molecular Recognition on the Self-Assembled Monolayers Modified Surface from the Aqueous Solution International conference
M. Tipplook, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 4th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP2017)
Carbon dioxide Capture on Aminated Carbon Nanoparticle Derived from Aromatic Compounds via Solution Plasma Process International conference
P. Pornaroontham, N. Saito, S. Pongstabodee
2017 Workshop on Biomimetic Materials and Energy-Saving Materials
Few-Layers Graphene Sheets Synthesis from Graphite by Solution Plasma International conference
S.W Chae, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
2017 workshop on Biomimetic Materials and Energy-Saving Materials
Chitosan Polycation Supramolecular as Template-Assisted for Control Aggregation of Meso-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) Porphyrin International conference
M. Tipplook, J. Hieda, T. Ueno, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 15th International Conference on Advance Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2017)
Synthesis of hierarchical porous δ-MnO2 by solution plasma with effective cationic dye removal capability International conference
H. M. Kim, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 5th International Workshop and The 4th International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technology (SPM-5 & Mini SPM-4)
Peeled and CN-Graphene from Graphite by Ionic Liquid via Solution Plasma International conference
S.W Chae, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 5th International Workshop and The 4th International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technology (SPM-5 & Mini SPM-4)
Synthesis of colloidal MnO2 with sheet-like structure by solution plasma process in permanganate aqueous solution International conference
H. M. Kim, T. Ueno, N. Saito
The 4th International Workshop and The 3rd International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technology (SPM-4 & Mini SPM-3)
ソリューションプラズマのC-H 活性化反応を利用したクラウンエーテル構造を含むカーボン材料の合成
Synthesis of two dimensional carbon nanosheets through C-H activation reaction in solution plasma
H. M. Kim, N. Saito
表面技術協会 第133回講演大会
Preparation and Catalytic Evaluation of Natural Leaf Supported Gold Nanoparticles International conference
S. Yoshida, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Synthesis of Catechin-modified Chitosan for Reduction 4-Nitrophenol International conference
Y. Kondo, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Conversion of Sugars to HMF by a Physical Technique: Solution Plasma Process International conference
Y. Muta, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
One-step Preparation of Ultrathin MnO2 Nanosheets by Plasma Discharge in Liquid Phase International conference
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Synthesis of palm to smart carbon materials by the solution plasma processing International conference
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, and Nagahiro Saito
Synthesis of palm to smart carbon materials by the solution plasma processing International conference
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, and Nagahiro Saito
The Proposal of Novel Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalyst Supported by First-Principles Calculation
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N, Saito
Enhancement of ammonia gas detection sensitivity by surface treatment of an optical fiber
伊澤昂汰、リ オイルン、マリア アントワネッタ ブラテスク、齋藤永宏(K. Izawa, O. L. Li, Maria.A.Bratescu, N. Saito)
Ultra High Sensitivity Attenuated Total Reflectance Based Ammonia Gas Sensor
Kyu-Sung Kim, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, Oi Lun Helena Li, Nagahiro Satio
Non-Platinum Catalyst Design for Fuel Cell Cathode Based on the Computational Analysis International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Synthesis and Crystal Structure Control of Birnessite-type MnO2 by Solution Plasma Process and their Characterizations International conference
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Electronic States Analysis of Metal Nanocluster for Oxygen Reduction Catalyst in Fuel Cells International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Exhaled breath analysis of ammonia gas using colorimetric attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy International conference
MariaAntoaneta Bratescu, Kouta Isawa, Takayoshi Kiguchi,OiLun Li,Nagahiro Saito
Exhaled Breath Analysis of Ammonia Gas using Colorimetric Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy International conference
MariaAntoaneta Bratescu, Kouta Izawa, Takayoshi Kiguchi, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
Analysis of benzoquinone decomposition in solution plasma process International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. saito
Analysis of organic compounds decomposition in solution plasma by Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy International conference
Maria Antoaneta Bratescu, Nagahiro Saito
小山啓輔、Oi Lun LI、齋藤永宏
Conversion of palm oil to carbon materials by plasma discharge in solution International conference
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, and Nagahiro Saito
Pre-treatment of Cellulose for Conversion to Product Material International conference
S. Nemoto, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Conversion of palm oil to carbon materials by plasma discharge in solution International conference
Md. Z. Islam*, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Preparation of Nanostructured Manganese Dioxide by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
H. M. Kim, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
伊澤昂汰、リ オイルン、マリア アントワネッタ ブラテスク、齋藤永宏(K. Izawa, O. L. Li, Maria.A.Bratescu, N. Saito)
水谷隼大、リオイルン、ブラテスク マリア、齋藤永宏
One-Step Solution Plasma Synthesis of Birnessite-type Nanostructured MnO2 by the Addition of D-glucose and their Characterizations
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
吉田修平、ワッタナパニット アンヤラット、齋藤永宏
近藤悠介、ワッタナパニット アンヤラット、齋藤永宏
Control of Carbon Conductivity with Induction of Naphthalene and Anthracene by Using Solution Plasma Process International conference
第76回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
Preparation and Catalytic Evaluation of Natural Leaf Supported Gold Nanoparticles International conference
Simple One-Step Synthesis of Nanostructured MnO2 Colloidal Suspension by Plasma Discharge in Liquid International conference
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Encapsulation of Gold Nanoparticles onto Green Tea Extract-Modified Chitosan Flakes as Catalyst for 4-Nitrophenol Reduction International conference
セラミックス協会 第27回 秋季シンポジウム
Develop of high sensitivity H2S gas sensor using ATR method
水谷隼大、リ オイルン、ブラテスク マリア、齋藤永宏
伊澤昂汰、リ オイルン、マリア アントワネッタ ブラテスク、齋藤永宏(K. Izawa, O. L. Li, Maria.A.Bratescu, N. Saito)
平成27年度(2015年) 弟132回表面技術学会春季大会
第132回講演大会 表面技術協会
Carbon production from palm oil by plasma discharge in solution International conference
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit1, and Nagahiro Saito
玄 光龍,上野智永,齋藤永宏
根本心平、ワッタナパニット アンヤラット、齋藤永宏
Carbon production from palm oil by plasma discharge in solution International conference
Ultra High Sensitivity Attenuated Total Reflectance Based Ammonia Gas
Solution Plasma Processing for Molecular Technology International conference
O.L.Li, N. Saito
Synthesis of Heteroatom Based ORR Catalysts with Carbon Support by Innovative Solution Plasma Process for Energy Storage System International conference
O. L. Li, D-W. Kim, N. Saito
A Investigation of Metal Nanocluster Structure and Electric Property International conference
T. Ueno, T. Morishita, M. Mizushita, N. Saito, K. Takenaka, Y. Setsuhara, G. Uchida
簾智仁、上野智永、 齋藤永宏
平成27年度 日本材料科学会 学術講演大会
根本心平、アンヤラット ワッタナパニット、齋藤永宏
牟田幸浩, W. Anyarat, 齋藤永宏
Graphite Oxide/Cellulose Composites as Innovative Solid Support Material for DNA Extraction Applications International conference
O. L. Li, G.A. Akceoglu, N. Saito
One Step Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Carbon by Plasma Discharge in Aniline and Evaluation for Oxygen Reduction Reaction International conference
K. Y. Hyun, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Nanostructured Manganese Dioxide Synthesized by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
H. Y. Kim, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Synthesis of Carbon Nitride by Dual Microwave Plasma CVD International conference
Development of solution plasma reactor for direct biological application International conference
K. Koyama, O. L. Li, N. Saito
Development of portable alcohol sensor based on evanescent wave absorption International conference
H.Mizutani, O. L. Li, N. Saito
Immobilization of glucose oxidase on calcium alginate bead by the aid of plasma in liquid International conference
Y. Kondo, A. Watthanaphanit, N, Saito
Conversion of sorbitol by plasma discharge in solution International conference
S Yoshida, A Watthanaphanit, N Saito
The Specificity of Platinum Electric States as Oxygen Reduction Catalyst in Fuel Cells International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Chemical-Free Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
S. Nemoto, S. Morishita, S. Y. Lee, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Synergistically Enhanced Electrochemical Activity (ORR) Nitrogen and Boron Doped Nanocarbon by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Seunghyo Lee1, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
A Computational Investigation of Metal Nanocluster Structure and Electronic Property International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
High durable silica coated Pt/CNT for PEMFC application International conference
W. Yaowarat, O. L. Li, N. Saito
Graphite Oxide/Cellulose Beads for DNA Extraction Applications International conference
G. Akceoglu, O. Li, N. Saito
Solution Plasma Process for the Conversion of Guar Gum to Bioethanol International conference
S. Nemoto, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Influence of Temperature on Free Radical Generation in Water-Ethanol Mixture Based Solution Plasma Due to Hydrogen-Bonding Network International conference
Direct and Controllable Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Solution Plasma Process International conference
K. Y. Hyun, T. Ueno, N. Saito
In-situ FT-IR Study on Water Adsorption Behavior Confined In Mesoporous Silica, FSM-16, having < 2 nm Pore Diameter International conference
Y. Aoki, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
Enhancement the sensitivity of optical fiber gas sensor by surface treatment International conference
A Computational Investigation of Metal Nanocluster Structure and Electronic Property International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
CNx Nanosheets as Metal-Free Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Conversion Ability of sugars to HMF by Solution Plasma Process International conference
水-アルコール混合溶液中ソリューションプラズマ反応場の解明: 気/液界面への水素結合の影響
2015年 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会
木口崇彦、伊澤昂汰、リ オイルン、齋藤永宏
メソポーラスシリカ担持Pt 触媒の合成とPROX 反応触媒特性
表面技術協会第131 回講演大会
ソリューションプラズマプロセスによる窒素とホウ素の異種元素ドーピング2Dカーボン材料の合成 International conference
李 承效, 上野 智永, 齋藤 永宏
Selective production of sugar alcohol from cellulose by solution plasma International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit and Nagahiro Saito
Conversion Ability of Sugars to HMF by Solution Plasma Process International conference
第84回表面科学研究会 日本真空学会2015年1月研究例会
2014年度先端化学セミナー ―界面の修飾および制御による高機能化―
Solution plasma process and its applications. International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit and Nagahiro Saito
Gd2SiO5 結晶の塩化物フラックス育成
第9 回日本フラックス成長研究発表会
Controllable Synthesis of Conductive Nitrogen Doped Carbon with Graphitic Walls by Solution Plasma Process International conference
K. Y. Hyun, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, and Nagahiro Saito
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, and Nagahiro Saito
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, and Nagahiro Saito
Synthesis of Nano-size Regulated Carbon Materials by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
O.L.Li, N.Saito
Hydrocarbon structure effect on the production of carbon materials by the solution plasma process International conference
A. Yoshida, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Nano-size Regulated Carbon Materials for Battery through Solution Plasma Processing International conference
Utilization of solution plasma process for biomedical application International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit and Nagahiro Saito
Solution plasma process and its applications in biomedicine International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit and Nagahiro Saito
上野智永, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会
油家大輝, 許 容康, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会
森下翔平,Li Oi Lun Helena,齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会
伊澤昂汰, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会
林 宏樹, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会
木口崇彦, 油家大輝, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会プログラム
日本材料科学会主催 平成26年度学術講演大会
Advanced Functional Materials Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process
The 2nd International Symposium on Highly-Controlled Nano- and Micro-Scale Functional Suraface Structures for Frontier Smart Materials 2014
Conversion of cellulose to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, and Nagahiro Saito
森下翔平,O. L. Li,齋藤永宏
Catalytic Activity and Durability for Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Hetero-atom doped Carbon
Cellulose/Graphene Beads as Anode Material for Lithium Batteries
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
林宏樹,O. L. Li,齋藤永宏
玄光龍, 上野智永,齋藤永宏
Synthesis of Cellulose/Graphene Composites by Modified Marcano's Method
Solution Plasma Synthesis Process of Tungsten Carbide on N-doped Carbon Nanocomposite with Enhancing Catalytic ORR Activity and Durability
高橋亮,O. L. Li,齋藤永宏
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
玄光龍, 上野智永,齋藤永宏
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第129回講演大会
クモ膜下出血後の脳血管攣縮に対する新たな薬剤送達システムの構築 -薬剤含有生体吸収膜シートのプラズマ照射による薬剤放出制御の試み-
入江恵子,青木淑恵,木口崇彦,Anyarat Watthanaphanit,齋藤永宏,廣瀬雄一
STROKE2014 第30回スパズム・シンポジウム
Application of the Electrical Probe Method for Solution Plasma Analysis International conference
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
Solution Plasma Synthesis Process of Tungsten Carbide on N-doped Carbon Nanocomposite with Enhancing Catalytic ORR Activity and Durability International conference
D.W. Kim, O.L.Li, P.Pootawang, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticles Supported on CNTs by Solution Plasma Sputtering Processing International conference
W. Yaowarat, O.L.Li, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
Development of the Graphite Structure of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Halogenated benzene derivatives International conference
H.Hayashi, O.L.Li, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
Synthesis of Cu-Fe nanoparticles as Bi-functional Catalyst for Li-air battery International conference
R. Takahashi, O.L.Li, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
Kinetics in Gold Nanoparticles Formation by Solution Plasma International conference
T. Sudare, T. Ueno, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticle in Water by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
Shimpei Nemoto, Sang-Yul Lee, Nagahiro Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014)
日本金属学会 触媒材料研究会 ミニシンポジウム「ナノ組織制御材料の新展開」
Depolymerization of Starch by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Yukihiro Muta, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14)
Charge Doping of Large-Area Graphene by Gold-Alloy Nanoparticles International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14)
Evaluation of the discharge capacity and the reaction by-products of the Li-air battery using the spherical carbon nanoparticles as the cathode material International conference
S. Morishita, O.L.Li, N. Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14)
Reactions of hydrocarbons in Solution Plasma International conference
Akihito Yoshida, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14)
Solution Plasma Sputtering Process for the Production of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Solution International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14)
Solution Plasma Process: from the Fundamental to Applications International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-8)
Solution Plasma Process: From the Fundamental to its Application International conference
O.L.Li and N. Saito
The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-8)
The Surface Modification of CNT for High Dispersion in Water International conference
T. Ueno, H. Harada, N. Saito
International Union of Materials Research Society (IUMRS-ICA 2013)
Study on Surface Modification Mechanism of the CNT by the Solution Plasma Treatment International conference
Hiroshi Harada, Tomonaga Ueno , Nagahiro Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society
Structure Change of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Introducing Halogen Compounds International conference
H. Hayashi, O. L. Li, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society
Synthesis of Cu-Fe as Bi-functional Catalyst with Carbon for the Application in Li-air battery International conference
R. Takahashi, O. L. Li, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society
Analysis of the Activated Species for the Reaction of Solution Plasma in Water-Alcohol Mixture by Electron Spin Resonance International conference
T. Sudare, T. Ueno, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society
Synethesis of Carbon-Polymer Composite Material by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
Y. Ichikawa, O. L. Li, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society
Properties of Graphene Decorated with Alloy Nanoparticles for Energy Applications International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society
An innovative measurement method for heat transfer performance of nanofluids by differential scanning calorimetry
D. Aburaya, Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
Effect of Surrounding on the Gold Nanoparticles Size for Biology Applications
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan
Preparation of Silica Nanotubes using MWCNTs/CTAB as Templates
W. Yaowarat, O.L.Li, N. Saito
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan
Improvement of the Dispersibility of CNT by Solution Plasma (SP)
Hiroshi Harada, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
Production of Highly Stable Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Suspension by Solution Plasma Sputtering Process
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan
Conversion of Guar Gum Biopolymer to Ethanol by Solution Plasma Process
Shimpei Nemoto, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Analysis of the Solution Plasma Reaction by Electrochemical Measurement
Ryo Kato, Takayoshi Kiguchi, Nagahiro Saito
Superhydrophobic coating using atmospheric plasma chemical vapor deposition
O. Ikai, Y. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
市川洋平,O. L. Li,齋藤永宏
林宏樹,O. L. Li,齋藤永宏
高橋亮,O. L. Li,齋藤永宏
Depolymerization of Starch by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Yukihiro Muta, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
the 2nd Seminar on Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision
Development of the Graphitic Structure of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Halocarbon Solution International conference
H. Hayashi, O. L. Li, N. Saito
the 2nd Seminar on Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision
Chemical Modification of the Carbon Nanotubes by the Solution Plasma Processing International conference
T. Ueno, H. Harada, N. Saito
Materials Research Society (MRS)
Fabrication of silica nanotubes using multi-walled carbon nanotubes as template International conference
W. Yaowarat,Oi Lun Li , Nagahiro Saito
Materials Research Society (MRS)
Depolymerization of Sodium Alginate by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit
International Symposium on Materials Science and Surface Technology 2013 (MSST 2013)
表面技術協会 関東支部・第86回講演会
An innovative measurement method of heat transfer performance in nanofluids by differential scanning calorymetry International conference
D. Aburaya, Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision
Study on the effect of solution plasma characteristics on the synthesized materials International conference
T. Kiguchi, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision
Development of the analytic method for solution plasma by electrical probe International conference
D. Aburaya, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Solution Plasma Materials Building and Modification International conference
N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Optical and Electrical Properties of Graphene Decorated with Nanoparticles for Energy Applications International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Synthesis of Structure-Controlled Carbon Nano Spheres by Solution Plasma Process by Organic Solution International conference
O.L.Li, J.Kang, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Catalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Nitrogen and Boron Doped Mesoporous Carbon International conference
Dae-Wook Kim, ,Oi Lun Li , Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Characterization of Micro Crystalline Cellulose on the surface of Graphene/Graphene Oxide Sheets by Thermal Exfoliation Method International conference
G. A. Akceoglu, Oi Lun LI and Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Synthesis of Silica Nanotubes by Carbon Nanotubes/CTAB Templates International conference
W. Yaowarat,Oi Lun Li , Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Development of the Graphite Structure of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Halocarbon Solution International conference
Hiroki Hayashi, Oi Lun Li , Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Cu-Fe Bi-Functional Catalyst Synthesized by Solution Plasma for the Application in Li-air Battery International conference
Ryo takahashi, Oi Lun Li , Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Solution Plasma Surface Modification of Nanocarbons for Nanocomposites International conference
T. Ueno, H. Harada, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
A DFT study on Mechanism of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Metal Nanoclster International conference
Tetsunori Morishita, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
UPS probing onto the electronic structure of size-controlled metal nanoparticles International conference
M. Mizushita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Surface Modification Mechanism of the CNT by the Solution Plasma Treatment International conference
Hiroshi Harada, Tomonaga Ueno , Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
In-situ Preparation of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Solution by Solution Plasma Sputtering Process International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Investigation of Effect of Solution Plasma to Guar Gum Solution International conference
Shimpei Nemoto, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Study on the effect of solution plasma characteristics on the synthesized materials International conference
T. Kiguchi, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Selective Decomposition of Organic Materials by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Formation of Calcium Carbonate Films by Electrochemical Method : Controlled with Concentration of Mg2+ and Temperature International conference
S. H. Lee, M. H. Lee, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Synthesis of carbon nitride films by dual microwave plasma source CVD International conference
O. Ikai, T. Kiguchi, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
Analysis of the Reduction Species and Metal Reduction Reaction in Solution Plasma International conference
R. Kato, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013)
第47回 化学工学の進歩講習会
Tailoring Size and Composition of nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma International conference
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
The 5th International Symposium on Designing,Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials ISAEM-2012 and The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structural Metallic and Inorganic Materials AMDI-3
市川洋平, Oi Lun Li, 齋藤永宏
One-step Synthesis of Gold Bimetallic Nanoparticles with Various Metal Compositions International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
American Vacuum Society, 60th International Symposium
Effect of Solution Plasma Treatment on Chemical Properties of Guar Gum International conference
Shimpei Nemoto, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials -Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials
Introduction of Sulfated Groups to Calcium Alginate Beads Surface by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Yoshie Aoki, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials -Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials
One-Step Production of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Solution International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials- Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials
林宏樹, Helena Oi Lun Li, 齋藤永宏
高橋亮, Oi Lun Li Helena, 齋藤永宏
猪飼治,木口崇彦,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
上野智永,李 熏聲,齋藤永宏
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
高橋亮, Oi Lun Li Helena, 齋藤永宏
林宏樹, Helena Oi Lun Li, 齋藤永宏
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
Controlling Oxidation level of Graphene/Graphene Oxide by Solution Plasma from the Exfoliation of Graphite Oxide
G. A. Akceoglu, Oi Lun LI, Nagahiro Saito
Heo Yongkang,木口崇彦,齋藤永宏
猪飼治,木口崇彦,Maria Bratescu,齋藤永宏
根本心平、Anyarat Watthanaphanit、齋藤永宏
青木淑恵、Anyarat Watthanaphanit、齋藤永宏
A Novel Synthesis Technology of Size-Controllable Nano Metal
O.L.Li, N. Saito
平成25年度 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会
Solution Plasma for Molecular Technology -Plasma for Chemist- International conference
N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
An Innovative Measurement Method of Heat Transfer Performance in Nanofluids by Differential Scanning Calorymetry International conference
D. Aburaya, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
The Effects of the Various Plasma Density and Temperature on the Characteristics of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized International conference
Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
Analaysis of Carbon Nitride Films Synthesized by Dual Microwave Plasma International conference
T. Kiguchi, O. Ikai, N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
青木淑恵、Anyarat Watthanaphanit、齋藤永宏
One-Step Synthesis of Gold Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Solution Plasma International conference
M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
21st International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC21 - 2013,
水がコロコロころがる表面 -超はっ水ー
市民講座 やさしい表面科学 「水」の科学
Solution plasma process ~ New chemical reaction field International conference
Nagahiro Saito
The 12th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Process
Synthesis of Structure-Controlled Carbon Nano Spheres by Solution Plasma Process under Benzene International conference
O.L.Li, J. Kang, N. Saito
Joint Symposiium on Plasma and Electrostatics Technologies for Environmental Applications.
One-Step Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized in Alginate Gel Matrix using Solution Sputtering Process International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th ResearchSymposium on Petrochemical and materials Technology and the 19th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers 2013
One-Step Synthesis of Magnetic Metal Nanoparticles Supported on Spherical Carbon by Solution Plasma Process International conference
O.L.Li, R. Takahashi, N. Saito
The 4th ResearchSymposium on Petrochemical and materials Technology and the 19th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers 2013
In situ Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Gel Matrix by Solution Plasma Sputtering Process International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exibits
The effect of water-alcohol mixture solution on the synthesis of gold nano particle by solution plasma International conference
Tomohito Sudare, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exibits
First principle calculation of oxygen reduction reaction on metal nanoclusters International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exibits
Y. K. Heo,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
Structural Properties of Nanocarbon Materials by Solution Plasma in Water
李 熏聲,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第127回講演大会
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVD による窒化炭素膜の作製と評価
猪飼 治,Y. Heo,M. A. Bratescu,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第127回講演大会
A Correlation Study of the Factors which Affect Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma International conference
Y. K. Heo, M. A.Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Tailoring Size and Composition of Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma International conference
M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Solution Plasma Processing and its Applications International conference
N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Highly Efficient Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Activity of Black TiO2 x Nano Microspheres Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM1)
Formation of Silver Nanoparticles in Nanochannels of Mesoporous Silica via Solution Plasma Processing International conference
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Catalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction of Iron Compound with Carbon Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
D. Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Production Improvement of Graphene Oxide Sheets using Solution Plasma Processing and their Modification for ORR Catalytic Activity International conference
G. A. Akceoglu, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma by the Probe Method International conference
Y. Ichikawa, M. Bratescu, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Optical Diagnostic of Solution Plasma by Broadband Absorption Spectroscopy International conference
H. Harada, M. A. Bratescu, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Synthesis of Graphene Forms and Carbon Onions by Solution Plasma in Water International conference
H. S. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1)
Catalytic activity for oxgen reduction reaction 3rd transition metal/carbon catalysts International conference
D. Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 6th International Conference on PLAsma Nanotechnology & Science(IC-PLANTS2013)
Nanocarbon production by solution plasma process in water International conference
H. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 6th International Conference on PLAsma Nanotechnology & Science(IC-PLANTS2013)
Incoporation of silver nanoparticle within mesoporous silica by using solution plasma processing International conference
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 6th International Conference on PLAsma Nanotechnology & Science(IC-PLANTS2013)
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma by the Electrical Probe Method International conference
Y. Ichikawa, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Utilization of the Solution Plasma Process for the Production of Low Molecular Weight Alginate with Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution International conference
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Enhancement of sol-gel reaction in catalyst-free mesoporous silica synthesis by solution plasma International conference
P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Analysis of Carbon Nitride Films Synthesized by Dual Microwave Plasma Source CVD International conference
O. Ikai, Y. K. Heo, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Catalytic activity for oxgen reduction reaction of tungsten carbide/carbon catalysts International conference
Dae-Wook Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Production Improvement of Graphene Oxide Sheets Using Solution Plasma Processing and Their Modifilcation for ORR Catalytic Activity International conference
G. A. Akceogle, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle within Mesoporous Silica by Using Solution Plasma Processing International conference
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Themostability of Nanofluids in Heat Transfer System International conference
Y. K. Heo, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Preparation and Evaluation of the thermal properties of Au nanofluids International conference
R. Kato, Y. K. Heo, A. Wathanapahanit, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Consideration of Solution Plasma Process Conditions for Cellulose Degradation International conference
S. Nemoto, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Graphene Decorated with Gold Bimetallic Nanocrystals in Solution Plasma International conference
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Oxygen Reduction Analysis on Metal Nanocluster by First-principle Calculation International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013)
Synthesis of Graphene Oxide by Using Solution Plasma Process in Water International conference
H. S. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Synthesis and Evaluation of Gold Nanofluids for the Improvement of Heat Transfer International conference
R. Kato, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma by the Electrical Probe Method International conference
Y. Ichikawa, Y. K. Heo, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Analysis of Carbon Nitride Films Synthesized by Dual Microwave Plasma Source CVD International conference
O. Ikai, M. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Black TiO2-x Nano/Microspheres with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity International conference
G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle within Mesoporous Silica by Using Solution Plasma Processing International conference
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction of Transition Metal/Carbon Catalysts Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
D. Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Modification of Graphene Oxide Sheets for ORR Catalytic Activity by Using Solution Plasma Processing International conference
G. A. Akceoglu, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
Oxygen Reduction Analysis on Metal Nanocluster by First-principle Calculation International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13)
An Alternative Oxygen Reaction Electrocatalyst for Polyelectrolyte Membrane Fuel International conference
P. Pootawang
ICEAN 2012
澤 昂平,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
大野一佳,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
谷田優也,P. Panuphong,齋藤永宏
Graphene Decorated with Metal Nanoparticles using Solution Plasma Processing International conference
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Fall Meeting
加藤諒, 許容康、アンヤラット・ワタナファニット, 齋藤永宏
市川 洋平, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
根本心平, アンヤラットワタナファニット, 齋藤永宏
猪飼治, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
Preparation and evaluation of gold with difference particle shapes and sizes International conference
R. Kato, Y.K. Heo, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
ISAWST1 First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology
Evaluation of convective heat transfer coefficient of static condition fluids using differential scanning calorimeter International conference
Y.K. Heo, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
ISAWST1 First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology
Utilization of the solution plasma process for the production of low molecular weight alginate with narrow molecular weight distribution International conference
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
ISAWST1 First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology
Hydroxyl-Rich Mesoporous Silica Synthesized Using Solution Plasma for Thin-Layer Carbon Coating International conference
P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 5th International Symposium on Designing,Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials ISAEM-2012 and The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structural Metallic and Inorganic Materials AMDI-3
Preparation of Metal Nanoparticles within Mesoporous Silica via Solution Plasma Process (SPP) International conference
W. Yaowarat, N. Saito
Synthesis of Gold Nanofluids for Improved Heat Transfer using Solution Plasma International conference
Y.K. Heo, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
Optical Properties and Surface radicals Interaction of Graphene Decorated with Bimetallic Nanocrystals International conference
M.A. Bratescu, O.Takai, N. Saito
Depolymerization of Natural Biopolymer by Solution Plasma Process International conference
A. Watthanaphanit
Structural elucidation of cellulose decomposition by solution plasma process International conference
S. Nemoto
谷田 優也,P. Pootawang,齋藤 永宏
大野 一佳,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤 永宏
澤 昂平,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤 永宏
Utilization of the Solution Plasma Process for the Production of Low Molecular Weight Alginate with Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution International conference
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
11th APCPST & 25th SPSM
Graphene Decorated with Bimetallic nanocrystals for Enhanced Plasmonic Energy Conversion International conference
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
11th APCPST & 25th SPSM
市川洋平,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVD による窒化炭素膜の作製と評価
猪飼 治,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第129回講演大会
加藤 諒,Anyarat Watthanaphanit,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第128回講演大会
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVD による窒化炭素膜の作製と評価
猪飼 治,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会
市川洋平,Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会
加藤 諒,A. Watthanaphanit,齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会
The effect of Post Thermal CVD for Hardness and Ultra Water-Repellent Properties in Biomimetically-designed SiOx Film Deposited by Plasma Enhanced CVD International conference
N. Zettsu, D. Fujimoto, N. Saito
Morphology -controlled Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nanoballs by Solution Plasma Processing in Benzene International conference
J. Kang, O. L. Li, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
Depolymerization of Sodium Alginate by a Plasma Process in Aqueous Solution International conference
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The effect of Post Thermal CVD for Hardness and Ultra Water-Repellent Properties in Biomimetically-designed SiOx Film Deposited by Plasma Enhanced CVD International conference
N. Zettsu, D. Fujimoto, N. Saito
Depolymerization of Sodium Alginate by a Plasma Process in Aqueous Solution International conference
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Optical Properties and Catalytic Activity of Gold-Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, S.P. Cho, O. Takai, N. Saito
加藤 諒、許容康、アンヤラット・ワタナファニット、齋藤 永広
加藤 諒、許容康、アンヤラット・ワタナファニット、齋藤 永広
Theoretical reaction analysis for oxygen reduction on metal nanocluster
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
Rapid Synthesis of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silica with Dense Hydroxyl Group Using Solution Plasma Processing for Thin Layer Carbon Coating
Panuphong Pootawang,Nagahiro Saito
Rapid Synthesis of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silica with Dense Hydroxyl Group Using Solution Plasma Processing for Thin Layer Carbon Coating
P. Pootawang,N. Saito
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
資源素材学会 平成24年度秋期大会
ジュン カン,Helena Li Oi Lun,齋藤永宏
資源素材学会 平成24年度秋期大会
Properties of Synthesized Nanoparticles through Characteristics of Solution Plasma
YongKang Heo,Maria Bratescu,Nagahiro Saito
資源素材学会 平成24年度秋期大会
ジュン カン,Helena Li Oi Lun,齋藤永宏
Properties of Synthesized Nanoparticles through Characteristics of Solution Plasma
Y. Heo,Maria Bratescu,N. Saito
New Class of Spherical Carbon Nanostructures for Air Cathode of Li/Air Battery Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process (SPP) International conference
Kang Jun, Oi Lun Helena Li, Nobuyuki Zettsu, Osamu Takai, and Nagahiro Saito
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Gold-Platinum Water-Based Nanofluids International conference
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, and N. Saito
Synthesis of Nanofl uids for High Thermal Conductivity using Solution Plasma International conference
Y. K. Heo, O. L. Li, M. A. Bratescu, and N. Saito
Post Thermal CVD for Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films Deposited by Plasma-enhanced CVD Process International conference
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu, and N. Saito
Discharge in Gelatin/Ascorbic Acid solution for Copper Nanofl uid Preparation International conference
P. Pootawang, S. Y. Lee, and N. Saito
Electrical and Chemical Properties of Granulated Metal/a-C Films Deposited by Shielding Arc Ion Plating International conference
Hoonseung Lee, Maria Antoaneta Bratescu, and Nagahiro Saito
Preparation of Alginate Oligosaccharides by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit and Nagahiro Saito
Discharge in Gelatin/Ascorbic Acid solution for Copper Nanofl uid Preparation International conference
P. Pootawang, S. Y. Lee, and N. Saito
Electrical and Chemical Properties of Granulated Metal/a-C Films Deposited by Shielding Arc Ion Plating International conference
H. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, and N. Saito
Post Thermal CVD for Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films Deposited by Plasma-enhanced CVD Process International conference
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu, and N. Saito
Synthesis of Nanofl uids for High Thermal Conductivity using Solution Plasma International conference
Y. K. Heo, O. L. Li, M. A. Bratescu, and N. Saito
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Gold-Platinum Water-Based Nanofluids International conference
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, and N. Saito
Preparation of Alginate Oligosaccharides by Solution Plasma Process International conference
A. Watthanaphanit and N. Saito
齋藤 永宏
齋藤 永宏
Post Chemical Annealing Effect on Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films by Microwave Plasma-enhanced CVD International conference
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu and N. Saito
IUMRS International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials 2012 (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2012)
Catalytic Properties of Nanocluster International conference
Tomonaga Ueno, Tetsunori Morishita, Tomohito Sudare, Nobuyuki Zettsu, Nagahiro Saito
IUMRS International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials 2012 (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2012)
Post Chemical Annealing Effect on Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films by Microwave Plasma-enhanced CVD International conference
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu and N. Saito
IUMRS International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials 2012 (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2012)
Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol by Solution Plasma International conference
Helena Oi Lun Li, Kuniko Urashima and Nagahiro Saito
The eighth International Symposium on Non-Thermal Plasma Technology (ISNTP-8)
齋藤 永宏
齋藤 永宏
齋藤 永宏
先端化学・材料技術部会 新素材分科会講演会
齋藤 永宏
先端化学・材料技術部会 新素材分科会講演会
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Au-Pt Water-Based Nanofluids International conference
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Nanoparticles Synthesis and Surface Modification by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Alginate Oligosaccharides Prepared by Solution Plasma Process: Concentration Dependence Study International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, and Nagahiro Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Conversion of Celluose to Energy by Solution Plasma:Solid, Liquid and Gaseous By-Product Analyses International conference
Helena Oi Lun Li, Kuniko Urashima and Nagahiro Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Nanoparticles Synthesis and Surface Modification by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Au-Pt Water-Based Nanofluids International conference
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Alginate Oligosaccharides Prepared by Solution Plasma Process: Concentration Dependence Study International conference
A. Watthanaphanit, and N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Conversion of Celluose to Energy by Solution Plasma:Solid, Liquid and Gaseous By-Product Analyses International conference
Helena Oi Lun Li, Kuniko Urashima and N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer
Behaveiors of Cells and Bacteria on Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces International conference
O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
Behaveiors of Cells and Bacteria on Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces International conference
O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
Behaviors of Cells and Bacteria on Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces International conference
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
齋藤 永宏
齋藤 永宏
資源・素材学会 平成24年度(2012年)春季大会
Analysis of Organic Pollutant Degradation in Pulsed Plasma by Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy
M. Bratescu,上野智永,是津信行,高井治,齋藤永宏
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol by Solution Plasma
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Mechanical Properties of a-C Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating Using Bias Conditions
李 熏聲,上野智永,是津信行,齋藤永宏,高井治
Effects of the Temperature on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Nanofluid by Solution Plasma International conference
Y. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
PS@Au Plasmonic Nanoshells with Conical Shape for Highly-sensitive NIR-light responsible LSPR-sensor International conference
N. Zettsu
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Role of Active Species from Soluion Plasma in Controlling Nanoparticles Size International conference
M. Bratescu, S. Cho, O. Takai, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Structural Characteristics of Metal Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Glow Discharge in Aqueous International conference
S. Cho, M. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Modification of Inside the Pores of Mesoporous Silica with Ag Nanoclusters by Solution Plasma Method International conference
Y. Tanida, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Surface Modification of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotube by Solution Plasma International conference
T. Ueno, T. Yamamoto, J. Kang, F. Tanabe, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Fabrication of Shape-controlled Metal Nanodot Array by Electrostatically-driven Self-assembly as well as their Charge Injection Properties International conference
R. Sumi, N. Zettsu, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles by Plasma Sputtering in Solutions International conference
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Amorphous Nb-doped SrTiO3 based Transparent Conductive Oxide Films on Glass by Ion Beam Sputtering International conference
N. Zettsu, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito, O. Takai
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Rapid Synthesis of Conductive Carbon Nanoballs with Well Defined Pore Structures by Solution Plasma Process in Aromatic Hydrocarbo Solvent International conference
J. Kang, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surface at a Local Area using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet International conference
C. Terashima, Y. Takahashi, T. Shirafuji, N. Saito, O. Takai
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012)
Ag Nanoclusters in Silica Mesopore Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Y. Tanida, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Colloidal Copper Nanofluid Synthesized via Solution Plasma International conference
P. Pootawang, N. Saito, O. Takai, S.-Y. Lee
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Development of EC Cell using Biomimetic-designed InN Film International conference
T. Kimura, K. Ohkubo, G. Tanaka, Y. Inoue, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Deterioration Phenomenon in the Cyclic Polarization of Electrochromic InN International conference
K. Ohkubo, T. Kimura, G. Tanaka, Y. Inoue, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Binary Monolayer of Au and Pt Nanoparticles Fabricated by Electrostatistically-driven Colloidal Self-assembly Approach International conference
R. Sumi, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Fabrication of the Superhydrophobic Film by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma International conference
D. Fujimoto, H. Takahashi, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Size-controlled Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma International conference
M. A. Bratescu, S.-P. Cho, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Thermal Stability of Au-nanofluid Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Y. K. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Biomimic Anti-stain Surface Treatment of Housing Materials International conference
N. Isu, Y. Kato, C. Numako, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
FCC Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
S.-P. Cho, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Solution Plasma Synthesized Pt-Au Nanoparticles on Carbon and their Application for Lithium-air Battery International conference
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S.-P. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Influence of Amino Acid Sequence and Surface Functional Group on Peptide Adsorption International conference
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Transparent DLC Films on Polycarbonate Synthesized by PECVD International conference
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Synthesis and Oxygen Reduction Activity of Metal-free Nitrogen Doped Carbon Materials by Thermal CVD International conference
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12)
Effect of Surface Functional Groups and Surface Electric Charge on Peptide Adsorption International conference
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium, Chengdu, China)
Synthesis of Metal-free Heteroatoms Doped Carbon Materials from Different Hydrocarbon Sources for Oxygen Reduction Reaction International conference
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium,
ソリューションプラズマによる白金-金ナノ粒子の合成とリチウム空気電池への応用, 第21回日
PS@Au plasmonic nanoshells with conical shape for highly-sensitive NIR-light responsible LSPR sensor
N. Zettsu, S. Uchida, Y. Yamamoto, T. Ueno,N. Saito
Conversion of the World’s Most Abundant Biomass Cellulose to Energy
Fabrication of self-assembled metal nanodot gate MOS capacitor and evaluation of their charge injection properties International conference
R. Sumi, N. Zettsu, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, O. Takai, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Effect of Surrounding Chemistry on the Size of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
New Approach of Energy Crisis: Cellulose as a Potential Energy Resource International conference
O.L.Li, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Indication of Sustainable Development for Green Innovation, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 International conference
K. Urashima, O. L. Li, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya, Japan
Spectrophotometrical Analysis of Solution Plasma by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 International conference
D. Fujimoto, M. A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O.Takai, N. Saito
Nagoya, Japan
One-step synthesis of nanocarbon-supported metal nanoparticle catalysts by modified solution plasma processing International conference
K. Jun, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
HRTEM studies of Au and Pd nanoparticles Fabricated by Solution Plasma Processing, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 International conference
S.P. Cho, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya, Japan
Novel Fabrication of Platinum Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Sputtering, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 International conference
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Nagoya, Japan
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Gold-platinum Nanoparticles Modified carbon and Application for Lithium-air battery International conference
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Effect of Surface Functional Groups and pH Condition on Peptide Adsorption International conference
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Effects of the Applied Voltage on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Nanofluid by Solution Plasma International conference
Y.K. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N.Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
High-dense Decoration of Mesoporous Silica with Ag Nanoclusters by Solution Plasma International conference
Y.Tanida, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N.Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11, Nagoya, Japan
Thin film Lithium Ion Battery using Li 3PO4 Solid Electrolyte International conference
K. Sawa, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Growth of Carbon Nanotubes from Carbon Nanoballs Surface International conference
K. Ohno, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Fabrication of Single-nano-sized Pt Cluster Supported on Graphene Nanosheets by Solution Plasma International conference
K. Sadasue, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Behavior of Specific Water on Polyelectrolyte Brush International conference
Y. Aoki, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, T. Fujima, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Fabrication of 111)-oriented SrTiO3/BaTiO3 SuperLattices by Ion Beam Deposition International conference
G. Panomsuwan, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito, O.Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Chemical Structures and Mechanical Characteristics of a-C and a-CN Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating as Functions of Bias Voltages International conference
H. Lee, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito, O.Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Transparency and Hardness Diamond-like Carbon Deposited by PECVD on Polymer International conference
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Synthesis and Characteristics of Metal-free Heteroatom-doped Carbon Nanoballs for Oxygen Reduction Reaction International conference
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O.Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
Synthesis of Metal-free N-doped Nanocarbon materials for Oxygen Reduction Activity International conference
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
2011 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials for Air Cathode of Li/air Battery by Solution Plasma International conference
J. Kang, N. Saito, O. Takai
2011 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
Solution Plasma Treatment of TiO2 Nanoparticles International conference
C. Terashima, A. Nagata, Y. Iwai, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium
Fabrication of Noble Metal Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium
Treatment of Non-point Sources by an Integrated Thermal Plasma System International conference
O.L.Li, J.S.Chang, Y. Guo, N. Saito, O. Takai
2nd ISNPEDADM-2011
A Novel Solution Plasma Sputtering Technique for Well-defined Metal Nanoparticles International conference
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
2nd ISNPEDADM-2011
Biomimic Anti-Stain Surface Treatment for Housing Wet Area International conference
N. Isu, Y. Kato, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
XAFS analysis of Ag in the Anti-Bacterial Ceramis Glaze of Sanitary Wave International conference
N. Isu, Y. Kato, C. Numako N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Thin Film Lithium Ion Battery using Li3PO4 Solid Electrolyt International conference
K. Sawa, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Single-Nano-sized Pt Cluster Supported on Graphene, Nanosheets Synthesized by Solution Plasma International conference
K. Sadasue, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Growth of Metallic Carbon Naotubes From Carbon Nanoballs Surface International conference
K. Ohno, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Catalytic Activity of Nickel-containing Amorphous Carbon (Ni:aC) Thin Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating using Bias Conditions International conference
H. Lee, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Discharge Characteristics of Packed Bed HF Bipolar Liquid Solution Plasmas International conference
O.L.Li, J.S. Chang, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Solution Plasma-based Synthesis of Spherical Carbon Nanostructures Having Large Pore Volume for Air Cathode of Li/air Battery International conference
J. Kang, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
A model for Electron Impact Dissociation Ionization of Organosilicon Molecules International conference
Y. Yun, M. Lee, Y.Inoue, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Synthesis and Characteristics of Metal-free Nitrogen Doped Nanocarbon Materials for Oxygen Reduction Reaction International conference
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
A Reaction Mechanism of Organosilicon Plasma for SiO:CH Thin Films International conference
Y. Yun, M. Lee, Y. Inoue, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Microstructure Study of Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
S. P. Cho, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Hard and Transparent Diamond-like Carbon Films at Low Temperature Deposition International conference
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Effect of Surface Wettability and Surface Functional Groups on Peptide Adsorption International conference
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles Through Solution Plasma Process International conference
Y. K. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Fabrication of Shape-controlled Metal Nanodot Array by Electrostatistically?driven Self-assembly as well as their Charge Injection Properties International conference
R. Sumi, T. Hosoi, H. Watanave, X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito, N. Zettsu
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition
High Rate DC Reactive Sputtering of SiO2 films with a new rotary cathode International conference
H. Kojima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Properties of ITO Films Prepared using Highly Dense plasma-assisted Electron Beam Evaporation( HDPE) Process International conference
H. Kojima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Effects of Substrate Temperature on ITO Films using Highly Dense Plasma-assisted Electron Beam Evaporation (HDPE) Process International conference
H. Kojima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Effect of Surrounding Chemistry on the Size of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma International conference
M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Fabrication of Shape-controlled Metal Nanodot Array by Electrostatically-driven Self-Assembly as well as their Charge Injection Properties International conference
R. Sumi, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito, N. Zettsu
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Sputtering in Various Solvents International conference
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Study of Ag2O doped SnO2-Graphene Nanoparticles as Possible Anode Materials for Utilizing High Performance Li-ion Batteries International conference
J. Sornsakdanuphap, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Orientarion Control of Textured SrTiO3 Thin Films on Platinized Al2O3 by Ion Beam Deposition International conference
G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Surface Properties of Nanocarbon Materials Covered with High-density Amino Functional Groupslicon International conference
F. Tanabe, T. Yamamoto, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles on Carbon for Lithium-air Battery Applications International conference
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S.P. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma for Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles International conference
D. Fujimoto, J. Hieda, M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Solution Plasma-assisted Surface Functionalization of Grapheme Sheets for Enhancement of the Solubility in Water International conference
N. Tsuda, T. Ueno, S.P.Cho, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
High-dense Decoration of Mesoporous Silica Inner Wallswith Ag Nanoclusters through a Modified SolutionPlasma Processing International conference
Y. Tanida, N. Zettsu,T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Synthesis of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Material by Controlling Reaction Field by Oscillating Reaction International conference
T. Sudare, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Spectroscopic Characterization of Specific Water in Silica Nano Pores International conference
Y. Aoki, T. Ueno, M.A. Bratescu, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films
Soluthion Plasma-Assisted Surface Functionalization of Chemicaly Converted Graphene Sheet toward an Enhancement of Solubility in Solution International conference
N. Tsuda, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, S.P. Cho, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition
Synthesis of Carbon Nanoballs, Covered by CNTs with Metallic Conductivity International conference
K. Ohno, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition
Solution Plasma Assisted Surface Decoration of Chemically Converted Graphene Sheet with Various Metallica Nanoparticles International conference
K. Sadasue, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition
Mechanism of Au Nanoparticles Formation in Solution Plasma International conference
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition
Anticorrosive Performance of Fluorinated Double Layered Hydroxide Film Formed on Magnesium Alloy International conference
T. Ishizaki, N. Saito, M. Sakamoto
Nanostructured Materials and Surfaces by Plasma Processing International conference
Application of Solution Plasma in Food Processing
O.L. Li, N. Saito, O. Takai
田辺郁,カン ジュン,山本泰望,上野智永,是津信行,齋藤永宏,高井治
青木淑恵,ブラテスク マリア アントアネッタ,上野智永,是津信行,齋藤永宏
青木淑恵,上野智永,M. A. Bratescu,是津信行,齋藤永宏
Layer Thickness Dependence on Crystallographic and Surface Structure of SrTiO3 Base Superlattices Fabricated by Ion Beam Deposition
P. Gasidit,上野智永,是津信行,齋藤永宏,高井治
S. Jirapong,上野智永,是津信行,齋藤永宏
Solution Plasma Processing International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
The 8th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
Contribution of Speciation of Aqueous HAuCl4 Solution on Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma International conference
M. A. Bratescu, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle Modified Carbon and Application for Lithium-Air Batery International conference
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S.P. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
The 8th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
カン ジュン,上野智永,是津信行,高井治,齋藤永宏
Morphology and Adhesion Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating Using Bias Conditions
Disinfection and Descomposition of Chemical Compounds by Solution Plasma
Li Oi Lun,齋藤永宏,高井治
Biomimetic Materials Processing ~ a cold plasma in cold solution ~ International conference
N. Saito
12th International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2011)
Adhesion Control of Bacteria with Micropatterned Superhydrophobic/Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic/Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Surfaces International conference
N. Andreeva, T. Ishizaki, N. Saito
酸素還元活性発現を目指した金属フリー窒素ドープカーボンの合成, 第72回応用物理学会学術講演会
定末佳祐,是津信行,上野智永,高井治, 齋藤永宏
Hydrophobic Layered Double Hydroxide Film Formed on Magnesium Alloy toward Corrosion Protection International conference
T. Ishizaki, K. Teshima, N. Saito, M. Sakamoto
Optical Transparency and Hardness of Diamond-like Carbon Deposited by PECVD under Different Hydrogen Dilutions International conference
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
The 8th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
Discharge Characteristics of Packed Bed HF Bipolar Liquid Solution Plasmas and Their Applications International conference
Jen-Shih Chang, O.L. Helena Li, K. Urashima, J. Hieda, O. Takai, N. Saito
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
Application of Integrated Micro Solution Plasma to Decomposition of Organic Substances in Water International conference
T. Shirafuji, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
Studies of Structural Characteristics of Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated by a Glow Discharge in Aqueous International conference
S.P. Cho, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
Gaseous and Solid By-Products Generated from Thermal Plasma Cell-Phone Waste Treatment International conference
O.L.Li, B. Ruj, J.S. Chang, N. Saito, O. Takai, T. Inaba and G. Pietsch
Proc of International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
Wastewater, Drinking water and Sludge-water Treatment by Solution Plasma International conference
O.L.Li, N.Saito, O.Takai
Progress in new methods of water and waste water cleaning
Decane Reformation by a DC Electrohydrodyanmic Atomization International conference
D. Brocilo, J.-S. Chang, D. Ewing, H. Hirata and S. Matsumoto,P. Fanson, O.L.Li, N.Saito, K.Urashima and O.Takai
International Conference of Dielectric Liquid
Rpidly Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Well-Defined Gold Clusters by Solution Plasma Sputtering International conference
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics(STAC5) and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Stuructured Metallic and Inorganic Materials(AMDI2)
Influence of Solution Plasma Characteristics on the Synthesized Au Nanoparticles International conference
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics(STAC5) and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Stuructured Metallic and Inorganic Materials(AMDI2)
Fabrication of Surface Modification for the Selective Immobilization of Bacteria
Nano・Biomedicine Symposium
A Novel Method for the Synthesis of Sphericaal Metal Particles by a Solution Plasma Process International conference
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2011)
Characteristics of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Films Grown by RF Plasma Enanced CVD International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Synthesis of Spherical Carbon Nanoball and its Application for Air Electrodes in Lithium/Air Batteries International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Solution Plasma: A Spectroscopic Analysis of the Decomposition Mechanism International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Effect of Transition-metal Doping on the Optical Properties of Carbon Thin Films International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Simple Fabrication of Spherical Metal Particles Using a Solution Plasma Process International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Organic Functional Group Modification of Graphene by Solution Plasma International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Fabrication of Boron-doped Diamond Nanograss Array by Oxygen Plasma Treatment International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Spectroscopic Prove of a Water Cage Effect on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
AminoFunctionalizaion on SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica by Solution Plasma as the Active Site for Au Nanoparticles Growth International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Spectroscopic Investigation of Bound Water in Mesoporous Silica International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Structural Properties and Microsructures of SrTiO3/SrTi1-xNbxTiO3 Superlattices Grown by Ion Beam Deposition International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Surface Modification of Mesoporous Silica by Solution Plasma Treatment International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
Fabrication of Au/Pt Bimetallic Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma International conference
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design
The Effect of Solution Plasma on the Crosslinking of Gelatin International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
On The Possibility of Micro-solution Plasma for Materials Processing International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Anti-stain Surface Treatment for Housing Wet Area International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Spatial Structure of Cytoskeleton in Whole Mount Cell International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Adhesion of DLC Films on Polymer Materials International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Synthesis of Carbon Nanoball and its Application for Lithium/Air Batteries International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Microtribological Behavior of Poly Styrene Sulfonate Sodium Salt Brush International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Superhydrophobic Treatment at a Local Area Using Atmospheric Presssure Plasma Jet International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Contribution of Speciation of Aqueous HAuCl4 Solution on Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Au Nanoparticles Growth on Amino-SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica Functionalized by Solution Plasma International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Synthesis of Solica Composite Materials Using Solution Plasma International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Synthesis and Characterization of CNBs by Infrared Thermal CVD International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Surface Modification of Nano-carbon Materials by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Bound Water in Mesoporous Silica International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Hue Control of Transparent Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Thin Film Induced by Transition Metal Doping International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Controllable Synthesis of Spherical Particles Using a Solution Plasma Process International conference
Eleventh International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-11)
Optical diagnostics of solution plasma for nanomaterials processing International conference
The 40th Korean Vacuum Society's liquid plasma session
Fabrication of Surface Modification for the Selective Immobilization of Bacteria International conference
Nano Biomedicine Symposium
Etchig of Diamond with Excess Boron Dopant Atoms Leads to Vertically Aligned Diamond Whiskers International conference
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2011)
A Novel Method for the Synthesis of Sphericaal Metal Particles by a Solution Plasma Process International conference
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2011)
Structural Characteristics of Au Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2011)
Contribution of Speciatin of Aquaeous HAuCl4 during Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma International conference
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2011)
Attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy of coumarin organosilane molecules adsorbed on a silica surface International conference
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
Pacifichem 2010
In-situ Monitoring of Organic Pollutants Degradation in Pulsed Plasma by Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy International conference
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
American Vacuum Society, 57th International Symposium
Contribution of Speciation of Aquaeous HAuCl4 during Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma International conference
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC20 - 2010
Creating biointerface on polymer by Plasma-Initiated Graft Polymerization
平成21年度 日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会東海支部学術討論会
社団法人 日本原子力学会中部支部「先端技術と原子力」研究専門委員会
Fabrication of transparent DLC with high adhesion on polymer materials by SiOx incorporation and plasma pre-treatment
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ. Joint Symposium
自己組織化単分子膜 (SAM) 形成技術による機能性織物の開発
ソリューションプラズマを用いた 多層カーボンナノチューブの表面改質とフィラー特性
日本学術振興会 プラズマ材料科学第153委員会 第96回研究会
Fabrication and Characterization of Nano-carbon Material Reinforced Plastic by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
Asia Pacific Interfinish 2010
Formation of Size Regulated Platinum Nanoparticles synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
Amino Functionalization on SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica using Solution Plasma and its ability for Gold Nanoparticles Growth International conference
2010 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (From Mirco & NanoScale Systems to Robotics & Mechatronics Systems)
Adsorption Behavior of Human Serum Albumin and Fibrinogen onto Poly(styrene sulfonate) Brush International conference
2010 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (From Mirco & NanoScale Systems to Robotics & Mechatronics Systems)
Synthesis of Silica Composite Materials with Solution Plasma International conference
2010 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (From Mirco & NanoScale Systems to Robotics & Mechatronics Systems)
Growth and Chatacterizations of Heteroepitaxial Nb-doped SrTiO3 Thin Films by Ar/O2 Ion Beam Deposition International conference
2010 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (From Mirco & NanoScale Systems to Robotics & Mechatronics Systems)
Adhesion properties of transparent DLC films on polymer substrates International conference
The 1st Korea-Japan Symposium on Surface Technology
Studies of Structural and Dispersal Characteristics of characteristics of Au nanoparticles synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
The 1st Korea-Japan Symposium on Surface Technology
UV-Attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy: a powerful tool for interfacial processes analysis International conference
The 1st Korea-Japan Symposium on Surface Technology
Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Water Confined in Mesoporous Silica International conference
2011 MRS Fall Meeting
Attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy of coumarin organosilane molecules adsorbed on a silica surface International conference
Pacifichem 2010
Organic Modification of Graphene by SPP
Synthesis of Well-Defined Carbon Nanoballs Using Thermal CVD by Infrared Heating International conference
Asia Pacific Interfinish 2010
Nanostructure and Surface function for Self-assembly International conference
International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2010)
Solution Plasma Processing for Nanomaterials Cold Plasma in Water International conference
The 24th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology
Surface characteristics of super hydrophilic polyelectrolyte bush International conference
6th Coatings Science International 2010
Solution Plasma Processing Cold Plasma in Water International conference
China-Japan-Korea 2010 Strategic Seminar on New Materials (CJK-SSNM 2010)
Nanoparticles synthesis through solution plasma processing International conference
Creation of Super Hydrophobic Inner Surface of Narrow Tubes by ICP-CVD Using Trimethylmethoxysilane International conference
International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2010)
Modification of Self-Organized Chemical Bonding Structure of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon using Si Doping International conference
International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2010)
Solution Plasma Processing of Nano Carbon Materials and Its Effects on Their Self-Organized Dispersion in Plastic Materials International conference
International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2010)
Progress in Biomimetic Materials Processing International conference
Solution Plasma Processing (SPP) of Materials International conference
One Batch Process for Ag Nanoparticles Impregnation and Template Removal on Mesoporous Silica International conference
2nd Japan-Korea Joint Forum on Sol-Gel Science and Technology
Morphology of HF Bipolar Liquid Solution Plasmas: Effect of Liquid Conductivity and Electrode Gap Distances International conference
10th Asia-Pasific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 23th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)
Decomposition of Organic Materials using Dielectric Barrier Discharges with Porous Dielectric Electrodes International conference
10th Asia-Pasific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 23th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)
Structure modification of Si doped DLC films using oxygen doping and its adhesion property on polycarbonate substrate International conference
10th Asia-Pasific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 23th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)
Iron redox reactions in liquid plasma during Fe2O3 nanostructures synthesis International conference
10th Asia-Pasific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 23th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)
Solution Plasma for template removal in Mesoporous Silica: pH and Discharge Time-Varying Characteristics International conference
10th Asia-Pasific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 23th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)
Adhesion improvement of DLC films on polymer materials via silicon/oxygen doping and plasma-pretreatments International conference
Diamond 2010 (21st European Conference on Diamond, Diamond- Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides)
Simultaneous Ag Nanoparticles Impregnation on Mesoporous Silica and Organic Template Removal using Solution Plasma International conference
3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials (ANM2010)
Structural characteristics of Au nanoparticles synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
International Union of Materials Research Societies
Organic modification of graphene sheet by Solution Plasma International conference
International Union of Materials Research Societies
Chemical Synthesis and Modification of Graphene Sheet to Improve Electron Transfer of Battery Anode International conference
International Union of Materials Research Societies
Water-repellent thin film deposition using a gas-liquid mixed-phase plasma jet International conference
63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas
Differences in nano structure on PET films formed with low-pressure and atmospheric pressure plasmas International conference
63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas
In-situ Monitoring of Organic Pollutants Degradation in Pulsed Plasma by Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy International conference
AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
LIF Surface Distribution Analysis of Minute Amounts of Fluorescent Substance International conference
Asia Pacific Interfinish 2010
Surface modification of iron oxide/silica core/shell nanoparticles with poly(styrene sulfonate) brush for cells adhesion International conference
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
2009 MRS Fall Meeting
Spectroscopic investigations of chemical reactions in liquids plasma International conference
C. Miron, M. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
Kinetics analysis of iron ion reduction in liquid plasma International conference
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
Comparison between Fe/silica nanostructures prepared via a liquid plasma process and a sonication method International conference
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
XAFS Analysis of Gold Nanoparticle Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
The 9th Korea-Japan Workshop
稗田純子、ブラテスク マリア、齋藤永宏、高井 治
表面技術協会 第119回講演大会
市野善道、齋藤永宏高井 治
表面技術協会 第119回講演大会
白 相珉、齋藤永宏高井 治
表面技術協会 第119回講演大会
齋藤永宏、POOTAWANG Panuphong, 高井 治
表面技術協会 第119回講演大会
Advanced solution plasma processing ~Cold Plasma in Water ~<BR> International conference
International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2009)
第2回 名古屋大学 材料バックキャストテクノロジーシンポジウム<BR>「次世代グリーンビークルに向けた材料テクノロジーの展開」
第50回 真空に関する連合講演会
Effect of Nano-Bubbles on Generation of Solution Plasma International conference
22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-22 第22回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム)
Creation of Multi-Functional Biointerface Using by<BR>Plasma-Processing International conference
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009), International Union of Materials Research Societies-<BR>International Conference in Asia 2009 (IUMRS-ICA 2009)
Solution plasma fabrication of Au/Pt bimetallic nanoparticles International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
Kinetics analysis of iron ion reduction in liquid plasma International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
液中プラズマを用いたPd ナノ粒子合成におけるpHの影響
Needle Electrodes Erosion in Water Plasma Discharge International conference
The 9th Korea-Japan Workshop
Oxidizing potential of liquid plasma discharge - OH radical in plasma and liquid solution International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
XAFS Analysis of Gold Nanoparticle Synthesized in Solution Plasma International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19 (ISPC-19) Pre-Symposium
Time and pH Dependence in Template Removal from Single Crystal Mesoporous Silica using Solution Plasma Process International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19 (ISPC-19) Pre-Symposium
Gas barrier properties of carbon films formed by plasma processing<BR>on polymer material International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19 (ISPC-19) Pre-Symposium
Preparation and Characterization of Nanocomposite Materials containing Nanofillers Modified by Solution Plasma International conference
22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-22 第22回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム)
Primary Physical Factor of Solution Plasma reaction field International conference
22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-22 第22回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム)
Improved oxygen gas transmission of polymer material by DLC coating International conference
22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-22 第22回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム)
Wear and anticorrosion characteristics of DLC films prepared by pulse plasma CVD International conference
22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-22 第22回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム)
Time-varying Characteristic in Template Removal from Single Crystal Mesoporous Silica by Solution Plasma International conference
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009), International Union of Materials Research Societies-<BR>International Conference in Asia 2009 (IUMRS-ICA 2009)
Effects of Pulse Bias on Optical Transparency of DLC Films by ICP-CVD International conference
The 9th Korea-Japan Workshop
鈴木和也、村上達洋、石黒義和、山本泰望、竹内 正、下川原厚男、石崎貴裕、齋藤永宏、高井 治<BR>
表面技術協会 第119回講演大会
2009年秋季 第70回 応用物理学会 学術講演会
2009年秋季 第70回 応用物理学会 学術講演会
2009年秋季 第70回 応用物理学会 学術講演会
2009年秋季 秋期(第145回)大会 (日本金属学会)
Ultra Water Repellent Film Deposited on Inner Surface of Narrow Tube by ICP-CVD International conference
The 9th Korea-Japan Workshop
Organic Template Removal of Single Crystal Mesoporous Silica using Solution Plasma Process International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
Spectroscopic investigations of chemical reactions in liquids plasma International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
Solution plasma synthesis and catalytic property of platinum nanoparticles supported on carbon nanoballs International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
Ultra-water repellent modification of biological soft-materials using atmospheric plasma and self-assembled monolayer International conference
International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry19(ISPC19)
2009年秋季 第70回 応用物理学会 学術講演会
2009年秋季 第70回 応用物理学会 学術講演会
Nanostructure and Surface Function for Biomaterials International conference
3rd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC3)
Evaluation of Properties of Magnetite Teeth of Chiton International conference
3rd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC3)
Design and preparation of nanostructured thin films for biomimetic surfaces International conference
SPIE Optics + Photonics 2009
Polyamide 6(PA6)モノマーグラフト化 CNT/PA6 コンポジット材料の開発と評価
2009年秋季 秋期(第145回)大会 (日本金属学会)
プラズマ CVD を用いた単結晶 ZnO 薄膜の作製
2009年秋季 秋期(第145回)大会 (日本金属学会)
Oxygen Gas Barrier Properties Related with Structure of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films by ICP-CVD International conference
The 31st International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2009)
Single Crystal Mesoporous Silica using Solution Plasma Process for Template Removal
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Anti-bacterial Glaze of Sanitary ware Containing Silver Ion
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of electrical discharges in bubbled water
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Added Salt Effect on a Fibrinogen Immobilization Kinetics at a Polelectrolyte Brush
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Controlling Particle Size of Carbon Nanoballs by Changing Synthesis Condition
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Roughness modification of metallic surfaces treated by a pulsed water discharge
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Electrode erosion in Solution Plasma Process
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
ミロンカメリア、ブラテスク マリア アントアネタ、齋藤永宏、高井 治
ブラテスク マリア アントアネタ、齋藤永宏、高井 治
アペトロアエイ ニコライ、藤田翔平、齋藤永宏、高井 治
遠藤洋史、宮原康弘、齋藤永宏、高井 治
2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Chemical dynamics of protein adsorption and desorption on regulated surfaces in aqueous solutions International conference
Spring 2009 National Meeting & Exposition
Adsorption of protein on polyelectrolyte brush surface International conference
Spring 2009 National Meeting & Exposition
Pt/CNB ( 白金ナノ粒子担持カーボンナノボール) 合成条件と白金担持量
POOTAWANG Panuphong、齋藤永宏、高井 治
日本金属学会 2009年春期(第114回)講演大会
鈴木和也、李 先炯、齋藤永宏、高井 治
日本金属学会 2009年春期(第114回)講演大会
超はっ水/PEG マイクロテンプレートを用いた微生物の位置選択的固定化
樋口晶生、宮原康弘、齋藤永宏、高井 治
日本金属学会 2009年春期(第114回)講演大会
稗田純子、野口陽平、齋藤永宏、高井 治
日本金属学会 2009年春期(第114回)講演大会
ソリューションプラズマ反応によるCu 微粒子の作製と評価
日本金属学会 2009年春期(第114回)講演大会
樋口晶生、齋藤永宏、高井 治
2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会
表面波プラズマ開始グラフト重合によるPET表面親水化処理および細胞接着性の制御析<BR> 学会名等:2009年<BR>
2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会
趙 星彪、西垣 拓、齋藤永宏、高井 治
2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会
松井 淳、石川裕幸、竹内宏樹、津田早登、井上泰志、高井 治
2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会
Plasma Nanomaterials Processing
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
19th MRS-J Academic Symposium
Kinetics and Thermodynamics Study of Protein Adsorption Using in-situ UV Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy
M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
Ninth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-9)
Solution-plasma Reforming of Gold Nanoparticles International conference
Plasma Processing Science (Gordon research conference
Synthesis of Shape-Controlled Gold Nanoparticles using Discharge in Aqueous Solution International conference
Interfinish 2008
Analysis and Diagnosis of Reactions on the Interface between Plasma and Solution International conference
Interfinish 2008
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-based Nanoparticles by Electrode Erosion in Liquid Discharge International conference
Interfinish 2008
In-situ Study of Bacterial S-layer Protein Binding Process with Noble Metal Surface International conference
Interfinish 2008
Synthesis of Face-Centered Tetragonol FePt Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma International conference
Interfinish 2008
Synthesis of FePt Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma in Aqueous Solution International conference
Fabrication of shape-controlled nanoparticles using ionic surfactant in solution plasma International conference
The 3rd International School of Advanced Plasma Technology
Synthesis Mechanism of Gold Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma International conference
The 3rd International School of Advanced Plasma Technology
櫻井 宙、齋藤永宏、高井 治
ソリューションプラズマを用いた合成における金ナノ粒子溶解現象へのpH の影響
稗田純子、齋藤永宏、高井 治
プラズマCVDを用いたZnO:N 薄膜の作製と評価
鈴木健太郎、齋藤永宏、高井 治
御田村 紘志、齋藤永宏、高井 治
宮原康弘、齋藤永宏、高井 治
市野善道、御田村紘志、齋藤永宏、高井 治
御田村 紘志、齋藤永宏、高井 治
藤川理大、齋藤永宏、高井 治
森 貴昭、齋藤永宏、高井 治
藤田翔平、齋藤永宏、高井 治
Solution Plasma Processing for Nanoparticles International conference
ISGLP 2008
Chemical Reaction of Carboxyl Acids in Solution Plasma International conference
ISGLP 2008
Water Plasma Discharge Studied by Optical Emission Spectroscopy International conference
ISGLP 2008
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-based Nanoparticles vis Solution Plasma International conference
ISGLP 2008
Interpretation of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma with Quantitative Underprinning International conference
ISGLP 2008
Protection Ability of Surfactant for Copper Nanoparticles in Solution Plasma International conference
ISGLP 2008
Formation Process of Gold Nanoparticles in Solution Plasma
Materials Science and Nanotechnology for the 21th Century
Solution Plasma Processing for Nanomaterials
Materials Science and Nanotechnology for the 21th Century
N. Saito
鈴木健太郎、齋藤永宏、高井 治
李 京熙、 齋藤永宏、高井
稗田純子、齋藤永宏、高井 治
藤田翔平、齋藤永宏、高井 治
稗田純子、宮原康弘、齋藤永宏、高井 治
Biomimetic Materials Processing International conference
Crystallinity of ZnO thin films prepared by RF plasma CVD International conference
Interfinish 2008
Longtime hydrophilicity of PET Surface fabricated by Surface Wave Plasma-Initiated Graft Polymerization International conference
Interfinish 2008
Effect of O2 and CO2 Gases Addition on Hardness of Ultra Water Repellent Film Prepared by MPECVD International conference
Interfinish 2008
Adhesion Control of Bacteria with Micropatterned Super-Hydrophobic/Super-Hydrophilic and Super-Hydrophobic/Poly(Ethelene Glycol) Surfaces International conference
Interfinish 2008
Electrode Erosion in Water Plasma Discharge International conference
Interfinish 2008
Electrochromic Phenomenon Originated in Surface Reaction International conference
Interfinish 2008
Etching Effect of Solution Plasma on Gold Nanoparticles<BR>学会名等:Interfinish 2008<BR> International conference
Interfinish 2008
Diagnosis of an Electrical Discharge Generated Between Electrodes with Different Electron Emission Ability in Ultrapure Water International conference
Interfinish 2008
UV-ATR spectroscopy of silane adsorption on silicae International conference
Anti-bacterial Ceramics Containing Ag Ion in the Glaze
Model of Low Friction on Silicon DLC Film
Crystallinity of ZnO thin films prepared by RF plasma CVD<BR> 学会名等:IUMRS-ICA 200<BR>
御田村 紘志、齋藤永宏、高井 治
Erosion on needle electrodes in water plasma discharge International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
Surface Modification by Solution Plasma-induced Chemical Reactions International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
Fabrication of Polymer-grafted Carbon Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-based Nanoparticles via Liquid Glow Discharge International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
Ion transfer effect between liquid and plasma phase in solution plasma on synthesis of gold nanoparticles International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
Copper nanoparticles with protective functionalized-polymer synthesized by short-pulsed discharge in aqueous solution International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
The Effect of Low Emissivity Electrodes on the Reactive Species Generation in the Pulsed Electrical Discharges in Ultrapure Water International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
Electrochromic Properties of InN:Sn films Deposited by Reactive Evaporation International conference
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology
In-situ ATR-UV Spectroscopy of Adsorption-Desorption Isotherms of Silane on Silica International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Fabrication of Micro-Templates for the Control of Bacterial Immobilization International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Kinetic Study of Protein Adsorption on Polyelectrolyte Brush Surface International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Excited Species by Shorter-Pulsed Electrical Discharges in Aqueous Solutions: Effect of Electrodes with Low Work Function International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Optimization of Hardness of Ultra Water Repellent Silica-Based Film by Tuning Surface Structure and Film Matrix International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Characterization of Platinum Catalyst Supported on Carbon Nanoballs Prepared by Solution Plasma Processing International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Effect of Dissolved gases and Ions onto Solution Plasma Fields International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Organic Compounds Synthesized by Short-Pulsed Discharge in Aqueous Solution International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Effect of Water Pulsed Plasma on Electrode Surface International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Decoloration of Organic Dyes by Bipolar Pulsed Electrical Discharge in Aqueous Solution International conference
AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition
Study of Protein Adsorption onto a Polymer Film by in-situ UV Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy. International conference
MRS fall meeting 2008
Multi-shaped Nanogold Prepared by Non-thermal Plasma in Aqueous Solution and the Biocompatibility. International conference
MRS fall meeting 2008
Solution-Plasma Synthesis of FePt Nanoparticles Supported onto CNTs International conference
MRS fall meeting 2008
Surface Modification of Nanoparticles Induced by Solution Plasma International conference
MRS fall meeting 2008
A Novel Method for Organic Template Removal Using by Solution Plasma Process for Single Crystal Mesoporous Silica Synthesis International conference
The 1st Korea-Japan Joint Forum on Sol-Gel Scinece and Technology
Surface Modification of Carbon Nanoball by Using Solution Plasma
UV-ATR Polarization Spectroscopy of Self-Assembled Coumarin Monolayer
The wide band gap semiconductor electrodes influence on the time evolution of the reactive species generated in pulsed electrical discharges in lipuids International conference
Plasma Processing Science (Gordon research conference
Analysis of Reactions in Solution Plasma International conference
Plasma Processing Science (Gordon research conference
Electrode Erosion and Nanoparticles Reduction in Solution Plasma Process International conference
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-based Nanoparticles using Liquid Discharge and Cu electrode International conference
Analysis of Protected Copper Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma
Relation between Surface Roughness and Mechanical Property of the Ultra Water Repellency Films
Polymeric Coatings Used by Plasma-Initiated Graft Polymerization for Fabrication of Biointerface
The Influence of Physicochemical Properties to Bacterial Adsorption to Material Surfaces
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles Using Solution Glow Discharge
Added Salt Effect on a Fibrinogen Adsorption Kinetics at a Planer Strong Polyelectrolyte Brush
Controlling Particle Size of Carbon Nanoballs by Adjustment of Gas Mass Flow
Evaluation of Polyelectrolyte Brush Surface
Diagnosis of a Self Assembled-Monolayer on Paper Surface at Atmosphere Pressure
Effect of Ion Concentration on Plasma State in Liquid
Optical Diagnostic of the Reactive Species Generated in the After Glow Regions of Electrical Pulsed Discharges in Ultrapure Wate
Novel Method for Organic Template Removal Assisted by Solution Plasma Process in Single Crystal Mesoporous Silica Synthesis
P. Pootawang, N. Saito and O. Takai
日本金属学会 2007年(第140回)大会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
液中プラズマによるPt ナノコロイドの合成
日本金属学会 2007年(第140回)大会
日本金属学会 2007年(第140回)大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
応用物理学会 2007年春季第54回学術講演会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
表面技術協会 第115回講演大会
Collagen polymerization on nano-porous membranes by MW plasma
The 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processing and Diagnostics
Chemical conversion memory of self-Assembled monolayer through nano-probe electrochemistry
The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology
表面技術協会 第114回講演大会
2006年(平成18年) 第16回学生による材料フォーラム
Sterilization of Escherichia coli using pulse plasma discharge in aqueous solution
The 17th Symposium of The Materials Research Society of Japan
Effect of discharge mode in water on sterilization process
The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processing and Diagnostics & Thin Film Technology for Electronic Materials
Surface grafting of organic functions on polymers through surface wave plasma irradiation
The 17th Symposium of The Materials Research Society of Japan
Fabrication of polymer-brush on polymer substrates employing microwave exited surface wave plasma
The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processing and Diagnostics & Thin Film Technology for Electronic Materials
Optical Waveguide spectroscopy of DNA molecules adsorbed on an amino-terminated surface
AVS 53rd International Symposium and Exhibition (AVS)
Adsorption mechanism of fibrinogen on SAM surfaces
The 17th Symposium of The materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J)
Fibrinogen adsorption mechanism on hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces
The 16th Korea-Japan Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology
Observation of adsorbed fibrinogen on zeta-potential regulated SAM surface
The 17th Symposium of The Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J)
Fabrication of binary nano/micro sized domain composed of alkyl and fluoroalkylsilane self-assembled monolayer
AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition
Surface Potential Imaging of DNA with self-assembled structures
The 16th international microscopy congress
Mechanical Property of Fibrinogen Protein Acquired by Scanning Probe Microscopy
The 16th international microscopy congress
FESEM observation in formation of the ultra water repellent thin films prepared by PECVD
The 16th international microscopy congress
Singie Molecule Images of Fibrinogen Protein
The 16th international microscopy congress
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Different Silicon Ester Compounds Adsorbed on Silver Nanoparticles
ECOSS 24(European conference on surface science)
Soft Lithography of OD-Monolayer Covalently Linked to Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon through Nano-Probe Anodization
ECOSS 24(European conference on surface science)
Probing into Adsorption Behavior of Human Plasma Fibrinogen on Self-Assembled Monolayers with Different Chemical Properties by Scanning Probe Microscopy
ECOSS 24(European conference on surface science)
Molecular Recognition of Biomolecules on Multifunctional Carbohydrate Pattern
ECOSS 24(European conference on surface science)
SPN analysis of fibrinogen adsorption on solid surfaces
ECOSS 24(European conference on surface science)
Study on the mechanism of photo-induced crystallization of Zinc Oxide thin film with vacuum ultra violet light at 172m
ECOSS 24(European conference on surface science)
2006年秋季 第67回応用物理学会学術講演会
2006年秋季 第67回応用物理学会学術講演会
2006年秋季 第67回応用物理学会学術講演会
2006年秋季 第67回応用物理学会学術講演会
2006年秋季 第67回応用物理学会学術講演会
2006年秋季 第67回応用物理学会学術講演会
Diagnosis of organosilane plasma in formation of ultra water repellent thin films by PECVD method
8th Asia ? pacific conference on plasma science and technology and 19th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials
Dehradation of Bacteria in Liquid Medium Using Speceal Type of Plasma Dielectric Barrier Discharage Reactor
8th Asia ? pacific conference on plasma science and technology and 19th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials
Comparative Surface Analysis by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
8th International Conference on Adnanced Surface Engineering
Study on Photo-and Plasuma-Calcination Process for Preparation of Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide Thin Films
8th International Conference on Adnanced Surface Engineering
Deposition process of ultra water-repellent thin films by PECVD method
The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology
Synthesis of gold nanoparticles using solution plasma processing (SPP)
The 4th international workshop on advanced plasma processing and diagnostics & thin film technology for electronic materials
Behavior analysis of various organosilicon molecules in PECVD processes
AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition
Behavior of intramolecular bondings of organosilicon reactants in PECVD processes for SiO:CH films
The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology
Electrochromic properties of InN films prepared by oblique-angle evaporation with active nitrogen source
The 17th Symposium of The Materials Reserch Society of Japan(MRS-J)
Columnar shape control of electrochromic indium nitride films by using glancing-angle reactive evaporation method
28th International Symposium on Dry Process
High controllability of columnar structure in indium nitride films prepared by oblique-angle evaporation with active nitrogen source
The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology
Columnar shape control of electrochromic indium nitride films by using glancing-angle reactive evaporation method
7th International Meeting on ELECTROCHROMISM
Behavior analysis of organosilane molecules in plasmas for fabrication of SiOCH thin films
The 27th International Symposium on Dry Process
Formation of ultra water-repellent thin films in organosilane plasma by PECVD method
AVS 53th international symposium & exhibition
Single molecule images of fibrinogen protein
The 16th international microscopy congress
Biomolecule detection by evanescent wave absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy
17th MRS-J Academic Symposium
Study of deoyribonucleic acid adsorption by UV absorption on an optical waveguide surface
The 6th Korea-Japna Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology
Detection of deoxyribonucleic acid on different group terminated surfaces by evanescent wave spectroscopy
28th International Symposium on Dry Processes
Super-hydrophobic surface through plasma enhanced CVD and its application toward living cell
4th international conference on advanced plasma processing and diagnostics
Plasma polymerizaiton in dontinuous and pulsed modes for deposition of amine rich films
PSE2006 (10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Enginiiring )
A micropatterned multifunctional carbohydrate display by an orthogonal self-assembling strategy
17th MRS-Japan Academic Symposium
日本金属学会 2006秋期講演大会
日本金属学会 2006秋期講演大会
日本金属学会 2006秋期講演大会
Treatment of Different Plastic Materials by Surface Wave Plasma
International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference in Asia-2006
Behavior of Various Organosilicon Molecules in PECVD Processes for Hydrocarbon-doped Oxide Films
International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference in Asia-2006
The Study on Mechanism of Gold Particles Symthesis using Plasma Discharge in Aqueous Solution
International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference in Asia-2006
Synthesis of palm to smart carbon materials by the solution plasma processing
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
酸化銀をドープした酸化スズ-グラフェンナノ複合材料の特性評価 International conference
S. Jirapong, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
酸素ドープ窒化インジウム薄膜のバンドギャップエネルギーの制御 International conference
大野 一佳, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤 永宏
第4回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム 2012.10.22
酸素ドープ窒化インジウム薄膜のバンドギャップエネルギー制御 International conference
大野一佳, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
平成24年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2012.12.10
酸素還元活性発現を目指した金属フリー窒素ドープカーボンの合成, 第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 International conference
秋山慎太朗, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011.8.31
Theoretical reaction analysis for oxygen reduction on metal nanocluster International conference
金属ナノクラスター表面における酸素還元反応の論理的解析 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第22回学生による材料フォーラム 2012.11.22
金属フリーナノカーボンによる酸素還元活性の発現 International conference
秋山慎太朗, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
金属フリー窒素ドープ炭素材料の合成と酸素還元活性 International conference
秋山慎太朗, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
平成23年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2011.9.26
金属型CNT-CNBハイブリッド材料の開発 International conference
大野一佳, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
集積化マイクロソリューションプラズマの生成 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
電子スピン共鳴法を用いた水−アルコール混合溶液中ソリューションプラズマ反応場の活性種の解明 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2013.9.16
電極間距離の自動制御によるソリューションプラズマ反応場の精密測定 International conference
木口崇彦, 許容康, 齋藤永宏
第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2013.9.16
非水系リチウム空気電池における多孔質カーボン電極の孔構造分析 International conference
森下翔平, Li Oi Lun Helena, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
高繰り返し周波数領域でのソリューションプラズマによるカーボン合成 International conference
玄 光龍, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
表面技術学会 2015.9.8
遷移金属ドープによる透明水素化アモルファスカーボン膜の色相制御と機械的特性 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
赤外加熱CVDにより合成したCNBの特性評価 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
透明炭素膜の色相制御とその物性評価 International conference
表面技術協会第123回講演大会 2011
表面官能基の異なるSAM表面におけるペプチド吸着挙動 International conference
渡会冬樹, 上野智永, 是津信行, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.19
ラングミュアプローブ法によるソリューションプラズマの診断 International conference
市川洋平, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会 2012.9.27
リチウムイオン電導体の電子状態制御 International conference
澤 昂平, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤 永宏
第4回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム 2012.10.22
リチウム空気電池のCu-Fe触媒担持カーボン電極材料の作製 International conference
高橋亮, Oi Lun Li Helena, 齋藤永宏
2013年電気化学秋季大会 2013.9.27
リチウム空気電池のCu-Fe触媒担持カーボン電極材料の合成と評価 International conference
高橋亮, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2014年春期(第154回)講演大会 2014.3.21
リチウム空気電池正極材料としてのメソポアカーボン担体の合成 International conference
ジュン カン, Helena Li Oi Lun, 齋藤永宏
第73回応用物理学会学術講演会 2012.9.11
リチウム空気電池正極材料としてのメソポアカーボン担体の合成 International conference
ジュン カン, Helena Li Oi Lun, 齋藤永宏
第73回応用物理学会学術講演会 2012.9.11
分光法によるメソポーラスシリカ細孔内制御水の調査 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
分光法を用いたメソポーラスシリカ細孔内水の振動解析 International conference
青木淑恵, 上野智永, M. A. Bratescu, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会, 2011.9.22
分子軌道法による金属ナノクラスター上酸素還元過程解析 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第151回日本金属学会 2012.9.17
分子軌道法による金属ナノクラスター上酸素還元過程解析 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
資源素材学会 平成24年度秋期大会 2012.9.11
分子軌道法を用いた金属ナノクラスター表面での酸素還元反応の解析 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会 2012.9.27
分子軌道法計算による金属ナノクラスターの構造安定性と反応性に関する解析 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2013年秋期(第153回)講演大会 2013.9.17
回路構造を利用したソリューションプラズマの特性制御 International conference
Heo Yongkang, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2013.9.16
固体電解質の電子状態制御 International conference
澤 昂平, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
平成24年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2012.12.10
大気圧プラズマと気相成長法を用いた超はっ水膜の作製 International conference
藤本大地, 高橋英昭, 上野智永, 是津信行, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第125回講演大会, 2012.3.14
大気圧プラズマと熱処理を用いた超はっ水膜の作製 International conference
藤本大地, 高橋英昭, 上野智永, 是津信行, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
平成23年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2011.11.28
密度汎関数法による金属ナノクラスター表面上酸素還元反応機構の解析 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第128回表面技術協会 2013.9.24
振動反応による反応場制御による有機/無機ハイブリッド材料お創製 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会, 2011.9.22
振動反応による反応場制御による有機/無機ハイブリッド材料の創製 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
第60回高分子討論会 2011.9.30
機能性表面におけるペプチド吸着挙動の分析 International conference
渡会冬樹, 上野智永, 是津信行, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
次世代触媒・電池の開発 International conference
第10回次世代自動車公開シンポジウム「モビリティ・イノベーション」 2013.3.20
次世代電池正極材料の開発 International conference
第7回グリーンモビリティ連携研究センター公開シンポジウム「次世代電池技術の可能性と未来」 2012.11.28
正極材にカーボンナノボールを用いたリチウム空気電池の放電容量と反応生成物の評価 International conference
森下翔平, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
電気化学会第81回大会 2014.3.29
水がコロコロころがる表面 -超はっ水ー International conference
市民講座 やさしい表面科学 「水」の科学 2013.7.27 日本表面学会中部支部
水中で発生させたプラズマを用いたアルギン酸カルシウムビーズの機能化 International conference
青木淑恵, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
名古屋大学若手女性研究者サイエンスフォーラム 2013.8.8
水-アルコール混合溶液中ソリューションプラズマに反応場における生成ラジカル種の解明 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成25年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2013.12.9
水-アルコール混合溶液中ソリューションプラズマ反応場の解明: 気/液界面への水素結合の影響 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
2015年 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2015.3.11
液中気泡内プラズマにおける気泡サイズ揺らぎの影響, International conference
白藤立, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011.8.30
溶液中プラズマスパッタ法によりナノ材料の合成及び評価 International conference
胡秀蘭, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第125回講演大会, 2012.3.14
物理化学処理~液中プラズマの応用 International conference
第47回 化学工学の進歩講習会 2013.11.15
異なる原料による金属フリー異元素ドープカーボン材料の合成と酸素還元活性 International conference
秋山慎太朗, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.19
真空蒸着法によるチオリシコンの作製 International conference
澤昴平, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
硫化物系固体電解質を用いた薄膜リチウムイオン電池の作製 International conference
澤昴平, 齋藤永宏
平成23年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2011.9.26
窒素含有カーボン材料の合成に辺り、窒素量や窒素配置の制御 International conference
玄光龍, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
一般社団法人表面技術協会 第129回講演大会 2014.3.13
第一原理計算を用いた酸素還元反応に対する白金の触媒性起源解明 International conference
森下哲典, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成27年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2015.12.7
粉砕処理したセルロースのソリューションプラズマによる分解 International conference
根本心平, ワッタナパニット アンヤラット, 齋藤永宏
平成27年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2015.9.8
紫外光電子分光法による金属ナノ粒子の電子状態とその粒径依存性 International conference
水下昌樹, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第128回表面技術協会 2013.9.24
自己組織化メタルドットアレイの作製とフローティングナノドットメモリへの応用 International conference
鷲見竜太郎, 細井卓治, 渡辺平治, 胡周蘭, 高井治, 齋藤永宏, 是津信行
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
自己組織化メタルナノドットアレイの作製及びフローティングナノドットメモリへの応用 International conference
鷲見竜太郎, 是津信行, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏, 細井卓治, 渡辺平司
日本金属学会2012年春期大会 2012.3.28
自己組織化メタルナノドットアレイの作製及びフローティングナノドットメモリへの応用 International conference
鷲見竜太郎, 是津信行, 上野智永, 細井卓治, 渡辺平治, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第125回講演大会, 2012.3.13
自己組織化メタルナノドットアレイの作製及びフローティングナノドットメモリへの応用 International conference
鷲見竜太郎, 上野智永, 是津信行, 細井卓治, 渡部平司, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
平成23年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2011.11.28
葉を用いたナノ粒子担持体の作製と評価 International conference
吉田修平, ワッタナパニット アンヤラット, 齋藤永宏
第64回高分子討論会 2015.9.15
蓮の葉に学ぶ超撥水膜とプラズマ技術 International conference
齋藤 永宏
日本真空学会関西支部&日本表面科学会関西支部合同セミナー2012 2012.7.6
蓮の葉に学ぶ超撥水膜とプラズマ技術 International conference
齋藤 永宏
日本真空学会関西支部&日本表面科学会関西支部合同セミナー2012 2012.7.6
薄層カーボンコーティングしたメソポーラスシリカの酸素還元電極触媒活性の向上 International conference
パヌフォン・ポタワン, 齋藤永宏
第22回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2012.9.23
薄層カーボンコーティングしたメソポーラスシリカの酸素還元電極触媒活性の向上 International conference
パヌフォン・ポタワン, 齋藤永宏
第22回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2012.9.23
表面処理によるエバネッセント光吸光ガスセンサーの感度向上 International conference
伊澤昂汰, リ オイルン、マリア, アントワネッタ ブラテスク, 齋藤永宏, K. Izawa, O. L. Li, Maria.A.Bratescu, N. Saito
表面技術協会132回講演大会 2015.9.9
表面処理による光ファイバーアンモニアガスセンサーの感度向上 International conference
伊澤昂汰, リ オイルン、マリア, アントワネッタ ブラテスク, 齋藤永宏, K. Izawa, O. L. Li, Maria.A.Bratescu, N. Saito
セラミックス協会第28回秋季シンポジウム 2015.9.16
表面処理を利用した高感度光ファイバーセンサーの開発 International conference
木口崇彦, 伊澤昂汰, リ オイルン, 齋藤永宏
第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2015.3.11
ラングミュアプローブ法によるソリューションプラズマの診断 International conference
市川洋平, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第126回講演大会 2012.9.27
ソリューションプラズマ分子技術 International conference
日本材料科学会主催 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
ソリューションプラズマ分子技術 International conference
セラミックス協会 第27回 秋季シンポジウム 2015.9.9
ソリューションプラズマ分子技術による電池材料の開発 International conference
表面技術協会 関東支部・第86回講演会 2013.11.29
ソリューションプラズマ分子技術~ヘテロ系カーボン触媒の創成 International conference
上野智永, 齋藤永宏
2014年度先端化学セミナー ―界面の修飾および制御による高機能化― 2015.1.15
ソリューションプラズマ反応場におけるヘテロカーボン生成機構の解明 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
日本化学会第94春季年会 2014.3.27
ソリューションプラズマ合成カーボン材料の細孔構造制御 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第132回講演大会 表面技術協会 2015.9.9
ソリューションプラズマ場における金ナノクラスター合成のための水のかご効果の分析 International conference
藤本大地, 上野智永, 是津信行, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
平成23年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2011.9.26
ソリューションプラズマ法によるグラフェンの化学修飾 International conference
津田典明, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
第58回材料と環境討論会 2011.9.30
ソリューションプラズマ法より燃料電池用触媒の合成とその評価 International conference
胡秀蘭, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
ソリューションンプラズマプロセスを用いたAu超微粒子合成 International conference
油家大輝, 許 容康, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマCVDによる窒化炭素膜の合成 International conference
平田泰章, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第131回講演大会 2015.3.4
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVD による窒化炭素膜の作製と評価 International conference
猪飼 治, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第129回講演大会 2012.9.27
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVD による窒化炭素膜の作製と評価 International conference
猪飼 治, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第129回講演大会 2012.9.27
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVD による窒化炭素膜の作製と評価 International conference
猪飼 治, Y. Heo, M, A. Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第127回講演大会 2013.3.18
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVDにより作製した窒化炭素膜の評価 International conference
猪飼治, 木口崇彦, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
第128回表面技術協会 2013.9.24
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVDにより合成した窒化炭素膜の評価 International conference
第23回学生による材料フォーラム 2013.11.1
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVDによる窒化炭素膜の作製と評価 International conference
猪飼治, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
第22回学生による材料フォーラム 2012.11.22
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVDを用いた窒化炭素膜の合成 International conference
猪飼治, 木口崇彦, Maria Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2013.9.16
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVDを用いた窒化炭素膜の合成 International conference
木口崇彦, 猪飼治, 齋藤永宏
資源・素材学会平成26年度春季大会 2014.3.26
デュアルマイクロ波プラズマ源CVDを用いた窒化炭素膜の合成 International conference
木口崇彦, 猪飼治, 齋藤永宏
第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2014.3.17
ナノ流体における金ナノ粒子の大きさと形が熱伝導率に及ぼす影響 International conference
加藤 諒, 許容康, アンヤラット・ワタナファニット, 齋藤 永広
第22回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2012.9.23
ナノ流体における金ナノ粒子の大きさと形が熱伝導率に及ぼす影響 International conference
加藤 諒, 許容康, アンヤラット・ワタナファニット, 齋藤 永広
第22回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2012.9.23
ナノ流体の熱伝導率における粒子形状が及ぼす影響 International conference
加藤諒, 許容康, アンヤラット・ワタナファニット, 齋藤永宏
第22回学生による材料フォーラム 2012.11.22
ナノ粒子単一分散系の作製と熱的特性の評価 International conference
加藤 諒, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第128回講演大会 2012.9.27
ナノ粒子単一分散系の作製と熱的特性の評価 International conference
加藤 諒, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第128回講演大会 2012.9.27
ナフタレンおよびアントラセンの微量添加によるソリューションプラズマ合成カーボン材料の導電性向上 International conference
リフンソン, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成27年度(2015年) 弟132回表面技術学会春季大会 2015.9.9
ハロゲン化合物を用いたソリューションプラズマによる炭素材料の合成 International conference
林宏樹, Helena Oi Lun Li, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2013年秋期(第153回)講演大会 2013.9.17
ハロゲン化合物を用いたソリューションプラズマによる炭素材料の合成 International conference
林宏樹, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
平成25年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2013.12.9
ハロゲン化合物添加有機溶媒系からのソリューションプラズマによる炭素材料の合成 International conference
林宏樹, Helena Oi Lun Li, 齋藤永宏
2013年電気化学秋季大会 2013.9.27
ハロゲン系化合物を原料にしたソリューションプラズマによる導電性炭素材料の合成 International conference
林宏樹, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
日本化学会第94春季年会 2014.3.27
バイアス印加アークイオンプレイティング法を用いて成膜したa-Cフィルムの機械的性質 International conference
李熏聲, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
資源・素材学会 平成24年度(2012年)春季大会 2012.3.26
プラズマを用いた超撥水・超親水表面の作製 International conference
第84回表面科学研究会 日本真空学会2015年1月研究例会 2015.1.23
プローブによるソリューションプラズマの解析 International conference
木口崇彦, 油家大輝, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会プログラム 2014.6.6
ヘテロ構造ゲルを媒体に用いた反応拡散系におけるパターン形成 International conference
上野智永, 齋藤永宏, 吉田亮
第60回高分子討論会 2011.9.29
ペプチド吸着におけるアミノ酸配列と表面官能基の影響 International conference
渡会冬樹, 上野智永, 是津信行, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
平成23年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2011.11.28
ペプチド吸着における表面の濡れ性及び表面官能基の影響 International conference
渡会冬樹, 上野智永, 是津信行, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第60回高分子討論会 2011.9.29
ペンシル型水中プラズマ発生装置の開発と評価 International conference
小山啓輔, Oi Lun LI, 齋藤永宏
第39回静電気学会全国大会 2015.9.24
マイクロ波プラズマCVDによる窒化炭素の合成 International conference
平田泰章, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第132回表面技術協会 2015.9.9
マイクロ波プラズマCVD法による窒化炭素膜合 International conference
伊澤昂汰, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
メソポーラスシリカ担持Pt 触媒の合成とPROX 反応触媒特性 International conference
青木淑恵, 是津信行, 山本剛久, 南部宏暢, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第131 回講演大会 2015.3.4
ラングミュアプローブによるソリューションプラズマの計測 International conference
市川 洋平, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
第22回学生による材料フォーラム 2012.11.22
ソリューションプラズマ分子技術 International conference
日本材料科学会主催 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
ソリューションプラズマによるシリカ細孔内における銀ナノ粒子の合成 International conference
上野智永, 谷田優也, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2012.3.16
ソリューションプラズマによるセルロース分解条件の探求と分解物の化学分析 International conference
根本心平, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
第62回高分子討論会 2013.9.11
ソリューションプラズマによるナノカーボン物質の合成 International conference
姜俊, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
平成23年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2011.9.26
ソリューションプラズマによるナノ材料合成の進展 International conference
寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.20
ソリューションプラズマによるメソポーラスカーボンの合成 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第76回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2015.9.13
ソリューションプラズマによるメソポーラスシリカ細孔内の機能化とAgナノクラスター合成 International conference
谷田優也, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2012年春期大会 2012.3.28
ソリューションプラズマによる導電性カーボンナノ粒子材料の合成 International conference
林 宏樹, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
ソリューションプラズマによる炭化水素化合物を溶媒としたカーボン合成速度の解析 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
日本材料科学会 平成26年度学術講演大会 2014.6.6
ソリューションプラズマによる白金-金ナノ粒子の合成とリチウム空気電池への応用, 第21回日 International conference
岩井雄二郎, 寺島千晶, 趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.20
ソリューションプラズマによる窒素含有カーボンの合成と窒素配置の計測 International conference
玄光龍, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
日本化学会第94春季年会 2014.3.27
ソリューションプラズマによる触媒ナノ材料の合成 International conference
日本金属学会 触媒材料研究会 ミニシンポジウム「ナノ組織制御材料の新展開」 2014.2.12
ソリューションプラズマによる金ナノ粒子合成における水のかご効果の分析 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
ソリューションプラズマによる金ナノ粒子生成機構の解析:水-エタノール混合溶媒効果 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2014.3.17
ソリューションプラズマによる金属ナノ粒子の合成に及ぼす溶媒の影響 International conference
上野智永, 簾智仁, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2013年秋期(第153回)講演大会 2013.9.17
ソリューションプラズマによる電極上での物理的・化学的反応の解析 International conference
Y. K. Heo, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
第60回応用物理学会春期学術講演会 2013.3.27
ソリューションプラズマの安定性に対する気泡形成過程の影響 International conference
簾智仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成27年度 日本材料科学会 学術講演大会 2015.6.5
ソリューションプラズマの展望 International conference
齋藤 永宏
スパッタリングおよびプラズマプロセス技術部会第128回定例研究会 2012.5.29
ソリューションプラズマの展望 International conference
齋藤 永宏
スパッタリングおよびプラズマプロセス技術部会第128回定例研究会 2012.5.29
ソリューションプラズマの電気化学測定法による分析 International conference
第23回学生による材料フォーラム 2013.11.1
ソリューションプラズマを利用した金属空気電極用ナノカーボン物質の合成 International conference
カン ジュン, 上野智永, 是津信行, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
ソリューションプラズマを用いたPdナノ粒子の合成と分散特性 International conference
趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
ソリューションプラズマを用いたカテキン修飾キトサンの合成 International conference
近藤悠介, ワッタナパニット アンヤラット, 齋藤永宏
第64回高分子討論会 2015.9.15
ソリューションプラズマを用いたカーボン材料の表面修飾と分散性の向上 International conference
上野智永, 野口陽平, 是津信行, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
ソリューションプラズマを用いたセルロースの分解 International conference
根本心平, アンヤラット・ワッタナパーニット, 齋藤永宏
資源素材学会 平成24年度秋期大会 2012.9.11
ソリューションプラズマを用いたセルロースの分解 International conference
根本心平, アンヤラット・ワッタナパーニット, 齋藤永宏
資源素材学会 平成24年度秋期大会 2012.9.11
ソリューションプラズマを用いたナノ材料プロセス International conference
齋藤 永宏
先端化学・材料技術部会 新素材分科会講演会 2012.5.22
ソリューションプラズマを用いたナノ材料プロセス International conference
齋藤 永宏
先端化学・材料技術部会 新素材分科会講演会 2012.5.22
ソリューションプラズマを用いたメソポーラスカーボンの合成 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015.12.8
ソリューションプラズマを用いたメソポーラスシリカ細孔内での銀ナノクラスター合成 International conference
谷田優也, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
平成23年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2011.11.28
ソリューションプラズマを用いた多層カーボンナノチューブのニトロ化処理とアミノ化処理プロセス International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
ソリューションプラズマを用いた金ナノ流体の合成での電圧効果 International conference
許容康, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
ソリューションプラズマを用いた金属の還元および還元種の解析 International conference
加藤諒, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2013.9.16
ソリューションプラズマを用いた銀ナノクラスター担持メソポーラスシリカ触媒の作製 International conference
谷田優也, 是津信行, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
ソリューションプラズマを用いた高分子複合材料の合成 International conference
根本心平, アンヤラット ワッタナパニット, 齋藤永宏
第64回高分子学会年次大会 2015.5.27
ソリューションプラズマプロセスにより作製したPtナノ粒子担持グラフェン International conference
定末佳祐, 是津信行, 上野智永, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011.8.29
李 承效, 上野 智永, 齋藤 永宏
第131回表面技術協会 2015.3.4
ソリューションプラズマプロセスによる金シングルナノ粒子合成 International conference
油家大輝, 許容康, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2014年春期(第154回)講演大会 2014.3.21
ソリューションプラズマプロセスを用いたPtナノ粒子担持グラフェンの作製 International conference
定末佳祐, 是津信行, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
ソリューションプラズマプロセスを用いたセルロース分解機構の解明 International conference
根本心平, アンヤラットワタナファニット, 齋藤永宏
第22回学生による材料フォーラム 2012.11.22
ソリューションプラズマプロセッシングによるアルギン酸塩のスルホ化 International conference
青木淑恵, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
第62回高分子討論会 2013.9.11
ソリューションプラズマ処理した酸化チタン電極の電気化学特性 International conference
寺島千晶, 永田章, 岩井雄二郎, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
2011年電気化学秋季大会 2011.9.10
ソリューションプラズマによるシリカ合成及びその析出形態に及ぼすpHの影響 International conference
山本泰望, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
Treatment of Non-point Sources by an Integrated Thermal Plasma System
O.L.Li, J.S.Chang, Y. Guo, N. Saito, O. Takai
2nd ISNPEDADM-2011 2011.11.17
Ultra High Sensitivity Attenuated Total Reflectance Based Ammonia Gas International conference
Kyu-Sung Kim, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, Oi Lun Helena Li, Nagahiro Satio
第8回NTTH合同シンポジウム 2015.8.8
Ultra High Sensitivity Attenuated Total Reflectance Based Ammonia Gas Sensor International conference
Kyu-Sung Kim, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, Oi Lun Helena Li, Nagahiro Satio
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015.12.8
UPS probing onto the electronic structure of size-controlled metal nanoparticles
M. Mizushita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
UPSによる酸素還元活性を示す金属ナノ粒子の表面電子状態解析 International conference
水下昌樹, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成25年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2013.12.9
Utilization of solution plasma process for biomedical application
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Utilization of the solution plasma process for the production of low molecular weight alginate with narrow molecular weight distribution
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
ISAWST1 First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology 2012.11.11
Utilization of the Solution Plasma Process for the Production of Low Molecular Weight Alginate with Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
11th APCPST & 25th SPSM 2012.10.2
Utilization of the Solution Plasma Process for the Production of Low Molecular Weight Alginate with Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Wastewater, Drinking water and Sludge-water Treatment by Solution Plasma
O.L.Li, N.Saito, O.Takai
Progress in new methods of water and waste water cleaning 2011.7.4
XAFS analysis of Ag in the Anti-Bacterial Ceramis Glaze of Sanitary Wave
N. Isu, Y. Kato, C. Numako, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.10
「超はっ水」のふしぎ~はすの葉のように水玉コロコロ International conference
文化フォーラム・名古屋「可視化が拓く科学の世界(ふしぎな現象を見てみよう)」 2013.3.9
アミノカプロン酸溶液中ソリューションプラズマによるカーボンナノチューブ表面修飾機構 International conference
原田大, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成25年度 資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2013.9.3
アミノ基を高密度に導入したナノカーボン材料の表面特性 International conference
田辺郁, カン ジュン, 山本泰望, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
平成23年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2011.9.26
エバネセント吸光原理に基づくアルコールセンサの開発 International conference
水谷隼大, リ オイルン, ブラテスク マリア, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第132回講演大会 2015.9.9
エバネセント吸光原理に基づくアルコールセンサの開発 International conference
水谷隼大, リオイルン, ブラテスク マリア, 齋藤永宏
セラミックス協会第28回秋季シンポジウム 2015.9.16
クモ膜下出血後の脳血管攣縮に対する新たな薬剤送達システムの構築 -薬剤含有生体吸収膜シートのプラズマ照射による薬剤放出制御の試み- International conference
入江恵子, 青木淑恵, 木口崇彦, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏, 廣瀬雄一
STROKE2014 第30回スパズム・シンポジウム 2014.3.13
シリカナノ細孔内における水のクラスター構造の調査 International conference
青木淑恵, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2012.3.17
シリカナノ細孔内水の分光学的調査 International conference
青木淑恵, ブラテスク マリア, アントアネッタ, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
平成23年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会 2011.9.26
ソリューションプラズマとその応用 International conference
齋藤 永宏
第8回高機能ナノ材料研究会 2012.4.3
ソリューションプラズマとその応用 International conference
齋藤 永宏
第8回高機能ナノ材料研究会 2012.4.3
ソリューションプラズマにより合成したAu-Agナノ粒子の構造特徴 International conference
趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011.8.29
ソリューションプラズマにより合成したAuナノ粒子のHRTEM評価 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
ソリューションプラズマにより合成したPdナノ粒子の構造研究 International conference
趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2012.3.16
ソリューションプラズマにより合成したナノ粒子触媒によるリチウム空気電池の劣化防止 International conference
岩井雄二郎, 寺島千晶, 趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第58回材料と環境討論会 2011.9.28
ソリューションプラズマにより合成した金-白金ナノ粒子担持カーボンの合成とリチウム空気電池への応用 International conference
岩井雄二郎, 寺島千晶, 趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回学生による材料フォーラム 2011.12.1
ソリューションプラズマにより合成した金ナノ粒子担持カーボンの電極特性とリチウム空気電池への応用 International conference
岩井雄二郎, 寺島千晶, 趙星彪, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
2011年電気化学秋季大会 2011.9.10
ソリューションプラズマによるAuナノ粒子担持カーボンの合成とリチウム空気電池への応用 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
ソリューションプラズマによるCu-Fe粒子担持カーボン材料の合成 International conference
高橋亮, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
平成25年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2013.12.9
ソリューションプラズマによるCuFe担持カーボン電極材料の作製 International conference
高橋亮, Oi Lun Li Helena, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2013年秋期(第153回)講演大会 2013.9.17
ソリューションプラズマによるFe-N系カーボン触媒材料の合成と評価 International conference
谷田優也, P. Panuphong, 齋藤永宏
平成24年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2012.12.10
ソリューションプラズマによるFe-N系カーボン触媒材料の合成と評価 International conference
谷田 優也, P. Pootawang, 齋藤 永宏
第4回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム 2012.10.22
ソリューションプラズマによるHMFの単一プロセス生成 International conference
牟田幸浩, W. Anyarat, 齋藤永宏
第64回高分子学会年次大会 2015.5.27
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボンナノチューブ表面の化学修飾と分散性の向上 International conference
原田大, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
資源・素材学会平成26年度春季大会 2014.3.26
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボン合成における溶媒の効果 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第131回表面技術協会 2015.3.4
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボン合成における溶媒の効果 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
第131回表面技術協会 2015.3.4
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボン合成における細孔構造制御 International conference
吉田彰仁, 上野智永, 齋藤永宏
平成26年度日本材料科学会学術講演大会 2015.6.6
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボン系触媒の合成 International conference
グラフェンを「作る・測る・使う」技術開発の将来 2014.3.15
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボン-セルロース複合体の合成 International conference
市川洋平, O. L. Li, 齋藤永宏
平成25年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2013.12.9
ソリューションプラズマによるカーボン-高分子複合体の合成 International conference
市川洋平, Oi Lun Li, 齋藤永宏
第23回学生による材料フォーラム 2013.11.1
ソリューションプラズマによるグラファイト電極からのグラフェンの剝離 International conference
上野智永, 李 熏聲, 齋藤永宏
第128回表面技術協会 2013.9.24
ソリューションプラズマによるグラフェンシートの化学修飾 International conference
津田典明, 趙星彪, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
Transparent DLC Films on Polycarbonate Synthesized by PECVD
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles Through Solution Plasma Process
Y. K. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Synthesis and Crystal Structure Control of Birnessite-type MnO2 by Solution Plasma Process and their Characterizations
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Synthesis and Evaluation of Gold Nanofluids for the Improvement of Heat Transfer
R. Kato, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Synthesis and Oxygen Reduction Activity of Metal-free Nitrogen Doped Carbon Materials by Thermal CVD
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Synthesis of Carbon Nanoballs, Covered by CNTs with Metallic Conductivity
K. Ohno, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition 2011.11.2
Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials for Air Cathode of Li/air Battery by Solution Plasma
J. Kang, N. Saito, O. Takai
2011 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2011.11.28
Synthesis of Carbon Nitride by Dual Microwave Plasma CVD
Synthesis of carbon nitride films by dual microwave plasma source CVD
O. Ikai, T. Kiguchi, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Synthesis of Catechin-modified Chitosan for Reduction 4-Nitrophenol
Y. Kondo, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Synthesis of Cellulose/Graphene Composites by Modified Marcano's Method International conference
Synthesis of Cu-Fe as Bi-functional Catalyst with Carbon for the Application in Li-air battery
R. Takahashi, O. L. Li, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society 2013.12.13
Synthesis of Cu-Fe nanoparticles as Bi-functional Catalyst for Li-air battery
R. Takahashi, O.L.Li, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Synthesis of Gold Nanofluids for Improved Heat Transfer using Solution Plasma
Y.K. Heo, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
AVS 2012.10.28
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Sputtering in Various Solvents
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Synthesis of Graphene Forms and Carbon Onions by Solution Plasma in Water
H. S. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Synthesis of Graphene Oxide by Using Solution Plasma Process in Water
H. S. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Synthesis of Heteroatom Based ORR Catalysts with Carbon Support by Innovative Solution Plasma Process for Energy Storage System
O. L. Li, D-W. Kim, N. Saito
Synthesis of Metal-free Heteroatoms Doped Carbon Materials from Different Hydrocarbon Sources for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium, 2011.12.22
Synthesis of Metal-free N-doped Nanocarbon materials for Oxygen Reduction Activity
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
2011 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2011.11.29
Synthesis of Nano-size Regulated Carbon Materials by Solution Plasma Processing
O.L.Li, N.Saito
Synthesis of Nanofl uids for High Thermal Conductivity using Solution Plasma
Y. K. Heo, O. L. Li, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Synthesis of Nanofl uids for High Thermal Conductivity using Solution Plasma
Y. K. Heo, O. L. Li, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles by Plasma Sputtering in Solutions
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.5
Synthesis of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Material by Controlling Reaction Field by Oscillating Reaction
T. Sudare, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Synthesis of palm to smart carbon materials by the solution plasma processing
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticles Supported on CNTs by Solution Plasma Sputtering Processing
W. Yaowarat, O.L.Li, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Synthesis of Silica Nanotubes by Carbon Nanotubes/CTAB Templates
W. Yaowarat, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle within Mesoporous Silica by Using Solution Plasma Processing
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle within Mesoporous Silica by Using Solution Plasma Processing
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Synthesis of Spherical Carbon Nanoball and its Application for Air Electrodes in Lithium/Air Batteries
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Synthesis of Structure-Controlled Carbon Nano Spheres by Solution Plasma Process by Organic Solution
O.L.Li, J.Kang, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Synthesis of Structure-Controlled Carbon Nano Spheres by Solution Plasma Process under Benzene
O.L.Li, J. Kang, N. Saito
Joint Symposiium on Plasma and Electrostatics Technologies for Environmental Applications. 2013.5.14
Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticle in Water by Solution Plasma Processing
Shimpei Nemoto, Sang-Yul Lee, Nagahiro Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Tailoring Size and Composition of nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
The 5th International Symposium on Designing,Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials ISAEM-2012 and The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structural Metallic and Inorganic Materials AMDI-3 2013.11.3
Tailoring Size and Composition of Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma
M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
The effect of Post Thermal CVD for Hardness and Ultra Water-Repellent Properties in Biomimetically-designed SiOx Film Deposited by Plasma Enhanced CVD
N. Zettsu, D. Fujimoto, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICEM2012 2012.9.23
The effect of Post Thermal CVD for Hardness and Ultra Water-Repellent Properties in Biomimetically-designed SiOx Film Deposited by Plasma Enhanced CVD
N. Zettsu, D. Fujimoto, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICEM2012 2012.9.23
The effect of water-alcohol mixture solution on the synthesis of gold nano particle by solution plasma
Tomohito Sudare, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exibits 2013.4.1
The Effects of the Various Plasma Density and Temperature on the Characteristics of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized
Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2013.8.25
The Proposal of Novel Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalyst Supported by First-Principles Calculation International conference
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N, Saito
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015.12.8
The Specificity of Platinum Electric States as Oxygen Reduction Catalyst in Fuel Cells
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
The Surface Modification of CNT for High Dispersion in Water
T. Ueno, H. Harada, N. Saito
International Union of Materials Research Society (IUMRS-ICA 2013) 2013.12.16
Themostability of Nanofluids in Heat Transfer System
Y. K. Heo, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Colloidal Copper Nanofluid Synthesized via Solution Plasma
P. Pootawang, N. Saito, O. Takai, S.-Y. Lee
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.26
Thermal Stability of Au-nanofluid Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process
Y. K. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Thin film Lithium Ion Battery using Li 3PO4 Solid Electrolyte
K. Sawa, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Thin Film Lithium Ion Battery using Li3PO4 Solid Electrolyt
K. Sawa, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.10
Transparency and Hardness Diamond-like Carbon Deposited by PECVD on Polymer
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Synthesis and Characteristics of Metal-free Nitrogen Doped Nanocarbon Materials for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Simple One-Step Synthesis of Nanostructured MnO2 Colloidal Suspension by Plasma Discharge in Liquid
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Single-Nano-sized Pt Cluster Supported on Graphene, Nanosheets Synthesized by Solution Plasma
K. Sadasue, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.10
Size-controlled Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma
M. A. Bratescu, S.-P. Cho, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Soluthion Plasma-Assisted Surface Functionalization of Chemicaly Converted Graphene Sheet toward an Enhancement of Solubility in Solution
N. Tsuda, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, S.P. Cho, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition 2011.11.3
Solution Plasma Assisted Surface Decoration of Chemically Converted Graphene Sheet with Various Metallica Nanoparticles
K. Sadasue, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition 2011.11.1
Solution Plasma for Molecular Technology -Plasma for Chemist-
N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2013.8.25
Solution Plasma Materials Building and Modification
N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Solution plasma process and its applications in biomedicine
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Solution plasma process and its applications.
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Solution Plasma Process for the Conversion of Guar Gum to Bioethanol
S. Nemoto, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Solution plasma process ~ New chemical reaction field
Nagahiro Saito
The 12th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Process 2013.7.10
Solution Plasma Process: from the Fundamental to Applications
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-8) 2013.12.20
Solution Plasma Process: From the Fundamental to its Application
O.L.Li, N. Saito
The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-8) 2013.12.20
Solution Plasma Processing
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
The 8th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2011.9.21
Solution Plasma Processing and its Applications
N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Solution Plasma Processing for Molecular Technology
O.L.Li, N. Saito
Solution Plasma Sputtering Process for the Production of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Solution
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14) 2014.1.24
Solution Plasma Surface Modification of Nanocarbons for Nanocomposites
T. Ueno, H. Harada, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Black TiO2-x Nano/Microspheres with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity
G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle Modified Carbon and Application for Lithium-Air Batery
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S.P. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
The 8th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2011.9.21
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles on Carbon for Lithium-air Battery Applications
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S.P. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Solution Plasma Synthesis of Gold-platinum Nanoparticles Modified carbon and Application for Lithium-air battery
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Solution Plasma Synthesis Process of Tungsten Carbide on N-doped Carbon Nanocomposite with Enhancing Catalytic ORR Activity and Durability International conference
Solution Plasma Synthesis Process of Tungsten Carbide on N-doped Carbon Nanocomposite with Enhancing Catalytic ORR Activity and Durability
D.W. Kim, O.L.Li, P.Pootawang, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Solution Plasma Synthesized Pt-Au Nanoparticles on Carbon and their Application for Lithium-air Battery
Y. Iwai, C. Terashima, S.-P. Cho, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Solution Plasma Treatment of TiO2 Nanoparticles
C. Terashima, A. Nagata, Y. Iwai, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium 2011.11.23
Solution Plasma-assisted Surface Functionalization of Grapheme Sheets for Enhancement of the Solubility in Water
N. Tsuda, T. Ueno, S.P.Cho, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Solution Plasma-based Synthesis of Spherical Carbon Nanostructures Having Large Pore Volume for Air Cathode of Li/air Battery
J. Kang, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Spectrophotometrical Analysis of Solution Plasma by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
D. Fujimoto, M. A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O.Takai, N. Saito
Nagoya, Japan 2011.12.10
Spectroscopic Characterization of Specific Water in Silica Nano Pores
Y. Aoki, T. Ueno, M.A. Bratescu, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Spectroscopic Prove of a Water Cage Effect on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Structural Characteristics of Metal Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Glow Discharge in Aqueous
S. Cho, M. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.6
Structural elucidation of cellulose decomposition by solution plasma process
S. Nemoto
ICNP-2012 2012.10.26
Structural Properties of Nanocarbon Materials by Solution Plasma in Water International conference
李 熏聲, Maria-Antoaneta Bratescu, 齋藤永宏
表面技術協会 第127回講演大会 2013.3.18
Structure Change of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Introducing Halogen Compounds
H. Hayashi, O. L. Li, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society 2013.12.13
Studies of Structural Characteristics of Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated by a Glow Discharge in Aqueous
S.P. Cho, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry 2011.7.25
Study of Ag2O doped SnO2-Graphene Nanoparticles as Possible Anode Materials for Utilizing High Performance Li-ion Batteries
J. Sornsakdanuphap, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Study on Surface Modification Mechanism of the CNT by the Solution Plasma Treatment
Hiroshi Harada, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society 2013.12.13
Study on the effect of solution plasma characteristics on the synthesized materials
T. Kiguchi, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision 2013.11.25
Study on the effect of solution plasma characteristics on the synthesized materials
T. Kiguchi, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Superhydrophobic coating using atmospheric plasma chemical vapor deposition International conference
O. Ikai, Y. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
Surface Modification Mechanism of the CNT by the Solution Plasma Treatment
Hiroshi Harada, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Surface Modification of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotube by Solution Plasma
T. Ueno, T. Yamamoto, J. Kang, F. Tanabe, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.5
Surface Properties of Nanocarbon Materials Covered with High-density Amino Functional Groupslicon
F. Tanabe, T. Yamamoto, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Synergistically Enhanced Electrochemical Activity (ORR) Nitrogen and Boron Doped Nanocarbon by Solution Plasma Process
Seunghyo Lee, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
Synethesis of Carbon-Polymer Composite Material by Solution Plasma Processing
Y. Ichikawa, O. L. Li, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society 2013.12.13
Synthesis and Characteristics of Metal-free Heteroatom-doped Carbon Nanoballs for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
S. Akiyama, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O.Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Simple Fabrication of Spherical Metal Particles Using a Solution Plasma Process
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Oxygen Reduction Analysis on Metal Nanocluster by First-principle Calculation
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Oxygen Reduction Analysis on Metal Nanocluster by First-principle Calculation
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
PECVD法によりポリマー上に成膜したDLC膜の透明性と硬度の向上 International conference
苅和慎平, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.19
PECVD法によるポリカーボネートへの透明・硬質炭素膜の作製 International conference
苅和慎平, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
平成23年度表面技術若手研究者・技術者研究交流発表会 2011.11.28
PECVD法によるポリマー上への透明DLC膜の低温合成,第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 International conference
苅和慎平, 寺島千晶, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011.9.2
Post Chemical Annealing Effect on Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films by Microwave Plasma-enhanced CVD
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
IUMRS International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials 2012 (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2012) 2012.7.1
Post Chemical Annealing Effect on Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films by Microwave Plasma-enhanced CVD
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
IUMRS International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials 2012 (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2012) 2012.7.1
Post Thermal CVD for Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films Deposited by Plasma-enhanced CVD Process
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Post Thermal CVD for Hardness of Ultra Water-repellent Films Deposited by Plasma-enhanced CVD Process
D. Fujimoto, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Pre-treatment of Cellulose for Conversion to Product Material
S. Nemoto, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Preparation and Catalytic Evaluation of Natural Leaf Supported Gold Nanoparticles
Preparation and Catalytic Evaluation of Natural Leaf Supported Gold Nanoparticles
S. Yoshida, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Preparation and evaluation of gold with difference particle shapes and sizes
R. Kato, Y.K. Heo, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
ISAWST1 First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology 2012.11.11
Preparation and Evaluation of the thermal properties of Au nanofluids
R. Kato, Y. K. Heo, A. Wathanapahanit, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Preparation of Alginate Oligosaccharides by Solution Plasma Process
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Preparation of Alginate Oligosaccharides by Solution Plasma Process
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Preparation of Metal Nanoparticles within Mesoporous Silica via Solution Plasma Process (SPP)
W. Yaowarat, N. Saito
AVS 2012.10.28
Preparation of Nanostructured Manganese Dioxide by Solution Plasma Processing
H. M. Kim, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Preparation of Silica Nanotubes using MWCNTs/CTAB as Templates International conference
W. Yaowarat, O.L.Li, N. Saito
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan 2013.12.9
Production Improvement of Graphene Oxide Sheets using Solution Plasma Processing and their Modification for ORR Catalytic Activity
G. A. Akceoglu, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Production Improvement of Graphene Oxide Sheets Using Solution Plasma Processing and Their Modifilcation for ORR Catalytic Activity
G. A. Akceogle, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Production of Highly Stable Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Suspension by Solution Plasma Sputtering Process International conference
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan 2013.12.9
Properties of Graphene Decorated with Alloy Nanoparticles for Energy Applications
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society 2013.12.13
Properties of ITO Films Prepared using Highly Dense plasma-assisted Electron Beam Evaporation( HDPE) Process
H. Kojima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Properties of Synthesized Nanoparticles through Characteristics of Solution Plasma International conference
YongKang Heo, Maria Bratescu, Nagahiro Saito
Properties of Synthesized Nanoparticles through Characteristics of Solution Plasma International conference
YongKang Heo, Maria Bratescu, Nagahiro Saito
PS@Au plasmonic nanoshells with conical shape for highly-sensitive NIR-light responsible LSPR sensor International conference
N. Zettsu, S. Uchida, Y. Yamamoto, T. Ueno, N. Saito
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.20
PS@Au Plasmonic Nanoshells with Conical Shape for Highly-sensitive NIR-light responsible LSPR-sensor
N. Zettsu
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.6
Rapid Synthesis of Conductive Carbon Nanoballs with Well Defined Pore Structures by Solution Plasma Process in Aromatic Hydrocarbo Solvent
J. Kang, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.5
Rapid Synthesis of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silica with Dense Hydroxyl Group Using Solution Plasma Processing for Thin Layer Carbon Coating International conference
Panuphong Pootawang, Nagahiro Saito
Rapid Synthesis of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silica with Dense Hydroxyl Group Using Solution Plasma Processing for Thin Layer Carbon Coating International conference
P. Pootawang, N. Saito
Reactions of hydrocarbons in Solution Plasma
Akihito Yoshida, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14) 2014.1.24
Role of Active Species from Soluion Plasma in Controlling Nanoparticles Size
M. Bratescu, S. Cho, O. Takai, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.6
Rpidly Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Well-Defined Gold Clusters by Solution Plasma Sputtering
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics(STAC5) and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Stuructured Metallic and Inorganic Materials(AMDI2) 2011.6.22
Selective Decomposition of Organic Materials by Solution Plasma Processing
Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Selective production of sugar alcohol from cellulose by solution plasma
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Orientarion Control of Textured SrTiO3 Thin Films on Platinized Al2O3 by Ion Beam Deposition
G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Mechanism of Au Nanoparticles Formation in Solution Plasma
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition 2011.11.1
Microstructure Study of Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated by Solution Plasma Processing
S. P. Cho, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Modification of Graphene Oxide Sheets for ORR Catalytic Activity by Using Solution Plasma Processing
G. A. Akceoglu, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Modification of Inside the Pores of Mesoporous Silica with Ag Nanoclusters by Solution Plasma Method
Y. Tanida, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.6
Morphology -controlled Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nanoballs by Solution Plasma Processing in Benzene
J. Kang, O. L. Li, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICEM2012 2012.9.23
Morphology and Adhesion Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating Using Bias Conditions International conference
李熏聲, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
Nano-size Regulated Carbon Materials for Battery through Solution Plasma Processing
Nanocarbon production by solution plasma process in water
H. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 6th International Conference on PLAsma Nanotechnology & Science(IC-PLANTS2013) 2013.2.2
Nanoparticles Synthesis and Surface Modification by Solution Plasma Processing
N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Nanoparticles Synthesis and Surface Modification by Solution Plasma Processing
N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Nanostructured Manganese Dioxide Synthesized by Solution Plasma Processing
H. Y. Kim, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Nanostructured Materials and Surfaces by Plasma Processing
ICAMN2011 2011.10.23
New Approach of Energy Crisis: Cellulose as a Potential Energy Resource
O.L.Li, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
New Class of Spherical Carbon Nanostructures for Air Cathode of Li/Air Battery Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process (SPP)
Kang Jun, Oi Lun, Helena Li, Nobuyuki Zettsu, Osamu Takai, Nagahiro Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Non-Platinum Catalyst Design for Fuel Cell Cathode Based on the Computational Analysis
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Novel Fabrication of Platinum Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Sputtering, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Nagoya, Japan 2011.12.10
One Step Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Carbon by Plasma Discharge in Aniline and Evaluation for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
K. Y. Hyun, T. Ueno, N. Saito
One-step Preparation of Ultrathin MnO2 Nanosheets by Plasma Discharge in Liquid Phase
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
One-Step Production of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Solution
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials- Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials 2013.10.22
One-Step Solution Plasma Synthesis of Birnessite-type Nanostructured MnO2 by the Addition of D-glucose and their Characterizations International conference
Hyemin Kim, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, 齋藤永宏
2015年日本金属学会秋期講演大会 2015.9.16
One-Step Synthesis of Gold Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Solution Plasma
M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
21st International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC21 - 2013, 2013.8.4
One-step Synthesis of Gold Bimetallic Nanoparticles with Various Metal Compositions
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
American Vacuum Society, 60th International Symposium 2013.10.27
One-Step Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized in Alginate Gel Matrix using Solution Sputtering Process
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th ResearchSymposium on Petrochemical and materials Technology and the 19th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers 2013 2013.4.23
One-Step Synthesis of Magnetic Metal Nanoparticles Supported on Spherical Carbon by Solution Plasma Process
O.L.Li, R. Takahashi, N. Saito
The 4th ResearchSymposium on Petrochemical and materials Technology and the 19th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymers 2013 2013.4.23
One-step synthesis of nanocarbon-supported metal nanoparticle catalysts by modified solution plasma processing
K. Jun, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Optical and Electrical Properties of Graphene Decorated with Nanoparticles for Energy Applications
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Optical Diagnostic of Solution Plasma by Broadband Absorption Spectroscopy
H. Harada, M. A. Bratescu, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Optical Properties and Catalytic Activity of Gold-Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma Processing
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, S.P. Cho, O. Takai, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICEM2012 2012.9.23
Optical Properties and Surface radicals Interaction of Graphene Decorated with Bimetallic Nanocrystals
M.A. Bratescu, O.Takai, N. Saito
AVS 2012.10.28
Optical Transparency and Hardness of Diamond-like Carbon Deposited by PECVD under Different Hydrogen Dilutions
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
The 8th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2011.8.16
Organic Functional Group Modification of Graphene by Solution Plasma
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Mechanical Properties of a-C Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating Using Bias Conditions International conference
李 熏聲, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第125回講演大会, 2012.3.13
Exhaled Breath Analysis of Ammonia Gas using Colorimetric Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy
MariaAntoaneta Bratescu, Kouta Izawa, Takayoshi Kiguchi, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
Fabrication of 111)-oriented SrTiO3/BaTiO3 SuperLattices by Ion Beam Deposition
G. Panomsuwan, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito, O.Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Fabrication of Boron-doped Diamond Nanograss Array by Oxygen Plasma Treatment
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Fabrication of Noble Metal Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Processing
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium 2011.11.22
Fabrication of self-assembled metal nanodot gate MOS capacitor and evaluation of their charge injection properties
R. Sumi, N. Zettsu, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, O. Takai, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Fabrication of Shape-controlled Metal Nanodot Array by Electrostatically-driven Self-assembly as well as their Charge Injection Properties
R. Sumi, N. Zettsu, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.5
Fabrication of Shape-controlled Metal Nanodot Array by Electrostatically-driven Self-Assembly as well as their Charge Injection Properties
R. Sumi, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito, N. Zettsu
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Fabrication of Shape-controlled Metal Nanodot Array by Electrostatistically?driven Self-assembly as well as their Charge Injection Properties
R. Sumi, T. Hosoi, H. Watanave, X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito, N. Zettsu
AVS 58th International Sympposium & Exhibition 2011.11.8
Fabrication of silica nanotubes using multi-walled carbon nanotubes as template
W. Yaowarat, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
Materials Research Society (MRS) 2013.12.1
Fabrication of Single-nano-sized Pt Cluster Supported on Graphene Nanosheets by Solution Plasma
K. Sadasue, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surface at a Local Area using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet
C. Terashima, Y. Takahashi, T. Shirafuji, N. Saito, O. Takai
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.5
Fabrication of the Superhydrophobic Film by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
D. Fujimoto, H. Takahashi, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
FCC Metal Nanoparticles Fabricated by Solution Plasma Processing
S.-P. Cho, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
First principle calculation of oxygen reduction reaction on metal nanoclusters
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exibits 2013.4.1
Formation of Calcium Carbonate Films by Electrochemical Method : Controlled with Concentration of Mg2+ and Temperature
S. H. Lee, M. H. Lee, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Formation of Silver Nanoparticles in Nanochannels of Mesoporous Silica via Solution Plasma Processing
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Gaseous and Solid By-Products Generated from Thermal Plasma Cell-Phone Waste Treatment
O.L.Li, B. Ruj, J.S. Chang, N. Saito, O. Takai, T. Inaba, G. Pietsch
Proc of International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry 2011.7.24
Gd2SiO5 結晶の塩化物フラックス育成 International conference
神谷雄人, 青木淑恵, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏
第9 回日本フラックス成長研究発表会 2014.12.11
Graphene Decorated with Bimetallic nanocrystals for Enhanced Plasmonic Energy Conversion
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
11th APCPST & 25th SPSM 2012.10.2
Graphene Decorated with Gold Bimetallic Nanocrystals in Solution Plasma
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Graphene Decorated with Metal Nanoparticles using Solution Plasma Processing
M.A. Bratescu, T. Ueno, O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Fall Meeting 2012.12
Graphite Oxide/Cellulose Beads for DNA Extraction Applications
G. Akceoglu, O. Li, N. Saito
Graphite Oxide/Cellulose Composites as Innovative Solid Support Material for DNA Extraction Applications
O. L. Li, G.A. Akceoglu, N. Saito
Growth of Carbon Nanotubes from Carbon Nanoballs Surface
K. Ohno, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Growth of Metallic Carbon Naotubes From Carbon Nanoballs Surface
K. Ohno, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Hard and Transparent Diamond-like Carbon Films at Low Temperature Deposition
S. Kariwa, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
High durable silica coated Pt/CNT for PEMFC application
W. Yaowarat, O. L. Li, N. Saito
High Rate DC Reactive Sputtering of SiO2 films with a new rotary cathode
H. Kojima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
High-dense Decoration of Mesoporous Silica Inner Wallswith Ag Nanoclusters through a Modified SolutionPlasma Processing
Y. Tanida, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
High-dense Decoration of Mesoporous Silica with Ag Nanoclusters by Solution Plasma
Y.Tanida, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N.Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11, Nagoya, Japan 2011.12.10
Highly Efficient Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Activity of Black TiO2 x Nano Microspheres Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process
G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM1) 2013.3.6
HRTEM studies of Au and Pd nanoparticles Fabricated by Solution Plasma Processing, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
S.P. Cho, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya, Japan 2011.12.10
Hydrocarbon structure effect on the production of carbon materials by the solution plasma process
A. Yoshida, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Hydrophobic Layered Double Hydroxide Film Formed on Magnesium Alloy toward Corrosion Protection
T. Ishizaki, K. Teshima, N. Saito, M. Sakamoto
Hydroxyl-Rich Mesoporous Silica Synthesized Using Solution Plasma for Thin-Layer Carbon Coating
P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 5th International Symposium on Designing,Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials ISAEM-2012 and The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Structural Metallic and Inorganic Materials AMDI-3 2012.11.5
Immobilization of glucose oxidase on calcium alginate bead by the aid of plasma in liquid
Y. Kondo, A. Watthanaphanit, N, Saito
Improvement of the Dispersibility of CNT by Solution Plasma (SP) International conference
Hiroshi Harada, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
In situ Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Gel Matrix by Solution Plasma Sputtering Process
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exibits 2013.4.1
In-situ FT-IR Study on Water Adsorption Behavior Confined In Mesoporous Silica, FSM-16, having < 2 nm Pore Diameter
Y. Aoki, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
In-situ Preparation of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Alginate Aqueous Solution by Solution Plasma Sputtering Process
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Gasidit Panomsuwan, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Incoporation of silver nanoparticle within mesoporous silica by using solution plasma processing
W. Yaowarat, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 6th International Conference on PLAsma Nanotechnology & Science(IC-PLANTS2013) 2013.2.2
Indication of Sustainable Development for Green Innovation, International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11
K. Urashima, O. L. Li, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya, Japan 2011.12.10
Influence of Amino Acid Sequence and Surface Functional Group on Peptide Adsorption
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Influence of Solution Plasma Characteristics on the Synthesized Au Nanoparticles
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
Joint Conference of 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics(STAC5) and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Integration of Novel Stuructured Metallic and Inorganic Materials(AMDI2) 2011.6.22
Influence of Temperature on Free Radical Generation in Water-Ethanol Mixture Based Solution Plasma Due to Hydrogen-Bonding Network
Introduction of Sulfated Groups to Calcium Alginate Beads Surface by Solution Plasma Process
Yoshie Aoki, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials -Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials 2013.10.22
Investigation of Effect of Solution Plasma to Guar Gum Solution
Shimpei Nemoto, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Kinetics in Gold Nanoparticles Formation by Solution Plasma
T. Sudare, T. Ueno, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Layer Thickness Dependence on Crystallographic and Surface Structure of SrTiO3 Base Superlattices Fabricated by Ion Beam Deposition International conference
P. Gasidit, 上野智永, 是津信行, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
Exhaled breath analysis of ammonia gas using colorimetric attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy
MariaAntoaneta Bratescu, Kouta Isawa, Takayoshi Kiguchi, OiLun Li, Nagahiro Saito
Depolymerization of Sodium Alginate by a Plasma Process in Aqueous Solution
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICEM2012 2012.9.23
Depolymerization of Sodium Alginate by Solution Plasma Process
Anyarat Watthanaphanit
International Symposium on Materials Science and Surface Technology 2013 (MSST 2013) 2013.11.29
Depolymerization of Starch by Solution Plasma Process
Yukihiro Muta, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
the 2nd Seminar on Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision 2013.12.2
Depolymerization of Starch by Solution Plasma Process
Yukihiro Muta, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14) 2014.1.24
Deterioration Phenomenon in the Cyclic Polarization of Electrochromic InN
K. Ohkubo, T. Kimura, G. Tanaka, Y. Inoue, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.26
Develop of high sensitivity H2S gas sensor using ATR method International conference
表面技術協, 回講演大会
表面技術協会第132回講演大会 2015.9.9
Development of EC Cell using Biomimetic-designed InN Film
T. Kimura, K. Ohkubo, G. Tanaka, Y. Inoue, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.26
Development of portable alcohol sensor based on evanescent wave absorption
H.Mizutani, O. L. Li, N. Saito
Development of solution plasma reactor for direct biological application
K. Koyama, O. L. Li, N. Saito
Development of the analytic method for solution plasma by electrical probe
D. Aburaya, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Development of the Graphite Structure of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Halocarbon Solution
Hiroki Hayashi, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Development of the Graphite Structure of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Halogenated benzene derivatives
H.Hayashi, O.L.Li, N. Saito
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Development of the Graphitic Structure of Solution Plasma Synthesized Carbon by Halocarbon Solution
H. Hayashi, O. L. Li, N. Saito
the 2nd Seminar on Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision 2013.12.2
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma by the Electrical Probe Method
Y. Ichikawa, Y. K. Heo, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma by the Electrical Probe Method
Y. Ichikawa, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma by the Probe Method
Y. Ichikawa, M. Bratescu, Y. K. Heo, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Diagnosis of Solution Plasma for Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles
D. Fujimoto, J. Hieda, M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Direct and Controllable Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Solution Plasma Process
K. Y. Hyun, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Discharge Characteristics of Packed Bed HF Bipolar Liquid Solution Plasmas
O.L.Li, J.S. Chang, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Discharge Characteristics of Packed Bed HF Bipolar Liquid Solution Plasmas and Their Applications
Jen-Shih Chang, O.L. Helena Li, K. Urashima, J. Hieda, O. Takai, N. Saito
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry 2011.7.28
Discharge in Gelatin/Ascorbic Acid solution for Copper Nanofl uid Preparation
P. Pootawang, S. Y. Lee, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Discharge in Gelatin/Ascorbic Acid solution for Copper Nanofl uid Preparation
P. Pootawang, S. Y. Lee, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Disinfection and Descomposition of Chemical Compounds by Solution Plasma International conference
Li Oi Lun, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.21
DSCによるナノ流体の熱伝達性能評価 International conference
油家大輝, 木口崇彦, 齋藤永宏
日本金属学会2013年秋期(第153回)講演大会 2013.9.17
Effect of Solution Plasma Treatment on Chemical Properties of Guar Gum
Shimpei Nemoto, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials -Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials 2013.10.22
Effect of Surface Functional Groups and pH Condition on Peptide Adsorption
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Effect of Surface Functional Groups and Surface Electric Charge on Peptide Adsorption
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
Nagoya Univ.-Tsinghua Univ.-Toyota Motor Corp.-Hokkaido Univ.-Univ. Electron. Sci. Tech. China Joint Symposium, Chengdu, China) 2011.12.22
Effect of Surface Wettability and Surface Functional Groups on Peptide Adsorption
F. Watarai, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, C. Terashima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Effect of Surrounding Chemistry on the Size of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito, O. Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Effect of Surrounding Chemistry on the Size of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized in Solution Plasma
M. A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Effect of Surrounding on the Gold Nanoparticles Size for Biology Applications International conference
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan 2013.12.9
Effect of Transition-metal Doping on the Optical Properties of Carbon Thin Films
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Effects of Substrate Temperature on ITO Films using Highly Dense Plasma-assisted Electron Beam Evaporation (HDPE) Process
H. Kojima, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.8
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Au-Pt Water-Based Nanofluids
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Au-Pt Water-Based Nanofluids
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Gold-Platinum Water-Based Nanofluids
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Effects of Surfactant Type and pH on Stability and Thermal Conductivity of Gold-Platinum Water-Based Nanofluids
R. Kato, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Effects of the Applied Voltage on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Nanofluid by Solution Plasma
Y.K. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N.Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Effects of the Temperature on the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Nanofluid by Solution Plasma
Y. Heo, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.6
Electrical and Chemical Properties of Granulated Metal/a-C Films Deposited by Shielding Arc Ion Plating
H. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Electrical and Chemical Properties of Granulated Metal/a-C Films Deposited by Shielding Arc Ion Plating
H. Lee, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICA 2012 2012.8.26
Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction of Transition Metal/Carbon Catalysts Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process
D. Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Electronic States Analysis of Metal Nanocluster for Oxygen Reduction Catalyst in Fuel Cells
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Encapsulation of Gold Nanoparticles onto Green Tea Extract-Modified Chitosan Flakes as Catalyst for 4-Nitrophenol Reduction
Enhancement of ammonia gas detection sensitivity by surface treatment of an optical fiber International conference
伊澤昂汰, リ オイルン、マリア, アントワネッタ ブラテスク, 齋藤永宏, K. Izawa, O. L. Li, Maria.A.Bratescu, N. Saito
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015.12.8
Enhancement of sol-gel reaction in catalyst-free mesoporous silica synthesis by solution plasma
P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Enhancement the sensitivity of optical fiber gas sensor by surface treatment
Evaluation of convective heat transfer coefficient of static condition fluids using differential scanning calorimeter
Y.K. Heo, M.A. Bratescu, N. Saito
ISAWST1 First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology 2012.11.11
Evaluation of the discharge capacity and the reaction by-products of the Li-air battery using the spherical carbon nanoparticles as the cathode material
S. Morishita, O.L.Li, N. Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14) 2014.1.24
Depolymerization of Sodium Alginate by a Plasma Process in Aqueous Solution
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
IUMRS-ICEM2012 2012.9.23
Biomimetic Materials Processing ~ a cold plasma in cold solution ~
N. Saito
12th International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2011) 2011.9.20
Biomimic Anti-Stain Surface Treatment for Housing Wet Area
N. Isu, Y. Kato, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.10
Biomimic Anti-stain Surface Treatment of Housing Materials
N. Isu, Y. Kato, C. Numako, N. Saito, O. Takai
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.24
Carbon production from palm oil by plasma discharge in solution
Md. Zahidul Islam, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Carbon production from palm oil by plasma discharge in solution
Catalytic Activity and Durability for Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Hetero-atom doped Carbon International conference
Catalytic activity for oxgen reduction reaction 3rd transition metal/carbon catalysts
D. Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
The 6th International Conference on PLAsma Nanotechnology & Science(IC-PLANTS2013) 2013.2.2
Catalytic activity for oxgen reduction reaction of tungsten carbide/carbon catalysts
Dae-Wook Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Catalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction of Iron Compound with Carbon Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process
D. Kim, P. Pootawang, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
Catalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Nitrogen and Boron Doped Mesoporous Carbon
Dae-Wook Kim, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Catalytic Activity of Nickel-containing Amorphous Carbon (Ni:aC) Thin Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating using Bias Conditions
H. Lee, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Catalytic Properties of Nanocluster
Tomonaga Ueno, Tetsunori Morishita, Tomohito Sudare, Nobuyuki Zettsu, Nagahiro Saito
IUMRS International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials 2012 (IUMRS-ICYRAM 2012) 2012.7.1
CCP-CVDにおける有機シリコン原料分子中の酸素原子の挙動2 International conference
根岸正樹, 星野隆史, 井上泰志, 高井治
表面技術協会第124回講演大会 2011.9.22
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, Nagahiro Saito
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, Nagahiro Saito
Cellulose conversion to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, Nagahiro Saito
Cellulose/Graphene Beads as Anode Material for Lithium Batteries International conference
Characteristics of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Films Grown by RF Plasma Enanced CVD
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Characterization of Micro Crystalline Cellulose on the surface of Graphene/Graphene Oxide Sheets by Thermal Exfoliation Method
G. A. Akceoglu, Oi Lun LI, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Charge Doping of Large-Area Graphene by Gold-Alloy Nanoparticles
M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 14th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-14) 2014.1.24
Chemical Modification of the Carbon Nanotubes by the Solution Plasma Processing
T. Ueno, H. Harada, N. Saito
Materials Research Society (MRS) 2013.12.1
Chemical Structures and Mechanical Characteristics of a-C and a-CN Films by Shielding Arc Ion Plating as Functions of Bias Voltages
H. Lee, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito, O.Takai
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Chemical-Free Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles by Solution Plasma Processing
S. Nemoto, S. Morishita, S. Y. Lee, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
CNx Nanosheets as Metal-Free Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Solution Plasma Process
Consideration of Solution Plasma Process Conditions for Cellulose Degradation
S. Nemoto, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Control of Carbon Conductivity with Induction of Naphthalene and Anthracene by Using Solution Plasma Process
Controllable Synthesis of Conductive Nitrogen Doped Carbon with Graphitic Walls by Solution Plasma Process
K. Y. Hyun, T. Ueno, N. Saito
Controlling Oxidation level of Graphene/Graphene Oxide by Solution Plasma from the Exfoliation of Graphite Oxide International conference
G. A. Akceoglu, Oi Lun LI, Nagahiro Saito
Conversion Ability of Sugars to HMF by Solution Plasma Process
Conversion Ability of sugars to HMF by Solution Plasma Process
Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol by Solution Plasma International conference
李靄倫, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2012.3.17
Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol by Solution Plasma
Helena Oi Lun Li, Kuniko Urashima, Nagahiro Saito
The eighth International Symposium on Non-Thermal Plasma Technology (ISNTP-8) 2012.6.25
Conversion of cellulose to sugar alcohol by solution plasma processing
Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Hoonseung Lee, Nagahiro Saito
Conversion of Celluose to Energy by Solution Plasma:Solid, Liquid and Gaseous By-Product Analyses
Helena Oi Lun Li, Kuniko Urashima, Nagahiro Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Conversion of Celluose to Energy by Solution Plasma:Solid, Liquid and Gaseous By-Product Analyses
Helena Oi Lun Li, Kuniko Urashima, Nagahiro Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Conversion of Guar Gum Biopolymer to Ethanol by Solution Plasma Process International conference
Shimpei Nemoto, Anyarat Watthanaphanit, Nagahiro Saito
Conversion of palm oil to carbon materials by plasma discharge in solution
Md. Z. Islam, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Conversion of palm oil to carbon materials by plasma discharge in solution
Md. Z. Islam, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Conversion of sorbitol by plasma discharge in solution
S Yoshida, A Watthanaphanit, N Saito
Conversion of Sugars to HMF by a Physical Technique: Solution Plasma Process
Y. Muta, A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
Conversion of the World’s Most Abundant Biomass Cellulose to Energy International conference
オイルンヘレナリ, 齋藤永宏, 高井治
第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2011.12.19
Cu-Fe Bi-Functional Catalyst Synthesized by Solution Plasma for the Application in Li-air Battery
Ryo takahashi, Oi Lun Li, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
CVD法によって作製した非晶質炭素材の電気化学特性に及ぼす窒素含有量の影響 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
CVD法によって作製した非晶質炭素材の電気化学特性に及ぼす窒素含有量の影響 International conference
第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2011
Decane Reformation by a DC Electrohydrodyanmic Atomization
D. Brocilo, J.-S. Chang, D. Ewing, H. Hirata, S. Matsumoto, P. Fanson, O.L.Li, N.Saito, K.Urashima, O.Takai
International Conference of Dielectric Liquid 2011.6.26
Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Solution Plasma: A Spectroscopic Analysis of the Decomposition Mechanism
The 12th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design 2011
Depolymerization of Natural Biopolymer by Solution Plasma Process
A. Watthanaphanit
ICNP-2012 2012.10.26
Binary Monolayer of Au and Pt Nanoparticles Fabricated by Electrostatistically-driven Colloidal Self-assembly Approach
R. Sumi, N. Zettsu, T. Ueno, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.26
A Computational Investigation of Metal Nanocluster Structure and Electronic Property
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
A Computational Investigation of Metal Nanocluster Structure and Electronic Property
T. Morishita, T. Ueno, N. Saito
A Correlation Study of the Factors which Affect Nanoparticles Synthesis in Solution Plasma
Y. K. Heo, M. A.Bratescu, N. Saito
1st International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Moleculer Technologies(SPM-1) 2013.3.6
A DFT study on Mechanism of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Metal Nanoclster
Tetsunori Morishita, Tomonaga Ueno, Nagahiro Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
A Investigation of Metal Nanocluster Structure and Electric Property
T. Ueno, T. Morishita, M. Mizushita, N. Saito, K. Takenaka, Y. Setsuhara, G. Uchida
A model for Electron Impact Dissociation Ionization of Organosilicon Molecules
Y. Yun, M. Lee, Y.Inoue, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
A Novel Solution Plasma Sputtering Technique for Well-defined Metal Nanoparticles
X. Hu, O. Takai, N. Saito
2nd ISNPEDADM-2011 2011.11.15
A Novel Synthesis Technology of Size-Controllable Nano Metal International conference
O.L.Li, N. Saito
A Reaction Mechanism of Organosilicon Plasma for SiO:CH Thin Films
Y. Yun, M. Lee, Y. Inoue, N. Saito, O. Takai
15th International Conference on Thin Films 2011.11.9
Adhesion Control of Bacteria with Micropatterned Superhydrophobic/Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic/Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Surfaces
N. Andreeva, T. Ishizaki, N. Saito
Advanced Functional Materials Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process International conference
The 2nd International Symposium on Highly-Controlled Nano- and Micro-Scale Functional Suraface Structures for Frontier Smart Materials 2014 2014.5.17
Ag Nanoclusters in Silica Mesopore Synthesized by Solution Plasma Process
Y. Tanida, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, N. Saito
Twelfth International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-12) 2012.1.26
Alginate Oligosaccharides Prepared by Solution Plasma Process: Concentration Dependence Study
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Alginate Oligosaccharides Prepared by Solution Plasma Process: Concentration Dependence Study
A. Watthanaphanit, N. Saito
The 3rd Research Symposium on Petrochemical and Materials Technology and The 18th PPC Symposium on Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Polymer 2012.4.24
Amorphous Nb-doped SrTiO3 based Transparent Conductive Oxide Films on Glass by Ion Beam Sputtering
N. Zettsu, G. Panomsuwan, N. Saito, O. Takai
4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012) 2012.3.5
An Alternative Oxygen Reaction Electrocatalyst for Polyelectrolyte Membrane Fuel
P. Pootawang
ICEAN 2012 2012.12.22
An innovative measurement method for heat transfer performance of nanofluids by differential scanning calorimetry International conference
D. Aburaya, Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
An Innovative Measurement Method of Heat Transfer Performance in Nanofluids by Differential Scanning Calorymetry
D. Aburaya, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2013.8.25
An innovative measurement method of heat transfer performance in nanofluids by differential scanning calorymetry
D. Aburaya, Y. K. Heo, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
Future Vision of Green Mobility and Advance Technologies for Realizing the Vision 2013.11.25
Analaysis of Carbon Nitride Films Synthesized by Dual Microwave Plasma
T. Kiguchi, O. Ikai, N. Saito
The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2013.8.25
Analysis of benzoquinone decomposition in solution plasma process
M. A. Bratescu, N. saito
Analysis of Carbon Nitride Films Synthesized by Dual Microwave Plasma Source CVD
O. Ikai, Y. K. Heo, M. A. Bratescu, N. Saito
5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials(ISPlasma2013) 2013.1.28
Analysis of Carbon Nitride Films Synthesized by Dual Microwave Plasma Source CVD
O. Ikai, M. Bratescu, N. Saito
The 13th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing(BMMP-13) 2013.1.22
Analysis of organic compounds decomposition in solution plasma by Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy
Maria Antoaneta Bratescu, Nagahiro Saito
Analysis of Organic Pollutant Degradation in Pulsed Plasma by Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy International conference
M. Bratescu, 上野智永, 是津信行, 高井治, 齋藤永宏
2012年春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2012.3.18
Analysis of the Activated Species for the Reaction of Solution Plasma in Water-Alcohol Mixture by Electron Spin Resonance
T. Sudare, T. Ueno, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013 - Innovation for Smart Sustainable Society 2013.12.13
Analysis of the Reduction Species and Metal Reduction Reaction in Solution Plasma
R. Kato, T. Kiguchi, N. Saito
1st International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE2013) 2013.11.18
Analysis of the Solution Plasma Reaction by Electrochemical Measurement International conference
Ryo Kato, Takayoshi Kiguchi, Nagahiro Saito
Anticorrosive Performance of Fluorinated Double Layered Hydroxide Film Formed on Magnesium Alloy
T. Ishizaki, N. Saito, M. Sakamoto
EUROCORR2011 2011.10.31
Application of Integrated Micro Solution Plasma to Decomposition of Organic Substances in Water
T. Shirafuji, J. Hieda, N. Saito, O. Takai
20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry 2011.7.27
Application of Solution Plasma in Food Processing International conference
O.L. Li, N. Saito, O. Takai
第58回材料と環境討論会 2011.9.29
Application of the Electrical Probe Method for Solution Plasma Analysis
6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2014 / IC-PLANTS 2014) 2014.3.2
Behaveiors of Cells and Bacteria on Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces
O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2012.4.9
Behaveiors of Cells and Bacteria on Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces
O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2012.4.9
Behavior of Specific Water on Polyelectrolyte Brush
Y. Aoki, T. Ueno, N. Zettsu, T. Fujima, N. Saito
International Symposium on EcoTopia Science'11 2011.12.10
Behaviors of Cells and Bacteria on Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces
M.A. Bratescu, O. Takai, N. Saito
2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2012.4.9
水滴中で細胞を立体培養 超撥水成膜技術で可能に 名古屋大学
水滴中で細胞を立体培養 超撥水成膜技術で可能に 名古屋大学
多様化・個別化社会イノベーションデザイン拠点~高齢者が元気になるモビリティ社会~ -ヒューマンセンシング-
Grant type:Competitive
2013.11 - 2018.3
Grant type:Competitive
ソリューションプラズマ精密合成場の深化と カーボン系触媒の進化
2012.10 - 2018.3
Grant type:Competitive
2011.10 - 2012.9
Grant type:Competitive
Development of Advanced Nanomaterials by Surface functionalization
2008.9 - 2014.3
Grant type:Competitive
2006.10 - 2012.3
Grant type:Competitive
2003.10 - 2008.3
Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:21F20795 2021.4 - 2023.3
科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
齋藤 永宏, MA JUNGUO
Grant number:18K18998 2018.6 - 2020.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
Saito Nagahiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\6240000 ( Direct Cost: \4800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1440000 )
In this research, we develop graphene solar cells. Until now, we have not succeeded in developing uniform n-type graphene semiconductors and p-type graphene semiconductors. We tried to fabricate all-graphene solar cells by joining uniform n-type graphene semiconductors and p-type graphene semiconductors and using transparent conductive graphene as electrodes.
As a result, we succeeded in synthesizing highly crystalline p-type graphene and n-type graphene. Therefore, in order to see the efficiency of p-type and n-type semiconductor characteristics, we conducted a preliminary experiment using the perovskite that is recently used in the active layer.As a result, both n-type graphene and p-type graphene have active layers. It has been found that it may improve the efficiency of solar cell.
Synthesis and Evaluation of beta-C3N4 by Solution Plasma
Grant number:16K14449 2016.4 - 2018.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
SAITO Nagahiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )
β-C3N4 is expected to have a potential to demonstrate the hardness superior to diamond. However, no researchers have reported the synthesis of β-C3N4. In this study, we aimed to synthesize β-C3N4 by solution plasma (SP). SEM observations and XRD analysis showed the hexagonal hollow structure and crystal structure, respectively. The sheet resistance is around 3200 (Ω/Sq.) which is closer to the one of the insulator. This indicates it is composed of sp3 chemical bonding state, which originates from the raw material. The thermal decomposition easily occurred as same as polymer by DSC. The type of adsorption was type III defined by IUPAC. The micropore is crucial for the adsorption of gas on this material. It showed hundredth part of the specific surface area compared to activated carbon. In the type of adsorption, the interaction between gas and solid is strong. Finally, we cannot get β-C3N4, but can get the unexpected materials with hexagonal hollow structure.
Development of multi-functional nanocluster catalyst
Grant number:24656438 2012.4 - 2014.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
SAITO Nagahiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
Au, Pt and alloy catalysts supported on Carbon was synthesized by solution plasma process in organic solvent with Pt and Au electrode. The synthesized material was used for Lithium-air battery and the discharge property was increased.
Grant number:23246126 2011.4 - 2015.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
SAITO Nagahiro, UENO Tomonaga
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\50180000 ( Direct Cost: \38600000 、 Indirect Cost:\11580000 )
In this research, the behaviors of water around polymer electrolyte or polymer electrolyte brush were investigated. Furthermore, the behavior of water in mesoporous silica was studied and compared to that around polymer electrolyte brush. To fabricate ion conductive materials, the methods for controlling molecular weight and surface modification were developed.
Generation of Plasmas in Microscopically Non-uniform Multiphase Media and Its Application
Grant number:21110003 2009.7 - 2014.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
SHIRAFUJI Tatsuru, TACHIBANA Kunihide, SAKAI Osamu, TAKAI Osamu, SAITO Nagahiro, ISHIZAKI Takahiro, HIEDA Junko, TAKAHASHI Kenji, TOCHIKUBO Fumiyoshi, GOTO Motonobu, MURAKAMI Tomoyuki, TANAKA Kenji
Three-dimensionally integrated micro-solution plasma, in which the plasma-liquid nano interfaces are integrated, has been proposed. A proto-type reactor has been manufactured, which has excellent water treatment efficiency. The origins of the high efficiency have been clarified through time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy and plasma chemical reaction simulations. It has been predicted that a nano-scale space-charge layer is formed beneath the liquid surface in contact with plasma, and that semi-preferential reactions can occur between gas-phase species and liquid-phase ions. Er:YAG laser irradiation on water has been investigated as an alternative method for generating plasma-liquid nano interfaces, and proved to be accompanied by sterilization effects.
A Study of Plasma Chemistry Involving Liquid
Grant number:21540511 2009 - 2011
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
SHIRAFUJI Tatsuru, TAKAI Osamu, SAITO Nagahiro, HIEDA Junko
In order to establish scientific and technological foundation for materials processes using the plasmas generated in underwater bubbles, we have performed modeling and simulation of the plasma chemical reaction processes involving water and the bubble generation processes. Moreover, on the basis of these achievements, we have proposed a novel underwater plasma process using integrated micro bubbles, and proved its materials processing capability through methylene-blue-decolorization experiments.
Fabrication of passive surface to protein by physicochemical proteomics approach
Grant number:20246109 2008 - 2011
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
TAKAI Osamu, SAITO Nagahiro
We evaluated absorption behaviors of peptides to the surfaces. The model peptides which have different kinds and alignments of amino acids were synthesized. The functional groups of surfaces were controlled by self-assemble monolayers(SAMs). The absorption behaviors were measured by surface plasmon resonance. From results, it was found that the peptide which has hydrophobic groups absorb to hydrophobic surface and the peptide which has charge absorbs to the surface by electrostatic attractive force.
Grant number:19026007 2007
科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
齋藤 永宏, 石崎 貴裕
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\2400000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 )
一般に、シリコン上の自己組織化単分子膜(Self-assembled Monolayer:SAM)形成プロセスは2次元的成長が優位におこるとされ、そのため、前駆体となる分子のC3対称性が必要とされている。本研究ではシリコン上のSAMの成長過程において前駆体分子の対称性がどのように影響するかを実験的に検証した。さらに、SAMの成長メカニズムを利用して2種類の前駆体分子からなる2元系SAMを作製し、このSAMの表面電位について調査した。
2006.4 - 2008.3
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(A)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Development of detection technology for electrostatic potential of single biomolecule
Grant number:18686059 2006 - 2008
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)
SAITO Nagahiro
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\30290000 ( Direct Cost: \23300000 、 Indirect Cost:\6990000 )
2005.4 - 2007.3
Authorship:Principal investigator
2005.4 - 2007.3
Grant number:17656234 2005 - 2006
科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
齋藤 永宏, 高井 治, 井上 泰志
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\3500000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 )
Grant number:17655059 2005 - 2006
科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
米澤 徹, 齋藤 永宏
2004.4 - 2008.3
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)
2004.4 - 2007.3
Control of Nano-Reaction Field by Bio-Probe Nanolithography
Grant number:16206072 2004 - 2007
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
TAKAI Osamu, SAITO Nagahiro, INOUE Yasushi, HOZUMI Atsushi
Construction of the molecular device is one of the biggest aims in nanotechnology. Nanolithography is essential to the formulation of such a molecular device. We have focused on Scanning Probe Lithography (SPL) as one of such nanolithographic techniques. In this study, we attempted to immobilize biomolecules such as proteins in nano-domains by SPL.
At first, we have prepared surfaces with some surface characteristics by fabrication of self-ascembled monolayer (SAM) and investigated adsorption behaviors of biomolecules such as proteins on the SAMs. As a result, it was clarified that the surface wetting and surface potential, chemical affinity had great influences on the adsorption behavior of the biomolecules.
Next, we have fabricated micropatterned surfaces with two different domains in the surface characteristics(surface wetting, surface potential, chemical affinity)by light lithography and observed adsorption behavior of biomolecules on them. Then it was confirmed that the adsorbent adhered to the specific domain of the micro-pattern. We successfully controlled the immobilization of the adsorbents on the specific surface by the surface characteristics mentioned above.
Finally we have manufactured nanopatterned surfaces with different surface characteristics by SPL. Gold nanostructures on a silicon substrate were constructed by "Dip-Pen Nanolithography(DPN)"as one of SPL. Then, various kinds of frijol compounds were adsorbed on the structure body and surface characteristics of the nano-domain surface were controlled. We have successfully achieved position-selective immobilization of nanoparticles, as a model compound of a protein, and DNA.
Grant number:16656225 2004 - 2005
科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
高井 治, 齋藤 永宏, 井上 泰志
アモルファス炭化窒素(amorphous carbon:a-CN)は、CとHとNで構成されるアモルファス構造を有する炭素材料である。a-CNは、機械的特性、化学的安定性がその膜組成により異なる。現在、これらの化学的安定性を利用し、非血液凝固表面作製の試みが進められている。そこで、シールド型アークイオンプレーティングを用いてa-CN膜の作製を試みた。また、その表面における血液凝固の観点から成膜パラメーターの最適化を行った。
森下 豪人,金 鎭、斉藤 泰啓、堀内 洋志、 齋藤 永宏、高井 治、稗田 純子、田辺 郁
森下 豪人,金 鎭、斉藤 泰啓、堀内 洋志、 齋藤 永宏、高井 治、稗田 純子、田辺 郁
森下 豪人,金 鎭、斉藤 泰啓、堀内 洋志、 齋藤 永宏、高井 治、稗田 純子、田辺 郁
森下 豪人,金 鎭、斉藤 泰啓、堀内 洋志、 齋藤 永宏、高井 治、稗田 純子、田辺 郁
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、稗田 純子、寺島 千晶、西村 芳実、菱田 茂二、陶山 光宏
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、稗田 純子、寺島 千晶、西村 芳実、菱田 茂二、陶山 光宏
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、稗田 純子、寺島 千晶、西村 芳実、菱田 茂二、陶山 光宏
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、稗田 純子、寺島 千晶、西村 芳実、菱田 茂二、陶山 光宏
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、稗田 純子、土本 昭春、岡部 洋治、野島 和宏
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、稗田 純子、西村 芳美、菱田 茂二、柿谷 真一
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、稗田 純子、土本 昭春、岡部 洋治、野島 和宏
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、稗田 純子、西村 芳美、菱田 茂二、柿谷 真一
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、稗田 純子、石黒 義和、村上 達洋、石崎 貴裕
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、高橋 英昭
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、趙 星彪、佐藤 信也
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、稗田 純子、石黒 義和、村上 達洋、石崎 貴裕
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、高橋 英昭
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立、趙 星彪、佐藤 信也
高井 治、齋藤 永宏、白藤 立
齋藤 永宏、高井治、稗田 純子、白藤 立
齋藤 永宏、高井治、稗田 純子、白藤 立
高井治,齋藤永宏,仲保 純一,服部正治,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,服部正治,仲保 純一,,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,仲保 純一,服部正治,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,服部正治,仲保 純一,,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,御田村紘志, 仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,御田村紘志, 仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,御田村紘志, 仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
高井治,齋藤永宏,御田村紘志, 仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
高井治, 齋藤永宏, 石崎貴裕, 長伸朗, 田中和士
高井治, 齋藤永宏, 石崎貴裕, 長伸朗, 田中和士
仲保 純一, 服部 正治,山口 敦,齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
仲保 純一, 服部 正治,山口 敦,齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治,仲保純一,服部正治,山口敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治,石黒 義和
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治,石黒 義和
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,石崎 貴裕,小田 将智,バロック パベル,米澤 徹
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,石崎 貴裕,小田 将智,バロック パベル,米澤 徹
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,アニータ バイオレル,バロック パベル,小田 将智
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治,仲保 純一,服部 正治,山口 敦
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,アニータ バイオレル,バロック パベル,小田 将智
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治,仲保 純一,服部 正治,山口 敦
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治,雨森 正次郎
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治,雨森 正次郎
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,石崎 貴裕,高井 治
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治
齋藤 永宏,石崎貴裕,高井治
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
齋藤 永宏,高井 治,呉 雲影,本多 裕之,井藤 彰
高井 治,齋藤 永宏
高井 治,齋藤 永宏,アニータ バイオレル
高井 治,齋藤 永宏
高井 治,齋藤 永宏,アニータ バイオレル
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
高井 治,齋藤 永宏,呉 雲影
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
高井 治,齋藤 永宏,呉 雲影
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
杉村 博之,齋藤 永宏,高井 治
博士論文研究ⅠA/ Dissertation ⅠA
博士論文研究ⅡA/ Dissertation ⅡA
博士論文研究ⅢA/ Dissertation ⅢA
博士論文研究ⅣA/ Dissertation ⅣA
サステナブル材料工学特別講義IA Special Topics in Sustainable Material Technology IA
サステナブル材料工学特別講義ⅡA Special Topics in Sustainable Material Technology ⅡA
First Year Seminar A